[Letters from Cuba come with pictures of caught alligators and the baby goats they have named Jack and Jill, who jumped into the well requiring a heroic rescue from Fred. Her mother has 4 pet parrots also with accompanying pictures. They were actually scheduled to come home but held back because there was bubonic plague in Havana. There was a panic in ports in Florida and New Orleans with confirmed cases. The Bonney’s made the trip home without contracting plague. Later in July they get a letter asking to stop sending lonesome stories to Ma and making her homesick. The Ohio family has sent 125.00 to cover Ma and Fred coming home but they do not come though Ma wants to come.
Elinor is exchanging cards with Capt. Stuart of the Steamer Western Star including Valentines with romantic messages. She reports that the Western Star is “laid up” at Green Bay Wis. suggesting he wont get her response. Nellie is saving money to buy a piece of luggage one payment at a time. Another friend begins to send letters named Mr. Dan O’Neil. There are visits from Aunt Ediths children Georgia Rosecrans & Aubrey Rosecrans requiring Elbert to ferry them to and from the bridge. They also take a trip to sell 4 pair of oars to “Knowels” for 4.50. Elbert is better and running the shipyard launch and Nellie is picking fruit leaving Ellinor to bake 5 black rasberry pies and 2 elderberry pies, can 17 qts. currents, 19 qts blackberry, 7 glasses of current jelly, 12 glasses of blackberry jelly. .
This is the first we hear of Elbert having friends at the Fish house where he can help with the nets and then bring fresh fish home as pay. Entertainment includes moving pictures, and going to an ice cream store. Sewing continues and there is more talk of money going back and forth, Audrey paying Elinor’s doctor bill of 2.50, and Elbert giving Elinor 4.00 for new shoes.
[July, , 1014] July The goat the folks have down south has two kids, they have named them Jack & Jill. They tell us Jack has a habit of running & jumping stiff legged up on the well curb. Well Fred was drawing water and Jack run & took a high diver & went to the bottom of the well & pa & fred put a ladder down & jack tried to climb out, F. lifted him out he was swimming round the well, crying every other breath. and acres of pine apples going to waist. Ma has 4 baby parrots to bring home and they Fred & Ma were ready to come home July 6 but heard they would be held in Cuba, as they have bubonic plague in Havana (see history connection)

1911 “Martha Bonney Parrots on ladder Lorain, O. 760 Georgia Ave” also see back of photo where she is giving this picture as a birthday card to Harvey. will you except this lovely picture for your birth day card, for a rememberence from Mother” but the scene and background do look like Isle of Pines Cuba.
[July, , 1014] Nellie & Elsie & Edith are picking berrys out at Avon for Mr. & Mrs. Seaf. Smith Nellie earned $3.35 last week & has paid $3.00 on her new suit case and has one more to pay. Mr. & Mrs. Mc. Donald were here & spent the evening one night & she brought two dress-es for me to make for her but changed her mind & left them here utill I hear from her again. Capt. Stuart says the Str. Western Star has laid up at Green Bay Wis. So Capt. Sloan wont get my card I don’t suppose. Oh; dee, dee, dee
[Sat. Jly. 18. 1914] Sat.July 18. Well I’m tired I have been clean-ing house, washing blankets and Comfort covers rugs, carpet and sewing & mending; washing & ironing, sweeping & baking & digging all day & today I’m baking bread. I got a card from Nellie & a letter from Mr. Cassovie. Elbert got a check for $15.00 for the scow rent this mo.- & I a letter from Mr. Dan O’Neil & must ans. it right away. We hear Gorgia R & Aubrey are coming to dinner tomorrow & a card to Ebert from Edt R. that he would be here also. We are all getting along good Elbert has been running the shipyard launch every since his ankle got well enough to walk on Nellie wont be home untill next week so her card said, for they expect to be through in three or 4 days now, they have been pick-ing rasberrys, tieing grapes, & picking black berrys
[Sun. Jly. 19. 1914] Sun.19. Well Elbert called me 7 a.m. & I got up & baked 5 pies with black rasberrys & 2 elderberrys then I did part of the bedroom work sweept out & washed the supper & breakfast dishes & Elbert went to the fish house & bought 5 big herring & Audrey got the potatoes & fish ready & on to cook & the phone rung & Wyn Grant told Audrey Ed & Georgia & Aubrey were ready to come over Elbert went after them I expected them all & so did Elbert so when Geo. came I ask why the rest didn’t come & she said they thought we wouldn’t be looking for them all so they didn’t come. I called Wyn & told her we had planed enough for them all & for them to come right away so she said they would be ready at one oclock. Elbert went & got them in the launch & A & I had dinner ready when they got here, but EDD did a great trick he went with E to get the
[Sun. Jly. 19. 1914] Page 161. rest of the folk & then wouldn’t come back Wyn, Grant, Virginia & Aunt Edie came so we had 7 visitors 6 staying for dinner & the 6 stayed for lunch & Uncle will took lunch with us then E took us all down to the bridge. Then I came back & washed up the lunch dishes & we all went to bed. Oh.ho.
[Mon. Jly. 20. 1914] Mon.20. Well I’ve felt to ill to work but have cooked the meals & washed the dishes today
[Tue. Jly. 21. 1914] Tue.21. Oh. but it’s so hot we haven’t worked any more than Ive had to today & tonight or when Elbert came to supper. he told us to get dressed to go to Vermillion , he called, Payton & ask for the use of the Liddia W. & got it I called Lillie Faragar & she & Jay went with Audrey, Martha, Elbert & I. We saw Frank & Ruby & Elbert sold 4 pair of oars to Knoels for $4.50 & we came back home all enjoyed the trip
[Wed. Jly. 22. 1914] Wed.22. Well we ought to do the wash but it’s to hot. We got a letter from Fred Tue.21. & he said they didn’t think they would come home and that we shouldn’t write any lonesome storys to make ma home sick, for they would be as lonesome with out her as we were. Well I think they are unjust they have had her 8 months & we have sent money enough for her & Fred to come home $125.00- We sent them & deprived ourselves of necesaties for the sake of seeing ma, and now she isn’t coming. Such is life
[Thrs. Jly. 23. 1914] Thurs.23. Well we washed to day but A had to do more than useral for I have been sick all day & hadn’t strength
[Fri. Jly. 24. 1914] Fri.24. Audreys birthday she’s 22 yrs. & the baby is 2 yrs. Oh.Ho. dee, dee,dee.
[Sat. Jly. 25. 1914] Page 162. Sat.25. Well N. phoned Fri. & said she would be home but it rained to hard; I have caned 17 qts of currents & 19 qts. of black berrys I had 16 qts of current and 7 qts caned 32 qt5s B. berys & 19 qts canned. 7 glasses of current jelly & 12 of black berry. & I’m tired tonight & the girls & Elbert have gone to town & Uncle Will came & visited with me till they come E. brought some ice cream & we had salt crackers, cream & hot tea. Great. Oh. my. Elbert gave me three dollars & I have paid $4.00 for my new shoes & I have 3.00 left.
[Sun. Jly. 26. 1914] Sun.26. No. company. today & we had a pork roast, & tomatoes for dinner to day.
[Mon. Jly. 27. 1914] Mon. 27. Frank’s birthday, he is 24 yrs. old
[Tue. Jly. 28. 1914] Tue.28. I’ve been so tired for the past 3 days I’m not worth three cents. Grace Mc.Henry & Daisy Coles was here this after noon. We had a fine time, they are only two yrs. older than I. and I am 29 yrs. old We got a letter from ma & Ma’s picture with her four baby pllys. Ma wants to come home. poor Ma
[Wed. Jly. 29. 1914] Wed.29. Audrey & I did a big washing today.
[Thrs. Jly. 30. 1914] Thurs.30. We ironed & ironed & I have worked untill I’m all tired out and do wish I might have a rest. Nellie & E & G finnished thier work & came home tonight. I got a card from Aunt Corneal. Audrey & Martha & I went to town to moving picture, show & had a dish of cream in the candy kitchen
[Fri. Jly. 31. 1914] Fri.31. Audrey went to town paid my doctor bill $2.50 & bought me some blue scollops for a little white linen hat I made for Martha.