[Elinor’s relationship with Miss Baumgart seems to shift to a friendship. Miss Baumgart hired another girl, Minnie. But she did make a referral on Elinor’s behalf for work with a Mrs. Anderson, which Elinor refused because “those people are foreigners & I told her I wasn’t going, she didn’t like it, but I’m an Americano.”
Sickness continues with Elbert, looking like a “corps”, having a bad sore throat treated one night with “a good doping & (sent) to bed with hot bottle” and treated days later with a hot bath “down to his belt” & a rub down with sollane linement & hot ointment. If she is referring to Sloan’s liniment, it would be capsaicin topical for pain relief. It definitely sounds like she had to practically force her brother to accept this treatment by his little sister. Fred gets a rash “all broke out” and a cold. Elinor thinks he might have Small Pox but Dr. Smith diagnoses him with eczema and tells him he has to stay indoors for a week, later extended to another week. She also doped & sent her brother Fred to bed. Then Elinor also gets sick with chills and aching all over which she diagnosis as left tonsil infection or “the guinsy” & ear ache and for which she, too, took a rub down and hot drinks. Later, when she has trouble swallowing she soaks a cloth in coal oil & wrapped her neck & throat. Guinsy or quinsy, per multiple sources involves spread of a tonsil infection to the throat, with a bacterial abscess forming and causing dysphagia and “hot potato voice as if having one in your moth, ear ache, bad breath and if it grows, suffocation.
In 1860, Elinor’s mother, Martha Wheeler is first listed in Ohio as a 2 year old with Charity and Valoris Wheeler in the Penfield Area east of Wellington Ohio and more east of Rochester Ohio. Elinor’s father Harvey is born in Rochester (his parents are Cordon and Amelia Bonney). Elinor’s uncle William Wheeler is 6 years old then. Martha and Harvey meet and are married in Rochester Ohio. By 1900 Martha and Harvey move to Harrison Street and Martha’s brother William and Sarah move to the same area in the Black River Township. And by 1910 these two large families are living at 760 and 759 Georgia Avenue in Lorain, just east of the Black River. One of Harvey and Martha Bonney’s boys, Frank (with wife Ruby and son Armond), moves into a home northwest of Georgia Avenue at another bend in the river on Lakeside Drive. By 1915 Martha dies, leaving Harvey a widower for 29 more years, until his death in 1944. He spends those years at the 760 Georgia homestead with his daughter Gertrude. After he dies Frank moves into the 760 Georgia homestead and displaces Gertrude.
The Ohio Death Index suggests that Lyman W. Bonney’s daughter Marinda Bonney, dies in 1913 and his granddaughter Jennie dies in 1915 both in Ohio. Marinda lives with Lyman until his death and then lives with her brother Harvey Bonney and wife Cornelia who live on Courtland Avenue, just around the corner from Lyman on Pleasant Ave.
In 1900 Elinor is listed as living at 4 Harrison St in the Lorain first Ward at 15 y.o. attending school, able to read and write, living with all 6 siblings and both parents. By the 1910 census they are all living at 760 Georgia Ave. She was married and widowed Frank Babcock a marine engineer and in the very early days of the marriage they were living at 327 Georgia Ave.
[Elinor’s Diary 1913 (page 52)]
Wed.Jan.1.1913. I ironed & done house work. Elbert & Frank went fishing Elbert has a bad sore throat both boys here to dinner & Fred came home tonight I gave Elbert a good doping & sent him to bed with hot bottle.
[Thurs. Jan. 2. 1913] Thurs.2. I got a card from Aunt Em. & I have been finishing the ironing & sewing to day & my cold is better & Elberts so is
[Fri. Jan. 3. 1912] Fri.3. Martha Eles______Carlisle is 7 months old today & weighs 20 1/2 lbs. done house work & help Nellie finish her skirt. and she is going to press it tomorrow

1913 “Martha Carlisle 1 yr old “
[Sat. Jan. 4. 1913] Sat.4. Well I baked 7 loaves of bread today.
[Sat. Jan. 4. 1913]Page 53. Sat.4. Jan. & helped do a bu. & one things today.
[Sun. Jan. 5. 1913] Sun.5. Ma & Fred went over to Franks for dinner & Pa came home just in time to eat dinner with us & after he had gone out doors I phoned to ma & she & Fred came home it is raining & freezing & its slipery. Ma & I went down to McHenery’s Meat Market & bought 3.lbs. pork steak round one slice round beef steak, its was hard walking [[note: McHenry’s Meat Market at 1020 Broadway opened in 1908 and closed in 1947. It was owned by Vincent and Edna McHenry]
[Mon. Jan. 6. 1913] Mon.6. Pa didn’t go back it is still raining & Pa & I went & called on Miss Tristram . Then went over to Frank for supper & after supper we called on Wyn & Grant [this may be Wynafred Grant, Aunt Edith’s daughter by her second husband Geo. Grant]& then we called on Miss Baumgart on our way home.
[Tue. Jan. 7. 1913] Tue.7. Pa went back to Wellington this morn. I washed all our white wash & 3/4 of Audreys & am some tired.
[Wed. Jan. 8. 1913] Wed.8. Well I finished all the washing today scrubed the kitchen & Pa phoned & said Aunt Marinda died at 7 oclock this morn [this would be Elinor’s Great Aunt Marinda, Lyman W Bonney (Cival War Veteran Michigan Cavalry)’s daughter (1839-1913) & the funeral will be Fri. after noon at 1 clock & for ma to come. Oh Dee. Auntie Wills daughter plan to ????? today.

Elinor and Gertie posing with wigs
Thurs. Jan. 9. 1913] Thur.9. Well, I helped Ma get away this morn I have baked 9 loaves of bread & a 4 layer cake cooked
& clea
ned &
worked all day, doped Fred & Elbert & sent them to bed & now I am going to bed. Elberts cold is no better he get a little more each day so its hard to get ride of it. Gertie has been sick for two days hope she feels better tomorrow. Oh.dee.dee. I called Anna Oldham Dorman tonight & talked with Ruby Bonney & told her about Aunt Marind & I called & talk to Mr. Thomas, his wife is ill & been in bed since Sun. & isn’t any better & then I talked with Miss Baumgart she has been feeling better today.
[Fri. Jan. 10. 1913] Fri.10. Well 5 oclock came early but I got the boys & Nellie away on time & I’ve had a hard day, only setting down long enough to eat my meals. Elbert came home feeling so bad, he looked like a corps. I compelled him to drink 2 cups of hot water gave him a light sup-per & just before he went to bed. gave him a hot bath down to his belt rubbed him with sollane linement & hot ointment, gave him ointment & hot water. Oh, he just had a great time trying to get out of it but, he had to do it & I’ll have to look after him for a few days now & get him well.
[Sat. Jan. 11. 1913] Sat.11. Elbert feels better, I gave him hot water then hot toast & milk & Fred to & have my Sat. work done at last & Elbert Dr. & sent to bed & I’m tired. Fred & Geo went to town & came home at 10-30 the baby cried & freted & Audrey looked as tired as I know she felt All to bed & Me to.
[Sun. Jan. 12. 1913] Sun.12. Had breakfast at 10 oclock dinner 2-5 supper 5-30 Fred went to church, Nellie went down to Audreys to dinner & they all came up home for supper Fred went to the Plant to Church & Elbert went over to Uncle Wills.E. is feeling a lot better & I Dr. him tonight & hope he will soon get ride of that cold, boys home at 9-15 & Geo & Audrey went home 8-20 & now we are all going to bed. I’m glad. Hope we will hear from Ma & Pa tomorrow.
[Mon. Jan. 13. 1913] Mon.13. Washed our clothes & Audreys, Gertie sud & rinsed & she dried them in the dinning room
[Tue. Jan. 14. 1913] Tue.14. Baked 9 loaves of bread and I ache so I don’t know what to do, and although I feel as though it wasn’t much use, I must smile & be pleasant. Fred feels worse every day, but is working
[Wed. Jan. 15. 1913] Wed.15. Oh we all ironed a little I have sewed, done house work, crocheted & am all in but dare not say it.
[Thurs. Jan. 16. 1913] Thurs.16. I’m 28 years old today. Fred is worse today his face is all broke out & he has a bad cold & didn’t go to work, poor kid he feels so bad. Such is life

1910 ” Bonney’s Dog, Our dog Shorty”
[Thurs. Jan. 16. 1913] Page 55 Thurs.16. I don’t believe I ever felt more cross in my life than I do today, and to be agreeable I must go over to Frank & Rubys to dinner & I believe everybody that I ever knew spoke to me. and just to think I had to smile and speake pleasant and I felt so cross, and then I had to be sociable so ma would have a nice time, then I left ma & Ruby at 2-30. Nellie went to meat ma & I calld on Mis Baumgart & had to borrow an umberella then I went to the Dr. & he wants me to go to the hospital next week I cant think of it Oh.dee.dee. What next
[Fri. Jan. 17. 1913] Fri.17. Was the warmest it has been for 42 yrs, I scrubed 3 floors & swept & dusted & cooked.
[Sat. Jan. 18. 1913] Sat.18. Fred is looking like a small pox case ma & I baked bread & rolls today & done house work Pa came home to night glad to see him.
[Sun. Jan. 19. 1913] Sun.19. Frank & Ruby & baby & Audrey, George & baby we were all here for dinner. Dr.S. came to see Fred after dinner he will be all right in a few day he has ezema Mrs. Baumgart calld this morn & said Mrs Anderson wants me to come to work Tue
[Mon. Jan. 20. 1913] Mon.20. Well it rained all day Sun. & froze last night so its dreadful walking for those who have to walk. I did all the washing today
phoned tonight & those people are foreigners & I told her I wasn’t going, she didn’t like it , but I’m an Americano. I’ve got to bake bread tomorrow.
[Tue. Jan. 21. 1913] Tue.21. I baked 12 loaves of bread and took cold last night the kitchen door came open while we were eating supper & after I began to shiver. I went to see if the window was open & fond that it was the door. Wel I drank hot drinks & took a rub down & went to bed early thinking I would be as well as useral, but ach all over, its realy been & effort to work today
[Wed. Jan. 22. 1913] Wed.22. Dr. came to see Fred today, he can’t go out till Mon. I ironed some Gertie did most of the ironing. Nellie did her own. she has been home today & will be the rest of the week, had her exam Mon & Tue. worked all day. but oh what a sore throat my left tonsil is so badly swollen I dread to go to bed tonight.
[Thurs. Jan. 23. 1913] Thurs.23. Fred to work but haven’t done much today. Oh.dee.
[Fri. Jan. 24. 1913] Page 56 Fri.24. I most all in to day, sure am. I have got the guinsy & ear ach am going to draw it on the out side-night Oh such is life but I be all right by Sunday.
[Sat. Jan. 25. 1913] Sat.25. Thought I would choke to death Thurs. & Fri, night I soaked a cloth in coal oil & bound it on my throat & now the worst is over. my neck is sore but will be well in a few days now. crocheted a lot today & helped with house work
[Sun. Jan. 26. 1913] Sun.26. Gertie went over to Franks for dinner & I’ve been teasing the boys & Nellie all day. Dr. is coming tomorrow.
[Mon. Jan. 27. 1913] Mon.27. Washed to day and moped the floor. Dr. came, he told Fred he must stay in a little while longer
[Tue. Jan. 28. 1913] Tue.28. Pa is 52 years old today he send ma a card dated Jan.28.1861. ha,ha,ha, I haven’t finish his shaving pad yet. I did part of the ironing my neck healing good

1911 “Martha Bonney Parrots on ladder Lorain, O. 760 Georgia Ave” also see back of photo where she is giving this picture as a birthday card to Harvey: “Will you except this lovely picture for your birth day card, for a remembrence from Mother”
[Wed. Jan. 29. 1913] Wed.29. Pa came home today ma doesnt feel very well I ironed & did some sewing on ma’s waist.
[Thurs. Jan. 30. 1913] Thurs.30. Pa and Gertie went to Wellington today I have been doing general house work & sewing a little.
[Fri. Jan. 31. 1913] Fri.31. Today is Cousin Wyn Grants birthday she is 38 yrs old. Well it has been the same old story.