From October 1920- 1933, Elinor was in a 13 year marriage.  Frank Babcock died in 1933 and Elinor did not cover that period with diary.  However she does write about his death in the later diary.  Although as early as 1920, she and Frank at least visited the iconic Elinor Farm and make decisions about buying it, the diary pages don’t cover their early life there.  It is unclear when Elbert began to live there with Elinor.  Frank was working as an engineer on Lake Erie and only “home” periodically.  By 1940, Elinor is a widow and settled in with her brother at “the farm” on Hahn Road.  Elinor doesn’t resume diary untill late summer 1940.  She does leave camera film records including the 1920s and early marriage life with Frank.  It becomes clear in those photos and diary that she and Frank lived there on Hahn Road and started up several small business enterprises (chickens, eggs, sewing notions).  There is a picture of the car with an advirtisement banner which apparently announced their skills for hire.  I am still figuring out when exactly Frank “retired’ from the Lake Erie ships and began to live with Elinor at the farm.  We do have a small narrative reflection about his death. It sounts very dark.  There are also 2 delarations of bankrupcy in the interim between his death and the resumption of this diary.  When she resumes writing, she is not doing any driving, she is living with Elbert at the propery (and managing a business in egg sales), and receiving a small stipend from the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund.  Her battle on behalf of her family to survive the Spanish Flu precedes her marriage.  After her marriage and apparently a severe car accident, she finally resumes the diary.]

Elinor 1940 Diary

=1= Beginning Aug. 11 untill Aug 27 th 1940 we have had a fire in heating stove to keep out the chil, it’s so cold after being thogh severely cooked with the hot Sun. the grass is as brown as can be everything has suffered from the heat. Elbert had a bad Sun stroke Dr. said 2 degrees more would have killed him.  July 19th. he had a light attack the week before, now it’s been Sept Weather since Aug he has not been able to work, he tried Thurs.22. & Fri. 23. but when he tried Mon, he had to give up, his head is still bad & he can’t stoop and bend 7 climb a-round as he did before. I bought a queen bee last week from A.J. Root, Medina, Ohio. she  came Fri.23. Aug. & I put her in the hive and for the first time in my 55 yrs. one stung me behind right ear (we also moved the hive up in to the back yard.) I didn’t blame him, I pinched him putting the supper on the hive. Sat.24. I bought Nellie’s girls some sweaters 7. Received letter from Dudley White Mon.26th. The twins “Jim & Jean” were here last week, from Aug. 20. to 24th.  We took them home today Today we “Elbert & I” were going for a trip up to  Nelson Syrs. went to Lorain with us. Tasmoses Park but I didn’t go, he drove to Sandusky to get the boat, as they go from there; Well I wished I’d gone with Elbert. I sit here and waited untill 2.a.m. it was terrible foggy, but he got here safe, hungry and tired, and I thank God he’s all right, and home safe & enjoyed his trip. Wed.28. We rested today. Thurs 29. We went to Lorain I bought Sweaters & [  ] Penny Store.  We went over home last Sat 24. & saw Uncle Will & family few minutes.  Henry & his girl & Ediths girl next to the oldest was there, she’s 15 yrs. old.  Fri.30. ironed. Sat. 31. I did a big washing Sun. Sept. 1 went to church. Audrey Martha Merlin & Jim & Jean & Joan were here afternoon & for supper.   Mon.Sept2. Labour

=2= -day.  Nellie & John & Ella Jane Bonney & Johny brought out a chicken dinner and ate it here  they had Jim Garnet Gannet with them a boy about [ blank  ] yrs. old from Cleveland where Bonney has been working, she has only this yr to go to school her last yr of high school she will be [ blank ] yrs. old  [ blank] 1940. Bonnita her boy friend George Eddy & another couple went out for a nice time [blank] today. John brought a freezer of cream  Nellie brought cake so they had cream & cake & tea for lunch then went home.  Since Frank’s death they have stayed away for long pirods at a time, that they have drifted to the great broadway and have missed the true aim of life although they go to church and to Sunday school, and John & Nellie are leader in Church work and the children go to both yet it’s more a fomrality. Nellie is and the children are, so changed.  

Tue.Sept.3.1940.  Elbert and I washed 5 heavy blankets this morn and had just finished a fish dinner, When in drove Annabell Mariner, Barns Hackman, with her Husband Robert Hackman and a lady friend, Mrs. Guys.  So we visited for an hour or so. Annabell has sold her home on Kenelworth Ave. to the Government, and bought two places just over the line in Virgina and Anna Mae lives in one beside her.  Annabell doesn’t look as well as when she was here four or five yrs. ago. she isn’t very well. hope she writes me. 

Wed.Sept.4.1940.  couldn’t do much today to tired

Thurs.Sept.5.1940. Elbert went to Lorain  I washed all the clothes and one more old blanket. Elbert got here at 2.p.m.  We ate dinner and rested rest of the day. Fri. To tired to do only the most necessary things. Billy & Bobby left home on their bycikles today last Sat. running away from home they were picked up in Virginie  Bill & Georgia went for them in the car & brought

=3= them back tonight late. Why did they run away? [This is probably Snyders]

Sat.Sept.7.1940. Elbert washed his dress pants and the last blanket today  they dried good. Pa was here a few minutes tonight (they) Frank Bonney his son Armond & Pa were hunting wood chucks. Elbert & I went to Huron this after noon to see and buy a little from the new 5 cents to 1.00 store Mrs Davis her Son & daughter have started  I bought a glass berry set an oil map a colar, 4 rubber baby pants & 1. rubby crib blanket, rubber things are for Evelyn Mc.Gintus  Frank’s eldest daughter, I sent her 4. crib blankets last week. [moved to Texas, John harnish visited them in McAllem Texas]

Sun.Sept.8.1940.  We did not go to church & I’m so sorry  I’d like to go to church where I could be one in there midst, we have listened to the sermons on the radio, and God Knows how much I’d like to go to some church of His & do what ever I can for Him. I Pray He will guide me to that Church.  We have been alone all day. I’d like to go where I can testify for Jesus. 

Mon.Sept.9.1940.  Sun only shone through once in awhile today, mostly cloudy & cool but not cold quite cool evenings nights & mornings warming up toward noon wind South & south west just did my house work today & took care of my four male carnarys, I feel so tired today.  John fixed or had my radio fixed and we listened to the news after supper tonight. 

Tue.Sept.10.1940.  I cleaned Elberts bed room this morn. thoruelly got to put up new curtians

=4= We went to Huron after dinner and paid $10.00 on the coal bill got $11.71 yet to pay  We went to Berlin Hights talked to the preacher & his wife & Son. Dick Dudley. “Congergational Church.” We drove on down through Jofsay bought 2 hens 4. m. melons. I paid 2.00 in Huron for blankets. Elbert & I both got our checks today. 

Wed.Sept.11.1940. done my house work and mended my big braided rag rug. 

Thurs.Sept.12.1940. Elbert & I went to Lorain  We took a Mulberry tree to pa then crossed the New bridge. where E. had to go to get to 20th St. then we had to go way out passed Nellies to see about a job only to find it had been done came back had Lunch with Nellie Bonnita & Ella Jane  stopped at Fairview  –  school gave Bonney her sweater Jacket which was bright red and white top & puff sleeves she looked so pretty in it and gave me such a nice smile and a big kiss. we then went to Amherst Hospital where Evelyn and her new baby boy that was born Wed. Sept 11.1940. where I gave her 4.prs. rubber pants a new rag and bunch of glads to brighten the room  she & 3 others were in then we 

=5= came home.  Elbert bought a few grocerys & some fish in Vermilion for our supper  We got home 5-30-p-m.

Fri.Sept.13.  I did the washing today, it was a fine bright day, S.W. wind mostly S. wind. clothes dried fast 7 I thank God for that. and the strength He has given me. Pa hasn’t felt so well this summer. Uncle Will is not so well, but able to get about. Aunt Edith Breckenridge will be 91. yrs. old this month, and is able to get around yet, she was down to Wyn’s for a couple of weeks this summer. 

Sat.Sept.14.1940.  Just did my house work and the ironing today. We had some rain of late. Mr. May Who has been using my land for garden this sum-mer was here today with the Mr. O’Neil & his daughter Catherine, thus far they have used most of the garden truck. We have had string beans twice beets twice & 1/2 doz cucumbers and 1 bu. squash. he has 15 rows of irish potatoes & several of sweet potatoes. 

Sun.Sept.15.1940. I went to Medith [assume this is for Methodist] Sun. school & Church at Berlin Hights this morn & Elbert came in to church. It’s been a beautiful day. I fixed seeds, bird & flower seeds & box for Jackie, am sending them to Mrs. Kendall. Morning Sun. Iowa. hope she likes them. cold enough for fire at night. 

Mon.Sept.16.  We went to Vermilion and I mailed the seeds and sent Jackie by express. We went to Lorain

=6=  and over to uncle Will’s  Elbert got Uncle Will to go back to town and give him an affidavit to the fact that he was born in Mich. on Dec. 6. 1882., so was I born in Cherry Grove township, Wexford County Michigan in the thick woods in a log cabin. Lillie & Gertie were washing  I went over and visited a little with Gertie & pa and when Elbert came back, we ate dinner with with them then we went to the social C. office. and they sent Elbert clear out to a place the other side of Nellie’s & they had hired 2 men & got the work done, so we stopped & had lunch with Nellie, John Jr. Bonnita & Ella Jane then we stopped at Fairveiw high school so I could see if the brushed wool sweater I had bought would fit Bonney Bell, it did and the smile she gave me was worth the price of the sweater $2.04 that’s including the tax of 6 cents. it is a bright red from bust to waist top pure white. Then we came home, beautiful day but I’m tired. I spent some time in Penneys Store, looking for things We need. { Note:  She repeated this story about the red sweater on Sept 12 entry as well. }

Tue.17. of Sept. We worked about the yard today

Wed.Sept.18. 1940.  We went to Huron I bought enough tennis [not sure what this is, some cloth] to make Elbert some pajames & me a night gown $2.31 tax and all. I feel so tired yet. Sept 19th is Fred’s birthday. he is 54 yrs. old. 

Thurs. Sept. 19.1940. Elbert went to Lorain & I washed today, then he I cut out his pajamas & sewed up the pants, so Elbert could have them to sleep in tonight.

Fri.Sept.20.1940.  had to rest most all day am so tired received a card from Mrs. Kendall saying Jackie got there yesterday and was o.k.  I’m glad he’ll have a good home & someone to Love him. 

Sat.Sept. 21.1940.  I ironed & scrubbed the floor & did a doz. other things so to get to Sun. school on time then got cheated out of it, but got in for Church


=7=  Mon.23.  Beautiful day, We worked out in the yd. in morn. Nellie, Ella Jane & Miss Mc.Govern, came about 2-p-m. and visited about one hour. Miss. Mc.Govern is trying to get Ella Jane a good paying job. Elbert took up some trees and set out one apricot tree gave Nellie one apricot & one mulberry tree, she came just in time to take them home. 

Tue.24.  We work in the flower garden cleaning out weeds and grass, it has got into a bad fix these passed few yrs. but hope we get it in order again. it rained hard this after noon and turned so cold. 

Wed.Sept.25.1940.  rained in showers all night & the wind blew hard & it Looks showery this morn. I got up at 7-a-m. picked half bu. basket of dahlias, white center pink outer pink & white and maron & yellow centers and I took a can of elderberries & the flowers to Miss Mc.Govern & she talked over something she had been wanting to talk about for several months, she gave me a radio & glass of grape jelly Mon. when she was here. We went on to Elyria to the Hospital & gave them some Adams needle 6 or 8 plants & we stoped to Miss Baumgarts. Mrs. Cranage gave me a [  blank  ] plant all in bloom. two weeks ago she gave me some St. John lillies. Lorain is having a big cerabration tonight for there two new bridges, the new high level at 21st street & jack knife bridge at west end of East Erie Ave. and W. Erie Ave. it rained a hard shower while we ate our lunch of spiced ham & doughnuts at the end of Spruce Street We call on Ethel but she had gone Tue. & wouldn’t be home till thurs. to some misionary meeting at [blank   ] and Laura Ann was in school so we visited with Ethels mother & her friend Mrs. Schmitgins that was after we left the hospital. it got so cold that after Elbert got in Lorain & left me to visit with Miss Baumgart & he had gone over on 

=8=the bridge and looked about he came back & said we’d catch cold standing around watching a boat parade & listening to out door speaches tonight so let us go home, so we came, the fire was still going in the heatarola so I shook it and put in another lump of coal  the house was warm & felt good to get in the house  We had supper listened to the war news, its terrible, horrible and getting worse  We will soon be in the terrible termoils here, and it seems queer people don’t believe it. 

Thurs.Sept.26. Elbert went to Lorain today  he has to go to the social security office every Thurs. to report if he isn’t working, he saw pa & talked for some time with him, he talked to Ben Tomas, Lon Bumgart, & several others, sold 2 doz. eggs. 60 cents he left at 7-a-m & got home a 5-p-m, it’s been a fine day but to cool to stand still. I picked a 1/2 bu. pears, peck of cucumbers & qt. of onions. picked onion seed & made several qts of cucumber pickles today. 

Fri. Sept.27.  I did the washing today & the bedding. & am tired as usual, nice day but cool breeze all day

Sat.Sept.27. I ironed mended, wiped up the floor and did the house work, went to Huron with Elbert & got our food for over Sun. 

Sun.Sept.29.  Went to Berlin Hights to Methodist Sun. school & church has been a beautiful day. 

Mon.Sept.30.1940.  Elbert went to Lorain, rode down with Mrs. Ellis. got a ride back to Vermilion & then got a ride from there home, got here at noon. nice day. 

Tue.Oct.1.1940.  I did the wash & ironing & house work been chilly cool & cloudy today  I feel so tired tonight. 

Wed. Oct.2.  I baked 1. loaf of brown bread & one small one 1. loaf & 1. small one of white bread. and 

=9=  it is a beautiful day  We hope to go to Lorain in morning. 

Thurs.Oct.3.1940.  Just before dark last night I went down the hill to pick some dahlias, and man came off the road to where I was and ask for something to eat  he was very tanned had blue eyes and in a second I see he was the man the radio had sent out a call for, I gave him two slices of my home made brown bread & a baked apple  he seemed so nervous and hurried on as soon as he could  I ask his name & he said Robert Robinson  I wanted to report him but didn’t get a chance, I went back & finished picking flowers and this morning We got up early & went to Lorain Elbert went to Shipyard to see about when they would be ready for him but didn’t find out, we stopped at Todd’s & I talked to Ella a few minutes & gave her a couple dozen dahlias, then we stopped & gave Miss Baumgart 4 dozen dahlias or so & left a doz. eggs 30 cents. and we went to the Social office for Elbert to report he’s still out of work, then we went to Nellies & left a pk of pepper, 1 pk. of cucumbers & a few String beans, squash “acorn,” 1/2 bu. sweet corn 1. old quilt & blanket red wool & two new cotton blankets, single ones & 4 mash bags I had washed.  Nellie & Ella Jane had gone to take John to Grafton & then were going into Cleveland to see Miss Mc.Govern So Bonnita said.  Bonnita fell through the back door glass & cut her right wrist filled it full of glass, she didn’t look very well, we stopped a Martha’s but she a& Joan were gone, I, left her two small loaves of my brown & white bread, we stopped & ate a rie hamberg sandwitch & drank 1/2 pt. of coffee  I went to Wynn

=10= Grant’s & visited while Elbert went & did the shopping he saw Pa & Martha in the Fisher Store, M. isnt very well, her stomach is bad, Pa had been out fishing and caught 38 nice pike. so we left for home stopped in Vermilion got salt & fish & new generator for stove, came home to find Mr. May here in the garden, he takes his share & then some each time and the O’neils are greedy, when they come also. We had fish for supper & I’m so tired after riding. 

Fri.  I cleaned up the house some what & got my dress ready to stitch in the morning. lovely day  Thurs. and today also. The Old World have been waring for some time & now it looks as if this side will soon be in it and the bible history will soon be fulfilled. I pray God will forgive me and help me to do His Will, and help all the people to thank Him each day & night for our many blessings  it looks as if this is our last war and Jesus will Soon be coming, I pray He will give me strength faith & courage like that of Daniel. 

Sat.Oct.5.1940.  Cleaned house & went to town bought a pair of arch supports for my shoes, lovely day we bought a very few things for over Sun. to eat got a sweater for Elbert. 

Sun.Oct.6.1940.  We went to Methodist Sun. school & Church, Elbert only went once but hope he’ll go again soon. We had chicken dinner & no company  Today, beautiful day.

Mon.Oct.7.1940.  Rained today, wind blew a gale last night then Elbert & I look over a money book he bought . Didn’t rain much this morning, but been cloudy.

Tue.Oct.8.1940. =11= Nice day only wind’s cold. Nellie, Ella Jane & Bonnita drove in , in time for dinner  We visited some after dinner Ella Jane wants to go to Florida with a Mr. & Mrs. [  blank    ] they both have college educations and think they can help her in her kind of work, but she has to have $35.00 for her car fare & room & meals for a few days, and she was not desided what she could or would do before Sat. Oct.12. 1940. Nellie dug some grape vines to take home & the two girls picked up walnuts & put them in the car  Elbert gave them some dry beans brown one’s & Nellie took a big bunch of dahlias they had to go to Grafton to get John he’s doing some plumbing over there. Bonney is finishing her last yr. of high school. ohny is doing his second yr. high school. Bonney Works nights helping cook for “wear ever” deminstrations she pays for her & Johnys lunches and buys her own clothes a good girl. 

Wed.Oct.9.1940.  I did the wash today its a beautiful day. N. wind is cool but I wrinsed clothes out door. warm enough with out coat or hat. done at 2.p.m. & most all dry. Elbert is working up the ground North of Summer cottage for strawberries  it will take quite a few plants. 

Thurs.Oct.10.1940.  Elbert went prepared to work to Lorain this morning, I didn’t go with him & it was just as well, for he went to work in the Steele plant, helping build wooden forms for con-crete structors of some sort, very nice day an

=12= indian summer day.  did out some washing & then work on my dress a while it was most 7-p-m. when Elbert got here  he ate his supper and went to bed dog tired. 

Fri. Oct.11.  E. went back to work today  it hard heavy work he is doing & tonight he is more tired than last night. I received a nice letter from Flora Glover, and she enjoyed the news paper I sent her about the opening of the new St. and Erie Ave’s bridges  one near the lake joins East Erie and West Erie Ave’s the Street, is called the central high level bridge  I sewed 7 ripped today, it’s so hard to try to fix over a boughten dress  Pa stopped in a few minutes, he’d been out hunting with brother Frank Bonney my youngest brother, he was 50 yrs. old July. 27.  Audrey was 48. yrs. old July 24.  Partly cloudy but nice day. 

Sat.Oct.12.  Clumbus day the day Clumbus discovered America. Elbert went to Lorain by hem self to do the shoping and see about leaving his car to get the clutch fixed, he got back about 3.-30.p-m. I received a nice letter from Annabell yesterday the weather is surely fine so warm one does -n’t need a coat on out side no killing frost yet have a nice bed of dahlias & some house plants blooming good yet. but the leaves have been turning for the passed 3 weeks & are surely beautiful, We have a lot to thank God for

=13= Last Tue. the Nellie & Bonnita & I were trying to dig a few grape roots 7 I got poisen ivy on my feet & legs hands and arms face and neck are, are just a mass of blisters. 

Sun.Oct.13.  I couldn’t go to church I’m a dreadful looking sight, and feel terrible. We had chicken dinner, Elbert cleaned the hen I made the biceo’s “biscuits” before my hands got bad. Sat. We listened to the sermons over the radio morning & evening, but I like to get to Sun school & Church  My but it’s a nice day, Elbert went to Vermilion after dinner & got back for supper. I’ll be so glad when the poisen is gone. 

Mon.Oct.14.1940.  Well I’m able to get about but still look & feel terrible, Elbert has gone to work. the wind is strong, warm, and in the south. no frost yet. Mrs. Helen Syrr, came in & spent the after noon, she has a very hard life with Rue  Elbert came from work as she was leaving. I gave her quite a few plants both house and out door & a giant Bouquet its a beautiful day my face hands & arms & legs are looking quite bad. and feel just as bad. 

Tue.Oct.15.1940. Well God has healed me a-gain for my ivy sores are drying up. Praise His Holy Name. Haven’t heard a word from Nellie. hope she & Bonnita didn’t get ivy on them. I cooked supper had to wash 3. prs. stockings but thank God my legs are better today, it rained in hard showers all night and

=14= toward morn a light hail storm, I thought it would spoil the flowers, but it didn’t we havent had a killing frost yet either Elbert thought he couldn’t work today but it cleared of and was nice only air little more chilly but we have kept a little fire for over a month so we can have heat if we need it. I Praise the Lord for the many Blessings He gives me each day. 

Wed.Oct. 16.  No frost yet, cool nights, it’s  a wonderful day, south wind, warm & clear Sun. Elbert has gone to work. War news is terrible at noon over radio. wind’s gone north at noon  I wrote a letter to Miss. Willitt’s today. to ask her to pray for me and anoint my handkercheif this poison on me is terrible. 

Thurs. Oct.17.1940.  I washed out part of the washing but couldn’t finish, showery today. Elbert got in the day & has gone & come softly,  though he’s  tired most to death, thank God. he’s all right. much colder tonight 

Fri. Oct.18.1940.  Light frost last night, killed some things. Elbert went to work. I couldn’t finish the wash, to tired. I baked 3 loaves of bread 2 brown 1. with raisins in. 1. white loaf. Elbert came late he had some work done to the clutch in his car & he paid for it tonight all so, he was laid off tonight to, but was told he would be called back again soon. Cool today. 

Sat.Oct.19.1940.  Harder frost last night killing lots of the flowers. snowed, soft snow this morn.  Elbert went to Vermilion for groceries & also got fresh fish for sup-per. & for Sun. dinner  that tasted good to. I picked up 2 bu. walnuts in the shuck and got about as many more to pick up. Elbert lost his wrecking bar on this job. 

=15=  Sun. Oct. 20.  I couldn’t go to Church, I looked so with this ich on me, but am trusting God will heal me so I’ll get there next Sun. We have listened to several sermons on the radio to day, it has been a nice day, partly cloudy and quite a bit colder & war getting worse.

Mon.Oct.21.1940. The Lord has ans. our prayers again, took away the finer, the swelling and dried up that terrible itch, Praise His Holy Name.  Elbert went to Lorain, and I did most of the washing, he got home early and washed out his heavy work shirts, they dried good & he dug a couple rows potatoes I picked up most of them North east  South wind going N.East. 

Tue.Oct.22.1940. Elbert dug two more rows of potatoes and I picked them up one hundred ft. rows. We’re tired. 

Wed.Oct.23.1940. We finished last 3 rows of the irish potatoes, 7 rows in all. Mr. May will have 8. rows. 

Thurs.Oct.24.1940. We dug some sweet potatoes

Fri.Oct.25.1940  We dug the rest of our third of the sweet potatoes. Nellie & Martha & Joan came & had dinner with us. Bonnita has intestinal flu. Nellie came & left here there at home alone. Queer World. 

Sat.Oct.26. 1940. We dug & packed a box of flower roots & plants & shrubs and put in some butter nuts & some sweet potatoes & Elbert went to Vermilion & mailed them to Mrs. Kendall, Morning Sun. Iowa. Mrs. Helen Syr & Mull[?} went with him, she wanted to do some shopping. “fine day.” 

Sun.Oct.27.1940. Beautiful day cool breeze. I went to Church & Praised the Lord Whom I love more than all else we listen to radio services all after noon. then a man

by the Name of Iraland & his wife came in to give Elbert a short wave treatment & explain its aid for aches & pains, it “the machine” costs one hundred & sixty five dollsars. 1.65.00 eash. or one hundred and seventy five dollars if paid in payments and the interest making it about $185.00. Elbert wishes he had it, it’s so warming, it plugs in like a radio. Electric short wave treatment. 

Mon.Oct.28.1940. Elbert has gone to Lorain. the wind is strong North E. and cool sun is shining. Mr. May & O’Neil are digging irish potatoes. I have written a letter to Miss Willitts and one to Mrs. Kendall. We went to Huron and mailed the letters getting cooler I shucked a few walnuts. Elbert bumed his way to town, Lorain & back safely but caught a cold. 

Tue.Oct.29.1940.  I did the washing. Mr. May & O’Neil came back and dug potatoes today, two days from 9.a.m. to 4.p.m. it rained this after noon, We went to Vermilion, Mrs. Helen Syrr. went with us we bought a few groceries and fresh fish, and on the way home it poured rain but was most done by the time, we got home. 

Wed.Oct.30.1940. Mr. May & Mr. O’Neil came & finished digging sweet potatoes & went home with out saying a word to us (gratitude.) I have shucked 3 buckets of walnuts today done the house work & moped the floor & mended my night dress, I bought me 3 union suits yesterday $2.95 per. suit & have to pay for them now, a few dollars at atime. beautiful day. Elbert put most of the potatoes in basement today Oct.30.

Thurs.Oct.31.1940. Well we went to Lorain this morning took Miss Baumgart a bouquet of Polly-anthy roses, still growing, & so pretty. We shopped at Penneys I bought Elbert some underwear & looked at some suits for Fall. We went to Nellie’s, she 

=17= and Ella Jane were papering, Bonnita was doing the washing, the two girls had papered the kitchen then N. & E. had started the living room, I never thought those children would grow up to be so disapointing. Nellie is so agervating no matter what they do or say  that the girls talk to her, as any child-ren should never talk to a parent Ella-Jane was seldom, well, in fact the times were so few that she was naughty I could count them on my fingers, but now she’s perfectly horrible, she says & does things I just can’t believe my eyes & ears, when I see & hear her. Nellies ankles and feet so swollen they are torture make her feel iratable & she doesn’t control her feelings. We ate some sandwitches & had tea after we got there with us. Elbert went to Elyria to look for work  Nellie & I went over to her church they were having a missionary meeting, we got there in time for lunch “cookies & tea” had a nice visit with Rev. Adams his wife & 6 mo. old baby daughter & the Young Man Missionary Mr. Hart. Elbert came to the Church & took Nellie home & then we came on back to Lorain where Elbert had his car looked after there was something wrong with the fan, he has to take car back to get it

=18= fixed. When we got home there was a card in mail box for Elbert to come back to work at Steele Plant & a fine letter for me from Miss Willitts. God Bless Her And I’m so glad & grateful that God took us & brought us in safty. Praise His Name. Elbert bought hisself a jumper to work in. 

Nov.Fri.1.1940.  Elbert has gone to work & it is raining today. south east wind, I have washed dishes took care of chickens 7 straighten up the house & took care of my song birds. Elbert got home about 5. p. m. rained off. I picked up another 1/2 bu. walnuts in shuck. 

Nov.2. Sat. Elbert took a cold& doesnt feel so good, head achs, I straightened up the house aired the bedding made beds & wiped up the floor, beautiful day out side and I long for more time out side. 

Sun. Nov.3. 1940.  Elbert took me to Berlin Hights where I attended Sun. school & church, We had communion services this morning & I sure ask for a testimony concerning my healing, and found another had been healed also. South West wind. 

Mon.Nov.4.1940./  Well, I picked up & cleaned up and did a little writing, Received a wonderful mesage from Miss Willitts, the Minister Rev. Doak called this after noon, we had prayers & a good spiritual talk. it’s colder tonight South west wind  Elbert’s cold is bad but he worked 2 hrs. over time  

Tue.Nov.5.1940./ Elbert went to work, but he is sick, his cold is so bad. Mr. Calvert picked

=19= up Mr & Mrs. Myers then came and ask we to go with them to Ceylon to vote so I went, but I went a gain with Elbert his cold is so bad, he felt sick to his stomach. poor boy. wind S.w. untill 4-p-m. when it went N.W. then it rained hard after dark. Elbert feels so bad. 

Wed. Nov.6./  I did the wash & baked 4 loaves of bread 2. B. & 2. White.  I tired & ansious to know how Elbert is tonight. Cold wind , north penetrating wind 

Thurs.Nov.7./  Elbert worked today his cold is on his lungs as well as in his throat & head. North West Wind today, sun shone through at noon partly cloudy all after noon. Elbert got here at 6-p-m. wasn’t quite dark. Well I sewed some cleaned & scrubbed and my left shoulder is sore and has ached all day, high wind. Elbert got a bag of scratch grain today

Fri. Nov.8.1940./  Elbert went to work I have a bad cold it seem to come on to me as it did Elbert, like flu- nose runs so fast it’s hard to keep it clean  Elbert come & brought the groceries & bag of mash. he feels all in to his cold is so bad  Wind went south had some rain. 

Sat.Nov.9.1940./  We neither could do much to day he went to Huron, he paid bal. of coal bill & took young Helen & Bill Dryer to town with him 5.72 for hair cut & groceries

=20=Sun.Nov.10.1940./ I wasn’t able to go to Church cold gone on my lungs, in my throat  head, nice day to, and here we are inside all day. 

Mon.Nov.11.  felt to bad to work, myself, Elbert has gone to work & it’s raining  Well he worked most of the day, think he said he lost 2. hrs.and the wind sure has been & is blowing  a gale from the south west, wires were down this side of under cut  Elbert & lots of others had to go back and deture several miles to get back on highway to get home, he was late but somehow I felt  it might be he had to go out of his way to get there, I felt so bad, I wasn’t out side today. seemed some times like the wind was surely going to lift us up, even the birds Jimy & Dicky talked about it . Well, I wasn’t afraid, and God took care of all of us. Wind is blowing  yet. 

Tue.Nov.12.1940./  Wind blowing rain and froze on east windows. Elbert went to work, but I’m feeling sort of dead  I swept & straightened up the house & have done the cooking right along think I’m better, but have to cough hard takes the vim out of me. not very cold. I took care of chickens today got the mail, “a letter from the Cleveland Trust Bank from Cleveland” that will have to see Mr. Keep. I did a bit of washing & cooked supper. Wind did out tonight when the sun went down, Elbert came a 6-p-m. he left his car at the garage 7 came in an old ford. going to cost him 18 dollars or more to get it fixed, but Praise God, he takes care of us, I’m so thankful. 

Wed.Nov.13.  Wind blew but not so hard shifted to N.W. going N.East at 4-30. Elbert worked today, got his card to

=21= go to the Ship Yard to work. he was so tired tonight. I did the chores befoere dark, except the water & coal. Postman left Elberts work card in Soyss’s box and only put some add’s in ours. 

Thurs. Nov. 14.1940/  Elbert got up late, poor boy had to go with his breakfast and he has such a cold, he ought to have something hot in him. Nov.14. Thurs.1940.  I forgot to make place for the date. can’t find the red bottoms I bought. I found the one’s Elbert got for me. it’s queer what has become of them. Well the N.E. wind makes it colder today. Now I have to feed hens & do chores. Elbert came 15minutes to 6, he got done on job at plant  wind went N.West little colder froze birds water dish out side. 

Fri.15.1940 /  Rabbit season started this morn. Elbert went to ship yard towork this morn. I washed today & did all the chores, I’m tired.  Elbert’s knee is hurting him again, I hope it’s better in the morn.  it snowed a light snowearly this morn, wind N.East is penatrating, I saw a big flock of wild geese today  the bigest ones I’ve seen in a good While; flying low going toward the Lake, and they looked as if they were covered with ice.  Elbert got here early tonight  wasn’t dark yet. Hope it will be better for him to work in the ship-yard, and that he can work steady.

Sat.Nov.16./  Month half gone, but Spring always looks best to me. God  Received my check today had been out on the 7th. of Nov. I baked 2 White loaves of bread 6 rusk buscuits and double batch of doughnuts and done up all the dirty dishes, finished just before Elbert got here, in his own car. He dug the dahalias this morn & half the this morn  Wind N.W. snowed a gale W.S.W. 4-30-p-m. glads-

=22=  it was almost 6 p.m. when he came home, his knee is hurting him so bad tonight & he is so tired. So am I. 

Sun.Nov.17. 1940./  My cough is so bad and gets after my kidneys so, I can’t go any where, and I like to go to Church more than anywhere I know of. Wind was and is S.W. mostly cloudy today  Elbert’s knee still hurting him he put up the storm door this morn & finished bringing in the glad bulbs then slept in the big chair a while tonight about 5-p-m he thought he’d go cash my check & get him-self some lunch meat for tomorrow & he couldn’t get the car started  he went to Huron got another battery, but still it wouldn’t start  I got him to go to Syrrs to see if Rue was home, but Helens brother was there, and he come & soon had it fixed it was the distributer points “were wet.” Now he has gone for meat & cash, hop0e he can get off to work on time in morning, Wind is South W. but mostly west. [?} Runs O.K. 

Mon.Nov.18.1940./ Well Elbert got away in time and he worked all day, it’s been a warm beautiful day  I received a card from Mrs. Kendall saying she got the box of plants O.K. and sweet potatoes.  I shucked out half bu. of walnuts today done a dib of wash’ing took car of hens & don’t my house work & was ready when Elbert came and went to Huron with him to take the battery back, I paid $6.68 for my shoes & arch. suports at Mrs. G [blank] & bought 11.yds. of tennis.

=23=  for a night gown  I gave Nellie the piece I bought for myself, now I owe for this piece & my under wear yet, we came home & I changed my clothes & cooked fish  Elbert had brought  & the potatoes were most done when we left. We ate I washed dishes & we went to bed. 

Tue.Nov.19.1940/ I finished the washing today . Wind went clear around last night to the south again this morn. Warm, quite a good breeze all day, yesterday was scarcely any breeze. Clothes dried fast today.  I put the walnuts out in the sun & breeze to dry yesterday & today & they are real dry.  Elbert worked all day & brought me pink, blue, & white yard to make baby booties, and I must soon get after them. Elbert has to work tomorrow but will be home Thurs.21. Rovelts thanksgiving, but we are just going to have a plain dinner & chicken for Sun. 

Wed.Nov.20. 1940./  Well it’s been a rainy morning but cleared up some didn’t rain in after noon but was cloudy, Elbert worked all day and came home safe Praise the Lord.  I received a letter from Miss Mc.Govern & a few lines from Ella Jane  asking us out for Thanks-giving dinner.  I baked a custard pie and two apple pies and a big two layer cake in my long pan  I frosted it and put nut meats on the top for Bonney Bells birth-day  she will be 17 yrs. old Nov.24.1940.  and is my youngest sister’s youngest daughter  Bonney Bell will finish high school this coming June. 1941. and is going to train for a nurse in Elyria Hospital  I like her. 

Thurs.Nov.21.1940/  We went to John’s & Nellie’s for dinner  I took the cake and a pint of cranberry sauce, they had a fine dinner roast turkeys 2 big one’s, dressing and squash; sweet potatoes, carots gravey and lettuce leaves with a slice of jelly half a pear & cottage cheeze, olives, celery & pickles cream & sugar for coffee & tea, pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Pa & Gertie  Audrey, Martha & Merlin &  three children, Jim, Jean & Joan were there & Nellie, John and three of there child-ren, Ella Jane, Bonney Bell and Johny, Jr..  Bonita had gone out for dinner with her George. [    blank] to whom she is engaged.  It has been a beautiful day & I enjoyed the ride and my dinner, but not my visit, Gertie had to tell such a big lie at the dinner table, and I can’t enjoy being with them and listening to such horrible lies, but she or pa userally has to spoil a good time before its half over.  I ask Nellie for a male bird ceanary” she let me have one, but grudgingly, she is so selfish with me, I wouldn’t have ask, only Miss Mc.Govern wanted one, and I only had one singer and my old bird left, and I gave Nellie her male bird, I bought it to, just for her, and then gave Ethel a female & Nellie bird them she promised me a good singer with a cap on his head like the one I gave her, but she was so selfish she only gave me two females, that I didn’t care for and she hardly knew whether to let me khave them or not, but she finally let me have a male bird today a yellow one, but I’ll pay for it by & by, Martha ask me if I was an indian giver, after all I’ve done for the lot of them Well, I’ll try never to ask an other favor of any 

=25= one of them from now on, we had thought we wouldn’t go there again for a holiday dinner, but we foolishly went a-gain, Elbert wouldn’t have gone only for me. I think we should forgive & forget, but how can we ?  So from now on we will be so busy or have some honest excuse, and stay away, I love them, but not , the way they love me. I don’t see any reason, to my always trying to hurt some one.  So we have decide to save our nerves, and them the extra trouble. Well, it started to rain before we got home, we were on the Vermilion river road when it started to rain before we got home, we were on the Vermilion river road when it started to sprinkle, but it didn’t rain untill after we got home & we went up to Holidays gas station for gas & milk a mile on up the high-way from our road, and now its raining & a high wind blowing from the south.  Bonney Bell bought and paid for her own graduation ring.  I pray God Will help her to always use good judgement.  Well Elbert has to work tomorrow & has gone to bed so guess I’ll go to bed also. 

Fri.Nov.22.1940./  Elbert went to work, it turned out to be a beautiful warm day. I washed & wiped up the floor took care the hens, I let out one pen, untill they went in and then I let the other pen out.  then had to go shut them in, when they went in. then take in my wash & got things ready for supper & to go to town tomorrow. Wind went N after dinner & got a little colder penetrating cold. Elbert came  we had oysters & fish. for supper & apple pie  I baked 2 & 1 custard pie Wed. and baked a two layer cake for Bonney Bell’s birthday 

Nov.23. Sat./ She seemed pleased with it. I finished paying for, the 3 girls sweaters today Sat. 

Sun.Nov.24.1940. I saw Mr. Keep about a letter from the Cleveland Trust today & had a little visit

=26= and I stopped and talked with Wyn Grant  for 15 or 20 miutes  Virginia came to from work while I was there  they said Gertie’s story was a lie for they didn’t talk about any thing of the kind while they were there and that they were only there 15 or 20 min.  Such a World.  They Were over to Georgia’s for dinner & said every one was as well as usual, said they meet Ethel & she invited them to come over to visit if they seemed real pleased about it, they also saw Ella Jane. Well every one’s talking about Jessie Wheeler  she’s ingaged to be married and Mrs. Hobbs is giving a shower for a bride to be.  Wyn & Virginia said they received and invitation and was going, it seems all the rest of the family but us has been in-vited. No one seem to know the man’s name but they do say he’s a widower with one son married and a 16 yr. old daughter and he has a home in Detroit Mich.  I bought 6 big wash rags for 5 cents a piece and 3 smaller one’s for 10 cents. and I had a piece of goods for a house dress & a piece for a good dress and to pieces of linen toweling unbleached laid away that I will owe $4.00 for. We got home 2.p.m. it started to sprinkle rain before we left Lorain very light let up when we got into Vermilion  Elbert got a pt. of ice cream we ate it before supper  I didn’t have any thing to eat alday untill we got home after we ate and rested a little  we feed the hens and trimed the center rambler rose on the end of the house, but didn’t get it all done We didn’t get it tied up

=27= Sat.Nov.23. so will have to finish some other time as the one’s on either side have not been trimed yet and the one Frank called his in front of the hen house has to have a new post set as well as trim-ed and none of the others have been trimed yet  I hope to do that this week if the weather stays nice, it isn’t cold tonight, but been raining a steady drizzle all evening.  I want to go to Sun. school & Church in the Morning; And, I’d liike to ans. some letters. Elbert bought a hen all dressed of Mrs Knettle to night and he cut it up & put it on to cook so it will be partly cooked for tomorrows dinner.  Wind is South West. Now I must go to bed. 

Sun.Nov.24. 1940./  Well, Bonney Bell is 17 yrs. old today, and is have a dinner & girl friends for dinner.  I went to Church today & hope to get better acquainted, and to help with the church work. We took Mrs Hildabrant home & she loaned me one of Miss Willitts books called “Is Healing emotional psychology or does it actually come from God?” I have read it and Miss. Willitt’s thinks as I do. We had chicken dinner today, it was cloudy today and rather cool.  I took a little more cold Sat. But trust I’ll be O.K. soon. Wind north damp and penetrating. 

Mon.Nov.25.1940./  Well it was cloudy untill 10-a.m. sun came through cold & white cloudy most the afternoon.  I finished the stitching on my silk dress & did a little on one house dress & hemed 5 hand towels, the cleaned up my sewing & filled the stove with coal, empted ashes fed hens & locked the coop and opened car shed for Elbert, carried 1. pail of water.

=28= from cystern and one from the well & got my supper started  Elbert got here a 5-30-p-m. he brought Helen Syrr from Lorain and her groceries, and he paid 10 more on his repair bill, on the car he has paid $25.00 now & got 19 more to pay. Well I dont know what I will do in the morn. I ought to sew & I ought to wash the wind has been north east all day  I have not felt very good today, neither has Elbert. but he worked all day & is sleeping now. 

Tue.Nov.26.1940./  Month most gone  my how time seems to be flying past.  Wind went N.East. 10-30-a-m. tried to rain 11. raining, 12 light snow! 2-p-m. snowing and hailing, haile size of shot come so hard could hardly see house next door, eased up at 4-p-m. , wet crusty snow. I got my feet soaked going out to do chores & get the mail, I’ll have to have some over shoes soon, Elbert came with wet feet and his coat and sweater wet  Hope he keeps dry today for he don’t seem to get rid of his cold. I cut of the old blanket coat “Dan. Mc.Carthy gave Frank” for Elbert a work coat, got it most fixed and run out of thread, black thread, hunted every thing through but can’f ind a bit, such luck.  I washed out most of the clothes this morning & then did the ironing, then did some sewing  Wind gone S. West fog horn is blowing and sounds so loud Rained a little  enough to coat the car shed doors with ice. But I Praise the Lord he has taken care of us alday. 

Wed.Nov.27./  I’m so tired tonight I found a little thread . 

Nov.30.  I fix a piece of facing for a hem on the bottom of E’s. coat & got to button holes worked over, got two more to do & the pockets to replace. I tied the threads on five new towel ends done the chores took care of my carnarys & cleaned & fried two white fish for supper, cook some irish potatoes & a big piece of gray hubard squash.  I made biscuits & apple dumplins last night for supper.

=29= Wed.27.1940./  Well it is wet and cold out snowed some today  I wash the meat & got it boiling “lamb shoulder” for tomorrows supper, E. is out trying to fix his wind sheild wiper, so guess I’ll go see if I can hold the light for him. Well he had it done by the time I got there, but I held the flash light while he put the canvas over the radiator to keep out the cold air. the new windsheild wiper works good. Wind went west this morn, went South sometime this after noon and North West tonight quite cold. & I’m tired tonight  Elbert hurt his back today.  I bathed it with Linement

Thurs.Nov.28./ Elbert has gone to work, he isn’t feeling very well, has a cold, seems to catch a little more every day, and his back and legs and stomach trouble him all the time. Cloudy untill 2-p-m. sun came through for an hour or so, damp penetrating S. West wind, spits with rain, then a light snow, just wet enough to be slippery, Elbert met Jessie up town & she told him what a superize she got Wed. night. Mrs. Hobbs gave a brides shower for her, there was a big crowd [blank] people or more, all classes, Tommy McGuire & his wife & Mrs. Morris Grant & Virginia, and Audrey & Martha gave a set of dishes , she received a heap of very beautiful gifts, they didn’t invite us. I finished the washing this morn. & sewed, made myself a night gown, Elbert brought black thread, fruit, and nuts & yeast cakes. He’s just dead tired tonight but I did all the chores. 

Fri.Nov.29./ Ma’s birthday she would be 84. yrs. old.  I wanted to have some of her pictures printed one for pa & Gertie and one for each of the other children but I have to depend on E. to take me place so I didn’t allway get done the things I’d like to do, but maybe I’ll get it done yet. It’s trying to rain, snow wet & slopy  Well I’ll took care of the chickens & mixed the bread in hard loaf. 

Fri.Nov.29.1940./ =30= Wind south going S.W. tried to rain turned colder Elbert came tired and hungry  I did all the chores. 

Sat.Nov.30.1940./  Cloudy day it has both rained & snowed to-day & tonight wind went N. East & back today to S.W. I finished E’s work coat today, it does tire me to sew on any thing so heavy any more.  baked 2 white & 2 brown loaves of bread yesterday, was so sick I threw up before I could leave supper table but am better today & hope to get to Sun school & church in morning. 

Sun.Dec.1.1940./ 31, days & this month will be gone & also this year.  Elbert took me to Sun school & church, and in the evening we went back to hear a lecture on the bible, that turned out to be an add. for the sale of bibles & bible literature and they took up a collection for it. Rev. Doak gave us a short reading and talk & had those Who came, sing two or three hyms. We went over and visited with Mrs. Hilderbrant for an hr. or so. it was after nine oclock when we left church for home  cloudy day & snowing tonight. 

Mon.Dec.2.1940.  Just did the regular rounds today Elbert worked. I did a little sewing & all the chores. Elbert seemed to feel real bad when he got here. but I had hot ginger for him & after he ate he felt better, snowing & blowing in showers all day. S.W. wind. 

=30= Tue.Dec.3.1940. E. has gone to work, it has snowed and blowed all day morn. sun came through all afternoon 4-20 began to snow again, Elbert came tired & his cold tight; but hot soup & supper fixed him up some what, I Pray the Lord will take away his cold & give him more strength, I’m so sorry for him he’s so tired at night and it a long drive down & back 36 miles per day from 5-a-m to 6-p-m.WEll I made John’s pajames today got them all done but buttons & button holes & rubber in the back of pants belt. I had Elbert get two sweaters for Johny Jr. V.neck, & no sleeves. $2.03, , snowed & blowed again tonight Wiind S.West. 

Wed.Dec.4.1940. Lenard Bonney’s birthday today & Uncle Harve & Aunt Corneal & Len. all dead now.  Well I did the most of the washing today, all but Elbert’s sleepers & his work shirts, I hurt my right arm some how carrying water & rubbing to much, don’t know if I’ll be able to finish them in the morn. snowed & blowed  in showers today was cold last night down to 10 degrees, Elbert’s car didn’t want to start this morn, but he finially got it going & got to work on time, worked alday & got home O.K. poor boy I’m so sorry we are so far from his work & now must fix his lunch for morning & go to bed. Fog horn blowed alday & still at it, We heard a steamer come into Huron about 10-p-m. tonight. 

Thurs.Dec.5.1940.  Cloudy, Elbert went to work  I felt so bad I slept late then cleaned up the house  wiped up the floor & put clean papers down to walk on took care of birds & hens & did the chores except bringing the water  Elbert got a birthday card from Easel today, the wind is North West. Sunshine from 9 am till sun down, clouded up at 9-p-m. ring round the moon.

=32= Fri.Dec.6.1940. Elbert is 58. yrs. old to-day and gone to work, it’s been quite a nice day  lots of wind S. West. & he brought the grain & groceies & got hear tired but safe wind is blowing hard tonight. I finished the wash then ironed then made a custard and one apple pie & then made my un-der skirt & darned two pair socks & two pair stockings. done all the chores and got to get coal yet. to fix fire for the night its 20 mi. to 12.oc’lock. 

Sat.Dec.7.1940.  Elbert got a birthday greeting card in envelope yesterday from Nellie our sister. 

Sat.7.Dec. We went to Lorain. Elbert got had too new tires put on his car 19.00 he paid & turned in old one’s and some odd cents. 39.00 garage bill he’s paid 30.00 of that & still more fixing to do on it. We went to Penneys I bought my over shoes 98 cents & I bought 2.00 worth of yarn & 1.20 for curtain goods. I took the sweater out to Nellie’s 1. for Ella Jane 1 for Bonita 3. for Bonney Bell 2. for Johny. I gave Bonney Bell 1 a mo or so ago the makes 8 sweaters Johnys were 98 cents each the girls 1.98 each & the tax 6 cents each, $14.26.  Elbert took me to Nellies, I gave Nellie goods 6 yds. for a night gown $1.14 and one piece of goods for house dress $1.38 & too 5 cent wash rags, 10 cents and John a suit of paama’s $1.00  I I made the pajama’s. they act as if that wasn’t anything  Oh yes, I gave Bonney two white colors & a pin 60 cents more  They don’t even write and thank me for them, so may-be they would rather help them selves, boy the looks of things. and I think I’ll let them. $18.02 that’s lots of money and I only get $15.00 per. mo. & paid for all those things in 1 or 2 dollar payments. owe for my own un-der wear yet & night gown. & I have to have stockings.  Bonney graduates this Spring. I met & talked to Fred’s wife Ethel & daughter Laura Ann & Edith & Carl Wagner. We called on Uncle. Will Wheeler & Pa & gave them some sweet Potatoes. I call on Evelyn she & baby have a cold.

=33= We took Pearl back to town with us, then hit out for ome stopped in Vermilion bought a few groceries then came home. I got my check Dec.7. & spent it most all today. tired, Oh, boy. 

Sun.Dec.8.1940. We went to Sunday school & Church quite a few there was given a nice bunch ed flowers I stopped & gave Helen a few of them she’s been sick. Then we came home & cook fish for dinner and rested the rest of the day  Praise the Lord.  

Mon.Dec.9.1940.  I aired all the bedding & made up the beds swept & cleaned up the house & wrote a letter to Flora Glover & crocheted a little tonight. Elbert worked all day, was late to night. We had fish for supper. I fed a bum today noon, he carried a heavy pack on his back was terrible dirty said he was going to his folks in Cleveland that he was so dirty no one wanted to feed him, he was tired hungry & cold I gaave him hot coffee 2 big cups & a pt bottle full in his pocket, Elbert saw him in Vermilion tonight he was foot sore to had walked from Minasota. What a queer world High wind tonight seems as if it would lift us sometimes. N.E.Wind. it was in the South most alday. 

Tue.Dec.9.1940.  Got a card from Rev & Mrs. Doak saying they enjoyed the bread I sent them. I did part the washing or most of it today & did the chores Elbert worked & went & come safe man came & got his car at the yard & brought it back 

Wed.Dec.11.1940. Wind went N.East cloudy all morn & snow & rain this after noon & evening I didn’t do much today  crocheted some & shucked out 1/2 bu. walnuts & done chores Elbert & worked got home early. I got letter from Nellie today, she said she was wearing John & new birthday pajamas, she sure got lots of nerve. Elbert got Birthday card from Nora & a letter, still raining 11-p-m. dreary dark day. 

Thurs. Dec.12.19I crocheted fast got get chair back all crocheted 7 one arm piece started  Elbert worked yesterday but went to Dr. to get bones put back in place today he

=34= Thurs. 12.  got home early said he felt a little better but his back was still paining him, it rained all day and yet tonight, another dark day. Wind gone N.East. 

Fri.Dec.13. 1940./  Well Elbert has gone to work it’s a dark day again, but not raining, as yet. I have to bake bread, wash, E’s under wear, put walnuts in bag to send to Flora, turn up the bottoms of Elberts overalls, and iron & scrub the floor. got most of it done all but the overalls & ironing, got the chores done, had to carry 4 pails of water to wash with. this morn. baked 2 brown & 2 white loaves of bread swept & wiped up floor, made soup for supper, fed the hens gave them fresh water opened car shed doors for E. got a basin of feed out of grainery for tomorrow empted ashes & carried up a pail of coal, pay man from Shinrock for 3 bails of straw $1.80 for hen house. dried all the clothes in the house & they are all dry but E’s. under wear it’s part wool & heavy to handle, Elbert’s back pains him bad to night, I bathed it & he’s gone to bed, he took another treatment before he came home to-night, he bought a hen for Sunday dinner.  Colder, freezing today & tonight tried to snow today. Wind North east.  Sat. We will mail Flora’s letter & ship the walnuts express from Vermilion Ohio. must get in bed now. I received another card from Mrs. Hildebrandt this morn. 

Sat.Dec.14.1940./  We went to Vermilion & sent the walnuts to Flora, and I mailed her a letter also. then we went to Berlin Hights to talk to the undertaker Mr. Hinman about Frank’s pension money he did [this could be didn’t]  seem interested & said he’d see what he could do to help me I pray God will lead them & help me to be able to have that pension it could & would be a great help in a lot of good ways.

=35= Sat.14.  We stopped & had quite a visit with Mrs. Hildebrandt. The sun shone most of the day partly cloudy at times, quite cold out. 

Sun.Dec.15.1940./  Well Elbert took me to Sun school & Church there were quite afew there this morn. We stopped on our way home to talk to Mr. Haufman about help me to get afidavits for my pension. chilly out doors. We had chicken for dinner  I made biscuites for dinner creamed irish potatoes after we did the chores we went back to Berlins Hights and took the preacher & his wife & baby, part of the chicken gravy a tin of biscuits, a loaf of brown bread some sugar & flour-crisco, macironi, tapiocia, corn starch, barley, coffee, onions, apples, oranges, 1. can, beans, corn & spinage a cjar of honey a squash & 1/2 potatoes, few sweet rest irish and a winger bouquet of bitter sweets indian tobaco & evergreens.  They did seem extra happy but they needed butter, eggs, crisco, vegetables & a sack of flour. bakiing powder & soda. Elbert isn’t feeling very well, he seems to have taken more cold & his back and legs ach so much of the time, We talked half an hour or so with Mrs. Hildebrandt & came home Elbert ached so bad & I’m so tired But we Praise the Lord He takes care of us. I thank Him so much.

Mon. Dec.16.1940./  Month half gone. Elbert went to work said he might be back soon for it was starting to rain, but it didn’t rain sun comes through now and again, white, maybe going to get colder south West Wind quite fresh & I’m to tired to work, but have swept & wiped up the floor & done a few odds & end  wind gone North east. Elbert came home sick, bone out in back of, his neck, he ate his supper & I bathed & rubbed his neck & the bone went back in place & he 

=36= is sleeping now, and the ground is covered with a light snow and it’s colder & freezing. 

Tue.17.Dec. 1940./ month over half gone; Elbert has gone to work, he feels better this morn. I washed & dried the clothes in the house today. carried all the water to & done all the chores tonight. & got supper  Elbert got here 6-15-p-m. I wrote a few lines to Mrs. Hildebrandts. & crocheted some. now I’ll fix the fire & go to bed  freezing a little tonight

Wed.19.Dec.1940./  Elbert went to work his back & legs still troubling him. I made part of the new curtains today did the odds & end & got supper did the chores, I hurt my back & right hip joint yesterday, can hardly walk today, then after supper E. said we’d go to Berlin Hights to see & hear the school children act & speak & sing Christmas pieces & songs, we had to stand up so we didn’t stay to see it all, we went to Mrs. Hildebrandts to see if they were going to Loraiin with us Sat. I lefet an exchange gift, a linen handkercheif with a pink edge  I crocheted on it. I have felt alalong they wouldn’t go to Lorain. Sat. but she thought they would. Chilly damp air not freezing. 

Thurs. Dec.19.1940./  Well E. went to work & I been washing windows all day, My hip joint went back into place this morn but where they is as sore as a boil hurts to step, but Praise the Lord, He heard me praying most all night & He fixed The Lord Is my shepard I shall not want  He makest mee to lie down in green pastures He leadest me by the still waters Thy rode and Thy staff they comfort me Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. Thou pre-parest a table before my enemys my cup runest over surely goodness & mercy will follow me all the day of my life. Amen; So tired at 4-30-p-m Helen got off the school buss on my drive just as I was feeding the hens, so I feed & came in the house with her, she had brought me a letter to mail to Miss. Willett’s & one to me saying she couldn’t go Sat. boys party had been changed to Sat. afternoon. quite warm for this times of year no snow ground soft  S.West Wind.

=37= Fri.Dec.20.1940./  Elbert brought me a 1941. calender from Nagle’s store Vermilion Ohio, E. has gone to work. Wind S.West & looks like rain. I received a K’Ma’s card from Mrs. Noderer & Ethel & Laura Ann Bonney Elyria Ohio for Elbert & I. and one from Mrs. S. Gyuy’s washington D.C. to me, yesterday. Got a card from Annabel, Miss Mc Govern, Georgia Rosencrancs, Wyn & Virginia Grant, Mrs. Hildebrandt, John & Nellie & family,  Martha & Merlin & Family, Bonney, Edd & Martha Kendall Nashville Tenn  Rev. & Mrs. Webb of Vermilion Ohio & Mrs. Helen Green & one from teh Sarr Family all for X’Ma’s & for Elbert and I. it has been quite cloudy not very cold. 

Sat.Dec.21.19409./  We went to town “Lorain” today I been washing windows & put up new curtians & tired, Oh boys. We saw Martha & Merlin & Wyn & Virginia, Elbert went up to Dr. Sifflin took a treatment. I bought 90 cents  worth of “cards X’Ma’s” streets crowded with cars & people, We got home intime to feed the chicken & we went clear on up to Huron before we came home  I got a doz for Jim, Jean & Joan and a turtle with a colored man on his back riding, they are to wind up & then they crowd & wiggle it’s head the dog does flip flops  I got some red stockings, for the girls & for Laura Ann Bonney  We cook fish for supper warm & damp.

Sun.Dec.22.1940./  We went to Church & Sun. school & it has been a nice day Praise God.

Mon.Dec.23.1940/  I washed & the last of the windows and finished putting up the curtains it‘s tires me most to death. Elbert worked today, but his back is still bad  I cleaned the stand shelf, birds loungey [not sure what this word is]  -& wiped up the floor  its been a beautiful day, and I thank God for it.  We went to Huron & E. took a treatment  I felt to tired to go, but he wanted me to go

=38= Tue.Dec.24.1940./  I swept & wiped up the floor changed the table done the chores 7 40-11 odds and end, it was a nice day 60 degrees out side Elbert & I went to Huron after supper & he took another treatment, he sure feels bum, and look it.

Wed. Dec.25.1940. Christmas day /  We went to Martha’s for dinner had baked ham, sweet potatoes, creamed irish potatoes, dressing, salid, apple & pumpkin pie with whipped cream and what nots, I enjoyed the children Jim Jean & Joan, they spoke there S’Ma’s pieces & sung their songs & Jim kept time with his new drum  John & Nellie, Ella Jane, Bonney Bell & Johny were there but pa & Gertie didn’t come, Gertie told Evelyn, she was tired of doing all the dishes after each Holiday meal, and that I had promised her a dress and had failed to give it to her, she didn’t know if she wanted the dress When I talked with her about it and seemed so fussy about it, I decided she didn’t want it but I’ll send her a dress right away and one other she can make over. This is a queer world, full of sorrow & greif May God help me to do the good things, He would that I should do, for His sake I love my Master most of All., Praise God from Whom all blessing flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him all yea Heavenly Host Praise Father son & Holy Ghoest, Amen.  Elbert has gone to bed, so, I think I’ll begoing. I bought Jim a mecanical turtle & ean & Joan red stockings & Laura Ann Bonney books & stockings. We got three wash rags from some unknown party found them in the car and Martha gave us a candy cane, a small one 7 or 8 inches Long. and God blessed us by Taking and bringing us safly, that was Our Christmas Gifts

=39= Thurs.Dec.26.1940./  Elbert has gone towork, I did most all the washing today & carried 4 big pails of water, wiped up the floor, done the chores & got the supper & washed up the supper dishes, got things ready for to get breakfast for Elbert. , dark all morning sun shone through at 12-30 and at interval s during after noon Wind Went North east but it’s to warm to wear a coat cooler tonightj, a little raining at 9-p-m, misty rest of the night and oh, so dark. 

Fri.Dec.27.1940./ Elbert went to work, I finished the washing all but the socks & my stockings, carried water, its to much to carry the water then wash, done the chores & got the supper and done up supper dishes. I feel so terrible foged out, so tired seems as if I just can’t endure it. But I thank the Lord he took Elbert safe & brought him safe, both he & his car, and he bought the grocierys, I thank God for taking care of me & giving me enough strength to do the washing carry water & do all the odds and ends. It has been a dark day, fog was so thick all morning  I traveled in mind & spirit all the way with Elbert to the ship yard, although the fog lifted after he got into Lorain, but it has been thick all day & so dark no sun today, rained hard tonight at 7-30-p-m. wind still N.East and more chilly today. Got a X’Mas card & a 1 dollar bill from Morning Sun Iowa in yesterdays mail and a X’Ma’s card from Flora, North Clymer, New York; they both wrote a few lines to me and I do love to get a few lines.

Dec.Sat.28.1940./ Received a few lines from Miss. Willitts  Elbert & I went to Huron & Vermilion today  Jimmy Helen Sarr went with us & did some shopping for ther mother. I got a dress for Gertie it’s very pretty, a silk rayon, ” a wash dress” $3.00  Well I sure feel all tired out sort of worthless. wind very light and North east fogy, thick, with rain all morning all after noon & evening, drizzle until 11-p-m. fog lifted & it rained hard. no. sun. any time today. So we will have a wet dreary April according to todays weather 

=40= Dec.Sun.29.1940./ Well it’s raining but Elbert & I went to church & Sun. school and some how Mrs. Hildebrandt came home to dinner with me, she had let the two little boys go to their Aunt’s home in Cleveland & Russel went home after church & ate a lunch & was going with the Hasting’s boy some where, she said she’d be alone all after noon & ask if Elbert & I would come to her house for dinner, but I had promised  Elbert to come home, so she came with us & had dinner & spent the after noon & evening Wind went N.West about 2-p-m. sun today this is for May gave her the silk dress Miss Mc Govern gave me. rain turned to snow & it was wet & the wind sheld wipers didn’t work very good , but we took her home & got back safe, still snowing hard. 

Dec.mon.30.1940./  Well it snowed all night & blowed snow 10. ins. to 1 ft. deep here & wet & slushy, snowing  When Elbert left for work this morn. at 6-15-a-m. North west wind very light. quite warm out no sun. today, wind went south at 6-p-m. light breeze. quite warm & thawed a lot, trees & bushes were loaded with snow tis morn. it really looked like X’Ma’s , but thawed off by noon; wet under food. and today is for June. boys oh, boys. 

Dec.Tue.31.1940./ No. Sun. Elbert gone to work, it’s thawing a little, light South West breeze. I felt to punk to work yesterday & only did usual chores & things about the house & that’s all I’m going to do today.  Elbert got a few lines from Mrs Hildebrandt saying she had enjoyed her dinner and was glad for the dress and so forth, she gave us a small pork fruit cake with green candy leaves & red C.candys for half berries on white frosting. No sun. yet today & this for July.  Well sun came out 2-p-m. this after noon & stayed until 4-p-m. It’s quite warm with S. wind but the snow is quite deep, yet. I only did house work & c hores today and feeling bum. 

Jan.1.Wed.1944./ New Years Day Elbert & I were home all day, he does the chores when he is here  my hip is partlys out of joint hurts me to walk more than I can tell today is for Aug. weather, nice sun un-till 2.p.m. warmed up & tried to rain, Wind N.E. sky full of wind

=41=  -skuds and quite warm tonight. I thank God for our Blessings. 

Jan.Thurs.2.1941./  Elbert went to work  and I did the washing & house work & chores and hip hurts me so bad can’t hardly walk or steop on right ft. Weather for Sept. / Wind went south & it rained like April showers with sun coming through at times, wind went West in middle of day.3.p.m. Wind N. West & got a little colder, so looks like quite a nice Sept. Elbert came limping in tonight his knee is hurti ng him began to hurt at 3.P.m. Elbert gone to work. I could hardly get dressed my hip is so bad, but I have done the most ncessary things & the chores except the ashes and water  he done those & his knee is so bad, he is limping bad tonight. Weather for Oct. South wind sun shines through at intervals all morning  lots of dark clouds & wind clouds quite warm groun d hasn’t frozen all winter only crust on topo once is now wet & soft even slushy sun shone all after noon from 3.p.m. untill sun down /White sun/  wind went west a 3.p.m. I dried some clothes out doors its been a nice day  looks like wed have a mild Oct & it is moon light tonight. I am praying day & night God will put my hip joint back, I believe He will.

Sat.Jan.4.1941./  Well I only done the most necessary things & Elbert rested. Wed. night he went to Berlin hights for milk ‘3 bottles” called on the Minister to see how they were fixed for eats, his wife is sick & his folks taking care of them, and he call on Mrs. Hildebrandt. to let her know I wasn’t fit to get out & I don’t think I can go to church as it has turned colder & I cought cold & my hip0 & knee are to badly swollen, Knee went out of joint, but I prayed all night & both knee & hip went back into place  they are sore. didn’t do only meals today  Sun. shone all day a little cloudy early this morn. cold sun & wind, west & sure cold  windows all frosted this a.m. north west wind tonight & freezing. So looks like a cold Nov.



Jan. Fri. 2. 1942./149/ Elbert was home today wind blew all night & allday eased off tonight, cleared off & moon is bright  air frosty basement windows are all covered with frost  I didn’t get much done today  washed out a few, wash rags & light pieces of mine, some towels & dish towels & dried them in the house. Elbert put 1. bale of straw in farther pen & some in the nests. he took kthe dirty straw out  We ought to get two more bales.

Jan. Sat. 3. 1942./ sent letter to Columbus for reading.  Elbert went to Lorain and I washed out the remainder of the dirty clothes & then 2 sheet blankets & dried everything in the house. Elbert helped get the supper, my stomach is so tired, We ate & then went to Huron & Elbert telephoned to Rev. Buturin, he was alone, so we talked in the car for 10 or 15 minutes. He said he’d like to talk to Mrs. Moher & some of the rest, so I suggested we take a ride over, he say O.K. & went in the house & got his coat. We went up town in Berlin Hights, there was a light in the Hall, so I went in, I talked to Mr. & Mrs. Moher awhile then, Elbert & Rev Buturin came in, they talked a while, then we went over to Mrs. Mohers home taking her & leaving him there  we talked about this & that, & Opal was there at last the minister & Mrs. Moher went aside & talked awhile then came back to us & Mr. Moher came, we visited a bit longer, then took Minister home & came home our selves. Oh, God of Love & Mercey Point out the way so clear to us, that we will be able to do that which is right in Thy Sight & We’ll give Thee all the Praise and Glory, only help us to be thine & untill we can all stand up for Jesus & work together, we Know the Devil has a finger in the pie some where, but I know thou can help each one to see and understand. I do beieve, help each one to believe Oh My Blessed Jesus help us to stay in the right path to all pray together talk things over together, see them as Thou would see them, then do as though would do, I ask in Jesus Name believing. Amen. It was snowing hard when we came back from Berlin Hights.

Jan. Sun. 4. 1942./ Beautiful morning & we didn’t go to Church my ride last night surely tired my stomach so bad. I didn’t rest till morning.  Elbert didn’t work today. So I layed in bed & prayed for the three groups of people, each working for God, to help save souls, but Who think they can’t work in one body & live with each other. God only Knows What will happen When, or, if  they were all put into one pen to -gether, for how can we live like Jesus and strive against one another. I pray  I’ll soon know what I am to do in the near future & that God will give me the strength and faith to abide in His love, and that I can & may be always kind & true, in all things, great or small, for His sake, and give Him all the praise and Glory forever & ever; Amen.  I did do quite a w2ash yesterday & it tired me through my stomach. Something seem to hold me from going to Church tonight. It’s getting colder out side, it’s been so warm, We feel the change bad.

Mon. Jan. 5. 1942./ Elbert went to work & it turned cold last night  I kept the fire till midnight then had to get up & put on more bedding & When Elbert got up I put on my coat & stood by the stove to get thawed out, seemed as if I were froze & when the heat touched me it sent shivers all over me. I corked part of the window  that will save some of the heat. I have been praying God would reveal to me in some way whether we all should go back to Huron but I had a terrible dream & so now I know we can’t go. Oh, I do pray God will strengthen us & help the folks at Huron to get right with Him before it’s to late, and help that young minister to do what he feels would be the right thing to do. forgive us, Oh God  and help us to understand, be near to those of our little group and make it clear to each one what we are to do. Oh, Dear Heavenly Father  We are trying as best we know to do the right things, and Thou hast promised to hear & answer prayer, take away any faults, selfishness or anything with in us that we may be free to do Thy work & give Thee all the Praise and Glory always K& for ever & ever. Amen. Thought I’d freeze doing the chores this morning & tonight. It’s Cold it’s 5 above zero.

Tue. Jan. 6.1942./ Elbert went to work & boys oh boys but it’s cold. I got up at 4-a-m. and shook the ashes down & started the fire up & warmed the house. he had to get up at 5.a.m. the wind is S.W. & blowing a gale & colder I believe than yesterday. I was so cold doing the chores this morning, 5 below zero wind blowing & so cold, but I got the chores done I feel all tired out. Moon light as day out side.

Wed. Jan.7. 1942./151./ Elbert wanted me to fix his work cap. I sat up fixing untill 2-a-m. & he got all ready for work went down & brought up some coal and twisted around some how & a bone went out of place between his hips  hurt him terrible bad  he stood by the stove for a few minutes then said he’d go, if he couldn’t work he’d go to the Dr. he got to the end of the road & turned and came back feeling to sick and bad, with the ach in his back. he went up to Huron to the Dr. he got it fixed but his back is so sore it makes him sick to move around, but says he’s going to work in the morning. I washed out half the clothes today & don’t feel very strong. I did the chores & got the supper & washed the dishes & fixed things for his lunch. tried to snow, today sun shone a few times. It’ not quite so cold today or tonight. Wind N.W. & light

Thurs. Jan.8. 1942./ Got real cold before morning  I fixed the fire at 3-a-m. Elbert has taken a cold in his back & kidneys just as I thought , but he went to the Dr. & he sort of told him that might be what was wrong with him. jSo I put an all wool flannel on his back & I put & all wool double blanket on his bed, part under him & part over him with light cotton between so he wont have the blankets next to his skin he’s so hot blooded he can’t sleep with only a very light covering. I washed out quite a few clothes  While he was gone to the Dr. he did the outside chores for me, he says he feels better only his back is so sore hurts him to move.

Fri. Jan.9. 1942./ Elbert feels to bad to do anything only sit around  he went back to Dr. today. I washed out his two cotton union suits & 1. work shirt. my under suit & some towels. I can’t hardly wash those heavy things any more  don’t have enough strength some how, well I got them washed, but put them in a pail of water & have got to wrinse them & hang them up to dry in the morn & I’ll have to set bread in the morn & dress a rooster for Sun. & wipe up the floor & cook & wash dishes & maybe do chores for Elbert is talking of going to Lorain to Dr. Sifling. I’d like to go but there is my work to do . The weather has warmed up quite a lot & it’s snowing tonight.

Sat. Jan.10. 1942./ Elbert couldn’t go to work his back is so sore, I baked 4 loaves of bread 2. white & 2. broun, did the house work dried his 2 heavy cotton union suits & 1. work shirt out doors  they froze dry. We Killed the other old cock bird & dressed him & I cooked him during the night, it was so cold I had to keep fire while Elbert slept. I took a bath at 2-a-m & at 3-a-m I fix the fire & went to bed  the wind blew a gale & eased off this a-m

Sun. Jan.11.1942,/=152=/ I fixed the fire at 5-a-m and looked after the chicken, it was cooking & O.K. so I went back to bed & slept till noon. I got up & dressed & just got washed When Mrs. Moher came in, We were glad to see her, I gave her the wool gloves I had mended for her, and a loaf of brown beread, We had a spirital visit as well as social and she left at 3-p-m then we had our belated dinner. Ruby Jean’s birthday today. she will be       yrs. old. [no age included] It’s been a fine day  E’s back is still very sore and that place in his side is swollen bad. The weather has turned warmer or at least the wind don’t blow so hard tonight & it’s 10-15-p-m.  I’m going to bed. And I Praise the Lord we can still go to bed & rest.

Mon. Jan.12. 1942./ Elbert went to the Dr. in Lorain today, his back seems better, but soreness gone clear through his abdomen. While he was goine, I cleaned my winder coat 7 it looks quite good, got to give the colar a little more & the cuffs & fix the lining at the bottom and fix the buttons, set them over a little. I swept & wiped up the floor & ironed my dress & 2 shirts fed the hens & got the supper & washed the dishes now to bed.

Tue. Jan.13.1942./ Laura Ann’s birthday today. she will be    yrs. old [no age included] Elbert feels better soreness only in his back now. My check came this morning, I should have had it Mon. it was dated the 9th of Jan. & today is the 13th. Elbert went to Vermilion & got a fish for supper he brought some ice cream & a few other things to eat. I did the washing while he was gone, he went to Huron to before he came back. I got them all dry dried them in the house, got the supper dishes done & now I must go to bed for it’s 10-30-p-m.  I sent a letter to Miss Mc. Govern, thanking for the candy & cake & sent her the money order for $1.67 for the cake it’s to much I hope she don’t send another  We can’t afford it. Elbert paid my bill at Huron  today $3.98 to Mrs Gunzenlauer. Weather has warmed up  a lot & seems more comfortable. I sent a letter to Martha this week also. I’m terribly tired tonight.

Wed.Jan.14.1942./ Elbert isn’t able to work his hip seems to hurt him more today  We went to Huron, thought he’d try some capsuls that we heard about  he couldn’t get them  I bought some tennis for some sleepers for him & enough

Wed.Jan.14.1942./=153=/ for me a night gown 29 cdnts per. yd.  10 yds. $2.90 and 9 cents tax.  we got a little meat & came home. I was as tired as if I had worked. I didn’t do much to day, and Elbert’s hip is so bad it pains him terrible tonight. Wind gone N. & colder tonight was quite warm again today.

Thurs. Jan.15.1942./ Elbert went to the Dr. I swept & wiped up the floor, haven’t been feeling to good for a few days. Elbert’s back & hip pain him so I do hope he’ll get to feeling better soon; It’s been such a nice day with some sun.

Fri. Jan.16. 1942./ My birthday today  I’m 57 yrs. old. and Sister Audrey sent me a beautiful card, it represents a box filled with voilets & roses tried with a pink ribbon, it is very pretty, the only one I got & only thing I received, It sure was nice to Know she remembered me. I received a letter from Miss Mc. Govern  she’s still quite ill; I’m so sorry for her. I pray God will heal her, I know He can, if she believes He can. she seems so sad in her letter and so lonesome. I sewed on my house dress a little more today. it’s been a beautiful day outside  Elbert is still home with his back & hip paining him so bad. I pray God will help him to pray to Him, and ask Him to forgive all his sins and help him to live as He would have him to live. Oh God of Love and Mercy  Please do forgive us & help us. Amen.

Sat. Jan.17. 1942./ Elbert is home yet hope his back & hip get better, I know just how bad mine hurt me, and so I know how terrible he feels, and he can’t work at his kind of job in that condition. hope I, to, get to feeling better & stronger soon. I don’t seem to get any good from What I eat. We went to Huron to see if he could get the capsules he ordered but they had not come. It was a fine day, not even shivery cold. I hope to go to Church tomorrow. I feel so weak just haven’t any strength. Frank & Ruby sent me a birthday card today, to late, the time is drawing near for Thy coming.

Sun. Jan. 18.1942./=154.=/ We didn’t go to church this morning but we did go this evening, and we had a good pray meeting & testimonies, as well as an extra good service. I believe God is with us and that all things will work out as he would have them to do. Praise His Holy Name. & I pray Thou Will be with all the people the world over, under the sea over the sea on land or under the land I pray  Thou will hear those who call on Thee in prayer, strengthen the weak and give us each a better understanding for Thy sake we ask in Jesus Name & Will give Thee all the praise & Glory Amen.  Elbert’s hip & back is better, he’s going to try to work tomorrow

Mon. Jan.19.1942./ Elbert went to work & the fog was so thick I couldn’t see his car lights after he got on top the hill, it stayed thick all day couldnt see Snyders house just the out lines once in a while, wind freshened from the west a 4-p-m fog cleared a little Elbert came so tired he could hardly drag himself in. I did half the wash, carried some water & spilled some getting in  can’t seem to carry water & do the wash, no strength any more. I got it dried in the house & half to do the rest if I can in the morning, I’ll only do what I can get dried up in the house before supper, if it’s as bad tomorrow out side as it was today. I received a birthday card from Nellie & the family today & a Calendar  Miss. Mc. Govern sent to me. Praise the Lord.

Tue. Jan.20.1942./  Elbert went to work, fog all gone & froze a crust last night & froze a little to day  birds bath froze sollid last night. I fix hens hot mash this morning & took them water got all ready to wash & Rev. Buturin came in, he had walked over from Huron, and was tired, Well I laid my wash aside  fix a good dinner & we talked & ate together, he left at 1-p-m. & then I got at the washing cover & Elbert’s shirt & 3 towels to do in the morning & cought 2 of the young roosters & put in with the pullets. Sat 17 or Sun. 18 we saw that black plane going east & flying low. I’m so tired I got supper, we had carrots, onions & potatoes with beef rib ends it was real good  I took part of the broth & put spagetti in it with a little onion & meat for Elbert’s breakfast.

Tue. Jan.20.1942./  =155=/ Then I ground the boiled ham so he could have some for his lunch tomorrow  fixed alittle can of cherries put his coffee bottle & lunch papers on the table ready for morning then washed up the dishes. I’m so tired it’s 11-p-m. & I’m going to read my bible some & then go to bed, have to fix fire first for night.

Wed. Jan. 21. 1942./ Elbert went to work. I was to tired to sleep toward morning as usual, so I went to sleep after Elbert had been gone 2. hrs. I ment to get up at 8-30. but I slept 2. hrs. Mrs. Moher rapped on the door before I could get myself awake, I dressed in a hurry & let her in, & Opal was in the car. I got washed & talked awhile & showed them my Knitted bed spread & a few crocheted pieces and at 1-30. they left & would wait to have a cup of tea. Well, I sure had to step some, I fed & watered the hens & got a pail of well water then set my bread it was laate but I got one small loaf baked in time for supper  I baked 2 white & 2 Brown & it’s real good  I changed the table cloth for a clean one  cleaned the flour & bread crocks & wiped up the floor where the flour crock stands & in the corner & under the wash bench & swept the floor, watered all the plants & took care of the birds, cleaned & fried fish for supper washed up baking, & supper dishes dishes, and am I tired, in the morning I hope to finish the washing. I have laid out Elberts lunch things & got the beef boiling for broth. I thank the Lord I have been given the strength to do it all I fed the hens, locked the grainery & coop, & opened the car shed for Elbert. I can’t do a patching to what I use to do but Praise the Lord I can do a little.

Thurs. Jan. 22. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I slept till 8-30-a-m. then fed & watered hens, got a pail of well water, had a bowl of broth & crackers & cup of tea, then washed 2 work shirts, table cloth & big chair cover 2 towels 2 dish towels & some kerchiefs & socks & my stockings I started chair back & dried all the pieces over stove & did all the ironing except my two dresses, made soup for supper did the dishes, fed hens at 4-p-m. & tonight mended some holes in E’s un-der wear & darned 1. pr. socks & 1. pr. of my summer stockings & now I have fixed the things for E’s lunch & I’m going to bed I fix the fire for the night & empty the ashes & open the car shed so Elbert can drive right in before he gets out the car. So I’m really tired.

Fri. Jan. 23.1942. /= 156= / Elbert went to work. I took care of hens & cleaned up the birds & there shelf. swept & mended 4. prs. socks & his underwear, wipe all the chairs, got a card from Ethel. Gas man came to see about the stove. Martha & her 3. children came in Ma’s car just as I was feeding the hens at 4-15-p-m. We visited & got supper  Elbert came had fish for supper  fresh Lake Huron white fish 35 cents per. lb. he had got 2. so we had plenty. 2 cost 1.___  Martha had to be in Amherst at 7-p-m. so we had to hurry the supper some, but she hoped away on time  She said Pa had Armond Bonney  “Brother Frank’s youngest boy” drive out to Ethel Bonney’s in Elyria Jan. 13th. so he could see Laura Ann on her birthday, but he didn’t see either of them only Ethel’s ma was at home, he called on Sister Nellie & on Martha before he went home. Martha said her ma was O.K. every since she had the flu. after Christmas, but that her Martha’s whole whole family all had it after word. and at present all the familys were quite well. Elbert’s terrible tired and so am I had to sweep & do the dishes and didn’t get to bed till 12-30.p.m.

Sat. Jan.24. 1942/ Pearl Wheeler’s birthday.  Elbert went to work, he had to buy a tax stamp to post on the wind sheld $5.___ so he can drive his car to work. Snyders bought a good second hand old car a-few weeks ago & Sarr’s was fixing up the old Ford  Helens father gave her his old car” I wonder if they will still go ahead & use them. We are supposed to be careful & not use up tires or gas while the war goes on and the Japs have started on this country now, the bible says when all Nations are at war : It’s queer how some people feel, they can be all for the Japs in Peace time & all hate in war. But the bible tells us God will put a fighting Spirit into all those He wants to fight and that His Will must be done on earth as in Heaven and the World is his foot stool. Oh I pray He will guide each one as He sees  best and help me to do His Will. Amen. Well I took my bath when I got up & now got to iron my dress & look after hen’s & wip up the floor again & it’s just noon Well, I wiped up the floors after I had swept them & then ironed my two dresses, had a lunch with Elbert then we went to Huron  the Dr. wasn’t there & he couldn’t get the capsules at the Drug store  he got some lunch meat & I got some dishes & flowers to grow  they are in moss, & grow in water  just dampen the moss & keep it damp they start in 7 days & bloom in 30 some 60 days. Elbert got some ice cream & oysters  We had them both Oysters first & cream later

Sat. Jan. 24.1942./=157.=/ Elbert has to go to work in the morning so I wont get to Sun. school or church untill evening, & His hip & back are hurting him so bad to night he’s been taking anasins since he got home to kill the pain. I got the work finished up, dishes done & his lunch ready for morning  I had fed hens before he came & locked up coop & opened car shed & he locked that before we went to town & had to get out to open it  While I came & opened the house so he could get in the back door. I forgot to get the water both cystern & well I do wish I had got it for he’s so tired but I don’t like to go when it’s so dark & my feet so uncertian & its 11-15.p.m.

Sun. Jan. 25. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I listened to -the sermons over the radio & took care of birds & hens did a few chores that had to be done & had stew for supper  Elbert had to work untill 5-p-m. got here 5-30.p.m. he felt better than I thought he would but he’s keeping up on anasins  I don’t know how long that will last. I wrote a card for him to mail to Toledo for those capsules, I got the wrong address before, these are supposed to show some improvement in 7 days. I pray they will, for he sure needs something as Well as I do for pep & to take away the pain. in the joints. I’ve got dishes done & lunch ready & now I’m going to bed. I feel so bad when I cant get to even one service. I wrote to Columbus to see Why Dr KordaLaMayne had not wrote me about Columbus letter. But Praise God for all my many, blessings & his Guidance.

Mon. Jan. 26. 1942./  Elbert went to work, his stomach was troubling yes-terday, & this morning  he felt as if he must through up his boots, he said. He took an N.R. tablet   I do hope he will feel better but I do know he’s to tired through the stomach muscle. Bonita & Geo. were here for lunch, he just got mad & quit his job at fox furnace & now he’s hunting another. I don’t think he should work half the night after he’s worked all day but they say there father things he should  he’s only a boy just out of school & never had any work to do, John has worked into it and, he wont be able to stand it much longer for I’ve learned we are all just human being, and that we are no farther ahead  God wants us to work for treasures in heaven He’s told us so many times but still people want this worlds good’s & hell instead. I pray God will help me to help others, to trust in Him that we all may escape hell, How terrifying to think of our folks our friends and so many people Who have lived good clean moral lives

Mon. Jan. 26. 1942./=158.=/ burning in hell for ever & ever, just because they didn’t try to learn how they really should live  Jesus said, if we couldn’t love one another, be willing to help each other here on earth  we couldn’t live together in heaven, I’m so greived to think of His people & all the people Who just haven’t time to be bothered about thinking of what is to come, and is coming fast, yet they wont be-lieve, this thing that’s coming is worse than a tornada in it’s furry, and hard any are ready for it May God be merceful.

Tue. Jan. 27. 1942./ Elbert has gone to work, feels terrible sick to his stomach, he’s to tired. I didn’t get my letter this morning or my package from Martha. The rail road men are cleaning up the brush along the track and burning it up the air is fool of wood smoke. Well I did the most of the wash & got it dry before sup-per I had to carry 6 pails of water, had to carry mash to the hens & give them some apples for greens today, fed them grain at 4-p-m, and carried well water  empted ashes & wiped up the floor cleaned & fried fish for supper some kind of fresh fish from Lake Michigan, looked something like herring only long & slender & very dark on back tsted mostly like white fish, they were sure, good. got my dishes washed & lunch things ready for morning; Been quite warm ground is so soft Elbert has to back into the car shed, been fogy for two days and now, today wind went N.E. begining to get colder this afternoon fog clearing away, wind quite fresh tonight & blowing stronger at 9-30-p-m.  I have to fix the fire for night & get in bed, I have to try to get a little more sewing done tomorrow.  then Thurs. finish the wash if I can, I get to tired, makes my stomach & it wont digest so have to rest a day, sometimes two days. Bonita told me the Japs had taken Ralph Ward prisoner, Oh God of Love & Mercy Please be Kind to those Who have work all there life for. Thee We ask in Jesus Name. Elbert’s sleeping and he’s so tired he wakes himself up every little while.

Wed. Jan. 28. 1942./ Pa’s birthday today he’s 81 yrs. old & well and Oh how I wish he belonged to Jesus, but, he doesn’t seem to want to, and Elbert wants to do the good things & be among the good people, but as yet he hasn’t ask the Lord to except him, I pray he will, it’s terrible to know we have to go to hell Why don’t we do it, Why don’t we do it, Oh Lord God of Hosts Please help us to be man or woman enough to do the right thing.

Wed. Jan. 28. 1942/=159.=/ Elbert didn’t go to work, he went clear to Lorain to the Dr. forgot he was in on Wed. he came back & rested and seemed to feel lots better tonight, but he doesn’t look right & said his stomach was still troubling him, We went up to prayer meeting and found they wasn’t having any tonight so we came home & Elbert has gone to bed & is sleeping  I have only done my usual work to day inside house work & chores out side & in, but I’m tired enough  I had Elbert send Pa a birth day card, he said he sent a nice one. Well, no mail today guess every one has forgotten me. Mrs Bosteader & some of her family were visiting at Mohers when we called to find out about prayer meeting. Mrs. Moher said Rev. Calendar was coming back for a week & was going to preach every night; Wish we could get folks to come out to the meetings & get them to think about the word instead of those that preach it. Oh. Dear Heavenly Father give us that Wisdom to draw others to Thee. Opal is feeling better again; Praise the Lord.

Thurs. Jan. 29. 1942./ Elbert went to work, I tried to sew but didn’t get much done. Martha came in at 2-p-m. she said she had intended to com, early but she had been up with Joan, her apendix is bad martha Keep & ice pack on her all night, Joan got up & went to school this morning & then When they were all off to school M. laid down to rest & slept untill 11.a-m then she had to talk Merlin into going to the Dr. for he crushed his hand & he hats to go get it dressed  When he promised to go & was on his way she came out here got here at 2-p-m. Visited untill 10 to 6-p-m. then went to Mellin to get Mac. then go on home, she ate supper before she went I had every thing ready but the meat, & Elbert brought a Michigan White fish, nice & fresh. it was sure good. but Martha isn’t so fond of fish, she’d rather have chicken. Well all is ready for the morning & it’s 10 to 11-p.m. so I guess I’ll go to bed. it was a lovely day, hope it will be as nice tomorrow I’d like to finish the washing. I do thank God for our blessings the groun d has been frozen for the passed two or 3. days. froze hard last night.

Fri. Jan.20. 1942./ Elbert went to work. I did rest of the washing done the chores & got supper, Elbert came home with a bad cold, I have

Fri. Jan.30.1942./160/ every thing ready for morning, but doubt if he’s able to work. I potted a violet plant & put the ball of moss with morning glory seeds in it, to soak & then put it in a dish it’s supposed to sprout in 7 days & bloom in 30 or 60 days.  Well I have the broth ready for morning now must get to bed. It has been a nice day I dried underwear & 2 heavy shirts out side. rained hard tonight  strong S. wind.

Sat. Jan. 31. 1942./  (Elbert did not work today)Elbert had such a cold When he got home last night & I got him greesed & doped & to bed & took car of him untill midnight, he took more dope at 2-a-m & at 6-a-m & he seems better but still has a bad cold hope it’s broke by tomorrow, got a change in weather was so warm it rained last night & most of today in showers & tonight it snowed quite a blanket of snow and wind is blowing in stiff hard puffs. We have a good warm Cottage & fire, I praise the Lord & Wish I could go to Church in the morning, but Elberts cold is so bad he will need to stay in & mine is not to good yet. Miss Mc.Govern sent me an apron cut to ready to sew & $2.00 in Church envelope  I don’t know what it’s for, she must have made a mistake. Hens really went at it & laid 7 eggs today  We have had 43 this mo. I felt so bad I only did what I had to do today, I ach as if I had grippe. Well, today is Cousin Wyn Grant’s birthday  she is 67 yrs. old.

Sun. Feb.1. 1942./ Didn’t get to church all day. Elberts got a bad cold and fever. I thank God He took mine away and I’m weak but still going. Snowed a good blanket of snow & is still cold, snow on ground yet getting colder tonight  I pray and thank God for my many blessings. Amen.

Mon. Feb.2. 1942/ Ground hog day & he could, “if he came out” see his shadow. sun shone through several times quite clear. Elbert didn’t go to work, but has gone to Dr. to get his throat swabbed to kill the germs. I do Pray he will be able to over come it, he wants to work & get his car paid for. sun is shining so bright it’s blinding. well while Elberts gone I ought to work. but my legs feel rather weak. & he wont be gone long. 20 mi. to 2-p-m. when he went I got a letter from Miss. Mc.Govern & she’s going to the hospital poor soul I do Pray the Lord will take care of her. I got my tax blank this morning $4.94 for half a yr. cheapest they have ever been Elbert got back at 4-p-m. he sent a money order for

Mon. Feb.2.1942./=161=/ to Elyria Ohio to pay his taxes & I had him send a money order to Sandusky Ohio to pay my taxes  he got a few groceries & a nice Michigan White fish fresh one, it tasted so good for supper, he got veal for broth & it’s all ready for breakfast, he brought some ice cream to & it sure does me good. wish I could have a little When ever I feel the need of it, While he was gone I swept & did up dishes & got things ready for supper, then took some empty cans down to the basement. went to the grainery & put 5 qts of mash in a pail & got a can of coarse sand for the birds cages & took out some tin cans got a basin of scratch grain for hens supper, bought condition powder today of Relige man.  came in and mixed 1. cup of condition powder into the 5. qts. of mash for the hens, I give them a little hot mash, I mix up a little mash & hot water & give them in the mornings & carry them fresh warm waater to drink. they have just got started to lay again. Well, I fed the hens & got 4. eggs. & Elbert came just as I got back in he feels so bad tonight, cold got down in his bronchial tubes, has a raspy cough & sore head & a fever, I got him greesed & doped & hot flannel on his chest, he took a hot brandy-ginjger & now he’s sleeping, still quite cold out side. I have my work done up fire fixed  its quarter to 12.p.m. and am going to bed.

Tue. Feb.3. 1942./ Jim & Jean Monagan are 8. yrs. old today & Joan will be seven next month. nice children. I send Miss. Mc a letter and martha a card today yesterday & forgot to send the twins a birthday card. Have got to get some things for Evelyn’s & Francis Cora’s children & Laura Ann. When I can get to town. 8. of them, great neices & nephews now to buy birthday gifts for. I only did what had to be done today  Elbert feels better but I had to greese him & put hot flannel on him.

Wed. Feb.4. 1942./ Elbert feels better in some ways, his cough makes his throat feel bad yet, it’s been raining today in light showers; My head had been aching enough to split got a vertebra bone out in my neck, I washed out half the clothes & got them dried in the house got supper & the dishes done birds covered & a hot flannel on Elbert, he fed the hens today, I wiped up the floor & took care of bed as usual & now have to fix fire for night. I pray God Will help the bone to go back in place before morning. Got my tax receipt back from Sandusky & a letter from Carl Betz to Elbert & I this morning  he is Clearlake Highlands Lake Co., Box. 356. California, he says they are having lots of rain there, he wrote a nice letter and said he was so glad to hear from us, that his folks in Elyria never wrote just sent a Christmas Card with out writing a message anymore.

Thurs. Feb. 5.1942./=162=/ Elbert went to Vermilion & got some food for supper & tomorrow I fed & carried fo mash to hens got 3. eggs. empted ashes got a pail of well water swept made beds & did dinner dishes & got things ready for supper, my head ached so hard, I been most blind today  bone at base of skull out of place my head face & jaws are so sore. I’m wondering how Miss Mc.Govern is. Dear Heavenly Father please do take care of her as Thou seeth she needs. I pray Thou will be in the little Hall at Berlin Hights Bless strenghten and help each to see and understand as Thou hast intend us to Oh, Father, have mercy on Thy People and hear all those Who call on Thy name even at the end as Thou hast promised. Oh, Jesus, help us to help those about us in Thy Name & for Thy good and Glory I want to do What ever Thou would that I should do for Thee, and give Thee all the praise & Glory. Keep me meek & humble in all things, great of small & help me to be as true, as Thou would be, I ask in Jesus Name. Amen.  It rained yesterday, last night & some today. Elbert mailed a dollar money order for some pellets for making shrub plants & seeds & bulbs bloom to Conden Bro’s Seedmen Rockford Ill & he sent for some more capsules $6.00 worth to Chic  I’ll Sumway Co. I have some good rich broth ready for breakfast.

Fri. Feb.6. 1942./ Nellie is 45. yrs. old today. Elbert went to Work again this morning & worked all day, he went to the Dr. after work got his throat & nose swabbed & paid up his Dr. bill, got some groceries & scratch grain & bird seeds he seems to feel quite well after his days work, I ‘am better today the Lord did put the bone back in place in face neck & shoulders, but I did the ironing & took care of the hens this morning & evening & did the chores & got supper & washed dishes & got things ready for morning. no mail today. It has been such a foggy rainy days, gloomy, all day.

Sat. Feb.7. 1942./ John is 45 yrs. old today. Elbert had a bad spell & fell over in the corner of the toilet, he didn’t go to work, I got wet Fri. & it settled in my head & back. I’m in such misery with cramps under my shoulder blade nerves are so sore I don’t feel able to be up, Elbert began to feel better at noon, he had to take care of the hens. Wet snow outside

Sun. Feb. 8. 1942./=Page 163.=/ We couldn’t go to Church today I feel so sore and ach so bad. Elbert is feeling lot better. no one came in today It’s been quite a nice day some sunshine.

Mon. Feb.9.1942./ Elbert has gone to work had to get one hr earlier this morning & will get home one hr. earlier, he’ll soon be going and coming in the day light. I’m lots better but so sore, my head, face, back and back of my legs & hips, Oh me. No washing to day. It’s been a beautiful day but just going to henhouse twice today has my face & head & shoulders aching again. I tried to sew managed to mend my dress Where I cought the pocket & tore it, took the pocket off & set it lower down, stiched it, & the belt on the new one & the shoulder seems, now got to get the sleeves & neck & bottom done & then cut an other one out to sew I’m going to need them to by the time I can get them done I got the sup-per & the dishes over  the birds Covered for night & Elbert’s gone to bed, now the fire and then me for bed, not so cold today. Read my bible & going to bed.

Tue. Feb.10. 1942./ Well Elbert went to work & I sewed didn’t get much done, fed hens hot mash & give them warm water this morning, and when I give there grain tonight I got 9 eggs. I wrote to the Electraply Laboratories, City Centre Building, Philadelphia, Pa. and to Ethel Bonney to Miss. Baumgart  Mrs. Moher & Rev. Buturin. Elbert had cramps tonight, he must have taken more cold again.

Wed. Feb.11.1942./ Elbert went to work I swept & wiped up the floor and straightened up the house & took care of hens & birds & sewed a little, fed hens tonight, only 2. eggs. Received the pellets from Condon & a nice letter from Miss Rose Winstein; 2937. Doris Avenue. Detroit Michigan. & Elbert got his capsules. We have a light covering of snow yet but not very cold outside.

Thurs. Feb.12. 1942./ Elbert went to work his Knee is troubling him again. I took care of hens & birds & did the most of the washing had to carry 6 pails of water, got some bones out between my shoulders, hurt so bad, just made me feel sick for a while they are hurting me yet, but not so bad now, I can’t finish the wash tomorrow I’m to tired. hens laid 7. eggs to day. Elberty’s knee swollen tonight & he’s dog tired he went to bed a little after 8-p-m. & was soon sleeping, It has been a beautiful day sun shone all day & it thawed untill it was mudy but started to freeze before dark tonight. Well I have supper dishes done & things ready for breakfast. Going to read my Good Book & go to bed & Thank God for my blessingsj

Fri. 13.Feb. 1942./=164= Elbert went to work at noon he felt so bad his knee is troubling him, swelling again, he left here 9-15-a-m. Martha & Mac. came in about 9-20-a-m. he left Martha and went to the T.N.T. Plant to get his tools, he’s done over there, We had a lunch & visit & Martha marked the bottom of my dress, so I can turn the hem. Mac came at one oclock & they went to Lorain to several earans, so they said. Martha bought 4 doz eggs 1.60 dollar sixty cents. 40 cents per doz.   Martha said Nellie was feeling better  Ella Jane had another job & Bonita has moved into two room house near Martha. Geo. isn’t working yet. I got 9 eggs to tonight We Got a card from Akron Ohio from Mrs. Momher, she & Opal are visiting there folks.  Well I didn’t do much today so tired I felt sick to stomach, to tired to work, so I darned socks cooked washed the dishes took care of hens & birds & got things read for breakfast now I’ll read the bible , and write a letter for Elbert & go to bed. It was a very nice day, not very cold tonight, but not as clear a sky as yesterday. Elbert brought me a cookie sheet to bake cookies on tonight.

Sat. Feb. 14. 1942./ Elbert went to work and I washed the rest of the clothes and dried them indoors, it has been a nice day thawed yesterday & today. my feet pain me so I can hardly work  Wish I knew how Miss Mc.Govern is I don’t know if she will try to write me or not. had to carry several pails of waater & my back is in bad shape. tracer card came back today. I sent that money the 3rd of Jan. Elbert mailed it in Lorain & got the $6.25 money order there, they sent the tracer card Feb.11. and one it, when it got here today it said (up till Feb.5. it hadn’t been cashed there, but what a-bout the 6 days from Feb. 5 to the 11th they didn’t mail the card back from Columbus untill the 13th. some more crooked work some where, such a world. only got 3. eggs today.  got supper & dishes over & Elbert is sleeping  I mended 2 prs. of socks & now I’ll read a little & go to bed  I had cramps in my stomach for 3 days.

Sun. Feb.15.1942./ Wasn’t able to go to church all day and how I long to talk to some of Jesus’s people, how I wish I could do more for Jesus, but, Oh, God, Why wont people listen when they can see What is coming, be not only with my own people but the thousands of peoples Who has lived good moral lives, yet, do not belong to Thee, & think they stand as good a chance as those Who are Christians  Oh Lord have mercy and help them to understand before it’s forever to late, help me to help some to understand

=165=/  I’ll give thee all the Praise for ever and ever; Amen.  Elbert did the chores. We got 10 eggs today  not a very bright day, not cold, although it snowed about last night and melted most of it off today. I wrote a card to John & Nellie. and one to Los Angeles to Voice of Prophecy for literature  got everything done now  its 11.p-m. I must go to bed. Elbert went at 10 p-m.

Mon. Feb. 16. 1942./ Elbert went to work quarter to six and the rain was pouring down  he got there safe and got through the day safe although he got quite wet, and home safe  rained most of the day & got real thick & foggy just before dark  I took care of hens & got wet and pray the Lord will keep us both from getting a cold. We got 8 eggs today. Elbert brought 6 cans of Lye. 6 pears. 1.doz. oranges  6. yeast cakes & 2 lbs oyster crackers  the weather is to warm I sweat like rain when I work  I cleaned & cooked a hen for supper. got the dishes done & lunch ready for morning got to read my bible  fix the fire clean my teeth & go to bed


Tue. Feb.17.1942./ Elbert went to work  snowed light blanket last night, not cold out, melted most all the snow away today  car cut in drive way 4. or 5. in. deep. sun shone through this after noon, looked like a cake of ice; said over radio it was going to get cold and would be 10 above  zero. tonight. I took care of hens & birds & swept & wiped up the floors made the beds got supper done  the dishes  got things ready for breakfast covered birds at 8-p-m. & Elbert went to bed at 9.p.m. I have cleaned my teeth. wrote a letter to Mr. Miller. Got one from Dr. Korda RaMayne today  He got the money order & said I would soon have my reading & book. My check hadn’t come so I wrote to Mr. Miller.

Wed. Feb.18.1942./  Elbert went to work it had snowed during the night and was just a light flury when he left at 20. to 6.a.m.  I always watch him going up the highway then I go back to bed for 2 or 2 1/2 hrs. and when I got up it was snowing so thick & such big soft flakes, it was ankle deep from house to hen house, gave hens hot mash & warm water & green feed  got a pail of cystern water fixed the fire heated water for cup of tea & to set bread, had some tea & hot spaghetti  mixed the bread, 2 brown & 2 white loaves then washed out the dirty clothes got them all done, but my dress  have to waite a day or to now, my back & feet were so bad today. snowed all day  sun shone through several times this fore noon, but really snowed this after noon. I fed the hens got 9 eggs. got to clean the hen roost it’s getting to dirty  I got some well water  empted ashes & got supper done up all the dishes and have things ready for morning and I’m tired. I thank God I have been able to get it done.

Thurs. Feb. 19.1942./=166.=/  Elbert over slept and didn’t go to work and I was taken with cramps in my flesh & nerves  it was just terrible  my lower jaw just went up & down & I couldn’t hold it only with my hand & then the hands & arms started &  Oh, it was terrible  I got back in bed after fixing the fire and Elbert got up, heat a blanket & put over me, give me a hot drink and I shook untill the bed shook at after awhile it eased up & my flesh is so sore today, it’s almost unbearable but I’ve cooked & washed dishes. Elbert did the out side chores & took care of the hens. it was terrible today cold at 4.a.m went below zero last night and early this morning, the change was to sudden. Frank has been dead 7. yrs today. We only got 8 eggs today. Got a letter from Miss Baumgart this morning & Elbert got my reading I sent for, at the Post Office, they are so crooked soaked me 20 cents & the postage was paid & it only weighed 6 ozs.  I’ll have to find out what can be done about that.  Well I have everything ready for lunch & breakfast & gotthe fire fixed for the night the birds covered & now it’s me for bed. 

Fri. Feb.20.1942./ Elbert went to work  it was real cold this morning. N.W. wind. and quite fresh all day. I took care of hens & birds, ironed today & mended my to dresses & Elberts underweaar. I made dressing for supper with mutton & browned potatoes. I did all the out side chores, except empting the water dishes, Elbert did that & bated & set the mouse trapes again. We cought 8 in the trapes & the hens killed one  there are such a lot of them this year. Elbert went to Huron & got my dress. tonight, he saw & talkerd to the Bosteader girls, they told him Mrs. Moher was going to hold her meeting in the Town Hall at Huron soon, I’m wondering what has taken place where the Minister has gone. that was at Huron.

Sat. Feb.21. 1942./ Elbert went to work. I swept & wiped up the floors. Elberts seat covers came this morning, I hope he keeps them, he came home in good season tonight, he fed the hens cleaned & fried the fish, We were just having bread and fish & Mrs. Moher came in & ate fish with us & had quite a visit, she watched Elbert fry the fish & he enjoyed that. We had prayer after supper & she left at eight oclock, it was quite dark. but God does take care of His Own. He has always taken care of me Praise His Holy Name.

Sun. Feb.22. 1942./=167=/ Elbert had to work today & he’s so tired, They say there are so many thousands of men out of work and then make the men work 7 days a week  how terrible foolish. Mrs. Moher said Mr. Moher has to work 7 days a week 10 hrs. per. day. Why don’t they put a few of the idle men to work.? Mrs. Moher came for me to go to church but my face is still so bad  it swells up just going to the coop & back so , I didn’t go, she has gone back to Huron & rented the town Hall, seems as if they could get more into the meeting if they went out and called on people, they want folks to just come to church, but most people have wandered away & don’t feel at home in church any more When We were young, we went out & called on the young folk & oft times got the whole family to going, just by going every Sun. & waiting for them to get ready to go & when we got them going We’d say, we had to go see why So & So wasn’t getting to church next Sun. but that we’d expect to see them there when we got there thus we helped to fill the church untill it was full & we had a good Minister & his family were good workers also  those were the good days  75. and oft times more just young people at Epworth League and there was real preaching and praying Amens & Hallulas & we were filled with the Holy Spirit and had lots of food for thought till Thurs. night pray meet when we were refilled again untill Sun. & I never missed a ser4vice if I could get there and the Lord did wonderfully Bless not only me but many of the rest. But now the time has come when we need workers who can be as brave as the missionary who can go out & bring them in some one who can drop all pride and talk to them as if they were on the same level who is strong enough in Jesus, to let Him lead the way. If I only could help to do more I’d be so glad to do it. Mrs. Moher ask me to pray for them & I did.

Mon. Feb.23. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I did the washing had to carry water to. I fed the hens & gave them there warm water to drink. I got supper & we were resting when Brother Frank & Ruby came in they were here a couple of hrs. it is real unsual, and I don’t know just what they wanted  they were talking about how nice it would be to have a summer home out here, somewhere. they said pa had a bad cold to. I haven’t heard from Martha either so don’t know if Joan is in the hospital or not she said she’d let me know, but some how they don’t

=168=/ keep there promises very well. F& R. had the dog with them. Queenie.  I do hope Joan is O.K.  Ruby said with the exception of pa, the rest were all right as far as she knew. I do hope that’s right. Oh, Lord, do help them to do unto others as they’d want to bed done by. The wind went N.E. and has freshened up & blowing quite strong at 10-30-p-m. Got to write to Mr. Miller, no check yet & a card to Martha then fix fire & go to bed  I did all the chores tonight and I have done supper dish & got everything ready for morn.

Tue.Feb.24.1942./ Elbert has bad sore throat again, he went to work at noon & going to Dr. tonight, he forgot to take the out going mail.  I got my check, dated Feb.6. & mailed Feb.21. I got it this morn, Feb.23.  So I wrote same to Mr. Miller & sent the envelope so he would know.  Check came in. Elbert went to Lorain & to the Dr. he was so hoarse he couldn’t talk when he got into Lorain and he don’t seem any better tonight, he took care of hens be-fore he left & took care of them tonight  While I got supper  I haven’t done much to day, my self, washing tired me so. Well I wrote a card to Flora, & hope she will write to me. N.E. wind and chilly.

Wed. Feb.25. 1942./  Elbert did not work today, but he says his throat is lots better tonight & he’s going in the morning. Wind went N.W. today. little colder. Elbert took care of hens today  only 5 eggs to. I have only done the house work & crocheted a little & darned to prs. of socks. & took care of the birds. Mrs. Moher was here this after noon said they had rented the building she first started out with in Huron & would soon be having there meeting there again, they had a meeting Sun. in the Town Hall in Huron  she said there were 25 out to the meeting and now every one seemed happy. Praise the Lord. I ask Mr, Miller in my letter if I had to file a paper for tax for they had said over the raadio that every one had to file, and I also ask him about getting Franks insurance, and what I could do to help the Red Cross.

Thurs. Feb.20. 1942./ Elbert did not work today, he went down at Noon to Lorain & went to the Dr. did some buying in food & drugs telephoned Martha  picked up Hellen Sarr & Mrs. Myers who had gone down on the buss & planned to come back with him, & came home  I cooked the hen & made biscuits & gravy for supper Elbert was hungry so was I. it snowed last night and melted off today  not very cold  Mrs Moher came for me, I couldn’t go.

Fri.Feb.27./1942./=169=/ Elbert did not work today, and I didn’t get any thing done to speak of, he went to Lorain at noon to get his pay was gone 5 hrs. of which he didn’t talk much about  he bought a few groceries he got home at 5-p-m. I did most of the chores. it snowed little flurrys of snow allday & is getting at in in earnest tonight  not cold outside.

Sat. Feb.28./1942/  Well Elbert did not work today  he gave the hens there water & I gave them there mash & green feed he got the mail I got ans from Mr. Miller, not any good ans. E’s gone at 1.p.m. to Huron  got back 2-15-p-m. I got a Kettle of soup made while he was gone & a few odds & ends done. Elbert finished paying Coal bill & Dr. at Huron, he’s got the stove & car to finish paying for yet he’s going to clean the hen roost & put the new seat covers on seats in car. I wrote a card to Flora. Hope she writes soon. God of Love and Mercy Please let me  What I must do point out the way more clearly  Please Oh. Jesus Blessed Jesus help me now.

Sun.Mar.1./1942./ Well I didn’t get to Church today, but I believe I’ll be able to go now. Frank Bonney was here this after noon he brought pa’s old age pension papers out  the Lawyer didn’t fill out both parts so we had to do it. He said when he came in ‘to me’ still sitting there. When I ask him if pa didn’t have any money he said no, I ask him what he did with what Uncle Harvy Bonney gave him & what he gave him for us, and he turned white and said thats one of your dreams  Uncle Harve never gave pa any money, and don’t talk to me about it or I’ll tell you again just what I think of you, boys oh boys he looked like the devil himself was in him, they are a very wicked bunch. I pray the Lord will Keep them a-way from here, I feel I will be lots better off and I don’t want to have to even talk to them any more than I have to. but I do Pray God will in some way show them the right way before it’s to late. I can see through that it will have to be some other person to talk to them, for they know even more than most people ever will or can so it seems. Im so sorry more than I can tell.

=169=/[should be 170]  even though he still hates the dirt I walk on he stayed and talked for quite a while, mostly to Elbert, although he said he had to get back, he’s the only one that gets his papers fixed up right & the rest don’t do anything to hurry them up & he might have to go see about getting Audreys & Nellies papers, as some one always have to run around after them to get the papers back. and pa is home with a cold  Well, its to bad he has a cold but they don’t come here unless they want something, but not to look after our personal  well fare. I do pray we can steer clear of them in the future as much as we can. We listed to the sermons over the radio & I thank the Lord I can listen And I’ll be so happy when the Lord come, I pray He’ll find me worthy.

Mon. Mar.2. 1942./ Elbert went to work, his throat is still very bad and that shipyard a bad place for him to work, but he worked all day & so did I  did my housework washed half the clothes took care of hens baked two big loaves of white bread, did the chores & got supper & did up supper dishes, got things ready for morning. I’m tired. But Praise the Lord, He is all the world to me. Hallelulia.

Tue. Mar.3.1942./ Elbert went to work and the Loin [don’t know what word this is]was puting up quite a roar, snowing, blowing & howling, I pray the Lord will somehow, take care of Elbert, I feel he will be coming back before long. I did the morning chores, that was a great plenty for me. I cut out a suit of pajamas for Elbert & got the coat done all but one button hole so he could sleep in it tonight. did my house work to. & Elbert came home a-bout one oclock  it isn’t so cold but snowed untill middle of the after noon then quit, but wind is blowing yet from N.E.  Received letter from Mrs. Moher today, they are having good meetings and will soon be in the building where they first started with lots more attending the meetings  Praise the Lord They are going to have a meeting Thurs. & are coming to get me so I can be with them. I’ll be so glad to get back into the meet-ings, I can’t tell you how glad I’ll realy be & thank God.

Wed. Mar.4. 1942./=170.=/ Elbert went to work the wind was N.E. & it snowed a light cover & then the wind went. South & sun came through & it did thaw & got real soft at noon & wind is blowing yet tonight at 11-p-m. & it’s cloudy like a black blanket. I cleaned to of my dresses & my coat color swept & wiped up the floor to care of hens & birds & did the chores tonight & got supper washed dishes & got things ready for morning & & mended my corset. now must fix fire & go take my bath & get to bed  Elbert bought a bu. of apples Mon. night for. 40 cents  We had fish for supper tonight.

Thurs. Mar.5.1942./ Elbert went to work it was dark & thick out, then it began to come soft wet snow, at last  it snowed, then stopped at 11-a-m. & the sun came out nice & bright & melted most of the snow. Mrs. Moher came for me & we went over to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Taub’s home when we had a real prayer meeting, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Rug & Mable Winchel & Mrs. Moher’s sister Opal Selser  I received a spirital blessing and by the looks on the faces of the others, they did, and we all said as much. Praise the Lord, Oh my soul. This morning I swept, took care of hens & birds & got two letters from the mail box, one from Martha, one from Mrs. Hildebrandt. Martha said Joan was better, but that she herself had been sick, she said she talked to Evelyn & that pa was better again. I did the chores tonight, Elbert came & cut in to the drive rather deep so the ground isn’t froze much he was so tired tonight legs are hurting him again. WEll I ought to wash in the morning & get it all done.

Fri.Mar.6. 1942./ Elbert went to work, it’s been a mild beatiful day wind N.E. damp and chilly this morning but warmed up & was so mudy. I took care of the hens went to mail box, got a letter from Rev. Buterin two sale books from Lane Bryant, she has moved her store to Indianapolis Indianna from New York City 5th Ave New York. and we got an Erie Co. Reporter little news paper printed once a month in Huron Ohio. Well I did a good sized washing had to carry some water & got it most all dried. I fried fish & had supper on time & did most of the chores.

=171./ got things ready for breakfast & Elbert’s lunch and I thank the Lord for our blessings today.

Sat.Mar.7.1942./ WEll Elbert had to work today it’s been a beautiful day, South wind rather strong, dried the ground a lot, like a Spring day. I got my check in the morning mail. I took care of hens & birds & ironed my dresses & a few other pieces darned a pr. of E’s. socks, done the chores got supper & done the dishes & got things ready for morning, for he has to work. What a wicked world this has become. I don’t wonder the Lord is punishing us nowp; May God forgive & have Mercy.

Sun.Mar.8. 1942./ Elbert went to work wind was South & to-night he came with a terrible head ach, but he took me up to Church We had a wonderful service  Mr Haufman is full of the Holy Ghost, he had a service this after noon & several were healed. every one was sociable but not so many there it was a wiindy, rainy night the wind has been blowing hard and still at it, we got home safe & I praise the Lord for our Blessings. Jeanie & Midge came in the morning & had tea oranges & crackers with me, “at 10-a-m.” they had just got up so they said they ask me a lot about the verious things in the bible, and said they were leaarning to say the Lord’s Prayer I do hope they will come again.

Mon. Mar. 9. 1942./ Wind blew a gale all night & snowed  got colder W.S.W. I didn’t sleep untill after 6.a-m. Elberts neck is hurting him to bad to try to go to work, vertabra in back of neck out of place, hes terribly tired also & he slept several hrs. in the big chair today While the wind blew a gale & it snowed so hard we couldn’t see the highway at times, a damp chilly wind. E’s. no better tonight. but he’s going to work in the morn. Hellen sent a note to him. asking him to pick her up in Lorain tomorrow night, she is getting a load of eats. and Rue. hasn’t been home for 2 weeks. Bill brought the note today, said his ma took the car over to Cleveland last Tue. & went to see what was wrong yesterday, but Rue was O.K. so they said. They are worried about the war. Elbert took car of hens today & did most of the out side chores. I got meals & did dishes & crocheted a little wind blowing but not so hard tonight. 

Tue. Mar.10.1942./ Elbert felt so bad he didn’t work Mon but he went to day & had to go to the Dr. as sooon as he got home & I went up to Huron with him to the Dr. he was sick & I think he took a cold for his head & eyes are sore. I bathed his neck & put flannel on & he’s sleeping now.

Wed. Mar.11. 1942. /=172.=/ Elbert didn’t feel any better so he went to Lorain & I went with him, I went to see a Mrs. Corret & she fixed my feet up so I can walk lots better, hope I get them in condition once again she charged me $1.50 and of course I have to go again. We called on Nellie & Ella Jane & Johny came in from school while we were there Bonney has been sick for a week but stayed at the hospital  shes up a gain and going to work tomorrow  We didn’t see Bonnita & Martha wasn’t home so we didn’t see any of them, not even the children. we got here before dark & fed the hens & had supper & done the dishes & E’s. in bed sleeping. I don’t believe he’ll work tomorrow, but he says he will.

Thurs. Mar.12. 1942./ Joan’s birthday she is 7. yrs. old. Elbert did not work today  his neck & head is so sore  I baked 3 white Loaves of bread. I got my feet took care of yesterday & I looked about a little to see where we thought we’d like to live if we sold this. but We can’t seem to find a place, we got the milk & came home Elberts head is so sore, I do believe he toook a bad cold. in his eyes head & neck, for a hot flannel feels good. Well, I went to the beach & got a little grit for the hens & birds.  It rained in showers yesterday, but was a fine Spring day, today. Mrs. Moher came for me today, but I didn’t go although my spirit did.

Fri. Mar.13. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I took care of hens & birds then did the washing, had to carry the water, so I’m tired tonight I got supper done the dishes and got things ready for morning & E’s. lunch. We had Spring showers all day I dried the clothes indoors & they are all dried. I mailed a letter (or had Elbert) to Lane Bryant for a new corset  I do hope it will fit & make my clothes look better on me it cost ($3.91) 8 cents for money order 3 cents for a stamp. E. put in 2 cents I only gave him ($4.00) total cost ($4.02) I got a nice letter from Flora today. Praise God Bless HIs Holy Name Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me. He’s my true love.

/=173.=/ Elbert said they raised there new flag today & had some speakers, the American Leagion & a few others, it was quite a large flag 15X20. ft. E’s. sleeping.

Sat. Mar. 14.1942./ Elbert went to work. Soon the fish-ermen will be getting some real fresh fish again, and they will taste good, only the price will be so high, but then we get more meat in fish than we do at the market. everything is so high, and I expect it will be worse by & by. it been a damp chilly foggy day but God took Elbert & brought him back self and I do thank Him so much more than I can tell. Praise the Lord Oh my soul Blessed is He in whom I put my trust.

Sun. Mar.15.1942./ Well we didn’t get out untill this evening to Church, But God’s Holy Spirit was there Praise Him, Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow Praise Him all Creatures Here below Praise Him all ye Heavenly Hosts Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost Amen. Our Father Who art in Heaven Hallow it be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as. it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom the Power and Glory forever and ever Amen. Sat. I finished a pr. of bootis for Mrs. Sharp’s grbaby boy white with pink scollops & pink baby ribbon. and got another pr. half done for Rev & Mrs Doak’s baby boy, he will be a yr old pretty soon.

Mon. Mar. 16. 1942./ Elbert went to Work, and it was so terrible dark, and about 9-30-a-m it rained & snowed soft watery snow from the S.E. wind went S. and did it rain, then wind went S.W. & it poured down middle of the after-noon sun came through and all the birds seemed so happy although some of them were drownding wet, Robbins ground sparrows red wing black birds black birds, starllings blue birds snow birds blue Jays & Cardnals & some I have not learned the names of, and there are 8 or more pheasents that feed every day over in the field acrossed the road and quite a flock of quail, I like the country and I enjoy all the birds & rabbits and a nice garden & flower garden I like the trees & bees and the flowering shrubbery God gave us such a lot and we give Him so little it’s seems to me, We can never repay Him for HIs Great Love & gerorasity to us. Oh God I do thank YOu for All the many many Things Thou hast given to me. May all Praise be Thine Amen.

/=174.=/ All I’ve done to day is my general work & I have crocheted some on the baby booties hope to finish them to-morrow  We had a nice pink fleshed trout for supper and it was sure good  I’ve done the dishes & got everything ready for breakfast. Got a card from Mrs. Hildebrandt.

Tue. Mar. 17. 1942./ Elbert went to work. This is St. Patricts Day in the Morning all day. Well I only did my usual days duties & got the booties most done then Rev Buterin came in for a chat after dinner, he walked from Huron here & he was walking back, said it was just a good walk for him, he said he’d like to buy my place and get married this Fall & come here to live. I can’t amagin myself living anywhere else But I’d sell it if God so directs  I could pay my bills & feel more free then. Only it’s home to me here & I have liked it here for a lot of reasons. But Maybe I’ll sell it. Wind has been blowing so hard for several days it’s been mostly cloudy, it was so hot yesterday, we didn’t need a fire although I keep it so it wouldn’t go out, it was so hot all night we swet like rain could hardly have a blanket over me & Elbert didn’t even have one light blanket over him, he said he was to hot & couldn’t half sleep it’s been terrible dark & foggy part the time when the wind don’t blow a gale. but its blowing from the S.W. & E. said it was hard to hold the car on the road 10.p.m. K& sure blowing, hope it eases away soon.

Wed. Mar.18. 1942./ Elbert went to work, I did the washing. my left knee has hurt me so bad, but I did my morning chores & carried some water  washed & had to get dried I swet so much, before I could carry more water & feed the hens, had to mix mash & condition powder for them to-night didn’t get time to finish booties maybe I can tomorrow  Wind still blowing hard from S.W. & rained light showers today, Elbert came in so tired and his right knee is bad again for several days.

Thurs. Mar.19. 1942./ Elberts knee was so bad he didn’t go to work but he went Over to Sandusky to a Dr. Hunter & he tells him he can help him a lot so he gave him 3 kinds of dope & charged him ($2.00) he started taking it tonight Well I do hope it will help him, he sure needs help of some sort. went over with him & talked to Mr. Miller for a half hour. but didn’t learn anything new. We got home in time to feed the hens. We got 10 eggs Mon. 9. eggs Tue. & 9 Wed & 9 today. I didn’t get anything done to day, at home, I wanted to iron & mend, but, I only crocheted in the car while I waited for E. I have done up the work & got things ready for morn, but he don’t know wheather he will be able to go. I thank God for taking care of us.

/=175.=/ & am praying He will help me get that insurance  I do want so much to pay up my bills & been free, I know God is able to help me have it, if Frank told me the truth about it. God has said ask & receive, trust, & believe, So, I am do that. I washed yesterday & I got up as tired as when I went to bed. I’m tired tonight.

Fri. Mar.20. 1942./ Elbert’s Knee was so bad he didn’t work  We went to Sandusky, he went to one Dr. Hunter Who said he felt sure he could help him, We had to wait untill 2.p-m. so we went to see Mr. Miller at the court House  He doesn’t think I can even have Frank’s insurance. It’s a queer World. It’s been a nice warm day, really a Spring day to warm for winter clothes & a little to cool for summer clothes for Elbert & I at least, the young folks are bear headed & legs & coats flying playing ball & marbles & running races riding bicycles &moter-cycles & driving cars, as if there wasn’t any war. Wouldn’t it be nice if they all were working for the Lord? instead of helping the war? God Please have Mercy on our souls.

Sat. Mar. 21.1942./ Elbert’s knee still to bad to work. he looked after the out side chores & I Swept & did my cleaning & got the meals & did dishes & now I’m taking my bath & going to bed, after having reading & studyed.  Today’s the first day of Spring & the trees are most ready to leave out. It rained showers alday off & on & was dark most alday sun came out just before dark

Sun. Mar.22. 1942./ The wind has been blowing so hard & puffy from the N.W. & snowing so hard in showers you couldn’t see the high way at times, we went to evening church, Elbert wouldn’t go in the last two Sundays. We had a good meeting. I have had two dreams, one about Elbert, then one about Frank. Oh, God, Have Mercy.

Mon. Mar. 23.1942./ Elbert went to work and came home with his knee bad again tonight, Poor boy, I’m so sorry for him. The wind blew the roofing paper off the car shed today & thats a big bill of expence  got to buy enough to put on the hen house & shed & buy lumber for shed roof, & all t5he buildings need paint. Oh me. To-night Ethel Bonney “Fred’s wife” & Mr & Mrs Renals came in for a little visit they had been over to Sandusky to the boys press-farm Where they conduct services, to help the boys to become christians; Praise the Lord.

Tue. Mar.24.1942./=176=/  Elbert went to work, his Knee is still bad & he didn’t feel any two well. The sun shone most all day. I took care of the hens & carried water & did the washing & I did the evening chores & got supper did the dishes & got things ready for morning. I dried half the clothes out side; Cold N.E. Wind & quite fresh. Sun. shone all day Thank the Lord, it’s good to see the sun. I hung out my bed clothes, all blankets & aired them to. I had to send my new corset back it was to big sent it this morn.

Wed. Mar. 25. 1942./ Elbert went to Work. I took care of hens & birds, then took one of my old dress skirts and made it into a seat cover for the big chair, the other was full of holes & dirty, this is dark blue & will ans. for a little while. then I mended my house dress & sewed a little on the new one, I have to get a couple done soon for my old one’s are just about done for. I got the supper done the dishes & evening chores, and now to bed.

Thurs. Mar.26.1942./ Evelyn’s Birthday she is 30. yrs. old today. Elbert went to work. I baked 3 loaves of White Bread cleaned & dressed a rooster & cooked it, made dressing & gravey. Midge Sarr. came in & ate supper with us. I did up the dishes & she & Jeanie came back & I tried to teach one to knit & the other to crochet crochet  I’m dead tired, I did a little sewing this after noon on my dress, also, got it ready to join together. Elbert’s just been having cramps in his thighs & I had to rub them hard to get them out, gave him an anasin & now he’s resting again it’s 10-p-m. standard time or 12 Rosevelt time. I got, the fire fixed & now I’m going to bed. I took care of hens & birds & did all the chores, so feel I did half a days work at least. Sun. shone all day & yesterday to, but wind blew strong N.E. wind.

Fri. Mar. 27. 1942./ Gas. tank went empty yesterday noon. I’m sure glad I still had the electric hot plate & roaster or I couldn’t have baked my bread. Elbert went to Work at noon. Gas man came at 2-30-p-m. Elbert came and I had chicken rice soup & hot coffee & we went the Dr’s. in Sandusky. got home at [?]3-p-m, /well I got one dress all done but the buttons & Button holes, got the other most done I did all the chores & took care of hens & birds got letter from Miss McGovern this morn.

Fri. Mar.27. 1942./=177=/ It was to warm today like a day in June. I was out several times with out hat or jacket wind was South & quite strong. While I waited in the car for Elbert, in Sandusky, it began to rain & the breeze began to feel chilly, only rained light showers had all stoped by the time we got out of Sandusky, but it was cloudy & got thicker, it began to rain, again after E. was in bed  only a little while, I fried fresh catfish after we got home & we had supper & I did up the work & got things ready for Morning & his lunch. before I got done it was snowing so thick & hard I could scarsely see the grainery

Sat. Mar.28./ & this morning we had a thick blanket of snow, the sun came out & by 1-p-m. it had all melted & before Elbert came home from work the ground was quite dry. I cleaned a while this morning & then I sewed a while but did not get dress done. I took care of hens did the chores and my house work & took care of the birds & got every thing ready for morning, for Elbert has to work. Im so sorry. Wind went W. then N.E. & I don’t know just where it is tonight  sounds as if it was S.East.

Sun. Mar. 29. 1942./ Elbert had to work. I listened to the sermons over the radio & got supper  took care of the hens, they are laying good 9 egg per. day from 13 pullets. & then got ready for church  Elbert took me to Huron to church then he laid in the car & slept till I came out to come home. We had a real good service tonight. I thank the Lord, for all the many blessings, He gives me. And Pray He will help me to do more for Him each day in some way. Praise Him Oh my soul I Praise the Holy Trinity. I have my Easter cards most ready to mail out.

Mon. Mar. 30. 1942./ Elberts Knee hurt so bad he didn’t go to work but had to go to Lorain to see the. So I went to Pennys & to ten cent stores didn’t get the things I was Looking for I did get Jean & Joan a White bow of ribbon & a pretty little red & pink rose to wear in their hair for Easter cost 28cents I got Jim 20 cents some [?rubley? marbles]  We went on to Martha’s & we see the Whole family even [  ?] & gave the children some White eggs for Easter & traded 4 doz for a half gal. of honey and we went to Nellie’s & left 9 doz at 30 cents per & had to

Mon. Mar. 30. 1942./=178=/ wait for the money($2.70) We visited a little then came back home we stopped for the milk & Elbert got a pt. of cream. he gave me $2.00 today  I got some thread for sewing machine some darning cotton 12 balls for his socks & a piece of elastic for his sleepers, to put in waist line in back of the pajama pants. We got home just at dark and it was getting cold When we left Nellie’s, & the fire was getting low but it was warm in the house yet we did the chores got everything in  ship shape for the morn. ate our cream & some cookies Elbert was lucky enough to get at Kroger’s store, the man hadn’t gone yet, when we got into Vermilion he told Elbert he had to go into the service soon, he has been drafted and may get his call any day. I talked with a nice christian girl in Penney’s Store today, she is deeply interested in Jesus & the things in the Bible, Praise the Lord, it’s so nice to find such young folks.

Tue, Mar. 31.1942./ Elbert didn’t work today. I washed out part of the clothes & got them dried indoors. It snowed a good thick blanket of snow last night & this morning early but it was all melted & gone before 2-p-m. I looked after hens & did my usual chores. & fried fish for supper  Elbert went to Vermilion & took Helen & got a few grocierys for us & she got some for them. I sold her 1. doz. eggs for 25cents that makes 2.40+1.00=2.40 cents worth of eggs I have sold. I gave Elbert 50 cents back out of the 2.00 he gave me yesterday the sun shone through for a few minutes 2 or 3 times today. not very cold out wind was N.east night & today.

Wed. April.1.1942./ Elbert went to work, and I washed the rest of the clothes & dried them outside, It rained early but sun came through and it was a nice Spring day  wind quite strong & S.E. I did my daily round of chores & got supper  Elbert came tired & limping something fell on his foot & it was red & swollen  I hope it didn’t break any bones  I had to carry watedr today and so Im extra tired myself tonight, but I’ve got everything read for breakfast & his lunch.

Thurs. April.2. 1942./  Elberts gone to work & I have taken care of hens & swept & bathed & dressed to go to Our Prayer Meeting  Mrs Moher is coming for me, so she said Sun. night, if they go. Praise God Our Father, Jesus our Lord & Master & the Holy Ghost. Mrs. Moher came & took several others & myself to Mrs. Ruggs home for prayer meeting, 12 of us were there & we

Thurs.April.2./=179=/  We had a good spiritual meeting I felt the power of the Lord  Mable hasn’t been healed, and, as I have felt since first I met her she has a fear that if she excepts the healing something worse might come upon her, she doesn’t understand and I pray God will show her the right way. We have to believe what God tells us, that we must have faith like Daniel to believe that even if we were nailed to the Cross or put in with the Loins or into the furnace God will take care of us if we trust & believe  I Pray God will help her to understand & strengthen her in Jesus Name I ask believing thou will. Amen Mrs. Moher brought me home  I exchanged some white eggs for some brown ones & gave her a few ex-tra. I wanted to send Mrs Mc Govern a few white fresh eggs for Easter but Looks as if I can’t. I got half my Easter cards ready to go out in the morn. & got to get the rest of them ready. My corset came today, but I haven’t tried it on yet. Elbert got home to Late to go to Huron Post Office to see about a piece of mail there is 3 cednts due on. sun has shone all day & wind has been strong S.E. & its rain-ing hard to night and was to warm to day & getting cool tonight.

Fri. April. 3. 1942./ Elbert went to work. I finished my house dress forgot to sew on the pocket and stitch together down front of skirt I swept & cleaned a bit & did some writing or transfering of names & addresses all in one book so I can find them mmore readily & took care of my daily duties, It has been a rainy, dark day & Elbert got damp. I hope he doesn’t catch a cold.

Sat. April.4.1942./ Elbert has gone to work. I have set my bread its a beautiful spring morning with sun shining & birds all singing grass is getting green & I have to get out next week & trim vines & help clean up

Sat.April.4.1942./=180=/ the yard & ground round about. Elbert came, we went to Huron  he gave me 10.00 to get me some shirts  I got 4, 3 of them cost 1.50 1. other was 35cents  I had enough to pay all but a dollar, of and I took that from his 10.00 bill  I got some new elastics for my old corset 30cents & a piece of tape 8cents per. yd. for his knit coat sleeves. I don’t think its very good, but he thought it would be O.K. he bought me 3 bulbs in pots of moss & they are in bloom.

Sun. April. 5.1942./ Easter Sun. and I didn’t get to go to any services today. my bowels didn’t work to-day & I’ve been sick & have a bad head ach. Well, I prayed for the rest & that I to might be able to go to services more often in Jesus Name. It was a nice day wind N.E. only quqite cloudy all morning.

Mon. April.6.1942./Elbert went to work, the fog horn at Huron was blowing, at 7-30. it begin to clear up and the sun came out & the wind blew hard from the South. I did the wash sud & wrinsed them out side & dried them in jig time, heavy pieces & every thing, then I fed & watered hens & locked the coop got 11 eggs from 13 pullets, then I got everything ready for supper  had it most done when Elbert came & he brought fresh catfish  he had to dress them & fried them. we ate & then went over the see his Dr. at Sandusky to get more dope, he changed it this time & this is the 3rd. time he has been & got medicineit began to rain after we started & it Kept at it all the time we were going & while we waited  I was in the car. we left her 7-10 & got back 9-30  it just poured rain on our way home all the way  eased up while we got the car put away & got in house.

Tue. April 7. 1942./181/ Elbert went to work & it was dark & foggy  sun came out at 8-a-m then cloud a-gain rained kept getting thicker raining in showers. fog came in great thick clouds sweeping over the ground. Wind N.E. chilly. Elbert came chilly & damp, had supper ready & he felt better after he had hot drink & ate. I did the chores, got 11.egg Mon. & 10. today, I have not done much today  I’m so tired. I washed yesterday & got supper ate & went to Sandusky & back with Elbert  that was lots to much for my stomach in one day. So I only did what had to be done today & I finished the pink booties for Rev. Doaks baby. I want to send them pretty soon. and I’d like to send another blanket & a piece of good. for dress or to & a night gown. I pray the Lord Will give me wisdom.

Wed. April.8.1942./ Elbert didn’t work his legs & back again & it has been a very bad day thick foggy & raining  I didn’t do only my usual household duties & out side chores.

Thurs. April 9. 1942/ Elbert didn’t work, another bad very bad rainy day & cold N.E. Wind & it tried to snow. I didn’t go to the Pray meeting, wiped up the floor did the customary chores. Elbert went to store & felt so bad when he got back.

Fri. April.10.1942./ Elbert didn’t work. N.W. Wind he went to fish house, didn’t get any. rained most all night & untill 10 this morning. Sun came out at 2.p.m. for just a few min utes. I only did my usual round, except, I ironed my dress & two shirts of Elbert’s and mended his sweater coat sleeves. Its damp & chilly. N.W. Wind  I made a little blue moceasin of yard, got to fix it over a little yet. Well it’s been so gloommy out side I’ve been thinking of Wyn & Audrey & Seeing there faces so plain must be something wrong.

Sat.April.11.1942./ Well Elbert & I ate dinner & then went to Lorain We went up home & visited with pa & Gertie & I went in to see Evelyn & her children a few minutes & then I went to see Uncle Will & Lillie acrossed the JSt. from pa’s  Uncle Will’s ban in bead more than he has out of late, but he was up & said he felt better again he’s so thin & Lillie’s hair is white with golden streaks in it and hedr eyes are so blue. Paul was working, they said Francis would be 49. yrs. old April 12. that’s tomorrow. We stopped & got Elbert’s pay at the ship yard then went over on West Erie & ate a lunch & while Elbert went over on Broadway for his laundry (work shirts & over alls) I went into the City Hall & ask to see Virginia Grant, learned she didn’t work Sat. afternoon’s so Elbert came back to the car & we went to Pennys & did a little shopping & then we stopped at the

Sat.April.11.1942./=182=/ Hospital to see Wyn, Gertie said they see in the paper, she was there & the house Dr. let me in to see her it was past visiting hrs. she don’t look very good, but she may make a go of it, she said & Virginia had been to see Aubrey on April 2. in Cleveland & when they got there the Land Lady said they had taken him to the hospital  it was quite a shock to Wyn she was all tired out, they had been moving into a new home  Virginia got married & Wyn & V. were moving into Virginia’s new home they had got all moved & settled, and though they’ed go see Aubrey & tell him so he’d know where to find them, well they went to the hospital & there they told them they didn’t hold much hopes for him  Wyn said he did -n’t seem to want to talk & looked terrible bad, Wyn cought a cold & her heart is bad & she has pneumonia  Aunt Edie & Gorgia are O.K. & Pa & Gertie were feeling fairly good. We went to Nellie’s  got the money for the eggs $2.70, talked while Bonnita was home. Harvey Bonney is over a Camp Perrey so Gertie told us. We stopped at Martha’s she wasn’t there so we started home as we left the end of her roads they saw us over took us & we stopped she insisted we go back to her house for supper, she got supper & waited until 7.p-m for Merlin & Mac.  We sat down & started to eat & they came in we all finished together & then after trying to fix M’s stitch on her sewing machine we started for home stopped in Vermilion got a few things to eat & it was dark, hd poured rain just before we got home  We got her safe Thank the Lord & I Praise his name  This morn before we left the Post Man brought me a package it was from Miss Mc.Govern, she sent me a Pauls scarlet rambler rose climber & a rose called General Mc.Aurther  a big deep pink rose, she’s always doing something like that for me, May God help her & strenghen her for Him, in Jesus Name I ask. We had a luncxh & went to bed, me to tired for words. I got a bottle “or rather Elbert got it for me) of that mineral water from that Spring in Lorain, they charge a dollar a bottle for it & oh how it stinks, & it’s terrible to taste. It surely ought to kill or cure  it’s worse than salts.

Sun. April.12.1942./ Francis Wheeler is 49 yrs. old today. I left to worn out to move hardly went to Church this evening Elbert took me but would go in with me. it’s been a beautiful day. N.W. Wind.

Mon.April.13.1942./=183=/ Elbert went to work & I baked bread and did odds & ends & was so tired. but Praise the Lord He gave me strength to do it and the Sun shone all day  I wanted to go out side cool N.E. Wind.

Tue.April. 14.1942./ Elbert’s gone to work, he isn’t feeling a bit well, I am trusting God will help him in all ways. I trimed some of the ramblers today  didn’t get quite done. Midge came for eggs so I quit & came in. I was to tired then  We went to Huron & got fish for supper tonight  I bought a dress 2.14 with box [?] & some tape 64cents 8 yds.

Wed. April 15.1942./ Elbert went to work and I did the wash, hurt my back lifting water from the barrel & got the bone out of place at base of my skull. Elbert came, he felt all in got hit with a big nut, on his head to-day, made a deep sore on it, cut hole in his felt hat, then in his head, nurse done it up. I got sup-per & we went out & trimed the trumpet vine & one big rose bush & we took the bitter sweet vine out of the flowering current “or” spice bush, then I brought in my last two lines of clothes & put them away, the wind was south & hot & fresh all day. a beautiful day  I washed the dishes, got everything ready for morning & now must take myt bath & go to bed. I took care of both hens & birds today bird has 1 egg she laid Tues. Sold Jean another doz. of eggs tonight. Praise God Oh my Soul.

Thurs.April 16.1942./ Elbert went to work. & I had such a head ach I could hardsly stand it. Mrs. Moher came for me to go to Mrs. Sharp’s for prayer meeting. I told her I felt so bad I didn’t think I could go, that I’d pray for them & the others here & I ask her to pray for me, I know they did for my head feels lots better and at 2-30. I went out & finished my triming job. Elbert came & he helped me tie the tamerix up to the post, now the corner looks lots better got to rake the ground & spade it up & change some of the flowers around & get them in new dirt & put in my glads & dahlaies & some seeds & trim the blacxk berries & clean them up & find my south line stakes & put some wire & stakes up & look after the grapes.

Thurs.April.16.1942./=184.=/ then clean & burn weeds & brush. Oh. boy, I’m tired all the time. Bonita, George and his sister Mrs.               & her baby boy Keneth came to call this evening, they dug some trumpet vines & a flowering Current to take home to plant, and are coming back Sat for more & to have supper with us. We went down to Sarr’s after they left to see if I could ride to Lorain. With Rue., but he isn’t coming home tonight, so Elbert is coming after me  he’ll have supper & then we’ll go to get my feet fixed. got all work done up & everything ready for morning. Wind is south & hot  been a beautiful day.

Fri. April  17. 1942./ Elbert went to Work. I felt to bad to work so rested awhile this morning  my bowels got a stubborn streak, didn’t move yesterday & so most killed me this morn when they did move about noon, then I got myself pulled together & swept & Ironed, washed my stocking got things ready for supper, for the sun came out & I Knew Elbert would expect to take me to the foot Dr. it rained hard early this morn & was still at it when Elbert left 15 to 6.  Well I washed my feet & got dressed, he ate his supper & fed the hens & locked up. We went got my feet done, then went to Martha’s she wasn’t home so Elbert tied her trumpet vine & westeria to the back door We then Went to see Wyn & Virginia “Who is now Mrs. Wasen  they live out on the Lake Road in a new house, a very modern one, so I see, after we were inside  Wyn is still in bed but lots better, she can sit up a little every day now. they said Aubrey was better also, “Irwin that’s Virginia’s husband” came before we left & he had to talk a little then We came home. E. got some cream in Vermilion.

Fri. April. 17.1942./=185=/ I made a coal fire it was so cold & the birds were cold then lit the gas & fix me a bowl of broth & each a cup of tea & we ate the c ream Elbert went to bed & I washed dishes  & got things ready for morn  E’s. got a sore throat. I thank the Lord for taking & bring us safe. the wind is North West & cold all day & tonight.

Sat. April.18. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I did some mending & darning. I wipe up the floor & took care of the birds & hens getting 9 eggs per. day, 13 hens. Well the little preacher from Huron came in & brought the Evangelist preacher with him & before we got started to visit Geo & Bonnita came in, so the preachers didn’t stay loong, it was so cold we couldn’t work out side in comfort & anyway Elbert had to go to Dr. Hunter over to Sandusky for his dope he’s taking. N.E. Wind cold & strong. We have a good fire in heater. so I got supper  We ate & got up & all of us went to Sandusky, it was most 10-p-m. when we got back & I made coffee & tea & Geo. & Bonnita had canned apricots from my tree & biscuits & hot drink before they went home over in this edge of Elyria  I gave them a doz. of eggs & a pt. of our strawberry Jam. I got the dishes done & every thing ready for morning; Elbert said he had to work tomorrow.

Sun. April. 19. 1942./ Elbert went to Work & I was here alone all day  it’s been quite cold today  N.East Wind allday untill this evening now it’s N.West. still quite chilly. I had supper ready When Elbert came, & I did the dishes & fed the hens, then dressed for Church, I understood Rev. Hauffman & his wife were to be here, but they came for after-noon service so I missed that & they said they had a wonderfully good meeting. Praise the Lord to Whom all Knows belongest Praise his Holy Name and we had a good Prayer service tonight.

Mon.April.20.1942./=186.=/ Elbert took cold in his eyes they were so bad he didn’t work today he has that sore throat hanging to him again, to, he looks as if he felt bad  his face is swollen & all around his eyes & theyre all blood-shot  he was going to the Dr. but, I had him wash his face head & neck with alcohol rub several times & be fore he went to bed, he was lots better again to-night, I was sick all day & feel to sick for words tonight  it my bowell

Tue. April.21.1942./ Elbert went to work & I didn’t feel able to do anything untill noon, after my bowels moved  I felt better then I ate a handful of crackers & had a cup of tea and an orange, after which I went out side & raked up the rest of the rambler vines. & leaves was so weak, I came in & set down 15 mi or so & then got every thing ready for supper, Elbert brought steaks instead of fish so I had some yellow wax beans & brown gravey & potatoes & apricots, then we both went out and burned some weeds & leaves & cleaned up the back yard some & the side hill a little, but we didn’t get half done; I don’t have much strength to do any heavy work any more; I fed & watered the hens, let out one pen & when I fed sent them in & let out the other pen out. We had supper & did a little more out side, then I came in & did up supper work & got things ready for Morning. I thank the Lord for my healings & blessings Praise His Holy Name.

Wed. april.22.1942./ Elbert didn’t feel able to work again today; Ella Jane’s Birthday  today, she is 23 yrs. old & has sold her car, & working & studying trying to finish her college coarse, her folks made a big bluff at to get her to leave me, well she was lonesome for here, for a time, but, now she does’t even drop me a card once a month & the rest are very distant. I pray God will Wake them up before it’s to late. I love them so much, though they have drifted so far from me & treat me as if I were just an acquaintance that had stopped to call. Well, Elbert sawed 4 big limbs off the apple tree in the back yard today.

/=187=/ made it look so much diffeerent but we wont be  bumping our heads every time we walk under it. I got the honey suckle & bitter sweet vines partly trimed got some bushes & more ground to clean up & it’s getting warm so fast, we cut some limbs off the buckeye tree out in front to; I’d liked to have left them but the young folks don’t care What they do now adays, park there car behind a tree strip & put on a bathing suit, go take a swim & come back to park behind a tree to dress. I often think of Ida Shupp Who lived on our street in Lorain  When I was a little girl, she use to strip & go in swiming in the big ditch Where the Mineral Water ran, and oh how it did stink “her father waited in some brush right near, the place she had left her clothes  he had cut a big black berry cane & when she started for the water, he went after her, in her excitement she ran through the B.berry patch, him licking her with that-brier, she was all scratched & tore, and in bed for a week, then she got out her window at night and went to the stream & washed her sore body in the mineral water, she said it healed her body fast & her ma didn’t understand how she healed so fast, she got married and moved from Lorain, I heard she was a wonderful Wife & mother, & had such a good husband. Queer how some folks do. I never had any such desires to be wild, I always loved the good things, my mothe was like that, and taught me to see & understand from a very little girl. I can remember my first Christmas & the big tree with the little angels & stars & colord trimings & my doll, the first one I ever had & the last one, hanging way up near the top & how I laughed When I saw it& how I loved and cherished it, untill brother Frank broke it, I had it 5. yrs. a cloth body stuffed with sawdust with china head with black hair, all china & hands & arms & feet & legs to the knee were china. How I cried. Frank allways had a wicked temper & still has. Oh God I just

/=188.=/ can’t seem to un-derstand why the most of our family are like that & like to be that way. I pray Thou will change them, Oh, Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I pray Thou Wilt. I remember When Elbert & Orie Birdgely & Lennie Bonney took me over to Uncle Harve Bonney’s farm & out to the big pond where the men were cutting the lambs tails off & washing them, I cried so hard & Uncle tried to comfort me but I only told him he was bad & I wanted to go home to mother, Aund Corneal gave me a cookie & she wanted me to stay with her, While the boys went back to watch the men, but I had to go to mother so they hurried me home & they went back, Orie was young for, I remember he had on a dress with red straw berries printed on it with green leaves, we were living with with grandpa & grandma Bonney then, we went to Lorain to live when I was 3. yrs. old, & Elbert was 5 yrs. old  We were born in Mich. Wexford. County, Cherry Grove township and moved back to pa’s folks when I was 1 1/2 yrs old. Fred & Gertie were born there, Gertie was born the 13th. of May & as sooon as ma was strong enough she came to Lorain Where we lived, I untill I were married May 17 1920 & came here in 1921. and Elbert came when “after Frank died.” in June & Frank has been gone 9. yrs. Feb. 19. 1942. Oh Lord help me to do Thy bidding.

Thurs. April. 23. 1942./ My female bird has 7 egg today. Elbert has gone to work & I am ready to go to prayer meeting if Sister Moher calls for me. The passed few days have been beautiful. N.E. wind & cool, sun is hot. apricot all white with bloom & the forsyethia bush covered with golden bells. Mrs. Moher & Mable came for me, We had such a meeting & prayer service at Mrs. Taubs 12. of us, then Mrs. Moher took them home here & there & then me it was 5 oclock when I got home Elbert was here & I had to step some to get supper ready  We had fish he spaded awhile, but I only fed & cared for the hens & done dishes & got things ready for morning I do Love the Lord He’s so good to me.

Fri. April. 24. 1942./=189=/ Elbert went to work his Knee is paini9ng him bad again. I set bread, swept & dusted then ironed fed hens & to care of them let out first pen, shut them in at 4. & let out 3rd. pen. still getting 9.  eggs per. day. got supper Elberts Knee so bad tonight he feels tired out I trimed a few rose bushes. baked 4 loaves of bread 2 brown 2 white got work all done & ready for morning again. Wind S.West today a little while tonight N.E. alday.  Praise the Lord He give me strength to work & heals me of the verious things that get after me. He’s so good to me.

Sat. April. 25. 1942./ Elbert went to Work I washed out what dirty clothes there were  I trimed the rose bush by the front door had to carry water to wash, took care of hens & birds & baked a lemon pie for supper & am to tired tonight. but Praise the Lord for the strength He has given me.

Sun. April 26. 1942./ Elbert had to work today he killed a big white hen he bought last night & I had to dress it, for supper I got it cooked nice & tender it had lots of big pin feathers & as many little ones, so it took me some time to dress it. After supper I pilled the dishes in the pan rested a little & then we went up to church there wasn’t very many there tonight & most of them are christians. We had a good meeting with prayers & singing but looks as if we are not going to have a mid week prayer service this coming week, Mrs. Moher said she might be gone for 2 or 3 days. I’m going to leave the dishes & go to bed. I pray God Will give us both the things we need in Jesusj, & rest our bodys.

Mon. April 27. 1942./ Elbert didn’t work today.  Frank Babcock would be 60. yrs. old tomorrow the weather has been fine a little thick mornings so the fog horn blows . a little thick Sun. afternooon, but nice out, a little cooler, wind was N.E. Sat. today it’s changed & is N. West looks like it might rain, & we could enjoy a shower. I put a V in back of Elberts work pants & put a big patch on both legs of his overalls in front stitched them here & there to reinforce them a little  mended one work shirt and cooked dinner & supper  took care of hens & birds & done dishes then we went to Vermilion to register for government service, only I didn’t have to yet, but Elbert did. I got Miss Willitts money order and some yarn for baby booties & had her save me 2.00 worth got to pay for it som as I can. We went on into Lorain Co. & got the milk.

Mon. April. 27. 1942./=190=/ Wind gone West heavy dews tonight. 

Tue. April.28. 1942./ Frank’s birthday & he’s been gone 9. yrs. this Spring. he’d be 60. yrs. old. I can hardly account for the passed 9. yrs. My but Ive surely been miserable. I’m lots better now and I give all the Praise to the Lord. I washed 5 blankets on the wash board today, took the box & buckets & blankets out to the cystern & there wrinsed them untill they were clear then brought them back & hung them up & brought 2 big pails of water & my box I set my pail on to wrinse then shut in first pen & let out 3rd. pen of hens & fed them tonight give them water & mash then tore Elberts two cotton blankets into in center sewed outer edges together & hemed the out side edges, turned his mattress over & made up his bed, made my own washed & combed my hair & got things ready for supper  Elbert had to work overtime  I was begining to feel anxious about him, but he was alright, just terrible tired, so am I. I got everything ready for morning, getting 9 eggs per. day.  now must go to bed. Wind has been south & west all day & blowing quite fresh. Cherry tree blumb, prune, pear & early apple tree all in bloom & the spice bush is so fragrant, bridle wreath old fashion kind is in bloom, a big white ball & the Japanies qunce is firy red.

Wed. April.29. 1942./ Elbert didn’t go to work he was so tired he slept in the big chair untill noon, then We had dinner & after dinner we went out to the apple trees & sawed & trimed out a lot of extra limbs & didn’t get done, we had supper & I fed & watered the hens, got 12 eggs today, let the second pen out this morning & shut them in this after noon & let out the 3rd. pen & I put in fresh water & lock-ed the coop tonight, We had a fire & burned up some brush tonight & we sure got a lot more to burn & lots of trim-ing yet to do & cleaning & I want to put in a little garden then I have to put in some rose cuttings & then some potatoes beets & carrot after that some cabbage, brockley & tomatoes. if they don’t get froze in June we can be happy.

Thurs. April. 30. 1942./=191=/ Elbert didn’t go to work his hip was so bad. I was to tired to do any more than I had to  I cooked & did dishes took care of hens & birds, mother bird has seven eggs & ought to be hatching about May the 6th. I do hope they all hatch & that 3 or 4 will be male birds, she’s proud of her eggs, Elbert tried to burn brush but he feels so miserable he didn’t do much  We went to Vermillion & on after the milk, I mailed Miss Willitts her checks money orders & a card to Miss Hidebrandt  We got the milk  came back to the high level bridge & turned just before we got to the bridge to the left  went out around & came back on the road just east of Vermilion, by Linwood. Elbert got a few groceries & we came back cooked some ham, cabbage, carrots & potatoes for supper & made brown gravey. I do thank the Blessed Lord for the strength he gives me & all my many blessings Praise His Holy Name

Fri. May.1. 1942./ Elbert didn’t go to work today but went to Huron got his hip fixed & feels better this evening. I did all the wash, had 3 of his heavy union suits  it got hot so fast he changed to heavy cotton sweat so bad he put on a clean heavy cotton suit & then changed to B.W. D’s.  he didn’t do much today, he took off the back storm door & put up the screen door & burned some brush. I’ve cooked & washed dishes & took care of hens & birds & I’m tired to night, but thank God for the strength he gives me & that I can work more than I did last year. it’s been to warm  Wind was south & went all the way round & stoped N.E. tonight & fresh a little cooler to we need rain. Uncle Will’s birthday today he is 88. yrs. old he use to be so big & heavy & now he’s so thin. Poor fellow he’s feeling better than he did.

Sat. May.2.1942./=192=/ Elbert didnt work, he feels better though, he went to Huron to fish house and got half bu. of fish, took out enough for ourselves, & had a late dinner  it was 3-p-m. When he got home. I loaned him five dollars, he took a treatment & paid for it Fri. We went to Lorain, he wanted to get his money, instead of going right to the yard first, he thought it would be better to wait untill the most of the men were gone, so, we went to Penney’s where I bought sweater & blanket for Rev. & Mrs. Doak’s baby boy. then over to the yard & was to late, so, went to Uncle Will’s & pa’s We gave Uncle a big mess of fish & pa what he wanted & the rest to Cranage’s I visited a little at each place, Mrs. Cranage took me in the back yard to see the flowers & plants, she gave me a tame sweet white violet plant a vine with green & white leaf & 1/2 doz lillace blooms, then we came back home, it looked like rain, the wind S.west & has been blowing strong. well it began to lightening, just after dark and toward morning it sure did rain, but not enough, didn’t come long enough. it’s so hot, it’s like July or Aug! weather, so hot the leaves on the planting are all curled up & look as if they would be baked dry, green. 

Sun. May.3.1942./ I slept this morn till 7-a-m. & lay & rested a little longer, got up & dressed & took care of birds & then had a/lunch, then dressed & went to Sandusky so Elbert could get his medicine & here in the car I’m waiting now for him. Sun. is bright & hot & strong S.west wind blowing. We came home had supper, the wind blowing harder, began to rain again just as we sterted for Church, not as hard as it had been before, we had a good service  Opal did the preaching & we all went to the alter and prayed before church service and after it. Mrs. Moher gave me a table cloth to crochet an edge on. & such coarse thread to do it with. Oh me. Mr. Moher was laid off from the T.N.T. plant Sat. WEll it is so cool tonight since the rain it make you shiver & at noon it was so terrible hot I didn’t need a coat, but tonight it felt real comfortable. Praise the Lord Oh my Soul, I have every thing ready for morning & now to bed.

Mon.May.4.1942./ Elbert went to work & it’s so cold I have a fire in the heating stove, it feels comfortable.

/=193.=/ I made 3 loaves of White bread today. the cats are such a bother go in hen house & eat eggs have to run out & look every time they make a fuss. been getting 9. every day have 8. so far today. There goes school buss, it’s 3-15.p-m.  Some thing has happend to the little mother bird’s eggs. one is gone shell & all & no mess, in the nest. Well Elbert came he had to work over time, couldn’t get lunch meat, so had to go to Huron for it, We had supper & my bread & cake were baking & then we went to Huron, Elbert got his lunch meat, a nice piece of smoked ham for supper to-morrow night & a boiling piece for broth in the morn-ing & I have it cooking, We went over to Mohers & took them a loaf of bread, I talked with Mrs Moher a few min-utes & she came out & talked to Elbert about work it was 10 oclock When we got home. I got 10 eggs today. Praise the Lord. And a letter & a nice little new testment came today from Miss Willitts  she sent me the anointed handkercheif & has prayed for me & I am feeling so much better, and my feet are better  Hallalua Holy Holy God Almighty, I give Thee all the Praise & Glory Who else can do so much for us?  Oh Lord, help me to ever be Worthy. Amen.

Tue. May. 5. 1942./ Elbert went to work I only did the sweepting in all three rooms took care of the hens & birds & mended 4 winter union suits of Elberts so I can tuck them a way untill Fall. We had a good fire Mon; last night, today & tonight  it’s been so cold it made you shiver to stand in the breeze which is N.E.  Mrs Brown & her daughter Dorthy were here today  D. said she was going to marry Lester Rugg & they were looking for a place to buy and both mothers are widows. Well when they left, I fiinished my mending, Jean Sarr came in at 3-30, had a cup of tea with me & some crackers  a cup cake & an apple & bought a doz. eggs, only had 55 cents so she owes me a nickle I gave her a few plants, when she left. I got my supper on to cook, Elbert came, he didn’t have to work over-time tonight. & his back was hurting him so bad, we

=194=/ had ham, cabbage, car-rots, potatoes & sressing for supper & brown garvey, had just finished when Mr. & Mrs. Edd Hahn. came in to see if wed sign for  a bond. got a card from Ella Jane today – and one from Mrs. Hidibrandt . Elbert signed we visited a little, then I went out & shut up the hen house & grainery  had to go down seller & get some canned fruit to put in Elberts lunch & done up the dishes covered the birds, fixed the fire got a glass of water for night  washed my face & hands & now I’m going to bed. I read the 10th. chap. of Mark, Twice to-day & pray Jesus will help me to understand.  I believe He has healed me  I’m feeling lots better if only I can understand & keep right in all things.

Wed. May.6. 1942./ Elbert went to work, We had a good shower after he left & one before and again before noon and a light one this after noon & a heavy one this evening. looks as if little mother bird wont have any birds. I took care of hens & birds and any house work & mended a shirt for my self & a pr. of stocking & fixed the belts on two under skirts did-n’t get done, got a shirt and overalls & jumper to mend for Elbert, & haven’t done the washing yet. Wind South west & it’s raining yet 10-30-p-m.  We have a fire in heating stove as it’s still cold or damp & chilly. We went to Berlin Hights right after supper to get our sugar ration, card or booklet  has a few stamps in it to get sugar with 1/2 lb. per. week per. person  We don’t use much, so it wont hit us so hard. Elbert says he’s going to work in the morn-ing, but, he’s about tuckered onced more. I want to go to prayer meeting once more tomorrow if I can. I Pray God Will be in the meeting and help them as He sees best, and God Willing, I will be there also, I pray he will give us a deeper understanding and power to help in his work more than ever before and give him all the praise & Glory for ever Amen. Wind is getting fresh.

Thurs. May.7. 1942./ Elbert didn’t work & Mrs. Moher didn’t come for me so I mended 1. pr. overalls and patched 1. jumper sleeve and half the other sleeve & resitched it all over  wish I could have finished it, but run out of patches. South W. Wind  its a miserable job any way and tires mee all out. I fed & watered the hens seperated the birds, no young ones at all. Well I only got 8 eggs. Wed. & 8 today. it has been a cool chilly rainy day & fire feels good. Got a card yesterday from Mrs. Beesie & a card from Ella Jane & Mrs. Hildebrandt today. sent Martha a letter today. & hope to get my package off to Doak’s this week yet. Praise the Lord Im better,

/=195=/ I believe the Lord will com-plete my healing. Oh how I love Jesus and thank Him that He has always led me even when I’ve strayed some what He has brought me back & showed me my mistakes and started me out right again, Oh how I’ve hated this life and have tried, and am still trying to do the right things, and do hope He’ll find me worthy and forgive me my many mistakes, I want to do What ever He wants me to do. Praise His Holy Name. Amen.

Fri. May.8. 1942./ Elbert went to work, I did the washing and gave a man his dinner for sharpening my sissors, he was selling shoe strings & such like, he knows a lot of the bible, but said he didn’t know he had to be baptized to be saved, he said he was 57. yrs. old and expected to be called for service any time now  he had a book or paper in a leather cover to show he was subject to call, he has no family. as I understood him. I gave him 2 pieces of fish to slices of bread & butter & some catsup & 2 cups coffee he hadn’t any teeth, and sure ate as if he were hungry. got my washing dry & hens fed & watered & took care of   got 9 eggs today. Elbert came tired & full of pains  had supper  went out side awhile & spaded & then rested awhile and has now gone to bed. I wrote a letter to Sunway Vitamin C., 154 East Erie Street Chicago I’ll. for 2 more bottles of capsules for him sent $5.00 money order. I’m sending Harvey a little New Testement to Camp Perry Sandusky O. and now I’m going to bed. I packed the box for Doaks today.

Sat. May.9. 1942./ Elbert went to work he was dreadfully tired. I had to get up at 3-a-m. & air the smoke & gass out stove seemed to be pluged some where didn’t get to bed untill late, hadn’t got to sleep yet, so, after Elbert went I though I’d get at least one hrs sleep but had just slept half hr. when Jeanie came for eggs, I dressed, sent her to pick lillies of the Valley, so by the time I got dreessed and my heair combed, she was back & I let her in, then I washed myself re-brushed my hair made us some tea & we each had hot broth & crackers  I put some water on so I could set bread, then sorted out 6 or 8 kinds of seeds for flowers & some squash seeds & gave her, she took them and the enggs and went home. I set the bread went out and

Sat. May. 9. 1942./ =196.=/ took care of hens, then the birds & then washed two rayon dresses, sprinkled my two house dressed & two underslip & skirt, then swept & wiped up the floor scrubed my hands good & mixed bread in loaves made 2 white loaves and one bread pan of rolls got them done just in time for supper  I ironed the 2 rayon dresses before Elbert came, then had supper, then ironed the other 4. pieces. got things ready for morning put veal on to stew with some onion & carrot washed the dishes & now am going to read my bible some & go to bed tired. I went out & fed the hens to before Elbert came. he lock up the coop & cultavated a little patch of dirt he spaded at odd times, for a few potatoes, I hope to put in some beets & carrots & cabbage & tomatoes & Kale yet. if I can get at it got to get some different shoes again. Well I got my check this Morning  Praise the Lord.

Sun. May. 10. 1942./ Elbert went to work. To day is mother’s day. Elbert came at 4.-p.-m. We had supper, fed the hens, got 9 egg. washed the dishes, picked a bunch of Tamerix to take to Mrs. Moher. We went & had a wonderful prayer service & had special prayer service for Mrs. Webber, she has a bad cold & [?] bealing in one ear, Wind is N.E. & cool, but pleasant day. Well, look as if things are near a climax, . Huron People have forbid our playing the record with the Church Hyms on them or letting the service out over the air.

Mon. May. 11. 1942./ Elbert went to work, I took care of hens & birds & did the washing  got done at 3.-p.-m. Elbert is mailing the little new Testment Miss Willitts sent to me, to Harvey Bonney our nephew, Brother Frank’s eldes boy who is over at Camp Perry Sandusky Ohio. training for this war.  Elbert mailed it he said at Vermillion Ohio & it cost 12 cents to send it to Sandusky & only 3 cents for Miss Willitts to send it from Detroit Mich to Huron Ohio. queer isn’t it. after supper Elbert planted my potatoe cuttings. Jeanie Sarr came in for 2 doz. Eggs  I owe her 1. egg. Jean ate a whole catfish 1 1/2 slices of bread & butter with chillie sauce & drank a cup of coffee with sugar & milk in it. then we went outside I gave her 2 yellow rose buses 3. trumpet vines [?] achmissedatern

/=197=/ plant & some white Lillacs. she took them all home in one of my new baskets she’s to bring basket back. I let the hens out early today & only got 8 eggs Wind is south & strong & cool  we still have a fire in heater. showery today clothes didn’t dry very fast, but they all got dry & I thank God that He held the rain untill they dried after which we had a good shower but the ground is dry & needs lots more rain yet. Elbert has a cold tonight  I pray Dear Heavenly Father that Thou wilt take it all from him as he sleeps, he’s so tired to, change his heart & make him Thine  I ask believing in Jesus Name, Amen. We are going to have a prayer meeting Thurs evenings now instead of afternoons.

Tue. May.12.1942./ Elbert and I went to Lorain We mailed the box to Doak’s & a box of lillies of the valley & tamrix to Miss. Mc. Govern in Vermillion and went to Lorain  I went to Hageman’s shoe store to Dr. Smith he fixed my fot & said it wouldn’t take too long to have them O.K. again, Elbert gave me two dollars  We thought perhaps I might have to buy shoes also I had all most $15.00 in my change purse, We went to 4th. St. and ate a lunch went out & got in the car and I’m sure I had my purse in my pocket, but it did-n’g seem to be there a few mi. later, I’m sure I know where it went but I’m out all that money  I’ve been saving for the hen house & car shed roof. We drove clear to nellie’s & then didn’t go in for I had gone to pay Ella Jane 3.00 for some moth cakes I haven’t got yet, Well, Elbert want me to mail it & if I had used my own judgement I’d still had my money but it gone as far as I am concerned  we came back home  he was so nervous, he left the milk in the car while we ate a bite & went to Sandusky for his dope, & back, he was terrible nervous any one to wacth him would have thought he had done a crime and was afraid I’d find it out.

Wed May 13. 1942./ Gertie’s birthday  she’s 54. yrs. old  Elbert didn’t get to work his back & hip are so bad

Wed. May.13.1942. /=198=/ he went to Lorain. but wasn’t gone no time said Drs. were all gone to some sort of convension. I looked after hens & birds and got a new light print dress half done. haven’t felt so good for two days. I Love the Lord.

Thurs. May.14.1942./ Elbert didn’t work he worked Mon been home every since hip & back & sore throat. it’s been wed fogy & showers had the heater going to keep out the chill & I didn’t get much done today, Elbert took me up to prayer meeting tonight  was only 9 of us there Mr. & Mrs Moher & two boys, Mable Winchel & Opal Selzer, Mrs. Rugg. & Mrs Sharp & myself. Opal’s been over to Port Clinton & they were having real meetings & a full house  she came back with high hopes filled with a greater enthusiasm & so she preached half the sermon & said we all ought to get out & work & bring in others , that just because we were getting old we couldn’t sit in our old rockers and do nothing & we might even have to get out & try walkiing to church, Well Mrs Moher added her say to that & said Opal had come home filled with power & was sending her over to Port Clinton, so she could get some of the same & so sister Moher wouldn’t be with us this Sun. but she wouldn’t leave us alone she see that we had a minister Well I Pray the Lord Will help them to find out What they need to gather a crowd & keep them coming. Miss Willitts don’t have to send out the old & feeble to bring in a house full, so she can have some one to preach to people come from far & near When they hear Miss Willit’s is coming to preach. I would like to do as I use to and I’d love to do more, if I were able & God was willing, I’m trying to do all I can & not over do m y strength  I still have a world of ambition. God is healing me. Mrs Bosteader has been praying for me to, 3 times a day & God has heard her prayers & Miss Willitts & her Co Workers are also praying for me & I’m a lot better & my feet are getting better but some how I can’t do only so much & my strength plays out. some days I feel quite strong & all this week I have been

/=199=/ so tired out I could hardly do my work, and I have found all things work out after awhile so I’m not going to worry about it, only just keep doing the best I can. and trust God to help me do, What ever he would have me to do. He has put a song in my heart, Halalula, Praise His Name.

Fri. May.15.1942./ Elbert went to the Dr. in Lorain, I washed every thing that was dirty except my blankets & got all done & the floor wiped up & hens fed & watered before he got back, he’s still feeling rather bad, he forgot the milk, I haven’t eat enough thse passed few days & it sure does tell on my strength But Praise God from Whom all Blessing Flow.

Sat. May.16.1942./  I got a pattern for a dress from Miss Mc. Govern. in the mail this morning. Elbert went to Huron after dinner & took Hellen Sarr. I was supposed to go to Lorain this after noon. Well I swept & wiped up the floor & looked after the hens only 7 eggs; Well I got supper & did the dishes & now must get to bed. Elbert went to Dr. in Huron today & took a treatment. I haven’t slept very well for a week or more now. not enough to eat for me. I got to write some cards & letters tomorrow and get caught up a little  I’m so far behind. Wind N. West.

Sun. May.17.1942./ 22. yrs. ago today on the of May Frank & I were married. I have lived here 21. yrs. the 16th. of Aug. I kept house at home for quite a number of yrs. untill they told me I could go out to work & Gertie could keep house, then I made a big mistake, instead of going to the Hospital as I had planned & getting my Deplomia I married on May. 17th 1920. & kept house untill we came here to make our home on 5 and 63/100th. acres of ground. Pa built a little house 18X30 ft. one large room & two bedrooms with only light wood partitions with full sized basement. Frank never tried to get paid up and keep that way & it was always a mighty hard row I had to just Keep even, before he died I Knew for sure he wanted it like that, I was nearly tired to death after he was gone, I’d had to keep going 3 monts day & night with only 1 or 2 hrs. rest out of every 24.hrs. I had 80 hens. to feed & water scrape the roost off a little each day untill I’d get to the end, then have to start over  I couldn’t leave Frank for more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time.

/=200=/ and it was trying on my strength to run in and see if he was O.K. then on one pre text or another run back and carry out the hens droppings & sand the roost, the sand was dry but heavy to carry & the water clear out at the south end of the hen house the hen house is 20 by 40 ft. & car shed on North end of it, so it Looks like one long building. I could  carry the droppings out the south door & the water for hens in that way bring a bucket of water round to North end of coop and then go in through & lock south door, bring my pail of waer to the house  see if he was O.K. and do a few things in-here then go to the grainery & take out feed & mash & take it to the hen house, pick up the eggs & lock the coop & hurry back & look after fire & get up coal empty ashes get well water fix Frank a lunch, take a snack my-self sit down to please him, for a few minutes then fix a torch & go to mail box 1/4 mile up the road to the highway, get the mail & morning paper (that come in the mail also) & hurry back so he could read alittle to keep him quite  he walked the floor like a caged animale & his growls were the wicked things he like to say the last week he lived I didn’t get a wink of sleep and he’d say, if he was as big & stought as I, he would step a little faster and not look so tired out, then the last 3. days he cried like a baby & said he had never in all his life, and of the many women he had known, he’d never known one as true, patent & Kind as I had been and always been, he said, he was so sorry he had been so mean and wicked, and some day I’d learn the truth about him & hate him, then I tried once more to get him to trust Jesus and ask Him to forgive him, and I told him again, that Jesus said though your sins be as scarlet He would make them White as snow, I pleaded & prayed, but he would only say, I signed up with the Devil long ago and now it to late. but Oh How I do wish I had listened to you and done the right things. It was more terrible than I can tell you. He’d be out of his head & fight

/=201.=/ -ing the devil al-most as sooon as I’d take my hands off him, but as soon as I lay my hand on him, he’d be back with me, and asking Why I went & left him to fight the devil, When he was so tired. Then 15 minutes to 4-a-m.Feb.19.1933. he began to fight again  the blood came out his ears, eyes, nose and mouth that terrible death rattle was in his throat at 4-a-m. he was gone  I prayed for a While beside him then I went to the front door facing the East, and looking up to Heaven ask Jesus to come and comfort me and show me the way from here for I’m so tired out and things are not in the condition they should be in and Oh Jesus Blessed Jesus Thou hast always taken good care of me, even when I went my own way  Please forgive me all and help me to know Whaat to do and how to do, for now I’m sort of lost and after all these yrs. I don’t know how to start out in life to work & earn a living as I once did  I do need thee Oh Lord, only Thou, doest Know how much I need Thee. That Morning He had laid a clean White blanket of snow over the earth, every thing looked so peaceful & quite out side, I heat the tea Kettle, Frank had ask me to give him a bath after he was dead, so I cleared the bedding from the bed  took it out side & hung it over the wood pile on the snow then gave him a good bath and laid him out covered his face with a damp towel & his body with a sheet. then took a bath myself & put on some clean clothes & some after 5-30-a-m. waled up to Sarr’s Who lived on the north of me, and I was stumbling along crying & praying for strength to carry on untill all was over I looked up from time to time, there Wasn’t a soul anywhere to be seen When suddenly a man with a stick over his shoulder with a bundle on the end of it came into sight

/=202=/ He was coming on up the hill  I began to wonder & feel sorry for him and was about to say good morning, When I realized it was Jesus and as I did He quickly climbed up the side of the road behind an old apple tree & was gone, I stood for a moment then thanked Him for coming to comfort me, I went in & told Mr. Sarr, Frank had gone and when he could I’d like to have him doing some phoning for me he said you look tired to death sit down  I’ll make you a cup of coffee. I told him about meeting the man in the road, so When he went down to make the coffee he slipped out to see if there were any foot tracks on the hill & When he came back with the coffee & a slice of buttered toast he was shaking and as White as death & he gave them to me and said, Who do you think that man was? I thanked the Lord for the coffee & toast  then I said, Well, Who do you think it could have been? He said, I don’t Know, but, What do think, I said, I think it was Jesus, he was shaking hard now, and said I guess it must have been. I thank him for my lunch & came back home swept the Kitchen & put a clean table cloth on the table. then fixed the fire & sat down in Franks big chair and dosed at last  some men roused me by talking among them selves, they were leagon men then they left and the under taker came & took Frank to Berlin Hights where we later had the funeral & took him to Elm Wood cemetery  it was a bitter cold day, his half, brother paid for his space, Where they buried him.  Well, this after noon May. 17. 1942. We went over to Sister Nellie’s  she was alone, but John & Johny came after we

/=203=/ had been there a few minutes we visited a little longer then went to Martha’s  she was off working with Mack and Merlin & the 3 children were home they looked lonesome & Merlin said Martha was only going to work 8 hrs per day, but she was there 20 or more & hired a girl to look after the children. That terrible some one ought to wake her up with a jolt before its to late. I’ll wager if God were to take Merlin from her she’d wonder how she had ever been like that and if she Knew how lonesome he feels & he acts as if it’s all a bad dream or some thing  Oh God how can she be so foolish, Please in Jesus Name wake her & sent her flying to her own husband & children  When she belong’s  Please help her Jesus before she drowns in the muck & mire. We got home to late to go to Church but I’m trusting God will make my trip one worth the time, in helping those Who need Him. 

Mon. May.18. 1942./ Well we went to Lorain, Elbert went to Dr. his hip is real bad  I was going to the shoe store but, hadn’t any money  When I got there so went over to Miss. Baumgarts & talk half hr. then went out & met Elbert We went over & talked to Madeline Hunter Todd. Bill was there & her eldest girl Marry Ellen Who is 24. yrs. old “she said,” afine looking dark haired girl. Madaline looks lots like her mother a well built little woman of 48 yrs. so she said. she also said Grace Crehore Hunter “Dave’s wife” was in town and that Mrs. Todd Bill’s mother had been in the Hospital a Week with a broken hip, poor soul “she is 77.yrs. old. Miss Helen  Fox is in Hospital also. I learned there were quite a number of the older folks in bad condition and George & Anna Crehore live out East Erie Ave. I got 1/2 doz salvias at store & planted them & some [?] anquisias when I got home it began to rain When I put them in & at 10-p-m- rained hard

Tue. May.19.1942./=204.=/ Elbert hasn’t been able to work  it rained & Wind went N.E. & got colder, fogy, & dark I only did my us-ual house work Elbert took care of hens he got a big mess of fish Mon. & we still have fish, he gave a big Mess to Mohers.

Wed. May. 20. 1942./ Elbert didn’t work it’s a cool rainy day & we have a fire. Bonnita has been married one yr. the 20th of May. I did the ends of Mrs. Mohers table cloth to, day & have the lace started & will be glad when it’s done, she, had the ends hemstitched & didn’t leave enough to roll to crochet over & it’s a rough looking job though I tried hard to make it look good. I feel she had lots I nerve to ask me to do it, she snaped at me before all Who were at Church because I smiled over some true facts she was tell & I can’t forget her expression as she said snaped, (Whats the smile for?)  But I thank the Lord my soul is clean. and I Praise the Lord with all there is of me and I love Him for He is love and wont be anything but Kindness. Amen.

Thurs.May.21.1942./ Well we went to Lorain stopped to see if Madeline wanted to go with us to see Mrs Todd but she said she’d would have to wait untill evening so we Went to the hospital  Bill Todd was there When I went in they both seemed glad to see me  I took a nice bunch of yellow roses and they happen to be her favorite roses, they are wonderful fragrant rose and such a pretty yellow. Mrs Todd lay with a cast on both hips, one hip broken, she is very thin and white and 77. yrs. old. then we

/=205=/ went back to town I went to Hagemans got my feet paded & prints taken so to find out what kind of shoes to buy to fit my feet so I can walk in peace again. Praise the Lord. Then we went to find Grace Crehore Hunter. I went to a door to ask Where George Crehore lived and Who should ans. the door but she that was Daisy Meed she married Jim Henry  he is dead, we had a little visit then I went & found to Al Camron’s where I found he and his wife Lottie   Mrs. Crehore, who is 81. yrs. old & not at all well, and Grace Hunter. We had a nice visit and then I called on Geo. & Anna Crehore, they have 3 boys the youngest is 29. yrs. old, then they have a girl 19. she is training in Elyria Where Bonney Bell Harnish is, then they have a girl 12. with red hair  her name is Shirley Well we had quite a visit then we headed for home got some meat tomatoes & ice cream in Vermilion came home cooked supper & ate it, put boiling meat on to cook & went up to prayer meeting  fire was so low under it I thought it was out & the meat burned up it was terrible in here When We got back. Opal Went to Port Clinton to a real prayer meeting & then Mrs. Moher went, she said she was really ashamed of her self & that she ment to do better from now on I’m trusting God in that place that God Will give us strength faith & power to work for Him as he would have us to do. Praise the Lord oh My soul.

/=206=/ We had a good prayer meeting tonight. Mr. & Mrs. Gibson & family of 5 children have moved to Celyon near the 4 corners  We brought her & her eldest girl home tonight. Halalula. Amen.  Bill Dryer came for eggs tonight said Jean was better but that they were all tired out. Jean’s has been having old fashion quinsey.

Fri. May.22.1942./ Elbert went to Dr. Hunter in Sandusky today. I made 3 loaves of bread  swept & did out the washing. the wind was N.E. Thurs. & rained & N.W. today & rained most of the day, cleared off last night & moon shone & a gain tonight.  I have dried clothes inside today got a fire in heater for its damp & chilly

Sat. May 23. 1942./ Cloudy most of the day sun tried to get through 2 or 3. times but couldn’t seem to make it. did only my house work swept & wiped up the floor  Elbert didn’t work.

Sun. May.24. 1942./ Well I’m so tired yet  We listened to the sermons over the radio & then went over on the Ceylon road to get Mrs. Gibson but they had been out on a long drive & she was to tired to go but the eldest boy & two girls went to Church with us  Mrs Hildebrandt & another couple were there  We had a prayer service after the regular service was over. then we toook the children home & we came home.

Mon. May.25. 1942./ Elbert didn’t work, I mended his jumper or finished mending it, it was a hard job but it’s done  I made 2 pillow cases & 2 dish towels & put the hem in my new dress stitched the belt in & sewed up the sleeves & stitched them in & bound the arm holes; Have to face the neck bottoms of sleeves, fell inside belt down & sew on buttons & make the botton holes yet.maybe I’ll get there by & by. haven’t been eating or drinking enough  can’t see very well to-day. got To do dishes yet & I’m so tired I hate to try to work. 

Tue. May.26. 1942./ Tue. I didn’t do much today  We went to Huron to special meeting there were to have been two girls

/=207=/ coming to preach, but they only got halfway  burned the bearing up in their car & phoned Mrs. Moher they would have to come on the bus & would be here for Wed. night. We took Mrs. Gibson & her two girls to church with us & brought them back to there home.

Wed. May. 27. 1942./ Elbert’s leggs are hurting him so bad he can’t work didn’t do only the house work & swept & wiped up the floor. Mrs. Gibson is working for Deforest Ward’s wife, cleaning, she came over here before going home We had a nice visit, Elbert had gone for the milk, but When he came back he took her home  I gave her a pt can of strawberry Jam & 1. doz. eggs. and told her I’d like my can back.  Mrs. Moher hasn’t given me the one she took with Jam in it yet. I’m still wondering about Mrs. Yons cans, she said she gave 4. doz. qt. cans of fruit to Mrs Moher & never got a can back, and Mrs Moher said she gave her the fruit but horse scence would tell a house wife to be kind en-ough to return the cans, We all Know they cost money  I do, for I’ve had lots of those tricks played on me, even When I had my name on the jar and ask to have it returned. I often wonder What Jesus would think of such a person. Can a person belong wholly to God & Keep things that don’t belong to them?,  they teach us that excuses belong to the Devil.

Thurs. May. 28. 1942./ Well we trimed some limbs from the apple trees today. that & my usual round of duties was all I got done except a few scallops I crocheted on the table cloth  I hate that job & the wasy she ask me to do it, she had it in a bag & right before the rest of the crowd she said “Mrs Babcock, now I hate to do this ” “then she cast her eyes around the group with a smile & a giggle” then repeated, now I hate to ask you to do this, then looked about the crowd again & smiled & giggled, I was so discusted, with it all, I ash what she wanted of me, then she said Mrs. Taub had given her an irish linen table cloth & she had had the ends hemstitched and would I crochet some lace on each end of it for her  she had bought a ball of thread. “I’d never have the nerve tjo ask any one to do so much for me.” I loooked at the hem stitching  it was terrible  not enough edge to crochet a decent

/=208=/ hem. I told her, & she said the woman said it was O.K. “she should have got her to crocheted the edge on it.” Well I was fish enough to tell her I’d try  I ask her what sort of edge she wanted on it and she said she hadn’t the least idea, just put some sort of narrow edge on and it would be O.K.  I’ll be more than glad when it’s all done & I wont get roped in on another like that. Elberts joints are nearly tormenting him to death they ach so bad today & tonight. Well I have to read & go to bed.

Fri. May.29. 1942./ Elbert is still home, he tried to clean up some limb wood but his legs & knees pained him so bad, We got into the car & Went to Norwalk to see if we could find the woman that use to sell Dr. Dennis system renavator, but we had no luck so came back, it’s been a scorcher today  like the hotest day in July. or Aug.  I got supper  did the dishes  took care of hens & sit un-der  the apple tree for a While & talked to Elbert, he looks bad. I have to wash a few pieces in the morn if it doen’t rain.

Sat. May.30. 1942./ Declaration Day  but the Whole World is declaring War. We stayed home & no one came and only such a few yrs. ago the yard would have 5. or 6. cars in it long before noon. Oh, Well, I only hope they are all well and trying with all their strength mind & soul to do the Lords Will, for in only a few yrs. and maybe less the Great Whirl Wind Will come upon us & there surely will be weeping waling & nashing of teeth and my heart achs for the many Who wont listen Who only laughs or haven’t time just now  Jesus said He wouldn’t have time for them either  at the judgement day. Oh me, it Will be terrible then When it’s to late and no one can help them in there angtuish, and terror  Oh God of Love and Mercy Please Call them to Thee now & help them to know before it’s forever to Late, please do Jesus, Blessed Jesus.  I did a big washing today  didn’t get it all dry outside. We had a nice big shower and thank the Lord for we did need it.  Well Elbert dressed a hen & I washed cleaned it & put it onto cook. now it’s most done & I’m taking my bath & getting to bed, been a terrible hot day seemed as if the Sun wood burn me up  the

/=209=/ edge of the galvanised tub was to hot to lean on when the sun had shone on it, and my neck felt as if it was being really burnt and it still smarts & burns tonight  Wind been all the way round & is S. West at 11-45-p-m. Elbert went & got the milk, said there were lots of cars out today

Sun. May.31.1942./  We didn’t go to Church  no time today or this evening  Elberts legs have been paining him rather bad allday  been a pleasent day looks like rain tonight.

Mon. June.1. 1942./ Elbert’s leggs & joints are still paining him bad. I baked white bread today  & two of the men Elbert Works with in the shipyard called this even-ing to see What was wrong with him, their wifes came with them  they were Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Housten & Mr. & Mrs. John Gillsy.  the women look at the different Kinds of flowers & I gave them each a big bouquet one of this & one of that. Elbert said the men couldn’t keep there eyes off my bread & remarked several times about it, saying it sure looked good enough to eat.

Tue. June.2. 1942./ Well Elbert Went to Dr’s. so I mowed & raked the grass and did my house work took care of hens & birds, and am sore & tired  rained a little tonight.

Wed. June.3. 1942./ Martha’s birthday she’s 30. yrs. old. Elbert is home but feels some better, it rained hard last night and I thank the Lord, we sure needed it & we need some more  it’s so sultry & hot. Elbert went to Lorain at noon  He mailed a registered letter to Rev. & Mrs. Doak & got a receipt & the card for them to sign  should be back here to me within two or 3 days. He mailed a letter to my cook stove Co. Long Island N.Y. & one to the Information Bureau New York City, N.Y. for Dr. Dennis address. Elbert drew what pay he had coming $26.61.  he got a few things to eat and paind 53 cents for (2) tomatoes, 25 cents per lb.  Whish I had a few to sell  I’d never pay that for tomatoes. I got one end of Mrs. Moher’s table cloth done, and the other end started  am making church window lace on it. I got one of her so called polite nasty letters today. I pray the Lord Will help her find herself

/=210=/ before it’s to late  she thinks people ought to do a lot for her because she’s trying to preach if she were the real “Mc.Coy” she wouldn’t be thinking of such things, and people would en-joy giving things to her, she hasn’t got what it takes to be a real minister for instance she said in a way that would hurt, Where is that Mrs. Basteader, she was the one that wanted the prayer meetings on Thurs. nights, but where is she, she don’t come; Well I happened to Know Mrs Basteader was having a bad tooth ach & so after Mrs. Moher had spilled over, I told her and she said, Oh, I didn’t know that; one other night she said ‘one sister said she didn’t hear the anouncements, because she was dosing so we’d better all be awake & listen  that polite insult was at Mrs. Gibson, if Mrs. Moher did two days work in one she might dose also. Mrs. Gibson has 5 children her husband & a brother to care for besides she works 8. hrs. away from home. Mrs. Taub is quite deft & she got up one night & an artery had broke by her ankle  Mr. T. called Mrs. Moher & she went to Taubs anointed and prayed for Mrs. Taub & Mrs. T. prayed & in an hr. the hole was closed tight the next day it had healed so smooth you wouldn’t have Known, it had been so bad; Mrs. Moher made a big fuss at the prayer meeting & said, tell just What sister Moher did, tell it all now. & the other day she said Mrs Taubs ankle was bad again and I just got right after her & give her a nice polite bawling out. Oh. What Would Jesus do, & say; In the letter I got to day, this is

/=211=/ she typed. Berlin-Hights Ohio June.1.1942. Dear Sister in Christ; In as much as you were un-able to be in our service Sunday I thought it wise to inform you of our change in services for the summer months. We are having the Sunday school at ten-oclock in the morning and following the morning worship at eleven oclock. evening Service at eight oclock and again the thursday service at eight oclock.  We are in hopes more of the folks Who must go away on Sunday after noons will be able to make it to service now that they are in the morning, & trust to see you this Sunday or Thursday night if possibler  Will not be able to visit you you as brother Moher has to use the car at the present time. Sioncerely in His service; Sister Moeher. (This is a copy just as it was typed. I never go gadding on Sundays  she knows so little about me, and seems to like to say such hard things to every one, I don’t see how she’ll ever be able to win souls for Jesus. But I pray the Lord will teach her that she can’t say mean things in What she calls a polite way, if she is in real earnest.  She wrote her letter on a scrap of thick paper, as if it had been torn from a book. I really hope she does have the right intentions, for the Bible teaches, What is in the heart come out the mind or mouth. she has some of my song books & a pt. can, and several records, that Im hopeing are not spoiled. I like to play them, and don’t get to hear them anymore. got to manage to get them back soon. Well it’s hot & sultry hardly a breath of air stirring tonight. We do need rain bad.

Thurs. June.4. 1942./=212=/ Elbert went down to the shipyard at noon hurt his hip getting out the car & came back home. I did up the ironing took care of hens & birds swept & crocheted  When I sat down to rest have the lace all most done. I want to get my song book, pt. can & records as soon as I can now. I’m to tired tonight, been a terrible hot day, cooler tonight.

Fri. June. 5. 1942./ Elbert went to work  came home with his nose all briused up, fell on it while working  he was down on his knees on a lever & an other big strong foriner did something that tossed Elbert on his nose  its badly swollen clear into his eyes. & he is so lame he can hardly move, he does have such a lot of ill’s & misforturnes of late. Wind has been N.E. & quite strong. I did the washing & got it all dry & so I’m tired, I have everything ready for morn.

Sat. June 6. 1942./ Elbert’s eyes were swollen most shut this morning  but I had him greese them last night & bath them with alchole & water today & the swelling was most gone tonight, but they were smarting some after we drove over to Burdue’s for milk and I could see he wasn’t feeling any to good, he let me out at Gibson’s  I talked to them a little, she hasn’t been able to work, been having a cold & is still feeling bad, she said they had taken Moehr’s to church twice now, that Mr. Moehr had gone to Ackron to do some Kind of school so he can work for the government and he took the car.  I wondered about all the things she was saying  the last time I was to church & I wondered at the peculiar smile he had on his face. She looked so determined, as if she was

/=213=/ sure of having her own way about some thing, and she said she didn’t care, if the Lord call you to preach you had to preach regardless of husband & children & she shouted so loud it hurt my ears, she has for the last 3 or 4 times, and Elbert said she looked & acted as if she were putting on a show and somehow I’ve been sencing something wrong & don’t have the same desire for her meetings as usual. I pray God Will show her the right way.  I cleaned a rooster for dinner tomorrow & made a big pan of biscuits, & have chicken cooking. I raked up the grass  Elbert cut several days ago & took care of it & took care of hens & birds & dooked the meals & made beds & done some crochet on the table cloth have it alsmost done  got about 6 more scallops to do; I’ll be so glad When I have it off my hands, for I have so many things I ought to be doing  instead of that, I want to get at my room & clean it up & put things away & clean the ceiling & get another coat of paint on it, before fall & paper all the rooms so to have them clean & fresh for Winter & the seller needs cleaning up again & I wanted to get the coal in  before I do that.  then there is some sewing I want to get done up for winter & my dresses to finish & Miss Mc Govern’s lace piece to do & a piece for Martha & Evelyn & Francis & Bonita  I wonder how long I’ll be getting them all done they all were before Mrs Moehr’s piece, but somehow I wanted her’s out of my way & have worked on that each time I site down to rest, and thank the Lord I have it most done. I do Praise Him Halallua

Sun. June.7.1942./=214=/ Guess Mrs. Gibson & I had a missunderstanding, I thought they said they’d drive over here last night, but they didn’t come, and after I got home, I though, perhaps they thought I were going to bring them & take them back so now I don’t Know untill I see them again.  They seem like such nice people, so friendly. Well it has been a cold rainy day. I picked a few flowers to take to church. Mrs. & Mr. Moehr were real sociable tonight  her mother was with them from Ackron Ohio. She said she made lots of mistake so, she ment no wrong. I will over look all she has said. We had a good meeting & God Bless-ed the meeting With Power  it rained & We took the Gibson boy & two girls

Mon.June.8. 1942./ Elbert went to Work  his eyes are better  but look very bad yet & also his nose. Mr. & Mrs. Gibson, the two girls & two little boys came today  they picked the straw berries, I gave them half for picking, they don’t pick like we do so guess We Will have to do our own picking  We like them ripe, they pick them half green. Mrs. Was feeling sick with cold & her bowels hadn’t moved for 3 days, I gave her an olive oil tablet but for got to give her some to take home with her, I do hope she’s better tomorrow. she was telling me about (4) little children  the oldest is 6 yrs old & the baby 6 months old, the parents have both gone & left the children with a little girl to take care of & neither parent has been back or wrote to her & they have been gone a week yesterday  Mrs. Gibson said it looked as if the parents had deserted them  I do hope they haven’t

/=215=/ Elbert came and he was so tired, he’s in bed & sleeping now. Jeanie Sarr. came for eggs & visited awhile, I gave her 2 qts. of strawberries, she said her ma Was baking a cake for supper. We had liver & saur Kraut & gravy potatoes & tomatoes & hot biscuits & butter & coffee for Elbert & milk for me,  after supper we went out & put the coop windows in  there is a strong N.East Wind & quit cold  I’ve had a fire in heater today & it felt comfortable.  Now I have dishes done & every thing ready for the morning. Elbert said the lake was rough & water was high in slip shipyard. I got a letter from the Doaks today & the babys picture. she said she wrote me 2 week ago.

Tue. June.9./1942/ Elbert went to work at noon & felt so bad he didn’t Work & came home at or about 4 or 4-30-p-m.  I did out the wash after he left & wasn’t quite done when he came back, but got it all done & most of it dried  outside, it have been to hot to work & a cool damp N.East Wind blowing strong.

Wed. June.10.1942./ Elbert worked today & is so tired tonight  he’s sleeping hard. I made 2. white & 2. brown loaves of bread cleaned the Kitchen up good moved every thing swept & wiped up the floor. then washed up my baking pans & what dirty dishes there were & got supper ready, Jean came in for eggs 1. doz. 30 cents. she talked a little & ate a piece of brown bread & butter after supper Hellen stopped in with Jean & Migg  they sit on the grass with Elbert & talked awhile about Georgie Snyder, she’s in bed with What the Dr. calls rheumatism fever, as Hellen decribed it (it sounded like What Elbert & I have (arthritis) It is in her Knee & joints & gets stiff, she took cold Declaration day after going in the lake for a bath. I’m sorry for her & hope she gets all right again. Elbert took

June 10th/=216=/ Jean & went to Burdue’s for lunch meat, Mig. went to Snyders & Hellen & I talked untill they came back, I had him stop to see how Mrs. Gibson was, she feels better; Its been a terrible hot day & I have sweat like rain all day & all evening & it 12-15-p-m.& hot, oh me, I’ve got everything ready for morning & I want to work outside in the morning putting in some beet & carrot seeds & my Dahlia bulbs. it tried to rain before dark Wind has been all the way round today. I got my check today

Thurs. June.11.1942./ Elbert went to work. I got up at 8 oclock & ironed, put the pads back on my feet  took me some time  took care of hens & birds  only have 12 hens now  I darned socks for Elbert it’s been another to hot day, started to thunder & rain at 2-30 p-m., Well we had 4 heavy showers, the last one was bad enough  wind blew hard till it sung & whined  rain came down in such White sheets you couldn’t only see an out line of things outside  blew one of the big doors off Snyders barn  Elbert brought a pt. of cream when he came & it sure was good  We sat in the yard a while then picked a pan of strawberries  he’s in bed & I have everything ready for the morning  only got 7 eggs today,  S.W. Wind all day.

Fri. June.12.1942./ Elbert has gone to work, wind still blowing strong from N. East & it’s much cooler makes you shiver to stand still in it, sun did not come through untill 9-15.a.m. I washed every thing that was dirty, but the blankets, then picked an-other pan of strawberries & cleaned them & made 7 pts of Jam. and I sure am tired  Elbert went for some lunch meat and I got all things ready for morning.

Sat.June.13.1942./=217=/ Elbert went to work & I washed all dirty towels & 4 blankets  done my usual round of work & helped Elbert pick strawberries a 1/2 bu. & 2 pk baskets full & Bill Dryer came in & picked 4 qts  I gave him a pan full about 3 qts. I gave them 2. qts. the other day. it started to rain and got so dark we had to quit picking  We were plenty tired any way. I picked such a pretty bunch & White P. sweet peas & they are so sweet there has been loads of roses and peonies were pink & red & the Wisteria Vine had a load of the bigest flowers, the honey suckle vine is just White and so sweet, the mock orange was so White & so sweet it was almost sicken-ing  the little old fashion bridle wreath was a ball of White, the flowering quince bright red all over & the flowering current was loaded & so sweet & spicy & had 3 nice baby red birds in a nest in it the cat birds have some baby in the big apple tree in the back yard, the Cor  [probably Coriopsis]    are a wave of yellow blooms the sweet williams are lovely and all collors the Dentzia is just beautiful the ramblers are just come into bloom, the South end of the house is very pretty now the pink are a carpet of white & so sweet. now the lillies are getting ready to bloom  blue flax has been beautiful  a bed of blue every morning  the P. poppies were a big bed of bright red, and the Texas roses are double and pink and quite large beside the back door  I have quite a carpet of pink             the weather has been so change-able  I have put all my house plants out side yet. Well now Elbert is sleeping & he is terrible hoarse tonight  hope he don’t have another cold. Well I’m tired so going to bed. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow. I love the Lord, He’s all the World to me. I Praise Him.

Sun. June. 14. 1942./=218.=/ It is so cold we still have a fire in heating stove. I caned up What straw berry Jam  I want 14. pt’s, We went to Gibsons and took almost a pk. then Mr. & Mrs. Gibson went on to Church With us. Elbert let us out at the Church.  I took a pk of berries to Mrs. Bosteader & a nice bunch of White sweet peas & American pillar roses to Mrs. Moehr. We had a wonderfully good meeting. Elbert got back at 9 oclock & we got out at 10.  he slept in the car and was angry because we were so late, But he was over it in a few seconds & we all visited on the way home, we let Gibson’s out at there home came back to Burdue’s & got a qt. of milk & came on home, it was nice & warm in side felt comfortable. I got things ready for morning & his lunch & went to bed still Praising the Lord.

Mon. June.15.1942./ Elbert went to work  I took care of hens & birds, then washed my stockings 2. prs. & darned a pr. to put on then went out & picked cherries, Jean & Midge Sarr came to show me the Chinnese doll & suit there Aunt Hellen had sent them from California, the front of the boy doll’s shirt had a beautiful hand embroidried Pea Cock on it. they hadn’t been gone very long when Mrs. Bosteader came with her two girls, her son Bob, and his intended to pick strawberries  they got quite a few & the young fjolks had a good time playing & scuffling on the grass, While pieced a big, big bouquet for Mrs. Bosteader  then they all went on there way, happy. I came in & pitted my Kettle of cheeries & got them ready to cook  Elbert came & we went to Berlin Hights to see about getting some canning sugar, have to have a ticket to get that to. they were not there & we have to go back Tue (tomorrow.) We stopped & talked to Mrs Hildebrandt a few minutes. then we went to Moehr’s & I got out and looked at there cherries & pretty white doves

/=219=/ they have two dogs & a kitten and it’s mother hasn’t been to feed it for some time poor thing was crying it’s self to death & they hadn’t given it a thing to eat. queer  they wouldn’t feed it. I gave her a jar of new strawberry Jam. & we came home  I cooked mutton chops potatoes & lima beans, had tomatoe bread butter & coffee, then I canned the cherries 3 1/2 qts. then I did the dishes & got everything in order for morning. I Praise God, he helps me, to do so much  I’m still believing He is healing my feet & bones & all else that’s wrong with me & make me clean & able bodied that I may do more for Him  I love the Lord & Praise His Name & The Father Son & Holy Ghost Amen.

Tue. June. 16.1942./ Elbert went to Work. I took an extra nap this morning, it’s been raining in light showers all morning  wind was North east yesterday & is there still today. was to cold in the shade yesterday & the sun shine was hot, but today has been cold & damp sun came out after dinner but didn’t stay, rained light rain most of the after noon & evening, When Elbert came I got supper  he brought a nice White fish it was sweet and tasted good. I’ve had a fire in heater & thats felt good. Elbert’s back & hip was pain-ing him so bad he could hardly move but he went to Berlin hights to see about getting the canning sugar & they were closed  only open from 2 till 5-p-m. & Elbert don’t get home untill 5 or 5-30  he has to work over time this coming week  I don’t know What we’ll do for sugar. We stop-ped to Gibsons  they thought perhaps they would be able to help us. We came home took care of a roll of wire fencing locked up outside builidings and came in where it is warm. We’re ready for morn & I thank God for my blessings healings & the strength & faith He gives me.

Wed. June,17.1942./=220=/ Elbert did not work to day  his back and hip are at it again. I planted some of my bulbs and some to-matoe seeds, and did my house work took care of hens & birds & finished lace on Mrs. Moehr’s table cloth and I’m glad it’s done, have to press it & take it back to her. its been a cool day but we didn’t keep the fire in heater today. |Wind has been N. east. Elbert went up to Leighouser the Dr. in Huron  he put a few bones back in place but Elbert went to bed with a bad head ack tonight. I sent a letter to Miss Willitts today & roll of stove lititure to Flora.

Thurs. June. 18. 1942./ Elbert helped me he pitted 1/2 bu. of cheeries  I canned 18. pts & 5 qts today  took a bath & was all ready for prayer meeting but changing my dress. I fed &K watered hens & birds & done my house work, cleaned a hen & cooked it for supper  gass went out  had to cook on Electric. We went to prayer meeting had a wonderful meeting, Mrs Moehr’s little sister had the power come onto her & she began to talk in Chinnese  I didn’t wait to learn what she said  Mrs. Bosteader understood her & could translate it. Mable & the Gibson girls went out & sat in the car with Elbert and talked with him. I gave Mrs Moehr her table cloth, she seemed real pleased with it and said she’d give me a big hug & kiss for it. so she did  Mrs. Rugg said she’d think it was worth lots more than that, if it was her.

Fri. June.19.1942./  Well We caned a few more pints of cheeries ———–today. & put them all down stairs in the basement & cleaned up all the muss & done up dishes and I’m tired.

Sat. June. 20. 1942./=121=/ [she meant 221]  Well I didn’t get up very early, We had a lunch & Went to Lorain  I went to the shoe store & got my new arch supports & paid $10.00 for them & paid $1.00 down on a new pr. of shoes, then I bought me a 69cent hat (straw) & a price of belting & some elastic. & just looked at the things on the counters. Elbert had gone up to Dr. Siffling, then I went over to Miss Baumgarts & met Elbert there & we talked a bit.  Then I met Aleck Hunter & talked to him a few minutes & Stuart Allen, before  I got to Miss Baumgart’s  We hit the trail for home  stopped & got some meat in Vermillion  We went out through Amherst, got 2 qts of black sweet cheeries for 25 cents an a pk of potatoes for 35 cents. in Vermillion  they were asking 19 & 20 cents a qt for the same kind of cherries  15 cents more  boys, oh; boys. We bought a cabage & some fresh beet in Vermilion & had hot steak for supper & now I’m going to bed and my feet don’t hurt me so bad Praise the Good Lord He surely is good to me.

Sun. June.21. 1942./ They call this fathers day and I didn’t even get to go home yesterday. but Dr. Smith said he saw him & he was O.K. Fri. night.  Alack said Mrs. Todd was better. Alack said he would be 39. yrs. old

June.23.rd. 1942./ Elbert said he didn’t think there was much of any thing wrong with him and that he might give his soul to the Lord be-fore long, but tonight his back is paining him again, I can’t Praise the Lord enough for What he has done for me. I can

/222/ walk now, Praise God, Oh my Soul. how glad I’am  I bleong to Jesus. Blessed Jesus (Johny Harnish’s birth day he is 17 yrs old)  We had such a wonderful meeting tonight  the two Gibson girls went to the Altar tonight & Mrs Bosteader’s son John, & even the man Jess was on his Knees praying, Praise God. Halalula, Amen, Holy Holy God Almighty.  We took Mrs. Gibson & the two girls to Church in the morning then home again; Well I got to wash in the morning.

Mon.June 22.1942/  Well I did half the wash-ing & it rained so I have the rest for morning  We went to Berlin Hights tonight, after  we picked up Mrs. Gibson & Henretta & We went to see one man & he sent us to a Mrs. Hines & she had just taken the blanks for sugar canning to a Mrs _______ so she went with us  the Mrs. _______ Home Where she got some blanks & filled one for us, Then We went to Mrs. Moehr’s Where we found only Opal, Dicky & Mable, Opal was in the kitchen pitting cherries sour ones, a good pk. she had picked after she had done all the work up & after she had done supper dishes, she was pitting to get ready to can in the morning, she put them in the ice box & sit on the front porch with us & visited a while, Then we came home it’s turned quite cool tonight enough so a coat was comfortable & last night was to hot.

Tue. June.23. 1942./  Well We didn’t do much this morning. We had just finished dinner When Miss Mc-Govern her Nephew  his wife & 2 babys drove in We

/=223=/ visited some & Miss. Mc Govern & I came into the house & visited, I let her have 2 dresses both new ones one a pink spun all rayon & the other an old rose pink with a white figure and that one has to be taken up under the arms a little. I’m going to try to get it done soon for her she said she’d pay me for it.  the young folks picked some cherries & were quite happy but Miss. Mc. Govern seemed worried over several different things. I’m so sorry Nellie & John were not honest with her & I pray God will trouble them till they pay her the money back she made out some papers for them to sign for 2. yrs. & John made it 4. yrs.  After She had gone, Elbert & I went to Lorain  We went to Hagaman’s shoe store & Dr. Chester Smith examined Elbert’s feet & took a print of them, he is going to get some arch suports to see if that will help his back & leggs.  We stopped to call on the preacher at Dellaware Ave. but he was gone house was empty, man next door said he was old & sickly & had resigned.  so we went over the 21st bridge & out to Martha’s  she was very pleased to see us, but gave us a cup of tea. I ate a piece of bread & little piece of cold meat but Elbert wouldn’t eat. We visited a little  Merlins mother was there & Merlin was there  Martha said he had sent her money to come & was paying her way back, Well it’s his mother and, I even though it does take some of there much needed money, I’m glad she could come, hope she has a good visit & hope Martha does the right things by her husband & family. I love them all.

/=224.=/  and I pray God will help them to be His children. I haven’t seen Audry for quite a while & we didn’t go to Nellies today, We met pa up town & had a little talk with him, he had been to town once before, he said, but forgot to go see about his teeth he was getting one set in Where he had lost one out of his plate, he said Johny had drove over to his place with his mother & Bonney Bell & had dinner with him, Martha said they had been at her place that morning, but she & her motherinlaw had gone to Cleveland, with one of Martha’s neighbors, so there when they come. M. says, Geo. & Bonnita are working in a Cafe Where they sell lunches & beer. Oh, I pray the Lord will take them out of there and turn them to Him. We came out through Amherst turned on to the Kolbe Rd, to main highway by the lake. I stopped & talked with Mr. Starke & got a black cherry graft of him, he has some nice big black ones that will be ready to pick next week he said, they are meaty & So good, he knew Frank they use to talk chicken, and gardening  We went to Huron before we came home, got a few things to eat after Elbert had been to Dr’s & had another treatment came home & got the supper & did the dishes and Was we tired & hungry & the firee in heater was still holding & felt good, it is quite cold again tonight.

Wed. June.24. 1942. /=225.=/  Well I haven’t done a very great deal today. I planted 4. rows of dahla’s bulbs. & cooked & done the usual round & its still cold Wind- is N.East and looks like we might get a frost. I bake a nice big pan of ginger bread today.

Thurs. June.25. 1942./  Well I didn’t get very much done today  swept & cleaned some & We went to prayer meeting & we had such a good meeting & God is With us and answering our prayers to. I loaned Mrs. Rugg, Miss Willitts book to read and took a dress to Mrs Bosteader to make over for one of the girls and was so sorry I didn’t take some of the ginger bread to Opal for she said she liked it. Praise the Lord.

Fri. June.26.1942./ Today I finished the wash & I ironed Elbert feels real bad, his hip pains him so, hurts him to get up or down or walk around, it felt better Thurs. night  Oh if he Would only call on Jesus to help him.

Sat. June.27.1942./ Elbert went & got Henereta Gibson & We Went to Lorain, I went to the paper store & ask about the oilcloth paper it’s 60 cents per yd. & come in 12.yd. rolls 45 in wide. I hope I can manage to get it, I wont have to be bothered for yrs. withe the papering job. just wash it & then wipe it with starch, cooked clear. funny isn’t it; then Elbert went to Dr. then we went to shipyard & he got his money, then We Went to see Rev. Addam’s & his wife K& family, Over to Avon Ohio but they were not home, so we came back stopped to see Miss. Baumgart a few minutes & got a bleeding heart  Mrs Cranage had started for me. We got a few things to eat & it was 8 oclock When We ate supper & got the dishes done. Two young men came & ask to pitch a tent to sleep in tonight & so we let them, they are Jim Merry & ______ from Cleveland Ohio

Sun. June.28. 1942./226./ Well, Heneretta stayed with me all night, she has a terrible cold, she felt better today, but still her cold was bad on her lungs. We ate supper & picked flowers for Church  We pick some pretty little cattail flags on the way home from Avon and I took a crock to stand them in  a big bunch of rambler roses and a nice bunch of sweet peas  pink & white Prens. & so sweet. Well We had a real prayer service and ever one went to the Alter, the Lord said touch John’s sleeve, I did, then, touch his back with Your fingers, I did , and While the power was high, Mrs Moehr came & told me not to touch him again it might take the power from him, and I couldn’t understand for a minute then  I prayed some  more & the Lord said leave them  shes striving against you, so I left and now I pray God Will help me to Know What I am to do for I have tried to make myself believe  I was wrong, Oh God help me to Know. What I am to do, now, I do want to Know. Keep me humble & even though they want to, Well they don’t want me in any form so help me to Know What thou would have me to do. I trust & believe & Praise Thee, Oh Lord God of Hosts, I love only Thee; Amen.  Oh, God, they’re saying evil about me, help them to Know they are wrong  I pray Thou will show them, Thou doest Know, And can make them see and understand Oh Jesus Blessed Master help me now.

Mon. June. 29. 1942./=227.=/  We Went to San-dusky  Elbert got his medicine  it’s been a terrible hot day and I haven’t felt so Well today & thank the Lord I didn’t have to work  the wind has been N.E. for several days but tonight backed up to N.W. & then S. west.

Tue. June.30. 1942./  Did the washing today  looked like rain most of the day and was sprinkling When I hung up the last of the clothes but they all got dry, haven’t felt very strong today, but Praise the Good Lord He helped me through. Well, tonight Elbert has desided  he was going to work in the morning, so although I don’t think he’s able to go to work, I’ve got his lunch things ready for the morning. Cousin Geo-rgie sent us a card & we received it yes-terday  said most the plants We took her were growing  she said the African Voilet was ready to bloom & the lillie’s of the valley did bloom & that her ma was as well as usual. We were glad to hear from her again. I sent a letter to Flora & one to Miss. Mc. Govern. and I have several to ans. yet. got to get right at it

Wed. July.1.1942./  Didn’t do much today took cold in my face  it’s swollen and achs, I trust it will be O.K. tomorrow.

Thurs. July. 2. 1942./ Did the ironing & baked a jelly roll cake. Mac. came in just before supper & had coffee & some cream & cookies he brought. We had a nice Visite to & after he left. We had supper, then We got ready for prayer meeting & stopped for Gibsons, the two girls and Mrs. Gibson went with us. We had Wonderful meeting Mrs. Gibson received especial Blessing

Fri. July 3. 1942./=228.=/ Well, Elbert isn’t working yet  I mended socks & my stocking  did a little cleaning & got the meals haven’t felt good since last Sun. night.

Sat. July. 4.1942./  No one came in today, only Jean Sars for 1. doz. eggs 30cents, The church group were going to Ackron for a picnic. It rained Fri. and it rained hard in the eveing and during the night, it’s a little cool & cloudy this morn. quitest 4th. I’ve ever seen or heard. Mr. Moehr is working in air plane factory in Ackron.  Received card from Martha Fri. saying Jean got through her operation O.K. but Joan, Who was to have her tonsiles out, was in bad condition  had to take 4 stitches in her throat, the poor child, and I Know Martha will be terribly upset for she isn’t very well herself. I have written her a card asking if I could help her for I Know What it means to work at home as fast as you can, then dash to hospital.

Sun. July.5. 1942./  Well it has been cloudy with a south West Wind blowing strong untill late after noon sun just partly shining through at times, thundering some, tried to rain; Gibson’s came over with two young couples, they want to rent the summer cottage  I really don’t know What to do about the rent. If the boy scouts take it I’d have more money to help fix the inside up for Winter. Well I have to Wait now and see What I hear from Cleveland & Sandusky. We Went to church and Heneretta Gibson went with us. and I have been praying for a better understanding and I’m getting it. Mrs. Sharp ask us to take her home tonight, she spilled over some what and, so I’m beginning to see, that unless God takes a hand there wont be any church up there for us before long. I pray God Will help us for We all make some terrible big mistake. Praise the Holy Trinity.

Mon. July.6. 1942./  Elbert did not work today only around home, he Went to Vermilion  got some food-flour & potatoes & a few fish for supper & a piece of boiling meat  I felt so near starved I could hardly Keep from crying, all week, While he was gone Mrs Hahn came in wanting money for the War chest  We had a nice visit for 1/2 an hour then she went on her way  Elbert came soon he cooked the fish

/=229=/ and we ate just fish and potatoes. I cut of the mock orange bush & black haw bush While he was gone & he carried all the brush over the hill & piled up to burn  been a nice cool day. I baked some biscuits tonight While I did the dishes for Elbert says he is sure going to work in morn.

Tue. * July  7. 1942./  Elbert went to work. I baked 3 big White loaves of bread, tramped through the weeds and brush & picked 2 qts nice black raspberries. I washed a towel  wash rag & handKercheif & 2 prs stockings & cook supper washed beet greens & beets & carrots 2 potatoes & cooked them in the beef broth with meat & warmed lima beens. Mig came for 1 doz. eggs & brought some beets (11 of them size of an egg & 6 or 8 carrots slize of lead pencile so I gave her back 10 cents out of the 30 cents she paid for the egg. got dishes done & lunch things ready. I took care of hens today Elbert’s tired so am I.

Wed. July.8.1942./ Elbert went to work & so did I  looked after hens, opened south coop door, carried several buckets of water to wash with, gave hens qts of sour milk, got the mail & two pails of well water  one to set the milk into went down seller opend the windowes & put away some empt cans & brought up some cans of fruit for lunches  put clothes to soak & heat the water to wash While I made a pan cake & heat some water to drink  Washed 4 lines of clothes they all got dry I got supper & did dishes  got things ready for lunch & now to bed a-gain, got lots to do tomorrow, and I Thank the Lord for the blessings He has given me raise His Name.

Thurs. July.9. 1942./  Elbert Worked to day. I sprayed all the basement & all up here thourghly, some job to.  toook care of hens & birds, washed & ironed all the cur-tains & hung them back up & ironed Elberts shirt   I washed my dress & E’s. socks. got supper. Jean Sarr came in for eggs. 30 cents  she came back with some cherry so, She & I went out & picked 2 qts of goose berries for her to take home. I did dishes & got things ready for morn.

Fri. July. 10. 1942./=230=/ Elbert went to work. I clean the three rooms got down on my hands & knees & wiped up all around the edges of kitchen, took care of hens & birds, finished the ironing  Jean came in with beets & string beans  I let her have a quart of goose berries. Elbert came he brought a pt of ice cream  it was so good  wish I could have it at noon for awhile. I only have a snack at noon & then my supper. Elbert bought some lamb chops  I boiled four potatoes had green string beans & milk gravy, beets & beet greens bread home made & coffee. got dishes done & every thing ready for morning. I mended his underwear my shirt & fixed belt of my under skirt  so I’m rather tired. Elbert is dreadfully tired. But Praise God He takes care of us & gives us strength to go on. Oh, Jesus, Blessed Master, I pray Thou will Keep us to the end, give him & the others that perfect change of heart & make them Thine soul & body, Amen. Glory, Glory, Halalula, Amen. It was cloudy all morn foggy & rained hard at moon & for a little while after. started misty rain at 8-a-m. came harder & at noon heavy.

Sat. July.11. 1942./ Elbert went to work. It’s a bright sunshiny day, but thick around the edges. birds outside all happy & singing rain came almost straight down yesterday, a light breeze little to the south. rain came in White sheets eased off and was nice again at supper time. today has been nice, yet rather warm  North West breeze but light   I mended & sewed, some, fixed my slip & put patch on back of Elberts work shirt  trtied to work on my dress but Jean & Midge came in & they wanted to many things  so had to watch them  Elbert came & they went home   they worry me  if they stay to long and one at a time’s enough. I got a card from Martha saying both children were doing fine, Jean was moved over to Gates Hospital  they both belong under one head but Gates is for crippled children  Martha said, Frank and Pa were there last Sun. about 15 minutes  pa took a good rope for the children for a swing  Well I do thank God that He is caring for them. I haven’t been to Church all week & hope I can go soon again. God Willing

Sun. July.12. 1942./ We didn’t get6 to Church today. Not enough gas if Elbert goes to work in the morning and

/=231=/ he owes for what is in the car & will have to get more this week on credit untill he gets his pay Fri.  I’m praying God will help us to do our part, and not “in our weak ways” as Mrs Moehr terms it, but in reaality good earnest prayers & work. It has been a hot sultry day what little breeze there was seemed to come from the north but tonight the breeze seems South east & very light. No one came in today. We had lunch & got everything ready for morn.

Mon. July. 13. 1942./ Elbert went to work this morning and I did the washing & took care of birds & hens, Jean got 2. doz. eggs 60 cents. , got the wash-ing done at 3-p-m. and it has been a terrible hot day  Elbert got some ice cream on the way home  I made some tea & We ate & drank & then after We had rested a few minutes  I got the supper ready. Now I have dishes done and things ready for the morning and I feel pretty good only of course I’m tired. south west breeze all day & tonight.

Tue. July.14. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work & I have been mending two suits of his underwear  took care of the hens and birds  swept & took care of beds and rooms & cooked supper & done dishes got everything ready for morning  Elbert’s sleeping   his Knee is bad again, he’s limping & it’s paining him each time he moves it, he’s out of medicine again to. Its been a very quite day, hardly any breeze, & hot. Well I Praise the Lord for my many Blessings. Glory Glory. Halalalu. Blessed Jesus. He is truth light Love & Mercy. North West Breeze  what there was of it.

Wed. July.15. 1942./  Well I did some more mending & Elbert went to work, his Knee is swollen again. Jean & Midge came this after noon at 3-30 & we picked goose berries  5 qts.  Jean brought me a bunch of beets about a dozen size of walnuts,  took so long to pick the berries they were just leaving When Elbert came. I got supper & we Dressed & went to Sandusky to Dr. & Elbert got his medicine  got back just before it was dark & we had a cup of tea. done the dishes, got everything ready for morning  took care of hens & birds & my usual duties.

July.16. Thurs. 1942./=232=/  Elbert went to Work & outside my usual round of work I pick-ed and canned 3 1/2 qts. of apricots. and I’m tired tonight it’s been a hot day, but a nice S.west breeze

Fri. July. 17. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I did a got sized wash & 5 work shirts that were terrible dirty  soaked & squeesed them in one water & then in another & then rubed them out, when Elbert came, I had hot soup & coffee he had ice cream for us both, We ate then he carried some water to finish the shirts  I hung them up & he took off the one he had on & washed that While I fried potatoes & pork shoulder & fix-ed the beets, he ate a tomatoe, & we rested a little then went out & picked apricots two ten quart pails full, then I ironed his work shirts  washed up the dishes  cook a qt. of apricots  I had fix-ed to cook & fixed vinegar for the beets & took care of Elbert twice, he’s been having cramps in his legs gave him two anicins with in 1 1/2 hrs. & now fixed his lunch for morning, and am going to bed as soon as I Know he’s all right.  S.West.breeze & hot he said it was 104 today  I thank the Lord for all lour blessing & pray He will have mercy on His people & hear their prayaers, I pray He will help us to do His Will & help others to do for Him Oh Glory Glory God Almighty I Praise Thee.

Sat. July. 18. 1942./ Elbert went to work & I canned 14 qts of apricots altogether I believe; I baked 1 loaf of bread a white loaf  took care of my usual work & wash-ed my corset & stockings  done up all my work & am ready for morning again it was 105 degrees at noon here in the Kitchen. Praise the Lord I am tired but O.K. Elbert brought cream & I’ll tell you, I sure appreciated it. didn’t eat much this

Sun. July.19./1942./232 [means 233] Well it’s been a terrible hot day, although there has been a good breeze from the South & West & we had a very light shower at 5-30-p-m  We went up to brother Butiners church this evening. had a good service but there were only such a few there  Young Mr. & Mrs. Yahns & two children Mrs. Yahns Sr.  Mr. Heimliek & his 3 children one elderly man I didn’t Know & Elbert & myself. We went down to the dairy for milk  Mrs. Moehr was just dismissing her folks. Mrs Bosteader, her boy & girls  Mrs Moehr  her two boys  Mable Winchel, Opal & her intended husband. So neither side seems to be making any headway as to people. But Praise God We still have the Lord With us & His Power is manifested in our little group  Glory Glory Glory  God Almighty  We Praise Thee Lord God of Hosts Halalula  Amen.  Well everything’s ready for the morning now I’ll cover the birds, I read my Bible today & I can’t seem to get all I’d like to Know each time I read so I pray the Lord will give me that Knoledge & Wisdom I need to help others to Know & understand, that they may be His  I do pray He will give me that talent to save souls for Him, I pray He Will have Mercy on All the Jewish People & hear their prays for help  Oh. God Please forgive us & help us to come to Thee & be fed & quenched by Thee Please help not to do wrong but to be guided only by Thee to love those about us for they are all thine, and we Know not. We all make miss-takes & not one is perfect  But send Thy Power on us & help us to be doer as well as hearers of thy Word, Oh Lord  Send the Power & baptize every soul show us Where we are wrong & help us to do the right thing Amen

Mon. July.20. 1942./234/ Elbert went toWork & I just canned apricots 43. qts cans in all, I put away 26 qts & 14 pts. this morning. with Elberts help I got all done 2.a-m.  I took care of hens & birds & cooked the meals & did the dishes & got all ready for morning.

Tue. July. 21. 1942./ Elbert went to work he had a dirferent job last week working in the tool shed making & putting or hanging handles in hamers & this week he’s doing some corking jobs.  I did the washing today & put a v. in the back of Elbert’s pants  cleaned the stove where the juice boiled over & got supper, took care of hens & birds & after supper We Went up to Mr. & Mrs. Gibson’s & had a good visit  good spiritial visit, then came back & did dishes & have everything ready for the morning. God has been Blessing me with strenght & removeing the aches & pains, Prais his Holy   Name. Oh God give me more & deeper experiances with Thee then I may be able to do more for those about me, for Thy Sake, Amen.

Wed. July .22. 1942./ Well I have darned socks & patched 3 workshirts. (Elbert went to work) put a wide piece of elastic belting in back of Elbert’s pajama pants, put a piece & a cotton belt on my under skirt  made two dish towels  got supper  took care of hens & birds  picked 2 qts black berries, got 6 eggs last night & 7 eggs tonight. been cooler today & a strong N.E. Wind, it rain-ed a good shower, at 3-30-p-m for 1/2 an hour Wind all most died out tonight just light N.E. breeze.  done the dishes  got things all ready for morning. Well I’m tired but not so weary as I usually am, seem to have a little more strength. Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow. Amen

Thurs. July.23. 1942./ Elbert went to Work  I swept & wiped up the floor took care of hens & birds 7 mended my stockings & ironed my house dress & Elberts dress shirt & got suppoer  We went up to Moehrs to get my songbooks but they had gone, so We went to Church  only Bastenders Mrs Moehr, Opal her intended & Mable & to Moehr boys

/=235=/ and myself were there, I got my records & they said I could have my song book, but they were over to the house. so I’ll still have to get them. We came over to Gibson’s from Church & learned that Mrs. Gibson had ask Mrs. Moehr & a few more of the church folks to come to her home for a real old fashion prayer meeting tomorrow night & We are to go all so, and I want to go & pray I’ll reap a wonderful blessing, God Willing,  Mrs. Gibson said she saw Mrs Moehr this afternooon & told her she had talked to the Minister of __________ & that he said, he would be so glad to come and preach this summer, While she & Opal go for a rest. Now What will take place this time. I pray the Lord will Guide and help us come on top & fill that meeting place untill there wont be room & we’ll have to find a biger place. God help us to save souls for Thee & give Thee all the praise & Glory forever & ever amen.  Well every thing is ready fjor the morning, again.

Fri. July.24. 1942 / Audrey’s birthday  she is 50 yrs. old today. Elbert Went to Work, I did a good sized Washing & now a gain I have to wash out the blankets. Well we went over to Mr. & Mrs. Gibson’s tonight, they invited us & the rest of the Church folks there for prayer meeting & to meet her father & mother sister in law & brothers, We had a nice visit & good prayer meeting. I like her folks to they belong to God.

Sat. July. 25. 1942./  Well I did my usual round of work. Elbert went to work, We had Supper & then went to Sandusky to Dr.Hunter’s Where Elbert gets his medicine & he had to wait, it was after 11-p-m When we got home. Well I got my check today. I am, so greatful for that check. 

Sun. July.26.1942./  We went to church & We had a good pray service  Praise the Lord. Mr & Mrs Laekin there son & Daughter Mrs. Gibson & her husband were there  Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Rugg, Mr & Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Moehr & two boys  Mrs. Bosteader  her son & two daughters  Mable Winchel & my self, Opal & Mr. Bob Brown. there were some folks came in & went out-again  they could take it sermon was to strong for them. I gave Mrs. Gibsons mother & father a can of apricots  I’d liked to have gave them 2 qts but didn’t know they wanted them so much. Praise the Good Lord

Mon. July.27. 1942./=236=/ Well it’s Frank’s birthday  he is 52. yrs. old, and doesn’t belong to the Lord. Oh God. I’m trusting & believeing for Thou Hast promised.  Elbert Went to work & I haven’t done only my usual Work. I ask Mable Winchel to come stay with me untill Wed. night  Mrs. Moehr & Opal & the two boys are going to Ackron Where Mr. Moehr is Working that would leave Mable alone  she can’t dress or un dress her self very Well alone  her arms are so bad, they said they’d be hear about eight o’ Clock  but didn’t come untill after dinner, & Mable hadn’t had any lunch so we had a snack, then we did some visiting. Elbert came and brought ice cream, then I prepared supper While Elbert dressed    fish & We had them with small beets & greens & potatoes  bread & butter & apple sauce & now I have the dishes done & every thing   ready for the morning  its 11-p-m  been a partly cloudy with a couple very light showers, been quite hot if working but a nice light N.E. breeze changing around to West & dieing out.

Tue. July. 28. 1942./ Elbert went to Work, and it’s been terrible hot in the sun and I have thought of him all day, We had a cool breeze from the North all day but right in the sun it’s been a scorcher. I haven’t felt so strong, today, had a bad exhausted spell this after  noon haven’t done much only my usual round of duties & washed the woodwork on the low-er part of the cupboard  We had lamb chops, potatoes, peas & gravy & tomatoe  for supper  Elbert brought cream & so wwe ate that before supper for it was getting so soft, it did give me more strength to get supper ready. We ate supper  I did the dishes & then we went to Mables house & she fed t5he dog, cat, rabbit & dove  then we stopped on our way back to Berlin hights & I talked to Mrs. Hildebrandt afew minute

/=237=/ then we got some meat & butter up town & came back to Mr. & Mrs. Gibsons Where We talked a few minutes then we came on home. I have been so anxious about Heneritta  I hope all will be well with her.  I have every thing ready for morning. Elbert got to hot today, his neck & arms are burned red, he had n’t ought to work in the sun  I do hope he wont have to tomorrow, it Will make hims sick. Oh, Lord, God of Mercy, help us that he may be spared the direct heat of the sun from now on till it gets cooler weather. I Pray in our daily life that Thy Will be done in all things, both great & small things, Amen.

WEd. July. 29.1942./  Elbert didn’t Work  he got to over heat yesterday & then he thought he’d try to go this afternoon & he had to wait in line near the under cut  they’d had some sort of terible wreck  they had to back up at last & deture  he got out in the shade for a little While then he went on to Lorain  was to late to work so he took his car to garage & had it taken care of & come back home  he could hardly navagate & he looked so bad, I got some hot Water on his head and took care of him for a time & he got to feeling better again, We had supper & took Mable home & came on back home  We picked up a man on the road & took him to the highway sandy haired thin faced Irishman said he lived in Cleveland. Elbert felt so bad he went to bed early.

Thurs. July 30. 1942./ Elbert was so weak he didn’t go to work, but layed & slep most of the day  I mended his pants pockets and at four We went & got the milk & his shoe fix & mine stretched then We came home fed & watered the hens & had some supper  he don’t have his usual craving for food so I Know he isn’t O.K. yet. Frank & Red & a friend of theirs drove in this evening  they went up the track to hunt wood chuck. they got one, ate a

/=238=/ lunch & then went home it was about 9-p-m. & getting dark; he said every one Was O.K. down home & that they had heard from Harvey & he is studying & got ahead fast in the training camp & that Armond has gone to Alabama with a Mr. Harry Baker for a vacation & is having a good time. Well, Elbert’s in bed, so as I have every thing ready for morning  guess I’ll go to  didn’t get to go to prayer meeting.

Fri. July.31. 1942./ Elbert went to Work & I carried water & took care of hens & birds & then did out a big washing  Elbert came & brought cream it was so good & rested me some before I cooked supper, it was quite cool all morning then the sun began to get hot & it was to hot  Elbert looked all in When he came home  I got him to take a hot bath & put on clean dry clothes & eat his supper then he felt some better and now I have every thing ready for morning & I’m going to take a bath & go to bed. I thank the Lord for our many blessings, Praise His Holy Name. I received a 3 page letter from Miss. Mc. Govern yesterday. she even sent me stampts to write soon. poor soul I do wish it was so I could help her more.

Sat. Aug.1. 1942./ Elbert went to Work. I baked Bread 2 W. loaves I did the ironing swept the 3 rooms  mended Elbert’s overall’s & took care of the hens & birds & cooked ham & cabbage, pota-toes & dumplins for supper. Elbert brought cream & was I glad.  there has been a cool N.E. breeze  but it has been hot to work. Frank & Pa came at supper time, to hunt wood-chucks Pa was to tired & his feet Were hurting him so but he went & came back 7 had supper with us, he  was  so tired he could haardly wait to get started for home, he says he can’t stand the heat very well this hot weather  he is terribly deaf & it’s hard for me to talke to him, but Elbert could so we had quite a visit  he said, Gertie was quite well, Uncle Will got out some Aunt Edith Wyn & Virginia were over to see them about 2 weeks ago  Aunt is 92. yrs. old he said martha had to take Jean home she worried so much she didn’t gain, Joan was better & home & Jim is well & Martha is tired. he hasn’t heard from John & Nellie

/=239=/ since June.21. 1942. or any of the family. Audrey is working. Frank & Ruby are expecting harvy home on a furlow in a couple of weeks. Frank got 4 wood-chuck tonight, they left for home at  9. oclock, Well Ive got everything ready for the morning I gave them each 1. qt. can of Apricots & had to cook 3 over only had 2 when I canned them again. I gave Mrs. Moehr a qt. can. Well I’m going to bed Elbert’s sleeping.

Sun. Aug.2. 1942./ We were home all day and it was my fault  my stomach & bowels were so, I just could-n’t go any where; Elbert wasn’t feeling fit himself so we listened to the sermons over the Radio all morning  after noon & evening and I praise the Lord He has Kept me & done so much for me.

Mon. Aug.3. 1942./ Elbert Went to work & I did the wash-ing, thought I wouldn’t, but habit is strong, I got it done most of it, felt so weak & limp, I didn’t wash the table cloths & my good dresses, Jean Sarr came in & I gave her 1. qt. of apricots, Midge came & we picked a few flowers & I gave her half my glad bulbs. they ought to have been in the ground long ago; I Praise the Lord for the wonderful strength He has given me today.

Tue. Aug.4. 1942./ Elbert went to Work. I wiped up the floor, took care of hens & birds, I washed my stockings and made 2 doz oat meal cookies, took a bath & got supper  Elbert came,  I was just done feeding hens for night he washed  &  dressed, We Went to Gibson’s & took them 1 qt. of apricots.  We took Henritta to Sanduscky with us, Elbert went to Dr Hunter to get his medicine. I’t was 10.-45-p.m. When we got home, he was a sleep before 11-p-m. We let Heneritta out & her mother sent us some beans & a head of cabbage to bring home. I had to cook 1. qt of apricots over & fix things for Elberts lunch & it was most 1.-a-m. When I got into bed.

Wed. Aug .5. 1942/ And then was to tired to sleep just got to sleep when Elbert got up to get ready to go to Work; after I see him off. I lay down & slept untill 8.-a.-m. still feel tired. I set bread & looked after my house hold duties & hens & birds & had some breakfast a hot pan Cake & tea & 

/=240=/ washed my stockings.  I took abath & got partly dressed. Elbert came  early  We had supper & While I finished dishes & getting dressed Elbert Went & got Mrs Gibson & Ritta & then We went & got Henerrita & went to Buela Beach to hear Rev. Nelso preach  We also heard a woman from Affrica tell her story of her christian life & her missionary  work  Surely We are a sinful people. We did enjoy being with God people, 14, hundred of them & quite a number preachers & singers 75. young folks playing insturments of all Kinds. We took Mrs Gibson & her girls home & it was 11-p-m. When We got in & 1. a-m before I got to bed & I am sure tired tonight.

Thurs. Aug.6. 1942./  Elbert went to work.  Well I washed the table cloths & quite a few more clothes & did my usual round & washed & dressed & went to prayer meeting, half of the folks were there  a preacher & his Wife came in for the meeting   Rev. Gerlack & his Wife, she played the piano & he “did the preaching, Mable wasn’t there, her tooth still aching  talked a little with Opal not so much With Mrs. Moehr. she & her family are going to go to Ackron to live with Mr. Moehr & we are going to have another preacher. Well We had a good meeting & took Mrs. Gibson the two girls & two little boys  home & we came on home & We are both so tired  But Praise God I’m better

Fri. Aug.7. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work. I mended pants pockets & darned two prs. socks & got supper, sold Jean 1. doz eggs.  she brought me a peanut butter cookie she made me on Sunj and I gave her 1. of my oat meal. cookies. have not felt very strong today  leggs to tired., (Mrs. Sharp says all Mrs Moehr’s folks were at the picnic Sat) she told…got that picnic new in wring place.  Frank & Ruby came out today or tonight to hunt wood chucks, Ruby stayed & visited with Elbert & I. We had a nice letter from Martha yesterday   and a card today from Mrs. Moehr inviting us to church picnic Sat. Aug.8.

Sat. Aug.8. 1942./ Elbert went to work it rained hard last night and this morning. I cleaned the bird cages & cleaned up the house it showered till almost noon then cleared & the sun shone untill late When it clouded up and rained light showers. I have been getting my two dresses ready to wear  have buttons & snaps sewed on & part of the button holes done. Will try to get them done soon. Elbert came with cream & a water melon & said We’d have our picknic here now.

Sun.Aug.9. 1942./ 241/  Rained last night & some this morning. I have been praying most of the nights for God to reveal to me the things I should be doing, last night I ask What Was to take place at Church  He showed me a dark haired woman a Man & light haired little woman With a red haired daughter about 4. yrs. old and a tiny baby with a blue & White blanket in a covered basket. I looked & they were so plain, I pondered over two women  both young  the man a big 6 ft sturdy fellow, with a strong, determined, looking countenance; Well they came to church, the dark haired Woman came in by herself & Mrs. Moehr came With the Man “Who’s name was Mr. Geo. Solaman” his Wife & 2 children, the baby was only 2 weeks old, his name was David & the daughters name was Ratchel. It proved to be Rev. Geo. Solaman, he told how he was a little skinny fellow with leakage of the heart & all sorts of bad habits, he was feeling terribly ill  left the crowd of boys he was With & started home to his mother a Widow, he was passing the little old school house Where they also held Sunday worship, he stoped & looked in then Went home as he got almost home, he turned & went back & looked into the old schoolhouse & listened again, then once more turned, “holding his hand against his heart that was paining worse than usual” and started home When 3/4 the Way home a Voice said, George it now or never for you  he thought of his mother Who’s hands were so worn & the skin cracked from washing day after day to bring up her children, and how she had drawn them so close to her and prayed so earnestly for them, now he was almost home, for the third time, but he turned & hurried back to the school house  every one had gone but the old minister & his Wife & 2 or 3 others, he walked up to the good old preacher & told him, he wanted to Know God & be forgiven & healed & he didn’t Want to go home untill he got it all, they all began to shout & pray & he Knelt at that old Wooden alter & ask God to forgive him  heal him  & make a man of God out of him, at length the Lord forgave him  and  still he prayed for the healing, he Was in real earnest, and before morning God  laid His hand upon him & he jumped to his feet Praising God & thank-ing Him, He began to gain in health, he lived for the Lord & then the old group got together & tried to persuade him to go have a drink and now

Sun. Aug.9. 1942./=242.=/ he told them  not for all the drinks or any of the other things he had done in the passed Would he ever give the Joy & Peace he had found & now he’s a man in his _____ & so happy in Jesus & he like to preach & do the hard things that others don’t seem to have the courage to do. (Oh, Yes, if only every one Would “Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Yea Soldiers of the Cross.”  Praise   God  I to would like to do more for Jesus  and am praying  He will point out the way, and lead me all the Way for His sake & Give Him all the Praise and Glory, for ever & ever Amen.  Henerritta  had the woman she works for bring her to my home, since it would be late before she would take her, to her own home, so she washed & We were just ready to start to church & we took her home & her mother Wouldn’t go to church so she went With us & we took her home, We got home quarter to eleven. I was so hungry  We ate a piece of Water mellon  & went to bed after I had put out his lunch things. He got himself some new shoes also he got two new work shirts Sat. they seem to be comfortable.

Mon.  Aug.10. 1942./ Elbert Went to work  it’s dark & cloudy but cleared off & has been nice all day  N. east Wind  I did not do much today  fell so weak & limp sewed a little & cleaned up the house  Wind still N. east.

Tue. Aug 11. 1942./ Elbert went to work. Coal man came at 10 to 7.a-m. with 4 ton then came back later With 2. ton. more, after they went I hung out my Washing  it Was thick &  wet untill noon, then began to clear up, clothes all got dry and I thank the Lord, but it’s all clouded up again tonight. Elbert brought cream  We ate it then he cleaned the fish & We had them for supper with potatoes, tomatoes bread & butter. coffee.  I took care of hens & birds  &   am so weak & tired tonight but pray  God will help me.

Wed. Aug.12. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work & so did I, sewing.  I riped up that pink dress & cut it over & cut a pattern off. got it all done but a little hand work . fixed Elbert’s Work shirt  also & made bag for systern pump.

/=243.=/ I got a letter from Miss Mc. Govern  she’s worrier and she wants a dress. Elbert & I went to Huron When he got home, I went to see if Mrs. G________ had any dresses with long sleeves, but she didn’t  I got one  I can fix over- for myself I hope $4.50  dresses are going to be high priced  I got 4 shirts  39 cents each 2. pr. stockings 98 cents pr. & 2 pr. cotton stockings for  39 cents per. pr. paid for most of the things. then we stopped at Mrs. Sharps & I visited a  bit with her she don’t like this Minister, but says there Was a good one here, not so-very long ago, I wasn’t there the night he came & preached. Well she says Mrs Moehr is leaving in 2 week to live in Ackron and she (Mrs Sharp) says she’s glad Mrs Moehr is going. It surely a Queer World, isn’t it?  Praise God; He’s our all. Now I have every thing  ready for morning We had our supper & Elbert’s gone to bed & I have to Write a letter to Miss Mc.Govern. & a card to Mr. Miller, then me to bed.

Thurs. Aug.13. 1942./  Elbert was taken with severe cramps in his stomach and I was here writting a letter, he felt as if some peperment might fix him up so I prayed God would take away the cramp as I fixed hot water for the Peperment sling he drank the sling and in just a few minutes was sleeping again, I thanked God, but he was so tired & this morning he didn’t go to work this morning he was so sore all through his stomach and bowels he slept all morning & at noon he still didn’t feel so good  but wanted me to go to Lorain & get my shoes, he gave me $10.00)  I had paid $10.00 of mine on the coal bill. Well I got my shoes & he did a little shipping for him self, then we went to see Nellie & Who  ever else was Home, Bonnita & Johny were home with Nellie, she was doing dishes  Johny Was helping a Mr. Gannet change a window & shash in Nellie’s bedroom  Nellie was making a dress for herself. Bonnita gave me a picture of Geo & herself. Well We had quite a good visit and they really seemed glad to see me today, We went to see martha, she & Merlin have been having intestinal flu. guess that was what was wrong with Elbert. We brought Joan home with us  Jean is feeling quite well with her leg still in the cast from the foot halfway to hip  she hopps around on on leg & goes up stairs & down & all around the house & yard. I Pray the Lord will heal her & make her normal.

Thurs. Aug.13. 1942./=244.=/  I took the children each a candy bar & Elbert got some ice cream & we had a cup of coffee & some cream. Jim said, if Joe is going I’ll stay with Jean  I thought that was so nice of him. Martha is soon coming & bring Jim & Jean and stay a few days with us. Nellie said they would be out & have a picnic lunch with us one day soon, John is going to have a vacation for a week. We got home safe  ate our supper & went to Gibbsons & had to wait sometime for her & the two girls, but they got dressed & went with us to church  Joan was so good, & we had a late service  it was 20 to 11 When we got home  I gave Joan a lunch & got her to bed, then I did the dishes & fixed Elbert’s lunch. he’s going to try to Work he says. Praise the Lord  it was 1.a.m. When I got in bed & 3. before I dropped off to sleep, and Elbert got up at 4-30 & I wake up again & only dosed a little after he went & its so foggy & thick outside.

Fri. Aug.14. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work & I set bread & Joan & I had hot pan cakes & bacon for breakfast  done the dishes  I done my usual cleaning & sweepint & Jean is home sick, but good  We Went to prayer meeting  was tired to death  Henerritta came & went with us, but her uncle was there so they all Went home in there car & We took Mrs Sharp home & came home & ate cream & went to bed.

Sat. Aug 15. 1942./ Well I got up at 9 & have just been at it all day washed, Ironed, fixed Elberts pants (turned hems in new one) wiped up the floor  took care of hens & birds & then Elbert came & We had supper then got ready for Church While Elbert went for Henerritta, he got Miss ______ also we took them home & Gibson were going in there car so we went on it was raining & it came down heavy When we got there but We got in With out getting Wet  had a good meeting but Joan had to Wet & that spoiled things for me  I had to go home  as Elbert saw us come out  yelled at me. he had a bad head ach tonight

/=245=/ So we came home 15 to 11.  Oh me.

Sun. Aug.16. 1942./ Sun Morning Praise God. Elbert took Joan & I up to Sun. school & We Went over to Mrs. Sharps & had dinner  Why Elbert Went to Sandusky for his medicine. then Elbert came back  picked us up & I came home & got his dinner & then Elbert went took & got Henerritta & & we stop went on to church  there were quite a few extras in, I expect Mrs. Moehr had invited them,  Joan didn’t like the prayer  service so she had to go to the toilet so bad she couldn’t wait, I took her out as I couldn’t pray  With her pulling at me and talking  Elbwert saw us & began to honk the horn, so We just came home. Oh Lord   help me, guide me & lead me all the way. Amen. 

Mon. Aug.17. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work & so did I  had to wash all my blankets & did the general Washing Was to tired for Words tonight,.  Elbert came & We had a dish of cream, I brought in all the clothes  but the blankets  then got supper  Elbert brought in the  blankets  I got dress-ed & We took Joan home  she Was home sick & so happy to see her ma & Jim & Jean & her dady  We talked a few minutes & came home  Elbert got fish for supper &  on our way home he got a boiling piece & some cream

/=246.=/ We ate the cream & he Went to bed & I have cooked the meat & done the dishes & got every thing ready for his lunch & the morning & now I’m going to tumble in. I thank the Lord for my Blessings today.

Tue. Aug. 18.  1942./ Elbert Went to Work & I had to get a little extra rest this morning & take care of hens & birds today  &  wrote a letter to Miss Mc.Govern. got supper & Elbert took me to prayer meeting. (The bible says the Devile is the father of all lies ) and there have been several told in the meetings of late  llooks as if I had to find another church to for this minister wants lots more money than I have or  any of the rest, to Keep him going, and he don’t want any but those Who talk in other tongues, so I’m out.

Wed. Aug.19.1942./ Elbert Went to Work and I only did my usual Work & Wrote a letter to Miss Ethel. R. Willitts, and fixed every thing for morning now I must get to bed, We Went to Brodes tonight, Mrs Brode died this morning, Mrs Knettle died last week. We went to Huron & I talked to Mrs. Sharp  she is 72 yrs. old  a Saintly old lady  she’s so hurt & broke up over the church & Opal is trying to take up a collection of 20 dollars for a bible for Mrs. Moehr.  they are having a fair well paart  Mon. night at the Webber home for her so Opal told Elbert, but he doesn’t care. Mrs  Sharp prayed for me to night & anoited me, my finger & hand & arm have been so swollen. Oh I Praise God for my blessing & that  He is mine. Mrs. Rug was over to talk to Mrs Sharp today & she to, is sick of the terrible way things are going. We are Wondering What she’ll do about Mable Wintchel.

Thurs.Aug.20. 1942./=247=/ Elbert Went to Work  I have been trying to fix my shirts up so I can wear them a little While longer. Jean Sarr came in for eggs & I only had 4. & I owed them 1. so gave her What I had, she said her ma said she’d wash the rest of my blankets for me if I send them down so I sent them, she brought them back clean & dry aat supper time and I had Elbert give her 1.25  she didn’t Want to take it but Elbert said he’d have to pay it to the laundry, so she Kept it. We took Jean to Hauffmans for milk & we stoped & took Mrs. Gibson & Henritta to Church & We went to the store got coffee & yeast cakes & came back stoped at Sarrs & talked with Hellen a little then came home  I did the dishes got his lunch things  ready  & I’m tired, Praise God, now to bed.  Oh, yes, I received a card from Nellie from Lake Side Where she is looking after some of the Church Young Folks.

Fri. Aug.21. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work & I set bread cleaned up the house  took care of the hens & birds & Went out in the back to get some peaches  some one had taken most all of them I reckon it was Jean & the other children they Knew We was gone last night, for a little While. Miss +Mc. Govern & her phe. nephew With his two children & came in just as I was getting back to this house  I basted one  dress so she could fix it & the one I did fix  I have to partly do over  but I got it marked so well I feel it Will be all right this time. she brought a lunch & I made coffee he & the 2 children ate out side While I fixed dresses she bought

(Fri Aug 21)/=248=/ some young chickens over to Snyders & that nephew didn’t give her time to breath  he wanted to get started back soon as he had his lunch. Poor   soul  she surely does need some   one to help  her there seems to be a lot of our  Kind With no one Who is Willing to lend a helping hand.  I only got 1. egg today. Oh me. But Praise God, my fingure & arm are lots better.  I baked 3 white loaves of bread & have made a Kettle of soup & got every thing ready for the morning. Miss Mc. Govern brought me a female bird and said her male bird died  she got did get 2 baby birds & thinks one is a male bird, I have been happy in my soul today & Praise the Lord.

Sat. Aug. 22. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work & I did the Washing  everything that was dirty, then I did the ironing & got supper &  then We Went up town to pay the coal bill  &  What I owed on my dress  the coal man wasn’t there but I paid for dress got a slip for Miss Arm  I don’t Know if it will be her size,   but I didn’t pay for it & about the dresses, they didn’t have any thing that  I liked  but maybe she would  have it  she had been there to look at them.  so I didn’t get any. I had to get in & out between showers.  it just poured down  sun Went down White like a cake of  ice. Oh, but I’m so tired  & so weary of this Wickedness about me.

Sun. Aug.23.1942./  Elberts cold or flu. is still so bad he has to Keep sneezing & blowing  his nose.  Weather has turned cooler. I went out & picked a bouquet of dahlias (pink & white  white in center pink outer, yellow center outer marone) they were so pretty  I had just got in When the preacher & Mr. Gibson came in, then Elbert came in the 3 men shake hands When he came in & said Well Mr. Gibson came to the Alter last night  I said Well that fine.

/=249=/  then he said We have missed You at church,   and so this is Where you live, and I said, We do live quite   Humble. then When Elbert came in I gave them “the Preacher  & Elbert” an introduction, then as they say the men took over from there and I let them talk & listened, that is as queer a preacher  as ever  I met, he’s so nervous  brushes his hair  scratches   his self her & there  sits up &  leans back  not still a second  at six oclock he got up & said he had to beat it back or he’d be late for Church  so they Went out & We Went out to the car With them  & he said  Well come over to Church When you can.  I’ve been so tired  all day & half sick, but When they left We got a loaf of bread & the flowers & went up to see Mrs Sharp & give them to her  she was so glad for the bread she cried, poor soul  I believe she goes hungry to pay into church  &  to give for this & that. Elbert went up town & looked around & got some milk & meat & We came home & then it  rained hard We had supper &  I got the meat on to cook & done dishes & got his lunch things ready for the morning  &  now I’m going to bed. Praise God, I do hope all  things   Will Work out for God & His Glory,   in that little gathering & I pray God will show me the Way and What to do, Oh, God Please help me to Know What I am to do. and   be With Mrs. Sharp &  Mrs Rug  like wise Amen. wind went North east & back N. west quite cool.

Mon. Aug.24.1942./ Elbert Went to Work  I did all my morning Work & got Miss Mc. Go’s  dress riped & ready to sew  &  then  fell  down  stairs  look as if some one had played shimmy with my legs & arms.  had soup ready  for supper so Elbert didn’t have to do so  much. I just had to lay-

Mon. Aug. 24.1942./ 250/  down my right leg & knee was swollen half again it real size  & the skin rubbed off  3 or 4 inch es strip 1/2 in Wide  & my left arm  all bruised & thumb out of joint & ring finger all swollen  out of shape  I bathed them  in alcohol but it took all the strength  I had to get up & try to walk  even made me sick  to  my stomach it was about 2 or 2-15  in after noon  I was going to the base-ment  to get some onions & beets.  Well Elbert came & I could hardly eat I felt so shook up & sick, but Praise the Lord I could get up & take care of myself

Tue. Aug.25. 1942. / Elbert Went over to Gibsons last night to see if Henritta  could come today  to stay with me & he over slept  this morning & she  came 10-30. a.m. & he went to Work aat noon,  he isn’t feeling very good  got a cold & his head is hurting him  I sent him to the Dr. he had 3 bones  out of place in back of his neck  he took Henritta home on his way to town,  she was company  any way  but  didn’t   do any thing much  I walked  around out side a  little but made  me sick  hope I’m better tomorrow. Elbert got our supper tonight

Wed. Aug.26. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work. I did up the supper dishes   last night  &  got his lunch things   ready   for this morning.  Henritta  came be-fore  I got dressed  this  morning  she  had her aunt and uncle  with her, they want to rent the cottage 7  children  mostly small ones.   Elbert came  feeling sick  tonight  he brought  us  cream, &  we ate  it.  We had made hot coffee,  he washed & dressed & went to Dr. in Huron again  the bones were out again, he wasn’t gone  long,  he took Henritta home  terrible nervous  & has gone to  bed  I got dishes done & everything ready for morn. I took care of hens  & birds today.  got  5  eggs.  I feel better but hurts to move yet

Thurs. Aug.  27.1942. /251/  Elbert went to Work. I lay and rested some got up at 8-30  Washed & Dressed and combed my hair, mixed  up the bread & swept the bedrooms  & Kitchen, then was so tuckered out I sat down & mended  Elberts underwear one suit had it most done When John & Nellie, Bonnita & Johny,  Martha  &  her three children  drove in, I went out to see Who had come,  for it tried to  rain &  was so cloudy  & there they  Were  I kiss-ed them  &  told  them to come in, they wanted to eat there picnic dinner  out  side  but by the time they had it inside  it rained hard & they were glad they Wer in  I helped them get the table ready & they ate & We Visited Nellie’s leg was hurting her today, they all seemed to have a good time, Martha  Johny  &  Bonnita  Walked  up to the highway, & Jim  Jean & Joan bawled  as loud as they could  Martha said  they heard them on the highway, Nellie Went to see What Was wrong & they cried because they  couldn’t  go, but they were soon O.K.  &  & there mother & the other  2 came right back, they started  back home at  3-30-p.m. & I had the muss to clean up. I mixed my bread in loaves had 3, then cleared the table & changed the cloth & washed the dishes  &  set table for supper, then i Wiped up Kitchen  floor  had ham  most cooked  had to sit down again  so finished  mending  the under-wear, then Elbert  came  it was   so Wet out  side he fed the hens & locked up for  night  We had supper  & rested a little then  he carried in some water while I done up supper dishes & got things ready for morning, I’m not quite so lame, but still sore & it hurts to get up or  down, think  I crack the bone in my leg &  I don’t Know  What it did to my head but it sure is sore, Jean  Sarr  came in  to see the children a few minutes, today.  & now I am going to bed. baked my bread at supper time 3 nice loaves  8 yrs today We got hurt in car wreck

Fri. Aug. 28. 1942  / =252.=/ Elbert Went to Work & I got up at 8.a.m. took care of hens & birds & got the mail  Miss. Mc.Govern  sent the dress back she thought it was to short & she didn’t like the short sleeves either, Well I haven’t been able to do anything to the other dress,  I cried in showers all day, my  nerves are  just relaxing  from the shock of my fall Mon. top of my head  is sore as a boil & my poor stomach And Ethel “Fred’s Wife” came in about noon  & stayed untill 4-p-m. We had a good visit, but my nerves were terrible had to cry every few minutes  although  I fought hard to Keep from it. but I explained  it to her  & she seemed to under-stand, We had a good visit, she took a qt. of apricots home  a few house plant slips & a big bouquet of dahlias & Ox eye daisies  & I gave her a towel & 2. handkerchiefs for herself & 1. for Laura Ann  and 1. for her mother. & two ball of crochet thread for the edges for them.  she is well & walks 5 to 8 miles per day so she says. to her work  and  home again, she works 2 or 3 days a week and get $25.00 from the state “a Widows pension” Well I washed my stockings and got supper & did the dishes & now have to fix Elberts lunch to go to bed, my head & leg hurts so bad. 

Sat.Aug. 29. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work, and I managed to Wash out the towels & dish towels  Elberts handkercheifs & socks by sitting down a great many times.  I took care of hens & birds  my leg is terribly swollen & bruised & feels as if bone is cracked it pains  me so  my nerves are relaxing again and my head is plenty sore. Praise the Lord I’m getting better. 

Sun. Aug. 30 .1942./ Elbert Went to Sandusky to get his medicine, & he got a hen to boil on his way back home, he brought some ice cream & we just got about half done with it When the preacher came in, they talked  for some length  Elbert finished  his cream but I gave mine to the little girl  I lent them a mattress, they have had to sleep on the springs and were feeling tired out & her baby is only 4 weeks old. We gave them a loaf of bread  &  some peaches,  they stopped to Gibson  coming & going, they wasn’t home  When they came, but they were stopping  going back so they said they had prayer be-for they left, he said they had 24 out to the last meeting, but it will take lots more to pay him 25 dollars a Week & church expenses.

Mon. Aug. 31.1942./ 253/ Elbert Went to Work. We have a North east breeze  & the sun has been hot  today. Mr. & Mrs. Gibson came to call on me this morning We had a good visit and a better understanding of things in spirital & and life in comon. I feel they are trying to do Whats right as best they can.  My leg is a little better, but my head to bad to sew or write. Did What I had to do to Keep things on the move. 

Tue. Sept. 1. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work  and I did what house Work I had to do, got 1 egg today, took care of hens & birds  and  wrote a letter to Miss Willitts and I’m going to take her bible study coarse perhaps  I  can help others  more if I under-stand better  I got supper  & got everything ready for  the morning  & now Im going to bed. 

Wed. Sept.2. 1942. / Elbert went to Work & so did I darned 2. prs. socks & stockings, mended 2 shirts, 2. night gowns  & put a patch on seat of overalls and a V. in seat of work pants for Elbert  got supper & done the dishes  got 3. eggs.  leg & ankles pained so  bad I could hardly stand  up  so Elbert  fried the little catfish he had brought home  I fixed everything for his lunch for morning.

Thurs. Sept. 3. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work and it’s raining a thick heavy mist, makes it dark, I got 2 eggs today, I made a lemon pie for supper  and  We  didn’t eat a bite of it.  and the filling was so good  We had pork shoulder fried brown gravey  potatoes  beats & tomatoes & biscuits for supper. I wrote a letter back in ans to the one I received from the christian Herald. took care of hens & birds and my leg is so swollen & my ankles & pain me bad  Elbert’s been having head ack, bones in back of his neck  out of place  been to Easton twice  Huron Dr. once & went to Siffling tonight, his Knee is paining him tonight to, it has been hurting him for 2 or 3 days now, dark & wet outside. Bill Dryer came for eggs today  I couldn’t sell him  any but gave him a big bunch of dahlias, for his mother  I’ve got dishes done & everything ready for the morning.  and now I am going to bed. Elbert is sleeping hard  hope to get something done tomorrow. Praise the Lord for My Blessings.

Fri. Sept .4.1942. /  Elbert Went to Work, and I did out half the Washing, only 1. egg today., sunshiny day, took care of hens & birds & got supper.  Elbert has some bones out in his neck  been to 3 Dr’s  haven’t got. them back yet & that’s $6.00  they have got,  my legs are paining me bad to night  &  so swollen But thank the Lord I can Walk. I received  a  card from Miss Baumgart & my check this morn. Have everything ready for morn. We had a beautiful day. 

Sat. Sept.5. 1942./ Well I did out the rest of the wash-ing this morning  While Elbert Went to Dr. in Huron. got 3 eggs.  We had a lunch When he came back then  he went to Lorain, I baked 2 White loaves of bread and one big cin. roll.  He took Hellen & the girls to Lorain with him and he brought them & there grociers back. I wiped up the floor & ironed a dress  to tired to do all the ironing.  Frank an Pa came to go woodchuck hunting  & got one on the Way here, a car struck int, they stopped  &  bled it & cleaned it out when they got here  Frank got 2 more & Pa said he was to tired to come in the first place & was dead tired after he was out a little While  he drank some hot coffee  rested & visited a little then went a gain  he  could  hardly   Walk  When he got back but Frank said, oh he’s alright  he walk to town & back & up & down hill at home, but I Know it’s hard to walk over the rough feilds through the thick weeds & brust & it would tire him  a lot more. Sent letter to Mrs. Willitts  $10  money order today. Elbert had got home by the time they pa got back first time E. had gone to Dr. in Lorain  &  his head  is still paining  him bad. Pa didn’t get to rest When he came back the last time  just got in the car & they started for home.

Sun.  Sept. 6. 1942. / 1. egg.  We listened to the sermons over the radia today.  Mrs. Moehr  her mother  & Mr & Mrs Webbes came in just as We Were finishing our supper, they had been back every Sun. night so far.  said she weighed 170. lbs. & Larey  her eldest boy weighed 91. lobs. Dicky was thin & taller & Opal & Clara were with Mrs. Rug.  Opals boy-friend brought them down. Im sorry for Opal, she did-n’t say a word about Mable  & I ask 3 times about her.

/255./ she came to see What I thought about the new minister, she says Oh hes he’s just the man for that place but he hasn’t any new people in Yet, hasn’t swelled the croud  not a little. Elbrt Went to see Mrs. Sharp & she still has the hayfever & the baby is quite ill “her son’s baby boy” Elbert also called on Mrs. Rug.  he said she seemed pleased he had called  When I told Mrs. Moehr  I didn’t believe that Jesus  would say the rotten catholics or dirty Methodists  she said, Oh, Why, are you sure the preacher said that,? maybe old Mrs. Sharp said that, I said, Oh No, the preacher said it, and she said  Oh, Well, When We are preaching We do say things sometimes, but I can’t believe he said it. And I said, he did, and I don’t like all that back biting  that’s been going on either, if We can’t be true to each other here how could we live together in heaven, she said Brother Soloman said if we couldn’t agree  We’d better both get down & pray it out together. (Elinor said, I have a clear  concience) she got red as a beet in the face several times & then prayed for me before she went & wanted to Know me, if I didn’t think it Was evil, power Working on me. Oh. God. help her to Wake up and to give up her own false ideas  & except Thine. Because  I have visions, she calls me a medium. Oh, how I loath the Wickedness  of this World.

Mon. Sept.7. 1942./ Elbert’s neck so bad he didn’\t work today. It was a nice labor, day  every one was to work that could.  1. egg today.  Jean and Midge came & brought us 38 tomatoes Midge said  from there gar-den.  We neither did any thing much today.  I did my usual house work & baked an apple pie. looks as if it would rain & it is tonight.

Tue. Sept.8. 1942. / Elbert Went to Dr. again today to Huron.  I potted some of my house plants & did my usual round,  arm not feeling any to spry. showery all morning & simi cloudy all after noon. More clouds than sun shine.

Wed. Sept. 9. 1942./ Haven’t done much of anything today  Elbert didn’t Work  his head & eyes are so bad 2. eggs., I took care of the birds  cooked & washed dishes. been showery  most of the day still feel sore and stiff  I wrote to Mrs. Beesie Miss Baumgart & Miss Mc. -Govern  & Cousin Georgia Rosecranse. got to get letters  caught up.

Thurs, Sept. 10.1942./ =256.=/ Only did my usual Work  Elbert Went to Vermilion in afternoon. I transplanted my Oleander  dreary day, 2 eggs,

Fri Sept.11. 1942./  Elbert Went to Dr. in Lorain to day & went & got his money got another tank of gas  put in today   2 eggs  Rev. Soloman  Wife & children called to day, brought back the mattress, she for-got her perse  & they came  back  for it & I gave them a big boquet of dahlias. he(Solomon) looked sour  said  they couldn’t sleep on the mattres it was to big for there bed & would stay on springs.  Frank & another  man came & went Woodchuck hunting.  he came to the door & said Harvey was in Washington, they had a card this morning, & we got a card from Audrey this morning, and this is What she Wrote “Dear Folk, What you waiting for? a special Invite ?  Well  here goes.  Could you come Sunday 9-13-42. for dinner?  I seem to be the jinks of the family, No/one comes to/see me with out a special invite. I’m not poison, so try to come & let me Know, will you? Audrey. 1917. E.-31.St.  St. Lorain  Ohio.  I had to write to tell her We couldn’t come, and now I Will have to Write to her and explain  Why, Elbert tried three times to get Martha  over the phone but no luck.

Sat. Sept. 12. 1942. /  Elbert Went to Dr. in Sandusky & I set my bread & did out the Washing  had the wash all rubbed out When he came back, he carried me some water to finish While I mixed the bread then We ate some ice cream he brought & had a cup of tea, & While I got the clothes on the line, he dressed fish & then we had supper & it began to rain so had to take my cloths in, they were most all dry  We had a little fire  they soon finished drying. I cleaned up the dishes and We Went to bed at 10-p-m,  it rained hard in showers from 4.-p-m.  all  night. not so cold tonight.

Sun. Sept.13. 1942. /  We didn’t go any  Where today  2 eggs,  Elbert Went to beach  & got some gravel for hens and birds  got some milk, yeast, cakes, lunch meat & ice cream this after noon just before supper. now I have everything ready for morning, and he says he’s going to try to work if he can, his neck seems better.

[ note: the back of this page is blank except for /259/   not sure why]

Mon. Sept. 14.1942. / 257./Elbert Went to Work. I did the washing and had to carry 3 pails of water with my sore ankles and cracked shin  but got it done & dried & ironed & got supper  &  done dishes  & took care of hens & girds & get soup ready for breakfast & lunch things ready & the milk bottle. 1. egg  Wind has been S.W.  a good fresh breeze & a hot, hot, sun.  I got to tired  and pray for plenty of rest tonight; Elbert got to hot today  had cramps in hands & ribs  he brought Water for morning & fed hens & locked coop tonight.

Tue. Sept.15. 1942./ Elbert Worked today  I did my usual duties  took care of hens & birds, 1. egg, went out back & picked 1/2 bu pears & a 1/2 apples  and a few Johnathan’s tuckered me all out  I had made soup for supper Elbert brought some ice cream & cottage cheese  it began to rain before  I got in with the fruit & I got a pail of Well Water  fed the hens  & locked the  coop & opened the car shed doors  for Elbert  but it had stopped raining by the time  he got  home  We had supper  &  the sun came out and  now it’s a nice evening. Wind  South. & warm. I darned socks & hemed table cloth  &  sewed the ends  I cut of together. I can use them for a cloth or under the table cloth. I’m tired.

Wed. Sept.16. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work and I took care of hens & birds & caned 1 qt  peaches & 5 1/2 qts of apples today, 1 egg,  bowels are not working right been sick all day  & more so tonight  Elbert fried the fish for supper & he’s tired & not feeling very good. But I thank the good Lord He’s taken care of us.  It’s been a beautiful day  quite hot as wind ied away tonight, was S. went west & on to N.E. before it died out.

Thurs. 17. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work & I cooked up my apple peelings for jelly, 1. egg,  I finished one of my dresses except the button holes  and I had done part of them & sewed the bottoms on a while ago  I sewed the two ends  I cut of the table clothes together  & hemed the end of one table cloth & got Miss. Mc.Govern’s dress basted together. now it has to be trimed at bottom and faced & it will be done  then Elberts pajamas and my other house dress  will be next  & I have to put buttons & holes  in the night gown  I made last week.  I got supper & did the work all up and got every thing ready for the morning- got pealings strained & ready for making jelly.

Fri. Sept.18.1942 /=258=/ Elbert Went to Work, and I took care of hens & birds & made me another house dress got it cut & sewed together & the sleeves sewed & ready for cuffs & to baste into dress  then the neck bottom & buttons & button holes  and I need it so it’s so hot days & I swet so bad of late. I got supper  did the dishes & got the lunch things ready 2. eggs.  praise the Lord I can work some yet.  Frank & one of his neighbor was here hunting last night “got one” and again tonight but didn’t get any.

Sat. Sept.19.  1942. / Fred’s birthday  he’d be 57. yrs. old.  3 eggs today   Elbert went to work, and I really got one dress done today & the button holes & buttons done in that & my night gown  made gown out of 1 1/2 mash bags thats the Kind I’ve worn every since those wore out  I had before I got married.  I did my usual dutys & cooked supper & done the dishes & now once again  everythings ready for the morning. I’d like to go some Where for Worship in the morning. Wind S.W. & strong  beeen raining in showers since supper tonight  I’m taking a bath & going to bed. I Praise  God  from Whom all blessing flow  Amen.

Sun. Sept.20. 1942./ no, not one egg.  We Were home listening to the sermons over the radio untill 4-p-m  Elbert went to Huron & got his lunch meat, he got a piece of meat to boil & some ice cream & he stopped at Gibsons and left the bible  I promised her, she & Mr. Gibson had gone to her sister’s to see how the baby was getting along  Heneritta  said they laid it out for dead once but it came back to life  Oh God, Please help those parents to come to Thee. I ask in Jesus Name. While Elbert was gone I straightened the Kitchen  a little then empted the ashes & slop pail & got a pail of well water & one for the milk  then I fed the hens & locked the coop, then I went out & picked up what apples were on the ground  about a bu. then I washed my face neck & ears & then washed my legs & feet & changed stockings, Then Elbert came & I had supper most reqady he went up to Shurs & got meat to fry  so we put the supper on the table & ate the cream  then I did up the dishes & got every thing ready for the morning. now it’s 11-30-p.m.  my legs are better  but sti ng and burn  When I stand on them very long. the right leg looks terrible bad yet.

Mon. Sept. 21. 1942./ 259./  Elbert Went to work. I set my bread then swept & took care of birds & hens & carried a little cystern water & then started washing. 3 eggs today  I had a big wash & I didn’t do all of it, but most of it & then I got supper  & done up the work & got everything ready for the morning & I’m to tired but thank the Lord I can rest again  and I Praise His Holy Name, Hallalua, Amen.

Tue.  Sept.  22. 1942./ 2 eggs  Elbert Went to Work & I had just got settled in bed When Frank & Pa & Frank’s neighbor drove into the yard  they all went out the back way & some one unlocked the grainery door. Well anyway  I was so tired  I lay and rested a couple of hrs.  then got up & took care of birds & hens & pealed apples & caned 2 qts & 1/2/ & made 2 apple pies  & one custard, pa & Frank came in & ate there lunch & rested awhile & left 1-30- to go east & hunt  the other fellow came at 2 & ate in the car & he went east up the New York Centeral  then out the old spur, they got 3 squirels & I don’t Know if they got any chucks  or  not.  Pa brought us 3 cans of peaches  & I gave him a flour sack of baldwin appples  & some slips of some plants for Gertie. Pa ate supper  With us & rested untill the other 2 came back, just getting dusk when they  left.  I’m still to tired  I got every thing done & ready for morning. Didn’t get a letter wrote to Audrey

Wed. Sept.23. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work & I did sleep 2. hrs. this morning  2 eggs  then I took care of birds & hens & caned 2 qts more of apples, got supper & dressed & Went to Huron  &  to Mrs. Sharp’s & gave her a bag of apples   a piece of pie  & some flower pots  & plant slips  & then We went to Sandusky to Dr Hunter’s & Elbert got his medicine  We got home a 10-p-m  I didi the dishes  &   have got every thing ready for  the  morning, and I feel so weak  & faint  after my ride  its been colder & rained tonight  had a fire for passed 3 days.

Thurs. Wept. 24.1942./=260=/  Elbert went to work & I felt so punk  1. egg  I thought I’d mend or sew but I took care of birds and  hens & canned apple sauce  &   got some juice strain ed for jelly, I’ll have to make jelly in the morning. 3. qts. of apple sauce & my usual round of dutys  now I have done the dishes & got every thing ready for the morn-ing. Elbert in bed and its a quarter to ten. wind S.W. has been cold today.

Fri. Sept.25.1942./Elbert Went to work and I made my apple jelly and 3 eggs. took care the hens & birds  emptyed ashes & lop pail & carried Water & made soup & hot coffee & Elbert came, he brought grain & mash  & fresh fish “perch” so I gave him a hot dish of soup & cup of hot coffee then he went out & put the grain & mash in the grainery & dressed the fish, & put his car a-way While I freid the fish then we ate and I did the dishes & now have every thing ready for morning  I caned 1. qts. apples today  Wind went clear around today & my feets hurt me terrible.

Sat.Sept.26. 1942./ Elbert went to work and I tried to sew on my dress a while  I cut out belt & cuff for sleeves & put the tuckes in the belt, this one is cut over then new 3. piece pattern I cut a while ago looks as if it would fit to when I get the tucks in the right place in belt in front, bac’s O.K  1. egg  took care of birds & hens & cooked & did dishes, and usual duties  got every thing ready for morning & now got to fix my garter take my bath & go to bed, Praising the Lord for taking care of both of us, it started to rain quarter passed 3-p-m & still at it, 11-p-m.  I received a letter from mrs. Beese  Beese this morn & I sent a card to Flora.

Sun. Sept. 27. 1942./ We been home all day, semi cloudy day, and a fresh N. Wind, been having a little fire for a number of days & nights now. 2 eggs.  Elbert’s gone to Huron to get his lunch meat. I have supper started, he came 7 has a bone out in his neck, he did the out side chores, We had supper  he called on Mrs. Sharp  got my Sultana plant  she had for me, and told Elbert the Hall Where We had Church had been rented out to some one else, she didn’t Know What the preacher Was going to do now. Oh I do pray  God Will send us a real true Dciple of His to teach & preach to us. We need His guidance & fellowship with one another. I pray He will soon tell me What to do in His Name. I have everything ready for Morn.

Mon. Sept. 28. 1942./=261=/ Elbert Went to Work  I picked over a pk of grapes & took the skins off  cook the pulp & took seeds out cooked skins and got the skins out & put pulps & skin juice together ready to make jam. I darned some on a pr. of Elberts socks & did my usual round of dutys, got supper & dishes done & every thing ready for the morning.

Tue. Sept.29. 1942./  Elbert Went to Work and I baked 2 White loaves of bread & done my usual round of Work, and Washed out the towels, rags, & hand-Kercheifs  Elberts socks & my stockings & my underwear  so I wont have quite so much in the morning to wash, my feet have hurt me so bad today, I made the jam to, after supper, We drove up to Huron to get my crock I left at Church, and to talk to Mrs. Sharp  a  little While, I took her a big bunch of dsahlias, We had a good visit & then Elbert came back, said they Were having church so he didn’t get the crock, so We have to go again.  Mrs. Sharp said she enjoyed the  bread, & pie  I took her When Elbert & I Went to Sandusky  last Fri. night. Well, We stopped to Gibsons & left a big bunch of Dahlias  & some roses for Henerita,  Densel  got up out of bed and came to the door to answer the  rapp of a man  Who drove in before us in a truck  he only talked   a few seconds  and drove away, then Densel  came out to  our car & we gave him the flowers  & I ask him about cutting Weeds  for me. I’d like to get the front of the place cleaned up and maybe some of the back among the trees in the park & around the cottage 7 the strawberry patch. Mrs. Sharp gave me my pie plate, my book, and a book from Rev. Ziemer for me to read.  We sure had a real understanding of What things  were like  in the crowd up at church and I sure hope and Pray God will send a real true true christian worker to help us in His Name.

Wed. Sept. 30 1942./ 262/ Elbert had cramps so bad this morn-ing, then when he did back the car out, he had a flat tire, so he waited for day light to see What Was wrong – couldn’t find a thing only a Whole in the iner tube, so he put the spare on & left here  9-30-a-m.  he got the inertuble  fixed & then he ate his lunch 7 went to the yard to work. 2 eggs.Well, I did out the remainder of the washing Washed my two rayon dresses & one slip & two work shirts of Elbert’s and cooked supper & done the dishes 7 my feet have surely tortured me today  But I thank the Lord  He helped me  get it done  I have to wash the big chair cover yet & some mash bags. & my Winter dress has to be washed yet. & I have to get some sewing  done yet this week if I can  seems as if I’m so slow. Oh how I wish my feet & legs were as good, as once they were, But I’m trusting God Will soon fix me up again & make me well and strong  and help me do more to help others.  The Wind has been south & quite strong, but the Sun shone & We have been having beautiful Fall days, had a Killing Frost Mon. night  We picked all the flowers  I took the roses to Heneritta Gibson.

Thurs. Oct.1. 1942 2 eggs.  Elbert Went to Work & I have mend ed & darned socks, I used almost 1/2 or maybe I did use 1/2  or more of one ball  cotton on 2 1/2 prs. of Elberts socks  & did all of my other duties & I’m just dead  tired  tonight, got everything ready for the morning Wind has been from South to N. East  hot sun  and a beautiful Fall day  I thank God for my many blessings. Elberts so tired to tonight.

Fri. Oct.2. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work & I hemed 5 hand towels  made & put a loop on each side to hang them up  & put loops on two I had  made & made two dish rags to Wash dishes With  swept 7 done up the dishes  &  done my usual duties  took a walk out under the apple trees  picked up a few butternuts  18 to be exact.  Wind Went n.E. & got so cold it felt like ice blew hard for an hr. or so then backed up to N.W. & died out.  Well I got supper & Elbert was late 6. oclock when he got here I had all the chores done but locking hen house.

Fri. Oct.2. 1942. /=2643=/ now I have everything ready for morning.  I have felt Weak today. 

Sat. Oct.3. 1942. / Elbert Went to Work and I swept and wiped up the floor in Elbert’s room & the kitchen  I had just got done When Pa & Frank  came, Pa came in  & brought  almost a pk. of tomatoes, he said Frank was going hunting, but he didn’t feel  like it, he said his legs  just seemed to tire out to Walk from the car to the house and that he had been  that way for several days.  I told Elbert that for 3 Weeks I had seen Jessie’s face lookiing worried & troubled, &  some how I had been thinking about Grace  Mc.Henry, and to-day  Pa told me  Jessie’s husband died & was buried last week  & they were having Grace McHenry’s funeral today. & Con Irish’s wife is dead  been buried about 3 week’s now, I think it sort of got after Pa some how, for he seemed to be worrying about some-thing, it brought back the Vision I had some little time ago, about being in a big flat bottom row boat With Elbert & he was doing  the rowing, there were a lot of small islands with beautiful flowers growing on them  with nice sandy beaches alaround each one  &  we were looking for some one, but I  didn’t seem to Know just Who, then we came around in  sight of the main land and Ma & Fred were there just a little ways apaart  they called  and ask if we had found him and ma said they had looked with airplanes but hadn’t seen him, then I said to Elbert isn’t that him?  he said that’s a big rock  & I said no, it’s his hips toward us, so Elbert got out to look &  said yes, it’s him, then I realized it was pa with those dark stripped pantrs he wears  Fred called & said did you find him & We said Yes, he said I’ll go tell them & in a few seconds a

Sat.3./=2654=/ a long black car drove down & backed near the edge of the Water We took 2 men & went back & they rolled him in a blanket & put him in the boat &  we took them back to shore &  there car,  they put him in the car & as they drove away   Fred  went one way & ma the other  and called back to us they were so happy We had found him & they’d see us again, the water was so clear you could see the sand on the bottom & it was such a beautiful place, sunlight, blue sky  with flowers & trees &  birds.  Pa will be 82. yrs. in Jan. & Uncle Will is 89 in May  & Aunt Edith is 93. this last Sept.  Ma would  be 86, this Nov. 29th.  Well Pa sit and Visited for a while then went out & took a walk around the back of the place &  his legs  were  shaking  When he came  in,  I had some  hot  soup  &  cofee,  when he got back he  walked around the yard  a  little while  I fed the hens  then picked up a few butter-nuts & put them in the car then came back in the house  While  I  got things ready for supper  Elbewrt came  &  brought ice cream & we ate that then he dressed  the perch  &  I fried them  creamed the potatoes  & We had supper, We had just finished When  Frank  came & wanted to get  started  home, he said Ruby  had gone to see Harvey  at  camp. in ____________ byut Armond would be home with his dad.  Such is life.  After they had gone, We went to Huron,  I went to see Mrs. Sharp While Elbert went to the Dr.  to get his throat swabed, it’s sore again.  I took Mrs. Sharp a fish  2 cup cakes & 3 big halfs of baked apple & a pt. of apricots. she seemed so pleased &  so glad  I had come  she’s 72. yrs. old &  so worried over the mess the church folks are in, but said Mrs. Rug  had been in talking to her and wanting her to go back to church & she thought she’d go in the morning to see What was going on.

Sat. Oct. 3. 1942./=265 =/ 2 eggs.  She said Mrs Rug told her Mrs. Moher was feeling terrible hurt because the Women were paying this preacher 25 or 30  dollars per. month and didn’t give her, hardly  anything, and they are going to pay for fuel  &  electric & sun. school papers & quarterlys & 15 dollars for the rent  beside  the other  they give the preacher. Well  I just wonder & pray.

Sun. Oct. 4. 1942./ Elbert felt bum this morn. I got up & cooked breakfast  he took his bath 7 got ready to go  to Sandusky to Dr. Hunter. he left here a 1-p-m. & got back at 20 mi. to 8-p.m. said there were 20 persons a head of him so he had a long wait  I had soup hot When he came & he brought some cream, it was so good, we ate the soup, it was good also.  I had the chores done & car doors opened ready for him, Snyder’s pigs came over & I call Georgia  untill I was  hoarse, she ans-wered at last, & she & Bill came & drove em home, then she came all the way back to bring a long small limb she had picked off the wood pile.  I told her it was only a small limb  and she didn’t need to have bothered.  she visited  about  half  an hour  then went home. I was listening to   Fuller preach  over the radio  When Elbert came and  had just dished up a soup plate of soup to eat, for it was so late & I didn’t eat much at noon. It’s been a fine day.

Mon. Oct.5. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work, but I have only done What just had to be done today, just feel weak & sort of no good  I did most of the out side chores, fed & watered the hens  got the well water to drink  & for the milk  I locked  the coop & opened  car  shed  &  left  cystern  pail there  for Elbert to  bring  in  I locked the  grainer  to & had the supper most ready, it began to rain shortly  after noon & then  at  supper  time   got  down   to  business  &  is raining hard at 10-p-m  wind   has  raised  &  blowing  quite  hard. Elbert had just gone to his room to go to bed When Young Mr. Hahn  & Mrs Sprankle  came in, said they were air raid wardens  & that on Thurs. night they were going to set flares & we were

/=266=/ to report if  We saw anything  wrong, they talked to  Helen  Sarr  & she told them her  brother   was just back  from  Africa,  thaat’s the second  trip he’s made & got back O.K. He polits planes  over  there. Well I have every  thing   ready   for   morning  &  now I’m going to bed. Elbert went at 9.p.m & I covered the birds then.  I got my check today and a letter from Miss Baumgart & McCalls magine Elbert mailed an other letter to Miss Willitts this morning.

Tue.Oct. 6. 1942./ Elbert went to work his throat is still sore, he had Sifling  dope it, but  he’s gargerling it tonight  I took care of the hens & birds  took a little walk out in the back to see about the apples, got a doz. or so & a few more butternuts & 2 eggs today. took care my house work & got supper  my bowels didnot move yesterday & they made me feel sick  & this mnorning after Elbert went they  moved off so hard then bled, felt so sore in rectom I didn’t try to bake or do the washing  I’m better tonight & hope to be O.K. tomorrow  for  I got to do a little washing & bake to if I can tomorrow. It cleared off last night a little after midnight and we had a beautiful  day  Wind is S.W.  Elbert was  late  tonight, I got  most the chores done.

Wed. Oct.7. 1942./ Elbert  went to work & so did I set my bread, then took care of birds & hens  then did out the washing  & got it all dry  had a big wash to lines  full  4 times, I’ve still got a fall dress to wash & the big chair cover  &  3 rugs  hope to get them done before it turns cold, had  3 loaves of bread and I Praise God for the strength  he has given me today.  I’m  dead  tired, but not   like  I use  to be.  and I got supper fried fish  did dishes  & got every thing  ready for morning. Elberts terrible tired tonight.

Thurs. Oct.8. 1942./ Elbert went to Work & I have done a lot of  odds  & ends  today cleaned a  little  in the  basement & – I opened the N. window & was looking out when a man came on his hands & Knees up between the rose bushes, he had on a dark plain steel gray suit black shoes and a very dark cap  viser turned toward back & hair over most of his face he glanced at me  just as  I looked at him  & gave a spring with his feet and

Thurs. Oct.8. 1942. /=267=/ went out toward the path & down the hill. I came up to the Kitchen & looked out the N. window  but couldn’t see  him, the hens & rooster were out  there  above  the  evergreen trees on the hill & in a few minutes they  all let a yell out of them & flew healf way to the coop  the rooster  just walked stretched his neck cackliing & looked behind him. Some one opened & shut Elberts car door yesterday  morning  just before he went out to go it’s dark when he leaves, he said there was not any one in the car.  I went out toward the grainer but couldn’t see a thing but I didn’t go out very far from the house untill Elbert  came  he washed & we ate some cream &  cake then he went out to dig what few potatoes were left, so I locked the door & went & picked up What he dug  3. pks. & he has a few more yet to dig, they are nice & the skins are clean & white, then he’ll have a few more to dig & my dahlias. there is a lot of work around here that ought to be done  basement & wall needs cement in cracks, and around windows, weeds all over the place & brust to be pilled & burnt up roses to trim & fasten up, trees to trim & strawberries to weed & fix up for Spring & chimney needs to have the flashing fix around it & pump need new leather & some greese on it & all the buildings need paint coop need over halling & new paper on roof. & cleaned inside & fresh sand & straw, car shed needs new  roof, & to be raised on out edge. I Praise the Lord for all the strength He has given me today I thought I’d rest today & sew, but I scrubbed the stairs & picked up & cleaned & put things away & I’m tired. So is Elbert, he’s helping to tare down the old mill in the shipyard & it’s a terrible hard dirty  Job he’s black when he gets home & has to take a hot bath to get clean, his clothes are as dirty as they can be & his sore throat & nose full of that black dust  he’s so hoarse he could hardly talk. Well I put the potatoes in basement & he put his car away  then we washed & ate supper, he’s gone to bed & i’vee got every thing ready for the morning, we only had one quince this year I done it up put it in a box & got it ready to mail to Audrey, she’s very fond of them.

Fri. Oct.9. 1942./ Elbert went to work and I did up my work in the house & then went out & cut weeds & grass a while, got letter from Miss Mc.Govern today & got 2 eggs today.

/=268=/  got supper & every things ready for morning  Praise the Lord. I just tired & not sick, am getting better again  wind N.W. & & went N.E. & has rained in showers since 4-20-p-m. been a beautiful day, sun shining through after each shower & I worked with out a hat or jacket.

Sat. Oct.10.1942./ 2 egg. Elbert went to work & I have cleaned & did my usual round of duties, I lame from cutting weeds yesterday, but not sick  We had supper & went to Huron & Elbert got some pork for dinner while I talked with Mrs. Sharp, she went to church last Sun morn-ing, they had communion & a prayer service Mr & Mrs Moher wer there. Mrs Sharp was Spiritual blessed  Mr & Mrs Gibson & a few of the others were there  Mr. & Mrs. Webber. Mrs Sharp said Mrs Moher had got Gobsons to move into Mable Winchels house & Mable is going to live with them, Oh, but I do hope it wont turn out to be a sad story for either of them, she also siad the preacher was buying and  old building Northe of the hall Where they have been & that Cora Basteader had been helping to clean it,  Elbert & I drove down there, it’s a big White Salon it use to be called Dew Drop Inn, with an up stairs  to it the windows have been washed. Well I’m wondering What Will be next, the preacher boasted he had built 3. tabernacles, and he didn’t so Why  he couldn’t build one here. I pray God Willing he may.  I have a feeling theires trouble ahead among that little group yet for Mrs Sharp says Mrs Moher is feeling so hurt because every ones turning in money

Sat. Oct, 10, 1942./=269=/ lots more than they ever gave her. and the old crouds all there but me, I don’t care to get mixed up in any of there quarles & pray the Lord Will take care of them, I had a vision awhile ago & so did Mrs. Sharp & Mrs M Was the subject of a lot of trouble, in my vision We  Mrs Sharp & I were studing some bible lessons  I had received from Miss Willitts & after we had been studying a few times together  Mrs Sharp said Mrs Rug & Mrs Weber & one or two more wanted to come & study with us & I said it was all right if she was willing so one evening we were all diging in to our study When Mrs Moher came in, said she had heard I was go-ing on Where she had left off. I was ask-ing God to help me find the right words When she came in, and so I told her I had not gone on with any thing she had started or left and was not going to, that we were only studying some of Miss Willitts Bible lessons  I were taking by mail. Mrs. Sharp had a vision, and she said there was quite a group gathering to Worship and a rather plump young woman came in, and at last broke up the meetings, then an-other group started, and again that same woman broke up, or tried to break up the meetings, she said try as she would she couldn’t tell Who it was but it seemed to be Mrs. M.  This preacher Solomon is a hard boiled preacher & he boasts of it and looks it and I’m still praying asking God Where I should go to hear the bible preached. for the last time I was there God said to me as I Knelt in prayer “get up & get out of here”  I thought I couldn’t have heard it right and stopped to-

/=270=/ listen and He said very plainly “get up & get out of here quick,” so I did & would have forgotten my purse had not Opal called me, and she said,’you are getting out so fast’ you are forgetting your purse, I said yes and I thank you. Oh, I love to worship and have fellow-ship and pray God will help me to Know What I am to do. Oh I Praise Thee oh Lord show me the way.

Sun. Oct.11.1942./ 2 eggs. We didn’t go to church but got some of the best of sermons over the radio. A missionary told “Who has just come back from Borneo” how another missionary had come miles to tell him they were to hurry to such a place to get a boat to bring them back to America & when they got there the boats had gone & they waited for an airplane that didn’t come & then got a little boat to get away from the booming & had to leave there boats, to go  see about the plane & got lost from the other missionary, but found the way back to where they had left the boats & how terrible the fire & smoke was & booms falling & he hunted for hrs. & at last found the boats & the other man had got there just before him & how they tried to get a china-man to take them in his junk (a sort of boat with straw woven into sails” to Java but he would not & called them white devils, but they waited untill night & went & got on & the junk & the chinaman had to get out his idol & burn punk & a pig before he’d start then the junk was so small they were standing half bent ten of them in a space 6 by 8 ft. it was a long ride 4 nights & 3 days & it did get rough & every one got sick & heaved on each other & at last they got to the place they had made for & got the boat there, but the other boats they tried to get & the planes were boomed & not one was saved & some air polits who had got over safe & were waiting for there familys & who’s familys were all boom to death were on board the ship, one went mad  one cursed & broke up things & one walked around so stuned he looked like marble, he could cry or anything and the missionarys little daughter watched him for a day  then she went & took his face in her hands then put her arms around his neck & told him how sorry she was for him, then he took her in his arm & began to cry & said I had a nice little girl like you & she use to take my face in her hands & put her arms around my neck to, the missionary went to him talked & prayed with him & he was converted & he 

\=271=/ him his testment an adopted him for he hasn’t a living soul left to call his own & that man was so happy he had found friends & Jesus Oh God help us to pray as he said he did in a jungle camp Where he prayed all night for a dead native woman & two witch doctors or medicine men, Who were devils and When morning came the missionary “Who was so wet with sweat he felt as if he’d had water poured on him” was startled out of his prayers by the dead woman Who jumped up & said she had seen a beautiful place and a man more wonderful than she could tell about & the two medicine men were also converted a short time later, in the 3. yrs. he was preaching & working among the natives  over 2 thousand were converted & some of the early one Were helping to preach, thats better than we have done in our country where people have so much education they don’t have time to go to church & church is just formal in so many churches today  Oh God help us to understand  Well a young fellow Ella Jane calls Nicky, called on her today & ofered to bring her & her mother, Johny & Bonney to see me & they came, I gave Nellie 1.qt & Nicky each a can of apricots & sent a can to Martha.  They seemed to enjoy there visit & went home again  Nicky “Who is about 35 yrs. old” is expecting to have to go into service for the goverment soon & he’s so afraid he looks 3 shades to light colored “he is an italian” a rather large fellow with coal black hair.  It’s been a beautiful day.  I have every thing ready for the morning.

Mon. Oct.12. 1942./ 1 egg  Elbert went to work but I had a stiff neck & only did what I just had to do now I have every thing ready for morning. beautiful day rather cool breeze N.E.. Elbert brought fresh perch for supper. 

Tue. Oct.13. 1942./ 2 eggs  Elbert went to work, I have a sore lame back & neck, took cold in them  could hardly get dressed didn’\t get up very early, got my Bible lessons with a nice bound cover With Light of Men Bible Institute in Gold Letters acrossed the Middle and/on the bottom corner in Gold letters is my name Elinor Babcock and I am so anxious to get started to study, I received a letter also asking for 5.00 toward finishing the building

+/=272.=/ Yes, I’m going to send it and pay for my lessons to, I know the Lord will help me to do it some how. Praise His Holy Name. Mrs. Prindle her daughter & son-in-law, “Claud Baldwin” & there new 6 weeks old baby girl “Claudia” came to visit today & to see about buying my electric hot plate & roaster.  The baby is sweet has thick long dark brown hair and is short & chunky. the children make a nice looking couple. they left at 12-30-p-m.  I heat water & washed out half the clothes & got them all dry  got supper  took care of hens & birds & mended Elberts overalls after I got the dishes done & everything ready for morning, he had cramps & I had to rub his legs & put hot flanel on them, he’s sleeping again & now I must go to bed for I have got plenty to do if I can do it, other half of wash to finish  3 rugs to wash & my Fall dress. then the ironing & more mending. 2.eggs today. Wind been all around N.E. tonight

Wed. Oct.14.1942./ Elbert went to work. I haven’t done much  my back & neck are still so sore & lame, did my us-ual dayly duties. Elbert came  I had supper ready, We ate & went to Huron  I stopped & visited with Mrs. Sharp Cr.  We don’t ever have much time to visit & we wanted to read & talk over Miss Willitts Bible lessons, she had her grandson  10 mo. old taking care of him, so after talking of the things that had taken place since we last ment she says the Rev. Salmon has bought an old Saloon & has been cleaniong it up so they can have their meetings there.  the 4 hundred dollars was the money that had been taken in, before he took over the meetings, and now the rent money that would have gone for “Hall & house rent will go for payments on said saloon building.  Mrs. Sharp dressed & waited for them to call for her last Sun morning, but they went passed, got Mrs Rug & returned without stopping  more evidence of their love for her & they haven’t been here since Mr & Mrs. Gibson were here right after I had hurt my leg. I thank God he’s healing me Praise His Holy Name. Left my over shoes at Mrs. Sharps last night, good thing my head is fastened to me. When we got home the house was full of smoke & gas

/=273=/  & it was terrible  all night  I couldn’t hardly breath and neigher could Elbert.  I talked all sum-mer trying to get it done,m but John doesn’t keep his word & Elbert wont do anything untill he just has to and I sure can’t clean & lift the parts of the heatrola, that takes 2 men to lift and its getting colder each week. Oct. half gone  Rained yester all day & so far 11-30-p-m. everything ready for morn. Elbert took an adjustment at Dr. Leighthousers.  I took Mrs. Sharp 6 eggs a few nice potatoes & 1/2 pk apples.  she only has 10 dollars a mo. to pay her light, gas & coal & live on.

Thurs. Oct. 15.1942./ Elbert has gone to work & I have got my bread set & trying to Keep it warm enough to raise it. Well I got the bread baked, 2 large loaves & 1. small one.  & did my usual duties, but my feet & legs are terrible today  I washed Elberts 3 suits of B.W.D’s. & a few other pieces & dried them in the house, it has rained & been thick & fogy all day again today. wind N.E. & hardly noticeable  1. egg today. Got everything ready for the morning.

Fri. Oct.16.1942./  2 eggs  Elbert went to work & I cleaned & wiped up the floor  I was so tired, I took care of hens & birds got supper & we ate & went to Huron  I got out at Mrs. Sharp’s & Elbert went to Sandusky to Dr. Hunter’s  he got back a little after 10-p-m. & we came home, he’s terrible tired, had cramps in his hands  When he first came home tonight, It partly cleared off today  its quite warm to out side, Praise the Lord Mrs Sharp prayed for me tonight and laid her hands on me. Oh Praise the Lord  I have felt the power all evening & part of the day. Oh I pray the Lord will be with her, she don’t have enough to eat or to get her glasses fixed. Oh, God give us our eye sight I pray Thou will And I pray Thou will be with all those who go up to that church. Help me to do they Holy Will.

Sat. Oct. 17. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work and I did my usual round with a few extras throwed in as I so often do  my leg has pained & my feet just terrible today  I Praise God & trust Hew will make

/274.=/ Whole before long.  Elbert came home feeling weary tonight but I thank God, He takes care of him, and am trusting He Will help him to Love the Lord & give himself into His Keeping soon. Oh God, of Love & Mercy I do ask in Jesus Name.

Sun. Oct.18. 1942./  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, I have waited a long time to Know What I am to do & at 11-a-m had it come to me to go this evening to Church, to to be very care full What I said & did, I stopped for Mrs. Sharp  they use to stop for her, but now they sort of ignore her, as well as myself.  Well we went to Church & had lots of singing some good preaching & prayer service, no new faces. they looked rather shocked When I went in, but they were friendly, I left be-fore they had all finished praying, and I do suppose they think me a sinner  It’s surely a queer World.  The preacher said he thought the Lord would have to scrape some of the prayers off the ceiling. I wouldn’t say he ment Mrs Sharps and mine, since he didn’t mention our names.  We took her home & came on home. it’s 12-30 & I must go to bed. It’s been a wonderful, beautiful day, today.

Mon. Oct. 19. 1942./  Elbert’s back was so bad today he didn’t work, he went to Lorain before noon & came home again. Hellen Sarr came up to see if I wanted her to wash my blankets so I gave her 5 & Elbert’s work jacket  it’s a black with a little light hair line knit tight and plain out side & black fleece inside  bound all around edges with black tape  it washed good, 4 tennis blankets dried- but the heavy fleeced one didn’t dry so good. Elbert brought them all home  he paid her $2.35& two dollars & 35 cents and it’s a big lift for me, she has an electric washer and I an old glass wash board & a tub, I have

Mon. Oct. 19. 1942/=175.=/ [she meant to write 275]  to wring them by hand  Well I did my washing and got it dry, but I didn’t think it would get dry for Hellen stayed & talked untill 5 mi. to 1. oclock, after she went I went & let the hens out & then rubbed out the washing & When I was done I fed & watered the hens got 2 eggs. shut up the coop got an other pail of well water for the house to put milk in to Keep cool & a pail for cooking & a pail of cystern water then I did up What dishes there were, Elbert came & brought a pt. of cream which we ate & while I got things ready for supper he dressed fish then I fried them  We had supper & did the work up & now I’m going to bed Praising the Lord for the Blessings He gives us. Wasn’t much wind & whipping all around beautiful day.

Tue. Oct.20. 1942./  no eggs.  Pa’s Wedding anaversary  63. yrs.  Elbert’s hip & back hurt him so bad he didn’t go to work he decided to go to Dr. Sifling & we went at 2-30-p-m.  I went to shoe store to see What was wrong with shoe arches & got a new pr. shoes for Winter.  but didn’t get to go to Penney’s Store. I wanted to get an idea how to remodel my felt hat for winter  We stopped & talked to Mrs. Wm. Gilmore for a few mi. on our way home. she’s always got a lot of new & troubles, she it was, Who said Frank was having his vacation & took Pa & left for Mich Thurs morn ing & Ruby came home Thurs. evening from Merryland Where she had been to visit their eldest son Harvey Armond  is still driving a lumber tyruck for Lumber Company & is home nights, whith his mother, he’s 18 yrs. old this Fall & subject to the Fall draft. Ohg how I wish his soul was subject to the Lor’s draft; she “Mrs. Gilmore” said Red came & toook her over to his house to dinner the other day & she sure enjoyed the dinner, she’s alone & have become tired of eating alone. she’s looking old.

/=276.=/ & tired. she sews for Mrs. Fry. & gets a little extra that way to help herself  she gets 25.00 per. mo. from old age pension but has gas, waater, electric & house rent to pay. We got home safe & had supper & went to Huron to get sugar but store was closed  We went to Sharps  the young folk were gone  Mrs. Sharp Sr. was taking care of baby. baby was throwing up, he’s took a cold & cutting teeth. he went to sleep & she tucked him in bed, I left  for her, a couple of books. Miss Willitts had written. Healing in Jesus Name & She hop0es to go to church with the rest as long as they cling together  & hopes to go to Prayer meeting Thurs with me.  I don’t Know if I’ll be able to go it depends on Elbert, he’s so tired,  When he gets home nights.  I hung out the blankets this morning & they got real dry  it has been an exceptionally nice day. Praise God the Father, Jesus & the Holy Ghost Amen, Amen.   Breeze South east light. Oh Jesus I love Thee.

Wed. Oct.21.1942./ Elbert’s hip was part way out of joint  Sifling put it back yesterday & today he had to go to Huron and get two vertebra’s put back in place between his hips, he’s sore and so lame & looks sick, I know how he feels, I was having  same trouble with my left hip joint last week.  he got a piece of meat to boil & a piece of salt pork & two short steaks, but no coffee, he did get the sugar  Well We had the ham & cabbage for supper with potatoes green string beans carrots & onions.WE got a nice letter from Audrey today. she’s working, was off with a cold 4 days says she’s got behind & work is slack so it’s hard to get caught up again, said Martha was papering the dinning room & Jean has the cast off her leg but has a brace on it yet & her shoe has a built up heel & sole. poor child  I was hoping it would be O.K. this time, she’s so thin and it worries her so. Audrey said Bonnita’s husband will have to go in the Nov. draft. I hope Bonnita will be careful When he’s

/=277.=/ gone.  Well I haven’t done any work today only eat & cook & such like, but I ought to bake tomorrow, & Mrs. Sharp wants to go to prayer meeting so maybe I’ll go, but I can’t keep my vision I had a week or two ago out of my mind, I seem to have to weigh everything they say & their action, they all shook hands & talked to me, but, they all looked at one another as much as to say, there out siders in our midst, be on the watch. I just love to be in church & prayer meeting, but, I havewn’t felt welcome for a long time.  It rained hard tonight  started easy a little before 3-p-m. & poured down a 6  Elbert left for Huron at 4 & got back at 6. Wind S.W.  I had him mail a letter with 10.00 money order to Miss Willits & 2.50 money order to Christian Herald & a card to Sterling insurance Co. & he got me some stamped envelopes & US post cards.

Thurs. Oct. 23.1942./ 2 eggs  Elbert’s back is still so bad he can hardly get around, he didn’t work today.  Received a card from John & Nellie saying they would be here to fix the heatrola tomorrow & Elbert is going to Lorain to Dr. & to get his pay at the ship yard.  Hellen wants to go to do her shop-ping & have him bring her & groceries home, Bill came tonight to see about it for her. I haven’t felt able to work this week myself but will have to iron in the morning. I baked 3 loaves of white bread today  got dinner  & supper & did most of my daily duties.  We couldn’t go to prayer meeting.  I received a card from pa to day, he said he saw the Winter family at Roger City Mich. and a few old friends at Cadillac Mich.  Frank only had a week vacation so Mrs. Gilmore said, so I suppose they’ll be coming back soon, it rained yesterday  cloudy with moon shining through once in a while & cloudy all day, today  rained late this afternoon and tonight hard.  Mrs. Senith Shup (Bessie Snyder) set some evergreen trees on front of

/=276.=/ [should be 278]  place acrossed the road, and up at the right side on top of the hill, Bert Ward & one of his brothers  boys & John Snyder & his son husk corn yesterday.  Bert & his phe nephew husk today. John lives in Toledo Ohio & drove down, he & Will Snyder his brother my neighbor still work on the New York Central railroad.  Well I hope it warms up a lot tomorrow for we have been having a little fire & it will have to go out in the morning so John can clean & cement it.  I do dread the mess he makes.

Fri. Oct. 23.1942./ Elbert couldn’t work today  his back is so sore, he can’t move with out it’s paining him terrible. it is swollen, I’ve been bathing it with Alcol rub, it isn’t so swollen to night. John & Nellie came at 4-15-p-m. I let the fire go out & had moved every thing so he could take the Heatarolo apart  clean it & put new iron cement in all the seams & put it together again. Elbert helped him some holding a light & handing him tools  I cooked supper  Elbert got fish & forgot he was to get enough for 4 of us untill he got to the meat market, he did feel bad & he took Hellen Sarr so he could bring her & her shopping back home, it was late when he got here after 6 & after 7 when we ate & I had only had 2 slices of toast all day. Elbert got sauceages & I cooked some of them so we managed enough supper. John & Nellie left at 10-15-p-m.  I paid him ($7.00) for the job, after they were gone I swept & wiped up the floor & did the dishes & bathed Elbert’s back, I did my ironing before John & Nellie came & darned some socks & it was 1-30-a-m When I got to bed & it had got cold here & I couldn’t get warm untill time to get up. havent felt very good today.

Fri. Oct. 23. 1942./=278.=/ myself but took care of hens & did my chores & daily round  the wind is S. west & cold  got 2 eggs today. and I thank the Blessed Lord for giving me strength today.

Sat. Oct.24. 1942./  Haven’t done only usual round of duties & picked up a bu. of Walnuts in the shuck but didn’t get them shucked out, got Elberts back rubed & now I’m going to bed.

Sun.  Oct. 25. 1942./ We didn’t go any where to tell the truth I’m feeling punk got a big bunch on my stomach  can’t figure What it can be thought I may have bruised it when I fell in the stair landing.  I felt better out doors so picked up the walnuts by the house  Elbert’s back so lame & so much colder to night  I have to bath his back every night  guess he has a cold in it. Well I’m sick & feel sick tonight But Praise the Lord.

Mon. Oct.26. 1942./ Elbert went to Lorain to Dr. & to pay on his car.  I was sick all night felt like something to hot in my stomach & left side must have been an puss sack  it broke & runn off through the bowels  I prayed God would take it away & He did Oh how I thank Him and Praise His Name & Now I pray He Will take away the cause from my body, and I believe He Will. and I thank HIm & Praise Him for He is all Victorious He’s the most Wonderful Divine Jesus I’ve ever known or expect to Know He’s a wonderful Saviour, to me, He’s my Light & Life, without Him there would be not-hing to live for on earth. Praise His Holy Name I love Him.

Tue. Oct.27. 1942./ We have had beautiful Fall weather getting a little colder but not bad yet  trees, lots of them have there leaves yet & some are still green although it did freeze a little last night & the trains had snow on them as if they had come through a light snow storm, both from east & west, I still feel punk, guess theres another one to break in my left side makes me feel sick  both ways. drank milk & broth today. Elbert went for the milk  I’ve cooked & washed dishes, but Elbert did the out side chores I did what has to bedone inside  Praying &K trusting God will take care of me now & forever more.

Wed. Oct.28.1942./ Elbert couldn’t work, it’s been a beautiful day. I crushed the shucks off a few walnuts  had a pail full When shucked, got to dry them

/=279.=/ to, and have about 2 bu. and a half to shuck yet. thought I’d send Flora a few, but she doesn’t write and I’m worried least she’s sick or dead, I love her so, I’ve always loved her since we were girls & first got acquainted I was 14 & she was 16 yrs. old  she was married & had Clayton, the sweetest boy baby & I loved him so, We all had lots of nice times together, then they moved & I was so lonesome for such a long, long time. got 2 eggs today. Well no mail  wish Flora would write.

Thurs. Oct.29.1942./ Elbert went to Sandusky to Dr. Hunter. & he stopped to Sharps to see if his hat, work hat had fell out the car when Mrs. Sharp got out, and she said she see the dogs playing with one so it may have been his, his work button & number was on it, he said he’d half to pay for another more than likely. I swepted & wiped up the floor & cleaned up around the plants.  cooked & washed dishes. I feel better  but weak, think I had two big ulsures that broke & run off through my bowels.

Fri. Oct.30. 1942./ Elbert didn’t work his back is still bad. I baked 3 White loaves of bread. and did only what had to be done, wind has been blowing a gale for 2 days now & it’s to warm for comfort with summer clothes on & its been cold up north are froze & hard to handle so paper said today no mail today.

Sat. Oct. 31.1942./ Elbert did not work  I did out some washing & got it dry in the house  it has been rainy all day wind eased off after midnight  wind was South went West then N.W. but it’s not cold out side & to warm inside  have to keep a little fire. 2. eggs to day  Elbert went for milk & stopped at Bu Beach to ask about there church services there I can’t understand What I ought to do, or Where I should go to church, I have ask the Lord and am still asking & praying he will show me.

Sun. Nov.1. 1942./   A beautiful day & We were home all day  my stomach has been so tired  Elbert Went for the milk, could only get a pt. he got some fresh perch for supper. Oh, if only I Knew Where to go to church and I’d love to be doing something to help others Know Jesus & love Him  I do pray for the Workers & send in What I can to help but I’d like to be working to.

Mon. Nov.2. 1942./=280.=/  Elbert did not work  had to go to Doctor in Huron & have some bone in Vertebra put into place, been dark & cloudy today  sun did peek out a very few times looked all day as if it would rain or snow lots of planes going both way today. Wind blew a gale about 2-a-m. this morning. Wasn’t much wind today. and it’s not cold out side. Wind is singing tonight. I sewed on my dress a little today & When Elbert left for Huron I washed & dried my two house dresses & ironed the one I had on before he left & had it on me again before he got back in the house, had to work raather fast but I got it done, didn’t get the other one ironed. I had supper most ready and the hens watered & fed & locked in for night & left the two water pails on the car shed door for him to bring in Cystern water  I got two pails of well water one for drinking one to cool milk  Now Praise Jesus Who gives me so much strength, I have everything ready for morning.

Tue. Nov.3. 1942./ Elbert went to Work today and We received a card from Pa asking us down to dinner Sun. Nov. 8th.  I can’t understand why he has ask us to come. I pray God Will help me to Know before Sun. I’d like to go to the old church once more, I’d like to help fill it for the Lord as it was filled when I was a girl and I’d like to see them turn to the Lord & Praise Him, Oh if I could but Know What I should be doing. Elbert came home so tired he isn’t Well any more and I pray he will give his soul to the Lord before it’s to late.  it’s been a nice day but colder than it has been, partly cloudy with north West light wind.  I didn’t get much done today, just daily duties (1. egg today)

Wed  Nov.4.1942./ Elbert went to Work. I did the washing & usual rotine  It’s been a beautiful day sun shone all day and I thank & Praise the Lords for all He’s

/=281=/ done for me, my healings & he has given me strength and although I’m tired tonight I’m feeling better again today. 1 egg today. Praise the God His Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen. Elbert is tired tonight he said it rained hard in Lorain last night, didn’t rain here.

Thurs. Nov. 5. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work and I did the baking made 3 white loaves bread had to make bread [?after} for supper. & so my stomach & legs are rather tired  he’s tired to, after being of 2 weeks & 1 day, his heal bothers him a lot, it acks & gets so tired.

Fri. Nov.6. 1942./ Elbert went to Work. I mended for a while, then cut back the ramblers on south end of the house  only got them half done, took care of hens & birds, had supper ready When Elbert got home, he’s so tired and his back’s paining him again & his heel. I started a pr. of blue baby booties, hope I get them & a pr. of pink one’s done soon. I hope I can do up some sew-ing next week, I’ll have to have another dress to work in soon. 2 eggs today & a beautiful day, rained early before & when Elbert went to work but broke away before noon here he said it rained a light rain till noon in Lorain. I want to bake some pies in the morning  wipe up the floor & mend a shirt; hope I can make it, Well everythings ready for the morning. I did ironing yesterday. Elbert brought me some bulbs to plant in a bowl in water & I planted the bulbs  I sent for from David Harem today in pots. 

Sat. Nov.7.1942./ Elbert went to work  it’s afine morning  grass still drenched at 10-30-a-m. Sun is warm, wind N.E. light, cool, but not cold. I took care of birds & hens & mended one blanket got a pr. of pajamas nearly done for Elbert & cut & partly made my night gown out of tennis. I had the supper cooked When Elbert came he brought cream  I do enjoy the cream & it does me good  my old stomach has been on the outs for a couple of weeks jor more & I can’t lift or carry  it makes it worse.  Well Everything is ready for morning  Elbert is sleeping hard & now I have to give him 2 pills, a nightly chore  then go to bed for I to am so tired  couldn’t seem to get much done today.

Sun. Nov. 8. 1942./=282=/  Well I was home all day. Pa wanted us to come there for dinner,  but Elbert had to go to Dr. Hunter to Sandusky, so I staid home took care of hens & birds & had din-ner soon as he got back, or supper, rather, he left here 15 to 1-p-m & got back 5-15-p-m. We ate the cream he brought, then I got supper & did the dishes. I had most of the chores done When he came its been another nice Fall day. I read my bible  listened to sermons over the radio & Prayed.

Mon. Nov. 9.1942./ Elbert Went to work. Cloudy most all morning  sun came out, wind S.east & brisk not a bit cold  let hens out & gave them sour milk 2-30-p-m clouded up & now looks like rain. Elbert came 5-p-m. and it began to rain in showers a 6.p.m. Wind began to freshen & blew a gale all night & rained in. heavy down pours don’t seem very cold  I can’t sleep everything is making a noise.

Tue. Nov.10. 1942./ Well Elbert Went to Work & it’s still blow-ing & raining, I did  out all the washing except Elberts heavy underwear & socks but haven’t got enough Water to suds them or wrinse them all, so only got a few pieces dry, Well, anyway they are washed and I’m so tired, it’s still blowing & rainiung in sheet showers, not cold, I have rested 20. mi. now got to go feed hens & open car shed for Elbert, School Buss is just going passed, taking children home from school. Elbert will sooon be coming now & then I must get supper. Well I carried 2 big pails of cystern Water, also & got the clothes all on the line except my dress & wool under skirt then I was just putting on the Kettle for coffee & getting potatoes ready When Elbert came in he had cream so We ate it, then I fried fish. Wind S.West strong, getting a little colder  Wind gone West tonight.

Wed. Nov.11.1942./ Elbert was told not to come to work today, so he’s home “Armistice day” 24 yrs. ago today. Was What they called world War” . But this is really a World War we are having now for all countrys are in it up to there ears, Now the English and Americans are cleaning on the Germans Italians & Japs, it’s horrible & terrizing just as the Bible said it would be. But, I Praise the Lord that I am His and still trying hard to do His Will and His Will must be done on earth as it is in Heaven  Praise His Holy Name. Elbert fixed the bottoms of the coal buckets today & we cut & fastened up the rose vines on the end of the house got two done & one to finish  worst is done. We have had supper & done the dishes  now everything’s ready for the morning. and I’ll have

/=283.=/ to Write to Mr. Miller for once again my check has not come. It snowed last night quite a thick blanket  was gone before noon & it tried again to  night be fore we got done with the roses, but soon quit. both the male pheasents flew from the east & landed in the berry bushes tonight. My amarillis is going to bloom  has a stalk 18 in high & 2 nice buds on. Some of the bulbs I got from David Harlem, and put in pots are up. Well I have written or written a letter to Mr. Miller about my check and ask for a renewal card. Now give Elbert his pills & then to my bed.

Thurs. Nov. 12. 1942./ Elbert has gone to Work, but my bowels are on rampage again bound up hard  Well I took an olive oil tablets & they moved & now I have the piles so am staying off my feet as much as I can today. I received a card from Mrs. Sharp this morn-ing; She and Mrs. Rug  are wishing to call on me  I wish they would  Mrs. Sharp doesn’t have the money for car fare but I’m going to write to them.  Sent Wrote a letter to Mrs. Sharp  a card to Mrs. Hildebrandt and one to Mrs. Beusie, fried fish for supper & glad I’m able to do that much. 

Fri. Nov.13. 1942./  Elbert went to work, I haven\t done much today but have to wash Elberts heavy union suit in the morn.-ing  starch my dress & iron it & wipe up the floor again.  I made some cup cakes and a loaf cake all from one batch of dough today, made soup for supper & cooked fresh beets, my stomach & bowels are so tired & feel to full.  Had to cork the West & North Windows tonight, Wind still blowing a gale, tried to snow, froze ice in the bird bath out side.  2 eggs yesterday  but not a one today  I do wish they would lay now, 50 cents per. doz. for eggs. is a good price.  Well everythings done & ready for the morning.  am sending for a Mc Gregor flower book.  I long for bulbs that will bloom this Winter in the house.  my Amarillis is in bloom right now and the violets. and the begonias.  Well Elbert’s sleeping & now Im going to bed.

Sat. Nov.14. 1942./  Elbert has gone to work & the wind is blowingf yet.  Well I’m not feeling equal to my little job today, but I washed What dirty pieces there were & carried water to wrince them  changed the cloths & washed it & starched it & my dress & dried them all in the house  sun came out this afternoon & made it look more pleasent.  2 pheasants were in the blackberries today.  I had to sew the White wool flannel in the back of Elbertys union-suit & mend my corset that tore while I was washing so after wiping the floor & getting supper & doing the dishes & taking care of hens & birds, I felt some what tiered & went to bed.  I read the bible & thought and prayed & do each day & night.  Elbert is in bed & now I’m geting ready to go to bed also.

Sun. Nov. 15.1942./  Wind still blowing Sun shone allday & not so cold, froze a can of water solid last night.  I took care of birds  & hens today but didn’t go anywhere all day, I did the

Sun. Nov.15.1942./ =284=/ chores while Elbert went for the milk, he got some ice cream to and I do get some good from it.  Well everythings ready for the morning & I’m going to bed  Elbert took his bath & is now sleeping and the wind is blowing quite strong  I feel some better today.

Mon. Nov.16.1942./ Elbert didn’\t Work today, his back was so bad & his hip, he Went to Dr. Hunter in Sandusky  I did the washing & ironed my dresses & table cloth, then sewed a piece of an old black silk stocking leg in his cap in side around the front  it chaffed his Large head.  Wind still blowing  Sun was nice alday & it’s two warm.  Well I have every thing ready for the morning  Elbert says he’s going to try to work to-morrow, hope he feels better.  I’d liked to have goine for the ride, but have so many things to get done  I want to clean & put away some of the things in my room that are pilled up and I do hope I can get it done  before long  While the Weather is still Warm, cant stand to stoop & bend, get tired most to death in 15 or 20 minutes.  got a little sewing & mending to finish up, got to cork the rest of the windows before very long  & I’d like to get them washed & some fresh curtains up before Thanksgiving.  I sent an-other letter to Flora to day  by Elbert. not one egg yesterday or today  they need some gritt to What gravel they have isn’t much good.  got a card from Mrs. Hildebrandt.  Elbert brought some cheese today  it was quite good, it was so mild & quite mellow, not as creamy as I like them. but its hard to get good cheese, Well I have to give Elbert his pills, then go to bed, I’m tired.

Tue. Nov.17. 1942/  Elbert went to work & had to work over time  didn’t get here untill 7-P.M. his back & hip paining him so bad he could hardly eat his supper  it rained a fine steady rain this after noon and he got soaked and has a sore throat tonight.  hes sleeping hard 15 mi. to 9-P-m.  I gave him his powder dope & next is the pills.  Oh, but it sure am raining, but the wind died out yesterday  late afternoon. Well I did my daily round taking care of hens & birds  emptyed ashes  fed & watered

/=285=/  hens & got one egg.  got two pails well water & I darned 2. prs. socks  took few stitches in his union suit  patched Whole seat of his old winter pajamas  finished the stitching on his new one’s and patched and mend the big chair cover & put it on the chair  thats a job to, then I had opened the car shed doors & had to look often to see they were O.K. & no one around then got supper partly ready but, no boy, then he came at 7-p-m. I made some dumplins in with the beef, boiled potatoes  had peas & milk gravy  had catsup with meat and strawberry Jam with the dumplins, Elbert brought 1/2 bu. (so called) banana apples home to night  they are good but don’t tast like banana apples.  Well  I have got every thing ready for morning.  Weather is to warm & I am still wearing summer clothing;  got a card back from the Mc Gregor plant & seed Co, today,  they are sending me one of there bookjs.  I had to make biscuits after Supper, for there isn’t any bread for tomorrow.  I want to learn that 103. Psalm, it’s more wonderful than I can tell, Praise the Lord, Oh, my soul, with all my being.

[ text she would have read from King James Bible:  Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.  Bless the Lord, O my sould, and forget not all his benefits:   Who forgiveth all thine iniquites; who healeth all thy diseases;  Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;  Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;  so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.  The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.  He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the chiuldren of Israel.  The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and penteous in mercy.  He will not always childe:  neither will he keep his anger for ever.  He hath not dealt with us  after our sins;  nor rewarde3d us according to our iniquities.  For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.  As faar as the east is from the west, so far hath he  removed our transgressions from us.  Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.  For he knoweth our frame;  he remembereth that we are dust.  As for man, his days are as grass:  as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.  For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone;  and the place thereof shall know it no more.  But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;  To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.  The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens;  and his kingdom ruleth over all.  Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.  Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts;  ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.  Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion:  bless the Lord, O my soul.]

Wed. Nov. 18. 1942./ Elbert Went to Work, he said he felt a little better. I over slept  Post man routed me out of bed  had to sign for Elbert.  I got my book from Mc. Gregors today  I washed Elbert’s union suit  he got so wet yesterday & my Winter dress & some towels & dish towels.  took care of hens  let them out  it was so warm  took care of birds & then got everything ready for supper.  Elbert came with ice cream  said we’d eat it & go to Huron for some food.  every store was closed  when he got out of work at 6-30-p-m.  Well We weent to Huron, got some lunch meat  boiling meat  coffee &  oranges  went to Mrs. Sharps & talk 5 or 10 minutes  she says they are having   extra good meeti ngs, and that some other ministers have come into the meetings, & on Sun. nights the power is strong  Well Praise the Lord & Oh Lord God of Hosts  I pray Thou Will bless all Who go & trust in Thee, and come to me before Sun. & tell me Where to go for Worship.  Help me to understand and to know what to do  I ask in Jesus name.  Well we came home had supper got dishes done & every thing ready for morning & Elbert has taken his pills & I gave him an anisin, his cold is getting worse  again  & he took hot ginger tea tonight.  he always gets sick when he works over time & gets wet.  Today was a beautiful day out side.

Thurs. Nov. 19./1942./ =286=/ Well Elbert has such a cold he couldn’t work  he went to Berlin Hights & signed up for gasoline & his tires on his car then came back feeling all in & sick but he thought he’d go to Dr Siffling & get his throat swabbed, he run out to Martha’s , since I had been seeing her face so often & last night she looked so frightened  seemed as if it was the children.  so When We got there to-day  Bonnita was there,  and Jim had his leg in a cast  he fell & broke it or the boy that fell on it, broke it.  one of the neighbor men ran over to Martha’s When he see a big boy carrying Jim home & he said it was broke & bandaged it up & Nellie & John  went & found Merlin  where he had gone, and he & Martha took Jim to the Dr.  he put the cast on after he exrayed the led and Joan has T.B. of the gland of her neck and a crooked pelvis bone, they believe to be the cause of the fall she had at the school last yr. she fell of a swing onto the concreat  on her stomach  her bowels & stomach were b lack as coal & she has-n’t been well since  Jean has just got the east of her leg, she was born with a bad leg  she still has to wear the brace.  Oh, it the parents  Only  bleonged to Jesus he would keep them well.  Oh God  help them to come & bring there children to Thee  before it’s to late.  Well We came back to Lorain & Elbert went

Thurs.Nov. 19.1942./=287=/ to Dr. Siffling, he looked sick when he got back to the car. I didn’t get to do any of my shopping,  We had taken Hellen Sarr to Lorain  & left her at Fishers Store  & it was after five  when we got back  there for her  she bought a bunch of groceries  Elbert got a few things  we had to have & we stopped in Vermilion & he bought a White fish  &  some fish for Helen then we came home it was just getting dark  We let Hellen out  at her door & then came on home   I got supper & my own head was aching  I was so empty, but Elbert’s hurt him worse  & after supper he went to bed  I have been giving him his pills & between time ginger tea  I greased him good  & put a flannel around his neck & one on his ches  & the hot water bottle,  he is sweating now but has a bad bronchitis cough  I pray God will take away all his ills before tomorrow night. I’m praying and trusting the Lord to Keep me free.

Fri Nov.20./  Well I was to Lorain to day up un-till 15 to 4-a-m  with Elbert  his cold was so bad, but he feels better today  and I’m feeling worse as night comes on  didn’t do much today  Look after hens & birds & What had to be done.

Sat. Nov.21.1942./  I went to Huron With Elbert  bought him an all wool sweater for his birthday a nice heavy hand Knit dark blue $6.13  I bought him a reading glass for $4. 95  the sweater was  5.95 & $6.13 [with] tax 18 cents 3 pieces of dress good for Jean, Joan & Loura Ann   I still have to get something for  Jim  &  I should get 4 more things for Evelyn’s & Francis children  Well we came home & I felt so bad but still I went to Vermilion, WE took Hellen  & we went on & got the milk  stopped & got a few things to eat in Vermilion & came home  I washed his hankercheifs

Sat.Nov.21.1942./=288.=/ out & got them drying & a few of my things  & Elbert got supper  I felt so bad  I only ate one piece of fish & went to bed after  I had got every thing ready for morning.  colder tonight

Sun. Nov.22. 1942./  Didn’t work today  only cooked & did dishes  Elbert did chores   I went to bed sick  had to have Elbert look after me all night it went both ways  once & I passed out & When I came to, had made some must all over my night gown  & Elberts arm, he was trying to Keep me upright on the can, he said  I was out of my head for a spell, I must have got some poison out of something  he threw his hip out of joint to  While rushing to help me, said he went to sleep & it frighten-ed him  Wehn I called him to come  wuick.  he stayed up untill one oclock then went to bed

Mon. Nov. 23. 1942./  Laid in bed most of the day  got up about one, set around  a while then got up courage to try to wash my night gown & the rags  I’d used for my nose,  guess  I have a case of flu.  Elbert had it & such a fever with it  Well I had to lay down When I got then done  & felt bumb for a while, Elbert had gone to Huron to Dr. to get his hip put back in place  he had to wait so long, he left  here a 2  got back at 5-p-m.  rainy weather & foggy & rain tonight.

Tue.Nov.24.1942./  Well I’m  some better today  Praise the Lord  He surely does take care of me.  I can’t figure out how or in What maner I get the poison  sure felt as if I’d pass out for good  but Prayed  God would come quick & help me & He did  I thank Him so much.  Elbert took a sudden notion to run off to Lorain, he left hre at 1-p-m.  said he had to go get his money, but I know he had more than that on his mind.  Well I only Pray God Will turn him from the Devil before it’s to late. that we can meet in Heaven  Where we can always

/=289=/ be happy in Jesus.  I swept the floor & boys am I weak, sweating like rain & trembling all over.  We received a card from Nellie asking us over to thanksgiving dinner but we can’t go or I can’t  Our Hollidays are, and have been rathe drab for the past ten yrs. now. But I thank the Lord for my many blessings.

Wed. Nov.25. 1942./ Elbert went to Huron after dinner, took Hellen Sarr, she want to do some buying.  Elbert went to get his gasoline ration card or book fixed up, got some bread  and brought some ice cream back  Hellen told him Mr. Fisher was murdered last night and the Myers boy was home for the week.  He talked With Mrs. Gibson while in Huron & the man that boards with Mrs. Rugg. they talked about the fishing as he is a fisherman  he said fishing  had been very poor.  Last night I saw a car driving off out into the field  I watched it as far as I could see it then Elbert got up to see where it was going at 11-p-m.  it went around the field & back into Snyders yard & car shed. then a lantern apeared in the back came to the Chicken yard fence & around and came passed the coop & down the blackberry bushes & I yelled and ask What they were hunting for & Billy said both pigs got out they found one but can’t find the other but, he said he’d have to keep hunting, he went to the highway & found the hog holding up trafic  so he took her home  1.-a-m. this morning  so Hellen told Elbert.  After we ate the cream Elbert brought in some water & fed the hens  got 1. egg then went east for the milk  got cought in a traffic jam  state police were looking over the cars & pulled out three letting all the others  go. so  he was late getting home.  Elbert went to Lorain & got his money & his paper signed & fixed up for his gasoline ration card, that’s What he had on his mind.  I had forgot about that.  he likes his reading glass, and I think he likes his sweater to, that I got for his birth-day.  Today he Killed a pheasant with the barrel of his shotgun   it got in the rose rambler & strubry & got frightened  he knocked it down in the roses  vine & hit it’s head & brought it in & cut its head off  after it drained awhile  he dressed it & I have it most cooked  for our Thanksgiving dinner.  I will be so glad to havew it for I’ve been longing for wild game.  Well I got the Kitchen some what cleaned up & the dishes & the floor  & Elbert got supper & I did up the dishes  now he’s gone to bed & I am going now, I’m so tired & cough so hard.

Thurs. Nov. 26. 1942./ thanksgiving day & Pa came out to hunt with Frank & Armond  they hunted all morning & didn’t get a thing only as pa said (tired & Hungry) they ate there lunch in the car &

Thurs. Nov.26. 1942./=290=/ We had the pheasant with hot biscuits & gravy mashed potatoes  hot beets & carrots, but they wouldn’t eat with us. after dinner Pa & Armond came in the house & rested untill  Frank came back  he got 3 rabbits.  got back 4-45-p-m. & they hurried off for home & there Thanksgiving dinner.  Mrs. Beesies’ 78. yrs old today   Pa said he told Gertie to go to Nellie’s for dinner if any one came for them. Pa said he would stop to Frank’s for supper, he said he had a nice visit up North, he & Frank.  they were over to Pa’s cousin’s Will Mastins & hunted & visited some,  Will’s eldest girl had died 2. yrs. or so ago, & her children are mostly younger folks now & between them & Will they go on Keweping house & there own father lives there to & does the hard jobs with his boys help 5. boy. & severalk girls  he didn’t remember how many.  He went to see Elinor Winters said  Eric was home & the boy they named after Pa is now a big boy & going to school.  Elinor has 6 or 7 children.  They went to see George Johnston  cousin Minnies second husband & some of the other old neighbors, he use to Know near Uncle Porters farm, they built a big wide pavement road back & his “Uncle Porters” farm.  Well Elbert Went for the milk after he fed & watered the hens & got one egg. & the old lady gave him a big bowl of cottage cheese last night & a black walnut roll, made simeral to bread rolls,  I couldn’t eat any of it so he ate it all & then his stomach hurt him, he brought cream, I ate a little piece & my loaf cake with my cream. We had a little biscuits & gravey for supper  I washed up the dishes & now must finish fixing his over coat lining  I had it al-most done when he got back with the milk. then I’m going to bed  I don’t feel to strong  have to cough so hard.

Fri.Nov. 27. 1942./ Well Elbert’s throat is still giving him trouble, he does all the out side chores  so to keep use  to the weather, but it turned coldxer a few night ago  & it’s making the turn fore winter  it tried to snow this afternoon  late, Elbert went for th milk & said it snowed hard east of here Jean Sarr came in While Elbert was gone,  I swept bothe bedrooms & the Kitchen  just as I finisahed she came in, to visit she said, I had to put a patch of heavy black broadcloth goods under each arms of Elbert’s Knit jumper  I made it like a sweat pad half on the under arm of sleeve &K halv on underarm of the jacket  got it done just after he got back, Jean went when Elbert came, I put the machine away  We had ice cream & cake.  I was all in  Elbert fried

/=291=/ for supper. We both took a little more cold yes-terday  While pa & Armond were here  Pa was out & in & they left the doors flying  & it was quite cold out side  & I tried to help get dinner & sweat so bad that the cold air gave me a chill each time & once had just sit down & felt as if I had a wet blanket around me, when they held the door open with the West Wind blowing in, so not so well today but Praise God I’m able to get up & do a little, for things sure get in a mess  when I can’t work.  Well I have the dishes done & everything ready for the morning.

Sat. Nov.28. 1942./  Well I did the washing  got it all done and got it all dried.  Elbert went for the milk & bought some fish herring & a small white fish he dressed & cooked part of them for supper  & I got the dishes done, sure am tired & have such a cold, I have to cough untill at times  I throw up.  started on gas, new tank today.  Elbert did the outside  chores,  he hung part of the clothes out side & they got dry  except heavy hems or bands  I finished them inside  He bought a big barred rock hen, 8 lbs.  so we’ll be having hen to eat some night this week, I expect.

Sun. Nov.29. 1942./  Ma’s birthday  she would be 86 yrs. old today.  Aunt Edith was 93. yrs. old in Sept.  I didn’t get up very early, Elbert went to Sandusky after dinner, we had rest of fish, didn’t get back till after 7-p-m. Well it was 15 to 3  when he left here  I believe.  Dr. changed all his medicine today. he says his cold feels worse tonight but he thinks he’ll go to work in the morning.  It snowed a light blanket of snow last night it’s soft & wet & melting, it isn’t cold  We had soup for supper, Elbert brought ice cream.

Mon. Nov. 30. 1942./ Well we are both feeling better today. Elbert Went for the milk at 2-45-p-m.  & brougfht pt. ice cream  While he was gone I made rabbit pie, he shot a rabbit in the yard this morning, it was so tender & it tasted so good. I had spinage & potatoes, he had coffee, I had hot water. it’s been a nicew day  snow still hanging on in a crust form. Hellen did Elberts work shirts “that is” she washed & ironed them 60 cents for 4 shirts, Jean brought them tonight after dark;  Elbert said Midge stol.e the eagle pin the shipyard gives them to wear. off his hat, he saw her, have his hat & she & Jean were looking at it When he let them out, he thought about the pins & the one with the eagle was gone.  I do hope he makes her give it back. If I were him I wouldn’t let them rice in my car any more unless they give it back & let things alone thats in the car.  I just can’t tolorate a theif.  I sewed up two of the places that was riped in my braided rag rug & have 3 more to sew yet, & it’s so dirty

Tue. Dec.1. 1942./=292=/ Elbert Went to Work today & I did most of the wash & took care of hens & birds & got supper & done up all the work & got everything ready for morning  felt as if I ruptured a place in my left side just a little above left hip bone from coughing, it’s sore, I dug my 3 tube rose bulbs & picked up a bu of apples & put them in the grainery  the hens will like them to pick on. got one hen that’s been laying up till now that’s molting & (snowing hard tonight) she’s most necked, poor thing.  Rained most of the day & wind is blowing tonight.

Wed. Dec.2. 1942. Elbert Went to Work, it got colder toward morning and was cold at 9-a-m & it Kept right on getting cold, went down to 8 above zero, and its been so warm untill now  I thought I’d freeze going out for well water, takiing care of hens & empting ashes, then when Elbert didn’t get here at 6-p-m.  I went down for the coal, fire was most out  hurt my back getting up with the coal 2 buckets, got a vertebra out of place between my shoulders. Well I got the fire fixed  hot in a very few minutes & Elbert came While I got the fire going, then I got supper  I baked 2 White laves of bread & 2 pans of rolls. today, and ripped the zipper off my corset & sewed it up & cut it open down the front & sewed the hooks & eyes on so it will hook up the front now  I want to make the top with built up shoulder bands, this old one hooks up front with steel hooks & the steel with eyes on it & the later has broke in-to  so I have to see if I have another to match & get it sewed on. The Wind is blowing  hard & so cold  it’s a puffy, cranky wind, Elbert got wet most to his Knees & got his gloves & sleeves wet today. & he was chilled clear through When he got home.  I made him some ginger tea. Well, it’s 12-30-p-m. wind blowing hard & windows in storm door White With frost, evergreen trees were froze. stiff this morning, things out side will feel this sudden change as much as we do & over in Russia they and the Germans are fighting & Killing each other in worse storms than this, in the Bible in the book of Joel, it says, Russia will stink form one sea to the other, and it must be so, according to the Radio reports. & the Jews are being Killed & tortured in all manner of ways & they have a million more now that they are going to Kill & they say they are not going to leave any in Europ. Oh God do forgive & have mercy on Thy Chosen people. Help thousands to turn to Thee and help each of us to do our part for Thee. Oh. Lord, help us as Thou seest we need, strengthen all of Thine and help us each to be worthy of Thee. We ask in Jesus Name, trusting and believeing, Amen.  Well I have the supper work done up & everything ready for morning (1.a.m.) (got to give Elbert his pill, fix fire & go to bed.

Thurs. Dec.3. 1942./293/  Oh, but it was cold last night & I stayed up and Kept the house warm. Elbert couldn’t start his car  &  he’s tried several times.  I was so sick for 2. hrs. or more after I did   go to bed  and my stomach hurt untill it seemed for a time as if I’d  have convulsons  I prayed & prayed & all of a sudden  it left me  I thanked the Lord  & went to sleep. I was so tired out  I didn’t  get up  untill  after 1.p-m. this after noon & haven’t done much today, I got so chilled yesterday & thought by Elbert’s actions he’d be sick but God surely heard my prayers for he was as well as usual today, car wouldn’t run so he didn’t get to the store or the milk. Wind has eased up  not so cold as it was last night. Elbert says it’s a still cold. Well I have to finish the wash if I can in the morning  I swept & done up the dishes ready for morning.  I had a queer dream this morning, seemed I had bought a mare horse not so large as the ordereary  size, chestnut color with black tail & mane & a spring wagon & Elbert & I drove off on an earand for the gov-erment & on the way we picked up Audrey somewhere, we went on & had to stop over night  the next morning, she woke me by saying; better get up if I was going the wagon Well it was my wagon, but I didn’t say so outloud, but got up, we started out, We didn’t eat any breakfast and I thought about it, it was the Fall of the yr. & we raped ourselves up in a blanket, We Went for quite a few miles over  a wide exceptiolly wide road  paved with yellow bricks, then we came to a place Where there were three roads & we took the ridge road to Avon & were looking for a White house & number on the left side of the road, the man had a lot of honey for sale, said a neighbor had an orchard of banana apple trees & his bees had flavored the honey from those apple bloosoms Well I bought What he had for ($10.00) and there were 10 or 12 cases of it, and it tasted just fine, I ask Where the man lived that had the apples & he told me about a mile on up the road & I’d see the honey sign on the right side of the road, so, the little mare sure traveled fast & We came to the place & stopped  got the apples & 3 big pigs for 3.00 & a big bale of straw & 8 bu. of corn & 6 wWhite Wyondot hens for a dollar, I didn’t remember What I paid for straw & corn but it was so cheap  I took them & then, the man said he had bought a new spring wagon from a man that just had to have $2.00  he said would you want it for the same price? so I gave him the money  & he said the man had built a top for it & it was in the wagon  I ask What else was in it & he said he hadn’t looked but I was Welcome to What was there  We packed every thing in & started on, he wanted to buy the mare to breed & he said he’d be over to see What arangments  we could make by & byhe ask for my address. I gave it to him, We got back almost to the Root road & saw a place for sale  a neat white house & looked new  & a new hen house &  barn & some other out building so, we stopped & Elbert & I looked it over & We

Thurs. Dec.3. 1942./=294=/ desided to make a trade if we could that man was working in Sandusky & Elbert in Lorain, Well the man & his wife were coming to see us soon, so they said and once more We started for home, we let Audrey out in Lorain & Elbert bought a few things to eat for supper & We came on and When We got home & put the stock in there places, I got supper, then I woke up. a queer dream. Now I Praise God for my blessings & that He takes care of me, I felt so contented all through that dream, as if the world was at peace.

Fri. Dec. 4.1942./ Lenard Bonney’s birthday  he would be 60. yrs old today, he has been dead several yrs. he tried to invent a new airplane & When he tried to fly it  fell & broke his neck. Aunt Corneal & Uncle Harvy Bonney adopted Lenard, & he liked speed & more speed & Aunt use to tell him some time he’d break his neck & sure enough he did. but she & Uncle were dead long before  Elbert left here at 11.a.m. went to Sarr’s, Rue came & pushed the car into Vermillion to a garage & there they worked untill after 6-30P.m., or so anyway  it was 7-25.P. M. When Elbert got home tonight, a little ball & spring got out of place in the carbarator & they didn’t Know What Was Wrong anyway they charged him 4. to learn & they are master mechanics, so they claim. Elbert was tired & hungry, he hadn’t had only a sandwich & cup of coffee at noon  I had supper ready.  I did the balance of the washing  carried  2. big pails of systern water, 2. pails of well water & took care of hens & locked up the grainery  & cook, now once again everythings ready for morning. I dressed a hen, one of ours & cooked it for supper, it was very tender & good only small, now I have some boiling meat almost ready for morning.  I put carrots & onions in with the meat & it begins to smell appetizing.  I have a little chicken rice soup left for tomorrow & now I’m going to bed. Elbert thinks he’ll work if the car will run tomorrow. Praise the Lord Oh my Soul I Praise Him with all my being  I love Jesus more than anything else on earth and I thank Him for all He has given me  Praise His Holy Name for ever & ever Amen. not so cold today

Sat. Dec.5. 1942./ Well it has become warmer although there is quite a chill in the air.  I had to sweep & then wipe up the floors & some how it seemed to take my stength today.  Elbert fixed the crack in the middle pen in hen house & the South Window  & after dinner he went to Vermilion & on east got the milk & now can’t get any more maybe that Was Why I had such a queer dream about the folks

Sat. Dec. 5. 1942./=295=/ there. both Mrs. Miller  & the old folks. Elbert bought a few things in Vermilion We had to have then came home  ate a lunch & went to beach & got grit for birds & hens, then dressed a nice White fish  We cooked for supper & now I have every thing ready for morning. Elbert got the mail out the box this morning, he received 5 birthday cards. 4. in the mail, one from Easel Barick a beautiful one With perfume on a little round pad of cotton put between a picture & a paper, picture painted on a piece of silk satin goods. then there Was one from Nellie, John & Family One from Bonnita & Geo., one from Jimmy Monagon, then Frank and Armond came to hunt & Frank brought a card from Ruby & himself. Frank got 2. rabbits & Armond a nice pheasant. Fog horn is blowing steady & Elbert said it was trying to snow.

Sun. Dec.6. 1942./ Elbert is 60. yrs. old today, he was born in Michigin in the woods, tree so thick all around the Log house so thick, mother said you had to look almost straig-ht up to see the sky, pa had cleared a place for the house and a run way or drive way to the barn & later he cleared out enough trees for a yard nice big evergreen trees spruce pine & some hemlock & there was a creek a little way from the house Where pa caught big fish & there was lots of Deer & Bear & other wild game  & pa loved to hunt & does yet.  I was born there to, but only lived 1 1/2 yrs. there, pa’s mother was an invilid & she missed him & gaave him no peace untill he came back to Ohio. I did think I’d get Elbert to go to pa’s today, but he had the flu & then I had it & am not feeling able to go. anyway the gas rationing has started so we wont have the gas to go places. We didn’t go much anyway. Well Elbert fell & sprained his ankle this morning  I’ve tried to do all the out side chores & have him stay quite   he has been out back 2 or 3 times  Pains him  bad to step on it. he Killed a hen & dressed it & put it on to cook, I fixed him a good dinner  and we thanked God for it and that he wasn’t hurt any worse for he was just off the cement step at the back door. I Praise the Lord for our blessing  Amen.

Mon. Dec.7. 1942. /=296=/  Well Elbert’s ankle & leg is swollen rather bad tonight  he’s had his shoe on & laced up on it & I think he ought to Kept shoe off & stayed off his feet, Well I bathed it & he’s gone to bed, he drove his car to Vermilion today and back  went looking for milk, can’t get it at the oaks anymore.  Elbert don’t feel so good tonight  his foot & leg are so swollen  & his stomach is upset, he gets so nervous, he wanted to work this Week, and now he can’t, Well I have managed to get him quite & he’s sleeping & I got my corset mended at last.  I broke a front steel.  I did the chores outside & in & cooked & did my daily round, it hasn’t been so very cold today  had a light snow last night & Elbert says it’s frosty out, he had to dress to go to the toilet, now me to bed 12-35 now.

Tue. Dec.8. 1942./ Elbert’s foot & leg is swollen bad, he’s going over to Dr. Hunter after dinner, Well Elbert has gone there is a light crust of snow on the ground yet although it warmed up a lot. Sun. has shone all day  been a beautiful day out side  I went out & took sour milk to the hens  aired out the coop opened the car shed doors, got 3 pails of cystern Water & a pail of Well Water, then did out the Washing While he was gone, he only had to wait for two others so he got back home at 3-30-p-m. he stopped in Huron & got some meat to boil & some ice cream  he  met Gibsons, Mr. & Mrs. they are both Working in the pencil factory there in Huron [note: there are references to this factory and the air field behind it in a Facebook site “Timeless Huron Memories”]  and was on there way to there car to go home. Well Dr. said he (Elbert) should stay of his feet for a week & give the swelling a chance to go down to see if he had broken any bones  I think he just wrenched it bad. Well I dried the wash in the house got it most all dry carried up the coal & got the supper & run out of both well & cystern water so am going to leave What few dishes there are untill morning.  I have bathed his foot & leg & he’s gone to bed now I’ll fix fire & get to my bed. And beleive it or not  I sure am tired but Praise the Lord I can get around. God ans. prayer. Received card from Doaks today.

Wed. Dec. 9. 1942./  Well it was a beautiful day. I took care of hens & birds & did out side chores  carried water & got up coal & emptied ashes only did What had to be done in the house  I am so tired today  seems as if I can’t exist and my nerves have been just terrible for several days now. Praise Jesus He help me Keep going. Received Christmas Card from the Doaks today. (God ans prayer Thank the Lord.)

Thurs. Dec. 10. 1942./=297.=/ Easels birthday was yesterday Dec. 9. 1942.  Well Elbert’s foot & leg is swollen bad yet  seemed better last night, but he can’t keep still  he sit most of the morning, then this after noon  Went to Huron  I went along, but didn’t feel like going  We Went down to the store first & got some meat  & fells soap, oranges & yeast cakes,  Went to Mrs. Gunzenhauser store, bought 1/2 yd long cloth 15cents  a card of snaps & paid the 1.79 I owed her & bought me a piece of dress goods & paid 1.59 down on it, bal. 3.00 then we went to Cook’s store & got a qt. cream 2 pt boxes & a cake & We went into see Mrs. Sharp & took a pt. of cream & the cake & we three ate it While we visited  she says the Medothists are having prayer meetings in Huron. That Soloman has quite a lot of folks out to meetings. And she gave me a card to read, she re-cieved from Mrs. Moher.  She said  Mrs Moher Broad-casts ovedr the radio every Sun. now.  Oh My, Oh My.  So the world is going, and doing, all the things the Good & Holy God Almighty has told us about in the Bible. they are terrible things, good things, and terrifying things.  If each one would be as glad to work for the Lord as they are to do things to help in or a-bout the War, if each one were baptized & born again and live as near like Jesus as they Knew how  Oh how much better it Would be.  Mrs Sharp wants me to come back to Church, but, I have to do the things Jesus tells me to do & He told me to get-up & get out of one of Soloman’s & Mrs Moher’s meetings & He told me twice, to get up & get out of there fast  then sent me a vision to show me, two White Bull Snakes  Well I’ll Wait on the Lord He’ll lead me all the way, as He has in the past.  I received a letter from Bonnita telling me Bonney had been operated on Wed Dec. 8. 1942. for appendicitis, Well I saw her spirit passing the door of my bedroom last night & told Elbert and I said I wondered Who was sick now & I told him What I saw- a slender person dressed all in White, but I didn’t see there face so today, Bonnita’s letter explained it all to me. and Bonnita wants me to copy all the Birthdays and send them to

/=298.=/ her, some job, Well I’ll try to get it done some how, she said Martha takes Jim to school & goes for him & also Jean & Joan, but Jim has the cast on his leg yet. I recieved a piece of goods from Miss Mc.-Govern  & a Testement  that came from London that had belonged to Miss Webb & had been given to her in the year of April 17th. 98, by – L. Pritchett, and said to Read  John Ch. 6-verses 37-40 [John:  All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive them out. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.  And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.  For my Father’s will lis that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.] and Romans 6.-23. [ Romans:   For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.]              its inches wide and __ inches long and bound nice with leather covers and an New Testment in gold letters on the top of front out side cover on narrow part between covers at top its the two words in gold letters  New Testment at top and at bottom in gold letters  Bagster’s and in sid of cover on second page it says Bagsters Narrow Edition of the New Testement on the third page at top in fine print, it says, Bagsters Narrow Edition, The New Testement in larger type, of Our Lord and Saviour” in small fine type, in larger type “Jesus Christ”. in fine type “According to the Authorised version-B Multae terricolis linguae, coclestibus una. at the bottom it says “London:”  Samuel Bagster & Sons, Lim-ited.”New-York”; James Pott and Co., the edge of all the leaves are gold. and it has been well Kept.  Well I have every thing done & Elbert has taken his pill eaten a yeast cake & drank water & taken soda & was a sleep, he woke & said he dreamed of skating up by the old round house bend on the river “Black River”. now he’s sleeping again. now I’m going to my bed. I pray Bonney Bell will come through O.K. poor Child.

Fri. Dec. 11. 1942./  Well I didn’t get much done today. We got a few Christmas cards  one from Nellie & Martha & one from Jim Jean & Joan  I did the chores & don’t feel very good and I didn’t get as much done as I intended to   Elbert hurt his ankle again.  It is snowing from S. west tonight.

Sat. Dec.12. 1942./  Well I haven’t got much done today. Pa & Frank came today to go hunting rabbits  they got some & gave us one.  they came in at noon & at there lunch & I gave them each a bowl of hot soup. I gave Pa 2 of Gertie’s cans, she sent 3 cans of peaches to us  I have one I havent opened yet.  I got a letter from Miss Mc. Govern, and one from Mrs. Moher. I swept and wiped up the floor  got supper & ironed my to dresses  I’ve been sick to allday. But Praise God for my blessings.

Sun. Dec.13. 1942./=299.=/ Praise God from Whom all blessings Flow.  We are both able to get around even though Elberts ankle is swollen so bad, again.  Not a soul has come in today. Elbert did the chores a few at a time, it’s been quite cold allday & colder to night  Wind N. West & goes right  to the marrow.  I’ve been hungry all day, no milk,  no broth  and I ate some cheese & bread tonight, it hurt my stomach so bad  Elbert said I should do something   I took an olive oil tablet & in a few minutes  threw it up.  Elbert is going to Lorain in the morning  I’d like to go but don’t feel able,  I have 38 Christmas cards wrote & ready to mail, he will mail them tomorrow.

Mon. Dec.14. 1942./  Elbert went to Vermillion  got a few things to eat  and his ankle is still swollen bad. Well I put a V. in the seat of his pants, his clean one, they shrink them so at the laundry then he put them on before he went, the others are two short in the legs.  then I cut the new sweater open down the front & put a piece of suit good up both sides  the front and around the neck now I have to sew on buttons & make button holes &  turn the cuffs up half & tack them so he needs it to wear under his over coat, for he wears a heavy knit one to Work in. I done What else had to be done, Elbert did chores, he was determined to do them, I’m not fit to do it I know, but I’d rather, so, his ankle will get O.K. again.  he’s gone to bed & Ij’ve got everything done and so I’m going to bed.  Wind South West all day and its warmer tonight. I felt froze up last night.

Tue. Dec. 15. 1942./  Elbert Went to Lorain, got his money, then he went to the garage & had his car looked after, he went to Post Office to see about his tax income & got that fixed up, he mailed 34 christmas cards, part in Lorain & part in Vermillion.  I’m glad I’ve got thaat over. After Elbert had gone I carried 5 pails of water & then did out the washing, then I ate a dish of spegget  then emptied the ashes, that was 3-p-m. then went for two pails well Water  emptied slop pail, brought up coal, wiped up floor  feed hens, got another basin of grain, Cleaned 8 perch, pealed potatoes & got supper on to cook just as Elbert came in, his ankle paining  so bad he could hardly get in but, he emptied drinking dishes in hen house & locked it and the car shed up so we didn’t have to go out any more 5.p.m. been snowing since 4-p-m. Wind gone N.W.

Wed. Dec.  16.1942. /=300.=/  Looks as if I’ll have to ask Mr. Miller to look after my check again, haven’t got it yet. Well Elbert Went to Dr. Hunter in Sandusky & I sent Mr. Miller a card.  Elbert came at 5-p-m. tired and his ankle paining, he brought a few things to eat.  While he was gone I made a batch of doughnuts  washed up all the dishes & just got all done as Elbert came, I was so tired  seemed as if I couldn’t get supper, but he brought fish [? fin & body??] so I warmed the potatoes & some corn & fried fish & did the dishes and now everythings ready for morning  Wind N.W. We recieved a Christmas card from Mrs Noderer  Ethel & Laura Ann and one from Evelyn & Red, this morning. I’m fixing fire & going to bed now. I wrote a letter for Elbert to E.L. Knowls Inc. Springfield Mass. to find out about the 1877 indian head penny they were asking for over the radio.

Thurs. Dec. 17.1942./ Well We didn’t have to go anywhere today and I’m so glad for Elbert’s sake  he does the outside chores With my help, and inside, but my help isn’t much. it be-gan to snow at 10-a-m. Wind backed up to S.West then to the south, it snowed fine snow then the flakes got so big and feathery, and how they did come down at 5-p-m wind getting strong, not snowing at 5.p.m. 6 or 8 ins. of snow  everything is White. We got a Christmas card from Geo. & Bonnita & a Christmas card & letter from Mrs. Beesie   she said  she was 79 yrs old on Nov. 26th. 1942.  & that was Thanksgiving day this yr.  she said her children gave her a big chicken dinner with all the trimmings & a Cake & ice cream & she did enjoy it ever so much.  and this week Fri. “that tomorrow” she’s having a dinner for a Missionary Woman  just home from China.  I never get to see or hear them, and I’m so sorry.  I’ve been seeing Bonney all day & yesterday  it was Martha, I do wish I could go to them, but it cramps Elbert’s ankle to drive, and I do want it to get well.  Mrs Sharp has been thinking of me, as much as I have of her today  I’d like to take her some soup doughnuts & apples and a loaf of bread, but can’t unless he has to go to town and I like to give to her, but must look after Elbert  I want his ankle to get well. I Praise the Lord & ask Him to guide   I have Elberts sweater all done but the button holes to dark to make them today.

Fri. Dec. 18. 1942./  Dave Hunter’s birthday  he’s 57. yrs. old.  Elbert sent his letter by post-man to inquire about the penny. Well I’ve only did my usual round of duties today. We received a Christmas card from Annabel  one  from Francis Cora 7 Howerd Page  one from Wyn & Virginia & one from Frank & Ruby. And I have got one

/=301=/ ready to go to Mrs. Gilmore and one to Mrs. Moehr in ans. to her letter, and I pray God will help her to take it in the right way. Elbert’s ankle is badly swollen yet I do pray God will heal it and help him to Love the Lord, and abide by His Will. Amen.  Wind has been blowing and it’s snowed a little all day. Sun tried to shine through once or twice during middle of the day, its not very cold out, snowed, about a ft. of snow last night. I got up & fixed the fire this morn. at 6-a-m. Well I do wish I could Work.

Sat. Dec. 19.1942./ Elbert Went to Huron. “I recieved my check this a-m,” he paid my little bill for a piece I goods I had laid away & had to go back to get the goods, they said they would send me a calendar, at Mrs. Gunzenhauser’s.  Well Elbert got a few things to eat & then went to Vermillion to pay for What fish he got, & to get a few things there he couldn’t get in Huron, he bought a hen, but couldn’t get me any fresh milk  he got a few cheese crackers something new some big cholate bars, peanuts & figs. oranges, yeast & can milk. & some green tea While he was gone I swept changed table cloth & ironed the few pieces  I had to do I sewed flannel in back of his underwear last night. he got the ten dollar money order for Miss Willitts also. the Wind has shifted, Elbert says it’s gone East.  Well, I have the dishes done & hen picked partly  she full of pin feathers.  I Praise God, He’s surely good to me, I pray I may be worthy.  We got a Calendar from the gas Co. today  a card from sister Audrey one from Mrs. Rugg & one from Mrs. Sharp. & one from Miss Baumgart.  Wind shifted and it snowed 3 or 4 ins. of snow again. Well

Sun. Dec. 20. 1942/ We have a clean blanket of snow & it’s still trying to snow tiny flakes glistening in the sun, it’s been a beautiful day.  One of the men that works in Elbert’s gang at the shipyard, “Carpenters Gang”  by the name of Moury came here today to see how Elbert was & give him a little package, said it was a gift from the boys, Elbert un-done it & there was $12.00 in bills & silver. Mr. Maury is about 45 yrs.  old, quite a nice looking fellow nice apearing, easy going sort, he talked awhile & left. We sure are thankful, for it looks as if Elbert will have to have an exray taken & he will need $10.00 cash for that.  Well it’s been a nice day and is now a beautiful moon light night. and a still cold.  Oh how I Praise God for taking care of us. It’s such a queer place here, if God didn’t take care of me, I’d be afraid to live among the evil.

Mon. Dec. 21.1942./ We recieved a Christmas card from Nora, a picture of her & her husband and quite a nice letter with it. a Christmas card from Mrs. Morgan and one from Phil & Carrie Heyer. It’s been another fine day and Elberts foot doesn’t get any better looks as if some bones might be broken. I got part of the button holes done in his sweater today

Mon. Dec. 21.1942./=302.=/ shortest day   did my usual round of dutys & haven’t felt very good, the Wind Went S.West & We had a Wet soft snow

Tue. Dec.22. 1942./ Well Elbert decided to go to Dr. Leightzer to Huron to see if the bones were broken in his ankle, but learned it was just a bad sprain, Dr. put on some soret of greece & bandaged it up  While he was gone I washed all my dirty clothes including towels & Dish towels & part of Elbert’s things, but have his heavy underwear & shirts & the table cloth yet to do. anyway I got a start on it.  I got supper  dried the clothes in the house & ground the chicken & got it ready for tomorrow, Elbert brought ice cream  I sure was glad  I needed it bad  When he got here, he brought me peanuts in the shuck  some selery, yeast, & boiling meat  and 2 pieces of pork shoulder for supper, Wind still S.west & it’s thawed all day. cloudy alday. Received a Christmas card from Georgia R. & family   one from Mrs. Clyde Green   one from Rose Weinstein Detroit & one from Ella Jane Harnish  with her picture in it. Queer World isn’t it? I thank kGod for our many blessings Amen.

Wed. Dec. 23. 1942./ Another cloudy day  & it’s been so quite out side. We recieved 6 cards today  one from Mable Winctel  One from the Shoups, “she use to be Beey Snyder” and owns the 12 acres across the road on top the hill, one from Easel Barrick  one from Aubrey Breckenridge, “our Cousin” one from Uncle Will Wheeler & family  one from Miss. Mc Govern.  Well We didn’t work today, to tired.

Thurs. Dec.24. 1942./ Bird seeds’ gone and that’s hard to get to, now, so they say. Elbert Went to Sandusky, I sent Mrs. Sharp a bag with a few apples  a nice slice of pork shoulder  1/2 loaf of bread & 6 doughnuts & forgot to put in some carrots potatoes & onions & a lb. of lard that, the fellows brought with all the other grocerys at 1.a.m. this morning. 4 or more of the boys, Elbert works with in the shipyard, went to there union meeting & paid up Elberts dues untill the first of the yr. then bought 2. cans of beans, peas, corn, tomatoes, soup, 1. can salt, 1 can pepper, 1. bottle mustard, 2. pks macironi  1. lb cheese 1. box of soup, big piece of bacon & 5. or 6. lb. pork shoulder to roast  a bag of onions, a bag of carrots  a bag of sweet potatoes & a bag of oranges & lemons a sack of flour & gave Elbert $15.00 cash. that’s real brotherly love  they take care of one another  I thank God there are a few left iin this World like that.  Well I’m tired, upset a glass of water on my dresser & had to clean that up. I took the rain barrel, oat sprouter, “chair & seat from under the apple tree” out to the cottage & put the wash bench & stool down seller & emptyed 2 baskets of apples that they brought a little cake to

Thurs. Dec. 24. 1942./=303=/ got froze, over the hill, got 2. pails of well water, gave hens some green feed & carried up 2 pails of coal  a few potatoes  & some apples, made a kettle of soup for supper, Elbert came, he brought some bird seed, & some ice cream, We ate supper & the cream, it was so good and he got me some milk so I had a cup of tea.  Wind is S. west, most of the snow is gone. Praise God from Whom all Blessing flow. I Praise His Holy Name, Amen.

Fri. Dec.25. 1942./  Christmas, Oh, it means so much more than I’ll ever be able to put into words. I love Jesus and pray the Father, Son and Holy Ghost  I may be Worthy in their sight.  Well we listened to the radio with there Christmas Greetings & songs, had a quite day a plain dinner, but good, and not a soul came near all day, if Elbert meets any of the folks from Church at Huron, they have a host of excuses for not calling   I pray God Will help us each to Know Him better.  Elberts ankle is very bad yet. We recieved a letter from Martha yesterday askings us to dinner for to day. but she said she wasn’t feeling very good & would be glad when Christmas Was over, We felt it would be better to stay home any way, but I’ll write later & thank her.  We got a card with a few lines written in it from Mr & Mrs. Keep.  but we didn’t hear from Carl Betz, as yet   The Wind backed up & went N.east & it snowed late this afternoon. Well the ground is White tonight. I have everything ready for the morning.

Sat. Dec. 26. 1942./ Well we only did What had to be done  Elbert’s ankle seems to be a little better, but still quite badly swollen. It’s been to warm after the colder weather. turned warm before dark last night  was to warm all night and all day, today, & tonight up till 11-30p-m. Wind freshened up, at 8.-30.tonight, and has been getting stronger, if it keep up untill after midnight, Mar will come in a howeling.  Well tomorrow is Sunday and I do Wish I could be in Church some Where. March is coming in howling all right & its not cold out. Recieved card from Flora & Family.

Sun. Dec. 27. 1942./ Well the Wind blew hard all night & the sky cleared off & was moon & star light early this morning and Wind still blowing. not so dark today as it was yesterday. but cloudy & sun came through several times today  rained middle of the day. lightened up sun came out then rained again tonight We Were home all day and only a witness of Jehova’s called  & left a book.

Mon. Dec. 28. 1942./=304=/Today is for April weather and it’s so thick with fog it’s like milk can’t see the Snyder house only once in awhile or trains on the N.Y.Central. all morning at noon it started to rain a fine misty rain thick & dark, Elbert Went to Vermillion, got a few things to eat  boiling meat, fish for supper & a little beef & pork ground together, & some ice cream, a bottle of milk & some “beets’ one glass can pt. and a few fresh grapes, a little pkt. of dates.  it rained a good shower  While he was gone and we could see the rail road again. I sewed his coat lining around the armholes to the coat & sewed sleeve lining fast again & sewed lining fast at bottom of sleeve  mended a few small holes and worked the button holes over made one more button hole & sewed on another button, it’s a job, I got it done  then We had a lunch for We didn’t have any dinner, then We ate supper at 6-p-m. and the sky & everything out side turned pink, just as it did before the tornado a few yrs. ago. Well it’s turned thick outside again thick misty rain at 10-p-m.  Elbert has been doing all the out side chores, he hates to sit to long, he gets so stiff  it’s not cold out, ground is soft & mudy. Well everythings ready for the morning. 

Tue. Dec.29.1942./ Well it’s been a damp chilly day & today is for May, no sunshine today foggy all last night  at 4-30 a-m it rained hard and several times after in showers, been fogy all day & so thick at times, |We seemed all alone with only the things closest to the house in sight, the evergreens in the front yard & grainery back of the house. fog came in thick rolls, it cleared a little before dark tonight. light N.East breeze. raining a light misty rain at 8-30-p-m.. I darned two prs. socks & sewed flanel in back of Elbert’s union suit. & I haven’t done much only cook & wash dishes & Elbert is going to Lorain tomorrow & I don’t know Which to do sew, or, do out some of the washing & get it dried in doors While he’s gone.  Well I read my bible & a book a watch tower man left here.

Wed. Dec.30. 1942./ Well Elbert Went to Lorain. It rained all last night and was still at it this morning, Elbert left a 10-a-m & it was trying to snow. postman came just a minute after Elbert left  only Lane Byrant sale book, stoped storming 20 mi. to 11-a-m brightened up a little, no sun, 11-a-m.  Wind Went N. East & it began to blow & snow & Kept at it all afternoon  all the evening & still at it at 10-p-m,  I did most of the wash-ing & dried it in the house. Elbert came he brought some ice cream  I had cooked some speggitti, it was in nice rich broth, so we ate the cream then the speggiti & it had onions carrots & meat in it, We had hot tea tonight, he got a bottle of milk for me, some yeast cakes a cabbage & a piece of boiling meat & some fish.

Thurs. Dec. 31.1942./305/  Well today is for July  We had a light blanket of snow this morning and it wasn’t quite so dark today  the sky seemed lighter, wind was South untill 10 or 10-30  then went South and a little West after noon it clouded up & looked like rain, but passed over us. quite chilly out, not severe cold. star light out tonight with wind South West. Well I was so tired from my washing yesterday I thought I’d rest today, but instead, I baked bread 2. brown and 2. White.  I crocheted a little on some handkerchiefs to. and didn’t write one letter yet.  I haven’t heard how Bonney Bell is all week. Well everything is ready for the morning. I’m going to bed.

Fri. Jan. 1. 1943./Well today is for Aug. and it began to snow very early this morning, about 4-15-a-m. and kept it up untill 2. or 2.30-p-m. wind was South a& went around to the S.West, after noon it went West and at 2 or 2-30 it went N. West and before 3030 it had gone N. East.  it was warmer today, but snow is still on the ground. Well, I finished the titching on another house dress  had it most done for a long time, have one more paartly done, that was all I got done except the cooking & washing dishes today. hope I’ll get more done tomorrow.

Sat. Jan.2.1943./ Well, Frank Bonney  came out to hunt he came alone except for his dog Queenie, he got 3 rabbits & gave us one, “a very small one,”  Elbert went to Sandusky to Dr. Hunter & did our shopping, he left at 10.a.m. & got back at 5-p-m.  I washed his two heavy union suits & Sleepers  my dress & under skirt. & what odds & end I couldn’t do the other day  it tires me so to rub & stand so long.  Well I got done at 3-p-m. & fed the hens, carried the water pails out to the car shed & emped ashes  and the lop pail & got the well water, then I sat down & darned two prs. of socks & worked the but-ton hole in my new house dress & sewed the button on & now thats ready to wear.  I got the clothes all dry in the house but the union suits & they are nearly dry.  I received a letter from Mrs. Sharp, she wants to know what I told Mrs Moehr about the preacher “Solaman” he feels so hurt  Well my conscience is clear. I Pray God Will help them clean theirs.+ 



















We listened to the services over the radio all day, and all evening.  It has rained frozen sleet up to 9-p-m-this evening  Wind shifted from east to North east & then at 10-a/m seemed to stay N.East.  everything is frozen glarie ice out side. Frank said Pa was sick, he thought he had intestinal flu. been sick for a week, and that Evelyn fell and cracked her left fore arm. she has two small children to take care of and Red who is working at the shipyard, I’m so sorry for her. May God help her. Frank said he didn’t know how Uncle Will was & he had to go right past the door & didn’t stop to see him for just a min.  Elbert hasn’t felt so well today  Dr. changed his dope again.  Well Praise God I’m happy in Him & wish all the rest of the familys & friends were the same. Praise the Lord.

Mon. Jan. 4. 1943.  Well today I finished the mending and it was so dark most of the morning started to brighten up a little after ten, roads & every thing glary ice.  the school bus didn’t come so children were home today.  Elbert did the outside chores, his ankle isn’t swollen so bad but it’s so sore it hurts him to walk.  Well, everythings ready for the morning, so guess I go to bed. The sun came through at noon & shone at intervals all after noon clouds broke up & we could see the blue sky here & there, the trees shrubs grass & weeds glistened & shone all colors of the rainbow When the sun shone on them. everything was beautiful.  Wind North west & cold.

Tue. Jan.5.1943.  Still icy and cold snowed early this morning & tried tosnow all morning untill noon.  Wind North west till noon & then went on around to the South west  Sun came out at noon & at intervals all after noon & set red. still  cold.  Elbert did out side chores and I did inside work usual round, and I crocheted green edge on one irish linen handkercheif today.  Praise God. 

Wed. Jan.6.1943  Elbert went to the Lorain garage & I mended my corset then put the mattress on Elberts bed & some clean blankets (4) of them. then made my bed & swept and dusted & cleaned up the kitchen.   Neighbor Children went to school today but the road is sure, slippery yet. Elbert came at 4-30 . it was snowing & tonight we had quite a blanket of fresh snow. 

=307=Wed. Jan.6. 1943.  I got the supper and Elbert did the chores  He called Evelyn & she said pa was better and so was her arm. it is still snowing  wind is South. it’s 9-45.p.m. and time to get ready for bed once more.   Praise God He’s mine.  Red McGinnis’s Birthday.

Thurs. Jan. 7. 1943  Snowed most of the day, snow quite thinck over the ground tonight, Elbert went down the highway “east” to the Barn’s home & got a qt of milk 10 cents per.qt., it tastes quite good, he got a bu. of apples yesterday from Ribber,  he called them baldwins but they don’t taste as good as ours, but, ours wasn’t sprayed, and if they had been we’d had to sit in the orchard nights to keep the neighbors out.  eggs are 50 cents per. doz.  I’m so glad we wont have to put up with that kind of life by & by. The hill is slippery, but Elbert got up O.K. and back.  I baked some cup cakes, only got them ready to put in the oven, by the time he went & came with the milk.  I put part of the dough in the scalloped loaf pan that use to be my mothers it has a funnel in the center of the pan, its over 60. yrs. old and tin but I have allway like it because it was mother’s & she like it, and we both like it’s shape and cake bakes so nice in it.  I made half doz. cup cakes also, did my usual round & have everything ready for morning.  Wind has been N. east all day.  Oh God help us to be Thine in Spirit and in truth that we may dwell with Thee in the here after, ad have mercy of Thy chosen people, Oh Lord.

Fri.Jan.8. 1943.  I did my usual round of the dishes, and finished the edge on another handkercheif, the other was pea green and this one is pink, I was a nice day sun came out this morning about 10-30 & shone rest of the day, got cloudy before dark.  Elbert went & got the milk and came back O.K. he got 1/2 eggs. for 25 cents  it thawed some today, but snow is thick yet.  I didn’t get any letters wrote today & Elbert wants to go to town tomorrow.  I have to send Miss Willitts a letter and her money & I haven’t received my releif card yet. 

Sat. Jan.9. 1943.  Elbert went for the milk & he got some butter at the old Kishman place & can get some more later on  it was 45 cents per. lb. it’s 60 cents in the store & you can only get 1/4 lb. when you do get it.  he got me a coconut & yeast cakes & some ice cream oh boy that cream tasted good. nice day Sunshining all day. snowing tonight.  wind is south.. While he was gone I washed out what dirty clothes there were, he left at 2-p-m. and I was done at 3 except wrinsing a few pieces had everything ready for supper & now have everything ready for morning. he put another new heater in the car. but it wont work, so I have to stay home until he can get it o work, then perhaps I might get to go to church. 

= 308=un. Jan.10.1943.  Listened to Radio Sermons couldn’t go to Church very well have been in the house for a month or more, Elbert does the chores  I’ve been out side but not for only a few minutes, he can’t seem to get the heater fixed so it will work.  I do hope I can go to Buella Beach, and talk with Mrs. Small  We haven’t done anything today, the sun did shine, off and on several time today, not cold out, but thawing, it snowed quite a little last night, and it looks tonight as if the wind was going to blow.  One of Jehovah’s Wittnesses left a book here and it is a very interesting book on the study of the bible, it explains more clearly than anything I’ve ever read.  Wind blowing got strong before morning

Mon. Jan. 11. 1943.  Well I only cooked & washed dishes today put one edge on one handkercheif & start-ed another, sun shone through for a little while today then clouded up again, wind still blow-ing quite strong all day & tonight  Elberts hip & neck are paining him tonight.  Ruby Jeans McGinnis birthday

Tue. Jan. 12. 1943.  Elbert’s hip was paining him so bad he could hardly endure  it this morning so he went up to Huron to Dr. L & he said it was just sore he had a cold in the nerve Dr. put winter green ointment on it & gave him some pils to take, I bathed or rubbed his hip with the ointment on it & put flanel & hot water bottle on it.  have took care of him now at midnight, fixed the fire & am going to bed. I made 3 white loaves of bread & swept the house & wiped up the floor & got water & coal & I’m dead tired  S&west wind.  it snowed about an inch & is freezing tonight. 

=309=Wed. Jan. 13. 1943.  Elbert’s hip is a very little better but he yells when he gets up or down yet he went for the milk & While he was gone I washed most of the dirty clothes, and got them all dry before bed time. I cooked & did dishes & took care of birds & finished the edge on another Kercheif & started another  still & cold moon & stars am a shining, sun shone most of the day wind has been South west all day. 

Thurs.Jan.14.1943.  Pain in Elbert’s hip has shifted, got up in his back now, he has it greased & has put hot water bottle against his back hope it leaves him soon, I did what had to be done & baked a custard an apple and a cherry pie and we ate salmon for supper & it is to heavy for my stomach, but it not hurting so bad now as it did an hour ago, I took an olive oil tablet to releave the distress.  snowed hard today & wind blew in puffs, sun shone for a while then snowed some more & wind is now blowing in hard puffs. Elbert says it isn’t cold as it was last night.  I get up at 4.a.m. and fix the fire had to go down & get coal & it wasn’t very nice job. I rapped a blanket around me & put my Jacket on.  Wind is S west.  There is a pr. of gray squirrels in the Elm, haven’t seen them for some time, Red birds & Blue Jays were here for crumbs, snow birds and ground sparrows. got some [what crossed out] colder. 

Fri.Jan.15.1943. Elbert could hardly get around today he had a touch of Sciatic rheumatism in the right hip and leg, been giving him pils and rubbing his back and hip with winter-green ointment & puting hot water bottle on him. I tire out so easy, and so it’s hard on me to, his ankle is still sore, he’s surely having a hard time of it, I pray the Lord will help him. I’m so tired its 11-30-p-m.  I have to reheat the bottle then  I’m going to fix the fire & go to bed. have to get up & fix fire again at 4-a-m.  wind is South  snowed again tonight but isn’t as cold tonight. 

Sat.Jan.16. 1943.  My birthday  Elinor Bonney Babcock 58. yrs. old 2.a.m. this morning, mother use to tell me, the snow was so deep they couldn’t tell where the fence posts were and thought they were driving in and out on the drive way, but when spring came, found they had been driving over top of one fence post all winter so they decided to

=310=Sat.Jan.16.1943.  put up a tall pole by one drive way post for another winter. The little log house Elbert and I were born in burned to the ground some time after father & mother moved back to Ohio, to help take care of fathers mother, who was bed ridden.  Well I have done the out side chores today again & am dead tired. I got into bed at 12-p-m. got up at 4-a-m. and fixed fire & reheated hot water bottle got up at 6-a-m. and did same thing over then at 8 and helped Elbert dress  he can’t get his shoes socks or underwear off his feet or get his pajamas on, I have to rub his back and hip and Sciatic is such a hard thing to endure; I know I’ve had it worse then he has got it  I was in bed 3 weeks with it the last time that was in the Spring  just after I was married in the year of 1920.  Well Elbert is in bed  I have everything done & now I’m going to bed, I to tired. It’s quite warm out, radio said  snow tonight and colder  it thawed a lot today.  Sister Audrey sent me a very pretty birthday card & Ethel &   Laura Ann Bonney sent me one.  I really ought to write some letters . 

Sun. Jan. 17. 1943.  Well at last Elbert’s hip & leg & back are better  he hasn’t been out since Wed.  I’m so glad he is better, today he had a queer feeling come over him, he said, as if he would be able to get right up and walk,  I told him to get up and praise the Lord & he would be free but he said no, I don’t believe I could, & he wouldn’t try.  I know God will help him if he will do what he feel he should do.  I’ve done the chores out side & in, and am tired, but Praise God I can do them.  This morning the wind had gone North east but wasn’t cold until noon, then it seemed to go tright through me but, I have with God help got through the day.  Praise His Holy Name.  We listened to the sermons on the radio & they were very good one’s today. & went deep down in. 

Mon. Jan. 18. 1943  Well we just done the usual round Elbert feels better & is out and around  tonight his neck is paining bone out

Tue. Jan.19.1943.  Turned colder, rained hard, thundered & lightinged wind blew hard all night snowed some and is still at it at 3-15. P.M/ A beautiful fox squerl came up from the Elm & sat looking about right this side the ever green tree, Elbert put some nuts

=312=Fri.Jan.22.1943.  Well he seems to feel a little better he’s got himself to bed, he did the chores tonight and I’m dead tired hope I can rest tonight didn’t do the dishes, there isn’t but afew.  I ought to iron but I’m so tired. I feel as if I weigh a ton,, and there isn’t anyone who seems to know how broken and tired and weary I feel they talk as if I were as able bodied as ever and say they don’t see why I don’t do this or that, but some of them  not as old & battered up as I  can’t seem to do half as much as I did at there age, so I just figure, they don’t understand. I recieved a card from Martha this morning  she said Jim had been in bed for a week & she hoped he be able to get up in time to go over to grandpa’s for dinner Sunday & she hoped Elbert & I would come to as they had planned to give pa his birthday diner on Jan. 24th. this yr. since the rest could go on that day, We wont be able to go, it would be foolish for Elbert to try to go that far with his head & neck in such condition and as for me I’m to tired  I’d rather rest for the next round . Sun did shine from 9.a.m. untill it went down tonight and its Moon light.  I’m fixing the fire cleaning my teeth and going to bed  Praise the Lord. 

Sat.Jan.23.1943.  Well Elbert is some better, and I feel better but tired, so, I only did what had to be done today & Elbert did the out side chores.  It’s been quite warm & thawing, the road has been glary ice & the children have been skating on it, but tonight it looks rather soft and most of the ice is gone from the yard, being heaviest where we had walked.  Last night I heard Cap’t Eddie Rickenbocker talking of the forced landing on the ocean and how he & the fellows with him learned to pray as never before for food & water & how they learned of how little value, all the things, they had thought ment so much to them here on earth, really were. being cooked in the hot sun by day, floating on a rubber raft & freezing at night & starving  and so thirsty with oceans of water all under (them crossed out) and about them & big old sharks that bumped there rubber boat so hard it often lifted them a foot from the boat being blown in a firce storm having three 3 boats “tied together that they might be seen quicker from the sky, how one man

= 312= [number duplicated]was nocked over board when there rope broke that tied them together, how he had take in salt water & was so ill, the Cap’t had taken him into his boat & cuddled him close to his own body to keep him warm at night how he had died & they held a service for him then slipped him over board  how he said it was the hardest thing he had ever had to do & how hard it had been to cut an orange into 8 equal parts for the seven fellows & himself  how he could feel those 7. prs. of eyes on him there leader, how the little plane had picked them up and lashed them to the wings & took them to a hospital & how he had gained by leaps & bounds & in two weeks was up & talking  those others in sick beds thoughsands of miles over the water to Honalulu where the men were hospitalized and then flying on to California where he left one with his home folks, and where he met his aged old mother who is 80 yrs. passed, then flew on to Washington with the other men  Where they were left with there folks, then to Detroit Mich. to talk to a big assembly of men, to try to tell them lots of whom he had worked with in yrs. gone by of his experiences, how, he had worked & fought until those others had got able to come back, fought in holes of mud & slime waist and arm pit deep for days & nights working in bear feet to fix up there planes being wounded &, how when they all prayed for food the Lord had sent a sea-gull and it stayed on his head even when he had reached up for it, it never moved  how he had striped the feather & divided into as equal parts as possible & the intestines they used for fish bate & caught a small fish they divided and ate, all raw, but how good it tasted, how they rung the due out of there clothes & drank 2 sips apiece a day, and how he really wondered how folks could find fault here at home over the few thing they had to go without here, “And so do I wonder” and how they grumble about working over time where there is no bombs or mud holes to work in 24 hrs a day.  May God help us to do the right things.

= 313=Sun.Jan.24.1943.  Oh, I Praised God from whom all blessings Flow I pray God will strengthen my faith soul & body and help me to be able to do more for Him.   Eddie Ricken-backers said he had learned, that, even though he had to fight, God rules the world  Oh if the People here would only learn to love one another and give God all the Glory & Praise, forget to want all the honor & glory and praise for themselves forget how much more education they have than the others about them and live & love as Jesus did and still does, for soon Jesus Will be coming in the clouds and there will be “the bible tells us” more trouble than ever has been or will ever be a-gain and We have done so little toward helping others to see what is really coming.  Lord God of Hosts Please have Mercy. Pearl Wheeler has a birthday this month. We’ve had a quite day, Elbert’s neck is better although he still has to greese it yet & keep a flannel on it  I have a bad head ach tonight. 

Mon.Jan.25.1943.  Well I expect the rest of pa’s families all went to his home yesterday to give Him his birthday dinner  We couldn’t go, it was a very nice day, not very cold.  It was cloudy today most of the day  We didn’t get any mail  no check today [underlined] Elbert went to Vermilion, got a little food, & aa pt of milk & they told him they couldn’t sell pints after tommor-row, and the war goes on, he did get a little meat & 2 cans of corn & 3 little tight heads of cabbages, or loose heads.  We cooked one & there was just enough for us two for dinner  it was good for it was tender & sweet.  Well I Praise God I feel better after one good meal today & my head ach gone, I do love the Lord & want to do only His Will. 

Tue.Jan.26.1943.  Well, no check & no mail today, it was quite cold last night, heavy white frost on every thing and didn’t all leave until after noon.  windows were frosted to, there is only a little snow here & there in very small patches, ice all gone off the ground & road, Elbert’s feeling better, but his neck still giving him lots of trouble, bones go out & in, if he turns his head, I feel better also today but tonight my lower gums are sore seem to have cought a little cold. 

Wed.Jan.27.1943. No check [underlined] or mail today, I have only done what had to be done all day  Elbert’s talking about going to work but his neck is still hurting & today his back again.  We haven’t done only what had to be done. the sun shone from 9.a.m. alday, but air chilly, heavy frost didn’t leave untill after noon. 

=314=Jan.28.Thurs.1943. Pa is 82 yrs. old today [underlined]. and Elbert re-ceived a card that Winter’s had sent to Pa’s home for Elbert & Pa wrote all over the envelope & put it in another envelope & sent it to him & Pa was here Dec. 12. last.  Elbert went to Huron to Drug store to get his Vitaman’s, he saw  Gibsons & wanted to know what was wrong with them, said they acted like whipped curs, he ask them about my oven & she said he could go get it that she ought to have brought it back, she hadn’t used it since she moved last Fall.  Elbert did go get it & it’s a terrible looking sight, she said if she could take it to use she’d be very careful of it and return it as good as she was taking it away. Well she has proved her friendship isn’t worth a cent and she hasn’t told the truth, so can’t be depended on.  Well, it’s worth something to know Who they are & what they are.  I will have a hard job cleaning it up again & it cost $5.95 and it’s a well made oven & bakes just fine.  Elbert got an answer from Coin & stamp Co. today. Have to get my crock, if they haven’t broken it at church.  I did most of the washing while Elbert was gone he brought some liver & he fried it and we ate it with bread & hot tea, then he went to Vermilion  got boiling meat fish & potatoes & the milk on his way back;  I finished up the washing while he was gone he got most of the supper  I was so tired. I got my tax blank, but no check yet. and we are greatly in need of it, Elbert run in debt for the food he got so we would-n’t need to go so hungry.  I have fasted so much this last 11. yrs. that I’m not much good if I can’t have a little milk & soup

or broth to eat at least once a day.  Wind North.  Warmer last night, today & tonight east quite fresh. 

Fri.Jan.29.1943.  Presendent Mc.Kinley’s Birth day today.  Well it’s been quite a nice day, but couldn’t work my bowels didn’t move this morning makes me feel sick and all in & I’m tired from washing yesterday, so tomorrow I’ll have to iron me a dress  wipe up the kitchen  clean the birds & bake bread along with what else has to be done.  My tax blank came yesterday but my check hasn’t come yet. I didn’t get to go to Buella Beach yet either, Wind N.East thawed some today, warmer tonight. 

Sat.Jan.30.1943. Presendent Franklin Delano Rosevelt’s birthday  he’s 61 yrs. old, they said, over the radio.  Well I swept wiped up the floor cleaned the birds cages & let them take a good bath cooked the meals & done the dishes , put a clean table cloth on & got every thing ready for Morning. Wish I were going to church tomorrow some where.  Elbert went to Vermilion  got some meat & the milk on his way home.  I have the meat cooked for tomorrow.  Elbert cleaned up the dishes  he put in the paths on the ice, today.  I have to iron my dress yet.

=315=Jan.31.Sun.1934 [she means 1943]. Wyn Grant’s birthday she is 68 yrs. old today.  Well, Pa & Frank came out & visited with us from two untill 5.p-m. They are both looing well & feeling quite good, pa said nellie John & Bonney Bell were to his birthday dinner & Martha & Merlin but Geo & Bonita stayed with Jim Jean & Joan, Jim came near having Flu  had been in bed for a wee.  Ella Jane has gone to Nebraska to study & Bonney Bell was going to Cleveland to wor in a hospital Feb. 1. tomor-row. Frank said Harvey had been moved a-gain so they didn’t know where he was just now, and that Gertie was just fair that’s what pa always says about her anyway.  It has rained some in light showers since they left & still at it, wind is S.West. I Praise the Lord for my blessings & Love Him more & more as the days go by.  Wind is quite strong.  Elbert wants to go to work in the morning. Oh me. 

Mon.Feb.1.1943.  It rained last night then got a little colder & snowed & the sun shone  While it was snowing, We saw the squirrel today, he found the nuts Elbert put out for him & ate several  We didn’t get only what had to be done, to-day, I have cought a little cold & my stomach is troubling me. the milk is so punk I can’t drink it & neither could Elbert  don’t know what I am going to do. Wind has been S.W. & N.West.

Tue.Feb.2.1943.  Ground Hog day. And if he came out he surly saw his shadow. Elbert went to work this morning, he said he’s dog tired tonight but that the boys wouldn’t let him work hard today, his neck is swollen tonight & he seems to have a cold, he’s been inside more than out for over a month &then go out and stay all day & breath the cold air, its enough to give

=316= Tue.Feb.2.1943.  any one a cold.  I carried 3. pails of cistern water & 1 of well water  fed the hens & got another basin of feed.  I baked 3 white loaves of bread & did half the washing & got it all dry but 3. pieces before Elbert got here & got the supper.  I’m really tired.  I did the dishes & have every-thing ready for morning lunch and breakfast.  I mended my corset to since I got the rest done.  & took care of the birds today now I’ll fix fire & go to bed for I have to get up a quarter to six.  Wind S.west.  I wrote a birthday card to Jim & Jean & Elbert mailed it today. & now I have written one to John & Nellie.  & he will mail that to-morrow.  No. check today. But Praise God we are are able to try every day with His Help. 

Wed.Feb.3.1943.  Jims & Jean’s birthday they are 9 yrs. old today.  Elbert didn’t work, but thinks he’lll try tomorrow. didn’t get much done today, I went to Vermilion with him late this afternoon, he got a small piece of boiling meat & some spinnage, we stopped & got the milk at Barne’s & we stopped at Buella Beach followed the Minister in & talked to him when he got out his car[?] about going there to Church, I think I’ll go and see what it’s like it’s only a mile and a half or two miles from here and that’s closer than Huron  The Minister seemed quite a pleasant man. 

Thurs.Feb.4.1943. Elbert didn’t work  he backed his car out to far & into the ditch  milk truck pulled him out, he felt sick but went so to be there at noon & was so sick he came back home.  he saw Bert Nichols & talked with him, he said Flora’s father ran away & was over here around Cylon & Berlin Heights for 2 or 3 weeks & that Flora had

= 317=Thurs.Feb.4.1943.  had been quite sick  I cleaned up the bedroom today & mended my corset & did my daily round & am tired.  

Fri.Feb.5.1943. Well Elbert went to work & he was so tired tonight I did out the bal-ance of the washing & it was so nice out side, I dried it out side.  Sun shone all day.  I had them all dry but Elbert’s heavy underwear before he got home, South wind and just strong enough to dry them fast.  I received 2 letters today  One from Bonney Belle & one from Mrs. Sharp  Bonney ask me to write , she’s somewhat, home sick if I’m not mistaken and Jim feeling sorry for Ella Jane miles from home & such a foolish thing to do in her condition.  Seems we just have to learn the hard way sometimes when we listen to some one else & don’t use our own judgement.  I do hope she will write to me, also & that God will help me to be of comfort to them both.  Bonney & her girl friend”Emily Carnegie from Sandusky Ohio” are taking 6 months training at City Hospital Cleveland Ohio after finishing there first yr. iin Elyria Ohio.  Bonney writes a nice letter and I was so glad to hear from her.  I had supper all ready but frying the mutton K& I did that while Elbert brought some water & got washed.  I have everything ready for lunch & morning, & Praise God I’m feeling better again. 

Sat.Feb.6.1943.  Nellie’s birthday  shes 46 yrs. old today.  Elbert worked, it was raining this a-m. but turned cold & snowed this after noon & evening. Received both checks this morning for Jan. & Feb. both were made out for Feb 4th. Elbert couldn’t get the car in shed, the drive is so soft.  Wind is bowing a gale & its cold.  I did up all the ironing today, but my good dress & did the cleaning & mending & general work.  Elbert did out side chores when he came.  Praise God.  I wrote a letter to Bonney Bell tonight.  Hope she will enjoy it and write again.  

Sun.Feb.7.1943.  John’s birthday he’s 46 yrs old. No one came in today, I feel a little better, wind has quit blowing and it’s warmer tonight  my neck & feet were hurting me so bad last night but they feel better today  well everything is ready for morning, and the fire is fixed  so to bed again. 

Mon.Feb.8.1943.  Elbert went to work  it’s been a nice day but cold wind, the sun stayed out all day.  I did most of the chores & house work & baked 3 loaves of bread & Received

= 318=a baby shower card this morning, Martha sent it and the shower is for Bonnita.  I do wish I could go, but Elbert is so tired at Night  I don’t know as we can do it. Well everythings ready for morning.  I received my 5th bible study lesson this morning & its so interesting.  Praise the Lord He has healed me & I’m better and quite strong.

Tue.Feb.9.1943.  Well, Elbert went to work & I did the usual round of duties & finished one pr of booties all but the triming.  recieved a letter from Nellie, she said Johny earned 5 1/2 dollars this last week & 20.00 during Christmas playing in an orchestra, and he bought her a box of cholates & his dad 2. prs. socks. out of 28 1/2 dollars. she said Bonnita was expecting the stork any day now, that Ella Jane had gone to a Methodist college at Kansas City Missouri and liked it fine and Bonney was studying communicable diseases, and is taking care of menengitis now, she likes her work. & she & John have been Doctoring for a month and are feeling better, but that John could only have chicken, fish and lamb as meat for his meals.  she also said she wished We Would bring the Red Cottage over on their acre and finish it up in side and live there the rest of our lives, they wouldn’t charge us anything to squat there, it would be so much nearer for Elbert to go to his work.  I wonder how she can think such things, she has never apologized for the things she said to me a few yrs. ago, When I needed her love and care, as never before, she was abusive, and even said she could bring suit against me for the things that happened during the car wreck, to Ella Jane.  I still love them, but am more sorry than I’ll ever be able to express in words, to know she’s that sort of person.  My heart has a good many slashes in these past 10 yrs.  But Praise God, He has been my ever faithful Friend and with out Him I wouldn’t have any thing to live for,  it’s most 11-p-m & I wanted to crochet a little tonight.  I wrote a letter to Mr. Miller, thanked him for renewal card & the 2 checks, made out Feb.4.1943. of which one was for Jan. & made out a money order to send for my taxes ($4.94) and has to pay 8 cents for the money order. 

Wed.Feb.10.1943.  Elbert went to work & he mailed my money order for my taxes.  He’s terribly tired tonight

= 319= Wed.Feb.10.1943.  Well I finished the 2 kercheifs for Flora and Shirley & put them in with my letter to her & Elbert can mail it in the morning.  I have a letter ready to send to Bonney Bell and a Kercheif most done to put in her letter also  I can’t work as fast as I use to & its been such a dark day  rained  in showers all day & got a little colder some tiny ice balls in the rain drops, sun came out clear once, While it poured down rain.  Elbert said there was a rain bow but I didn’t see it. “God’s Promise” and I often wonder how many people ever think of it when they look at the pretty rain bow.  I only did my daily round, my bowels & stomach are bad for a few days now.  wind south all day & little west.  Every thiing’s done, so now I’m going to bed again.  All Praises to God. 

Thurs.Feb.11.1943.  Elbert went to work and the wind blew a gale all night and all day & it turned severe cold before 10.a.m.  the windows were all froze so you couldn’t see out the storm door  the others didn’t frize the one in the basement did it snowed in heavy showers but wind took it mostly away.  I went out at 10-a-m. got 2 pails scister water, one well water & looked after the hens & got the mail  a card from Mrs. Frankie Beesie, she’s been sick to, her nerves & her heart she’s getting old, she’s in her late 70ties.  she lives with in stones throw of Nellie & says she has only seen her once this yr.  She use to do lots of nice things for Nellie & the Children, we all make mistakes and to the younger folks they seem terrible, and forget there own.  Queer World isnt it?  Well I did all the washing & got it all dried except Elbert’s heavy underwear & some rags.  I got supper  did dishes & got everything ready for morning.  Elbert got some more water & feed hen & got the coal up and I am the fireman. so now I have to fix the fire and go to bed  I’m so tired tonight, the wind has been South and a little west for the last two days or so. Elbert has taken a cold today and my gums are sore tonight.  

Fri.Feb.12.1943.  Well Elbert went to work with a stiff neck, & worked all day, it hurts him bad tonight, he got washed & put some greese on it & I put a hot wool flannel on it.  Hens laid 3 nice eggs, must be our Valentines.  I have felt real sick today  I didn’t get Bonney Belle’s Kercheif done today, did the usual round of work emptied ashes &

= 320=Fri, Feb.12.1943.  carried cistern & well water  took care of hens & birds, swept, cooked, took care of beds & rooms and feel more sick tonight.  getting cold & storming & blowing. 

Sat.Feb.13.1943.  Elbert’s neck’s all swollen again and it’s paining him to, and we are getting a blizzard, he couldn’t go to work today.  it’s snowed & blowed & the Sun. shone part of the time while it was snowing so hard.  I have been punk, all day, but, I swept & wiped up the floors had to sit down a good number of times today  but cooked & did dishes & took care of bedrooms & birtds & while I sit darned socks and fin-ished Bonney Bell’s handkercheif and have put it in her letter and now it’s ready to go When ever I can get it out.  It’s a bad night out. now 12-15-p-m. Got to fix fire & tumble in. 

Sun.Feb.14.1943.  St. Valintine’s Day.  And such a mess the World is in Oh God, help us to understand , and do the right things in Jesus Name.  Wont be able to go to church today, Oh Lord help Elbert to understand and do Thy Will before it’s to late.  Well. Praise the Lord Elbert’s neck is better  he’s been taking anacins, could turn his head farther, but it hurt him.  We had to be glad  We could hear the sermons on the Radio since we couldn’t go to church  Oh how I’m craving to get into a good prayer meeting, with some of the Lord’s people and feel His Spirit renewed and strengthened in me.  I do pray He will be with the thousands all over the world as He sees they need, and that He will strengthen both old Christians and new ones & help us to do all the things He wants us to do for Him and in the way He wants us to do. I pray He will take me and use me  I’ll give Him all the Praise & Honor forever more Amen. 

Mon.Feb.15. 1943.  Elbert didn’t work and I put in my time getting some of the extra things mended  his summer underwear & one suit of his winter underwear & 2 of my summer shirts & only did what else there was to do that had to be done, it’s been terrible cold these passed few days, windows all frosted up, took a lot of coal to.  I’ll be glad when it isn’t so cold. 

Tue. Feb.16.1943. Elbert couldn’t work his neck is still bad & it’s been so cold, and cold makes it worse it’s been such a sudden change.  I haven’t done only what I just had to do today  myself.  I’ve been feeling the weather badly myself, cold raw wind & 

=321=Tue.Feb.16.1943.  the wind is plowing strong tonight 

Wed.Feb.17.1943.  Elbert didn’t work but he feels better today and says he’s going to try to work tomorrow.  he has done the outside chores since he’s been home and I haven’t felt able to get up for 3 days now, but, got up & did what had to be done.  Elbert went to Huron got himself some v’ms and me some A. & D. tablets.  I do hope they work  I’m getting in bad condition again.  one female bird has laid 3 eggs  I had Jim with her & after she laid one egg they began to fight so bad I had to take him out so wont get any birtds but she’s sitting on the eggs.  We got 11 eggs from the hens so far this month.  I crocheted an edge on one linen Kercheif today.  Wind went North. east snow a little this morn-ing but it’s not so cold tonigh no frost on the win dows at 11-30-p-m. got everything ready for morning. 

Thurs.Feb.18. 1943.  Elbert went to work this morning & he is so tired tonight.  It has been a beautiful sunshiny day.  I did out part of the washing. took care of birds & hens emptied ashes  carried 2 pails water 2 cistern. well got up one pail of coal & two baskets for, the apples Elbert brought  swept, wiped up part the floor & got supper, done the dishes got everyting ready for lunch & breakfast.  Wiind S.West  We had what they call a black out tonight one car came through & gave 3 short Whistles, all lights went out all over the neighbor-hood, When they came back they gave 2 whistles, all the lights went on again.  I want to live for the Lord. only.  I wrote a 2. page letter to Miss.McGovern tonight. 

Fri.Feb.19 1943.  Elbert went to work & mailed my letter and a card to the gas Co. for a tank of stove gas.  I did the usual round of duties & had to clean a rooster for supper, got everything done & buscuits made before Elbert came  he got a lb of butter & went back for milk after supper  Joan Snyder came over & gave me a notice about the ration book No.2.  I ground the breast of the chicken & put salt, pepper, sage, butter, and an egg some crackers crushed & mil mixed it up & set it in a cool place  it’s been a Spring day  heavy showers after Elbert went to work & then the sun came out then another shower & then more sun & then after supper it clouded up and got dark fast.

=322=Sat.Feb.20.1943.  Elbert went to work, they launched a boat today  quite a Spring day. did my usual duties, recieved letter from Martha & Jim  he wrote quite a nice letter to Uncle Elbert.  Well it’s nice out and Oh the ground is soft & wet. Elbert has had to leave the car out for two nights  drive’s to wet. 

Sun.Feb. 21. 1943.  Well it’s been a beautiful day, and we have been home all day.  4 eggs  I wanted to go to Church but Elbert was so tired & his hip is sore & paiining him again, so, we didn’t go, I would like to go somewhere at least once a week or month  I get so tired staying in.  Martha said we might be glad to get a letter and be able to write since we can’t have gas to go in the car.  She is only 31. and I’m 27 yrs. her er. and there can be such a lot of lessons packed into 27. yrs. thick fog last night  N.east wind.  I wrote 3 postcards to Mrs Beesie Hildebrandt & Cousin Georgia  Saw & heard some blue birds today  

Mon.Feb.22.1943. Elbert worked  I had supper ready when he got here  4 eggs   We ate & then he shut up the hens While I shut up the basement windows & put on my coat & hat & locked up the house &K we went to Berlin Hights  he let me out at Hildebrandt’s & he went over to the school house & got our No.2. Ration. books for canned fruit & vegetables, and each number has so many points for this or that & they don’t tell for how long they are good, only if you use them up before the right time, you can’t have any more.  Well I didn’t learn any news, only that the Aliance Church people are having some good meetings, over near Norwalk Ohio.  I’m so tired tonight, my legs ach like the tooth ach  I put the bedding out & aired it good today, let out one pen of hens for a while then the other & took a walk around the park to look at the trees.  It’s been a beautiful day S.west wind.  And the Blue Birds are here so it must be Spring again.  4 eggs today.


Feb.Tue.23.1943. Elbert went to work but I haven’t done only my daily round, hope to do more tomorrow.  ought to wash, it was nice today, but a strong wind hard to get out and in the door.  got 4 eggs.  Elbert got a pt. of cream last night & boy it was good, I recieved a letter from Miss. Baumgart  she said 5 more elderly people had died in Lorain & one of late in Huron, she said she would be 85 yrs. old the 7th of April.  She said Bert Crosby brought her a few of the late news papers and she listens to the sermons on the radio.  Well I have every thing ready for morning & I’m going to bed  West wind  little South. Got a mail order Catalog from Spegil Chi(?) today.  Had to make biscuits when we got home last night for lunch today.  

Wed.Feb.24.1943.  Elbert went to work, it turned a little colder last night, quite cool this morning, but didn’t freeze last night, rained hard early 2 or 2-30-a-m and again after 3-a.m, ground is like a sponge mostly.  cloudy today & tonight it snowed hard for a few minutes, it was about 8-30-p-m. got 2 eggs.  Well, I did my usual work & most of the washing, then with my back feet & legs aching so I could hardly endure it, I cleaned 7 ocean hering & fried them had everything most done when the gas went out, had to finish supper on Electric hot plate dried the clothes indoors  have them all dried got everything ready for morning.  carried 2 pails cistern water, 1 well water, wind South west this morn.  Went N West tonight. 

Thurs.Feb.25.1943. Elbert went to wor he’s been having cramps in his bowels for 3 days & they have run him more each day & today he has been out 6 six times  I wanted him to go to the Dr. tonight but he wouldn’t & I have been bathing his bowels with Alcohol & putting on hot flannels and he too 2 anacins one hr. apart  I gave him the white of an egg with cinamon in to chec his bowels they were grypping him so bad.  It froze out side the ground was quite hard & the sun shone & it snowed both at the same time  Weather is to changeable, I do think Elbert has flu. in his intestines.  he seems so bloated. and has a little fever tonight.  I do hope he’ll be all right  I have done what had to be done only, today for I haven’t felt any good for a week or so now, just feel so tired and all in, & sweat till it runs off me like rain when I cook, sweep or do dishes

= 324=. Thurs.Feb.25.1943.  tried to sew, head felt so bad I didn’t get much done.  Well I stayed up and took care of Elbert untill 1-a-m then he got easy and went to sleep so I went to bed, then 

Fri.Feb.26.1943. got up again at 5-a-m fixed fire  bathed his bowels & put hot flannel on him and gave him anacin & hot wather to drink  he went to sleep & I went back to bed, he got up at 8-30-a-m, said he couldn’t lay any longer, so he sat in big chair covered up with a wool blanket  it was warm any way, out here, he shut his door & I sleep with mine shut.  I got up at 9-a-m, rested some, but he wouldn’t go to the Dr. so I put on my over shoes coat & hat & we went to Huron to the Dr.  he gave him some pills, & he had to get a bottle of dope at Drug store to take every 1/2 hr.  well he feels better to night, but pains are still there not so bad, bowels are sore.  I’m so tired  seems as if I’ll never get rested and my stomach and bowels are still hurting me yet and its 11-30-p-m and I have to give him some pills & fix the fire again  the wind is & has been blowing a gale alday & still at it & snow hard [underliined] a part of the time.  I feel so sorry for every living thing that must suffer out side and for those who have no warmth or hot food some perhaps freezing to death.  I pray the people will turn to the Lord and abid, in His Will, and that the Lord will have mercy on every liviing thing.  Oh God, We have been terrible siners, I pray Thy forgiveness for all the people  Thou art Holy and Worthy and I pray Thou will receive all the Glory & Honor forever & ever Amen.

Sat.Feb.27.1943.  Elbert went to Huron & got another bottle of dope for his bowels I think he feels some better tonight.  he don’t look just right yet, he changes red to yellow & looks sick.  he did the out side chores,  Strong wind went from N.West round to S.West & blowing firce tonight.  I still am somewhat rocky yet but have only done what had to be done.  am going to bed, 11=p-m. 

Sun.Feb.28.1943.  Wind blew it’s self out by morning & it has been partly cloudy but as yet the wind is not blowing so don’t5 know if Mar. will come in a howling.  4 eggs.  the pain has left Elbert’s bowels, but they are still sore & he’s got a cold in his throat tonight he says he’s going to work in the morning all thought I feel it will be better for him to stay home untill he’s 

= 325=.Sun.Feb.28.1943.  feeling O.K. again.  I felt terrible weak & miserable last week but feeling better again today was cleaning my teeth & the lower plate fell apart  it’s been just hanging for a long, long time  I’ve wanted to go get them fixed but some how never have had a chance.  4 eggs  I do so wish I could go & do the things I want to do & not have to tell some one else and have to ask & ask & then go with out for a while & then have to be Oblidged to send, by some one to get5 things done and not feel satisfied & when summer come I’m going to try to get out & do things for myself, I don’t want to do things the way I’ve had to any longer  I’m so sick of it.  Well I have to fix the fire and go to bed again  I do Pray God will Bless me with better health & more strength soon.  I have everything ready for morning. 

Mon.March.1.1943.  4 eggs  Wind began to blow at midnight and has blowed and snowed & the sun has shone also today.  Elbert worked today  his cold left, I thank the Lord and He took care of him all day & brought him home safe tonight & Praise the Lord with all my heart.  I did out all the washing did all the out side chores, carried 4 pails of water & baked 3 nice white loaves of bread & Praise the Lord He gave me strength.  I so tired though seem as if I could get the supper and do up the dishes, but it’s all done & now I’ll fix the fire & go to bed.  Wind N.W. & strong tonight. & ground is froze. quite cold  water froze in hens drinking dishes last night. 

Tue.Mar.2.1943.  Elbert went to work this morning.  It snowed & blowed all night & wind N.East. ground covered with snow again & boys am it frosty  hens water dishes froze solid to the bottom. I managed to get out side chores done  face ears fingers & feet burning.

=326=.Tue.6 March.2.  yet Well I did up most of the mending today, got 4 eggs.  felt as if Elbert was coming home at 2.p.m.- but then after awhile felt he was O.K. again.  He took my teeth up to the Dentist & then brought them back again, said he didn’t know whether to leave them.  I do wonder whats wrong with him. 

Wed.Mar.3. 1943.  Elbert went to work and it’s even more cold than yesterday, I managed to get the out side chores done.  I do hope Elbert wont catch a cold it’s so drafty under those boats.  wind blew all night & it snowed & sun shone and this morning the sun is shining, and frost is leaving the windows again.  How thankful I am to have a fire and a warm place to stay.  Well I got the evening chores done supper & dishes done and everything ready for morning  Elbert said Fay Faragar said it was 8 below zero this morning, it sure was cold.  thawed a very little at noon. Wind N. West snowed a little this after noon.  Elbert is just terrible tired tonight, he achs all over. 

Thurs.Mar.4.1943.  Elbert went to work & it’s so cold. Wind blowing a gale must be hard to drive a car.  Wind blew all night, I couldn’t sleep seemed as if the wind was blowing right on me, bed felt warm, was so tired, had just dozed off when Elbert got up & couldn’t sleep after he left. I do thank God for He takes him, keeeps him all day and brings him back safe at night, he’s dog tired and his legs want to cramp tonight, I pray they wont.  got 5 eggs today  thought I’d to death doing chores the wind’s so strong & cold got all the outside chores done so Elbert didn’t have to do, any, just empty water dishes & lock car shed & coop,  I open car shed doors when I feed hens  empty ashes & get the water.  Ohio had a black out tonight, neighbors turned on their lights before we got the all clear sign, 11-p=m.  wind still blowing a gale.  Well at the yard they siad it was 6 below zero this morn-ing but seemed every bit as cold as yesterday.  got everything ready for morning & now fix fire and go to bed  I feel so tired.  I wiped up the floors & finished mending yesterday.  only croched a little today.

=327=Fri.Mar.5.1943  Elbert went to work and I did out a fair sized washing started at 11-a-m got done at 3-p-m.  did morning chores & evening chores all but getting up the coal  Elbert got that, he empties the hens water dishes & locks the coop when he locks the car shed, so he don’t have to go out again, it was a nice day sun shone untill 4-p-m the it clouded up & sun went down  White tonight wind N. East cold, but not near so bad as the passed 2 days.  I carried 4 pails of water emptied ashes took car of hens & birds got supper done up the dishes & now have every thing ready for morning so am going to fix fire and go to bed  I’m tired but not like last night.  Elbert took my teeth to dentist & it cost $14.00 to mend them he got them tonight each one steals a little rubber soon there wont be any. 

Sat.Mar.6. 1943.  Elbert went to work and it snowed light then heavy from 3-30-a.m. untill 2-30-p-m When it rained with ice in it for an hour or two then the wind went from N.East around to N.West & it snowed big heavy flakes so we have about 8.ins. of snow & while the wind was changing the air was just thick & white looked like fog but was like frost and it changed all colors of the rainbow in the West  I’ve never seen anything like it before, it soon left when wind went N.W.  Elbert got here at 5-30-p-m. his wind sheild so thick he had to wash it off with warm water, but Praise God, he got here safe and the Lord took him this morning,  Kept him all day and brought him safe tonight, so We have lots to be thankful for  I had supper ready & the chores done the coal buckets full sitting on the stairway & was looking for a can of cherries when he came in, he carried the buckets up & we were glad we could have the fire & food & rest. I can hardly eat, for thinking of the people over on the other side, starving, fighting and freezing with out fire and the clothes & blankets they need, some workiing as slaves some being tortured & killed, It’s worse than we can even think.  Oh God of Love and Mercy, hear there prayers and comfort them, and the thousands of boys from here to every where

= 327=Sat.6.Mar.1943  fighting for there very lives, in mud & water half fed, and so miserable, not knowing what is to happen each moment day & night, boys, Who were not really men, Who have been babye’d & pampered who haven’t even been taught to live for Jesus and now, now ready for the here after, and when they are killed, the parents surely greive, as we have heard, over the fact, that, there , boy was a good moral boy but not God’s boy, a thing that now greives them more for they blame them selves.  May God be with them all and hear there cries and comfort them.  Oh Lord help me to live for the now and for ever & ever lift me & guideeach step of the way & turn Elbert & all the rest to Thee. I ask in Jesus Name & Will give Thee all the Glory & Praise. Amen.   I received a card from Mrs. Beesie & a letter from Bonnita today, was glad to hear from them, I partly wrote a letter to Mrs. Kendall,

Sun.Mar.7.1943.  Morning Sun.  I owa, [??}  today, My gums are sore. We were home all day Elbert slept a while, he’s so tired he worked every day last week.  I have a sore mouth took cold in my gums going with out my teeth.  Dr.DeHahn gave a good sermon on Revelations today, I’ve been wishing some one of the Ministers would, ‘that was over the radio.  I wish I could go to church, I long to talk & visit with the Lord’s people.  I do hope & trust we can Keep on top, money, there just isn’t enough any more.  Sun. shone most all day & it tryed to snow.  A poor fox squirl came looking for nuts today and he didn’t have any fur on him from his ears to the middle of his body.  Elbert dumped the walnuts in a pile on the wood pile & he went there several times got nuts & ate them, it was so cold & he shivered so he dropped the nut once or twice, he got up close to the trunk of the walnut tree where the sun shone on him put his bushy tail over his bare back & ate the nuts. 

=328 =Mon.Mar.8.  5 eggs. Elbert went to work & I baked 3 large loaves of bread 2 white,1 brown & one little Brown loaf. did all the chores & have watched the squirrel today he’s been up the hill & down & all around the grainery eating walnuts, he took one and went down to the tree by the road & all of a sudden he ran up the tree part way & was lookiing tothe N.East & over on the hill acrossed the road was two wood chucks fighting over a nubbin of corn so I watched all three untill chucks went out of sight & squirrell went on eating nuts.  I got supper & Elbert came & he’s so tired he achs all over tonight.   I’ve had a cold in my face eyes & gums, but it’s better I think, today but I don’t feel like work-ing but did all the chores & got everything ready for morning.  

Tue.Mar.9. 1943.  7 eggs. Elbert went to work I only did what I had to do cleaned up kitchen aired & made up bed swept done the morning & evening chores & got supper done the dishes and now I have every thing ready for morning even the fire fixed & now I have every thing ready for morning even the fire fixed & now I am going to bed for my face & neck hurt me terrible yet when I have to stoop and bend.  Wind N. east allday. 

Wed.Mar.10.1943.  Elbert went to work, its a dark cloudy morning I did out part of the washing, Got another part of my Bible study lesson  wish I had the ans. all sent in but with all I have to do, don’t get to more than read them over how ever I’m going to try to get at them soon and see if I can ans. them.  It started to rain soon after noon & came heavier as the afternoon went by I got wet doing the evening chores. had supper partly done, when Elbert went past and over the railroad track  he came back in a few minutes, I see he had a woman in the car with him & he said he picked her up down where the old Shore Inn use to be, where Dr. Devores bought, she was thumbing her way, so in visiting he learned she was Mrs. Lue Hahn’s sister so he took her there he said she seemed so glad he took her all the way there, I can’t blame her, she said she wasn’t much good on foot any more we old gals are like that, some of us anyway.  I thank the Lord for taking Elbert keeping him all day & bringing him safly back to night & helping another soul to reach her des-tination in safety.  Praise the Lord  He’s all the world to me The wind went South & on South west & tonight its South again & raiining steady not very cold out. damp & chilly  I have everything done & ready for the morning.

Page 329Thurs.Mar.11.1943.  7 eggs.  Elbert went to work, ground is soft & car cut in, just froze a light crust on top last night.  I recieved the announcement of Bonnita’s baby arrival this morning.  Bonita May & George Henry Eddy on Mar.8 & 9 weight 5 lbs. & 1 oz. 6 lbs. & 6 ozs and all is well & every bodys happy.  I’m glad, and thank God and pray they will all be His Children Wlbert’s back is paining him tonight, I bathed it good for him . and he’s sleeping  well, I did out side & inside chores except the coal & mended his underwear & sewed flanel in the back & darned his socks got supper & the dishes & everything ready for morning, so now I’m going to bed.  Wind was N.W. & it snowed & went N.E. & how it snow-ed& now we have 3 or 4 in. all over the ground of wet snow. 

Fri.Mar.12.1943.  Elbert went to work & I did bal of washing & we got a heavy fog this morn, early 2-3-am. & so every thing was white frost this morn. & beautiful when the sun came out at 10-a-m.  I felt some thing was wrong with Elbert & tonight he said he hurt his back & had to lay down or anyway the boss made him lay down, he went to the Dr. after supper & had 2. bones out of place, he sent his income tax tonight ______dollars & when he came back from the Dr. he brought ice cream & boy was it good.  he’s sleeping so must be resting.  Sun melted all the snow to day wind gone N.West. 

= 330=Sat.Mar.13. 1943.  Well Elbert’s back so sore he didn’t go to work late this after noon we went to Huron to see if we could buy a hen to eat.  We went to see Mrs. Sharp she has been ill & she sure looks it to.  We were going to Mrs. Rufs to see if she had a hen, but Mrs Sharp said, she had just left her house for town so Mrs. Sharp went with us up town we see Mrs. Rufs & talked to her waited for her to do her shopping while we talked some Mrs. Sharp said Not a soul except Mrs. Ruffs had been to see her all the time she was sick.  “Some Preacher” Oh well from all he said, when I heard him he doesn’t give us any consideration What so ever.  Mrs. Sharp says Mr. Mohr has a license to preach, he’ll do better then she ever did he’s more sincere about it to I pray God will bless his efforts.  she told us Mrs. Fall had lost her husband two weeks ago & that he had been converted before he died.  Praise the Lord, how much happier she can be.  We met her & talked to her, up town, she’s still in that sort of daze, like I was in not knowing just how but she’s a real Christian & God will help her all the way, she has some children & that will help her to & she’s young yet.  God Bless her.

Sat.Mar.13.1943.  We took Mrs Ruf home & then Mrs. S. who sighed so often as if she was worried most to death, she looked so ill  I pray God will give her strength fast, that she will feel better soon.  I was all in when I got home  I am weak in body to, we got a hen all dressed & I have it partly cooked & Elbert may go & get Mrs. Sharp & bring her here to dinner tomorrow  it may do her good if she’s able to come  I hope she will come  it’s been a beautiful day and I ought to done a lot of work , but only swept & wiped up the kitchen floor. 

Sun. Mar.14.1943.  I’d like to go to church but think I’ll wait one more Sun. since it will take me a little time to get dinner, but my heart & soul will be in God’s house of worship.  Well I cooked the hen & it was tender & we had biscuits & gravy, creamed potatoes, beets & spinnage, butter, appricots & tea. and Elbert went to Huron to Mrs Sharp’s & brought her over to dinner & we visited all after noon she said she enjoyed both dinner & visit and so did we  I put some potatoes carrots apples oranges 1. grapefruit some onions rice & barley and 1/2 doz tea ball in a bag & put them all in a big bag & did up a few buscuits & give her a can of chicken broth with a few little pieces of chicken in it & a pt. of apricots.  I pray God will give her enough to eat poor soul  I’ll have to try to see she gets something more often if I only can.  Well I don’t know if she would come & stay with me or not but if she could find it in her heart to do so she would be so welcome, she so poor and hasn’t any strength.  Oh God I know and am so sorry for her for she’s older than I, and needs some one to take care of her now have mercy on her Father.  Well Elbert hasn’t looked as if he felt very well today, he took Mrs. Sharp home.  I did part the dishes had them all washed but had the pots & pans to wipe & had to sit down  just didn’t or don’t seem to have any pep, but got them done at last.  Elbert was sick & had to throw up & so his stomach must be up set again  I’m so sorry & he’s sitting up in bed.  I just gave him a dose of his medicine  has pepsin in it.  Well I’m going to bed  I have everything ready for morning.  I looked after hen & fed them today  got 4 eggs.  Wind is South & sky is getting cloudy. 

Mon.Mar.15.1943.  Elbert went to work.  I finished letters to Bonney Bell, Mrs. Kendall & card to pa, letter to Lane Bryant. 

=331=Mon.Mar.15.1943./=  looked after hens this morning cooked dry beans for supper now got to do evening chores. got chores done  Elbert came had supper done dishes & he went for milk, got stuck in the drive & worked till dark to get car up on top again, but unless it rains he wont be able to get out on the road in the morning. if it froze he might, so he don’t know how he will get to work in the morning. it was raining twice tonight just at dark a little & hard at 11-15-p-m.  I fix a letter to send to Jim Brown fence Co. Cleveland. Ohio.  Have felt sick all day.  I bathed Elbert’s back & he’s sleeping poor fellow, he seems to have the poorest luck of late.  his back is so sore & then the car had to get stuck in the mud.  Wind was.S. west and warm  have everything ready for the morning.

Tue.Mar.16.1943.  Well Elbert’s back hurt him so bad he didn’t go to work, he went to Vermillion to see if he could get some one to haul a load of slag or lime stone for the drive way, but no luck  everyone is to busy & they charge $1. a ton that terrible so I don’t know what he will do a-bout getting out to work untill the ground gets settled.  I wanted him to get some gravel here I had a hunch, if he didn’t he would be in for trouble so here it is. Well he left at noon & in an hr and a half we got a heavy white fog so thick we couldn’t see only close around the house, then in half an hr. it began to rain & it poured down straight down, then from the South then it stopped raining & wind came from S.west. and tonight its going around to the N. West again  sun went down white Mon. night.  Well I wrote a card to Rose Weinstien Detroit and a letter to Mrs. Sharp & I sent a letter to Mrs. Kendall  Elbert mailed some cards & letters today, he brought 3 pike for supper they cost 60 cents.  just think of that & we have give lots as good as those or better  I’d should say “away lots of times, he had to work fast after he got off the Buss for it was raining  he got his jacket wet & pants he bumed a ride down.  well every things ready for the morning once more. 

Wed.Mar.17.1943.  St. Patricks day in the morning. And where’s the Shamrock that I gave you to remind you when I’m gone. Will I ever forget?  Oh me.  well Elbert got the car out & went to work  ground was froze just enough to hold car up.  Well I did most of the washing & took care of hens & birds & got supper & then Elbert thought he ought to go for the milk before we eat & it was all ready, but he went & was gone an 10 minutes.

Wed.Mar.17.1943./ = 332= [should be 331]/Elbert got in the yard tonight wind has been blowing hard all day almost knock you off your feet, could hardly get out or in the west door, but its dried up the mud & sttled it in good shape today  wind is still blowing hard tonight at 11-30-p-m.  I have everything ready for the morning & I’m so tired all over feel as if I haven’t & once of strength left. 

Thurs.Mar.18.1943.  Elbert went to work. ground is getting hard again so he doesn’t have any trouble getting in & out our drive. Well I baked 3 big loaves of bread and washed out a change of clothes.  Elberts sleepers & table cloth & one blanket & carried water, took care of hens & birds & cleaned & fried fish for supper, now I have dishes done & everything ready for morning.  It’s been a beautiful day, wind was South west untill 2-30-p-m not blowing so strong today  then went North, I dried the table cloth & blanket out side & they were dry before Elbert came home, and I am real tired.  Elbert filled in the ruts in the drive tonight  I do home it don’t rain before morning  he said it was getting colder I praise the Lord for being so good to us and because He is our Lord and Master  Oh I pray I may be worthy in God’s sight and I thank Him with all my soul for His love & Mercy.

Fri.Mar.19.1943.  Elbert went to work  it’s been a queer day rained & froze little ice cycles hung all around on grainery eves then at noon they melted and it stopped raining then got fogy then wind began to blow &K dried dirt again  cloudy dark day I haven’t got much done today  to tired, took a little cold also only did what had to be done and wrote 5 post cards to hatchery to seed nurseries & one for Elbert for Lumbermans Insurance for cars. and I got a card from Flora this morning  I love her so.  now every things ready for morning again.  Elbert got wet today his back is hurting him again tonight & the wind is blowing puffy & strong S. west.

Sat.Mar.20.1943.  Elbert went to work he worked 5 days this week.  Well I swept both bedrooms & kitchen & wiped up the floor & took care of hens & birds & have dressed a hen & got it cookiing for tomorrow  did up dishes & now every things ready for morning agaiin, now I’m going to take bath & go to bed. I want to go to Church in the morning but didn’t get dress fixed yet.  Wish I could manage to [?} it. 

Sat.Mar.20.1943./=333=/ has been quite a nice day colder than Fri. cranky wind from N.West & still blowing strong tonight at 11-30.  I saw the big male pheasent to day, go from our drive acrossed the road then he came back onto the road & down the road to the Walnut & he came back onto the road & down the road to the walnut & he went between the walnut & Elm into the brush by the ditch.  ground froze last night & its cold enough to freeze tonight. 

Sun.Mar.21.1943.Home all day & todays first day of Spring  listened to Sermons over Radio got everything ready for morning  Wind N.West. quite cool yet. 

Mon.Mar.22.1943.  (Elbert went to work & I cut & sewed up a house dress, got the sleeves belt & bottom and of course the buttons & holes to do yet cut it over the pattern I cut off my rayon dress. got 5 eggs today only got * hens.  I had to mix, & give them mash today.  I ought to have done the washing but just couldn’t get at it, but will in the morning, Oh but I’m tired tonight  I don’t see what makes me so horribly tired  feel as if I weigh a ton can’t hardly get up or down.  Sun shone all day & it snowed last night 1/2 in snow & it snowed great big feathery flakes this afternoon & the sun was shining the fox squirrel was out in the back yard frisking about & carrying walnuts into the cottage through the window where one pane is broken out the cock pheasant was here to & he’s just beautiful in the sun light. Wind is N.West & cool.  I got everything ready for morning and thank the Lord for my blessing & strength, but pray He’ll give me a stronger faith & tell me what to do.  Praise His Holy Name He has taken care of Elbert & his car & I pray He will help him to turn & love the Lord. 

Tue.Mar.23.1943.  Well Elbert went to work, he said he felt felt good. Mon. morning, but this morning his back was hurting him terribly bad, Well I washed his two union suits I didn’t get one washed last week so I had two today  just did his washing some hand and dish towels, had to carry water and I feel so heavy & tired, I heard some one shoveling gravel & when they stopped I woke wide awake got up & dressed & found the drive had a load of crushed slag on it.  Well I just have to sleep sometime even if I do hear whats going on.  Elbert’s back is hurting him bad tonight  I had to rub it again for him. Got a letter from Ethel Bonney.  she said she went to work two weeks ago

Tue.Mar.23.1943./=334/in the western automatic where there are (3,000) three thousand people working she inspects aircrafts & likes her job. and she’s learning a lot about human life as well as her work.  She says Laura Ann is growing fast, going to be a gig girl, said she called Nellie on phone an talked to her, that Bonnita & her twins were home, that she didn’t see why she hadn’t had twins it would have been nice, that she’s working from to 11-p-m, & does her house work & washing mornings. she didn’t even mention her mother , not once, said she was happy now & that she was so tired of doing house work for everybody, well she’s only 45 yrs. old healthy and strong, and this job pays lots better money.  I was real shocked to get a letter from her, she seldom writes.  Got a letter from Jim Brown Fence Co. also.  the wind’s been South West & still is.  Been a beautiful day I trimed one rose bush on North end of house & now I have supper over dishes done & everything ready for the morning.  I saw squirrel & pheasant in the back yard today & I let the hens out for a little while this after noon, flowers have started to grow all ready, I ought to be spading. 

Wed.Mar.24.1943.  Elbert went to work & I did out the rest of the washing had to carry water & take care of hens & do house work, take care of birds, cook supper, Elbert brought fresh fish & I had beets & beet greens cooked they were sweet for once, irish potatoes & coffee bread & butter, Well I have the supper work done & every thing ready for morning.  Been a beautiful day  Wind S.West & quite fresh clouded up tonight and looks as if it might rain.  4 eggs today. got a letter from Shepard about ancona’s baby chicks.  

Thurs.Mar.25.1943.  3 eggs today.  Elbert went to work.  I tried to do some sewing, my neck & head have ached all day so bad I could hardly think straight  bone up next to skull out make me feel sick to my stomach  Wind still S.West been to warm today sun shone most of the day, let hens out for a little while I would have done a little triming out side, but for this head ache.  I pray the Lord will put that bone back before tomorrow.  I faced one dress and stiched up the sleeves for the new one & basted them in, basted waist & skirt together took care of the hens & birds got supper & done up the dishes & got everything ready for the morning.

Fri.Mar.26.1943/=335=.  Elbert went to work, I sent a card to Mr. Miller yesterday, & I didn’t get my check yesterday either. received a letter from Mrs. Sharp. poor old soul  I’m so sorry for her, Well I trimed part of the black berries today & a very little on the wistaria vine, I got supper to, made soup then Elbert brought fish, 2 pike, cost 40 cents.  Oh, this world of people are becoming as wicked as the Lord has said they would.  I’d be happy if it was all over if only the people would turn to the Lord & work as hard for Him as they are, to keep the fight going they say they are going all out for Victory for Uncle Sam; Wouldn’t it be Glorious if they go all out for Victory for Jesus?  (Evelyn’s birthday.  she’s 31 yrs. old. ) It is such a queer thing, to me, to see how people can laugh at such a thing as working for the Lord and they don’t even want to listen and often are really insulting about christianity; Oh God help us to live as thou intended we should.  Well it’s been a beautiful day  S west wind and a little to strong to work at triming, but I got some done & hope to get more done, it looks like rain tonight, but is little cooler, 

Sat.Mar.27.1943.  Elbert went to work, and I have swept -wiped up the floor & ironed, give the birds there bath & cleaned up there cages and now, I swept both bedrooms & the kitchen & wiped up the floors & took care of hens and my feet & legs have pained me all day, so bad, I fell over the partition under the gate in farther pen in hen house & bumped my right leg it is so tender & hurts so terribly to bump it the least bit, it’s swollen tonight.  Well I fried steak made milk gravy where I fried the steak, had the potatoes fresh beet greens for supper and some corn from yesterday  bread & coffee did the dishes & ironed my dress sewed flannel patch in Elbert’s union suit and darned two prs. socks & now I’m going to bed.  No check today.  wind went N.east, been fine day but raw wind & freezing ice in bird bath tonight. I took my bath before I went to bed 1-a-m.

Sun.Mar.28.1943.  Froze 1 in of ice in bird bath last night. & a pretty dove came today & I feed it, it was quite tame to. I hoped it would stay, but it flew away tonight it tried 3 times to come in through the window just before dark.  wind still N.east and it’s quite frosty out stars are so bright and clear.  We were home all day.  Elbert is so tired, We had dinner and a lunch  I took care of birds & hens today only 3 eggs.  we listened to sermons over the radio & the news.  Oh God have Mercy

Mon.Mar.29.1943./=336=  Elbert did not go to work he had such cramps in his legs Sat night that Sun & today he was so sore & lame, he went up to Huron & got some fish, When the boats came in they gave him to small peck baskets full, he cleaned one basket full & I fried part of them & he the rest, Oh, but they were so good after we ate we went up to Mrs. Sharps & took her 8 fried & brown & 3 biscuits & a doz fresh eggs.  I ask her to pray for me but she said she was so sick she had the flu.  so I prayed for her, my knuckles are swollen & my fingers & pain so bad I haven’t done any work today only take care of hens & birds & help get supper & did up dishes with left hand some job  N.east breeze & cool  froze ice last night and I think it will tonight  my hand pains me terrible  I pray God will fix it by tomorrow  Praise His Holy Name, He is my Lord & Master  I love only Him.  Well I got 4 eggs today & Elbert has a pk fish to clean yet becuse he went to Huron.  Georgia Snyder came to ask for 25cents to help buy flowers for Mr. Martin Broad, he passed away Sat Mar.22.1943.  He has been sick ever since she died & in bed for these past 3 weeks.  Miss Wilbitts money order. 

Tue.Mar.30.1934.  Elbert stayed home today, but he didnt have to on my account.  I had to salt the fish, wash the dishes, make the beds & feed the chickens, got 5.00 money order for Miss Willitts’, my hand & arm doesn’t pain quite so bad today but I can’t staighten my fingers my knuckles are swollen shiny; guess I must have bumped them when I bumped my leg it’s so sore yet almost made me fade out to hurt it the least bit & so I didn’t know untill later, when they began to swell and pain me bad.  I took a little cold out there cutting black berry stalks  Also got everything ready for morning & thank God I can still help myself.  

Wed.Mar.31.1934.  Elbert went to work, I washed dishes took care of hens and birds & cook supper.  I fried the rest of the fish a heaping plate full   Wind still blowing strong from S.west & its been to hot today for comfort, a little dove came to me & its still here.  We got 6 eggs today. and now we have to use ration stamps for meat cheese and fish. 

Thurs.April.1.1943/=337=/  Elbert went to work  it’s a wonderfull day, my hand is rather sore, but piece by piece I rubed out all but 3 pieces of the washing & got it all dried & put away before Elbert got home, I took care of hens  birds & dove  wiped up the floor & darned one pr socks & got the supper, then we went out & burned the dry grass & weeds off the front yard & around the evergreens both to tired to do it. Elbert went for the milk & he locked up the coop & got 2 pails cistern & one of well water.  While I washed the dishes & got things ready for his lunch & morning very light N.east wind.  Mrs. Hellen Sarr came along while we were burning the front yard, said she started to burn & clean up the yard & the fire got going & burned a alot of straw, she thought it was all out, but after supper she discovered the pig pen & pig house was burned up.  it isn’t safe to burn alone & we take 2 pails of water & some old brooms to wet & put it out so it can’t get ahead of us. -thing leaving out wish I could put in 2 bu of potatoes right now. ground works up good & Elbert has spaded a small patch last week.  only 1 egg today. 

Elbert went to work, wind shifted 3-a-m east but very light last night sky was full of high wind clouds & it struck 3-a-m. in hard puffs from the S.west went to N.West turned cold before half an hour & at noon it began to snow  wind is strong & cold  hope Elbert don’t catch a cold and I’m so glad I have a fire I went out at 10-3–1-m. gave hens fresh water and some apple peelings got a pail of cistern water & one of well water & the mail a McCalls magazine.  My hand is so sore & swollen from yesterdays work  I’m resting it today. 

Fri.April 2. 1943 /=338= Well at 5.-p-m. it is blowing & snowing a gale.  I fed the hens & locked the coop, the dove poor little thing flying around in circules in that heavy snow & I don’t know where it went  I couldn’t see house or grainery from  the coop  it eased off before Elbert got here & the ground is white with snow, then it came a gain just before dark & it’s blowing in hard puffs & snowing & is shivery cold & yesterday it was to warm a beautiful Spring day.  I do hope Elbert wont get a cold  Wind N.East tonight.  Elbert brought cream & it was so good.  I had soup for supper & it was good to had it all done when he got here.  I darned & mended his union suit today.  3 eggs. 

Sat.Apr.3. 1943. Elbert went to work & I washed out my dress, and received another letter from the Dean & now they tell me I’ve only paid them 30 dollars, and believe it or not, they want me to send in my money order stubs so they can check on them, but I’m not sending them  if they can’t keep books an account of the money orders they re-ceive, would I get my stubs back?  Well we had a 2 inch blanket of snow this morning but sun came & melted it all away except on N. side of buildings  little dove came for his breakfast this morning.  he begins to feel quite important; Well I too care of hens & birds, hens laid 7 eggs today, only have nine hens; Got my dress ironed & a few other pieces. cleaned out dresser drawer today & did the sweeping  Elbert came  we had supper & then went out & dug up two apricot trees & transplanted them, have one apple & 3 or 4 peach trees  I have to get the roofing paper this wee & see about getting some fencing. Wind is Sout east today  freezes every night.  It’s been quite a nice day, cool, but Sun shining allday freezing tonight

Sun.April.4.1943.  Well we stayed home all day it’s been quite a nice day though some what cloudy tried to rain then tried to snow  wind South east & has become real strong tonight, it was so last night& we cooed a hen for the broth for supper & meat for Elberts lunch on the morrow & then will have the rest for supper tomorrow night. 

Mon.April.5.1943./=339=/  Elbert went to work & I have spent the day looking my daily readings through to see when I sent money to Miss Willitts there worker have things in a mess  Well I have sent 45 dollars with this check I believe I sent more but can’t seem to find the stub, but maybe I’ll run accrossed it by & by.  I had supper all most ready  When Elbert came, he got here early to-night.  I made biscuits & chicken gravy & chicken, beets & hot coffee  Elbert brought 2 Clark candy bars  they are so good, we each had one.  I took care of hens & birds, got 4. eggs, only have 7 hens now.  am going to kill one rooster.  & one more hen then I want to get some baby chickens.  have got to send the money order soon for them, and have to clean the cook out good & spray it good.  I have to send for that paper for the roof to.  Wind was S.west little more west & tonight it has gone on, around to the N.east is quite chilly, Well I have every thing ready for the morning once again, now its 15-to-11-p.m.

Tue.April.6.1943.  Well Elbert went to work, but I haven’t done much today tried to decide on the baby chicks & what kind of park fencing to get, got to go to Huron to ration board to see about getting the fence  I wish I could have went tonight.  but we don’t know how much we have to get we have to go out & measure it tomorrow. I received my seventh lesson from Detroit today. Elbert got a 100 lb. sack of scratch grain today 266 for &2.66 and 24 lb. sack of flour $1.33 haven’t rationed them yet.  Well we had soup for supper  had it ready when Elbert got here, he’s been trying to spade after supper. I raked a very little today. hurts my hand hope I can do a little each day out side got 5 eggs & they broke one today  Wind N.East and cold. 

Wed.April.7.1942.  [should be 1943] Elbert went to work it snowed & blowed ground was most white the it came frozen sleet then at 3.p.m. it sure did rain  Wind South west stopped raining at 5.p.m.  I fed hens got 5 eggs empted ashes got the well water and had supper when Elbert came his back is hurting him again.  

Wed. April.7.1943./=340=/ he ate supper rested a little then dug a hole to transplant the apple tree thats by the well then turned over a little more dirt in front of hen house for a garden.  I wrote a letter & gave all the dates of the money order stubs & put a 5.00 money order into the letter for the Bible study course. & I also wrote a letter to Nellie.  Now it’s 12.p.m. & I’m going to bed, for I have every thing ready for the morning, I did all the chores today.

Thurs.April.8.1943./Oh, its one of those beautiful warm sunshiny days, one of those days to good to be true.  N.East breeze is cold but sun is hot ground in just right to work up good, I raked on the north side of the well for a while then was so tired came into the house to have a bite to eat & rest, Elbert’s back hurt him so bad he didn’t go to work, we measured the South line to see how much fence we need, “if we can get it.” & then we measured to see how much we needed for a new park fence & now we have to wait untill tomorrow to see if the ration board will let us have the sirtificate to get it. & I have to order the roofing also guess I can get that anyway.  Elbert went to Huron & got 2 small peck baskets of fish we gave part of one to Bill Snyder.  he seemed extra glad to get them, I see them cleaning them to.  Bill said Billy his eldest son had gone sailing and he sure missed him, & he “dady Bill” has been home sick had a touch of pneumonia been home for a week or more, he does look rather thin and pinched or peaked faced  he said, he said if I put put up half the line fence he would put up the rest & furnish all the posts for he’d like to have the fence up. he has some railroad ties for posts they would be alright, he might want Elbert to help set his posts, well we will have to buy posts if we set the fence.  Elbert got home at 3-p.m. we ate and while he dressed catfish “I think there were 14) & scaled a couple dozen pike & cleaned them ready to cook I raked & burn -ed the weeds in the flower bed then when he was about done I put the hens in the first pen in the coop and let out the other pen & fed them all got 4 eggs.  I fed the dove also.  Then I cooked all the catfish & two pike & we ate supper  Now every things ready for morning.

Thurs.April.8.1943./=341=/ after supper Elbert went for milk, then up to Burdues store for a loaf of bread  she told me a long time ago she’d give me a snake lillie & I said *’d give her a african violet plant and tonight she gave Elbert the bulb & said it would cost $2.50  well such a world.  I can’t understand how people can do such tricks.  11-30-p.m.  I going to bed.  

Fri.April.9.1943./ Elbert went to work and I did out washing  had to carry all the water and that’s as hard as doing the wash  Well I got it done had two heavy union suits for Elbert & they’re so heavy to handle on a wash board, I just wish I had some other way to wash the blankets  I think I’ll see if I can’t get some one to wash them for me & pay them. and save my strength a little  I dried part the clothes out side  Wind went N.East, & felt like ice, so I dried all the small things in the house got everything dry but his suits.  I did the chores & took care the birds and fried fish & mashed the potatoes & had spinage bread & coffee Elbert brought ice cream  we ate it soon as he got washed & boy but it tasted so good:he brought me a coconut & the candy bars called Mars, he gets Clark bars to  some times he also got boiling meat. he take fish in his lunch for 2 days  now I like fresh fish but-don’t want them 3 times a day.  He went to Huron after sup -per to the ration board to see about getting some fence & they said he’d have to go to Sandusky and that’s more gas & rubber, so I am going to send a letter to see if I can find out anything.  Elbert mailed a letter to Nellie & one to Bible Institute Detroit this morning.  Winds gone S.West.

Sat.April.10.1943./ Elbert went to work, and I swept & cleaned & wiped up the floors took care of birds & hens, & the roosters got into a fight broke the wire partition and were both in the farther pen one was hurt so I had Elbert kill it and when I dressed it found the other one had put his spurs through his ribs.  I went to Huron with Elbert after supper thought I’d talk to Mrs. Sharp, but she didn’t come to the door  I took 4 buscuits to her & Elbert put them between the door screen & door screen was hooked inside.  We went to Cooks store  Elbert bought overalls & jumper & a pt. of cream & we came back home & boys, oh, boys that N.East wind was so cold & I was glad when we got back home we had to go get the milk to before we came home.  We eat the cream Elbert tried on the overalls & jumper & I had to put a tuck in sleeves & turn up bottoms of leggs.  I washed up the dishes & it was 11

Sat.April.10.1943./=342.=/ p.m. before I started for bed & my body was aching like the tooth ach such is life. 

Sun.April 11.1943./ Elbert worked today came hoome so tired & had cramps in his hands while he was eating his supper.  John, Nellie & Bonnita came & brought the twins  nice looking babies, I gave her $5.00 for some of the things they need & I gave Nellie & John 5.00 for Johny  he will graduate in May  I gave the girls that much so now he has his & that’s off my mind.  They stayed and ate supper with us & left at 7-30-p-m. Nellie took 2 pussy willow cuttings for her  -self & Martha, she said Martha fell into the cold air shoot & bruised herself up bad & Jean & Joan have chicken pox  She said pa fell down on the bridge a few weeks ago and had been quite sick but was better again & now I’m going to bed  I have every thing ready for morning the wind is still North east, and cold.  Nellie took the little appricot tree we had heeled in. said the other one died.  Well I didn’t get to study, but did listen to some sermons today. 

Mon.April 12.1943./Elbert went to work, he had cramps in his legs last night, he gets so frightened it’s hard to take care of him, but I prayed and talked to him about other things and soon he was all right again.  I haven’t felt very well myself for a few days  just tired out, like. feeling.  I didn’t wash today.  I did ans. Mrs. Beesie’s letter & card & now I’ll have to write to Martha & Miss McGovern again.  Nellie said she had a letter from her & that she had been in the Hospital again, but was back home now, well I only did what had to be done today & it was raining a cold rain this morning from the N.West when Elbert went to work then at 11-30 it snowed & blowed a while then rained a little more & stopped, and the sun came out several times and just before dark was clear & white and it’s so cold  I’m sorry for every thing out doors K& the little dove sit out in all that rain & snow  I’d think he’d get in somewhere.  We have a good fire & its comfortable.  freezes ice every night  I don’t see how anything can grow.  Well everythings ready for the morning so I’m going to bed.  Well I received a letter from Miss Baugart & a card from Mrs. Hildebrandt this morning  Mrs Cranage had a heart atact & Mr Cranage has been sick with a cold & cough & so has Miss Baumgart.  she said Will Adshbolt was dead & his wife was in bed with a broken ankle, Mrs Gone was in bed

Mon.April.12.1943./=343=/ sick all winter & she sent me a clipping from the newspaper telling of Aromond’s farewell party & he’s going to the Navy training camp in Chicago Ill.  Nellie said Armond come over last week & bid them goodby.  Wel Frank met Elbert and told him Armond was going, they don’t like me , I’m to much of a christian to suit them.  they’re were a few of Armond’s friends his sisters & there husbands & there four children & Mrs. Gilmore “Ruby’s mother”  They gave Armond a purse of money & some gifts.  he left Fri April the 9.1943.  Well, I only got 4 eggs yesterday & 4 today. 

Tue.April 13.1943./ Well, Elbert couldn’t work today guess he’s got a touch of the grippe & I don’t know what is the trouble with me, but I feel so al in  I have only done the most necessary things & have washed & wiped or a meal cooked Elbert went to Huron got some bread & lettuce, cabbage, & lye.  I feel rather bum today can’t think this morning- snowed& blowed, then light showers all day, sun came out just before dark for the last minutes, then it snowed again, ground was white before we went to bed.  I took care of hens & birds. 5 eggs today.  

Wed.April 14.1943./ Well, Elbert felt so bad He didn’t work. ground white with snow this morning & it has snowed & blowed in real heavy showers all day, sun came out between showers & melt off snow then snow again ground is white tonight. Elbert took care of hens today and did all out side chores & he went to Huron got pork chops & sausages & meat to boil  we had the chops for dinner & just broth and crackers for supper, he went to Hills apple farm & one or two other places & couldn’t find any apples then found a few over at Serberlins, he lives alone his wife died a short time ago & he wanted to talk to Elbert he was so lonesome but Elbert didn’t want to talk, the poor old fellow was so glad to see some one & talk to them  Its to bad how folks are so alone & no one wants to take time to talk to them, he sold Elbert 1 bu apples for 45cents.

Wed.April.14.1943./344/  and then Elbert didn’t want to take a few minutes to visit with that poor lonesome old soul.  He got some baking powder & V. extract at the store today also.  Well it’s 9-30-p.m.& he’s gone to bed & I don’t feel able to do anything but have to fix the fire be fore I go to bed  We only got 3 eggs tonight & Elbert emptied ashes & got the water. I haven’t been outside today. 

Thurs.April.15.1943./ Elbert didn’t go to work but he feels a little better and is going in the morning but I’m al in just washing dishes or cooking  Elbert went to Huron got quite a bunch of fish, gave Mrs. Sharp 6 or 8 & a bag that I had put a grapefruit in with a few apples & a doz. eggs, he said she looks sick & said she felt so bad & that the baby had been sick again  her son and her daughter in law impose on her she’s 72 yrs, old & trying to live on ten dollars a month & I had to for a time so I understand her need for food.  I dressed 16 fish to help Elbert get them done it was snowing & blowing in showers again today with sun shining through the snow storm they got more than a ft. of snow east of us so a truck driver told Elbert, well E. gave Myers a mess of fish & he took 7 over to the folks where we get milk & I have a crock packed full & set out in the grainery to keep cool  I fried 12 fish for supper we only ate 4 so E will have fish for his lunch tomorrow. I darned the heels “on the bottom” of my stockings I’v worn them over a yr. so guess they’re about done for froze ice last night. and to wet to do anything with the dirt or any thing else & to cold raw wind from N.West.saw the pheasent & two wood chucks today.  only 2 eggs.  Elbert did chores. 

Fri.April.16.1943./ Elberts back is so bad he can hardly get up or down from a chair sort of lumbago pulls from back clear through his bowels, I did most of the chores & cooked took car of hens & birds got 5 eggs today, We fried some fish for supper & after supper we rolled up 6 & took them over to the old man where he got the apples he lost his wife last Spring, he seem over joyed to get the fish.  then we stopped at Lyhts she & the children were alone  he goes to work at 4-p-m. & gets home about she’s a little woman and looks so worried, said he wasn’t very well, he gets sick from the fumes of the welding, he is a welder.  She ask us in but I felt so bum I didn’t go, the have a big house & I imagine she does get terrible lonesome. I have everything ready for morning Wind Swest & cold.

Fri.April.16.1943./=345=/ got my letter back from ration board & now I can buy without certificate “if” I can find any fencing.  Wind went around to N.east again. 5 eggs.

Sat.April.17.1943./ Elbert didn’t work he went out & burnt two piles of brush then went to Huron got a few things we needed & went for the milk then over to the place where he ordered a chicken” it turned out to be the Kilbride Place Tom Forb’s wife’s sister-in-law  Mrs. Kilbride on Smoky Road.  Elbert mailed my letter & 5.00 to Jim Brown for fenc today and while he was burning brush I swept wiped up the floors & got supper, fresh fish, fried then I washed the dishes & changed the table cloth & ironed my dress.  I cooked over some peaches today & cooked some dry kidney beans & washed out all the dirty clothes ex -cept Elbert’s heavy underwear my dress & some hand towels needless to say even though I haven’t done much I’m dead tired  I aired my blankets today also Its been a wonderful day, mild quite a little warmer than it has been not much wind, but it’s N.east & cold after you have been sweating hard  Elbert worked in his shirt sleeves.  He said Forb’s were coming to Kilbrides & she said they might come over here for a little while after dinner. 2 eggs.

Sun.April 18.1943./ We were home all day & no one came in  Elbert got up & dressed & cooked a rooster “the one he bought from Mrs. Kilbride.  quite a nice morning, but clouded up middle of afternoon Wind N.east cold & raw foggy round the edges and it looks like rain, will be a cold rain.  

Mon.April.19.1943/ Elbert went to work & it was dark & raining, has rained steady all day hope he don’t catch a cold, I did morning chores, fed the dove & gave hens some grean stuff, emptied ashes, fire feels good, bone up near my head went out & my head & eyes are feeling bad.  No check yet.  4-30-p.m. raining hard. can’t see any farther than railroad tracts, thick white fog beyond, began to pour down when I went out to fed hens tonight got wet, Elbert came & he sure was wet clear to his shirt, overcoat & heavy knit jumper soaked

Mon.April.19.1943/=346=/ & his shoes & feet.  Well I had supper & he brought some cream, and we ate it then ate supper then Elbert went for the milk, then took off his shoes & coat & jumper & hung them up to dry, he brought me 4lbs. of nuts Brazil pecan & hazel nuts and a few almonds & a coconut some oranges & grapefruits & corn & beans in cans.  misty rain tonight.  Wind N.East.4 eggs today.  I mended two of my shirts today & potted 2 violets a conquat & a begonia  I had started from part of them from leaves.  Mrs. Burdue gave me that bulb.  Elbert took it back tonight he had to go for a loaf of bread, she said it din’t bloom this winter so I should keep it in basement until warm enough to set it in dirt out side & give it plenty of water every day.  I have to go & fiind out how to take care of it. Elbert gave me $10.00 today. 4 eggs today

Tue.April.20.1943./ Elbert went to work wasn’t raining when he went but we had a good shower little while after then sun came out about 9.a.m. I had a line of clothes ready to go on the line and there coming from the South West was a terrible black cloud full of wind & in just a few minutes it began to thunder & lightening & it blew & poured rain, then it hailed, after a while the sun came out again & then in a little while it rained again April showers all day so between showers I carried water & finished the clothes & dried them in the house They’ll all be dried before I go to bed except my wool petty coat & perhaps my dress.  I have two heavy suits of Elberts underwear & my other dress to wash yet this week.  I’m dead tired & so is Elbert tonight his feet hurt so bad today & they don’t have a chance to sit down & rest from morning untill noon & from then untill he sits down in his car to come home at night.  I took care of hens & birds & got supper ready  When Elbert got here so we ate & he went for milk & I did up dishes & now everything s ready for his lunch & breakfast  I got 4 eggs today  pheasent has been out by the park fence all day, the hens were in the park.  squirrel was here yesterday & today & the red birds & the dove  Oh yes, I really received my check today.  Praise the Lord

Wed. April.21.1943./ Elbert went to work  it’s been a cool dark day  I did some mending but it was so dark it took me a long time two prs my old stockings & I patched my old dress its hardly worth it then I made bread 3 white loaves had mutton & po -tatoes carrots & cabbage for supper  Elbert brought a pt of 

Wed.April.21.1943/=347=/ ice cream we ate it, then had supper.  I received an Easter card & letter from Mrs. Bessie & a letter & card from Miss Rose Weinstein 2937 Doris Ave; Detroit. Michigan.  I haven’t sent out any Easter Cards haven’t been anywhere to get them.  I hope I can get to church Sun.  Well I’ve done my Daily doz. & now its 10-30-p-m.and I’m going to bed.  the fog horn is blowing steady what a breeze there is, is N.West.  I saw a hen pheasent feeding in the front yard this morning, they are pretty things  male was out in the orchard  I could hear him often, all day.

Thurs.April 22./ Ella Janes birthday she is 24. yr.s old.  Elbert went to work.  It’s been a beautiful day sun shone all day but cold N.east wind  I washed Elbert’s two heavy union suits & a few other pieces towels, dish towels, & so forth & my dress & I starched both the one I washed Tue. & today dried everything out side & ironed my dresses & got supper ready  I took care of hens & birds & did the sweeping & carried the water to do the washing then Elbert came he brought ice cream, We ate it & went to Huron I bought some buttons 20cents 1.35 & cotton stockings 39 per prs 3 shirts 39cents  a piece 2 pieces dress goods 35cents per yd., 6 yds in each piece and one piece 4 yds 35Cents per yd & the tax 3 cents per dollar  Oh me.  Elbert got some meat & a few other things then we went to see how Mrs. Sharp was, she’s better & looks better & have greatly appreciated the things we gave her.  we didn’t in for we did eat our supper so while Elbert went for milk I fried some pork & warmed up the potatoes cabbage & carrots & parsnips & made gravy, he came at last I thought everything would be spoiled before he got here, but it was O.K.  he had to wait for them to finish there supper & milk, the man had been buying cows & the woman had been over to Cleveland all day.  We ate & now everythings ready for morning  (5 eggs today)

Fri.April.23.1943./ Elbert went to work.  I did a few odds & ends in the house then went out & trimed 3 roses 1.bush 2.rambler & Elbert helped me tie them up tonight  I got supper took care of hens & birds one bird has laid 2 eggs the other has laid 1 egg.  hens laid 4 eggs today.  Well everythings ready for the morning. Elbert brought me the paint for the window screens so I have to get them done the first nice day we have next week. then glass has to be puttied in & Oh how I’d like to paint the house outside & inside. 

Sat.April.24.1943./348/ Elbert went to work & I had supper ready when he came home, he did bring cream & oh it was so good & I thanked him & the Lord for it I wish I could have it every day it seems to do me so much good.  I went out doors to day & cut out old wood & trimed a couple of rose bushes the Duet & Meig and did some on the Wisteria Vine so I got some fresh air and sun shine  I took care of the hens & birds, got 5 eggs today.  We ate supper & then went to Huron to get my change from the 1 dollar bill I paid on my shirts & then I gave her the bill & my card of buttons I’d figured on & she kept the bill & the buttons such a crazy headed girl  I thought she put them in the bag, I got two more shirts  Well they seem determened to be a dime a head of me anyway.  We went to Mrs. Sharps but she was gone & Mrs Ruff came to get her while we were there  She said they were having a fellowship meeting tonight & ask if I were going, I told her I couldn’t go. She said Every body would be there even the Mohers  Well I want to go to Church some where but don’t know where to go.  I’m dead tired but O.K.  Maybe I’ll get to go to Beulah Beach.  I received a package this morning, 3 books from Miss McGovern and a Sun school card and a card with a good many wishes on it, she put one card in a little book of poems and ask me to read the poem  I don’t know what she wanted me to understand through its meaning, however I felt

Sat April.24 1943/=349=  I’ve felt queer all day about it, I felt as if, she thought I’d neglected her but I have wrote her two letters & sent her a card & haven’t been very able myself to get every thing done that I should do  I dontk know what I’ll ever do with all the books.  Well every things ready for the morning  now to bed my self.  Elberts been in bed since 9-30.

Sun.April.25.1943./ Easter morning, and I praise the Lord with all my heart soul Mind & strength for my Lord.  Well We were home all day & my rectum has pained me all day haven’t been able to work  Elbert dressed a hen for dinner & cooked it, but I was to punk to put the trimings to it so we ate it with bread & gravey & beets this afternoon from the S.West hens laid 5 eggs today & Elbert did all the chores today.  We didn’t have any company either long day.

Mon.April.26.1943./ Elbert went to work and I have finished Miss Mc.Govern’s letter I broke my glasses & it is so hard to see to read or write.  it’s been quite a nice day cold N.East wind but sun is quite hot. I let the hens out  only got 3 eggs. and we have more of them than we can use I got supper and at last have the dishes done and every thing ready for the morning.

Tue.April.27.1943./ Elbert went to work he mailed a letter to Miss Mc govern for me, he mailed it in Lorain  he came home with a bad head ach & said he’d had it all day  he ate supper and the ice cream he brought & went

Tue.April.27.1943/=350/ back to Dr White iin Vermilion & had him fix a bone in his neck, he mailed 2 letters one to Martha one the W.H.K Higbee’s Store Cleveland Ohio  He still feels punk & has gone to bed  I did the sweeping & wiped up the floors took care of hens & birds got.4. eggs. & fed the dove.  & got supper & now every things ready for the morning rained this morning was cloudy all day sun coming out at intervals & at 7-p-m it rained heavy showers wind S.West & terible strong warm wind.  clear tonight.

Wed.April.28.1943/= Elbert went to work and I baked 3 big white Loaves of bread, and did the chores got supper and now I have everything ready for morning and I’m so tired  I wrote a letter to Miss Baum -gart and a card to Easel and a letter to Bonnita & Geo.  Run out of envelops so Miss Bumgarts will have to wait, he can mail the letter & card  wind north west & cold cloudy all morning sunshining all afternoon  Elbert dug up apple try by the well & put it out by west end of cottage  big tree small roots. had lots of apples on it last yr.  I tried to help but couldn’t do much  hens layed 6 eggs today  Well I have to try to do some washing in morning.

Thurs.April.29.1943/ Elbert didn’t work today  his back is so bad, he did go up to Huron & got a mess of fish.  I didn’t able to go but I did out half the washing felt to bad to eat. well I fried fish for supper & did the dishes & now everythings ready for morning  got 6 eggs today [crossed out is “& a letter from Martha]

Fri April.30.1943./351/  It was a fairly nice day yesterday but started to get cloudy & rain toward evening  had several real hard showers during the night  wind was S.West but went N.W. & today its much colder & tonight it’s real cold and the fire feels real good & Wind has gone N.E. Elbdrt has felt bad all day & been to home all day.  only 3 eggs today  I darn  ed 3 prs. socks & fixed Elberts union suit.  I was this morning I got Martha’s letters.  I have a letter ready to mail to Miss Baumgart.

Sat.May.1.1943./ Elbert did not work he is feeling rather punk he went to Vermilion & got a fes things we had to have & got the milk & a hen he dressed & put it on to cook, I haven’t felt so very good myself have that all gone feeling, I due a few greens & cut my wisteria back a little more next time I can finish it but have 2 or 3 ramblers & some bushes yet to do hope I can get it done this coming week  I do want to get the yard cleaned up & a few other things clean the house a little  wind. N.W. & cold & it cleared up this after noon.  Uncle Will Wheeler is 89 yrs. old today.  Elbert had to pay $1.85 for the hen he got today.  cherry tree & pear tree full of blossoms but apricot only has a very few blossoms plums are full daffidils are in bloom & golden bells.  4 eggs today. 

Sun.May.2.1943/ We didn’t go any where today & it was cloudy most of the day & rained heavy showers  sun did come out at 5-p-m for only a very few minutes  still chilly wind went clear around & was S.W. tonight  5 eggs today, Raining. 

Mon.May3.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did half the washing & carried 4 pails of water.

Mon.May 3 1943/=352=/ I took care of hens & birds  got 4 eggs. cloudy all day  Sun came out once for a few seconds this after noon damp breeze rather fresh and N.West cold & raw in the way Elbert expressed it.  Everythings ready for Morning Things are trying to grow trees & shrubs but its to cold these passed few days again & fire feels good.

Tue.May.4.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did out the rest of the washing & washed one blanket (wool) & dried them out doors.  It’s been a beautiful day  warm sun  N.E. breeze, but light   had to carry water  its making me sick  hurts my stomach & bowels some way and I took care of hens & birds & wiped up the floor 6. eggs today. 4. yesterday  Elberts backs hurting him & his neck

Wed.May.5.1943./  Elbert went to work & I went out & finished triming wisteria, trumpet & ramblers and am I tired & half sick, my back & feet hurt me so, bowels didn’t move yesterday & they moved 3 times today, Elbert brought ice cream & it gives me such a lift. quite warm today strong South wind. rained this morning but sun came out for a while partly cloudy this after noon I took care of hens & birds & got supper Elbert brought cat fish. 5 eggs today

Thurs.May.6.1943./ Elbert went to work and I soaked my feet and trimed them up a bit didn’t do much today am still tired. mended Elberts union suit & darned two prs. socks  cooked supper & now everythings ready for morning, its been to hot today and a strong South wind and it all died out tonight. got 5 eggs today.  I had a queer dream that ma drove in with a horse & bugy & said she’d just come from home, that pa and Gertie were both sick and Evelyn was trying to take care of them  & had

Thurs.May.6.1943./=353=/ her to stop and see if we would come & take care of them, and that we should let on we didn’t know they were sick, she said she was going to Chicago and on to see some of Uncle Portiers children, it would take her about a month then she’d be back again & I ask her to stop here & she said she would and if I wasn’t here to come over to pa’s & she said O.K.  I said  it’s a long drive to Chi. & she said she’d rest every night & she knew her way & would be all right & for us to go “Elbert & I” and look after pa & Gertie.  We said we would & she turn around & drove a way & waved her hand & smiled goodby  When I see her drive in I said to Elbert here a horse & bugy driving in, wonder who it is a woman driving  Elbert seemed so shocked I went to see and it was ma & she drove most to the car shed & I said I couldn’t figure who it was & she said  I can drive a horse but not a car & we can’t drive cars much any more and I said thats’ right, Come in & have a lunch & cup of tea & she said not this time thanks  I came to tell you Evelyn wanted me to see if you’d come home & take care of pa & Gertie.  The horse was a redish color & white & tail & mane was a deep cream color.  When ma was gone, We looked after everything her and then got in the car & went home  pa was having a time, he wanted to turn over & couldn’t move  Evely was glad to see us she didn’t know how to take care of him, well he had to scold us while we got him turned over, he had fell and as he did his knee had hit Gertie & knocked a kidney loose  I found out after Elbert & I took

Thurs.May.6.1943./=354=/ her to the hospital they fixed her up & we took her home again  she had to stay in bed for a while, but I ‘ll never forget the smile Evelyn gave us when we walked in  We changed Doctors & pa & Gertie seemed a lot better next day  then I woke up. now I’m wondering what I’m going to hear from them for When I dream of ma I always hear from pa.  Elbert spaded a while tonight  haven’t planted anything yet. & I wanted to send some strawb erry plants to Mrs Kendall this week yet. 

Fri.May.7.1943./ Elbert went to work he’s so tired & stiff & lame, I hate to see him go, raining to.  Well I had to build a little fire it was so damp & chilly & I set bread & baked 3 white loaves & got supper, Elbert brought fish for supper & sausage for his lunch.  I cooked some rubbarb sauce its so fresh & full of juce.  I went out & raked the cutting of ramblers in a pile to burn after supper wrote a letter to Fllora today Elbert spaded a little while then went for the milk & I did up dishes & got everything ready for morning and am I tired  got 5 eggs today.  

Sat.May.8.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain & it rained so hard he came back home  I was still in bed at 8-a-m. I got up & let him in & went back & slept or tried to untill 10 then got up & dressed had a light lunch & dressed & went to San -dusky with Elbert he had some things he wanted to get done & I had him get some roofing paper, 10 rolls $16.59cents.  We didn’t get the roofing paint and thats going to cost about as much or a little more & some how he seems so important.

Sat.May.8.1943/=355=/ with me every time I go in the car any place with him & some thing he said to me after supper, made me tell him so, but I was so sorry I did for he felt so hurt and I ask him to forgive me & he did, he’s good to me & does lots of nice things for me, but I’m not perfect either & I get so irritated over the fact that I’d like to do some things my self & some how, I don’t get the chance even after I get to town.  We got 5 eggs today & it has rained or drizzled most of the day & been so cold a fire really feels good.  Well we found out the coal for winter will cost $52.07 so we are going to get it now before the price goes up again. Well I got to get my bath. 

Sun.May.9.1943./ Well I got ready to go to Church but Elberts back was hurting him so bad I did -n’t go.  but wished I had.  After dinner we went down to the beach & got a little coarse sand for the birds & I picked up a few clam shells & some pretty stones, then came home did the dishes & listened to the news  We listened to the sermons all morning & noon and they ere good & so plain even a child ought to have understood them.  then we ate some broth & crackers for supper, we had chicken, creamed potatoes & biscuits & rubbarb sauce for dinner.  Wind is so cold & raw & the Lake rolling in on the beach, we didn’t stay long, well we get one nice day & several cold ones the ever green trees show how sudden the change has been.  We’re hoping to get in a few seeds this week.

Tue.May.11.1943./356/ Elbert’s back so bad he didn’t go to work & it’s raining yet & its sure wet ground is like a sponge full of water & uzes up every time you step on it.  Well, at 11.a-m. We packed up a few things and started for Elyria  Elbert wanted to try a Dr. he had heard about over there.  We stopped to see Grant Wyn & Virginia Wasin, Wyn’s daughter & Vir -ginia was sick they thought she had the intestinal flu. I talked a little with them & gave them a pt of strawberry jam & they told me Dr. Siffling’s wife had left him & he gave her all they had & he was at his mothers home sick in bed & Tom Forb’s died last week with heart trouble  Tom was Dr. S. father-in -law.  Well we went on & stopped at Ethel Bonney’s “brother Fred’s wife & talked with her & her mother I saw Laura Ann on her way to school, but didn’t talk to her.  I gave Ethel a qt of apricots a chrome tray & left a piece of goods for Loura Ann a dress, then we went into Elyria had a sanwich & cup of coffee & tea & then to the Dr for Elbert & then to Gates Hospital to see if Dr. Dickson was working there yet & I gave them a lot of tax stamps.  they can excvhange them for money.  Dr.D. don’t work there any more but has all he can do in Cleveland Clinx. Then we started back home & stopped to talk to Nellie for a few min -utes & all hers are well, then we stopped to see Martha & the Children, she was taking down her clothes she had washed & it had started to rain & Elbert helped her she gave us 2 qts of milk and most a cup of cream

Tue.May.11.1943/357/ and I gave her a piece dress a piece for each of the girls & im a piece for shirts.  she gave us a cup of tea & the children came & we talked a little then went on stopped at Rudy Mack & left one film, & then on to the Penny’s store got a corset & then over to Uncle Wills, he was sleepiing & Pearl, Lillie & Tessie were there, I gave them a qt of apricots & 2 doz eggs then after we had a little visit we went acrossed the St.Topa’s & Gerties, gave them 2 doz. egs & some peanut candy for pa & Cholate peanut clusters for Gertie then called on Evelyn & Red & the children & my but they are growing  Ruby Jean goes to school & was washing dishes when I was there & Arie is a big boy runing around & playing out doors.  talked 15 mi or so & then went back to pa’s got in the car with Elbert & we started for town  stopped & had a lunch at Mrs. Dean’s & then came on home & got here a few mi. before six oclock  had fried fish & biscuits rubarb sauce hot coffee for Elbert & am I tired, now he’s gone to bed at & I’m going.  Virginia siad her man had gone acrossed & was in India. she & her ma are like to scared little girls, I’m sorry for them. I did n’t see Audrey or Frank & Ruby but Gertie said Harvey had gone acrossed, but they didn’t know where he was. & Johny Harnish had taken an examination for N.S.Service & didn’t pass “was rejected’ Nellie didn’t say why

Mon.May.10.1943./358/ Elbert didn’t work and I was sick my bowels on a strike & I felt better in after noon & we [illegible ] & thick

Wed.May.12.1943./ Elbert didn’t work & we went out the Vermilion river road & got some wild forget me nots & some pink flowers, then we came back & sto -ped at the milk & got some  coal & lime & then to the store & got a few things & some cream then back home & ate cream & planted the flowers & did dishes & went to bed only got 4 eggs Tue. & 4 today. sun shone most of the day clourdy tonight N.east wind & cold. 

Thurs.May.13.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did out half the washing & took care of hens and birds and carried water my arm & writs are so sore they ach tonight  Gertie’s 55 yrs. old today.  Elbert went to Elyria & took a treatment after work & didn’t get home until almost 9-p-m.  Long day

Fri.May.14.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did his washing & 3 blankets, carried wather & am sure more tired tonight than I like to admit Wind was N.East all day & quiter brisk & the clothes dried good out side, sun shone clear most all day, been a wonderful day.  I took care of hens & birds, got 5 eggs today, there was a fuss in the coop yester -day, but I don’t know whether it was a cat or a crow.  I only got 1.egg. Elbert shot at a cat but there are plenty more & to many dogs  well I got supper with Elberts help and now have the dishes done & every thing ready for the morning.  Got a card from Audrey this morn

Fri.May.14.1943./359/ -ing she said a girl wanted to buy one of my incubators, well I only have one & am not going to sell it, I may want it my self to use. she also said Martha would like one.  this one is one of the best put out autimatic & cost $39.95)  I wouldn’t let Frank sell it, he had the nerve to sell mine  I bought & paid for before we were married & he sold the two big autamitics  they held 14 hundered eggs, the two of them, and one of mine held 150 the other 125 eggs & one brooder & he used the money but not wisely.  I have one brooder left.  We had a frost last night.  Well I’m going to bed, I want to sew tomorrow.

Sat.May.15.1943./ Elbert went to work & I tried all day to fix that corset over so I could wear it but didn’t get it & took it apart 3 times guess I’m getting dumb as I get older for I really ought to know how to fix it, Oh, well, maybe I’ll just wake up some day & get it done any way  I’ve got to find some thing I can wear to hold me so I wont slop over  all day and some how I just couldn’t get it.  I fed & took care of hens & fried a white fish for supper  it was so good & Elbert had a pt. of ice cream to so we ate it before I fried the fish  I had the potatoes & lettuce carrots & celery & onions chopped & mixed & put sweet pick vinegar on, so it didn’t take long to fry the fish the cream gives me pep to keep going.  Cloudy most of the day  Neast wind & the fire feels good.  They launched a big boat at the yard today.  Elbert said it went in nice only got 4 eggs today 5. yesterday.  I put a clean table cloth on

Sat.May.15.1943./=360=/  the table but didn’t get the floor wiped up and it is rather dirty  hope I can wipe it in the morning & the dust of the chairs. & I do hope to get to  It rained some today & again tonight, strong wind. 

Sun.May.16.1943./  Didn’t get to church it poured rain most of the morning then the wind blew so hard& strong so we didn’t go, it cleared up some this evening & I went with Elbert to Kilbrides to see about getting a hen to cook & we visited a little, she said because of the way (Unice) Mrs. Sifling) had acted & was acting  Mr. Forbs had two strokes that caused his death she said he was heart broken & so is Dr. Sifling she said Dr. had lost 37 lbs. & looked terrible.  Mrs Forbs is staying with her daughter & wishes she could go some where & rest that it isn’t home with out the Dr. there, but a big lonesome house & the daughter is all broke up to,  they have 3 girls ages 12-9 & 6  Its a queer world isn’t it.  We went over to get the milk  Elbert brought me home & went & got a qt. of ice cream  We ate it for supper & now everything is ready for his lunch & breakfast.  & I wrote a card to Audrey, Martha & Wyn. 

Mon.May.17.1943./  Elbert went to work today (crossed out today)  I married 23. yrs. ago today.  I washed the cupboard today & the stairs & 3. doors & all around the wash dish & wiped up the floor.  I planted my pussy willow & a yellow rose bush pulled a few weeds & had Elbert take a 

Mon.May.17.1943/ 361./  Yellow Chinese rose, an old fashion spice bush a trumpet vine a wis -teria vine & 2 wild cucumber vines to the woman where we got the milk.  he took a few nights ago, he went over to Kilbriders and got a hen to cook & he brought boiling meat, so he put hen in cook for a few days, it has rained most of the day, hard early when Elbert went to work but in light showers all day sun came out several times & once or twice while it was raining.  When you lift up a shovel of dirt hole fills with water  we sure are getting lots of rain for by & by the sun will be so hot the earth will be glad it stored up some water

Tue.May 18. 1943./  Elbert went to work & I tell you it sure was fogy & thick couldn’t see his light after he got on top of the hill, but he said it was -n’t so bad as he thought it would be & he got there safe, it wasn’t very nice in the yard after 7.a.m it rained in showeres all day & it’s fogy again tonight, milk white, fog horn has been going for several days & night now & going tonight.  I did odds & ends today & dress the hen & its all done nice & tender  Elbert is going to take some for his lunch tomorrow.  I did out a part of the washing dried it in the house the ground is full of water sink in right up to my ankles no use to plant Apple trees are loaded with blossems & are so sweet & just beautiful  wish we could transplant some small trees but its to wet when you lift a shovel of dirt it sounds like a horse pulling his foot out a mud hole.

Tue. May. 18. 1943/362/  got 4 eggs today.  & got everything ready for morning.  I praise the Lord. 

Wed.May.19.1943./  elbert went to work.  I set the bread then washed out balance of the washing had to carry the water & had to dry them in the house  showery all day & all last night.  heavy fog part of the time when fog lifted it would rain.  took care of hens & birds.  got 4 eggs.  We have a lot of pretty birds the yr. out side some little yellow birds like gold & a red bird with black wings Cardnels, with the top knots & Oreoles orange body’s & dark wings  they are beautiful & the male pheasent & his pretty grayish yellow hen & quail & fox squirrels  blue birds & wild canarys chick a dee’s & snow birds, ground sparrows & thrush cat & cottony birds red headed wood peckers & sap suckers & an other pretty little bird that pecks on the trees & a little bird that resembles a blue bird meadow lark & bob a links  high holder huming birds starlings black & red wing black birds & there is a lot of music in my back yard every morning & there are sparrows the English bull dog’s, Robbins and Whipper Wills  kill dears & snips hawks, owls, buzzards & hen hawks & Eagals.  Cranes & lake Gulls, both large & small & Cow birds.  I like to watch them & some are good & some are so bad, the little sparrow hawk is a terrier & we have a hawk that came here a stranger & alone he was like or is like the one they told about in Cleveland. he lives over by the rail road track’s & I believe he took a crow for a mate

Wed.May.19.1943/363/  Gyrfalcon a bird that travels from Africa to California & back this one seemed to have got lost it was behind from the others  he caught a beautiful dove with a band on it’s leg, that was resting on my house roof, & took it down in the willows & age it  I looked for the band but couldn’t find it, he’s a savage, independent looking bird.  Well I have wanted to go to prayer meeting for a long time & so after supper I washed & dressed & Elbert took me to Buehla Beach, but I didn’t find any one but a man I’d talked to once before & he didn’t seem to know much.  We came back & got the milk then went to Huron to see when Elbert could get into the ration board  got some cream & came home ate the cream, it was black out night so I fix Elberts lunch & went to bed.  the gas went out & I had to shift the bread half baked to the roaster to finish baking, but it didn’t hurt it, the white bread did settle just a loittle, but the rush biscuits were swell.  I thank God for my many blessings.

Thurs.May.20.1943./ Elbert went to work & I darned socks & stockings, took care of hens & birds & tried to drain the water out the basement its runing like a river from the south to the North down the drain, it sprinkled several times today but it’s sure RAINING to -night  wind still North east & damp& cool.  I have a fire to keep the house damp child out. & its quite comfortable Elbert has bought 3 bags of coal  looks as if we’ll have to keep a fire for some time yet.  Well I have to look after Elberts lunch & get to bed. received card from Virginia today, she said she got back to work May.17. and that they sure enjoyed the strawbery jam. & she ask me to come again  she didn’t say to bring some more but I’ll try to stop when I can get that way. 

Fri.May.21.1943./  Elbert went to work and it’s a dark gloomy day, but I managed to patch 3 of my sirts under the arms and one I put a new binding around arm holes & neck, quite a job but now it’s done & tomorrow I’ll have to sweep the bedrooms & this one & wipe up the floors & dust & thats another job for me of late thats hard to do.  I took care of hens & birds & dove & I just enjoy the wild birds  they are so prety, sun came out at 5-p-m. & shone un -till late  I thank the Lord so much for it  N east wind yesterday then just before nooon went N West & it’s so terrible cold  I’ve had a good fire all day & we keep just enought all night to keep the chills out, Elbert has, taken a cold & his back & kidney’s are paining him tonight, I rubbed his back good with Aleohe hope he feels better in the morning.  We have a big yellow moon tonight & seems as if we might get a frost it’s so clear & cold.  Elbert brought ice cream & it was sure good & a nice white fish for supper and that was good to.  he has used up all the meat points to & we have two days More lunch yet don’t know what he will do about it.  had to fry fish with out flour

Sat.May.21.1943./365/  We received two cards in the mail to day to fill out for stamp book No. 3. ‘thats the ration books.’ we only have to use one. for both of us now. I got 5eggs today. & getting to many on hand again.

Sat.May 22. 1943. / Elbert went to work and so did I, put all the bedding out on the line & then swept both bedrooms and kitchen then scrub -bed all the floors.  took care of hen & birds & dove & got supper Elbert brought white fish & cream  I do like that cream for I don’t eat much & it gives me something to get supper on.  I took the rugs out & cleaned them to & was SO tired, but I got supper & did not wash the dishes  Elbert brought a hen & after supper he scalded it & picked it and had it ready to cut up, he had to go for the milk so I told him I’d cut it up, I did & the liver had a big yellow growth in it & smelled queer & I didn’t want it nor neither  did he, so he took it back to Mrs Kilbride’s  she wasn’t home so her girl said to leave it, well, he tried to get an -other one some where but could find one so he bought another white fish & it tasted as good as the one before We

Sun.May.23.1943/ ate it today Sun, I made & apricot pie, they are so good & I’ve wanted a pie for so long.  Well I have everything done and ready for the morning. & now I’m going to bed Sat was a wonderful day bright sun and quite warm. but the wind went clear around

Sun.May.23.1943./366/ twice and was back S.W. this morning & went N.E. before dark and dried out Cloudy all day sun peeping through once or twice. so cool we had a fire and still have a little.  Didn’t get to Church. 

Mon.May.24. 1943.  Elbert DID NOT work his back is so sore & stiff & lame today, he went to the bank in Lorain & then went & got him some new work shoes  we bought some groceries & got the films that I left at Rudy Mocks & bought a new fil. & mailed a box of Lillie’s of the Valley to Miss Mc.Govern & a box of Flora with a tame butter cup root & flowers, a tame pussy willow & big bunch of Lillies of the Valley cost 22cents to mail them out.  I went to Lorain with him  We went into Penney’s Store but I couldn’t get him to buy his under wear he needs.  he bought a white fish for supper & got boiling piece for tomorrow & to night he got 2 qts of milk and went to Kilbrides a got another hen. she said she burned the other one up & was so sorry it hadn’t been good, & I’m hoping this one is good.  I stopped & gave Virginia a bunch of Lillies of the Valley & she seemed real pleased with them, she was all excited  her ma had just phoned & said she had a letter from “Irwin Wasin” her husband & he was in the hospital said he had some teeth that were quite bad but she said they had been O.K. before he left & so she couldn’t understand.  He didn’t want her to worry & she felt he hadn’t told her all  I hope he’s all right.  We just have to Pray & trust

Mon.May.24.1943./367./ for these wars are surely our last wars. now the desolations have be -gun & soon our Lord will be coming.  Oh God be With the thousands that are in that great Valey of decisision & call loud to them & help them to hear & come to Thee.  There seem to be so many Who don’t un- -derstand, We are all far short from being perfect help us Oh. God of Love & Mercy.  I thank Thee for my many blessing of today Dear Lord.  Cannarys were glad when I came back today  We left 10 after 12-noon & got back 15 to 6 pm  rained hard this morning & light misty  showers through the day  wind blowing hard tonight 11-30.p.m.

Tue.May 25.1943./ Rained this morning, was cloudy all day, sun came out and shone quite a lot all after noon  although there were lots of clouds…I fixed up my order for Lane Bryant 6.11 for my corset & Brassiere & sent a letter to Iowa 8.25 for baby chicks & we went to Vermilion & mailed them & the card for ration book N.3. out We only got one picture from the film  I had developed & that is so clear I can’t see why the rest wasn’t good. Well I don’t supose I’ll get any from the colored film.  Elbert bought a film I paid for it for me & he left the other films & picture there & we got it today. We drove to Amherst & back, I stopped at the place wehre they use to sell Canarys & that woman said a Mrs Platts in a white house trimed in blue, who lives second road west of Crystal Beach sells canarys all kinds & good ones.  I didn’t get to see her today  We got some cream & came home.

Wed.May.26.1943/368./ Well Elbert has felt real bad today, he went to Huron to see if he could get some fish  didn’t get any & felt worse this afternoon. Well I baked 3 loaves of bread & a pudding pan full of rice custard & it’s all gone but one oat meal dish full.  I cooked a cup of butter lima beans & they are all gone but 1/ a cupful. & thats all there is left for breakfast.  I stitched a piece of facing on the bottom of Miss Mc.Govern’s dress & stitched shirt on waist, sponged & pressed it & the silk rayon slip & put them in a box rapped & tied them & got it addressed & ready to send out tomorrow. now I have everything don & ready for bed 5 eggs yes  -terday & 2 today.  cloudy but sun dove shone all day through the clouds. I took care hens birds & cool breeze.  

Thurs.May.27.1943./ [369 crossed out]  Elbert went back to the Dr. to Elyria, so he took me & let me out at Martha’s, she has taken a cold & her back was paining her bad, Elbert didn’t get back untill supper was ready, so we ate and Merlin came just before Elbert & Audrey came just as we were sitting down, we all talked, a little & I gave Martha a can of apricots, Nellie took both cans so Martha said, I had taken a can for Wyn & Virginia & one to give to Georgia, but I gave it to Mr. & she gave us a piece of bacon home made & a qt of milk  I gave her 3 doz eggs. She has we mailed Miss McGovern’s dress & slip today(23cents it cost.  

Thurs.May.27. 1943./ 369/  made up the goods  I gave her for the children & into pretty dress -es hasn’t got Jim’s done yet. Wyn fell down in Elyria on the main St. & hurt her back & her ankle. they were getting ready to go to the Dr.  I gave them the can of apricots  they seemed pleased with them.  We came on toward home by way of Amherst & Brown Helm farmers & her slip are getting there land ready for gardens. We mailed Miss McGovern’s dress to her today.  working fast now the dirt is getting dry again.  We stopped in Vermilion got a Lake Huron trout and some ice cream & ate it & bread & milk & hot coffee for a lunch  now I have every thing ready for morning & Elbert’s in bed his hip & leg hurt him yet.  I pray it will feel better in the morning & thank God for our Blessings 

Fri.May 28.1943./  Elbert has felt real miser -able untill tonight  Praise the Lord, he said his hips felt better.  I did most of the wash -ing & dried it out  doors  got table cloths & my two dresses to do tomorrow  It’s been a beautiful day partly cloudy hot sun N. east breeze.  I’m so tired  tired, but thank the Lord he gave me strength to get so much done.  Elbert got dinner & I got the supper & now I have every thing ready for morning. 7 eggs.  

Sat.May 29.1943./  Well I scrubbed the toilet after Elbert nailed in some of the pieces & then ironed my old dress & washed the other 2 -had to dry them indoors  cool N.East wind- cloudy most of the day & raining tonight. 3 eggs today  Elbert cleaned a hen & put it on to cook.

Sun.May.30.1943./370./  We were home all day except when Elb ert went to Vermilion for fish & after the milk.  I didn’t go.  We had & Electric storm last night & then it poured rain. cloudy all day with sun coming through between the clouds, then this evening  We got a little wind & another down pour of water so thick it looked like a white sheet water ran down the road like a river.  Elbert has a sore throat tonight & has been gargurling to check it.  Yesterday I ask Elbert to saw off some of the limbs of the spice (or old fashion cur -rent bush & he let a limb he was pulling on , go & it hit my hand & wrist so hard, it made me feel week, it was such a shock to my nerves.  I couldnt’s speak for a minute & when I get my wind I had to cry.  I looked up at him & he was smiling & he said it was all your falt, it took alnight for my nerves to settle & I’m still feeling it in my stomach & bowels today & tonight, the mark stayed until today & it’s sore & pained up my arm all night  I didn’t sleep untill day light this morn ing & then got up at 9-30-a-m.  Audrey & M. & the children planned on coming “Mon.” tomorrow & E. got two fish a white fish & a Lake Huron trout for dinner tomorrow.  I doubt if they come. it rained so much to night everything will be wet.  before it rained it looked like twister went over the house turning round & round went toward Elyria hope it wont do any harm  still thundering & lighting & Ruggles Dance hall is sure going tonight.  only 3 eggs today.

Mon.May.31.1943./ 371./  It rained in heavy showers all night & most of today.  The girls didn’t come today.  we had plenty of fish;  Well E. mowed the grass in back yard & half of the front yard.  I did a little.  Elbert raked it ^the grass up & put it in the park.  grownd is so terrible wet it’s like a sponge full of water and if you step in a mole hole you go down more than ankle deep in the mud.  Bert Ward plowed part of the ground acrossed the road & it is full of water & the water in the hollow clear over the road & Elbert said part of the road was washed out down by Sarrs. & tonight the wind clouds were terrible & just flying & low & black from the S. west.  Elbert got wet & had to dry his clothes & his throat is still sore.  only 2 eggs today. (139) this was from 7. hens.  Don’t look very good for gardening.

Tue.June 1.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain got his money & went to Elyria to the Dr. & did some shopping in Lorain for himself, said Dr. said they had a cloud burst in Elyria & the water was 6 ft. deep in the streets in some places & it looked as if they would get some more tonight.  I did my washing today & dried it out doors all but E’s heavy underwear, he raked up some of the grass he cut yesterday, after supper tonight.  I took care of hens & birds & now everythings ready for morning once again  got my new corset & brassere from Lane Bryant yesterday and haven’t tried it on yet.  I’ve little to sew & clean ceiling & wash a couple of the blankets tomorrow, but can’t do it at the 

Wed.June.2.1943 / 372./  Elbert went to work but did not work  I wrote a card to Miss Mc.Govern & one to Flora Glover & Elbert will mail them this morning. but he did not he forgot them  I cut a little more grass with the Cythe tonight & Elbert mended the old seat that we have under the apple tree, it has turned hot & it’s hard to work

Thurs.June.3.1943./ Elbert went to work & I washed all the dirty pieces & 4 blankets of which 1 was wool  got 6 more to do.  I had to carry water  I took care of hens & birds, got supper & now everything’s ready for morning.  Well Martha is 31. yrs. old today.  Oh me; 

Fri.June.4.1934./ Elbert went to work but I wasn’t able to do any work all day, got the meals & done dishes & took care of hens & birds, got 3 eggs Thurs. & 4 today, Elbert had a pt. of cream apiece when he came & Oh boy it’s a life saver for me, it’s been a real hot day, partly cloudy but a good breeze that helped a lot for those working hard  I Praise the Lord for his mercy’s, & that we may be more worthy of all  He does for us  Elbert mailed my cards today. 4 eggs today. 

Sat.June.5.1943./ Elbert went to work and I washed the table cloth & the piece under it & 5 eggs today & then I had 3 table clothes & the piece to iron and 2 house dresses, I swept & took care of hens & birds & cooked the hot meals & did the dishes.

Sun.June.6.1943./ Didn’t go any where today myself  Elbert went to Vermilion & got fish so he could have meat for his lunch tomorrow.  only 1 egg today.  rained today. 

Mon.June.7.1943./ 373/ Elbert went to work I cleaned the birds cages & shelf & corner & then swept the bedrooms & kitchen & washed the dishes took care of hens & got the mail had a letter from Miss Mc.Govern today.  & got another lesson from Detroit.  I took the Cythe & cut some grass & I picked asparagras there was for supper & it was so tender & tasted good  cold N.E. wind that make you shiver.  We had lamb chops & potatoes & biscuits & hot coffee. today 5 eggs  rained this morning but cleared at 9-30, & sun came out^ at intervals but was cloudy all day.  Yellow China roses are in bloom & so sweet. I write to Miss Mc.Govern so Elbert can mail it in morning.  Elbert brought cream tonight & it does me so much good. 

Tue.June.8. 1943./  Elbert went to work and to -day the Ship yard gave him a blank to get filled out, he’s going to have to share his car with who’s ever wants to ride with him. I don’t know yet it they have to help pay for gas & expenses or not or what about it if he should have and accident.  he hasn’t got his car insurance yet, he went down to Jiginson’s garage to get them to sign for him but they were gone, I went with him, We looked at a new house with a basement right near the garage just off the main high way, about a block brand new & all finished but didn’t see the owners they were gone.  then we stopped at Plat’s to see about canarys, no luck, they are nice apearing folk & very sociabl & ask us to come again.

tue.June.8.1943/374/ some evening so we could visit.  then, we came back got a pt. of cream in Vermilion & some picture post cards & came home.  it sprinkle all the time we were got & rained after we got back & is still at it slow drizzle.  I built a fire the house was so damp & chilly.  the we ate cream & I fried a white fish so Elbert would have some for his lunch tomorrow  Everything’s ready for morning, Wind N.E. & cold. 5 eggs today  I took care of hens & birds & darned socks today.  sun shone nice & hot today but clothes didn’t dry so Mrs. Plato said.  I haven’t done my washing yet  I’d hate to have to leave my home again but we never know. 

Wed.June.9.1943./  Elbert went to work & I did out part of the washing had to carry the water, took care of hens & bifrds got 4 eggs rained part the morning then cleared off sun was HOT I raked up the grass  I cut & pilled it. Wind N.E. & to cold. 

Thurs.June.10.1943./  Elbert went to work  I got a letter from Miss McGovern with 10.00 in it yesterday & another to day telling me to take out what was due me, and I could use it all & she’d take something by & by but I wont use it.  I don’t do things that way.  I gut a little grass today & piled it Elbert brought cream & we ate it. & had hot coffee lately, we had a baked potatoe hot biscuits & fish now every things ready for morn. Wind S.West & HOT today.  4 eggs.  I took care of hens & birds. 

Fri.June.11.1943./ =375=/  Elbert went to work  I did out rest of washing took care of hens & birds & did usual duties. my left hip has been giving me a lot of pain, took a cold in it  I believe for all my joints seem sore & pain, tonight just about time for Elbert to be in Vermilion I had a chill & saw him looking startled, he seemed to be O.K. but I didn’t see all his car plain.  When he got  here at quarter to six.p.m. his right fore fender & the uper part of the car looked like a wreck & he said a man backed into him a man that was the Sheriff of Norwalk & Who still lives in Norwalk Ohio, So now that’s the first hard bump Elbert’s car has had & those things hurt the value of a car, tonight Mr. ….L Berry in  -surance man is coming to see the car. he’s going to pay the repair bill. We ate some ice cream & had chicken & biscuits & gravy & to -matoes for supper only got 2 eggs. today cold N. E Jim [?}

Sat.June.12.1943./  Elbert went to work & I swept & done some cleaning took care of hens & birds, Elbert found 4 eggs in the park tonight so that makes 7 eggs for Fri. and today.  I fried a white fish, Lake Erie a a Lake Huron tonite for supper had potatoes & biscuits & tomatoes & hot coffee.  Elbert shut up hens after supper & we went to Huron to see what he could find out about the man that banged his car, he did learn there was such a man.  he mailed a letter to  Bible school Detroit Mich.  & one to Johny Harnish Jr. to thank him for his graduation announcement.

Sat.June.12.1943./376/  He hasn’t thanked me for the five dollars yet or given me one of his pictures.  I have a letter partly written to Miss Mc.Govern, got to hunt some Marigol seeds for her.  The Lord took the pains from my joints to -day Praise His Holy Name. to hot, lots to hot to-day.  Wind S west & strong.  Moon light tonight.  We went to the Preachers tonight & got a crock it don’t look like mine, to small.  We stopped to Mrs. Sharps  she acts queer  said she was staying home to keep the Kids from stealing her flowers glads & peonys, said they picked 28 glads yes-terday

Sun.June.13.1943./  We didn’t get to Church

Mon.June 14. 1943/ Elbert went to work & I did the washing carried the water took car of hens & birds & got supper, sure am to tired so was Elbert.  HOT day & an elictric storm tonight, it was real severe cool to sleep N.E.Wind, 4 eggs cleared off & is all moon light. 

Tue.June.15.1943./ Well I ironed my dress & mended it took me most all after noon  Elbert went to work, been HOT again today  wind south all day got ready to rain & wind went N.W. & it sure poured rain  then we had a rainbow. 4 eggs. 

Wed.June.16.1943./  Elbert went to work and it been a terrible hot day and he brought ice cream, its so good. and he he could not eat all his lunch, it was so hot.

June Wed.16. 1943./377/Ruby Bonney’s birthday   he was to hot he couldn’t eat much supper, but after supper he made a few holes & we planted dahlia bulbs got a few more to put in yet & my glads ground is so wet & soggy.  I put out most of my house plants today.  got one more to get out yet. We just got in and it began to rain  we had a bad elictric storm it rained in by the chimmney & I went to see if it was going to rain in the cloth press, I opened the door & held my hand up to see if I could feel the rain and a ball of lightening came so close to my hand I could feel the heat from it.  Elbert was in his room taking a bath & when it crack -ed he jumped so hard I thought he was hurt but he just got a shock  rain poured down run down the road like a river. it has stopped raining here but still lightining yet all around it got looked as if Lorain & Elyria might have got it hard also.  received another letter from Miss Mc.Govern today wanting me to ans.  her gudge before she sends it in. ha ha.  3 eggs^ today  think one hen laid in^ the park today

Thurs.June.17.1943./ Elbert went to work- I received a letter from Miss Baumgart today said she hadn’t heard from Fessie & wondered her fathe, was able to make garden & Mrs Crange had 2 slight heart atacks since she had the first hard 

Thurs.June.17.1943/378/ one.  I forgot to do my writing Thurs. night and so today is Fri. (but Elbert worked and I did to put all the bedding out & aired it & did out a fare sized washing took care of hens & birds & house work & was so tired I forgot I hadn’t did my writing untill I was going to bed, so left.4.eggs. & a nice day. 

Fri.June 18. 1943./ Elbert has gone to work & I”m so tired I don’t know how much I got done today  I received Miss Baumgarts letter today instead of yesterday, she said Mrs. Cranage had lost all her violet plants and wants to know  If I have one she can have.  Ive put all my plants out doors ex -cept the Christmas catas & the violets & 3 others but will get them out pretty soon, “I hope.” the wind was sounth yesterday, thought it would be raining before 5-p-m. but it didn’t. heavy due last night & S.W. breeze today partly cloudy & a hot sun. Kate Morgan came in at noon & had soup & a cup of tea with me, she had walked from her home 1/4mile to Ceylon Junction & from there to Ruggles Grove another mile then back to our road & up to my house then to Snyders another 1/4 mile & then up the track home another mile, she said she was 65 yrs old & Mrs ^Anna Snyder her sister was 13 yrs older than she was, she says she’s trying to live for Jesus and I pray God will help her.  I wrote a letter to Miss Baumgart, finished it this morning.  washed my dress & Elberts slippers, he sweats untill they are WET every night.  We put a few more dahlais and, now I have everything for morning once again. & Elbert brought cream tonight, it does me lots of good.  Im so thankful for it.

Sat.June.19.1943./377/  Elbert has gone to work & I have finished letter to Miss Baum -gart & took care of hens & birds & now have cleaned the house up & got everything ready for supper quite warm

Sun.June 20.1943./ Well, I wanted to go to Lorain to Church this morning & take our dinner & go up home & eat with Pa & Gertie but Elbert didn’t want to so he didn’t bring anything to cook for Sun. dinner at 12-30- he wanted me to go to a restrant for dinner but I fried some potatoes cook some string beans & made gravy & then we dressed & went to Amherst to the 4 Square Tabernacle to church, we got a pt of cream cut it in half & each had a part to eat before church & Elbert went back over on the other street after I went into church & I think he had something to eat. he said we eat up town but the cream had to do for me, on the way home at Verm -ilion I had him get another pt. to eat when we got home but, he wouldn’t eat any  we had a good meeting, I was glad I went  It done me lots of good evern if E. did scold & fret because it was ten oclock when we ^ starting for home. 

Mon.June.21.1943./  Elbert went to work.  Johny Harnish is 18. yrs. old today.  I mended my old house dress today took care of hens & birds & cooked & washed dishes  now everything ready for Morn.

Thurs.June.22.1943/ 380./ Elbert went to work and I mended my old dress & did out my own washing with hand soap & we went down to Vermilion to Mrs West’s home & had prayer meeting it was a good Spiritual meeting  they anointed and pray for a sick woman  am going to Amherst Sun. if I can make it  got 4 eggs today  It’s been terrible HOT today.

Wed.June.23.1943./ Elbert went to work & I finished the seat part of te big chair cover & partly fix my light dress had to make the belt larger & sewed the pocket on it  got one side of belt done.  only 2 eggs  I think they laid in the park. wind N  little east & cool.  sun HOT but wind quite strong^ good day to work. 

Thurs.June.24.1943./ Elbert’s head is paining him I’m afraid he got to hot, it’s been to hot for several days & last night it was quite cool  Wind N.E. yesterday & cool to cool to stand in the shade in it, but still the sun felt as if it burnt if you were where it shone directly on you.  there are a few strawberries but we can’t eat them to much acide  Received nice letter from Bon -ney Bell today, she said her mother was -n’t very well, her dad was working nights Johny was work at carpenter work in Lorain  Ella Jane was home but had now gone to ^New Mexico to study Spanish & that Bonnita was well & the babys, but she didn’t mention Geo. and said she was so busy that time just flew. but that she would be done in Cleveland July 31 1943 & was coming to Elyria

Thurs.June.24.1943/381/ for another year before she would graduate.  Well I haven’t done much today, darned Elberts socks & cooked & did dishes & took care of hens & birds one bird has 3 eggs. got 4 hen eggs^today  N.E. Wind this morning & most of the after noon dying out at supper time but still a LIGHT n.E. breeze at 8-30-p-m. & its to warm.  Elbert’s gone to bed.  We went to Ver -milion & got a fish & lettuce tomatoes & Cherrie oats & a loaf of bread & stopped for milk  Elbert got a pint of cream in Vermilion to. 

Fri.June.25 1943/  Elbert felt to bad to work.  his head is still feeling terrible.  I did the washing & a good sized one, and boy oh boy it’s been so hot  I aired all the bedding to & took care of hens & birds and am so tired, to hot to sleep. 

Sat. June.26.1943./  I swept both bedrooms & the kitchen & wiped up the floors & cooked the meals took care of hens & birds & it’s lots to hot to work I washed all the flower pots & put them down stairs & planted a few small glad bulbs & my lillie & cut a few weeds & ironed my old dress & my slips & the silk rayon square^my Frank^Babcock gave me & went to bed. Elbert looks sick he went to Huron got some fish & some liver & bacon we had the later  for supper & fried potatoes & to-^matoes.

Sun.June.27.1943./ Well I didn’t get to Church today or tonight Elbert don’t feel to good yet & tonight it came up a wind storm

Sun.June.27.1943./ 382./  but didn’t do any harm here, still thunderiing & lighting breeze is getting ^cooler

Mon.June.28.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did the washing got it all dry except bands in my dresses & took them in & it blew a gale then we got a couple nice showers.  I saw it coming & got windows & doors shut in coop & house, began to blow at 2-30 & was all done raining before Elbert got home he said they had Electrical storm.

Fri.June.29.1943./  Elbert went to work  Colder this a.m. I started fire & burned up rubbish warmer at noon in house but wind is COLD N.W. shut up W. side of house & it was O.K. with out fire getting colder toward night  Elbert came he brought some food & fish, but I had soup made so we ate the cream he brought & then he cleaned fish while I got dressed for prayer meeting and just as we were ready to eat soup, Mrs. Hahn & daughter (Martha, 11.yrs. old) came in for some greese I had been saving (6 lbs of it. she said it was worth 4cents well Elbert ate & after they had gone I ate a little then we went to prayer meeting at Mr & Mrs. Wests^home in Vermilion there was a goodly number of people there (about 25 or 30)  We had a wonderful prayer meeting  you can feel the Power of the Lord when they begin to pray.  Mrs West instroduced me to each one there.  all clean fresh Godly people with a light of His shining on there faces.  Praise the Lord.  it’s good to be among them.  Let the Words of my mouth & medita -ions of my heart be exceptable in 
Thy sight Oh my Lord, my strength & my Redeamer.

Wed.June.30.1943/ 383/ Elbert went to work.  I wiped up the floor & swept it first I mended one heavy union suit of Elbert’s & put it away & darned some socks & ironed my dress & his^good shirt.  took care of hens & birds & cooked & washed dishes.

Thurs.July.1. 1943./ Elbert went to work  the insurance man came & gave him 89 dollars for the damage on his car.  Me well I did my usual round & mended my night dress & tried the lawn mower & got a blister size of a quarter, well I got supper done the dishes got everything ready for the morning.  Last night we went to Huron to talk to the police about a letter that came to me, they were coming to the house last night but did not come, so Elbert put the letter in Vermilion mail box this morning that was where it from, and was for Robert Babcock it was, an open envelope with a C.i.O. card in it steel workers card well this morning it was back in my box, I left it there the Sherrif came at noon talked some about it & took it away with him  Sun. night gangbusters were asking for everyone to keep a look out for Robert Babcock  had a heart & Alice tatooed on one arm.  Well I’m going to bed. I dog tired & ought to do out the washing tomorrow.  

Fri.July.2.1943./384/ Well I did out quite a washing.(Elbert went to work.) & I was sore & lame from trying to use the lawn mower, the bliester is healing just fine a little sore to touch it.  only got 2 eggs, but the others cackled and I don’t know where the eggs go to.  Well I got supper did the dishes & have everything ready for the morning.  Oh but I’m ^tired

Sat.July.3.1943./ Elbert has gone to Work.  We have been having a cool week N.W. & N.E. wind  Sun shines & is hot but so cold at night or Sun shines & is hot but so cold at night or toward morning.  My stomach & bowels are so sore & tired they ACH.  Received Johny’s picture this morning, he’s a fine looking boy and I do hope he’ll live for his Saviour & be a truly Chris -tian man, for We owe our lives to Jesus, He died for each one of us, And are we living as He would live?  Are we showing Him every day & night, how much we really & truly appreciate all the hardships, He was beaten spit on, slapped bruised and nailed to the Cross, (for us.) Would we willingly do so much for Him?  Would We?  It takes a LOT of courage & faith to be a true Soldier of the Cross.  It is TERRIBLE & HORRIFING TO SEE HOW WEAK, so MANY are, they like the Devil’s happy go lucky ways they don’t have to be bothered thinking of the right way or Who’s lives they have helped to smire untill the Devil meets them on there death bed. & torments them by showing them all

Sat.July.3.1943./385/  the terrible, degrading things they have done, and making them cry out and want to strangle the Devil, and ask those with them to tell others before it’s to late to change there ways & turn to God, for Hell is a terrible place & they don’t want to go there.  Why wont some people listen & think before it is to late.  Well I washed the chair back cover a pr. of blankets and what few clothes there was & Elberts old worn out sweater  its wool  I can use some parts of it.  I’ve took care of hens & birds & swept & got everything ready for supper and am to tired  I want to wipe up the floor yet & dust the chairs & change table cloth.  Wind went South & begins to look like rain at 5-30-p-m. Well it didn’t rain before we ^went to bedc.

Sun.July.4 1943./ Well I had to get up a littel after 2-a-m. & rub cramps out of Elbert’s leg.  Well, after I got back to bed & dropped off into a drowse, it began to rain  poured all morning so we rested & went to Amherst to Church tonight  had a wonderful meeting, full of Power  I like it there & the women are so friendly most of them are saved (God’s People)  and I feel good to be with them.  We had a sandwich after church & got some cream in Vermilionn on way home.  Oh Praised God I feel better than I have done in a long time. I do hope I can continue with them and that nothing will spoil God’s good work.  There, rained hard during the meeting but was fine coming home.

Mon.July 5. 1943/ 386/  Elbert went to work.  I wrote a card to Martha & once to Flora & a letter to Johny to thank him for his photo & one to Mr Miller for a renewal relief card.  I do wish I could get something to do to earn enough to pay off what we did owe & have enough to keep me going.  I got Elberts pants partly done today  black thread is hard for me to see & it took me so long to try & try again & again to thread the ma-chine needle. have to sew on buttons and work button holes over.  got two prs of pants to wash but my stomach is so tired yet I’ll have to rest it a little yet. stomach been to tired to eat today, but ate my supper & it hasn’t hurt me. We went up to Huron after supper  got a peice of boiling meat & some butter, went to see Mrs. Sharp  she’s so changed. Does-n’t seem like the same person and I’m so sorry.  Mrs. Moore told them Mrs sharp’s daughter in law & son to save there baby play things for her she’d be wanting them by & by & then she told them a short time ago not to bother, it was only a big buble she has and it was gone now.  Mrs. Sharp said every one had been pray-ing for her & now she’s trying to start on other church in Akron.  such a world  well I’m happy once more and hope I can stay that way for I love the Lord. 

Mon.July.5.1943/387/  Elbert brought cream to night It was good & I felt better after I ate it, he got me some post cards pictures of Huron showing light house & are freighter leaving the harbor & the Lemoyne  said to be largest freighter on the great lakes loading coal at Huron & one of the passenger steamer Put-in-Bay plying between Ceadar Point & Put-in-Bay & Sandusky Ohio. & one of Perrys Victory and International Peace Memorial at Put-in-Bay and one of Bathing beach & pier at Road Side Park at Huron Ohio on Lake Erie. one of Marble Head light house over 100 yrs. old.  I’d like an album of all the pictures around this part of the lake & use to think someday I would have one but never could seem to do  these things for myself.  Ive stopped to talk to Mrs Duglas for a few min they are well as usual.  Then we went where Elbert gets the milk & I had a little visit with Mrs. Mathison about chickens  she seems like a friendly person but rough talking. We came back & I did dishes& boiled the meat with onion & carrots & have every thing ready for morning once more. 

Tue.July.6.1943/ Elbert went to work & I did half the washing, took the syth & cut some grass took lawn mower & cut some, took care of hens & birds & finished putting buttons on his pants  then I took a bath & dressed for prayer meeting.

Tue.July 6.1943./349/  then got supper.  Mon. it was so terrible hot & this morning the wind went North east & turned cold I sweat in the house working, but felt as if I’d been ducted in ice water after hanging the clothes on the line & the air was like blue smoke, wind strong cracked the roses from there stems, we went to Vermilion to Mrs. West’s home for pray meeting  the Preach-er from Amherst was there we had a real good service, then came back home I wore my coat & hat it was so cold.  

Wed.July.7.1943/  Well I didn’t do much today. Elbert went to work.  I slept until 9-30. then was ready to wash out Elbert’s clothes when it began to rain so I waited a little & it raind harder so I set my bread enough for one loaf & it thundered & lightened & the wind sure blew & rain just poured down  water was knee deep in the hollow & Hellen Sarr waded through & went to Snyders, then Henry Daniel’s thats young Helens man drove to Snyders & got her he just crawled through the water it was so high on the car.  Elbert said they only had one good shower in Lorain but it was at it from 11-a.m. until after he got home cleared up a little & stopped raining at 8 p-m. water is almost gone off the road & Elbert has cut some grass & fixed coal bin for the coal, its quite cool out & so wet. 

Wed.July 7.1943’388/ *note she mis wrote what would have been 348*  I got supper fried fish had cold slaw tomatoes & onion p0-tatoes & a carrot bread & coffee & now I have everything ready for morning. baked a nice big loaf of bread.  

Thurs.July.8.1943./  Elbert went to work  I went out and took care of hens & then took the cyth and cut weeds & grass for 5 hrs. boys but I was tired then I came in & had a cup of tea & slice of bread & butter & a to-mato, then I tore a couple of blanket sheets into & sewed outside edges together then I hemed outside edges & I put a piece of goods across one end of my woolen blanket after I had cut in across the bottom  I’m making two singles out of the double one. then I put it away for Elbert had come & we ate cream& I dressed & went to Huron with him for meat& fish & he stopped & got 2 hens from Mr. Aldridge  he rents cabins during the summer. then we came home & I cooked potatoes & fried the fish & we had supper.  I washed the dishes & boiled the meat & we’re ready for morn.

Fri.July.9.1943/  Elbert went to work he left his car to have it repaired Wed & so had to walk to highway this morning to meet & ride to the shipyaard with a man that comes from Clyde Ohio.  Well I did out a good sized washing had to carry the water to & I raked & picked 3 big piles of grass & weeds then washed the dishes while Elbert walked a mile East on highway to get

Fri July.9.1943/389/ the milk & come back 2 mi. walk.  I got an letter(crossed out) announ-cement today of Henry & Helen Daniels’s baby. will have to send her something  Well I got everything ready for morning.  

Sat.July.10.1943/ Elbert walk to highway to ride with the man from Clyde & I washed out my dress & table cloth & swept the bed rooms & kitchen & ironed 3 dresses & a skirt & table cloth.  then made biscuits for sup-per & it thundered & lightinye terrible & poured down rain. 10-30-p-m & still raining.  When Elbert came he had his car & fish for supper fried potatoes & tomatoes & coffee.  got a letter from Martha she said her ma had been in bed for a mo.  with the flu, but was about again & that she & mother Jim Jean Joan and herself would be here for dinner tomor-row. 

Sun.July.11.1943.’  Well Audrey, Martha & her three children came to dinner & spent the after noon we had chicken dinner  Martha got another yellow rose bush & some cuttings of white cedar tamrix mock orange & some dahlias bulbs with sprouts 1 1/2 ft tall on them.  Well it got at it and rained so hard just after they left, but cleared up a little about the time for us to start for church so we went & oh God does sent His Power & bless & comfort we had such a good service & after that the minister

pg 390/ anointed handker-chiefs & prayed for those who had sent them in that God would heal their bodies, one woman has a 40 lb. tumor, I felt so blessed to be able to pray with them & trust they will each be healed in Jesus Name. Amen.  Elbert said it rained hard while we were in Church, but it was so nice driving home after church.

Mon.July 12.1943./  Elbert & I went to Lorain he phoned Dr. Rankings office for an ap-pointment, but the girl said he was off on his vacation & wont be back until Aug. 1. so, we did some shopping  got my wall paper & paid down on it for (Sanatose) for kitchen & paper for the bedrooms.  then I took the corset back I had bought to Penny’s & got dress goods for the money.  I got some wash rags & two pieces of toweling. Elbert paid for towling then I went to ten cent store & got some curtain goods for the winter & some buttons for my dresses, then we had dinner at Andies lunch or restrant & Elbert went to garage & then we went acrossed the 21st Street bridge & over to Uncle Wills & over to Pa’s & Evelyn’s & back toward home  we stopped & got some beets cabbage pickles & olives & sandwitch spread 

Mon.July 12.1943/391/ qt of ox heart cherry qt of black raspberies & pt. of red one’s & a quarter of a lb. of cheese east, 14 cents & 2 points then we went on to Huron & got a 1 1/2 lbs of boiling beef points for that. oh yes  Elbert got fish perch in Vermilion, well we were tired when we got here it rained most of the way to Vermilion but stopped when we got there ground smells moldy & musty & there wont be much corn or much of anything by the looks of things. I warmed up what chicken gravy there was when I get here & we ate it then I get going for supper & we ate at six-p-m. now everything’s ready for the morning, I Praise the Lord for all our blessing today  I met Mrs. Wests Mother in Vermilion a nice old lady.  They told us at uncle Will’s. Harvy was in Africa & home sick, Armond is in Ken-tucky going to school for the Government.  I’d like a picture of the cars lined up from East Erie out Colorado to the rail road track & each side streets & from East Erie to lake bank shipyard workers cars, its quite a sight. Ruggles Grove was packed with cars & even lined up on the highway. lots of people out having a vacation more than Ive ever seen packed. 

Tue. July 13.1943/ 392  Elbert’s head & stomach & bowels are all upset & he felt so bad he staid home.  I washed out two new shirts & put two old ones to soak, it’s terrible hot today.  I took care of hens & birds & done what had to be done indoors  We didn’t get to go to prayer meeting (church is crossed out) tonight. 

Wed. July 14.1943.  Elbert felt so bad he couldn’t eat & didnt go to work, it’s been terrible hot, but got cooler tonight.  I washed out a good sized wash-ing Tue. & done the old shirts today & ironed.  took care of hens & birds & hause work  took a bath & now I’m going to bed. 

Thurs. July 15.1943.  Elbert has felt so bad all day  it’s been quite hot to  I hope he feels better tomorrow.  I put the pillows out every day they get so sweatie.  sewed the edges on two handker-chiefs today  I’m needing them & only done what I had to do  its so hot, cooler tonight

Fri.July 16.1943.  I washed every thing that was dirty except some blankets.  then I went to Vermilion with Elbert & got some food canned & fresh vegetables & fruit then we had to go to Huron to get some meat & the mash & scratch grain & on the way back we stopped to the Aldrige home & got 2 hens for(crossed out for) 

Fri.July 16. 1943.\393.eating. then had to go east a mile to get the milk, then home then Elbert went back to the park for ice for the ice box & he got a pt of ice cream it’s been sultry hot part of the day with a breeze from the N.east part of the day. cooler tonight again heavy dew that didnt dry up until noon.  we got our new Ration book today butter & meat are as scarce as hen’s teeth.  Elbert’s head still feels most to bad to even drive the car & his broke out with a deep red rash like poison, in patches.  

Sat.July.17.1943.  Elbert couldn’t work. I did the sweeping & wiped up the floors & a doz odds & ends & went with Elbert & did part of the buying it’s so hot, but cools off at night. 

Sun.July.18.1943.  We had chicken dinner & Elbert dress the hen & see to the cooking of it  I did the rest. We went to Amhurst to Church had a wonderful meeting & they prayed for me & I’m sure God will heal me this time for my feet are better. Had a good shower after mid night.  was moon light before. 

Mon.July.19.1943.  Well Elbert went to work but felt so bad when he got into Lorain he went to (2) Drs. & they sent him home  he has a heart condition caused from sun stroke  he’s had, so he’s got to be careful for another month.  So hot today, but still there’s a breeze.

Tue. July.20.1943./394. Elbert’s head still bad but neck feels better, so we went to prayer meeting tonight  [insert] got nice letter from Flora & one from Mrs Willits] been so hot but a good breeze untill 5-p-m then each night it dies out & gets so terrible hot, Mon. I darned 3 prs. socks & made another big chair back cover. but today only got daily round done. 

Wed.July.21.1943. We staid home today we were going to Lorain but stores close after dinner, so I did out the washing I thought I wouldn’t do only half of it, but, done it all. I received a long letter from Flora she been real sick but is up & around doing things again she has raised-white rocks (chicken & Shirley has-White leghorns & her pa helps take care of them he’s 83 yrs old.  Flora said the walnut tree was way above her head now, she said it didn’t from last year & she thought it didn’t like it be-cause she took it from it’s home in Ohio  I’ve been praying it would grow & God has made it grow & I hope it will have nuts on it soon for, she is trying to sell her place. I am to tired tonight but have everything ready for morning & to go to Lorain .

Thurs. July 22.1943.  Well we went to Lorain I baked a black berry pie after I did the washing yesterday  So I took a nice big piece to pa, he’s very fond of black berries he gave us a head of cabbage some beets & beans I stopped to talk to Lillie & Uncle Will for half an hour then we went to

Thurs.July.22.1943./395. Went to the tea store & got a Dicky bird (8.00) & some cuttle bone & then  I went to Pennys & got a doz diapers for Henry & Helen Daniel’s baby & got my-self 3 new dresses & 3 pieces of remanants  then I stopped to Cranage’s, talk to Mrs. C. for a few minutes & then to Miss Baumgart in the house for 1/2 hr.  While Elbert did a few things  he wanted to do.  I took Mrs. C, for a few minutes & then to Miss Baumgart in the house for 1/2 hr. while Elbert did a few things he wanted to do.  I took Mrs. C’s. flower pot back with a baby violet plant in it she lost all of her while she was sick they gave them to much water & they done same to all her lillys(regal) she said she had planted some wild bluebell seed & would give me a couple plants by & by Then we stopped in Vermilion got some things to eat & came home & fried fish for supper. 

Fri.July.23. 1943. No check yet.  but an-other bible lesson came from Detroit today. I received a letter Wed. it was supposed to have been written by Miss Willitts but didn’t sound like her at all or it was-nt started as she always starts her’s so I waited & the lesson came this morning since Miss Willitts believers in keeping, her word & promises; I’m still pondering over it. Well I went to Vermilions this evening with Elbert I call on Mrs. West & had quite a visit her boy next to the youngest has been home from the army for a week he has to go back tomorrow, he lost his pocket book & was hunting hard for it. it had his army papers in it.  We came back

Fri July 23.1943 /396./ fried a slice of ham & had 1 boiled potatoe beet greens & sweet corn  cracked wheat bread & tea. this after noon  I tried to do a little more on the dress I had started now I have every thing ready for morning.  It turned chilly & cold last night & Elbert had light a fire to take chill out of house, warmed-up a little today but quite cool tonight

Sat.July.24.1943./ I swept & wiped up the floors,  I’ve felt so heavy on my feet all day could hardly cook & do dishes, but got it all done & darned socks & one pr. my stockings  it’s so hot, if we didn’t have a good breeze I don’t know what we’d do. Elbert said he thought his head felt better. then I made a pie on the schels I had made sweetened the berry juice & cooked it up with some corn starch until it stood up like custard pie when cut is good. 

Sun.July.25.1943/ Audrey’s birth day. 24th.  We picked 3 qts. of black berries & we went to Amherst to church  I took the mInister & wife a qt. of berries & a doz, of eggs, she isn’t very well, her throat is troubling her & I wonder why they don’t pray for her & then let her rest for a while.  We had a real good service.  they had a bad storm in Amherst did some damage  rain some before we got home. 

Mon. July.26.1943.  I did the washing & ironing today & I’m so tired my ankle is swollen bad where the hornet sting it.  They had a storm some where Electric lightening was terrible here. 

Tue. July .27.1943./397.  Frank Bonney’s birth-day today  he’s 53 yrs. old.  My ankle has been so bad today  I didn’t work just laid on the bed it itches so will be getting better before long.  sure has to is pain-full.  been cloudy most of the day & tonight just after supper it rained & the sun shone K& we had a rainbow.  God’s Promise that we wouldn’t have a flood.  only a few heavy showers & it was over.  Elbert’s head felt worse today. 

Wed.July.28.1943/  Elberts’ gone to Vermilion for fish for dinner  his head feels so bad I hate to have him drive.  Sun is shining but not real bright.  lots of clouds.  I can’t work my ankle is so bad yet but better than yesterday.  Elbert got fish & a piece of pork & a few other things & mailed letter to Lane Bryant’s  haven’t got my corset yet.  We had a heavy rain late this after noon  Brother Frank came out with 2 other fellows just after the rain & went wood chuck hunting   sun shone but no rain bow.  the county man cut the grass along side the road today.  Boys didn’t get any wood chucks. 

Thurs.July.29.1943/  Elberts gone to Lorain for an-other treatment,  he ask me to go but I felt he wanted to go alone, so I stayed & washed my good dresses & one house dress & the towels & rags & it’s thundering & getting louder, may get some of it most everythings dry, got to can a qt or so of black berries & then Elbert ought to be coming.  Got a Lorain paper from Miss Baumgart this a.m.  I gave Elbert $5.00 to get me a money order for my taxes & sent letter to Nelis Paper Store  Elbert came about 6-p-m. We had two real heavy showers before he came & after he got here & ? rainbow.  I got everything done before he got here.

Thurs.July.29.1943./398.  Elbert got the money order for my taxes so must send [therm-crossed out] it soon.  Mr & Mrs Shoop were over on there place on the hill accrossed the road  they have built a cabin 8X8. ft. 2. half windows & a door in it. 

Fri. July.30.1943.  Well I ironed my 2 good dresses & house dress & Elbert’s dress shirt & have baked 2 big white loaves of bread & done the house work & odds & ends & I’m tired.  Elbert don’t feel so well today.

Sat.July.31.1943./  Elbert went to Lorain to the Dr. Sifling & then to an eye Dr.  his eyes are in bad shape. he got back in the early part of the afternoon, but I thought it would be a good thing for him to keep quite, the 4 square church had there Sunday school picknic at LinWood Part just the other side east of Vermilion on the hill & beach & I did want so much to go, but as usual stayed home.  I took the cythe & cut a big pile of grass then, pilled by the park fence to through over I felt all in when Elbert came, he brought ice cream & it was sure good  been a good breeze, but so hot & air dried out tonight but began to get cool before bed time. to tired to bath.  

Sun.Aug.1.1943./  Nice Day North breeze, but sun is so hot.  I read my bible for an hour or so & now I didn’t find what I was looking for.  we haven’t any meat for dinner  am cooking beats onions & potatoes  will make some gravy & maybe put peas in it for potatoes.  Im so sore & lame can’t hardly move. my ankle is still swollen bad but not so sore as it has been.  I managed to get my shoes on this morning  hate to wear my old slippers all week.  Received letter from Miss Mcgovern this week and one from Miss Baumgart.

Mon.Aug.2.1943./399./  Well I didn’t do much today and it rained just my house hold duties & I mowed the back yard with the sythe, it’s to hot to work & after supper I raked it in a big pile by park fence. am to tired

Tue.Aug 3.1943./  Elbert went to Huron & got a piece of boiling meat 1/2 lb. of butter & some dry onions  then we had dinner & got ready to go to Elyria, I stopped at Mrs. West’s & gave her some lillies (tigers, tame ones) & ask her to go to Elyria with us but her daugter-in-law had come back & a friend was with her & so she could-n’t go.  We went & Elbert got his body test to see what’s wrong with him phyically then we stopped & called on Ethel & her mother & Laura Ann.  Mrs. Nouder was fine & Ethel said she was feeling good since she got her new glasses & she’s wearing a blue blouse & long pants & stradles around in them & trys to act like a man she puts her foot over one knee & wiggles it, half socks & a pr. of fancy slippers  if Fred was here he’d be horrified to see her acting so bold & telling that she looks nicer than most of the other girls & that she likes to work nights for they have so much fun  she’s changed suck a lot since I saw her last time & I’m sure hoping she wont do anything she’ll regret later on  she’s earning her own money & have more than she’s ever had & she’s her own boss, & I don’t believe she listens to her mother for she doesn’t talk to her as a daughter should, her mother said, I don’t wear glasses any more, and can see to read & sew & Ethel gave her a sidewise glance & said, I buy you some when I get mine paid for, & her mother said  I don’t want any  I’m glad I don’t need them.  Laura Ann had to be made or compelled to come in, she pouted & whimped a spell, then got real friendly she had on a pr. of pants that just covered her but & a dress that just came to the edge of pants (so called) showing her legs clear to the bend of her hip or to her seat and arms bear to her shoulders & boy, oh boy but she is spoiled & saucy.  I ask Ethel if she went to prayer meetings & she said no  I don’t have time I work nights & we have lots of fun her mother spoke up & said she don’t have to work at night but she wants to & Ethel said, Oh, well, she’s all right  Laura is here & can wait on her if she needs anything & I like to work nights  We have such a lot of fun and its cooler.  Well, I just wish I could do something about it before it’s to late.  I do pray God will Help her to see what she’s heading for. well we came on into Vermilion & had supper in a rest-urant & then we went to Prayer meeting, We had a wonderful service a Young married woman did the preaching. The minister’s wife opened the meeting but she has a bad throat.

Wed. Aug.4.1943./400./  Well I did out all my washing and didn’t feel as if I could but got it done  Elbert carried the water & it rained sowers all day.  

Thurs.Aug.5.1943./  Well Elbert carried the water & I did his wasing & the big chair cover & it’s been a nice day with a good breeze from the N. East.  I wiped up the floors also & feel half dead. its cool tonight.

Fri.aug.6.1943./  Did what ironing there was & have felt so bad I have to drive myself to get it done  stomach acts as if I’d had a dose of posion  throat, mouth and lips burn  it’s so terrible & each drink of water only adds to the misery  Kidneys are paining me bad. 

Sat.Aug.7.1943./  Gas tank came this morn-ing, my check, came, thats surprising.  I was so sick this morning about 2-a-m couldn’t throw up  I prayed & prayed and after a couple of hours began to feel better but its 3.p.m. and the burn is still with me, not so bad as it was but kidneys sure are pain-ing me yet.  I have picked & cleaned up about the house a little, but legs feel so weak  I have set down again  I wanted to go to the picnic today  Amerherst 4 square church is having but I don’t feel able to hold my self together  Elbert has gone to Vermilion to get some of the folks to take them.  I had him take a loaf of white bread to the Ministers wife and a roll of papers to mail to Flora Glover.  he got it all done & got back at 3-p.m.  We had fried fish for supper and boiled potatoes & bread  stomach felt a little heavy but got through the night fairly well.  I hope they like my bread.  We haven’t had a square

Sat.Aug.7.1943./401./  meal of meat & vegatables for sometime, ham, 11 points a lb. 8 points for a pound of beef, and usually bull beef  12 points for 3 lbs. Crisco.  16. for lb. butter, but you can’t a only 1/2 a lb.  can beans peas, corn & such like take lots of points & can fruit is terrible high  We don’t half live anymore but maybe it will get worse. 

Sun. Aug.8.1943./  Stomach still burns some and Elbert’s eyes are paining him.  I wont get to Church tonight, he’s got to go to Lorain & see about getting his glasses.  they’ll let him try them a mo.  Well we didn’t go to church but went to bed early. 

Mon.Aug.9.1943./  Well my stomach(s crossed out) is better & we both went to Lorain, Elbert let me out at the shoe store, I left my shoes to be stretched, then I walked back to Miss Baumgarts & talked with Mrs Cranage & Miss Baumgart a while, Elbert went to see about his glasses, when he came back we went out East Erie to find Daisy Henry (her maiden name was Mead)  she had left her home  had lived for a few months in the overlook apartment house then went to Oberliin Ave. to apartment house there,  the house use to be Dr Grills home, 500 Oberlin & Fifth  Lorain on West Side.  We went there but she wasn’t there so I wrote a note & tucked it under the door, and no word yet from her.  Elbert had to go back to eye Dr. at 2-p-m so after we came back from E.Erie Ave.  we had dinner a Jean’s  then I went back & talked some more with Miss Baumgart then we went to Oberlin & Fifth then we came back home, it was teribly hot & 4 pm when we rolled into the back yard & good to be back home, the canarys were glad to have the house opened up and get some fresh air again.

Tue.Aug.10.1943/402/  Well I didn’t get much done today just picked up and cleaned up a little & its been all together to hot  Elbert seemed willing to take me to prayer meeting so we went  had a good meeting, they have bought the big house  West’s live in and are going to make it into a 4 square Church in Vermilion  they bought a church in Axtel Ohio & will use some of it to build this church.  We got some ice cream & came home heavy due  wet my feet.

Wed.Aug.11.1943/  Well I did the washing, have had such a pain in my side & hip & leg almost unbearable at times, but got the washing all done  Elbert went to Huron for car inspection & then carried my wash water  its so hot clothes baked Dry on line, breeze came up for a little while from the south, but didn’t last loong.  I baked 3 white loaves of bread  also today & it was nice.  Now- I tired so after we ate & Elbert5 went for the milk  I ironed the few things I had to iron, then put every thing away & took a bath & went to bed.  Of course I prayed for a while & Thanked God for my blessing.

Thurs.Aug.12.1943./  I received a nice letter from Ella Jane from Albuquerque New Mexico  117 So. Edith.  I thank God she has wrote to me & now, to try to help her again if I can & since God has seen to it that she has wrote to me I’m trusting He will help me do the rest that she will be saved & healed, it’s cloudy today & just a little breeze.  I mailed, or had Elbert mail her two post cards & one of the books they gave me at church, called, Where are the dead.  it tells where to learn, by reading the bible & where to find the different portions that tell about the dead, now I’ll have to write her a nice loong letter.  I sent a letter to Miss McGovern & her bird book with the sleeve patterns she wanted

Thurs. Aug.12.1943./403./  I swept the whole house & then wiped up the floors then it began to rain just a nice easy rain, but after that shower was over it began to get furious thundered & lightened & crack in the house and out & burned out the fuze so we hadn’t any lights all night but it cleared off later & the moon came out.  Elbert went to Vermilion & got fish but when we started to cook them they were spoiled  he got back before the storm  got so bad Praise the good Lord. 

Fri.Aug.13.1943./  Well we went to Elyria  Elbert got a change of dope & I talked with the Dr. to see if he could tell me what to eat for strength but he said it would be hard to know just what I needed since I had my gall & blader both out  was anemic & had a weak stomach, he took my blood count & tested my heart said they were O.K.  & he thought I needed vitamins so he gave me two percriptions for those I gave him 2.00 & the Lord has taken care of me just fine & so I don’t want to take there dope.  Well We came back through Beringham  hit R.60 & the Darrow road & came out on the highway by the Old Cemetery near the golf course  it had started to rain & by the time we got to the Knettle place where we get the milk it be-gan to pour down & some lightening we had to wait for the milk & the storm did look bad back where we had just come from   the place where we get the milk is the old Kishman farm by white house & 

Fri.Aug.13.1943./407./  big gray barn  he died & she sold out.  Well the rain eased up & we came on home it had most stoped when we got here & was moon light all night  I was so tired but thanked the Lord all the way home for taking care of us.  

Sat.Aug.14.1943./  I let Elbert have $11.00 out of my 15.00  I gave Dr. 2.00 & church $?? I use $2.00 cream & food & have 2.00 left so as near as I can figure he has had 14.00$ so I can finish my paper payment this time.  Elbert went to Vermilion to get some fish for supper & he got the fish & said get ready & I’ll take you down & let you see what happened. just a little ways from where we got the milk last night he was so excited he started to tell me about how the wind had knocked over some little summer cottages uprooted 20 or 30 trees in one place & put one home on top of an-other & 3 or for big houses were in ruins  took part the roof all of Sherods house & broke the trees a Kishman place was in ruins  barns & all out buildings  Kropp’s house runined & things tore up here & there up rooted all the big maple trees in the Maple leaf cemetery back of Vermilion & just took houses here & there & several people were killed.  so I went to see what had happened & came back.  I had done out all the washing everything that was dirty & had done my usual round of dutys & was & still am tired.  Elbert cooked the fish & dress one of my hens & got it on to cook  I ironed & done up the dishes & baked 2 apple pies & made to pie shells for lemon filling  cool tonight Elbert bought a news paper & it told all about the tornado, it hit in several places in Ohio  I received a book & picture cards from Ella Jane. 

Sun.Aug.15. 1943.  Cool all day  We didn’t go to Church because of no money, for gas.  We had an old hen for dinner, but she was very tender & good  I had biscuits & hot beets & gravy.  no one comes any more & I’m lonesom when I can’t get out to Church on Sunday. 

Mon.Aug.16.1943./  Today was Georgias Rosecrans birth day she is 58. yrs. old time flys when we get old & can’t move so fast.  Elbert fixed the flshing around the chimney today & cut the grass & weeds in the front yard & he raked it up & took it over the hill.  Frank & his neighbor came out this evening & got one wood chuck he said Ruby had gone to visit Armond in Kentucky, he left Queenie the dog here when he went to hunt & that seem to be the last straw, first Harvy went then Armond then Ruby & then Frank & she laid down & cried like a hurt child all the time  he was gone, and she was so happy when Frank got back.  He said pa & every one was O.K. I have a letter ready to go to Flora, & a paper to Ella Jane.  its been cloudy all morn.  thick & thin after noon partly cloudy sun part time good breeze all day & cool from N.West & stronger tonight. 

Tue.Aug.17.1943./406./  I’ve had a queer feeling all day, nerves tense , I went out and started to mow, but Elbert wouldn’t let me, he did it well I took the hoe & done quite a bit & then I took the rake & raked all we both had cut  into piles, but, I didn’t get any releif from my nerve condition  We washed & dressed  had supper, done the dishes & went to Vermilion to prayer meeting  a fair haired woman did the preacing she reminded me of Julia Mathews, with her litht taffy yellow hair & the shape of her hair the way she talked & her actions & of myself about a lot of things, she likes to do what ever she does, well.  and she like to ride a horse bare back, the Mexican young fellow was there & he would laugh & chuckle with her & be serious when she was, he’d shout & praise the Lord & one would know to look at him, the power of God was on him.  and you can see Gods golden light shine on his dark face.  and oh, how he love the Lord & his mother she preached a good sermon on faith & prayer and I know she knows & understands & I’ll like more of the experience she has had to pray God will give it to me there was quite a crowd there  the pr. preacher & his wife & family have gone for a little rest & she looks as if she 

Tue.Aug.17.1943./407./  could stand 3 months of it & the church officials are fixing up there living rooms while they are gone.  I do wish they would even put in a supply of food for them, it’s so hard to live on points. 

Wed.Aug.18.1943./  I did the washing today & I am still feeling sick & my nerves are all on edge. got every thing done up & ready for morning & Elbert says he’s going to Lorain in the morning so maybe I’ll go if he does.

Thurs.Aug.19.1943./  I pulled weeds a while then came in did the dishes, Elbert has gone to Vermilion to get some fish.  Jean & Elaine came in with Helen Daniels baby, it a nice plump little baby girl.  well I got  my colored film back this morning but no prints & I was to have had one of each free. so have written a letter back to find out a few things about it.  I wrote a 6. page letter to Ella Jane  I do hope she will like it and write and explain everything to me, I’m sure she’s home sick and lonesome & longs to come back to me, and in some way her mother is determined she wont.  Oh God please help her & help me to learn how to help her.  Elbert did get some fish and mailed my letter to Flora & 3 papers & a card to Georgia Rosecrans & one to Dr. Rankin now I have cooked some bean for soup in the morning & I’m going to bed, I haven’t felt very strong today.  but I thank God for His love and care & pray He will take care of Elbert for he says he’s going to work in the morning.

Fri.Aug.20.1943./  Elbert didn’t go to work his head is still feeling so bad, he nearly falls over if he moves very fast.  We went down about noon  he sold 2.40 worth of elderberries 40 cents per. qt.  I talked a few minutes with Miss Baumgart & Mrs Cranage while Elbert went and got my shoes.  I left a week ago to have stretched then when he got back we went up to 18th.St. to the garage & Elbert had them look after the brakes on the car.  then we ate at the restruant then went over to Pa’s he & Gertie are well & he gave us 8 or 9 beets & 6 ears sweet corn I went over and 

Sat Aug.21.1943./408./  and talked to Lillie & Uncle Will for 15 or 20 minutes.  then we light out for home.  we stopped in Vermilion  got a nice piece of salmon, fresh, and red flesh, it’s so fine grained sweet & solid.  We stopped to Mrs. Wests home to see how they were & she & her daughter-in-law had been working, picking peaches all day, standing on a ladder,  so they were tired  I told her I wouldn’t be going to Church Sun. night because of lack of gas, money and to spare Elbert’s eyes, for he’s determined to work Mon.  I swepted & cleaned up Fri, so ‘I wouldnt have it to do today.’

Sun.Aug.22.1943./  Well we been home all day and it’s been a nice day got terrible hot tonigh no breeze.  We mailed Ella Jane’s letter yesterday & I received a letter from Johny, he’s got to got into Service Soon he said hes going to Columbus to get his shots in the arm & his suit then he’s going into the air corps training Colledge.  I pray God will go with him & keep him all the way, he said Ella Jane was moving on to Oregone where she expects to take up her dictartishaness  in an Indian revation, I do hope she comes back to me & learns to live for Jesus.  I hope she gets my letter before she leaves, Oh I pray God will not let anything happen to her & bring’s her back safe to me & helps me to keep her, for Him.  I have made some soup for breakfast & got everything ready for the morning.  Elbert says he’s going to work in the morning.  Mon.Aug.23.1943./  Elbert went to work today and I can-ned 11 qts elderberries today & took care of hens & birds. got the light card for the last month, it is 80cents Elbert went to Elyria to Dr. Rankin tonight and got here about 7-p-m. he said he got a hamberg sanwitch & cup of coffee at Mack’s short order lunch room.  White rocks laid 2 eggs today, Cloudy most of the day tried to rain this evening.  I baked two tins of biscuits after supper & done up the dishes & everythings ready for the morning.  Elbert has been off 6 weeks last Sat.Aug 21.

Tue.Aug.24.1943./  Elbert went to work.  I set bread & baked two white loaves & did half the washing & took care of hens & birds & did the odds & end & took care of hens & birds & did the odds & end & took a bath & went to prayer meeting & took one loaf of bread for the Ministers family Mrs. Craig did

Tue.Aug.24.1943./409./  preaching and she’s so good at it  We need some one like her to lead & preach in Vermilion.  They have bought the house where West are now living to re-build into a 4 square church and I do Pray God will fill that church to the capassity  We had such a good service & I got a big lift out of the meetings a Blessing that only God can give  Oh I pray Ethel’s heart & sould will trouble her until she turns back to God & that she will be re3ally & trully all out for God.  it rain-ed hard in two good showers (Mon.) or last night.

Wed. Aug.25.1943./  Elbert has gone to work.  he got to warm yesterday.  sun came out hot before noon in Lorain, but not until after dinner  here clotehs didn’t dry untill after 2.p.m.. Elbert came and looked so tired said he couldn’t get any lunch meat, stores close on Wed.  I got him to wash & eat a bowl of soup then he went to Huron & got lunch meat boiling beef & tomatoes.  We ate supper when he got back & I have the beef cooked.  he got lamb chops for supper and Jean Sarr come in this afternoon & brought us 4. tomatoes  3. peppers. (“I caned them”,) some beets & a nice bunch of beans a good qt. I cooked 1/3 of them for supper  I took the belt out of my house dress & lengthened it today.  got it all done, got to finish, light dress got one side belt fixed got to do other side.  Jean said her pa had a bad cold on his lungs & had to cough bad nights & her ma is going to Penn. for a weeks visit with her brother & she & Midge are going to Cleveland.  she didn’t say if Helen & Henry were staying or not while the rest were gone.  looks as if it may rain some time tonight partly cloudy today all day.

Thurs.Aug.26.1943./  Elbert went to work & I made myself a night gown out of 3 grain bags and got all the stiching done   cloudy

Thurs.Aug.26.1943./410./  today, all morning, rained all after noon and was to dark to see to sew.  I took care of hens & birds & did my usual round of duty’s got supper & did the dishes got everything ready for morning.  we had a light wood fire tonight house is cool like early Sept. Weather Elbert has taken a cold  his head pluged up tonight.

Fri.Aug.27.1943./  Elbert went to work and I did out the balance of the washing all but Elbert 3 work shirts, it rained & then a heavy mist untill 4 oclock, I hung clothes out at 4.p.m & they got almost dry just the hems & bands were damp, but I have a fire & now they will finish.  I ironed my dress & Elbert’s light shirt  got to patch my dress, sun came out as we ate supper (it came was crossed out)  and stay’d about an hr. clear and white, its quite chilly tonight & cloudy again.  I did my usual round of chores outside & in. 

Sat.Aug.27.1943./  Elbert went to work.  I swept & wiped up the floors & patched my old dress & mended Elbert’s 2 suits of un derwear & 2 pr. socks. & finished the edge on one hand kercheif & done my house work & toook care of hens & birds & cut up a hen & partly cooked it. and I felt sort of fagued out today.

Sun.Aug.28.1943./  Well it a lovely day  We went out to see fi there were any peaches & got a 2 qt pan eaping full of black berries & I made 2 pies & a orange cream pie on a shell  I had baked, then took a bath & went to church over to Amherst  we had a fine meeting  we picked up Mrs. Strout (Mrs West’s mother) & took her with us.  Mrs. West & her Sons & daughter were there.  West’s ate the Loaf of bread  I can’t quite understand how it was forgotten but they praised it until I felt rather embarist.  Well I’m glad they enjoyed it. but 

Sun.Aug.29.1943./411./  Mrs. Buesar the Ministers wife, said she like the home made bread so much.  Mrs. Craig came & said she was so sorry It had been forgotten  I put it on the table & all the rest put theres there with it.  Oh well will learn.  we brought Mrs Strout back & left her at her home in Vermilion. then came on home  I felt so glad I had went and God gave me a blessing, I like all the folks I’ve met.  so far.  I gave the old couple 1/2 doz eggs. and wished I had taken them part the chicken and gravy

Mon.Aug.30.1943./  Elbert went  to work and I carried water & washed two big wool blankets & 2 big heavy cotton blankets & broght up the washing machine & cleaned it up so maybe I can use it before long  got to have a few slats nailed in. Elbert put it in grainery tonight blankets dried good  I put binding on end of one wool blanket to-day, & hope to wash it & one other in morning.  I got supper & done dishes & got everything ready for morning.  

Tue.Aug.31.1943./  Elbert went to work and I washed 2 more wool blankets & my big rag rug  took a bath and went to Church or prayer meeting in Vermilion  We had an extra good meeting, Rev. Buiser & wife led the meeting. 

Wed.Sept.1.1943./  Elbert went to work and I did the weekly wash & I’m so tired.  We had a heavy rain just after Elbert came but I got clothes all dry & we had the most beautiful rain-bow so clear & bright & later there was were two it was God’s promise I do Praise Him & trust He will find me worthy, by & by.  He is the best Friend I ever have had.

Thurs.Sept.2.1943./412./  Elbert went to work & I baked 2 loaves of bread & mended my big rag rug  thread had broke in so many places.  then I made the button holes in my night gown.  I took care of hens & birds & cooked the supper, fried 8 perch, I made soup from a box today, my milk soured, had to have a little snack of something.  Frank & a neighbor came about 6-p-m. to hunt wood chuck they saw 3 but didn’t get one Frank gave us one with a funny long tail.  We sure need it to.  Elbert went to Elyria to Dr. Rankin  got here at 7-5-p-m. & dressed the fish & Bert Ward’s boy came to see if he could ride with Elbert to work in the morning, he’s a weilder in the Shipyard in Lorain Ohio. Elbert is a car-penter there.  Jonny Ward said he has 4 child-ren they have a new baby 2 months old. & hes is only 25 yrs. old. Well we have everything done ready for morning.  Elbert had to go for milk in P-M  the Knettlers were going away & would be back till late.  hot yesterday & today, cool North East breeze. 

Fri.Sept.3.1943./  Elbert went to work.  Yester day I recieved a ltter in reply to mine to Eastman Kadak Co. & some books tell all about how when to take picutres how to finish them & a lot more interesting facts.  I washed every thing but the big chair cover that was dirty & then did the ironing, sewed buttons on my new night gown  took care of hens & birds and house work & quite a few odds & ends & helped Elbert figure his work, Dr., & church milage for his new gas ration book.  & now I’ve got boiling meat most ready for morning. got to do dishes then go to bed.  We are both so tired.  The 4 legged animals Frank gave us was good. we had a little smoked sawsage with it. & potatoes tomatoes & aufla??

Sat.Sept.4.1943./413./ Elbert went to work but I did not do so much today, it rained this morning and just poued down at 9-a-m, then it rained all day part the time a light misty rain then in heavy showeres, I know everything outside must have enjoyed it. thundered & lightened to, but not severe, wind light & mostly south. went N.east tonight.  Will Snyder hit a wood chuck with his car & stopped & left it for Elbert  I cut it’s head off, will hit it on the head but still it was trying to get up & go  Elbert dressed a fish for supper  Lake Huron trout then after supper he dressed the chuck, its a nice young one, and now I have it most cooked. & everything done & ready for the morning.  Elbert is having a time to get gas enough to get to work & home again  I don’t know if wire going to get to church tomorrow & I long to be there. 

Sun.Sept.5.1943./  Well I didn’t get to go to Church & Elbert is going to ride with the Ward boy and I don’t know how long for he has to wait for the gas ration book  looks now as if I wont get to go Tue, night either.  Well I pray God will help me do what ever I should do, and take care of me in Jesus Name.  I wrote a letter to Johny Harnish & a card to Sister Nellie & a letter to Ella Jane.  Elbert will mail the card & E.J’s. letter in the morning & Miss McGovern’s.  I didn’t do dishes am going to bed. 

Mon.Sept.6.1943./  I think it’s Mables birthday today & she’d be 48. yrs. old.  Elbert went to work & it rain-ed most all day. I cleaned a hen & cooked it & ground the breast to fry. & cleaned up & picked up. took care of hens & birds ‘now ready for morning

Mon.Sept.6.1943./414/  Elbert walked up to Wards farm (the old Hautenlocker farm) & rode to work with Bert Wards boy.  

Tue.Sept.7.1943./ Elbert went to work and I washed 6 blankets 2 heavy cotton & 4 meidium cotton ones & did all the washing except big chair cover and my dress & carried all the water, took care of hens & birds & got the supper & made the bed, & did all the odds & ends  cool with strong south wind sun was hot at noon I did the wash of blankets outside blankets & all dried fast today  now I’m all done with dishes & ready to go to bed at 10-p-m.  extra cool to night I couldn’t go to prayer meeting to night, no gas. 

[note..looks like a skipped day, Thurs crossed out and changed to Wed).  Wed. Sept 8. 1943./ Elbert went to work, he’s had to walk a mile to ride with Young Walter Ward & he parks half a mile from ship yard so thats 2 miles walk a day & his feet legs & hips are so tired at night he can hardly drag after he gets home, he managed to get a piece of meat to boil tonight, he got a little of beef liver for sup-per.  I potted all my house plants but 2 & got them all in the house.  it was so cold last night I had a little fire & I’ve had a fire all day & tonight, I’m terribley tired myself, but have done my daily dozen  got a stew pan ful of soup made for Elberts breakfast & everything ready for morning. Chilly cold & cloudy.

Thurs.Sept.9.1943./  Elbert went to work and I for got to write for Wed.  I did my usual daily round & finished my dresses all but hem & buttons.  Am so tired from washing blankets.

Fri.Sept.10.1943./415./  Elbert has gone to work and I wrote a letter to Nellie & one more page & put in Johnies letter & a card to the Releif Commission & one to Mrs. West Sr. & I mowed two big piles of grass & piled it. took car of hens & birds & did my usual round & got supper did the dishes & got every thing ready for morning.  I’m tired.  Nice all morning cloudy all after noon & evening quite cold at night but warms up at Noon.

Sat.Sept.11./1943/  Elbert went to work and I have only done odds & ends all day & my usual work.  I did sew a little on my other dress  the one I cut the pattern for (2 piece)  Elbert came with fish & I had potatoes & beans ready to cook so I put them on.  I had made a lemon pie & rice custard this after noon so we each had a piece of pie then he dressed the perch 6 of them 15 cents per. fish & I fried them & made gravy with the string beans & we ate had just finished when pa came with Eric Winters & his wife & 4 children, they are staying with pa & Gertie & had left the oldest 11.yrs. & youngest 3 yrs. with Gertie.  they are looking for a house to buy or rent but hadn’t found one yet.  Pa looked tired most to death, he can hardly stand so much noise any more  he could hardly endure us while we were young  I told Elbert last night I had seen pa’s face several times yesterday & he looked so tired. I have everything done & ready for bed now

Sun.Sept.12.1943./  Well I didn’t get to go to church today  Elbert went to Vermilion on the Buss & got his shoes & then to night he went & got the milk & when he came back we went 

Sun.Sept.12.1943/416/ to Burdues, he wanted coffee & I gave Mrs. Burdue a Violet plant  she looked rather thin said she was in the Hospital 10 days had a groth taken off her right overy & her appendix taken out  she had been home 3 weeks.  she was so pleased to see me & ask me to come back.  she said to leave my India lillie bulb in the ground untill frost hit it enough to kill the top then cut off the top & wash the the dirt all off the bulb, cutting off the little ones & what roots there were & put it in a cool dark place (for crossed out) untill Jan. then put it on the floor where it would get the light and just see it grow & it should bloom in Feb. then put it away again untill Spring & put it out in the ground as soon as we had no more frost & give it lots of water (triple underline) the one she gave me is 5 yrs. old and is out in the dirt is 4.ft. high has 3 big branches    ft across the top (triple underline)  We came right back. Elbert couldn’t get any coffee. some one has taken a lot of my canned fruit & empty cans.  Looks as if we wont have any by time winter gets here.  Elbert cleaned & dressed a hen he bought Sat.night, and cooked it this morning.  We haven’t any shorting for buscuits, so ate bread.  I cooked some rice & spegittie in some of the chicken broth for E’s Breakfast, & every things ready for morning once again.

Mon.Sept.13.1943./417/  Elbert went to work & he walked up to Wards’ to ride with him. Well he got the gas blank ready to hand back to Webber at Shipyard & he sends it to Huron tomorrow and I can’t go to prayer meeting tomorrow and I can’t go to prayer meeting tomorrow night. Well I got at the ceiling this morning & washed 1/4 of it, hope I can get it all done by Thurs. & hope I can get the paint & paint it before I get the paper on and have it over with  it tires me most to death. but I have to stick to it or I wont get it done and it’s me that has to be couped up in here all winter & look at these 4 walls, if I only had some way to run a-way but maybe I will by & by. I’m pray-ing & trusting there will be a way.  Well I took car of the hens & birds and got supper & done the dishes & got every thing ready for morning and wrote a letter to Martha to tell her about a farm just outside of Elyria and old lady told me about  her husband & her are alone & can’t take care of it, he got in a car wreck & has bween Doctoring his head for 2.yrs. had a concussion in his head & there daughter married & left them alone so they wished they could sell. 

Tue. Sept.14.1943./  Elbert went to work & I did the washing got done at 2.p.m.  took care of hens & birds mended one of E’s union suits & darned 2 prs. socks.  Pa & Eric Winters came at 2.p-m. & went wood chuck hunting came back & at 4-30.p.m. & rested & Elbert came at 4-45.p-m  they talked to him awhile, then went again

Tue. Sept.14.1943/418./  went East up the rail road & up the old spur then came back west & got 1 wood chuck & there are 10 of them to east of it  he was a nice sized one, though.  I gave them bread & hot fish & coffee & they started back home  Pa was so tired he could hard-ly get one foot before the other & he shot the chuck  Eric was carrying it. & he said he was so dead tired he didn’t see how pa could stand it  pa’s 82 yrs. old. Elbert worked hard today & he’s to tired went to sleep in his chair, Now I have the dishes done & every thing ready for the morning  Praise God, He has surely strengthened me & my feet are better  Praise his Holy Name.  I crave to go to church. 

Wed.Sept.15.1943./ Elbert went to work & I baked 2 loaves of white bread & sewed a-while.  We had 2 heavy showers last night & it raining tonight it was nice yesterday & today, it cleared off toward morning & the moon shone clear & bright. Elbert said some of the men that live back a mile or so from the lake said it froze a half inch of ice one night last week  we can expect it any time now.  I did my usual round of duties got supper & done up the dishes & everythings ready for morning.  I had the broth ready for Elbert  he got up at 3.a.m. & meat was burned up. So it was rather tuff for both of us today. I can hear some one crying. I wonder who

Thurs. Sept.16.1943./ Elbert went to work I did out what washing there was. then I did a good sized strip of ceiling it is a hard job but that soap I bought in the 5 lb pail is sure good  it takes that cut that dirt the best of any thing I’ve ever tired  I just take a damp sponge dip it in soap then rub it over a space as far as you can reach then take a rag rung quite dry & wipe the dirt off the take another damp rag & wipe & it’s clean  tires my arms & legs & neck terrible but I’ll get it done before long.  Well its cooler tonight & raained from teh North West was nice all day untill tonight then had a couple of showers then it was over Elbert had to walk from end of road home tonight & then he walked after the milk got a ride part way but had to walk all the way back  he got a lb. of butter to  Praise the Lord but he’s to tired to do the walking & work  I carried 3 pails of water while he was gone, so he wouldn’t have to, when he got back and I’m much to tired tonight & so is he. 

Fri.Sept.17.1943./ Elbert went to work and I cut out a house dress sew it up & got the waist and sleeves & skirt stitched & waist & skirt basted to the belt it looks as if it was going to be O.K.  I’ll have to try it on got to gather sleeves into cuffs & into waist face neck & turn hem in bottom & sew pocket on, then but-tons holes & buttons & it will be done.  I still fell so tired today.  its been quite cool today & I see the neighbors had some fire in there furnace today  I’d like to get my paper on before it gets real cold & the lightening cracked, the chim-ney or the rack of the house & we have that to fix now & worry about untill we get it done.  I pray God will help me. that it dont

Fri.Sept 17.1943./420/ crush & fall & dam-age the roof & in side.  Elbert hates to get at it, so he wont untill it curmbles ofis falls, and it’s something I can’t do. no mail yesterday or today  Elbert walk after the milk again tonight but told them to save morn-ings milk & he’d stop on his way home for it Sat. night. WE had liver for supper, it was good.  I have every thing ready for morning even bean soup.

Sat.Sept.18.1943./  Elbert went to work & I washed another large portion of ceiling  I have-n’t got quite a third to do yet, it tires me so bad but Praise God  He has helped me or I couldn’t have done it, I may have to take 2 days yet to finish it then the papering job. and I hope to paint in the Spring God willing. it makes the room more cheerfull when it’s clean  I cooked beets & greens & fish for supper & now everything’s ready for morning  been fine day cold N.East wind and gone around to South tonight.

Sun.Sept.19.1943/ Fred’s birthday  he’s 57 now after 7 yrs Ethel has changed a lot and if Fred could be here now he’d be so asham-ed of her & he’d be angry to see how she’s quite letting Laura Ann come up showing her legs clear to her hips & saucy & impudent she 9 yrs old & a big girl. & they both talk shamefully to Ethel’s mother & I saw Laura Ann kick her grand-ma in the shins with her heavy scool shoes. and putch out her cheeks & stamp her feet & tell her to shut up & don’t you dare tell & so on  Fred would have took her over his knee and give her what she needed if he had been

Sun. Sept.19.1943./ there I /421/ know.  Oh I’m so sorry & I do hope Ethel will be before long & turn & do the right things before it to late. We didn’t go anywhere today  Elbert went over Knettles twice today once this morning & got a hen to cook & the milk he forgot to get last night & again tonight to get the milk & they had been to Defience & come passed the end of the road just as he was going up the highway & so they picked him up & took him but he had to walk back. he said (the sister) May Mae, had got back from Erie where she has been for a week but he didn’t see her. Oh. how I miss going to Church  I pray God will give them a wonderful blessing tonight. & Well that go to Church tonight or all those who pray for them & can’t go.  Its been a fine day

Mon.Sept.20.1943./  Elbert put the roofing paper on the hen house, today but has got to fix the car shed roof before he can put the paper on.  I finished cleaning the ceiling 15 by 18 ft. & 10 ft. high.  Boy oh boy but I’m tired & sore and I thank God He helped me, gave me faith & courage that He would take care of me. 

Tue. Sept.21.1943./ Elbert’s so sore and lame & his back’s hurting him he had a bone out & I put it back but now it’s sore & still pains. he talking of going to Lorain in the Morning  Pa & Eric Winters was here today  wood chuck hunting, they came just as we were going to Vermilion to Church, they didn’t get any wood chuck but were tired and hungry they had a lunch & hot coffee they are talking of coming back tomorrow to hunt squirells, and I think I’ll wash  I don’t feel as if I had strength enough to, but I’ll do what 

Tue.Sept.21.1943./422/  I can & finish Fri. we had such a good meeting tonight. the Minister talked on the subject Enoch walked with God & then explained how we to should walk with God how we should pray & live the way God has told us to live & not as we see fit to live but on God’s level.  He’s a good preacher, but some how we don’t have time enough for the meetings. 

Wed.Sept.22.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain to make apointment with Dr. & looked after a few other things he had to do. Pa & Eric came quite early & went Squerel hunting & came back at 11, a.m. they didn’t get one but both had wet feet & pa had a bad head ach, he gets a redish purple & looked as if he was tired most to death, I made them hot coffee & they or Eric had bread & strawberry jam, pa felt so bad he couldn’t eat & they rested 20 or 30 minutes then went home. pa brought the brush we put on the roofing paint with  he had mine, & Elbert got here just after noon had a lunch dressed 8 perch & then put the paint on the other building, we call the cottage, and didn’t have enough paint. I did the washing didn’t feel able, but got it done. We had a heavy fog last night & it was still quite thick this morning, but it has been a wonderfully nice day, cloudy tonight I got a letter from Nellie yesterday, she sent me Johny’s new address in Amirillo Texas & said Ella Jane was coming home  Dr. said she couldn’t work & Every one else was well.

Thurs.Sept.23.1943./423/ Elbert thought he’d try to work today but he’s all out of fix & he didn’t know which leg to limp on, so he rested most of the day then he tried to work a couple of hrs. took the old boards of top of car shed, he has the new ones paid for but, they haven’t come yet, but he’s ready here to get the work done when it comes, I haven’t done much to day ironed my dress & finished the cross stitch pattern for arms & chair back.  I’ve felt terrible weak in my legs today & a sick feeling all over I do hope I’ll feel better tomorrow  been a nice day N.West wind & rather fresh colder tonight we have had a little fire all day

Fri.Sept 24.1943./  Elbert went to work & then to Elyrica to Dr. & didn’t get home untill 9-15.p-m.  I strained my self washing the ceiling havent felt good since been sick to my stomach so I haven’t done any thing more than I had to today (nice day.

Sat.Sept.25.1943./ Elbert went to work  it rained over half the night & when he went to work but stoped about 8-a-m.  been colder tried to rain from the N. East at 2-p-m.  I havent done much today feel week & so tired all over they are going to have a meeting in Vermilion at 2 p-m for the Church folks  I’d like to go but I don’t know. I hate to miss one meeting. 

Sun.Sept 26.1943./ Well I didn’t go to church  been sick all day, stomach & bowels ach like tooth ach bowels run off yesterday & last night I’m to tired and, Oh, so weak. Elbert went for the milk & a hen to cook  got the hen but no milk. Knettle fed her to much raw sweet corn, he had just got from Berlin Heights been up to get Vetenary Dr. for cows, so. Elbert went to Burdue’s, but no milk

Sun.Sept.26.1943./424/  there either I sent Mrs. Burdue some violet leaves to root from the wide leafed one  some green & puple striped & green & wandering Jew vine an ivy vine and a plant or so coliss, red & Ma’s a begonia & a cutting of Duet & old fashion bridle/wreath she wanted  I had supper when Elbert got back then he dress-ed the hen & cut it up & I scraped it & washed it & put it on to cook, and this morning at 2-a-m the clocks were all to be set back one hour for winter time  Oh such a world.  Elbert went to May-comes park (that’s between Linwood and Crystle beach) whre the shoe repair man lives to get his work shoe & I had him stop at Mrs. West’s to tell them I was to ill to come to the meeting  they said they’d pray for me, I love to be in the meetings and thank God there are some of His people near by to pray for me  I pray God will bless them.

Mon.Sept.27.1943./  Elbert went to work and I wrote a letter to Nellie & one to Mr. Miller for my releif check.  It’s a beautiful day south W. wind & warm sun quite warm out side.  Some of the lumber come today. Elbert had to leave his car at More & Myres Cylinder blew a gastic he got a ride part way home with one man & the rest of the way to Wards’s where he made arrangements to ride in the morning  then he had to walk from there home, he’s to tired & aches all over, I had supper ready & chores done so he ate & rested a while & went to bed. I havent felt so well  tried to sew a little

Mon Sept.27.1943./425-)  mended 2 blankets and swewd cuffs on sleeves & give it up. 

Tue.Sept.28.1943/  Elbert walked to wards & rode to work, he got his own car tonight & he’s dog tired all over.  I had supper ready he ate rested & gone to bed  I’ve got every thing ready for morning, its been a perfectly beautiful day a little foggy tonight. & its quite warm  hope we get that Chiminey fix-ed before it gets cold weather again.  Loney Bunfart’s wife call theCarpenter office at shipyard to-day & said the operated on Lon today & that no one would be able to see him for a week  she said he seemed to be resting

Wed.Sept.29.1943./ Elbert went to work and so did I, I did the washing  was a nice day, but wind N.east & dampl & chilly but I got them all dry before Elbert came home & I darned one pr. socks & got the supper took care of hens & birds and did the odds & ends as usual stomach is to tired. 

Thurs. Sept 30.1943/  Elbert went to work but I haven’t done only my usual round of duties there was a heavey fog last night & this morning & was a fine day, tonight another heavy fog. Mr. Miller said he renewed my releif card & had sent check first of the month & today’s the last day of the month & I haven’t got it yet.  I did try to sew a little today. and I do feel better & hope to go to Church Sun.  I Praise the Lord & thank him for His people Who do pray in earnest for us, when sick, they pray for us any way when well but it so good to feel there prayers when we are sorely in need & in pain, and 

Thurs.Sept.30.1943./426/  Praise and thank God for our Blessed Lord & Master.  I Praise Him & thank Him with all my heart. 

Fri.Oct.1.1943./ Elbert went to work and it was thick fog this morn-ing. Sun came out & it was nice all day thick around horrizion  I tried to sew but didn’t get much done  took care of hens & birds and cut a bunch of dahlias & went to Huron with Elbert to see about getting sheeting for the car shed roof & it will be here Mon. or Tue. next week.  I went into the Dry goods store for a piece to face my dress with & couldnt find anything  have to look in Lorain stores.  they have some nice dress good in Huron now I’d like to get some while it’s fresh & clean. & one rem-ant “rayon” but I don’t know wheather I’ll be able to or not.  I have to get some under slips soon & a hat for winter, We called on Mrs. Sharp & gave her the flower & some tracts from Church  she has changed a lot since I saw her last  she said her & Mrs. Ruff were coming to see me next week. & she’s alone just now, said she wanted to come while her son & daughter were gone on there vacation.  I understood her to day   I received a card from Flora this morning.  I had the soup made & a bowelful cool for Elbert & he ate it before we went to town he don’t have a very big lunch at noon. he’s tired & hungry alrightI had to bake biscuits when I got home tonight.

Sat.Oct.2.1943./ Elbert went to work  I did get one dress done all but the buttons & holes. & I got a little more done on the other one. I cooked beets  fried apples & fish

Sat.Oct.2.1943./427/  for suppper & dressed a hen Elbert got tonight for tomorrow. I’ve took care of birds & hens & done the odds & ends & everythings ready for tomorrow  the winds N.east & strong tonight was fine day. 

Sun.Oct.3.1943./  Well it’s a nice day we had dinner & then got ready for Church  Went to Vermilion at 2.p-m. had such a good meeting & then we bought a pt. of ice cream & two hamberg sand-witches & ate them for our supper & drove to Amherst  looked the town over a little & went to the church & waited quite a while then went in they began to play church hyms & they sang & several different one’s took part.  then the Minister preached on being full of faith  he told us the story of Steven & Philip  I have read it but it’s good to hear it explained and to know what it means to be full of faith  Its wonderful to Know God hears and answers prayers today the same as yesterday & forever Jesus meant what he said. He has given us lots of proof in the bible & the bible is God’s words to us. again He has touched my body & I’m feeling better again  Oh how I love Him my best, my dearest friend.  I Praise Thee Jesus & thank thee again.

Mon.Oct.4.1943./  Elbert went to work  his back is bad  It got quite cold last evening & night but sun came out & was warm today  I baked 2 nice loaves of bread & thank God He makes it good for me  I did my house work & took care of hens & birds & got the supper  fried fish “perch” & we had lettuce tonight now I have everything ready for morning.

Tue.Oct.5.1943.’427./  Elbert’s back so bad he did not go to work.  I’m so tired, to tired. my body, legs- & arms ach like a tooth ach.  I received a card from Mrs. Fred Fisher this morning saying Miss. Mc. Govern had been in Hospital for the passed 2 week that she had fallen off the front door steps & broke both wrists 2 ribs & hurt her shoulder bad she’s getting old she 65 yrs. or so, Well, I pray God will take care of her & keep her, His as one of His always,  I received a card from Flora a few days ago and yesterday a letter from Nellie with a card in it from Johny for Elbert & I.  Oh how I do hope & pray God will turn them whole heartedly to Him.  fog was thick last night but it’s a beautiful day.  A big cock pheasent just ran down the road  I’d like to have him to cook.  We went to Elyria left here about 3.p-m. stopped and gave Mrs Strout a loaf of bread she was at wests doing up the house work getting things ready for supper & ready for prayer meeting.  We met Elinor Winter’s  I think in Vermilion, I don’t know for sure, she was angry & loooked & was talking that way to some one in the car. We stopped to Nellie’s  gve her a bunch of dahlias  talked a min to Johny took Ela Jane to post offic then she & Elbert went to their Dr’s & I waited & took more cold, I got a cold Sun night  it was to hot in church & I got cold before the car heater got started  We ate supper with Nellie & Ella Jane  Moonlight night and I had to miss my prayer meeting.  

Wed.Oct.6./  got such a cold  Elbert stay home to see what he could do

Wed Oct 6 1943./429./  for me  got a bad one all over inside and out.  Oh me 

Thurs Oct.7.1943/ Elberts home, I’m bad yet he’s doing the odds & ends & the cooking.  I’m sure sick today. 

Fri.Oct.8.1943./ Elberts is still home  I really ought to stay in bed can’t hardly breath today, he’s worked some on the car shed roof today. 

Sat.Oct.9.1943/ Elbert worked on the car shed and kept and eye on me  I’m better but top of head feels as if it would come off each time I cough and I cough so hard I throw up. Sat.9. Received both Sept & Oct checks today.  

Sun.Oct.10.1943./  Well I didn’t rest much this week & so felt tired this morning, still coughing hard.  Elbert has a sore throat been doping it all day.  John Mohre was here this morning, had been to Sandusky, just stopped in to see how we all were, he said, he’s fat big roll around his collor. said he bought a filling station at Avon, he talked about the war & the things that were going on and said it was terrible all the men that were beening killed, but has no thoughts for his future just wonders what its going to be.  Afternoon Nellie & John, Geo & Bonnita & the twins and Ella Jane came for an hour or so, they didn’t know yet where he was going, but to school some where  I pray God will take care of him & teach him to know & Love the Lord.  I’m so sorry he doesn’t know & under-stand now  it would be such a comfort

Sun Oct 10 1943./430./  to him and his parents also. he’s 18. yrs. old & should have had those lessons while he was growing up.  Bonney & Jean (Johny’s girlfriend) were in Sandusky today to see a girl friend nurse thats sick and in hospital there.  John & Nellie are so worried & sick because of Johny’s going, they are hoping he’ll get a school in Kent Ohio so they can see him once in a while  he passed his examination clear and he was the only one that did.  Well, I pray God will see that he goes to Kent, and that they will thank God  love & trust Him & live for Him from now on for We all need to know Him better and learn to live closer to Him  I love Him for He’s done so much for me And I pray Elbert’s throat will be O.K. in a-m.

Mon. Oct. 11.1943./  Elbert has one of his bad sore throat & colds, he could hardly speak aloud, but he kept up & went to Vermilion got his cold pills & some food  fish meat vegatables & oranges & two cholate bars.  I baked 2 white loaves of bread a pan of 9 rusk buscuits  washed out the rags, cold rags, I still have to cough & raise & blow my nose.  I potted what plants were left out there in the garden.  Elbert brought in my India lillie bulb last night thought it might freeze  wind went N.East just got a little colder toward morning  was quite warm again today, the lumber came today for car shed & Elberts all ready to put it on

Mon.Oct.11.1943./431/  haven’t been to church since Oct.3.  and only God knows how I miss it, it’s my stalf of life, the Lords Word.  Elbert cleaned & Fried the fish & I age one  haven’t eaten   enough today to hardly keep sould & body together  have to wipe up floor tomorrow  Elbert started tonight taking new cold tablets.. and wash a few pieces of clothing if I can, I really ought to write a few letters also. 

Tue.Oct.12.1943./ I washed a few pieces today am not able to work  cough so hard & my kidneys are weak  When I cough I wet, its a hard job to keep both ens clean & dry, hope I’ll soon be O.K. again. Frank Bonney came & his neighbor came out wood chuck hunting & got 4 tonight.  Elbert went to Dr. in Elyria, he saw & talked to she that use to be Inise Robson & he met Pearl Wheeler & she said her father had been having the worst cold he’d had in several yrs. but was lots better again & Frank said same when he was here tonight, he said Harvey was O.K. still in Africa & Armond had moved to Boston Mass. & Pa & Gertie & his girls & their families were O.K.  Wish I could say as much  I had to miss prayer meeeting again tonight, Elbert’s cold is bad, eyes all watery & sneezing tonight  head filled up throat sore & he’s sick.  It’s been a wonderful day. Bert Ward’s been cutting the corn acrossed the road with a corn cutting machine it cuts & ties  they have to set it in shocks & tie it, two men were doing that.  Well I got dishes done  took care of birds & now have to go to bed.

Wed.Oct.13.1943./  Elbert has to take another pill for cold today  I did out balance of washing today, strong south wind  clothes dried fast.  Elbert’s head and cold is still bad  he put the sheeting on car shed this afternoon & went to Vermilion & got fish for supper.  A man & woman stopped to each house today to see if we wanted to have the house shingled on the sides or anything done to windows or inside.  the woman got out & came around the house but went back

Wed.Oct.13.1943./432/ to their car & got in. I had just come in from Cloth line, man was knocking at front door.  I wasn’t going to ask him in, he didn’t seem to have anything to show he was working for the government, but said his gang was working in Vermilion & Huron putting on shingles & window strips & insulating inside of homes to make them warmer for winter.  Elbert ask the man in he talked a-bout the work & Elbert told him the same as I had, that the house was warm & we wasn’t able to have anything done this winter  I introduced Elbert to him as my brother then he said his name was Johnson, but left nothing in the way of adversements.  Elbert felt sort of suspicious of him he said.  I had big washing. 

Thurs.Oct.14.1943./ Elbert went to work, he drew a full week’s pay today & tomorrow he’ll get 2 days pay I tired to sweep but had to cough so hard I didn’t get it all done so have to finish & wipe up the floors in morning & I hope to wash the big chair cover & iron it so it will be clean for Sun.  I crocheted a little & was out side a while sun came out about 9-a-m & got quite warm, it rained last night a couple of hrs or so just a mild gentle rain, but I know everything sure must have enjoyed for the ground is hard & so terrible dry  I wonder how anything lives & the water is low in the well, to.  moon light tonight & wind still south west & not cold

Fri. Oct.15.1943./ Elbert went to work and I did get the big chair cover washed & Elberts sleeper & everything else that was dirty except some blankets & it turned cold today  wind went N.east  it has tried to rain several times this afternoon & evening

Fri Oct.15.1943./433./ I picked the roses & two big bunches of dahlias, for the wind is so cold & strong, I picked up 1/2 bu tomatoes & put in grainery. I made 1/2 lb. butter from the cream off 4 qts. milk and it tasted so good for we haven’t had anyt for several weeks.  I fried fish Lake Erie perch for supper and the man brought a tank of gas today  he’s and his wife are Christians.  

Sat.Oct.16.1943./ Elbert went to work and I wiped up the floors and did my daily round of chores & odds & ends.  my cold is bad yet, have to cought so hard, will sure be glad when it’s gone.  I darned 3.prs. socks for Elbert.  & crocheted some on the arm piece, that I marked off from a very small print that was in a news paper.  I have one arm piece done it does look attractive, but the deer are so full of holes.  I’ll do another set & make them wild deers look like animals.  Well it tried to snow today, but give it up.  its been a little more chilly than usual. 

Sun.Oct.17.1943./ Elbert worked today.  he put the storm door on the back door last night & put the window in the hen house so to make it a little warmer only got 4 Ancondas & 2 white rocks & Ancona rooster in that big coop.  wind is cold & so strong, paper said it did some damage in quite a number of places, tore up big trees blew down buildings & spoiled the late garden truck, it blew down one of the big brown hoists at Huron Ohio.  Elbert has been doing some corking on one of the boats in the ship-yard  wind blew so hard he had to give it up, they lauched a boat yesterday  Wind has died down tonight but is still N.W. I dressed & cooked the hen Elbert bought & brought home last night, but no Crisco & no biscuits  Elberts going to put his heavy cotton under wear on in the morning.  My heart & mind have been in the church meetings all day, I pray they were good as usual & that a goodly number turned out to them & that God will bless them every one for I Praise Thee & love Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus, He’s my best my dearest friend.  

Mon. Oct.18.1943./ Elbert went to work.  I did out a little washing  feel weak all over today. Tue.Oct. 19.1943./ Elbert’s back & hip hurting him a gain but he went to work  and I didn’t do much work today myself.

Mon. Oct.18.1943./434./ and it was so dark & cloudy Elbert went to work  rained a heavy shower in the early morning was colder than it has been, snowed in round about places, Elyria, Ackron, Cleveland & several other places 4. inches this morn. in some of the places, but didn’t freeze.  been cloudy & sprinkled several times today.  I did the washing & dried it in the house.  Hellen Sarr’s brother’s air plane crashed in Tenn. killing him & all aboard and tonights paper says John Harnish’s mother is dead in Tenn. [Ella Iona Baker died 3 days earlier]  Only greif, & sorrow all over the world  Oh God have mercy & help us to live for Thee that we may be found worthy at Thy coming  forgive us & help us to be Thinke in spirit and in truth, I thank Thee for taking care of Elbert each day & caring for me also  I praise Thee & Love only Thee.

Tue.Oct.19.1943./ Elbert went to work & I set my bread & baked 3 loaves white bread & did my usual round of dutys.  Elberts back is so bad tonight he can’t hard walk & he worked 2. hrs. over time tonight. sun came out just before the sun went down tonight.

Wed. Oct. 20.1943/ Elbert went to Lorain  couldn’t find a Dr. in Vermilion or Lorain to fix his back bone. had 3 out 2 in waist line & 1 in between shoulders.  I got him to go to Huron & Le     put them back in place, but he’s sore & tired tonight.

Wed.Oct.20.1943./ 434./ Pa & Ma were married 64 yrs ago today.  Well I did my daily doz. & then cleaned out some of the old card board boxes from the basement.  Was cloudy this morning, but cleared off & was a real fine day.  I feel so weak yet. 

Thurs.Oct.21.1943./ Elbert went to work & I washed 3 cotton blankets off my bed one heavy & 2 medium weight sun was so hot, they dried fast, just a light south breeze, have to do them on a wash board & wring them by hand & carry the water & I’m sure tired tonight, but I got the supper & fried fish, I’ve done all my usual duties  & now everything’s ready for the morning. clouded up tonight then got thick & foggy, fog horns blowing, so thick before daark we couldn’t see the out buildings  Elbert worked 2 hrs. over time again tonight makes a late supper for when he works till 6-p.m  it’s 7-30 when he gets here. 

Fri. Oct.22.1943./ Elbert went to work one hip still hurting him. I swept both bedrooms & kitchen & dusted then I ironed for a couple of hrs. took care of hens & birds then. felt so tired & weak, I was shaking from head to ft.  I ate a piece of cold fish, it made me sick, had to throw it up. So feel punk. Elbert came he went to Elyria after work to his Dr. he brought a piece of motton & some ice cream. he met John & he said he had just got back Fri. night from his mothers funeral in Tenn. & now Nellie was up to the hospital with Ella Jane, she had another operation on her nose.  The poor child, I’ll so sorry for her  she’s suffered a lot of sickness & abuse since she left me.  I pray God will soon take her in hand and teach her the right way to live & be happy in Him.  Oh God, blease open the way & help her now that she may be healed & made whole in Thee for all time I ask in Jesus Name.

Fri Oct.22.1943 /435./ fog horn still blowing been cloudy all day with light misty rain this morn. got thick & quite dark at 4.-p-m. received a letter from Miss Mc.Govern today  she says she’s been home a month tomorrow. said one hand was still in the cast in bad shape but she is able to use her right hand a little now  I’m so glad I can do my work even if I can’t keep it as spick and span as I use to  I do thank God for my many blessings and pray God will help me each day to live for Him and do as much good as I can for Him, I love Jesus for He loves me.

Sat.Oct.23.1943./ Elbert went to work and I did my usual round wiped up the floors & finished the mending, cleaned a hen & got it to cook & fried fish for Elberts lunch tomorrow & made soup for supper. he went to Huron after supper & took another treatment. I’ve got every thing ready for morning. been a damp chilly day misty rain part of the day, but I did my usual round of chores. & everything. they launched 2 boats again today. I had hoped to get to Church tomorrow. haven’t felt very good today. 

Sun.Oct.24.1943./ Well Elbert did not go to work  he felt to punk. So did I & I’m weak & shaky, but when he said he’sd take me to church down to Vermilion I got dressed & we went  air is crisp & fresh, but we haven’t had a killing frost yet. some of my house plants are out yet  & as fresh & green as can be. We had a wonderful meeting  the folks that did go to the convention all were blessed & some of them wonderfully so  Mrs. Epler received the holy Ghost & poer & was still shouting & praising the Lord & its so good to feel God’s power & know He’s with us in our meetings. I have had a blessing to during the week & today I have been praying for them all, all the week.

Sun.Oct.24.1943 /436./ Sat I saw Mrs. Sprouts face looking so pale & weary, I prayed  prayed God would help her & today, I learned she has a bad cold  we all prayed for her & thanked God he was able to just lay a hand on her & heal her & strengthen her.  The minister says he is coming out to call on us one of these day I hope he will & that I can get the clean wall paper on & clean curtins up before he comes . WEll I thank God I could go to church this after -noon  Elbert would have taken me tonight but he’s so tired I didn’t go & tonight after he went to bed he had gas pains around his heart & I took 4 peper mint candies & disolved them in hot water & he drank it  he still don’t feel good but he ate hearty then went to bed, I can’t do that, but some folks do. It’s raining out side coming on N. windows.  

Mon.Oct.25.1943./ Elbert’s back so bad he went to Elyria to Dr. this after noon & I went we stopped at Nellie’s, but she wasn’t there so we went to Elyria & to the hospital to see Ella Jane & Nellie & Bonney & Loura Bell Stoutin were there.  Ella Jane had an operation on her abdomen for a sis then she threw up so hard she tore the incision open & so she had been there a week & today she was more her normal self than she had been since a week ago  she doesn’t eat much and is as thin as a shadow  they cut out the old incision 1/2 inch & sewed her up I pray God will teach her His ways.

Mon.Oct.25.1943/437/ Nellie found out where the 4 square folks have there meetings in Lorain & went to some of them. she said she heard pa was sick in bed & & wondered if we could go back around by his place & see how he was, so she went home before, Elbert came for me, and I talked a little longer until Johny’s Jean came, then, Elbert came & then we went, stopped & had ham sanwiches & coffee with Nellie then we all 3 went to pa’s & he & Gertie were sitting by the table reading, pa had been sick for 3 days, his bowels run him bad, but had got over it & was feeling O.K. again  Gertie’s burns were mostly healed up she got awhile ago, they seemed pleased we had come in, but Elberts back was about killing him. so we all 3 went back to town  Nellie took the Buss for home & we came on in Elbert’s car, his back pained him so bad he groaned aloud part of the way. I bathed it good for him and put a flannel on it. When he went to bed.  Laura Bell was knock-ed down by a car on her way to see Ella Jane  broke her nose & cut 2 gashes in her forehead & broke her glasses. so she was all tapped up in sympathy with Ella Jane.  I’m so tired, and this is 2 days my bowels has not moved but they moved tonight & Oh but I’m sick and rocky, feel as if it might go b oth ways. Nellie says the whole family have been so out of sorts with me and She had us take her to pa’s, so, I have a reason to beleive, so she could tell.

Mon.Oct.25.1943./438./ me how they all felt all, because I tried to tell them how Jesus coul heal us with out a Dr. if we trusted Him. and how much He had done for me.  I sent them some little tracks they gave out at church & she said, they were a Crhistian family, she wanted me to know & I didn’t need to send them all that stuff, as if they wasn’t, and she said she wanted me to know she had the holy ghost.  Well I just felt terrible, I told her I’d been having some new exp0eriences & blessings these passed few yrs. & was so happy, that I wanted them to enjoy them to, that I hadn’t ment to offend them & that I was sorry, & I had ment no harm but only wanted them to be happy to. I ask her if she read the little papers I sent and she said no, not all of them but she would for she wanted to see what they were like. she said she didn’t believe in other tongues and all the last part of their meetings but I’m still praying God will help her as He has me, to understand her bible.  

Tue.Oct.26.1943./  Elbert’s back feels better today  he went to Berlin hights & got our ration book-s some more new ones. & he went to Huron & got some meat 10- points & I’m O.K. but weak & to-night we went to prayer meeting, we had such a good meeting & sermon I always feel better after I go.  We never have a chance to talk 

Tue.Oct.26.1943./439./ and I do wish so much that we could talk. and un-stand better but, any way God knows and I know he’ll lead me & take care of me all the way, the preacher said tonight some people run off at the mouth to much, so I just believe I’ll not do anymore talking  they sort of shun me  in away now for to or three time of late seem to be a group all there own, but how they going to get people to come if they make them feel like they make me feel  God help us for I’m so sorry they feel I run off at the mouth.

Wed.Oct.27.1943./ Elbert hasn’t worked so far this week, his back, kidneys and neck have pained him so bad, his back seems to get so stiff & I bath it & put a flannel on it every night.  I haven’t done only what I had to do so far this week, washed those blankets & lost all the pep I had. I’ve felt so broke up all week just have to cry.  Oh, well.  I cooked & done dishes now to bed. 

Thurs.Oct.28.1943./  Weathers not so cold but damp.  We neither have done much today, Elbert went to Hueron & got a few things we had to have to eat & I straightened up the house a little while he was gone & wahsed & darned my everyday stocking.  cried a lot with a song going on in my heart, over & over one we use to sing so much at Epworth League (There is sunshine in my sould today more glorious & bright than glows in any earthly sky, for Jesus is my light, I’ve forgot just how it goes but Praise the Lord, Jesus is mine. got everything ready for the morning.  Elberts back & neck rubbed & birds covered  fire fixed now me for bed.  Oh. yes. Oh, yes.  We got a notice from the Post Office to fill -in the rust by the mail box & to keep it filled & graded. Or they wouldn’t leave the mail, that poor mail box has been the sourse of a heap of trouble for 23 long hard years.  

Thurs.Oct.28.1943./440./  I had Elbert stop & see Burdue, he’s one of the board men, He said he’d have the county men fix it within 2 or 3 days.  so I hope he wont forget it.  Edd Hahn’s boy was here tonight for the fest drive will be 17 yrs. this coming ??

Fri.Oct.29.1943./ Elbert feels better, but my nerves have been terrible since. Mon. hope to get a lift soon, for I’m not able to do the washing.  I did make two loaves of white bread today, but the nerve shocks have whipped me several times today & after each one I sweat like rain & am so weak and exausted.  I received a nice letter this morning from Mrs Clyde Green. I Praise thee Jesus.  

Sat.Oct.30.1943./ Well I feel better to day the nerve shocks have ceased to roll, but I’m so weak, I swept & cleaned up the birds & washed out Elberts change of clothes, can’t hardly keep my head level when I’m on my feet or trying to work.  I Praise God for taking away the shocks, I can never tell you how terrible they are, I’m going to stay home for a while untill I can master my nerves again. Elbert went to Lorain & got a few things we had to have & took a treatment of Dr. Sifling.  Frank Bonney & his neighbor were here hunting but they didn’t get any game, wood chucks. got one rare bid  sun was hot to-day.  He said every one was well & the boys. he didn’t say where Harvey was but Armond is at Long Island, New York.  I wish I could go to church tomorrow, but think it’s best not to. 

Sun.Oct.31.1943./ Well Praise the Lord I’m lots better and He has revealed to me What’s going on  Well, I praise His Holy name and, I’m so glad I haven’t sinned, and that he has showed me now so I’ll be more careful in the future.  We never

Sun.Oct.31.1943/441./ Know who wants to Sting yet, be nice to our face. Oh, how I love Jesus.  He’s my best, my dearest friend.  Oh, God of Love, and Mercy, I thank Thee, Blessed Jesus.  Just a week ago tonight the Minister said, well we have a few minutes to testify “or may be some of us would like to preach a little,”  I thought about it, but not seriously, then a lady from Amherst got up & said , well, she didn’t think she was cut out for a preacher, but, and she glanced back over the crowd and smiled.  Well, I never trembled, for I love to be in the meetings & God always gives me a lift. so last Tue. night, just when my nerves were so whipped & frayed, I could hardly hold my self together, I went down to Vermilion to prayer-meeting, again, again  Mrs. West her mother & the daughter were so cool, and I had taken a glass of strawberry Jam to Mrs. Wests Mother to, but when she came in, she bustled about as if she defied anyone to cross her path, my brain began to work, or try to, but I felt to all in to think, so when the minister & His group came in, He smiled & exchanged greetings & then started Church, he said something about people blubbering, or running off at the mouth and something about polished floors, my nerves had begun to jump again & I started to pray, I don’t know what the rest of it was but several got up to testify & Mrs. West’s mother got up & said some thing about the Lord had always took care of her even 

Sun.Oct.31.1943/442./ all through the de-pression, then something told me, that she had been strutting about all evening & then ” I said yes, but why”? and a voice said you still have to live on relief, and you told Mrs. West so, “Yes, I rememb-ber, and you told her you had sent to Miss Willitts (&Mrs West told every thing I’d said to the preacher  Gossip & he had listened to her.  I don’t see what I did that was wrong or why he need to make a public laughing stock of me then gGod shows me some more things that gave me such a shock it made my spirit sick)for lessons & that they had turned out to be Ministoral lessons, that you had wanted some lessons to study at home to help you understand better and at last they said, I should have had the personal workers lessons, and that you had told Miss Willitts I only wanted them for my own personal good and that I didn’t want any diploma, or to sent back ans or take examinations, but if I could have them with out taking exams. to send them, so that was wheat she had sent & now, Who ever was looking after it, said she wouldn’t send me the rest of the lesson untill I sent in my exam ans.”) S and Tue. night I started to tell the Minister about the things Nellie had said & my nerves & brain, were so stricken at all the things that had been going on and my brain always does works faster than my tongue & I started in the middle & now

Sun.Oct 31.1943/443./ I wouldn’t be at all shocked if they thought I’d had one to many drinks.  I can’t bear or endure the thought of staying a-way from church, but after all, that will take some explaining  (preacher said, some people got in a rut open at both ends & didn’t know how to get out.   rainy & cloudy today)  So I’ve been praying God will help me to under-stand what to do.  The preacher’s so busy, he probably wouldn’t have time to listen to one in my position but he had time to listen to Mrs. West.  Oh, how I love Jesus, He’s never’s to busy, Praise his Holy Name.  I can’t tell you how sorry I am about all this, for I try so hard to live a clean righteous life.  I de-test gossip and scandle and it’s a terrible thing among those who claim to belong to God.  I’m glad Oh, so glad it’s not me, Oh, God Keep me clean, I pray Thee    Thou will watch & keep me from the wolves, In Jesus Name.  Elbert’s backs still giving him lots of pain, he has not worked all week. I pray God will help him. 

Mon.Nov.1.1943./ Elbert went to work & his back was so bad he could hardly walk & it was showery, but sun came out before noon & it was a beautiful day  really to warm for this time of year.  I had to bath and rub Elberts back every night last week & again tonight he went up to Huron to the Dr. but said he didn’t feel the bones go into place & Dr. said his back was to conjested. well I bathed & rubed it & it is swollen in 3 places. I put a flannel on it to.  I counted the dots in a contest picture a mo. or so ago & sent it in just for fun & today I received a $25.00 voucher  but it can only be used

Mon.Nov.1.1943/444/ as part payment on a new fur coat.  I haven’t done much today only what had to be done  Elbert was doing some more corking that’s so hard on his back & legs.  it’s starlight & warm tonight.  Elbert has to go to the Dr. in Elyria tomorrow night. 

Tue.Nov.2.1943./ Loney Bumgart was buried today  Elbert went to work and I did half the washing, it didn’t dry very fast but I finished it over the stove, Elbert went to Dr. in Elyria tonight got home 7-30p-m. he took a good qt of apricots to Hospital, but Ella Jane had gone home & they never even sent a post card  Elbert felt so bad “his back & neck”  he didn’t even think to call them to see where he could leave the can so they could get it. 

Wed.Nov.3.1943./  Elbert went to work but I haven’t done much  I made 3.pies 1.apricot  he brought perch for supper & I had it most ready all but the fish, he’s tired tonight.  hailed & snowed soft snow in Lorain, none here.  but its been cloudy allday & colder today. 

Thurs.Nov.4.1943./ Elbert went to work & I did out his washing had to carry the water did my usual daily round turned out to be a fine day. 

Fri.Nov.5.1943/ Elbert went to work cloudy most the day.  I baked a batch of tea cookies got supper done up the dishes fried fish for E’s. lunch & croched a while did my daily round of chores today

Sat.Nov.6.1943/ Elbert went to work & I cleaned the 4 bird cages & gave them a baths

Sat.Nov.6.1943./445./-while they took there bath  I washed my two dresses starched them & hung them over the line in the house to dry, cloudy & air was warm & damp, to warm for Nov.6.  You don’t feel cold without a hat & jacket on, I let the hens out & got the mail (adds.) & then put the bird cages together put perches in & gave them  seeds & water, then I swept the 3 rooms & wiped up the floor & cleaned the chairs then fed & watered hens & got well water for house then ironed one house dress & got into it just before Elbert came  I made soup & fried bal. of fish for supper, he brought cream & I do like that. now I have dishes done & I have finished the crochet piece for chair back & started the other arm piece, Elbert got a hen for Sun. dinner when he got the milk tonight & it’s raining.

Sun.Nov.7.1943./ Showery all day, but lot’s to warm. We had fish for dinner & hen for supper with biscuits & gravy  Elbert slept most of afternoon  I slept this forenoon, he dressed the hen & got it on to cook & then dressed the fish, then I did the rest.  I didn’t go to church & don’t know what to do about it. Wind sounds as if it were going to blow hard. We haven’t got the roses tied up for winter yet hope to get it done soon as the moon changes & I hope it stays warm untill I get it done.  how I wish I could work in the dart(k)  I’d like to clean up the place & have a garden but looks as if I wont ever be able 

Sun.Nov.7.1943/ 446./  to do that sort of work again. well I’ve got the dishes done & Elbert & the birds are sleeping so I’m goint got bed. 

Mon.Nov.8.1943/  Elbert  put the paper on car shed roof  he went to Huron & bought 4 rolls of paper 10.00 & some odd cents. I gave him $10.00 and could have saved half of it, for he don’t want to take the 2 extra rolls back  he’s got the bottom of car shed done just has to fill in & clean out, his back is paining him bad & I haven’t done any more than I had to do today getting chilly out side wind S.W.

Tue.Nov.8.1943./ Well, it’s 11-a-m. Elbert clean’ed out first pen in hen house. We had a thin white blanket of snow this morning.  wind is chilly, sun comes out now and again. snow all gone. flies have been flying around out side untill yesterday.  wind still S.W2.-p-m  the wind was quite strong & snowing.  Elbert has gone to Huron for freezone for his car, some paint, and a brush some fish, and some hamberg for supper and I hope he’ll think about the cabbage, his back is so stiff he can hardly get around. got quite cold  he wants to go to beach yet for sand.  Well he got the paint & brush $8.40 boys, oh boys. he got fish for tomorrow & ham  berg for supper, but no cabbage or carrots or beets, he’s getting another cold in his throat & chest. I made him ginger tea with honey in it & greesed his chest & throat now he & the birds are sleeping. I wrote a letter to Miss. Mc.Govern & card to Ella Jane. now I going to bed. I gave him 5.00 for paint and owe him $3.40 yet & 2.01 on lumber that’s 5.41  I still owe him. my check didn’t come today . 

Wed.Nov.10.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain no Dr’s available got his  car fixed up got a few things we needed & came back home. he put the tar paper over the uper ventilation holes .

Wed.Nov.10. 1943./447/ his back is so bad he can hardly get around it got at it and snowed & the ground is white, it’s a wet snow.  Elbert got 6 hens & one rooster from the family where we get the milk, they cost$10.50  he got them tonight I only have 4 anconia hen & 1 hen & 1 rooster.  I baked 3. white loaves of bread today & did my daily round. 

Thurs.Nov.11.1943./ Elbert feels some better but he didn’t go to work it snowed  was colder & so wet, but he says he’s going in the morning, he went to Huron & got the scratch grain & a few things to eat today  Weather cleared up today  sun came out & was quite nice. I only did my house work  have not felt very strong but got to do the washing in the morning if I can.  Elbert mailed the card to Ella Jane & letter to Miss Mc.Govern today. He bought a newspaper & it told about Edward Kendall who was so badly burned on the St. Wasp, was training for machinist mate, and I’m wondering if it’s the Edd Kendall we knew. 

Fri.Nov.12.1943./ Elbert went to work and I did my daily dozen.  washed carried water & had to dry clothes in the house air damp been cloud most of the day & it rained then snowed tonight  Elberts so tired to.  I have darned 2 prs. my stocking & 2 prs socks. today-  -night. We got one egg yesterday but non today. 

Sat.Nov.13.1943./ Elbert went to work, the ground covered with snow froze a crust. Sun came out at noon and at 2.p.m. snow most gone. I wiped up the floors, cooked up the peach juice into candy did a few odds & ends, and now got to grind horseradish, and shed a few tears. Elbert got a nice white fish for supper last night, they are a sweet moist meat, rather solid, and I like them for a change. We are all out of meat points so don’t know what we’ll eat tonight. Elbert got some raisons and he didn’t have any blue points, so they took as many red points as they would blue & that was once again tomany, but we’re lucky to eat, they do as they like about points & get by with it to.  Elbert came  I had the chores done & dry my glads & tube

Sat.Nov.13.1943 /448./ rose bulbs  I got the water & coal  fed & watered hens. fried potatoes & cooked some cabbage for supper & had some cold fish & hot coffee, Elbert brought cream & it tasted so good & after supper he went for milk, and got a hen for dinner tomorrow, so I did dishes while he was gone & dressed hen when he got it killed, it was covered with pinfeathers so when I got it singed he cut it up & put it on to cook, he read the paper to me, & went to bed, I croched awhile & let the hen cook now its 11-p-m & hen most done. it’s just cold enough to freeze a little  paper said snow & wind. I sent Mrs. Knettle some horseradish & she gave Elbert a cacone???

Sun. Nov.14.1943./ didn’t go to church went up to see Mrs Sharp she was all alone & been crying  she has 4 children & not one of them do a thing to help keep her, she went to Norwalk to visit brother he has everything heart could wish for, she said, but all his extra money he puts into war bonds for their son, Mrs Sharps son & his wife & their live in her up stairs and only give her 10.00 a month & she could get 25 easy from any one else  I should think he’d be ashamed of himself & his wife to, but that s the wayh with most of the younger folks today.  I took her a few things to eat and I don’t know what she needs most  I don’t believe she’d come live with me even if I had another room, she’s lived there so long & it’s her home its would be like digging out a big tree and moving it, to move her now.  I’m so sorry for her   I only have my brothers & sisters nephews & neices, but they don’t want to be bothered either old folks are so much trouble, but they would like what little I’ve got left, so I have heard. I want a home in heaven and pray God will help them to want one there & teach them how to get it. I’m glad I haven’t got many yrs. left here. I do wish I were pure & clean in every way, I’ve tried so hard to be, but the Lord is with me & I have a song in my heart, even when all else is wrong

Mon. Nov.15.1943./449./ Elbert didn’t work, he went to Huron to Dr. to get bones put back in place in hi8s neck  2 of them, he’s feeling better tonight. I went with him to Dr. Divore tonight but he wasn’t in his office today. we got the milk & came home again. Elbert got fish at Huron for supper, he got one rib of mutton & it was only a trifle over a pound & they took points for it.  Well it’s been a cloudy gloomy day  I tried to sew but it was so dark it tired me all out I got * curtains cut but only got on pr.  the piece for the west window sewed. but they are cut so maybe I’ll get them done soon, have some blankets to wash again  Wish Elbert would get Mrs Gilmore to wash them, she has an electric washer. raining this after noon & tonight.  today’s first day of hunting season & not a shot or any hunters all day. 

Tue.Nov.16.1943./ Elbert went to work & it’s so dark didn’t begin to get light until 8.-p-m. cleared off after 12.00 noon and I made me an under skirt got it all done & put it on, then I ironed two dresses 1. good or sun dress & one house dress. Elbert had the coop keys so I couldn’t feed them tonight but they had mash anyway. We had mutton with rice & barley & carrot & onions in the broth & hot beets for supper. I swept the whole house this morning. after supper we went to Devores’s, Elbert got some herbs again  I do hope he gets fixed up this time., I had a good spiritual visit, Elbert had a little visit with Devore’s wife, when we first got there a man’s wife & daughter by the name of Coats was in the office & there neighbor a widow woman, was in the waiting room & we had a good visit with her, they were from Amherst  the widow works at the Sanatorium, We got the milk on the way over there & when we started for home it was snowing & was coming fast & thick before we got home, but it was warm & comfortable inside. It was 9-p-m. when we got back tonight.

Wed.Nov.17.1943./Elbert went to work & I did the washing the now all melted off. but wind was cold  I had to carry some water. & did the chores & got supper & did dishes & fried some fish for Elberts lunch  he went out over the back of the place & tried to get a pheasent or rabbit but no luck.

Thurs.Nov.18.1943./450./ Elberts back so bad he didn’t go to work. I saw a pheasent in the back yard & told him & he shot it in the head a nice one ab out 4 1/2 lbs. young one. & just beautiful I’ve been praying God would send me one, I’ve been craving wild meat, I saved the feathers & got the bird cooked for tomorrow night’s supper, Elbert cleaned & cut it up, I’m not feeling up to par today, but done my usual round of duties. flies flying around out side today, & some got inside   I killed several.  We had fish for supper  Wind has been South & little west all day. I have a letter & 2 papers ready to mail to Mrs Kendall. 

Fri.Nov.19./1943./ Elbert went to work & I washed the front door insid & out & the storm door & window & the east window wood work & window glass & beleive it or not, I’m dead tired  I took care of the birds & Elbert had coop keys so I couldn’t feed the hens. & he got here to late to feed them  well I had enough odds & ends to keep me busy all day. I swept & wiped up the floors, today. been a nice day Wind N.West going North. 

Sat.Nov.20.1943./ Elbert went to work. I washed up everything that was dirty, that is dirty clothes, took care of hens & birds & trimed some of the roses on end of house. there are not as many vines as usual & not as large, didn’t get enough water, Elbert brought cream & its so good  I don’t eat food enough & am so glad when he brings the ice cream Wind N.east a beautiful day & flies, lots of them out side & a honey bee. I let the hens out a while.  My check hasn’t come yet. 

Sun. Nov.21.1943./ A dark gray morning, sun did come through for 2 or ?.hrs. then swift dark clouds  strong wind came & wind is still blowing, and in case it does get colder. I didn’t go back to the Vermilion church yet my nerves have been so

Sun.Nov.21.1943./451/ bad and I pray when I do, all will be well, I was hoping to get the other windows washed tomorrow now I don’t know what I’ll do  Wind N.East. and I take them out to wash them, and then we have to trim & tie the roses at end of the house yet. & I wanted to get it done before it got cold. 

Mon.Nov.22.1943./ Elbert went to work, cloudy day, I washed the 2 N. Windows and got 5 more to do. and I corked them for winter.  it itres me all out. I ought to bake bread tomorrow & do the washing thats a big order  I don’t know if I can do it. N.E.wind. I have to wash & fry fish for supper tonigh. I received a letter from Ella Jane today, she staying over to Stoughton’s for she said they were putting in windows, and doors & laying flooring at home & Geo. has passed his phyical examination for the Navy & had to leave (Mon.Nov.22.) today poor kid he’s such a boy and I know how he must hate to leave Bonnita & his twin babys. and he says he has to go & let them shoot him & he don’t want to kill anybody. Oh I pray God will help him. & help them all, it’s so hard to be seperated, not to mention the anxious hrs. between letters.  Ella Jane is feeling heavy on her feet yet & I know she will for some time to come. I do pray God will give her strength, she’s so thin.

Tue.Nov.23.1943./ Elbert didn’t work today his back  Fred has been gone 7. yrs. today. Loura Ann is 9. yrs. old. Elbert mailed a card to Mrs Miller & a letter to Mrs Clyde Green & I have two cards to go this morn one to Mrs Gilmore & one to Dr. Rankiin. Well Elbert put a patch of tin on the west kitchen window  I washed 3 windows today, did my usual round of duties

Tue.Nov.23.1943./452/ this after noon Elbert & I tied & trimed the roses on the end of the house got it mostly all done except top of center & top of the one toward the east, then I made soup while he went for milk & he got 1 1/2 qts of milk & a hen, we killed one that we had that didn’t look so good & kept the one he got & he is going to get 7. more white pullets & 3 old White hens that will make 18 white hens & one white rooster.  Well, he scalded the hen he killed & picked it & I cut it up, & put it on to cook for tomorrow. then I washed the dishes & mended his pants.  Wind was N.West backed up, then West N.east Mrs. Shoope came along from Snyders, she’d been over there for a bush of some sort, she laid it down & came in to where w were tieing roses & we got to talki8ng  I gave her some of the cuttings from center rose, then 3 yellow Chimies rose bushes, 4 or 5 little walnut trees, a pussy willow, some blue irise & some perenal sweet pea seed & she’s coming back for a trumpet vine wisteria vine, honey suckle vine & a bitter sweet.  Elbert’s in bed since 9-15 & it’s -11-p-m.  now so I’ll have to fix the fire & go to bed  I’d ought to write a letter each night but it’s late when I get done. 

Wed. Nov.24.1943./ Elbert went to work and it’s been another beautiful day, I finished the windows & stitched 3. prs. of curtains & did my usual round & got supper & while we were eating Mrs. Shoope came in & gave me a box of salve  some of the kind called Petro-Carbo salve. she said one box lasted her 10. yrs. she was so pleased with the few plants I gave her & I told her she could have some more vines & irise. I can’t take care of them anyway. Well dishes done & everything ready for the morning.

Thurs.Nov.25.1943 / Elbert went to work and I baked 2. white loaves of bread & a pan of rolls & then I did the washing  took care of birdfs & hens & carried water put up the new curtains in the kitchen & got the supper, cleaned washed them & scraped them in 2 water & fried fish & now I have all the dishes done & am ready for morning.  It’s been a wonderful day  wind went all way round is N.E. tonight flys flying a round out side yet lot s of them. I sent a card to Mrs. Hildebrant one to Wiggins a card to Flora  one to Ella Jane. 

Fri.Nov.26.1943./ Elbert went to  work, I swept & cleaned the bird cages & gave them a bath  & made a little pad of the butter & took care of the hens & got the supper, & done the dishes and of course I took care of the beds & rooms. but was to tired to get any more done, now I covered the birds, got the boiling meat most done so the broth will be good for breakfast. Elbert’s in bed, he had a sore throat last night & still has it tonight  I fixed his gargle of olive oil, vinegar, & salt he used it tonight, now the fire is ready for alnight. I received a letter from Nellie today inviting us to thanksgiving dinner, looks as if she didn’t want us to come for she didn’t mail the leter untill Wed. & there was any mail delivery Thurs. so we got it today, Well its O.K. by me, Elbert had to work & he don’t get done untill 4-p-m  & then he would have to come home for me & then all the way back & he’s been working harder for a few days & is so tired he can’t hardly sleep at night. now he’s got that sore throat again, fog horn blowed all morning cleared up at 10-a-m. it’s been a find day wind been all way round again today & is N.West tonight  Cloudied up this after noon & thick tonight  flies & millers been flying around out doors all day, its’s quite warm out.

Sat.Nov.27.1943./ Elbedrt went to work. I didn’t feel up to par to-day, so I only did my usual round of duties  took care of bird & hens and swept & darned 3. prs. socks stockings, my pants & petty coat. then wiped up the floor, then Frank and one of his neighbors came out this morning at 9-a-m. they came in at noon & ate thre lunch & rested a 1/2 hr. then went out & hunted until 4.-p.-m. the neighbor got 1. rabbit & gave it to me. Frank got 1.pheasent & 3. rabbits. they came back in & rested & had a bowl of soup each & then went for home. Frank said pa is sick with another cold, in his head, throat & chest. and that Everybody else was well as far as he knew, it was quite cloudy this morning & fog horn blowing cleared off at noon & clouded up again at 2-p-m. tried to rain then tried to snow but give it up. 

Sun.Nov.28.1943./ Elbert has had his car 2. yrs. today  he bought it brand new. (A Studiebaker Champion)  We didn’t go anywhere

Sun.Nov.28.1943./454/ Elberts cold was gone this morning praise god He ans. my prayers.   We had ham & cabbag & potatoes for dinner & soup for supper. Was dark & cloudy untill most 9-a-m. sun came out & was nice cloudied up before dark again Wind S this morning & went west this after noon late & colder tonight, but flies were out flying around outside again today  Frank said Harvey was in Hospital in Italy & Armond had been shipped to west Coast. to California, this is a terrible war  Oh God if only they were thy souls  had given there souls to Thee. 

Mon.Nov.29.1943./ Elbert went to work. Ma’s birthday today  she would be 87. yrs. old  my oh my how time does get away. I only did my house work & baked two apple pies today, took care of hens & birds. its been quite cold today froze thick ice in out door bird bath & it didn’t thaw any all day and no flies out today.  Wind N.West. Elbert said it snowed & blowed a gale for a little while in Lorain but didn’t amount to any thing  I didn’t get my check today so have wrote a card to Mr. Miller.  I wrote one to Ella Jane & one to Nellie.  I got everything ready for morning Now I’m goi8ng to bed. Elbert brought some ice cream & a white fish for supper tonight.l

Tue.Nov.30.1943./ Elbert went to work. I only did my usual round of duties. I got 1 pullet egg today and got a letter partly wrote to Mrs. Sharp, hope to finish it yet tonight.  Elbert got a Lorain paper & it told about George Eddy going to Cleveland to join the Navy & that his wife & babies had gone home to live.  Elberts back’s hurting him again tonight and I had to bath it for him. I’m fixing fire & going to bed. hope to wash in morning. Winds been S.west & quite fresh[?] Well I gave the hens fresh mash & water tonight & got 2 pails of well water for the house & I miss going to Church

Wed.Dec.1.1943./ Elberts back so bad he had to go to Dr at Huron  had several bones out of place, well I did the wash and carried the water & took care of hens & birds & cooked & washed dishes, got 1. egg today & one yesterday  Sun shone most all day  stiff south breeze clothes dried good & the flies were flying about out side today  but it got colder today  I sent Mrs. Sharpe a few potatoes & apples  a couple packages of soup mix some 

Wed.Dec.1.1943./455/ oat meal or rolled oats & macironi & a can of hot soup I made  Well, I got Elberts back bathed he feels b ad it hurts him so  I had him give post-man a letter for Mrs Sharpe this morning here at the door. now I have fire fixed & everything ready for morning & am fixing his herbs & then going to bed  colder tonight & it freeaes ice every night out in bird bath.

Thurs.Dec.2.1943./ Elbert didn’t work today but he’s better tonight   I’ve bathed his back & now I got the fire fixed & everything’s ready for the morning, haven’t done much today felt weak & all in, I ironed what few pieces there were to be ironed and made 2 dish towels & 2. prs. curtains got 3 prs. yet to do, Elbert put some battons a-round some of the windows and we still need a few more.  He went to Huron  got some pig hocks & leiver  we had liver for dinner & hocks with cabbage & carrots for supper. no egg today. Wind was N. east & gone back S.west  it’s cloudy and the fog horn’s been blowing since the middle of afternoon. Its been a beautiful day & flies still fying around outside. 

Fri. Dec.3.1943./ Elbert didn’t work back is better   I glad for that, he went to Dr. & got more ointment today & got fish for supper perch & white fish. I did the sweeping, took care of hens & birds & baked 2 white loaves of bread and lots of odds & ends & did the cooking & dishes & got the broth ready for break-fast what breeze there was is   has been S.west & the fog horn is blowing all afternoon & tonight cold & frosty tonight heavy white frost on everything at 9-o-m.

Sat.Dec.4.1943./ Elbert wasn’t able to walk without growning part the time today. Pa & Frank & a mr Janeson came out to hunt today  got here about 9-a-m & left at 4-p-m. came in here to eat there lunch

Sat.Dec.4.1943./456./ they didn’t get anything thi’s morning, but Pa got 1. this after noon  Frank & the other man got 2. each , then another man came out later & went with them afger dinner but didn’t any. Pa gets to tired, he turns such a deep purplish red when he gets set down, he said he had got to tired, he’ll be 84  yrs. old Jan. 28. 1944. & the young men get tired most to death they walked Pa said about 12 moles through brush & weeds chin deep half the time over fences & through ravines. Pa tore one overall leg, tore a big square cornered piece from the knee almost to the hip almost the whole front haf of uper leg. must have strained him, he said the boys never waited to see if he got over the fences O.K. or not. and then they came in & rested 15 or 20 minutes before they left & Frank said, if Elbert would get out and walk more he’d feel better, Elberts back is so bad that a jolt often gets the bones out of place in his back bone & kleeps me busy bathing after  Dr. gets them back  So I do wonder what Frank will be like in X 8 yrs. or 31. yrs. from now.  We might live to see. how ever I do hope he’ll be able to do as well as Elbert & Pa.  Frank says Elbert & I (Elinor) are two of a kind, and I feel sorry for the younger folks for they don’t  know.  I swept & scrubbed the floors & cooked & done dishes & took care of birds  haven’t been up to par today. but Praise God in Jesus Name I could work.  They Pa & F. said every one was O.K. once more Harvey’s up & about & all the other family were O.K.

Sun.Dec.5.1943./  It’s been a beautiful day & the flies have been flying around out side not 

Sun.Dec.5.1943./457./ even shivery cold.  Elbert let the hens out about noon & they run around & scratched & dry until 4-p-m. 1 egg today that’s 4 from the new White pullets so far  Elbert’s back still hurt’s tonight & he’s hurt the place tat was ruptured near his navel.  Well hes gone to bed & I have everything for the morning. I didn’t go to Church and I do miss going so much. 

Mon.Dec.6.1943./ Elbert’s birthday  he will be 61 yrs. old today, and he’s not gone to work. it’s been a bad day out side raining light steady rain untill 4-p-m. When a heavy fog came in & that cleared up about 6-p-m. & wind began to blow in strong heavy puffs. and is still blowing at 10-p-m,  so we haven’t done any more than we had to  I took care of hens & birds & house work  Elbert went to town (Vermilion) got some boiling meat & liver we had liver for dinner. Elberts’ back is still bad. Elbert got a birthday card from Easel & he sent her one today for Dec. 9th.  he can’t make a quick move without growning. 

Tue.Dec.7.1943./ Elbert still isn’t able to work and he went to Lorain to Dr. Sifling. I think his rupture is one thing that’s troubling him a lot.  I’m not sure.  Well I took care of hens & birds & did out half the washing, had to carry water & I haven’t been feeling so well for some time now. Elberts been talking of going to hospital to get sewed up  it would leave me in a bad way since I’m not fit to get out and scout around for food, but I’ll pray and God will take care of me.  Elbert wishes he could be home instead of having to go to hospital. but so long as he get’s fixed up good I wont worry, he had to wait for Dr. until 4-p-m. so he called over home to see how pa was after his hunting trip & Gertie said every one was O.K. Pa was sore & lame

Fri.Dec.7.1943./459/[note this is actually 458 in sequence)  but was up & around then Elbert went & found Elinor winters she is sick, but up & around, her heart is bad she has 6. children  youngest is 3. yrs. old.  her man is volentary Coast Guardsman & he wrote her a letter from Egypt and has gone in a convoy to Russia & don’t know when he’ll get back but hope to this Spring he said he didn’t have to go & leave her, but he wanted to go. men  some men are like that. I pray God will help her to over come & Live for Him.

Wed.Dec. 8.1943./ Elbert couldn’t work we went to Huron Ohio to Dr. Leih     he examinoned him & found he had split the rupture a little larger but said they could heal it with out having to sew it, they have done it & know it works. So he sent Elbert to Lorain to Dr. Brandon Who he says does a good job, so Elbert is going in to Lorain to see a-bout it, in the morning.  I hope he can get fixed up so he can work and, not be in misery all the time. It has been dark and Cloudy most of the day. I got an all wool double blanket and paid 1.00 on it, of Mrs. Gunsenhouser today  she wanted 15.__ but let me have it for 14.00 because it was soiled. Cloudy tonight 

Thurs.Dec.9.1943./ Well Elbert

s back is so bad he’s home yet. I have only done what I had to do today except I washed out the big chair cover & my house dress, my bowels didn’t move un-till 2-a-m this morning made me sick all over and weak today. no check yet today. it’s been cloudy all day and not cold, but damp & penetrating. 

Fri.Dec.10.1943./ Elbert & I went to Lorain to see Dr. Brandow & Elbert paid 12.00 for an uplift belt & 2.00 for a treatment for the rupture & an Exray picture of the hip joints in the back & they use the same ser to treat the joints. when the wont stay in place. I pray God  will help him to

Sat. Dec.11 1943 /450/ it & check on it but that they were not aloud to tell me anything about it no matter what they found but he still has the money he will have to give back out of it all he has had from the aid & if he doesn’t have any left we children will have to give him enough to take care of Gertie & him Well, I pray God’s will be done. I feel better since I explained to the aid for I wouldn’t want to be pun-ished for signety those papers, but it looks queer to me that they can’t eell me what they find but still Im foced to sign the papers. I pray God will bring it to light  Wind was N.West then went S west and it’s getting strong at 10-p-m. Elbert went to Huron & bought a hen after we got back home & he got 1/2 bu. apples he likes them. 

Sun.Dec.12.1943./ Elbert has a little cold so have I we both have been some what upset over the fact, that we have to sign old age aid papers for pa, when Uncle Harvey Bonney had given him 9. Thousand dollars in 1911. 2 thousand for himself and a thousand for each of us 7 children and he (Pa) never gave us children our money & he lost his bank book  in my out side toilet.  I think it was in 1936. & he sitill had the full amount on the book & now he has to ask for aid we have to sign papers to show we can’t take care of him & Gertie, WE feel we are entitled

Sun Dec 12.1943/461/ to know wheather he has that money or not, so that we wont be aiding him in any of his wrong doing.  They told Elbert they would look into the matter, but thus far we can’t find out as they have done a thing. I holpe no trouble will fall on us for he has been a great source of trouble to tus moost fo our lives. So I will paray God Will be done.  Been cold today & snowed hard tonight at 5-=p-m for just a little while. Wind is trong & N.West. We were home all day only little sun today. Elbert has sore throat tonight. 

Mon.D3c.13.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain to see the Dr. & he went to Shipyard to report, Shipyard Dr. gave him an examiniation siad he had a bad ruppture shipyard made out some papers & at last he got home at 5-30-p-m. rupter makes him sick & he looked all in when he got here & he was, he’s so nervous, but I talked to him, & after he’d rested a while, he ate his supper then he felt a little better read the new paper & went to bed, he wants me to go with him tomorrow, to Amherst to see when they will take him in and sew him up and he wants to see and talk to the Dr who is going to sew him. then he has to go back to the shipyard to answer some questions on the papers  I pray God will help him to ans. correctly. I havent felt so good to-day  I swept & wiped up the floor took care of hens & birds, did out side chores and got the supper & did the dishes.  Elbert mailed a letter to Mr Miller for me, in Vermilion today. 

Tue.Dec.14.1943./ Elbert & I went to Amherst to Hospital to see who, as a good surgin they could & would reccomend  7t was Dr. De Nards so we had to go to the Shipyard next to get more papers filled out, to be sent in to Head office in Cleveland, then we went to Dr. De’s office  where he gave a good examination to Elbert & he said when he got the papers back from Shipyard to come back

Tue.Dec.14.1943./462./  we both sent in Pa’s old age papers today.  …would take care of him. Elbert has to go back for the papers Tue.21. a week from today. We met Cousin Edith Wheeler Wagner’s daughter in the Shipyard Office ” she & a number of other girls work there & several men) she appears to be a very nice young lady, she’s 21 yrs. old  she said, we visited some. she’s tall & slender like her mother and she is quite a nice looking girl also.  Well we stopped to see Pa & Gertie a few minoutes, Gertie gave me a piece of freshy side pork some one gave them a good sized piece & some hocks & heart, she wanted me to take more, but I wouldn’t; well we set out for home  it was 5-25p-m. when we got here and we hadn’t neither of us had any dinner, Gertie gave us some tea & wanted to fix us a bite to eat but, I can’t ride so well if I eat & Elbert was feeling rather upset & didn’t want to eat, so by the time I got supper I was rather empty. I only had a cup of broth & 2 handfsful of crackers before I left this forenoon. but Elb ert ate good.  It’s quite cold today outside, but was warm in house when we got home. Elbert got that rupture the of Dec. was to sick to go back to report untill the 10th Dec. then I got him to go to Dr. Brandon, he bought & paid for a belt to ho9ld rupture in paid $12.00 for it, he took an ajustment for hips that was $2.00 more, then both Dr. Stack & Dr. Ward said he had a bad rupture. Now, I’m tired but have everything ready for morning, even the beef broth is ready to eat & smells so good.  I had quite a visit with three Women in the Drs.De’s office today.  They said the Dr. at the Amherst hospital is one Mrs Sharpe & that she has a son that fell from a tree and hurt his head & she ‘s had , him all over the world to the very best Dr’s. and not one can fix the boy’s head, so boy doesn’t know much.  my checks haven’t come yet.  Oh, if she only Knew Jesus, the Greatest and best of all Physicians. But how few really know Him  Oh Praise His Holy Name, I’d like to know him better, He’s done so much for me.  the wind is N.W. SW. and going round. and tonight and freezing cold all day

Wed. Dec.15.1943./ We neither of us did much today  it is quite cold, water freezes in hen house & it has to be cold when that happens. cloudy most of the day sun coming through at intervils moon same way. Elbert took care of hens  I”ve been froze up. I baked 3 white loaves of bread and 

Wed Dec.15.1943./463/ did the cooking & house work & wiped up the floors & put papers down to keep it clean, wind N.West. Cold

Thurs.Dec.16.1943./ No checks yet. Elbert is feeling no better Martha sent us the childrens pictures & some stamps Prais the Lordd He still ans. prayers. We have recei8ved quite a lot of Christmas cards already & I’ve ans part of them with what cards I had. & we’ll have to get some. N.W. wind

Fri.Dec.17.1943./  Elbert went to Vermilion to get some fish and christmas cards but only got 6 cards & the cards are still coming in and I do hate to wait untill the Last minute to send mine out.  While he was gone I swept & dusted & cleaned up Here & there & took care of birds  he took care of hens & got 2 eggs tonight the winds N.W. & cold water freezes in less time than I can tell it. We got cards from Nellie & John & Bonnita & a letter with Jims’ Jeans’ & Joan’s pictures and some stamps that mean a lot and nice letter from Martha inviting us to Christmas dinner, I’d love to see them all but don’t care to go to eat.  We got  received a card from Howard & Francis Page & children  one from Red & Evelyn & children one from Mrs. Clyde Green one from Miss Ella Jane Harnish one from Sarr Family one from Mrs. Bessie Shoppe one from Audrey one from Ethel & her mother & Laura Ann one from Mrs. Hildebrandt one From Nora  one from Easel. I do hope we can get enough to send to the rest it would take a doz. or more. wind is strong tonight. I’ve ans. a few cards. Well I got the fire fixed & everything ready for morning, so I think I’ll trumble in. Praising God. 

Sat.Dec.18.1943./464/ wonder if checks will come today. No check to day. Pa Frank & his neighbor came this morning & went hunting they only got two rabbits all day  they ate dinner in here & pa came back before the boys and had a cup of fresh hot coffee. Elbert had gone to Huron to get some post card, he got here a few minutes after pa got here & then after they went he went to Berlin Hights to get mash & wheat & corn Well, I got 24 cards wrote & addressed & stamped ready to mail. Wind South, and warmer tonight. David Hunters birthday to day. 58 yrs. old. 

Sun.Dec.19.1943./ We spent the day at home and it has been a beautiful day, not cold. S.W. wind & puffy. 2 eggs today. 

Mon.Dec.20.1943./ Beautiful day and I did the washing took care of the Birds & cooked the meals did the general house work, got 2 eggs. & 2. yesterday. Wind South West. not very cold, just cold enough to freeze the clothes on the line but they soon dried for there’s been a good breeze all day star light tonight  I’m so tired my hole body trembles tonight. Elbert tried to dig a pit for the toilet today. he’s not able to work. I received only the Nov. check today. and should have had Dec. check also. So I have to write & tell Mr. Miller about it, I do wish I had some other way to earn my own & not have to depend on that. 

Tue.D3c. 21.1943./ Just did my usual house work  Wind quite strong tried to snow in showers with sun shining  Elbert feels so bad he’s been trying to fix box for new hole to set outside toilet over-but it makes him sick to stoop & bend around so he don’t make much head way he had the hole dug, but fixing box to keep dirt from caving in. N.West wind did out & then came back stronger. colder tonight. 

Wed.Dec.22.1943/465/ I have only done house work & wiped up the floor. today colder snowed in heavy showers but not enough snow to hardly cover ground, enough to track up the floor, but I put papers all over the floor. Elbert has tried to work at toilet some today got a little more down wind cold today  freezing hard tonight N.West wind & strong. Miss Mc.Govern sent me a letter got it today with a check for $5.00 in it, said she owed it to me & more, but she doesn’t, I don’t know what to do about it, I’ll wait a little & perhaps I can send it back again. Oh my. she’s wishing for some of my evrgreen branches but there are not many berries on them the birds ate them. 

Thurs.Dec.23.1943./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got some fresh Huron Lake White fish, he said it hurts him to ride in the car now, he got some pretty Calenders 3. of them, he got 3. the other day at Berlin Hights.  I baked 3 loaves of white bread today. & done my daily rounds got a card from Flora with a few lines today. still cold & tried to snow in showers but not much on the gravel N.W. Wind  Elbert said they got more snow in Vermilion than here. 

Fri.Dec.24.1943./  Only did what I had to do today  we both been home all day Received a few lines from Georgia Rose-crans today  they’re all well as usual. no snow for tomorrow & wind S.West. 2 eggs today. 

Dec.25.Sat.1943/  Well we didn’t go anywhere just had a plain everyday meal at home and it’s been

Sat.Dec.[Jan.] 25.1943/466/ a beautiful day warm enough so the big flies were flying around out side & Elbert killed one in side, We have had a slight South West breeze all last night [Jan. weather] & all day today & still so tonight. We have had a thick gray sky, with a few open streakes & the sun shone through several times, sky is same tonight  we could see the stars early in the evening, then it became so thick we couldn’t see them. still warm out side. We don’t have the radio any more either so have missed the Church music & all. But I Praise God He is & ever will be & Praise Him for Keeping me & us & Pray He will use me as He wills. Amen. 

Sun.Dec.26.1943./ Today rules Feb. Light N. E. breeze at 7-30 started to rain 8-30 & stopped about 3-p-m. fogy all day. and fogy tonight 9-5 p-m. We have been home all day & no one came in today. 

Mon. Dec.27.1943./ Weather for Mar. wind went from N. east to South west some time during the night & was fogy & thick untill 10-a-m. then sun came out & stayed untill 12-noon then sky was over shadowed with a thick dark blanket & it got fogy again & it’s just terrible dark out side at 10-p-m. but not cold, was a spider on a web outside the front door yesterday & Elbert watched it for a long time, today a big fly was out there & Elbert killed one inside again today. I haven’t done much today cleaned up the floor & cook & done the usual round of house hold duties  took care of birds & got 2 pullet eggs. Elbert has been taking care of hens. he gets the water & coal & emptys ashes. I made good 1/4 lb. of butter today. Elbert & I received a Christmas card from Johny today & one from Mrs. Sharpe. They didn’t write a word.

Dec.28.Tue.1943./467/  Today is for April. & the wind auled around last night to the N.east, sun came through a few times this morning but sky got more thick after 12.noon & the wind began to blow stronger & It froze the water white in the birds bath out -side & tonight, its blowing hard & is cold, to cold after being so warm no flies out today. We Received a Christmas card from Johny Harnish, from Oregon yesterday. I did part of the washing today & put the bedding on the line to air this morning, but now wind is blowing hard, like it should have done last night, so Mar would come in like a lion, but April is going to get it instead. Elbert went to Vermilion & got some boiling beef & they sure soak on the points, for 11/4 lbs. of plate beef, 6 points. they seemed to have taken them off the pork & added them on the beef. sort of robbing Petter to pay Paul.  he got a fish, some cottage cheese & a little A. book I wanted & some gelatin. & yeast cakes. fire feels good tonight, done my daily round & now ready for bed. Elbert got a news paper & has been reading the news to me. 

Dec.29.Wed.1943./ The weathers for May. N east wind all day hawled around something between midnight & morning & was S.east untill 8-30,a-m. Sun shone all day, but it was broken clouds to all day not very cold. no flies out today. no Dec. check today. Elbert worked at the toilet job & I washed the big chair cover & 5 cotton blankets, aired Elbert’s bedding & made his bed & cooked dinner & supper just as we sat done to supper Ella Jane came to the front door bag &jebage[? cant make word out] so now we have had supper done dishes & am getting ready for bed. I got a card ready for Johny one for Edith & Carl Offler & one for Geo. Eddy Bonnita’s man. It surely has been a beautiful day. all day. Praise the Lord. 

Dec.30.Thurs.1943./ The weather for June. Wind S. and a little east untill tonight it went S.west. Sun shone most all day came out at 8-a-m. and it’s not very cold just enough to freeze clothes on the line.  I finished the washing today. got a letter. from Bonnita and Elbert got a card to got to Lorain to Dr. Stack’s office, he don’t want to fix things up for him yet, said he could work awhile, but Elbert gets sick when he does a little work it hurts him inside. Elbert said there wasn’t any investigating committee there only Stack, Elbert was all in when he got home tonight  he did the shopping before 3-p-m he had to be at Dr. office at that time he got home at 5-p-m. I ironed today & cooked the meals & done house work took care of birds & hens got 3 eggs, emptied ashes got cystern & well water & coal.

Dec.31.1943./468./ Weather for July South west wind all day. We had a thick white frost last night. Sun shone all day, but where it didn’t shine on the grass & North side of roofs the frost staid and will add to it tonight for it’s a still  cold tonight freezing just a little. Ella Jane went home to-day  Elbert took her clear to Lorain with her for they missed the buss by 10 minutes; so he let her out at the buss station and went up to the        [blank space] and talked with them about getting his       [blank space]  money & how to get fix up & they told him to go to his Dr. & get him to fix up the papers for him so he can get sewed up & get ready to work by Spring so he’s going to Mr. Divore told me he could do that. & Ella Jane said he could. she wanted to go home & go to someone she knew & find out for Elbert, but he didn’t want her to, so he for and found out him self today.  & he’s going Mon. to see his Dr. I swept & cleaned up today & made my butter & got supper Elbert went up the other side of Berlin Hights & got 4 square pieces wood to use under toilet & he went to Huron & back this after noon, he took care of hens today. got 3 eggs Wed, & 2 each day before & yesterday & today. Elbert said Dr. Stack was insulting in his talk to him, said stack said that job Elbert did as a carpenter was a nigers job. & he said Elbert wasn’t very bad off & he could go back to work for a while they, couldn’t take care of him now there was to much flue & pneumonia about

Sat.Jan.1.1944./469./ today is for Aug. 1944  sky is one dark grey blanket and thick all around the edges  Wind S.West and begin to get dark fast at 3-30-p-m. sky & edges dark & getting black  wind still south west all day & tonight, not very cold, just cold enough to keep ice in the bird bath out side. New Years day only did what I had to and I baked 2 white loaves of bread & 1.dox. cookies & 1 1/2 doz. cup cakes. did my usual round of house hold duties, took care of birds.

Sun. Jan.2.1944./ We were home all day, it’s been a nice day. Weather for Sept.1944. Cloudy all day, blanket cloud sun come through at 11-15-a-m. not for very long at a time several times this afternoon, Wind S. & little west, backed up to E. then N.E. then E. changed at 3-p-m, there were a few little white bicuit clouds, coming from N.W. at 4-15p-m gray blanket cloud with east wind tonight 5-p-m, cloud broken moon shining through thick misty clouds, 9-2-p-m. blanket clouds   again & E. wind. not cold. No rain or snow not cold

Mon.Jan.3.1944./ Weather for Oct 1944. N.E. Wind all day all day & tonight Dark & cloudy all day with light showers all day, colder tonight, getting shivery cold. Well, Elbert & I went to Lorain and, we went over to Pa’s. I stopped to see Uncle Will just acosted the street from pa’s, he fell down a few weeks ago & hurt his right arm, he couldn’t use it for a while but he can a little now. he’s getting terrible poor & thin, he’s old face brightened up when he see me, he was so glad I’d stopped in for a few minutes, then I hobbled over to pa’s, I gave Uncle Will a glass of honey & pa 2 doz. pullet egg. 55 cents per doz right now. but we gave them to him for his birth-day, as we may not be able to get over on that date.  We went back at 1- 30-p-m. to Dr. DeNardy’s Ofice  it was full up & a doz. or more in the hall, so, Dr. came in at 2.p-m. took care of 6 people then went out for a lunch so Elbert went down Stairs & managed to speak to im as Dr came back  I went down & stopped at the fruit store got some Texas Grape fruit they are deep pink inside & quite sweet as a rule. I got some nice big tangarines & lb. mixed nuts, a bunch leaf lettuce, then I went to Penneys Dry Good Store & bought me 2 prs. 

Jan.Mon.3.1944./470./ rayon pants 69cents per pr pants then I walked a few doors on & met Mrs. Miller. (she was Gladys Donahue before her marriage) she us to work for the Singer sewing machine Co. I all ways loved her, we got in the front of a store where the wind din’t hit us & talked for quite some time. Elbert got fixed up with Dr. & was to meet me on broadway going 4th st. & if he didn’t see me I’d be at Miss Baumgarts  he went to her place first then came back & picked me up just as I left Gladys, We went back to Miss B’s. & I went in and talked while E. went to west Erie rest room. then we went to Vermilion got a few grociers & some meat then on home. I wrote Ella Jane a card & left it to be mailed at Miss B’s. just told her Elbert was going to hospital Wed. that we were in town Lorain today “Mon.” Elbert fed hens soon as we got here I carried in the grociers & got the supper started. it was 6-p.m. when we sat down to eat. raining at 9-30-p-m. & getting colder. Every one’s quite well down home  pa’s been working at the wood pile. He pulls up logs & planks with capston [?] & saws & splits them for stove wood. 

Tue.Jan.4.1944./ Weather for Nov.1944. Dark gray sky all day much darker & the fog thicker after noon. N.E. light breeze thick & still fogy can only see a little ways away. Elbert & I went to Lorain this morning, he went to the ship yard to see about his tools, and was going to bring them home but they didn’t want him to so they locked them up for him. I had a little visit with Irline  Irene Wagner (Edith’s Wheelers Wagner’s daughter) she said she wondered what was wrong for she said they’d been making out Elberts compensation papers she said her mother was having grippe but the rest were well. I told her of my visit with (Uncle Will) her grandpa & Lillie. Then we went to town, ” Elbert had called Ella Jane before we went to the shipyard” so he looked for her she hadn’t come so he went to store & got box of oyster crackers & then E.J. came & we came on home, getting the milk on our way & stopped to Ward’s (Best) to see if we could get milk there while there cow is dry. he said we could,  Ella Jane drove the car from Vermilion home. We had a late dinner, then a light supper & now were going to bed, for if God is willing we are going to take Elbert to Amherst to get sewed up, and I’m so tired tonight & will be for some time to come, I Know. 

Wed.Jan.5. 1944./ Weather for Dec. 1944. Cloudy & thick all day started to rain at 4-p-m. heavy showers until evening wind changed at 8-p-m, s, west quite fresh & a little colder not raining  at 10-30-p-m. but wind getting strong. We Ella Jane, Elbert & 

Wed.Jan.5.1944./471./ I, all went to Amherst where Elbert expected to go to the Hospital, but when we got there we found Dr. hadn’t made any arrangements there they called Lorain Hospital & learned he was to go to St Jo    so he went in to get the usual blank filled out & they said if Dr. Stack hadn’t made arrangement that Elbert couldn’t stay So we came home and it rained all the way. We had Supper got dishes & chores done & after talking at some length decided Elbert would go back to Dr. DeNardy to see how he could straighten things up & E.J. would go home untill we found out and was sure.  While we were in Amherst we called the Preachers home, couldn’t understand the woman that answered, so went to the house & it was the woman I was looking for, Mrs. Merdeth, so she came down & got in our car with the lady that was with her & we talked all the way to her house, the other woman went home from there & I went in & had a wonderfully good visit with both her & her husband  they are wonderful old people, she said she would be 73. yrs. old in April. & she gets around so spry, he has a bad limb, making him a cripple he can walk on both feet, but one limb is crooked. she gave me some crusader’s to read (Christian magizines) the Preachers Wife is quite ill, they had been over there to pray for her & she said Mrs. West’s mother was quite ill & they had been there to pray for her also, and she said Mrs. Cregge hadn’t gone to California yet, but had been preaching at a revival meeting in Akron for 3 weeks. & she told me of there praying for a woman with cancer & one that had Ep       [blank] fits & the Lord healed them both Praise the Lord Oh my Soul Praise Yea His Holy Name.

Thurs.Jan.6.1944./ Sun shone most of the day got cloudy tonight. froze clothes on the line but didn’t seem cold out. Elbert & Ella Jane went to Lorain E.J. went home & Elbert took car to garage can’t get it untill Sat. Can’t see Dr. DeNardy untill Sat We got 3. eggs today & they broke one. Elbert took bus back to Knettles where he gets the milk then he walked home from there, now, he has to go back on the bus he bought a round trip ticket for 65 cents so has a ticket to go back on Sat. I wont get to go. I washed a few pieces today & ought to do a few tomorrow. I got supper & we had a lunch when he got here about 3-30-p-m. They didn’t go this morning untill the a postman mail man came about 9-15-a-m. I got a Calender from Par-a-facts Gas-Co. I’m so; 

Fri.Jan.7.1944./ quite a nice day mostly sunshine 

Fri.Jan.7.1944./472./ getting more cloudy this afternoon & snowing after dark tonight, it was cold & froze hard last night. While Elbert walked to Knettles for the milk 2 miles east on the highway & back, I washed his change of clothes & both his & my night clothes, then we ate some chicken broth when we got back for he had killed & dressed & put it on to cook, before I got up this morn-ing, then tonight, I made biscuits & dressing for supper I was so sick I couldn’t eat for a while, am to tired. 

Sat.Jan8.1944./ Elbert left his car at the garage & to day he went down to Lorain got a free ride down & back, he went to the Dr’s. & he told him he didn’t think he could help him unless he paid his own Dr. bill & hospital bill, said Stack said Shipyard didn’t pay for a rupture a-bove the navel, there’s something queer about it all, thats all he got out of him, so he went for his car & they had done the work but still there was something wrong & so they had taken it apart again, so he had to come with out it. he got some boiling meat & pork chops but I had the balance of the stewed hen & the gravy & biscuits & creamed potatoes, so will have pork chops tomorrow, God Willing. While he was gone I wiped up the floor & did dishes & got things ready for supper & took care of birds & hens & did the general round of house work. it has snowed in showers all day & is still at it tonight sun shone a few times & the moon come through now & again the man Elbert came home with stopped & waited for him to get the milk & then let him out on our road

Sun.Jan.9.1944./473./  Mostly cloudy Sun came through several times tried to snow 3 or 4 times  wind went from N.E. to S.w. & it’s warmer tonight, We have had a quite day at home, all day & evening, I forgot to say that Fri. while I was rubbing out the Clothes I saw a fox sqirell hunting black wal-nuts & carrying them up on the limb of the walnut tree to eat them. no snow on the ground, What fell, was gone this morning.  3. eggs today. 

Mon.Jan.10.1943./ Elbert went to Lorain he got his car but they told him at the shipyard he’d have to wait for an investagating committee, there’s a niger in the fence some where, Well I do hope all will turn out O.K he got here in time for supper & I had it most ready. It has been a very nice day. We had another tank of gas set in today & the stove oven burner adjusted now we ought not use so much Gas. 

Tue.Jan.11.1944./ Well Praise God, I got my Jan check this morning Jan 11. . I got Dec check Jan. 8th. & Nov check Dec 20th. We need them so bad and I hope they come in on time, at least untill Elbert can get to work again. I haven’t been able to do much today just feel so exhusted, I did  sweep all the rooms & wipe up the dust & of course struck up the beds & made them up as usual & I washed my stockings and was out to the well & back. Elbert went to Huron got a few things to eat & paid 6.40 on my blanket, makes 7.40 all told, I have paid on it, got 8.00 more to pay, & 9.02 for gas. & the wall paper & my church dues, I don’t know how I’ll ever get through, but God Knows & I’ll trust Him to see me through. he got two Calenders todays. Picture calenders. I took care of the birds & cooked & done dishes 7 I’m to tired  I received a card from Mrs. Beesie yesterday & a Con-dens catalog for seed & so forth. 

Tue.Jan.11.1944./474./ It’s been a nice day but a little colder although the ice thawed in the bird bath out side during the middle of the day. Ruby Jean Mc.Ginnis’ birthday today her Dadys birthday was the 7th of this mo. South west wind all day. Partly cloudy. 

Wed.Jan.12.1944./ Well. Elbert killed a pullet last night & dressed it, she hurt her foot some how, I washed it & put it on to cook. So we had chicken for dinner today & have enough for dinner tomorrow. We sure got to stretch things now.$15.00 per. month wont go very far. after we take some out for gas 3.00 wall paper 2.00 & milk 3.60 and church 1.50 that is 10.50 and 4.50 left to eat on looks like slim pickings once more. oh yes, 4.00) on the blanket will only leave 50 cents. Well, I do hope we can manage some way . I don’t know how. it’s been quite cold & tried to snow several times today & the stove don’t want to draw fire went out once   today clear dead, I don’t know if I’m going to get it fixed for night and its getting late. WE got 3. eggs each day so far for this morn not any good for the numbers of them there are   white rocks I only did what I had to do all day & tried to mark off a chrochet pattern for a table cloth (“that’s what it says on the pattern it is” looks to small after I maked out some of it. sun shone through a little several times today. We see a nice cock pheasent tonight. 

Thurs.Jan.13.1943./ [note should be 1944] Loura Ann Bonneys birthday today she is 9.yrs. old. It’s been a nice day, but, cold enough to freee. sun shone at intervals all day & set as if it might be a nice day tomorrow. only 2. eggs today. I have only done what I had to do today. & I have been trying to mark off a cross stitch pattern to crochet. 

Fri.Jan.14.1943./ [note should be 1944] Well I baked 3 big white loaves of bread & one small loaf & I did most of the washing while Elbert went to Vermilion for meat & vegetables. I got supper & did the dishes and crocheted a little while Elbert read the news paper he bought, it cost 4 cents & they are going to raise it to 5 cents. everything is terible high priced we got 4. eggs today. its been a lovely day lots of sunshine, but cold wind. I’ve swept & took care of bedrooms & birds and now Im goin to bed rather tired. 

Sat.Jan.15.1944./ I did my ironing mended my wool petty coat & did my daily dozzen. I received a card from Miss Baumgart  one from Cousin Georgia

/sat,Jan,15,1944,.475/ and a birthday card from Flora Glover with such a nice verse, it reads The many joys I wish for you, are blessings sweet that stay, To be dear treasures of your heart that nothing takes away Just as the hours I’ve spent with you Will always be apart  Of those dear joys that are to me the treasure of my heart Flora. on the front of the card are twe Lambs & two bunches of red roses & around the edge are little spray of red roses & for-get-me-nots on left hand side is a pink bow of real baby ribbon & written across the top “A birthday Message.”  Then she wrote me a letter saying she had, had the flu. & now her father “Who will soon be 84 yrs old” has got the flu lots worse than she had it, & Shirly “her only living child” has it, and Shirly is 18 miles from home at Jamestown where she teaches school but has been confined to her rooming place for 4 days now. Flora says she has lost several-pounds of flesh she did weigh 1.55lbs but now only 135 and none fo her folks want to come to help her but I know she has gone to help them when she wasn’t hardly able to care for herself. poor soul, I have had the same experience so I know how to sympathize with her. she’s taking care of 200 hens & her father alone & thats hard when you haven’t had a chance to get your strength back. I sure know. None of my brothers & sisters nor my father even wrote me a post card. Well, the world seems to be like that. 

Sun.Jan.16.1944./ Well, I’m 59 yrs. old today & not a soul came in today, its been a fine day not very cold, ice in bird bath out side sun has shone all day. I’ve longed to go to Church. Well Elbert is going to Lorain in the morning, but not me

Jan.17.1944.Mon./476./ I wrote letters to First McNess Co Freeport Illinois for fly & incect spray & sent money order for $1.50 and letter to Miss Mc.Govern. & letter to Mr Miller & card to Mrs. Hildebrandt. Elbert went to Lorain and on the way he mailed them all in Vermilion. He can borrow the money at the National bank of Comerce 200.00 two hundred dollars at 7 cents interest on a dollar, and he has to give them a note on his car. Well I don’t know how soon he’s going to make the start. got 4 eggs. yesterday and only 3. today. I did most of my washing today, dried  Elbert’s blue shirts (2) out side, they froze first . sun shone most of the day sky full of little white biscuits Clouds late this after noon & the sun looked like blood set in a dark blue gray blanket when it set tonight. Elbert didn’t get here untill after 5-p-m. I fed hens. had to carry one pail of cystern water & one of well water. Elbert got a pt. of oysters cost 70 cents my, oh my, I think that’s terrible. I got my tax blank $4.47

Jan.Tue.18.1944./ Thought I’d get to church tonight but Elbert has had a bad head ach all day  I did my usual round of duties give the birds a thorough cleaning today & crocheted on a pr. of pink booties, got blue ones done for Bonnita’s twins. Received birthday card from Nellie & family, and must be that she’s been sick, for she said she was better. We got a little book “Digest” and a sample poultry book in the mail today. We got 5 eggs today. I put a patch on the knees of 3 stockings. Im tired. 

Jan.Wed.19.1944./ I only did what I had to-day & I crocheted another pair of booties, one blue pr. & on pink pr. had to take one pink one out twice & do it over4  I seem to be able to make lots of mistakes  We got 5 eggs today & it been a very gray day  no sun. 

Thurs.Jan.20.1944/ Well I did my usual daily rounds & finished the booties they are for the twins “George & Bonnita Eddy” no sun today. 2 eggs. it snowed early this morning about 4-a-m light snow not could out  gone at noon 

Fri.Jan.21.1944./ Elbert’s been sick with his stomach for a week & can’t eat, it sours & burns up. I finished booties & I can’t see for the life of me what could have cut the yarn in one in 2 or 3 places since Mon. the queerest things do happen around here. I fixed it the best I could.

Fri.Jan.21.1944./477/ I have thena wraped & put in boxes ready to take when we go that way Elbert has felt bum all day no Dr. near by for bones so got to go to Lorain or Elyria. Cloudy most of the day. 5 eggs today & flies out. 

Sat.Jan22.1944/ Well I wiped up the floors after I swept & dusted & took care of birds & did my usual round of duties & tonight I started to crochet the table cloth I been coppied in cross stitch from a very small pattern. 3 eggs today. trying to snow or rain tonight been a nice day partly coloudy but qui warm out.

Sun.Jan.23.1944./ We didn’t evern get to go to Church, I understood the gas was for Mon. trip to Lorain  I know money is almost gone But I believe God will give to us if We give to Him. I’m so sorry I’ve been wanting to go so much. Hope & trust I’ll get to go on Tue. night. We got 5 eggs today  we spent the afternoon & evening in reading to each other. It snowed a nice white blanket of snow last night & it was just beaut-iful out side this morning  trees shrubs and ground but it was most all gone before night not at all cold outside  no ice in bird bath at noon light film this morning on top of the water. Pheasent was out by the cystern when Elbert went for some water tonight & he flew over behind the hen park. I’m feeling exausted & shacky tonight hope I feel better tomorrow, Elbert wants to go to Lorain I want to go with him. 

Mon. Jan. 24.1944./ Well Elbert got himself off early & I didn’t get to go to Lorain today, but he’s going a-gain in the morning & I’m going with him God Willing. I did part of the washing. had to carry water & feed chickens as Elbert didn’t get home untill 5-30-p-m. I made soup for supper but he just couldn’t eat his stomach is still arearing. 

Tue.Jan.24.1944./479./ he took a treatment of Dr. Easton today, to but it didn’t seem to help. To night Edd Hahn came in to sell us a bond & we had a good visit, but we haven’t the means to buy a bond.  Sun shone most all day. It’s been a beautiful day & not cold at all outside. ..and he see we didn’t have after we had talked a couple of hrs. Elbert didn’t make any headway at all today he went to the Bank in Vermilion & they will loan him the money for Dr. bill & hospital bill, but Dr. DeNardy done a queer trick by him twice now so he’s going to find another Dr. I don’t know who it will be. we got 6 eggs today. 

tue. Jan.25.1944./ New moon today. And we went to Lorain & over to Pa’s, he bought our 4 doz. eggs & paid us 40 cents per. doz. We visited a little while, pa was out on the hill pulling up a big stump for wood, he said he wasn’t feeling very good, he was sort of all tired out, but he wanted to work a little for exersize  Gertie takes in washings & she had two big tubs of clothes ready to hang out, it was Martha’s washing, she said they had been paying 50 cents per. doz. for eggs, after they had paid for ours, but we learned over town that eggs had took a drop. Gertie Pa & Elbert had a cup of coffee, We neither had had anything, to eat  Elbert’s stomach  has been so bad he couldn’t eat, it would burn so bad after ward. We went over to the garage to see what was wrong with the car it had to have a gasket or some, then we went Nellie’s We had called Ella Jane and talked with her & she came home  While we were there. We ate breakfast with them, I ate a piece of bacon just a very thin crispy slice & 2 tablespoons of cream of wheat  I drank a cup of coffee  Bonita was there & then

Tue.Jan.25.1944./479./ I gave her the booties for the babys-they are strong and bright very active walk a little 7 try to talk   Bonita showed them the’re dady’s picture & they both kissed it & loved it & said dady. Bonita showed us the pictures they had taken before & since they were married good clear pictures & some are very nice.  Nellie & John have remodled there house so they have quite a lot more room  the babys have a bed room & Bonita has a bed room & John & Nellie sleep upstairs, they haven’t got it all finished and still working at it but they dd need the room & now, more than ever since they have the babys there, Ella Jane stays over to Stoughtons & Bonney’s at the hospital & Johny in training for the Service & Geo. in training. Well we visited a while & then went to Elyria where Elbert talk to a Dr. Hancock who gave him an -examination & said he was physically fit to have the rupture sewed up & Elbert told him about DeNardy & he said fi DeNardy played a trick this time, he should come to him & he’d take dar4e of him in the Elyria Hospital, so then we went back to see Martha & Merlin & Jim, Jean & Joan, my but they are growing. Martha gave us a nice picture of the 3 children they look as natural as life.  We ate supper with them, & visited a while, I gave Martha a pretty bouquet of daisys made of celloid white with yellow pettels 7 green leaves, she seemed pleased with it, she gave me a qts of fresh milk. We left for home at 15 to 7-p-m. & got here a few minutes after 8-p-m. been a nice day  I Praise God for taking care of us  We stopped to see Mrs. Baldwin & she was so glad to see me she hugged 7 kissed me, I didn’t get to see Mrs. Beesie chickens had to go without there supper tonight, the fire kept untill we got here, house was warm birds  we all glad to see us, I fried fish  We each ate one piece drank some hot water & eat a yeast cake & drank a qt of milk. Wrote down the things we want to do tomorrow & now it’s quite a long time passed 11-p-m so I’m going to bed. Elbert has been in bed for some time & sleeping, he is going to Huron to do some shopping in the morn-ing. I don’t know, if I will get to Huron, but most be ready to go to Lorain & Amherst with him.

Wed.Jan.26.1944./480./ Well, It’s been a fine warm day a blue bird was singing in the bak yard this morning  it’s been like a beautiful Spring day ground has thawed & it’s been mudy  bee flying around warm sun & people out in the sunshine & lots of children out. We stopped at Miss. Baumgarts  I had an accident/iccednt corset string broke so I got Mrs. Cranage to lace & tie it for me  other wise I’d have to take off my clothes to fix it myself, we went on out to Martha’s, then to Soughton’s & got Ella Jane & then to Nellie’s to get some things she had at home,. then back to Amherst to Hospital  Where w left Elbert in bed, they expect to operate in the morning at (seven)  8.-a-m. , We came home & got the milk on the way, then we did the chores & made up beds, then had supper & fix the birds & fire for night  Ella Jane did some writing  now 15 to 9- and we’re going to bed. only 5 eggs today  I mailed a letter to Flora today. Sun set in a Windy Sky. 

Thurs.Jan.27.1944./  We didn’t go to Amherst untill after one oclock, so it was about 2 when we got there Elbert was looking for us, he was glad I had come & hated to see me go, but was satisfied to have me go so as to get home before dark, we bought some vegetables in Amherst & meat & boiling meat in Vermilion stopped for the milk & on home the wind started to blow  at noon & kept getting stronger all after noon & evening and its colder to, sort of makes you shiver. We ate at 9-a-m. and not again untill 6-p-m. We did all the chores soon as 

Thurs.Jan.27.1944/481./  we got home & it started to get cloudy before we got home & was quite dark at 6-p-m. We left the hospital at 4-15.p-m, got home “after shopping & the three stops”, at 5-30-p-m, 

Fri Jan.28./ Well, Elberts liver gas was so bad he was in such pain at times & I got them to call the Dr. to do something about it, he was so bloated the bandage made a water blister, queer they don’t call the Dr. and find out what to do, well before I left they washed out his bowels & gave him a shot in the arm to releave him of the liver gass & he had began to feel better before I left, I do hope they take care of that, he said I shouldn’t come back un-till sun, but some how I’m anxious to know how he will be tomorrow. got three eggs, we had to let them go with out feed for two days, they had mash, but not grain at night as usual.  We most run over the pheasent going ofit up the hill yesterday morning. My India lillie bulb is growing it’s 3 ft. & 3/4 inches tall. Now all the dishes are done & we are going to bed. 

Sat.Jan.29.1944./  Well I woke at 7 & got up at 8-30- took care of hens & birds & got the mail then we ate & I swept a& did dishes & washed & dressed & went to Amherst to see Elbert  he’s still being troubled with liver gass, so after we visited from 2-15-p-m. untill 15 to 5-p-m. we left him & went over & called on the old folks, Mr. & Mrs. Merdith poor souls, I don’t believe they have enough to eat.  We got home 6-15-p-m. it’s lots colder today. & cloudy. all day-I

Sat.Jan.29.1944./482./ to Bob Snyder when I went out to get the mail this morning, he said his mother had just taken the buss to Cleveland to see Billy  he was sewed up a week ago Thurs. & will be coming home next week, he’s doing fine but is so hungry. & Elbert hasn’t been able to eat anything yet, and today is the 4th day he’s had to fast  I do hope he’ll soon be able to take some food he looks rather hollow-eyed & sweats if he tries to move  Pa was 83 yrs. old Jan.28. yesterday. he hadn’t ought to try to lift his whole body yet but he does it & I pray God will heal him good & make him feel a lot better in the future.  I’m dead tired, but have to keep up. and going for sometime to c ome before I get a chance to rest, he said I shouldn’t come to day but he kissed me & said, I’d begin to think you wasn’t coming  I’m glad I went & I’ll have to go tomorrow. I didn’t pick up the eggs, or do only any  thing  I didn’t have to do tonight, I’m so dog tired.  the india lilly has grown to 4 ft & 6 inches  I hope it blooms. 

Sun.Jan.30.1944./ I got up at 8-30-a-m  took an alcohol bath & dressed went out & carried 2 pails of cystern water then gave the hens fresh water mash & grit & picked up 9 eggs then I got well water for the house & then got up 2 buckets of coal  emptied ashes & baked pan cakes, Ella Jane had fried the meat & eggs & made her tea Sun was shining it was 10-30- when we sat down to eat then we did dishes & dressed & went to see Elbert  he’s looking better today & said he’s feeling better. pa & Frank were there  they didn’t stay long, then Audrey & Martha came in & when they left Ella Jane & I left. I so tired and Elbert said I looked like I’d been 

Sun.Jan.30.1944./483/ drawn through a knot-hole.  he don’t know how much strength it uses up for me, to come to him every day.  Well I want to know he’s O.K. then I can miss a day now & again. Only got 4 eggs today. We got home at 5-p-m & ate a few minutes later, we had vegetable soup & sauce. I made a pad of butter  did dishes & fixed fire while Ella Jane played records & wrote a letter. Now she is in bed  I’ll soon be on my way. 

Mon.Jan.31.1944./ Cousin Wyn Grant’s birthday  shes 69. yrs. old.  We went to Amherst at 1-30-p-m, it rained here all morning & snowed heavy & hard in Amherst. & after we turned off the river road there were lots of chunks of snow 6 & 8 in thick & a ft. or more long and slush in some places & on the fields. I was glad Elbert was feeling better for I am feeling so punk with a bad cold. We stopped at the fish house & bargained for a fish got a small piece of meat & boys they do sock on the price. Elbert got a letter from the shipyard, we took it to him & he fixed it up & we mailed it back again tonight.  I’m dead tired  winds blowing N.E. strong

Tue.Feb.1.1944./  Well we stayed home & I carried water & washed out half the washing & got a lot to do yet, I’m to tired, but got most every thing dried had two heavy union suits for Elbert & 3 prs sock & a light shirt couple kercheifs towel & wash rag his sleepers & pillow slip & my clothes & hand towels 5. & dish towels my stocking kercheifs & rags my it dress skirt & pants & 4 shirts & a dress  Ella Jane did the cooking & dishes, I took care of hens & birds & done my usual duties no mail today wind N.east snowed little [ball??] this morning. 

Tue.Feb.1.1944./484./ and it froze the water in the bird bath so hard last night it was milky white & in a heap & it’s raw out today. 

Wed.Jan.2. [should be Feb 2] 1944./ We went to see Elbert  I took him a grapefruit & some Oranges & couple of hand-kercheifs seems as if the time went so fast, John & Nellie came in for a few minutes & we left soon after they went  the heavy mist began to thicken & E.J. forgot to see where the petcock was to drain the radiator so we went clear to Huron & found out then it wass wet & thic when we got back we drained it to be on the safe side & had a nice time to close it, so left it open  did what we had to do out side then fixed our supper  I felt to sick to hold my head up, but after we had been in bed for some time I got up it was 2-30-a-m, I took the stinking Inda lilly down stairs & it don’t stink down there, so I didn’t get much sleep , & was wheasing like & old hoarse. 

Thurs.Feb.3.1944./ Jim & Jean are 10 yrs. old to-day  Nellie was having a dinner for them tonight. We were going but I just couldn’t. I dressed a hen & cooked it & made biscuits & cooked beets so I can take some to Elbert tomorrow.  We have to take the car to the garage & get a gasket on the manafold or some such thing can’t keep Alcohol in it now, it’s damp & misty out side at 11-p-m, ^ we got everything ready to get out & go in the morning.

Fri.Feb.4.1944./ Well, we didn’t get to Lorain for I wasn’t to go, but we did go to see Elbert & took him Chicken, gravy, biscuits, baked apples & beets, some fresh pears & grapes  We took care of hens & I took care of birds this a.m. gave them clean cages & a bath seeds & water we got 11 eggs today. 

Sat.Feb.5.1944/ Well the sun came out this morning and so I got up & did out a washing after carrying several

Sat.Feb.5.1944 /485./ buckets of water  Ella Jane gave the hens water & helped to get a bite to eat after we ate we washed & dressed & went to town. I got my check today & after we got back there wasn’t much left.  We bought a ham a piece of bacon-1/4 lb. of butter (4 point for butter) 2. cans corn 2. beans 2 peas 1. baking powder, lettuce, yeast cakes, & a film. the India lillie lacks 1/2 in of being 5 foot tall. thought I’d get a picture of it. We got the milk before coming home I feel to tired out for words & we didn’t got to the hospital today, but must go tomorrow. 6. eggs today. 

Sun.Feb.6.1944./ Sister Nellie’s birthday. So we went to see Elbert at 12-p-m & then went to John’s & Nellie’s for supper, they had chicken, carrots, lettuce salid, chicken gravy  apple pie & ice cream & orange pekoe tea  We sure did enjoy it. Bonney was home & Bonita had gone to Chicago to see George, he had wrote to her saying he thought they would soon be shifted & he’d meet her she’s never been away & hated to go any where alone, but she flew off to meet her Geo. & I pray God will take care of her & Geo.  We had a nice visit & then went back and talked to Elbert until 9.p.m.  got home drained the radiator & put car in the shed got cystern water  got up the coal & had a lunch fixed fire for the night & now we are going to bed, we gave the birds a lunch & when we came in on the drive tonight we turned the head-lights on the front door & there sat a little owl  he looked at me & winked & blinked & flew away. 

Mon.Feb.7.1944/ John Harnish’s birthday he’s 47 yrs. old today. It began to snow early this morning & laid a white blanket over everything out side. I was sick till night & at 3.a-m. I had to get up &K throw up & cough & then went back to bed only to have to get up at 4 and do it all over. I ate a good supper at Nellie’s & John’s & then we drove back & spent two hrs. with Uncle Elbert so after we got home my stomach was badly shook up nerves to weak with all

Mon.Feb.7.1944./486/ the other things I have to do & endure. I did the ironing today & looked after birds & hens. We got 12 eggs last night & this morning we took a picture of the India Lillie it, looks like a big calla lillie, red, & dark & then we took a picture of the Elm tree & 2 or 3 of Ella Jane at the well in the evrgreens & on the car: we   carried water & coal & wiped up the floor wind gone N. East & colder  E.J. got milk

Tue.Feb.8.1944./ Well we did manage to get up & get what had to be, done, We even took one picture to finish the film & then we took two films with us to Lorain to get them finished & some prints made & Ella Jane took 17 films of mine to get some prints of & we got the gasket fixed on the car & went to pa’s & gertie’s & had a lunch & visited for & hr. or so & we sold 3. doz. eggs at 40 cents per. doz & we got 11 eggs tonight. We bought a big enamel cooker for a slop can for the bedrooom in Elbert’s room. for he will be coming home soon & we’ll be needing it. We got a little meat & some sweet potatoes & carrots. We stopped at post office & they wouldn’t fix up “the bond” so I could send it in for Elbert to get it cashed, so we’re just about out of money. Bonita got back safe, E.J. called home today while at pa’s. Elbert is getting anxious to get home & I’ll be glad to have him home but hope he will use good sence & not try to work and put himself on the bum again. cold & N.E. wind thawed very little today noon

Wed.Feb.9.1944./ We had to run up to Huron & get a sack of flour & I set bread & baked 2 loaves & walshed out most of the clothes & got them nearly all dry, it’s been a beautiful day didn’t thaw much sun.

Wed.Feb.9. 1944/487/ shone all day, I got a letter from Flora this morning & I mailed her a card & one to Elbert. I’ve Carried water & coal & done the odds & ends & I’m so tired stomach & bowels sort of out of fix yet. 8 eggs today. moonlight tonight with N.east wind. 

Thurs.Feb.10.1944./  We went over to see Elbert he’s longing to come home his room had been cold all day & I went to see why & the heat hadn’t been turned on, it was getting colder & wind was blowing hard  we left at 4-p-m. & wind was puffy & hard to drive the ar  We got home safe, I didn’t get scratch grain, it was 3.20. per. hundred lbs. We got the milk & I wished I’d god the grain. 8 eggs.  We did the chores empted ashes fed hens got water & got up coal then fixed fire 7 got supper. & its blowing & snowing a gale & getting so cold, we put alcohol in radiator but I’m wondering if its enough. 

Fri.Feb.11.1944./  Well we went to Huron & got 2 qts. more alcohol in radiator  got a 100 lb. sack of feed (scratch) & 10 lbs of gritt. a little meat & yeast cakes & it’s snowing & blowing a gale road not very good & one car stuck in the snow  we had to wait about 5 minutes, they had got him shoveled out & a big truck was cross wise in middle of highway. had to wait for several to pass & then we came on  got the milk & got home safe. I thank the Lord for I know He takes care of me, I hurt me inside getting grain into the grainery, but feel better tonight  We fed hens got 5 eggs. We got water & done chores  wind batting us about & so cold  got coal up & had super.  Ella Jane baked 2 

Fri.Feb.11.1944./ 488./ sweet potatoes & 2 short steaks & made a lemon cream filling for a pie shell she had made a few days ago, it was swell.  We finished the pie for evening lunch got everything done & now we’re going to bed. it’s still snowing & blowing & drifting  had to shovel myself out this morning & by the looks I will in the morning.  

Sat.Feb.12.1944./  Well Elbert had Mrs. Cromwell call Snyders & have them tell me he would be home after dinner sometime, So Bill called us as he was passing in the car & told us, We were doing the cleaning & I was so tired, I was glad he was coming in the ambulance I received a letter from Miss McGovern, stating she is in very poor health & may have to go back to the hospital, she says she feels so tired, Well she is 65 or so & worked hard all her life & no wonder. she sent a lot of stamps, I know she’s wanting to hear from me and I’m so sore & lame & tired seems as if I can hardly get around, carry the water  take care of the hens & look after the house & go to Elbert.  Well it’s been rather bad weather snowing & blowing a gale, stopped snowing, sun came out before noon  We cleaned both bedrooms & wiped up the floor & had a lunch, Elbert got here about 4-p-m. they (3 men and amblance) went out & down the Levit Road & from   to main highway in Lorain & out highway to my road, took them about 2 hrs. he was tired & his bowels wasn’t working, but I got them busy & he rushed. the can most all night, so I was up several times then Ella Jane had to sleep with me & she turns that murder, she had to get up & put a hot towel on her face & I heated them for her, well it was & is real frosty & cold, I kept a good fire all night. and I feel as if I’d been out all day & all night, to. 8 eggs today.

Sun.Feb.13.1944./489./ Well I can’t go to church today but Praise God He is & ever will be, and trust I’ll be able to go soon again.  Ella Jane ate her dinner & decided to go for milk & then after she got back she’d go home on the buss & that’s what she did.  I took care of hens emptied both cans  got well & cystern water & got up coal twice & emptied ashes & took care of birds & got supper & done up all the dishes & see Elbert off to bed, covered birds & got fire fixed again, was quite frosty & cold this morning but I think its’s warmer tonight. 8 eggs today, getting cloudy & looks like another storm coming.  Ella Jane said she’d be back Mon. afternoon. 

Mon.Feb.14.1944./ Well she got here before dark & I got supper, have felt so bad to day seemed as if I just couldn’t force myself to do all the things that had to be done, got 9 eggs. but at last I’ve got every thing done & goint o bed. I must have strained my side bad for I feel so terrible bad. 

Tue.Feb.15.1944./ Well I don’t feel able to work, but we have to go for food & milk & get car looked arter so it wont freeze, I felt all in when we got home, but managed to keep going untill I got everything done & into bed. only 8 eggs. lots of snow yet but not very cold out. Elberts got a cold. 

Wed.Feb.16.1944./  Well I’ve only done what I had to do, cook & do chores. & odds & ends, Elbert’s cold is bad, but he hasn’t got it broke & I’m still feeling so weak I sweat when I do anything.  Don’t feel as if I can keep going, but I just have to I got fire fixed & Elbert took care of bathed in Alcohol & ointment & flannel around his neck, his throat is sore, Cold’s trying to go on his chest. 8 eggs today. not very cold out, and a big deridgeable went west over the house today & in little while it went back toward Ackron Ohio, sun was nice this morning E.J. went for a walk down to lake & said snow was in such big pils, you couldn’t see the water untill she got up on the bank. cloudy toward and the sun peeking through once in a while thawed some & freezing tonight but not cold out. 

Thurs.Feb.17.1944./ I was up untill 4-a-m taking care of Elbert he has a bad sore throat & cold, he seemed better today, but I’m dog tired. I have done the odds & ends that have to be done & went to town to Drug. store for ointment & carbolis & I got some 

Thurs. Feb.17.1944./490/ crystals to, for disifinflectant to. We went for the milk before coming home & it had tried to rain, then snow, then a heaavy white fog begin to settle down  We got a few groceries and a piece of mutton to stew  got the wash dish mended & went to call on Mrs. Sharp I received a letter from her today. she’s hungry  I took her a slice of ham some beans, tea & oat meal 1.doz. eggs can of appricots, she was out of lard & I thought of it before I left for town then forgot it, I’m to tired, Well she cried she was so glad for what I had brought her, she had been to the store & didn’t have points or money enough to get only matches & Mrs. Cook had given her 2 little pieces of cheese about square poor old soul, her nerves are a wreck & she’s skin & bones, I pray God will give her what she needs to eat & wear & keep her warm, I got supper & Ella Jane brought in water & fed hens & locked up out side & put car in shed & now I have to fix fire & go to bed  I have greesed the big boy & put hot flannels on him & hot water bottle, hope he’s better tonight he felt so bad last night & couldn’t rest. 8 eggs today. raining hard for 2 hrs. 

Fri.Feb.18.1944/ Well it’s been a nice day Got with a cold raw wind from the N.West got thick & foggy before dark last night & everything white this morning but sun thawed even the ground. I got dinner or part of it & washed up a stack of dishes from last night  Ella Jane was going to cook the saucage but it wasn’t half done  she did the eggs & I did meat over then she went for the milk got our usual qt and stopped at wards & left the can & to get a qt & a half & they or Bert brought it tonight.  I didn’t 

Fri.Feb.18 1944/491/ want her to bother any one else, but she wanted to go home & did-n’t think how tired Ward would be after a full days work & it don’t seem to matter to her.  I hope she learns that lesson she has-n’t learned before very long. Well I aired the blankets & baked 3 loaves of bread fed hens & birds & carried water & coal & emptied ashes & cooked & done dishes & Elbert cooked the supper, he roasted the mutton & cooked the sweet potatoes in with the meat, I made hot biscuits for supper last night, so had cold ones tonight, I made a pad of butter 1/2 lb. got 8 eggs today.  Wind cold & frosty tonight.  I gave E.J. some news papers to send to Flora. Elbert’s gone to bed so, I’m going its 9-15p.m.

Sat.Feb. 19.1944./ Eleven years ago today Frank went & left me, and i thank God for taking care of me., [1933}  and Praise His Holy Name, for all the Praise and Glory belongs to Him, Truly.  Well I did the washing carried 8. pails of cystern water & several buckets of well water dired some bedding yesterday and today  took care of hens & birds cleaned & dressed a hen for Sun. and cooked it. got up 3 pails of coal & emptied ashes fixed my corset 7 ironed my dress & did up last nights supper dishes with todays dishes, fix the fire & emptied can severl times. Bert Ward brought the milk. Ella Jane ask him to bring. to my horor & discust. We paid him & thank him & Elbert has been out several times & will be able to drive the car soon & look after his own affairs soon  I’ll sure be glad & the meat stamps  E.J. has used up half of next months stamps, so, unless some one does help us with stamps We’ll be rather short on meat for a while.  Received a letter from Martha, she ask about my meat stamps hope she’ll be able to help me with some Received letter from Gladys Miller & Miss McGovern & Mrs. Sharp, in last few days. 

Sat.Feb.19.1944/492./ Well I’m terribly tired & it’s 12-15-p m. Elbert’s been in bed for some time, now I’m going to. 

Sun.Feb.20.1944./ I got up a seven a-m. fix the fire & got it nice & warm out here, then I made hot coffee & heat a qt of chicken broth for Elbert, for he was getting up. then I went back to bed & slept like a log untill 1.-p.m. then, he lit gass & made gravy & cooked potatoes & reheated chicken & I got the water & set it & the slop pail on the stair step & went down half way seller stepps to get some lettuce trimings for the hens & my left knee joint let me go down to basement floor over the side 2 or 3 step down yelled or growned, as I hit the dirt, Elbert started down and upset water pail I had full of well water for hens & so we cleaned up the landing & stairs & house went out got a fresh pail of water went to hen house had to unlock car shed first then hen house took care of hens & got back safe, got pail of water for house ate dinner, got up coal & emptied cans & took care of birds not cold today sunshone most all day, wind south little west. not cold tonight. 

Mon.Feb.21.1944./ It’s a beautiful day  Elbert’s feeling quite well  I am sore & lame but done my chores & got the dinner & went to Huron with Elbert, he left me to talk to Mrs. Sharp while he went to gass ration board to see about his gas for car he got a little meat & came back for me, I took Mrs. Sharp a loaf of bread some lard from ham & backoon fryings few apples 2 oranges & a grapefruit, she said her son & daughter-in-law were moving to daughter’s mothers place & she’ll miss them so much, she has taken such a lot of care of the baby, Ramond, a nice little boy about 2 yrs. old, Mrs. Sharp’s son’s wife told me quite a while ago that if John “her husband” had to go to service, she’d move back home with the baby, but Mrs. Sharp Sr. says she doesn’t know why they are moving, but she’s got a tenent for the room, when they are empty, an elderly woman who has lost her husband just latly, she has a party that wants to rent her farm & so she will move into town & since she & Mrs. Sharp Sr. are friends she thinks it will be O.K. she thinks she will get at least 15 or 20 dollars per. month, that will be all she’ll have to live on. she’s been about starving on ($10.00) ten dollars a mo. poor old soul she’s 70 some odd yrs. old & has some other children 2 or 3 daughters that are married & she has a brother who only has one child a boy & they live real swanky”she says’ and have everything heart could wish for, she don’t want so much, just enough to

Mon.Feb.21.1944/493./ keep her for the little while she’s got left to stay  her son is a young man, an didn’t even carry the coal in for her & she’s done such a lot for them & I know, she don’t have warm clothes either like she should have & she’s skin & bones. Getting cloudy & tried to rain & did once or twice Elbert mailed a letter to Miss. McGovern & one to Martha & his own today  we went for milk before coming home, he was tired after the trip. got 9. eggs today. 

Tue.Feb.22.1944./ It’s a gray day  Elbert’s feeling better, but his stomach is still bitter & sour most of the time. I’m terrible sore & lame but have done most of the chores he fed the hens tonight, I fell into the coop this morning, wrenched me all over, upset my stomach. but I’ve done my daily dozens  E.J. said she’d be back Mon. or Tue. she hasn’t come hope she isn’t sick. Elbert went for the milk so he could pick her up on the way back if she came of the 5-p-m. buss, but she didn’t. sun came through for a little while a supper time & then got dark & darker & black & thundered & lightening  & heavy showers Wind S.W. & strong, not cold 6 eggs today  I talked to Billy Snyder today he says he’s feeling find but hasn’t got his strength yet. 

Wed. Feb.23.1944./ I haven’t done very much today feel so sore & lame. I got dinner & helped get supper Nellie & Ella Jane came in on the 3-30-p.m. buss & had supper with us  Nellie wanted her to go back home to help her she’s not been very well this passed week & Bonita is going to Chicago Sat to see George he thinks he’s going to be moved this time & Nellie can’t take care of the twins alone So Ella Jane picked up her belinging & after supper Elbert took them up to the buss, but they missed missed it, so they went for milk & came back home & then he took them 15 to 9-p.m & they got the buss it will make them terrible late in getting home 15 to 12-p-m midnight. they will get off at there door at home, but Bonita wont know where they are so long. Johny is learning to fly  they say. & expects to be moved before long  They said there were a pr. of twins born in Elyria the 

Wed.Feb.23.1944 /494/ other day & the have named one Bonney Sue the other mary Lou. I didn’t learn thre last name. Well, we only got 6 eggs today.  Elbert’s tired tonight he has took care of hens today & drove up for milk & up to buss & tonight we both went out & he nailed some thin pieces over 2 window light holes. & then we carried two pails of water back. Winid is S.W.

Thurs. Feb.24.1944./ Elbert went to Vermilion today and got fish, meat & few other things we needed & the while he was gone I swept & wiped up the floor & washed up the dishes, but he fried the fish & boiled the potatoes then I washed the dishes and he dried them its been a beautiful Spring like day  10 eggs today  N.E.Wind rather cold wind but nice out side & flys out today havent felt very well head & body ach so bad. I have another bad cold. 

Fri.Feb.25.1944./ Well, I haven’t done enough to pay for my board & room today took care of the birds & cooked two meals & done up the dishes only got 8 eggs today & they broke one. 

Sat.Feb.26.1944./  I didn’t get up untill 9-30-a-m. then after Elbert went to Lorain, he had to go to Dr. DeNardy today.  I went back & lay on the bed feeling more dead than alive, we got a card from Nellie saying they got home O.K. 11-15-p-m. Well Elbert got back at 6-15-p-m. only got 5 eggs. S W Wind. 

Sun. Feb.27.1944./ Felt so bad I couldn’t sleep last 2 nights but managed to cook some & wash dishes, we’ve had a gray day all day wind N.E. & only 3 eggs today. I’m weak but believe I’m better tonight Praise the Good Lord. 

Mon.Feb.28.1944./ Well I haven’t done anything worth mentioning  I washed out 4 hand towels & my nose rags cleaned up around & cleaned & took care of bird & gave them (2 prs) each a nest we “Elbert & I cleaned & dressed a hen & cooked it, he went for milk, Ella Jane called Snyders & said she’d be here on the 9-40-p-m. buss. Elbert went to meet her now she wished she was back to see about a job in Elyria, such a world. Elbert got 9 eggs today & we only have 11 white one’s left. N.W. wind” 

Tue.Feb.22.1944./495./ Elbert went to Huron to get a few things to eat and I made butter with Ella Jane’s help & I made 2 big white loaves of bread & helped cook the meals & do dishes & swept & I’m just as tired as if I’d work  the wind’s been N.W. & N. & it N.E. tonight & strong it sounds that way N.E. 7 eggs tonight. 

Wed.March 1.1944./ I did out part of the washing, Elbert carried the water & coal & emptied the ashes.  Ella Jane helped to cook the meals  I washed up supper dishes  Ella Jane dried them, she also washed out my and set red scarf & gloves tonight It tried to snow several times today but sun came out and set red tonight. I feel like a dish rag so weak I ust sweat like rain only 6 eggs  N.W. wind. 

Thurs Mar. 2.1944./ Well Elbert took Ella Jane to Lorain & he got his tax income partly fixed up. I put the bedding on the line & did the rest of the washing except the big chair cover & blankets. I had to carry five pails of water that was to much  I got them all dry & beds made & sweat like rain to tired  only 4 eggs today the Sun shone all day  wind went clear around N.E. tonight. 

Fri Mar.3.1944./ Well I managed to get the ironin done & cook the meals but sweat like rain I’m so tired & weak. Wind been shifty allday N.E. tonight cloudy all day like gray blanket  I have cooked took care of birds & washed dishes. 

Sat.Mar.4.1944./ Today I have only done just what I had to do, cook & wash dishes clean up & take care of the birds.  It has been blowing since midnight yesterday  & has been blowing in whirl winds all day & all last night or after 12 last night, so strong from N.E. heavy puffs hit it so hard there was a heavy white fog untill midnight turned to frost then began to snow & blow & it’s been at it all day & just as bad yet at 10-p-m. snow has drifted high in places by the back door on path to well, and in front of grainery & in the road & out in front of henhouse & in path to cystern. Elbert corked his east bedroom window & the front door tonight & still there seems to be a strong draft from the east side of the room  didn’t go for milk it was so bad out, he fixed the fire tonight & has been in bed an hour. I’m going to take my bath & hop into bed.  I still am feeling tired out & its been so bad outside & I’ve felt so tired I didn’t do the darning  I’m so sorry for anyone in the cold tonight. 5 eggs today.

Sun.Mar.5.1944/496./ Can’t go to Church today but God Willing, I do hope to be going there soon. Elbert has 2.00 from the eggs he sold Thurs. 40 cents per. doz. & we have all most 3 doz. on hand, only 4 today & Elbert ate 2 & I used 2 to cook with.  We had a nice day sun shone most of the day & melted off a lot of the snow & the drifts were high & a car was on the hill at 4-20-a-m when I fixed the fire this morning, working the motor hard  I think he was stalled in the snow, but he was gone when Elbert got up at 8-a-m. snow melted fast today N.E. wind but light. no one came in today. I wrote part of a letter to Miss. Mc.Govern hope to finish it in the morning  I feel so tired & exhausted tonight. 

Mon.Mar.6.1944./ Well, ust couldn’t work, so I wrote a letter to Martha and finished the one to Miss McGovern and wrote a card to Ella Jane, then after Elbert went to Huron I wrote a few lines to Mr. Miller to thank him for my releif card. but didn’t get it mailed today. Elbert went to Huron but couldn’t get his tires tested so he came home & ate dinner & then went to Vermilion where he did get tire inspection & then he came back got the milk & on home, he met Walt Ables & had a visit with him in Vermilion he was in Florida all winter, he was fat, Elbert said, (but he ‘s home again)

Tue.Mar.7.1944./ Elbert went to Huron, turned in his tire inspection & not from Dr. for gas, then filled out gas blank & then they told him the ration board didn’t meat until Fri. & then they’d mail the gas coupons to him, he may get them next week if all goes well. he came home feeling rather discusted after dinner he went to Vermilion got a few things to eat & some ocean red perch, well they were quite good for supper. While he was gone I did out most of the washing but am still feeling to, tired & exhausted. I couldn’t finish but got supper, did dishes, while Elbert went up to talk to Mr. Ellis for an hour he got back 15 to 9-p-m. and read a little more in the news paper he had bought & now he’s gone to bed. I got all the wash dried & now I’m fixing fire & going to bed, it’s snowed & the sun was shining, snowed heavy showers,& it’s still at it tonight sun shone clear between showers & moon shines bright between showers wind was N.W. & strong & puffy not so much wind tonight, but a little colder. 

Wed.Mar.8.1944./ Elbert went to Vermilion got a few 

WEd.mar.8.1944./497/ a [   ] Huron White fish it was quite good. Mrs. Clayton Labar   the fisherman’s wife takes care of fish house and of late he has had several bad attacks of the heart their boy is in the service, they have a daughter I don’t know how many other if any children they have. they seem like very nic people. Well, today is sun-shine & snow showers N.W. Wind & quite cold. 

Thurs.Mar.9.1944./ Elbert went to Vermilion got a paper & little (2 pieces) liver for supper & liver was so tuff . Well I got the socks all mended. N.W.Wind quite strong and cold. We have 4 doz of eggs to sell again and hens need more feed last bag was no-good nothing to it. Sunshiny and partly cloudy . Elbert got his extra gas slips today. North west wind early this morning & cold. sunshining & snow showers, froze ice in can of water in the stair way, it’s cold. Elbert got a newspaper today. 

Fri.Mar.10.1944./Sun is shining, partly cloudy. Elbert killed & dressed a hen and it’s almost cooked 11-a-m. I been feeling rather bad today trusting I’ll feel better in the morning. 

Sat.Mar.11.1944./ Elbert went to Lorain, got all his earns done. signed a paper, that had been over looked for his compensation money  he see Joe Foizy, & the Dr. said he could go back to very light work & Joe, said he should come in Mon. & he’d find something for him to do. he came home very tired & shaky at 7-p-m. I don’t think he’s fit to stand around all day & try to work he hasn’t done much here & he’s so tired every night. I pray he will at least use good judgement & that God will take care of him. His Hospital bill was $118.90 & his Dr. bill $100.00 now he’s anxious to get them paid up. Well, today’s been a rather gray day cloudy & showers of rain. there is some snow here & there on the ground yet but most of it is gone. not so cold tonight S.W. wind. Sunshone before dark for a few min. 

Sun.Mar.12.1944./ Well, I didn’t even get to Church today and that’s where my heart & spirit is on Sundays & prayer meeting nights. My right side has been paining me every since I fell off the stairs and I’d like to get back to church. we been alone all day. Yesterday there were lots of cars over to Snyders & again today. I wonder if all is well there they are not very neighborly to us.

Sun.Mar.12.1944./498/ It’s rather quite out side tonight not much wind if any. flys been flying around outside. yesterday & today a spider making a web on outside of one of the North windows & St I tried to catch a butter fly out by the well. I let the hens out Sat for a little while & I washed the big chair cover  Elbert’s shirt socks & handkercheifs 3.& my dress & night gown, dish & hand towels & then I dried them outside in a S.wind in about 15 minutes & then I ironed them. I carried 2 pails cystern water & one of well water looked at all the work that needed to be done then came in & rested untill I had to feed hens & then fed & locked them in & opened car shed for Elbert, he came at 7-p-m & had another sack feed for hens. Well I Praise God for all he give me & only wish I could do more for Him. I pray He will use me. 

Mon.Mar.13.1944./ Elbert did not go to work today, he had so much gas around his heart he sat up in bed most all night. I baked 3 loaves of bread and done what had to be done only. gray day. 

Tue.Mar.14.1944./  Well it has been another gray day rained this morning and several showers during the day and evening, fgy all afternoon only got 4 eggs today  6 yesterday. fogy yet tonight. I haven’t done much today feeling bad yet. 

Wed Mar.15.1944./ No fish today but fisherman were setting nets. While Elbert was up to Huron Ella Jane walked in had tea & piece of cherry pie and visited a while & played victrola awhile, then Elbert came & we had dinner. I mended my house dress & then mended her Ella Jane’s butter yellow sweater & she changed a few places in the bottom of marking for the hen, new dark redish brown rayon dress.  I gave her enough dress goods for a new house coat (green background with redish brown bars her & there and pretty white daisys with red eyes & green “dark green leaves.)  Elbert took her up to the end of the road where she took the buss for home.

Wed.Mar.15.1944./499/ she is leaving Mar. 27. for New Mexico again for her health. she said her ma wasn’t very well & had to go back to the hospital soon for another operation. Bonita is tired out she washes every morning & does the most of the house work & her babies are cutting teeth & have to have more care, they had a party for Joan’s 9th birthday last Sun. Mar. & Bonita’s twins, they were a yr. old Mar 8 & & Johny’s Harnish Jean Ganet & Audrey, Martha, Merlin Jim & Jean & Bonney Bell Nellie John & Ella Jane were there to dinner then Stoughtens came in for a little visit & when they left Eddy’s & there twins & Ruth came in, when they left in the early evening  Johny called home from by telephone & talked with each on of the family & his Jean after he rung off each one told what he had said to them  Jean was last & after she had finished telling she burst into tears & had them all at it, but after a bit John took Jean home & brought her back to stay with them all night & go with Bonney Bell to Cleveland Mon. to buy her shoes & dress for graduation, for she will soon be a full fledged nurse so as Ella Jane says it’s been something doing every day, and tomorrow E.J. expects to go to Cleveland With a neighbor to visit a woman that use to be E.J.’s school teacher 7 friend of the neighbor “Mrs Jens.”  E.J. said she’d call Miss Mc. Govern & then let me know how she was later on.  Well I made a lemon cream pie for lunch tonight and it was good.

Wed.Mar.15.1944./500/  the wind has been changing all around today & it came from the N.E. While Elbert was up for milk at 4-30-p-m. and blew hard, looked bad but didn’t do us any harm he said he could hardly keep car on the road for about 5 minutes. it terrible foggy & thick tonigh. N.wind tonight only 6 eggs. 

Thurs.Mar.16.1944./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got a few eats and a news paper & some red ocean perch. I haven’t done much today just my daily round took care of the birds. I brought in a few branches of forthycia & now they are covered with little yellow bells.  I made a pad of butter today. We got 6 eggs today, I walked around outside a little it’s been foggy all day & rained hard several times  no fog tonight at 10-p-m and its star light N.W. Wind.  I received a letter from Martha today & some stamps, she’s been sick was home a week & went back to work & then she’s been off again for a day or two with plurisy in her side. I was going to write some letters but haven’t got them done yet. I’ve been thinking of Mrs. Green & Etta Thomas & Miss. Baumgart. 

Fri. Mar.17.1944./ St. Patricks Day in the Morning. Top of the morning to yea. I haven’t done much today but think I’m feeling a little better my side isn’t quite so sore and doesn’t pain me as stead as it did. S.W. wiind fogy & misty & a gray day. Elbert only went for milk today & says he seems to have a cold tonight  I crochet a while today, & this evening. only 3 eggs today.  Last night it got dark early began to get dark at 3-30-p-m. & we watched the male pheasent coming, almost on a run acrossed the field to the road in front of the house then down long side the road to the Elm tree & acrossed the road to the Elm & out of sight  the little hen had come quite awhile before but we didn’t see them today. The mourning doves blue birds & killdear are here & the ground sparrows sing, like they were happy once again. God of Love & Mercy I praise Thee I Praise father son & Holy Ghost for ever & ever Amen.

Sat.Mar.18.1944./  Elberts going to Lorain in the morninig  I don’t know what I will do all day, but suppose I’ll find enough  he went at 9.-30-a-m & got back after 4-p-m I swept & cleaned up the birds cages, Sally has 1. egg Squalk has 2 eggs & ought to have babys tomorrow or Mon.  Elbert ate dinner with pa & Gertie & went in to see Uncle Will & Lillie & he saw Evelyn & talked to her

Sat.Mar.18.1944./501./mother’s better but has a spot that goes clear through one lung & they are trying to cure that. He stopped to Miss Baumgart’s gave her the can & milk weed seeds & the elderberry plants she wanted. They are all well there, Ruth Cranage not working yet. Pa isn’t very well  been working to hard & from what Elbert told me I think he’s strained himself through his stomach & bowels, he hasn’t been able to work for a week or so. Uncle Will hasn’t been feel very good for a few days & was laying down when Elbert was there. Martha has, been real, miserable & for quite a few weeks & Nellie expects to have to go to the Hospital again before long.  Well they got 90 lb of fish at one fish house so Elbert heard, but he didn’t get there in time to get any. he got some mutton chops. I made lemon cream pie while he was gone & swept & cleaned up some what but haven’t felt able to work. I crocheted this evening some. 8 eggs today & the N.E. wind is cold & strong & there was ice in the bird bath outside after dinner  We have a good fire & the wind seems to creep in & cool the house off fast tonight  Elbert can’t lay down the liver gas is paining him so.  Mr. Clayton La Bar died last night at 6-p-m. his heart has been bad for quite a long time now & he’s been at home & the man that helps at the fish house said the woman was LaBar’s wife. 

Sun.Mar.19.1944./  We have been home all day. Elbert Dressed a hen & cooked it. I got up took a bath & dressed & fixed the rest of the dinner & did the dishes weather has been heavy & gray. sun set like molten lava last night & it was starting to snow at 15 to 4-p-m. when Elbert went for the milk on the way home he heard the bottle of milk fall over & stopped to set it up again  as he opened the car door it fell on pavement and broke (trip, bottle, milk and 12 cents wasted) after he got here it snowed hard & is still at it  wind is strong N.E. 10-p-m lots of snow fell and is falling yet. 8 eggs today.  I do praise God the Father The Son & Holy Ghost Amen. 

Mon.Mar.20.1944./ I did out a little washing, Elbert cleaned the hen roost  I did my house work & took care of birds & plants have had a kink in my hip joint all day could hardly put my weight on it to walk. crocheted alittle tonight  it’s been cold all day  sun came out several times for only a few minutes tonight.

Mon.Mar.20.1944./502./ cold raw N.E. wind & quite    strong all day, wind has eased off, tonight & it’s not so cold only 3 eggs today  I thank God for all He give me and Praise His Holy Name, Amen. 

Tue.Mar.21.1944./ Well Elbert did a little work out side to day and I cleaned & pressed my dress & his coat & then we went to Huron to see Mrs. Sharp & take her a little food of various kinds she cried all Sat & Sun. night because she can’t get out to go to Church & no one comes to take her, she was so happy because I’d come & just before I got there some one had sent to an invitation to a baby shower on Mrs. Ruy’s daughter-in-law  I think she said mrs. Ruy sent it and said they’d call for her & take her home & they were going to have a lunch & good time & so she was going.  I had ask her to go to Church tonight to Vermilion, then she said she’d promised to go there so I told her I’d get her another time, soon.  Well, she’s all sort of broke up for her son & his wife are going to move to her mothers & she don’t know if her son has got to go into the service or why they are moving., I think they ought to tell her. but she half expects that the reason for the change.  Well we came back home & got a bit to eat & got ready & went to church, there has been a lot of changes since I was there last  changed the room a lot & put in some old phews  Mrs West has been gone off. some where with Mr. West or some such thing & isn’t back, but are on thre way back.  Mrs Merideth is laying at the point of death once more how I do wish I had gone to them this week. Oh God, give her back with better health & help me to help them more

Tue.Mar.21.1944./503./ but I pray thy will be done not mine  We love them but how little we have done for them. Oh God Please for give us & help us, We thank Thee for taking us both into the Place Thou hast help us to provide for a Place of worship and bringing us back safe  We Praise Thee Jesus, Oh God, help me to do more for thee in Jesus name Amen. 

Wed.Mar.22.1944./ Elbert went to Huron and got a piece of boiling meat & newspaper & mailed my letter to Mr. & Mrs. Meredth & I’ve been all in today & forgot to address the papers to Flora, so he took them & brought them back, so I fixed them & they are now ready to go. I haven’t done much today  only what had to be done, & baked 3. big white loaves of bread.  Mrs. Himman the under takers wife came into ask for Red Cross funds  she said people pay by the year, Well, Frank use to give $25.00 per. yr. but now I have to live on relief, so I can’t give it any more. We had quite a visit  she seems to be a very nice person.  Elbert has felt bum all day& my bowels are on a strike.  I’m having sweats & a sick feeling all day, But I’ve been praying all day and most all last night for the Meredth’s. I do Pray God will prove to all once more  He is our Lord & Master. Amen. We got 6 eggs today & most of the day the sun was shining, but after dinner it got dull & gray & wind weent from N.E. to S.E. and it looks like it might rain. 

Thurs.Mar.23.1944./  I mailed a letter to Ella Jane  one to Meredth’s and card to Martha and have finished my letter to Martha so it can be mailed today. 

Fri. Mar. 24. 1944./ It’s a beautiful day With a S.W. wind after dinner Elbert said he’d take me to Martha’s so I had some dress goods I had bought last summer for the girls and a piece for a shirt for Jim & I took it to them  they were pleased with it. We ate supper with Martha Merlin & the children  Elbert had to be coaxed to stay & then he said it would be the last time for a good while & I told Martha & said maybe I’d better go & I went to the car & he said  I told Martha I‘d stay so I can’t go now. but he said he didn’t tell me he wouldn’t come again for a good while, in 

Fri.Mar.24.1944./504./ front of Martha, trying to make me out a lier.  I wont forget it.  They all like to make me out to be more rotten than the dirtiest of dirt. but I’m glad Jesus knows the truth about me, and I’m sorry he would do like that by me, but it isn’t the first time.  Charles Kishman of Vermiliion was laided to rest today  he had a fish house in Huron. We stopped in Amherst & learned that Mrs. Meredith died Wed. Morning and was to be laid to rest Sat. afternoon.   We got back home just at dark it begin to look stormy. 

Sat.Mar.25.1944./ Well I swept yesterday morning but did it again today & it don’t look like it tonight.  I’d like to have gone to Amherst to the Church to the funeral today, but Elbert went to Huron  said he’d be gone couple of hrs. & he was so I did the washing all but his work shirt and my house dress and I was all tuckered out, so left them & got the others ready for the line just as he got here  so I hung them out meantime I’d made a stew pan of beef soup so we had that for dinner  he had stood around watching the fish boats try to breake the ice so they could get out, one had to come back, but some got out. after dinner he went to Vermilion  got his car license & some fresh perch 4 perch cost 85 cents they are 40 cents per. lb. I got the potatoes ready & everything else & he fried the fish  I’m dog tired.  A man at the gas station gave us a Vermilion paper Fri. telling about Kickman’s death  he was an old man. Well it was so nice this morning  S.W. wind & strong but nice Sunshine then wind went around to N.W. & on to N.E. it rained for a while in showers then snowed and we now have a white blanket of snow tonight. 

Sun. Mar.26.1944./ I sept some this morning  Elbert got up as usual he dressed a hen & put it on to cook  we had dinner & then got ready for church Evelyn is 32 yrs. old today  We went quarter to two church starts at 2-p-m. there were there were the preachers wife  2 other women & my self 4 men & the minister there  Elbert wouldn’t go in today  he needs a new suit of clothes. I do hope he puts forth an effort to get them.  While we were having the meeting some one was crying & moning up stairs and 


Sun., Mar.26.1944./505/ and they talked about it but no one went to see about it, I couldn’t get it off my mind and after we had supper we went back to see if Eplers were home but they were not so we went back to the Dwelling where we had church & there was a man in the back of the house  the dog made a big fuss  but the man didn’t come to the door so we went over to Mrs West’s mothers and she was home  I told her I could rest for fear some one was up there sick or hurt and she figured it was the dog.  I never heard a dog cry just like that before, but he was lonesome & alone and mourning perhaps & Mrs West gone all after Mr. West Who was & is sick and Dorthy gone to Washington to see Lindy her husband he got a 9 day furlow & she went to be with him for that little while. and now she coming back and Wests are waiting for his rail road pass to come home on.  Mrs. West’s mother seemed real pleased to have us come in, said she got lonesome for some one to talk with.  Mr. Meredith came to church this afternoon. he looks as bad as I felt after Frank was gone.  Oh God, We Know she’s gone to Glory Will her sons wake up before it’s to late?  We pray they will  We know They doth hear and ans. prayers and we Praise Thee Glory Glory Lord God Almighty. Mrs West’s Mother said it was a Heavenly funeral just so sacred you felt as if you were being lifted to heaven.  I prayed all night last Tue night some time after mid-night a beautiful golden star flodded my room with light & I looked untill the star left but the light staid and then

Sun.Mar.26.1944/506/  in the other corner of the room Mrs Meredith face appeared with a smile and that golden light on her face & all about her.  I thanked God for what he had revealed to me, and prayed He would comfort her husband & family, for I know the longer she’s gone the more he will be missing her.  I pray God Will help us to do his Will & teach us more about Jesus that we may help those all about us to live for Him Who died for us. 

Mon.Mar.27.1944./  Elbert didnot go to work, and so I set up & waited for the morning train 1-15 a-m. to go west & turn the light in the door so Ella Jane would know I was looking for her as she flew passed on that fast New York Central train to Chicago & on from one point to another back to New Mexico her ticket cost $100.00 one hundred dollars.  Well she’s on her way  she said I’d be sleeping when she passed so I told her I’d turn the light on the door so she’d know I was watching for her, I know, in a way, she feel sort of lonesome & far away from home but, she says her health is lots better there  Mr. West went to Arizonia & was so homesick she had to go to him & now they are trying to get back  Well I haven’t done anything but cook wash dishes & a little darning on socks today & home to do more tomorrow, I fried some fresh mullet & Elbert got a bone in his throat, he got it out by swallowi-ing a wad of thread & then pulling it up again.  he hasn’t felt so good today but says he is going to try to go to work in the morning.

Tue.Mar 28.1944./507./  I did the washing Elbert went to work & worked all day.  I’m terrible tired had to carry water 5 pails and take care of the hens & get the supper and it been a fairly nice day S.West wind and quite strong  hope Elbert doesn’t get a cold, raw wind. 

Wed.Mar.29.1944./ Strong wind all night & all day & Elbert did get a cold, but he’s better today, but his back is hurting him yet. he’s been home today.  I baked 2 big white loaves of bread & a little cin. roll in a coffee flat can & I cook the rest of the fish mullet in the pressure cooker & put vinegar on them to eat up the bones & pickle the fish. I cooked & washed dishes & took care of the birds & done the odds & ends and crocheted 2 rows on the chair back & now every things ready for the morning. Strong S.W. wind.  I got such a nice surprise today a new releif card for 20 a mo.  Praise God, He all ways takes care of me  It’s wonderful.

Thurs.Mar.30.1944./  Been a dark day sun did get out a few time but it has snowed hard in showers and once or twice while the sun was shining, Elbert went to work but only work one hr.  all the men went out on a strike, so he had to; he went up to see pa, he isn’t feeling very well yet, he told Elbert Gertie saw and talked to Elinor Winters over town the other day & Eric her husband was on his way to South Africa & she hadn’t heard anything since & was anxious.  Elbert fixed the new handle for the cystern at pa’s for pa has a vice to hold it while he put the hole through the center of the hand piece. something funny we only got 1. egg today & 5 most every day before  once in a while 6.  Well I made my self a change purse today  swept & took care of birds & darned one pr. sock.  I sent Mr Miller a letter to thank him for making it possible for me to have 20. & my check

Thurs.Mar.30.1944./508/ came for this mo. for 15.  I haven’t done much, have been so tired from doing the washing Tue.  I do Praise the Lord for all I have & the strength He gives me. He takes good care of me. 

Fri.Mar.31.1944./  Elbert didn’t go to work, but he is going in the morning to see if they can go to work. is going in the morning to see if they can go to work. [note she repeated this phrase]  I swept & wiped up the floors & cooked & washed the dishes & got every thing ready for morning. it did get colder & snowed a white blanket of snow in the night, it snowed in showers all day yesterday & it has snowed some in showers today but it didn’t stay on the ground sun shone quite a lot today and set white tonight  wind died out to day it’s been blowing so strong from S.W. but its cold got 9 eggs today  they eat some yesterday. sent flora papers today. I wrote a letter & thanked Mr. Miller for extra 5.00. 

Sat.April. *1. 1944./ Elbert went to work & he worked to hard & is dreadfully tired tonight they tell him not to work so hard or so much but he doesn’t listen  I do wish he would at least use good common cence  he can cripple hisself for life by lifting & working to hard right now, but there are lots of people that just wont listen to good judgement  he can weaken those muscles so they will never hold & he might split him-self wide open, and I can’t understand Why he goes ahead & does the wrong things if he wants to be able to be independent & able to work by & by.  they’ll think him bull headed like he thinks about some of them I suppose, it isn’t smart, it’s showiing his own ignorance.  I’m sorry for him. and wish he could see himself as others see him. Oh, God of Love & Mercy, how can I help him.  6. eggs today  Wind West & little N. little warmer

Sat.April.1. 1944./509/  thundered & lightened & we had several showers, sun shone through at times all day & set white tonight. I let the hens out for a little while this after noon & I got the ironing done & got the supper & dishes done. 

Sun.April.2. 1944./ Well I managed to go to Church at Vermilion today  They had comunion service today & Dorthy or Mrs. West Jr. Who went to Washington to spend a week or so with her marine husband had lots of stories to tell us of what she saw & how she & her husband found a little 4 square Church where they were having revivle meetings & they went every night & he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost one night & a couple of nights later she received the same baptism, she was bubbling over with Joy, Praise the Lord. I’m happy for them & trust they will be able to do even a better work for God. She told How the boat with there crew of 150 men were at the mercy of a whole flock of plains & they were getting it from every side When suddenly all of them began to pray for God to help them & the plains left & there boat made port with all safe in Jesus Name, a merical. but God hears and ans. earnest prayers.  Oh God, help us to pray earnestly  We Know Thou art busy, but still, Thou doest hear and ans even us sinners When We cry in earnest prayer. We Praise Oh Lord We do praise Thee with all our soul with all our hearts with all our mind & strength  We Praise Thee & pray Thou will help not only our loved ones, but all Who need Thee, Oh Jesus it is a wonderful joy that only Thee can put in-to there hearts, and I Praise Thee and crave to learn more and more about Thee  I never seem to get enough Blessed Lord feed me, feed Thy flocks and strengthen us in these last days. Blessed Master Lord God of Hosts Amen.  I thank God I am His & He is mine and I’m standing on His promises Hallalua Amen. It’s been a beautiful day. partly

Sun.April.2.1944./510./ cloudy cold & fresh but the sun has been shining all day. 7 eggs today. N.E.Wind. There were 13 or 14 people out to church this afternoon. Elbert started work last Tue and we got in Tue & Sat his first work since Dec.7. 

Mon.April 3.1944./ Elbert has gone to work. it has been nice most of the morning  sun came out for a while but at 10-a-m.. got quite cloudy, light west wind direct West and cold  been trying to snow. hope Elbert will try to keep from catching a cold & that he wont work so hard today.  I wrote a card to Nellie one to Bonita & a letter to Miss Baumgart. Elbert come so tired he could hardly wait to get into a chair to rest but he dressed 6 fish before he sat down & got all washed & ready for supper  I had everything else ready & greese all hot so it didn’t take me long to fry the fish  We had supper  I cleaned the bottoms of the bird cages & then covered them then washed up the dishes  I did the usual sewing & got everything ready for the morning, it began to snow this after noon & let it come down quite heavy & tonight the ground & everything is all white  Wind is W. a little N. & Cold.  I did chores. 6 eggs today.  This morning Elbert said he felt rested & better than he had thought he would, I prayed hard God would do that for him & I thank him and believe He is able to do all things.

Tue.April.4.1944./  Oh how I love Jesus I Praise the Lord with all there is of me I Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost, Amen.  Elbert went to work and so did I. but he leaves 15 to 6-a-m, so, I go back & rest a little longer, got up at 8-15-a-m. sun was trying to shine through & it was al-so trying to snow and it did at it in earnest about 10-30 or 15 to 11.a.m. and you could only see right close around the house the rest looked like a wall of sollid white & Elbert was at the head end of the boat to do a little job that had to be done  When they launched the boat in that storm.  Well, I made a pad of butter had to rest cream then, I cleaned up the house then made a lemon cream pie for supper, it was only 3-p.m. when I got that [note this is first time she uses periods after time and a.m.]

Tue, April.4.1944./511/ Job done, so the water was hot & I washed all the dirty clothes except my dress & Elbert’s shirt, then went & fed the hens, I had been out & give them there green feed at 9-a-m & got the mail a letter from Sister Nellie, a letter for Elbert & an add from Berlin Hight’s Berlin Hights men are putting in a new cold storage for farmers to put there meat fruit fowels & such like into cold storage drawers and they want our money first to build it with. Dr Brandon wants Elbert to take some treatment so he can save his money & for reasons all her own Nellie wants us to move over a little closer to her  Queer World isn’t it?  I fed the hens at 5-p-m & took 3 water pails for cystern water, filled them all & carried 2  a third of the way went back & got the other & carried it & feed basin to the grainery 2 thirds the way   & water to house went back & got the other two pails after I fed the hens  I locked the cook & opened car shed doors for Elbert  I locked grainery when I put basin in them  I emptyed ashes & got well water then started supper, then sudsed & wrinsed the clothes & hung up a line full & put rest in pan & washed & combed up my hair & rested 10 or 15 minutes & Elbert came, I put the dumplins in to cook & hot water in wash basin for him, he brought a few groceries & two very thin short steaks that were tuff as, as, well I’ll leave it to you. & I tried hard to cook them quick & tender, there wasn’t any juice in them. Elbert ask me if I wanted to go to church and, Oh, I did, I’d been praying I’ll get to go, he was so tired I said maybe I’d better not go he that that wouldn’t make any difference  he could rest while he was sitting  I said after praying a while silently, that I’d go if he’d go in with me, so he said he would & we went after we had eaten our supper Praise the Lord & Who should come to preach, but Mrs. Cregg. & her preaching alway give me the right sort of lift I need, I love her some how  she’s my sort & I believe God Will ans that prayer also before long. They act as if I might bite them, I mean the folks in the church in Vermilion  Maybe it’s because the German Preacher thinks I’m crazy. and the few that comes are mostly all related to each other in one way or another. sort of a family group while I rested today I sang hiymns & Praised the Lord & the birds sang with me. Glory be

Tue.April.4.1944./512/  I croched two rows on the chair back piece got it almost done, snowing & blowing hard yet tonight from the N.West. ground is white 7 eggs got the clothes all dry & it 10-p-m I read a little more in my bible K& go to bed.

Wed.April.5.1944./  Well, I didn’t get much done today, just haven’t felt able to hardly hold myself together, & Elbert’s back & legs hurt him so bad he didn’t go to work. sun melted most all the snow off but frost bird bath solid out side wind is cold & raw makes my face ach to go out into it. Sun makes one feel like doing something  hope I get more pep so I can catch up the work again. I’m sorry for Elbert to. 

Thurs.April.6.1944./ Elbert went to work & he had to sign a card why he stayed home, things are sure getting terrible they are trying to compell him to ride with some one else now He’d have to walk to the high way & wait & then walk 1/2 mile to ship yard & walk back to car & he wouldn’t have a chance to get our meat & groceries & we can’t work out without me-at and Elbert learned there are several men that live in Lorain that could come on the buss that drive to work & they go right passed each others homes to, and they are talking of having another strike at the yard.  I don’t know how he is going to make out with the gas they hadn’t done anything about it today at shipyard. I feel sorry for Elbert the young men have it lots more easy than he does. I don’t see how the men work at all the way they pick on them  Shipyard wont pay for the rupture & now he has to file a claim to get what he lost from Dec. 7.1943 until Mar. 28.1944 & his compensation is all so tied up because of the shipyard, they say they don’t pay for anything above the waist line.  Such a World. I cut out a new house dress today & boys oh boys but I did sweat just leaning over pining & cutting, got it all cut & now I’m going to try to sew it when I have time. I washed out two prs. stockings & a couple of hand kerchiefs swept & took care of hens & birds & cooked & done dishes  Elbert brought fish for supper & they cost 90 cents for 6 small perch. 15 cents per. fish. Well wind backed up against the sun, is now south west, was a fine day sun shone all day wind strong & fresh.  The cock pheasant & two hens went out to the road from our drive, went accross the road & down the other side feeding on weed seed as they went  I looked at them for a while they are so pretty  the cock bird walked as if he’d been hurt and acted stiff, as if he was sore & lame, the males fight so wicked in the Spring for there females.  Isn’t it terrible how everythings a fight in one way or an other.  Elberts so tired and he’s sleeping now so I must fix fire & turn in 

Fri.April.7.1944./513./  Elbert went to work he drove to Vermilion left his care there & took the buss on in to Lorain had to walk from East Erie Ave to shipyard but the buss came to yard tonight to pick them up but after this it wont, so if they take the buss they’ll have to do lots of walking Elberts so tired he can’t hardly endure it  tonight he’s gone to bed & now as he sleeps he sighs & groans every move  Why are they punishing him like that and other, old men beside him  he learned that there are lots who drive to work that live right there in town  Well I do hope he goes to the ration board & see what can be done for him he’s not able to do his work let alone all that walking & waiting around and having to stand all that time & he can’t sit to rest even a few minutes his hips and legs & feet pain him untill he’s in mercy  I expect things will get more & more ridged as time goes by.  I baked 3 loaves of bread & done my usual house work & took care of hens & birds let hens out side for a while this after noon cloudy all morn & tried to rain then sun came out for a while but after 4-p-m we began to get light showers then heavy ones & so it’s been all evening & its still at it at 10-pm.  yesterday I got 11 eggs & today only 3.  1 ancona egg  she didn’t lay yesterday  only 12 hens & rocks & 2 rocks laid today.  it thundered a lot today & the frogs were croaking & kill deers were flying & yelling  I see the pheasents again today on the other side  2 hens & the cock. Well Everything’s done & I’m going to bed  I feel so tired & have a queer head ach  I started a letter to Miss McGovern and

Fri. April. 7. 1944./514./  & didn’t get it done so will try to finish it in the morning. she sent me the gospel harld  a paper about a nurse & how she found Jesus & what a great work she is doing now she has 45 children who were cripples she’s taking care of & Jesus has healed them with her care  What a Wonderful Jesus is Christ my Lord & Savior I Praise His Holy Name. Miss  Mc.Govern says, she can’t pray any more that God seems to be so far away from her. Oh I’m so sorry for her & pray she’ll turn back & him. I do wish I knew how to help her some way. seems as if she’s lost faith or something of late. 

Sat.April8.1944./ Elberts feet legs & back were so bad he just couldn’t work. I swept & wiped up floors & got dinner & then we went to Huron  I stopped to Mrs Sharps & visited with her untill Elbert went to ration board  Where he found he could have gass to go & come on to & from work & that he didn’t have to do all that extra walking, so thats a relief  he got enough fish for supper & dinner tomorrow  I wanted to go to Lorain to Delaware Ave. Church but I don’t know if I can for he wont have gas enough. Mrs. Sharp said that Opal & Clara Selzer were down to church & Opal did the preaching & that the girls were dressed in fur coats & silk dresses, it’s a shame how people think they have to dress for there of others who can’t dress so well that don’t go to Church be-cause of that one thing. but you can’t buy a dress fit to wear for less than 4 or 5 dollars & that’s a cheap looking affair  I pay 3 & 4 dollars for my dresses. I wish I could wear the old fashioned calico like I use to, I was as happy as all the better dressed girls & they didn’t know for a long

Sat.April.8.1944/515./ time that my dresses & my sister’s were only calico  they thought they were lawn [?linien], but at tat time I couldn’t aford to pay for lawn dresses for I not only earned & paid for mine but for there’s & part of my mothers. and every one thought we always looked so neat & dressy, ha, ha, ha. and I cut my own patterns for each of us & made all the dresses. Well, I dressed the fish & cleaned them While Elbert got a pail of water peeled 3 potatoes & put them on to cook & put on the water for coffee  when he got that done I had a frying pan of fish ready & on cooking then I finished the rest of the fish & washed up the dinner dishes  While the fish were frying & then after supper did the dishes  While Elbert went for milk, & Knettles are going to sell out where we get our milk. I do hate to have to change places for milk again.  Such a World. I didn’t even get to buy me a hat for Spring & I suppose the ladys will be all dolled up tomorrow.  Well its shocking but I got an Easter card from Nellie & John, or rather it was to both of us & she, yes she really wrote a letter in it  she’s trying to find us a house near her & wants us to move over there so she can see us more often  can you beat that.  E.J. wants my dining chairs & little rocker & little old fashion couch & Nellie wants the big rocker so if we were next door, it wouldn’t be far to move them, if I Kick off.  Well, I wish some times I didn’t have anything, but since we do need the few things I have as long as we Keep house I’ll just keep them & the

Sat.April.8.1944./516./big chair  I have al-ready promised to Martha some day, if she still wants it, for Nellie & John said that was settled once & for all time & Frank paid them well for those 2 pieces, they had bought them second hand in the first place & they were beginning to look tuff when we got them & they didn’t want them, so, now Nellies says I want that chair back some day & she told Martha we had never paid her for it. Such a lie, we didn’t get a receipt but, one shouldn’t even trust a sister it seems and the more you do for them the more you owe them. I thank God I learned to think while I was young & that I learned to look at others & then to take myself apart to see how selfish, stingy, greedy & mean  I were & I thank God for my mother who taught me to hold my tongue & temper to look at those who didn’t & I’d see what I looked like, so every night I have gone over myself to see if I were or had done any of the above things, if I see where I could have done better  I tried to remember & if it was my fault go & ask forgiveness and the last was often hard for I usually got all the dirt the other persons tongue could hand me. but Praise God I learned many good lessons for my mother was What would Jesus Do think & say, in my place.

Sun.April.9.1944./517/  Easter Sun. the day Jesus arose from the grave & how I love & Praise Him. He’s more than life to me.  Well I did go to after noon meeting at Vermilion  Mr. Meredith’s son lead the singing he & his wife sang a song, then Mrs West Jr. & Mrs. Sprunk did a little whistling, together, they whistled a hym two or three different ones lead in prayer, then Mr. Merdth ask me to pray. thats the first time I’ve ever been called on in these meetings. I’m glad I can pray & wittness to my Lord.  We had a good Easter service & prayer meeting this after noon. Elbert’s back & legs are still paining him bad.  Cloudy most of the day  Sun came out for only a short time this after noon & shortly after we got home it be-gan to rain light showers & then gradually come harder untill it poured down & in the night the wind blew for a little while so hard.  then rained in showers untill 9 or 10-a-m. Mon. morning. 

Mon. April.10.1944./  Elbert’s back & legs hurt him all night  he got up this morning but didn’t go to work.  he had to go to Huron, he went to fish house & they gave him half bu. small pike, he dressed all we thought we could use them  gave some to Mr. & Mrs. Myers & the rest to Knettles where we get milk & he gave Snyders 12  they thought that was a plenty.  I did the washing while he was gone and was & still am so tired but have every thing done & ready for the morning. 7 egg Sun. & 5 today  sun came out after 12.1.m.  I hung part of the clothes out side  they got almost dry.  The wind N.E. & chilly at 12.1.m. To night I patched Elbert’s sleeper jacket, cleaned his over coat & mended my corset and wrote the grocery order for tomorrow  I took care of both hens & bird & carried 5 quails water

Tue.April.11.1944./  Elbert’s back so bad he could hardly walk & my hip is or has been paining since yesterday. only did what had to be done today.  pain has left me since prayer meeting  I didn’t go to church tonight, Elbert’s got a cold in his head & his head & nose all stopped up. he can hardly breath at 9-30 p-m. & its been thundering hard & lightening since 8-p-m. 6 eggs. S.E. wind cloudy most of the day since at 3-p-m & on to 10-p-m.

Wed. April.12.1944./518./  Elbert didn’t go to work & he has a bad cold in his head throat isn’t, xore tonight he says, but he is & has been sneezing all day & all evening  &  has a fever with it.  hope he get it broke tomorrow, weather cleared up this after noon & got little colder snowed last night & this morning & rained hard after that but sun came out at 11-a m & it cleared up & is all star light tonight clear & quite cool & the trees & bushes & everything is putting out leaves The Apricot is just as full as it can hold of buds ready to burst into bloom & it’s cold to cold for them yet, Pray they don’t get froze. I haven’t done much today, my hip is better.  hope to wash out remainder of dirty clothes, hope I can dry them out doors. 10 eggs today & ironing next hard job. 

Thurs.April.13.1944./  Elbert’s cold is real bad in his head but he’s been around all day & done out side chores, there was quite a frost last night & a strong N.E. wind untill noon. The sun shone quite bright all day clouding up at 6-30-p-m starlight at 10-p m. I did out a washing every thing that was dirty except some blankets and I washed two light blankets the chair cover 2 of Elberts work shirts my dress & the towels hand & dish my night gown & petty coat & the handkercheifs guess that was all anyway I’m tired my hips & legs are better. Elbert’s gone to bed, he gave himself a good washing & gressed good & I hope he will be O.K. in the morning.  Well I have everything done & ready for morning & I’m going to bed. 

Fri. April. 14.1944./ Squake has one baby bird & 3 more eggs, I’m hoping nothing will happen to them  Elbert is about the same his cold is in his head yet. 10 eggs today wind N.E. & chilly.

Sat.April.15.1944./519/  Elbert went to Lorain to Shipyard drew his money & tried to get the claim in, but didn’t, & they haven’t sent in his blank for gas yet. & we are all out of everything & no way to get it here. Elbert was all in when he got here his back hip & leggs  he was to tired to eat & he has such a cold in his head. Well I took care of hens & did the ironing  I haven’t felt very strong & have washed twice this week & it’s to much with all the rest we have to endure. 5 eggs.

Sun.April 16. 1944./ No gas no church it’s sure getting bad fast and I’m so sick of it all  if only the people would turn to God before it’s to late. 7 eggs today & I didn’t get Miss Mc-Governs letter mailed but hope to in the Morning  I ought to bak bread but I don’t know if any of these yeast cake are any good or not. 

Mon.April.17.1944./  Well Elbert was feeling rather punk but he went to shipyard to see what he could get done about claim & gas, the Company sends men to look after the claim, but he didn’t find out anything about the gas, he drove his car to Knettles & left it & got a ride clear to Colorado Ave. & he got a buss back to Vermilion  got his groceries & got a ride back to Knettles with Mrs Knettles sister May  put his stuff in his car got the milk & came home  he got here at 2-30-p-m. and he was all in his back most killing him. I set bread and made 3 big loaves.  I sawed 4 limbs off the buckeye tree out by the road & Elbert

Mon April.17.1944./520/ sawed of 2 from the butter nut tree and it looks like the whole tree was going to die looks as if there had been oil put on the limbs & kill the bark in spots & then the limbs have died, it had just began to be nice shaped  something killed a big place on the body of the black walnut but its allmost grown over again.  Elbert hadn’t ought to have sawed the limbs his back hurts him so bad tonight he just groans when he moves. he has paid the bank 25 dollars & Moore & Myers 5. and if he could only work 4 days a week we could get by & he could pay the bank  I do hope his back gets better  he get so discusted. The sun shone all day a beautiful Spring day with a raw N.E. Wind that goes right to the marrow. I gave the for Miss Mc Govern to postman & got a nice letter from Johnny Harnish. the rabbits sqerrel & wood chucks & pheasents, all out enjoying the sun today. We got a heavy fog last night that turned to frost but sun soon cleared it off. the hen were out for a while wind to cold they didn’t stay very long. I’m dead tired tonight  But Praise the Lord for my Blessings. 

Tue.April.18.1944./  Elbert’s felt real miserable today  cloudy & gray all morning but sun all afternoon  8 eggs today  N.E. cold wind but pheasents all 3 were out feeding, rabbits & wood chucks but I did not see the squerrel  didn’t get much done today inside & to cold to work out side, I wrote a letter to Johny last night & Elbert gave it to postman this a-m. I received a letter from Miss Mc Govern & some clipping to read. 

Wed.April.19.1944./521./  Well, it has been an-other nice day & Elbert & I were out doors he sawed the limbs of the butter-nut, walnut & Apple trees that is he trimed them up a bit & all the the butternut look much better, but that got a dose of something that killed all but th main limb & it don’t look very good.  We are both tired  I helped what I could & pilled up the limbs.  there is so much that ought to be done out side & in.  I also faced the bottom of my house dress tonight after supper then did up supper dishes  hunted some rubber heels for my slippers and looked up my slips on my blanket. one slip is missing or rather the slip is here but not the one she showed me with the dollar credit on it. 5 eggs today  It is foggy out side toward morning & cool. 

Thurs. April 20. 1944./  I did the washing. Elbert went to Vermilion to get my shoes fixed & shoe repair man don’t get there untill 11-a-m so he brought them back then he went to Huron & got a few catfish small one 5 of them, & one pike  we ate them for supper with boiled potatoes. I dried part of the clothes out doors  Elbert hung them out & brought them in  I cooked & washed dishes & wiped up the floor & made the beds sun shone a while this morning but began to look like rain after dinner  thick gray sky before night & rained a very little N.E.Wind & cold. 

Fri. April 21.1944./  Elbert went to Huron & got about 4 doz fish he dressed them & wash & scraped them out & I fried some for supper  they are so good fresh. I faced the bottom of my dark redish brown rayon dress  it’s a job, for I can’t see to work fast. I sewed the facing on then basted it up around the bottom then sewed or basted it half way. then turned edge & basted that then sewed top edge by hand. but it does look smooth. I haven’t.

Fri. April 21. 1944./522./ been so good today feel weak & I started to fold, put out my hands stuck left one into the stew pan of hot water  it was just starting to boil for the coffee it went all over the floor right hand & arm & I thank my Lord for keeping me free from it. He heard & ans. my pray quick   I plunged my left hand in, but the skin only burns a little & it don’t hurt. Praise the Lord, He takes care of me. Partly cloudy today didn’t see pheasents but heard the cock crowing  Elbert’s back is paining him bad & he feels punk. Wind was N.W. but went N.E. 5 eggs today.

Sat.April.22.1944./  Elbert went to Vermilion to get my good shoes fixed & he left them & now I havent any that look fit to wear to church  such is life, I told him to bring them back if he couldn’t get them fixed today, So, there I am. I ironed the few pieces I had to do & pressed the hem on the bottom of my rayon dress. I done my usual round  It’s been a thick foggy day  N.E. Wind & cold rain sun came through a little while this after noon. 8 eggs today. and it’s raining & foggy at 10-p-m. 

Sun.April.23.1944./  Ella Jane was 25 yrs. old today. Showery all day & I couldn’t go to church & I don’t know if I’ll get there tomorrow night  such a world  well we were home all day and I praised the Lord in song & prayer & am praying He’ll help me out to church & prayer meeting in the future. 

Mon.April.24.1944./  Showery but I raked a few weeds and Elbert dug the tile out they were pluged full up to the big tile allmost to the house, so we have to get some larger ones to put in.  right now we could buy some fencing, a couple of rolls & I do hope to get it. I’m sore & lame tonight hope the raking done make sick, Elbert says he’s going to work in morning he don’t have to work this hard in shipyard. 8 eggs today. strong cold wind all day.

Tue.April 25.1944./523./  Elbert went to work  it’s been a cold strong wind all day. I have not felt like work because of what I did yesterday  I raked the heavy weeds away from the drain & Elbert dug it up  I took a little more cold in my back, Kidneys are weak.  I did my house work & took care of hens & birds & got the supper & did up the work & now I’m ready for bed  I bath or rub Elbert’s back nights  he says he thinks it’s a little better but he’s so tired tonight  he aches all over. Received letter from Flora today & wrote one to nellie 

Wed.April 26. 1944./  Elbert went to work & I did all so. I baked 3 big nice white loaves of bread  I washed all the clothes & dried most of them out side carried 3 pails of water & took care of hens & birdds & got supper  I washed up all the dirty dishes & bread pans & board & bowl & now everythings ready for the morning.  I got a nice letter from Flora yesterday & one from Ella Jane today. Wind N.E. but Sun all day  went down white tonight. 

Thurs.April 27.1944./  Elbert went to work  It been a nice sunshiny day, but fog was thick & cold this morning. I took care of hens & birds 7 then I walked down to the Elm & back & got the mail and add. from Texas nursery then I ate a bite then pulled out the sewing machine & put a patch on back of Elberts shirt, then I made 2 bags for the cystern pump, then I stitched up the seams of my hourse dress  I cut out a few days ago, then I put it away  cleaned up & made the beds & got every thing ready to get supper then I fed the hens & only got 6 eggs  got 8 yesterday  4 anaconas yesterday & 3 today. N.E. wind & chilly  we still keep a little [?]

Thurs.April.27.1944./525./  Two boats on upper part of Lake Erie & two off Coneautte ran into each other, one boat sank & some men were drowned. It’s clear & cool tonight  as if we would have a fog before morning again, but I don’t know. Elbert brought short steaks for supper, it was a good change. he’s terribly tired. he drives to Vermilion, then has to ride the buss to Colorado Ave, & walk to shipyard & the same walk back & buss to Vermilion & it’s so late he can hardly get in to buy anything to eat for the stores are closing  When he gets there , such a world.

Fri.April.28.1944/  Elbert went to work. & Frank Babcock would be 62. yrs. old today. I washed 3 blankets 1 wool 2 cotton. 7 eggs today  extra cold N.E. Wind. sun shone all day. Elberts to-cal [?] gave him $11.  sick benefit, today & he paid up his local dues & had 2. left. & when the shipyard envestagators get around, he will get all his hospital & Dr. bills paid & $21.  a week for all the time he lost. I’ll be glad for him. I took care of hens & birds, got everything ready for morning.

Sat. April 29. 1944./  Elbert went to work. There was a frost last night, N.E. wind today & to cold but it’s been a beautiful day  sun shining all day. wind died out tonight & it’s clean moon & starlight.  I heard the pheasant today & Elbert saw him before he went to work this morning  I saw the squirrel yesterday & today eating a walnut up in the walnut tree. when he had eat his fill he stretched himself out on the limb in the sun for a while, then by & by he hurried away. & there are such a lot of different kinds of birds here the 

Sat.April 29.1944 /526./  little yellow birds came in a flock & were all over on the trees & bushes this morning. & the cardnals-red birds, high holders & brown thrush were in the back yard picking & working in the leaves on the ground & Elbert found a nest under the Elm tree with a lot of baby rabbits in it. Well I did up the mending & swept  took care of hens & birds & dug & cleaned enough dandeline greens for supper & they tasted good  Elbert brought short steaks for supper I had everything else ready.  And now everything’s ready for morning. I took the stalk off the India lilly today & opened up the basement windows & let the fresh air sail through then I shut them before Elbert got here tonight.  9 eggs today. 3 of them anconias Well it’s 11-15-p-m. I have to go to bed.

Sun. April 20.1944./  The last day of the mo. I hope to go to church today. Elbert killed a hen & dressed and put it on to cook & I made the biscuits & creamed the potatoes & got the rest of the dinner, then I washed the dishes & dressed & we went to church  Mrs Kregg did the preaching & I don’t only get a renewal of the spirit but it does me good to hear her talk & explain & tell things about herself as well as others, she put a lot of spirit into her sermons & that’s what we need and I pray God sents her to us often. I love her because she belongs to the Lord & she isn’t a bit backward in telling the truth  she open and above board & very frank very direct.  Praise God for her & I need her help.

Sun.April.20.1944./527./  It’s been a very warm day really to hot after been such a cold N.E. wind, the wind has been south west to hot to wear a coat  I wore it to Vermilion, but not on my way back. but it’s cooler tonight. 8 eggs today. & its Startlight, tonight, at 9-45. p.m. 

Mon. May 1.1944./  Elbert didn’t go to work  Uncle Will Wheeler is 90 yrs. old today & I’m praying God will turn both he & Aunt Edith to Him before they go from here. and I wish I could go take him something he’d like. It’s been a fine day quite a strong S.W. wind quite warm. I did the washing & washed one woool blanket & they dried fast  Elbert went to Huron & got some free fish enough for us 3 or 4 meals & he gave Rue Sarr a good mess  Elbert hasn’t any gass tickets, but woman at ration board said shipyard had sent in the blanks at last  they got them this morning. he can’t go in the morn-ing but maybe he can at noon if tickets come in the mail, we only got 3 eggs today, I cooked & did dishes & everythings ready for the morning  Knettles where we get the milk have sold there farm to some foregn people & we can only get milk for another week or so, such a world. 

Tue.May 2.1944./  Elbert & I tipped the toilet over he cleaned the box out 7 put Cloride of line then covered it with fresh dirt then he repaired the bottom of the toilet & & he buried the contests he took out  I bruised my head & right arm when we let the toilet over on the ground. We are both tired & of course he more than I for he did most of the work.  S.W. Wind. 7 eggs

Wed.May 3. 1943 [should be 1944]./ 528./  Elbert got toilet all re-paired the toiled   & got it all done but the roof has to have some shingle on, then we’ll move it over the new pit & paint it inside & out. I raked a little around the south end of the house tonight & Elbert spade out beside the blackberry We are going to try to clean the front up at least & I hope to get some fencing for the drive & park I took my wool petty coat of & wind is cooler tonight  Elbert is so tired & he got a few gas tickets so he says he’s going to work tomorrow. Well I do hope he will be O.K. & not catch a cold for he is going to change under wear in the morning, he says.

Thurs. May. 4. 1944./ Elbert spaded a piece in front of hen house & I did a little raking, 6 eggs today 7. yesterday.  We had a thunder & lightening storm last night but its been a nice day partly cloudy & cooler today. I sent Miss Mc. a box of daffidils & arcissus today & wrote her a long letter  hope flowers get to her in good condition. wind S.W. 

Fri. May.. 5. 1944./  Well, Elbert went to work and it rained all day  N.E. wind untill 3-p-m then went N.W. for an hour or so got cold then went back N.E. tonight  it stopped raining & wind has gone South been betting foggy all after noon & is thick & white tonight clearing away at 10-30-p-m  a little.  I wrote a letter to Mrs. Sharpe & one to Flora Glover. I wrote one to Miss Mc. Govern & Elbert mailed it this a-m.  fog horn is blowing all day. dandelines are coming out fast  pears cherry Plum peaches & prunes are in bloom & buckeyes are getting ready, currents & goose berries are in bloom & the violets white & blue.  lillies & Peonies are way up & Spring in her

Fri.May 5. 1944./529/ Elbert did get wet, he ate a dish of soup then went out  & dressed a nice white fish & I fried it & then we ate our supper  he paid 60 cents per. lb for it  it sure tasted good  we ate it all but 2 pieces  I have the work all done up & everything ready for the morning. 8 eggs today.  Elbert’s going to drive to Lorain in the morning  wish I could go, but guess I wont tomorrow. got several things I have to do. 

Sat.May 6. 1944./ Elbert went to work & I did out all the washing everything that was dirty  had 2 union suits for Elbert  a change for myself  towels hand & dish & socks 3.prs. stockings handkercheifs 7 3 towels for the bird & a table cloth  my dress & his shirt  a chair slip & a light shirt. I aired the big double wool blanket I had on Elberts bed & put it away, I swept 7 cleaned both bedrooms & the kitchen & took care of hens & birds & cooked & washed dishes & dug enough dandelines for Sun. dinner. & put them in a pan of cold water. I’m tired, to tired, but thank  God it’s just tired, Elbert is terrible tired & his back legs & feet ach so bad he feels about sick.  Its been quite a nice day, wind is cold & damp, things didn’t dry very fast. but it seemed to get warmer after supper then wind went south for a while. 8 eggs.

Sun. May 7./  was N & little east this morning & foggy, but sun, came out at noon & it cleared up, we went to church at 2-p-m.  I cook a pork shoulder last night for dinner today, but we were both so tired we slept late & only had a light lunch at noon & had a big supper  I cooked onions, carrots, potatoes & dumplins & greens hot coffee & I did the dishes. Oh, we had ice cream as soon as we got home & bananas. I only had a cup of brand flakes before we left & it was 4-5-p-m. when we got home again.  Every thing is getting so pretty out doors again. colder tonight. 8 eggs tonight.  Well, the people are going to move where we got our milk & we got our last qt. today it was good milk half cream.  At church they dedicated the new wine service they will use for communion services, they had bread 7 wine today thank and praising God for the new service 7 Praising God that He is all ways will be. there were quite a few people there today.

Mon.May 8. 1944./530./ Elbert went to work and it’s been cloudy all day sun tried to peep through this a-m.but thick & thicker all afternoon & raining soon after Elbert got here, at 6-p-n,, he’s so tired  done a little more work than usual today  I wiped up the floor & made 3 big loaves of white bread. took care of hens & birds 7 I’m so tired tonight maybe one foots in the grave & the other all but to. 6 eggs. N.E. Wind  had just a little fire alday. 

Tue.May.9.1944/ Elbert has gone to work & it’s raining fine rain & steady rained in showers all night. sky is thick and gray rain in both light and heavy showers all day  I’ve been sick all day  seemed like and abses drawing in my left side & when Elbert came he brought fish all hot from the resturant but I couldn’t eat sick to my stomach & sweat a cold clamy moisture all day. I picked a few flowers of the old fashion bridle wreath they are like tiny white roses on a long slender stem I put a few White cedar stems with them & 3 pie3ces of my inch begonia with pink clusters of blosoms & it looked pretty, for even Elbert noticed them on the table as he came in & I put a pint can of strawberry jam & a loaf of bread in a bag & after supper we dressed & went to church & I took the flowers in when we got ther & Mr. Bockman came to the car & said he’d measure my feet for a pr. of shoes so I should come over to Mr. & Mrs. Withermans so I went & met all the folks & Mrs Rudy Mock the fo togalars wife & got my feet measured & then Mrs. Witherman went out to the car & I introduced her to Elbert & he took us back to church then he went to town & mailed the letter I wrote to Ella Jane today & we went in to church

Tue May.9.1944/ 531. /  Elbert came right back & slept in the car untill I came out. I gave the bread & jam to Mrs. Creggs to give to Rev. Mr & Mrs Bursom [?] she sure did preach us a good sermon  she tells the truth thats the thing I do like so much & she confesses her own faults to she keep her slate clean Praise the Lord & I ask to be anoited for a healing & they prayed for me & anoited me & ask the Lord to heal me & He has Praise His name We had such a good prayer service & all the follks are in earnest & there faces shine after the service with the light of Jesus Holy Spirit  Mr Meredth was there & he’s such a Saintly old man  Oh God Bless them all & keep them. Wind N.W. cold. 7 eggs.

WEd.May.10.1944./ Elbert went to want to work I slept late 15 to 10-a-m. When I woke up & a man was leaving the drive maybe he woke me up b