[Elinor is still getting things from Mr. O’Neil, a large picture, an easter card, and 10.00.
In February she starts to mention Lucia Fletcher who was to marry Frank Wargo. It appears that she and Frank end up being divorced but having 3 or more children. She continues to describe a friendship with Lucia here who comes almost daily. Other names are Mr. Geo . Anthony (the washman on the Steamer Shenango) including a rumor that he married Hellen Arscott the ship keeper of the Schoonmaker, after a 4 month acquaintance. Perhaps this was a scandel.
When she and Elbert have chickens, they usually buy a brood of 100 baby chicks rather than having one of the hens hatch babies. But here she says her hen hatched out 11 chickens from 13 eggs. She says she is getting almost 24 eggs per day, probably worth 1.00/day if sold.
[Thrs. Apr. 1. 1915] Thurs.April.1.[1915] My hen hatched out 11 chicken from 13 eggs. she was setting out doors. Ive been trying to work as hard as of old, but it don’t agree with me
[Fri. Apr. 2. 1915] Fri.2. Just a week ago today Mr. O’Neil sent me his pictyure a nice large one & a good one. & a Easter post card & a letter with $10 in it. I had to go to the office for the letter. _____ wind is cold & raw
[Sat. Apr. 3. 1915] Sat.3. Well I tried to work but its hard work
[Sun. Apr. 4. 1915] Sun.4. Elbert Nellie Lucia & I were up aboard the Str. Shenango, it’s a large boat & finnish & furnished well. Tired me all out. I took some pictures up there, three. Easter Sun.
[Mon. Apr. 5. 1915] Mon.5 I sewed most of the day & help do house work.
[Tue. Apr. 6. 1915] Tue.6. I backed bread today & sewed.
[Wed. Apr. 7. 1915] Page 177. Wed.7. I did a big wash, finnished 5-30.
Thrs. Apr. 8. 1915] Thurs.8. Sewed & did house work
[Fri. Apr. 9. 1915] Fri. 9. Sewed & helped do house work
[Sat. Apr. 10. 1915] Sat.10. Sewed all day, am tired tonight

Postcard to Harriet L Johnson on behalf of Elinor’s niece, Martha Elizabeth Carlisle. Elinor references the Pardees who are living in Cleveland (they are people who had been in Cuba as well). Elinor is writing Sept 25, 1916 from the Georgia Ave homestead

Nellie Harnish, Audrey Carlisle her niece, and Martha Carlisle her great niece. 1916

Pa Bonney and his grand daughter Martha Carlisle holding a huge cabbage plant 1916, at 760 Georgia Ave Lorain, Ohio

Harvey D. Bonney showing off a string of fish caught near the original attempted homestead in Cherry Grove where Elinor and Elbert were born in a Lake nearby. 1916 (labeled by Nellie Harnish)

Nellie Harnish and friends in 1916-17, unknown relations.

signed C.G.D. “Soo mich” sault ste marie canal sta, references an ill mother and “school marm” addressed to Elinor as “Dear Friend”
[Sun. Apr. 11. 1915] Sun.11. [1915 April]April showers all day hard one’s -Lucia & Mr. Geo. Anthony were here today & Lucia is here most every day. Mr. An_ is the washman on the Str. Shenango, has been staying with shipkeeper on the Schoonmaker. The romer is that the shipkeeper of Schoonmaker married Hellen Arscott after a 4 Months acquintance I have been getting from 20 to 24 eggs a day.
[The younger couples in the family are courting and preparing for marriage. Nellie is dating John McKinley Harnish and Fred is dating Ethel Noderer.