[Elinor becomes quite ill early this month, despite hot drinks, applied hot towels dipped in mustard water, a visit from Doctor at 2 a.m. and an injection and then continued vomiting through the next day. She seems to recover but gets a bad cold just a week later. Then the other family members including Martha become ill. Elbert got a “bad bump” on his ankle and the doctor brought him home. Elinor treats his foot every other day with warm putty and a bandage, and he is using her crutches. Elinor says God gave her a strong construction. She has started dieting eating only one meal and liquids the rest of the day “I’m only 29 yrs old and getting gray fast have found of silvery gray hairs among the brown of late. Oh. God; help me.”
Audrey’s ex-husband apparently has been ill and sent a card about going for a second operation.
Frank has resumed the work of the business, on the notsobad. The general household work continues but there is still time in between for sewing, a kimona jacket for herself and Mrs. McDonald, thimble holders, making lace. There is often a stage of work after laundry involving making starch and starching and ironing certain clothing.
She has a visit from a family friend, Glen Haught who lives in Cleveland with his mother. Elinor and her mother care for her in her last days of life and they attend the funeral when she dies. There are photos of Glen with Martha. ]
[Fri. May. 1. 1914] Page 155. bed, but felt so bad I couldn’t stay in bed, Nellie got up & built a fire & Elbert got up & they gave me hot drinks & all kinds & applied hot towels, diped in mustard wather & they rubbed me but no releife came & they phoned for the Dr. & he came 2.am. Sat. & gave me a dose with his needle in my arm. I became more easy at 3.am & could lay down at 4.am. but vometed all night & most all day Sat.
[Sat. May. 2. 1914] Sat. May 2. So I layed a ed until 3 p.m. then got up & dressed, ate half slice toast & drank a cup of tea & went to bed 7-30 p.m.
[Sun. May. 3. 1914] Sun. 3. Well I managed to get up & dress at 9.am. But haven’t done much today Mrs. Mc.Donald & the cheif engineers wife Mrs. Crow. came & spent the after noon & Glen Haught came over from Cleveland & Frank & Ruby & Evelyn were here part the after noon & evening, so I’m tired as well a weak tonight.

1915 Glenn Haught “looking west at Bonney’s wood pile (in front of the Red Hen Coop” also mentioned in Elenor Bonney’s 1919~ diary.
[Mon. May. 4. 1914] Mon.4. Not able to wash crocheted some today
[Tue. May. 5. 1914] Tue.5. Mrs. McD. came up a little while today.
[Wed. May. 6. 1914] Wed. 6. Tired to work some today (hard work.)
[Thrs. May. 7. 1914] Thur.7. Worked most all day am wobbly in my knees
[Fri. May. 8. 1914] Fri.8. Washed until 2-30. have a bad cold, it came on to me Tue. have been so hoarse every since, hard work to speak above a whisper.
[Sat. May. 9. 1914] Sat.9. Worked alday am tired tonight & so weak yet.
[Sun. May. 10. 1914] Sun.10. Well Frank & Ruby & baby were here & the children all went after flowers but Elbert &
[Sun. May. 10. 1914] Page 156. the two babys, Evelyn slept & Martha played
& work all after noon & had supper redy when they got back & nearly fainted just before they came back. Oh, but I feel miserable
[Mon. May. 11. 1914] Mon.11. Old hen hatching today, got a card from Geo. Carlisle saying he was going back to the Hospital for a second operation.
[Tue. May. 12. 1914] Tue.9. poor boy he’s haveing a terrible expierance. cut out two waists & helped Audrey cut out her dress. Well We are having a bad thunder shower tonight and it makes my head ach. Lillie & Jessie were here & spent. the evening Frank is working on the notsobad & we girls have done the house work & some sewing. Oh. Dee. Dee. Dee.
[Wed. May. 13. 1914] Wed.13. Well it has rained every day this week and we have just got to wash tomorrow. Rain or shine.
[Thrs. May. 14. 1914] Thurs. 14. The sun is shining and we dried all the clothes & was all through at 3 pm. then I swept & then got supper and am tired & we all three have cold & ach. all over. Martha is ell & oh so mischeifious.

1915 WW1, Martha Carlisle 3yr old, flag on door for J.M.Harnish Sr, first world war. , home at 760 Georgia Ave”, covered with roses.

1913-14 “M[artha] Carlisle at 760 Ga. Ave. 1913 or ’14” Peeking out of front door
Audrey & I have Ironed today 7 done the house work Nellie has been sick all day she doesn’t seem to be very well of late & has a hard row at her lessons to. I washed the windows & chairs & put up the window screens am tired.
[Sat. May. 16. 1914] Sat.16. Well I’ve scrubed both floors & swept & worked allday
[Sun. May. 17. 1914] Sun.17. Rainy today & cool, not. very well today .
[Mon. May. 18. 1914] Mon.18. Audrey sewed I were sick all night so feel to limp to work any more than I have to, but have to work some, Elbert got a bad bump on his ankle & the Dr. brought him home at noon. seems as though we’re all feel ing miserable some way. A. all ways gets sick when I am
[Mon. May. 18. 1914] Page 157. then I have to work as long as I can stand up & some times wehn I have to set done, for she can’t work & wont when she is sick, Well I’m so glad Elbert didn’t get any bones broke and that the Lord gave me a strong construction. Cousin gilbert was here & spent the after noon Sun. & took supper with us.
[Tue. May. 19. 1914] Tue.19. Haven’t heard from Cassovie for ages. wonder what has happened to him now, but I did get a post card with a beautiful dark red rose on it from Capt B.J. Sloan this morn , under the rose it read many Golden days be yours. I’ve waited long am waiting still for a few of those happy days though God has blested me in many way. Well I’ve been on the jump all morn Elbert is so fretty I cooked dinner & went on a strike. I only eat on meals a day and milk or liqued the rest of the time, can’t eat so don’t feel very stout. I’m only 29 yrs old and getting gray fast have found of silvery gray hairs among the brown of late. Oh.God; help me.
[Wed. May. 20. 1914] Wed. 20. It has rained all this week so far, hope it clears off tomorrow for I must get the washing done, Audrey does-n’t seem to take any interest in any thing and it’s a hard row for me alone & she & Nellie can’t get along at all, Nellie is getting poor, but Audrey looks the best she has looked for several years. Well I have found plenty to do all day & to morrow we are going to wash I cooked supper & A says she wont wash the dishes & has left them for morning, Oh, such a life, Oh dee.
[Thrs. May. 21. 1914] Thurs.21. One great day, I got up & started the wash A & N got up later E & F. had to have a lunch & I had two double blankets & a tenis nightgown for four of us washed & ready for the line & A. hung them out & then washed supper & breakfast & dinner dish-es I did all the wash & sudes & wrinsed & starched them & A siad I did’t need to think she was going to hang them all out it was to hot out there. the sun has been hot & the breeze cool all day today
[Fri. May. 22. 1914] Fri. 22. Did house work all morn & cooked dinner & ironed all the plain clothes & visited & crocheted all after noon & evening with Mrs Mc. Donald, she is teach ing me to make a comonia. Jacket, They are nice I have mine
[Fri. May. 22. 1914] Page 158.most done. I have given her several paterns of lace & insertions & a thimble holder. Oh, I’m so sick allover,
[Sat. May. 23. 1914] Sat.23. Scrubed both floors & finnished my ironing I have to take care of Elberts foot every other day I soak it in hot salt water put warm putty on it cotton over that & bandage it. he goes all over on my crutches. Frank is here every day, he’s working on the Notsobad
[Sun. May. 24. 1914] Sun.24. Well I let Nellie & Audrey get dinner chicken dinner. Frank & Ruby & Evelyn were here for dinner & the girls let me get supper, Nellie helped me do the dishes I. baked a Devil food cake (layers) for supper two & so Nellie could have some for her lunch
[Mon. May. 25. 1914] Mon.25. A. has a head ach & so we didnt wash. We received a letter from ma & pa this morn they were fine JUNE Well I’ve been so busy or tired I have neglect my writting for this month & part of July.