July 1954

Thurs. July. 1. 1954./ No. eggs today./ Been a very hot day “90 degrees.”    Ernie was here all after noon & he & Elbert played some sort of game with lake flys & the other spelling a word backward & telling what it is when spelled forward Ernie has to write them backward, then forward,    it teaches him to write, spell & think & helps the time to fly fast & then he is happy & he isn’t in a hurry to go home.    I thank God for His Salvation & Grace & Love for those of His.    I love Him Amen

Fri. July. 2. 1954./ page. 3193./ No. egg today./ Been terrible hot & we didn’t try to work    hope I can do a little tomorrow.    I’d like to finish my dress & make a yoke for my night gown.    & I wish so much I had something to put on over my night gown, when it necessary.    No mail today.   Elbert’s head been bad & my bowels.    Ernie came & said his ma could work,   they wont let her untill poison ivy has healed up on her.    Rue was home all day & is going on a 2 weeks trip.    We here over radio lots are killed & in trouble & the whole world in trouble.   May God help us    I thank Thee Jesus for all my many blessing & I love & Praise, Father, Son & Holy Ghost for ever, Amen. 

Sat. July. 3. 1954./ No. egg today./ Elbert’s felt real bad today & so have I.    I made another yoke & put on my nightgown & my eyes are so dim, could hardly see with my glasses on.    It rained several good showers early this morning & been partly or mostly cloudy all day,    we saw the new moon tonight a very thin cresent.     & it’s clouding up again   may rain before morning again.    Elbert got ham-berg of Bordes this morning    & Bill Snyder gave him 10.00 for what work he done  & Dr. bill will cost him more than $10.00     he went to Dr. after dinner today     & then got a few potatoes a little boiling meat & a piece of short steak to fry for supper & for once it was tender,     he got some cream & it was good to, & lb. of butter & some broccola leaves chopped.    Jesus Keep me near the Cross & fill me with the Holy Ghost, strengthen my faith & give me courage to help others.     There is a Minister on the Rado who preaches, Back to the Bible,    he’s from Nebraska & not at all afraid to preach the Truth,    Praise God & it sure lightenes my heart to hear Him preach,   last night he preached 6 Chap Galatians, on the lust of the fles & living for the Spirit.    Glory, Glory, Glory I Praise Thee Jesus for all things great or small    I Praise Thee, & pray Thou will teach us to live to do Thy ways, Jesus Blessed Jesus, help the Christians to live for Thee.

Sun. July. 4. 1954./ page 3194./ No egg today./ 4 of July. & we were alone untill 3-p-m,    then Mrs. Keegan & Marrian came & had Mrs. Cool with her & her two girls Ruth & Surley 9 & 11 yrs. old,   they were going to go to Huron Park, but there were so many there they de-cided to come here      & we had a good visit & testimony for the Lord       & we prayed & thanked God & Mrs. Cool said she knew some women who were true Christians & she ask if I’d like to have them come & we could read the word of God & pray together      & I said I’d enjoy it & they deside they would, that we could help one another.    they spread there papers & table cloths on the front step & ate out there     & after we thanked God,     then they picked pink & white sweet peas & started for Church,    Eva had her car with Mrs. Cool & the 3. children & Joe & Sister Hastlet had theres.    & the Highway are full of cars being the Forth of July.    Elbert gave the rat some biscuits & we haven’t got him yet,    he’s going to look for him tomorrow.    Well all not any of our folks came, but maybe they might come Mon. since some say they have it for a Holiday,     so we may not get any mail.    Been a nice day, not quite so hot, cool last night     put on my wool blanket & not any to warm.    I thank God, My Father in Heaven & Jesus my Saviour & the Holy Ghost for my care & am trusting for Him to help me, help in His Work & be strong in faith soul & body Glory, Hallelujah, Amen & Amen.

Mon. July 5. 1954./ No eggs today./    Well, I cleaned the window over the sink & the plants & it’s a real job for me    I had just set down & Elbert had started for the store & got a water melon & met Nellie, Ella Jane, Bonita & 3 children coming in so she let “Ella Jane” let the others out while she went back to the store & got the water melon & ice cream,    they had brought a picnic lunch, weiners & buns, potatoe salid, pickles, black raspberry pie & lots of greens, lettuce, cellery, radishes & such like    & they had hot coffee, milk & water.  children & there mother & Ella Jane all went to the lake but the waves were so big & were dashing up against the high bank so they didn’t stay very long,     & we talked & visited while they were out about the time when we were children & the things of today,    then they packed off for home    Ella Jane looks tired most to death & said she felt that way.    No word from Audrey    Ella Jane says, Joan’s baby is only 2 week old & is so cute.    Oh God, if they only knew & could know what they ought to know & do & if only I could help them.    But I know with out any of my help, Thou can pilot them safly home.    Oh how I love & praise Thee & give Thee Glory, praise & Honour, Amen.

Tue. July. 6. 1954/ page. 3195./ No egg today./ Mon. it was quite cool & very cool in the evening    we had a white due early Mon. morning, to,    a little fire would felt good.    Wind East breeze & a new wet moon, to cold for things to grow.     Well, I felt as if I couldn’t wash,    but, Elbert went to Huron to Dr. & so I thought I’d wash the rages but I washed the towels my pillow slip & wash rags & under skirt & night-gown, handkercheifs & rags & towels & then my dress & I sudsed & wrinsed & hung them out & they all got dry except rags.     Wind was N. east but went S. and a little west tonight    Rue had the weeds cut south of the house & barn & they had got real dry & he burnt them,     but, my clothes didn’t smell of the smoke,    they were going for a trip but her poison ivy has been so bad she couldnt work & they are still at home    Elbert went to fish house & he said they all seemed glad to see him & they gave him 21 perch,    he feels bad,   cought cold & its in his throat & flesh of his neck & vertebras.     He gave Brodes a few & ask her to put our meat in the ice box, that he had bought & I sent her a bouquet of peas, red & white ones    she says she loves flowers    Elbert says she has a small flower bed.    Mine has been neglected.    I received a card inviting us to a shower on Mrs Day’s daughter Bluette    she is going to marry Howard Jackson July-11-1954. 2-p-m.     Well, I couldn’t give Martha’s girls a gift & I don’t know how I can manage to give Bluette a gift but I’ll see what I can do about it.    No word from Audrey.    She says no news is good news so, I hope it is.    I thank & praise God for my & our many blessing & hope for a letter or card tomorrow,    Nellie said they have taken Frank Bonney home,    but, she didn’t know how he was feeling,    the Dr that operated on his Knee was almost Kill by a drug addict & his wife was killed,    they don’t know if the Dr. will live.    Oh Jesus Keep me close & help the women to come & have prayer meeting that we may be strengthened & able to do more to help others Who are weak.

Wed. July 7. 1954./ No egg today./ Rained a misty rain last night & all day    Elbert went out & tried to mow & got his feet & pants wet & he had a bad sore throat & it’s worse tonight,    he does that sort of thing all the time & wont do as I ask

Wed. July 7. 1954./ page 2196./ No. egg today./ him to,    he don’t use good judge-ment,    I wish so much he would.    Well, I rubed him in alcohol & terpo. & he took some pills Dr. gave him & has gone to bed.    I pray God will heal him & help him to feel lots better in the morning & that he wont go out in the damp air & try to work.    I thank Thee Jesus for the care Thou doth give us & trust I may be found worthy & that soon I’ll be able to do more in Thy work If We only Knew & understood better how.     Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Hosana to Thy Name.    It’s so cool & we have had a wood fire all day & tonight.    We received letter from Audrey & I received receipt from Rev Wyatte.    I wrote a card to Nellie & the Girls & one to Miss. Clark.    & I have card addressed to Mrs. Goll, Rev. Dear’s, Inez Hunt, Mr & Mrs. Haslet , & Mrs. Keegan, & hope to write them tomorrow

Thurs. July. 8. 1954./ No egg today./ Elberts cold’s bad,    but I think he’s some better tonight    he went up to Dr. but note on door said it would be late after noon before Dr would be in,    he went & got few things to eat & turpo & came home & went up to Shures & got cough drops,    he went clear up there & forgot his pocket book, had to come back & get it,    he feels bad I know, but I’m trying to do what I can rub him with alcohol & turpo & give him hot coffee with honey & Brandy in it,    I pray God will strengthen him in all the ways he needs.    I wrote the cards,    I mailed to this morning & have 5 to go in the morning.    Been cool N. east breeze all day & cool enough so we had wood fire tonight,    No mail today.    I haven’t been able to eat much today, feel so terribly weak & miserable & even lay down for a while.    wanted to sew but didn’t.    I thank & Praise Jesus for all things. 

Fri. July. 9. 1954./ No eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got about 50 fish,    he gave Brodes some & then phoned to Nellie    she didn’t know if they would come,    Ella Jane went to work & then had to go home sick    she went to the Dr. & went back at noon & had to go home early tonight & went back to Dr. & then drove clear out here with out eating

Fri. 9. July. 1954./ Page. 3197./ No eggs today./ out any supper.   we were just eating,    so Elbert got up & got them plates, tools & cups & Nellie Ella Jane & Geo set up & ate    & they brought us a qt. of black rasp-berries with applesauce in them.    It makes it soure.    We went out side & they picked 2 qts. of goose barries,    the birds ate the currents,    Well they started back for home    I don’t know if they will stop to Audreys & get rid of part of the fish, or not.    We ask them to,    We neither of us worked today    I ought to sew but just felt as if I couldn’t.    Elbert got some hamberg at Brode’s when he took the fish.    it was hot in middle of day with a icy cool in the N. east breeze & extra cool to-night.    We received a card from Audrey today & Elbert gave postman 5 cards I wrote last night.    We have a fire    Elbert’s cold is bad,    I pray he will feel better in the morning.    I thank & praise Thee Jesus for all things,    May all Glory & Honour be Thine forever Amen & Amen. 

Sat. July. 10. 1954./ No. eggs today./ Well, Elbert’s cold is still bad,    but seems to me it is some better,    I have him rubbed & he’s drank cup hot coffee brandy & honey.    he went up to 61. & got cough drops last night & up to Shure’s & got some buns & a water melon    we ate half of it, 1.25    Elbert got his social security check 52.80 & today he got old age check 18.00- 70.80 all together.    I got mine  65.00.    I gave him 10.00 out of mine,     he’s got to get the groceries Mon. & he has to get some more work on the car.    he hasn’t felt able to endure the cold N. east breeze    there seems such an icy cold in it.    the 2. checks were all the mail we got    I have got mine in bunches, Church, gas, taxes, & Audrey’s 20.00 on the cot. or roll away bed.    Well, she talked as if she might come & bring it soon.    My little rubber scraping knife with plastic handle, it hasn’t been gone long for I used it only a short time ago     & my last 2 sauce dishes are gone,    Nellie & girls don’t know any thing about them,    they are only ones in the cupboard for things     but, I don’t know where they could have got to    we both knew they were here.    I’m Glad God knows.    They brought us a qt. of raspberries.    I hope I fine the rubber scrapper     Martha gave it to me,    it was white with a pretty blue handle.    I made another yoke for my night gown & got it all done except buttons & holes.    & I sewed the pocket on my dress.    I have to mak button holes & put hem in, then it will be done.

Sun. July. 11. 1954./ Page. 3198./ No. eggs today./ Rather cool day,    Nellie & Ella Jane & George & Nelson came & ate water melon & they visited some & then started for home just at dusk.    Johny came & took Bonita & Bonita Jr. home with him Fri.    They had been over to see Frank Bonney before that,     & he was out in his garden,    said no one had kept the weed out while he had been gone,    I would have thought his boys would have tried to keep it clean.    I don’t think it’s quite as cold tonight as it has been the past few nights    & we haven’t any fire tonight.    Ella Jane looks all tired out.    I wish so much I could go to Church & I believe I will before long.    Oh Glory be to Jesus    I love Him more each day.    I pray He won’t miss me when He passes this way,    Keep my faith strong & help me to pray,   teach me Thy Will & Ways    Oh Praise the Lord He loves me still,    He said He would & always will, Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Amen.     Bonney Bell & her Joe & 5 children were over to Nellie’s this afternoon.   

Mon. July 12. 1954./ No egg today./ Wrote cards to Nellie & Sister Keegan & Audrey     Received card from Mrs. Day saying I could send the dollar for Bluette’s shower & telling me Harry Jr. was married June 26. 1954.    Well, I so sorry I can’t give to them all but with my church’s I can’t even get the floor covering we need so bad,    but, I hope to before winter.    I hear Martha & Merlin took Jim back to camp    God of Love & Mercy I trust Thee to rejoin them & convert all 3 & help them to Know Thee as never before.    And I pray for Nellie & All of her’s like wise    I thank & Praise Thee   May God be blessed for ever & ever Amen.    I washed out what dirty cloths I had & got them dry    & am so wobbly on my feet, it’s terrible.    Wind S. west & puffy   cloudy tonight.    Elbert coughs hard but I think he’s better,    Paraise God.    Elbert gave the post cards to Post man this morning.

Tue. July. 13. 1954./ No. eggs today/  Well, I managed to finish my dress all but the hem today & it’s been a terribly hot day    Elbert’s cold is better    he doesn’t cough so hard & seems a little stronger,    he got up & went to Lorain early, got down there 9-a-m,    the stores were just opening    then he went to Moore & Myre & they tested his battery     & after looking it over said it was the starter, they think they can fix it.    I aired night clothes & Elbert’s wool blanket.    he came back to Vermilion & did the shopping (21.00 food)    I gave 10.00,    now I have to get money order for Wyatt taxes & Audrey for bed,    I wish I could give her the money back she gave us a while back & will try once more,    I gave her some 

Tue. July. 13. 1954./ page. 3199./ No egg today./ I received a letter from Sister Dear,    she said the Lord touched her Sun. July. 11. & she felt some better    & I pray He will touch her again & again untill she is whole again    (Elbert got 2 qts olive oil today)    We thank Him & praise Him & I trust We will learn to do His Will more perfectly.    I wish I could go about helping those in need,    she brought me pie when I craved it so much,    I do trust Thou will give to her & help her  what she needs.    We had a letter from Audrey all so,    she’s having a hard time trying to get money enough “so she says” to get floor covering & the walls painted.    & I’m Praising God Martha & Merlin are together once again & hope it will be for good this time    & Joan & John got a divorse so I heard & now they are loving each other again    Oh God I pray for them all & trust Thou will put a craving into their hearts for Thee,    I give all Praise to Thee for ever & ever.    Glory to God    Amen & Amen. 

Wed. July. 14. 1954./ No. egg today./ Elbert did his washing this morning.    Received Card from Miss. Clark & a nice one from Mrs. Goll with note in it    she sends such nice cards of encouragement,    I praise Thee Jesus & trust Thou will teach her & Keep her,     strengthen her faith.    Well, Elbert says he’s going to Huron in the morning, so I’ll have him get money order for taxes & send it.    & get money orders for Audrey & Rev. Wyatte & I’ll send them later.    Been a terrible hot day,    I mended Elberts sleeper pants & sewed on 2 buttons & made 2. button holes in my night-gown.    The gas man Mr. Jellison from Lorain. was here,    I was talking about getting & Ice box,    he has some white enamaled ones electric & he has a good old fasion one of “wood out side”    they have it in the storage room at his home,    they thought they would rent a cottage by the lake & it would do for a couple of months,     in that case it ought to do me for the summer,    it holds 25 lbs of ice    it would keep the milk & butter & once in awhile, some meat or fish.    We didn’t try to do much,    Elbert was tired after he did his washing    his cold is better, but makes him feel week,    his cough is better, but it’s hard yet,    he got some cream for supper & few buns for tomorrow,    I still rub his back    Oh God of Love & Mercy, I thank Thee for all our many blessing,    send the power through Sister Dear & Sister Haslet & heal them and 

Wed. July. 14. 1954./ Page 3200./ No egg today/ Rev. Frank & Little Mark & I Praise Thee Jesus & heal Elbert’s cold    kill even the roots of it & make the strength to come back into his body    & touch me also & heal me, I pray,    & I give thee all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen.    It tried to rain     had a little ice in it,    lightened alot & a little thunder      but not enough rain to freshen the garden.  Clayton Brode & his boys combined  John Snyder wheat today & got it all done about 3 or 3-30-p-m.     97. Degrees in the house & they looked, cooked. 

Thurs. July. 15. 1954./ No. egg today./  Elbert went to Huron & mailed the tax money order 13.89 & he mailed 20.00 money order to Audrey.    I have to write a note & put in with Dr. Wyatts letter & 5.00 money order.    I want to get that cultivator for Elbert & hope I can soon.    No mail worth while today.    Elbert got some beets today  a piece of ham & some beef short steaks,    we had them for dinner,    I do wish I could have went to prayermeeting to night    well I finished my dress today    now I’ll have to wash & iron it,     just seemed all day as if I couldn’t work,    I feel so weak & miserable,    I didn’t get the darning done yet.    I thank Thee Jesus for all my many blessings & trust Thou will hear me & fill me to overflowing with the Holy Ghost    I Praise Thee Jesus, Pure True & Holy for ever & ever.    Wind N. east cooler today & they got bad storms all around us last night., in other towns. 

Fri. July. 16. 1954./ No egg today./ I only darned 2. prs. socks today & we Received a letter or note on a very pretty card,    had little posts with sign boards on them 5 of them  1st. one says, Lots of Luck, then Marrian, No.2. says good health, then Eva has written her name, then 3rd one says Best wishes “from Kathrine” Good cheer “from Joe” 4th & 5th one says, Many Joys, “Sister Cooly”  flowers around each post daisies, roses, red petunias, larkspurs, & poppies.     In side she said We all hope to see you soon.    The verse insid printed says Here’s “sunshine” from a garden, And wishes from a friend- May both do much to cheer you and Keep “you on the mend.”    Then she said, Tell Elbert I said hello and take care of himself & you,   from Sister Eva Keegan.    She said all the people prayed for me in church Sun- the Rev. had ask them to,   no wonder I got a lift,    I thank & praise God for all He does for me & would like to get back to church & worship with

Fri. July. 16. 1954./ Page. 3121.[she means 3201]/ No. eggs today./ the rest,    I thank Thee Jesus & belive Thou will fix us both soon so we can go to Church,    I praise Thee Jesus truly I do with all my heart    Thou Knowest.    been cool, N. east breeze going South before dark & then dying about out.    I pray Jesus Thou will bless all of Thine.    I thank Thee & give Thee all the Glory forever Amen

Sat. July. 17. 1954./ No eggs today/ Well, I washed my new dress & startched it & my two old ones & I washed a line of rags  2 shirts  1/2 doz. nose rags & wash rags & then I ironed the dresses,    I darned 2 prs. Elbert’s sock & have 1. pr to finish,     sun was hot & N. east breeze    & they dried fast.    I didn’t get the floor wiped up,    I’ll try to sweep it in the morning.    We received card from Audrey,     she ask why I sent her 20.00 on the bed.    & she’s been having fits she needs money so bad,    I’m going to try once more to save the amount of money she let us have when we were so hard pressed    she says she don’t & won’t take it back,    but she would like to have it I know.    She says John Fulton “Joan’s” man has to go to service soon.    Well it wont be long now before a lot of them will be going.    If only they Knew the Lord.    God help me to help others.    I thank Thee Jesus & pray Thou will help me soon to be Whole again    I praise THee Jesus Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

Sun. July. 18. 1954./ No egg today./ A. very nice day & no one come in.    Elbert’s cold is bad his ears & throat.    cough & more cough & drops don’t seem to do any good, now.    I praise God He took that sore spot out of my stomach & pain out of my back.    Glory to His Name, Hallelujah    I praise Thee for all things.    N. east wind, this morning & then went South & rained a very light shower then cleared off.     We need a good rain one that will soak, in, the ground is so dry.    I didn’t even go out in the yard today, but maybe will try tomorrow.    Jesus I’m trusting & believing. 

Mon. July. 19. 1954./ No egg today./ Well I didn’t do much today,    Elberts head still feels so bad,    We cut a few weed in the shad of the evergreen tree on the hill from among the roses & then we got the mock orange bushes cut back    have to do a little more on them & then the deitzia bush & spray & lime.    Nellie & Ella Jane & Nelson came in just before dark,    some one gave Nelso a pussy & they have a cat & now there yard & house is full of flees & they dopped the house from celler to attic Sun & again tonight & then came out here while the dope was working.

Mon. July. 19. 1954./ page. 3202./ No. eggs today./ They didn’t stay long    Nelson ate the chicken leg & last dumplin & some gravy,    I was glad for it might have spoilt before morning.    Girls brought us a nice piece of cake (date cake.)    Ernie was here this after noon un-till 5-30-p-m,    he likes to come & he want a pice of my bread,    but, I’ve felt to bad to do the baking,    so we have had buns & dumplins rice & noodles & so forth    I feel better today & hope I continue,    I’m trusting I will.    Ernie gave me 50 cents,    he had crackers with butter on them & jelly & hot coffee with sugar & cream in it.    Hellen went to work & so Did Rue.    Elbert’s cold makes him feel so miserable & I rubed his  back with turpo & alcohol & he rubed his neck & chest & he’s in bed.    he had a bad pain in his right side over his gall nearly toppled him over,    I call on Jesus to help him & it left,    I trust it won’t come back    Oh, Jesus I thank & Praise Thee for all things,    I testified to Jellyson today & ELbert told him it was true,    he seemed eager to listen & was here & hour or so.    he hoped to sell me & ice box,    I told him I’d take the old one if it was O.K.    he said he’d see,    I’d like to have the other one,     but, we need the floor covering so bad.    Praise God from Whom all blessing flow forever & ever Amen. 

Tue. July 20. 1954./ No. egg today./ I made 2. tins of white bread biscuits      & Elbert took away the brush we trimed off yesterday    & he tried to trim trumpet vine out of the goose berry bushes & he took blosoms off of the thisles,    they have got a big start,    he’ll have to dope or spray them,    he put ’em in paper bags so when they are dry he can burn them.    Been terribly hot & floods in Virginie & Cara-lina    lots of hogs died from heat & some other stock & alot of people    & they had another hot day, today.    It’s was partly mostly cloudy here & a little breeze untill tonight      at 4-30-p-m, wind died out & we had a heavy shower & the wind blowed & rain came in sheets    but we did not get enough only wet the top,     Wind freshens & dies    it is lightening in the south west now, 4 oclock shower came from N. West.     Well it’s getting cooler, again.    I have rubed Elbert & he’s in bed,    his cold is better but he don’t have his usual pep,    he tires easily & feels shaky.    I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all Things,   I Glory in Thy Power & Give Thee Praise & Honour now & forever Amen.    We had a letter from Audrey today & she can’t think of brother Frank being 64. yrs. old July 27. 1954. or herself being 62. yrs. old,    she says she don’t feel old.    Well we all have to slow up & by & by     God helps me for I’ll have to admit I don’t feel good tonight. 

Wed. July. 21. 1954./ Page. 3203./ No egg today./ cloudy most of the day  & to-night.    Wings of healing came today.    Elbert has done some work out side & I was in the yard for a little while    N. east breeze & real cool tonight.    We have house shut up & it’s none to warm.    My stomach & bowels have hurt me every since I drank a cup of coffee 3 or 4 mornings ago.    Elbert offered to make it for me when he got up about 7 or 7-30 a m    I felt rather empty, so drank it    stomach has hurt me every since,    I can’t understand.    Well Elbert figures on going to Vermilion in the morning to mail a birthday card to Audrey, one to Frank & Wings of healing letter & a letter to Farmers Nursery Faribault Minn. for a Ro. Ho that weeds, hoes, cultivates & mulches. & 1 1/2 lbs. Boosten,    don’t look as if we would have any garden stuff     to cold nights    “I don’t know yet wheather I’ll send for the Ro.Ho & boosten,”    I thank Thee Jesus for all things & trust for Thy help & guidance,    I glad Thou Art & ever will be. Amen. 

Thurs. July. 22. 1954./ No egg today/ Did my washing    felt so bad I didn’t gt up untill 2-p-m. fast time    then Elbert went to Huron got some fish 5 perch    he cleaned them & he fried them,    I felt rather all in,    & so does he, for he scraped & scoured & cleaned stove saucer & grate top,    they were so dirty neither of us has felt like cleaning them & he cleaned roaster or broiler oven didn’t clean the broiler,    I have to see they do another time.   Elbert spent half aday clean stove parts & I know it’s a hard job.    Well I have him rubed & he’s in bed & I wish I were in mine.    It’s a queer world.    I do Praise God for all my blessings in Jesus Name & Pray God be Blessed for ever & ever & all Power & Glory be His, Amen.    N. east cool wind all day    I hung out my night gown & Elbert’s blanket,    he had his sleepers out then at 4-p-m.    I hung out my washing & it all dried but my dress,    I pray all were refilled with the spirit who went to prayermeeting tonight & those Who couldn’t go. 

Fri. July. 23. 1954./ No egg today./  I’ve been so weak & felt as if I had my choise    I’d have just lay on the bed all day,    but I got up before in-ner{?} & then I darned my stockings  2 pr.    they havent last much longer,    I’ve worn them 2 years, so can’t complain     Ernie was here all after noon, he torments me for stories

Fri. July. 23. 1954./ page. 3204./ No egg today./ he don’t care if the story is a-bout animals, birds or humans just so it’s interesting.    Elbert tells a story sometimes about when he was 10 yrs. old & I was 8. yrs. old. about delivering papers (news papers) or fishing in Black river Lorain Ohio.    Ernie is 8. yrs. old. but, he’s such a little boy.    Well, Elbert doesn’t feel so good    he don’t have strength enough to suit him,    he hoed all his garden this morning & waterid it tonight,    his head still bothers him.    Oh Jesus, help us to be all Thine.   & I’m trusting for my healing Jesus you Promised, if we ask you would hear & take care of us & I’m standing on your promises, I know you hear & I believe you will answer prayer.    All Praise & Honour & Glory be Thiine for ever & ever Amen.    Wind South this morning but at 10-a-m. was N. east & cool & partly cloudy,    we shut the house all up before dark & it’s not any to warm.    I’ve rubed Elberts back & he’s in bed.    They had an earth quake in Chillei today.

Sat. July. 24. 1954/ No egg today./ Well, I been rather lazy & I haven’t done much only what I had to do    & Elbert felt so bad he got partly dressed got up at 8.-a-m.    he has sprayed & watered the garden    we have jigers & he didn’t get all the spraying done so guess Mon will be some more of same job.    I was out to the hen house & got a wee baby rabbit to come almost to me.    ground’s so dry & hard, that it would take a lot of water to get it wet.    I went out in front & over to look at the garden, While he was watering,    then I set in the car untill he was done,    then we both came into the house    & I washed the dishes & we listened to news.    & now he’s rubed & in bed & I wish I was in mine.    I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all things & am trusting & believing Thou will releive me soon.   Glory to God in Jesus Name, Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Amen.    Audrey was 62. yrs. old today.

Sun. July 25. 1954./ No egg today./ Yesterday some one came & drove to the back of the house, while Elbert was up to Huron,    I must have been sleeping sound for I didn’t hear them    we saw the wheel tracks.    I got up at 10-30-a-m.    Elbert had just got home & I ask him about the tracks,    but he said he didn’t know,    his sleepers were on the line & my window was open.    (We get wonderful sermons over the radio that ought to win many souls to Christ)    Been a nice day, & not a soul came near    I’m better & will be so happy when I can go to Church again    I pray for every soul that belongs to Jesus & the world over.    I thank & Praise Thee, Jesus for all things, Glory, Hallelujah, Amen & Amen.

Mon. July. 26. 1954./ page. 3205./ No. eggs today./ My arms just below the joint of my shoulder, feels as if they had been bound close up underthe arm pit so tight they pained me now for 2 nights & 2 days & they still hurt so bad & last week my wrists felt as if they had been bound & week before my little fingers felt as if they had been twisted & hurt me so terribly & they are still sore & pain some yet & there are new hypo needle marks    Oh if only, Jesus would help me to find out how this is being done    I know He can, I pray He will, & help me to put a stop to this terrible thing, God help me to Know, I will give Thee the honour & Glory for ever & ever. Amen.    Been a cool N. east breeze, hot today. breeze dying out about 4-30-p-m.    Ernie came & stayed untill 5-45-p-m. fast time.    No Mail today,    I mailed cards to Sisters Katherine & Eva & Dear & our sister Audrey.    I love Thee Jesus & Praise THee for all things great or small, Amen.    Elbert filled tubs & buckets this morning    he’s pulled weeds & cut weeds & tonight he watered the garden & I helped carry a little water, 4 or 5 pails full.    to dry & to cold for garden.    I haven’t done much today,   I’m better in some ways. 

Tue. July. 27. 1954/ No. egg today./ Frank Bonney is 64. yrs. old today.    I sent him a card but no answer.    They never hardly if ever reply reply,    it feel we can’t be real brothers & sisters as we should.    I do pray, Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Dear Name, We all may learn to Know Thee & do Thy Will & ways.    Elbert went to Huron 11-a-m. & didn’t get back un-till 8-30-p-m. & that’s all I know about that,    he said he did the erands & had to wait in Dr’s office so long, he was just get up to leave When the nurse called him,    he went to fish house   got fish   they even gave him ice,    it lasted untill he got them dressed,    we had them for supper,    he got steak & saucage & after supper he took it to Brodes & they wasn’t home, so he took it to Sarr’s    & Helen put it in ice box & he stayed so long I began to wonder, what had happened to him,    but, he said they were visiting,    but he didn’t remember hardly anything they talked about.    No mail today.   One of the Hahn boys or men died today or yesterday,    he had been in 

Tue. July. 27. 1954./ Paage. 3206./ No. eggs today./ the hospital & had only been home few days & dropped dead.    It pays to be ready.    I did my washing & one cotton blanket today & got them all dry.    Now I have 1. work shirt, 2 house dresses, 2. petticoats  1, night gown  1. shirt & 2 towels  4 hand towels. 6, hankercheifs  my pillow slip & cover & wash rags & rags & stocking    & I washed a wash rag & 3. more rags, 1. pillow slip & cover & 2. prs. socks, for Elbert.    he will have his B.V.D’s.  3. suits & 3 work shirts, & 1 pr. pants.    Been terrible hot, through middle of day, but cool off at night with heavy dews.    Farmers are be-gining to worry about crops, it’s so dry.    Dear Heavenly Father, if people would only read Thy Word & try to understand it even my own brothers & sisters, & All their families.   Oh God help me & us before it’s tolate,   God have mercy on me a siner & give me wisdom & understanding    I Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost Amen. 

Wed. July. 28. 1954./ No. eggs today./ We didn’t work today    to hot    & Ernie came & stayed untill 5-30-p-m.    We received a card from Audrey,    Joan’s man gone to Fort Knox Kentucky & Jim has gone to North Carlina.    Well Elbert’s neck is so sore & stiff,    he says it’s worse than before he went to the Dr.    I hope it will get better soon    Hope I can wipe up floor.    I baked 2. tins bread biscuits 1. brown & 1. White,    Ernie went home to go to a cub scout party & he had to take a box lunch & his mother went with him,    they went in swiming & after that they dressed & ate there lunch & came back home & went to bed.    he looked tired today,    his father brought him at noon & he went home at 5-30-p-m.    he ate part of a biscuit & drank coffee & he love my bread    I put a white & a brown one in a bag for him when he went home,    but he didn’t Know & went home with out them    We received card from Audrey Wed & none today    neither of us felt very good today,    been hot    I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings    May all Glory & power be his for ever & ever, Amen. 

Thurs. July 29. 1954/ No. egg today./ Well, I got floor wiped up    took me couple hours & I was just getting done when Ella Jane, Nellie & George & Nelson came in,    they gave us some string beans   a pepper & pice {?] hot peper & 1. cucumber.    they have a little doz some gave them    Ella Jane ate a biscuit

Thurs. July. 29. 1954./ Page. 3207./ No. Egg today./ & some hot pepper,    She & the two boys went down to see Ernie,    he took the biscuits home tonight.    They didn’t stay very long,    Ernie said he’d like to see & play with them when they come again so they called on him.    & Nellie & Elbert & I visited some     she hasn’t been able to work this week & they were wondered how we were & it gave them a little ride    they were coming this morning, but they called Ella Jane & ask her to work & they was just ready to leave the house for here.    I had to sit so often though I’d never get floor wiped up.    It rained light showers from early morning untill late after noon & radio says same for tomorrow,    We need the rain,    air is very damp & it’s dark tonight.    We received letter from Audrey today not much news.    Joan’s looking at new apartment on the Levite road,    Jim’s going to try for the foodball team & Jean & Bill bought a cake with 62 candles on it & ice cream for her birthday    & she went to there home & had chicken dinner.    Jean dneeds dishes to cook in.    Well, I wish I could have gone to prayermeeting tonight    Elbert’s throat is better or at least it don’t pain quit so bad,    he’s rubed & in bed,  wish I was in mine    I love Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for all things Amen. 

Fri. July. 30. 1954./ No egg today./ Was lots to hot to work & the grass & voilet leaves are cooked    & when it gets as hot as the bible tells us & a third of all things are Killed how will be able to endure;    I think  Elbert is better although his neck is still sore & stiff.    sweat rolls down my face & neck like rain on the window pane.    It’s been so hot all day, I’ve wondered about those working in ships or out in the sun    & Nellie & Ella Jane were sick & I know it’s hard for us & so it will be for Audrey & Gertie & Many others    we got a letter from Audrey today saying it was to hot to work    I thank My Heavenly Father for all our many blessings & healings in Jesus Name    & I pray, Katherine is lots better & Joe & Eva & Anna & Marian & Mrs. Cooley & all of hers & Sister Dear & all the thousands of boys & girls & the Christians all over the world & all the slaves & prisoners & captives all those fighting & dying  all the deft dumb, and crippled  bed riden  those in camps, prisons, hospitals, homes & old peoples home, orphans & for all who take care of them that 

Fri. July 30. 1954/ page. 3208./ No egge today./ God will hear all Who call on Him in faith believing & my prayer in faith with theres & He will here & answers, Praise His Holy Name & I do Praise Father, Son & Holey Ghost now & forever more, Amen.    It’s been partly cloudy, wind’s been all way around. 

Sat. July, 31. 1954/ No egg today/ The dresses came today    I riped the cotton one up   took the belt & put a yoke in the front of skirt & the rest of belt I cut in half & peiced the sleeves down 3 inches    got it all done except the hem in the bottom of skirt & it’s the cheapest of any dress in the making I have had instead of cutting it with the length of the good they cut it all the other way.    Well maybe I can get 2.54 cents wear out of it,    it’s nice firm good percale, woven good    wish I could have had the goods & made it myself    the other one is rayon & pretty,    but they cut the waist off 2. in 2 short in the front & it makes the skirt pull up in front,    I don’t think I’ll Keep it    havent any way to piece it down in front    & sleeve are to short.    I’ve felt rather bad all day & so has Elbert      & tonight it did really look like we would get another tornado    it was a low wind   clouds & long streaks & at last it broke and the wind blew & it rained in heavy sheets,    then it eased off & in half hour or so, it began to look once more, as if it would be a tornado, but it to, passed over,    I Praise Thee Jesus & thank Thee,   Thou art wonderful  I love The Jesus   help me to do Thy Will & way.    Thou Knowest all things & I believe Thou will get m back to Church again,    I hope Nellie & the children didn’t get scart bad, for the storm went that way,    it’s lots cooler at 10-30-p-m. & we got a barrel & 2. tubs of rain water,    I have Elbert’s back rubed & his sling made & he drank it & is now in bed.    & I’m sure tired tonight,    it’s so hard to try to sew when you can’t see & the bobin thread & the one on top kept breaking    & I can’t see to thread the needle & Kept praying for Jesus to help & keep me & He Has,    He does all the way & I worship Him for He sees, hears, & understands;  Glory to His Holy Name. Amen.     The wind blew real hard about 3 or 3-30 this a.m.

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