September  1952

Mon. Sept. 1. 1952./ 8. eggs today./ Labor Day.   Been nice day, hot, 84 degrees & 3.00 & some people killed & almost as many hurt beside all who drowned & other accidents & we had ours.   Elbert’s felt real miserable   I had to get up this a-m, at 2-   his hip & back was paining him so bad   he took an anisin & I made him a cup of hot ovaltine & I get up & gave him another anicin at 3-a-m.   but he was so miserable he got up at 5 a-m   he’d walk around & then sit awhile   he’s felt bad all day but tried to go & cut weed and give it up & came up to the house again.   No one came all day.   I cleaned up table   took care of rooms & baked 2. tins of bread biscuits & 2. doz. bread doughnuts,   I made them & believe it or not Elbert fried them & did a good job.   I washed up all the bread things & supper dishes & am so tired.   I hope the Rev. Dear & his Wife come in tomorrow,   Oh God, I trust they will, & that through them you will make whole & give joy & faith & the Holy Spirit in Jesus Holy Name,   I thank Thee & give Thee all the praise & Glory, forever & ever, Amen.   It looked as if we were going to have a tarnado tonight, but at length it just gave us some good showers & cooked the air.   Wind’s been all the way around.   2 storms meet from N.W. & S. east and such wind, but I prayed & God fixed them Glory

Sept. 2. Tue. 1952./ page. 2971./ 4. eggs today./ Mostly cloudy & showers allday.   Cooler tonight & we have a little wood fire to take the chill out of the house    Elbert has walked up for the milk twice, now.   he took the front tire off his car this morning & it rained so steady he didn’t get it back untill about 3-p-m   he straightened the front fender enough ‘so it doesn’t rub the tire,   he says the policeman that said he was a careless driver “he blieves” is the same fellow that put the big dent in the cover or door the the back end of his car, one day while parked up by fish house,   he’s sure he’s the same guy.   he wasn’t honest enough to own up to it & the dent is still in the back end.    Well I’m trusting he can get the car fixed up again.   I haven’t any money to help him this time,    I don’t know how to help him,   but if I can in the right way,   I will, as a wittness, as to his driving    he is a careful driver.  Well, he worked at the lock on the door   he bought a new lock,   the old one had been tampered with untill we couldn’t even tell if we’d get in or not when we went away & Elbert isn’t able to fuss so long to get in when we get back home.   he didn’t get the lock in yet   it’s a little higher or longer up & down    & Elbert had to chisel out a little,   he has it about done & I hope no one does anything to it,   it’s a yale night lock.   I did some ripping on the pieces I had taken off the ends of a blanket    thought they might do on another one I have to fix,   then I evened the ends on some grain bags to make a night gown & to put a new back in Elbert’s night sleeper jacket.   No mail today.   It’s terrible the things the devil does .   And it’s marvelous the wonderful things Jesus does & can do When we trust, obey & believe.   Glory to God in the Name of Jesus,   rebuke the devil & help us to live for Thee.   I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus for all things forever Amen.   We cooked dinner together & I made soup for supper.   Moonlight & showers  tonight.

Wed. Sept. 3. 1952./ 4. eggs today./ Well it’s been a partly cloudy day & cool   we had little fire of wood   enough to keep chill out of the house   I put a new back in Elbert’s sleeping jacket & I patched my old wash dress & mended two of Elbert old work shirts    next is my night gown & I have some blankets to fix the ends & a dress to fix a little & the washing to do & tomorrow is prayer-meeting night.    Elbert got the lock put in & I let him have on Key,   now, lets see what happens next.   No mail today & I didn’t get letter mailed today either.   I wrote a letter to Audrey last night & now I’ll try to write card to Nellie & Martha & read & go to bed   I didn’t sleep very well last night or this a-m

Wed. Sept. 3. 1952./ page. 2972./ 4 eggs this day./ I thank God for our many blessings & pray   he will help Elbert to be careful as he goes with the eggs tomorrow.   I thank Thee Jesus for all things great or small & give Thee Praise & Glory Amen.  

Thurs. Sept.4.1952./ 6. eggs today./ Elbert took the eggs & sold 4. doz. 3.20 & he bought a little to eat & then had Baker do a little fixing on the car.   Oh how I wish he belonged to God.   & would trust God & Jesus,   I Praise Thee Jesus I Praise Thee Jesus,  I thank Thee for all things to pray for all the many souls that won’t take a chance with Thee instead of the other side.   I washed half the clothes or better & got them all dried, sun was hot some cloudy N. east wind but not strong,   Elbert talked with Audrey she isn’t feeling so good since she got home   I do hope Martha has Jean stay with her untill she feels lots better   Wish I could go everyday & look after her,   she needs some one & will for some time to come,  poor child.  God help her to get her strength back & give her courage in Jesus Name & I thank Thee & Praise Thee, Glory Hallelujah;   We went to prayer meeting & had more board meeting than prayer meeting & some how I got in on the deal, counting votes.   They are all sociable & that’s one thing I like   they are like that at 31st Street Church all so & don’t go for style or looks.   I received a nice letter from Eileen today  God bless her.   Elbert mailed a letter to Audrey & a card to Nellie & Martha.

Fri. Sept 5. 1952./ 7. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t go with Elbert to Huron today at noon,   was to tired out, to much to wash & then go to church   have to do washing on day I don’t go to church in evening,   I slept late,   Elbert got his check yesterday so went up to Huron & gave Fred Kline (the (police man) 10.00 for what they call speeding.   I’m so sorry I wasn’t with him when he got hit so he wouldn’t have let them get by with it.   Well he’s paid it now   I don’t know what the colored man will do   he had insurance & Elbert didn’t, his nerves are still terrible bad.   & he’s going to Huron for fish in the morning   I hope he gets some.   I mend one of his old shirts today & sewed up skirt for night gown   hope I can finish it tomorrow   I ought to finish the washing & do the ironing to but I wont do it all tomorrow.   Been a nice day & sun has been hot with just a little N. east breeze,   Elbert’s been doing a little of this that , & the other   fixed coal been, window & picked bushel cucumbers   he don’t know what he’s going to do with them all.   I thank & praise Thee Jeseus for all things Amen.

Sat. Sept. 6. 1952./ page. 2973./ 6. eggs today./ Well, Elbert gets up early everyday   he went to the Hollow & cut some of the brush, some small trees & girdled some, then he went to Huron & got a big mess of fish & while he was gone I washed out line of my clothes & a line of his & he came back & dressed all the fish    by that time I had the water on for coffee & fry pan on for fish he came in with 9 fish ready to salt & fry & I salted & floured & put them on to fry he washed & we ate at 1-30-p.m   I hadn’t eat a bite of food so far, then he finished dressing the fish & took a good mess up to Mrs. Kilbride,   she was so glad to get them,  he said,  she sent back a beautiful bunch of the big glad in 7 colors, a doz. tomatoes & some of dry onions,   he came back & cleaned up his fish dressing While I finished hanging out the balance of clothes, then he got a big basket of light wood for fire,   it had started to cloud up & wind begin to blow & sing in the tree tops & but over the trees at Ruggles beach a thick dark bluish fog was rolling in over the land,   I brought in remainder of clothes & thanked Jesus they got dry,   I had wiped up Kitchen floor & made up the beds & sprinkled 3 dresses & table cloth   my peticoat & 2 pillow slips & Elbert’s sleepers    I sat & rested my feet while iron was heating, then he went out to feed the hens & I ironed all but my dresses & sat down again,   feet are badly swollen today & while Elbert fiinished up out side,    I finished my dresses & got the water on for tea or coffee & we fried balance of fish enough for 2 or 3 meals & then we ate supper & now I am to tired to rest & my feet buzing half way to my knees in fact it’s sort of goning all over me.   I thank Thee Jesus for the fish & all our blessings & I know Thou doeth hear & answer prayer & I believe You will fill & heal me & Elbert like wise.   We received card from Nellie & nice letter from Audrey & she’s getting uneasy & wants to get out doors,   I had Elbert mail a letter to her today   she’ll get it Mon.    she says Jean stays days with her, all except 2 days   she works at home to keep there work done up for her mother,    I’ve ask her to come & stay with us for as long as she wants to it’s only 4 steps to earth hear & 2 flights of stairs where she is.   Gertie looks after her morning & nights, she says & that she’s O.K. only she wants to work.   God of Love & Mercy in Jesus Name   take care of her   I thank Thee & Praise Thee, Amen.

Sun. Sept. 7. 1952./ page 2974./ 5. eggs today./ We been home all day   feet was swollen terrible & couldn’t wear my shoes;    we had several good sermons over the radio & nice old time hyms. but I always feel so much happier in Church.  Elbert had cramps in his leggs in middle of night   I rubed them with alchol & I prayed God in Jesus Name to take them away for altime & Praise His Holy Name,   He did,   Oh, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, I Praise Thee Jesus & thank Thee for all things, teach us Thy Will & Ways;    Sarrs grandchildren came for cucumbers to-day.   other than that, we been alone alday.   & got enough fish for Mon.   The wind freshened up last night & it rained some in showers,   Cold N. east wind, but house was cold   we had a little fire & took off the chill.   I didn’t sleep untill early morning & then I just laid in bed hoping & praying swelling would go    I wanted to go to Church,   Well, neither of us felt very good today.   We lost another hen last night, only 10 left now,    I’ll have to get a few some how, soon.   I love Thee Jesus. 

Mon. Sept. 8. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ Elbert don’t feel very good today & me neither,   haven’t done much   only what I had to do.   I did go out to the garden & picked a few glad & cucks   then we went out to park & looked around some and we picked a few peaches & came back to the house again.   Elbert went to the hollow 2 hrs or more & cut some small trees,   he threw out a vertra in his neck,  I rubbed it & he felt better & now I have his back rubbed & he’s in bed.   I’m still trusting God will in Jesus Name, he will turn him to Him forever, Amen.   It’s been a beautiful Sept. day,    a thrush took his bath in the bird bath & the blue Jays came & it was nice to see them in a group & the yellow & blue birds all so.   Leaves are turning & falling & winter will soon be hear & I’m hoping & praying souls will be seeking Jesus fast.I thank Thee, Oh, God, for our Jesus,    He’s more Wonderful than I can tell.   Well another beautiful Fall day & hot sun   N. east breeze, been to hot this after noon. 

Tue. Sept. 9. 1952./4 eggs/ Wed. Sept 10. 6. eggs/ I baked 3. tins of bread biscuits.   Elbert went to fish house & got a big mess of fish, so fish for dinner & supper & enough for 2 meals more    I managed to mend my corset & shirt,   I darned his 2 prs. sock.  Tue or Mon.   & wrote Audrey a card & he mailed it today.   We don’t hear from the rest very often.   I forgot to write for (Tue. what we did.   I made my night gown & got it all done)   Winds was same for Wed (today) as Tue.   little more hot today 94 degrees.   I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing.   & pray I may be found worthy al-though I don’t do nearly as much as I should, & as I wish I could.    I received DeHaan’s little book today.  & it’s good.   I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all things & pray you will use me, Amen.

Thurs. Sept. 11. 1952./ page. 2974.[should be 2975]/ 5. eggs today./ Elbert was sick all night   I got up at 1.a.m. he thought he was going to throw up & his bowels didn’t move very good.   Well, not as they usually do & he was so sick, he’s having sort of nervous chills,   he was late going to Vermilion with the eggs he felt so bad,   I went with him,   we went on to Lorain & he looked so sick,   we talked to Audrey for an hour & we took her some cucumbers   she only wanted 2 & Elbert took her 3.   I took her 5 fried fish pike & a tin of bread biscuits & she’d only keep 2. biscuits & a qt. of chilli sauce   she said she felt fairly well & had been out shopping already, but she don’t seem to sure,   we stopped & talked to Martha,   her bos is in Cleveland Ohio, getting a check up,   he may have goll stones, he says.   Merlin did have a heart at-tack  when he went up to see Audrey in the hospital, that was where I saw him & couldn’t understand,   I told Elbert it all seemed so confussing,   Audrey in a Hospital bed & then Merlin laying on the floor, & today I learned Merlin did fall over,   Martha told us & Jean is soon to be married & live near her man’s job,   Martha said she & her’s were over to see Bonney Bell,  Jean expects to live over near Bonney Bell, Martha did not want the cucumbers & said Nellie said she wasn’t going to make pickles & she didn’t want to take them, so, we stopped to Granages & she gave us 50 for 2. doz. & Mrs. Hanna 50 for a basket as many.  1.00 that helped some     the very few things we bought “food” cost $5.05 & 1.00 for gas,   I thank God for all our many blessings this this day,   Elbert felt so terribly sick when we got here, I fixed him epsom & he went out & sat in the shade,   his bowels just would-n’t move & he wanted to throw up & kept changing colors    at last they moved a little twice   I hope they empty out in the morning.   I have rubbed his back & hip & he’s in bed,   I have to leave some more salts on table for him in the morning   it’s been hot.   N. east breeze. In Texas they had a cloud burst & a terrible time try to saving people from house tops & wreckage.   I left my scarf at Audrey’s,   We didn’t get to see Gertie, because Elbert felt so bad.   I gave Martha balance of biscuits & she said they still was hoping to have a picnic this month.   Jim & Joan are in school & Jean works at home.   Oh God help me to get a good bible for Audrey   she wants one,   I pray You will save her soul & I thank Thee & Give Thee all the praise, Amen, Amen.

Thurs. Sept. 11. 1952./ Page. 2976./ 5 eggs this day./ We, got home 15 to 3-p-m,   it was so hot driving,   we bought a chicken already to cook a Krogers & it’s really nice & cooked tender in notime at all,   Audrey told us another thing I had dreamed of & that was,   that Ella Jane’s man deserted her,   she said Loura Stoughten wrote & told Art Edith all about it & that he’s telling it all over.    I pray God will step in & help Ella Jane to come back to Ohio & live for Him & get her away from those Stoughtens.   Jesus I’m trusting & believing in Thee   What a wonderful Jesus, Who Knows & sees & can & does help.    We gave Audrey a doz. of eggs.   Ethel & Loura didn’t even call on Audrey.

Fri. Sept. 12. 1952./ 4 eggs today./ Elbert felt terrible bad this morning but tonight he feels some better  thank God & we haven’t done any work today & haven’t felt able.   but we both ate a light supper   chicken rice soup & cooked onions & hoping & trusting all is well in Jesus Name.    I’m also trusting we will be converted & filled, soon.   I didn’t get my check today,   this is the second time,   last time it was several days over dew.   Been 97. degrees heat today with a little N. east breeze   nice in the shade a beautiful day.   I thank Thee Jesus  blessed Jesus & Praise Thee forever.

Sat. Sept. 13. 1952/7. eggs today./  I did the wash & am so tired out tonight,   was so hot day 87 or 90 degrees,  Elbert feels better, but not as he usually feels   he don’t seem to have his same ambition.   I think he’s better   he’s cranky.   He likes to say such mean things to me as if he’d like to make me feel as if I really was the least of humanity,   but, eventhough it hurts, where I try to help him, I do his wash & ironing & his mending, but because I keep going he acts as if I might be putting on my tired out & weary feeling,   men like to be waited on & when they are sick, we should wait on them regardless of how we feel, I feel I do my share & I always do as long as I can,   I never did believe in shirking or putting off on some one else & I’ve done the other fellows work a good many times & have often wondered,   if, perhaps it might have been better had they been made to do their part   it might have helped them to shoulder there own re-sponsibilities easier than they have.   I don’t begrudge any one of them the things I did for them,    I tried to help them to see & understand there responsibilities, that they pushed off onto mother & I & rather than let mother do   I did it, but I did tell mother she was to easy with the younger ones & she said she had hoped they would understand as I had & help themselves more solong as they could, after mother was laid to rest, they treated me like a dog.   Brother Fred did apologize after he had 

Sat. Sept.13. 1952./ Page. 2977./ 7. eggs this day./ been married several years.   he said he’d been learning some lessons & was sorry he hadn’t tried to understand & listen to what I told him;   I loved Fred & was sorry for him many times, poor boy.   I not sorry, for all the good things I did for them,   I loved them,   & I’m not sorry for myself because I’m getting old & can’t hardly do for Elbert & I,   but I do feel sometimes as if they would like to strip me of the last once of strength & abuse me when I’m down & out, as it has been done, before now.    I’m trusting God will take care of me that it don’t happen again.   God help me, in Jesus Name I ask;   Well my work will soon be done & I’ll still be sorry for all who haven’t listened or tried to do God’s Will   I’m hoping trusting & praying for each one, in Jesus Name, I thank you & Praise Thee   Thou art Wonderful & Marvelous Amen. Been a beautiful Day N. east breeze  Clothes dried good  hot sun

Sun. Sept. 14. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ Cloudy mostly untill this afternoon & it began to rain light rain 15 to 6-p-m. & it showered several times,    tonight Rev. Buser said it poured rain in Lorain this after noon,   he had a meeting in the Antlers Hotel   there was 87 or some such number to the meeting just the same,   Praise God.   We been home all day   Elbert still feels bad   his stomach & bowels & back & hip, bowels are slugish & liver gas is bad,    Well I feel so sorry I didn’t get to church but God knows & I pray & trsust he leads me all the way & I thank Him & Praise Him.

Mon. Sept. 15. 1952./ 4 eggs today./ Didn’t do any more than I had todo today & neither did Elbert but he’s feeling better,   hope I can to before long, only did my daily round of duties     Mr Duglas walked over & brought over 3. little musk mellons,  talked a little while with Elbert & then he went back home,   he said he wanted to get use to walking again.   Been a beautiful day  N.West breeze.    & it rained hard in the early morning,   Was cloudy part of the forenoon,   & just as we sat down to eat, in came the little old man & so we divided our lunch with him   he says he’s 68 yrs. old & feel fairly well & been in Toledo all summer.   & is on his way back to skidrow in Cleveland for the winter   Radio says 45 or 50 degrees tonight.   & it feels like it,    I have rubbed Elbert’s back & now I’ll listnening to Rev. Buser, read & go to bed   Elbert went to Brodes for milk & they say they had used all they wanted & we could have some if could pick them, so I’d like to have even a bu. if we can have them.   Audrey wanted some & there others who would like them,   but I don’t want to be greedy,   but thank God.  He surely takes good care of us   I Praise THee Jesus Pure & Holy.

Tue. Sept. 16. 1952./ Page. 2978./ 6 eggs today./ We haven’t done much today   Been a beautiful day.    I got the braid sewed on my dress today & I mended the old one I use when I do the washing.   & Elbert & I,   cut some of the rose sprigs & flower stems off the rambler’s on the end of the house & maybe in a couple of weeks we can do the rest,   his back isn’t any good for climbing the ladder,   he wants to fix the shingles on the North east corner,   the wind sprung the house from the South east to North east & made an open crack on S.E. corners.   Well the time is near at hand when Jesus will be coming,   I wish so much all the families would turn to the Lord,   I had a terrible dream this morning.  it woke me wide awake,   seemed Pa, Fred, Ethel & Elbert & I were here & I said, Elbert sharpen both hoes & the shovel & come help me kill a snake,   Fred took it by the tale & I cut it’s head off & then we went out toward the front yard, we had dug a trench a food & a half wide & foot deep & it had rained in the night so there was a little water standing in the trench here & there   pa & Fred went out toward the middle & there were lots of snakes, most of them young garden snakes, but in the middle was one big black snake & at the far end was 2 rattle snakes   Pa & Fred cut there head be-fore they could coil & strike,   one was old & had big rattles   how ever we killed all of them big & small & then pa said  Who do you suppose they all reppresent & I said who & he said all the families & I said I pray God will help them quick through some of His.   & Fred & Elbert & I said, we believe in God & Jesus, that he was born of a virgin & died & rose from the dead    Pa said   do you still believe that & then they started for home, Ethel pouting & I wake up.    Oh God help us in Jesus Name I pray,   I Praise Thee for ever & ever Amen.   Now, Elbert went to Huron & got  a little meat for dinner.   We were both hungry, & he’s in bed & asleep   I rub his back & hip every night & pray God will convert & heal him.   he mailed a letter to AUdrey today & we recived a card from her,   she’s going to work in Lorain in Oct. she says & Jean Ann will or hopes to be married in Oct.   poor little Jean a cripple,   I pray God will spare her    Audrey got her type writter cleaned & fixed up, so she typed the card,   they plan on Rev. John Harnish preforming the ceremony & Jean has her dimond ring   Oh Jesus forgive us & help us I pray.

Wed. Sept. 17. 1952./ page. 2979./ 7. eggs today./  I believe its Bonita’s birthday   she’s 30 or 31 yrs old.I think,    I did the washing today & they dried fast.   washed Elbert’s sleepers & my night gown & petticoat & his union suit 2 shirts of mine & his work shirt & all the small pieces & 1. cotton blankets, Elbert carried the water,   he dug a few potatoes    there isn’t many to the hill or row    it was to dry this summer, but perhaps we’ll get our seed back    I received a card from Miss. Clark today, said she was having a fine time,   she’s visiting her brother & his wife   they are 85. yrs. old, she said.   God help her.   Rev. Buser is preaching & I must read & go to bed    Elbert hopes to go with eggs in Morning & to Lorain to see Audrey & get olive oiil.   Oh, I thank Thee Jesus for all things & pray   I may do my part as Thou would have me do it, Amen.    Been a beautiful day, breeze was north went South & back N. West   We have hot sun, partly cloudy & cool nights   Elbert picked a few ears of corn,   it was sweet & good, but that’s all there is.   The big Yellow dahlias are in bloom, glad’s dried up now  pear tree top broke off & a few big branches   it was sure loaded with pears,   we only had about pk. peaches & not very good & there wont be any apples this yr.   grapes are very small & not many.

Thurs. Sept. 18. 1952./ 5. eggs today./ We or me, at least didn’t get much done today.   Elbert went to Lorain got the olive oil 2.59,   he tried to see Audrey,    but, she wasn’t home, he felt so bad he started back home, stopped at Ben Clauss (Lorain phone 37.71) home got the 2. lbs. of butter 1.50 & Martins bill was $8.94 & coal bill 14.13 & 7.00 he paid on the lock & 70 cents at Huron also, for food & 11 cents for stamps,    I had him mail a thank you letter to the Welfare Division at Columbus Ohio for the extra 5.00 they put in my check & Elbert’s this time makes my check 54 dollars & Elberts 57.90,   the milk is 20 cents per qt. 6.20 per. month & we have to furnish our bottle & go after the milk & foods so high we can’t live as normal people should.   Elbert also mailed card to Audrey & we received one from her saying she was working part time across the street from where she lives,   that’s why Elbert didn’t see her,   he didn’t wait untill noon, she would have been home then.   I hope & trust & pray she will be O.K.   she’s so restless when she can’t be at work & then Jean is hoping to marry in Oct. & Audrey will want to give her something nice.  Bonita wrote a card & said they had Johny’s children Fri. Sat. & Sun & he & Marcie were there over Sun.  went home Mon. a-m. & she went back to work,  her mother teaches two boys (14 yrs. old) mornings & afternoons she teaches Kindergarden in the school a couple or three blocks up the road   she went to see a religious movie in Elyria one night & to the P.T.A. another night   so, she’s busy  Audrey waid Nellie would get 51.00 a week for teaching K. school,   I don’t remember how much for teaching the boys.   & Bonita get good pay.    Bonita didn’t say why Johny was not working.   He sprained his foot bad, but 

Thurs. Sept. 18. 1952./ page. 2980./ 7. eggs this day./  I had hoped it was O.K. by this time.    However they didn’t say.  Well it rained hard before Elbert got home from Vermilion & has showered every since & is still at it.    Elbert went to Dr. Leidheiser & he gave him some pills & said he would see a difference in himself tomorrow,   he was passing blood in his water & bowels,  he felt more cheerful tonight    I got him to promise, he’d go to the Dr.   he owes Him 7.00 now.   I’d rather give my into church for the Lord’s work,   in the Church at Vermilion,  they are building on Sunday school rooms  & Huron is trying to finish paying for there church that’s been completed & there are so few that go to Sunday School & Church    Wish I could get back & I believe I will before long.   Elbert’s tired tonight   I’ve rubbed his back & he’s in bed   I ripped the binding off both ends of an old blanket,   it’s good yet & I think it will do on the ends of Elbert’s wool blankets.   I cut the double one half & now I’ll sew these pieces on the ends & that will do instead of buying new goods now.    I finished sewing rick rack braid on my dress today & now it’s complete.   I wanted to go to praymeeting but my feet & legs were so badly swollen I didn’t go.   I hope the christians will take time to pray earnestly for me soon,  God help them that they will take the time.    I thank Thee & give Thee all the praise forever, Amen.   Glory to God Hallelujah, Praise God in Jesus Holy Name Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, I Praise Thee for all things.

Fri. Sept. 19. 1952./____eggs today./Fred’s birthday he would be 66 yrs. old  he’s 20 months younger than I.   & I’ll be 68 in Jan 1953.   He been gone a long time now 16 yrs. Loura Ann will be 18 yrs. old Jan. 13. 1953.   she was 2. yrs. old when Fred passed away in Nov. 1936.   & there are so many gone already,   Ma’s eldest brother & his wife & there eldest daughter & her husband Aunt Venie & Uncle Will,  Uncle George & Aunt Edith Ma & Pa. Aubrey & Georgie, my husband, Audrey’s husband & Fred & Nellie’s husband. & I guess there will soon be more going.   Been a fine day.   Elbert cut a little more brush & trimed up some for heating stove.   we were both out & looked at the dutches pear tree & the green gage plumb tree has red & yellow round plumbs this year.   Pears not any good,    I picked up about 2. qts of buckeyes & there are alot more there to pick up & some out n front by the drive way.   I made baking Powder biscuits for supper & we had balance of chicken & gravey for supper & a muskmellon Mrs. Day gave Elbert the other day   she gave him corn & cucumbers   corn to tuff to eat.   I didn’t get the sewing done.   sewed up a slit in

Fri. Sept. 19. 1952./ page. 2981./ 7. eggs this day./ Elbert’s double cotton blanket   turned mattress over & made up the bed.   No mail today but I have to write some cards tonight to Audrey & Nellie & Bonita if I can,   I haven’t felt very well today,   guess tomatoes have to much acid for me.    I made a little dressing of the dry bread,   it was good & a change.  Elbert’s thinking of going for fish in the moring,   I hope I can sew & finish up the mending, table cloth to blankets & a work shirt.   It’s been a beautiful Sept. day   Blue Jays calling & lots of other birds. flying in flocks getting ready to go South.   North West breeze   Very cool nights, but warm days.    I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee forever and ever, for all things & my healings, Amen.

Sat. Sept. 20. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ Well I went out & picked up a good pk schelled buckeyes, they would make a lot of trees.   My finger next to little one on the right hand is sore    I don’t know whats wrong with it    looks as if I had stuck something in it, & how it pains me.    & my back & feet & a pain over heart, so I’m well supplied with misery    I pray God in Jesus Name to rebuke the devil & set me free,   I love Thee Jesus & Praise only Thee, Amen.   We did our daily doz. & thats all I tried to boil some plumb juice for Jelly & it boiled over & it takes & hour or so to clean the stove Elbert helped me,   I’ve rubbed his back & he’s in bed now & I’m going to read & pray & go to bed,    I did write a card to Nellie, Bonita & AUdrey last night & Elbert mailed them this morning in Huron,   he got 8. pike   We cooked 4 for dinner & 4. for supper, but there are 3 left & a half.   I opened hens hen house & let hens out before Elbert got back at 12 noon.   I had potatoes ready to cook & fry pan & gave him hot drink & he cleaned 4 fish & I finished washing them & got them & rest of dinner on to cook & he had the other 4 done by the time I had every thing ready & come in & washed & we ate & I salted 4. & then we went out to enjoy the out doors    I bet Bonita will miss being out side   she said on her card they had to clean house wash & iron mend & sew & can at night & it was early before she got to bed   she’s teaching her children to work & that helps a lot.   Well, I don’t have anyone that love me enough to give me just a little help.   I owe Eilean a letter,   hope to get one wrote before long.    & I wish she could be with me, poor girl.    I wish I could go to Church.   It’s been a beautiful day.    I thank God for our many blessings in Jesus Name.   Glory Hallelujah, Glory, Glory, Glory, Amen

Sun. Sept. 21. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ Home all day,   I’ll be so happy when I can go to Church again & I pray against all odds that Thou will see that I get the healing in Thy Holy Name  I’ll give Thee the Glory & Praise for ever & ever, Amen.   Been a beautiful Day & No one came near not even a christian.  God help us.

Mon. Sept. 22. 1952./4. eggs today./ page. 2982./Beautiful day & good drying day & I got the washing all done. & put away, I hope to iron one day this week. & sew tomorrow, & I’d like to crochet a little this week & next.  I wrote a letter to Martha last night & owe one to Bonita U Nellie.    Elbert pulled up limbs he had cut & trimed, & he sawed them for stove wood, we have a little fire at night & in morning to chase out the chills, hot days & cold nights.   N. east breeze.  I Praise God for our many blessings & thank Jesus for taking care of us & me as so unworthy in so many ways.    Elbert’s feeling better don’t bleed any more.    I have his back & hips rubbed & he’s in bed we had chicken noodle soup with rice added to it for supper. No mail, only light card light 1.50 & that sure makes me boil   we have a 60 w. bulb & burn it perhaps 3. hrs. & I tune in for news once or twice a day & we even miss that once in a while the world is or people in it so terribly wicket,   &, it’s getting worse fast, but it has to be. 

Tue. Sept. 23. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ Well, I got started to clean up the apples & grapes Elbert was picking over the grapes after he had gone out & gathered them   We ate “or he did” a little soup & had a cup of hot tea, with me.   & here I see Miss Clark coming over the hill & so when she came in, she said she guessed she was rather late for dinner.  & Elbert told her we hadn’t had any yet so I put some cabbage on to cook & potatoes & carrots & when they were done I fried the hamberg she had brought & then made gravey with milk & some more hot tea   she seemed to enjoy her dinner, after dinner we visited a while & then went out side & picked a qt. of small plumbs & then we went out to garden & picked 2 cucumbers, 2. tomatoes & a few dahlias & Elbert went over to the pear trees & got about 6. or 8. qts of pears & she took a good half & ELbert took her in the car up to the end of our road & put her on the buss.    I ask John Snyder for the pears & he said we could have all we wanted, so I had Elbert take Ethel, “she was over helping John” a nice bunch of both kinds of dahlias & 3 or 4 cucumbers.   he laid them in her car.   We received a nice letter from Audrey   she works 2. hrs. in morning & 2. in after noon & next week a 1/2 hr. more in forenoon & afternoon & she was tired after she had done her 2. hrs. & I thought she would be.   & I got a letter from Doehla card Co.   they want me to sell cards & I wish I could but, I can’t, not yet, but am trusting God will soon help me to be able to.   We sure need the extra money.   But I thank & Praise God for all our blessing & Pray He will make me a blessing to him

Thurs. Sept. 25. 1952./ Page. 2983./ 4. eggs today. / 5. eggs for Wed. / Been a beautiful day   Elbert has felt bad today, he had a vertebre out not between his shoulders but up 2 or 3 bones   I rubbed it & prayed & God answered,   I thank Him & praise Him from the depth of my soul   I had the same trouble for 3 days & 2 nights & just couldn’t sleep or rest   I prayed & prayed & at last it went back into place.    Elbert said he didn’t know when it went back,   but, tonight he has goll bladder gas,   We went to Huron to prayer meeting & he had to go out side & walk around & it hurt him real bad after he got into bed.   I rubbed his back & hip & now his side  he pulled up some limbs today & cut up a few, he went to Vermilion & sold 3. doz. egg ($2.40)   I gave him 2.00 & he bought a chicken 2.64 live weight.  paid 1.00 for gas & 1.50 for light bill & 35cents for pt. of ice cream tonight.   We had a good prayer meeting,   Lord sure blessed us,  & I do pray I can go back again & again,   We caned 1 1/2 qts. tomatoes today, (Sept 24, Wed.)   We caned 4. qts. grape juice  made 1. pt. apple jelly & 1 1/2 pts. grape jelly   Wed was a fine day,   I mended & didn’t do much else   made bread & cooked & caned the grape Juice    Elbert cut & hauled up limbs & burnt a little of his brush pile & I was so tired, I forgot to write.   Men are working on the rail road crossing,   he may have to walk for the milk in the morning, Fri. morning,   & he wants to go to Huron for fish to   it’s so late I have to try to write card to Audrey & go to bed. Praising God for all my blessing & trusting Him for all things & that He’ll make me a blessing, Amen

Fri. Sept. 26. 1952./ 6. eggs today./ We received a letter from Martha today    she says she has to have an operation on her arm, but didn’t say what was wrong with it;   She said Jean was getting married next Month.  She didn’t know what time & that Bill “Jeans intended” works in a hospital helping to take care of mental patients from Keora, he ask for a transfer & she believed Jean said they were sending him to Massachusetts hospital; Jean was 18. yrs. old last Feb. 1952.  she has one short leg. & very poor health, but I pray God will take care of her.    Martha said she talked to her ma over the phone & her voice sounded O.K. so she guessed she was.   I hope & trust she is & that Martha will be also.   I did the washing & Elbert went up & got the milk & then he went to fish house & got a big mess of fish & I had the potatoes ready & spinage & he dressed the perch & I fried them & we had dinner & I finished the wash after dinner    it looked like rain but we didn’t get it   cleared off. & close all got dry.   I Praise Thee Jesus for ever & ever for all things Amen.

Sat. Sept. 27. 1952./ page. 2984./ 7. eggs today./ Elbert has done odds & ends all day & tired tonight.   I swept & then wiped up the floors & done a few odds & ends & he made the soup for supper,   we heat the water put in salt, pepper, & butter   when it boils we put in noodles & minute rice   when they are done put in a can of vegetable beef soup or Chicken or vegetirian let it heat 5 minutes & serve.   I cooked potatoes & put fried fish in hot greese & turn them over 2 or 3 times untill they were hot for dinner.   Well I’m tired tonight also but I’m better & I really hope to get to Church in the morning & to Huron in the evening   Martha said she & her mother hoped to come out tomorrow & I’ll be glad to see them.   We have had wonderful Fall weather & cool nights hot days.  winds been S. West for few days, but went N. east tonight.   A. young couple parked there care out by John’s tool shed this after noon & he carried her over in the field & stood her on her feet & the put up a mark & tried shooting at it then he carried her back by the shed & they took some pictures   athen they tried the shooting again, he carried her both ways & at last to the car & put her in & left.   I wondered Who they were.   Elbert had to go out back the other morning, early, & I heard a rabbit give one squeel & there has been 3 here every night for all summer & now we don’t see any at all,   so must be something that catches them.   I thank Thee Jesus for all things & Praise Thee. Amen.

Sun. Sept. 28. 1952./ 2. eggs today./ We went to Vermilion to Church this a-m & then to Huron tonight   I like Huron Church best, so far they are more sociable.   Myrtle didn’t act as if she rejoiced at my return & Tom seemed rather cool & Roney acted ashamed of hisself   Tom’s mother seemed pleased to see me, but Mrs. Sprunk got out where I didn’t get to talk to her   Mr Young said he was glad I’d got able to come back & so did Lindy, Elddie & Mr. West  Dorthy said good morning & her little daughter invited us to come see them in there new house, out on the Mason Road.   I got out as soon as I could & we came home,   Martha said they might be out, she & her mother if the weather was nice & it. was,. has been a beautiful day. & terrible things are happening on the other side, christian are being Killed for Jesus.   Oh God help us to live close to Thee,   I Praise Thee Jesus All Honor & Glory belongest to Thee, Truly, Amen.   I thank Thee for my healings & the wonderful strength Thou doth give,   I thank Thee

Mon. Sept. 29. 1952./ Page. 2985./ 6. eggs today./ Oh, it been a wonderful day, just a little breeze from the N. east, Warm Sun.   Elbert was sick last night & we hurried home from Church & I forgot to give the buckeyes to the little daugter of the minister & he stood by another car, right beside ours talking to another man,   I felt so bad to think, I forgot,   I pray the Lord God of Host He will help me to remember in the future,    but, Elbert said I was so long & he felt so bad & I forgot.   Today he’s felt to bad to work,   but, he dug a row of potatoes & didn’t get quite a bu.   it was to dry When we needed the rain for them but We are glad to get that many 1/2 bu of good sized ones & 3//4 basket small ones & potatoes are 1.00 per. pk. & that’s terrible high 4.00 a bu. & everythings high all fresh garden stuff,  Elbert just did his daily chores & rested after dinner.    I put the binding on the ends of the two wool blankets & mended his two work shirts & did my daily round   We were up untill after 1-30-a-m, he was sick & went out back & stayed so long he seemed to feel as if he would throw up, but, didn’t,   & I gave him a piece of N.R. tablet that settled his stomach & he went to sleep.   So I’m tired to,   I dreamed of driving a team of white horses on a long wagon, like they use for loading hay,   I was coming west on the ridge & another such team, “only chestnut colored horses” was passing me going east   I ask the man where Elbert was & he said he didn’t know,   to wait where I was & he’d find out,   but Elbert got up off the back of his wagon, put his finger on his mouth & slipped off & came to me & the other man didn’t see him , or look back.   I ask where Audrey & the girls were & he said, we left them in the waiting room & I came on to find you,   I hope they will be O.K. untill we can get to them, I said,   & he said he was worried to leave them,   but, they were O.K.    I couldn’t get any thing else to take them to safty & we’d have to hurry for that other place was not for us & the one we had to go to was farther away & it would soon be dark.   I had heard one man say to another, she’ll come back,  she wont know any better   they laughed & walked on & so,   I told Elbert & he said let’s hurry the team a little faster,    but, we made the other place O.K. & I said to Elbert, I never knew I could drive so well & that woke me up & it was 10-a-m,   I Praise Thee Jesus & pray Thou will help me to understand the dream.   We have a bright moon 2/3 full & clear sky & quite warm.   The card I sent Audrey I put Huron instead of Lorain, & it came back this Morning & No mail from the girls   they were coming Sun.

Tue. Sept. 30. 1952./ page. 2986/ 6. eggs today/ we only have 10 hens./  Well, Sept is gone & some how it seems so strange to me,   there is such a strangeness some way   I can’t explain it   Well, I wrote a note to Audrey  didn’t get mailed,   Been a beautiful Fall day,   I mended Elbert’s work shirt, didn’t get it quite done Sat.   then I mended the table cloth darned it on the sewing machine & I’m as tired as if I’d been working & I want to get out in the fresh air so bad & have to be stuck in here catching up what I didn’t get done last winter & only have 2 blankets & then odds & ends chair cover & seat to fix & cover on the wash bench to be replaced & then another sleeper jacket for Elbert & that’s the way I spend my time,   I over slept this morning   Well, I thank God for all the many blessing He bestows up on us   Elbert has felt tired & all in today,   he does to much at one time,    but, he’s done his daily chores,   I thank Thee Jesus for Thy Love to us,   I pray that we will hear from the girls tomorrow   I will write a few lines so if Elbert goes to Huron he can mail it.

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