November 1960

Tue. Nov. 1. 1960./ Milton and Ann came in for an hr. or so.   we had a scriptual visit & prayers,   Milton is the most uneasy person, you about ever see    Ann has a terrible time   to much confusion & other things on her mind & she doesn’t consentrate enough   God answers prayer,  we prayed the last time she was here for her brother, he had come to her in a mixed up mind & he would have gone away before Ann got back but miltion got him to stay & just before Ann got back Milton said he began to appear normal & When Ann got there he was hisself,   she talked & prayed with him, he stayed & God helped him to a job next day & now seems they told him come back, he’s happy,   I thank God in Jesus Name & pray He will help him to live for Him.  Now Ann is in an other confusion about the church,   I pray Jesus will talke to her & help her to understand;   she wants to be to quick in her discivions,  help her Lord to talk it over with Thee & do Thy will & Thy ways Amen    West caught another mouse tonight that makes 4 mice so far,   not very cold, not enough to freeze.   Elbert got another 1/2 bu beets.   

Wed. Nov. 2. 1960./ Partly cloudy getting real dark this after noon & at 5-p-m. real dark   No one come in or called today.   So I can only pray-ing.   Well we got a letter from Bonita this morning & she said all are well, her mother was mending & she “Bonita ” had just wrote a letter to Bonney Bell,  she never said she made a pie   Elbert gave her to big apples & pk beets.

Wed. Nov. 2. 1960/ Elbert gave Nellie 1/2 pk beets & 6 big apples   she wanted apple pie so bad & beet relish & they never mentioned either in the letter,   well we hope they enjoyed them.   Oh, Jesus help us.   

Thurs. Nov. 3. 1960./ Partly cloudy untill noon then got realy cloudy & quite dark   no one came in or phoned today & I’m feeling some better   was bad for few day but only Elbert & I know & Jesus I cried couple hrs. last night.  

Fri. Nov. 4. 1960./ Cloudy then clearing at noon   seem so good.   Letter from Jordon & I talked with Ann.   They, at Church are having a debate which of 2 churches to choose at Bellevue or Berlin Hightes   the Minister wants Berlin Hights    his wife wants Bellevue & I pray God will in Jesus Name help him to get the place of the Lords Chose, Amen.   Betty hasn’t called & so no one to get the groceries.   Such a world   I’m trusting the Lord.   Oh God of Love & Mercy help us now I ask.   I thank Thee & Praise Thee,   help us to understand.   It hasn’t froze yet   wind a lot cooler & Radio says colder.   Elbert washed part of the clothes    Betty agreed to stop & get them & take them to laundry now puts us in bad fix. for he waited for Betty to come Tue. to take all the wash to laundry    well he washed 2 sheets & 2 draw sheets & few small pieces,   they all got dry & then clouded up got quite dark & then it rained fine heavy mist tonight.    Elbert got another basket of beets tonight before dark & caught another mouse   thats 5 now.   damp & chilly out only going down to 46 degrees   hope for some mail tomorrow.   No word from Betty today.

Sat. Nov. 5. 1960./ Partly cloudy untill 2, p.m.   began to get real cloudy & Dark very early.   Mr. & Mrs. Hensley & 4 children were here,   he took Elbert to Huron & got most of the groceries   Ann didn’t come to take him for meat as they said they would.   Mrs hen & I had a good visit,   she said they might go to Virgina for thanksgiving,   he’s out of work again & its election time & every one fighting about a democrat & catholic presendent.   Oh Jesus it’s terrible,   well Ann called & said she was so busy thinking about there own needs she forgot everything about us.   God help us to be true to Thee & those about us   I had lots to think of but didn’t forget   I keep my word, now with a pleading when she called up & said she plum for-got,   God help her,   she does have lots on her mind   I’m sure she’d have lots more if in our place most folks think of themselfes for it’s & if there’s any time left then of others   what would Jesus do?   she said Frankie had been real sick with the flu.   God has taken care of us & I thank & praise Him    cleared off & moon shone last night   not isn’t cold & wasn’t cold last night.

Sun. Nov. 6. 1960./ Dark, dark Day & it came a heavy mist of rain & then snowed & the white Cedar look-ed like Christmas, so covered with snow but it didn’t stay loong, but tried again at day

Sun. Nov. 6. 1960./ there’s some N. East wind, not very cold,  not freezing.   No one come in or phoned today,   We have listened to sermons on radio     to dark to read or write.   I hope we get some mail tomorrow.   I thank & Praise Thee Lord God of Hosts   Amen.   

Mon. Nov. 7. 1960./ Dark morning    it snowed a thick blanket of snow & trees looked like Christmas   snow melted all off,  not cold air   is little damp   cleared off at noon & was warm & suny all after noon.   bowels didn’t move Fri, Sat, Sun & not untill Mon after dinner   I’ve felt so weak, but got up long enough for Elbert to make my bed.    Betty called & said they had flu. & were better & she hoped to come over Wed if things work out O.K.    Milton has his childish tantrums & so she can’t do as she would like to, so we all have our troubles.   Well, Jesus see, hears & Know    I do hope He Keeps things on His side   God help us to fast & pray & do Thy will & way    No worth while mail today,   I’m trusting & believing Ann just called & wishes she could talk & pray    a thing she don’t do,   pray as she should,    her brother is with her & we’ve been praying for him,   he says he has felt God’s hand is moving,   Oh how much we thank Him & are still waiting for Him to help them get the church over here    Oh Jesus we pray Thy will be done & get themselves before cold weather    We thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for ever & ever

tue. Nov. 8. 1960./ Election day.   Ann came and brought Mrs Tomson to stay with me while she took Elbert to slaughter house for meat   Conie was sick & mr. Anderson Sr. stays with Conie,   they left here 1-30 & got back 4-30   Elbert said he though Dian called & ask if Ann was here,   He said she was impatient & it made Elbert angry, but we have to take all kind of abuse;   I pray God will take charge over us & help us in the many ways we need   we didn’t even have prayer but Annie Tomson & I had quite study lesson in bible scripture    There are so many that say they don’t understand & some of them trying to preach,  God help us. I pray.   rained a little this evening, not freezing.   

Wed. Nov. 9. 1960./ Dark drizzly & Today begins the Demacratic rule & Catholic.   Mrs. Walker called on phone & Ann called & Betty came in with Frankie,   she brought brought 1. bu. apples for $1.75   she baked an apple pie & forgot it,   such a world,   she don’t know when they’ll come back.   Well, she’s going to bring another basket of apples.   Elbert got one suit pajam-as & has to get another suit.   & 2 sheets & 2 draw sheets.   No worth while mail.   A letter from boys home.   It’s nice drizzly Fall night.  not cold out   we had window open all day & most of the night except when wind blew to hard    rather warm tonight.   I got a letter partly wrote to Edna but so dark I [?]

Thur. Nov. 10. 1960./ Well Elbert & Mrs. [?handing] went to Sandusky   Elbert went 

Thurs. Nov. 10. 1960./ Elberts eyes are good & he wont have to have the rupture sewed up yet for a time   Praise God.   They left here 15-to-1.-p.-m. & got back 5-30-p-m.   I had good visit with mrs. Jameson,   she is a very nice person    she washed up the dishes, & read to me a while & she sewed up my night gown,   it was tore from bottom to arm hold & then around arm part way.   Well,   I praise & thank God for all our many blessings,   I Praise Thee Jesus.   Ann called & said they had a very good meeting last night at Berlin Hights.   she said the Holy Spirit meet them in a wonder way.   Oh, I do pray He will help them in all the things they need.   they need to learn & to understand,   Oh how I thank Thee.   Miss Fin-ding didn’t say much  said Miss Clark has the flu. bad,   they didn’t know who was going to take care of her   We pray that some one will look after her    she needs help,   I pray God will be with her all the way    We have cought 8. mice now.   it’s lots colder tonight,   didn’t snow today & we had sun past of after noon.   Wind N. West & raw.   A letter from Oral Roberts & some adds today is all. 

Fri. Nov. 11. 1960./ Beautiful morning, nice sun.   No mail of any importance.   wind is raw but not strong   hope to finish Edna’s letter today.   Well I got it done.   Mrs Young came in & got her roaster & talked a few minutes   she’s such a good soul   may God bless & keep her & No one else came in.  God be keep[?] 

Sat. Nov. 12. 1960./ Beautiful Fall Day.   wind quit strong.   Elbert washed some today

Sat. Nov. 12. 1960./ Ann & Milton came for an hr. or so,   we talked & prayed.   Gkod is working among the people Praise God 

Sun. Nov. 13. 1960./ Beautiful day nice & quite warm sun.   Edna came & her daughter & Patty,  they left the baby with Cliff.   We visited couple of hours & now at 3-30-p-m they have gone back home.   Wonder if any one else will come in    it helps to shorten the hrs.   I read my bible for a while,  this a-m.   & praying for the place they want for a church in the near future,   I pray God will us Ann but that Ann don’t let the work exalt her to much   it’s wonderful God is sueing her, but God, help her not to feel she is higher in measure than her sisters & bretheren    she seems to like to be exalted,   God wants us to be humble   help them, so they will be better able to do Thy Will,   they like to be praised but don’t like to do a little work to help others   that is to labour with there hands,   help us to do Thy work & Will to have wisdom & under-standing.    This world is so bad,   Jesus Keep me Close. 

Mon. Nov. 14. 1960./ Been beautiful day partly cloudy & good fresh breeze. not cold.   No mail   I called Mrs. Walker & Betty was there & I talked to her about apples, laundry & groceries.   I do hope Betty will bring the right change back   We will have to be strong   she likes the change,   wish Ann could come, while Betty & Mrs Walker go to the     Elbert will be hear but he wishesw he could go to pick out what he wants to get

Mon. Nov. 14. 1960./ It’s been so nice out side   warmer today & not cold tonight   flies & bugs flying around on the window screens   Elbert’s foot hurts so bad today   Cloudy tonight   breeze was quite strong & is tonight not cold.  

Tue. Nov. 15. 1960./ Start hunting rabbits & deers today & Mo. half gone.   Betty will be here this morning.   No mail. windy out.   Betty & Mrs Walker & Frankei came to take wash & get few eats & when they were gone at 10-a-m Clifford came & he & Elbert are triming ramblers & tieying them up & a young man stopped & he gave Elbert 2 nice rabbits   praise God there are some good people yet & we sure do ap-preciate things like that & Pray God will give them a double blessing.    Betty brought us a half bu. of delicus apples $1.25   Well we owe her for them “for 2 weeks,”   We Praise God in Jesus Name for Salvation, for Saviour & Physician   We thank Him that He sees, hears & Knows & I thank him for answering my prayers so soon for a rabbit.   Praise His Holy Name for ever.   Betty & Frankie came back, had cup coffee & choclate,   she got few groceries for Elbert & we visited a while & she went home to get Billy & Budd & Frankie & her supper,   Mrs Walker has a sister in Huron & she left her there   I promised her some thread to crochet with.   Elbert & Cliff got done with roses & Cliff carried the cuttings away  Praise the Lord   Elberts back legs & feet feel so badly, he don’t feel able to work.   They hadn’t been done long & it began to rain  50 degrees out side  [?] finish  mr Crisco left

Wed. Nov. 16, 1960./ Partly cloudy all day.   windy & rainy in  showers all last night & no wind tonight   was quite strong untill dark,   cleared off & all starlight tonight   not very cold either   I wrote letter to Mrs. Crisco today,   No mail   no one come in or phoned today,   I hope I can write Mrs. Finding tomorrow & that some one comes & writes.   I read my bible   will try to write Opal & her ma as soon as I’m able.   Elbert don’t feel well & troubles me   I thank Thee Jesus for all things, great or small. 

Thurs. Nov. 17. 1960./ Well it’s about the same out side as Wed.  & I’m so tired   Bowels got so bad, & it strains me all over trying to move them, but at last they got moveing & at 12-30-p-m they were done.   & today I’m sore & lame from head to foot.   no. mail only adds.   Ann called & said the Lord had ans. prayer & they had got the building for church   we had been praying so hard for,   We praise Jesus & they paid 70.00 for a months rent,   they dropped off 5.00 a mo.   it has hot & cold water & lights & 40 chairs & is warm day & night   is plenty big    I’m praying God will wonderfully bless them & help them to prayer for Him, in Jesus Name   Now they are happy   going to have Sundy school & church & wont have to be going hither & yon   help them to gather in before its to late,   I do thank & PraiseThee Jesus blessed Jesus Amen. 

Fri. Nov. 18. 1960./ Partly cloudy, No mail,   I sent a letter to man    we got coal of last year  He sent it this morning & I haven’t finished   Mrs. Findings letter  I’ve felt bad

Fri. Nov. 18, 1960./ Elbert felt bad   he was up untill 2-a-m with me,  then we got settled down,   I was sure sick   felt as if I’d throw up for a long time but at last went other way   tried to rain to-night, but not yet,   hope Miss Clark is better.   costs money to phone.   Ann didn’t call today

Sat. Nov. 19. 1960./ Dark, very dark & cloudy. & we had a thick fog all last night,   it is now 1-15-p-m & quite fogy all around.    Segy’s boy & his little boy about 7. yrs. old just come to hunt awhile for rabbits   we made a pie of the other 2 & they sure was good, tender & swee.   I hope they get 2 or 3 so we can have one.   Received letter from Baumhart.  & few adds.   I pray God will strengthen my eye sight.   I thank Him with all my heart soul & strength   it’s to dark to see to write.   I want to finish Mrs. Findings letter if I can   Well, I didn’t finish the letter   Emerick came & his boy, then Betty came to get meat for us    Elbert gave her four dollars & I gave her a dollar,   she had her sister & Lousia & 3. children with her,   going to Sandusky 1-30-p-m.  only Betty came in,   well after they left for town Ann, Dian, & Kathy came in    we had a good visit   they are going to have there meetings over here on Rout 61. from now on & to-day noon they told us on Radio they had a big fire over at Bellevue long side of the building where Rev. Gibson was hold-ing church meetings,   Ann said she didn’t know how bad the fire was but hoped it didn’t burn the song books.   Now I wonder whats next.   I hope Ann stands up for Jesus.   I had a queer vision that a big white angell came & stood on the south

Sat. Nov. 19. 1960./ stood on South side of the drive,   it was beautiful shimering white, beautiful big white wings,   I looked out south window & saw it   I called Elbert,   he came & as he looked he fell to the floor   after a time he got up & praised the Lord,   I We call Ann & she came & was so mistifed she call Paynes & they called others & they came   some laid on the ground & some didn’t get up & trucks came & hauled them away & some men said they had come to tear us in pieces,  the Angel didn’t let them come in where we were    Audrey & Gertie came   said they hadn’t believed & Nellie Bonita, Johny & Marcie didn’t believe   I don’t know what became of them & many more but after a time the Angels came in    all the rest were gone & took us out on the porch & said, the Angels were gathering God people together & we soon would meet Him in the air & we did & Elbert was with us.   Glory to God in the Highest,   I wonder when this will be,   I know the end of time is so near.   Help us Lord to live Thy way & do Thy Will   Oh, God have Mercy in Jesus name Amen.    I dreamed I was walking & how happy I was. 

Sun. Nov. 20. 1960./ Beautiful Day & quite & no one called or came & I suppose they held sunday school & Church in the building the group has just rented & I pray God it was wonderfull.   Betty brought us about 1 1/2 bu of Fall pears, they look good.   I gave her a dollar,  she does a lot of nice things for us   She has the car.

Mon. Nov. 21. 1960./ Dark Cloudy fogy morn.  Elbert hung his pajamas out & they were as wet as if he’d washed them,   he hung my draw sheet & night gown out   they got wet, then at 12 noon sun came out & at 1.p.m is quite bright   we received letter from Annabel, her children have been ailing first 1. an then another, she says one seems to be gaining at last & has come within 80 miles of them & they went to see them & they returned the visit,   she said the hurry cane was quite bad   took the roofs from some houses & tore trees up   Well we are glad they are O.K.    she didn’t metion Bob  we hope he’s all right.   she sent 5.00 & I know she needs it as much as we do for the have so much sick-ness among her children  No one come in or  clalled. 

Tue. Nov. 22. 1960./ Partly cloudy,  few hunters out   South west breeze.   mr. & Mrs. Pain came in late last evening   they wanted me to sing a song for there recorder,   I didn’t feel up to par & they sat down & began to visit, when in came Mrs. Finding,   We all visited awhile & then Paynes left.   & Mrs. Finding visited untill 1-15-a-m.   I pray God will bless her,   she wanted to talk to me & had sort of run away while her man & son were sleeping & she could feel free to talk at ease   she told me lots of things going on in church & in Vermilion & about some of the people there,   she said I’d be shoked if I could see & hear things that are taking place there.  We have a Roman Catholic present & soon things will be terrifying for every one will have to obey Catholic rullers. & they have put a lot of them in office now while the others sleep.   Oh, God Please help us to do Thy Will in all things & help us to understand Amen. it’s 10

Tue. Nov. 22. 1960./ It’s 2-10-p-m.   the man we wrote to for coal has come & has 6. ton & we gave him 75.00 for it,  now I only have 10.00 left for taxes & in-surance,   hope we can make it & pray God will help us,   I thank Thee Jesus Amen.    The men just finished puting it in Coal bin 2-15-p-m.   Betty came  took wash to town   she’s sick   had bone out in vertabra, had Dr. put it back,   she’s going to Huron get wash done, go home & get Billy’s & Budds dinner  rest few minutes then bring our wash back.   Mrs. Walker was with her this morning taking her wash to get done.   Elbert hasn’t had his dinner   been looking after the  coal.   Received letter from Mrs. Crisco this morning    Received letter from Miss Willitt’s   Every one wants money,   Wish I could give to each of them.   Betty came & brought our clean wash   her side & stomach is hurting her,    I pray Lord those will heal her & help her this time to cling to Thee, Jesus blessed, Pure, Clean & Holy.   Ann & Milton came in for a visit & we had prayer together   I, do pray Lord Thou will give her patients, strengthen her faith & bless there good efforts   help them to get organised & be firm & steadfast in Thee, Amen.   Ann & Milton have gone home,   it’s 7-15-p-m.   Elbert’s foot has hurt him bad all day   God be with him & help him in all the ways he needs

Wed. Nov. 23. 1960./ In the letter from Mrs. Crisco she said Mrs. Wright passed away Fri Nov. 18. 1960.  God bless her soul,   she’s laid there 16 yrs,  she was a big heavy woman; they let her fall off the bed not long ago, lying on her side & to close to the edge of the bed  Her soul will I pray God rest her soul & He will have mercy on all the others in.

Wed. Nov. 23, 1960. camps, prisons, homes or where ever they are & I pray for the deft, dumb & blind all over the world Amen.   I think of those who call them selves Crist-ians & can’t agree with each other,   Oh, God please help us.   It’s as if we are drownding.   Mrs Young brought a chicken already to roast dressing & all & a can of sweet potatoes & can cranberrys & dish of jello with fruit in it & we ate it for our dinner    It tasted so good.   We thanked & Praised God in Jesus Name.   My bowels didn’t move yesterday but aplenty this a-m.  I feel weak, but I Praise God they moved.   We received nice card from Womens Junior order, a rememberance card   I will try to write verse off. “Thanksgiving” to a Special Friend,  Some people we meet of the pathway of Life, We are apt to forget in a while,   And some we remember-perhaps for a deed, perhaps for a word or a smile   And there are a few Who remain in our hearts On Whom we can always depend,   The Friend Who are true,   All the changing yrs through   And you are that kind of Friend.   Happy Thanks-giving. signed Virginia Noe, Junior Womens League. Huron Ohio. 324. Center)) St )   God do bless them with the money they need to pro-vide for the needy.   I thank Thee Jesus. ))  Elbert’s trying to wipe up floors,   he feels so bad these passed few days, he’s having to sit down every few minutes, poor soul   I’ve been in the same fix & Know how bad he really feels,   God help him   I thank Thee & Praise Thee.   Mr & Mrs Finding & Son Donald came in   he stayed in car while parents came in   well we visited some & then they [?]

Wed. Nov. 23. 1960./ they wanted to know if I’d like company for Thurs evening & I felt so delighted & said I would but on second thought as they said, they’d bring there supper & eat with us, my mind went to Elbert, he would have all that extra work of clearing the table all off getting out an extra table leaf  washing it & table putting on a clean table pad & cloth & wiping off the chairs & getting out the dishes & silver ware & washing them & he was so tired   he wiped up my bedroom floor & Kitchen this morning.  Mrs. Young brought a chicken dressing ready to mix, can of sweet potatoes & can cranberries & 2. desert dishes of fruit Jello.   Well they decided to come & be here at 5-p-m, Praise God.

Thurs. Nov. 24. 1960./ Beautiful  quite day & Elbert got up at 6.a.m. had his breakfast & started to clear table & clean chairs when he had it done I waked up & had oil & coffee & got washed & dressed & ate toast & had little more coffee & dish of cheeries Royal Arm [?] with pitts in them, juic is so good   then he got pad & table cloth & my slip & skirt out the bottom drawer & he put cloths on table & cooked Mrs youngs chicken,   then here come Budd & Betty with 2 plates of hot dinner dressing turkey & jello & big dish potatoe salid   so we ate while it was hot & it sure was good & Elbert was glad of it 2.    They are such good young folks.   they only stayed few minutes  had run over to get ours here hot 4. or 5. miles & left theres with fire under to Keep hot   We sure did justice to ours & thanked God in Jesus Name & Prayed he would look after those that are in worse condition than we,   I thank Him & praise Him for His Love & wonderful care He gives to us.   I haven’t heard from Ann. today   Betty brought nice apple pie, she’s a good cook

Nov. 24. 1960. Wed. Thanksgiving day.   Elbert’s got every thing ready for supper,   he is sleeping   we didn’t sleep untill after 2-a-m.   Well it’s been a great day,   Mr. & Mrs. Finding & Son came   they brought a big roast turky & salids & creamed potatoes, turnip & slaw & jello, cheery & cranberry & buns & gravy.   We had tea & coffee & pickled onions & cucumber slices & we had a nice visit & they left early for Mr. Finding has to work Fri.   Well I called Ann up & talked to her awhile,   Mrs. Bowls see Betty in laundry   that Mrs Gants is sick in bed & about out of her head & as near as I under-stood Dorthy is looking after her & wont let any one come in to see the eldr lady,   God I don’t know but hope Thou Will intervein   It was Jesus who helped me but some of the people don’t seem to Know how to live   God help her to be taken proper care of, Amen.   heavy frost last night, not freezing cold & it isn’t cold tonight,    I have window wide open

Fri. Nov. 25. 1960./ Beautiful morning   Elbert has every thing put back in order   dishes all washed & now he has dinner most ready,  chicken dressing & potatoe salid that Betty brought & it is so good & at 12-30 Milton  his Uncle & M.L. his son come in & have gone out in back to hunt rabbits   it 1-10 & I haven’t heard one shot   Elbert’s foot is begin-ing to hurt,  he ought to sit awhile,   We are just going to eat our dinner   then after maybe I can write a little to ans. letters.   Milton the boy & there Uncle went home   I talked to Ann

Fri. Nov. 25. 1960./ Milton talked to Ann a few minutes, he is so surly & so uneasy, he looks same way.   Well they didn’t say if they got any rabbits & he did not bring Elbers tools back, he just duns[?] his-self   Elbert will have to be thourgh with him    We see another mouse today, another job.   A queer thing has happened,   some one left a double handful hictory nuts on the step to the grainery 17 or 18 of them  3 had holes in them   they looked as if they had been in water,   was partly wet,  then the 2X2’s Elbert had laid, beside the path, he had used in well were laying a-cross the path one end up on some boxes,   now what sort of puzzle is that?   I been asking Jesus who the man was, I saw putting nuts on the step   he looked like some one I know.   Well I didn’t write any letters. & it is now 15 to 8.P-M. star light & not cold   mild breeze.   No letters.   a letter from Annabel & 5.00 & one from Womens League card no money.

Sat. Nov. 26. 1960./ Beautiful morning, fresh breeze  but not freezing outside Sun warm outside    flies & bugs still drifting around.   Mr. Finding & son just come with load of old wood to burn,   we gave them the cement blooks that were under old red coffin house if they want & dig them out the dirt,   they are about 2 ft. long.   there house hasn’t a good foundation under it   dirt floor & when it rains, it’s so wet,   Well they didn’t try to take any of the block & now Milton came to hunt   Ann went to Huron to get groceries, then she came to take him home & said she would be back in & hour or so   he gave Elbert 2 rabbits he brought from home.   Elbert did out some washing  got our dinner 

Sat. Nov. 26. 1960./ & he is so tired,   now he’s gone out to dress rabbits   Ann said she & Mr. & Mrs. Hicks would be over after Milton got back home,   for a vis-it so, I’m waiting,   Well Ann & mr & Mrs Hicks & baby came at 6-30-p-m   they didn’t talk very much,  they were “as I supposed” going to talk about what to do to get there church on the move   they don’t seem to know what to do or how to do it.   & they are talking about getting some of Mrs. Gliepies gang in & if they don’t watch there p’s & q’s they will be in dutch   Ann’s into big a hurry,   they ought to get together & pray earnestly that God will keep them close to Him & help them to help the others that come in unto them & watch all things & trust God continnely in all things.   Well I will pray for them & ask God to have His way with them & keep those of His close to Him   We are both tired,   Milton gave Elbert 2 rabbits full of shot,   Oh well, it help out in the meat line

Sun. Nov. 27. 1960./ Milton’s dog was having pups tonight.   Cloudy all day & after dinner it was as dark as if it were 6 or 6-30-p-m  Milton & Ann came in just before church time   they are getting trembling with fear that maybe things wont work out   but, I can’t see why, for We all prayed, if it was all right for them to have a meeting place over here God would open up the way & He helped them to find a place that is kept warm & clean with 40 chairs & they have had one good meeting   next one there wasn’t so many there but next after they had 45 children to practice singing [?] in Lord to or patient take out ener[?]

Sun. Nov. 27. 1960./ take out every doubt & fear   make them steadfast, firm in Thee, help them to prosper & thrive in power & strength in Jesus Name We ask, Amen.   It’s so terribly dark at 1-p-m.   Radio said rain & snow   we didn’t get it,  had window open all night  good breeze & it’s real dark out at 2-10-p-m.   No one in or phoned today,  good fresh breeze.   Radio said some snow up round Mich.;  some rain,  a nice Fall Day not cold.   Ann said she dreamed, she & Mrs. Gibson & one or more got lock in a big room & she said they had to get out some way & Mrs. Gibson had a key but was shaking so bad she couldn’t unlock the door & Ann said Sister Gibson let me have the Key & maybe I can unlock it, so she give Ann the key & she unlocked the door & they were all happy,   I pray God will help them as He sees they need,   I thank & Praise Thee, Glory to God in the Highest Hear & help us now. 

Mon. Nov. 28. 1960./ Another cloudy day & very cloudy, fresh breeze, we have promise of rain and snow ton ight & colder, but only 38 degrees   A find mist, coming, on S. window.   A letter from Roberts.   raining & blowing hard out side   its 9-P-M   another long night.  9.P.M. & Radio said gale winds tonight been doing some damage in places, like up rooting trees & uproofing houses   I pray God that those of thine Thou will care for. & be with poor & homeless   Lord have Mercy

Tue. Nov 29. 1960./ Dark very very dark all day.   A letter from Roberts & his little magazine,  a letter from Wyatt & I haven’t enough to go around,  hope to get enough (100[?]

Nov. 29. Tue. 1960./ I called & talked to Mr Gunsenhouser & ordered 2 sheets  3 draw sheets & 5 yds toweling & 2. pillow slips. 13.25   I’ll have to pay half this pay & rest next pay.   they have raised food twice, but not the pay checks.   No one call-ed today or come in,   Betty was to come for laundrey but didn’t,  Turned cold & snowed very little & wind has been & still is cold & strong   Ann called  said she’sd had some sort of Clothing sale & that she gained points on the orders & had won a 9.00 dress,  I don’t understand but I do wonder if Jesus would do what they are doing to win clothing   dark day but moonlight tonight & cold.   

Nov. 30. Wed. 1960./ Dark morning,   I couldn’t sleep last night so slept late this a.m.   Betty & her sister & Frankie came in 7-30-a-m   she couldn’t come, Tue. she said, she took the wash & said she’d bring it back Thurs.   she’s to get the things from Dry good store & some more apples   the last she says   mere 1.75   Elbert ordered 1 bu. more   We will owe her 5.75 for bu & last half going to be hard on check.   Well Betty  the 2 boys came in & we visited couple hours,   I love Betty & do wish she belonged to Jesus   she’s so good hearted & does all she can for us & she loves me to   she brought the laundry back & she will be back 5th or 6th of Dec. but she will call before she comes, so as not to have to make 2 trips.   Ann didn’t call today,  Betty stopped there & said mrs. Hensly had stopped to get an order book for clothes.   it’s something like Lar-kins soap club.   It was 3-p-m when Betty & boys came & 5-15-p-m when she left here   it has snowed & blowed a gale & is still at it at 9-p-m.   It didn’t trouble every [?] lost plane on Lake Mich & a big boat [?]

Nov. 30. Wed. 1960./ on rocks on Lake Mich & a boat in a small boat & the wind whipping up 10. ft. waves,  they have not found plain or small boat as yet.   & snow drifts 4 ft. high in several places & pavements wet & slippy,   fights & lots of dead here & there & people haven’t woke up yet   The Lord is finishing up His work & will be coming in a very few yrs. now.  Oh, God.

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