[There are definitely more outings, probably because of warmer weather and other travels, to Michigan, to Vermilion, to town to take the Street Car, and Elbert working overtime and being angry if he comes home and Elinor is gone. Elinor travels to her Aunt Jen (Bonney), Easel and spouse Clate’s home for 10 days because of the death of Iva Mastin, from Pa’s Mother’s family.
The bathtub leaks and Elbert & Frank have to dig it out and make quite a mess.]
[Sat. Au. 1. 1914] Aug.Sat.1. Audrey, Martha & Nellie, Elsie & Edith went to town, to Seaf Smith’s, had chicken dinner there & all drove over to Beach Park to the farmers picnic had a good time, I baked bread & scrubed & finnished the ironing & went down to the car with Martha’s bugy & met them. Elbert had to work over time, didn’t come to supper & when he did, it was all hot in the warming oven but he didn’t look for it & wouldn’t eat when I got home he was so angry because I was gone & so went to bed with out his supper, poor boy. Well I can’t be in to places at once.
[Sun. Au. 2. 1914] Sun.2. Well it seems good to have Nellie home a-gain & we five here together for dinner today.

Martha Bonney holding a wheelbarrow full of caught lobsters as Harvey inspects them

Scenic view of Isle of Pines Cuba during the trip of 1912-13

Harvey Bonney weilding a rake working the grapefruit orchard at Isle of Pines Cuba where he got work (presumably)
[Mon. Au. 3. 1914] Mon.3. Uncle Will & Francis left for Mich. this Morn. We have been picking up & cleaning & doing house work My back is feeling so b ad I don’t know how I’m going to wash this week. We got a letter from pa & a bunch of films & two pictures, pa & the goats & pa & ma in a boat, ma holding up a big fish pa wrote a nice letter. they are well.

1911 “Martha Bonney Parrots on ladder Lorain, O. 760 Georgia Ave” also see back of photo where she is giving this picture as a birthday card to Harvey. will you except this lovely picture for your birth day card, for a rememberence from Mother”

1913 “H.D. Bonney picking grape-fruit on the Isle of Pines” labeled by Nellie Belle Bonney
[Tue. Au. 4. 1914] Tue.4. We washed the girls had to do more than useral. Oh, how my back does ach tonight.
[Wed. Au. 4. 1914] Wed.5. Frank phoned from Vermillion & Nellie Audrey & Martha went to Ver. on the St. car & then Frank & Ruby & Evelyn & the girls went to Huron & spent the day & the girls got home 10-30. p. m. & Frank & Ruby & E. the next day
Thrs. Au. 6. 1914] Thurs.6. & they were here all day I’m always gald when they go home R. is so fretty.
[Thrs. Au. 6. 1914] Page 164. & I have felt so bad all week so far & had to work just the same. I scrubed Wed & today you would never know it by the mud that has been tramped in, bath sprung a leak & Elbert & Frank have been digging them out & we have to carry water from Uncle Wills.
[insert: Fri.7-Mon.24. 1914] I can’t remember just the things that happened each day this month. Iva Mastin died. Lillie Fargar phoned. I left here Tue.(18th) morning and went to her funeral & oh how warm I was almost melted. I stayed with Aunt Jen Easel & Clate 10 day, had a quite rest then came home on Fri the 28th . & Audrey went to work the the coal office, in Ediths place, so she could have a month to rest in, Well A. has been getting more & more off the right track every day, so far; and is sorry she can’t keep the job she say. Mercy.
[The will of Amelia’s father lays out the geneaology for her. Harvey D. Bonney’s parents were Cordin L Bonney and Amelia Masten. Amelia’s father was a farmer in Rochester Township (though he apparently owned property in Michigan). His will can be found in records of Lorain County. He gives his son Frank L. Masten of Medina 200.00. He gives his daughter Delia, wife of James Bissell of Rochester 200.00. He left his daughter Amelia, wife of Cordon Bonney of Wellington 200.00. He left his son Mortimer Mastin of Michigan 100.00. He leaves his grandson Burt Masten, son of Mortimor Mastin 100.00. He leaves his grand daughter Eva Masten, daughter of his son Decolia B Masten deceased. 5.00. He gives his son John Masten 60 acres of land in the state of Michigan and 200.00. The rest including “the homestead buildings” in Rochester, to his wife Rosella Masten, with his daughter Celia Manchester of Cleveland Ohio as beneficiary after his wife of the homestead and property in Rochester. So Basically this covers the death of Mort Mastin in Michigan that Harvey told his family about, leaving Burt his son possibly in Michigan. It also places John Masten, his son in Michigan inheriting 60 acres there. It leaves Frank L in Medina, Delia (married James Bissell in Rochester), Amelia and Cordon in Rochester (parents to Harvey D). There are no pictures of this funeral of Eva Masten except Elinor’s mention and references to it in the diary.