April 2, 1900: Warranty Deed land in Grafton was sold by John Rathaski and his Wife Solomei to Joseph Dubert and Wife on April 2, 1900, recorded Lorain County Records Volume 82, Page 374. WJCahoon Recorder. Entered for Transfer, Transferred April 2 10– GHLewis Auditor, signed by Jas Finlayson, Mayor of County,

Warranty Deed Grafton House
4/21/1920 Land Contract : Marta Dubert sold land [ Lot No. 1 in Barchard’s Addition to the said Village lying on the Northerly side of Railroad Street, in Village of Grafton Ohio. to the Osborne Mfg Co for 500$ signed by Marta Dubert, The Osborn Mfg. Co. by J P Knichters their agent,and wittnessed by Harry J Mansell and Lena Kumrol.
? Valley Morning Star, Harlingen, Texas: Newspaper Clipping re Miss Sally Victory Dubert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dubert from Harlington, to Burl Mullins, son of Rev and Mrs. E.B. Mullins of Devine, at Calvary Baptist church. Aunts assisting includes: Mrs. R.W. Dix, Cleveland, and Mrs. C.E. Faine, Galion Ohio, also in attendance Mr. C.E. Faine, Galion Ohio
Lois Gremore:
May, 1938 Ohio Pupils Reading Circle Columbus Ohio.
Twelfth annual roman banquet Lois Gremore April 16, 1942 Latin I and II program
Christmas Cards 1944 to Lois Gremore: from Jean Marie Oland Geneva Ohio, from Mary Bricker 8th grade; unsigned;
9/1944: Lois Gremore School Yearbook 13th edition: Ada High School
4/24/1944: TELEGRAM WESTERN UNION : From Ruth Tarrard to W F Greemore 149 Newkirk St : Your mother Rose Greemore is very low please call me at once.

Rose very low.
4/26/1944 Death Mrs. Rose P Gremore: Winnifree Funeral Service Register, St. Francisville, ILL: Pall Bearers- Asa Jones, Tony Cabashier, Julian Greemore, Jo Tougaw, John Boyer, Frank Tebbe;Friends include Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gremore
May 1945, Lois Gremore Graduation: cards : “Mrs Rathburn & Robert”, Cora M.”, Mr and Mrs Glen Spade, New London; Senior Day booklet ; Dan, Quarda, & girls;
Valentines to Lois Gremore: from Sally Shepherd, from ??,
Senior Class announcements May 31, 1945 to Lois Gremore at 144 Newkirk St New London, Ohio.: from Dorthy E Hannum, E.M.C College Station Mich.;from Jean Marie Oland, geneva ohio;,
Report Cards Lois Gremore : 12th grade 1945;
Lists of Soldiers who had died from the class in 1943, 44, and 45
3/11/1958: TELEGRAM WESTERN UNION: From U S Soldiers Home Hospital to W F Greemore 149 Newkirk St. Your Brother George M Greemore Died 456 AM 3/11/… burial 3/14/… Soldiers home National Cemetary ….. wire if other arrangements desired. Home has no funds for shipment. to establish complete cause of death and assist in diagnosis and treatment of others permission for autopsy urgently requested. answer fifteen words collect.
12/5/1957: Typed Letter from Hospital Walla Walla Washington : From J.E. Gaines M.D. Manager to Mrs Maude Tebbe Litchfield ILL. Your brother Clarence E Greemore died 11/22/1957 burial Willamette national Cemetery Portland Oregon, perpetual care provided by US Gvt, Chaplain Cousins of hospital conducted protestant burial service, etc. [note list of Pal Bearers at Rose Gremore’s funeral include Frank Tebbe.]

Clarence Gremore Letter
TELEGRAM WESTERN UNION 10/8/1958: From U S Soldiers Home Hospital Washington D.C. Walter Reed Army Hospital to Wesley F Greemore 149 New Kirk St New London: Your Brother Lambrey J Greemore died 635 AM October 5th 1958 at Walter Reed Army Hospital Burial Soldiers Home National Cemetary Nine AM EDST October 13th 1958 without expense to you ..etc.

Lambrey Gremore Telegram
11/27/1947: County Recorder’s Office Receipt Lorain County : Lease Dubert 1.65; Release Kulas 1.75; Mech. Lien Gremore 1.30; Chat. Mtg Dubert 1.80; 6.50 postage 6. Received of Gremore, signed by Mose Welder Recorder on