[Elinor’s sister Gertie got a job out of the home, working at a ten cent store. Elinor’s Maternal Aunt Edith’s daughter Georgia & her Maternal Uncle William’s daughter Tessie were both in their 20s during this period. Aunt Edith’s children were Wyn, Aubrey & Georgia. Her daughter Ethel Wyn’s married name was Grant (possibly married Ed Grant) and they had a daughter Virginia Ruth. Elinor’s brother Frank and Wife Ruby, baby, and Ruby’s parents took a launch Wynah “up the river ..for dinner”
[Fri. Au. 1. 1913] Fri.Aug.1. swept & scrubed & ironed
[Sat. Au. 2. 1913] Sat.2. Every ironing & working to do Pa & ma went to Wellington
[Sun. Au. 3. 1913] Sun.3. Well we are all alone Pa & ma came home tonight. Frank & Ruby were here Fri & Sat back & shoulder & hp shook there home Oh what a releife to have been home. Ruby always has her crying spell before going home
[Mon. Au. 4. 1913] Page 87.Mon.4. Well need less to say We didnot wash to day I have been doing house work & sewing & odds and ends all day
[Tue. Au. 5. 1913] Tue.5. I washed to day & we got through early & all were gold & tired.
[Wed. Au. 6. 1913] Wed.6. I have been doing odds & ends help Mrs. Mackey [next door neighbors to William Wheeler] thanked Elysyebthe a laun drid
[Thrs. Au. 7. 1913] Thurs.7. ironed & sewed & today
[Fri. Au. 8. 1913] Fri.8. Scrubed & done house work
[Sat. Au. 9. 1913] Sat.9. Worked all day house work.
[Sun. Au. 10. 1913] Sun. 10. Rained to day & I fell & hurt my arm, back & hip, Shook me up & I feel week & sick, lame & sore
[Mon. Au. 11. 1913] Mon.11. Done house work today
[Tue. Au. 12. 1913] Tue.12. Well we washed today that is the white clothes &, Oh, how I ach.
[Wed. Au. 13. 1913] Wed.13. I wash a solid tub of colred clothes sudsed & wrinsed & starched then help get supper & do up the work
[Thrs. Au. 14. 1913] Thurs.14. scrubed Kitchen done house work
[Fri. Au. 15. 1913] Fri. 15. Gertie went to work in the ten cent store Wed. & I have been sewing & ironing
[Sat. Au. 16. 1913] Sat.16. ironing sewing & house work .
[Sat. Au. 16. 1913]Page 88.Sat.16. Georgia’s birthday 28 yrs old & Cousin Tessie Wheeler was 23. yrs. old & Aunt Edith spent the day with me.

Tessie Wheeler daughter of William from 1920s in Lorain Ohio

Elsie Wheeler, daughter of William Wheeler who lived near the homestead on Georgia Ave, picture from 1920s

Lilly, Pearl, and Tessie Wheeler, girls of William Wheeler, Ma’s brother.

Pearl Wheeler, Daughter of Will and Lavinnia Wheeler
[Sun. Au. 17. 1913] Sun.17. Home gown dinner chicken, sweet corn tomatoes potatoes cucumbers & beet from our garden. pa’s choice. No company today. Frank & Ruby & baby & his mother-in-law & father in law have gone up the river in the Wynah for dinner
[Au. 18-29] Mon.18. Tue.19 Wed. 20. Thurs 21. Fri 22 Sat 23. Sun.24. Mon.25. Tue 26. Wed.27. Thurs.28. Fri.29.
[Sat.& Sun. Au. 30 & 31. 1913] Sat.30. Sun. 31. I’ve been so busy I have lost track of what occured each day but I remember Aunt Edie, Wyn & Virginia Ed, Georgia & Aubrey were here one Sun. for dinner & supper & that I received a card from Albrey Breckenridge & several from a Mr. Wm Diringer & Ma received a letter from Mrs. Bracket a good letter & she wished each one to write to her & I received a card from Lillie Constable & I have washed & scrubbed & baked & sewed & done house work the same as useral and some things I have forgotten by this time