Month year
Sun. Jan. 1. 1956./ I sent card to Hunts, Miss Clark, Webbers Rev. Swarthouse Sat Dec. 21. 1955. Today’s for Aug. 1956/ weather nice day froze, frost, every night & some heavy: raw wind. S. east N. east & S. east. not overy promising for garden. Frank, Ruby & Armond came for little while tonight Armond & Elbert went to 4 corners & got can of water; partly cloudy 3/4 of a moon yet & looked like it wading in snow & we haven’t had rain yet. I do thank & Praise God for all our many blessings, Amen.
Jan. Mon. 2. 1956./ Today’s for Sept. heavy snow at 9-a-m light layer of snow. Wind’s S. east.
Mon. Jan. 2. 1956./ Sept. weather/ page. 3422./ Sun came out not very bright not very cold, rather hazy. snow’d hard & sun shone. I saw a pr of white doves this morning. I saw a pr. of whit, & iron ore & white & blue one’s circul. the house just before John died in Jan. 1946. & when I spoke to Elbert about it they flew a way. I pray I don’t go in the Winter & there is 1 1/2 months before Spring. & at 12 noon it’s thickened up & looks like more snow. started to rain 2-30 & just drizzled & still is at 15- to 7-p-m. Joe, Katherine, Eva Marry Ann were here Joe’s full of the devil & making life as miserable as he can for Katherine, Eva brought me some towels pillow cases & such things; the old ladies sent me they were so pleased with Kercheifs with crocheted edges I sent to them may God help them through some of His to teach them all His Will & ways. I was so full of pain I had to yell & cry Katherine cried Elbert said & prayed, but the others went to Kitchen. I pray God’s will be done in Jesus Name, Amen.
Tue. Jan. 3. 1956./ No. eggs/ Weather today for Oct. 1956./ A dark dreary day tried to snow & tried to rain but no sun today, so dark untill 9-a-m & got dark early tonight, no one came in today hope & pray I’ll soon be O.K. South West breeze all day. Elbert washed my night gown & few nose rags & dried them in the house & now he is finishing the dishes he feels real bad today. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for my healings & for all our many blessing. Glory to God, Amen.
Wed. Jan. 4. 1956./ no eggs today./ Weather for Nov. no sun rather dark & Cloudy all day. S. west breeze. Dark tonight, Rev. Swarthouse & wife & Brother Weber & wife came & prayed untill the severe pains left me. & I do believe I’m free flesh is sore but all things will work out for good & Glory of the Lord I thank & Praise Him for all things now & ever more. Received letter & the news from home from Audrey today her back is so bad she has to put her girdle on before she can dress her feet that’s bad. I pray God will spare her what I’ve been going through. God help & Keep us Amen.
Thurs. 5. 1956./ Page. 3423/ no eggs./ Johns been gone 10 yrs today./ Weather for Dec. 1956./ It’s a beautiful day partly cloudy in after noono. Sister Weber came & cleaned up worst of dust, brought me milk & prayed. & Nellie & Bonita came, & Helen Sarr & Ernie were here & aate soup with us, Rue forgot to leave key for Ernie, he waited for his mother untill he felt half froze & then came here & she came for him & talked about her back & said Clark has cansors & they say only yr. to live, we talked about our souls her back is getting like mine & Muffy expects a raise 4. hundred Dollars a month. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for my & our blessing.
Fri. Jan. 6. 1956./ no eggs today./ Beautiful Day, Audrey & Martha came in for a little while & brought back the blankets Bonita took home & then Ernie came for a few minutes, Helen said they were going to leave Ernie to get himself off to school on, time by himself, Rue’s going early to work Mon. morning & Helen at 6-30-a-m & Ernie at 7-45. he’s so small it seems to bad, for he’s never had to do for his self like we children use to. I hope it works out O.K. I thank & Praise God for all my & our Blessing & for my healing in Jesus name & pray to be filled with holy Ghost.
Sat. Jan. 7. 1955./ REceived good encouraging letter from Sister Willitt’s, Oh, I Praise Thee Jesus for the Care Thou doeth take of us & we are so unworthy Armond came & brought a few groceries & he & Elbert went to Huron & got few more & got water at 4. corners. I Praise Thee Jesus for my healing.
Sun. Jan. 8. 1955./ Joe & Katherine were here part of the after noon. I’m feeling much better & Praise God from Whom all blessing flow & pray He Keeps me safe from all who would still like to harm me. I Praise Thee Jesus.
Mon. Jan. 9. 1956/ Page. 3424./ Mostly cloudy & fine misty rain early in eving j& frozen sleet toward morning, noone came in today & I’m still trusting & praying & believing for the complete healing had good encouraging letter from Sister Willitts & she says to trust & not fret. Glory to God I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen.
Tue. Jan. 10. 1956./ no eggs today./ Elbert got up to help me & in a little while Ernie came crying said he got all ready for school & Keep looking for the bus & then fell a sleep & missed it poor little fellow he’s only 9. yrs. old. will be 10 in April & they his parents go off to work & leave him to get himself off to school. Armond Bonney said he was 31. yrs. old Aug. 19. 1955. I Praise The Jesus for all things. Amen.
Wed. Jan. 11. 1955/ no eggs today/ Snowing in light showers, I got my bath & felt bum today, Elbert is so bad today, but got chores done & he washed my night gowns & some wash rags & took care of me & chickens. Got nice note from Harry Miller & we got our checks. No one come to get us food today. I thank & Praise God for my blessing & pray he will Rebuke Satan & take care of Joe in His own way.
Thurs. Jan. 12. 1956./ No eggs./ Well, it’s been a dark gray day & no one come in all day or evening so we tried to rest I think I ought to get up & sit up more my legs & hips pained me so bad & Kept Elbert up I thank God & Praise Him & I Praise Jesus & thank them for my healing.
Fri. Jan. 13. 1956./ no eggs today./ LauraAnn’s birthday she’s 21. yrs old & has 2 babies./ Sun came out early & shone all day, some fast flying clouds after nooon. heavy frost last night & it was star light. Loura Ann is 21. yrs. old today & has 2. babys, a girl & a boy. No mail today & so far no one come in Elbert killed red hen & got it on to cook other hen died, I said, when Joe & Katherine were here last night that one hen died, & Joe said, with a big grin, a Rode island Red? he seem happy for some reason. I wish he didn’t come here. I gave him a dollar last time, for taking Elbert to get food & they seemed greedy to get it. I Praise Father Son & Holly Ghost No one came tonight. No one all week. I wonder Why.
Sat. Jan. 14. 1956./ Page. 3425./ no. eggs. 2 hens./ Sun came up nice with a lot of wind clouds flying fast No one has come yet to help us to food or water. I wonder what can be wrong. Jesus Help us I pray Nellie & Bonita came, brought some ice cream & they went to Vermilion got tea & came back with it & promised to come back Mon. night early enough so Elbert can get the food. Well I was in miserable most allnight I do pray God will heal & fill me. I thank Thee Jesus.
Sun. 15. 1956. Jan./ no eggs/Well, Katherine & Joe came & Oh, I do wish God would deal with them. Eva & Marry Ann came in late & they went before dark. My hips ach so bad, but Im still trusting & believing God will in Jesus Name take care of me & I will give all Honor & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Katherine brought Irish stew, we managed to eat it.
Jan. Mon. 16. 1956./ no egg today./ Well I’m 71. yrs. old today. Ernie came early thought he’d missed school bus but he saw it, coming at last up on the highway & he got it O.K. no mail & it’s dark & gray out side today. Nellie, Bonita & her 3 children came tonight & Nellie stayed with me While Elbert & Bonita & 3 went to Vermilion & got the food supply. Armond & Clara & there two children came & brought washing they had & visited for a while I gave her my old white linen table cloth & the printed one thats washable & the head for grass seed to her “Clara” & now we are in such pain again. I wrote a few lines to REv. Swarthouse & his wife & one to Webers & it tuckered me about out I thank & Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost for all things now & ever Amen.
Tue. Jan. 17. 1956./ Partly cloudy & No one came in allday, Ernie came in before bus came but he got it out here. & I haven’t felt very well pains are steady & pain my hips & legs so bad. Sister Weber came & read & prayed with me, she’s such a Kind person, she wrote to a Rev. Robert’s & he’s one of God great men “he is in Astrailia & they called to him & he sent an anointed cloth that many had prayed over & now we are all of one accord & I do trust my healing is complete I Praise God our Father Jesus our Saviour & phyican & Holy Ghost now & for ever & ever, Glory be to Jesus. Colder a little tonight it thawed a little today Clouded up early tonight. (from Katherine today) I Praise God & Jesus & Holy Ghost. Received letter other day from Marry Vedowich & one
Wed. Jan. 18. 1956./ page. 3426./ No one in all day, Bonita & Nellie brought back the wash. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all our blessing. Elbert prayed for me to this morning I was in pain so bad.
Thurs. Jan. 19. 1956./ 61. days before Spring Ernie got the bus here this morning, it did snow, but thawed quite a lot today. partly Cloudy to day or mostly cloudy, no one came in so far.
Sat. Jan. 21. 1956./ Well cloudy mostly all day & a Man a Mr. Bruster, that was here, with a group of Christians, that prayed & sang, called & had prayer & today Armond & Ruby came he took Elbert to town & he did the shopping & a few erands & Ruby wiped up Kitchen floor & my room We are grateful & tonight Nellie & Bonita & 2 chidlren came brought 3 pears & bunch of grapes Geo. cut his hand so bad they had to take him to Dr. couldn’t get the blood stopped, but, it did after Dr. give him a shot. they didn’t stay, had to go home & do out a washing & do some baking. I thank Thee Jesus for my healing. All praise & Glory be Thine for ever Amen.
Sun. Jan. 22. 1956./ Been mostly cloudy but nice day & not a soul came in all day. I thank & Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost for my healing & our many blessings. I’m still trusting to be made Whole & I’ll give all honour & Glory to Thee Jesus, Wholy & Worthy. Amen.
Mon. Jan. 23. 1956./ Sun came up early, I had to get up I felt so bad. Earnie came thought he had missed the buss, but it came. he said Uncle Clark was at there house, he was in Cryle hospital for Cansore he drove his car to Rue’s last night. Been a beau-tiful day sun all day. Elbert’s felt terrible bad. he’s still trying to do all the odds & ends & cleaned stove pipe this morning & chickens out, wasgooddaytodoit, I received letter from Sister Swarthouse, she been ill for 3 weeks & he hasn’t had his cloth off in all that time. I sent
Mon. Jan. 23. 1956./ Page. 3427./ no eggs./ them 5.00 & she seemed greatly pleased I’ll try to send 5.00 more soon. I do Praise God for all we have & all thats done for us. Oh, Glory be to Jesus I love Him more & more He leads me to green pastures & through His open doors. He will never, never fail me. I’ve proved Him o’er & over. Well, Frank & Armond came this evening & brought us our 10 gal milk can of water & visited for a while & I spent a bad night, but Praise God for all my blessing I thank & Praise Thee God of Love & mercy & Jesus & am thankful for my healing & blessings. I’m still trusting
Tue. Jan. 24. 1956/ It’s been a beautiful day with bright sun. Ernie came up & left for school from here, Clark was there again last night & left this morning Rue is still working days, so Ernie is on his own. Audrey wrote & said she could get the mattress in store below her, but they are charging 49.95 & the sale price in all stores that handle that mattress, is only 39.95, We wrote her a card & told her & if she couldn’t get it for less, & send one out. No one here today. There are hundreds of robbins here & starlings for a week or more. Not quite as sunny today sort of haze in the air. I thank thank God in Jesus Holy Name for my healing & pray He will strengthen Rev. & Mrs. Swarthouse & give them what they need
Wed. Jan 25. 1956./ No quite as suny as Tue. sort of haze in air. Ernie came & got buss from here. Elbert’s back is sure bad & so are my hips & legs. I took bath & feel clean but bone between shoulders is paining bad. no mail today, Well, it’s been a nice day & looks like Spring out I set up in chair & on edge of bed, but tonight pains are sure bad. Oh God of Love & Mercy take all the evil spirits out of me & fill me with the Holy Ghost to over flowing, I thank & Praise Thee now & ever more
Thurs. Jan. 26. 1956./ Well Ernie left from here for school hot sun today no mail, Audrey & Martha came tonight & talked about the mattress, Martha had Joan’s boy nice little fellow, nice smile & we had a nice day & Mr. & Mrs. Weber came in for an hour or so & prayed with me they are such nice people more like our own ought to be Elberts back is so bad. I Praise God for All thing in Jesus Name. Amen.
Fri. Jan. 27. 1956./ Page. 3428./ Ernie went to school from here. cold last night 12 above Zero this morning Nelson’s birthday he’s 11. yrs. old today. another beautiful day, hot sun, No mail & no one came in. I am trusting Jesus will send some one to help me soon, I will always give Him the Praise & Glory, I had to pray most of the night. Amen.
Sat. Jan. 28. 1956./ Mostly Cloudy, No mail, No one came in sofar. Well, late afternoon Eva & Marry Ann came in, she went for a few things to eat & got some ice cream, cheery, Nellie & Ella Jane came in before Eva left for town & left soon after she got back. Nellie brought one night gown she had fix over, one of the big ones Gertie gave me. They didn’t stay long Ella Jane had 2 bad tumbles & didn’t look to good. Eva stayed a couple of hrs. it began to rain & get dark & she went, she said Katherine was sick & she might be in hospital she was going there before she went home. I thank Thee Jesus for all things great or small. All Glory be to Jesus. 2 people close to Eva died last week.
Sun. Jan. 29. 1956./ A very dark sort of gloomy day. Ernie came this morning snowed & there a was about 4 in snow & no school today. while after dinner Letter from Sister Willitt’s & Deaars, & Elbert food supplement table to. Dark & looks like more. Thanks be to God for all our many blessings, I do Praise Thee Jesus for all things & trust for Thy help Amen.
Mon. Jan. 30. 1956./ to day’s Jerry’s birthday/ Martha’s baby Jerry’s 1. yr. old today. Letters from Sister Willitts & Dear this morning. Elbert food pills. Saw 4 in. snow last night & no school bus. Ernie’s been here all day snowed a while today. been quite dark all day. Frank & Ruby came & brought the wash. back last night. Ruby Jean is expecting baby in Feb. No one came in tonight. I thank & Praise Thee, Jesus for all things.
Tue. Jan. 31. 1956./ Wyn’s birthday, 81. yrs old/ A beautiful day nice sun & hot; Card from K- or a note & a letter from Audrey. she bought & payed for the mattress 40.69 & tax & olive oil 1.49, so 42.18, I owe Audrey. katherine isn’t very well & going for an exray to see what’s wrong with her ribs they go out of place Miss Willitts says get up & stand on my feet I do try there’s no strength in them. they are sore & stiff, but I’m trust-ing I’ll be able before long to manage it, she said she wished she was near & So do I.
Jan. 31. 1956, Tue./ Page. 3429./ Wyn’s 81. yrs old today./ Ernie went to school from here today. Elber’s feeling so bad, thinks it’s flu. Been nice day. Dear’s came, brought jellow & pie. & cookes. I didn’t visit, had a bad case my bowels just were so hard they couldn’t move, so took injection 3 times & before 10-p-m. got cleaned out. Praise the Lord. We told Audrey We needed Olive Oil right away, but we haven’t got it yet & she paid for mattress & no mattress yet. Mrs. Dear said her mother’s in bad shape. No mail a letter from Audrey & Hastlets I thank & Praise Thee Jesus & trust You Will help me to do the things, I ought to do & receive the help I need.
Feb. 1. 1956.Wed./ Ernie went to school from here this a-m. No mail today. Cloudy alday. Men did get mattress here today Thurs. (40.69) Nellie & Bonita came & gone to Huron for the things we do need, they can only get partly of what we need Elbert’s bowels are so bad. I Praised God for our blessing.
Thurs. Feb. 2. 1956./ Nellie, Bonita came today instead of yesterday & Men brought the mattress today. Ernie went to school from here this morning. Groundhog day Cloudy all day, here but sun shone in some places Ella Jane came tonight & brought laundry & olive oil had to have my crying Spell & she stayed to enjoy. Dr. L. came gave Elbert dope for flu. & he is still feeling bad lots of pain on bowels. I thank Thee Jesus for Thy care, help my faith to get me on my feet in Jesus Name, Amen.
Fri Feb. 3. 1956./ Jim & Jean are 22. yrs./ old today Jim will soon be home from the Service. Well, sun came out nice & bright & warm this a-m & Ernie didn’t come this morning Elbert drove car to end of road & it stopped, he walked to pay station & tried to call Webers & couldn’t get them so called car man & he came & said he’d get car Sat. I received card from Bonita & letter from Eva Kegan. I thank God for all blessings Nellie & Ella Jane came tonight. Mr & Mrs. Weber brought me maple custard in little cups & it’s so good, Elbert’s bowels are little better. Frank & Armond came & brought water & visited awhile & I had to have a crying spell when they left [note “geritol” written diagnally over the left edge of this entry] [Sat & Sun.Mon. Feb. 4, 5, & 6 1956: No diary entry]
Tue. Feb. 7. 1956./ page. 3431./ 32 second St. Oh. God only knows how I hate to go. I thank & praise God for all things in Jesus name. Well they’re coming tomorrow noon to have me out once more, how I dread to go & leave Elbert. Oh God help me I pray in all Thy Ways.
Apparently Feb 8 1956 Elinor was taken to Hospital.
Wed. Feb. 8. 1956./ Well, we were ready on time but the stretche was late or amblance, we left home round 1-p-m. took about 3 hours it was such a rough ride had to grip my self & had a bad time with my nerves, put me in ward with 3 others We sent Audrey, Frank & the Dr. & Katherine each a card. Elbert came over with me he’s all broke up I pray God will keep him & help him to rest while I’m gone. Ella Jane came in for a fw minutes. Been another dark misty wet day but not cold.
Thurs. 9. Feb. 1956/ Same kind of a day as yesterday, Ella Jane came in & the other 3 women had callers & said weather was wet & hard walking. 4. oclock & quite dark. I thank & praise God for my blessing. Elbert didn’t come to bad today to drive. Amen.
Fri. Feb. 10. 1956./ Another cloudy day. Elbert called last night & said he’d come today. and he did & brought a letter from Miss. Clark & she thanked us over & over for the food we sent to her she should thank God more from Whom all blessings flow, Praise His Holy Name. it was God Who came & showed Miss Clark to me weeping & wishing for food & then weeping for joy after Elbert took it to her. I’m glad Jesus showed me & I do wish so much He will show me about what I ought to do for myself. Elbert came & Martha came & took him home he said some one nearly broke glass frame in storm door, he said he’d try to get back Sun. Nellie has-n’t been here since I came, Ella Jane’s been here a couple of times. Received letter from Hardware man’s wife Mrs. Beenoline Schinmin I’m not very well a-quainted, but May God Bless her she’s done better than some of them. Dr. L. is holding up things, he has to release me to the Dr. over here, I do hope they do
Sat. 11. Feb. 1956./ 3432./ Audrey sent me a beautiful vase of flowers, Carnations evergreen, yellow glads iris & a golden bell like lillies of the Vally, Cassias they are yellow they say they grow on trees in California. Audrey came in & Ella Jane. Audrey brought me bed room slippers & stockings 3. prs. run out of pills & so cried awhile this morning going to cost over $1.50 a month to stay here. Well I’ll have to turn in all my check so they say & state makes up the rest, I thank God for my many, many blessings. I miss Elbert so much & I pray Jesus will take good care of him & soon convert & heal him, Oh Jesus help me to understand. I thank Thee & give all Praise & Glory to Thee. (been another wet misty day)
Sun. Feb. 12. 1956./ Rather dark day & a woman they called Violet who has been here all most 9 yrs. seemed to know she was going home to Glory, ask me to pray a number of times for her & she left us about 6-a-m & before noon she was taken out & they have part of her things taken care of. Elbert was here & Nellie & Bonita & Loretta Hobbs, I don’t remember her married name We had quite a visit her father live with her & is 83. yrs. old, her mother is dead. Well, the Drs. came in gave me examination, decided to take me over to Bayview & give me some treatments to see if I can be fixed up to walk again. & I do hope the test wont be to hard, I’m getting so weak & feel whimpy. Oh God I thank & Praise Thee for all things.
[Mon. Feb. 13. 1956 After 5 days in Hospital (? where) Elinor was apparently taken to Bayview Hospital for “treatments to see if I can be fixed up to walk again”]
Mon. Feb. 13. 1956./ Sun is shining, Pain is bad & at about 1-p-m they are coming to take me to Bayview Hospital & Elbert is coming to go with me, He came & they were late 3-30-p-m. Oh I’m so tired, Elbert couldn’t stay, he went back to Lorain with Schorts minilittle carrage & is coming back as soon as he can Tue. or Wed. Well, no pills untill I cried & hr or so.
Tue. Feb. 14. 1956./ Page. 3433./ Cloudy with some rain & snow but sun came out before noon. I had a bath & got my hair combed, & I’m so tired & sweat so bad. Well, I got through untill tonight they called me a grandma & ball baby & they put me off & make me wait for the bed pan untill I sweat Ella Jane came last night & Mr. & Mrs. Swarthouse & Mrs. Weber were here & prayed for me. Oh how happy I’ll be to get home & I’m wondering if Elbert will be happy to have me back Nellie & Bonita were just here & said Easel will be here to see me tomorrow. I’ll be so glad when I’m better. a little boy brought me a valentine.
Wed. Feb. 15. 1956./ Nellie & Bonita came in & not much doing today in any way.
[Apparently the medical staff is using a hoyer lift to get Elinor in and out of bed. She is unable to stand on her own. They are also giving her “pills” presumably for pain, which she sometimes”runs out of” . She explains that she has to summarize events because she “felt to bad to keep my daily writing”]
Thurs. Febe. 16. 1956./ Elbert & Easel came in she sent me a plant & Ella Jane came tonight. Poor Elbert. Audrey & Martha & Jean & Bonita, Frank & Ruby were the only one’s that came to see me, I felt to bad to keep my daily writing & so will just tell what I can remember, Drs 3. gave me a thorough going over run a rubber tube up my nose & into my stomach if only I could stand on my feet, they put me in a little houst & lifted me out of bed & back a-gain Elbert was out several times but he doesn’t feel very well. Sat. they hauled me back home again thiner & weaker & I can’t very well, legs still aching hope they can get legs fixed up, before long, but trust God will do that, Ella Jane has been here, twice. got dope & inserts some into me. I feel as if I don’t get what I need to strengthen me.
Fri. Feb. 24. / We had a terrible storm, took Nellie’s frontc door steps away & broke them up & racked the house some & took the cow shed down acrossed the road from them Columbus had 95 mile wind & there was some damage in several places, rain, hail & snow lights were out 13. hrs. at hospital, it thundered & the lighting cracked like kindling sticks but
Elinor left Hospital and was taken back home Sat. Feb. 25, 1956.
Sat. Feb. 25./ sun came out & it was a nice day. ride tired me bad coming home although carrage road smooth. Ella Jane & Bonita came home with me, my head felt bad yet. Only Ella Jane been here all week.
Sun, Mon, Tue. Feb. 26 27 28, 1956: no Diary entries
Wed. Feb. 29. 1956./ page. 3433 [should be 3434] / No one come in all week except Ella Jane. Now today Feb. 29. sun is bright & wind is strong.
[March through October 1956, although Elinor is apparently home, there are no diary entries in over 6 months.
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Oct. 6. 1956: (last night Bonita baysat for us (Mother too). They had been hit by truck (E.J.’s yellow Dodge in Sandusky/Huron? as they were taking Uncle Elbert to see Aunt Elinor–now in hospt. -has been partially paralyzed for some time. He was hurt & had to go to hosp. now too.)]
From Oct 1956 through December 1959 no diary entries
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: July 14. 1957: Since this is technically my last day of vacation we went to Mother’s & took her with us to see Aunt Elinor & Uncle Elbert. Aunt E. has been bedridden about 2 yrs. now -has a hosp. bed in her room. She lay very still (has paralysis) but was able to converse o.k. -seemed weak. We went to see Uncle Frank & Aunt Ruby Bonney in Lorain. Took the kids down to the river there. To Mother’s briefly (had quite a severe headache) Home by 9:30. Bed by 11. Marci was upset w/ tolerating Mother’s personality for an afternoon & the fact that Mother may come & live w/ us awhile this summer.]
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: July 31. 1957:[The family went w/ me for a call to Cleveland Clinic. We went to Mothers & M.J. stayed there. Mother is doing ok alone, Nelson stays a little Bonita comes out often She has begun working mornings in a rstaurant & afternoons & eve. at her shop.]
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Aug. 7. 1957: [I went to Mothers to supper & we all went to see Aunt Elinor & Elbert]
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Mar. 22. 1958:[We went to Vincent. Took mother to Bellvue (M.J. & Wes stayed at Vincent) to see Aunt Elinor. She is in a rest home there-will go home soon. Mother tells me she expects to sign over the home place to me]
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Jan. 1. 1959: We all went to see Aunt Eleanor & Uncle Elbert. She is bedfast at home but seems to be doing pretty well. ]
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Mar. 28. 1959: Mother & I went to see Aunt Elinor & Uncle Elbert.
[In John Harnish’s 1956 diary entry: Nov. 14. 1959: Went to see Aunt Elinor & Uncle Elbert. A group came as we left they were to hold a prayer meeting.
Jan. 1. 1960. Fri. / Ann called & she & Betty went to watch service & got home 1-300-a-m., she told me yesterday that J. Wards little girl has cansor & he has got so he drinks & is mean to his wife he has 2 little boys all so & Ann’s boy, 14. yrs. old writes to the little girl & Bill Snyder was in car wreck, but not hurt bad & 4 boys over by Ann smashed there new car all to piecese, but they wasn’t hurt boys 17 & 18 yrs. old. the folks in the world going to fast a pace. Ann thought she’d be here in the morn. & then visit. How much I thank Thee Jesus for all our many bless.
Jan. Sat. 2. 1960./ Nice out tonight. Dec. & 1. & this Jan. morning is dark very cloudy. Ann was to come at 9.a. m. but came at 2-30P-m. Elbert’s bowels has pained his all day, she brought the Peptobismol she gave him a dose & now its about time for third dose he feels so iratable & is in pain, she talked to me a few minutes & her boy came in, but acted like a frightened deer, hardly spoke a dog words, they went & then Milton & boy came back to hunt they got a rabbit & gave it to Elbert, he feels to bad to dress it he’d gone to toilet when Milton came his bowels are a very little better, While they were hunting it began to rain & they got in car & went, just before they left, Mrs. Crisco her son “the 19. yrs old boy from Cali.” came in, Oh God, how she loves me, I pray it never failes. I love her & her sister-in-law & her husband & all theirs, they are trying to live for the Lord & do His Will, Oh, Jesus help them, the rain will turn to sleet & then snow before morning. & Elbert was just out & said it’s raining hard. he still feels so bad yet, he fixed can soup for supper “called” bakin bean soup” it wasnt bad but I didn’t like. hope beans don’t cause trouble. No letters today I mailed 3. Nellie mailed one the other day for me. Johny brought things, so they got me out of bed & back in again We gave him $10.00 for fixtures.
Sat. Jan. 2.1960./ Well Elberts laying down & he sure feels so bad, I am trusting he’ll feel better tomorrow. Mrs. Crisco. had her grand daughter from Lorain with them & her son came in for 10 minutes they were taking, grand daughter home to Lorain & her Sonny boy had a girl he’d picked up & ask his mother to keep untill next week, then the boy’s going back to Washington in the Service Such is the world. May God watch over & Keep us close to Him Amen. Ann got us milk & lemon, cough drops & Pepto bismol. We owe her 24 cents, I’ll try to remember it if I can.
Sun. Jan 3. 1960./ Been a very dark dreary Day & getting worse as after noon wore on & its to dark to see to write or read. Elbert layed down a little while & slept I slept this a.m. It tried to rain but didn’t make it Radio says rain, sleet & snow. Ann called & hopes to go to Church tonight, she said morning services were good & a few more were there than usual. No one came in to call on us today. I thank & praise Thee Jesus Thou art still with us.
Mon. Jan. 4. 1960/ Partly Cloudy untill afternoon then sun came out & it’s been so nice. We received letter from Opal, poor Girl. Ann & Betty came & 2 boys & Connie they brought Lorain News Papers a Calender & some hard candy & 2 qt cans 1. of peaches 1. tomatoe & 1. jar grapejelly & Ann brought back the washing she had sheets & draw sheets. They’ve been having such good meeting during the holiday Huron, Port Clinton & Bellevue Ohio. Oh God help each one to receive Thy Spirit & do Thy Will, Ann was struck down with the Spirit Sun. night, now, I wonder, Oh, Jesus help me to help Ann & Betty more I thank & Praise Thee. Jesus.
Tue. Jan. 5. 1960./ colder last night & they say tonight going down to 12 degrees. Mostly cloudy this a-m. clearing round noon & sun now bright, but, wind still cold & raw. Elbert got his check the 4th Mon. Mail today light bill, got Opal’s letter Mon. & now the big job ans card notes. Ann called & said she thought Rev. Gibson & Bro. Payne would call on us this afternoon & she said Mr. Holbrook had been in Hospital & has rehumatic fever. & ask for prayer. May God help us to Keep His commands, in all ways, read our bibles, pray for understanding & wisdom, to trust & believe with our heart, soul, mind & strength & understand the meaning there of. Ann said, she & Betty were going to Berlin Hights to Rev. Gibson’s meeting tonight & she ask Milton to go but don’t know yet , if he will go, God help him to go I ask in Jesus Name & that Thou will cast him down & deal with him, untill he will give in & do Thy Will, help us Jesus, Thou has said we could ask & it would be given, nothing doubting, now Jesus strengthen us in all Thy Ways, We thank Thee. Wind was S. West Mon. & today, untill noon, went S. W. Well, I’ve had a feeling a group was coming in & I saw Mrs. Simms face, well, she came & brought her 2 daugters & one son-in-law & there baby, & a neighbor woman, They belong to Jesus they all say & I pray they do, Mrs. Fisher is well versed in the bible, the son-in-law has just re-cently been converted & filled with the Holy Ghost. the power went through him strong each time we prayed, they all [?] were happy in the Lord We all prayed, they said they couldn’t come at Christmas so they brought me $1.75 & 1. box choclates cherries, they said they’d be back again soon to read talk & pray.
Tue. Jan. 5. 1960/ I wrote a letter to Opal to-day had hoped to do a couple more & tomorrow is Wed. & Ann & Betty are coming in the morning to take Elbert to get the shopping done I hope all will go well Elbert don’t feel to well his bowels don’t distress him, but are sore & he feels lame & sore. The Minister didn’t get here, I hope Ann & Betty got away to Church meeting. Its been a great day its been cold raw breeze all day & say it will be I wrote a letter to Miss Clark that’s 2 today 8. degrees tonight.
Wed. Jan. 6. 1960/ Bright morning, little cloudy, just a cloud passes over once in a while. We had letter from Audrey, says she’s sewing again but is not to strong & she’s had & still is having her troubles with Gertie she likes to be bossie & Jean & Joan had to “as Audrey puts it” tell her off, for they look after Audrey, Guess Gertie didn’t have a cold, she’s working, she use to like to make out she was terrible hoarse & then wasn’t at all. Mrs. Simms her 2 girls & son in law & baby & Mrs Fisher were here last night We had a good Spiritual visit & prayer the Son in law was converted the night they left here last time & then filled with the Holy Spirit he says he don’t know how he lived the other way before. Mrs. Simms brought a belated Gift a box of milk chaccolate Cheeries & rest gave $1.75 in money, Mrs. Fisher gave the dollar. & They ask me to pray for several, I can’t remember the Names, but, will ask Jesus to, & to help them each one , one of the girls has a bad sore toe, we prayed for it. Received letter from mrs. Armstrong & she says God is ans. prayer & ask I continue Praying for all of them yet. She said God had ans. prayer for Miss Clark & that she lots better & up, Oh, how I Praise Thee Jesus & trust Thou will Keep me ever so Close & help me help others for Thy Sake Amen. Opal, said she received a check for $32.00 dollars & when she got it she thanked God for my prayers for she felt it was my prayers that had helped her receive the money & if she had-n’t received it they would have been distarte[?desperate] for Holidays. May God help them.
Wed. Jan. 6. 1960/ It’s a nice day cold raw S. West wind. Nice Sun, but white. Ann & Betty were coming to take Elbert to town for food & other shopping He’s feeling better & I pray he won’t get any more cold. Well they went to town, its Wed. so only got part of it done, as most stores closed on Wed. afternoons, he got the most necessary things. Ann wiped up floors while they were gone Car didn’t run very good but they got home at 5-30-p-m. they left here 2-30.P.m. they went to Berlin hights & got 1. bu. apples & stopped & told Milton on there way back that they were on way back here & Ann & Connie would be home soon. Betty’s boys were in the car all that time & tore up Anna’s mail & a 1/2 bu basket in little pieces they are such mischievious boys. Letter this a-m from Audrey she, to, has her troubles. she’s feeling lots better & trying to catch up her sewing, she’s so weak.
Thurs. Jan. 7. 1960./ Cloudy all morn, then sun came out few hrs. & now its getting dark again at 3-30 & quite dark at 5-p-m Rev. Schmit was here for & hr. or so, he don’t act or talk like a minister, he says he don’t want to preach to hard & hurt peoples feelings Well, the word of God hadn’t ought to hurt us. Ann said they had a good service Sun night & she fell over with the Power Praise God. They had a good Meeting at Berlin Hights Tue. night Rev. Gibson & one other Minister & a number of people were there Payne & Betty were there Betty said it sure was good to be there Payne come & helped Elbert fix pump tonight, nut was loose; we had Spiritural talk & prayer & then he went home It’s good to talk & pray.
Fri. Jan. 8. 1960./ Partly cloudy west wind & cold. getting real cloudy this after noon. Elbert got a letter from Easel, she talks as if I was making a slave of him, but he says he’s glad I’m here & he has some one to talk to & he hasn’t said a thing to any one to make them think other wise, she said, she’s as good as any Crist-ian living, we both know better & both said so- she may be a good as some Who profess to be Christians. We are not judgeing, I feel she un-der conviction & Pray God will rebuke Satan I had not from Mrs. Armstrong she says Gods ans. prayer. I talked to Ann, she went & had Prayer with Holbrooks this morn, I thank Thee Jesus for ans. prayer, we have been praying for him he had rhumatic fever, says he’s feeling much better We thank Thee so much Jesus. Mrs Simms called from Sandusky Thurs & we have ask God to heal Mrs Fisher’s grand daughter’s kidney. Ann prayed for Mrs Holbrook today she could hardly talk, her cold was so bad. Oh Dear Heavenly Father guide direct & keep Thy people, We need Thee Jesus so much. Well no one came in today, Keep us Close Jesus.
Sat. Jan. 9. 1960./ A beautiful morn, nice sunshine hardly any breeze at all. A letter from Mrs. Crisco Mrs. Bracket & one to me from Easel she’s so terrible ignorant. It’s so nice to hear from those we love & uner-stand & that understands us. Ann came & took Elbert to town & he mailed Audreys letter. Dian stayed with me while they were gone. Elbert feels sore & lame again tonight it’s different ex-ersize than he’s use to & breathing the fresh air walking on concrete walks. Well, I only fasted part of the day.
Sat. Jan. 9. 1960./ It’s sure been a beautiful day a lull before a storm, there was a big ring around the moon last night, cloudy tonight. Elbert bought a new Big Ben clock today. Mrs. Crisco says they can come & have prayermeeting this coming Fri. Jan. 15. I hope they come & God will bless converting & healing us each, one, Praise God.
Sun. Jan. 10. 1960./ Dark very dark dreary day & Mr. Marshell & his wife & baby & an eledery man from Sandusky came in for & hour or so, he, Marshell wanted to talk about some things in the scriptures, my mind must be getting bad I can’t seem to remember with out looking it up, so I’ll have to do it. Mr. Marshell is Mrs. Simm’s son in law we had a good Spiritual visit & we all prayed together & they said they’d be back in a few days, they brought 4 cans of food. it’s to dark to see & doing it, & hoping I get it right. Ann hasn’t called today, she always calls on Sun. Milton & Ann came & spent the Evening. They looked out to see if there care was O.K. & a car was over by John’s building they, started the car & it sounded like 2 revolver shots, they left & in few minutes came back & when Elbert went & looked out once or twice the 2 shots sounded clear again, then they left. & we wondered about it.
Mon. Jan. 11. 1960./ Been partly cloudy al day. we got letter from Miss Clark with 2.00 in & she said mumb is the word . I wish she wouldn’t send it. Elbert says maybe she’s trying to pay back a little of what we’ve done for her, but we don’t want her to do that, we never felt that way, she’s lots better she says & had lots of mail & company & gifts Praise the Lord. Well I’ve wrote 3. letters & one card, hope I get caught up. It’s cloudy & dark today. had heavy fogg last night & looks as if it would be the same tonight
Tue. Jan. 12. 1960./ No mail. Wind S. east this morn. No one came in or called today, was foggy. but not bad last night & a little tonight. Wind went S. west & quite warm It rained most of the day stopped before dark but Elbert says looks & feels as if it would get at it again & he says its quite warm out, The radio says they are having freakish weather & the roads were glasey ice in some placews & a buss rolled over 2 or 3 times but no one hurt & Elbert says it is raining now at 8-15. & real dark.
Wed. Jan. 13. 1960./ Loura Ann’s birth day, I forgot her age. We had thick fogg last night & untill all most noon & it didn’t all clear away, its foggy yet, we can see about 400 ft. away & we have a misty rain damp & chilly A card from Nellie, George isn’t very well for 2 days & Mark has had a very poor spell been under that for awhile, is a little better. They have been having lots of rain & afraid the basement will flood again, not very cold outside. So dark, hard to see to read or write. 15 to 4. p.m.
Thurs. Jan. 14. 1960. / Dark & damp & foggy & we slept late or I did, Elbert got up to pay Milk man, he paid him & got things straightened out, how he should leave it & cheese, then he lay down after he ate hiBreakfast & slept untill 11.a.m. then Betty & Ann came Betty took Elbert to town he had to put a dollar’s worth of gas in her car so it cut us short on the food, Well we have to get along with out it. We had prayer Ann & I & Connie & she told me Rev. Gibson came to Berlin Hights & lost the way here , Ann should have called the place at Berlin Hights but she didn’t, it’s a long way from Bellevue there & it would seem as if they would have a better understanding Where & when to meet. Elbert & Betty wasn’t gone long & they went to Berlin Hights & got Billy & came here & left Elbert & got Ann & Conie & went back Betty had to get Buds dinner. Betty has bad cold, she likes the meeting to her they are shocking.
Fri. Jan. 15. 1960./ Dark & foggy untill noon & little after then began to snow & is at it yet. Received two birthday cards one air mail from Ella Jane from Jackson California & it was good the other from Audrey with $15.00 in it I’m thankful for her love, but she has to work hard for what she has & I’d feel better if she’d just send a handkercheif or some such thing, but I pray God will reward her. ground is getting covered with snow. Audrey says Nellie & Bonita are rangling & coreling again, I pray Nellie will try to Keep peace, she’s to much like pa. Well at 7.p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Crisco there daughter & grand-daughter & Mr. Crisco’s Sister came in from Bellevue. for some reason Rev. Gibson & some others couldn’t come, well Elbert & Sister Crisco & Mrs Grants got my dress on me & they hoisted me up & over wheelchair & let me down We went out into the Kitchen & they talked a little then Mr. Crisco read some of the scripture & talked on it & other things & things coming to pass right now before our eyes the horrible things being done now some one or ones painting swathy, nazia, communies &, all doing dirty work painting on Churches, schools & other places. & we are having Dark foggy misty days, it rained some & snow a light covering most of it melted its 37 degrees the radio says. The Honalula Isleland had & earthquake & split a big crack in center over a food wide then they had a worse shake in the morning, they were expecting the red lava to come up through & it would cover a very large space where the homes are. I haven’t heard anything more. The weather man says we are to have a month of bad weather. no wind. Crisco’s & Sister brought & Chicken & caned fruit & cottage cheese & she cut end of her left fore finger, a piece clear off the side on front side of finger nail. I pray God Heals it
Sat. Jan. 16. 1960./ Yesterday was Milton’s & Ann’s boy was 14. yrs. old yesterday. We can’t give to each one 64.00 dollars wouldn’t be-gin to take care of them all, Brothers Sister & Nephews Neices, Great nephews & Neices & great greaat nephews & neices & friends, there are quite a number. We received 3 letters, well, one was a card from Vera Whitmer, Opal & Wyatt. It’s Dark & chilly froze hard last night, mild out today. Lots of auto wrecks & plane miss haps & Killing many people, who are not ready to meet there maker. No-one in, or called today, but, tonight Johny & Marcie came in, they had had there supper, but, Marcie hadn’t eaten much so she had some Chicken & Coffee & Johny did to although he said he was full & the looks as if he lived good, he got some castors for my bed & helped Elbert put them in & they fixed the thing to lift me out & in bed so it won’t be so much work & she & I had a good visit, they have 444 & 50 people in there Church it is the largest church “Methodist” in Ohio. They brought the family picture for us. They are sure good children & it’s so nice they feel they want to help us, God Bless & help them.
Sun. Jan. 17. 1960./ Dark & cloudy & quite cold, the old snow about gone. I was sick last night stomach upset, I ate a piece of frankforter I ought not they are to salty, so I sat up untill 12.P. M. then lay down & it hurt untill most morning. Edna & her husband Cliford Hall came in about noon & I was still laying, but got up & washed & brushed my hair, she’s been having flu. been home from work a week, she don’t look very good yet & talking about going to work tomorrow, her daughters birthday Mon. 17. & she will be 17. yrs. old. mercy, but it’s dark, they talked about an hour, said the 3 children were home watching T.V. They had letter from Opal & she said Her boys put one of them in old washing machine & rolled it off the Cliff 500 ft. almost straight down, but he didn’t
Sun. Jan. 17. 1960./ to be hurt when they got him up again. Oh, what wont boys do. & Cliff backed his car over a little girl playing in the ditch of water at end of his drive, he rushed her to the hospital it had cracked her spline & then later her stomach began to bleed but the4y said she’s O.K. now, Cliff seemed terrible hurt about it, he has little Patty, his own daughter about the same age & I know he feels bad Oh, Jesus help us to live close to Thee & do Thy will Well, Betty & Bud & boys came in late this afternoon & she brought me a fancy box, with writting paper & envelopes in it & a birthday card for my 75. birth-day, then Milton & Ann came she gave me a tray & it’s to big, Elbert don’t like it & a. card with a gold cross & roses & birthday Greetings on it, God help me to be worthy of there love & the many that do come & give me little things. N. East Wind little colder. I thank Thee Jesus for all my many healing in Jesus Name.
Mon. Jan. 18. 1960./ Dark & cold raw S. West wind, drops of water on limbs sun come through for just a minute or so, 2 or 3 times, Received letter from Mr. Baumgart & it’s no good. A belated Birth day card from Bill, Jean & Girls & one from Wheeler girls. Very pretty cards & verses. & this after noon, Mrs Ranm & her eldest daughter came in, she brought my granit pie plate back & gave me a box of writting paper & enelopes with spray of roses on left hand upper corner, Very pretty she didn’t bring the cookies, “said they had got to dry” but she would bring some later when she got ready to leave the car wouldn’t start after a lot of fixing her man came & it started right off, he had to bundle up other 3 chldren & come way over here & it started right off for him she came round 4-30-p.m. & got away 6-30-P.M. Milton & Ann came & brought us 2. qts. milk & box cottage cheese, we have to pay them for what money there is left from light bill Milton is going to pay with the 5.00 bill Elbert gave him. Ranm’s left & then Milton & Ann went.
Tue. Jan. 19. 1960./ Dark morning & it snowed last night it’s quite cold & snapy Wind N. West, I pray for all those Who haven’t any fire or warm clothing or food it’s hard & trying. Well, Mrs. Hensley came in & brought us some butter cookies, she wanted to come for the 16th. but couldn’t make it. they’re have car trouble to the tune of 200. dollars. His health is improving & he has worked every day 6. days a week she says the rest are well & her father & his family are well & her brother & his wife have gone to Columbus he got a job over there, he just come in & stays when he’s out of a job & never give her anything for board & washing, seems as if he’d feel he ought to give them a little for laundry & eats because he’s her brother he don’t think he ought to pay but Mr. Hensley rents his house & has to pay for every-thing, Oh, what greed there is in this world today. She brought me a doz. or so, butter cookie, she always brings me something. I pray God will bless & Keep them. Sun shone a very few second yesterday & again today, it’s lighter out today & my room’s lighter. no one cam in.
Wed. Jan. 20. 1960./ Dark & snowing sun came out for few minutes, but didn’t stay & now it’s snowing thick & fast & stopped, at 2-30-p-m. REceived a letter one narrow page. I’ve been telling Elbert I see Mrs Swarthout laying in bed & I have prayed so hard for her, she’s so weak, but still feels she’ll be O.K. after they operate on her, for gall blader, she’s tired of shots, but I hope she’ll have strength to pull through, with God’s help. & so I was glad to get her letter even though it wasn’t much, she said the Webers were with her, so she’s content that will help her a lot. she had got my letters, but I hadn’t got hers. & Mrs. Armstrong is faithful to send me a note quite often, God Bless her. Ann was coming but guess she wont for it’s 10-to 3-p.m. & snowing hard again.
Thurs. Jan. 21. 1960./ Dark & snowy, my cold is bad laid down all day no mail today. Elbert don’t feel very good his back & hips across his rump pain him bad. & I’ve laid here half dead all day, Hope we feel better tomorrow it’s been so very dark for the last hour can’t see to write. I set in wheel chair & ate supper at the table with Elbert last night, the falls didn’t work as they ought to, but we got out & in with out any serious trouble. I don’t feel able to gte up tonight, 5-30 & so very dark; Sun shone from 10 untill 2-30-p-m. then snowed. Milton & Ann came & spent the evening, My cold is so bad & Elbert is having such pain in his Knees, hips & across his rump & his head is so bad; Wind’s S. West.
Fri. Jan. 22. 1960./ I should have fasted, but felt so bad with the cold I didn’t. I took most of my bath & aate my breakfast at 12-noon. my bowels didn’t move Thurs. but they did today & I thank the Lord for helping me. We got letters from Wyatt & Gordon they want more money & we just can’t give it, Ann called this morning God Bless her & help her to understand me also. its been snowing fine snow all morning, its now 2.Pm. & still snowing at 8.p.m. Well, I had good bath this morning, so maybe things will be better Sat. Elbert talked with Payne tonight, he’s going to Port Clinton for prayer meetings where he goes often, he says
Sat. Jan. 23. 1960./ Dark, it snowed hard this morn for a few hrs. then sun tried to come through but couldn’t make it. No mail worth while. Ann & Milton came in with few pieces of food & Elbert forgot hamberg then Dian called & said grandpa had called from Sandusky & now from Huron so Elbert gave them 20.00 & they went back to Huron & got meat & grandpa & came back here & got bill all paid & then on there way home, children were clamoring to go skating, ice skating. she hoped to come in Sun.
Sat. Jan. 23. 1960./ just think a whole week gone since my birthday. Elbert washed clothes this morning & dried them in doors. Well, he’s doing dishes now & it’s 4-22.p.m. road’s nearly cleared of snow now. I’d like to write one letter, but can’t hardly Keep head level No one come except Ann she got food from store for us.
Sun. Jan. 24. 1960./ Sun is bright & warm this morning Milton came in, said Ann had been to Church & she went out on the pond near them & tried to ice skate with the children, about a doz or so of them with 3 of hers. so he left her home with Conie & he came here & brought the dogs to let them run Rlnrty hsd finnrt most ready he slept late this morning. We got 3. church this a.m. I long to go to Church. My throat is lots better today hope I can write tomorrow
Mon. Jan. 25. 1960/Sun shone nice this morning untill noon then clouded up. A letter from Miss-Clark & I wrote the U.S. card she sent & sent it back in the morning & a letter to Opal with handkercheif in it & A letter to Herbert Armstrong with $5.00 in it. & Got to write Mrs. Myrtle Smiths, Mrs. Mrs. Crisco & hope I get them done tomorrow, & Miss Mc.Govern. got dark early Elbert washed some today his neck is hurting, he thinks he sliped a bone tonight in his neck. No one come in today, it’s now 9-15-p.m. bedtime.
Tue. Jan. 26. 1960./ Beautiful Sunshine alday so far 4-30-;-m. & A letter from Audrey & one from Nellie belated birthday cards & notes & then Mrs. Smith came in, I’ll not write her, right away, her brother has gone to Elyria to live with his son & he’s not well & her daughter has liver trouble & she has them all to pray for & she a poor little old soul 75 yrs. old in Nov. she said Hensleys were coming but had car trouble. they hadn’t been gone long, when Frank Bonney drove in, he brought us a big roll of fish & he gave me 20.00 back I had sent him to pay for work on porch, said he & Armond were glad they could do the work & hoped to finish it yet. We had a good visit, most of his families are sort of under the weather, but he thought it was so nice out
Tue. Jan. 26. 1960./ he’d come see how we were we had a very good visit. Well I been thinking all day about Mrs. Swarthout & pray it all turned out well; Frank went & then Milton & Ann & 2 youngest children came in for an hour, he went out to let dogs run & took the next to Conie with him, Ann wanted prayer but Conie wants all the attension & pesters her mother so much she can’t get the spiritual good she would like to get I can’t see Why they don’t make her mind, they spank her, then pick her up & hug & kiss her & she don’t shed a tear. I pray God will help them While they have the chance to make her mind, she’s a pretty child & does cute baby things but I’ve seen those things to turn & hurt more than making them mind. Now Ann & Betty & Annie are going to Church up to Berlin Hights, I pray God will take over the service.
Wed. Jan. 27. 1960/ Today is another dark day & we enjoyed Tue, it was such a bright & joyful day & Praise God in all things & for all things, We received a nice letter from Boys Town Nebraska & thanks for the 5.00 we sent to help take care of the boys Who have no other Home. We received a letter or note from Mrs. Socack Loura Ann’s first mother-in-law, who takes care of Loura Ann’s 2 children by her first husband, she sent a very pretty card wishing us well & saying they are all feeling better again, they’ve all had flu & hard colds & Loura Ann sent a note in with the card note a very nice sounding note full of trouble & of sorrow, God of Love & Mercy I pray right now that Thou will take Loura Ann into Thy Keeping & help her get back onto the right path before it’s to late & guide her safely Home to Thee, Fred would be broken hearted if he was here & could see & know what’s going on. Oh, Jesus take charge over her Amen
Wed. Jan. 27. 1960./ I talked to Mrs Payne Tue- they have been enjoying good services & are all quite well. Elbert don’t feel so good today, we had dinner & he’s sleepiing. So foggy can only see as far as the tracks. I didn’t get any writting done Tue. Well Milton & Ann came in & we had such a good visit about the meeting at Berlin Hights last night they were here about an hour & they brought our milk, the milkman don’t stop as he should & we run out of milk. Nelson Eddys birthday. Ann brought a piece of cake for each of us We always have prayer before she goes Milton is begining to get inter-ested to, but some things are good & some not so good. We are praying for faith Wisdom Knoledge & Power.
Thurs. Jan. 28. 1960./ Pa’s birthday he’d be 99 yrs old. Well, It’s been & still is terribly foggy at 15-to-3-p-m. I received a letter from Allie Anderson Ann’s mother-in-law from Rome, Georgia. she said it’s terrible cold, 12 below & she’s hoping it will soon get warm again, the Erie Co. Reporter said a large flock of Robbins, were here Jan. 27. maybe they were hunting for a warmer place, Well its fog is so thick we can’t see more than 200 ft. away can’t see road to top of hill or to rail road crossing. Elbert says it’s not very cold out side. Ann called up & Mrs. Payne, but Betty has to smoke, so has to save her money for the devil & not for gas to go visit the shut-ins she goes to Church with Ann I pray Jesus You will do everything to bring her to Thee, I got a letter from Fred Gordon thanking him for the dollar I sent. How much I’d like to give help to them all that are working for the Lord. Help us Jesus.
Fri. Jan. 29. 1960/ It rained a little in the night & the fogg is mostly gone down & not very cold. No worth while mail today & I’m feeling to bum to talk wrote to notes yesterday.
Fri. Jan. 29. 1960./ Milton Ann & Cathy came over Milton brought the dogs to let them run, Ann forgot something & had to go clear back home & then she & cathy went to the store to do her shopping & she got a hen for us & cough drops & cottage cheese, he paid her $5.00 he put me in the wheel chair for & hr. I’m so week & sweat so bad I have to have another dry gown for bed, this one is almsot dripping wet They have gone home We’ve had supper some foggy & so dark, but not very cold, damp Sun was sure nice today, I think everything enjoyed it.
Sat. Jan. 30./ Mrs. Hensley & 4 children came in & visited a little While they seem to be good children, they got the car fixed for much less than 1/2 what garage had ask they wanted 200.00 dollars, they are happy & I don’t blame them. they fed 10 this a,m, she said she cooked 14 eggs for breakfast, there are 6 in there family & 4 more is a lot more to provide for. Well I know what she means, We use to have John & Nellie & there six for a week & P, & Fred & Ethel for a few days & Martha & Audrey for few days, Pa was here most of the time & now I can’t cook & they seldom come even for & hour or so to visit. people ride a free horse to death; Well, it’s over now 13 yrs. noise & confusion & all there dirty tricks I didn’t keep my diary all those yrs, it would have been terribl & some of it horrible & discaacful. Well Milton came & put me in chair & helped Elbert to turn mattress & Elbert made bed again & then put me in it again, I’m terrible weak Milton let dogs run a while then went home, & it so foggy thick fog. I lay half dead for several hrs. to weak.
Sun. Jan. 31. 1960./ Wyn’s birthday she’s 85 today the only one left in her family Aunt Edith Georgia & Aubrey all gone on. Oh if we only knew we belonged to Jesus, we ha been & still are shut in with fogg, I felt
Sun. Jan. 31. 1960./ so bad I didn’t eat dinner at 2-p.m. the Nagerine ministe, his wife & a young man & Miss Clark came in they sang & played accordina & read 14th Chap of John & sang some more hyms, visited a little prayed & then went home in the fog. God ans. my prayer & sent them, Praise His Holy Name, it was so good & we appreciated it & thank God & now we must call Ann & Paynes. Elbert says air is so wet, We can’t see corner fence post. Elbert called Ann “busy” & then Payne’s no ans.
Mon. Feb. 1. 1960./ It sure was thick fog couldn’t see only the outlines of the trees close to the house & this morning we can see railroad & highway, but, it’s very thick beyond them, My throat’s better praise the Lord, there’s something wrong with me I sweat day & night, I pray God will in Jesus Name have diminon over every portion of me, I thank Thee Jesus. We received letter from Ethel Hendrickson & they are going to Florida Feb. 7. 1960. to live in there house they built there, the renters have moved & she is going to live there alone, Walter is going to still do do his work in Elyria & room & board there & he has a yr. to work yet, before he going to get social security & so Ethel will have a long vacation all alone, she says if she don’t get to home sick. Mrs. Payne called & said they maybe over tonight, they went over to Bellevue Sun & to Port Clinton Sun. evening. A young woman called from Chevelet garage want-ing to come demonstrate a car for me, well I told her my condition & she has arthritic & is only 26 yrs. old, said she might call & talk to me; it’s so Dark & only 3-p-m. Ann & Milton came in for & hour tonight, Payne’s, were coming but they been having sore throats & he decide to go to Port Clinton to revivil meeting.
Feb. 2. Tue. 1960/ Sunshining & woodchuck can sure see his shadown good. My throat’s a lot better praise the Lord & I’m not quite so shaky. Just received a letter from Mrs. Crisco, she says all are well & she’s praying for Elbert & I & was glad to get my letter asks I keep praying for her boys, I do thank & praise God He hears & ans. Prayer. Praise His Holy Name I want to write few letters & am so terribly weak. Elbert’s goll & blader was paining him bad last night We prayed & God heard & took the pain & I trust the cause of the pain a-way, he gets worried & that don’t help, he looks better today & I feel so terrible weak, I pray for each one & that Thou will keep them in Thine own Way Amen I pray for the meeting at Berlin Hights & that The power will so fill each one that they will be able to help some one else, just now touch them Jesus blessed Jesus, touch me & fill me, Amen
Wed. Feb. 3. 1960./ I will lay my hand on my throat & thank Thee Amen. Well I did & Jesus has taken the sore throat away Betty brought Opals picture a color print this after noon Sun was so nice today & Betty came in & stayed untill 5-p-m. I did-n’t feel able to write anyway. Betty brought can tomatoes We were just trying to cut & fit a patch on Elberts pajama jacket so that’s a job for tomorrow, I felt punk today wrote five letters Tue. to much. but Elbert was sleeping & I let him sleep untill 5-p-m. I gave Betty 4 wash rags. I didn’t feel like just sitting & doing nothing so Kept writing. We haven’t any snow now but had heavy frost last night thick & white. Talking war.
Thurs. Feb. 4. 1960./ Elbert got his check Wed. that was yesterday. Beautiful sunshine today, a note from Mrs. Armstrong this a-m. & the Erie Co. Reporter News Paper from Huron.
Thurs. Feb. 4. 1960./ Then man came & wanted us to pay 3.50 per. yr. for paper Betty came & brought the bu. apples Elbert had ordered & a few golden delicous, they are good. I prayed for her yesterday & she felt so much better before she got home, she said & pain all left her side she went home 5-30-p-m. We received Mrs. Armstrongs note again this morn. They are having missionary meetings up un till Feb. 9. Wish I could go listen & see the picture slides they are showing
Fri. Feb. 5. 1960./ The 3rd. Was Jim’s & Jean’s birthdays I can’t remember how old they are. Sat. Nellie will be 63. Well. we talked to Ann & Betty over phone this a-m. Ann & I were going to pray for L.M. at 9-p-m last night & so we did & he got up felt so much better, he went to school, but Dian & Ann are feeling punk this morn Dian didn’t go to school. Oh, Jesus, help Ann with her burdens. Light bill come this morning $1.11 & Betty come & has gone to town to get us a few grocery’s only had 5.50 for food, We paid her 3.50 for apples & gave her a dollar for her gas. she’s been gone half hr. now. & she got back 5-p-m. she said she was going home give boys a bath & there supper & take them to her sisters while she goes & helps Bud pack apples for Cincinnatii a truck load, they put them in celaphane bags & they put clamps on to hold them shut. We gave her 5.50 for food & she charged part of it so we owe 3. something for food & meat. Elbert gave her $3.50 for the apples & I gave her 1.00 for her gas. She had cup coffee & talked untill most 5-30- then took off as young folks say “for home. God help her.
Fri. Feb. 5. 1960. Mr. Mound stopped in on his way home from Cleveland, he gave Elbert some second hand pants, he visited some, said they had looked at the old Sanders home & thought it was to large to buy, they’d like to get a place along here some where half way between Sandusky & Clevel-and, he & his wife are photo-grphyers & they have money. Elbert didn’t feel like getting us some soup but he did, & he really ought to be in bed, he called Ann & she’s bad tonight.
Sat. Feb. 6. 1960./ Nellie’s birthday she’s 63 yrs. old& still teaching Kindergarten half a day mornings has to go to bed soon as she get’s home. No mail today. No one called or came in. It’s been snowing & raining all morning & is still at at 5-p-m. Damp & chilly.
Sun. Feb. 7. 1960./ Dark & Cloudy, the sun came out for a few minutes several different times & it snowed a little at same time, snowed a light blanket of snow last night & it’s mostly gone at 5-P-M. Mr. & Mrs. Payne & 4 children came in for couple of hrs. & checked up on Church serves & they said “so called” REv. Price run off with one of the women of his church choir, they each had 2. children Well the bible tells us to beware of the likes of such. We haven’t heard from Ann today. Payne says the meetings have been good all week. & some come to the Lord. Elbert called Ann, her cold’s bad, the rest were alright I’ve thank Thee Jesus & pray all will be well with thine all over the world, Give us health & Power through, Thee, Amen.
Mon. Feb. 8. 1960./ Dark trys to snow & to rain No mail today, no one called or phoned. I had bad time with rash for an hr. or so water burned it so terrible bad seemed as if it would kill me but I called fond to Jesus & now its better Praise God. I don’t feel able to write today. no snow on ground, Wet, damp & chilly Elbert’s washed 3. nightgowns & rags for noses good breeze & they dried. He’s sick with flu. & don’t feel able to work, God helps.
Tue. Feb. 9. 1960./ We thank Thee Jesus for all things. It’s warmer out & mostly cloudy, sun does come out once in awhile Letter from Vera & they are having there troubles to. Elbert’s washing & he’s a long way from
Tue. Feb. 9. 1960./ being able, but it seems to help to keep him going, wish I could work. Well at 7-P-m in come mrs. Crisco, her Sister in laws Mrs. Gants & I didn’t get the Names of the other Sister Oh, we had a wonderuful time testifying & visiting & praying Praising God & thanking Him for all our many blessing, it was snowing when they come & began to rain before they left & they nearly run in to the ditch but Elbert help them get back on the road & on there way. home. I pray God’s Blessing on them, they brought two boxes of prepared food & caned tomatoes & rubarb & seeral cans of jam & jelly. & she brought back my crochet she accidently took one time for an-other package. Oh, God they are all so good to us. Bless them & keep them close to Thee, I thank Thee & Praise only Thee, Amen. Mrs. Gantz lost her car keys & Jesus help them find them & He did, Praise His Holy Name. Well, I Praise God in Jesus Name for All & for sending in His children to lift my Spirit He’s a wonder Saviour & Physcian; I love Him.
Wed. Feb. 10. 1960./ Rained & been cloudy & Dark & no one came in today Received letter from Miss Clark of Vermilion with 2.00 in it & a some news, she’s feeling quite good again but still weak & a wonderfully good letter from Viola Wolf from Bellevue, she said God has kept her well & close to Him, but, every jone else had the flu & house been corin-teened no one alouded to go in or come out for 2 weeks & just yesterday Tue. They were set free again, poor Mrs. Wright had flu. bad & is so weak, May God help her & strengthen her, I thank Thee Jesus & pray for each one of thine all over the world, Amen. Ann called, said she was better & didn’t go to Berlin Hights last night It was a bad night & morning snow gone before warmed up before noon though.
Thurs. Feb. 11. 1960./ Bad morning or dreary, it’s trying to snow then rains a little it’s colder now 3-50-p-m. Edna & her little girl Patty came in at noon & visited a couplle of hour & told us what news they had, she said the little girl Cliff backed his car over had got O.K. & they had moved to Washington D.C. they were ready to go & so all’s well Edna said they were or seemed to be very nice people & their little girl stayed a day with Patty before leaving. Her own folks are as well as usual. she brought us a big piece of cake, it’s good, but I like Ann’s better, now isn’t that terrible. Edna was given the receipt by a woman that works with her & she paid 300.00 for it. Edna been laid off again says she don’t care so much if he don’t get it to. Well, it’s cold & dark, I don’t feel able to write. Elbert ordered 3 ton of coal & it come right after dinner $55.00, boys oh boys, not much back out of 3 $50 he’s. Well Milton & Ann were coming to take Elbert to Huron to get groceries & it’s 4-10, & they’re not here yet. they came & boys went to Huron & Ann & I talked Bible scripture, boys got back sleet froze on front steps. Sun went down last night like a big round cake of ice & after dark it thundered & lightened hard for & hr. or more, felt like the eaerth shook, but Dark tonight windy & quite cold. Well, we didn’t eat dinner, had supper 7-30-p. m. & are late getting to bed it’s 11-30-p-m. now.
Fri. Feb. 12. 1960./ Lincoln’s Birthday./ Well it snowed & the ground was white this morning. 1. letter from Opal. Snow not melting very fast it’s quite cold out. The gas tank came this morning $9.43 so we don’t have much left of our checks. I put the money we took out of the savings $60.00 back, out of my check. & food is terrible high 2 labs beef shank cost
Fri. Feb. 12. 1960./ $2.28, highway robery. sun came out fe times & while it shone it snowed, it’s getting dark & trying to snow again, Well I hope to get at the writting again soon. I’m still to weak, it’s 2-30-;,m. & so dark & Here come Mrs. Hensley, her 3 children “she left the baby with her husband at home” and was with her sister-in-law, they are going to W. Virgina tomor-row for 6. days & it’s snowing now part time, it’s dark, I have light on to see to write it’s 6.p.m.
Sat. Feb. 13. 1960./ Dark day sun shone a few times & snowed while sun shone got real dark & stayed so dark at 5-p-m. I fasted untill supper time, then we ate chicken for supper Ann called tonight she’s better but hoars & Betty is better. Letter from Armstrong thanking me for 5.00 toward Lord’s work. & got flower book from Spring Hill Nursery, Radio sounds as if things are getting worse, Russia is going to buy Cuba’s sugar then see what U.S. will do, every one seems to be ready to fight at the drop of the hat. Virginie getting big snow storm tonight, it’s colder here tonight, tried to snow but don’t amount to anything. I’ve felt worse today this is first time I set up, all day.
Sun. Feb. 14. 1960./ It snowed last night & it’s a lot brighter out side, most of the snow is melted, the sun trys to shine & it tries to snow. Ann called last night everythings O.K. with them, she saw Mr Hensley & says he looks terrible, he’s been having flu & has some trouble I have has to watch what he eats & takes insulin snows every little while. Elbert made chicken balls for dinner. Well, no one called up so far, I took my bath & washed privaates in soda water, the rash & itch has been almost unbearable, God touched me last night it’s better today, I don’t feel like setting up, Milton & Ann came in for an hour or so she brought lemon, pie 2 pieces & bowl of po-tatoe salid & before they
Sun. Feb. 14. 1960./ they had been here but few minutes when Betty & Bud came, they brought us 1-pan tomatoes & 1. whole lemon pie, I, & we appreciate all the things of love they bring us. We had a hard night last night, my cold was so bad & the itch most killing me Elbert prayed & so did I & ask Him to help me & then we thanked Him & Praised Him & He soon stopped the itch & my head cleared & in a short time, he Elbert went to his bed & we both went to sleep for 2 hrs. then I awoke & trembled but to-find I was better, Oh, Praise God from Whom all blessing flow, Glory to God on High forever & ever. The Children went home to get ready for Church. We had a lunch & Elbert is laying down resting. & I’m praying for God’s children all over the earth. I thank Jesus for the wonderful strengh He gives me.
Mon. Feb. 15. 1960./ Elbert got up & did part the wash & moped up the floors, gave me my breakfast, most noon, ate a lunch hisself & had to take pan out twice for me. I talked to Ann she’s sick & frightened she thought she was in bad shape with a severe pain in left lower part of bowels she had called earlier & Elbert talked to her I prayed over the phone for her & she said she felt better & I’ve been thankinig Jesus & trusting all is well, We sure do get our faith put to a severe test every now & again, We Love & Praise Thee Jesus now & ever more, Amen. No mail, No one come in today. It’s 4-P-m. sun is getting covered up & looks cold. radio says snow tonight, Ann called says she’s lots better since we prayed over phone so much so she did out her wash this after noon & called on Betty little Frankie is having flu. Betty is feeling better, 8-15- We have to get ready for bed long night
Tue. Feb. 16. 1960./ Sun made little shadow this morning but been dark most of the morning. A letter from Audrey, she just has-n’t felt like writting, she hasn’t had much work she & Gertie & Jean went shopping one day in last week. Bill & Jean are moving to Eastside of River Bonita & Glene were talking of moving, too bad that she & her mother can’t get along, they have always fought, it’s terrible, Nellie’s sold her car & Glene has bought a car for them, his family & so if they do move it will be hard for Nellie, Audrey was over & called on Wyn said she was surprized to see Wyn feeling so well after so many sick spells, she’s 85. yrs. old. & Mrs. Hoffman is 80 yrs. old, our neighbor at the corner of the road South she lost a son 55. yrs. old. Sun. If we were only ready when we are called. Audrey said she had to write to Ella Jane so she must have had a letter from her. I owe her a letter all so. & many others. Hope Betty’s boy is better today Ann thought she would go to church or the prayer meeting they have at Berlin Hights in private home Mr & Mrs. Canaberry It’s terrible dark at 10
Wed. Feb. 17./6-30-p-m./ I read & we got a letter from Mrs. Ralph Betze, “Mrs. Edna Betz”. she is affected with arthritic & walks on crutches & has married son who lives with wife & 10 months old baby in her appartment up stairs. Ann called & said she’d be here tomorrow & bring the wash. Dark tonight Snowed last night covered ground, melted off today, not cold tonight.
Thurs. Feb. 18. 1960./ Turning colder, No mail just Erie Co paper & add. I been feeling sick since last night & have laid down most of the day it’s a dark cloudy day 4-p-m. Elbert’s frying chicken balls for supper. Ann & Milton said they would be here tonight to put me in the chair. Ive thank God He takes care of us & I hope things. will soon become better for us in the ways we need. Milton & Ann came after supper & set me in the chair & the boys
Thurs. Feb. 18. 1960./ went to town & got a few necessary things, while Ann & I talked the scriptures over & then boys “Elbert & Milton” came back & we all visited while Elbert turned mattress & made up the bed & then Milton lifted me in bed, he & Elbert talked a little while Ann & I had prayer, Praise God, Amen. Milton brought the dogs & let them run while he was gone. Colder tonight & may snow tonight it’s so Dark. The gas tank came on the 12. We thank Jesus for all .
Fri. Feb. 19. 1960/ Frank Babcock’s been gone 27. yrs. today sun trying to shine & trying to snow. & I really got up 10-30-a-m. eyes are so hazy but hope to write a little today. God of Love & Mercy I pray in Thine own way Thou will turn the girls about face before it’s to late, in Jesus Name, Amen. & I’m praying with Ann for her husband & family & for Elbert, I thank THee that he’s a real brother, one that likes to do for me, as I have done for him, in Jesus Name. I got a letter from A.A. Alen few days ago & today one from Wyatt & one from Armstrong. I sent Roberts 5.00 & ask for 6 subscriptions how he sends them & I forgot to copy the names one was Eva one to Ann & can’t recall the rest, Ann called she’s been fasting to-day, may God bless her & strengthen her faith Oh, God, in Jesus Name. Dark early tonight.
Sat. Feb. 20. 1960./ Cloudy this morning Wind gone from N. East to West sun came & is so bright & make me feel like getting outside I was in such misery last night I had Elbert call Ann to pray for me, she called Bellevue Minister they said they to would pray & then would come over at 1.p.m, & lay hands on me & pray it’s 3.30-p.m. they haven’t come yet & Ann was going to San-dusky today, Milton will be & so will she, so angry. Well I’m better today & able to sit up, I thank & Praise Thee Jesus more than I can tell. 3. letters & 1. card, Inez letter, Nellie card, Vera get well letter & Annabel Bob.
Sat. Feb. 20. 1960./ Inzez received Daily Blessing book and says she reads it every day in the morning. She says she’s feeling lots better & stronger & cooked a meal for 14. for thanksgiving dinner. She is still going to the little church near her & getting benifits from the Lord. she don’t know the Lord as she ought to, & neither do I. Bob & Anna-bel & there children all been having there troubles & I can’t remember what Nellie had to say on a card. Mrs. Armstrong called on phone from Beaula Beach & wondered how I was & that Miss Clark had called her, well, I haven’t been able to write, but, did write 4 notes Fri. to Armstrong, mrs. Hensley, Mrs. Smith & Edd & Dorthy Rosecranes. Ive read my bible & studied it. some this a-m. Ann has called twice I guess they will be all upset, I’m so sorry about it, she came & spent an hr. visiting, she was alone said Opal’s mom was over to there house, he said he had the promise of a job for next week, she didn’t know where he would stay she was taking the children to some doing at Berlin Hights.
Sun. Feb. 21. 1920 [should be 1960]/ Dark all morning snowing off & on & we had two heavy snow showers They had bad earth quake in Algeries 18 dead & over 100 hurt & they don’t have full account of it. We ate dinner late about 1-30-p-m. & Mr. Payne & Mr. Hopkins came in for an hr. or 2. & we talked Bible Scriptures & prayed & said they felt better. Hopkins was going home to take his wife & children over to Mrs. Gillepsies to a party for the children, so they said, she’s tempting them & they “Hopkins” is living on a half way bsis. He said he felt the power when we prayed I pray Lord Thou will strengthen his faith & draw him closer to Thee in Jesus Name, Amen. Snowed a gale twice & sunshining quite bright. Ann called said she & children went to sundayschool & to church this a-m, they were coming over here, but now they thought they’d stay home; Betty went with them this morning to Church, none of them going tonight she said.
Mon. Feb. 22. 1960/ George Washington’s Birthday today. No mail today. Dark & Cloudy sun tried to shine through once or twice. I got something like hives about 3 or 4 weeks before I left the home & it has been terrible at times come out around my arms in bend of elbow in bend of Kneese & on thighs & some on my body & then in my groins & now in my privates & it’s next thing to murder, it gets better then when I wash off it comes a-gain, it was so bad I cried untill I’m still hoarse, last night it began again not as bad as before, but couldn’t sit up untill after 1-30-a.m there’s a swelling comes in left side of abdoman, to, & swells in groins & I get bad pains & it goes clear around my stomach & a congested feeling uper & lower part of stomach, feels hard like a rope, I been insulan put in my arms for 4 1/2 yrs. & I’m wondering if I’m getting to much It’s only through faith in Jesus we can over come I’ve prayed hard about it, Jesus showed me to use judgerment, He appeared to me with a gold crown with jewels in it. & He said, to him that over cometh God givest a Crown. Now I pray He’ll show me how I’m to go about it. It’s to dark to write so I’ll wait No one came in.
Tue. Feb. 23. 1960./ Partly cloudy, well I mixed up a batch of bread, graham & white bread & it most ready to put into loaves & biscuits Bakers bread is so salty everything’s so salty meats, crackers & everything, it’s hard to eat so we will try some homemade for a change No mail guess we’ve been forgotten, Oh Well. God forgive me. We had put some of the bread
Tue. Feb. 23. 1960./ in the oven & was waiting a little for the rest to raise Elbert had put me in the chair, I was in kitchen diricting the baking when Ann the Preacher Rev. Gibson & his wife & son & 3 or 4 other women came to the door. Elbert let them in, we had some interductions talked a little Elbert took out some bread biscuits & put in some more, then he watched them bake & the rest sang spirituals & testified & then after 1 1/2 hrs. they went saying We feel we got a wonderful blessing & we’ll be back soon again. I Praise Thee Jesus & pray Thy forgiveness for my weakness & I thank Thee for my healing, I’m trusting all will come out good in future. Not cold tonight but, thawing snowed little last night.
Wed. Feb. 24. 1960./ Quite a nice day partly cloudy, but sun was nice. A letter from Eva Keegan this a.m. Well I wrote to her & to Mrs. Armstrong & one to Mrs. Bracketts, hope I can do as many more tomorrow. Ann & Milton came & brought the wash & took some back to do, We had a good spiritual visit & prayer & she said they went to Caneberrys & had a good service over there & all who were here, testified they had received a good blessing here. I thank God & praisee Him, Amen. Well we had soup for supper & now it’s 8-30.p.m. & dark was very cold out today Elbert killed 3 flies on the west window yesterday, Tue.
Thurs. Feb. 25. 1960./ Cloudy & getting dark & it snowed & blowed a gale 10-30-a-m. it has done that 3 times today & it’s 5-320-p-m. now, received letter from Miss. McGovern written so poorly I haven’t got it all made out yet, poor old soul. she can’t
Thurs. Feb. 25. 1960./ see very well yet & Sarah “she says,” has been her eyes, now she’s in hospital & I can’t see to figure out the rest of that part, then she said she was so glad to hear from me, that she had loved me from the first time she set eyes on me, she loved my beautiful brown eyes, Well we met on the St. car & I liked her to, that was in the 1920 ties & she took my address & wrote me a card & we have written every since, her sister died a few yrs. ago & later her half brother Mike & last Feb. 25 her half brother John died, now she’s had her eyes operated on & wishes she hadn’t & I prayed God would send her a Christian woman to help her & He did, it was strange, neither of us knew her but Ann took her & said they’d try to see if they could get on together, they have & now Sarah’s in hospital something wrong with her lungs, I pray God will use her for a testimony for Him, by healing her, but I pray His Will be done, not mine, but it would be just wonderful, Oh, how I love Jesus because He first loved me. Mrs Crisco called me from Bellvue this morning, I haven’t been able to write & she was getting anxious & she ask me to pray for her two sons & several relatives, She said Miss Wolf & Mrs Wright were feeling better & she had my rayon dress done & wanted to see me, so she called, her husband’s getting over flu. & she wants me to pray for several I pray God’s will be done in every thing & for each one, it’s snowing again & radio says heavy storms & 50 mile wind in some places, I pray Jesus will Keep us I’ll thank Him.
Fri. Feb. 26. 1960./ It’s beautiful morning partly cloudy & I have read & studied my bible some & have been trying to figure out Miss Mc.Govern’s letter she can hardly see & wants to talk to me so bad, poor old soul 80 or 85 yrs. old or somewhere there about as I understand it she’s not alone but has a woman with her & she’s greiving over Sarah who had cold on both lungs, she says she’s in St. John’s Hospital on corner 80th & Deteroit St’s. says they tap her lungs twice a week & are going to remove one rib to ex-plore the lungs, I pray God will heal her, but his will be done not mine she wants me to write her a card, I pray all will be well. No mail today. postman left a card saying a letter was there for me with no stamp on it Elbert called Post Office & ask it be sent & he would pay for stamp. God help us to do what we should. Snowing tonight & Elbert says real cold.
Sat. Feb. 27. 1960./ I wrote a letter to Miss Mcgovern & 1. to Sarah, but mailed them both to Ann she didn’t give me Sara’s last name I fix it all but writing in last Name & put it in with Ann’s to mail. Postman left us a card Thurs. saying there was a letter for us & no stamp on it Elbert called Office & told them to bring letter & it came this a.-M. a letter from Frorida from Ethel, she don’t like being there alone, thats all the maile except Farm Journal. sun’s trying to shine. & is shining good now 20 to 5-p-m. Was colder tonight. No callers.
Sun. Feb. 28. 1960./ Elbert walked to other side of highway what Ann & cups [?] were hard./ Sun shone long enough for Elbert to shave this morning then it cloudied up & it’s a fine misty snow & rain. Mrs. Smith came in for 15 or 20 minutes, she’s quite well, her daughter & son-in-law, go some place every day & they won’t hardly let her come in & visit or take her to Church & Camaberrys it’s right across the St. & they wont even take her over there to prayer meetings, how selfish.
Sun. Feb. 28. 1960./ Well it’s 3-p-m. Ann thought she would be over, but, hasn’t come yet, but, she came later & brought, Dian & Cathy & they were here for an hr. or so Oh God, I hope Thou will govern her life show her how to govern things as they should be & put a clamp on Milton & some way help him to turn & be gald he did, they hadn’t been gone but afew mingutes when Mrs. Smith came in right after dinner We talked & visited a little, her daughter don’t want her to visit long she says they go every after noon & most alway leave her there alone. Well, she wants hoping to come again, then Mr & Mrs. Hensley came & there 4 children, he feels better, they brought oranges to me, they were in that snow storm on way to Vir-gina, her, with half socks on & had to wade snow 2 ft. deep & she was glad to get back home Such a world & we were glad they all came God Bless them.
Mon. Feb. 29. 1960./ Dark untill most noon then sun came out & Nellie & Bonita & Jean & came in they left baby with Geo. Ella Jane sent her mother a 3 piece luggage set hoping she’ll come & visit her when school is out. Nellie is through teaching when school is out & will have enough social se-curity that she wont need old age pension. they were here & hr. or so, quite cold tonight.
Tue. Mar. 1. 1960./ Beautiful Morning & it didn’t come in like a lion so may go out like a loin I suppose fishermen will be setting nets in a couple of weeks. & fresh fish will taste good, I wish I could walk. Praise God I know I am impatient But Lord help me. Well, Milton & Cathy came & brought the wash & visited about 1. hr. Elbert had put me in wheel chair & Milton put me back on bed before he left Ann planed on going to prayer meeting tonight
Wed. Mar. 2. 1960./ Beautiful Day, so it looks as if loin will come at the end of the month. No. mail today. & I can’t hard-ly use a pencil any more to write. No one came in today. Elbert talked a little to Mrs Haufman she lost her son rather sudden & then she had heart attack he ordered the eggs. I wrote to Wyatt & Alen & sent each $5.00 & I wrote to Miss Clark in Vermilion & then rested some. & had supper, not very cold today I didn’t get in the wheel chair today. We’re better [?]
Thurs. Mar. 3. 1960./ It began to blow about 9-P-M. & kept at it all night & snow came in puffs an in showers all day. sometimes thick snow & some times blowing a gale. No postman today nor school buss. snow is drifted in places maybe 2 ft. & every one seems to be afraid of a little snow today my old ford walked right through 3. ft. deep can only see walnut tree outlines snowing so hard. We’ve tried to get Ann, but haven’t been able so far, no eggs or or bread delivery today. & to dark to read or write. I read bible some. Still blow-ing agale & snowing, Elbert’s got coal up & water in it looks as if it will be a bad night out I’m sorry for those that have to be out & hungry. Oh God, Please have Mercy on the poor people.
Fri. Mar. 4. 1960./ Beautiful morning, snow plow been up & cleaned most of the road, bumped mail box & turned plank around no postman yet. Ann got call to us last night. Milton had hard job getting out to work yesterday morning, said he run way out in a field & a big truck pulled him back onto road made him late to work, but he got there, Children all had to stay home from school, buss couldn’t get through. Sun is bright this a.m. & snowplows working & pilled snow up across drive so no one can
Fri. Mar. 4. 1960./ come in & he put snow so that post man can’t reach the box We talked to Ann, she said maybe Milton & L.M. would come & clean it away, Elbert isn’t able to shovel it his back is so bad I pray they will do it. It’s getting cloudy & will be hard to write now, I wrote to Frank & Mrs. Crisco. getting Dark & cloudy 5.P.M.
Sat. Mar. 5. 1960./ Beautiful Day, cold raw one, One letter or 2 I should say from Edna Hall & other from Oral Roberts. Postman had to stretch to reach the box & Milk man fell & rolled over in snow Bread man & egg man made it & Milton & Ann made it & left their car in middle of the road & they took Elbert to town, & he did the shopping & spent the most of his check, he has to pay milk bill yet & then phone he pay light bill today & gave Charlie Haufman 5 letters to mail Frank, Miss. Clark & Mrs. Crisco. Ann wiped up the floors, took care of my pan & read a psalm & prayed hard for me, those hives come out in my privates & seemed as if they’d kill me I’m raw & urin smarts me so bad, Elbert got another tube of Lanal it’s so easying or quiting, hope God will take it all from me for good & all time in Jesus Name. We are more than greatful to Ann & Milton for all they do for us, I pray God will Bless them as they need. Ann said they were calling over the radio for Opals man, Kelly Maynord, that he run in to a woman’s car & she’s asking 10 thousand dollars damage. Radio says they had 2 more light quakes over at Ageries & that relatives are trying to dig out some of there families that they now believe there are 8000 dead. God have Mercy & help us all as we need before it’s to late. No wind tonight. big U.S. Plaine went down off Italy 29 aaboard parachuted to land safly.
Sun. Mar. 6. a960./ Beautiful Day, it’s cold but sun is bright & mades it beautiful, I wonder if God will send in some of children today. A beautiful day & not a soul come near. I pray Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for Thy help.
Mon. Mar. 7. 1960./ Dark & hazy untill noon & my recktom felt so bad & my bowels haven’t moved today, I feel so miserable. Ann called & said it was so stormy & wind blew so hard she didn’t get to Church all day, that must have been Milton The Plain Truth magazine, Jordon’s little paper & one add came this morning. I felt to bad to do any writing. Was Suny all after noon. Ann said her uncle & father in law came in & father in law out of work & going to stay for awhile.
Tue. Mar. 8. 1960./ Oh, but it’s a beautiful morning. a heavy white frost & sunshining, frost glistening & sparkling it’s quite cold not much breeze hardly noticeable. My bowels moved Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, He ans. my prayer for help, I felt sure He would & I feel He will lift Rev. Gibson’s wife, I pray she will trust & believe. Be with all Thine every where I ask in Jesus Name. A letter (air mail) from Mrs. Swarthout & one from Audrey & Roberts, & My Check came to $64.00 Milton & Ann came in for & hr. or so & Ann & I had prayer together Elbert took rockers of my little rocken chair & fix plat form with slats & casters on & it’s well could be a little higher the seat & back will be more comfortable anyway. Its been a beautiful day, getting little hazy toward night. not very cold tonight.
Wed. Mar. 9. 1960./ yesterday & today twins birth days, George & Bonita, they are 17. yrs. old it don’t seem possible & Now there mother is married & has 2. little boys, one’s little more than a yr. old & the other a few months making her five children. Nelson was 15 yrs. old Jan. 27. 1960. Well it’s Cloudy & No worth while mail. Elbert trying to wash, he took anicins half the night so he got rid of part the pains, from shoveling snow out of drive. So far no one has phoned or come in. Well Mrs. Edna Hall come in just at noon & brought us an apple pie & pink of cream, she is so good & usually brings us something, she comes about 18 miles from Sleepy Hollow Milian, her man was laid off this last week & she off her job, she says it’s terrible they have 3 children 2 boys & 1 little girl Patty with long platonem hair a pretty child & she minds good Mrs. Gillipsie gave me a busy bee pan, I gave it to Patty. Well it’s getting very dark 5 to 6.P.M. Didn’t get my letters mailed I wrote Tue. & I didn’t write any today. to Miss Clark & Mrs. Swarthout. Elbert’s pains not so bad today as he & I thought they might be. Police been looking for Kelly Maynord, they got him Edna said & he’s in Toledo Work House, he crushed his car 2. yrs. ago & now the woman in other car has sued him for ten thousand dollars. Pooor Opal & 6. boys. Well it’s 6-15-p-m. & very dark now outside,
Thurs. Mar. 10. 1960./ Beautiful Morning sun’s so bright on the snow it hurts the eyes to look at it No mail only & add from stark flowers are pictured so beautiful, I’d like to get out & start digging & reseting & cleaning up the yard. Elbert has washed out
Thur. Mar. 10. 1960./ 4 blankets, sheet & draw sheets & night gowns & got dinner, he’s so tired & his hip starting to hurt I feel so lazy but would like to work if I could. I’ll have to try to write some today & get letters cleaned up. Well, I got half a letter wrote to Helen Pithoper & here Come Mrs. Crisco & Mrs. Grant. Oh, I was so Glad to see them & we had only got started to visit, they put me in wheel chair & took me to Kitchen, Mrs. Crisco had a dress she had given me some time ago brand new she bought the goods & made it, & we began to talk & visit & here come Frank & Armond, they had brought rabbit, & Fresh pork, saucage & lard, they cleaned a little more out of the drive & then we had a good visit & they left & now Ann called & said they were coming over & I have half a letter done for Helen P. & Elbert’s getting supper & I’ve got to hit the pan. it was late when we ate. & Milton & Ann came he had a tube of Lanacane save they visited & hr. & went home (after Ann & I had prayer) Not cold out.
Fri. Mar. 11. 1920.[should be 1960]/ Beautiful Morning, bright sun & a cold North East wind. I am fasting today & wonder if Ann is. I mixed up a batch of bread, both white & graham rested a few minutes & Elbert changed sheet & then went out & repined sheets to line & now he’s laying down to rest a few minutes, then we’ll eat at supper time, God willing. I’d like to finish my letter & write to Audrey, Mrs. Armstrong sent note with dollar in it. so I’ll have to write few lines to her & I wish Miss. McGovern would let us Know how she & Sarah are Oh, God, have mercy on them & viola wolf, Amen.
Fri. Mar 11. [should be 12th] 1960./ Well I wrote Helen’s letter & a post card to Audrey. They said on radio stamps will soon be 5 cents a letter & cards 4 cents. they need more money
Fri. Mar. 11. 1960/ I baked 4 tins bread 2 tins graham 2. tins white & 1 loaf & little loaf in a coffee can. Joan Monagon will be 25 yrs old tomorrow, Jim & Jean must have been 27 in Feb. I wrote Audrey a card & finished Helens P. letter I hope she will be pleased & ans. it. No one came in.
Sat. Mar. 12. 1960./ Beautiful morning. No mail only the Vitimans & insulan from Drug Store, Ann & Milton came after noon & before supper & brought the ham-berg & oranges, they visited a while & went home. Snyders dog is a pest, he’s got the mange & stays around here half the time he’s as bad as [ ?] the boys they carry the tin cans & through them around the yard & the dog does some thing & he picked up Elberts shoes he had throughed out to grainery & when he went out to pick them up, they were gone & no where to be found, maybe he took them home, Elbert wanted soles & heels. Well, he should have taken care of them. It’s been such a nice day. martha’s been married 27. yrs. & Jerry’s 5. yrs. old Jan. 30. 1960. & the twins must be 27. yrs. old I can’t hardly Keep track.
Sun. Mar. 13. 1960./ Another beautiful day, I’ll be glad when snow is gone. They are having terrible times all around the world 2000 families cut off by 7 ft. snow & some miners about 8. men 400 ft down & earth quakes & after 12 days some more crawled out of the wreckage of quake in Algeres & then 2. more quakes. I wonder if this is the time of the cream horse to go forth to kill one forth the people. Ann & Betty came & spent the afternoon & we had a real scripture visit & prayer, they both need more of God’s word & understanding they had only been gone about 10 min. & Mrs.Hensley & baby came in, I pray God will reach down touch them both Amen.
Mon. Mar. 14. 1960./ Well it was cloudy untill noon & then cleared up. Ann called & her cold seems to have gone all over her the pain left her head after I prayed for her & Betty called her & said after I prayed for her she felt lots better this morning, & that Bud wasn’t angry with her when she got home, he was sleeping when she & 2 boys got in car stopped & left boys with Ann’s children & she & Ann came over here & stayed quite a while & the men usually get angry when they stay to long. Praise God all was well. I been hunting my bible to find what it says about paying in a tenth, an tith money to Church. I called Ann she’s lots better tonight No mail or callers.
Tue. Mar. 15. 1960/ Beautiful morning & cold N. East Wind, Elbert washed his sheet & 2 bed sheets & draw sheets for me 2 gowns & some towels & rags & he aired his bedding & has now made his bed, he got dinner & has been trying to rest a little We received letter from Miss. Clark. with 2.00 in it, I don’t know why she’s sending it. she’s been sick her bowels not moving for 2 weeks her eyes so bad she can’t hardly read a letter or write one, poor soul, May the Lord have mercy. I’ve read & studied my bible & talked to Ann. she’s going to meeting tonight. I wrote no letters today, but received one from Allen I have to read it again I don’t quite understand it. Well hope I can write some tomorrow. Radio says 18 degrees tonight.
Wed. Mar. 16. 1960./ A dark & cloudy da & it snowed a heavy shower sev eral times today We received a letter from Mrs. Brackett she’s feeling sort of down & out hasn’t got the
Wed. Mar. 16. 1960./ she needs & like me when she looks at all the letters stacked up to be answered, she be-gins to wonder, how she’ll get through & I still wonder if I’ll get caught up. It’s 5-15-p-m & snow coming down in sort of thick clouds. They got the 12 coal miners aftewr 12 days all dead & the 4 men that were last on a mountian they picked up alive with a heolicopter but no more word about the 6000 homes cut off without heat, food or water. Well, Mrs. Armstrong & Minister’s wife came in after 2-p-m. & we had a good Spiritual visit & prayer & they brought eggs, soup & a bread cake coolkun/ Kooken, Oh God Help them in Thine Own way, I pray, Ann called. & Ministers wife ask me to pray for a Mrs. Anderson she’s a ministers wife, in a comma who has been a great worker for God in pray & healing Now she needs a faith-ful one to pray for her, Help her Lord, I pray right now as Thou seest she needs, Oh how I thank Thee, Jesus Blessed Jesus, Amen. I couldn’t seem to write. I ans. Mrs Armstrong letter now I’ll send Miss clark a card, Mr & Mrs. Pain came in at 7-p-m. they helped a man & woman out of the snow drift across from Sarrs. they had the four children with them & were here untill 9-P-m. children went to sleep on Elbert’s bed. Elbert got a St Patrick’s card from Easel. Mrs Arm-strong got her letter & came to me with Ministers wife. today & she brought me a new kind of pencile & a refill & writing paper so, now I’ll have to write a gain, Well I’m tired & so is Elbert tired Praise God I. got a good letter from A.A.Alen, Praise the Lord
Thurs. Mar. 17. 1960/ Quite bright this a-m hot sun but
Thurs. 17. 1960. Mar./ Partly cloudy & getting worse I didn’t sleep untill about 5-a-m. so am feeling tired & all in today Ann called & so did Betty. Milton & Ann came in about 6-P-M & stayed about an hour, she told me about the Tue. night meeting, I Pray God will help Rev. Gibson to keep his flock together & don’t let Sims or any one else brake them up. There are a lot of things being told & no truth what so ever in them, I pray God will take care of that group of busy bodys. I thank Thee Jesus for taking care of us & Keeping us close to Thee. Close to Thee All the way every day.
Fri. Mar. 18. 1960./ Gas came today/ it was warmer & snow melted some. Today sunshiny & now after 12-P-M getting cloudy, quite cloudy, Mail was adds & church paper from Mrs. Armstrong, it’s now 1-20-P-M. & Elbert’s ready for town, Betty was going to bring 2. bu. apples she was going for them & then pick up Ann & Connie & come here leave Ann & Connie & take Elbert & go on to town & get few grociers & then come back home. Well, I still dont feel to good, sore in privates lots better but one above rectum so sore seems as if it would kill me but Praise God He is taking care me & it will soon be over with. Elbert says it’s warmer out although air is real cold. Betty came & 2 boys & Ann & Conie, Elbert & Betty went & did shopping, Ann was about worn out taking care of the children, Billy just can’t be quite, into somethinhg every second a card or booklet about church from Mrs. Armstrong quite dark at 5-p-m. & Elbert has supper most ready, liver warmed potatoes, broccolie, cottage cheese fruit & bread & tea. Didn’t get one letter wrote. They gave Elbert 6 pencile free with his order at Drug Store, that’s good. Weeks’s most gone hope to write tomorrow, it’s snowing Only have 20 dollars out of my check 64 left Often must go for gas soon, & it came tonight
Sat. Mar. 19. 1960./ Sun is shining & I just laid as one dead all morning, Elbert didn’t feel good his feet & head feel so bad it’s so hard for him to shop, Betty helped him, he was all in when he got here, He soaked his feet they still pain him terrible, he’s resting now, been laying since 3-30-P-M. & it’s now 4-30-P-m. No mail today. No one called or come in, Elbert called Ann she’s going to town to do her shipping & get a few things he couldn’t get up here, gave Ann 2.30 for few things he couldn’t get up here 7.00 it’s quite out no breeze. I haven’t any am-bition to write. I’ve felt to miserable for anything.
Sun. Mar. 20. 1960/ Partly cloudy warmer today. I was so miserable from 4-a-m un-till after 6-a-m. seemed as if I would surely die the itch & pain was so bad, I didn’t eat, but prayed as much as I could, but, at last He took the pain away but I have laid & prayed all day, I am sitting for a few minutes this evening 8-P-m. to 8-30-p-m. now I’ll lay again & pray much for all of God’s people & myself. trust to feel much better tomorrow No callers today, Ann called before going to church.
Mon. Mar. 21. 1960./ First Day of Spring, I saw a possum out by Grainery. & a big Owl flew over grainery this a-m. & crows are yell-ing for corn, so, Spring must be just around the corner tempture 27. degrees today. Elbert says wind is cold, very cold, sun comes out bright once in a while, the snow has melted a lot & still there is plenty left, lots between Bessy’s & John’s & a lot beween her far corner as far as I can see, I can see highway & Sanders house, there’s quite a little snow on the ground in spots, Snyder’s yard is covered & the ground half way to us, then ours is covered to hollow it still seems queer with big Elm gone. Frank & Armond cut it this last summer. Walnut don’t look very good. it will go next. Ann called said she asked for healing & they prayed she feels better & after
Mon. Mar, 21. 1960./ she ask a young girl ask to be prayed for & the Lord touched them all there were only 10 or 15 people there including children Lord I pray you will meet the need of that Church. she made the bread yesterday, I don’t believe in doing my baking on Sun, but she did & said it was good. Partly cloudy today & it snowed a couple of times & it’s real dark tonight at 6-30-P-M. I wrote letter to Mrs Armstrong & finished one to Opal.
Tue. Mar. 22. 1960./ Wind blew hard all night & part of morning. Sun shone bright then, it snowed so hard couldn’t see walnut tree. then cleared & sun came out & it was still snowing some, it’s been so all day. My books came from Allen & a card from Nellie, I got a St. Patrick’s card from Ella Jane, Mon. her mother says Ella Jane has gall bladder trouble & is planing on operation Soon. I pray God will spare her. I thank Thee Jesus One of Allen’s books is God’s man of faith & power, his life story .”Allen,” & The man whose number is 666. there are 3 more. Ann was here, she & Milton & she took one book I don’t rem-ember which one, Milton & Ann stayed an hr. or so, she & Betty plan on going to pray meeting at Berlyn Hights tonight. Mrs. Rahm called & said she & Mrs. Walters had planned on coming Sat. morning about 9-a-m, to cut my hair so I’ll have to get up take a bath & get cleaned up. Mrs. Payne called & said there car give out over this side Bay Bridge just West of Sandusky Well they got safly back home & Payne’s brother come from South & he takes him with to work mornings & gets him at night. I thank God for taking care of us & teaching us His Will & His Ways. It’s snowing hard again, road’s covered, been cold wind today.
Wed. Mar. 23. 1960/ Beautiful sunlight morning untill a0-a-m. Clouded up & not so nice, Edna Hall came & brought us an apple pie & pt. of ice cream & visited
Wed. Mar. 23. 1960./ untill 4-30-p-m. she had quite a few pictures “snap shots,” her man is still out of work & so is she. & she came over here all alone, she had a letter from Opal & said she’d had letter from her man “Kelley” from the To-ledo Workhouse, Oh, if they would only learn as they live, I had letter from Edna’s & Opals mother this a.m. & card from Nelllie yes-terday & from Mrs. Armstrong & I have felt to miserable to write I felt the touch as they prayed last night & feel some better in that I’m not quite so sore, but had to cry a couple times today. Edna’s pie was sure good & the cream, ground was covered with snow this a-m, but new snow gone at noon, It’s very dark tonight, may rain or snow, Ann called she went to Berlin Hights to meeting & Payne was filled with Holy Ghost Praise God from Whom all blessing flow, I thank Thee Jesus. Elberts washed this a-m. Ann took part of it Tue., I hope to write tomorrow. Looks like rain.
Thurs. Mar. 24. 1960./ Beautiful day, snowing & blowing a gale & sun shining quite bright thempture 24 degrees wind west quite strong, the snow’s gone on the road road some on ground yet. Huron News paper, the Erie Co. Reporter came & latter from Opal, she got letter from Kelly & Welfare is taking care of her & boys. he’s in Toledo Work house. Well there’s not much news, no one called up today. Elbert’s tired his feet are bad. I wrote a letter to Viola & ut it in the one I wrote to Mrs. Crisco to give her it will go in the morning. Now Now I hope to Hope to get another letter wrote Fri. to Nell-
Fri. Mar. 25. 1960./ It wasn’t so cold last night. Bt it’s a beautiful Morning, sunshiny it scarcly no wind, not cold Spring is on the way. No mail today I sent out a letter to Mrs. Crisco with a letter in to Viola Hope to write to Ethel. then Ella Jane, then Nellie, I wrote to Ethel & now it’s dark Ann brought groceries. We bought 3 tons coal $2.50 per ton from a man from South selling coal.
Sat. Mar. 26. 1960/ I got a good letter from Allen & the book I ask for. Partly cloudy & I got up & took bath & slept a little & Mrs. Ramma & Mrs. Walter, came & brought baby boy, he’s learning to walk & talk a big 10 mo’s old boy nice looking to. they cut my hair & washed my head I thank God they are so good to me. Mrs Ramm brought me cookies she made this a.m. They were real good, we enjoyed them, Edna came, I thought I’d set in chair for dinner, but hurt so bad I got back just before Edna came & she came all the way from Milan to bring me a tube of save for my itch, but Methalatum seems to be healing & cooling guess I won’t change. Edna stayed untill 2 P.m. We had dinner, I wrote letter to Betty Clevenger it’s 4-15-P-M. now. I wrote one to Allie Anderson Rome, Brahan Ave 536. Ga. Now to Ella Jane next. 7-P.M. Ann c7 Milton came in with there son L. M. they are out Looking for fresh eggs. It’s 7. P.M. & not dark yet. Cold tonight & warmer tomorrow.
Sun. Mar. 27. 1960./ Slept late & so did Elbert had 2 eggs & fruit cup hot water & at 1-P-M. we had dinner, then Mr. & Mrs. Payne came in & there four children He was filled with Holy Ghost last Tue. night. laid on floor for & hr. & then talked in tongues, he is so glad & so are all the rest who love the Lord. Been mostly cloudy wind cold but suns warm cold nights & warm days. I thank Thee Jesus for our blessings.
Mon. Mar. 28. 1960./ Dark foggy morning, no one came in today. Letter & receipt from Wyatt. no phone calls. to dark to read or write it’s 15 to 5-P-m. & so thick & foggy & dark. God to write Edna. Mrs. Aker Miss McGovern & Ella Jane. I did write Ethel Viola, Mrs. Crisco, I might write Mr. Baumhart. I did write Mrs. Betze but not Nellie or Audrey. Well 8-P-M. no came in the tempture going down to 38 thonight, not cold out tonight.
Tue. Mar. 29. 1960./ Beautiful Day with warm southerly breeze or wind clouded up at noon & had a good shower Nellie, Bonita 2 babies & Audrey came in at 1-30-P-m, was here about an hr. Audrey brought back my violet & one she gave me it’s a double white & my fucia & cacti they talked an hr. or so & went the sun was shining when they left & is still shining wind quite strong. One letter from Mrs. Crisco, her son & wife from Lorain were soul save last Sun. & Viola is better off than Crisco thought she has a room by herself & goes out & talks to the other patients about the Lord. Oh praise the Lord, He hears & ans. prayer, Glory. They are praying for Elbert & I do trust he to will be saved. Mr. Crisco had the flu. but is lots better she only had a touch of it. Well I thank God for the good news. I read my bible & some of Allen’s book, its so good both books. Sun set Red & the wind died out, fog horn was blowing this a-M. & Pussy Willows are in bloom. The girls are so two faced, Nellie, had her nose in the air she’s so sickining acts & talks as if she knows it all, I don’t like to talk to her she’s discusting tries to put on airs & looks foolish, I see her looking at the walls, I suppose for the picture frames, she’ll never get them if I can help it. Audrey’s little sewing machine came back.
Wed. Mar. 30. 1960./ Partly cloudy & we had a good shower in the early morning & midday & it still looks like rain it thundered this afternoon I set bread only made a little, thought there wasn’t flour enough, but there would have been, we are in need of flour & a list of groceries. & Check come Next Mon or Tue. Well I’ve had a queer feeling & in comes Mrs. Yants & I believe she said, her 2 daughters & 2 grandsons, 2 more boys that has to be watched every second. bread was baked 15 to 8. p-m. Well the young Mrs. Grant a fresh jelly roll it was good for supper. Women sang songs, with a great deal of mean-ing, “spiritual” & then one talked about the bible & spritual things, then we really prayed then they went they told me Viola said it wasn’t to bad after they took her from the insane part & put her in a room by herself, but she isn’t happy there I wish I could talk to her. But I pray God will make away for her, & care for her. She could write to the Welfare as she did while I was there in the Home & I believe she could be freed from the Calvin grip on her. Well, Mr. Mound came in & brought Elbert 5 or 6 prs. pants, some shirts & his & hand-Kercheifs, but they’re all to small for him, it’s to bad for he needed them. Well Ann came in just before he left & stayed untill 6-30-p-m. Milton is acting so disagreeable, We had a good talk & prayer & she went just before dark then we had supper, Elbert baked the bread, 1. loaf & 1 big pie tin biscuits, he was hungry for bread. Mrs. Crisco didn’t come, they said they couldn’t find her. They promised to be back in little while. Elbert washed my nose rags today. Ann took shirts home to wash. The corns on Elbert’s feet on the bottoms hurt him terribly God help him.
Thurs. Mar. 31. 1960./ Dark fogy morning get more & more thick untill could hardly see tracks a damp chilly fog day We got a letter from Sister & Swarthout it nice weather there & Mr & Mrs Webber are wishing to come back to Ohio but if they were here they’d wish they were there, it did get real warm for couple days, it isn’t cold now to warm for a fire & to chilly without it. Well, I can’t help thinking about [?]of the 400 four hundred thousand in Berzill that were flooded out by rain & they said on radio you could stand on the hill & see them come four abreast up the hill, I wonder about all the animals, horses, cows, sheep dogs & all the stock, it’s a terrible thing to try to realize I pray God will help them to thing of Him & try to do His Will & way. I got a not from Sister Armstrong & she says Vera Whetmer was exrayed & is full of cansors, she’s in Hospital as I understand the note I believe she’s 76. yrs. old, Ann said sister Bouls had a bad spell at the church Sun evening, they gathered about her, laid hands on her & she got all right in few minutes she’s 78. yrs. old I pray God will strengthen her, poor soul she needs some one to help her in spirit & soul. Ann called & will let us know if Milton is going on his weeks vacation withh his father, to Virginia. She’s going to try to help Elbert to get a little shopping either Fri. or Sat. Well its been foggy day & not very cold, the black birds, mourning doves, red birds, blue Jays & lot of small birds, hawks & crows, Well we had so little fire it went out & ELbert rebuilt it & it was to hot for a while & it’s still rather warm, my bladder is sick keeps leaking just a little anoining. Well I haven’t done any writing for a few days. I don’t feel like writing some how, I thank Thee Jesus for all things Amen.
April Fri. 1. 1960./ Been very thick fog. No mail today not cold out, Elbert just said a big fly on the glass of the door N. East breeze getting colder raw. Talked to Ann. Milton called her & said he wasn’t going to be let off yet they “his father & him” were going to start on a weeks vacation, Ann said they talked things over last night & they felt better & he said if she changed some of her ways, he might go to church with her. We are praying & trusting & Now, Mrs. Payne is with her. We are praying & trusting & Now, Mrs. Payne is being troubled by Satan, I pray Jesus will stand by her, help her to be steadfast, give her strength & help me like-wise, Amen. I feel so weak, Bill Snyder had load of lime stone put on his drive & we need a load on ours. Ann came in last night by herself for an hr or so we had good visit & prayer Mr. Mound stopped & brought. a box of clothes for Elbert but they’re all to small, he’d said he’d stop again & if Elbert couldn’t use them he’d take them back so Elbert put them all back in the box. Eva called at 9-30-P-M. & visited some, Vera’s in Hospital been there several weeks, is now worse don’t know any one, not expected to live Eva said she was over to see her she’s 77. yrs old. is full of cansors Eva fell 4 or 5 weeks ago her leg & ft black & swelled so bad thought it would crack open, but at last she can walk & get about again Mary Ann talked to Elbert & I so did Eva queer, Elbert & I had just been talking about her & I have been praying for all of them so much of late, Mrs. Armstrong said, Vera was in poor condition Eva said she isn’t expected to live. Lord help us.
Sat. April. 2. 1960./ Milton & Ann came & took Elbert to town for a few groceries his head is sore bad he had 5.00 & few cents & I gave him 3.00 when he started to figure up he’s 2.00 short, now we have to check each time so the money will come straight but we have to do it. Milton’s father had his teeth out, all of them This morning God help him I know how it feels & how hard to endure, to.
Sat. April. 2. 1960/ Ann & I had good visit & prayer. It’s dark gloomy day. Just at supper time Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Hensley & there 4 children came in, gave me 1/2 doz. oranges we had a good visit, then Elbert & Clayborn went out & got some pieces of boards Hensley wanted to fix his porch & then they went, they wer suprised to see me in the Wheel chair. Elbert had just started supper when they came so he set it off & we ate about 8-P-M. Elbert changed the mattress & made up my bed, after he put me back into bed, I don’t feel as strong as I did before we had 3. flies. & severe cold & that ter-rible itch, that just about took what life I had left out of me haven’t been able to write my letters arousual & after sitting in wheel chair I knew how weak I really was, well, from now on I hope to gain in strength, I pray I can get up & stay longer each day. Cloudy tonight & it rained some this after noon, I got one book from Allen, The Plain Truth from Armstrong & a long letter from Wyatt & book from S. Hill Nurcery Well, it’s been a greeat day. Praise God, Amen.
Sun. April 3. 1960./ Sun came out this a-m. & it begin to get cloudy at 8-a-m, & has been real bad & thick & raining ssome light showers. Ann called said they had good number out to sunday school & 77 to church. M’s father don’t feel so bad as he thought he would they want to go to Tennessee as soon as he is able for a week, he’s like a spoilt boy & he foments most of the time doesn’t talk like a man with good judgement, Betty went to church with Billy, Franky is sick now. Ann says Bill’s nose is sore way down to his lip & looks bad. Ann hopes to get to church tonight. It a drizzle out side So warm we slept with windows open [?]
Sun. April 3. 1960./ 8-15-P.M. Betty came about 16- to 6-P-M & she ate lunch with us & had lunch with us & she left at 8-15-p-m. she’s had her hands full with Billy & Frankie they had some sort of flu Billy’s better but Frankie threw up all last night. I read my bible & some of the book of the life of A.A. Allen I wanted to sit in chair but didn’t get there, Elbert’s feet hurt him just terrible, he slept from 1.P.M. till 4-P-M. he’s tired, I didn’t sleep untill after 5-a-m had to use pan to often. But Praise Jesus I’m feeling much better again. It’s raining not cold, quite warm S. East Wind.
Mon. April 4. 1960./ Gloomy fogy day sun came out a couple of times but mostly Dark & cloudy. A letter from Mrs. Clark & 1. dollar & she isn’t very well & doesn’t feel very strong,, but the Nazerines are still looking after her they take her to do her shopping. Well I was just set to write when Ann & Milton came in he took Elbert to town & he got few things till some one of them come to take him for all the food supply. Wed. or Thurs. We had such a good visit spiritual & prayer. We have prayed so hard, God will wake the Minister up & help him to preach, they’ve had 2 or 3 good sermons of late, God hears & he ans. prayer. Praise His Holy Name. Help us God of Love & Mercy to work harder. Milton & kAnn are good to do part the washing.
Tue. April 5. 1960./ Sun tried to shine through several times & it snowed & blowed a gale. while it was shining. Well Mrs. Hensley, her 3 children & her sister in law came rather unexpected & took Elbert to Berlin Hights.
Tue. April. 5. 1960./ to shop, they come so late it didn’t pay him to go, they had to get back on time, so, Mr. Hensley could go to work, little sister-in-law took Elbert & Mrs Hensley brought her little phone a graph & 6 or 7 records & played them, I couldn’t seem to hear them plain Well they left & late about 6-30-P-M Joe the shoe cobbler came to get Elberts shoes to stretch & he came in & stay to visit untill 7-30-P-M. We had a goo visit & I testified for Jesus, then Elbert got supper & I went to the kitchen & ate supper with him, he did out some washing 5 night gowns & several small pieces & nose rags & his feet are paining him so bad, Joe said he would put some rubber things in his shoes, he thought would help his feet, I pray Jesus will help him to get some releaf Amen. There wasn’t any mail today, I didn’t write.
Wed. April.6. 1960./ A very dark day & has been Snowing in heavy showers as it did yesterday. no one in today no mail & Ann called & said Milton got a notice Tue he would get a week off begining Fri. & that they would come Thurs & get the rest of our food order. so I pray his feet wont hurt him so bad. it’s to dark to write another snow-storm coming. Elbert is making Aunt Jaminys muffins for supper, he’s frying potatoes & liver & warming spinnage. We had fresh spinnage last night. Well it’s cold out tonight & feels that way in the house.
Thurs. April 7. 1960./ Partly cloudy but I wrote a letter to Miss Clark, one to Mrs Armstrong & one to Mrs. Sosact & Loura Ann. I’m so tired, Milton & Ann came 4-30. & Elbert went to Huron & got the rest of food order. Ann stayed with me. Mr. Mound came but didn’t come on he brought farm magazine. said he was in hurry. Elbert heard a phesent to day.
Thurs. April 7. 1960./ today in hollow & he see a big fox squirel yesterday but only a few birds today. warmer tonight. Ann has read one of Allens book & took another tonight fasting & prayer. A card from Gillispie she said she preached to 1200 people. I wonder where. God help us.
Fri. April 8. 1960./ Sun shone early & off & on untill 4-p-m, Got our checks. Edna called from Sleepy Hollow, she was wondering how we were she’s cleaning house & going home for Easter on April 17. I ought to have sent her a note, but truly felt so bum. I didn’t. I owe Mrs. Crisco a letter & Miss Mc.Govern. & Ella Jane Audrey don’t write unless she’s in the mood very often, of late, but she & Nellie think Elbert ought to put me in some Home to far away for them to come visit, but it wouldn’t matter to me if they come or not, they don’t love me or Jesus & He sure Knows, Elbert don’t want me to ever be taken away again, he nearly went crazy here alone day & night & no one come to visit him, he says they are not sisters Nellie must have been talking to Easel, for Audrey brought back 4 of my house plants & she said poor Elbert he’d have to water them, she’s never liked him & she turned her nose up like Gertie & pa use to, she’s terrible dis-custing putting on airs, I feel happer when they stay away, Audrey wrote some cards & I read them when I got “home” she said don’t ask her to come home for you to wait on, I pray God will take care of them in His own way, I have always loved & done to much for them, some day I hope they will wake up be-fore it’s to late, we both have known for yrs. how they feel toward us, after pa was laid away, they said who will take care of Gertie? they both said & Martha said they wouldn’t, but, I know pa had it fixed with Audrey, Gertie Kept on working for the Good Will, she has lived with Audrey & still is & still works for Good will, pa died Nov. [k?] 1945 She will be 72. yrs. old May 13. 1960. Such a world.
Fri. April. 8. 1960./ 4-30-p-m. dark & cloudy. we ate chicken & dumplin’s for supper, spinage, cottage cheese, pears & coffee, Ann called & said Milton got home ate & he & his father were on there way home to Tennesse & to Alabama & Virgina for a weeks vacation Ann said she felt lonesome, but she has the children I don’t know what that boy of there’s does nights Ann’s going to Sandusky tomorrow to get shoes for some of the children & Betty is going with her & they will shop together. I do hope she Keeps her mind on the Lord, & on her driving. Well wind’s cool & it looks like rain tonight Milton expects to be home for breakfast We hope he’ll be careful.
Sat. April 9. 1960./ [includes Sunday apparently)Beautiful Day Palm Sun & not a soul came in, Ann talked over the phone, as yet, all is well, she & children “except L.M.,” went to church & Sun. school & then they & Betty went for a ride, over to Norwalk, came back & stop-ped to talk to Edna at Milan & then they came back home tired & decided to rest to night they won’t go to church tonight, help that family to keep clear I pray Milton & his father will have occasion to think of God every day & try harder for God It’s been so nice out all day. Oh God. help us to be of more use to Thee & help us to understand, Jesus, & do Thy will & way. We have listened to sermons & are still. Oh, we Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost. forever.
Mon. April 11. 1960./ I didn’t write Sat. but it was partly cloudy & cool & then so nice Sun. & now the wind is strong penetrating & raw, it’s strong nearly knocks Elbert down getting out & in, They say its a lot warmer, 60. degrees today. sun trying to shine & trying to rain at 5.P.M. Ann & Betty were here I gave Betty a aluminum Pie pan 12. in. wide & [?] in deep.
Mon. April. 11. 1960./ L.M. & boy next door died there hair black, he promised to be home at 6-p-m. & didn’t come untill 8-P-M. & she went out to look for him when she got back he was there & the black die running down his face she took him into bathroom & scrubed his head half hr. & didn’t get it all off. & give him good talking to. Betty & Ann were painting this a-m, at Anns & then went back to Norwalk & then back & over here. Joe the shoe cobbler came & brought Elberts shoes he was stretching them & put some sort of pad in to ease corns & he took the slippers to fix the heel stiffining broke. paper or cardboard. Well, sun set red & wind is strong little warmer. I pray All will be as Jesus sees best Amen.
Tue. April 12. 1960./ A Beautiful suny morning I took my bath & thought I’d make bread but, I didn’t get it done. Elbert’s feet hurt him so bad, he didn’t feel like being on his feet. Edna came about 2-P-m. & stay-ed untill 4-30-p-m. she brought a beautiful hyiceth white, I gave her an aluminum pie pan like the one I gave Betty. A letter from Miss Clark with 2. dollars in it I pray God will bless her, & help her in all ways. It is sure so nice out side, Elbert dug 2 nice evergreen trees & gave to Edna to take to her mother, I hope she gets them there in good condition. It’s 6-20-P-m & sun still very bright. I was out in Kitchen for couple hrs. Pussy willow most done blooming. Ann didn’t call all day & we couldn’t seem to get her. Such a nice day.
Wed. April, 13. 1960./Beautiful Day, Betty called & said she was coming & bring another woman to stay with me & she’d take Elbert to town, he cashed the checks & got little food & meat & got a pail of fresh fish perch & catfish nice ones they got back at 11-a-m. & Betty & other woman
Wed. April 13. 1960./ went home other woman had a nice quite little girl 4 yrs old with her & has 2 children in school she gave me there pictures. Elbert has dressed 4 catfish & getting them on to cook. Mrs Myrtle Smith had heart attack she sent me & Easter Card I got it this a-m. I pray God will take care of her. Oh, it’s such a beautiful day, frogs croaking bird’s singing red birds close by. Its been beautiful day.
Thurs. April. 14. 1960./ Been another nice day after dinner got little cloudy, Betty called & she ask Elbert to loan her 5.00 & she & Ann came for it & didn’t come in, but then they went to Sandusky. Betty she wanted to sell her carpet sweeper did sell it. maybe she’s got herself in a jam. she loves money & to spend it, I gave Ann 2 Dollars for washing & sent Swarthouts 2. & now I have to send my tith money out. I have to write to Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Hensley– Ann & 4 girls came in about 6-P-M. for half hr. or so, children are so uneasy they don’t give us time to visit. she’s tired been cleaning & painting the wash, she took to Huron she cleaned yard & washed the car & Milton called & is home sick but having good visit they went in his fathers car & he let Milton out at his mothers Alabama & he went on to Georgia & Milton said he hadn’t heard from him since, how ever they planed on coming back home Anna’s so tired she achs all over.
Fri. April 15. 1960./ Partly cloudy quite warm 3 letters Dears Mrs. Betz & Miss McMcGovern with 3 bills in it Dears wrote a letter others were cards for Easter & it rained a good shower & thundered a little & I got 2 more books from A.A. Allen they are good but I don’t understand my own condition. Oh God, help me to Know & what to do Amen
Fri. April. 15. 1960/ Good Fri./ rained & sun shone & birds were singing it’s Spring time & I pray Jesus will help me to know what I am to do & how to do it, I want to Know if I’m doing anything that’s disobedient to His Will. Help me to understand Jesus I pray you will, I feel I must know, It’s a little cooler tonight. No one called or come in today I didn’t write letters today.
Sat. April 16. 1960./ Nice Day Partly cloudy & a very light shower. I received card & note from Mrs. Bracket & 1. green bills, in it, “I haven’t any Easter cards since last yr.” Mrs. Ramm, Womens Legae & Mrs Sosack. & Loura Ann. Well, I’ll have to ans. them. Mrs. McGovern 3. bills. I set bread & baked 4 tins 2 big & 2 little small tins, 2-white & 2 graham & gave Ann a little piece of graham dough for biscuits, she got a few things from the store for us, fruit, fresh the biscuits taste real good, the breadman came Elbert got a loaf & showed him mine & he said it looked good. didn’t have it baked or would have let him tasted it, Ann had been to Norwalk to do her shopping she was tired & was going home to get supper, L.M. was to have worked Fri. & today, he got in Fri. & got laid off today at noon, she was worried, the boy he runs around with & one other got laid off, Ann was worried about it, she had hoped he could work this summer for Mr. Daniels. I do hope he didn’t do something wrong, Well, we have had suppe & Elbert washed bread dishes & left the rest his feet are paining him so bad. I pray for Gods love & protection. Amen.
Sun. April. 17. 1960./ Easter Sun. Christ is risen Dark & cloudy untill noon, then partly cloudy quite warm. We had last of fish for dinner
Sun. April 17. 1960./ Easter Sunday 2-15-p-m & no one came in, it’s a queer world, Well Jesus sees hears & Knows, Praise the Lord, now & ever more. Well, Nellie Bonita & her man & two babies came in & they brought us some ham & glazed sweet potatoes, they had the babys hair cut he looks better, they didnt stay long Nellie’s legs pain her so bad. I wish she would go to Allen’s meeting in Penn. & be healed & learn of the Lord I’m hoping to go when he comes to Cleveland Mr Mrs. Hensley, the 4 children came in they were all broken up, his father died suddenly Thurs. April 14th. some one call them over phone & they got on there way to Virgina for the funeral they were terribly broken up, he said there were so many things he wished he had done & now it’s to late. Oh God Please help him to change there ways, We never know Who will be called out next. Well I tried to comfort them & ask them to live closer to God.
Mon. April 18. 1960./ Milton & his father got back home Sun. morn & the older man wasn’t feeling very good. It turned cold last night & wind blew hard all night, but isn’t bad to day, only real chilly, partly cloudy. Ann & Betty & 2 boys & Conie came in for a little while & Betty brought 2 pieces pie a piece of cake, some eggs & candy & she brought some graphone needles she was going to bring several mo’s. ago. hope I can use them.
Tue. April. 19. 1960./ Beautiful morning Elbert’s been washing now he got me washed & give me grapefruit & cup of tea & he’s going to hang out the rest of the wash & get dinner, I’m not hungry. I hope to write some today. No worth while mail. I wrote 3 letters, Miss. Mc.Govern Mrs. Brackett & to Fred Gordon & sent him 2. for missionary work. Well Mrs. Ackert Edna came in we had a good visit.
Tue. April. 19. 1960./ Edna wiped up the floors & she & Elbert went out & dug some little evergreen trees I gave Edna two nice trees a least a yd. high & she took them home a Easter time & her mother came back with her & over to see me she was so happy about the trees, now I pray they & there last ones will grow & be nice far from home in Kentucky & make them glad. they took 4 or 5 back this time to some of there family. she brought us a pt. can of apple butter, home made. Mrs. Akler looks thiner than when she was here last, she has so many things she worrys over. Edna was taking her back as far as Columbus in the morning.
Wed, April, 20. 1960./ Beautiful morning, it turned colder Sun. night & they had a heavy frost at Sleepy Hollow & the wind’s cold & raw Tue. night, not so cold today, but quite strong. The Daily Blessings book was all the mail this morn. Ann called & said Marcie was sick & ask for prayer she was lots better before prayermeeting time. Glory.
Thurs. April. 2, 1960./ Dark morning, tries to rain, Letter from Opal this a-m. Milton & Ann came in. The welfare woman Mrs Digan came to check on us to see if anything has raised in price, such as coal E. light, Phone, insurance, & such like, they changed the insurance, I don’t know if it’s for our good or there’s. Mrs. Digan went. Ann & Milton stayed half hr. His father’s coming to take Elbert to town tomorrow after noon. Well it’s to dark to write. Well we’re alone again.
Fri. April, 22, 1960./ Sun shining. No. mail. I sent out 3 or 4 letters yesterday Wyatt, Allen, Wheeler Girls. I wrote a letter today to Opal. my nose runs & my eyes & I cough & sneeze all most continuely, Elbert trimed & fastened rose bushes. Been a beautiful day, I felt to bad for anything today. Joe, Shoe cobler was here brought Elbert a pr. of slipper for around the house. hard day for me.
Sat. April 23. 1960./ Been Beautifull day. A letter from Wyn & Mrs. Swarthout interesting, & Mr & Mrs [?] em-in & they raked a little grass out of the peonies & dug 2 nice evergreens about 4 1/2 or 5 ft high nice ones for them selves & a mosscasua [?] & took Elbert to town & Elbert did the shopping he was [w.trd to do ill?] its 4-p-m, Now it’s 7. P.M. & no one else came in but Joe left Elbert’s slippers on porch, 82 degrees today. been to hot for this time of yr. Ann’s been spading, Elbert called to ask about Conie, she’s cutting teeth double ones & Anns back achs tonight. Milton’s working 15 hrs. per day, works nights, Well I Praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Name. Amen.
Sun. April 24 1960./ Well, Elbert changed my bed & I took a bath. Mrs. Payne called They Mr. & Mrs Marshall & baby & her brother & a friend who has a car & brought them all, came in & visited for. & hr. or so sung a hym, testified & preayed, then ask me to pray for them for Mrs. Marshall, for bodily strength for his body & for a job he’s much in need of, been out of work for most a yr. now & for the old gent & the brother to be converted “Simm’s son,” now it’s 5-30-p-m. Ann hasn’t called today, her back was paining her bad from spading. It’s a beautiful day quite windy, tempture 85. degrees. to hot for April. Well Milton & Ann came in & visited & hr. or so, they are having there troubles to she didn’t get off to church this morning & wasn’t going tonight, they seem to all be feeling better than they were Ann admits she’s slipped some in prayer this week, Oh God pick her up & bring her closer to Thee Amen be with each of the youn g folks as well as the elders, Help us each one We need Thee so much wind died out tonight.
Mon. April 25. 1960./ Nice sun. this a.m.
Mon. April. 25. 1960./ partly cloudy this after noon. Well, we wish we Knew how Edd Rosecrans is today Virgina said he has nurses around the clock, his heart is very bad, his children Aubrey & Dorthy come each night to him, if he would only repent & turn to the Lord. Georgia has been gone for several yrs. now. I believe Edd is 85. yrs. old, I can’t remember. No mail today. No word from Mrs. Crisco, I do wonder what’s wrong hope for some news tomorrow. Edd’s in Oberlin Hospital. The letter we received from Rev. & Mrs. Swarthout was good, but, there’s something wrong some where she doesn’t get the healings as she should, they seem to want things to go there way, it would seem we work against God, at times. It’s better to let Him have His way with us. I’m so anxious to get up & so God has let me lay a gain with another bad cold, I don’t want to do anything wrong & pray He keeps a tight grip on me. 6-P-m. & sun is clear & bright & warm. Wind’s colder.
Tue. April. 26. 1960./ Dark cloudy & it thundered & rain-ed hard a beautiful Spring Day. No mail & to dark to red or write have to gues[?]’s & Keep mind on what I’m writting. John Snyder plowed untill it began to rain. There is vitamins in grape fruit, milk, eggs & I can’t remember the others. Well, Mr. Payne called, they went to Virgina & 7 of there folks came back with them & they’d no more than got in & here come another car & 2 more come in 9, beside there family of 6. Ann hasn’t called today & it’s 3-30 & so very dark; I’m feeling a little stronger today I am weak. Wish I could write. Marchel faces Keep coming before me, I pray God you will help them Keep him from temptation, be with him strong & help him I pray in Jesus Name, my Jesus. It’s fogy raining nice gentle rain. Wind cold.
Wed. April 27. 1960/ Little cool alnight We had
Wed. April. 27. 1960./ just a little fire to Keep the house warm. Elbert felt sick all night, his bowels “maybe” flu, he’s some better to-day, his feet paining him terrible, he did out some washing & Ann came & brought what she had & talked a little, Mr. Cantiberry went Penn & Allen prayed for him & he coughed up a cansor in small pieces, now he got back home & his stomach began to pain & they called the Dr. & he said take him to Cleveland quick, he has an in-fection, “Oh Why didn’t they call in the cristians & really pray? Why?” I cried to God to help be-fore they could use a knife. They have taken him to Cleveland Clinic. Ann hadn’t heard anything this morning. I prayed for Ann & her back & for Dian, they thought she was getting flu, they’re better this morn. Oh Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Amen. At noon Edna & Cliff & there little girl & Betty & her two boys came in to clean some the grass & weeds out of the flowers they did a lot, Cliff mowed the grass in yard. Edna brought an apple pie & pt. of cream, it sure was good. Sun came out n ice & bright & hot, Dr. Leidhouser came & examined me & said I was in really good condition, good strong heart & maybe I don’t need insulan any more, he said to let him know about the urin tonight & again in the morning. Had letter card from Audrey this a.m. I don’t know how Edd is. I guess our company all come for today & now I’ll have to read, write & pray & God help us stay well, of all things after the rest were gone, if Howard Page didn’t come in with his brother he visited awhile then [?] Francis was in Cleveland
Wed. April. 27. 1960./ with there daughter Shirley for a few days, they are expecting a baby & Howard & his brother Frank are batching it at Howard’s home, he is foreman for the lumber Co. Well he came “he said” to get the wheel chair, they wanted it back he said, we told him O.K. & Elbert got it & gave it to him he has his front teeth all out, he is quite stought I didn’t know him he’s quite gray looks well & believes in God & the bible & he says those that trust & believe have the victory, that’s so. Amen. Now Elbert’s soakiing his feet & it’s 9-P, Oh, Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free, where Jesus is tis Heaven to be, on land or sea What matter where Where Jesus is tis Heaven there. Oh, Praise the Lord. A card from Audrey she said, hope you are not thinking what I feel you could be thinking but haven’t forgot you, but have been & I am now quite busy sewing wish I could be free for a while to wash windows haven’t heard from any one were at Martha’s Easter Sun. they have done the outside of their house over in some sort of siding gray bottom, yellow upper part. they’ll be seing us some day, Audrey. That’s that; I didn’t feel able to do any writing.
Thurs. April 28. 1960./ Haven’t taken either vitimins or insulin since last Thurs & feel better Been a fine day & no one in or called today, We received card from Nellie all’s well. I read my bible & prayed & never wrote a letter & tonight about 8-P-M. here Mr. & Mrs. Crisco & Rea Williams & his wife came in, all Holy Ghost people came & such a good spiritual meeting as we had, Glory to God, I been asking God to send some of His Children, I told Elbert there was a
Thurs. April. 28. 1960./ [?] load of strange faces coming & here they were Mrs Crisco didn’t have much time to talk to me but said Viola’s doing good & they’er having meeting at Clyde & she’s happy & she hopes to bring her & Helen & Mayline over some day soon The folks were here couple of hrs. Oh, it was just wonderfull it was as if We’d always Known each other. Frank Babcocks birthday he’d be 78. years old
Fri. April. 29. 1960./ Dark cloudy morning. No mail. John Snyed is still plowing. I wish we could clean up weeds north of the house No mail again today, people forgetting us. Well I wrote cards to Audrey, Nellie, Frank, Hunt, Hensley Mrs Smith , Seneff, Wasin. & I’m so tired. Still dark & no one came in but Ann called. Now we’re going to have our supper.
Sat. April 30. 1960./ Dark day raining this afternoon every now & again. Wish we had some more greens they were so good. No letter but 4 Mercale Magezines, they are wonderful, I don’t know if I sent Richard Acker a subcription or not, I forgot to write Names down. Well Elbert called Ann but no word, Father in law went to Detroit & hasn’t got back yet, they manage so Ann don’t get car to use, God knows they’re both like that. Ann has to take more than her share God sees & hears. I’ve been reading Mircale booklets, they’re very interest-ing, No mail tomorrow. Look before dark as if we would have a tornado they had one over in Southern part of Mich, didn’t know if any one was hurt, don’t look so bad now. Praise God & thank Him.
Sun. May. 1. 1960./ Uncle Wills Wheeler’s birthday 106 today. He lived to be 91. yrs. old. It a dark [?] day Betty & [?]
Sun. May. 1. 1960/ Betty & Ann came in after church & talked about 15 mi. & said they had 91. for church this morning & they had a good service, preachers brother was there this a-m. They wanted me to see them in there Sun. dresses & bonnets, they looked well. quarter to 2. p.m & Sun shining throug bright. I thank & Praise God for ans. prayer & that the church is growing again. Mr. Anderson was in a car wreck Sat. morn, so, I did-n’t see it wrong, hurt his back some more, & they took him & exrayed his back again. & it’s worse, she didn’t say if they brought him home or not. It seems good to see sunshine. I received, Jan. Feb. Mar. & April Miracle Magazines Sat. they are trully good & filled with the Holy Spirit, Praise God. Well of all things if Mr. & Mrs. Weber didn’t come in, they didn’t stay very long an hr. or so. & they brought some ripe dates from Arizona, they were so sweet & good We had begun to think they wasn’t coming any more when they left whe said she wouldn’t promise but hoped to come again soon & now at 6.-p-m Mrs. Hensley her husband & 4 children came in for an. hr. or so exchanging news & she was feeling bad she wanted to go to church & couldn’t find the babys sweater, she said the children were all sick with colds & the bab had to have a shot she was so short for breath. she said she’d try to be back one day this week. 35 degrees last night & they say 38 degrees tonight. I was out in Kitchen & played records today.
Mon. May 2. 1960./ Nice Day Wind’s been strong and cool. Elbert washed this a-m & his feet hurt him so bad strong S. wind cloths dried good. Got a letter from Allen & anouted cloth with comands how to do & how to use it. Jesus please help me to obey & that we both may be happy in Thee I thank Thee, Amen. Well Ann hasn’t called up today. Some one jamed into back of Mr. Anderson’s Sr. car & hurt his back some more, I don’t know where he is, Milton & Ann just came in & were here for & hour or so & his father is back with them & Milton is back on day work, he fogot his smokes & was so uneasy for them he could hardly visit. Jesus help his heart & soul turn to Thee Thank you, Nice for this time of yr. 35 degrees tonight. We do need few things from store but check wont be here for a week or so yet & not much money left.
Tue. May 3. 1960./ Beautiful Morning Wind is cool Elbert has the wash finished & dinner is now ready We ate & rested little while then Betty came & her 2 boys, boys brought me dandilines for bouquets. they’re so full of life Well I think I’ll send for some strawberry plants Everbearing Gems, it will be nice to have a few up untill Fall. Anna’s washing this a-m. Received card from Audrey not much news she says it’s for my weather & it Rained Sat. & Gertie did her washing Sun. they are like that they don’t keep the sevth Day Holy. the little flowering almond is beautiful & the spice bush so fragrant Betty is going to get few things for us at store. She made it & left here at 5-p-M.
Wed. May. 4. 1960./ Been fine day nice breeze from south, no rain & we need it. Betty was here yesterday got us a few grociers, but Ann didn’t even call up yesterday or today. I read my bible & some of Allens books & got rather muddled up I don’t know why I don’t talk in other tongues or praise God in Spirit He he says we can’t go to heaven if we don’t No letters I don’t know what’s wrong, the weather 70 some today & 55 degrees tonigh. Wind all died out tonight Almond bush is beautiful & the lavender, white & double purple lilics, also. Violets. Myrtle & Spice bush are in bloom. White & purple voilets & little Spring Beautys Next week Gertie will be 72. yrs. old next Fri. 13th of May. It’s like every things dead so quite.
Thurs. May 5. 1960/ Well a beautiful day, partly cloudy late this after noon, Well Betty & Ann came 1-30-p-m. & took Elbert to town & he done his shopping, he took his shoe for them to stretch & come back with out it, his feet hurt him so terribly bad he can hardly get around. Well, he got a bucket of fish Ann took a few but Betty had tooth ach & didn’t take any she didn’t feel like cleaning them, Elbert cleaned catfish & cooked 3. for supper & now he’s gone to clean the perch. He forgot to mail my letter to Allen, I’m still trusting & believing for my healing Betty & Ann both got double teeth they have to have pulled & they both feel bad. [?] picked flowers to take home. We had supper fish perch taste good Elbert been tired.
Fri. May. 6. 1960./ B a nice day sun a little this morning then getting dark & darker toward evening, no mail. No one came in or called. Elbert doesn’t feel very well & his right eye is red & swollen & feels sore & he’s so tired. I wrote 3 pages to Allen & ask for one of his books (Gods garntee to heal you.) sent $1.10 for it. I wrote Rev. Armstrong & sent 5.00 & I wrote Mrs G. I. Armstrong at Beaulah Beach & thanked her for her gift of 1. dollar & I wrote Edna & her husband a card & thanked them for the pie & cream, & now I’m tired & Elbert’s feet are paining him he made corn bread & fried fish for supper Ann came & brought the wash she’s going to town Dian’s birthday to-morrow – she’s 13. yrs. & having a party Sat. 7. it’s trying to rain I hope we get some I thank the Lord for all our many blessing. Amen.
Sat. May. 7. 1960./ Dark & fogy not real cold 54 Degrees lats night & 68 Degrees today. Elbert’s eye is still swollen & his feet are so sore he can hardly stand on them. he’s been washing & doing odds & ends. Letter from Mrs. Clyde or Helen Green from Norwalk Memoral Hospital, she’s able to walk & dress herself & she says she’s home sick, she did what seems to us a very foolish trick, she says she sold her home in Lorain her sisters wanted her to sell it & be where they could come to her, then one sister died & now the other one just had a stroke & died, last week, she wishes she could change & be nearer her home, it’s so hard & I know it might be nice if she could come & visit with us for a week or so I don’t know a-bout that. I got letter & receipt from Wyatt &
Sat. May 6. [should be 7] 1960./ & we got Plain Truth booklet & Edna wrote nice letter & he’s gone back to work It’s to dark to see to write. Mr, & Mrs, Payne & there 4 children came in for & hr or 2, we talked about all things going on in the world today & how thought-less & reckless the people as a whole are today Paynes 2 brothers from Virgina are up here looking for a house & for work, one’s a newly Wed & the other has 6 children, the one without children got a job the one with children none. but they‘re are a big crowd 10 children & 6 grown ups. I pray God will help them to draw closer to Him & that He will draw closer to them. Ann called & said Milton & his father were going to Detroit & get his money & right back she was having a party for Dian at 6-p-m. she’s so to tired & wished it was all over & men were back home. It’s been raining a little slow drizzly rain. been quite cool & we have some fire every night & it feels good, but I’ve sweat bad all day. Some how weeks all turned round They say 40 degrees tonight & 55 degreese tomorrow.
Sun. May. 7. [should be 8]1960./ Dark dreary morning, Then Betty & Bud came in & the 2 boys & spent the after-noon Betty brought me 6 apples, we talked a- many things, she went to Sunday School, her & the 2 boys, went home & had dinner & came over here, Ann wanted to go to Bellevue to Rev. Gibsons Church & Bud & Milton told the women they could not go, but Ann prayed about it & I to was ask-ing God to make a way for both of them to go & Ann felt God wanted her to go & her father-in-law said to her take my car & Milton said if you go I’m taking off right now, she said, I’m going & he went out & went away, so Ann got into the other
Sun. May. 8. 1960./ & started for Bellevue she only took some people that were on there way there & she follow them all the way to church, she said the Lord give her a good blessing & there was a big crowd there & they had a wonderful meeting, she got back home a 8-P-M & she follow-ed the same car back to Milan & then knew her way from there home, Milton’s father said Milton had been back 3 times to see if she had got back, he came & was so angry he felt like killing her he said, the three eldest child-ren saw him slap her with force & talk & swar terribly, Ann Kept praying in her heart, she went into her bedroom for her night clothes & he told her to get out & stay out, she took her cloths & went & prayed all night “now I know why I had to pray with her most of the night” the children said they wasn’t going to see him harm her & I pray God will keep her close to Him & call loud to her & that He will put objects in Miltons way & help Ann & children & turn Milton about. I pray Jesus for help for them, for Budd & Betty & boys, for Edna Clifford & there children for Loty her man & children & relatives, for Payne & his wife & children & there relatives God we all need a great deal of Thy strength & help. I do thank & Praise Thee more than I can tell Amen
Mon. May. 9. 1960./ Dark morning we slept late. and it was a drizzling rain we thought no one would be coming in today but after dinner Edna Hall & Patty 4. yrs. old came in & brought us a big 2 layer piece of pink cake with white frosting on it, well it was so good we had good visit & she wiped
Mon. May 8. [should be 9]. 1960./ wiped up the floors & then helped Elbert get me in the chair, it was queer but platform broke & they had to take chair off & Elbert took the wood seat he had made for the wheel chair & put the pieces he had the wheels & put on it & nailed them good & put chair on platform & it’s better than before Edna pulled phone agraph out & Patty got some recards & we played some of my Hyms it was so good to hear them again, & Patty got the records & put them on for me to play, they went home at 4-30-p-m. I gave Patty some nursery book & the flowers Nellie & Bonita brought Lilacs. & Elbert gave Edna some Pie Mix he got by mis-take, she seemed pleased with it. An & her second daughter Kathy came in at supper time & we had a good spiritual visit & some other Milton was comed down this a.m. & I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for ans. prayer & pray Thou will cause him to turn Wholy to Thee in Jesus Name we ask. Amen. We had prayer & Jesus touched us & we were glad we prayed for 6 or 8 persons. Amen. They were here about 2 hours, I pray Thou will help Ann to win in all things for Thee.
Tue. May. 10. 1960./ Rainy morning we slept late Elbert’s eye is better but he had a terrible sore throat such as I have been having mine has mostly gone & his is lots better today, it was 1-p-m. when Elbert got dinner ready & brother Frank Bonney came in & visited an hr. or so, he said Ruby was coming one day last week with him, then they got my card saying I had a cold & she was afraid to
Tue. May. 10. 1960./ come & today it’s to wet, but maybe the weather will get more settled by & by Frank brought us a big package of meat of verious kinds. He was over to see Harvey & his wife & family & he also saw his grand daughter & new baby, great great grand daughter, they all live in same apart-ment house. He said Bill Todd died about a week before he was here last in Feb. 1960. & we are all think-ing about Nellie going to California in an air plaine, her heart isn’t very good, she looks a me rather queer as if she might never see me again, or perhaps she thinks I might not be here when she gets back. Well We don’t know a man over by Betty’s was talking to her just before she went to get Billy from school & when she got back in 15 or 20 minutes some one ran in & said the old man was died it was a real shock to Betty, she couldn’t help talking about it, but I told her God gives us our breath & takes it, just a quick, so it pays to be ready to go at any second. Oh God help us I ask. We can never learn all there is in the Bible to Know Ann called while Frank was here so I didn’t get to talk to her. Well we decided to call Eva & so we did she’s feeling all in said she hardly knew what to do, she goes to the Dr. she says & gives him 3 or 4 dollars & he gives her a few pills & she don’t feel any better, I talked a minute then she talked to Elbert & Marry Ann & she told him she thought she’d try to come over Fri. his feet feel so bad he is-n’t able to cook fish for them, Oh well; No mail this a-m. & it drizzled rain all day Ann gave me 2 little round white glass placks to hang on the wall, Oh, you should see all the things hanging on the wall One of those hols ten comi-dments & other The Lords prayer, I’m so tired Jesus help me.
Wed. May 11. 1960./ Another dark morning
Wed. May. 11. 1960./ Well, one of Sister Gant’s daughters wrote me a letter I received it this a-m. & a letter from Boys town they want some money, I Know they ought to have it. It is terribly dark & cool, damp still raining a little I’d like to read my bible. I got one of Fred Jordon’s Missionarys papers yesterday They are good reading & many things to think about. It’s 12-30-P-M. Ann thought she’d be over. Well she came this evening. We had quite a visit Mr. Caniberry is home & Dr’s.say he only has 6 weeks to live, instead of trusting the Lord, he began to take dope & now he is terrible bad, & they didn’t go to see Mrs. Gilispie, Milton called Jim & he said Drs. were going to exray & see what’s wrong with her inside, Ann took my washing home I’ll give her 2.00 for just washing it & getting it ready to hang up to dry. she will bring it back for us to dry. Elbert dug out the sewing machine & partly cleaned dirt off from it & together we tore a sheet into & sewed selvage edges together & hemed the out side edges & got it done & everything put away at 6-P-M. & I had to be hoisted on bed for pan & let down again before we got the sheet all done, We were eating supper when Ann & Milton came & before they left Milton lifted me back on the bed & now we are going to bed. Its rained all day & is yet.
Thurs. May. 12. 1960./ A letter from Miss Clark & 2. dollars in it she’s feeling better but not very strong, the woman that worked in the old Martin Store use to take her food order then bring it to her broke her ankle; she had
Thurs. May. 12. 1960./ planed on taking a vacation but in a different way. And Tom & Myrtle are going on in the 4 Square Church & she pitys the congeration & she ask me to pray for some woman I think it’s one that broke her ankle & bruised it she in the hospital. & it’s terrible how gready most people are for money. Well we had been wondering how she was & Elbert was thinking of stopping to see her Sat. if he could manage. she wrote a good letter, she’s half blind, it’s hard for her to write, she’s going to the Naz-erine Church, they bought the old brick Liberary building & having services there. I don’t feel any the worse for my sewing yesterday & we have another sheet to be turned. Elbert called Eva & told her he couldn’t get to town. & he had a bad sore throat, was sorry to disapoint her, but we’d try later,. she said she was just as well pleased, for she had some electricians working in the house, Elbert does have a very sore throat & feels like droping on the bed each time he comes in the room, I had it & have some yet. The sun shone about half hr. today about 2.P.M. I looked at the cardnal we call them red birds, haven’t seen Red birds yet. America & Rushia still rangling over the plaine, Rushia shot down, of ours, Rushia has bomb that can kill all human life; we hadn’t been told a-bout it untill now Oh God, how wicked can they get. Thought Ann would bring the wash but she didn’t, I pray all’s well for she didn’t call. I pray Jesus Thou will take care of all things Amen.
Fri. May. 13. 1960./ Gertie’s birthday 72. yrs. old. A letter from Loura Ann & Mrs. Sosack and a card from Gillespie from Norwalk Hospital, We have a nice sun & ground covered with fog so sun must be hot, Welbert says his cold is better I pray Jesus . I told Loura Ann Pa left some money in Gaerden Trust Bank in Trust for her & she’s wanting to know about it she will have to find out about it for herself Milton Ann
Fri. May. 13. 1960./ came in for couple hrs. & she brought the washing back. & we had a good visit & prayer together, I thank Thee
Sat. May. 14, 1960./ Budd & Betty & there 2 boys & 3 of there sister’s boys came & cut the grass. Elbert called off his trip to Lorain, I was glad I had a terrible time moving my bowels, Betty helped Elbert, I don’t like to have them do anything of that kind there tongues waggle to much some times I sat in the wheelchair & turned a bed sheet, Elbert turned the treadle while I looked after the stitching, Elbert told Ann & she had to tell it right away & here come the two young Marchels wife & baby today & said they heard I stitched a sheet & was walking around, Now Betty knows I had to be exposed to both there hers & Elbert’s, naked, & I wonder what we will hear about that, I didn’t think to tell her, not to tell of it to every one, so what a disgraceful thing & we don’t have any one to come in, not a woman to help in such a case, hope Jesus will hold there tongues. Budd & boys mowed the grass & went home at 15- to-1-p-m. she’s going to get us a few groceries & be back at 5-30-p-m. I Praise Jesus for taking care of us, for Elbert sure feels so bad, his rupture beging to hurt him so bad Fri. & his feet about take the life about out of him. A letter this a-m- from Sister Crisco & Soul Clinic & card from Gillespsie, she was in Norwalk hospital, but went home Fri. morning, Ann stopped to see her, but she had gone home. I’m feeling bum but thank Jesus He took care of me. Well it’s 20-to-6-P-m. Elbert has supper about ready, I’m so sore hurts me to move. & he says I have eat. Well we got the eating done & I laid down again & Milton & Ann came in about 8-P-M. & stayed untill 11-P-M. just talking over things & we prayed, Ann’s nerves are bad she going to have her teeth out Mon. May. 16. 1960 & she dreads to get them pulled & she has to have them all out. Well we got to bed before 12-P-M. I pray God Will take care of Elbert, his throat & feet, Crisco having some hurt throat trouble
Sun, May. 15. 1960./ It’s a beautiful day little S. west Breeze not cold, 42 degrees last night, Elbert feels real bad this morning his throat’s so sore, I pray the Lord will heal it & I Praise Him for all our many Blessing, Hensleys came & there 4. girls & visited quite a while, She was telling about her brother getting a fine apartment & when the rent is up he’ll have to move he’s out of work again & no money to pay on the car she is discusted with them they come & board & room on them & it takes about all they have to keep going & they did’t go to church today, they brought me some green onions Wyn, Virgina her husband & daughter came in for & hr or so, he was going to Sandusky to look after work today Sun. they brought new rags & been house cleaning the daugter is a big girl now. Milton & his father came & brought 1 box of cough drops & they were & other kind & didn’t seem to work Elbert’s throat is bad & no jok but how little some people think I pray God will help.
Mon. May 16. 1960./ Beautiful morning I sent 3 card 1. each to Nellie Audrey & Gillespiie, I feel to weak to even try to write. No mail today. I will try to write some if I can it’s 12-noon & so terrible Dark & it’s trying to rain, it thundered & lightened last ni-ght & poured done rain, then cleared up & moon shone clear & bright & nice sun untill noon & begin to get hazy. Elbert didn’t sleep “because of his throat” all night & I couldn’t sleep knowing how bad he felt, he is better tonight, Praise God. Ann had to 5 teeth out today, face is swollen but feels O.K., under circumstances. Betty call up. Mr Anderson Sr. brought 1. box of cough drops over & we ask for about 8 boxes but God took care of him I thank Thee Jesus I did get little wrote to Miss Clark have -now one to Audrey & one to Allen I sent him one hundred on request & trusting God all[?]
Tue. 17. 1960. May./ Nice this a-m but cloudy & looks like tornado for several nights sky is thick & dirty color no one called & the Lord showed me Allen’s face twice, Mon. & we are in for a big war “religious” I thank it’s the one the bible tells us about, the divel is walking about roaring like a lion, the war will be like the one with Williams Jenning’s Bryan & Clarence Darrow -row & teachers of the Godless Atheism, God help us.
Wed. 18. 1960. May/ Nice Day. damp air. letter from Allen about book, I sent for I wrote letter Miss Clark & Allen & sent $100.00 & I wrote one to Edna today. I received a long letter from Mrs. Armstrong asking for prayer, Wish I could talk to her instead of writing what she wants to know about. Hawkins Church but if the preacher thats going there to help him is is as good as she says he is it wont take him loong to find out what Hawkins is . No one came in today Elbert called Ann & she’s feeling better. I was out in Kitchen & I cleaned the top of the cabnet off & Elbert put clean papers on the top & wiped up dust Well it looks lots better, throwed away some & put away some.
Thurs. May. 19. 1960. Audrey write for 19th So today is for Fri. 20. / God taxes ready to go/ & a letter to Edna Hall Well, it’s a little hazy today my bowels moved hard but Praise God they moved I read chapter in letter to Elbert & I talked it over so we might understand it better, Received Letter from Opal. Johny & Marcie came in for a few minutes visit, he had to change a tire Elbert helped him. & now it’s 2-30-P-M. & Elbert’s getting things ready for supper tried to rain but didn’t, but it poured at different times last night; damp & cool partly cloudy today. looks like rain but went down the Lake tonight
Fri. May. 20 -no entry
Sat. May 21 1960/ Well, I wasn’t feeling good and didn’t get Thurs & Fri wrote in right places but wrote it all in one. Milton & Ann or Betty & Ann were coming to take Elbert to town to get money order for taxes & to get groceries, but, they haven’t come yet & it’s 3-30-P-M. they seem rather rattle brained at times I hope they are O.K. I received letter from Edna she & her folks are O.K. Received letter from Armstrong & receipt for $5.00, things are coming to the place where, Jesus will be coming befor all flesh is eneliated from the earth. things are go-ing on as usual, peace talks turning to war talks & to bombs big enough to clean of the whole contenn-ent, Well I’ve tried to live & do as much as I knew how, as God wants us to, for His cause Joseph Lewis” the apias” has serv ed a liable suit on A.A.Allen & Roberts & Billy Graham against the Bible & there preaching, saying the bible is a lie. Now the christians must stand up for Christ as He stood up for God & us, lift high our Royal Banners He must not suffer lose. Oh God give us that we need to do Thy Will I thank thank Thee in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. Nice bright sun today & a strong S. & West wind all day. & they had & earth quake in Chillie & a terrible rain & fire burning in the ruins a few yrs. perhaps 20 yrs. 30 thousand were killed there Rushian leader K____ has captured 2 planes of ours, they said they think they will let the last one & the people go, the other Rushia claim is a spy, they are arguing over that. The people on that mountian top have most all been taken off after another plane [?]
Sat. May. 20 [should be 21]. 1960/ the plane that tried before this last one crashed & killed them all, but the other has rescued, some of them were in bad condition they took off a mountian to thousand ft high. I wrote to Mrs, Armstrong a letter at Beulah Beach & received letter from Edna. I had one from Opal the other day & I have several now to ans. Ann called, said Milton had to work alday & overtime. & Marcie has chicken pox & the old gent was planting been lots of gardens had to be replanted it’s been so cold nights. & They are having flood in Miniso-ta to dams broke & 6. in of rain last night. hot sun but cool again tonight & Russia has lost her wheat crop & the End is fast closing in failure of crops fruit & grain & people will, as the bible says starve to death & die in all maner of ways, Help us Jesus. Keep us Close Amen.
[John Harnish diary entry May. 20. 1960: In the afternoon Marci & I went to see Aunt Elinor & Uncle Elbert. They are doing alright. She is quite thin.- was sitting on edge of bed.- talks a lot about her visions of Jesus etc. Had a flat tire there Home at 430.]Sun. May. 22. 1960./ Dark & very cloudy & it not very cold but we been having a little fire. it’s 1-30- no one come in & I wonder about Marcie she has chicken pox & itch My bowels moved with out any warning after we had gone to bed so Elbert got up & cleaned up muss. to dark to read or write, so I’ll just have to sit & pray. Well it rained just a little & the sun came out clear for a few minutes then Dark again. I have Mrs. Armstrong’s letter ready to go.
Mon. May. 23. 1960./ Dark, cloudy morn- no worth while mail. rained little in the night. Dark this a-m sun shone few hrs. today & cloudy before supper time breeze cool before dark & is yet, 9-30-P.m. Milton & Ann came over 4-30- he took Elbert to town & spent most of $64. 26 over for taxes 5.00 for the phone & rest for food, he left left tax & phone money with Berdene to pay for us. Ann & I had prayer & spiritual talks I thank Thee Jesus & praise Thee for all things & pray you will Keep us close to Thee. help us Jesus I pray.
Tue. 24. 1960./ May/ A beautiful day we ate late dinner & just finished when Edna came in with a hot apple pie & pt. of ice cream Oh but it was good. she baked the pie & brought it all the way from Milan it was still hot, the man from Try Co Gas Co. came from Lorain to fix the stove, a woman from the office called & ask to have him call the office when he got our work done, he called & they sent him all the way back to Castoria & he had just come from near there & he sighed & said, now he had to go all the way back, Well it’s all in a days work. And now they have had an earth quake that has killed hundreds of people clear to Chillie Hawaia & around all those islens & Hon-alula & Philipines & an air plain had so sort of trouble in the air & had to land & put four people in hospital I didn’t hear what the cause was. Edna’s daughter was married just a few months ago & going to have a baby in Aug. & her man beat her so bad & whipper her so her legs are all black & blue, she came home to her mother & Edna says she hopes it wont make a fuss between her & her man Chilly tonight going down to 58 degrees tonight I pray Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Name Thou will help them to come to Thee & Thou will help them to find Peace through Thee, Amen. I love Thee Jesus. Edna took a feew flowers home. No mail only letter from Fred Jordon wanting money.
Wed. May. May 25. 1960. /Send Allen letter & money 18./ Beautiful Day 65 degrees & a nice sun quite strong wind fresh & cool we have a little fire. Letter from Mrs. Bracket she seems despoondent I think she’s 82. yrs. old but I haven’t heard from Allen, wish he would say he got the money I sent him its been a week today.
Wed. May 25. 1960./ I wrote letters to Crisco & to Allen & card to Myrtle Smith & letter to Mr. & Mrs. Mound. We received letter from Mrs. Brackett. Wish I had the rest ans. 65 degrees tonight Ann had several more teeth out this after noon. No one came in today been rather cool & Chilli had another quake & 5.000 dead & they don’t know how many more seems to be in Ocean bed from alaska to Chilli & around some of the island & some valcanoe erupting that haven’t done so for 40 yrs. they say.
Thurs. May, 26, 1960./ Been a nice day Dark this morning tried to rain at noon then brightened up & sun was nice this afternoon. Elbert washed some pieses & they dried he got me some patches & my bag of skirts & towels are so damp some have mildew on them got to hang them out in the sun, I got my night gown mosly men-ded, have to fell down the patch half way round Well, after supper Milton & Ann came in tonight & visited awhile, Budd & Betty “Ann said” were going home end of this week to Vergina. Ann had the rest of her double teeth out & Sat is going to have the front ones out, We talked about the scripture & then had prayers & they went home very cool tonight, Rushia lost her Wheat crop & this country has had to plant there vegetables & gardens over. Well no letters today. Nellie will soon be on her way.
Fri. May. 27. 1960./ Heavy dew last night. Mrs. Ramm called up to talk about getting my Kitchen cleaned up. It’s been a very dark day raining fine mist every little while sun tried to come through once or twice 4.P.M. Nellie & Bonita & babys came in Nellie is all
Fri. May. 27. 1960./ excited she’s most packed & is go-ing to stay with Johny & marcie tonight & take air plane at noon Sat. (tomorrow) for California she seems real happy, she went over & see Frank & Ruby & she went to see there Aunt Emma She said Dr. Powel died last week. hurt his back Bonita has her hands full 2 babys & Geo. is so over grown he hasn’t any strength can’t endure to do any work, he’s even all in when he gets home from school & Nelson is there macanic & does out side work. I pray all will be well. I gave Bonita several bath towels & wash clothes she looks tired out. poor child. Betty & Budd & boys have gone & I’m wondering how Ann is tonight. Elbert don’t feel very good his feet hurt him so bad, only letter was from Wyatt, he’s asking for more money. I pray God helps all His Minnisters & Co. w2orkers. & gives them strength & courage I thank Thee Jesus & We will give Thee all the Glory now & forever more. I put a ptatch on the shoulder of my night gown & sewed on a button & sewed some of the darts that was coming out & few other stitches & Elbert sewed on tapes to tie with. & there are quite a few other things that are in need.
Sat. May, 29[should be 28], 1960/ Partly cloudy not cold, but was in the night toward morning & its 12 noon & Nellie is long on her way they are on fast time & should be in California in about 3 1/2 hrs. I hope she stays happy & keeps well. No mail today. 65 degrees at 12-30-p.m. & Ann came in before I was up this morning, she came to see what she could get to the store for us & then she came back & brought the food & only talked a few minutes her face is swollen, she didn’t get her front teeth out & she feels weak & shaky her father in law took her in his car & brought her back he is still feeling punk that truck that run into his car hurt his back bone, he has sued that company
Sat. May. 29. 1960./ Nellies Days. Milton had to work today & there eldest children took care of younger ones. John Snyder & Clayton both been working across the road & Bill’s been working his piece this morning & he cultavates his raspberries & takes some off from my dirt & I don’t know what to do about it, but We’ll have to be doing something before long. Sun is trying to shine at 3-p-m. I don’t feel like writing It thundered & lightened, rain came in heavy mist. & then hard for few minutes going down to 50 or 55 degrees tonight, it’s quite cool tonight my bow-els didn’t move today I don’t feel good & last night I threw up in bed with out warning we had to clean up the bed & pillow “I use a blan blanket for a pillow” feathers are so terrible hot Elbert’s feet are so bad & he’s back & legs, Oh God I pray & trust ou will soon fix us up.
[John Harnish diary entry Saturday May 28. 1960: Out to the airport about 11. Mother left for Cal. in a American Airlines 773 non-stop toSun. May. 29.[should be 30.] 1960./ Dark & quite cool untill after-noon then the sun began to come through & at 3-30-p-m. is quite bright, N. East breeze & cool no one called so far. Well, I suppose Nellie is happy she left Sat. May. 29th 1960, & was to have supper with Ella Jane, neither of them do much writting, so it will be some time most likely before we hear from them, We will calculate they are O.K. I’ve been fasting today, usually do it Fri. now I’m begining to feel empty. They are having hard times in Chilli living on the beach & in caves, so many are homeless lots starving. God help people to think of those in want in [?] many ways.
Mon. May. 30. 1960./ Decoration Day & my flowers are not in bloom that should be. Dark & rained all morning untill this 2.p. -m. & now mostly cloudy. My bowels moved off terrible hard just as Ann & Milton came in they sure were bad, “my bowels,” Elbert’s not a bit well, I’m so sorry & trusting Jesus will take care of him Oh God
Mon. May. 30. 1960./ Ann went to church morn. & evening had 103 there. Budd & Betty & boys ought to be home tonight take care of them & turn them heart & soul to Thee, I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus & Do help me to praise God in Spirit, Please.
Tue. May. 31. 1960./ Well it rained during the night was cool with a good breeze Radio said it was going down to 52 degrees. maybe it did. partly cloudy today, Elbert has done a washing 2 sheets draw sheet 4 night gowns 7 some towels & nose rages. I thank Thee Jesus for moving my bowels this a.m. they feel sore yet. It may be the bottled milk don’t agree with me. Well We had dinner & clothes most dry & Elbert’s laid down to rest a little before supper. Received long letter from Ethel & she seem happy, there’s a young woman she runs around with & they are 180 miles from Cape Canaveral where the send up the big rockets. & the Buss goes right passed Her house. she never said a word about church, she paid a boy for mowing the lawn took him 3 hrs. it’s 100 by 300 foot she waters her flowers giving them buckets of water at night, has glads 3. ft. high. Oh, if she’d only do-a part of that time for the Lord, God help us. She always was selfish & greedy like Nellie & John, he’s gone but the rest are still striving for this world’s good, the bible says to prosper by passed experiences. I thank Thee Jesus for show-ing that to me. The woman Ethel rented of in Elyria, spent a week with her & gave her pair-quite & cape[?] & she says she has a lot of fun with it. Jesus help me to see my own mistakes & try harder for Thee, Amen. Ethel can look out on the lake from her window Walter was there a short time ago & spent 2 1/2 weeks; he
Tue. May. 31. 1960./ will retire in Jan. he will get his social security then can go & do, he thinks as he pleases. Sun is quite bright this after-noon & not anyone, only a woman getting some suberiptons for American Leagon for magazines to help buy chairs, beds & so forth. Well God has given us the sun shine & Jesus. It poured rain twice yes-terday & a slow drizzle between showers & harder again toward morning. It’s now 5-p-m. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Helen Greene to Memerial Home Norwalk wish I had the rest done guess I’m lazy, I want to get off bed so bad Ethel said it was 95 degrees there it was 75- here & still hot here at 8-30-P-m. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many Blessing.
Wed. June. 1. 1960./ Beautiful morning nice sun cool air, Elbert aired his bedding now I feel sick to me stomach. One card from Gilespie trying to crawl back to me I’m trusting Jesus to take care of me, in all things. No one called & no one come in. Guess they are all getting tired of us. I know Betty could come but she don’t & when she comes “if she does” she’ll have lots of excuses. No letter from Allen, I wonder, Well, Ann called & said she & Dian wood be here to clean tomorrow so it will be some day. Elbert’s so tired & weary tonight. 75 degrees today & 52 tonight it’s cool now. I wrote one letter to Mrs. Edna Betz, all I done today.
Thurs. June. 2. 1960./ Well Ann couldn’t come Conie is coming down with chicken pox so she couldn’t come for a few days to clean, maybe she can after a few days, I hope. We each got a notice we are to have a raise in welfare money I get $7.00 more & Elbert gets $2.00 Well, Ann was here from 6 till 7. P.M. we had a nice rain sun coming out now. We were both sick alrighty. I wrote to Sara Gantt today.
Fri. June. 3. 1960./ Nice day, it was so wet Thurs. Elbert hung out the dress goods, my shirts & slips & petty coats & give them fresh air & sun we opened big chest & took the contents out & put the letters & receipts in a big bag to put in trunk. We hope tomorrow degre for tonight 68 tonight been 78 today & real hot at 5 to 7-p-m. Phoneman came in & put new numbers on telephone & said we could call a number in California right here over our phone if we have number there, we just dial & talk like we do here & there is only 3 on our line here they took 7 others off & it rings better now. No one in or called today No mail. Elberts feet still so bad but we got little done. Sat. today was Martha’s birthday she’s 48. yrs. old We saw some fire flies June. 1. I believe.
Sat. June 4. 1960./ Well I didn’t feel good last night guess the cleaning was a big Job & Elbert said I was dreaming in the night & asking for a cup of hot drink, he gave me glass of milk & it was so cold it hurt my stomach, but, after a time I got over it, I slept untill 11-a-m & Ann came in. I had to eat my breakfast & Elbert got dressed for town Ann took him to get our food supply & brought her little electric phoneagraph & her re-cords 8 or 10 for the girls to play, she brought her eldest 2 girls, Dian & Cathy, & a neighbors girl, they wasn’t much interested, but it nice Ann thought of it. Bud & Betty & her 2 boys & one of there sister’s little boys came after Elbert & Ann had been gone a 1/2 hr. or so & they were so happy to get back, the shaft let loose in back end of car & they had
Sat. June.4. 1960./ to get another car & it cost them over 1.95.00 hundred they wished they hadn’t went, they were 100 miles from there destination, but happy none were hurt, God they said they felt my prayers, I ask Thou will call loud to them & save there souls. Amen & thank you. Well they visited & Budd cut the grass & Betty made us jello & Elbert cleaned fish & gave them 8 all cleaned for there supper & Betty looked at snap shots & Budd looked at some of them, he wanted to see me, when I was a girl & he did they went home Ann & girls went soon as they got back she doesn’t feel very well, she’s going Mon to have rest of her teeth out poor child Betty said she was 27 yrs. old Mon. & they also had wedding anavarsy. Well, they are young yet. I pray God will Bless them both families. Elbert got his check this a-m., he seems to feel good for all the strength it took, he talked to some one that told him Speary & Alhight died any few days apart Speary was home sick, he was in Cleve-land. Elbert got a food chopper today, he spent the most of his check. he’s sure tired, its moonlight was so hot all evening seemed as if we couldn’t stand it & now it’s to cool & going to be tonight. Well, We’ll rest. tomorrow for it the Lord’s Day. I thank & praise Him for all our many blessings.
Sun. June 5. 1960./ We’ll start on new phone numbers tomorrow Mon. 6, Well, I praise God He sent us company, Carl Wagner, Pearl Wheeler & Lillie came in about 2-P-M. We had quite a visit it was so good to see them, they don’t look there ages Pearl is about 73 & Lillie 70 & I don’t know how old Carl is. but Elsie is one yr. older than Nellie so, she’s about 65. yrs. old, Nellie is 64 Feb, 6, 1960. they brought ice cream, cake & rolls, Oh I loved to
Sun. June. 5. 1960./ [the previous sentence doesn’t seem to have an ending]. A little later Mr. & Mrs. Hensley came in with there 4 little girls, she brought caned peaches & fresh onions & radishes & a doz oranges. we had a good visit & she hopes to come back in the middle of this coming week. Her brother got a job rented an apartment for a mo. he was still paying for a car, well he lost his job, he only a boy & can seem to Keep his job so now he lost his job again & then his apartment & car & went back to stay with hensleys, then he got a job & & payed on his car & got it back, but still living with Hensleys & they have a time to Keep going to. Now we had cream & a roll & I have sweet 2 gowns it’s 6-30 & Elbert’s getting supper. I found a letter I wrote to Ella Jane to Albuquerque New Mexico on May 31. 1944, I opened it & read it, she’s in California now, Jackson. such a world. Well I can’t see
Mon. June. 6. 1960./ Beautiful day very cool this a-m. was very cold last night. Mr. Hoffman’s grand son brought the eggs & came in & talked for 1/2 hr or so I testified to him & tried to talk him into his church study of the bible he has left off for other things & he said he thought he would try again. I fond the card the Wheeler girls sent us annoucing Unkle Will Wheeler’s death, he died Sun. Aug. 6. 1944. & was buried on Wed. the 9th. 1944. Poor dear old Uncle, he was 91. yrs old & buried in Elmwood cemetery where Ma & Pa & Fred Bonney & the others are, Uncles wife & the most of the rest are buried there & Frank Babcock. No mail of any interest this morning. Elbert did out quite a sizeable wash then got me my breakfast & finished wash, hanging it out, then got our dinner & is laying done resting now. Ann went to have rest of her teeth out in San-
Mon. June. 6. 1960./ -dusky at 1-30-p-m. today I have prayed several times for her it is her uper & lower front teeth. I pray God give her the strength she needed & will need from now & on & I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for all things, Keep us close to Thee, for ever & ever Amen. I love Thee Jesus. Oh help us to have time for Thee any time & all the time Oh Jesus, What can I do more than I am doing? Well we had supper & no one came in & now we are getting ready for bed Elbert washed clothes this morning, but I hope we get the chest & trunk out tomorrow & get them aired & repacked & the corner cleaned out & some of the letters packed away. Wish I could clean & get things in order once more. No letters today & I didn’t write any, no ambish. The fire flies are here & it’s so cold at night they say 40 degrees tonight.
Tue. June. 7. 1960./ Well, it’s a beautiful day quite cool, nice sun, A letter from Audrey this a-m. she seems rather out of sorts, she left off writting & went with Jean & Bill, to look at a house they have rented for $70.00 per. mo. (robery.) She’s wondering about Nellie, she was gone a week Sat. June. 4. 1960. she went with Jean & Bill over to see Bonita, but she wasn’t home, Only Bonita Jr. & her boy friend were there & so Audrey did-n’t learn anything. so Audrey said she’d try to get her by Phone. I suppose Nellie’s having a good time looking & making new friends, I hope she will come down to earth & find Thee & Ella Jane & the other woman also & she’s never been a hand to write so we’ll be lucky if we hear from her. Ann’s mother came Mon. from Virgina & a few more & she thought they would all be over here today, but, they haven’t even called I offered to loan them a bed & rollaway cot she wished she had called earlier & got that.
Tue. June. 7. 1960/ but now, she thought she had got them all beded down for the night, they were coming over here about nine O’clock but it’s now 7-15-p-m & no word we wanted to do some work here in the bed room, so we didn’t get it done, We didn’t want to be in a muss when they come in – wind went N. East yesterday & is still there tonight & is cool 54 degrees tonight they said it was 42 degrees last night we believe it & believe it will be as cold tonigh, radio says it will; Ann, her mother & her Aunt came in 15-to-8-0p-m & they were here an hr. or so Ann want them to look at my crochet work & old time pictures. Ann had to cancel her date with the dentist. They went to Sandusky to look around Tue. & hope to go to Detroit.
Wed. June. 8. 1960./ Beautiful morning & day, Elbert & I were sick again last night untill most morn. then we did sleep a while from 4-a-m, he got, but I slept untill most dinner, then Edna came in & she swept while I slept, then Elbert worke me & I got up & cleaned up for dinner & she wiped up the floors & some of the cupboard doors, & we visited she don’t look to well, so hollow eyed she brought pie & ice cream, cream coconut pie. then she went home 2-30-p-m. saying she had 2. other stops to make it’s at least a 12 mile drive one way, she sure is nice to us & Kind, We love her.
Thurs. June, 9, 1960./ Beautiful Day, but N. East. wind & to cool, on one came in today, we received a card from Nellie, she said it was a wonderful trip & we stayed with Lourabel till Wed. we arived here 2.30-am- Thurs. am rested & O.K. E.J. is fine, hope you are both O.K. Love Nellie.
Thurs. 9. 1960. June/ So we Know she landed safe, Praise the Lord. I sup-pose she’ll write a card to each one Ann called up this evening she’s so tired her folks went to Detroit for 2 days. Elbert & I opened the big chest & looked after pictures & put in the moth balls & now, we have to hang out the blankets & shift things in other chest & trunk hop we get it done tomorrow then we will have cloth closet & little cabnet in corner & we’ll be done & I’ll be glad, Edna wiped up the floors & washed cupboard doors Betty was coming to paint, I don’t know when very cool tonight.
Fri. June. 10. 1960/ Well it was a nice sun to-day, but a cold N. East wind Elbert hung out the blankets we have pilled on top of the little trunk & chest to air while sun was hot then we took every thing out of the trunk & cleaned out some wool pieces I had saved to make a rug, I have to started out of silk rayon stocking, one is quite large I hope to finish it yet. I’ll have to take the old letters out & remove the stamps, I don’t know if Nellie will mange to get them or not she had Ella Jane take all my stamp 2 of them were worth a thousand dollars each, I am so sorry how crooked they all were I pray God will help those that are left. Well I didn’t write any letters, but must get at it soon. Very cool tonight, God I thank Thee.
Sat. June. 11. 1960./ I received a letter from Allen & a paper from Oral Roberts & co workers. Allen got the money I sent him & I pray it will help some. Ann didn’t [?] yesterday. Fri. her folks were going to Detroit.
Sat. June. 11. 1960./ Well, we are still tired. No mail today No one come in so far today & it’s 2-30-p-m. I haven’t ambishion to writ . can’t see very good. Milton & Ann came in at supper time, he put me in the chair & I ate at the table. Elbert felt so bad he could hardly stand on his feet & didn’t eat much Milton put me back in bed, they were here about an hour. her folks were supposed to get back tonight, Well I rested my back & am still, tired in body & Elbert feels so bad, I been asking God to fix him up & am thanking & Praising Him, Elbert felt little better at 12-P-m Oh, how I thank & Praise God, for his mercy & blessings.
Sun. June. 12. 1960./ I woke early thanked Jesus for all our blessings. We had 3 very heavy showers during the night & slow drizzle be-tween showers. we slept late 10-a-m had bite to eat & got up for a little while Betty & boys came in at noon Elbert had dinner & gave them some they went home 15 to 1-p-m. saying they’d be back Wed. morning to take Elbert to town, if he’s able to do the shopping & she is going to try to do some cleaning, she seems to think it will be a terrible job & at there age I could have it half done while they stand around talking about it. The neighbors are selling strawberries or trying to, it rains every little while. My peonys & roses are in bloom & most of the flowers, It’s sure a very cool damp day
Mon. June. 13. 1960./ Dark night & damp. Fine misty rain eased up about noon, but been cloudy most of the afternoon, sun tried to come out late but couldn’t seem to make it. I received book from Allen with instructions to pray God will give me wisdom & under-standing. I received a record for phonegraph from Fred Gordon & Elbert took my chair off the Wheel platform & put phonegraph on it
Mon, June. 13. 1960./ on platform & pulled it in here & I played the record. I couldn’t get anything out of it, that I could understand so he brought some hyms on my records & I played them, seemed good to hear them but it don’t play as clear as my old one did I hope & pray Jesus will help me to a better one Well no one came in & no one called, We called Payne’s but had no word from Ann to-day. It’s 9-15-P.M. I have a feeling somethings going to happen, I don’t know what or how, God help me.
Tue. June 14. 1960./ Well it’s a rainy day, damp & cool. The mail was a magazine from Robert’s one of the men of God & He is useing him. Praise our Lord, I want Him to continue useing me. We had dinner & then Miss Clark, & Mrs, Finding came in, from Beaulah Beach & Vermilion Mrs Finding has been wonderfully converted, healed & doiing a good work for the Lord. I was so glad they come I had ask Jesus to send in some one of His to talk & pray for me & us, which they did, Oh, how I love Jesus, He’s more than life to me. & I re-lize we may have our heads cut off, but it will be worth it to be in perfect peace with Jesus. now the sun has come through again, 72 degrees & a brisk breeze. I am so greatful for there company. Ann called this a.m. said her folks left this morning & she had her teeth all out yesterday & her mother dreaded to leave, but they went this morning 7. of them her mother & father & all of the relatives that were with them. its now 4-30-p-m. Mrs Finding brought 1. qt. can pickles 1 can peaches 2 cans apple sauce, we are to return the cans & she offered to go get our groceries for us. Thank God & she said she’d be back soon. I hope.
Wed. June. 15. 1960/ Beautiful Morning, nice sun cool fresh breeze no important mail & no one come in I had Elbert call Ann her mouth is bad today & Mr. Anderson Sr. just came in she said with a brace on his neck, He had been to Sandusky to the Dr. a truck run in to back of his car a while a go & nearly broke his neck. Betty was sure coming to take Elbert to the store & bring the other woman to stay with me, she didn’t come & Milton was coming after work & he wasn’t there at 4-30-p-m. Now I’m wondering. No one came, We talked to Ann & she’s rather miserable.
Thurs. June. 16. 1960./ Beautiful morning nice sun & stiff breeze They had next to tornado at Detroit & round about them. Betty came & her 2. boys & the other woman had her 2 girls, she washed dishes & cleaned up the cupboard shelf, & girls cut a nice bunch of roses to take home, Betty & her boys took Elbert to Huron & he did his shopping & both he & Betty were so tired when they got back, he got most of the order. Betty & woman had to be back at 12-noon & they only had 15 minutes to make it home & she said Budd was on a tare today she didn’t look as if she could take much abuse, Did I say Ethel Snyder brought us almost a qt. of strawberries We are having a verry poor garden yr. to cold nights. Very strong Wind now, not very cool. Ann called & is feeling better, swelling starting to leave she feels limpsy & sort of all in, I hope her family all do what they can to help her she didn’t say how her father in law was, or if Milton worked over time last night, he hadn’t come home at 4-30-p-m & he usually gets home 3-30. Well, Mrs. Finding came in late, we talked & prayed, & all that time it thundered lightened & poured rain, she left a midnight rain eased up.
Fri. June. 17. 1960./ Rainy day untill 2-30- the sun came out cool & damp & they had bad wind storms & the countrys are mostly in upheavel fighting & bombing the end time is heare, God the people. last night tiny bugs came through screen & there were thousands of them crawling on our faces & hands & arms & on everything. No mail & my bowels so bad but moved at last but I still feel bad, no one come in today. Elbert called Ann she went & had stitches out of her gums, Dentist cuts gums open & scrapes & cleans & sews them together, well, she says they feels better now going down to 46. degrees tonight, it’s like Fall of year. The Chinese are blasting Formosa Iselands. Oh God What bad hearts & Ike 400 miles away from them. Mrs. Finding brought us lettuce & radishes & 2 big hothouse tomatoes, she took Miss. Mc.Govern’s address & thinks she might call on her tomorrow. Lord help it to be alright.
Sat. June. 18. 1960./ Nice morning, nice sun, cool breeze. Elbert washed what needed washing, this a.m. One letter, from Armstrong. They are trying to put the religious programs off the radio, they are like they were in the deciples time beat them & tell them not to preach in Jesus Name. Things are begining to come to a show down, the end is close on our heels, Oh, God, help us to be strong for Thee & Keep Thy Hand on us at all times, I pray. God helped my bowels to move Praise His Name. Well it began to get dark at 2-P-m- & is quite dark now to dark to read & write. I wrote & sent 5.00 to Rev Armstrong today, money Thats been given to me. Elbert started to get supper & Milton & Ann came, her mother, was hurting & Milton don’t seem to know how to behave him self & he nags her & with all her teeth out she’s weak & tired, with 5 children & 2 that should act like men, she feels like runing away & I know how hard it is, We talked a while
Sat. June. 18. 1960./ had coffee & doughnuts & Anna hadn’t eaten much but now she felt some better, Praise God & just as Elbert & Milton started to turn the mattress & see what was wrong with the spriings, Mr. & Mrs. Finding came in, they had been to Cleveland to a big dinner & some things were given to them for us, in the way of food 6. or 8. cans & they visited an hr. or so then cut some roses & left for home, she wanted to tell me what happened Thurs night, when it rained so hard & she was here un-till 12 midnight, we prayed, while it rained & she thought it queer, that I was praying for all of God’s ministers & those of His every where, asking Him to keep them from evil & harm some how she kept thinking how I had waited & then went on praying there was a boat row boat with 3 men drifting away out on the lake in the storm & rough waters that looked dark & an air plain turning there search light down on them & then all seem well & I went on talking to Jesus & as Mrs Finding went for home in her car, I ask Jesus about it all, it seem seemed so strange & now they were coming back from Cleveland & told me what they had just learned about the airplane “at the supper & the 3 men were ministers who had lost there way back to shore from Beaulah Beach & the airplane had gotton off it’s course & turning on there search light saw the boat in trouble & called the coast Guards & circuled the place untill boat was picked up & then went on his way, Mrs. Finding said I’ll never forget Thurs, June 6, 1960. night & the mis-terous ways Jesus worked in ans. to my prayers but takes dare of HIs own. She called Miss Mc.Govern while in Cleveland & talked to her for me & she’s planing to come to visit me in July.[?]
Sat. June, 18. 1960./ they went home, saying they’d see me & talk to me more, later. then Elbert got my bed made up we visited still with Milton & Ann & Milton picked me up & set me on the bed Milton & Elbert went to the Kitchen & Ann & I had prayer together & Jesus sent the Po-wer & Ann felt better, & they went home. Oh how I love Jesus, how I’ve proved Him over & over Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for Grace to Love Him more, I thank & Praise Thee. We are both tired it’s after 1-a-m. when we got to bed.
Sun, June. 19. 1960./ Elbert got up shaved took his bath, & had his breakfast, then I took my bath & Elbert was fixing my breakfast & Edna & her daughter came in, the daughter expects a baby in July. she’s only 17. yrs. old she looks like a very young child. Edna brought a cherry pie & ice cream we had a nice visit, they picked a bunch of flowers & roses & went there way, we must pray together soon. I thought Mr. & Mrs. Hensley would be here today, they haven’t come yet. but they came & we had a good visit & they brought 1. qt. of strawberries & 2 cube steaks, they have been having a hard time in many ways I love them but they need God in so many ways Oh God hlep me to be stronger & do more for Thee when I talk with them & be with her parents & there children & his mother, she lost her husband rather suddenly & she’s still sort of lost, she hardly knows to get along without him; Well, we were just about to eat supper, When Mr. & Mrs. Simms & there youngest daugther came in & each on having a prayer request, he said he had repented & was trying hard again. They were going over to Paynes. She said she’d come & do my cleaning, I’ve been trying to get some one to wash the wood work & windows & cupboards & doors & windows
Sun. June. 19. 1960./ We prayed & I ask God to send the power & He did, they were all in tears & He sure sent the power through Mr. S. I pray they look to Jesus & do His will, they need Thee Jesus. I thank Thee & praise Father Son & Holy Ghost now & Ever more.
Mon. June, 20, 1960./ I have a letter about wrote to Sister Willetts & One of the women who has been with her so long, she Miss Willitts had a birthday June 17. 1960. I don’t know how old she is, about my age I think. One letter, from Allen, he’s coming to Mich Detroit in July. Hope we can go. So terribly cold at night & N. East breeze all day quite strong. Well I did write Miss Willitts & sent her $5.00 her birthday was 17th I don’t seem to have my usual ambition & my eyes have been bad can’t see so well to read or write. Budd & Betty & boys came in just after supper & he mowed the grass all around the house, they talked some & drank coffee & went home. Queer world. God help us to be all Thine Amen.
Tue. June. 21. 1960./ Partly cloudy all day brighten since 2.p.m. 2. letters one from Mrs. Armstrong & one from kAudrey & I owed 1. to Audrey, so, I wrote a letter to her today, she wont like it, I wrote a letter on religion she’s always crying or fussing about Gertie & the things she does & don’t do, we all make such a lot of mistakes. God help us. I hope to write to Frank tomorrow & then Mrs. Brack-ett Miss.Mc.Govern. I hope to feel stronger soon. it John’y Harnish Birthday today I forgot how old he is.
Wed. June. 22. 1960./ Was nice this a-m. but begin to thicken before noon & at noon it thundered & rained & is still thick at 1-P-M. No worth while mail, Elbert mailed my letter to Audrey. Betty borrowed writting paper & envelopes of me Mon. She is a queer sort of woman she was coming & bring Ann & clean the Kitchen to day & neither came, Ann just called & said she & a woman she calls Ethel started just before it started to rain & then turned back, it sure did rain. Ann called at 9-30-P-m. Elbert had 2 blankets 2 sheets & pillow slip nightgowns & towels out & brought them in & hung them out after the shower dried them.
Thurs. June 23, 1960./ Mostly cloudy Little Browny is singing as if he was happy. No mail today. & I don’t know if any one will come in today. I called Mrs. Crisco & they been having there troubles said, they were all packed & coming to eat dinner & supper with us, & in come 3 car loads to eat with them, says they are all well, Mrs Gantt has been helping her girl to get moved over in Clyde district & Mr Crisco uses there car for going & coming to work so they have no car to use, she said Mrs Wright says she just waiting for Jesus to take her home, & that Viola fell & broke her good arm & has to be taken care of like a child. Give her faith & courage & strength Lord & help her. We seldom understand, Dear Lord have mercy on us I Pray in Jesus Name, Amen. Well, Frank & Ruby come in from Lorain for an hr. or so We had a good visit they brought fish, fresh peas & some deer meat, We wont have to go to town so soon now. They said Jim Monagon is married, a couple weeks ago. & that Jim’s a real rough neck, arrested every little while for fighting, such a world. Ruby looks good, but stills has bad cough, they left a 4-p-m. Lookos as if it would rain again soon. It didn’t. Mr. Payne & his little boy came in & talked untill almost 11-p-m. the little boy laid over on Elbert’s cot & slept, his eye had been hurting him one of the others kicked him & cut his eye lide, his brother, wife & 7. children are staying with him untill they can find a house, they’ve been with him couple of months now. I let him take the lessons to study for a min-ister, he isn’t very good at returning thing, I wonder if he will return it. Ann didn’t call up today. Wind was strong N. East & went west & blowing hard, all night & so far today. After all these yrs, since 1942. they brought us the handles for
Thurs. June. 23, 1960./ the gas stove & marked them paid. They are round & look better than the others & work good. Queer world. Dark & cloudy today. A book from Allen or rather a magazine. I had queer dream, I seemed to be in Honalula & looking at the clear water on the sand as it rolled in & then at the castle build of coral the top laid in cement, pink & white in the towers it was beautiful, & when we were high up the ocean was so pretty I don’t know where I went from there.
Fri. June. 24. 1960./ Partly cloudy today strong wind but not cold. sun gets hot about 5-P-m. Elbert’s going to cook deer meat for supper. & it sure was good. Wind been strong from the West a little S. No one in today & I haven’t felt like writting, eyes feel so bad, I believe it was the spray.
Sat. June. 25. 1960./ Beautifull morning, strong West wind nice sun tempture nights is & has been 52 & 46 & 55 degrees seems to jump a lot, been so cold at night Frank said his corn’s knee high but he didn’t see any along the way that was that high, things are very slow, some of my roses got so cold they turned brown almost half way in to center Frank brought us fresh peas. I received a letter from Mrs. Mound, they’ve been going places, but are to busy to call on those shut in & when home to busy painting cleaning & so forth to spend much time to write letters. I pray God will show them the right way & many others who don’t seem to Know Ann came in alone & spent a couple hours talking & in prayer, she has the 4 children & the to men worse than children to contend with, she took the car & came over here while he was sleeping, poor girl, I Know God helped her if she cling to Him for the power went through her twice, so cling & trust & believe, it was 10-to-10 when she left. A cat was mewing at the back door & then come to the front door when she left it stayed on porch
Sun. June. 26. 1960./ A beautiful Day, nice sun & a light breeze, not cold. Budd & Betty came & the boys & brought some cheeries, it was 11-a-m- & they hadn[‘t had there breakfast they went out looking for Budd’s coon dog he lost him last night while hunting coon. Betty was already to go for Ann’s girls & she & her boys were all going to church, but Budd said he was going to use the car to look for the dog so they went hunting the dog. they took cat away, they gave Elbert most a pk. cheeries, they had couple cups coffee & then went Budd lost his coon dog Sat & has been hunting for him, but he don’t sound to me as if he was very anxious, another fellow offered him 35.00 for him & he acted as if he was runing a bluff so Betty wouldn’t know he had that much money, they are taking care of one other sisters, boys about 11 or 12 yrs. old. she says he like to save his mon ey he earns cutting grass & doning odd jobs, he has 9 dollars in the bank. that’s good.
Mon. June. 27. 1960./ Beautiful Day south west breeze nice sun. Elbert has the washing done. Mrs. Ramm called me this a.m. she said she was coming over but couldn’t get the car to go so she called, but, we hadn’t talked but a very few minutes when some one started bobing [?] in our ears so we didn’t talk much. Bonita came with her eldest boy George & the 2 baabies & she brought ice cream it was good, it’s been so hot from noon on she said she heard quite often from her mother, but she didn’t say how she liked liked it there, only that it was so hot 90 degrees in the morning, we’ve been having it very cool nights & hot afternoons, Bonita had to take Nelson to some of his school doings as I understood it to Crystle beach & she was going back to pick him up & going home & get her groceries & go home & get supper so left us.
Mon. June.27.1960./ to get her man’s supper & get him off to work & she got her hands full Bonita Jr. has gone off to Cali. went on a plane & is there now, her mother wanted to get her away from some young boy here she wants to marry him & she’s not through school untill next. yr. I had thought for a long time things wasn’t going as they ought. George says he’s going to stay single, God help him I pray he will & that He will help Nelson some how Geo. is reading & studying his bible & I wish I could help him. she Bonita said she would try to get back again soon & she was ask-ing about Audrey & Jean, Jean & Bill were going to move Audrey said, Bonita said they were buying the house, they try to keep things quite & I don’t know why, Jim has been married for some time, into a rather queer mixed up mess, to a woman with 3. children & they are not right or she is-n’t, & the children, so they say What a world. I’m hoping Bonita Keeps controle over hers but she was rather fast in some ways but kept her charictor clean I’m sorry for her God help to show her the right way. & if I can help show me. Ann & Milton were here a little while to-night, she isn’t feeling well we prayed & the power went through her twice Sat. night & again last night, I don’t know what’s wrong
Tue. June. 28. 1960./ Nice morning clouding up at noon, partly cloudy, nice fresh breeze. I received letter from Allen, I can’t pray in Spirit & unless God gives it to me, what can I do? Oh God help me soon. Don’t seem to be anything doing today. No one called or phoned looks like rain tonight. Wed. I received anoited cloth from Allen & prayed as he said & pined it on my night gown Help me Jesus.
Wed. June. 29. 1960./ Nice Day strong breeze partly cloudy breeze dying out tonight Armstrong sent me anoited cloth & said I must pray over it & then lay it on my forehead & leave it on my forehead for a minute & then burn it all up I’ve done both & believe for the healing & except it in Jesus Name & trust for Holy Ghost. I praise Thee & thank Thee Jesus with all my heart & soul now & ever more, had a good letter from Sister Crisco, every one’s O.K. she said & they are hoping to come before long. she don’t seem the same some how, not happy, she sounds lonesome & foged out, on the phone & in her letter Well, I thank God & pray & trust all is well with her & with us, neither Ann nor Betty came as they said they would today. Emeric & his boy were here a little while hunting wood chucks, but blackberry brush to thick, they can hardly get through they say
Thurs. June. 30. 1960./ Dark gloomy day. I feel better today Edna came & her daughter Edna wiped & swept up floors she brought us 1/2 of lemon pie. cream & some fish someone cleaned & gave them, her daughter is 17. yrs. old & expecting baby soon in July. Well I hope all will be well, I gave her 1. doilies[?] for the baby I thank & praise God in Jesus Name for all our blessings. Oh God I Praise Thee Todays Mrs Wright Birthday she’s 76.
Thurs. June. 30. 1960./ Well, here Brother & Sister Crisco come in & her mother & brought a picknic supper, green string beans, potatoes roasted beef & cold slaw “cold-aid drink” & banana cake. It was swell We talked & ate & then Betty Budd & there 2 boy & her sisters boy came in Budd cut grass, boy cut weeds, Betty went to store & got us a little to eat; I thank God for all blessings He is a wonderful Jesus, Budd & Betty & children went home & then they put me back in bed, come near let-ing me down on the floor, but made it at last, I got dress & stocking & slippers off, used pan & got fixed up in bed, then Mr. Crisco & mother came in & we had prayer together, I felt the Power but not as strong as when we take time to really pray, It’s been a won-derful day. they loved me & bid us good night. at 9-15-p-m. It takes them 30. minutes to drive to Bellevue. She took strawberries to Mrs Wright & she talked to Hellen Pittenger & to Viola both are better, Viola’s hand is getting so she can use it again, she had fell & broke her arm a short time back; it was rather cloudy all day. Oh How I praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. No letters today. I let Elbert use 5.00 of my Church money for food tonight so we are in the hole again.
Fri. July. 1. 1960./ Cloudy untill 10-30-a-m. Elbert hung his bedding on the line to air then gave me my breakfast. Sara & Gantt went me a letter by Mr. Crisco he gave it to me, it was a very good letter. Well, Mrs. Glispie & a minister’s wife Mrs. Smith came in this after-noon we had a visit Mrs Smith read the bible & we prayed & said she hoped to come back I felt shes all right. [?] gave us [?]
Fri. July. 1. 1960./ gave us a few fresh green bean, we had some for supper they were good she took some flowers back, they have set a big tent in her yard & holding meetings Mr. & Mrs. Smith are the ministers. They are having some Power filled meetings at Clyde Ohio. Miss Gant sent some circulars in her letter. Mrs. Gliespie said Eva Kegan has been dead & buried a week now, thats why I & we have been thinking about her & Marry Ann. so much for over a week & I told Elbert my throat hurt & I wondered what I was going to cry about, now we Know, We are sorry. God help us to live close to Thee in Jesus Name Amen.
Sat. July. 2.1960./ Beautiful morning cool breeze No important mail, but I thank & praise God He takes care of us & I’m feeling better in my body I pray Jesus for Elberts feet & health in general & thank Thee, I pray Thou will give me ambition to ans. the letters that come. Allen, Roberts, Arm-strong, Billy Grahm, Wyatte & several others write for money, but we can only give so little. Mrs. Gilispie & a Rev. Mrs. Smith was came in, she said G. said she had some lessons to teach me, they had just learned from the Bible, she ask me who the 2 wittness-es were that were coming at the ened time, I told her I believed it was Joshwa & Eliza, they will be the 3 olive trees & 2 candles, she wanted to know how long I had known I told her a long time, they are trying to have meetings there on her lawn, she acts & talks as if it were a circus. they picked a few flowers, she said a queer thing when she first come in, that it didn’t matter how many lies were told about us. God took care of His own I think [?]
Sat. July 2. 1960./ I told her that on a special occasion a long time ago when she was trying to excite me over some yarns, she said she had heard, but I didn’t let that worry me, for Jesus takes care of me. she did a lot of talking & didn’t give the other woman a chance to talk much, she even called attension to the Kitchen ceiling, said, Bob could have painted it & she even said he wanted to Know why she didn’t come back to see the old man & woman any more. I ask the Mrs. Smith to call again & Mrs. G. said, Oh she will I’ll see to that. God of Love & Mercy take care of me every step of my way. Amen she don’t worry me but I don’t care to hear all her gossip & boastings I thank Thee Jesus for Thy loving Kindness & care. Amen.
Sun. July. 3. 1960./ Dark morning sun came out once or twice just for very few seconds, then got thick & dark untill 2-30-P-m. & sun is shin-ing once again & no one called or phoned so far. I felt punk Sat. & today. bowels on bad behavior Well, bowels moved a plenty but, I feel tired out & then Milton, & Ann & Mr. & Mrs Hicks & baby “11. mo. old & big for her age” came in for an hr. or so. Hicks are chrisstians he has the Holy Ghost, We had prayer then Ann ask for special prayer for 3 things, I laid my hands on her & ask Jesus to touch her body for each thing, & He did give her 3 good touches & filled her with the Spirit it was good Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, for all my benifits, Glory to His Name. Amen. We listened untill 11-P-m to sermons on Radio & I ought to have set up more in the chair & so couldn’t rest after they had all gone but I Praise the Lord./
Mon. July.4.1960./ Decoration Day [she means July 4] Beautiful day nice sun & fresh breeze. Elbert did out the washing & his poor feet hurting him so bad, Budd, Betty & 2. boys came at 10-a-m & brought us a big piece water mellon & hot pie for dinner. they are good hearted children. I didn’t sleep last night so was asleep after they left[?]
Mon. July. 4. 1960./ Budd & Betty said they would be back this evening but they didn’t come, it been very cool today & is cool tonight, like Sept. over 500 killed & drown & wounded.
Tue. July 5. 1960./ Beautiful morning nice sun, but a very cool breeze & strong, Mrs. Hensley & her father from Virgina coal mines came in about 9-a-m we had a good visit & I’m still wondering why we didn’t have prayer before they left. his wife had gone to Columbus, her daughter had a baby son & they were happy, it’s there first grandson. they brought another son of theres up here, he did part the driving, said he got a job on a farm near here & so his father would have to do all the driving back home & he dreaded it. I pray God will help him, he said he told the men in the mine when they ask him What he learned while on his vacation to see his daughter & family “that he learned they didn’t have faith trust & hope in the Lord as they should, that his daugter had taken him to visit a woman 74 yrs. old, that belonged to God, who had a smile one could never forget, who had spent 4. yrs. in bed & sitting on side of bed could do most every-thing but walk & who reads & prays & sings Hyms in Praise to the Lord & that everyone says she’s always the same, no matter the circum-stance & he thought, how much they all grumbled when they ought to be Praising the Lord that they could get out into the sunshine & walk & do things & thank Jesus for all there many blessing I pray they will all take the lesson as it was ment & that God will help & bless them all. The times growing short May God help us all. Received card from Inez. & one from Armstrong,
Tue. July. 5. 1960./ God to read a while & then look fro Mrs. Findimes add. I found them I had written them on my address paper, I wrote her a letter & Nellie a card Mrs. Ramm called & said she has a woman to do my cleaning Thurs. so it will be a great day.
Wed. July 6. 1960./ Beautiful morning, mailed letters & card. Cool breeze, white dew last night. No mail this morning & no one come in. Elbert called Ann to tell her the girls didn’t need to come tomorrow Betty didn’t call & a Mrs Massy is supposed to come & clean tomorrow “the Kitchen.”
Thurs. July. 7. 1960./ Beautiful Day, I felt sick this morning, cool breeze. the woman came & brought 2 girls “hers” & they did a small job for 5.00 they cleaned inside of upper cupboard put clean papers on & washed the dishes & put them back & washed out side of cupboard & out side of lower part she washed wood work around the windows & windows & the doors & she never cleaned behind the wash bench & slopped where I wanted it cleaned so bad. Well we got a little bit done, I could have cleaned the whole Kitchen, When I was much older than she & the two girls helping & she smoking 3 or 4 cigarets it took them so long I was glad when they left Mrs Ramm came at 3-P-M. & Mr. Knowing one of the Jr. order women, she seemed like a nice woman maybe in her 30ties. Betty her boys & Elbert went to town & did the shopping & got back just as others were leaving been hard day for us both well we do get taken care of [?]
Thurs. July. 7. 1960./ Billy shut Frank’s fingers in door of car looked as if they were cut most off, Oh, the things children do it’s terrible, had letter from Opal this morn. Elbert’s all tired out when he got home today. & he says such terrible things to me latly I know it’s because he feels so bad & so tired. I have a letter most done for Opal, will try to finish it tomorrow if I can. God help me.
Fri. July. 8. 1960./ Was a beautiful day, air a rather cool all day, hot sun Well, I slept late, ate at noon received a letter from Sister Crisco After dinner Sister Simas came in baby walks good & they have her broke to ask to go to toilet & she’s a good baby. Mrs Simms one girl & son in law cleaned the stove & did a little cleaning the other woman didn’t do & there is a window & behind wash basin & the lower part of the cupboard to be done & the chairs & table leggs yet to do. & bench to put new oil cloth on. Elbert made custard for supper Marchel took him up to Shores store & got loaf of bread, they all had prayer & went home saying they’d try to get back soon. God help us to do Thy Will.
Sat. July. 9. 1960./ Ann & Milton came last eve-ning & we had quite a visit & Elbert & Milton went up for gas & came back & Milton went back & got some cream, it tasted so good & then we had prayer & they went home. This is a beautiful Morning & Elbert has done the washing & got it on the line, hot sun, there was a good breeze but seemed to have died out. To hot for Elbert’s head.
Sat. July. 9. 1960./ I set bread yeast cake was not very good, its raining but so slow I pray it will be real good, I thank Thee Jesus No one come in today, I finished Opals letter & hope to send note to Edna. Betty & Budd thought they would be here this after noon but didn’t come been a fine day. Ernie brought the light bill yesterday Postman left it in there box. haven’t heard from Miss. Clark hope she isn’t sick. I’ll try to write her a few Lines soon I ate supper in Kitchen with Elbert tonight. My bowels haven’t moved today. So I’m wondering what I’ll have to endure tonight & tomorrow.
Sun. July. 10. 1960./ Mr & Mrs Hensley & 4 children came in this after noon they brought us fresh green string bean, they’re tender & sweet, her mother & father were here to visit them & one son found a job & so his father took the resst of his family & went back home, he was so sad & lonely for his boy did half the driving here & now he would have to do all the driv-ing going back home & he would miss him almost as if he had lost him, I pray Oh Lord Thou will comfort his heart in Thee day & night. Oh, Jesus Blessed Jesus I love Thee & feel the need more & more of Thy Presence, Help us I pray. It been a beautiful day.
Mon; July; 11. 1960./ Beautiful Day very cool air hot sun. Received note from Moura It is a thank you [?] Pictures I had sent to her Elbert went
Mon. July. 11. 1960./ Went to town & did a little more shopping with Betty, Ann Stay-ed with me, she swept the floor & we had prayer & sang hyms Praising the Lord Elbert couldn’t get my oilcloth but he got a birthday card & handkercheif for Mrs. Loura Wright her birthday was June 30 & she was 86. yrs. old May God help her. Now we have had supper & Elbert has soaked his feet & put on corn plasters & it’s 9-P-m Rusha is trying to pick a war with U.S.A.
[Entry John Harnish Diary Tuesday July 12, 1960. Went to Lakeside to say a word about the Baldwin Wallace convocation at the Norwalk District Institute Stopped at Aunt Elinors w/ a big watermelon. Stopped at Uncle Frank Bonney’s for a while. He gave us some beans & a cabbage.]Tue. July. 12. 1960./ Nice Day, cool breeze hot sun. I wrote letter to Mrs. Crisco I had hoped to write to Mrs Brackett & Miss McGovern & finish one to Mrs. Wright. I did write one to Edna & Opal & now I have to write to Ethel & Nellie. Johny & Marcia came in with there 3. children they had been to Lake Side, they N. & Girls had on some sort of what they called bath suits a cover over breasts & a little strip between there legs Marcie had shorts I couldn’t believe my eyes, but there they were the eldest girl is 12. yrs. old, I pray God will help them before it’s to late, the bible says cover the body & the ankles & forearms & fasten garment about the neck Oh God of Love & Mercy the claim to be Christians God says our bodys are the temples of the Holy Ghost & should be pure & a living sacrifice to God which is our reasonable duty. bible say come out from among them but people who claim to be Christians are being wordly Oh Jesus help them Make
Wed. July. 13. 1960./ Today Allen opens his tent meetings. Milton Ann & the 2 gilrs came in L.M. stayed in the car, they had been over to the funeral parlor to see J. Ward daughter 14 yrs. old, they the Wards have lead a wild life & no, there lay the daughter still & cold & Ann said the children had been to school together & L.M. had been with Cristine many times & she felt it might be a good thing for them to look on her cold still body & think how different life could be, when we walk with the Lord, trust & Obey. Milton tried to look at the evil & laugh it off, but God will be dealing with him in a severe & stern way before long & I’m trusting He will Amen. Well it’s a dark dreary day, raining slow drizzle very hard all day. Mrs. Hensley called to see if Elbert was going to Sandusky with her. Mr. Helsely & children, Elbert’s felt real sick could hardly keep on his feet, his legs was so bad he took anacins the pains in knees & leg stopped but his head was so dizzy, it was as if he was drunk & then it began to ach, I believe it was to many anacins, he’s sleeping it off, he looked real sick yesterday, but better today, he did washing & it most did him, So life goes from day to day. Edna Hall came in at noon. We talked a while she went up to Shores store & got Elbert loaf of bread & 3 ice cream
Wed. July. 13. 1960./ cykles I believe she called them, we ate part of the water-mellon Johny left us Tue. Betty came in with 3 boys Betty was coming to stay with me if Elbert went, so Mrs. Hensley told Betty Elbert wasn’t going, but Betty came anyway to see if she could help We did talk things over Mrs. Hensley thought she could get a wheel chair for me Elbert was going along to see if it was what I needed Well Edna told me her daughter had her baby girl July 11, & they tore her rectom & mouth of womb & Edna seem to think she’d ought to be as strong as all the others, but, she wont have the strength as the others, I told her about Audrey, I do hope they will use judgement, she’s like a little girl of 9. yrs. & without any more reasoning powers. They all went to Hospital & then home 6-P-m, & oh, so dark. I Thank & praise God ofr all things.
Thurs. July. 14. 1960./ Dark morning fresh breeze & so cool. I didn’t sleep last night just dozed & so slept late this morning, I prayed for Elbert he felt so tired [?ly} bad, he stumbled & nearly fell twice, Wed. but he’s better to-day I received letter from Miss clark with 2. 1’s in it, she says Harry gave her some money & said she should give me part of it, so she’s dishing it out 2. at a time once a mo. Well I don’t understand but God does, Praise His Name. Ann called up no one been in. Sun came out nice & bright little after 3-p-m. N. East wind & cool. & very cold. well Mr. & Mrs. Finding came in a bout 7-P-m, We had a nice spiritual visit & she offered me some blankets & I excepted them we were wondering what to do about some more & God has so wonderously helped us. He is a wonderfull Heavenly Father, He said He would
Thurs. 14. July 1960./ supply all our needs & He does just that Praise His Holy Name; Oh God I thank Thee so much. for all our blessing which are so many, Amen They left at 9-30-p-m. I Praise Jesus.
Fri. 15. July/ Beautiful morning. I slept late got up at 12 noon am fasting today. Mr & Mrs Finding came in with a load of stove wood all cut to burn & While the men unloaded it, she came in & talked bible & the summer work at Shinrock & progress they had made, I believe God will say they have done well. I thank God for all who have gained in Him. Elbert got up & did all the washing there was left to do, now Received letters from Armstrong & Jordon & a card from Audrey & sent one to Inez & Miss. Clark, I forgot to put stamps in for her. Ann didn’t call or Betty today, hot sun cold wind. We thank & praise God for all our blessings.
Sat. 15. July. 1960./ Beautiful Morn. & real fresh breeze South west breeze. I have set the bread & it’s raising will seem good to have home made bread again, twice the yeast wasn’t any good, but this one foamed good & dough is active I pray God will help it to come & be good. 1. letter come to Elbert from Dr. Arnold “about his feet” we had written a card to him 2. mo’s. ago & made an apointment, but, Elbert has felt to bad to go, we should have let him Know, but that’s the way some things go. I pray God will bring him to do His will, Lord help us to know what to do & how to do it, bring in some of Thine to help. I made 4 tins of biscuits 2. white 2. grahm they are good. & we are both tired. Elbert’s having dizzy spells & so am I, it must be our stomach, we ate some pork it must have been to heavy, Lord help us.
Sun. July. 17. 1960./ Beautiful morn both little better I took my bath & reading
Sun. July. 17. 1960/ my bible. No one come in Sat. or Fri. & no one yet today I wonder. I wrot Loura Ann & Roberts 5.00 Sat. have to mail them in morning well no one come in untill evening then Mr & Mrs. Hen-sley & 4 children came in & gave us beans & beet leaves. for greens the one they gave us before were so tender & good, he is out of work & her 2 brothers & sister-in-law is staying with them the single brother pays his room & meals but the other is sort of a skin flint & they need the money they have 4 children to feed & clothe I gave them a tin of bread biscuits, they are good hearted. We just got down to visiting & children get so restless, they pick up & go, Ann called up, said Betty & Budd had a bad fight & they havent been over for a week or so, but she & Milton might come Mon. evening, they haven’t been over since.
Mon. July. 18. 1960./ Tue evening, she said. she told Mrs. Finding Elbert mailed the vacation land paper to Ella Jane, a letter to Loura Ann & one to Oral Robert’s with 5.00 in it. Well, Ann just called & said they wouldn’t be here tonight, she was talking to Mrs. Payne & she said they were coming,so, she & Milton would come Tue. evening. Elbert feels some better, I Praise the Lord. I mended a pr. of his socks Sat. with a hole the size of a dollar in back of each sock, some job for my stiff old fingers, but it wasn’t bad, took me to long, wish my fingures were more limber, but Praise Jesus I can do that well. now must write some letters to Miss, McGovern & Mrs. Brackett Well I got Mrs Brackett’s letter wrote, maybe I will get hers tomorrow “Miss. Mcgoverns” I hope. Been a fine day hot sun cool air.
Tue. July. 19. 1960./ Cloudy day, cool breeze & radio said thunder storm & none of it but lots of static. mostly cloudy, it nice out.
Tue. 1960. July. 19./ A card from Glispie of colum seems at Lak Side full of 300 people & missionarys, from India. She’s determined to get me to write to her, but she still boasting & pri[?ge?} God Help her & hers Well Paynes didn’t come last night. I do pray earnestly God will help all who need him so much. I think Elbert feels some better, I must try to write to Ella Jane & her mother “Nellie” I wrote the letter to Ella Jane & felt so tired. Ann & Milton came in for & hr. or so & Betty came with them & brought the draw sheet & old sheet she turned & the oil cloth we had her get for the wash bench I gave her 3.00 she only had 33 cents left every thing cost so much Milton took Elbert to store & he got the lemons & butter & little meat. We had prayer & they took off for home, God help us. We had heavy shower before they came & at 9-30 to 12.
Wed. July. 20. 1960./ Beautiful morn. partly cloudy fresh breeze N. East & cool. We received card from Miss Clark, saying I failed to thank her for the 2.00 she sent, I can’t imagine I did such a thing, she likes to fight & I do hope she wont try to pick a fight over the money she says Harry Miller told her to give to me, I do not understand about it. We got nice letter from Bonita & she really has her troubles. Well I have had a sick feeling since Mon. in my stomach Elbert had ask Ann to call Hinman to find out what it would cost to take me to Allens Tent meeting in Mich. I wish he hadn’t done it, I know he wants to try to help me, but we have to be careful what we say, or do. Well, Budd & Betty & boys came over after supper he was going to cut the grass but mowing machine wouldn’t work so he & Elbert visited Bettey fix up soup & they said they had filled up on peaches & wouldn’t eat. They drank coffee & ate graham biscuits They brought us a pk of beautiful big peaches she & boys ate peaches.
Wed. July 20. 1960./ Well, they went home saying they’d try to come back Sat. & Betty will try to fix wash bench & get clean cover of oil cloth on it. & clean lower part of cupboard, I pray she will I wrote letter to Miss Clark & thanked her for money 2.00 dollars she sent last mo. & wrote letter to Allen 5.00 in it today and one to Roberts Tue. & one to Ella Jane & her mother. Elbert has worked hard cut path to cook some thing broke wire on out side & pushed window glass out & broke screen on inside, he found 4 baby kittens inside he put my old rocking chair up inside & one rung was broken. poor old chair, it’s a very comfortable chair to sit in, he put it in coop & locked it in, & cleaned old wood shed & put some of the wood Mr. Finding brought in it. Now he is so terrible tired I have to rub his back he’s so lame he can hardly move. But we Praise God he helps us & Keeps us.
Thurs. July. 21. 1960./ Beautiful Morn. N. East breeze 2 letters this a-m. from Edna Hall & Mrs. Swarthout both good letters Edna’s daughter 17 yrs. old & baby girl going home Tomorrow & Mrs. S. & husband drove 500 miles to see Grand Canyon, she says it just beautiful & they enjoyed it so much & she is able & does play the Electric organ at church again; Well, that might be O.K. but What would Jesus do? What would He think about it. Well, We had dinner. Elbert ground a pork chop add-ed 1/4 cup of milk, butter, sage, salt & peper and crackers & fried it. Well I was out in Kitchen & had supper out there sun hot, breeze cool looked like frozen due last night & night before. I sent letter to Miss Clark & Allen 5.00 this a-m, Well I have to write Miss Mc.Govern been putting it off.
Fri. July. 22. 1960/ Beautiful morning strong West wind tempture 89 going to 90 & threatened rain for tonight & during the night. I patched Elbert’s B.V.D’s, it was a hard job I can’t see plain enough to see thread or make button hole or sew up holes. Am out of Envelopes & stamps & all most out of paper. 3-15-p-m & no one came in. or phoned. Received letter from Mrs. Swarthout & a good letter from Viola & a good letter from Inez. the ones from Edna & Swacthout came Thurs. Inez said Edd Rosecrames died last week, Elbert said, that must be the reason we had been thinking of him & there families. queer how they don’t even send a post card, Wyn never let us know when Grant passed on. Oh well, it don’t seem as if it’s right, but maybe they like it that way Inez been in hospital, said it made her feel so happy to read my letter, I do wish she would trust the Lord fully. Oh God help them to Know Thee & not be in doubt or fear, but have that sweet Peace the Gift of God’s Love, I thank Thee. Ann called to tell me she was O>K. & fear & doubt had gone, since her mo’s, had appeared. Oh God, why don’t we have faith & trust God, He made us. Oh Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free, Where Jesus is thHis home to me On land or see what matters where, where Jesus is the Heaven there. I thank & Praise the Jesus for all thing great or small.
Sat. July. 23. 1960./Beautiful morning, cool breeze hot sun. Betty was coming this after noon but it’s 3-p-m. & so hot. A letter from Jordon & paper from Theodor H. Epp. Back to the Bible Lincoln Nebraska Box, 233. I use to listen on Radio each week
Sat. July. 23. 1960./ to them heeteches use to teach bible lessons so clear, I don’t know what station he’s on now. Betty & her Pastor’s neighbor woman came over about 3-30-p-m had coffee & then took kElbert’s order & went to Sandusky to do both the’re shopping & ours & ex-pect to get back here about 7-P-M. Betty says she & Ann are planing on going to Detroit to Allen’s meets for 2 or 3 days, but not anyone can find a way to take me, strange world isn’t it, the bible tells how a few men took the tile off a roof & lowered a man down before jesus & He healed them because of there faith but no one knows how to take me into the meeting, that I can be healed or Elbert it’s surely a bad world Ann’s father in law said he’d take her to Detroit, but not to the meeting, People say I want whereas we should say Thous sayest the Lord, they don’t want to help the helpless or be troubled with them. I do pray God will help them to learn to do His will & find a joy in so doing. Betty & her neighbor, they got us $11.00 worth of groceries that included the meat Elbert gave her a 10 dollar bill & when she got back I gave her 1.00, dollar, they talked a little & went at 7-p-m, now. Radio says there are terrible fires in Cali. & several other fires in different places, Betty said she & Ann & children planed to go end of week to Detroit only Milton will be all alone, I wonder; Hope all is well
Sun. July. 24. 1960./ Audrey’s birhday, she will be 68. yrs. old, They had tornado in part of Detroit last night. It’s been a beautiful day, Paynes came over after dinner & there 4. children his brother & wife & 7. children went home Sat. morning to Virgina she says the house seems so empty she feels lost, she has 4. but 7. more would leave quite a vacantenze. We had quite a visit, Well we ate supper & then Ann & Milton came in & she & I had bible talk & prayer, We would lall like to go to Detroit to Allen’s Tent & be cleansed & made whol in Jesus. Help us Jesus to Know what we should do. I pray Thou will, Amen. Oh God Help us, Milton & Ann came in for an hr. or so this evening & she had let Cathy go with Betty to spend evening & Budd took them all over to ________ he went to see the man he goes coon hunting with & & she didn’t know how long she’d be there so called & told Dian so Ann wouldn’t worry: Betty wants to go to Detroit with Ann & Milton don’t want her to go. “selfish.” & I believe thats why they haven’t tried to help us find away to go. Jesus Knows. I know Jesus can make a way, I’ll wait for Him. I did-n’t get up in chair today, they went home at dark.
Mon. July. 25. 1960./ Beautiful morning & A letter from Miss. Clark, she wrote quite a letter for her said Myrtle’s mother is well & is at home again, Ramme’s is to be married July 31st 1960 & she went to the shower that was given them. Mrs. Fast is in Vermilion Rest home yet & always ask bout me. May God help her. A letter from Nellie to do for Pinky & Ella Jane & herself & Pinky [?] like …
Mon. July. 25. 1960./ I heard some one talking in front yard last night & Elbert found a little note book it says classmate date notes on the front. Elbert has wash-ing done ready to hang out, Wind’s still N. East, Elbert got wash done & dried, Milton & Ann came & & mowed the grass, they talked awhile & left. Cathy got home safe last night. I darned 2 holes a big as a dollar in each sock for Elbert & fixed the shoulder strap on his B.V.D. I didn’t do any writing today, I didn’t sleep not one nape all last night, so I prayed, Jesus is Wonderful He came & stood by me, I do want to get up so bad, but I want to do His Will not mine Oh Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free where Jesus is Tis heaven to be on land or sea What matters Where Where Jesus is this Heaven there. Oh Glory be to Jesus I love Him more & more He lead to green pastures right through His open door He will never ever leave me, nor for-sake me ever more He’s my Saviour & physician the holy one that I odore. Oh to be like Jesus to be like Jesus all I ask to be like Him all through lifes journy from earth to Glory all I ask to be like Him. Glory Hallelujah Amen. Elbert’s got the new step & got it ready to put in.
Tue. July, 25, 1960./ Beautiful morning nice fresh breeze, S. East, mostly cloudy & its quite warm & at last blew up a storm wind quite strong & rained hard good shower sun came out few times but looks as if we might get more rain, Letter from Allen & been in a quandry don’t seem to know what to do.
Wed. July. 27. 1960,/ Beautiful day, very hot sun just a little breeze. Elbert has cut some thisles this a.m. got dinner & at 2-30-p-m. is trying to cut a few more weeds. Dear Lord even though she couldn’t seem to settle it in her own heart, I pray Thou wont let them cut her open but heal her Thy. Self. I thank Thee Jesus more than I can tell make her to understand, she has to make up her mind, settle the debate in her own heart, help her Lord. Milton came late & said he had been to Memorial hospital to see Ann, her father-in-law took her there. they hadn’t done anything & maybe wouldn’t for a day or. so, to me Dr’s are discusting. Inez was cut open & not anything wrong with her, if people would only trust the Lord, We need real Christian fellowship God help us I ask. I thank Thee for all things, Amen. We received letter from Audrey & card from nellie a picture card of Yacht Harbor Santa Barbara Cali. pretty bay with lots of Yachts & launcher. Palm trees along the path. Eian called me & talked a little she seemed excited, but had supper ready for her dad. she said she picked raspberries for woman across the street “she & Kathy” & she gave them all to them. so they caned them 3. qts. & Dian made a berry cake for supper, I pray Jesus Thou will teach them some memerable lessons that they need so much. it’s 3-p-m. Milton will soon be home for supper, I hope he calls us tonight. Well, it’s, 9-P-M. & he still hasn’t called, Edna & her husband came at 6-p-m. they took her daughter & baby home Fri. & stayed 2. days & today came over here Edna looks worn out. We talked about going to the Allen Tent for healings, Edna’s father & her crippled brother Richard are coming to Edna’s to visit & she hopes they can all go & Ellen
Wed. July. 27. 1960./ Elbert & I are hoping to go all so, If we ought to go help all things to work out that way, Oh, Jesus help us I pray there are 4 souls & maybe more that need help be-side me. I thank Thee & give all Glory to Thee. Cliff went up & got a nice big watermellon Oh but it was good. I pray they got home safly, he’s out of work, does repair jobs at home, on lawn mowers & cars. Elbert is trying again to call Milton & see how Ann is. Frank Bonney’s birthday he’s 70. yrs. old. The mail was the plain Truth & letter from Audrey & Card from nellie. It’s been hot this after noon, it rained 3 showers Tue after noon & at night 2. I wrote letter to Edna but didn’t get it mailed & here they come well, Milton said. they took a test on Ann & wont Know untill tomorrow what’s wrong he said Betty & Ethel Hicks went to see Ann tonight. Lord help us to Keep faith with Thee, Amen.
Thurs. July. 28. 1960./ Beautiful Day, N. East breeze Betty called this a-m. said she’d over in a day or 2. Letter from Sister Crisco this a-m they are all as well as usual, her mother went home with some of her neighbors who were up there for a visit & Sister Crisco is lonesome now they are gone, Oh, if some one would only take us over to Allen God help us I pray, they don’t know how Ann is, better or worse. No one came in today Elbert cut few weeds this a.m.
Fri. July. 29. 1960./ Another beautiful morning but scarsly any breeze, a very hot sun. A letter from Wyatt, I haven’t forgot but can’t send them the
Fri. July. 29. 1960./ money untill I get it. Now I received a slip with my tax blank for delincey & I have all my receipts to show I have paid up to date Such a world of people, I pray Lord all is well It’s to hot to write I have a letter partly done to Edna I’ll try to finish, then Miss McGovern don’t know why she don’t write. Well it was
Sat. July. 30/ sunshiny all morning, at noon clouded up & little more breeze looks like rain at 20 to 5 oclock. Yesterday, it was terribly hot & no breeze, today there is a little breeze, but hot out of the breeze. it’s been so terrible quite out side all this week like as if everything was dead & look so threating. I received letters from Allen, Robert’s & Loara Ann & her mother in law, Loura thinks her mother in law has a canser or tumer, it’s begining to pain her, God help them to come to Thee. I mailed a letter to Miss. Mc.Govern & one to Mrs. Hall this morning. Payne called & said they were thinking of going to Detroit to Allen end of this week, he laughed & ask, if I was ready to go. No one phoned or call on us today. Elbert called Ann Milton went to Hospital & hasn’t got home yet at 9-20-P-m Sunny all morn. & Cloudy all after noon. cool breeze
Sun. July. 31. 1960./ Beautiful day h-o-t sun & scarcly any breeze at all & not a call or phone call today. Elbert called Milton last night he called back 11-p-m. said they gave her more blood, they gave her some on the start & now, more & they said she would be home Wed, Aug. 3. 1960. I pray she will be O.K. strong enough to endure. I been out & back 3. times to Kitchen it’s hard Mr & Mrs Hensleys & 4 children were here at supper time, they brought a cabbage head & cucumber from there garden nice & freesh, they left before dark -God help us
Mon. Aug. 1. 1960./ Beautiful morning I didn’t sleep all night. We paid taxes in May & have receipts & stub. & now they have sent another blank & this I received 28 of July with penly of 2.00 We can’t figure out what it’s for, now I’ve got to find out if I can what it’s for & who to go to for help, I pray God will help me. We received letter & magsne from Allen & picture of Jesus from Jordon & 2. adds. this morning. Jordon sent Picture of Jesus not a colord picture but crayon. Allens letter’s good. This is twice he has told me Jesus is interceding with God for me & to stand fast & I will win the Victory as Job did. Oh Praise His Holy Name, I thank Thee. Milton came at 6-P-M. says Ann better, but he doubts if she will get home Wed. I pray she & Milton will both use good judgement, she’ll be weak. Well it’s getting dark & it was real cold last night & fogy but not much fog tonight. Elbert did out part of the washing & got it dry his feet seem as if they would kill him, he so tired I pray God will in Jesus Name Convert & heal him. Amen.
Tue. Aug. 2. 1960./ A Paper from Soul Clinic & add was all the mail. It’s partly cloudy & quite hot good S. west breeze. I sent card to welfare, about the taxes. Well, Mrs & Mrs Hensley came & they went to the Volentiers & got a wheel chair, they thought would be good for me to sit in, We both had wished Elbert could go when they went so not to get something we can’t us, but they brought a big ark of a chair & dirty, terribly dirty alover. so now take it back & we hate it’s being in the house because of the dirt on it, Oh God help us I pray, they were only thinking of help ing us. They are going Thurs & I hope we get it back & Oh I hope we can do our Way &
Tue. Aug. 2. 1960./ take chair back & get our food supply. I sent letter to Ethel & Frank. No one else in or phoned.
Wed, Aug. 3. 1960./ A Dark cloudy day. No mail Elbert washing his shirts & pants 4. or 5. pairs. Well no callers so far. Now Mrs. Hall came in Praise the Lord. she brought a pie “apple” & pt. ice cream we visited a little then she wiped up the floors, then Wyn & Virgina came in came just to visit Well it was nice to see them again, they gave us few tomatoes fresh ones. Edna went, then Virgina & Wyn. shes 85 & looks good. Ed Rosencranse had heart trouble 81 yrs old Geo will be 75 Aug. 16. Ed sick. expences cost him over 3,000 dollars, Joyce is over to New York to Christian Youth camp. Ann got back home today she’s terrible weak but trying to get up & walk a little each day from now on. God help her to be very careful. give her the strength & courage she needs. Amen.
Weds.Thurs. Aug. 4. 1960./ We had hard shower 3-30-p-m before girls left. & it’s still cloudy & all night & all morning. Elbert don’t feel good but he got al-ready to go to store. Betty called & said she be here soon & she came & Brought Mrs. Proctor & her 2 girls with her, they stayed with me untill Elbert & Betty got back 12-noon & went right away, Elbert put dollars worth gas in her car I let Mrs. Proctor take some Oral Roberts & Allen books hope she reads & prospers by them & returns them. Elbert didn’t get all he had to do done Betty thought she’d be back Sat. Mrs. Hensley called after they had gone to store & they were going to Sandusky “Hensleys” she said he said he couldn’t take the chair back, but would have Volentiers call for it, We had explained to Hensley’s we couldn’t use a big chair, but, here they brought an ark. We have to leave it on the porch Elbert wanted to ggo with them so not to bring what we couldn’t use, such a world. Well, we had supper & Elbert isn’t satisfied, he cut a few weeds & now he is out cutting a few more, this is the time to cut. It is thick & fogy at 7-p-m my bowels didn’t move today, I don’t feel good.
Fri. Aug. 5. 1960./TAXES./ A beaiutiful day. My bowels did move rather hard took my ambistion out of me, but, I got up on edge of bed & read some bible scripture out loud to Elbert & my self. We called Ann, Milton talked to Elbert she set up to long & got to tired, I can’t see why she don’t use common sence. Its 5-30-P-m & terrible hot; makes my head ach. No Mail today, but I owe so many letters & some how I just can’t seem to write I’ll have to write to Loura Ann & get that off my hands, I most wish I hadn’t told her by the sound of her letter she wants some one to get it & hand it to her to bad. Well, it’s now 15 to 6-P-M. & so hot.
Sat. 6. Aug. 6. 1960./ Dark day, 2.p-m trying to rain, Elbert’s been cutting weeds & he feels all in. Well taxes have penalty of 2.47, this is second half the last half come in May. & now the second half July 29. 1960 for 1959. I don’t know why so close together. I’ll send it, but will have to watch blanks in future. got taxes & penalty ready to go with self address-ed stamped envelope as soon as Elbert can get to town. No one came in. sun come out couple or more times, quite cool today & no one come in today. My check come & letter from Fred Jordon, they want money a thousand dollars or less if I can spare it to build a new Chapel a memoral for His mother. The light bill come today 1.65. Cleared up some not so warm tonight.
Sun, Aug. 7. 1960./ Beautiful day partly cloudy this after noon & later a shower. Milton & Ann came about 3-p-m. We had a good spiritual visit & prayer & I pray Lord Thou will convid her heart & help her to understand she not leav-ing Holy on Thee, help Jesus to cleans herself through Thee, Oh God in Jesus Name I ask that Jesus will guide my tongue, I thank Thee & give Thee all Praise & Glory for ever & ever, Amen. Well, no wonder I’ve had such a queer feeling of excitment for, Brother & Sister Swarthout & Brother & Sister Webber were on there way here from Arazonia & from Sandusky, We had a little visit & prayer, they said God had sent them to me to talk & pray with me, they prayed & the power went through me & I claim whatever God sent for me, I praise Him with all my heart & soul, Glory to God Hallelujah, Amen. It would be so good to have had time to talked longer, for the visit was short. Well Milton & Elbert went to Shures & got butter lettuce & a mellon. & cream (ice). meat loaf. We have been listening to sermons, over radio from 3-30-p-m. untill 11-P-m. they are mostly good. Well, Betty & Budd & boys, didn’t come today.
Mon. Aug. 8. 1960./ Nice Day, partly cloudy, Betty came good Look & Lot a Love & left Mrs Proctor & her 3 children a boy & 2 girls from Mrs Clara Proctor & she & Elbert went to town& got the rest of food he had forgot & she wrote on my tablet. they were not gone long, Clara washed up dishes & children run in & out, I felt sick all morn, Bowels didn’t
Mon. Aug. 8. 1960./ move untill after dinner, I don’t feel right yet. Mrs. Degan the Case Worker came in at 2-30-p-m, in ans. to card I sent to her & she says they are a year behind with Tax blanks, What a world, & soon everything will be worse & Jesus will take over. Oh Praise the Lord he will take care of His Own. Still partly cloudy. at 4-p-m. Received letter from Opal they are well she is caning bean, pickles, peaches &. & wishes all well. We gave Betty 27.50 to pay taxes & 50 cents to get a couple Kerchiefs for Anns birthday “Sat” Well bowels moved off good, Praise the Lord. I’m shaky, Elbert had started the washing, but went to town & left it come back & got dinner at 1-30-p-m. now he has got part of it done & dried a good breeze, hot sun partly cloud. Well it is cool & radio says cooler tonight.
Tue. Aug. 9. 1960./ Partly cloudy. Elbert hung out the clothes that didn’t dry Mon. there isn’t much breeze. Received letter from Edna’s daugh-ter they are well, but she wishes more than anything else in the world that she was a saved soul for Jesus, Oh God, help her to really find Thee & be con-verted & filled with the Holy Ghost I pray, Amen.
Wed. Aug. 10. 1960./ Well. I felt bum & laid more than I set untill 2-P-M. Betty came & so I set up again We talked some & then she cleaned lower part of cupboard & under the sink only took her 1 1/2 hrs. she young & fast I’m so glad it’s done, now we are going to do the wash bench when she comes again & behind it on wall. she & Budd gave us 1/2 bu peaches & tomatoes today also, we each had toast & lunch meat & coffee & then she & boys went home 15 to 5-p-m. she washed Elberts 2 light shirts & ironed them & brought them back & brought pillow cover for the sofa pillows back, she ironed them Elbert had washed them. I had her get 2. Kercheifs for Ann & a birthday card. I didn’t get Betty anything for her B[?ig] tax day.
Wed. Aug. 10. 1960./ taxes./ Skip Shoe brought us a hen from poultry house at 6-P-M. We got our checks Mon. & Elbert went to Huron Tue. paid out most all we got gave Betty blank for taxes she didn’t say if she had mailed it out $27.17. it is cold tonight like early Fall & feels like rolling up in wool blanket. Cloudy most of the day 58 degrees tonight.
Thurs. Aug. 11. 1960./ Beautiful morning cool breeze hot sun. 2 letters today one from Miss Clark ( & one from Miss Willitts )with 2.00 in, she says Harry Miller gave her some money & said she was to give me some of it & that’s the way she give it 2.00 at a time to me. Well, I finished a letter to Edna & got part of one wrote to Opal & then mrs. Finding came & Miss Clark I thanked her for the 2.00 & paid Mrs. Finding $2.95 for the large print Bible she bought & brought to me she bought a plastic cover & gave to me & she put it on the Bible. They started to leave then, came back & told us about Tom Eppler having a terrible wreck on his big truck near Chapel Creek, one car burned up & a woman in a car pined between wheel & back seat, they had to pry her out & car cought fire & Tom put it out with his hands & the fire never burned his hands & he had fell on his head, & it had only stun-ed him, God does miricals. Tom’s youngest brother fell 3 stories & died I don’t remember if it was the same day, but close anyway. I have always believed Tom belonged to the Lord. help him Jesus I pray & be with Mrs. Finding she’s a loveable person
Thurs. Aug. 11. 1960./ Help Thy children Lord & help us to Know & understand talk to me & help me to see & to Know what to do I thank Thee Jesus. Ann & Milton were here a little while tonight Ann & I had prayer & Milton came in & we hugged & I kissed him & he said he would try to live right. he’s lonesome for love & companionship with good friend, Jesus call loud to his soul. Jesus help me to help others, Please help m.
Fri. Aug. 12. 1960./ Cloudy mostly Got up a little earlier, but don’t feel so strong. No. mail at all. I got dressed & Elbert took me to Kitchen, I washed & he got me sugar, shortening vanila, eggs, milk, salt & flour & rolled oats & I blended them together We had just put one tray in oven, When Edna & Cliff came so he tore off old oil cloth from wash bench pulled tacks & measured new oilcloth & tacked it back on. Edna swept up dirt on floor, they didn’t get floor & wall washed, we hope to get wall covered next, they had to go home, was expecting Joyce, Edna got called back to work for Aug 15th. She was hoping he’d get called first, she was so sick this morn & threw up, she looked sick Pray she’s O.K. they left 15 to 5-P-m. I thank God in Jesus Name He takes good care ous. they stoped at Betty’s house & she sent several pieces of pies 2, big peppers & a bag of string beans & couple tomatoes Praise the Lord & we pray He will Bless each one of them, they are so good to us, I am going to give her a few cookies, Edna helped look after baking cookies after they left I got back to bed tired so tired
Fri. Aug. 12. 1960./ Elbert has felt so bad alday Milton & Ann came in for a few minutes, it’s her birthday. she’s 31. yrs. old & the family told them to go out for supper, so they did, they told them not to come back untill seven oclock, they went up to store & got us some bread, bread man has missed us twice, Milton & Ann were going to get ice crem bring bread back to us & go home to see what they were doing at home, Betty was to bake & trim a cake & they were to have they’re party tonight, they were as excited as 2 children & could hardly wait to get back home to see all that had been going on. Well I hope they had a nice time. They are going to bury Mr. Canaberry tomorrow, he’s the one Allen cured through the Power of God of a canser, he coughed it up in pieces & he was so happy for a week or 2. then let the devel tor-ment him untill he went to hospital in Cleveland & then he came home, then, went to norwalk & back home. & now they lay him away Sat. 13. So dark at night. heavy dew most white & lots of it.
Sat. Aug. 13. 1960./ Beautiful morning, No mail. I have been trying to finish Opals letter. Well I finely got letter done, no mail today, & no one called today. Cliff got washbench covered with new oil cloth, it sure looks better & cleaner. I do thank Jesus for helping us, Edna was sick been al morning & throwing up, she’s going back to work Mon Aug. 15. & she wished Cliff would go back first to work I wonder if Joyce came home or if Edna & Cliff went to her. Ann called & said she & Betty & Ethel, went to Canebery’s funeral Rev. Gibson did the preaching there were about 100 there they laid him in Riverside cemetary Jesus help & comfort those left.
Sun. Aug. 14. 1960./ Beautiful Day S. East breeze. No one called or come in, I pray the Lord has & still is Blessing the Services every where Amen. They tell me Rev. Smith is leaving Huron Church He says he don’t get pay enough. Lord help us. Ann didn’t call up today, enjoying her leasure & freedom.
Mon. Aug. 15. 1960./ Dark, Cloudy morning, 1. letter from Allen It rained hard Sun. late & part of the evening Elbert forgot to mail Opals letter. Well maybe I can write one letter today. I did to Mrs. Joyce Rogers, No calls or, no one come in so far today tempture 55 degrees, tonight So am sending 3 letters Tue. Clark, Opal & Joyce. I talked to Ann, she said Minister was there & visited awhile & was sorry they didn’t get to hospital to see her. she said she was over to Ethel’s to a demastsion of cloths party & she ordered 3 B.V,D, suits for Milton some 4.50 & sun came out after dinner at times, Elbert dried cloths he’s so tired every night & I wish I were able to help. Georgies Birthday 75. yrs.
Tue. Aug. 16. 1960./ Month half gone at noon & only had 3 or 4 days of hot weather & it’s partly cloudy good fresh N. East breeze & Elbert did out the bal. of the wash. I sweat so bad he had to take off sheet & draw sheet this a.m. Johnn Snyder gave Elbert 2. cucumbers & few ears of corn, they are good & we injoy them. We are almost out of food again & 18 days befor another check have to use some of coal money. Received picture card of the big red wood tree, they cut a hole in to drive clear through it is 33.3 ft in circumference & at the ground 84.8 ft. & 205 ft high & they don’t know when it was hollowed out, & a piece of log for souvieniers nellie & girls were over to see it, Ella Jane, Bonita Jr. & Gladous. Getting quite cloudy again. Well Elbert says today is Wed. 17. so I have got Tue. & Wed all in together but I still don’t feel he is right [?]
Thurs. Aug. 18. 1960./ Sun shining, but not clear. tax blank receipt came this morning. No one came in or called, so far today Elbert called Ann last evening & she did-not have much to say. I expect Betty is helping Budd with peaches, Ann said she saw them go passed on the truck, so they are probably hauling peaches some where, Edna’s working & Clara Proctor has no way to come & we don’t know whats happened to Hensley’s. Elbert has sewed end of slipper sole & top together 3. times now. Well he mailed Sara’s letter this morn. 18th. & I don’t feel like writting, but have several letters to ans. I did 2. letters one to Miss Willitts & one to LourelAnn. & one to Wyatt 5.00 but I can’t put the money in the others untill I get a 10. broke, I’m going to write one to Allen & Roberts. & Jorden & put the money in when I can, I’ll have them ready all but that. We got tax blank receipt today. WEll Ann & Milton came in for & hr. or so Milton went up for gass & we got some cream, they were just leaving when Bonita came & George & her 2. babys , they did not stay long, she’s worring, I’m sorry & wish I could help her, she said Joan M’s baby is sick with infection in her Kidneys, tempture 102 & up to 104. she’s in hospital, for along time they have given her a whole fried pork chop to eat & she eats it. it’s to solid meat for a baby little over yr. old. I owe Audrey letter & Mrs Swarthoute. Well, Maybe I’ll get there by & by. not so cold tonight.
Fri. Aug. 19. 1960./ Beautiful Day fresh N. East Breeze no mail, Ann called & is coming to take “or her father in law,” Elbert to town for food at 1.P.M. John Snyder is plowing up sweet corn patch thats done Mr. Anderson & Dian & Cathy came, he took Elbert to town & the girls stayed with me, they don’t seem to know how to visit Men wasnt
Fri. Aug. 19. 1960./ gone long. Elbert’s feet paining him so bad. So now he’s soaking his feet & I’m going to try writting another letter & Elbert didn’t mail what I wrote Thurs. I wrote 2. more, Allen & to Jordon, can’t send them yet untill get money Well, I’ve been praying untill my heads dizzy, fog a few, it seems to take the strength right out of me & I’ve been asking Jesus if I’ve done all I can do here on the bed & in the chair, if He would provide a way for me to go to the meetings at Clyde, I couldn’t seem to go to Allen in Deteroit, Wed. I had such an excited feel as if some-thing was about to happen, I saw sister Gantt Louses & Mrs. Gan’ts sister she had a blue & white dress on sitting in a chair looking so tired, I prayed for her I could see her so plain, she’s short & stout, black hair & she looked just as Jesus showee her to me & then Mrs. Gantt, her Sister & daught came, it was just after we had finished our supper & here they brought hot stuffed peppers, fresh corn & beans & tomatoes Elbert had given Bonita what beans & tomatoes & was sort of regreting there loss & here mrs Gantt came with more then he was glad, Praise the Lord. Oh my soul. Well Sister Gantt said they were going to Church, but the Lord began to pull her & send her over to us & He quit pulling on her when they decided to come to us, Oh, how happy we all were, they talked about the wonders & power in the meetings & ask if we would go if they provided away & I said yes, they prayed & thanked the Lord & began to plan what would have to be done, I didn’t have things ready, didn’t know about my coat or shoes, I can make dress & under clothes do, but I’d need help to get ready, my shoes are to small, feet are so swollen, & how could they get me in the car & what about my using bed pan? Lousis said she’d be back Sat after noon to help us get on our way we done what we could tonight & trust Jesus for the rest.
Sat. 20. 1960. Aug./ Well we got up & had bath & breakfast & began to put the things together things we thought we’d need over night Elbert sewed my garters on my abdominal suport & then packed needful things in bad, Elbert had, had his breakfast, he got mine & we had dinner & then Sister Mrs. Crisco, called, & ask what I was doing & I said just laying & waiting to be moved, We were all ready to go except putting our traveling close on. & we’ll have supper early mrs. Crisco called, said seemed like every thing had worked wrong all morning & that at last they had got things all ready & the amblence & Loise would be here at seven 7. oclock & to be ready, they will take me right to the Tent door & she will be there to meet us. We had a real hard shower this after noon & now sun is out bright. Well, I can’t write more untill I get back. It was late 7-15-P-M. when the came with the Ambulance We were ready to go, it was Foos ambulance it poured rain before they got here; We tried, to call Ann several times but no ans. They came in & put me on the carrier took me out & put me in car & hit out for Clyde, took us right to the door of the tent & took me out & wheeled me right up in front & Elbert went with me they had started to preach & after a while they called for those who needed healing & Elbert went up & he didn’t yeald, holy the devil is frighting, but I know, Jesus is able, All Glory be to God & He will win before long after he had finished with all the others he started on me, I haven’t been able to hold my ankles straight, but, Jesus helped me & I did stand on my feet. they let me off a little hard & I put all mi weight on my feet, but to heavy on right
Sat. Aug. 20. 1960./ ball of right foot & it sore & swollen & pained most of time all rest of evening, they had planed for us to stay with Mrs. Gantt, but last minute she had a house full come in so they took us to Mrs & Mrs. Crisco’s, we had lunch & talked & prayed & tryed to rest on some couches & floor. I felt refreshed in my soul, had been in Gods house for about 8. yrs. I met so many & they seem-ed to be such nice friendly people, came & Kissed me shook hands & prayed Gods blessing on me, you could feel God’s power Oh how much I love the lord mr. Crisco’s been sick for a week or so, his faith isn’t strong enough & maybe mine isn’t, I don’t praise God in Spirit.
Sun. Aug. 21. 1960./ We slept late & had late dinner talked some & laid down & slept 2. hrs. & then got dressed & had dinner & used pan twice & started for home. Mrs. Crisco tried to get Viola, she was gone to a Church Camp some where, she couldn’t get helen and I couldn’t go to Mrs. Wright’s We got home 15 to 8-p-m rained hard before we came but nice all the way after the rain They got me safe home & into bed, Elbert is so terribly tired. I see our N. window open but he said he shut it, but he didn’t we gave 10 to church & 7- to driver, May God Bless them.
Mon. Aug. 22. 1960./ Partly cloudy. We slept untill 11-30-a.m. we’re both so tired. then Mrs. Payne called she said she was so shocked when she see us come in they took me in on the carrier in the front & Elbert set close by. Well we talked a while over phone, then Ann called & said, mrs. Hensley had
Mon. Aug. 22. 1960./ been over Sun. & no one here & so they went to Ann’s & she didn’t know & Betty came to Ann’s & & they all came over & Milton said he could see it was an ambulace by the tracts they all wondered what had happened. We tried to get Ann Fri night & 4 time Sat. but no ans. so we had to leave at 7-P-M. & I didn’t let them know & they said they were worried, I’m sorry, I could have left a note on door but in all excitement getting me out, I didn’t think. Such is life. Well, I have talked to Mrs Payne twice & to Ann twice & they let Betty & Mrs. Hensley Know, so now everythings O.K. I ask Elbert if he shut the north window before we left & he said yes but Jesus showed me it was open & it was when we got here & the house all locke-ed up. ha, ha. We been a lone allday & no letter today & I didn’t write any, Elbert’s head has felt so bad, I pray God Will help him, to give in. I praise God from Whom all blessing Flow amen.
Tue. Aug. 23. 1960./ Nice Day but we slept till most noon, No Mail. Ann & Milton came & cut the grass & Betty & boys came they got me up & out on the porch for 1/2 hr. & Milton & Elbert went to store & then Milton & Ann went home Betty & boys had sanwiches. & coffee with us, they put me in bed be-fore they “Ann & Milton” went home. Elbert washed this morning, he’s so tired he feels sick I pray God of Love & Mercy Thou will hear our cry for help & help things to go Thy Way. I Praise Thee & Honour Thee.
Wed. Aug. 24. 1960./ Partly Cloudy, hot sun, Coold strong breeze & Elbert got me in chair then Clifford & Edna came We had a good visit, she went to work Mon. & is tired & they are planning on going home Fri. & he’s going to work tomorrow for 2
Wed. 24. 1960. Aug./ weeks, then he’s going to help Elbert fix heating stove, if they can. We received card from Ethel, & letter from Nellie from Cali, she’s coming home, expects to get here Sept 4. Elbert did wash yesterday Tue. 22. Betty brought us 1. Pk. tomatoes nice & ripe. Elbert has supper ready & thank & Praise God for my healing & strength & Blessing.
Thurs. 25. Aug. 1960./ Beautiful Day, hot sun, Cool breeze No mail. Elbert’s still so tired, I Praise God I feel more strength the trembling in my body has left, there are some sore spots yet but He touched me & I’m sure they will leave. I Praise God from whom all my blessing come Amen. No phone calls or callers so far today. I wrote
Fri. Aug. 26. 1960/ to Wyn, Hensley’s, Audrey, Bonita & Wheelers today. No mail today. Well I’m tired & it’s cool tonight going to 53 degrees. fogy every night. Fri. Aug. 26. 1960 forgot to mark day & date.
Sat. Aug. 27. 1960./ We both seem to get things mixed up, to tired I reckon I slept late, untill 10-a-m had toast & eggs & a cup of coffee; Ann & Milton came after dinner he finished mowing the front yard, cloudy but hot, Milton took off his shirt & was so wet, he & Elbert went to Shores & got a little food, Mrs. Shore gave him a weeks bundle of papers, all the news we get is on the radio, so we like the papers. Milton was going home to finish his lawn he set me on the chair & we went to Kitchen, Ann played Phonegraph records, I have quite a few Hyms, We enjoyed them they went home 15 to 4. P.M. There’s good N. East breeze & Mrs Hensleys coming tomorrow quit cool & cloudy
Sun. Aug. 28. 1960./ Been mostly cloudy & hot if it wasn’t for the cool South breeze, it hot. Mrs. & Mr. & 4 children came in & we got half a visit Mrs. Smith is very poorly she gets up but is so lonely & don’t like to be left alone any more & her girl left her long enough so she cried all night she’s 75 & feeble I’m so sorry for her, it is terrible to be left alone, Wish I could help her Mrs. Hensley goes to her as often as she can & she’s a good soul to. John S. gave Elbert 5 tomatoes today, looks like rain. Elbert’s getting supper frying biscuits & hamberg.
Mon. Aug. 29, 1960./ Last night late Mr & Mrs. Payne came in & talked & visited for a while it was 10-P-M. when they left. This morning, Cloudy good stiff breeze, south mostly west. Elbert got up late & did out the wash, didn’t have much, he fixed my breakfast & got the mail a nice letter from Mrs. Brackett he mailed letter back to Roberts I had made a mistake in add. Put Lorain instead of Elyria.O. Sun began to shine at noon, 2-30-P-M- close are dry. Miracle Magazine came in mail it’s a truly wonderful paper, a person who had lived as a girl 21. yrs. & had the passion of man & woman & had undergone all sorts of treatments then went to A.A. Alens meetings & even though he wasn’t a Cristian ask Allen for help, his desire was at age of 21. yrs. to be a real man, he was convert-ed Allen prayed, God did the work, He shrivel-ed femail oranges [?organs] & he became a real man he had been married 3. yrs, & wife testified. she knows & an aunt also testified God is wonderful
Mon. 29. Aug. 1960./ We had 2 good heavy showers late this after noon, & now it is lots cooler & no one called or Phoned & Betty hasn’t been here for a week Recieved letter from Mrs. Brackett she is begining to feel old, says it makes her puff to do scarcly anything I think she’s 86 or 89. yrs. old. Pa would be 99 this last Jan, & Ma 103. yrs. old & Elbert is 77 last Dec. 6 1959. I Praise Jesus for all things great or small
Tue. Aug. 30. 1960./ It’s a dark cloudy day. I received Wyatt’s magazine & Robert’s this a-m. No one has called today, no, one called.Mon. & we called Ann, she says things are mixed up; for Milton went to work at 4-p-m- & gets home 1.-a.-m.
Wed. Aug. 31. 1960./ Last day of Aug. & Miss McGovern & Sara didn’t come yet. Received nice letter from Miss. Willitts, Oh, how much I wish I could talk & pray with her she’s in Detroit, but gave no add. I thank God for my healings & am trusting & believing in Him for all our needs. It’s a bright suny day & Radio says hot humid day. My eyes have been bad, but believe some better. I wish & pray some of God’s true Christians will come in & pray for us & to give us more strength of body, eye sight &hearing, Oh, God, have mercy I pray. Help us do Thy Will before it’s to late, I pray in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. I been to Kitchen twice today. it’s cooler in Kitchen. breeze about died out. The end time is closing in the news is war Nation against nation & Kingdom against Kingdom against Kingdom. Help us to be all Thine, soon. No one called & no one come I don’t know what is wrong. God help us & Keep us Close to Thee & Deliver us from this World.
Thurs. Sept. 1. 1960./ A Beautiful morning nice sun South breeze, hot sun. Elbert tried to mow, to hot. The letter I sent to Bonita came back, said no such address & Do not remail Well, guess we’ll be waiting but wonder, why for the add. was correct. No other mail. No calls from Ann or Betty, no word from Edna or Ms. Procter. Maybe they’re all dead. John Snyder’s gathering corn tomatoes & such like from his garden. Well Ann & the 4 children came in & brought the sheet & D. sheet & 3 of my gowns, she looked tired to death the night before Mr. Anderson Sr. made up his mind to go to Georgia & L.M. to go with him, so Ann helped them pack untill 1-a-m. Thurs. morning & then Milton came home, “he’s working from 4 to-2-in-a-m.” so they talked awhile & then went & Ann & Milton laid down a while, then she got up & fed the children & got straightened up a little & Betty came & they began to can tomatos then Betty felt so sick she went home, Ann had to finish alone & she felt to tired then after 8. oclock she came over here, I don’t suppose she will rested much with L.M. & Milton both gone Ann & father in law cleaned & painted woodwork forepart of week. Well, Bonita’s letter I sent her came back with P.O. stamps saying, moved, don’t remail & a lot of other things on stamp. So don’t know where Bonita is or family.
Fri. Sept. 2. 1960./ Beautiful morning. & I’m sick bowels didn’t move Wed, or Thurs. untill after midnight & again 6-a-m. I’m still sick to stomach A letter from Armstrong telling of the times going on , No other mail. I pray for Him & all the others that God will bless them & help them
Fri. Sept. 2. 1960/ they had bad storms in Cadalac & Bay City late yesterday tore up the roofing from City buildings & houses & homes & they are in a terrible condition, a 100 ft. antena is al-so down & wires in a bad mess, no lights no gas or electric & no water to use in some places 8. people Killed & many injured. & heavy rains We had quite heavy rain & strong wind, but as far as we Know, no damage, No word from Bonita. John Snyder is plowing another patch of corn up, No call from Ann or Betty. so far today.
[she explains that this entry is supposed to be for Sept. 3]The Naze-rine Minister came in after supper, he said Elbert wanted to be baptized Sun. at Beaullah Beach, he said Miss Clark said so, & that she had made arangements for some one to stay with me we told him we didn’t know anything about it, some one called him on phone & he said he’d be back some evening this coming week to see how he could help Elbert he left in a hurry & didn’t even shake hands with him. I wrote under Fri. for Sat, begining with the Nazerine Minister. It’s been a nice day today, Mercy
Sun. 4. Sept. 1960. Beautiful Morn. Nice South breeze hot hot sun untill 12-30-P-M. getting so cloudy & no one called or come in so far. I ate peaches toast & eggs & drank coffee, ate 1-30-P-M. we are so low on food, Checks didn’t come Sat. bowels got around to moving Sat. & good. Well Elbert ordered a little food from Shores, we have been short on eats for about 3 weeks, now, we will owe him $2.51 untill Tue. or Wed. but we can have a bite to eat. Was so hot had fan going & now winds North, & cool. no one come in today I don’t know what’s wrong. Ann called, said she been sick since Fri.
Mon. Sept. 5. 1960./ Labor day, Cloudy this morn Elbert washed he thought it mite not dry, but sun came out after dinner & they are drying I read my bible [?]
Mon. Sept. 5. 1960./ & then Mrs Finding & another woman came in, she had been over to Sandusky to see Miss Clark in Memorial Hospital, she had cator-act taken off her eye, she’s feeling fine & Mrs.
Finding is taking her to her home for a week & people turned to & paid all her expenses. I’m so glad. I know Mrs Finding will take good care of her Oh how much we have to thank Thee for. Jesus. Elbert says cloths most dry. Sun is hot & bright Mrs. Finding came back after 6-P-M-& brought us vegetables & meat & butter & talked some she had a Mrs. Peters with her we all visited & then she went back I Pray God will reward her double, she’s a very good Sister , I didn’t mean to pry on her symathy, but I told her we were out of food & Elbert run in debt for some to last us untill tomorrow or Wed. & she came all the way back with food, she’s heavy set & I know she must be tired. Oh how much I love & praise God, Amen.
Tue. Sept. 6. 1960./ Beautiful Day I got up 9-30-a-m. was just having my breakfast when Betty & her boys & Mrs. Proctor & her children came in, Mrs. Proctor & her children & Billy stayed with me while Elbert & Betty & Franky went to town & good our supply of food they wasn’t gone long. Betty brought us pk. pears, peaches & tomatoes, I gave her my receipt for Kecatup & Chillisauce, she said Budd is cross he’s tired out they took big truck load of fruit into Cleveland this a-m. then they had there dinner & Betty came over here. Elbert got his check this morning
Fri. Sept. 6, 1960./ no word from Bonita or nellie & 5 days of Sept gone been hot sun cool nights we have had to cover up at night, Ann called, she went to Dentist this morning, can’t have her dentist teeth untill she has them paid for & Betty had a tooth pulled & ought to have all her lower ones out but don’t know about paying as she goes. Elbert has something wrong with one eye it’s sore inflamed looks bad. I was out in Kitchen today, Elbert payed Shore for groceries, & he paid phone & light bills. now we have to order gass. he said he spent all but $18.00 out of 62.00. 3 lbs. hamberg cost 1.77 & 98 cents for 1. can fruit 1.00 for cube steaks. Bible says the number 666 will soon be coming we won’t be able to buy or sell & will have to starve to death. hope for mail Wed.
Wed. Sept. 7. 1960./ Beautiful Day. & A letter from Bonita & from Crisco & Allen, he’s going to New York. Elbert fell down out side tore his pants & underwear & his skin, he feels lame & sore I pray God will help him to, do His Will & way he wants to, but devil has him bound, Oh Jesus help lose him I ask in Thy Name, Amen. Well no one called today. Been hot, yet a nice breeze, we have enjoyed fruit that Betty brought us. Well its 6 oclock & getting cloudy now supper most ready, I don’t know whats wrong with Ann she’s acting very queer & more so since I went to Clyde She ought to
Thurs. Sept. 8. 1960./ She ought to pray more. It’s a beautiful Day hot sun breeze died out at 3-30-p-m. A letter from Edna & some add’s. A freee free flower book a beuty Id like to have it to look at, but couldn’t pay for next one, so feel I shouldn’t ask for it, cost money to put them out. Well, I mussed the bed I couldn’t move, then move to much. Radio said tempture 93 & Elbert says he thinks it’s 95 We just ate some of pears Betty brought, they’re so good. Well, I called Ann & she’s having her trouble Miltons father took a new car to Virgina & he sold it, he got his faults teeth down there & now they called to say they will be home Sun. L.M. has lost a week of school Ann’s so [ ?weepy]
Fri. Sept. 9, 1960. We got a letter from Joyce this a m weather was so hot had 2 showers this morn & another good one this after noon Elbert’s back hurts him bad, but he cut a lot of goldenrode, this afternoon began to get cold & tonight it’s real cool breeze. All I’ve done today is read my bible.
Sat. Sept. 10. 1960./ Beautiful Fall weather & Goldenrod thick all over & weeds & black-berry roots & vines as if they had been sowed broadcast, & Elbert’s been cutting tops off goldenrod so they wont go to seed. Edna came in at noon with 1/2 gal cream & hot apple pie. it sure tasted good. she had some color photo picture they had take, they were plain & clear she swept & wiped up the floors hadn’t been done since she did it last. {?}
Sat. 10. 1960. Sept./ she never asks what to do but gets broom & mop & pail & get it cleaned in just no time & that’s wonderful Elbert’s feeling so bad since he fell & I know by the sound of his voice he feels all in. I pray God will spare him long to me & help him learn to know Him better, I thank Thee Jesus. It’s most cloudy & dark & very cool breeze, it’s dark I don’t feel able to do write my writting today. We got our checks Fri. Elbert don’t feel so good I’m so sorry he fell shook him so bad
Sun. Sept. 11. 1960./ We figured home place is 62. yrs. old. Gertie was 11 yrs old when we moved there, she’s 72. now May 13, 1960. It’s been a fine Fall day, partly cloudy. My bowels moved some this after noon, Ann came in alone & visited an hour or so. Betty hasn’t been here for some time, she’s doing wrong things again. Well not anything doing today we been aloone allday except for Ann. Hurricane been bad in Porterrico & & Florida Keys killed a 100 & 4 in Florida & we have not had a full report yet. but it’s been bad Young Cyle is preaching at Esembly Church at Huron. I pray God will help him make a go of it there,
Mon. 12. Sept. 1960./ Beautiful Morning & Elbert done the washing this morn. & got it done & dried at noon & it’s begining to cloud up now & all is done & he’s so tired, I got the pillow covers sewed on except a little space 3 ins. long & Mrs. Payne called & while I talked to her Elbert sewed rest of pillow slip, one of there realitives who smoked & did bad things & had several things wrong with him & they thought he was going to die, he wanted to see some of his folks & they took him anointed him with oil prayed for him, he smoked to & the Lord Wonderfully healed him, he don’t have any craving for {?]
Mon. Sept. 12. 1960./ he don’t want any of the things he had wanted, but he’s so happy in Jesus. Praise the Lord, one more for Jesus, but all I can do is pray trust & believe Glory to God in the Highest No. mail to day. Well it’s 9.P-M. & pouring rain Ann called said she & Kathy just got home from the Drs. & Everythings O.K. with her & the family, Well I’m glad & pray God will in Jesus Name teach her to live closer to Him from now on. Amen.
Tue. Sept. 13. 1960./ Beautiful Fall day, partly cloudy. good breeze. Letter from Miss Clark with 4. bills in it & she’s better “her eye” but she’s weak. I have ans. her letter, she worries untill she Knows I’ve got it. Cliff came in to fix the stove Elbert thought he wasn’t coming & had a little fire, so he said he’d come tomorrow, sure hope they get it fixed. It lightened hard all right & rained heavy showers alnight & today partly cloudy. Betty called & said she’d be here in morning to take Elbert to town for the bal. of food. We have to pay gass eggs & Betty & Hensleys, 18.00 all told. my check is only 65.00 I have to save 20 for coal & 21 for church & he hates to keep track of what he spends & I have to or get in hole, God help us I pray. Betty said Ann was canning soup. Well it rained & looks like we’d be getting more tonight. 54 degrees [?]
Wed. 14. Sept. 1960./ WEll, Betty & Frankie & Ann & Conie & Cliford & Patty all came today Elbert & Betty went for
Wed. Sept. 14. 1960./ went to town for ballance of food, he had 15.00 of his own & 65 dollars of mine, total of 80.00 food cost 35. some coal 20.00 10. gass, so, we are broke again with 3 weeks to go before another check. Well, today’s beautiful day, I don’t feel like writting & I wish I could go out. The young folks all had coffee & went home; Betty brought grapes of different kinds red, white & blue. little letter from Loura Ann Bonney I don’t un-derstand. Well, Elbert worked outside awhile after dinner. then washed dishes & put food things away then rested few mintues, got supper & cut up hen I’m so glad Cliford got the stove fixed. it’s cold nights & mornings. We had little water mellon after supper. I crave for fresh fruit, & all is short this yr. & Russia is planning on some sort of war, I believe this will be the religous war I had the vision of I’m not sure as I had several visions & didn’t keep tab on them. My left side feels bad, very bad tonight. Been nice all day, but cloudy at supper time.
Thurs. Sept 15. 1960./ Dark dreary sort of Morning & getting darker toward evening No mail for 2 days & I wonder. Betty came in & cut my hair & Elbert’s after dinner Elbert’s bowels run, him late yesterday & during the night, The Hurricanes have been bad, more than a billion dollars worth of damage & hundreds of people killed & there’s another one now. I must write & see if Annabel & Bob escaped & Ethel & Miss Willitt We haven’t heard from Bonita or Nellie either. Betty’s Frankie has been sick Ann called today.
Fri. Sept. 16. 1960./ Partly Cloudy but nice day. Mrs. Aker wrote us a letter & Roberts Mrs. Finding came in for few minutes with Miss Clark & the other little woman. Can’t remember her name Mrs. Finding brought me a half circule, plastic to keep my hair back, she had one on one day when she was here & I wondered if one would be good to hold my hair, so today she brought me one.White she seems to be such a nice person Miss Clark’s eye is lots better & she walks good. She says she’s 81 yrs. old. they were only here a few minutes. Mrs. Haufman sent 2 doz eggs for 1.00 & said she’s selling her hens she don’t feel able to take care of them. she’s getting old Talked with Ann a little today she got her new set of teeth today. 68 degrees tonight. Elbert forgot the flour & we run out of bread.
Sat. Sept. 17. 1960./ letters Mrs. Gantt Wyatt Allen & Roberts Soul Clinic & Edna I sent letters to this morning Cloudy Day quite dark at 4.-30-P-m. Phone bill & add was the mail no word from any of the folks I wonder whats wrong with them. Well it Sprinkled a heavy mist, but only for few minutes. bread man came today. I read my bible but, it’s to dark to read or write. I did write letter to Annabel. No one called or phoned today.
Sun. Sept. 18. 1960./ Partly cloudy untill noon. & now quite clear & [?] Mr & Mrs Hensley came in & there 4 children for a half hr or so, her brother’s wife had
Sun. Sept. 18. 1960/ started to get a divorse paid 100.00 dollars on it & then went back together give up the divorse 2. children & they haven’t any judgement, lost children her (Mrs Hensley’s) mother, has to take shots once a week & 2 of her children, one 15 yrs. old. Mrs. Myrtle Smith has hardening of the artries & although she walks a-round, is very poorly. Mrs. Hensley has a broken artery in upper part of her thigh. Oh God help all of us to live closer to Thee, Amen. John Snyder was using tractor this morning across the road. they don’t like us because we try to live for the Lord. Jesus Keep us close to Thee I pray. Marchel & Mr. Hatten came we had a very good visit & prayer & Mr. Marchel sang 2 hyms & told us some outside news & says his wife needs more of the Lord & Mrs Simms ask for prayer Mr. Hatten is an elderly man but he enjoys the prayer & visit & promised to come again as soon as they could. I went out to Kitchen 7 played the phonagraph & some hyms. then came back to bed & pan & before we were done Nellie, Bonita, her man & 2. babies came & Elbert had supper just ready, but they wouldn’t partake so we waited untill they were gone; Glen took the limb that was two pronged & has hung in the walnut tree since the tornado in 1953, out, I hoped it wouldn’t fall & hurt any one, but today is Sun & they did out a wash & dried it & swept & wiped up floor.
Sun. Sept. 18. 1960./ Nellie went over to try & find Nora, she found the place Venesa & her man have it now, the girl Nora adopted, she wasn’t home, but the man that took care of Nora talked to Nellie, Nora fell splintered her hip & was only in hospital 2 weeks & died that was in June, July or Aug, Nellie couldn’t remember. Van & Carry were off on vacation nellie is real sort of distint, pa must have given her the money that Uncle harve left for her, Pa didn’t leave Elbert’s & mine God knows & I’m glad “He’s” the judge. We talked to Ann & she’s so tired, she got her teeth & likes them, she went to church, they had 62 there & she & Betty went out & picked up 2 car loads for sunday school & church they ought to have a buss.
Mon. Sept. 19. 1960./ Fred was 74 today/ Dark & cloudy untill 1-p-m sun came out for 3 or 4. hrs. Elbert washed half the clothes they dried this afternoon got dark 4-30-p-m. & is fogy tonight & damp, hope for the sunshine tomorrow. I put big patch on my dress in lower part of back of the skirt Betty strained it apart helping Elbert get me on the canvas to put me in chair & I don’t know how the corner got tore but I got it today & button sewed on No one in today or phoned This is Mon so dark I can’t see to write.
Tue. Sept. 20. 1960./ Mon. Fred’s birthday he was 74. yrs. old: Dark very dark dreary day & a letter from Audrey she’s happy Jean & Bill have moved closer to her, she went & made curtians for Jean, Wendy “Jeans eldest girl” is go-ing to Kindergarden school & likes it she didn’t even mention the other younger one Bills got a cold works in boots all day doing wet sanding she washed her head & baked angel food cake Gertie was putting jig saw puzzle together, she done her wash Sat it didn’t dry good. & Audrey was looking over to old McGuire place at an old tree; the leaves all gone, & Fall, right on to us, queer summer & Fall & she says wasn’t that a terrible thing Armond did to his father ? but she didn’t say what he done, said Armond took her to see F. and one evening last week [?] Hospital & Armond didn’t seem to be so bad, but, talked nice all the way there & back. Now I have to find out what happ-ened to Frank. We had a fire several time & a coal fire today. Nellie & Bonita, Jean & children were here Sun. they hadn’t been to Frank’s, for, they ask if we had heard from any of them. there car’s so bad they haven’t been able to use it. Well I wonder
Wed. Sept. 21. 1960./ Dark gloomy day I tried to write a letter to Audrey, but I didn’t get it done I feel so bad about the thing that are said & done & because they don’t
Wed. Sept. 21. 1960./ tell us what happened & there Frank’s been in hospital about a month & we still don’t know. We had a nice letter from Edna today. she writes a friendly newsy. Cliff is out of work she’s gone back to work & it’s harder work than she had before. no one come in today, Ann called on phone & said Mr. Andrews told her he came over here last evening, he came by his self, he seemed to enjoy talking to Elbert about hunting & guns & his visit to Virgina & that he had L.M. “Ann’s boy” with him, he went in a car & sold it & they came back on the Buss, had a good time he said, Ann said she might have come if she’d known he was coming. She’s gone to Berlin Hights to Church tonight. to hear Gibson preach, she called us & ask us to pray for Mrs. Hicks she got her husband home & we all prayed & in a short time she was O.K. Praise the Lord & Oh, how we do thank Him & Praise Him. now & ever more: We have had a fire in the heating stove twice since it has been cemeted & it makes a big heat now. Well I’ve got to get cought up on my letters they are getting ahead of me. Well Audrey says she can’t write unless she’s in the mood & I guess I’m getting that way. I have to write to Ruby & Edna’s mother
Thurs. Sept. 22. 1960/ Well its been a fine day south breeze warm sun, Elbert washed half the wash, his back is paining him so bad & he had to fix the pump, he thinks the Proctor children must have done it & he must have rawered [?] hard to get it off the stone in bottom of the well & rolled it over Elbert didn’t get it back in middle of well, Cliff done good job on heating stove it holds heat good. We got letter from Allen this morn. He wants pledge for 100.00 I pray God will help me to know what to do: Payne came & helped Elbert fix pump he had his little son with him, he’s going to Kindergarden school & likes it. Ann called up & said they had a good meeting last night & Payne said so to. John give Elbert a bu. of beets & told him how to cook them Elbert is 77 & I’m 75 yrs old ha,ha,ha. I mended my dress a night gown & have 2 more to mend. Betty mended slits in 2 dresses & washed & ironed my rayon slip. she hasn’t been here since last week.
Fri. Sept. 23. 1960./ I wrote to Audrey, Mr Swarthout & Mrs. Aker. “3 letters” Now to Mrs Crisco & Ruby. partly cloudy, cool breeze. Elbert & I looked in Chest for ma’s & my apron & Crisco bed Jackets. We found them but I didn’t find my dress patterns & I need it my dresses are all gowing to pieces & somethings got to be done soon Elbert says wind damp & cool- hot sun.
Fri. Sept. 23. 1960/ Mrs. Finding & Miss Clark came in this after noon & Mrs. Finding brought Elbert fried chicken & me potatoe salid all hot for supper O she is so thoughtful & we do appreciate it & praise God for His Love & care of us & she was over to Cleveland & called Miss McGovern & talked to her, Sara has been ill she’s a lot better, they took off a piece off one lung but she has another Christian woman with her, but didn’t say why no letters, but she is feeling fairly good & still hoping to come before weather gets bad I think it’s so good of Mrs. Finding to call & talk to her for me. They had been to eye Dr. & he took bandage off Miss Clarks eye, said if she don’t strain it, it will come along O.K. she’s staing home & has to go back, in 2 weeks to Dr. Well, Miss Gillespie sent a letter from Mich, said she was Evanglilizing with the woman she had here, when they had tent meetings on her place & Oh me, Oh my. I wish she belonged holy to God Elbert’s back & hips & legs are very bad today he’s only done what he had to. We looked for the aprons & dress pattern in chest & found all, but patterns. hope I’ll find them I need them. my dresses are 7. or 8. yrs. old & my nightgowns 2 yrs. old & times flying, Beautiful day all day,
Sat. 24. Sept. 1960./ An other wonderfully nice day. Edna & her daughter& baby were here this afternoon, the baby is small but very bright & has gained 4 lbs.
Sat. Sept. 24. 1960./ Joyce says it like a live doll she has lots of sandy hair. they brought us 2 small muskmelons. John Snyder been plowing most of the day: We received a nice letter from Miss. Mc.Govern she is still having to have one eye treated & can’t see to well with the other & it costs her so much, she sent me a dollar & 6, 4 cents stamps. she has Sarah wit her, but she has had to be operated on & part of one lung taken off she can’t work pays her room & meals but she has another woman who does some work, she was so glad Mrs. Finding called & talked to her & she still wants to come to me & talk to me & how much I wish she could May God bless & keep her she’s 85 or so & won’t be here much longer. I praise & thank THee for her love to me. help me to write her soon, I thank & praise Thee Jesus. I got a letter from Jordon, he didn’t say anything about the five I sent him but want 50.00 for television & Allen wants 100.00 for same & we only have so little we saved for the taxes insurance, coal gas, phone & light & milk, eggs & bread, God help me to Know what to do. I pray. I wrote letter to Frank & card to Nellie & mailed them today. hoping.
Sun. Sept. 25. 1960./ Beautiful Day & not a soul come or phoned & Elbert says all the good christians well God see & hears & knows how good they are & how they like to be free to go & enjoy them selves. We have [?] the day & the quite with God. I pray God will [?]
Sun. Sept. 25. 1960./ to teach them His ways & His will & have mercy on them by & by. We don’t know anything more about Frank & Ruby No one come today, God have mercy on there souls, We in Jesus Name, Amen. I suppose some of them will go to church tonight Will you convict there souls before it’s tolate? John worked in his field today, the Lords day, they don’t read the Bible or Keep God comandments & wonder Why they don’t prosper. I was in the Kitchen toda in chair, & Elbert turned the mattress & fix up the bed again.
Mon. Sept. 26. 1960./ Well, I got up late & its a beautiful Fall day I had a cup of coffee after I got washed & brushed & Low & behold Mrs. Crisco at the door she & Samy had come to Sandusky, he was looking for a job, barbering, sophe came with him & on over here, Oh, we sure had a good visit & prayer & she gave us angle food cake & big piece of blg-na & Sammy talked with Elbert & picked Chinese red lanterns a small branch white cedar with little brown cones all over it. to take home. Sammy come in & talked some, he wants to work & feels so uneasy. They are all O.K. over in Bellevue Ohio Oh God thou art so good to us in so many ways. I thank & Praise Thee & give Thee all the Glory now & ever more Well it’s got real cloudy & looks like rain I got letter from allen have ans. it & am trusting & believing all will be as Jesus sees But I started a letter to Miss Mc.Govern, to dark so have to finish it tomorrow, got Ellen’s letter ready to go with the 100 in it Praise the Lord.
Tue. Sept. 27. 1960./ Another dark day sun shine out after dinner for awhile Elbert did most of the washing & got it most dry some damp. [?] getting supper now.
Tue. Sept. 27. 1960./ Cloudy morning only a little sun. A card from Inez Hunt, said she’s leaving a 9 o’clock N.Y.C. train she her son-in-laws mother fro colorado to see there grand children they are calling for them & to see her daughter & son in law it was so nice of Inez to write does better by us than our own sisters, I wonder why Audrey or Nellie don’t write or call us up & let us know about Frank Hope we here tomorrow. May God help us. No one come or called until just now one of the women from womens Junior womens league is coming called to say she’s coming to bring me flowers.
Wed. Sept. 28. 1960./ Beautiful afternoon & one visiter she called & said she had a few flowers she would like to bring me so I ask her to come, I can’t remember her name she wanted me to help her with some pinpoint or needle point work when she was here & that woman was here to clean the cupboard & wood work “Mrs. Massey” & she only done top cupboard & wood work & not any chairs or wash bench or behind the bench, She said she just came to visit they are young folks both work in school, have 2 children 6 & 8 yrs. old & are very busy. Elbert gave her some Chineese lanterns she seemed pleased with them, she came at 4-p-m & left at 5-p-m. seems a likeable person. Elbert called Audrey & she didn’t remember saying “wasn’t that & awful thing Armond did to Frank” I felt so worried about Frank but didn’t learn, only that Armond had been arrested for indesent exposier. She said Bonita’s having bad time with Geo. he wont work, had 2. good jobs offered to him & wouldn’t work & says he isn’t going to work untill he’s 21. yrs. he’s going to school & he & Pinky will graduate next Spring, then they’ll be 18 yrs. old in Mar. 1961. We got card from Inez & Robert’s Magazine.
Thurs. Sept. 29. 1960./ Elberts calling Ann. Beautiful morning & no mail. We talked to Audrey last night over the phone, not much satisfaction & No mail [?]
Thurs. Sept. 27. 1960./ Elbert did out some more wash today & they dried good, I talked a little to Mrs. Ramm Now have to write some more to Miss Mc.Govern. Well I got the letter done We didn’t get anything in mail not even & add. Ann didn’t call for 3 days now & Betty has forgoten us haven’t seen her for 3 weeks or more. Well I hope for something tomorrow. Elbert’s Knee hurts.
Fri. Sept. 30. 1960./ Dark cloudy day. sun did shine through a few times, N. East breeze 7 they said over radio tempture going down to 39. & we may get frost. the wind been cool alday One letter from Mrs. Aker. No word from Betty or Ann, her father in law said they went to town together in Betty’s car & Ann & Milton were coming home together, Ann went to Dentist & they never call to see if they could do anything for us & we are out of meat & lot of other things & we expect our check Mon. or Tue. 3 or 4 days. Elbert waved draw sheet as train pass-ed this a.m. to Inez & the other woman.
Sat. Oct. 1. 1960./ A beautiful day. & No word from Betty or Ann. God help us & direct us & convict us. Ann said some of the church folks would be over this week & not a soul come near & Betty hasn’t been here for 3 weeks or so We can’t figure out what wrong & will need some one to get Elbert & take him to the store for our food supply. I do hope all is well, they are not sick, for Elbert called & girls were off to town, Well God will take care of us some how Praise the Lord He is ever the same. Fred Jordon receipt for 5.00 Elbert’s out picking up butter nuts. hard grass
Sat. Oct. 1. 1961.[should be 1960]/ is so thick. Prophies are sure coming true & Oh how my heart achs for the careless people. with no thoughts of the future. It’s a beautiful Day out side & I can’t complain inside. All though the girls haven’t been here or called all week its’ been over 3 weeks since Betty was here Ann was here one night last week, we visited & prayed together now Jesus I can’t understand what’s wrong, they could at least phone Please help me. I have to write card to Mrs. Finding talked with Ann tonight, not long, about Mrs Smith
Sun. Oct. 2. 1960./ Beautiful Day & not a soul come in or phoned today, looked for Mrs Hensley but she didn’t come either. I went to the Kitchen for couple hrs. & I wrote a note to Mrs. Finding, to tell her Elbert wanted to go to Sandusky with her & Miss Clark Thurs & he would like to pick up his groceries on way back, in Huron & maybe she could bring some one to stay with me while they are gone. I got the food order all ready for him & we hope check will come Mon. or Tue.
Mon. Oct. 3. 1960./ Beautiful morning little north east breeze, hot sun. No mail. It’s so quite out side. Mr. Anderson has bought the place across the road from them & paid 500 dollars down on it for Milton & Ann & the people have moved out , so now Milton & Ann can start cleaning it & move in, they didn’t call me today. I wrote a letter to Joyce to mail in the morning it’s been such a [?] wonderful day, & I didn’t get anything done
Tue. Oct. 4. 1960./ It’s another beautiful day. Elbert has done out the wash it sure ought to dry, sun is so hot. Elbert got his check. & a paper from Jordon & an add. he mailed Joyce’s letter. Wish so much I could go out side. Well, Elbert got all his wash done except his everyday pants & he had to go to town Mr & Mrs. Finding came to take him so he left every thing & went with Mrs. Findiny & did as much of the shopping as he could., he stayed with me I didn’t like it that way but it was O.K. She gave us two blankets & wouldn’t take any pay, he had some like a hemorage & he has high blood pressure & eats to much & lots of meat, says he’s afraid they will cut him on his eats, he don’t feel able to work, Elbert & Mrs. were gone & hr. or so & Elbert felt so tired out he brought in the wash & I folded it & he hung them over the line in the kitchen & then got supper & after supper went out & dressed some catfish & then put away some of the groceries & now put away few more things & Ann & Milton come in & visited & hr. or so, they just haven’t had time to come, they bought a house & 1 acre of ground & there are so very busy, wonder what Betty will has for an excuse, I didn’t tell Ann we got the food but Elbert didn’t have it put away so Milton spoke about it & Elbert told them some friends came & ask him to
Tue. 4. Oct. 1960./ they ask to take him to town so they went. it took them an hour She talked a little to me, she & Miss Clark are going to Sandusky Fri. & Elbert is going or hopes to, to find out whats wrong with his eyes, I pray God will take over I thank Praise Him
Wed. Oct 5. 1960./ Another beautiful Day Elbert could hardly get relaxed untill most morning, poor soul but he’s up working with pains in his knee & in his back, he had to finish washing pants no mail from any of the folks, I’d like to give lots more but, we do have to eat a little to live. They tell us we will re-ceive a big reward, in money if we give money & other things. I hope for a blessing in health if no-other thing else. We want to do the Lords will if we can understand what it is, God help us. Well Edna & Patty came in after dinner & visited awhile & brought a flower book, I gave her a card to send in for it, my eyes so bad I can’t see to read it but if she wants to raise flowers there’s a lot of good advise, how to do & when. & its a good sized book, not quite as large as my tablet but all most. I gave a mark cloth to Patty fancy, some one gave me 6 for Christmas. Elbert gave her some new but-ternut trees that were just starting 1 1/2 ft high & some mosscausies & a qt. of butter nuts she picked up off the ground he got a pk from in under the tree by the drive way. Betty called & said she has been going with Budd to Cleveland every night this week is tired, Ann’s moving & theyre having great time
Wed. Oct. 5. 1960./ some one gave Edna 2 water melons she gave them to us they are not good no good flavor. Edna’s out of work again & he’s not working either. she said her mother wrote & said Kelly got out & they cought him & put him back they had told him he’d been good & so they were shortening his time & letting him out in Dec. but looks now as if they’d add it on again. Patty is so uneasy they didn’t stay long. it’s been a beautiful day, Elbert finished his pants but didn’t get them dry & has to hang them out in morning again. Tomorrows Thurs.
Thurs. Oct. 6. 1960./ Beautiful Day. My letter I wrote Miss. McGovern came back this morning said it had been opened by mistake, I can’t believe it but I’ll find out A nice letter from Armstrong & he talks as if the end is very close at hand & I believe it is also. Well, no one came in so for today, only breadman.
Fri. Oct. 7. 1960./ Another beautiful Day Mr. & Mrs. Finding Miss Clark & Mrs. Jameson are coming to pick up Elbert & leave Mrs. Jameson to stay with me, while they go to Sandusky for examination of eyes & nose. I hope it wont take to long & all will be well that God will take care of all & help them with all there needs, I thank Thee Jesus. I pray Jesus Thou will give strength & endurance A letter from Wyatt & receipt, Well I hope Nellie & Bonita will write, 57 today & 42 tempture to night. Im sweating, gown is wet. 12-10.m. Mr. Findings better & Miss Clark had the last 2 stitches taken out her eye lid it took [?] long time, They left 1-30 got back 15 to 6:p.m.
Fri. Oct. 7. 1960./ Mrs. Jameson was nice to visit with & she read my bible to me & we prayed & sang together, so seldom any one wants to read 7 sing or pray, she said she’d try to manage to come back I hope she does, she don’t get on your nerves fretting Praise the good Lord . Mrs. Finding was in a hurry, but Mrs Jameson ask them to come in & pray, so they came, but Elbert could only hear Mrs. Jameson & I do the praying, I trust Mr Finding is much better, we didn’t understand if she was going to Cleveland & then clear back to Sandusky or just how but will know when she comes again they had taken him to Sandusky first part of week as we understood her, she says he’s a big meat eater. he has high blood pressure, Lord give him good judgement Elbert had pad on his eye, but said it felt better he’s so nervous, when they were gone Elbert started supper they went & changed clothes & Oh how tired he is & he could hardly relax after he got into bed.
Sat. Oct. 8. 1960./ Another beautiful Day a little Cloudy Elbert had a big wash & got it all done & its most all dry. sun’s still shining & John Snyder is combining souy beans, he started yesterday, good weather for it. Magazine from Wyatt & a card from Macdonalds farmers almanac for 1961. No visiters, No one came in, but I talked to helen Sarr. she & Earnie have been staying alone since July, Rue hasn’t been home all that time, she’s worried & upset, she’s having flu in her bowels she nearly bowled me over said she & Ernie went to Church Sun. Oh, how I thank & Praise God, I’ve prayed a long, long time & still do pray, they will turn with there whole hearts to Jesus, take a strong gripp on them God & open there spiritual mind help them [?]
Sun. Oct. 9. 1960./ Beautiful Day not cold. We took our bathes & then had dinner & Elbert washed dishes, then Mr. & Mrs. Marshal & baby, came in to visit & pray, he told me some dreams he had & then he wanted to know if it would be O.K. to give me his tighs[?], so we talked it over & that the tighs[?] belong to God & then he told me he isn’t sure of the church he’s been going to & we talked that over & he seemed better satisfied & they & we had prayer & they said they would be back as soon as they could & I hope they will & pray she receives Holy Ghost. she’s in a lost sort of way & needs Jesus. Well they went & then Budd & Betty came & there 2 & a neighbors boy age of Bill, he’s had 4 teeth pulled & has sore moth he is learning in school fast. We had soup home made meat vegetables & rice Elbert had enough so we all had a dish Billie & Frankie ate cheeries crackers & bread with me, it tasted better & Billie drank some of my tea. Budd & Betty brought us tomatoes & apples 1.2 bu. pk tomatoes, We visited & they went home 7-30-P-M, Budd’s been hauling apples into Cleveland & Betty goes with him for he only has one good eye & she has to keep him awake Billy has had to have 4 teeth pulled & has to go back Tue or Wed morning. Elbert gave the pants Mound gave him to Budd & he was so happy to get them. they have been so good to us. They are young & working
Mon. Oct. 10. 1960./ Beautiful Day Allen r-ceopt & card from Gillispie from Ky. she’s evenangelizing, I pray God will bless her in His own way. My eyes are so dim God grant me strength in soul & body in Jesus name, Amen. I thank Thee Jesus & give all praise & Glory to Thee for ever & ever Amen. Well, Helen brought us 3 doz. egg & Ornske[?] & brought 2. doz. Elbert paid Helen 45 cents per doz. 1.35 & the others were 50 cents per. doz 1.00. Helen talked & hr. or so, telling us her troubles & they are plenty Rue’s 58 yrs. old & she’s 55 yrs. & Ernie is getting so unrully she’s having a terrible time to keep eating & buying there cloths, it’s sure a terrible world. Mrs. Finding stopped here on her way to San-dusky Hospital to see him, her son was with her, she brought us a few tomatoes & peppers. she didn’t call Miss McGovern. I was out in the Kitchen & ate supper had just got in bed when Helen came, Ernie had left note on table saying he was on his way to Berlin Hights, now he’s trying to do like his dad. Rue hasn’t been home since July 4, 1960.
Tue. Oct. 11. 1960./ Beautiful Morning untill 1-P-M. begin to cloud up breeze died out & it sprinkled at 4-p-m. & at 5 its real dark its been such nice days Indian Summer, but haven’t seen any spider webs drifting in the air, We had fire nights & mornings all Sept. & now Keep just a little day & night. it isn’t cold got both windows open in my room & west one open most all night Elbert hasn’t felt very well today. Betty didn’t call up today. No one came in or called today. John & {?]ethel worked over all the way [?]
Wed. Oct. 12. 1960./ Another beautiful Day. just a wonderful day, Elbert washed a few pieces & he still feels tired out, he’d like to go out side & work, but his back feels so bad. My night gowns are going to pieces fast & I don’t know what to do, I let Mrs. Crisco take two pieces 8. yds. each of dress goods, thought I get at least 4 or 5 gowns, but she hasn’t wrote a word yet. No mail of anny accont. Ann called last night, she’s so important, they have got all moved, Milton stepped on a nail & is limping around & they haven’t had phone moved yet hope his foot is better I don’t know if he went to work.
Thurs. Oct. 13. 1960./ Another nice day I’d like to go out side. Betty called & come & brought a neighbor a Mrs. Walker she lives alone in a 7 room house has enlargement of the heart & a few more things & she spilled bed pan & passage in the bed, well, she took pan out empted it & cleaned pan & covered bed untill Elbert could get at that. they got back from store & Betty Frankie & other woman left, Betty had to get dinner for Budd she’s been going to Cleveland with Budd at night & is tired out. Elbert cashed my check & gave me 45.00 back, terrible how money goes, Elbert gave Betty some beets he took some to Lee Shrame & the Laundrey man some beets & he cleaned up my bed & now getting us a bite to eat my stomach isn’t digesting very good. We got letter from Nellie. I put on a clean gown this morning & had to have another at noon. they say it a great world if you don’t weaken maybe so. I have to have another night gown, I ate supper in Kitchen with Elbert.
Fri. Oct. 14. 1960./ I wrote card to Nellie & a letter to mrs. Silas Aker Ky. Thurs. Mrs Payne called said she received the Holy Ghost Wed. night at prayer meeting I thank Thee Jesus & if I don’t have it, I pray I to will be blessed with it, I thank & Praise Thee God of Love & Mercy It’s been a beautiful warm quite day. Elbert’s feet been paining him so bad all day. I broke one bow on my glasses & now its hard to write. No mail only sample of some kind of searel I fasted & prayed today & still pray for all of God’s people that He will hear & bless & do His Will in every way & help us understand. No one called or came in all day. I sent a card to Nellie & letter to Mrs. Finding, to be mailed Sat.
Sat. Oct. 15. 1960./ Betty got me 2 dressicary & writing paper Thurs. My bowels moved today & they moved today, been cloudy & got real thick at noon & rained some. No mail except telephone bill, he got milk bill Thurs. 5.00 & some odd cents. phone 5.46 It isn’t cold out had window open all night. broke bow on glasses, Elbert fixed them so I can use them. Mr & mrs. Hensley & children came in for & hr. or so. We had a good visit they have been down to Virgina to visit there parents & came over here soon as they could, He’s been out of work for 3 weeks & goes back in the morning. They’re out of money & food. Well it rained this after noon slow drizzle would be good if it rained all night terribly foggy all the after noon & evening Can’t see [?] yet
Sat. Oct. 15. 1960/ It’s not cold out side flys & bugs are flying about yet. War is still going on between Nations Mr. K. gone home, & they have sighted a sub. between Cali. & Honalula for several weeks & it will take that long to find out about it Mr Anderson “Milton’s father came in after 7-P-m, to borrow an ax, they bought the house across the street, it’s & old house & they have alot of work to fix it up, he wanted & the axe to fix a basement door, Milton foot is bad, he says he has a red streak started up toward his leg & it’s swollen & if he doesn’t take good care of it he could have blood poisen in it, I pray Lord you will take care of it & help him to thank Thee the father sits out in Kitchen smoking I hate it, its 9-30-p-m & he’s going now.
Sun. Oct. 16. 1960./ Betty called wanted Elbert to call a Mr “Authreys” no she wanted & they wanted to know if Anderson had left here. Was cloudy this a.m. & now it’s sure nice, quite, sunshiny day. & 3-p-m. no one called or come in today. Been lots of cares in Snyders all week & today. Since Hensley fixed the radio & he kept the Station hand, now we can’t get back on C.K.L.W., if we get off, & he moved it & we heard Rev. Fuller & Billy Grahm, but he hasn’t got back on C.K.L.W yet & I like to leston to Armstrong & some of the others. Wind’s N.E. & colder Well I see Mrs. Crisco, her sister & grand daugh they came in headed for Lorain to take the g daughter home
Sun Oct. 16. 1960./ she Mrs. Crisco made me 2. night gowns of the dress goods I gave her & brought them to me, I need them so bad; & She said, the reason I’d been seeing Samy all week, he had received Holy Ghost & the granddaughter also. & they danced all night in the Spirit & a number of others, they were tired but Oh, so happy, Oh How I love Jesus He hears & ans. my prayer, Oh Praise the Lord, if only we could go more often we had a good visit & prayer before they left, they had to take the girl home to Lorain 20 miles & back & on to Bellevue. Mr Crisco & Samy were going to Willard to Church Mr. C. is better since the fall he took & we thank God. I ask God to catch Samy up before he went the wrong way, I ask Him day & night for 3 weeks or more & He did, Oh Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost Wonderful wonderful Saviour, Samy says, he don’t have any desire for the things he wanted before & not any longing for snakes at all thats wonderful. Now we trust Jesus took them safe all the way
Mon. Oct. 17. 1960./ The Hensleys came in with 4 children & then he came, in they been down to Virgina & he’s going back to work this morning it partly cloudy till noon & then cleared up
this was for Sun. 16 Oct/ & no one else phoned or called till 3-30, & Milton & his father came to borrow Jack Plane & Milton said
Mon. Oct. 17. 1960./ he has got to be off work all week, spike poisened his foot, he just going back home said he paid 7.00 for one bottle capsules & 9.00 for the last & has to loose 1. weeks work & he’s just starting to pay for a home. It’s beautiful out doors gut I thank God I can sit up & write. Glory to God.
Tue. Oct. 17. [should be 18] 1960./ Nellie & Bonita came in & visited an hr. or so, they had been over to Martha’s & see the dishes she took from here so long ago & Nellie still wished she could have them, I told her I couldn’t re-member what Martha took, but I was so glad I didn’t have them any more for now I didn’t have to worry over them or who wanted them. Received nice, letter from Sister Swathout today. I don’t know what they were looking for today, they don’t have enough to pay there bills, but Nellies talking of going back to Cali on the Plain Elbert done part the wash & got it dried he gave Nellie some beets. they didn’t visit long.
Tue. (should be Wed) Oct 18. [should be 19]. 1960./ Beautiful day partly cloudy No mail today. I sent a letter to Mrs. Crisco & forgot to put dollar in for buttons. My old gowns are falling apart fast. No one came in & No Mail. I sent letter to Mrs. Crisco & have one ready to grant Mr. Brackett. in the morning Mrs. Payne called up today. his brother came from Virgina 435 miles alone hard drive she says she is still happy in the Holy Ghost I think it was last week she [?]
Wed. Oct. 19. 1960./ Oh, but it’s dark & it’s raining some & terribly oh so terribly dark, it was so nice yesterday, Oh well, we had quite a few wonderfully nice warm sunshiny days, it’s been dropping 2 degrees every night, it’s supposed to be 36 degrees tonight the radio said & maybe frost; We have to get it sometime, but We Praise God for all we have We don’t get any word from Mrs. Finding, We pray God will take care of them in what ever way they need & help them know & understand Oh God help us, each one. I thank & Praise Thee. A nice letter from Edna, said they are well she had letter from her mother & Opal, all are well, Praise the Lord. To dark to read or write. Mr. & Mrs. Finding were over to Sandusky & stopped here on there way home. They brought us a pk. of grapes & loaf of white bread with out salt in it, she’s making lot of grape juice Bockman gave them the grapes for picking them, Finding is a lot better & home again & lost 40 lbs. I pray God will Keep him & Keep him close to Him, in Jesus Holy Name We need Thee every second of our lives. Ann called yesterday & said they had moved the phone. I suppose Mrs. Payne wont call now she can talk to Ann, they don’t come over they’re so busy help me Jesus to do what you want me to do She said they had to go to Sandusk again next Thurs. maybe Elbert will go & have them look after his eyes again he has pimple on the lid again, God please help him. Maybe Mrs. Jameson will come to stay with me again.
Thurs. Oct. 20. 1960./ Beautiful day partly cloudy, quite cool breeze A letter from Sister Crisco that got back home in time for Church Samy is engaged to his girl Well, Betty came & Frankie after dinner & she did sweep & washed 2. chairs & drank coffee & Frankie drank chocolate we had a good visit then Ann came in for a few minutes to ask me to pray for her & an other woman, I pray God will help us to help others. I still ask Jesus to Keep Ann close to Him & help her do His work, she didn’t stay long then Betty went said she’d be back Sat. it rained just a drizzle, but no rain today, Elbert washed few things Wed. his back hurt to bad today the Laudrey man told Betty it wouldn’t cost him anything for doing our laundry, he’s such a good hearted man. Elbert ought to get some more beets today. Radio says tempture go down to 30.
Fri. Oct. 21. 1960./ Nice day mostly cloudy No mail No phone calls No company. I was in Kitchen & ate dinner & fixed caulflower for supper We had soup for dinner & more soup for supper, my feet & legs & hands & arms have been so numb all day. I’ve been wondering how Bonitas baby is it was in hospital when they were here last. Betty came & cleaned dress & put new scarf on she washed 2 yellow chairs
Sat. Oct. 22. 1960./ We cought 3. nice last night, Thurs night. Beautiful Day little cloudy leave falling in showers from the trees Elbert has picked up few butternuts He washed 2 sheets & [?]
Sat. Oct. 22. 1960./ It hasn’t froze yet & wasn’t so very cold, but, Elberts fingers & hands got real cold hanging out the clothes, he pluged the hole where where mice got in. his back was so bad Thurs & Fri. Betty is sup-posed to come today. She came tonight with Lousie & brought the hamberg & I gave her all the diners except 1/2 doz. that I had in my pocket book, I’m glad they are done for, I wonder what will become of the $2.00 bill that’s all there is left, Praise the Lord. I received letters from Allen, Wyatt & Jordon all wanting money right away, God please help me to be honest , I pray Thou will, Amen.
Sun. Oct. 23. 1960./ Sun came out. & looked like it would be a beautiful morning, wasn’t so long, began to cloud up & been a dark gloomy day, wind is quite strong & was all night & colder today, sort of penderating damp & a shivering cold. Edna & Cliff came over & she had baked some apple pies, so she brought us one & a pt. of cream, We had a nice visit I was sleeping when they come, Cliff said he would come & help Elbert trim roses on house & clean brush away. I’ll be so glad, I don’t suppose we’ll be able to Keep roses much longer to hard to get some one to help fix them up they are so thorny, no one wants to help tie them up. Well Ann called up & said she went to Bellevue this a.m. to sunday school & church & said if Milton would let her, she was coming over with the car to talk a while We are done for today Wind blew Sat & today
Mon. Oct. 24. 1960./ Sun came out nice this a.m. then cloudied up, with the sun peeking through once in a while, the wind be-gan to blew Sat. night quite strong & been at it every since & Sun night tore another shingle off the house roof, made a great racket, Elbert see where shingle came off but couldn’t see shingle on the ground any where, wind blew hard last night & quite hard today, but still a nice Fall Day. Elbert’s back, hips & kneese been paining him bad. Every once in a while Betty says Budd wont let her have the car, but, I hear different & now Ann gigles & says maybe she’ll be over if Milton will let her take the care, they don’t really want to come but they could tell the truth, they don’t need an excuse, but, Jesus sees, hears & Knows & they have to ans. for there excuses to Him. Oh, but it’s dark Well, Ann came & we prayed & talked the bible & Betty & 2 boys came & Mr & Mrs Finding & Son came, they moved the grass & after Mr. & Mrs Finding When they left Betty & 2 boys came then Ann last. No mail today rather cold windy day & dark only little sun
Tue. 25. Oct. 1960./ Was dark but cleared off been nice day. A letter from Opal. Betty took our wash to laundrey got it washed & dried & brought it back she took the Mrs Pearl Walker with her, to get her wash done she “Betty” said she was going home to bake cake for Frankie’s birthday I think he’s 4. yrs. old. Ann called said the Lord. ans. part of our prayer & hoped the rest would come tonight We thank Thee Jesus Amen
Wed. Oct. 26. 1960./ We had one light freeze or severe frost, not freeze. Wind blew hard Sat. night tore one shingle off the roof & today it eased up, Radio says it will be 43 degrees tonight wind has been damp & cold, raw, it’s been quit warm for this time of yr. I believe I did say Cliff fixed the heating stove & it works good now, We are so greatful. Well it’s been raining sort of drizzle, not very cold for this time of yr. One letter from Mrs. Silas Aker. leaves are falling from trees. Three oclock to dark to read or write still raining or drizzling. Elbert brought step ladder up, set it on front porch to see what birds drag in eve trough & found 2 pieces concrete, put ladder back in base-ment & then got some wire & fixed down spout that had come loose, he carried up coal & now hopes to rest few minutes. & no one called up or come in drizzle night, not cold.
Thurs. Oct. 27. 1960./ Dark real dark day & Mrs. Finding & Miss Clark going to Sandusky & Elbert went to Mrs. Jameson stayed with me, she read & we prayed & to dark to see to sing hyms, she hadn’t had her dinner & I tried to get her to fix it but she didn’t un-till they were back she only ate half of an apple, They are going back in 2. weeks again Elbert’s one eye is bad yet, didin’t rain to-day just very dark & cloudy Elbert got some hamberg, Mrs. Finding or Miss Clark didn’t come in to even say Hello
Fri. Oct. 28. 1960./ Dark, very dark day. No mail. Elbert washed 3 gowns, some towels air to damp to dry them, heavy fog last night & part of morning & dark & damp at 1-15-P-m No one came in or phoned. Very dark at 4-15
Sat. Oct. 29. 1960./ It’s been cloudy all morn Clearing at 12-30. No mail today & thus far no one phoned or came in. Elbert’s uper lip was swollen so bad this a-m, he says it doesn’t pain him, it has been like this several times before, I don’t know what the cause could be, swelling most gone 1-p-m. got so dark at 4-p-m & so dark at 6. P.M. & we had soup & had not finished when in came Mr. & Mrs. Crisco & there little granddaughter, they brought my night gowns 2 of them & we had such a good visit & prayer, now they must be back home again. Our blessing are so near many times when we least expect them & I had ask God to send some of his to talk & pray with us & I thank & Praise Him now & always Amen. Now they’ve been gone 40 minutes & I pray they are safty home. we gave them 2 big apples for Mrs. Wright she likes apples so much. I pray she will enjoy them, I pray Jesus Thou will real convert & save her soul. Oh Jesus, We need Thee every second of our lives help us Jesus, show us the way.
Sun. Oct. 30. 1960./ Beautiful Day, quite warm Sun. Marshell & wife, baby good christian visit prayer & song. Elbert
Sun. Oct. 30. 1960./ violets in back yard to-day. It’s extra warm out side, lots of flies around, outside of window screen we have slept with window open for several nights. I wonder if any one else will be here today. No one else came in today Ann hasn’t called for couple of days, Oh, Well.
Mon. Oct. 31. 1960./ Last Day of Oct. & Rainy dark day sun did look out once for only a few minutes. I would call it a beautiful Fall Day, I use to like to get out & do things on a day like this & here am I, to dark to read or write or do anything in side, I have wanted to try to sew on the machine it’s to dark No mail & so we don’t know if the rest of the families are dead or alive & since they don’t seem, to care about us we have to wait Tonight is Holloween, but, no noise out here. Today there’s lots of flies & bugs out on screen. Radio said only going down to 40 degrees.
Tue. Nov. 1. 1960./ Nice morning mostly cloudy untill 12 noon then getting dark no sun; 2 letters from Wyatt wantiing money & as yet no results & none from Allen although he declared we would receive double what we gave Oh Jesus What is wrong help us we need Thee so very much help us I ask. Betty was to come but she hasn’t yet & it’s 3-10-p-m. & so dark. I talked with Ann last night she doesn’t come or call very often well ma use to say every dog has his days it’s so terribly hard Milton & Ann came in
Tue. Nov. 1. 1960./ Milton and Ann came in for an hr. or so. we had a scriptual visit & prayers, Milton is the most uneasy person, you about ever see Ann has a terrible time to much confusion & other things on her mind & she doesn’t consentrate enough God answers prayer, we prayed the last time she was here for her brother, he had come to her in a mixed up mind & he would have gone away before Ann got back but miltion got him to stay & just before Ann got back Milton said he began to appear normal & When Ann got there he was hisself, she talked & prayed with him, he stayed & God helped him to a job next day & now seems they told him come back, he’s happy, I thank God in Jesus Name & pray He will help him to live for Him. Now Ann is in an other confusion about the church, I pray Jesus will talke to her & help her to understand; she wants to be to quick in her discivions, help her Lord to talk it over with Thee & do Thy will & Thy ways Amen West caught another mouse tonight that makes 4 mice so far, not very cold, not enough to freeze. Elbert got another 1/2 bu beets.
Wed. Nov. 2. 1960./ Partly cloudy getting real dark this after noon & at 5-p-m. real dark No one come in or called today. So I can only pray-ing. Well we got a letter from Bonita this morning & she said all are well, her mother was mending & she “Bonita ” had just wrote a letter to Bonney Bell, she never said she made a pie Elbert gave her to big apples & pk beets.
Wed. Nov. 2. 1960/ Elbert gave Nellie 1/2 pk beets & 6 big apples she wanted apple pie so bad & beet relish & they never mentioned either in the letter, well we hope they enjoyed them. Oh, Jesus help us.
Thurs. Nov. 3. 1960./ Partly cloudy untill noon then got realy cloudy & quite dark no one came in or phoned today & I’m feeling some better was bad for few day but only Elbert & I know & Jesus I cried couple hrs. last night.
Fri. Nov. 4. 1960./ Cloudy then clearing at noon seem so good. Letter from Jordon & I talked with Ann. They, at Church are having a debate which of 2 churches to choose at Bellevue or Berlin Hightes the Minister wants Berlin Hights his wife wants Bellevue & I pray God will in Jesus Name help him to get the place of the Lords Chose, Amen. Betty hasn’t called & so no one to get the groceries. Such a world I’m trusting the Lord. Oh God of Love & Mercy help us now I ask. I thank Thee & Praise Thee, help us to understand. It hasn’t froze yet wind a lot cooler & Radio says colder. Elbert washed part of the clothes Betty agreed to stop & get them & take them to laundry now puts us in bad fix. for he waited for Betty to come Tue. to take all the wash to laundry well he washed 2 sheets & 2 draw sheets & few small pieces, they all got dry & then clouded up got quite dark & then it rained fine heavy mist tonight. Elbert got another basket of beets tonight before dark & caught another mouse thats 5 now. damp & chilly out only going down to 46 degrees hope for some mail tomorrow. No word from Betty today.
Sat. Nov. 5. 1960./ Partly cloudy untill 2, p.m. began to get real cloudy & Dark very early. Mr. & Mrs. Hensley & 4 children were here, he took Elbert to Huron & got most of the groceries Ann didn’t come to take him for meat as they said they would. Mrs hen & I had a good visit, she said they might go to Virgina for thanksgiving, he’s out of work again & its election time & every one fighting about a democrat & catholic presendent. Oh Jesus it’s terrible, well Ann called & said she was so busy thinking about there own needs she forgot everything about us. God help us to be true to Thee & those about us I had lots to think of but didn’t forget I keep my word, now with a pleading when she called up & said she plum for-got, God help her, she does have lots on her mind I’m sure she’d have lots more if in our place most folks think of themselfes for it’s & if there’s any time left then of others what would Jesus do? she said Frankie had been real sick with the flu. God has taken care of us & I thank & praise Him cleared off & moon shone last night not isn’t cold & wasn’t cold last night.
Sun. Nov. 6. 1960./ Dark, dark Day & it came a heavy mist of rain & then snowed & the white Cedar look-ed like Christmas, so covered with snow but it didn’t stay loong, but tried again at day
Sun. Nov. 6. 1960./ there’s some N. East wind, not very cold, not freezing. No one come in or phoned today, We have listened to sermons on radio to dark to read or write. I hope we get some mail tomorrow. I thank & Praise Thee Lord God of Hosts Amen.
Mon. Nov. 7. 1960./ Dark morning it snowed a thick blanket of snow & trees looked like Christmas snow melted all off, not cold air is little damp cleared off at noon & was warm & suny all after noon. bowels didn’t move Fri, Sat, Sun & not untill Mon after dinner I’ve felt so weak, but got up long enough for Elbert to make my bed. Betty called & said they had flu. & were better & she hoped to come over Wed if things work out O.K. Milton has his childish tantrums & so she can’t do as she would like to, so we all have our troubles. Well, Jesus see, hears & Know I do hope He Keeps things on His side God help us to fast & pray & do Thy will & way No worth while mail today, I’m trusting & believing Ann just called & wishes she could talk & pray a thing she don’t do, pray as she should, her brother is with her & we’ve been praying for him, he says he has felt God’s hand is moving, Oh how much we thank Him & are still waiting for Him to help them get the church over here Oh Jesus we pray Thy will be done & get themselves before cold weather We thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for ever & ever
tue. Nov. 8. 1960./ Election day. Ann came and brought Mrs Tomson to stay with me while she took Elbert to slaughter house for meat Conie was sick & mr. Anderson Sr. stays with Conie, they left here 1-30 & got back 4-30 Elbert said he though Dian called & ask if Ann was here, He said she was impatient & it made Elbert angry, but we have to take all kind of abuse; I pray God will take charge over us & help us in the many ways we need we didn’t even have prayer but Annie Tomson & I had quite study lesson in bible scripture There are so many that say they don’t understand & some of them trying to preach, God help us. I pray. rained a little this evening, not freezing.
Wed. Nov. 9. 1960./ Dark drizzly & Today begins the Demacratic rule & Catholic. Mrs. Walker called on phone & Ann called & Betty came in with Frankie, she brought brought 1. bu. apples for $1.75 she baked an apple pie & forgot it, such a world, she don’t know when they’ll come back. Well, she’s going to bring another basket of apples. Elbert got one suit pajam-as & has to get another suit. & 2 sheets & 2 draw sheets. No worth while mail. A letter from boys home. It’s nice drizzly Fall night. not cold out we had window open all day & most of the night except when wind blew to hard rather warm tonight. I got a letter partly wrote to Edna but so dark I [?]
Thur. Nov. 10. 1960./ Well Elbert & Mrs. [?handing] went to Sandusky Elbert went
Thurs. Nov. 10. 1960./ Elberts eyes are good & he wont have to have the rupture sewed up yet for a time Praise God. They left here 15-to-1.-p.-m. & got back 5-30-p-m. I had good visit with mrs. Jameson, she is a very nice person she washed up the dishes, & read to me a while & she sewed up my night gown, it was tore from bottom to arm hold & then around arm part way. Well, I praise & thank God for all our many blessings, I Praise Thee Jesus. Ann called & said they had a very good meeting last night at Berlin Hights. she said the Holy Spirit meet them in a wonder way. Oh, I do pray He will help them in all the things they need. they need to learn & to understand, Oh how I thank Thee. Miss Fin-ding didn’t say much said Miss Clark has the flu. bad, they didn’t know who was going to take care of her We pray that some one will look after her she needs help, I pray God will be with her all the way We have cought 8. mice now. it’s lots colder tonight, didn’t snow today & we had sun past of after noon. Wind N. West & raw. A letter from Oral Roberts & some adds today is all.
Fri. Nov. 11. 1960./ Beautiful morning, nice sun. No mail of any importance. wind is raw but not strong hope to finish Edna’s letter today. Well I got it done. Mrs Young came in & got her roaster & talked a few minutes she’s such a good soul may God bless & keep her & No one else came in. God be keep[?]
Sat. Nov. 12. 1960./ Beautiful Fall Day. wind quit strong. Elbert washed some today
Sat. Nov. 12. 1960./ Ann & Milton came for an hr. or so, we talked & prayed. Gkod is working among the people Praise God
Sun. Nov. 13. 1960./ Beautiful day nice & quite warm sun. Edna came & her daughter & Patty, they left the baby with Cliff. We visited couple of hours & now at 3-30-p-m they have gone back home. Wonder if any one else will come in it helps to shorten the hrs. I read my bible for a while, this a-m. & praying for the place they want for a church in the near future, I pray God will us Ann but that Ann don’t let the work exalt her to much it’s wonderful God is sueing her, but God, help her not to feel she is higher in measure than her sisters & bretheren she seems to like to be exalted, God wants us to be humble help them, so they will be better able to do Thy Will, they like to be praised but don’t like to do a little work to help others that is to labour with there hands, help us to do Thy work & Will to have wisdom & under-standing. This world is so bad, Jesus Keep me Close.
Mon. Nov. 14. 1960./ Been beautiful day partly cloudy & good fresh breeze. not cold. No mail I called Mrs. Walker & Betty was there & I talked to her about apples, laundry & groceries. I do hope Betty will bring the right change back We will have to be strong she likes the change, wish Ann could come, while Betty & Mrs Walker go to the Elbert will be hear but he wishesw he could go to pick out what he wants to get
Mon. Nov. 14. 1960./ It’s been so nice out side warmer today & not cold tonight flies & bugs flying around on the window screens Elbert’s foot hurts so bad today Cloudy tonight breeze was quite strong & is tonight not cold.
Tue. Nov. 15. 1960./ Start hunting rabbits & deers today & Mo. half gone. Betty will be here this morning. No mail. windy out. Betty & Mrs Walker & Frankei came to take wash & get few eats & when they were gone at 10-a-m Clifford came & he & Elbert are triming ramblers & tieying them up & a young man stopped & he gave Elbert 2 nice rabbits praise God there are some good people yet & we sure do ap-preciate things like that & Pray God will give them a double blessing. Betty brought us a half bu. of delicus apples $1.25 Well we owe her for them “for 2 weeks,” We Praise God in Jesus Name for Salvation, for Saviour & Physician We thank Him that He sees, hears & Knows & I thank him for answering my prayers so soon for a rabbit. Praise His Holy Name for ever. Betty & Frankie came back, had cup coffee & choclate, she got few groceries for Elbert & we visited a while & she went home to get Billy & Budd & Frankie & her supper, Mrs Walker has a sister in Huron & she left her there I promised her some thread to crochet with. Elbert & Cliff got done with roses & Cliff carried the cuttings away Praise the Lord Elberts back legs & feet feel so badly, he don’t feel able to work. They hadn’t been done long & it began to rain 50 degrees out side [?] finish mr Crisco left
Wed. Nov. 16, 1960./ Partly cloudy all day. windy & rainy in showers all last night & no wind tonight was quite strong untill dark, cleared off & all starlight tonight not very cold either I wrote letter to Mrs. Crisco today, No mail no one come in or phoned today, I hope I can write Mrs. Finding tomorrow & that some one comes & writes. I read my bible will try to write Opal & her ma as soon as I’m able. Elbert don’t feel well & troubles me I thank Thee Jesus for all things, great or small.
Thurs. Nov. 17. 1960./ Well it’s about the same out side as Wed. & I’m so tired Bowels got so bad, & it strains me all over trying to move them, but at last they got moveing & at 12-30-p-m they were done. & today I’m sore & lame from head to foot. no. mail only adds. Ann called & said the Lord had ans. prayer & they had got the building for church we had been praying so hard for, We praise Jesus & they paid 70.00 for a months rent, they dropped off 5.00 a mo. it has hot & cold water & lights & 40 chairs & is warm day & night is plenty big I’m praying God will wonderfully bless them & help them to prayer for Him, in Jesus Name Now they are happy going to have Sundy school & church & wont have to be going hither & yon help them to gather in before its to late, I do thank & PraiseThee Jesus blessed Jesus Amen.
Fri. Nov. 18. 1960./ Partly cloudy, No mail, I sent a letter to man we got coal of last year He sent it this morning & I haven’t finished Mrs. Findings letter I’ve felt bad
Fri. Nov. 18, 1960./ Elbert felt bad he was up untill 2-a-m with me, then we got settled down, I was sure sick felt as if I’d throw up for a long time but at last went other way tried to rain to-night, but not yet, hope Miss Clark is better. costs money to phone. Ann didn’t call today
Sat. Nov. 19. 1960./ Dark, very dark & cloudy. & we had a thick fog all last night, it is now 1-15-p-m & quite fogy all around. Segy’s boy & his little boy about 7. yrs. old just come to hunt awhile for rabbits we made a pie of the other 2 & they sure was good, tender & swee. I hope they get 2 or 3 so we can have one. Received letter from Baumhart. & few adds. I pray God will strengthen my eye sight. I thank Him with all my heart soul & strength it’s to dark to see to write. I want to finish Mrs. Findings letter if I can Well, I didn’t finish the letter Emerick came & his boy, then Betty came to get meat for us Elbert gave her four dollars & I gave her a dollar, she had her sister & Lousia & 3. children with her, going to Sandusky 1-30-p-m. only Betty came in, well after they left for town Ann, Dian, & Kathy came in we had a good visit they are going to have there meetings over here on Rout 61. from now on & to-day noon they told us on Radio they had a big fire over at Bellevue long side of the building where Rev. Gibson was hold-ing church meetings, Ann said she didn’t know how bad the fire was but hoped it didn’t burn the song books. Now I wonder whats next. I hope Ann stands up for Jesus. I had a queer vision that a big white angell came & stood on the south
Sat. Nov. 19. 1960./ stood on South side of the drive, it was beautiful shimering white, beautiful big white wings, I looked out south window & saw it I called Elbert, he came & as he looked he fell to the floor after a time he got up & praised the Lord, I We call Ann & she came & was so mistifed she call Paynes & they called others & they came some laid on the ground & some didn’t get up & trucks came & hauled them away & some men said they had come to tear us in pieces, the Angel didn’t let them come in where we were Audrey & Gertie came said they hadn’t believed & Nellie Bonita, Johny & Marcie didn’t believe I don’t know what became of them & many more but after a time the Angels came in all the rest were gone & took us out on the porch & said, the Angels were gathering God people together & we soon would meet Him in the air & we did & Elbert was with us. Glory to God in the Highest, I wonder when this will be, I know the end of time is so near. Help us Lord to live Thy way & do Thy Will Oh, God have Mercy in Jesus name Amen. I dreamed I was walking & how happy I was.
Sun. Nov. 20. 1960./ Beautiful Day & quite & no one called or came & I suppose they held sunday school & Church in the building the group has just rented & I pray God it was wonderfull. Betty brought us about 1 1/2 bu of Fall pears, they look good. I gave her a dollar, she does a lot of nice things for us She has the car.
Mon. Nov. 21. 1960./ Dark Cloudy fogy morn. Elbert hung his pajamas out & they were as wet as if he’d washed them, he hung my draw sheet & night gown out they got wet, then at 12 noon sun came out & at 1.p.m is quite bright we received letter from Annabel, her children have been ailing first 1. an then another, she says one seems to be gaining at last & has come within 80 miles of them & they went to see them & they returned the visit, she said the hurry cane was quite bad took the roofs from some houses & tore trees up Well we are glad they are O.K. she didn’t metion Bob we hope he’s all right. she sent 5.00 & I know she needs it as much as we do for the have so much sick-ness among her children No one come in or clalled.
Tue. Nov. 22. 1960./ Partly cloudy, few hunters out South west breeze. mr. & Mrs. Pain came in late last evening they wanted me to sing a song for there recorder, I didn’t feel up to par & they sat down & began to visit, when in came Mrs. Finding, We all visited awhile & then Paynes left. & Mrs. Finding visited untill 1-15-a-m. I pray God will bless her, she wanted to talk to me & had sort of run away while her man & son were sleeping & she could feel free to talk at ease she told me lots of things going on in church & in Vermilion & about some of the people there, she said I’d be shoked if I could see & hear things that are taking place there. We have a Roman Catholic present & soon things will be terrifying for every one will have to obey Catholic rullers. & they have put a lot of them in office now while the others sleep. Oh, God Please help us to do Thy Will in all things & help us to understand Amen. it’s 10
Tue. Nov. 22. 1960./ It’s 2-10-p-m. the man we wrote to for coal has come & has 6. ton & we gave him 75.00 for it, now I only have 10.00 left for taxes & in-surance, hope we can make it & pray God will help us, I thank Thee Jesus Amen. The men just finished puting it in Coal bin 2-15-p-m. Betty came took wash to town she’s sick had bone out in vertabra, had Dr. put it back, she’s going to Huron get wash done, go home & get Billy’s & Budds dinner rest few minutes then bring our wash back. Mrs. Walker was with her this morning taking her wash to get done. Elbert hasn’t had his dinner been looking after the coal. Received letter from Mrs. Crisco this morning Received letter from Miss Willitt’s Every one wants money, Wish I could give to each of them. Betty came & brought our clean wash her side & stomach is hurting her, I pray Lord those will heal her & help her this time to cling to Thee, Jesus blessed, Pure, Clean & Holy. Ann & Milton came in for a visit & we had prayer together I, do pray Lord Thou will give her patients, strengthen her faith & bless there good efforts help them to get organised & be firm & steadfast in Thee, Amen. Ann & Milton have gone home, it’s 7-15-p-m. Elbert’s foot has hurt him bad all day God be with him & help him in all the ways he needs
Wed. Nov. 23. 1960./ In the letter from Mrs. Crisco she said Mrs. Wright passed away Fri Nov. 18. 1960. God bless her soul, she’s laid there 16 yrs, she was a big heavy woman; they let her fall off the bed not long ago, lying on her side & to close to the edge of the bed Her soul will I pray God rest her soul & He will have mercy on all the others in.
Wed. Nov. 23, 1960. camps, prisons, homes or where ever they are & I pray for the deft, dumb & blind all over the world Amen. I think of those who call them selves Crist-ians & can’t agree with each other, Oh, God please help us. It’s as if we are drownding. Mrs Young brought a chicken already to roast dressing & all & a can of sweet potatoes & can cranberrys & dish of jello with fruit in it & we ate it for our dinner It tasted so good. We thanked & Praised God in Jesus Name. My bowels didn’t move yesterday but aplenty this a-m. I feel weak, but I Praise God they moved. We received nice card from Womens Junior order, a rememberance card I will try to write verse off. “Thanksgiving” to a Special Friend, Some people we meet of the pathway of Life, We are apt to forget in a while, And some we remember-perhaps for a deed, perhaps for a word or a smile And there are a few Who remain in our hearts On Whom we can always depend, The Friend Who are true, All the changing yrs through And you are that kind of Friend. Happy Thanks-giving. signed Virginia Noe, Junior Womens League. Huron Ohio. 324. Center)) St ) God do bless them with the money they need to pro-vide for the needy. I thank Thee Jesus. )) Elbert’s trying to wipe up floors, he feels so bad these passed few days, he’s having to sit down every few minutes, poor soul I’ve been in the same fix & Know how bad he really feels, God help him I thank Thee & Praise Thee. Mr & Mrs Finding & Son Donald came in he stayed in car while parents came in well we visited some & then they [?]
Wed. Nov. 23. 1960./ they wanted to know if I’d like company for Thurs evening & I felt so delighted & said I would but on second thought as they said, they’d bring there supper & eat with us, my mind went to Elbert, he would have all that extra work of clearing the table all off getting out an extra table leaf washing it & table putting on a clean table pad & cloth & wiping off the chairs & getting out the dishes & silver ware & washing them & he was so tired he wiped up my bedroom floor & Kitchen this morning. Mrs. Young brought a chicken dressing ready to mix, can of sweet potatoes & can cranberries & 2. desert dishes of fruit Jello. Well they decided to come & be here at 5-p-m, Praise God.
Thurs. Nov. 24. 1960./ Beautiful quite day & Elbert got up at 6.a.m. had his breakfast & started to clear table & clean chairs when he had it done I waked up & had oil & coffee & got washed & dressed & ate toast & had little more coffee & dish of cheeries Royal Arm [?] with pitts in them, juic is so good then he got pad & table cloth & my slip & skirt out the bottom drawer & he put cloths on table & cooked Mrs youngs chicken, then here come Budd & Betty with 2 plates of hot dinner dressing turkey & jello & big dish potatoe salid so we ate while it was hot & it sure was good & Elbert was glad of it 2. They are such good young folks. they only stayed few minutes had run over to get ours here hot 4. or 5. miles & left theres with fire under to Keep hot We sure did justice to ours & thanked God in Jesus Name & Prayed he would look after those that are in worse condition than we, I thank Him & praise Him for His Love & wonderful care He gives to us. I haven’t heard from Ann. today Betty brought nice apple pie, she’s a good cook
Nov. 24. 1960. Wed. Thanksgiving day. Elbert’s got every thing ready for supper, he is sleeping we didn’t sleep untill after 2-a-m. Well it’s been a great day, Mr. & Mrs. Finding & Son came they brought a big roast turky & salids & creamed potatoes, turnip & slaw & jello, cheery & cranberry & buns & gravy. We had tea & coffee & pickled onions & cucumber slices & we had a nice visit & they left early for Mr. Finding has to work Fri. Well I called Ann up & talked to her awhile, Mrs. Bowls see Betty in laundry that Mrs Gants is sick in bed & about out of her head & as near as I under-stood Dorthy is looking after her & wont let any one come in to see the eldr lady, God I don’t know but hope Thou Will intervein It was Jesus who helped me but some of the people don’t seem to Know how to live God help her to be taken proper care of, Amen. heavy frost last night, not freezing cold & it isn’t cold tonight, I have window wide open
Fri. Nov. 25. 1960./ Beautiful morning Elbert has every thing put back in order dishes all washed & now he has dinner most ready, chicken dressing & potatoe salid that Betty brought & it is so good & at 12-30 Milton his Uncle & M.L. his son come in & have gone out in back to hunt rabbits it 1-10 & I haven’t heard one shot Elbert’s foot is begin-ing to hurt, he ought to sit awhile, We are just going to eat our dinner then after maybe I can write a little to ans. letters. Milton the boy & there Uncle went home I talked to Ann
Fri. Nov. 25. 1960./ Milton talked to Ann a few minutes, he is so surly & so uneasy, he looks same way. Well they didn’t say if they got any rabbits & he did not bring Elbers tools back, he just duns[?] his-self Elbert will have to be thourgh with him We see another mouse today, another job. A queer thing has happened, some one left a double handful hictory nuts on the step to the grainery 17 or 18 of them 3 had holes in them they looked as if they had been in water, was partly wet, then the 2X2’s Elbert had laid, beside the path, he had used in well were laying a-cross the path one end up on some boxes, now what sort of puzzle is that? I been asking Jesus who the man was, I saw putting nuts on the step he looked like some one I know. Well I didn’t write any letters. & it is now 15 to 8.P-M. star light & not cold mild breeze. No letters. a letter from Annabel & 5.00 & one from Womens League card no money.
Sat. Nov. 26. 1960./ Beautiful morning, fresh breeze but not freezing outside Sun warm outside flies & bugs still drifting around. Mr. Finding & son just come with load of old wood to burn, we gave them the cement blooks that were under old red coffin house if they want & dig them out the dirt, they are about 2 ft. long. there house hasn’t a good foundation under it dirt floor & when it rains, it’s so wet, Well they didn’t try to take any of the block & now Milton came to hunt Ann went to Huron to get groceries, then she came to take him home & said she would be back in & hour or so he gave Elbert 2 rabbits he brought from home. Elbert did out some washing got our dinner
Sat. Nov. 26. 1960./ & he is so tired, now he’s gone out to dress rabbits Ann said she & Mr. & Mrs. Hicks would be over after Milton got back home, for a vis-it so, I’m waiting, Well Ann & mr & Mrs Hicks & baby came at 6-30-p-m they didn’t talk very much, they were “as I supposed” going to talk about what to do to get there church on the move they don’t seem to know what to do or how to do it. & they are talking about getting some of Mrs. Gliepies gang in & if they don’t watch there p’s & q’s they will be in dutch Ann’s into big a hurry, they ought to get together & pray earnestly that God will keep them close to Him & help them to help the others that come in unto them & watch all things & trust God continnely in all things. Well I will pray for them & ask God to have His way with them & keep those of His close to Him We are both tired, Milton gave Elbert 2 rabbits full of shot, Oh well, it help out in the meat line
Sun. Nov. 27. 1960./ Milton’s dog was having pups tonight. Cloudy all day & after dinner it was as dark as if it were 6 or 6-30-p-m Milton & Ann came in just before church time they are getting trembling with fear that maybe things wont work out but, I can’t see why, for We all prayed, if it was all right for them to have a meeting place over here God would open up the way & He helped them to find a place that is kept warm & clean with 40 chairs & they have had one good meeting next one there wasn’t so many there but next after they had 45 children to practice singing [?] in Lord to or patient take out ener[?]
Sun. Nov. 27. 1960./ take out every doubt & fear make them steadfast, firm in Thee, help them to prosper & thrive in power & strength in Jesus Name We ask, Amen. It’s so terribly dark at 1-p-m. Radio said rain & snow we didn’t get it, had window open all night good breeze & it’s real dark out at 2-10-p-m. No one in or phoned today, good fresh breeze. Radio said some snow up round Mich.; some rain, a nice Fall Day not cold. Ann said she dreamed, she & Mrs. Gibson & one or more got lock in a big room & she said they had to get out some way & Mrs. Gibson had a key but was shaking so bad she couldn’t unlock the door & Ann said Sister Gibson let me have the Key & maybe I can unlock it, so she give Ann the key & she unlocked the door & they were all happy, I pray God will help them as He sees they need, I thank & Praise Thee, Glory to God in the Highest Hear & help us now.
Mon. Nov. 28. 1960./ Another cloudy day & very cloudy, fresh breeze, we have promise of rain and snow ton ight & colder, but only 38 degrees A find mist, coming, on S. window. A letter from Roberts. raining & blowing hard out side its 9-P-M another long night. 9.P.M. & Radio said gale winds tonight been doing some damage in places, like up rooting trees & uproofing houses I pray God that those of thine Thou will care for. & be with poor & homeless Lord have Mercy
Tue. Nov 29. 1960./ Dark very very dark all day. A letter from Roberts & his little magazine, a letter from Wyatt & I haven’t enough to go around, hope to get enough (100[?]
Nov. 29. Tue. 1960./ I called & talked to Mr Gunsenhouser & ordered 2 sheets 3 draw sheets & 5 yds toweling & 2. pillow slips. 13.25 I’ll have to pay half this pay & rest next pay. they have raised food twice, but not the pay checks. No one call-ed today or come in, Betty was to come for laundrey but didn’t, Turned cold & snowed very little & wind has been & still is cold & strong Ann called said she’sd had some sort of Clothing sale & that she gained points on the orders & had won a 9.00 dress, I don’t understand but I do wonder if Jesus would do what they are doing to win clothing dark day but moonlight tonight & cold.
Nov. 30. Wed. 1960./ Dark morning, I couldn’t sleep last night so slept late this a.m. Betty & her sister & Frankie came in 7-30-a-m she couldn’t come, Tue. she said, she took the wash & said she’d bring it back Thurs. she’s to get the things from Dry good store & some more apples the last she says mere 1.75 Elbert ordered 1 bu. more We will owe her 5.75 for bu & last half going to be hard on check. Well Betty the 2 boys came in & we visited couple hours, I love Betty & do wish she belonged to Jesus she’s so good hearted & does all she can for us & she loves me to she brought the laundry back & she will be back 5th or 6th of Dec. but she will call before she comes, so as not to have to make 2 trips. Ann didn’t call today, Betty stopped there & said mrs. Hensly had stopped to get an order book for clothes. it’s something like Lar-kins soap club. It was 3-p-m when Betty & boys came & 5-15-p-m when she left here it has snowed & blowed a gale & is still at it at 9-p-m. It didn’t trouble every [?] lost plane on Lake Mich & a big boat [?]
Nov. 30. Wed. 1960./ on rocks on Lake Mich & a boat in a small boat & the wind whipping up 10. ft. waves, they have not found plain or small boat as yet. & snow drifts 4 ft. high in several places & pavements wet & slippy, fights & lots of dead here & there & people haven’t woke up yet The Lord is finishing up His work & will be coming in a very few yrs. now. Oh, God.
Dec. 1. Thurs. 1960./ Rather dark Day cold & windy No. Mail. sun came came in for a little while, one is in school, he is out of work & they are living rather scimp. so the people are begining all over to feel the pinch & to wish they had saved more; not real windy snow most all gone. Seems the girls don’t tell me all that goes on, but it leaks out one way or another, it doesn’t pay to be proud or self righeous, God sees & hears & Knows & helps if we trust him. Betty was in a corner Wed. but we did-n’t let on we knew, We all have to ans. to God & they know that. Sun is nice & bright at 4-p-m. I must try to ans. rest of Opals letter. I did.
Fri. Dec. 2. 1960./ But I’m out of stamps, We got 1. letter from Mrs. Bracket. No letter from Nellie Audrey or Frank. Wrote letter to Mrs. Acker. I am out of stamps. No one come in, I have a bad cold. Payne’s brother came in to hunt & Ernie Sarr called & told us young Helen tried to take her life. he didn’t say any thing about his father, he got all beat up a while ago for molesting little girls & boys. Ernie & his mother were going to Cleveland Sat. so he said Findings came in for few minutes & said they would be back Sat & put plug in for ice box & put a light on front porch I’m feeling [?]
Sat. Dec. 3. 1960./ Nice day & Elbert washed out few pieces Findings came & brought a young man, he fix ice box plug & light on porch it’s O.K. now, Ann called late & said she’s been so busy. that they are going to try to have sunday school in morning. I sure have hard cold & Elbert is getting it also & he’s feeling punk, they had little trouble with lights but got them done she had to go to Huron for parts but everythings working good Was late when they went home 7-15-P-M & said they would be back Sun & bring commution
Sun. Dec. 4. 1960./ Well, we got up & ha our bath & got read for Farrels & Findings & communion & he read the 8 ch. of Romans they sang & talked & ser-ved bread & wine & they sang two hyms & they went home. I have been fasting & praying for their church & the one Payne & the group up here are try-ing to get started. it’s only 3-p-m & I’m begining to feel empty have to cough & blow so much maybe that’s why. Sun trying to shine & it’s still white. Elbert is sleeping he feels so bad. Every one’s gone home
Mon. Dec. 5. 1920 [should be 1960]./ Nice sun this morn, wind quite cold. A letter from Roberts & book from Allen & family picture of Roberts in color Elbert got his check Sat. & today Mr & Mrs. Finding came again, she was taking her wash to Huron to do it, so Elbert went with them & did our wash & got few things done he want to get done, pay light & phone bills & got some of the groceries & then he & Tom went to fish house & got catfish & perch & Elbert dressed them they had 2 big catfish & we had 2 & rest perch he was tired, we had ours for supper- the catfish. Mrs Jameson stayed with me she finished dishes Elbert had washed & He carried in water.
Tue. Dec. 6. 1960./ Betty & Mrs Walker came & Frankie Betty is going to g the rest of the groceries she going to take my draw sheets home & hem them she brought 1/2 bu apples & Elbert paid her for them & the eggs, he owes Ann for doz eggs 60 cents, it’s dark & cloudy tried to rain. my head is terrible bad was sick at be[?] half the night & Elbert feel so bad, he got birthday cards from Easel & Nellie. Betty brought him a cake last yr & forgot it this time Mrs. Walker brought a nice pie today. they gone to town will stop when they come back & they did. Betty wasn’t feeling very good or Mrs Walker either Well she got the groceries & Elbert gave her 3.00 for apples & paid her for 2. doz eggs. I’m sick
Wed. Dec. 7. 1960./ Feel so bad No one in this a-m Elbert got card from Virgina & Wyn. & I feel to bad to worst Milton came to hunt, got rabbit [?]
Thurs. 8. Dec. 1960./ Sun did peek through a few times & I can’t see straight, feel to bad to sit up or eat. Mrs. Payne called up. Elbert feels so bad but no one to help do anything Praise God he keeps Elbert & helps him to do what has to be done our checks come this morning, We thank God for them & for what help the neighbors can give in getting the food home for us It has tried to snow several times, it’s cold & little windy Elbert has cooked the rabbit going to have onions potatoes & beans. sun is trying to shine but it is so cold & white. I trust colds are better tomorrow. Mrs. Finding came in after supper & visited untill most 2-a-m. I sweat 3 gowns I feel tired & weak. Didn’t get any letters done we got to bed at 3-a-m. I slept till 9-a-m & had coffee & slept some more. Elbert’s trying to fix my nightgown no mail of importance. Only God Knows how bad we feel. sun is shining nice today, wind cold & raw Pray God helps us feel lots better tomorrow. Elbert feels so bad
Fri. 9./ Milton stepped a mill & got the storm door Elbert he had left to have glass putted in & he got meat to boil & ham ready to eat, he couldn’t change a 10 so now Elbert owes him 2.48 but he will pay him, he owes Ann 60 cents for eggs I was asleep when he came & was glad for once he didn’t stay No one else came to talk to & my cold is so bad I hate to do much talking.
Sat. Dec. 10. 1960./ Dark very dark day, Jordon’s money went No one here except bread man. Elbert is real miserable his rump pains so bad he can hardly step on his feet. Well we sure will thank God when he takes it all away. Elbert has to go out & get bed clothes on line. he’s got in some water & some coal up. Praise the Lord.
Sun. Dec. 11. 1960./ Stormy night cold 8 degrees yes, terrible cold, wind & freezing I took my bath & had breakfast & [?]
Sun. Dec. 11. 1960./ then Betty & 2 boys came brought the towels & draw sheets & talked a while then went home. Milton & Ann came little later & talked & Milton in with us I Know Jesus hears & see & Knows all things I Praise His Holy Name & Pray He will help them at the church they are trying to get to-gether, help them to get organized & stand on God’s Promises, we prayed & talked & am trusting Holy in Jesus. Now I’ve been ask to guide there evening service & guide each one there & those who wish they had gone I pray God will take charge of Ann entirely I thank Thee & I thank & Praise Thee for ans. my prayer, for Elbert, he’s so much better today trusting he’ll be healed soon Praise God. Amen. Then Mrs. Ramm came & brought me Christmas cookies, bless her God she didn’t forget m. We visited some & some on the bible & on faith, God help to read Thy word & understand. Well, We Praise the Most Hight God, Amen.
Mon. Dec. 12. 1960./ Stormy & very cold. Letter frown Miss Willitts It’s queer they write & write & never aask how you are or why you don’t ans. , but still call you a sinner if you can’t send them some money, Well I pray God will help them to know & to help them. I’m better but weak I want to send Annabell a letter and thank her for the five she sent us. [?]
Mon. Dec. 12. 1960./ 70 mile winds lots dead & lots fighting & dying. I have to write to several eyes are very bad I was in Kitchen a while & fixed a cauiflower for supper while Elbert made my bed he turned mattress over. We had cauflower potatoes carrots & little piece of ham & dumplins & spinnage he is so terribly tired wish I could do more am still so weak & eyes so bad, pray God will strengthen my eyes so I can read & write. I praise God for all things Amen.
Tue. Dec. 13. 1960./ Radio said going down to 12 below. I talked to Ann last night Been praying God would send some one to lead in the singing & she said a young man from Amherst had come to ask about taking charge of the singing & that should help a lot if they manage right. I pray they will. Oh God help them to work & pray trust & believe, I thank Thee. Oh God how much we need Thee. Deal with Gibson in Thine own way & don’t let him trouble the others, but keep them Close to Thee Elbert ans. 3 birthday cards & I sent note to Findings & carad to Annabell. Budd & Betty came & the boys & brought the laundry been blustry all day & quite a few died from storm, Betty Kissed me & said she had a gift for me, I pray God will give her a better one Quite a little sun Tue. got dark early his back felt bad more light last night
Wed. Dec. 14. 1960./ This is for Wed. Bright suny day turned [?] received cards from Epplers, Finding, Myrtle Smith, Gilipie & Shram’s (5 to ans) 32 degrees & wamer. I’ve been laying lot more than sitting. eyes some better Praise God. Mr Anderson S. & Milton came in gave us 2 rabbits. No call today or night.
Thurs. Dec. 15. 1960./ Dark day, Betty came & brought Ann to stay with me & she & Elbert went to store, he paid up the little bills, got few few things to eat I had 44. dollars left. I haven’t got cards out yet just don’t have the pep to think & write hope to get most of them done tomorrow. Ann & I had good talk & prayer Betty went to Church Wed, night & she & Ann sang to hyms, The Lord sent the Power they had a blessed meeting Payne is doing fine Elbert is tired, but done him good to go. Ann wiped up floors. real cold out.
Fri. Dec. 16. 1960./ Mo. most gone again Cold 12 degrees tonight several cards today I am in a hurry to get cards addressed and sent am so weak. Milton came & hunt-ed a while this morn, no game. he gave Elbert 2 yesterday. We had soup for supper. No one came in today. Elbert washed out quite a few pieces & he sure is so tired tonight he had to carry coal & water his legs & feet are so bad & pain him such a lot. Martha sent Elbert a card but none to me. I pray God will help her before it’s late. How can she & Audrey be like that. I pray all will turn out O.K. Elbert says its cold out 18 degrees Radio says Two big plains crashed over N. York today killing 24 or more this morning causing 2 fires burning several big buildings. Elberts 2 rabbits most cooked its 10 to 8 P.M.
Sat. Dec. 17. 1960./ Been a fine day partly cloudy 7 pieces mail I tried to write
Sat. Dec. 17. 1960/ to write some only got 6. card done, no one called or phoned, Praise God I’m feeling better Milton ask Ann what she would do & the church if I were to die, of course if that was to happen God would know all about it & have some one to take my place among them, I hadn’t known about that, I only suggest what we read & study in the bible. God will take care of all Who stand on His promises, steadfast & firm & do His will & His ways. We thank Thee Jesus Amen.
Sun. Dec. 18. 1960/ Dave Hunters birth day. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, just to stand up on His promises just to Know Thus saith the Lord. Jesus Jesus How I love Him how I’ve proved Him over & over Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for Gace to Love Him more. No phone calls or no one come in & few cards today & I wrote a few cards.
Sun. Dec. 18. 1960./ Betty & 2 boys came in for an hour after church & had a cup of hot coffee & cocoa, Sun came through often but got dark often no one called us to visit or come in to visit except Betty I do love Betty. I pray Jesus has blessed Ann & Kept her close in mind & soul. Bless her Lord. I have prayed Thou will have blessed the’re meeting & the fellowship, help them to be [?] Jesus in heart & soul. Oh help us.
Mon. Dec. 19. 1960./ Cold partly cloudy No one came in untill this after noon & Mr Hensely & his wife & 3 children came in for an hour & brought a present from Mrs Smith “Myrtle” a very pretty box of writting paper & envelops & a pretty box. & Elbert a big candy cane full of candy, from Bernice, Mrs. Smith’s daughter & we don’t have money to buy just a small gift for them. God I pray Thou will give them some extra gifts better than I could give I thank Thee & Praise Thee. Glory to God Ann hasn’t called up today. I pray Lord Thou will Bless & Guid there meetings. Cold tonight few snow flurrys this after noon. No one called us up. 9 cards this morning.
Tue. Dec. 20. 1960./ No one come or phoned today & 9 or 10 cards, I wrote several cards to Rev Willitts, Armstrongs, Jordon, Allen & Roberts & there are more, I have so many more to ans. It’s been snowing light snow most of the day & to dark to read & write. Don’t seem so cold snowing fine light snow like heavy frost, Lots of lives being lost in air plains & fire & crashes & still I’m wondering how many are waking up to the fact, the end time is here God help us do what we ought to do
Wed. Dec. 21. 1960./ Shortest Day of the year, No one come in or called, it’s been a beautiful day, we got 6 or 8 cards & letters & I have used up all my cards & stamps but will try to [?]
Wed. Dec. 21. 1960./ Shortest day in the yr. We got a card from each family & a letter from Audrey & note from several. Betty was coming but hasn’t & we haven’t heard from Ann for several days. Have tried & tried to call Ann no ans.
Thurs. Dec. 22. 1960./ A Beautiful Day 7. below Bright sun & very cold raw wind quite fresh Birds are nearly froze up, no cars runing to speak of We got few card & letter from Nellie sort of insulting I’m so glad Jesus sees, Knows & hears. I have a doz. or more cards to write yet if I ever get them to write. I feel so discusted, Elbert hurt his thumb, it badly swollen & pains him. Ella Jane has a puss sack on her hip she & Pinky are planing on spending 25th at Loura Bell’s nellie’s had a shot in her arm for flu. she’s been over helping Marcie Joe make a dress for herself, she’s 12. yrs. I believe. They, most of them like to give me dirty little digs. Oh Well; I’m Happy in Jesus. I had a vision short time ago, a big white Angel with big white wings & feathers, lite on south side of drive it was so peculair, one car came in length of it & stopped & quite a few more & they couldn’t get them started & some people fell & rolled on ground & Elbert in the house We prayed & it stayed long time & took Elbert & I on porch & said we were going up to meet Jesus, God help us to do His will & way that we may be ready to go. We’d sure like to help the rest to know, but they don’t believe us. So I Its a very cold night 6 below.
Fri. Dec. 23. 1960./ Nice morning good sun. Cold raw wind bleow zero We thank God for friends food & warmth I had my breakfast 9-30-a-m Couldnt sleep good even an hour at a time, Elbert wasn’t feeling very good, but I really do praise God in Jesus Name He takes care of us both, I’ve felt terribly bad for passed 2. weeks, but we both try to keep going. I got washed & dressed & then with Elbert’s help I set bread & made bread dough cake made grahm 3 tins biscuits; then we put 3 cups bread dough 2 eggs 1/2 milk cup light molasses 2 cups raisins & 2 white 1 teaspoon nut megg 1 cup shortening cup white cherries & juice 2 cups sugar 1 table spoon soda & mixed it stiff with self raising flour We had a great time but got it done. I spilled some on my blanket got paper’s moved some way, but we got cleaned up, have to wash blanket. got biscuits done but waiting for cake. A woman came & brought us nice basket of fruit from Womens Jr. league from Huron & then. Edna & Cliff came before church woman still came they visited & hr. or so. they brought us a big piece of ham & box of choclate cheery [?] tonight M & Mrs Young came & brought us a chicken candy fruit [?] & their Christmas blessing they were [?] there way home to [?]
Fri. Dec. 23. 1960./ We are still waiting for fruit cakes to bake, they are done but Elbert felt so bad he forgot to turn the heat on so after all the hard work, it isn’t to bad, but its eatable, I’m thankful for that. I thank & Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
Sat. Dec. 24. 1960./ Well, it’s been a fine day Emerick & his peg leg pardner came to hunt but no luck. Mr. & Mrs. Young came & they brought a chicken & a lot of can good & a bit of homemade candy & cookies & there was 3 different organizgans sent a big box of canned foods & jellow tea & can milk jelly & jello & soups & soap & I can’t remember all of it, but a lot, I pray God will bless each one a plenty & Betty & Bud brought a bu. of apples. & box cherrie chocolates & Milton & Ann gave a box like them & Edna gave us a box, so we are sweet. There was a ham in a big tin box, bread & also & Ann gave a fruit cake We haven’t give Ann anything yet & I don’t know what to give her. Mrs. Walker sent some pot holders. Well I can’t remember but guess I wrote it All for today It’s so nice to have them All come in & talk to us Ann & Milton Budd & Betty & 2 boys all here tonight God surely opened up the [?] of Heaven & showered us with [?] We praise His Holy Name now & ever more. Glory to God Hallulu[?]
Dec. 25. Sun. 1960./ Well it’s been a fine day We thought noone was coming in but Mr & Mrs. Simms there Son-in-law & there little girl & Simms daughter & Mr. Marschal & Wife & Mr. Hatten & elderly man & a Mr & Mrs. Mason Who were with Simms, it was a great meeting, prayer testifing, visiting & singing they takes care of us, our heads are better, but not as usual. We were both so tired we went to bed 9-P-M Well, they brought us a big box milk chocolates It’s not near so cold tonight as last night.
Mon. Dec. 26. 1960./ We slept late this a-m. had breakfast at 10.a.m. Mrs Jaemeson from 4 Square Church in Vermilion came in at 11-a-m. her son brought her, she was happy to see & talk to me & she gave Elbert a new shirt size 15 1/2 to small he takes 17 1/2 size [?] get it & she gave me a [ } I gave her one box chocolates we received 5 boxes. We only visited a few minutes her boy didn’t want to wait. God Bless them. Tonight Mrs. & Mrs Payne & there to youngest children came in they brought 2 small chickens they had coffee & piece of cake & they forgot to take the cake we gave them. We visited had prayer & they went home God Bless them they gave me a box of writtin paper & pencil We are tired Elbert washed some this morning going down to 20 Radio said for tonight.
Tue. Dec. 27. 1960./ Beautiful Day not cold Mrs. Walker took Betty came & her 2 boys
Tue. Dec. 27. 1960./ & took our wash to Huron & I wrote 6. letters while they were gone. Betty took Mrs. Walker home picked up Budd & she & boys came here with our wash & a few groceries we had her get. We visited a little she think she’ll be back Fri. Mrs. Walker thinks she might come & stay a few days, I pray God’s will be done Now they have gone & Elbert’s fixing rice soup Not much mail today. Mrs Finding come in at 7-p-m & we talked & visited untill 1.a.m. she longs for good christian friends to talk to. I do pray God will give her strength & power to do His work & will & if I can help her that He will help m.
Wed. Dec. 28. 1960./ Beautiful morning untill 2.p-m. then clouded up. Only Allen’s & Roberts book & add. for mail no one come in. Ann called last night before 6.p.m. Mrs Finding brought us some turkey meat & we had part of it for dinner. Dark at 5-p-m. Gas tank came Tue. Dec. 27. $9.68. Well, no one called or come in today.
Thurs. Dec. 29. 1960./ cloudy all day sun tried to shine couple of times but didn’t make a go of it. I was sick all last night bowels wouldn’t move & didn’t untill 3-p-m this after noon, now I feel weak & all in. No mail worth while & I didn’t write any today Hope to feel better tomorrow Can’t use bed pan Mrs Jameson brough, hurts my back terrible. hurt my back from 9.P.m. untill 1.a.m I cried it hurt so bad legs felt as if they were paralized clear up to my hips Praise God he took it out. I have only eaten egg & toast““
Thurs. Dec. 29. 1960./ eggs & toast & now we are going to have supper hamberg onions carrots & potatoes. & Pray we feel better Fri. No Ann today. She was to have use of car this week, maybe she has . But they didn’t come
Fri. Dec. 30. 1960/ Dark untill 9-30-a-m. seems these are the dark days the bible tells us about. I have to read & find out. but then Betty & Ann came in Betty had her electric phonegraph player & Ann came to talk scripture & tell what they had been doing, they have one convert Mr Tomson, Annie’s husband, Well Anne wiped up my room & Betty the Kitchen Betty played a few Church records then Mr & Mrs. Crisco came from Bellvue & we had such a good visit & prayer & Scripture talk, they brought me 2 new night gowns & several cans of fruit. We had a real good visit. I pray God will help them through our visit, Help them to see & understand what they ought to know Betty & Ann went home said they’d be over in a day or so. It’s been a big day. God help each one of us in the way we need.
Sat. Dec. 31. 1960./ Mostly Cloudy not very cold. A letter from Miss Willitts, one from Soul clinics one from Edna’s mother Gretchel Ky, I felt bum all day & just laid & dozed Hope for more strength tomorrow Elbert’s rump has pained him so bad, he killed 4 flies in last few days. This is last day of Dec. But we don’t here the bells or whistles blow Milton & his father came & hunted a while He gave Elbert one shot all to pieces no one call [?] Mrs. Paynes baby is sick.