December 1940

Sun.Dec.1.1940./ 31, days & this month will be gone & also this year.  Elbert took me to Sun school & church, and in the evening we went back to hear a lecture on the bible, that turned out to be an add. for the sale of bibles & bible literature and they took up a collection for it. Rev. Doak gave us a short reading and talk & had those Who came, sing two or three hyms. We went over and visited with Mrs. Hilderbrant for an hr. or so. it was after nine oclock when we left church for home  cloudy day & snowing tonight. 

Mon.Dec.2.1940.  Just did the regular rounds today Elbert worked. I did a little sewing & all the chores. Elbert seemed to feel real bad when he got here. but I had hot ginger for him & after he ate he felt better, snowing & blowing in showers all day. S.W. wind. 

=30= Tue.Dec.3.1940. E. has gone to work, it has snowed and blowed all day morn. sun came through all afternoon 4-20 began to snow again, Elbert came tired & his cold tight; but hot soup & supper fixed him up some what, I Pray the Lord will take away his cold & give him more strength, I’m so sorry for him he’s so tired at night and it a long drive down & back 36 miles per day from 5-a-m to 6-p-m.WEll I made John’s pajames today got them all done but buttons & button holes & rubber in the back of pants belt. I had Elbert get two sweaters for Johny Jr. V.neck, & no sleeves. $2.03, , snowed & blowed again tonight Wiind S.West. 

Wed.Dec.4.1940. Lenard Bonney’s birthday today & Uncle Harve & Aunt Corneal & Len. all dead now.  Well I did the most of the washing today, all but Elbert’s sleepers & his work shirts, I hurt my right arm some how carrying water & rubbing to much, don’t know if I’ll be able to finish them in the morn. snowed & blowed  in showers today was cold last night down to 10 degrees, Elbert’s car didn’t want to start this morn, but he finially got it going & got to work on time, worked alday & got home O.K. poor boy I’m so sorry we are so far from his work & now must fix his lunch for morning & go to bed. Fog horn blowed alday & still at it, We heard a steamer come into Huron about 10-p-m. tonight. 

Thurs.Dec.5.1940.  Cloudy, Elbert went to work  I felt so bad I slept late then cleaned up the house  wiped up the floor & put clean papers down to walk on took care of birds & hens & did the chores except bringing the water  Elbert got a birthday card from Easel today, the wind is North West. Sunshine from 9 am till sun down, clouded up at 9-p-m. ring round the moon.

=32= Fri.Dec.6.1940. Elbert is 58. yrs. old to-day and gone to work, it’s been quite a nice day  lots of wind S. West. & he brought the grain & groceies & got hear tired but safe wind is blowing hard tonight. I finished the wash then ironed then made a custard and one apple pie & then made my un-der skirt & darned two pair socks & two pair stockings. done all the chores and got to get coal yet. to fix fire for the night its 20 mi. to 12.oc’lock. 

Sat.Dec.7.1940.  Elbert got a birthday greeting card in envelope yesterday from Nellie our sister. 

Sat.7.Dec. We went to Lorain. Elbert got had too new tires put on his car 19.00 he paid & turned in old one’s and some odd cents. 39.00 garage bill he’s paid 30.00 of that & still more fixing to do on it. We went to Penneys I bought my over shoes 98 cents & I bought 2.00 worth of yarn & 1.20 for curtain goods. I took the sweater out to Nellie’s 1. for Ella Jane 1 for Bonita 3. for Bonney Bell 2. for Johny. I gave Bonney Bell 1 a mo or so ago the makes 8 sweaters Johnys were 98 cents each the girls 1.98 each & the tax 6 cents each, $14.26.  Elbert took me to Nellies, I gave Nellie goods 6 yds. for a night gown $1.14 and one piece of goods for house dress $1.38 & too 5 cent wash rags, 10 cents and John a suit of pajama’s $1.00  I  made the pajama’s. they act as if that wasn’t anything  Oh yes, I gave Bonney two white colors & a pin 60 cents more  They don’t even write and thank me for them, so may-be they would rather help them selves, boy the looks of things. and I think I’ll let them. $18.02 that’s lots of money and I only get $15.00 per. mo. & paid for all those things in 1 or 2 dollar payments. owe for my own un-der wear yet & night gown. & I have to have stockings.  Bonney graduates this Spring. I met & talked to Fred’s wife Ethel & daughter Laura Ann & Edith & Carl Wagner. We called on Uncle. Will Wheeler & Pa & gave them some sweet Potatoes. I call on Evelyn she & baby have a cold.

=33= We took Pearl back to town with us, then hit out for home stopped in Vermilion bought a few groceries then came home. I got my check Dec.7. & spent it most all today. tired, Oh, boy. 

Sun.Dec.8.1940. We went to Sunday school & Church quite a few there was given a nice bunch ed flowers I stopped & gave Helen a few of them she’s been sick. Then we came home & cook fish for dinner and rested the rest of the day  Praise the Lord.  

Mon.Dec.9.1940.  I aired all the bedding & made up the beds swept & cleaned up the house & wrote a letter to Flora Glover & crocheted a little tonight. Elbert worked all day, was late to night. We had fish for supper. I fed a bum today noon, he carried a heavy pack on his back was terrible dirty said he was going to his folks in Cleveland that he was so dirty no one wanted to feed him, he was tired hungry & cold I gaave him hot coffee 2 big cups & a pt bottle full in his pocket, Elbert saw him in Vermilion tonight he was foot sore to had walked from Minasota. What a queer world High wind tonight seems as if it would lift us sometimes. N.E.Wind. it was in the South most alday. 

Tue.Dec.9.1940.  Got a card from Rev & Mrs. Doak saying they enjoyed the bread I sent them. I did part the washing or most of it today & did the chores Elbert worked & went & come safe man came & got his car at the yard & brought it back 

Wed.Dec.11.1940. Wind went N.East cloudy all morn & snow & rain this after noon & evening I didn’t do much today  crocheted some & shucked out 1/2 bu. walnuts & done chores Elbert & worked got home early. I got letter from Nellie today, she said she was wearing John & new birthday pajamas, she sure got lots of nerve. Elbert got Birthday card from Nora & a letter, still raining 11-p-m. dreary dark day. 

Thurs. Dec.12.19I crocheted fast got get chair back all crocheted 7 one arm piece started  Elbert worked yesterday but went to Dr. to get bones put back in place today he

=34= Thurs. 12.  got home early said he felt a little better but his back was still paining him, it rained all day and yet tonight, another dark day. Wind gone N.East. 

Fri.Dec.13. 1940./  Well Elbert has gone to work it’s a dark day again, but not raining, as yet. I have to bake bread, wash, E’s under wear, put walnuts in bag to send to Flora, turn up the bottoms of Elberts overalls, and iron & scrub the floor. got most of it done all but the overalls & ironing, got the chores done, had to carry 4 pails of water to wash with. this morn. baked 2 brown & 2 white loaves of bread swept & wiped up floor, made soup for supper, fed the hens gave them fresh water opened car shed doors for E. got a basin of feed out of grainery for tomorrow empted ashes & carried up a pail of coal, pay man from Shinrock for 3 bails of straw $1.80 for hen house. dried all the clothes in the house & they are all dry but E’s. under wear it’s part wool & heavy to handle, Elbert’s back pains him bad to night, I bathed it & he’s gone to bed, he took another treatment before he came home to-night, he bought a hen for Sunday dinner.  Colder, freezing today & tonight tried to snow today. Wind North east.  Sat. We will mail Flora’s letter & ship the walnuts express from Vermilion Ohio. must get in bed now. I received another card from Mrs. Hildebrandt this morn. 

Sat.Dec.14.1940./  We went to Vermilion & sent the walnuts to Flora, and I mailed her a letter also. then we went to Berlin Hights to talk to the undertaker Mr. Hinman about Frank’s pension money he did [this could be didn’t]  seem interested & said he’d see what he could do to help me I pray God will lead them & help me to be able to have that pension it could & would be a great help in a lot of good ways.

=35= Sat.14.  We stopped & had quite a visit with Mrs. Hildebrandt. The sun shone most of the day partly cloudy at times, quite cold out. 

Sun.Dec.15.1940./  Well Elbert took me to Sun school & Church there were quite afew there this morn. We stopped on our way home to talk to Mr. Haufman about help me to get afidavits for my pension. chilly out doors. We had chicken for dinner  I made biscuites for dinner creamed irish potatoes after we did the chores we went back to Berlins Hights and took the preacher & his wife & baby, part of the chicken gravy a tin of biscuits, a loaf of brown bread some sugar & flour-crisco, macironi, tapiocia, corn starch, barley, coffee, onions, apples, oranges, 1. can, beans, corn & spinage a cjar of honey a squash & 1/2 potatoes, few sweet rest irish and a winger bouquet of bitter sweets indian tobaco & evergreens.  They did seem extra happy but they needed butter, eggs, crisco, vegetables & a sack of flour. bakiing powder & soda. Elbert isn’t feeling very well, he seems to have taken more cold & his back and legs ach so much of the time, We talked half an hour or so with Mrs. Hildebrandt & came home Elbert ached so bad & I’m so tired But we Praise the Lord He takes care of us. I thank Him so much.

Mon. Dec.16.1940./  Month half gone. Elbert went to work said he might be back soon for it was starting to rain, but it didn’t rain sun comes through now and again, white, maybe going to get colder south West Wind quite fresh & I’m to tired to work, but have swept & wiped up the floor & done a few odds & end  wind gone North east. Elbert came home sick, bone out in back of, his neck, he ate his supper & I bathed & rubbed his neck & the bone went back in place & he 

=36= is sleeping now, and the ground is covered with a light snow and it’s colder & freezing. 

Tue.17.Dec. 1940./ month over half gone; Elbert has gone to work, he feels better this morn. I washed & dried the clothes in the house today. carried all the water to & done all the chores tonight. & got supper  Elbert got here 6-15-p-m. I wrote a few lines to Mrs. Hildebrandts. & crocheted some. now I’ll fix the fire & go to bed  freezing a little tonight

Wed.19.Dec.1940./  Elbert went to work his back & legs still troubling him. I made part of the new curtains today did the odds & end & got supper did the chores, I hurt my back & right hip joint yesterday, can hardly walk today, then after supper E. said we’d go to Berlin Hights to see & hear the school children act & speak & sing Christmas pieces & songs, we had to stand up so we didn’t stay to see it all, we went to Mrs. Hildebrandts to see if they were going to Loraiin with us Sat. I lefet an exchange gift, a linen handkercheif with a pink edge  I crocheted on it. I have felt alalong they wouldn’t go to Lorain. Sat. but she thought they would. Chilly damp air not freezing. 

Thurs. Dec.19.1940./  Well E. went to work & I been washing windows all day, My hip joint went back into place this morn but where they is as sore as a boil hurts to step, but Praise the Lord, He heard me praying most all night & He fixed The Lord Is my shepard I shall not want  He makest mee to lie down in green pastures He leadest me by the still waters Thy rode and Thy staff they comfort me Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. Thou pre-parest a table before my enemys my cup runest over surely goodness & mercy will follow me all the day of my life. Amen; So tired at 4-30-p-m Helen got off the school buss on my drive just as I was feeding the hens, so I feed & came in the house with her, she had brought me a letter to mail to Miss. Willett’s & one to me saying she couldn’t go Sat. boys party had been changed to Sat. afternoon. quite warm for this times of year no snow ground soft  S.West Wind.

=37= Fri.Dec.20.1940./  Elbert brought me a 1941. calender from Nagle’s store Vermilion Ohio, E. has gone to work. Wind S.West & looks like rain. I received a K’Ma’s card from Mrs. Noderer & Ethel & Laura Ann Bonney Elyria Ohio for Elbert & I. and one from Mrs. S. Gyuy’s washington D.C. to me, yesterday. Got a card from Annabel, Miss Mc Govern, Georgia Rosencrancs, Wyn & Virginia Grant, Mrs. Hildebrandt, John & Nellie & family,  Martha & Merlin & Family, Bonney, Edd & Martha Kendall Nashville Tenn  Rev. & Mrs. Webb of Vermilion Ohio & Mrs. Helen Green & one from teh Sarr Family all for X’Ma’s & for Elbert and I. it has been quite cloudy not very cold. 

Sat.Dec.21.19409./  We went to town “Lorain” today I been washing windows & put up new curtians & tired, Oh boys. We saw Martha & Merlin & Wyn & Virginia, Elbert went up to Dr. Sifflin took a treatment. I bought 90 cents  worth of “cards X’Ma’s” streets crowded with cars & people, We got home intime to feed the chicken & we went clear on up to Huron before we came home  I got a doz for Jim, Jean & Joan and a turtle with a colored man on his back riding, they are to wind up & then they crowd & wiggle it’s head the dog does flip flops  I got some red stockings, for the girls & for Laura Ann Bonney  We cook fish for supper warm & damp.

Sun.Dec.22.1940./  We went to Church & Sun. school & it has been a nice day Praise God.

Mon.Dec.23.1940/  I washed & the last of the windows and finished putting up the curtains it‘s tires me most to death. Elbert worked today, but his back is still bad  I cleaned the stand shelf, birds loungey [not sure what this word is]  -& wiped up the floor  its been a beautiful day, and I thank God for it.  We went to Huron & E. took a treatment  I felt to tired to go, but he wanted me to go

=38= Tue.Dec.24.1940./  I swept & wiped up the floor changed the table done the chores 7 40-11 odds and end, it was a nice day 60 degrees out side Elbert & I went to Huron after supper & he took another treatment, he sure feels bum, and look it.

Wed. Dec.25.1940. Christmas day /  We went to Martha’s for dinner had baked ham, sweet potatoes, creamed irish potatoes, dressing, salid, apple & pumpkin pie with whipped cream and what nots, I enjoyed the children Jim Jean & Joan, they spoke there S’Ma’s pieces & sung their songs & Jim kept time with his new drum  John & Nellie, Ella Jane, Bonney Bell & Johny were there but pa & Gertie didn’t come, Gertie told Evelyn, she was tired of doing all the dishes after each Holiday meal, and that I had promised her a dress and had failed to give it to her, she didn’t know if she wanted the dress When I talked with her about it and seemed so fussy about it, I decided she didn’t want it but I’ll send her a dress right away and one other she can make over. This is a queer world, full of sorrow & greif May God help me to do the good things, He would that I should do, for His sake I love my Master most of All., Praise God from Whom all blessing flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him all yea Heavenly Host Praise Father son & Holy Ghoest, Amen.  Elbert has gone to bed, so, I think I’ll begoing. I bought Jim a mecanical turtle & ean & Joan red stockings & Laura Ann Bonney books & stockings. We got three wash rags from some unknown party found them in the car and Martha gave us a candy cane, a small one 7 or 8 inches Long. and God blessed us by Taking and bringing us safly, that was Our Christmas Gifts

=39= Thurs.Dec.26.1940./  Elbert has gone towork, I did most all the washing today & carried 4 big pails of water, wiped up the floor, done the chores & got the supper & washed up the supper dishes, got things ready for to get breakfast for Elbert. , dark all morning sun shone through at 12-30 and at interval s during after noon Wind Went North east but it’s to warm to wear a coat cooler tonightj, a little raining at 9-p-m, misty rest of the night and oh, so dark. 

Fri.Dec.27.1940./ Elbert went to work, I finished the washing all but the socks & my stockings, carried water, its to much to carry the water then wash, done the chores & got the supper and done up supper dishes. I feel so terrible foged out, so tired seems as if I just can’t endure it. But I thank the Lord he took Elbert safe & brought him safe, both he & his car, and he bought the grocierys, I thank God for taking care of me & giving me enough strength to do the washing carry water & do all the odds and ends. It has been a dark day, fog was so thick all morning  I traveled in mind & spirit all the way with Elbert to the ship yard, although the fog lifted after he got into Lorain, but it has been thick all day & so dark no sun today, rained hard tonight at 7-30-p-m. wind still N.East and more chilly today. Got a X’Mas card & a 1 dollar bill from Morning Sun Iowa in yesterdays mail and a X’Ma’s card from Flora, North Clymer, New York; they both wrote a few lines to me and I do love to get a few lines.

Dec.Sat.28.1940./ Received a few lines from Miss. Willitts  Elbert & I went to Huron & Vermilion today  Jimmy Helen Sarr went with us & did some shopping for ther mother. I got a dress for Gertie it’s very pretty, a silk rayon, ” a wash dress” $3.00  Well I sure feel all tired out sort of worthless. wind very light and North east fogy, thick, with rain all morning all after noon & evening, drizzle until 11-p-m. fog lifted & it rained hard. no. sun. any time today. So we will have a wet dreary April according to todays weather 

=40= Dec.Sun.29.1940./ Well it’s raining but Elbert & I went to church & Sun. school and some how Mrs. Hildebrandt came home to dinner with me, she had let the two little boys go to their Aunt’s home in Cleveland & Russel went home after church & ate a lunch & was going with the Hasting’s boy some where, she said she’d be alone all after noon & ask if Elbert & I would come to her house for dinner, but I had promised  Elbert to come home, so she came with us & had dinner & spent the after noon & evening Wind went N.West about 2-p-m. sun today this is for May gave her the silk dress Miss Mc Govern gave me. rain turned to snow & it was wet & the wind sheld wipers didn’t work very good , but we took her home & got back safe, still snowing hard. 

Dec.mon.30.1940./  Well it snowed all night & blowed snow 10. ins. to 1 ft. deep here & wet & slushy, snowing  When Elbert left for work this morn. at 6-15-a-m. North west wind very light. quite warm out no sun. today, wind went south at 6-p-m. light breeze. quite warm & thawed a lot, trees & bushes were loaded with snow tis morn. it really looked like X’Ma’s , but thawed off by noon; wet under food. and today is for June. boys oh, boys. 

Dec.Tue.31.1940./ No. Sun. Elbert gone to work, it’s thawing a little, light South West breeze. I felt to punk to work yesterday & only did usual chores & things about the house & that’s all I’m going to do today.  Elbert got a few lines from Mrs Hildebrandt saying she had enjoyed her dinner and was glad for the dress and so forth, she gave us a small pork fruit cake with green candy leaves & red C.candys for half berries on white frosting. No sun. yet today & this for July.  Well sun came out 2-p-m. this after noon & stayed until 4-p-m. It’s quite warm with S. wind but the snow is quite deep, yet. I only did house work & c hores today and feeling bum.