1919~ “Ella Jane Harnish Martha Carlisle Glenn est 1919 Lorain O.” (presumably Glenn Haught also in Elenor Bonney (Babcock) diary.
1919 “Melvin and Lorraine Baker 7 & 0 yrs old in play at Del Ave Church” labeled by Nellie Bonney see back of photo label that play was about Tom Thumb.
1919 Ella Jane Harnish” in baby buggy on wooden walkway. note she is strapped in with a belt.
1919 7 yr old Melvin Beker and Larinne Beker label by Nellie Belle Harnish on back “They were in a Tom Thumm wedding play at Delaware Avenue Church. I had to leave jimmy (???) to go nurse Ella Jane Harnish
1919 back of photo of Ella Jane held by Ellenor Bonney “Ella Jane age 4 mo.”
1919 “Ella Jane Harnish 1919 Aug. (held by) Elinor Bonney E.J.H. 4 mths old ” labeled by Nellie Bonney (Harnish) and son John Harnish.