June 1946

Sat. June.1. 1946./ 22 eggs today  /  We went to Huron & got a very small meat  we ate up when we got back cost 30 cents. 2. potatoes cost 8. cents.  We just have to go hungry. & now my taxes have to be paid $5.72 so we’ll have to Keep on starving it out.  I went to Huron & took a nice bunch of yellow roses to Mrs. Douglas & one to Mrs. Gunsenhauser  they have both done nice things for me in the past, I can’t do much for them & they enjoy the flowers.  Well, it sure did turn cold after being so warm  N. east wind & it blew hard & rained in torrents all night & most of this morning & we have had a fire out of what every wood we could get.

Sun. June.2.1946./910./ 20 eggs today /  Nice day but N. east wind I got up & went to Church this a-m, but didn’t get back for evening service & I like to go so much, the New Ministers are both good, they both work together  she preaches one sermon & he one on Sun. & help each other with the song service & she plays the piano part of the time & they have other insterments they play. some sort of horns, They are greatly interested in there work & very sincere  Praise God they & the christians of the church prayed for a sick man Fri. night, he was in a terrible condition, an ulser broke in his stomach & blood was runing from his nose, eyes & ears & before they got him off to the hospital blood run out his mouth, they thought there wasn’t much chance for him at the hospital & was going to wait untill Sat morning to operate   his wife is a christian, she was sitting by him. Fri. night & God laid His hand on them & “she said We knew you folks at Church were praying for us, Sat. morning “they” the Dr’s. were surprised he seemed so well & after examinning him said he could go go home that they couldn’t understand how he had got well over night, God is able, but I do hope K& pray he will turn to God with his whole heart, for if he don’t  life will be a terrible thing for him in the future

Mon. June.3. 1946./18 eggs today  / Martha’s birthday, she’s 34 yrs old today.  I did the washing  had to carry the water in & out be-cause of the sink pipe, it leaks, Elbert didn’t put it to-gether right & he cracked the one next to sink, such a world.  Well Elbert had gone up to Huron to see if he could get some fish & he stayed so long, I though he must be getting some but he came back 15 to -1-p-m & no fish & I hadn’t eaten a bit & had half the washing or 2/3 of it done.  I aired the bed clothes & washed up the dishes before starting to wash,  we ate a lunch & Elbert washed his heavy under wear, shirt & 2 towels & I hung them out  they dried good, sun hot  N. east wind   fresh & cool. I rested a little & got him to rest a few minutes then I did the ironing, last weeks & this & then we got supper together  & I did the dishes & we or I got a letter from Stark’s Nursery asking me to take the salesmanship for Erie Co.  I’d like to try it but don’t feel able to work here & it needs good feet & legs  that’s what I don’t have, anymore.  Well I’ll ask God to help me decide, We sure have got to have more money to pay for coal & clothes.

Tue. June.4. 1946./ 911./ 22 eggs today/   Elbert went up to the fish house & was gone 4. hrs. he got quite a few but they were terrible small, I had raked all the grass & clover he had cut & it was nice & dry, it dried green the sun was so hot   I put all we could use in a cock over by the hen house & the other I put in a big cock down in the hollow  I was just done when Elbert came  he had a lunch & then I scalled most of all those fish & he took head & innards out, he scraped & cleaned half of them & I the other half & I fried a bout 4 or 5 for our supper & he took 6 to the milk man & we have 6 for the preacher & his Wife, Martha came out to-night with Jean & Nellie & got 24 all cleaned & dressed & salted  all they have to do is cook & eat them. & Martha said she don’t have to worry about meat, she has what she wants, but never thinks about us not even being able to buy even if we could get it for we haven’t any money.  While Elbert was to Huron a truck hit his car & just ruined the back door on the back end.  I don’t know what he’s going to do a-bout it- it was to late to go to the insurance Co. tonight, he though he’d go in the morning.  He thinks he knows who did it for a fellow came in all out of sorts & said there were to many car around Huron any way and

Tue. June.4. 1946. /912./ 22 eggs today/  When he see Elbert he shut up like a clam.  I cut some yellow roses & Iris for Jean Ann & some red poppies & mock orange blossoms.  Jim had the mumps on one side  got over it & was out doors Sun & Mon. he had them on the other side, he’s O.K. again & rest didn’t get them.  got DeHaas book today.  Elberts gone to bed. whish I was in bed to  sun was hot today  burned my neck but wind went from N.E. to N.W. & it is cold  We have a fire tonight.

[Letter from Nellie Harnish to her son John Malcolm Harnish:   Tues. June 4, 1946. Dear Johnny:  Tonight Bonney and Marci and I had our supper at Walt’s restaurant.  Then Marci had to rush back to go on at 7 P.M.  She worked this morning.   I took a big bouquet of roses & peonies and a cake recipe to Margaret Styevie.  I had promised her the apple sauce cake recipe a long time ago.     I rode uptown with George when he went to work.  It has been sunshiny today but I wore the big bath robe all day.   It was probably cooler inside than out.    Jiggs is in disgrace and we just can’t stand him near.  He must have a bath.  Elbert phoned that he had fish for us so Bonita had to call Long dis-tance to Eddy’s as Martha’s phone is out oof order.  So Martha & Jean Anne came & I went with them to Aunt Elinors.  The fish were all cleaned.  Elbert had cleaned them.  There were 24, some perch, pike & white bass.   So Martha only took nine.  That was all she wanted.  They are quite small.    It is 11:30 P.M. and Nelson is still awake.  We got home before ten and H.B.G. was here, We had coffee.    Ella jane lives at the residence of Mrs. D.A. Porterfield, 302 South Edith St.  Albuquerque, N. Mex.    She will be real happy if you phone her, I know.   If you don’t find her there you could have the operator try at Winnie Baldwin, 117 S. Edith.    I was glad you are enjoying your trip.  We are all O.K. here.  Bonney went to Dr. last evening for a treatment   I think she looks better tonight But she gets so little rest.   Marci read some of your letters to B.B. & me.  Loads of love from Mother.  Write when you can.   I know you are not having writing time.  But Marci will share us your letters. Love 

Elinor’s Diary Continued:]   Wed. June.5. 1946./ 19 eggs tonight /  Elbert cultivated all his garden & got a place ready for cabages  I raked up the grass in the back yard & planted a few dahlias & cut the rest of the bulbs & got them ready  wont have many  have to put the glads & the garden needs to be spaded & raked & fixed over new.  We are both tired tonight  a nice day. but N. east breeze & cool, thundered lightened & rained last night.  Elbert went to Vermilion this morn9ing but the insurance man wont help unless it costs over 50 dollars.  

Thurs. June.6. 1946./ 20 eggs today/   Well we cleaned the farther end of the hen house today & I shoveled all that sand & straw into a big garbage can & a bu. basket & Elbert carried them out & he brought the sand in & put it on the floor & roost  he cleaned the roost & I put in the straw & picked up 20 eggs, then we had supper, & we went out & picked up the dry grass & Elbert put it in the middle pen in the coop to grainery & back to corner of hen park & I got supper & got the woodchuch on to cook.  I got my letter back to day, I had sent to Flora. it went to some other F.C>over in Jamestown  It got mailed out with some other letters & I didn’t have all her address on it, such is life.  It’s been a beautiful day & lots warmer again  wind was S & a little west I’m so sorry I don’t hear, from Flora hope she’s O.K.

[Letter from Nellie Harnish to her son John Malcolm Harnish:   Sat. June 8th 1946.   Dear Johnny:  Your nice long letter came today and I guess you will get this one O.K. if you will be there until the 13th.  Today George brought my 100 chicks when he came from work this morning.  I was up & had had my coffee & tomato juice.  We hung or suspended the metal box which came out of the top of the old refrigerator  It lifted out and was the part the ice rested in. He helped me put out a light.  I put out the two extension cords which seemed to have become shorter then before.  He connected a double wire then & made it reach. We  (2) still had the orange bulb & he put the light in the box.   If the box is high enough above their leeds so they run in under.  Then I put a circle of that stiff wire around them to keep them quite close to the heat until they are used to it.   They began to eat & drink O.K.  I threw the old hen out and her eight chicks were so hungry & thirsty that they were quite busy.  So I guess the will be alright.  I will write again.  B.B. will mail this.  Loads of love, Mother. I guess I mail this later. Herman brought 2 qts of strawberries.  I have been so hungry for them. (3) Herman had sold $1000 this week up to Thurs. nite and still had 2 days to go.  So he should have made a good salary alright.  Bonney went to Lorain with him yesterday and bought groceries.  Then she went with him to their house.  They, H & G. and B.B. & Jim went out to dinner.  It was Gannetts silver 25 yr anniversary.  He just brought B.B. & flew in to Lorain yesterday morn.  He bought a new grill in Cleveland  and thru the Lorain garage.  He is getting one new fender.  The garage is putting in a new motor next Tues. for him.  I guess you fellows can do something about putting in the rest.  He brought my baby chic feed yesterday  it is $4.90.   Will try to mail you one more letter.  E.J. is anxious to hear from you.  Love, Mother & All.   

Elinor’s Diary Continued:]   Fri. June.7.1946./ 913. / 17 eggs today / Well I didn’t do much to-day  hoed a few weeds. & then took care of hens while Elbert went for milk & then I picked 3 bunches of flowers & took with me to the church.  I took a bath & combed my hair & dressed after picking the flowers  no one bothered the house while we were gone tonight, but a few weeks ago they came in & took all the grain & mash bags I had washed & bleached for night clothes & pillow slips & every now & a gain other things come up missing, hankercheifs, & caned fruit, Well its been a fine day & nice evening & we had such a good prayer meeting tonight. 

Sat. June.8. 1946./ 22 eggs today. / My check came today & I sure am so thankful  we can pay the milk bill 4.92 & the Dentist 5.00 & light bill____ – 2.00 to Church & 5.72 for my taxes & Elbert got a 24 lb sack of flour for 1.65 out of the check & a bunch of carrots  1 onion  2 yeast cakes & 1 box corn starch & 1 box grapenut flakes, he had 90 cents but now we have to get enough for the light bill & he did pay 2.00 yesterday on the feed bill leaving that $3.25  it should have been less, but mistake is to there credit so we have to pay.  I set my bread at noon & had it baked at supper time  I made 8 big buns & they were good, but not white & fine like they use to be to much corn flour in with wheat for hot weather, but they are going to ration bread & soon the flour so it don’t matter.  It has been a fine day but quite hot was lots warmer last night that it has been nights, but, Elbert said he saw a news paper up town on the news stand & it said cooler tonight & the breeze is already cooler at 9-p-m. I didn’t get the floor wiped up today

Sat./ June 8, 1946./914./ 22 eggs today/   I put part of my house plants out in the dirt today, I want to clean the windows & wash the curtains & this Fall if I’m able I’d like to give the wood work an other coat of paint.  Well I washed the dishes & read my lesson & now I have to wash meself & go to bed.  Oh how I Praise God, He is a wonder  God & how much I owe Him for my Jesus, how terrible He suffered for me  I only wish I could do more for Him. God help me give Thee all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen.

Sun. June.9. 1946./ 20 eggs today/   I went to Sunday school & church this morning & we went back to church tonight & had such a wonderful meeting  I took 1 pt of Strawberry Jam & 1 of apricots & 2 bread dough buns to Brother & Sister Gurny.  I do hope they will like them, & we took Miss Clark her eggs & we paid the balance on them I visited with them some after Church & we took Miss Clarks eggs up to her & talked a few minutes, it’s been a nice day but to cold  wind & sun went down white tonight & it’s to cold in the house tonight  We both had to put on a jacket while we drank cocoa. 

Mon. June.10. 1946. / 18 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron & on to Sandusky & didn’t get any work, his knee is swollen up again & it’s bad tonight after walking so much today, I washed half the clothes & got them all dry.  I got supper & did dishes. I had opened basement windows so I went & shut them.  I fed the hens & make our beds & am tired, its been a nice day, S.W. wind

Tue. June.11. 1946./ 18 eggs today /  Elbert went to Vermilion & sold some 4. doz. eggs 45 cents per. doz. he paid $1.00 on the feed bill & out of my check he paid Dentist $5.00 & he got me a money order for $5.72 & sent it to Sandusky to pay my taxes, he got a piece of boiling beef, 30 cents I hadn’t eat any thing  When he got home, he also got a small piece of blogna which we ate with bread & he had hot tea.  I washed two wool

Tue. June.11. 1946./ 915./ 18 eggs today/    blankets & got them almost dry before it rained & he spaded up a little dirt for me & I put in aa few dahlia bulbs. & I have to put in the glads yet.  I haven’t done much for we are with out proper food & I’m to all in to work. been a nice warm day  S.w. wind $1.80 he got for eggs. 

Wed. June.12.1946./ 20 eggs today/  Elbert went to Huron & got a bout 20 bullheads  he skined them, then we had a lunch, & he went back & got 20 perch  I fried all the first ones & we creamed all the second batch & then we ate them  I salted the second batch  wish I had some ice, hope the perch dont spoil.  I baked 2 loaves of bread & 8 buns & he got a small piece of beef & I cooked that for soup & put onion & carrots in with it & if it don’t spoil  I’ll add some rice in the morning, it’s thundering & lightening hard, has rained misty showers today.  I fed & watered the hens & pulled a few weeds & I’m dead on my feet tonight. Elbert got a little fresh liver for dinner  it was good.  I put a clean table cloth on the table & in the morning I hope to wash out that things that are dirty & wipe up the floors after I sweep good  I ought to sew & I ought to ans. some letters, but I’m so tired.  Wind is light & S.W. yet today & tonight. I Praise God for His tender mercys, I prayed for more to eat & He ans. my prayers  Bless His Holyness & Praise God from Whom all Blessing flow. 

Thurs. June.13. 1946./ 20 eggs today/   Elbert has been mowing the grass was so wet it poured rain & it thundered & sun came out bright for an hr. or so then clouded up again real chilly.  I made a light wood fire to take chill out of the house.  I swept the house & wiped up the floors & cleaned the rugs good & cooked & washed the dishes & I’m sure tired. I have felt so tired & heavy & hips & legs been on the bum since

Thurs. June.13. 1946./916./ 20 eggs today /   yesterday or daybefore anyway I have been feeling as if I weigh a ton, on my feet, & they ach almost unbearable. God my receipt for my taxes today.  Elbert walked up to Wards store & got a qt of oil for the car it was empty. & now he’s going to Lorain in the morning & I suppose he’ll have to use the 1.35 he gets, on eggs for more oil & gas  he will only have 3. doz. 45cents 1.35 & he sold 1. doz. tonight that 1.80 & there wont be any for food.  I really don’t know what, we are going to do.

Fri. June.14. 1946./ 18 eggs today /  Elbert went to Lorain today & has the promise of a job, he met Harvey Bonney & he told him he was going to have a child in Jan. that his wife owned a cottage on the Lake in Avon Ohio & that he is trying to raise it up & put a better foundation under it, & he said Armond was working with his father at car-pender work; Elbert got back about 2-p-m  I had most of my washing done except table cloth & his shirt & my dress & the little old guy that sells shoe strings & notions came in to eat & to rest  We had a big plate of fish yet & so he ate cold fish bread & elderberry jam & drank hot tea, I called Elbert in to drink tea “he was cultivating in the garden,” so I could finish my washing & a salesman for Hill’s nursery called while I was wrinsing, well, at last I got everything up to dry & then I cut a few flowers, roses & corisopsis enough for a good looking bunch in two vases.  I got a letter from Ella Jane this morning.  We had such a good prayer meeting K& only such a few there 2 Hambley children & there grandmother Mrs. Horning & 2 or 3 of her children  Lindy & Dorthy  Miss. Clark & the Minister & my self  Praise God I pray He’ll ans All those earnest prayers. Glory to God; Its been a fine day  hot sun cold N.E. wind. 

Sat. June.15. 1946./ 16 eggs today /   Elbert went to Huron to get boiling meat, could only get bones, he got a yeast cake & a bottle of Alcohol & said hart is closing his market for 2 weeks  can’t get meat there’s train loads go through every day & no meat  Cold N.E. wind & we have a fire, I have taken a cold in the flesh & muscles & can hardly move  I felt bad for 2 or 3 days & last night old leg pained all night  today, it’s been terrible & my eyeballs are sore & my head.  Oh, Well, I thank God I can get up although it costs me a big ef-fort & for Elbert he’s had to do a lot of extras

Sat. June 16, 1946./ 917./ 16 eggs today/     today & his back is paining him today so I hope to be lots & heaps better tomorrow. (Elbert had to put my stockings on my feet & my slipper) today; hens let us down a couple

Sun. June.16.1946./ 19 eggs today / Month half gone & the Christ-mas days are true so far. It was nice all day untill 5-p-m then storms began to make on all sides & I fed & locked up hens & locked the grainery & then shut the window in the house  While Elbert went for the milk  & back, my hip & leg is better  today, but still as sore as a boil, can’t lay on it, it’s so sore & pains me so, can’t sleep or rest took cold in the flesh & muscles, settled in my right hip & leg, sure is terrible. but I managed to get my stockings & slippers on & get dressed & hobbled about all day.  I prayed God would keep my milk sweet & take care of us & the house & few things we need so long as we stay here, & He did it and it thundered & lightened so hard from 6-p-m untill almost daylight it was the worst electric storm we have had in a long time. it just riped & tore all night & God took care of us it rained in sheets or torrents came so hard that it over-flowed the eve troughs & when you could see by lightening it showed Bills field, like a big pond. 2 hundred ft wide & 3 or 4 long. Wind was S.W. when it started then turned & came back from N. east & went on S.E. & S.W.  it rained in from several places on the N. & E. & around the chimeny so we had to sopped it up. was to hot all morning after the cold snap We had a heavy white due Fri night & leaves look cooked.

Mon. June.17. 1946./ 20 eggs today./  Well, it’s warm or hot rather again today  My leg & hip is lots better  I praise God for that.  Elbert went to Lorain & got a job on the under cut west of Lorain, out by Country Club. they are build forms for a new but-ment for Nickle plate.  I hope he wont be foolish & work all day, he said there were trees & limbs all over the roads & the milk man said he’d been cleaning up trees & rub-bish all day & Lorain was about flooded & Rocky River & Lake Wood Cleveland were flooded & there was a lot of damage done in a lot of places, it’s thundering tonight like a distant grumble & some lightening, warm breeze  Elbert sweat so bad he took off his B.V.D’s & washed them out & dried them after 70p-m, just before dark.  he has been sawing & cutting up the big cherry tree out by the toilet part of it fell on the potatoes & they were just in bloom, but after he got it off, they were not hurt. that was our only loss

Tue. June.18. 1946./918./ 22 eggs today  / Elbert got up K& away to work, but it started to rain & kept at it & they were all sent home & it rained a misty rain most of the day  thundered and lightened after midnight last night let up toward morning but rained after he started for work a little after seven.  my bowels got another spell & didn’t move Mon. & so this morning they were so hard they turned out & bleed hard.  I sure had to fight & pray to get back into bed then I just lay there for several hrs. before I came to my self a-gain, I was as sore as if I’d been beet, from head to foot.  I got up & greesed myself & then got to Kitchen & took a good wash, drank some hot water uncovered the birds & got back into bed.  I heard the postman stop & thought I heard a car come in so I got up again & unlocked the door & went back to my room & call Elbert from the window  he was sitting in the car reading about all the tornados & flood & loss of life, he came in made a fire & got the chill out the house & himself & gave me more hot water to drink.  I got up & dressed at 1-p-m. & sit around untill 8-p-m & went to bed.  I shook up the beds after I got up & got them made again but only God knows how bad I have felt & still feel.  Elbert went to Huron but couldn’t get any meat. 

Wed. June. 19. 1946./ 14 eggs today /   Rained all day more than less & I didn’t get up very early am so sore & weak I don’t feel able to work, so I didn’t do much  sun really tried to shine this after noon & I thank God I got up K& dressed & washed up dishes & took care of birds & beds & helped get one meal.  I Praise God in Jesus Name for our blessings. 

Thurs. June 20. 1946./ 20 eggs today /   Elbert went to work  been a nice day more cloudy than sunshine. & rained a light shower where Elbert was working, but only a misty rain for a few minutes here.  I got a card from Bonita today saying her mother has been in bed for over a week, now, with her back & she said Johny went to Texas & round through Tennessee & they called on his aunts John’s sisters on there way back  she said every one was well but mother & the baby Nelson had his first hair cut June. 11. 1946. quite an event.  Johny was driving for Marcie’s Aunt & Uncle.  she said they went to Cemetary Decoration Day & there was a red geraimum on her Dad’s & Uncle Frank’s  

Thurs. June.20.1946./919./ 20 eggs today/    graves & a flag I suppose the Legand put them on, she said the put on some flowers also, they didn’t say anything about ma & pa’s graves, & Nellie has her baby Harvey her first boy, there, & then there is Uncle Will & Aunt Wenie & Aunt Edith & her husband & grandpa & grandma Wheeler & grand-ma Bonney & my 2 little baby sisters & pa’s Uncle John & Aunt Nellie Martin & there sons Walter & Carl & Wyn’s husband. Fred is in the other cemetery_________  I’m so sorry for Nellie, wish I could do something to help her  God helps me in Jesus Name & I’m sure He would help her if she would only trust & believe Him.  I pray that in some way God will open up her spiritual visiton & show her before it’s to late, for He says if we dont Know Him, He wont Know us, & that we must be-lieve Him & have faith in Him as little children do in threre parents.  He told Tomas to feel His hands & put his hand in His “Jesus” side & to have faith & believe, then He said blessed are those who believe with out feeling or seeing.  Well I took care of hens & birds & did what had to be done in the house & I made a 1/2 lb of butter from the cream I had saved  I had a qt of butter milk milk.  I’m better but so weak & I had ought to have done part of the washing or baked bread today. Elbert work 1 1/2 hrs. over time today & says he’s to tired tonight but that the work isn’t really hard, if he was more able. 

Fri. June.21.1946./18 eggs today./   Elbert went to work, put in 1. hr overtime   Johny Harnish is 21. yrs. old today.  I wrote a letter to Ella Jane & a card to Bonita last night & Elbert mailed them this morning. I rested untill postman came & felt so bad I thought I couldn’t wash but I carried some water & put some on to heat  took care of birds & hens & carried a little more water, then I ate a pancake & little piece of saucage & drank hot water & then went out in the yard & walked around & got greens for the birds & came back & gave them the greens & kept on praying for strength & got the washing started & at last I got it all done & out on the line & then had to take pail of mash to hens, then I was shaking so bad I set down for 10 minutes then carried fresh water to hens & got 2 pails for the house & opened car shed doors for Elbert after feeding hens there supper I had everything ready when Elbert came, but had to lay down before he got here  he got washed & made the tea  the water was hot & he fried saucage, that was all the meat he could get  I had the peas on warming & cold slaw on the table, he gets the milk on way home, he sat down to eat  while I strained the milk & put it to cool in buck of cold water, then I sat down & thanked God

Fri. June.21. 1946./920./  18. eggs today /   for our supper & ate a little with him, they told him, no beef untill July 1.st.  Elbert is terrible tired tonight & he’s gone to bed & I’m going to take a bath & go to my bed.  I pray there were at least half a churchfull of people out to prayer meeting, that the best meeting of them all. 

Sat. June. 22. 1946./ 16 eggs today  / Elbert went to work & worked untill 4-30-p-m. he see the feed man this a-m. on his way to work & made arrangements to get the grain & mash & he got it tonight after work, it cost $8.25 same as last time.  he got some beef bones to boil, that was all he could get.  I baked 3 loaves of bread & aired the pillows, took care of hens & birds, ironed & darn-ed 2 prs. socks & 2. prs. stockings & got supper & we are both to tired tonight again, I can’t rest nights & only get a couple of hrs in the morning.  It’s been a beautiful day S.W. wind dying out tonight & warmer today & tonight.  I thank God in Jesus name for all our blessings

Sun. June. 23./1946./ 18 eggs today/   I was sick all day  bowels wouldn’t move, so here I am not able to go to church  Well, I read the bible sang & played church hyms untill the arm broke when I tryed to change for the Edison, so I had to stop playing phone-agraph. bowels moved at 10-p-m & I’m sick all over, but thank God in Jesus Name, they moved.  A S. west breeze & been to hot all day. 

Mon. June 24. 1946./ 18 eggs today. / Elbert went to work & had to work over time 1. hr.  he’s so tired tonight & has taken his bath & gone to bed.  I haven’t done only what I had to do today  It’s been terrible hot, & breeze all died out this after noon, I wondered about Elbert, but he got through O.K.  I got supper & did dishes cooling off outside 

Mon. June.24. 1946./921./ 18 eggs today/   tonight., breeze S.W.  I took care of hens & birds today & did my dirty dozen, 

Tue. June 25. 1946./  18 eggs today /    Elbert went to Lorain & spent most all his money, he sold West’s 4 doz. eggs $1..80 & he gave it to me to save for feed, he got feed Sat. & paid it today, he used the egg money for us, so he paid the feed bill, today, $8.25  hens are starting to moult  there are only 25 hen, white one’s & 2 anconias   It’s been a nice day  rather hot, but a little S.W. breeze all day & little cooler tonight. I planted my glads. today & Elbert spaded a little more ground for me.  I have a few more dahlias to put in & I didn’t get the zinias in yet,  they should have been in early. Elbert got himself a pr. of shoes today  new ones.  (a big fire trick run off highway up by Haine’s, on lake side by creek & cut the man’s head & arms off.)  I hope he can work & get some more & some clothes he needs so bad  I fell & wrenched me today but I ask God to help me  I wanted to get to church tonight & so He did  Praise His Holy Name.  I picked a few flowers & took & they seemed so pleased with them, sweet peas & American Pillar roses. & Yellow China primroses.  

Wed. June.26.1946./ 19 eggs today./  I was so tired I slept this morning quite late &K it was so warm all night & morning 90 degrees to hot to work so I only did house work that had to be done but Elbert cultivated his garden  & he got so heated up, he hasn’t felt good all after noon  I marked the bottoms of the legs of his pants & turned them up & took in the waist line & sewed on buttons for suppenders. new work pants.  It thundered & lightened hard tonight, started at 5-p-m. but didn’t rain untill 2. hrs. later  Elbert got the milk & got back & we had supper.  I got a man that was plowing for John

Wed. June. 26. 1946./ 922./ 19 eggs today/   Snyder to do a little strip between my garden & Bill’s for 3.00 & he will disk it well for that & he got stuck & Elbert had to help him jack up one wheel & put a plank on under it  then he got out fast  he was just done when he went back toward the road  it will clean up the weeds a little & maybe we can plant some sweet corn, things are growing so slow  Elbert got a small bag of fertilizer but hasn’t got any on garden yet. 

Thurs. June.27. 1946./Elbert got to hot yesterday  been sick all day & just sit around most of the day  it’s been terrible hot although we have had a S.W. breeze allday. I did half the washing & took care of hens & birds & did my usual round of house duties & I ironed my house dress & Elbert’s work pants after supper, it is nice out side tonight  cooler now  sun has gone down  it rained early this a-m.  untill 8-a-m, & all around us today it has thundered & lightened but sun shone most of the day.  I thank God He takes care of me & give me the strength it takes.

Fri. June. 28. 1946./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs in Vermilion $2.25 & he got home  I had the washing done & it has been to hot  I didn’t have a dry things on above the belt.  I got them dry & we went to church, its sure rained hard from 5-p-m  untill 6 p-m. but it let up & it didn’t rain any more  fog horn blew & kept at it all night.  we had a good prayer service & I thank God  He is & ever will be.  

Sat. June.29. 1946/  I felt so all in  I slept late.  dreamed Nellie was coming up our road a foot & it woke me up & I got up & heard her talking to Elbert out in the garden  I was most dressed & so came out to meet her, her legs & ankles are so bad  it’s terrible hard for her to walk.  We didn’t know she was coming or Elbert would have went to meet her, she went back at 8-57-p-m.  We had a good visit & Elbert took her up to the buss  I washed dishes & have them done up once more. 

Sat. June.29. 1946./ 923./ 19 eggs. today/   It has been such a hot day, but I haven’t done much today only visit, cook & wash dishes & look after beds & birds & tonight its cool a gain  We had a heavy White due last night. 

Sun. June.30. 1946./ 15 eggs  / Oh my, Oh me, it’s been so hot all day & still quite a good breeze  I felt so weak seemed as if I couldn’t go to church tonight, So I have prayed that God would give me strength & He did it.  I took a bath & dressed clean, picked lillies & sweet peas & we had a little thunder shower before  I gathered the flowers, but didn’t rain any more.  cars are thick on the highway to night.  3. young people went to the Alter tonight  Praise God, & Mrs. Cregg did the preaching to night, They are going to have a memoral service for her husband while she’s back here.  Mrs. Sprunk & her son were out to church, but his wife didn’t come.  They all seem to be so nervous. 

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