Elinor Diary 1946
Jan. 1. 1946.Tue. /page 830./ New Years Day & We spent it at home. We got 23 eggs today. It snowed untill noon then broke away & sun came through clear & warm & it thawed some but at 4-p-m there was a lull, wind shifted from N & little W. to South & at 8-30 it began to snow. it clouded up at 4-p-m. was snowing a light snow at 9-30-p-m. not very cold, sort of chilly And todays weather is for Aug. 1946. I’d like to get back to Church, Oh God, of Love & Mercy. I pray Thou Will help me in the way I need. I’ll give Thee all the Praise and Glory for ever & ever Amen.
Wed.Jan.2. 1946./ Elbert went to Vermilion & I did out the washing did my usual work & took care of the birds. We got 22. eggs today. got 10 doz on hand. He’s going to see if he can sell them tomorrow. cleared off early this morning about 3 or 3-30-a-m. and the sun came up nice & clear this morning & staid untill about 3-30 & clouded up. but didn’t get dark Wind S. & cloudy at 10-p-m. tonight & todays weather is for Sept. going to be a nice month.
Thurs. Jan.3.1946./ Nellie’s, John died today. Well, Bill Snyder came & knocked on the door at 6-a-m. he said, “after I yelled hellow & opened the window” that Harnishes call & ask him to tell us that John Harnish passed away at 2-o’clock this Morning, I had my warning yesterday & the night before & last night I couldn’t sleep so just laid there & prayed God would take charge. We got up & did the morning tasks & fixed every thing for the day & the fire & went, they had taken John to Elyria to undertaking parlors & they were all very cheerful & getting things done as usual children were laughing crying & playing, baby is cutting teeth, he has 12 & wont be a yr. old untill Jan. 27. Little |Geo. was asking where his grandpa was & would they bring him back. Little Bonita just stood looking sad at times, with her big eyes full of wonder. Johny was sleeping & Geo. was doing odds & ends. they had lunch & then Nellie & Bonney Bell got dressed for town the undertaker came & got John’s clothes & took Bonney Bell & Nellie to look after some of the necessary things & to go to the Cemetery to buy a burying space or lot. Elbert went to Stoughtons & got Laura Bell & brought her over to stay With & help Bonita, so, they said they didn’t need us & we left. We stopped to talk to Martha.
Thurs.Jan.3.1946./831./ at the slaughter house office, she was very direct & indifferent, so, we went to see her mother, she said she had called the place Where her mother worked & they said she had been home sick for 2 days, so, she had called her mother & learned, she had strained her eyes sewing on to many black suits We went to see her & she said her head had been aching so bad she thought it best to rest a few days She said the Co. had given her a $25.00 bond for Christmas & she showed it to us. She seemed real pleased to have us stop in & Visit & she made coffee & set out a lunch, We wanted her to except a doz. fresh eggs, but she only would take 6. We sold a dozen to Mrs. Cranage & the rest to the White in, in Vermilion. 60cents per. doz. I visited with Mrs. Cranage & Miss Baumgart for a few minutes & also I stopped and talked 15 minutes to Mrs. Katy Stang Schmidt, she said Ralph Wards Wife had got a divorce & his eldest daughter was married & living in Toledo. Ohio. & Grant Ward has to wear a straight jacket in order to Work. Mrs. Ward would be deeply greived, if she were here. We got a sack of scratch grain in Vermilion & some meat. & got home at 4-p-m. in time to feed hen & got 27 eggs. I got supper & then was all in & haven’t done the dishes. Oh, I’m so exausted I just sit & sweat now, but Praise God He’s helping me through. Audrey said, Gertie told her there might be some money coming to her by & by & I pray God Will see to it that we all get at least the thousand dollars each that Uncle Harve Bonney left in his trust for us. I sure would like to use my to pay up our few little little bills we had When Frank went. Oh how I thank God for taking care of me all these yrs. I Praise Father, son & Holy Ghost, Amen. I didn’t sleep for the passed two nights, got 2 hrs. yesterday morning, but not this one and then went all day on a cup of milk & two little (baker) rolls, & cup of coffee that I seemed to have to drink & it burned my stomach most up, then I ate a frankforter & that’s the last straw, hope it will some ease off so I can go to bed. Nellie sent Ella Jane money a few days ago to come home & to come by air plane to Chi, & from there to Elyria by train, if it wasn’t E.J’s money, she’ll have to work & pay it all back such a world. she wont stay long when she gets here.
Fri Jan.4. 1946./ 832./ We were home all day, I fixed the hem in my good dress “the blue one” today & it tires me terrible to sew or even try to do any sewing. We went to church to prayer meeting tonight & my hears so full & nerves so weak I cried, but God knows and understands Praise His blessed Name Elbert’s been going into church of late & I’m so glad, I feel better when he’s with me. We got 22. eggs today. Its been a fine day Wind S. & S.W. warm & cloudy with sun coming through at intervals We went to the beach & got sand, & bird grit to day snow is about 5 or 6 ft deep at waters edge. but sand was all free, but quite wet. I picked up a few clam shells & pretty stones clam shells.
Sat. Jan.5. 1945./ It was Dec. 26. 1945 the blue & white dove came in the morning & light on the North Window & after we both looked at it, we see it join another red & white dove that had been making a circule as if waiting for the blue & white one & they flew rapidly South in the snow storm, I had been asking God to let me know about john & I feel He sent the doves to me. Sun Jan Well, today is Sat. We either have to go or phone to Nellie but they phoned to us at 12-30 noon that the funeral would be at 2-p-m. so we had to hurry, for I didn’t get up very early didn’t sleep all night, so slept this morning, 2. hrs. Elbert took a notion to go the long way round & it was a little passed 2-p-m when we got to the funeral home & they ask us to sit out with in the back seat instead of being with the mourners, We didn’t mind setting there. there were 20 carloads of people & the police car took the lead to the City limit’s, We went to Elm Wood Cemetery, to the new section. I ask for a basket of flower & they gave me one after the cars had all left, We went to the Care Taker & ask about our lot with 6 burial spaces, Elbert paid for it & I helped as I had promised, by staying home & keeping every thing going at home but pa went in & ask for the deed & they gave it to him & he kept it, so they tell Elbert to get it back. We want to bury those that are left of us there Gertie, Audrey Elbert & myself. and thought it would be a good plan to have those names marked in the spaces where they are to be laid. but we have to get the deed & go to the City Hall to have it fixed. John didn’t look like hisself I was shocked at first, he had bloated & turned dark, he always was so fair, Oh, it didn”t look like him, poor fellow I know he must have suffered all these long months. I didn’t get a chance to talk to the family. Nellie looked so
Sat. Jan. 5. 1946./833./ White & as if she were in a far off haze, dazed, or something maybe it was better I didn’t talk to her, John was only 48. yrs. old. would be 49. Feb. 7. 1946. Johny & Bonney Bell held up O.K & Bonita & George Ella Jane looked all broke up as if shed cried her eyes most out. Jim & Hazel were there & all our family’s, but, Gertie, Uncle Wills girls (Elsie & Lillie) & Georgia & her daughter & Frank Wheeler & his Wife, Evelyn & Francis & her husband & Frank Bonney, Ruby didn’t come. felt to ill. Harvey & his wife & Armond & Ethel Bonney—Mr & Mrs Stoughton & Laura Bell were there & I don’t rememb-er the rest, but there church folks turned out well. We took the flowers to the 4. Square Church in Vermilion, got some few things to eat in Vermilion & got home in time to feed hens at 5-p-m. Sun shone today untill 3-p-m. Wind Was S. West this a-m. but S. east & strong tonight has been so hot for this time of year, to hot for winter clothes. & todays weather is for Dec. 1946. I thank God it wasn’t cold, it’s hard enough to have to bury a body but, When it’s cold, it makes things so hard for the family. I was cold When we buried Fred, Pa, & Frank & Will Gilmore. Oh, may God have Mercy on our souls, Amen. Well the little old hens laid for us 25 eggs today Praise God.
Sun. Jan. 6. 1945./ [she meant 1946] Clyde Greene has been dead 6 yrs today. My Check came yesterday & DeHaan’s sermons & my tax blank came first of last mo. We went to Church tonight, had a good prayer service. I gave some walnuts to Hambly’s & the Ministers Family & some cake to Minister & his wife & Family. Hambly’s were hungry to night, but, they wanted meat & I am sorry but we only had boiled meat & that wasn’t more than a good cup full here at home & one garlic saucage. It’s been a fine day wind was strong all night & this a-m & partly cloudy with some sunshine, wind eased off tonight S.W. wind. I have signed my name to my check & made out a money order for $5.72 for my taxes, Elbert’s going to Huron in the morning.
Mon. Jan.7. 1946./ I did part of the washing & Elbert washed out his own clothes but I’ll still have the chair cover & table cloth & the cover on my chair to wash hope I can do it tomorrow. but I’m so tired tonight I don’t Know if I’ll be able to get it done. It’s to hot outside & in & took a little cold in my throat & have to cough. been murky thick all day. had heavy fog last night Wind went N.E., still is
Mon. Jan. 7. 1946. /834./ We stopped at the Cemetery office Sat. Elbert wanted to talk to the Care-taker & I sat in the car, it’s strait across from John’s grave & I couldn’t help watching them as they set the flowers away right in the mud & one they set a goodly number of times & it wouldn’t set up it was all covered with dirt, so I ask the Caretaker, it I might have it, he said yes it’s spoiled, & said to take a good one, but I told Elbert to bring that one & he did, he laid it on some papers in the back of the car & we took it to the Church & wrinced it off & set it in the Church, I felt Nellie & John wouldn’t care under circumstances, but now, some how, I feel Nellie wouldn’t want me to have taken it, so, I’m sorry I did & Pray When I explain, she will forgive me, I didn’t take it for myself, but thought if it wasn’t spoiled after washing it they would like them in the Church. Oh God, Please help me to know it’s O.K. I wouldn’t want to do wrong by any one of them, & Thou dust know my heart. Amen.
Tue.Jan.8. 1946./ Elbert Went to Lorain to Hunt for work but nothing doing, he cought more cold & his throat is sore & I’ve got a touch of it, I’m so run down & weak I sweat like rain When I feel the least bit tired & today I’ve surely been to all in to do anything, I slept this morning, but was sick all night, seem as if I’d die for a while but I Kept on praying & at last this a-m. “daylight” I slept from 6 till 9-a-m. & then I got up. Elbert came 10-30 & got us something to eat, I had a bowl of broth. & I went & laid down & slept this after noon. I had some more broth for supper & milk & Elbert feels worse to-night but I pray God Will take us in hand & fix us up again, I feel better in some ways, I can’t explain just how. Rev. Singleton had a bad cold & Brynt’s eyes are bad again, I do pray God will fix them up & make them whole in Jesus name, Amen. I pray He’ll take care of each one in the Church as He sees they need I thank Him for ans. to prayer, Glory to His Name, We had
Tue. Jan. 8.1946. /835./ some sun shine today & I’m so thankful for it We need it & every thing needs it, Praise God. Wind N. east & to-night it is a fine snow turning to water. 29 eggs, one double yolked one. We got Condons seed book today. It’s lots to warm & lots of colds & flu. I thought we’d get to go to Nellie’s, but I’m not able. & Elbert has lumps in his throat, to, so we better not.
Wed. Jan.9. 1946./ Well, it’s been a dark day with very little sun shine & it rained a fine misty rain just before night wind backed up to S then came back to W. still to warm for winter clothes, the flesh & cords of my neck have been so terrible sore hurt to bend over or to move around but I got the ironing done & wish the washing & the floors were wiped up, Elbert helped me get the dishes done up & a clean table cloth on the table, he Killed & dressed a hen, to, so we could have some broth, he’s had a bad sore throat, but he’s feeling better today, I’m better than yesterday. We got 23. eggs today, he put bags on the two end window holes above the windows & took the papers off, it was to hot in the coop. he had the windows open to much yesterday & I hope they don’t any of them get a cold. the hen he killed didn’t even have the makings of one egg inside of her. Elbert called Nellies home Mon. & talked to Ella Jane & she said she’d be home this week & Bonney Bell also. then Bonney Bell goes back to Crile Hospital & E.J. to her place in New Mexico, Albuquerque. & Frank’s wife “Ruby” is going there Sat.Jan.12th 1946, So, he, & the children told me last Sat. I wanted to go see them, but with this cold I’d best stay home, for it seems every one has a cold or is just getting over one. I had a nice letter from Mrs. Clyde Greene today, she sent me the clipping about John & his death, & said she called Gertrude Bonney & had quite a visit with her, that Gertie said she had a cold & didn’t feel able to go to John’s funeral, but she never goes to a funeral if she can help it, she didn’t go to Mother’s, Fred’s Uncle Will’s or Aunt Edith’s but she did go to Pa’s & now, she didn’t go to John’s. Mrs Greene said her sister was sick & so her Christmas wasn’t as she had planed, for her sister & Niece was to have come to her home. instead she went to her sisters home & had turkey dinner. I’m glad for her sake
Wed. Jan. 9.1946./836./ She said Clyde had been gone 6. yrs. Jan. 4th. & I know how she misses him, she isn’t a bit well & he did so much to help & now only her to do things
Thurs. Jan.10.1946./ Well, Praises to God We are both better again, my flesh isn’t so sore, but I cough some yet. but I got the floor wiped up today & hope to clean the bird cages tomorrow. We got 25 eggs today & still eating chicken. I made biscuits to take the place of bread so we had them with gravey. I’m so weak I dread to think of mixing bread. Elbert is planing on going to look after work & sell eggs in the morning. The wind was west today. seems a trifle cooler.
Fri. Jan.11.1946./ Well, Elbert Went to Elyria then clear back to Lorain & then back out to Nellie’s, he ate lunch with her & Ella Jane & than they came home with him, he brought some ice cream, so I made tea for them We talked some time & then I got supper I fixed the chicken’s breast up last night so we could have them for supper tonight, so I made them into meat balls fried them brown on both side & put the last of the chicken broth on them let them cook about 5 minutes on both sides & made gravey of the broth, I fried some potatoes & fixed some sweet corn had biscuits & pickels & jam & more hot tea, they, all ate & seemed to enjoy it. We then talked & Elbert took them up to get the buss at 6-20-p.m. they were going to Lorain change buss & go to Elyria & they get off at there own door. Ella Jane, Ruby & I believe Armond, all go back to Albuequerque New Mexico starting in the Morning Armond back to the service in California some where. Nellie wishes she was going to & would if she had her business afairs fix up so she could. Bonney Bell went back to Cleveland to Crile Hospital Wed. Jan. 9. 1946. I washed dishes after Elbert left to take them up to get the buss. had to sit done twice but got them done & put away before 10-p-m. glad I had the house cleaned up before they came & I was cleaned up to I didn’t look so well today, but had a bad night coughing. Nellie said she was glad I took the basket of flowers & would have been welcome to more if I had wanted them I thank God, she felt that way, she’s not very well & can’t do very much, but like myself, she gets around every day & does a little, but she says she didn’t Know what she was going to do, or how, Johny’s going to school & Geo
Fri.Jan.11.1945 / 837./ Ev & Bonita haven’t decided whither to stay there or not, Nellie thinks if they do stay they ought to pay all expences & take care of her & Johny When he’s there, but I can’t see Why they should take over all the expences, I still think it’s a queer world. Geo & Bonita have 3 children makes 5 to feed & cloth & 7 with Johny & Nellie I don’t see how on the small wages Geo gets how they could all live & pay the bills. Nellie says if they move out it Will be O.K. she’d like to have it quite & she’d like to rest. but Bonita does the washing, ironing, dishes, & cleaning & 40-11 other odd jobs & so I don’t see how Nellie will be able to do it by her self, any more. I do hope they all use good judgement, and live happy & with out arguements. Well we got 25 eggs today & Elbert only sold 2 doz out of 15 and a half doz. today, been cloudy all day & rained fine mist rains tonight then wet snow just as the girls left to get the buss & now it’s raining hard. 11-p-m. I thank God & Praise Him for our blessing & that He helped me to testify for Him today & give him all the Praise & Glory. for ever & ever, Amen. Today is Ruby Jean’s birthday (that’s Evelyn’s & Red’s daughter) she’s 8 or 9 yrs. old I have forgot.
Sat. Jan.12. 1946./ Well believe it or not I did manage to get up & while Elbert went to Vermilion I washed out all the rags been having to use to & 3 nose rags every day & night so I had a bunch of them & then I wash my night gown it was so sweaty & the flannel I use on my pillow my stockings & dress & the chair seat cover & table cloth & got them dry before bed time was sick & threw up my dinner & coughed all night or most of it I haven’t eat enough to say eat all day & I’m to tired tonight. I aired the beds & rooms as usual & make up the bed, but, it’s got my stomach all up set. We got 26 eggs today, We sure got to sell eggs soon or give them away & the price has dropped way down. Wind is west & a little cooler, it made a little ice last night also. Wind freshened up after dark. I sent E.J. a letter today she left Elyria this morning with Aunt (Bonney), Ruby on her way back to Albuequerque.
Sun. Jan.13. 1945./ [she meant 1946] This is Laura Ann’s birthday, she is 11. yrs. old We been home all day with the exceptions of Elbert, he goes for the milk & he stopped to see if Mr. Ellis wanted eggs , he bought 5 doz for 50cents per doz. ($2.50) he sold 2 doz for 1.20 in Lorain the other day- in Lorain. & I have felt quite weak, but I know the Minister & his wife will pray for me & God will hear & fix me up to give me more strength again Glory to God & Jesus our Saviour & the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sun. Jan.13.1946./ page 838./ The wind was west & quite cold last night & been cold all day, today, Elbert hung the Thermometer out side by the back door & it was 12 above zero & it’s cold to night, the wind has backed up to the S. west tonight & there’s a big black curtian come over us from that way, moon’s been shining all evening but will soon be covered up, it’s 10-30-p.m. now. sun did shine through among the Clouds all after noon.
Mon. Jan.14.1946./ Elbert says Nellie told him, Johny was studying to be a minister at Bald-Win Wallace College Berea Ohio He goes & comes with there minister. Well, we are all out of eats, Elbert was going to Lorain, but, he felt so bum today his head hurt & so he didn’t go, I haven’t done much today, I believe if I could have What I need to eat I’d feel better & stronger again but, I’m terrible weak. Mr Ellis & his boy came tonight & got 10. doz eggs for $5.00 he gets 70 cents or 75 cents per doz. Elberts no good at selling eggs, he takes them for a ride & brings them back, he’s going to Vermilion in the morning he says & he has 5 doz. more to sell so we can have a few more lunches, he’s going to buy scratch grain. We got 21 eggs today. Wind was so cold & strong all last night, moon shone clean most of the night & We had sunshine today clear & cold it warmed up after dinner & thawed out the bird bath out side, West Wind, it eased up tonight & not quite so cold either. I sewed the snaps & buttons on my new house dress today.
Tue. Jan. 15.1946./ Well Elbert Went to Vermilion sold 5 doz. egg for $2.50 & he bought 100 lb sack grain & a few things to eat, some gas & 2. qts. oil. & while he was gone I washed out my dirty clothes & the towels & got them dry before he got back, now his washing is next. & I’ve got 2. prs. of light blankets to wash, he said I looked sick when he came & I sure felt all in, but, I hoped to & got dinner for he was so hungry he got some nice greens for the hens & for us to. I washed the dishes he got the supper & I did the dishes. I rested awhile after dinner & then stitched a hem in my neck scarf, made one pillow case & stitched in my sleeves & finished neck of my house dress, but, looks as if I’ll have to take one sleeve out doesn’t look right some how. We got 25 eggs today. Wind Went N. east & it’s quite chilly. snowed hard this morning almost a cover, but all melted When the sun came out been broken clouds all day. It’s been like a nice early Spring day, and evening. We have moonshine a-gain tonight, as last night, moon’s 3/4 full & mo most half gone already
Wed.Jan.16.1946./ Today is my birthday 61 yrs. old, but, the weather isn’t anything like the morning I came to that little log cabin in the woods in Michigan, mother has often told me how pa drove in & out all winter over the fence post by the drive way & he had thought he was over the drive & how he fastned a small pole to each post either side of the drive the next winter, fearing something might happen to the oxen driving in & out if they were not on the drive, ma was just 28. yrs. old then, Dad 23. his birthday being Jan. 28th, ma was from Nov. 29th to Jan. 28 older than pa & I had a brother “Elbert” who was 2. yrs. old Dec. 6. & just before I came they owned 160 acre farm, that was all woods & had to be cleared. Pa had
Wed.Jan.16.1946./839./abu about 2. acres. the trees were big a-round & tall he used the logs for the house & barn, he had a driving horse “Flora” & a nice cow “Jersy” that gave a big pail full of milk & 100 or so of brown leghorn hens & a spring in the basement where the got nice clear cold water the yr. round. Pa’s mother was bedriden & so We or I only lived in that place 1 1/2 yrs. then they sold out & come back to his father & mother where ma worked herself most to death trying to take care of grandpa & grandma & there adopted daughter Lottie & pa & ma & us to children & brother Fred came along shortly after me, “in 20 mo.” & in 2 yrs. more Sister Gertrude & ma working for all of us & milking 16 cows making butter & doing the odds & ends untill she decided to get out, so she came to visit her sister & brought along us 4. youngsters & Aunt got dad to come & fix up a house & bring his house hold goods & live in Lorain & she got him a job of carpenter work so he did Aunt’s repair work on 5-2 story houses & kept them painted for his rent, the house we lived in was in the same yard with hers & a fence all around the big yard, it was 2 big lots & we staid on our side and we were never alowed to go out side the fence unless our parents told us to go & then we did our erand & got right back or got a licking. I was 3. yrs. old when we came there to live & ma’s mother & father came shortly after to live with Aunt Edith they were only there a little while & died 4 days apart. Aunt had 3 children Wyn 13. yrs. old Aubrey 10.yrs. old & Georgia 3.yrs.old. she was 3. the 16th[?] of the 16th day of Aug. I was 3. the 16th of Jan just before making her 7 months younger than I. Well, we lived there for several yrs. Frank was born to the family next then Audrey then Mildred then Nellie Bell & then the house burned down to the ground & the snow was a good 2.ft.deep, that was on Feb.9.1897. & that’s 49. yrs. ago. Mable was born in Aug after the house burned, but she only lived 3. weeks. & Mildred died before Nellie was born. Pa went acrossed the river & bought a big lot & put up a rough shanty & that was where Mable was born. Uncle Will Wheeler had come to Aunt Edith’s a year before the house burned & bought a lot “after they had rented awhile” right acrossed the road from us on the bank of Black river on Hargison Sta. [?] Well, we all lived there & grew up, added on two more rooms & ma died there & so did pa. Frank got married then Audrey. then Fred then Nellie then me (Elinor) then pa left Gertie a lot by herself came to stay with me & poor Elbert was the one left most lonely he slept there & got his meals out, they pa & Gertie got all the money they could out of him & then my husband died & I got Elbert to come live with me we get along good together, he takes care of me when I’m sick & I do the same by him & the same When we are Well enough to work. Now he
Wed. Jan.16.1945./840./ [she meant 1946] has been with me 13. yrs. this coming June. & Frank’s been dead 13. yrs. Feb. 19. 1946. After Frank died Sister Nellie & John stayed with me for 3. weeks Nellie one week & John the next, then they left me alone untill school was out & Ella Jane came & then Elbert came & then I wasn’t fit to do anything, but I put forth every effort to help myself , in 1934. a car ran into my old ford & all but killed me & if it hadn’t been that I belonged to the Lord I’d be dead to, but I believed he would heal me & He did it was a mericil how He healed my paralyzed stomach & bowels & healed & straightened my bones, I’m not as well or able bodied or strong as I’d like to be, but I still rub out the weekly wash on the wash board & do the ironing baking, mending, darning, sewing make beds sweep & wipe up floors take care of 3 birds (canarys) my house plants & untill this last few weeks have been to church Sun. & Tue. & Fri. evenings. To night the Rev. & his Wife called on us & had prayer. I was still feeling bad after the shock I got at supper time, I started to put the eggs in the basket from off the table & my arm has been so bad, the nerve in it & I don’t Know just how it all happened, but I had moved my soup away & had my hand full of eggs & the nerve gave a jirk & away went the soup all over the eggs in the basket on my lap & I broke 3 for my hand went into the basket, Elbert washed them off after supper. I had been feeling so bad because, I’m so hungry for a little butter & a little meat I can eat & when I need it most I have to go with out it & I wish I could get out & do things, but I can’t & my nerves get so up set, I do get so tired of broth, it’s like living on water with a little meat flavor & salt & peper. & sometimes it seems as if I just can endure it. I try hard to not talk about it but tonight I did & because I was to tired I spilled my rice & veal broth & broke 3 eggs. The preacher looked sick & said he had been on Sun morning so that was Why I had to pray so hard for him Sat night & Sun. & tonight he’s going to Ackron for plumbing fix-tures to fix up his living rooms in the upstairs rooms in the church. That man has worked hisself most to death every since he came here, they neither have had a square deal. But God will give him a big reward one of these days & all of us who have failed to
Wed. Jan.16.1946./841./ receive much less. Oh how I do Wish I could do more & not have to lay a-round so much. I pray God’s Will be done, not mine. We got 25 eggs today & its cold out yet the sun shone all day & moonlight tonight.
Thurs. Jan.17.1946./ Well my arm felt better this morning after aching all night. So I washed out Uncles clothes & what few I had & he washed his heavy underwear & work shirt, his socks & kercheifs. & he hung a few things outside they got almost dry & smell so fresh & nice. We had such a heavy frost last night that it looked like snow in the moon light ground was as white as if it had snowed. Sunshine all day, today, clouding tonight & moon don’t shine through. Wind was S. east this a-m. then slowly went on around to S.W. & quite warm out at 9-p-m. Blue water in lake as far as you can see, but beach is frozen yet with lots of snow & ice there. the clothes are all dry except the heavy union suit. I ought to iron in the morning, poor old arm don’t get much chance to rest I got most the supper & did the washing of the dishes Elbert dried them. We only got 20 eggs today looks like a chicken dinner ahead. did-n’t thaw untill toward night & Elbert says it’s warmer tonight. He says his head has hurt him bad all day But I thank God we have been able to keep going & I sure feeling terrible miserable myself.
Fri. Jan.18.1946./ Well Elbert went to Huron & got a little bacon & I did the ironing & got most of the supper, Elbert bought a news paper, he’s anxious to see the strikes settled, there are so many out on strike & some pending, just waiting to go out, the steel workers, carpenters, telephone, electrical, meat packers, textile workers & I can’t remember all the others. Hope we can hold out untill he can get to work, he isn’t feeling very well & his eyes are bothering him of late. My stomach has the nervous jitters tonight as if some-thing terrible was about to happen. I did my usual work in the house & went out back today, first time in several weeks. It isn’t very cold & wind West birds bath almost thawed out little scum around the edges. Only 19. eggs today. Sunshine all day with some clouds & only a little moon shine tonight. uper current of clouds are coming from the North & they are flying fast we have had quite a lot of wind these passed few days. Got the price list from Dr Haan today. Well I have everything ready for the morning & I’m going to bed now.
Sat. Jan.19. 1946./ Well I got the mending done & I feel much in need of repair myself tonight I did the things I had to do that’s all. it’s much colder out side than, it was, freezing & it tried to give us some snow this noon came down thick for only a few minutes not enough to stay on the ground. I received an anouncement of the birth of Rose Braikers baby, it’s a girl Little Miss Ann Ellen born 9:25-p-m. on Jan 13th 1946. she weighed 7lbs 131/2oz. It also stated-Mother fine-baby wonderful father-recovering. she hasnt been very well so I’m glad all is well. Received a letter from Nellie said they missed there buss so took city buss to Audrey’s , she wasn’t home, so they waited in Loby of theater where it was warm, said Audrey. come along & they went home with her she had been to the
Sat. Jan.19. 1946 /842/ (Audrey) had been to the Dr. they went home with her & had a cup of tea. Audrey’s heart is bad skips every other beat, she don’t look a bit well poor girl. I’m so sorry she’s all alone no one she could call for help if she took sick there by herself & not even a phone. It’s sure queer folk’s in this old world When a mother with only one child & that a daughter can’t live peaceably together, & then there’s Gertie there in the old home place & she says she wouldn’t call any of us if she knew she were going to die in the next 15 minutes. Well, Nellie said, they got home tired, Wet & cold. & that E.J. left next morning, that (they) I think she ment Frank Bonney, Ruby his wife & Aarmond there son & stopped for her & they all went to the train & Ella Jane, Ruby & Armond took passage on the Stream Line (New York Central) for Chicago where they transfer & go on to New Mexico. But when they got into Chi. E.J. was so broke up, she left Ruby & Armond to go on & she went to a woman she calls Bethene & has been there every since (she, E.J.) phoned Nellie Fri. night Jan.18. & said her nerves were so bad she just couldn’t go on to Mexico & Nellie said she’s in the same fix herself, & that mabe E.J. would come back home. She said Bethene is a wonderful Christian woman & that she’s glad they are together. then she said she’d try to write to me again. Love Nellie & All.) Well, I’m sorry but she was so set on not giving way to her feeling & it’s so hard on the nervous system to hold in your grief & sorrow it’s natural to mourn & cry over the departure of a loved one, it would help her nerves if she would cry. And of course things will never be the same again, but, we can’t turn back, We do have to grope around & go on some how. She said Bramen “that was John’s half brother” died Jan.6. on Sun. & John on Jan. 3. & he John was laid to rest Jan.5. 1946. Then she sent me a clipping from the news paper, telling of Dr. Easton’s death & funeral. Dr. died Jan.6. on Sun. 1946. & I believe from the clipping he was laid away Jan. 8. So there are a great many morrn mourn & greive. Dr. had been in Lorain for a goodly number of yrs. I was just a young girl when he set up office in Lorain & he was a young man & rather bashful. Mother took me to him once at that time, I had hurt my back bone in a fall & my or my he was bashful, ma said he’s so bashfull I don’t see how he’ll ever make a go of his work, but he did & was worked most to death at times, & now he to has gone, his wife is a nurce & has kept at it all these yrs. We got 22 eggs today. Elbert killed & dressed a hen & she was full of eggs she must have laid today & would have laid every day. We ate most of her for supper, she was small but in real good order. I made biscuits for dinner & we had some in the gravy for supper. We saved the breast & one thigh to grind & make meat balls for dinner tomorrow. Wish I could go to church but don’t think I will I dreamed of ma & Audrey got a letter from Nellie today. Looks like A is bad.
Sun. Jan.20. 1946./ We have been home all day sun was nice this morning although the air was cold & frosty, then it clouded up & has been a thick gray blanket all the rest of the day & tonight wind backed up to S. east & quite out side we can hear the passenger whistle just before he pass-es into Vermilion & that’s 7 miles east of us. Elbert went for the milk & thats as far as he went today. I pray God will Bless the meetings at Church today.
Sun. Jan.20.1946./843./ & tonight & help the preacher & his Wife and family. I pray He will strengthen the minister, he need it so much & give Brynt What ever it is he needs for his eyes & health & give to each of those of Thine what they need Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name I ask, Amen. I thank Thee for my healings & all Thou do’eth give me & give Elbert & I ask Thy care on him as he goes tomorrow & comes & help his car Keys to be returned to him. And God of Love and Mercy, Deal with those Who mourn & teach them Thy ways, in Jesus Name, Amen. 23 eggs today. & we have over 10. doz. on hand I hope Elbert sells them all so we can eat this week. We thought Mr. Ellis might come for them, but, he didn’t.
Mon. Jan.21. 1946./ Well it sure snowed last night & early this a-m. & it’s been cold all day. Georgia Snyder came over & told us Elbert’s boss called up for him to come to work Tue. morning that’s tomorrow, so he got out his new overalls that he wanted me to fix, some time ago. & I got them done, my arm has been bad today, nerve jirks so & pains me so bad seem as if I could pick the pain out. Well, I got most the supper, When I made the biscuits my hand just let go the oven door & it shut with a bang & I yelled, it gave me such a shock & went over me so fast for & hr. or more & when it eased up I sweat & felt so weak, my feet got so cold & I said to Elbert, they were so cold, & he said I set around so much I didn’t get exercise enough, seems as if each one in the family would like to see me dig in untill I drop in my tracts & as one of them said once, if I died all they craved of me would be my brains, so they could manage as well as I. always had in the passed. but they wont do one any good When I’m done with them, & Elbert says he’s going to see to it, “if I die before he does” that none of the rest get anything that belongs to me. Well, sometimes I wish I were miles away with Jesus & didn’t have anything, for any one to want. I have give away alot of things & think I’ll give away more & more untill I only have just the barest neccesities, if I were to be left alone I think I’d even sell the place & go & live in a home where I could work for my food clothes & bed. I don’t crave for a thing any one of them have got & never have, and I never have had much of this world’s goods, the place is in my name & several of them would like to have it in there’s but I paid for it in a hard way & hope I can live here in my (little home) (soak box) (barn) & what so ever they’ve cared to call it. It’s quite out here & God is near me & talks to me & takes care of me, it would be nicer for them, sometimes, if I lived closer to them, as they have wished I’d sell & come nearer, but I
Mon. Jan.21.1946./ 844./[she meant to page it 845] O.K here, I’d like to be able to go & do things for myself sometimes & not have to tell what for 7 why but; God knows best & I Know He will see me through. 20 eggs today We lack 2 of having 12 doz. on hand. & Elbert is all prepared to go to work in the morning. I pray he wont catch a cold, for, it’s turned cold & he isn’t use to being outside all day, and I haven’t been out but once in several weeks & it’s forcing me out to take care of hens & I’m not able.
Tue. Jan.22. 1946./ Well it was 6 blow zero “so they told Elbert “last night & it was terrible cold this morn. & Elbert went to Lorain & they told him to come back next, he was so angry thinks it is a trick, but, he don’t know, I hope it will all work out O.K. it’s to cold to work out all day right now after being so warm. & I haven’t done anything outside the daily round haven’t felt quite so strong today. I went out & took care of hens at 10-and give them there cabbage & sour milk & gathered 13 eggs K& then Elbert came about 2-p-m & he fed at 4-p-m & gathered 8 more making 21. eggs today, had sunshine all day thawed on the road a little, but is still snappy cold & moonshine & stars tonight5. wind south. house cools off so quick to I know it’s getting colder out side it’s 10-p-m. & I’m going to bed. I had Elbert mail a letter to Nellie this morning. I thank God for His care & and pray, He will have blessed the meeting tonight. Elbert talked to Mrs. Henry “Daisy Mead” today & she ask us to call on her, she spoke to him or he wouldn’t have noticed her he said she has rooms on 4th St.
Wed. Jan.23. 1946./ 21 eggs today We were home all day sunshone all day it clouded up just before dark, there wasn’t much wind untill tonight & now it comes in strong puffs. it thawed some today, but was cold out, I only did what had to be done & tried to finish a handkercheif edge, but, didn’t finish it. Elbert went for milk & back, no. mail, only light bill. today. I went out to the toilet & back today, haven’t felt good all day stomach needs different Kind of food, it’s tired of milk & soup, again.
Thurs. Jan. 24. 1946./ 23 eggs today Well Elberts going to Vermilion this morning to sell the eggs & perhaps get us a little more to eat. Well he had such a head ach he didn’t feel able to go but he took 2 anicin & at 12-30-noon he went & sold the 10 doz for 48cents per doz. $4.80 for them all. & got us some eats just a little a piece of boiling meat a very small piece of beef steak, 3 grape fruit & 4 pears & a yeast cake, he spent little over a dollar. I sent 2 doz. eggs to Rev. & Mrs. Singleton, he & Mr. Hambly were working at the church up stairs. Elbert talked to Miss Clark today, she told him all the news
Thurs. Jan.24. 1946 /844./ [this would be 846] she said the church folks were all sore because the preacher went to live in another house for the winter & they had to pay $25.00 rent for them & 2 water bills & 2 phone bills. how could he help it if they over seeres told him to not do the living quarters first but the Church rooms he couldn’t live up there in the cold & draft with 3 little children, would anyone of the |Church folks have lived up there in such conditions? Would they? Would they do by Jesus the way they do by our minister, & his family? would they? Well, they fell in love with Bueser, call him nice looking, he waves his hair & dashes around saying bright things, spicy, cute, &. & the women loved to hear him say they were mighty good cooks & they’d have his favorite pies & sandwitches for lunch, just a certain few, after the church folks left the services. Well, I pray God will bless the Minister’s effors & bring in other folks to tight pay in there tenth to help keep them in food & clothes. I like to be able to give them lots more, but God is able to bless those young folks of His & show the others where they stand. I hope Lindy & Dorthy have a chance to think it over to for if they preach, they know not what they will run into & this ought to teach them some lessons, worth thinking over. Well, I got my clothes & the house laundry done, but have to get Elbert’s & his bed blankets done yet. I’m so tired tonight. Elbert helped get the supper, I made a rice pudding & fried the steak Elbert boiled potatoes & made the milk gravy I felt to tired to eat. It’s warmer out side & tried to snow, it thawed quite a lot today. we only have 7 more days this month.
Fri. Jan. 25. 1946./ 22 eggs today Elbert left at 12-30-nooon for Lorain to see about his job & they told him to come back Tue. Jan.29. he came back 2-30 p-m. I had the soup just about done, he got a piece of bacon today & some of those big black grapes the meat is firm in them & they are so good & he really got me 1/4 lb. of butter & a yeast cake to make bread tomorrow. & we hope to wash out his cloth’s & perhaps the blankets. We had two snow squals to day, wind is strong & puffy. Elbert say, it’s not so cold tonight. We got 22 eggs today. Elbert paid light bill. I crocheted a little finished my kercheif today. only little sun this after noon & evening, no moon dark out. my shoulder pained me so bad all night, I slept couple hrs, this morning, then it began to hurt & I got up it’s hurt all day I sure need to get back into the meetings, I’ll be so happy when I can, some how I can’t endure the cold at all. Elbert called Martha, she said the familys were all O.K. & that Merlin was on his Norwalk route today. Oh I thank God for Our Ministers his wife & children & His blessings. Amen.
Sat. Jan. 26. 1946./845./ Elbert’s been on the bum all day his back and his head, he’s been taking anicins. only 12 eggs today I baked 3 loaves of bread & 1 tin rusk biscuits (6 larger ones) & did the sweeping but just didn’t have the pep to wipe up the floors & they sure need it. Saw 3. rabbits, Elbert went out with his gun, but didn’t get one I wish we could have some, I crave the wild meat. & we don’t have any meat for tomorrow. Elbert didn’t get washing done he’ll be home Mon. yet, so I’ll have to get everything going with out talking about it. I can’t do his heavy union suits, & blankets & he don’t care to do them either. would have been a good day to dry them. Wish I could go to church tomorrow but haven’t been out side for several days now, took cold the last time but will keep trying and hope to get more strength to Praise God in Jesus Name the pain has left my shoulder I thank God for our Minister & his family & the one in the Church Who behave & pray I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sun. Jan. 27.1945./ Well, we didn’t go any where today & I did-n’t get the floors wiped up & didn’t even get a clean dress on 20 eggs today Elbert got up & Killed a hen dressed & cooked it & took his bath & slept a while in big chair before I got up, then I got up & my room was terrible cold, I could hardly dress. so I didn’t take my bath Sat. night for some reason, but I was praising God for in Jesus Name for taking that terrible pain from my back, shoulder & arm, now it left me so suddn I was weak as a rat &K so I comb my hair & washed I cooked some spiggetti in chicken broth & we ate our dinner hadn’t done the dishes when in came Our Minister & his wife, We had a good visit, Miss Clark met, Elbert one day in Ver-milion & told him all the news, she said all the members were mad, because the minister had rented a little house to live in untill they could get the rooms done up over the Church & So he & his wife both said all the members took a note on it & said they thought he should get a warm place to live in, now they think he could have lived there anyway, its wasn’t K& still isn’t liveable, they hadn’t got the walls done, or the water or the toilet in & not anyway to heat the rooms. Miss Clark told Elbert it was terrible all the bills the preacher had run for the members to pay she said there were 2 light, 2 water & 2 phone bills & 25 dollars per. month rent, so they haven’t even given him his small weekly pay of 20 dollars a mo. for 4. weeks now. If it was Jesus in Person they most broke there necks to wait on Him, Well these Children are His ministers.
Sun. Jan.27. 1946./ 846. & in Gods Holy Word it says, a good Minister is worth his Keep & it also says, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have also done it unto me. I would gladly do more if I could. I had Elbert go out & Kill a hen for them to take back home to cook & he picked & singed it I gave them 4 jars of jam a can & beans & 1. of peas & loaf of bread, they look under fed & he puts in an average of 100, hrs. a week working on the church, with out pay, Will God forgive us? Will He? I have been asking God day & night to feed those Children of His even if stranger had to take a hand for He had revealed the condition to me & then they admitted that strangers had come to help them, to pay there rent & to feed them, Oh, I so sorry I can’t help them more & so ashamed of the conditions. But Happy in Jesus to Know He hears us when we cry to Him & He ans. our cry for help & takes care of His own. Oh, Hallaleugh Praise His Name & May God ever be Magnafied Glory to our King. But God of Love & Mercy, forgive us our ignorance & reveal to each one, even those who have been blessed with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, teach us Thy Ways & deal with us I Pray that we may walk in, & think in Thy Way. Amen. Oh, Yes today is Nelson K Eddys birthday, he’s one yr. old.
Mon. Jan. 28. 1946./ Pa’s birthday & we were not able to go to the cemetery, he would be 85 yrs. old. & just think, ma would be 89. yrs. old. last Nov.29. & 90 this coming Nov. my, how time is flying Elbert’s 63. & I am 61. & so I Praise God He give me life & strength to work, but I often over do, & I have done that today. 23 eggs today. I got up & got the washing started & did half of it & Elbert did the rest he washed his under wear & work shirt 2 blankets & his work pants & I did the towels handkercheifs & 2. blankets he sudsed & wrinsed the heavy pieces & I looked after drying them & then I pressed his pants & ironed his shirt & sewed the ends of one pr. of blankets together & put them on his bed. I aired the beds & made them up, while he went to Huron & got some boiling meat & lunch meat, for they told him to come to work in morning. So he’s all ready to go I hop it
Mon. Jan.28. 1946./ Wont be very cold, for he hasn’t been out very long at a time, & he feels the cold so bad. he set some traps & one was sprung off, but, no rabbit; Well I hope we get one tonight or two I’d like to have the Minister & family to supper one night this week. They told me a Catholic man was paying there rent & the woman, who owns the place came to see them & told them, as long as the man would pay the rent it was O.K. & when he couldn”t just not to worry, it would be O.K. anyway the bread man gives them bread & he even put some grocierys in there car & Sister Singleton just happened to see him doing it; Bockman has given them vegetables but he is going to Florida, this week, for the rest of the winter & Lindy & Dorthy are going to California & Mrs. West has heart trouble, so she says, but what one of us don’t have lots of heart troubles, & I don’t wonder at it, I often wonder how God endures us. This is a portion of that Vision I had, before Frank died. I do wonder how long it will be untill things are changed. Well. When Elbert got back from Huron we ate some noodles & then, he went for milk & I wiped up the floor & did a few more odds & ends & we had supper, the blankets all dried & everything else I stacked the dishes. but no wash Elbert seems to be to nervous to sleep & it’s getting late.
Tue. Jan. 29. 1946./ We only have 30 hens. 24 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to Steel plant to job & they are not quite ready for him yet he got there at 11-a-m We had dinner & he took the eggs to Vermilion & sold them got a very few things to eat & sack of flour. While he was gone I mended his union suit & was just done when he got back, I haven’t felt very good today done to much yesterday It’s been a wonderfull day, windy, but sunshine all day, S. west wind. snow about all gone. Elbert sold 10. doz eggs for $4.80 & had to use 1.00 for gas & some for oil, & we have to get grain with the next money. We got an ans. from the oil burner weed killer today.
Wed. Jan.30. 1946./ Been to home all day rained fine misty rain all morning & part of the after noon & evening but at 8-p-m. moon & starlight & a strong south wind. I darned several holes in my silk wool union suit & one pr. stockings, that’s the extent of my work out side my usual house hold duties. I dug out some old hymm books & sang & whistled a goodly number to God & the birds & they sang with me. I didn’t sleep last night, got the bone out between my shoulders again & it hurt me so bad.
Wed. Jan.30.1946./ 848./ all night & early morning, but I did get it in a position sometime after daylight so it got easy & I slept a little before noon, got up at noon & felt all foged out. Elbert hasn’t felt so good either today. but he has done all the out side chores, only 18. eggs today, wind getting strong tonight. He Killed a laying hen for the minister & his Wife & Family. Oh. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
Thurs. Jan 31. 1946./ Wyn Grant is 71. yrs. old today & it’s cold & snowing to cold to snow good. received a book from DeHaan to-day & those books explain the bible so plain that a child could understand I read them clear through before I lay them down, & I like to study my bible with them, usually I do. I haven’t done only my usual round of duties today, Elbert feels the cold bad today, it had warmed up & thawed, but turn cold so quick again last night, it makes everything feel it. Well we had to kill a hen today she hurt her leg some how & she laid every day, had an egg ready for tomorrow so we’ll be short on eggs before long wish I could get a few baby chicks now, they would be laying, early in Aug. If I could only scratch up the money, I could get 200 assorted heanys for $19.70 a real bargan. Oh Well, I just don’t know how I can.
Fri. Feb. 1.1946./ Well I managed to scrub out my change of clothes today & got them dried. sun shone most of the day, but we had a strong high & it’s raw or penetrating, & it’s blowing hard tonight. I had to make myself a new pillow old tick was letting out the feathers & down outside of my daily round that’s all I could but Praise the Lord, I’m tired and thankful to be able to do that much, Elbert has a swelling coming in his groin & it’s quite large. I do hope he will be O.K. Oh I do Praise God for our many blessing with all my heart & I pray He will be in the prayer meetings tonight & send down HIs Power & help to Connict souls & turn them to Him, Oh God, fill that little Church to capassity & Bless Brother & Sister Singleton’s efforts He ought not have to be doing other than wining souls, Help him Oh God I pray Thou will help him, & I thank Thee & Praise Thee for looking after them.- & feeding & paying there rent & Lord bring in those of Thine & fill up the church & help all those Who are defying Thee to understand, that, they are Thy children & & Thou art able to fill the church & feed & cloth & keep them & when they don’t feed & cloth & care for them, they are not doing it to Thee either, Oh God help them to know it is Thee that rules the world & church
Fri. Feb. 1. 1946./849./ 18 eggs today / Oh God of Love & Mercy teach us Thy ways, and help us to talk to Thee & do as Thou would that we should do, and not figure it out our way for Thou hast said Man has a way that seemeth right that are not My Ways. Oh Dear Heavenly Father forgive us, Amen.
Sat. Feb 2, 1946./ 24 eggs today 29 hens/ Elbert went to Vermilion couldn’t sell the eggs he got a sack of grain & then went to Huron & run in debt for some of Cook’s meat that was on the point of spoiling & had been rubbed in soda I ate some of the broth & it made me sick all night, but while he was gone I rubbed out my change of clothes & was done when he got back he got a piece of pressed ham, wasn’t quite as salt as usual. colder & wind has gone on around to N. east again,
Sun. Feb.3. 1946./ 22 eggs/ Jim & Jean are 12 yrs old today/, & John has been gone a month all ready. Nellie don’t write & she’s so miserable in health I feel anxious about her & about Audrey to she don’t write either, not even a post card. & We haven’t heard anything from Gertie Evelyn said she was quite well, but she had been having a cold, Mrs Clyde Greene called her & said she still had a cold & that she didn’t think she ought to go out in public & give it to others. Haven’t heard anything about Ruby since she left for Albuquerque New Mexico. or whither Ella Jane went on or came back home, and I haven’t been able to go & see how they are. We couldn’t go to church I have been out a couple of times & my arm gets so bad I have to stay in Where it’s warm wish I could be in every meeting I feel sure I’d feel better fast. I’ve sung Praises with the canary & prayed & read my bible & Pray God will help me to live His way.
Mon. Feb.4. 1946./ 20 eggs./ Well, I haven’t done only my daily round of house hold duties today. Elbert left at 10-a-m for Lorain & he took the eggs with him, sold only 2. doz. those to Mrs. Cranage. He went to the bank in Vermilion & borrowed 20. dollars, I just can’t see why men must run in debt. His boss told him to come to work Wed. Feb. 6. & Im wondering if he means it this time, this will be the third time he has told him to come. We had a fine letter from Carl Betz today poor fellow has been in bed with the flu & almost passed on, he said, then he told us about the weather & said they usually get plenty of rain but it had been terrible dry, said he though he would feel better if it would rain, that they had only been having lots of fog. & Dr wanted him to go Where it was more dry & no fog, he said his sister Florence had been to see him while he was so sick through Christmas time, but that he’d like
Mon. Feb.4. 1946./ 850./ to come back to Ohio for awhile that it looked as if there wouldn’t be any one left that he would know (I had told him at Christmas of the many different one’s that had passed on) he said he would be 57 yrs. old. Feb.7. 1946. & that he was getting old. He said he didnt want me to pay him the money I had borrowed in 1920 that he couldn’t live on 20.00 per. month & couldn’t see how we managed. I Praise God for His Kindness & pray he will give Carl an added blessing by giving him his health back fast & turning him to God with all his heart soul mind & strength Amen. I told him I’d give him the bed spread that Frank’s mother knit for me, it cost (just the thread 180. one hundred & eighty dollars) that didn’t enclude the tax on the thread, three cents on a dollar. I think I’ll send it to him. I know His wife would like it & she probbly has a nice home where she can use it & I want to send a chair back set I crocheted with it. but Ive got to do the arm pieces yet. Wish I could send the money, but, perhaps it’s better this way since I don’t have the money. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Greene today also & now I have to write to Flora. I sent some of DeHaan’s books up to Mrs. Bonnett to Huron by Elbert Sat. Feb. 2. Well the wind has gone back south & it’s warmer tonight
Tue. Feb. 5. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Vermilion then to Huron he didn’t sell the eggs, and he got some food there & the rest in Huron, then he cleaned hen roost & fed hens & went for the milk; It rained hard this a-m & a gain tonight Sun didn’t shine all day wind went on around to S.W. We got 21. eggs today only 29 pullets & 3 old hens & I think one old hen is laying. Pete froze his comb bad but he’s coming along & is crowing again, poor old fellow I’m so sorry, but, sometimes my brains just don’t work. I sent a card to Nellie a letter to Mrs. Greene in the morning, he’s going to work as they told him to & if they play a trick this time hes trying for another job in Elyria Suberbs. Now I’m going to bed. Praising God
Wed Feb. 6 1946./ 21 eggs today / Elbert went to work & it was raining & sleeting hgard. was bad untill noon Sun came through at 11-30-a-m. & the gray solid blanket broke up into clouds & so we had sunshine most the after noon. I went to mail box, the little house & hen house & tonight I fed hens & got 1 pail Well water & got supper, did ironing only 4 pieces & my general house work. no word from Nellie yet or any of them. Elbert is sore & lame tonight. he bought a press, they back out on strike for a month.
Thurs. Feb.7. 1946./851./ 21 eggs. / Nellie’s birthday yesterday she is 49 yrs. old . today is John’s birthday he is 49. yrs. old today & Carl Betz is 57. yrs. old today. Well, besides my every day round I baked 3 loaves of bread one gram & two ginger breads. & I have been terrible full of pain I got a letter from the box for Elbert no word from any of the home folks I gave hens there greens at noon & collected 19 eggs & found 2 broke making 21 for today. I watered them & fed them tonight was out to little house & to the well for 1. pail of water for us. I was down to basement for ham & hens greens & I’ve prayed all day & Thanked God in Jesus Name I’ve been able to keep going my joints & nerves are sure bad but I know God will fix one up before long. I pray He Will reveal to me & take away every doubt & fear & make me well. I know it must be my fault in some way, but I don’t know what. way. He says we are slow of heart &, I know we are. Elbert is full of pain & achs tonight & so tired, then he had to do a lot of extra work after supper for the grate was full of cinders had to take all the fire out & rebuild it. I opened car shed for him & put pail on door so he could bring cystern water & he puts water in hen house fresh each morning Well I had supper all ready, but we were to tired to enjoy it, wind blew hard all day, went down with the sun & moon shines clear tonight Elbert counted 2. doz. eggs into 3 bags & I wraped them & tied them he has orders for them of the men he works for & with 48C per doz. 2.94 for the 6 doz. I had him give the Preacher 2 doz last Sat.
Fri. Feb.8. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Well, Elbert was so tired out so sore & lame he couldn’t hardly move today But Praise God I was better this morning, and I’m trusting God will help me to know what to eat & drink to make me strong again. My {?] neck is on the bum & I need a little lemon juice. but the lemons are so green, that Elbert got, I ate a piece of Grape fruit with honey in it they are so sour to. Well I feel lots better when I don’t work, but I want to work, I’d like to be out side triming trees & soon the grapes & then the roses that we didn’t get last Fall & then we’ve got a lot of brush & briers to dig & clean out & the garden to spade & make ready to plant, & then we dumped the beets on the basement floor & now we’ll have the dirt to clean up & put in small boxes for tomatoe cabbage & pepper I do wish we could have a good growing year & raise enough for winter. It’s been a nice Spring day with just a tang of nippy air, no strong wind today but tonight it got cloudy & wind has freshened up again froze last night but thawed again today, Nice Sun, but no moon. Glory Glory. Praise the Lord. no mail from any one today & me not able to go to see what’s wrong, I hope they are well as usual, at least.
Sat. Feb.9. 1946./ 852./ 21 eggs today/ Well, Elbert well to Vermilion to shop & sell eggs, he only sold 2 doz. for 1.00 & so we have about 11. doz. on hand right now, While he was gone I did out most of the wash all but his union suit & two work shirts, he went up to Huron before coming home to get some things he couldn’t get in Vermilion, then we had a lunch, he then carried 3 pails of water for me & then went to beach & got quite a lot of sand for hen house floor, but it’s so wet it will have to dry a lot. then he went up to Burdue’s & cashed my check for me & When he came back he washed out the union suit shirts. & I got most of them dry over stove, he hung a few pieces out side & they were all dry but hems, I finished them over stove & now we had supper but I didn’t wash dishes, in stead I darned his socks & now I take my bath & go to bed. I am tired & so is Elbert & he’s full of pains, he’s been working with his hands & feet in the water & helping to set forms for concreat. It’s been a beautiful day hardly any wind, but wind is puffy tonight. We has sun most all day, white sun. & we have moonshine tonight. I got a letter from Nellie she’s been out to a din-ner among the church folks & to Audrey’s for a supper, she & Johny & they had a birthday dinner for her Feb. 6. & gave he perfume & bath salts & a scarf & house dress & pin the first from Bonita & Johny & his Marcia & Bonney Bell, and she didn’t even mention Ella Jane. It’s a queer World isn’t it.
Sun. Feb.10. 1946./ 853./ 22 eggs today/ We were home all day, but will be so glad when we can get back to Church again. It’s been a beautiful day, only wind is cold & raw. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessings.
Mon. Feb.11. 1946./ Only 12 eggs today./ Elbert went to work. he sold 6 doz for 3.00. It’s been a fine day not very cold, no snow, but water in bird bath outside was froze all day. I took care of hens got the mail “a calender from pyrofax Gas Co. Where our tank gas comes from ” & a style book from Lane Bryant Indianapolis In-diana. Elbert got an insurance letter. I swept, was out back & emptied ashes, made beds, got supper, did the dishes, & chro crocheted 5 times across-ed on one chair arm piece. I’m so tired tonight. Elbert mailed 2 letters to Ella Jane this a-m-on his way to work, he’s terrible tired tonight. We only got 12 eggs today. It’s cloudy tonight wind is south.
Tue. Feb. 12. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Elbert went to work & I did the washing & had to carry some 3 pails of water 7 1. pail well water. got them all dry but Elbert’s union suits & got supper, Elbert brought salt water red perch for supper 7; this is the 3rd. night we have had to let the fire go out because of the cinders that clog the grate so we can’t shake out the ashes down, but it didn’t take long to get the fire going again. I had everything ready to start the new fire& it didn’t even get cold here. Elbert is so lame he can’t hardly move & I try to have everything done so he wont have so much to do, he’s been in the water & mud almost to top of his big over shoes, I don’t see Why they pick an old men to do the jobs a younger man could do better since they could get around easier & quicker, but some even quite rather than get there feet in the mud & water, such is life. Well I’m going to let the dishes stand. Received a card from Miss. Clark today, a get well fast card she wants a report on my condition. I pray God will give her what ever He sees she needs, Amen. It’s been a wonderfull day like early Spring, ice thawed in the bird bath outside & it was fun to watch the birds hop into the water & skate across to the other side with them on the edge flapping there wings & looked as if they were laughing they played a while, then flew away, I like to watch them. Nice sun today and a strong south wind all day except this morning untill 9.a.m. it was N. east. I Praise God for His blessings.
Wed. Feb.13. 1946./ Elbert only worked 2 hrs. it rained so steady he got here at noon & just before the supper the preacher & his wife & Joe came in they had been out calling on 6 other people or families Rev. Coon was going to be to church to have a board meeting they wanted me to come, but I still am not fit to go. they thought they would be here for supper tomorrow night. It froze ice tonight & is colder wind blowing hard tonight.
Wed. Feb.13.1946./ 854./ 21 eggs today /Wind S.W. no important mail today. I swept & felt so tired I didn’t try to do any more, after I got everything ready for supper. I took care of hens gave them greens & water & Elbert fed them tonight. Oh, I love those two children off God’s & Pray His Blessings on them. They look better than when they were here last. I gave them 2 doz. eggs. & my tenth for Church. We Praise Thee Jesus.
Thurs. Feb.14. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Valintine’s Day. Elbert went to work. The wind blew a living gale all night seemed as if the house rocked & I prayed often God would spare us & the house, it blew the cystern pump over it sure was terrible, it wasn’t near so bad today, but snowed a blizard this morning as Elbert was leaving then eased up & sun came out clear at 9-a-m. and then it showered snow flurrys off & on all day like May showers only snow for rain & sun be-tween showers & once or twice while it snowed, sunshone. & again tonight wind is howling & ground is white with snow. Elbert is so tired tonight & he tried to mend his rubber over shoe, it tore & he got his foot soaked in cold mudy water, had to wash his feet & put on clean socks soon as he got here. He met Sister Singleton & the two boys in Vermilion & she said she was so sorry they couldn’t come, she said the Sunday school supertendent was there & they were to have an-other meeting tonight. Well, I swept & wiped up the floors & dusted & done the daily round took care of hens & birds & shut the rat out side Elbert locked up the buildings tonight. I had supper all ready & hot coffee & he was glad, Praise God. Glory to God, Praise the Lord, Glory, Glory, Glory, Blessed Jesus.
Fri Feb. 15. 1946./ 21 egg’s today./ Elbert was so all in he couldn’t work today, he had a tumble while working that wrenched him & put some vertebras out of place he can hardly get up or down & his back is stiff & pained him all day, I have been nursing my shoulder & head today & resting, wind blew again last night & uprooted trees in some places & tipped over corn shucks & broke of limbs of trees & a limb off my apricot tree & it was cold last night the windows froze & I corked my west window, it sounded as if it would crush the glass out but God took care of us & the little house Praise His Name I want to g o back to church & Pray I may, soon. God Willing.
Saat. Feb. 16.1946./855./ 16 eggs today/ Elbert cleaned South end, or pen, in the hen house & put in m ore sand & fresh straw, he went to Vermilion & got a few things to eat & some grain for hens they played a trick on him, he said, & bought eggs of an other person & didn’t take his, he sold 2 doz. to Wests for 90 cents. I washed out what clothes were dirty & ironed & darned his sock & cooked & did dishes cleaned & made beds & we are both terrible tired. South W. wind but not so bad today or last night as it was. Milk man said the wind lifted half his hay stack & strewed it far & wide in the telegraph wires & in the fences & now he has a hard job cleaning it up. sun shone nice & warm today, but wind rather chilly I started to clean my lower teeth & they broke into, so now I’ll have to do something about new teeth. the joys seem to be many of late but I Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
Sun. Feb.17. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ I did want so much to go to Church today but here I am with my broken teeth & I’ll have to put forth some effort now to get my teeth fixed up, or, just go with out them & that I can’t do for I can’t eat & digest my food, so I’m praying God will help me fast. I was so tired las t night & knowing I’d not go to church I laid & rested & didn’t get up untill noon I didn’t sleep the last few nights the wind blew so hard & my arm pained me bad & I only slept a couple of hrs. this morning. I was just dressing when Johny & Nellie Bonita & the children came in We had a nice visit & a cup of tea together. We didn’t have much in the house to eat, we didn’t sell the eggs Sat. & Fri. Elbert didn’t work so he didn’t get his pay & we dont have company very often, so this time we didn’t have much for company, but, they didn’t care for they were looking for Bonney home & they had a nice chicken dinner already when they got back home. Ella Jane didn’t go back to New Mexico more people died in Lorain
Sun. Feb.17. 1946. 856./ 21 eggs./ that we knew. she didn’t have much to say about the rest of our family. It’s been a beautiful sunshining day & the big full moon is clear & bright. We have a rat in the hen house & we tried to get it tonight but no luck, I can’t get any baby chicks untill we know he’s gone. Well I had to bake biscuits for supper & I have every thing ready for morning. I Praise God, Glory to His Name.
Mon. Feb.18. 1946./ 24 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & has a dirty job & I’m wondering now for he’s been in a concreat tunnel they have just made, taking out the wood forms & it’s not only a back breaking job but to hot for him, he was soaking wet even his heavy wool jacket & his rubber over shoe tore & one foot was so wet & cold & he was in misery when he got home, but I waited on him got hot water & dry clothes & he soon was dried & fresh & ate his sup-per got coal, water, emptied ashes & locked car shed & coop & read the paper & now he’s gone to bed to tired to sleep I have tried to write a letter to Audrey, & then looked over all the Christmas cards to see how many I had to ans. & put the rest away, so thats partly done. I took care of the hens & birds & went to empty mail box, he stopped. to box but no mail I fed & watered hens tonight. It’s been a beautiful day warm quite & nice sun Elbert mailed a letter to Ella Jane this morning.
Tue.Feb.19.1946./ Frank’s been gone some 13 yrs. & today Elbert only worked till noon it rained & snowed & was wet & it got thick with fog about 2-p-m. he came at 4p-m I was just going out to feed & open car shed doors so he fed hens tonight
Tue. Feb.19.1946./ 857./ 21 eggs today / I made nice vegetable soup for supper, but couldn’t eat much, I threw up part of my lunch but he ate & drank as if it tasted real good & he went to bed shortly after eight-p-m. said he didn’t sleep good last night & felt so tired tonight, he spent several hrs. trying to find some rubber over shoes he could wear but only thing he could find were Knee boots he sold 10. doz of eggs 45. cents per. doz. today & has a few doz. in packages yet. I gave hens greens & water & no important mail. he mailed a letter to Ella Jane this moring & I haven’t done much today only daily duties It’s been a terrible bad day after being so nice yesterday & snowing tonight wind N.E.
Wed. Feb. 20. 1946./ 24 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & stayed all his 8. hrs. & I did a little baking besides looking after hens & birds & doing my house work and I’m dead tired tonight I washed out 3 hand towels & 1 dish towel & the cold just got after my nerves & cords & stiffened me up so bad I could hardly get the supper, I’ll sure be glad when it gets warm out side & stays warm I have to pray all day & most of the night to keep me going. I know if I could only get to church regular I’d feel 100. per. cent better. I know my body is getting old & I know it needs a rest, but, how is a body going to get that needed rest? if only I could have some one I could trust with me for a few months, When Elbert goes the limit he just lays around & rests, doing only enough for daily exercise, but I have just so much every day & a little more tucked on quite often, When it seems as if I just can’t do another stroke, he was going to bring bread tonight so I would have to make biscuits, but no bread. But Praise God I got every thing of importants done. He brought meat to make a meat loaf for today I bake that a cake & the biscuits. It snowed hard as he went to work this a-m. & again at 10 & at noon a blizard came from S.W. & N.W. & blowed, & snowed so hard couldn’t see beyond the evergreens. then sun came through & melted most the snow, so it was all day showers of snow & then the sun bright & clear, wind freshen up some tonight from N.W. little colder tonight. I received a sociable letter from Miss. Mc.Govern today & she’s most begging me to write & still wanting to know what she said to offend me, she seems to be offended because I sent all her books back, she ask for them, now what could I do, & I was glad to send them, for something might happen to them since some one comes in here every now & again & helps themselves.
Thurs. Feb. 21. 1946./ 21. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I washed I didn’t get it all done for I stopped at 9-p-m & got dried off & cooled. I sweat like rain, I had them all dry, but the colored pieces & things put away when the Minister, his wife & 3 children came in, Well I had been out to fed & watered the hens & picked up the eggs & got 2 pails of cystern water & made the starch before they came & starched my dress & the big chair cover, so I cleaned the starch basin
Thurs Feb. 21. 1946./ 858./ & had them put there things raps on my bead ( I had got that made up) & then we sit down & visited for maybe 15 minutes, then I cleared the table put in a leaf & reset it for supper I couldn’t start supper, for we were out of every thing & Elbert was bringing things for supper & not knowing what or how much he would bring for we didn’t know they were coming, but Elbert had enough sausage for a cake around & 2 or 3 over & I fixed corn & po-tatoes & gravey, hot coffee, black berries & cup cakes & sweet pickles cold biscuits & bread Elbert went to Burdues & got bread while I got supper & it was ready soon after he got back & every one seemed to have enough. Praise the Lord. They told me all the church news & that Jane Reese didn’t come any more to church & that she is soon to Marry & most of the folks are sticking to church Glory to God I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost amen. Well, it’s been a fairly nice day, today with sunshine. Elbert had to work to hard today, they made a goat of him.
Fri. Feb.22.1946./ 22 eggs today / Elbert felt to bad to work, He did go to Vermilion late this after noon & sold 4. doz eggs & got a few more things to eat, he took the white bread & 2 doz eggs to the Minister, I forgot them last night. While Elbert was gone to Vermilion I washed his union suit & bath towel 2 dish towels & my nose rages & my dress & table cloth & they are all dry but the union suit It was cloudy most the morning the sun came out & stayed untill just before Elbert went , it clouded up again & still is, but not cold.
Sat. Feb. 23. 1946./ Elbert went to Vermilion 3 times today, he got some money orders for me, I ment to get one money order & be-cause Elbert was in a hurry the last last minute I did it my my he went back to see how to get the money orders exchanged for the one, I signed them so he could cash them & they said I signed on the wrong space & so he went to Huron & they wouldn’t cash them & he went back to Vermilion when he went for the milk & still I had to write Elberts name on them, I think they are trying to make a fool of us because I made the mistake, in the first place, so now he’s got to take them & get them cashed Monday (if he can) Well, I swept & wiped up floors & ironed & patched his union suit once more & fixed the button holes. I’m not washing the dishes. Been cloudy with N.E. wind or light breeze today. Elbert sold Mrs. West Sr. 2. doz. eggs today & she ask how I was
Sat. Feb. 23. 1946./ 859./ 22 eggs today./ & he told her how weak I was & said the Minister’s, wife noticed it the other night when they were here for supper & she (Mrs. West) said, I wouldn’t cook for them if I was like that. I ask them to come & prayed God would help them to come & He ans. my prayers. Praise His Holy Name, & If some of them understood God better & prayed more earnestly from there heart, seems to me I would be feeling O.K. by this time, but, However I’m better & I know God will heal me, for he always does, & all things work out for His good & Glory, Amen. Glory to God, Hallelujiah, Praise His Name, I give all the Praise & Glory to Him for He Knows & understand. We run out of gas & Elbert had to call them, they brought it.
Sun. Feb. 24. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Well, I’m still not able to get up & dust ( or get around to do things) I just haven’t been any good Sat. & Sun. I’m not as good as Fri. so, I’ll just have to be contributed untill I can get out & doing & I can’t half eat with out my teeth. Wished all day I had some broth & for once we didn’t have any, my stomach’s on the bum already. It snowed early this morning from the N.W. & We had snow showers all day & it’s been quite cold, below freezing paint. I haven’t done anything today only got dinner & done the dishes Elbert did all out side chores & he hasn’t felt very well today, So sorry I can’t feel able to get to church, I know I’d feel better in spirit any way, for I need that spiritual food so much, I tried to sing Praises & Whistle them today, for I love the Lord And I have prayed God would fill the Church & Bless every effort.
Mon. Feb. 25. 1946./ 22 eggs today / Elbert has felt stricly on the bum today his bowels are on a rampage & his stomach, I pray he will be O.K. tomorrow, he’s got pains in his hip joints so bad & his back he can hardly get up or down, I’m so tired seems as if I just can’t force myself to work, but while he went to Vermilion to get some boiling meat & get the money order fixed up, I made a batch of rolled oat cookies, only have to stir them up & drop them on the cookie sheet & bake. I had the sheet 3 times full. haven’t done anything else only meals & dishes, beds & take care of birds. & it was cloudy most of the day sun came out 2 or 3 times during the day & tonight just before dark it began to snow & now we have quite a white blanket. The rat is still in the coop. We owe for 2. tanks of gas, not very cold wind S.E.
Tue. Feb. 26. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Elbert has felt bad all day his head & back & his stomach & bowels. I feel better but still weak. I baked 4. loaves of bread 2 white 2 brown & the daily dozens.
Tue. Feb. 26. 1946./ 860./ Sun came out & melted all the snow & tonight it rained started to sprinkle before Elbert went for milk, he went a mile west to filling station & got milk a news paper then on east & South for the milk. We have had several good showers of rain from 7-to 11-p-m. the wind is south West not strong. & it’s not cold out.
Wed. Feb. 27. 1946./ 23 eggs today/ Elbert has been feeling bad all day his in-testines are so sore it hurts him to touch them or “touch his belly” he has done outside chores & went for milk. I cleaned the cook stove top & inwards today & that’s a terrible job for me so much scrubbing & scouring to do but I got it done & I’m a-bout done, by the way I feel, so tired I ached so bad I could hardly eat any supper after I had it ready, but I have the dishes done & wish I was in bed, Elbert’s gone to bed, the ach in my arm is lots better, but the smell in my head is bad I pray God will cleans me, soul, & body, Kill the roots of all the bad & plant good in there places, for I love the Lord. It rained fine misty rain & froze on, it showered all night & most of the day, it was so dark I couldn’t see the South bedroom window after I turned the Kitchen light off. & it’s the same tonight sun shone through at verious times during the day & set red tonight. The wind’s been N. east & not much of it, but shivery cold. Mrs Walaper’s barn burned up a few nights ago about 1 1/2 miles west of us on main highway.
Thurs. Feb. 28. 1946./ 24 eggs today/ Well, I washed, Elbert’s got the same kind of pain in his shoulder as I have, he complains bitterly, but he did rub out his union suit shirt socks & kercheif but, I did all the sud-ing & wrincing & ringing by hand & cooked the meals he helped with supper we had them all dry before bedtime except his union suit. it’s been a fairly nice day, but I’m achin my body aches like the tooth ack & I feel as if I’d just have to cry. Elbert went to Vermilion & paid light bill & got a very small piece of beef to boil & a little sausage & a news paper, we can’t aford one, but thats all the news we get once “or twice a week if he’s working” 5cents per paper
Fri. Mar.1. 1946. 20 eggs today / Well, Elbert got up & went to Lorain I didn’t feel able to go & it’s a beautiful day bright sun & S. west wind. I’ve swept & done dishes this a-m, felt to tired to do them last night. Elbert came little after one o’clock & I had a kettle of soup ready, so we ate, & then I started getting the groceries put away & to get things ready for supper, he brought red perch salt water fish & broccoli I boiled a few potatoes & that was our supper & now the dishes are done & Elbert’s gone to bed, it’s been a wonderful day, just like Spring, bamy sunny, S.W. breeze, tonight it’s cloudy & like it might rain before morning. I would like to go to church but I’m still to weak to endure any thing extra. & I got to do
Fri. Mar.1. 1946/ 861./ something about my teeth. I can’t eat my tomie hurts after I eat can’t chew my food what little I do eat. Well, maybe I’ll get up & go to Vermilion with Elbert in the morning & see & talk to the Dentist there all deppends on how I feel. Oh God I thank Thee & Praise Thee in Jesus Name; Amen.
Sat. Mar. 2.1946./ Only 11 eggs today / Elbert didn’t go anywhere today, only for the milk he killed & dressed a hen & put it on to cook we had some broth later & to night I made a custard pie & 2 tins of biscuits for supper I can’t eat much because I can’t chew. I cleaned my old hat & put some new ribbon around the crown & pleated a piece of white & put in on the side makes it look fresh & clean untill I can get me another one didn’t get my dress fixed so I don’t know about getting to church & I wanted to go so bad. It rained before I went to bed last night & toward morning it showered heavy a couple of times the got colder & at 7-a-m it snowed hard wind was N. east & laid a good white cover over the ground & the sun came out in an hour & melted it all away, it’s been a beautiful Spring day, with nice sun & tonight it clouded up again wind N.W. & it rained hard at 8-30-p-m. I got dishes done & now We are going to bed for it’s 10-p-m. not cold out.
Sun. Mar. 3. 1946./ 22 eggs today/ It’s been a beautiful day, the pussy willows are coming out & they look queer so silvery in the sun shine. S. west breeze all day & we were home all day. Elbert went for the milk. I am going to try to go Tue. night again I’m truly to week to go places.
Mon. Mar.4. 1946./ 21 eggs today// Well it’s been nice out today partly cloudy & it rained some from 5-p-m. to almost 6-p-m & now its like a light mist. wind has gone N. east tonight a little colder tonight, but to hot in the house all after noon. We went to Vermilion to the Dentist I left my lower plate to be mended & another tooth put in one was broke & it cut my lip, it was the new one they put in when they fixed them last. I went to call on the Preacher & his wife & family but no one was home. We bought a little meat some lemons & can[la?] a news paper, I saw Mrs Tom Elppler taking in her washing. It begin to look like spring, weeping willows are buding & look so fresh. I sure will be happy when, it warms up & I hope I get some strength into my body & legs & arm, I sweat cold sweat at the least exertion, when we got home, I didn’t feel able to get supper. I made us each a cup of tea & rested one hour & then got at it, but after supper when I had the dishes done I sweat like rain I feel sure when I get back to Church God will take a hand in this & fix me up again. Praise Thee Jesus.
Tue. Mar.5.1946./ A nice day with sunshine and showers. I did the washing Elbert carried the water to suds & wrinse when he got back from Vermilion he sold 10. doz. eggs for
Tue. Mar.5. 1946. /862./ White in for 4.00, 40 cents per. doz & got 90 cents for 2. doz. making $4.90 cents he gave me four last week & 4 today. I’d like to get some chicks & get them under the brooder. so we can have some early layers this Fall. Elbert got some boiling meat & sausage & later was starting to spoil, says he’s going to take it back he cooked some & we couldn’t eat. it. I got most the supper & did dishes & got most the clothes dried except his union suit, I wanted to go to church tonight but he felt so bad & his head & stomach & bowels he almost fell over while we were getting the supper. Well I’ll pray God will help him to turn to Him & be born again & healed & help us to get to church again. Well I got a letter from Ella Jane this Morning. she says she’s feeling better & working & likes her work, but for -got to say What her work was. She went to a circus & see the tight rope walkers & bicycle riders on the tight ropes high in the air & the animals & a pair of twin Elephants. & they have lost of snow yet Wacckegan I’ll. she sent 2 pictures of swelling & the rope performers & she said Bonney Bell had been discarged & was going to Fort Sheridan, her mother is going there with Bonney Bell & Ella Jane expects to see them & have a visit before they come back home, she also said Johny & Marci were ingaged to he had given Marci an engagement ring. “she called it 2 pieces of good news.
Thurs. Mar. 7. / 22 eggs today/ Cloudy all morning beautiful all afternoon but N.E. breeze I swept scrubbed 3 rooms & washed my dress & I’m so tired tonight
Thurs. Mar. 7. 1946./ 863./ 22 eggs today Wind went on around to N.E. & on around & back to N.E. getting little colder out side & strong wind Today I pressed my dress & Elbert’s pants, he washed them this morning. I put the blankets out & aired them 7 did my house work & went to church tonight, the Minister & little Joe started out to buy a loaf of bread & came on out here, to tell me there were 2. missionarys speaking at the Church tonight & Sat. & Sun. nights. I gave him 2 doz. eggs & then took another doz, a loaf of brown bread & can of coffee & they are in a bad fix no lights upstairs, I met the ladys Miss. Brown. & Miss Kelly & the Minister & his wife from Elyria The woman from Krogers Store (ans. my prayers) & one or two others took in food, potatoes, bread & a lot of canned goods & I gave them 5.00 (I’d saved to pay Audrey, for the flowers for John’s funeral,) so they coud have meat. I had prayed God would show me how to help them most & He said you could give them that money you saved to pay Audrey, & take it out of your check, Praise God in Jesus Name, He ans. prayer We went to Church & they prayed for my health to be improved to God I Praise Him & Love Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
Sat. Mar. 9. 1946./ 24. eggs Well the wind seemed as if it would blow us off the highway coming home & Elbert said (& I could see) it poured rain, while I was in Church, We had a good sermon from Miss. Brown Miss Kelly talked to us about the’re work & some of the others & the Elyria Minister lead the song service This morning, it snowed & blowed a gale & ground and everything was White with snow, it snowed untill after 10-a-m & aat 3-p-m. the wind is blowing hard & snow is most all gone melted. Elbert went to Vermilion & got us some boiling meat & garlic balogna & lettuce leaves for the hens (Trimings) & I sent the preacher a wall bed lamp, a old oil lamp I had fixed over for electric & a cord of wire & a plug & tonight I’m taking my extension wire & socket for 2 plugs & our coil of wire we use for a trouble light. I got my check this morning & Elbert’s gone to Huron to cash it & get a money order to pay Audrey her 5.00 & the Den-tist had my teeth back & sent them to me, I’m going to pay him, 3.50 tonight & have to go yet this coming week to get the impression taken for new plates. We gave Dentist his money & sent Audrey her’s & Elbert went into church with us tonight We had a good sermon Oh, Praise God , Oh my Soul.
Sun. Mar. 10.1946./864./ 22 eggs today I got relaxed early this morning so that I slept from 6 in cat naps untill 10 & then just laid there & rested for 2. hrs. got up & shook up beds & aired out the rooms & helped get the supper ready Elbert washed 3 pig hocks & fried them brown & I took over & put a little water on them & salted them & cooked them all most tender then added potatoes an onion, cabbage & carrots I made grave in broth, Elbert sure ate a big supper We went to Church, there were a few more than last night & we sure had a wonderful sermon Miss Brown did the preaching she little, but she’s mighty for for God, Glory, Glory, Haliajuia
Praise the Lord. I took two jars of sour milk & the light cord to the preacher’s tonight she said she had some white corn meal & she was happy for now they could have corn bread. It’s colder tonight, today we watched the white clouds cover the sun making a big white ball & then a rain bow all around it, while the sky was clear around the white hall & just wet of the sun was another long white cloud looked about 100 ft long & 25 wide not even on the ends & the rain bow strips ran length wise clear across & were so clear & bright in both clouds. then there was a long, long narrow cloud shooting out of one place from a cloud, coming up from the west, like a curtin with all most a straight edge & it was traveling a triffic rate of speed. One day, one like the last I just saw came up from the west & spelt Jerusalem, looked like when the air planes spell out things in the sky. & the next day I didn’t see it in time to see what the word or words were & they were to near, so to tell.
Mon. Mar.11.1946. / 19 eggs today It’s been a beautiful day, We went to Vermilion to see if Dentist could fix my teeth grind them of in a couple of places, but he wasn’t home & wouldn’t be untill 5-p-m. so Elbert bought a little meat & a news paper & I saw Rev Singleton & he ask us up for a few minutes, so, I went & talked to them both a little she said they had eaten some thing that made her sick & Brynt to, & today he had a sore throat the missionary women had just gone down to Miss Clarks & she’d been jumping around doing dishes sweeping & cleaning up, her cheeks were red & so was Brynts she looked tired & worried I love them, they are God’s children & it’s terrible the way they have been mistreated if it were Jesus every one would out do them selves to help them, Well I’ve done all I could & am sorry I can’t do more, but Pray God will send in more to help. If the church was full and every one gave in a tenth they could live.
Mon. Mar.11. 1946./ 865./ Oh, God I thank You for ans. prayer & sending them food & I pray Thou will bless them & there children, they have worked so hard & I know you feel they are worthy, for Thou sent in food even by stranger as I ask of Thee & Now Lord, We Know Thou will send in new comers to tith I pray Oh God in Jesus Name Thou wilt, We will give Thee all the Praise & Glory, Amen. Well we got back home in time to feed the hens & have supper before dark & I had started to make butter of a little cream that had soured we, had some lighting & all my milk soured, so, after supper I finished the butter it isn’t as thick or, it don’t seem to have the body to it, that it should have. but I had made some biscuits & I ate one with the new butter, its as white as the biscuits. Cows don’t get green food yet.
Tue. Mar.12. 1946./ 23 eggs today/ Elbert went to Vermilion & got a little to eat, he got a check in the morning mail for 36.70 & so he paid the bank what he owed them & now he has them all paid up, he paid for his licence tag for the car & got us some broccoli & little meat to fry for dinner he sold 10. doz. eggs for 40cents per. doz. & gave me the 4.00 he gave me four twice before this but we had to spend it, but now we will have to save it for hen’s feed again. I did most of the washing while he was gone, he did his union suit shirt socks & 2 kercheifs & he suds & wrinsed them I dried them out side & they got dry, the wind has been so strong today nice sun, the trees & roses are leaving out all ready. I praise God for all our many blessings, Glory to God.
Wed. Mar.13.1946./ 24 eggs today/ I slept late I was to tired & then got up & got dinner Elbert gets up early & did a lot of spading out in front of the cottage. I walked out in the yard some & looked around Elbert burnt the grass along the ditch out in front just before supper, from south side of drive almost to the Elm tree, or walnut tree then we had supper & I done the dishes. S, west wind eased up tonight just before dark, the frogs have been croaking for several days
Wed. Mar. 13. 1946./ 866./ the trees & roses are leaving out & it’s been a real spring day today.
Thurs. Mar.14.. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ It was a fine morning with out hardly any breeze, I got up & took a bath & we ate a lunch & went to Vermilion at 12-30 to the Dentist he said to come back about 1-15-p-m, so we went over to Hambly’s, her mother & step dad were making a garden & I talked to them for a time then to Mrs Hamburg, she said her man called some of the folks in Church hipocrits & so he wouldn’t go to Church any more, some argument over work & Tom E. not helping do what he ought to do & yarns about others, Well, I gave her my spun rayon dress, she says there is a woman right near her that sews & I’m glad to learn that for now I can go there and get her to help me fix the bottom of my dress Mr. H. came & I talked to him a few mi. & then a woman friend came in & talked abit her man has done over 200.00 two hundred dol-lars worth of plumbing in the church free of charge & they are Catholic people. & it was some of the Catholic people that have helped to feed the minister his wife & family this winter, “she” Mrs H. said they didn’t seem quite the same toward them since they had moved back into the Church. I thought she seemed cool to me. Mon. not so sociable & glad when I got up to go. Oh well. I don’t mind, & maybe they were worried or in a hard fix. I should have had better judgement I got my plate ground off, so it don’t hurt my gums so bad & Elbert got a nice box of greens for the hens & a little meat for us & we came back home had a lunch and went out
Thurs. Mar.14.1946. /867/ & burned a little more grass in front yard & it began to rain & a thick fog like heavy misty rain has been coming down since 4-30-p-m. & still at it at 11-p-m/ Wind went N. E. & a little cooler. Fog horn at Huron was blowing at 4-30-p-m
Fri. Mar. 15. 1946./ 20 eggs today. / Well I didn’t do much today & the weather out side is gloomy. I’m so tired. Elbert went to Huron but didn’t get any fish, they don’t expect any untill Mon, strong under currents, so strong it’s hard to set the fish nets & so thick & fogy & ruff. Well I set bread & baked 3 loaves of brown & 1. white & 1. pan of roll & I washed my change of clothes & rags & 8. grain & mash bags & my neck scarf got supper & wiped up the floor & am, oh, so tired I feel sick & ach all over & my feet ack like tooth ach & my stomach & bowels back & legs, I’m sure in misery tonight & each time I think I wont be so foolish again, but that terrible old ambish, sure enough gets me down. Well, a hen died on the nest today she was in good order as far as we could see. It’s been foggy today, but sun came out a few times W went S. & raining tonight. I received a letter from Sister Nellie from Wankegan I’ll. where Ella Jane is she said Bonney Bell went to Ft. Sheridan to get her dis-charge from the Goverment & that Ft. Sheridan is between Chicago & Waukegan so she (Nellie ) went over Thurs. Bonney Bell was finished & went on to see Ella Jane by the way E.J. is working in a printing office across the street from the Karcher Hotel where Nellie & B.B. are staying, Nellie said, We all had dinner together tonight & we had steak. She said Sonney was sick when she left home had a high temp. (she was talking of little George.) she & Bonney Bell expect to return for home Sun. night & she ment to have written me sooner but time surely slips away it seems, & then So glad Spring is coming, said it was pouring rain there. Johny has done a lot of pruning but isn’t done yet, he trimed & tied up one row of grape & chopped out the rest, so the tractor can plow around the one row. (then) write when you can, and are you having any fresh fish? She signed off with. Love, Nellie. (I do). & it’s surely raining here tonight. May God teach us His Ways. Elbert bought a ham and cabbage today it’s rather salty but tasted good.
Sun. Mar. 17. 1946./ 23 eggs/ (lost a hen she just up & died. St. Patrick’s Day in the Morning , & it has been so thick & foggy all day very light breeze N. East & rainy
Sun. Mar. 17. 1946. /868./ 23 eggs./ tonight, but we went to Church & God blessed us. I gave the Preacher’s wife a loaf & bread & some rolls & 1. doz. eggs. she was feeling more sociable tonight. Praise God I know they have there worries, but they do trust God & He Keeps them & He healed Brynt of a cold & sore throat last week and & Brynt was so happy he stood up & testified & Praised God in Jesus Name. Hallelujah, Glory to God. Oh, Glory. There were only a very few to Church & some of them live so close to Church to & didn’t come & Miss Brown told of a native running 75 miles to find God & God blessed him on the way, but he still went on to tell the missionary, he had found God on the way there. God wants us to be determined to find & keep him & prone[?] Him.
Mon. Mar.18. 1946./ 24 eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron to see the first catch of fish that came in about 5 hundred lbs. & he didn’t have money enough to buy any, poor boy. This after noon I went to Vermilion to Dentist to took the impression for my new set of teeth & ground the lower plate off a little more sun shone some today & we had some rain & N.E. Chilly wind. I haven’t done much today right side hurt me so bad. I wrote a letter for Elbert’s insurance & sent (11.95) in money order for a yr & 2. months & wrote a letter to De Haan & sent Him a money order for 4.00 dollars, for, books a dollars worth 12 books, [or (2 books] to each one, Audrey, Gertie, Johny & the Wheeler family. will mail them tomorrow or Fri. I hope. Cloudy tonight but moon shines through now & again as it has for several nights.
Tue. Mar. 19. 1946./ 24 eggs today./ It’s been quite a nice day, only wind is cold raw from N.E. I haven’t done much today, felt so weak. I wrote a short letter to Miss Baumgart & Cranages & to Georgia R. & a card to Annabell. Got to keep at it for there are several more to get out & I only have 3 cards & 3 envelopes left & no money for any more. I’ll be glad when the wind warms up so I can go out doors again Elbert Killed, dressed & cooked a hen for supper, my milk soured, so I didn’t have much to eat or drink today but tonight I ate, the rump & 2 wings & 1. slice of bread with gravey on it, this noon I had 2 handfuls of crackers & a cup of beef broth, tonight I’ve drank 3 cups of milk. & 2 cups of tea. thats lots more than a lot of people get on the other side I Praise God for what I have, We are out of money to so we may have to fast awhile.
WEd. Mar. 20. 1946./869./ 23 eggs today / We had a heavy frost last night was real snapy cold this morning early. Elbert went to Huron at 9-30-a-m. didn’t get back untill 1-p-m. & he had a pk of nice fresh fish, he dressed them & washed them & I fried 5 nice ones & he took them over to Mr. & Mrs. Douglas, she said they had, had there supper, but they were going to eat the fish while they were fresh & hot. He said he picked up the woman that works in the Huron Bank, she’s the daughter of the man that bought Douglas’s farm & it Joins my ground in the back. Well I aired the bedding & swept & then I had Elbert call the Preacher’s place to see if they would like to come eat fish but they had some preachers there putting shingles on the out side of the Church over the siding & so they couldn’t come & it’s just as well perhaps I’m so weak today & sweat so hard doing what I had to do. I have 5 letters & 3 cards wrote & ready to mail. It’s been a very nice day, sunshiny, but cold N.East wind, I was down in the basement & open-ed up the way for the water to run out, it’s wet down there, I opened the windows & let the air sail through. I wrote a card to Annabell, one to Miss Clark, one to Virginia & Wyn. a letter to Miss Baumgart, one to DeHaan, one to Nellie & Elberts insurance, one to Georgia Rosecranse. Now I have several yet to do & hope to get at them next. I have the dishes done & have to go to bed got to go to Dentist in morning.
Thurs.Mar.21.1946./ 20 eggs today/ We went to Vermilion to Dentist & he had take another impression of lower jaw ground old plate little more, then we came home & I fried fish we ate & went to Lorain, We stopped to Cranages sold her 2 doz. eggs for 40 cents per. doz. 80 cents I talked a little & then we went to the Steel plant & I had to wait out side the gate While Elbert went & got his pay, one day’s pay he had coming & then we went & waited untill 4-30-p-m. for Audrey & she was up by the place where she works waiting for a girl friend to pick her up with the car to go to the woods & pick Hepaticas “flowers” so we took her home & gave her a qt of apricots can of quinces 5 fresh fish small can of greese & a doz. eggs. then I gave her an India lillie bulb & a begonia. She gave me five dollars for the 5 dollar money order
Thurs. Mar. 21. 1946./870./ 20 eggs/ I sent her for flowers, she was to buy for John”s funeral & because Nellie said each family was to buy there own, she didn’t get some for us & put it in with hers. Oh. well, It’s O.K. by me they tell you they’ll do this or that & then don’t do it. We hurried back home & got here in time to feed hens & while Elbert went for milk I got supper & did a few more odds & ends. We put the letters & cards in the mail box in Vermilion today & didn’t get any more cards or envelops. Today’s the first day of Spring. & it has been a fine day not much breeze & sunshiny & fog horn blowing all day We had a heavy frost last night again, & looks as if we’d get one again tonight although it’s cloudy at 10-p-m. Elbert bought me a piece of butter where we get the milk & it is so frowry [?] could hardly endure the smell We I undone it. he bought seeds of them that had bought & then had to many & I do hope the seeds are O.K. Received letter from Audrey this morning.
Fri. Mar. 22, 1946./ 23 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron at 9-15 & I started the washing full out doors, air was damp wind was strong sun was warm & so they were most dry when Elbert came, he went to get me some water & I scaled 5 fish & put them on to cook & while they cooked I wrinsed out the remainder of the clothes, he wrung out his heavy underwear & he hung them all on the line, They all got very near dry His under wear got half way & I finished them in the house, he went out & dressed the fish after we ate dinner. I did up dishes & ironed & was so tired & so was he & he looked as sick as I felt, We had another heavy frost last night again, that makes 3 we have had now. Elbert went for the milk & took the butter back it was most strong enough to clear up a farm any way I’d be ashamed to sell any one anything as stinking as that was. I’m so hungry for a little good butter & I do pray God will give me some I was so all in & so was Elbert, We went to bed early. I pray God will Bless the Ministers efforts in Jesus Name Amen. Oh, Yes, I received a U.S. Postal card from Flora she’s out to the farm packing & sell what she can of her house hold goods & says her leg is bad, I don’t know whats wrong with her leg & she’s so tired & short for breath & will be so glad to be gone from that place. but I’m wondering if it wont be terrible in two little rooms in town when it gets hot weather. Well I like to be out where I can breath & have room enough to turn around in.
Sat. Mar. 23. 1946./ 18 eggs today. / We got up & went to Vermilion to Dentist & he has got the forms or blocks “as he calls them ready to go I have forgot where he sends them & they make the real set I’m to use, he was sending them out yet today & said they might be back Thurs. he’d let me Know. I’ve only paid 20.00 dollars on them & he said they would cost 75.00 dollars. Elbert’s feeling
Sat. Mar.23. 1946/ 871./ 18 eggs/ so bad again, his bowels are paining him & cold chills go all over him, he’s looked bad today, he couldn’t sell the eggs either, & we have 14. doz. on hand. I do hope we can sell them this week before they let the price down for Easter. We got clear home before I remembered that I laid my pocket book on the Dentist desk to look at teeth & then stepped to the waiting room door to speak to Elbert & then he looked as if he was so out of sorts I went out & left the perse, so he kicked open the coal bin window & went in & opened the back door for me & he went back & got my perse & came right back, I changed clothes & had the onions & pota-toes most done & he unlock the grainery & brought in the fish & I cooked 5 or 6 for supper, he bought potatoes, cabbage & boiling meat today, we had vegetable soup for supper. We couldn’t buy a paper, so, could learn any news. When Elbert went for milk the Riber boy ask him to come & hush 125 shocks of corn for them 12 cents per bu. is what they pay. Oh, Well we had another frost last night. N.East cold raw wind all day.
Sun. Mar. 24. 1946./ 22 eggs today / Well, we been having some thunder & showers since early morning. I got up at 9-30-a-m & felt & still feel as tired as when I went to bed ate a dish of soup & at noon a handful of crackers & two bites of ham triming from a ham bone. & have drank 3 cups of milk & 2 cups tea. Elberts bowels are still paining him he has taken 3 anisins at 1. hr. apart & now has taken 1. of 3. 2. hrs. apart I do pray God will heal him & make him whole, Amen. I hope to go to church this evening But Elbert seemed to feel lots worse after supper & so we didn’t get to go. Winds N. East & to cool but it been a nice day & I Thank God & I prayed all evening God Would send in several in my stead fill the church & fill every one that came & Bless the Minister & his family
Mon. Mar. 25. 1946./ 23 eggs today/ Well, wind went S. West & it was warmer & the sun was quite warm also, We took the pruning shears & went out to trim the ramblers, but, instead we cleaned up the red & yellow roses & Westeria vine & trumpet vine & aspargas asparagus & the hardy Perennial sweet peas, that in on job is a big one Elbert helped & he carried away the brush, Oh yes we trimed & dug around the goose berries east of the toilet. then While Elbert went for the milk & fed the hens, I fried the fish & did a few more odds & ends & then strained the milk & he looked after the frying of the last fish 3 fry pans full we had I covered the birds we talked & rested awhile & he traced out the road up to Wisconsin & to Florida & then I washed dishes & he dried them, then he went to bed he’s as tired as I am & Oh, but I am sure tired & ach all over.
Mon. Mar. 25. 1946./872./ 23. eggs./ Wind went N. west & got cooler tonight sun was white but went down red. & the ground was pink all over like it was before the tornado. Not much breeze tonight. Didn’t get Flora’s letter mailed yet.
Tue. Mar. 26. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ Today is Evelyn Bonney McGinus birth day. she is 34. yrs old. & has her husband Red & 3 children. Pa & Ma went & walked over to Oberlin Ave. to be at the tea party she was there first grandchild, ma thought it was so foolish to get up in the middle of the night & walk clear over there & sit around & wait & wait & then walk back home a good mile & a half one way. Ma was 55 yrs. old then & had had 9 children, lost 2 girls & had 7 living. Pa was only 51. yrs. old. I Know now how tired & worn out ma use to feel, and I’m glad I did all I could to help her. The washings & ironings were terrible & the scrubbing of floors wood work & windows, the beds 7 bedding to look after & Oh the everlasting cooking job & the baking, the sewing & mending & darning Ma & I got the meals ready & while I aired the beds & straightened up the rooms & picked up dirty clothes Ma took car of the hen & young chick when there were some, she liked that, while I swept & dusted she washed dishes & some times one of the other girls would dry them for her. I loved my mother dearly. I loved my father but not the most of the things he said & did, Poor old Dad, I never could see or understand why he was, the way he was. & I’m still so sorry that he was so. Now pa, ma & Fred are gone & our brother-in-law “John Harnish” Elbert Bonney 63 yrs, Elinor “Bonney” Babcock 61. yrs. Gertie Bonney 58 yrs, Frank Bonney 56 yrs. , Audrey “Bonney” Carlisle 54 yrs. & Nellie “Bonney” Harnish 49 yrs. are still living. Well Elbert went to Lorain & got his tools today, he has been feeling rather bum thinks he has flu in his bowels, they are so sore & pain him so, he went this morning 8-30-a-m & got home 2-30-p-m. I got up at 9.a.m. & have done quite a lot of triming We had a lunch when he got home I hadn’t had a bite to eat before he couldn’t sell the eggs. Elbert said they were marked 51cents in Fisher’s store in Lorain & they sell as cheap as any one Lipp’s Tea Store only paying 30 cents & I pray we will sell them to pay for the hens feed
Tue. Mar. 26. 1946. /873./ 21 eggs / and so ‘we’ can eat also, he got a little boiling meat & he ground a little for supper. I have done dishes & now I am going to bed. Elbert is sleeping hard, he so tired & so sick & feels bad because he can’t stand it to work. I pray God will heal & convert him in Jesus Name. Amen. Glory to God.
Wed. Mar. 27. 1946./ 22 eggs today/ I received a letter from Miss Mc.Govern yesterday said she’s sick with a bad cold & if I was married before 1917 she had a friend she thought could help me get my pension I was married in 1920. Well, I did my washing & Elbert washed out his clothes I baked 4 loaves of bread 2 Brown 2 white & hung clothes out side to dry it a beautiful day, We trimed rambler in front of hen house I’m lots to tired. I got the books from DeHaan instead of his sending them, he sent them to me. Oh Well. The half of the old apricot tree is in full bloom & Oh but it’s pretty & the golden bell are out & pussy willows in bloom. They look queer after they turn from the big buds to blooms. Daffidills are most ready to bloom also. It’s been a wonderful day.
Thurs. Mar. 28. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 19 doz. eggs today 10 doz. for 38 cents per doz (3.80) & 9 doz for 40 cents per. doz. (3.60) he paid 3.60 for the last bag of scratch grain we had to run in dept for its now it’s paid for, he spent 2.16 for food & 52 cents for oil. he don’t feel well his head is troubling him again & his stomach. I swept both bedrooms & wiped up the floors & then got dinner we rested a few minutes after & then Elbert went out & planted beets & carrots & I finished triming the roses N. of the house & the one by the front door & by the drive & we tied up the one in front of hen house now I only got the ramblers on the
Thurs. Mar. 28. 1946. 874. / 21 eggs today./ & honey suckle vine & bitter sweet then triming done again but, I got to rake & clean up back yard where the flowers are & clean sod out of peonies or transplant them. The Dentist stopped in, on his way home from Sandusky , to say my teeth had not come yet & he’d let me know when they came. Wind N. east, cool but sun hot, I got supper & got dishes done we let poor old Pete & his 3 hens out in the park this after noon & they sure injoyed them selves, he froze his comb, through our care-lessness last winter, he had such a nice comb he’s a beautiful cock bird, Elbert cut his spurs last night they were so long he couldnt walk good
Fri. Mar. 29. 1946./ 21 eggs today / I got up at 9-30-a-m. Elbert was go to the fish house, so, I washed the wood wood & oil cloth behind the stove & then got my self washed & Mr. & Mrs. Hambly came & the little boy “youngest” the other 5 were in school We had a cup of tea together & they walked around out side & looked & enjoyed them selves; I gave them 4 cans of jam & 1 can of fruit. they had just gone when Elbert came he ate a lunch & drank tea & then cleaned the fish 30 of them we kept 12 & put 8 in one package & the rest in a package for Hamblys & we went to prayer meeting & had a real prayer meeting Elbert went in with me tonight. Mrs. Hambly ask us to take them
Fri Mar 29 1946 /875./ 21 eggs/ home as they were go-ing to have board meeting & Ellen was home with Margie & Ellen fell & hurt her ankle tore some of the ligements loose & she’s to grad-uate this May & all there parties & things going on next month. the eldest boy thanked me for the apple sauce & mrs. said it was the best she ever ate. Oh Well, they must have been hungry for it. We got back & all was O.K. except the stove was letting off gas & had the place filled so I could hardly breath. I finished all the rose triming to day now the honey suckle & bitter sweet & Ill be done, it’s been a nice day partly cloudy & lots of fog tonight wind went S w. & on to N.E. again I darned Elberts socks last night 2. prs. but didn’t get my ironing done yet.
Sat. Mar 30. 1946./ 22 eggs today/ Well, I thank God He is with our minister, I saw Him walking back & forth behind him as he talked to us last night. I’m glad & Praise Him & pray He will help us to really have a God fearing Church down there yet. The wind has been cold & raw & strong I haven’t been out to do any work out side today. I did my ironing. I made a batch of drop cakes & did the dishes & not much cooking, as Elbert’s stomach’s on the outs, he went to Vermilion & got grain, & he felt so bad he didn’t eat much today, & he didn’t look to see which grain they gave him & he got wrong kind I don’t know what he’s going to do about it. he didn’t pay for it, but did pay for the one we’d had before this one. Well, I thought I’d like to go to church in the morning, but after all that I saw & heard Fri. night I don’t know whether to go or not, I hate gossip & Jelousy & I have been asking Mrs. Tom Eppler & said, you don’t ever shake hands with me any more & she said Oh You’re bad & in fun I turned my back & Mrs. Singleton said, look at the size of her. & she. hasn’t been as friendly as she use to be, of late
Sat. Mar.30. 1946./ 876. / 22 eggs./ She set & stared at me from across the church & when I looked at her she cast her eyes down & turned white, her face looked so flushed, before & her eyes as if sh’d like to do something desperate to me. My soul is clean before my God & I do pray he will help each one to Keep Clean, they seem to be a jealous bunch. I don’t want anything any of them have got & haven’t ever done any thing to any one of them that would be wrong in the sight of God. Mrs. Sprunk joked with Elbert, & was friendly. Miss Clark don’t talk to me either, anymore. Mrs. West came in after church for board meeting & they said to her, this is a nice time to come in after church is over, she turned white & looked angry for a second then started talking fast, said Lindy & his wife & Eddy her son were all on there way home Some one said Lindy had been trying to preach without a license, but that don’t sound reasonable; Elbert got a news paper today & it said there was a big small pox scare in Califonia & thousands had been vaxinated & that it had come from Japan, but thus far there had only been a few cases of it, but that there was another boat coming & the Captian had reported 2. cases. I do pray God will be merciful unto us.
Sun. Mar. 31. 1946./ 21 eggs today / It’s been a long day cold raw N. east wind & we had a good fire it felt good We went to church tonight & every one was as nice as you please Mrs. Singleton said she’d been having a sore throat & some of the rest been having a sore throat, & some of the rest had colds in one form or another & Ellen Hambly was there she had her ankle well taped, she fell & tore some ligements loose her mother didn’t come but Margie & the other children & there grandma was there & the Wests’ family, Mrs. West Sr. played the piano tonight. Lindy & his wife & Eddys girl & Mrs Sprunk. Mrs Crole & Marry & the little children were there & Tom & his wife. & Bockman & a young man I didn’t know, We had a lunch & fixed the fire & going to bed. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. we have had 287 eggs.
Mon. April. 1. 1946./ 877./ 22 eggs today/ I haven’t done much today finished a hand kerchief & got a couple of lunches . & Elbert spaded & done outside chores & wind shifted went south gave us a couple of showers & has gone on around to S.W. wind is still strong at midnight. Dentist called Snyders for me to come at 1-30-p-m but he said he’d mail a card, I couldn’t go today.
Tue. April 2, 1946./ 23 eggs today / We Killed a snake today & that reminded me Elbert made a remark something about my being a snake or something to that effect awhile ago & to night he says I’ll soon be as fussy as Miss. Baumgart. My dad use to say terrible things to me when he got real angry because I would do crooked things & with out a cause he has called me a bitch a nigger wench a hor & said he’d hate to be as big as the broad side of a barn, I was none of the things he called me, thank God, he only weighed 225. lbs & was 5. ft. 11 in tall. & his termper was that of a spoiled boy. We had a Godly Mother else we children might not have grown up respectable, Oh Praise God I’m glad I’ve learned His ways and am learning more each day, how truly kind & patient Jesus was & He to had to take all the Kicks, cuffs & slandering & just for we siners, I use to wish when I was young, I could give back double, but when Jesus came into my heart, I learned to feel sorry they were so ignorant & wicked & I had to pray lots more day & night that God would rule my heart & mind & stick to my motto (What would Jesus do, or think, or say, if He were in my place) Well, believe it or not, it’s hard sometimes to smile it off, even though it’s the best way in the long run as a rule. I Praise Thee Jesus. I got my face slapped & my behind kicked just last Fri. night for no aparent reason, the fire burned firce, but it did me no harm Praise God, Glory Glory, Halluejah. Elbert spaded & put in 3 rows about 75 ft long of sweet corn & I raked a little wind is to strong & S.west, he planted my big red rasberry seeds west of Franks rose ramblers.
Tue. April 21. 1946. /878./ 23 eggs./ The Dentist and his wife stopped to see why I didn’t come yesterday, he called Snyders & Gorgie came & told Elbert & visited with him a while out in front where he was spading. my gums have been to sore, so I didn’t go & I forgot to have Elbert call from Hauffs to tell Dentist so, he said come Thurs.
Wed. April.3. 1946. / 16 eggs today/ Elbert spaded untill 10-a-m. then he went to Huron to see if he could get some fresh fish, they gave him a pk. he helped them carry in there fish into the house in 200 lb. tubs. I had the washing half done when he got back, I made him some hot tea & he went out & dressed enough fish for dinner & I did all the rest of the rubbing except his work shirt he coaxed me to leave it & he’d rub it out after we ate, I had only had 2 hand-ful of crackers & a cup of beef broth & cup of tea, so, I ate & then suds & wrinsed the clothes & he hung them out for me, I dried part of them in the house, then I wiped up the floor after I swept & he fed & took care of hens & went for the milk I ironed what had to be I washed & dried my corset & after supper I did dishes, I strained the milk when he got back & did a lot of odds & ends he fried more fish, he got quite a lot of them & I salted them & packed them in a crock think they’ll keep. I wrote a card to Nellie & Elbert mailed it at Huron. & tonight I’ve written one to Miss. Mc.Govern. to be mailed tomorrow, wind N.E. Now I got corset mended got to find a steel for one side & take my bath & get to bed.
Thurs. April, 4. 1946./ 879./ 23 eggs today./ I got up took my bath & dressed drank a cup of tea & we went to Vermilion on the Lake & sold 8 doz eggs for 40c per doz. $.60 went back to Vermilion bought 5 gals gas.$6.03 2 qts. of oil 1.57 & a very few things to eat 92cents making 1.92 cents spent. then I went in & the dentist fited my new teeth & got what he calls the bite, didn’t take long, then we came home & I fried fish & made hot tea & we ate bread, broccoli & fish. We have had a terrible strong N.West wind & cold all day. mostly cloudy all day. We went over in the Volintary Bay section on our way home to see about work Elbert heard they wanted a man to drive nails, for $2.00 per. hour. & they only work Sat’s so Elbert’s going back Sat., he isn’t fit to work, but thought if he could work one or two days a week it would give us a lift, and we sure do need some help, he needs shoes & clothes & so do I, my shoes are most worn through on the bottoms & cracking on the sides & my under clothes are going to fall apart before very long & I need stockings. I thank God for helping us sell the eggs & Praise Him in Jesus Name.
Fri. April 5. 1946./ 25 eggs today/ Well I haven’t done much today, I mended Elbert’s union suite & cleaned the woodwork & did my usual daily chores & dry & cleaned enough dandeline greens & cooked them for sup-per. & I fried fish & had beets bread & hot coffee. my back is still so bad it hurts me to work. it was cold last night, but warmer tonight. Wind was N.W. but went around to S. tonight & its lots warmer tonight sun shone most of afternoon Elbert planted orange tomatoes they are almost orange color & round non acid, and good tasting, he put in some cucumbers & has cabbage & red tomatoes pepers K& peas, swiss chard & lettuce to put in yet & beans 3. kinds. I havent got the strawberries set yet either or any flower seeds put in yet. We got one dollar stamp back on E’s insurance.
Sat. April, 6. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ Well, God still ans. prayers, for He sent my check & Elbert well to Huron & cashed it & got a pk. of fish & 4 nice white fish about 12 ins long. So I surely
Sat. April 6. 1946./ 880/21 eggs / have much to thank & Praise Him for, he takes good care of me Glory to God in Jesus Name I give thanks & praise for ever & ever, Amen. Elbert worked in the garden all morning, he put in about 3 . doz. lima beans at south end of hen house. It thundered & a little lightening early this morning & gave us a light shower then got thick & fogy, but it cleared up at noon & the sun came out a little after 1-30-p-m. & was nice all afternoon Elbert had to get lard instead of crisco, he got tea & coffee & a yeast cake. He dressed the white fish & I cooked half of it for supper so maybe he’ll dress some of the others for us. I slept late I felt so bad all night couldn’t sleep un-till morning & weather was wet so I slept. Just did the house work & darned one pr. socks wind has gone from the N.east to S. east tonight & it’s quite cool, fire feels good. Elbert took fish to Douglas’s & Myre’s & Hauff. tonight & basket is still full. Elbert got 50cents worth of stamps & 50 cents in change for the dollar stamp.
Sun. April.7. 1946./ 25 eggs today / The apricot tree is beautiful & the golden bells the white voilets & purple one’s are in bloom & the flowering almon is most ready to bloom & the cherry tree is flowered out the two little apricot trees are in bloom & the peach trees soon will be & the flowering thorn is in bloom the flowers are such a bright red & the rabbits sure do like it they have chewed one branch this Spring. everything is coming fast I raked a little Sat after noon & it’s going to take a lot of raking to get the back cleaned up again & we hope to reset some of the plants. Elbert went clear to Hamblys & took them the pk. of fish he wants to go to Huron in the morning & gas money is scarce he’s feeling bum with both head & stomach, so we didn’t go to church either, I like to go to church & feel God is there & thank Him & praise Him in Jesus Name for our blessing & for the fact, that, He is and always will be. Glory to God. We had a heavy frost last night cleared off & was a fine day but rather cool with a N. east breeze its cloudy tonight, & N.E. wind.
Mon. April. 8. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron & got a pk of fish some lard & tea, I set bread & did my morning house hold duties & got the books DeHahn sent me for 4.00 ready to mail out. I had 2 large loaves & 1. small loaf of white bread I got dinner & we ate & I went out & scaled all but 3 or 4 of the 29 fish & Elbert gutted & washed them then I salted & packed them, he took 8 to the milk man, but we have plenty left & I fixed 8. for supper they sure do taste good, water is cold & weather cool. he planted pepper seeds & broccoli today. & it’s to cold for any garden seeds to grow. was wet & misty untill afternoon. sun came out several times felt warm but looked like ice, winds gone west tonight.
Tue. April. 9. 1946./881./ 23. eggs today. / Bob Snyder was 18. yrs. old (Sat April 6th) so he told Elbert & said he had been up & signed up for service already. Georgia said the other day that Billy had gone to Germany to the place where his grandfather came from (_____) I can’t remember the name. Well Elbert says he’s going to sell eggs tomorrow. day. I’d like to go but don’t know yet. Elbert felt to bum to go, so I did the washing & had it most all suds & wrinsed when the Minister & his wife came in & Joe, so I set & visited a little & then they said they had another minister & his wife from tonight untill Sun. & the men were going to Elyria to preach & the 2 women would preach in Vermilion church tonight They said they were out of money & I had told them how we were to & that I might not be there regular. I gave them 2 doz. eggs 9 nice sized fish all ready to fry & a bunch of green onions. They didn’t stay very long, Elbert was cleaning out thisles & dock round a-bout the yard. & he didn’t come in to visit. N.W. & N. East tonight, it was warmer last night than it is tonight, & it’s cloudy tonight, has been so most of the day. white sun when it did shine through. I’m so tired. I made vegetable soup for supper. We had fish for dinner & they were good 4 or 5 left now cold.
Wed. April, 10. 1946./ 19 eggs today. / Elbert went to Huron but he couldn’t get any fish, only one boat had any & they went out before daylight & it was terrible rough before they got in, the others didn’t go so, as they didn’t offer him any fish he got a small piece of veal neck meat to boil, with the bones in, so we could have broth to eat. I shook up beds swept & made 2. rubbarb & 1 apple pie. We had soup for dinner & cold fish for supper & a rubbarb pie & the oven’s a wreck, I got it about 2/3 cleaned up after supper. Wind N. east & Oh, so cold; looked as if we’d get a frost early tonight but now it’s all clouded up at 10-p-m. Dentist stopped & said I should come to the office at 1-30-p-m. tomorrow “So” have to take a bath & hop in bed for Elbert wants to peddle eggs in the morning he’s cleaned up brush & rose cuttings today & while he went for milk I emptid ashes & carried a pail of well water & I’m to tired. Elberts insurance Co. sent him a bill fold of leather he. got it today.
Thurs. April 11. 1946./ 21 eggs today. / I slept this morning for I couldn’t rest alnight Elbert tried to work, but the wind was so cold he came in at 9-a-m & said he wasn’t going to go sell eggs it was such a strong cold N. East wind & it froze ice last night in bird bath out by the well, I got up & took a bath & dressed & we went to the Dentist at 1-30-p-m. he had my teeth ready & they don’t feel right but better in a lot of ways than the old one’s. I paid him $15.00 today, making 35.00 with
Thurs. April.11. 1946./ 882./ 21. eggs./ the 20.00 I had given him, so I now owe him $40.00 & pray God will help me pay it soon. We came right back home, Elbert went & got some grain for hens & looked around a little while I was in the office. I do hope it warms up, so we can go & sell the eggs wind goes right through a person, blew my hat off before I could get in the car to go, today, We gave our fish away & missed them today. but we had a Kettle of broth & some of the soup left from yesterday & tonight we fried spam from out a tin can & had corn starch custard, hot tea & a piece of apple pie from canned apples my teeth made my head ach & my right arm & shoulder have been at it all day, so I took teeth out, but can’t take the pain from arm. it’s cold tonight we have a good fire & it feels comfortable.
Fri. April, 12. 1946./ 21 eggs today. /I got up quarter to nine & started washing sun was up clean & warm, Elbert went to Vermilion on the lake & sold eggs 16. doz. 40 cents per. doz ($6.40) he bought grape fruit & peanuts & came back 12-30 or 1-p-m. ate a lunch & went to Huron & got 1/2 bu. fish he dressed a few for supper & went for the milk, I got them frying so he could eat when he got back I washed out my change of clothes my dress & chair seat cover Elberts sleeper, pillow slip & sock & my night gown & the towel & kercheifs. then I washed table cloth & 5. blankets, one of them cotton & wool. they all dried out doors except 2 last blankets & they are most dry now I hung them up in here to finish, now then, I did the dishes & am going to bed. I got my new teeth yesterday, he made them mostly of black rubber & today my face is sore & my mouth & throat, so I’ll have to take them back I can’t see why everyone wants to do me dirt, I hate the divelish tricks every one trys on me now this is another dirty trick or maybe it some-thing in my system he said he’d make them out of red rubber & when I go for them, they are black, trimed with pink rubber in front my mouth burns like fire & I wish it wasn’t mouth & throat burning like anything. Wind was N. today & S tonight & it’s not blowing very much, like a light breeze, warmer tonight.
Sat. April 12.1946./ 21 eggs today. /Well, Elbert cleaned a big crock of fish for us & another for the Preacher’s family & he had a pk not cleaned & dressed & we went down to Dentist he said he never had used red rubber & that it might be irritation where plates were rubbing the gums, so he ground them off & I said I’d try them again, my mouth & my head ach has made me feel sick since Thurs. Well we went to Miss
Sat. April.13. 1946./883. / 21 eggs./ Clarks & left her 4 fish, she said she’d take 2. the Preacher & his wife took a crockfull & then we went to Hambly’s & left a pk. & they had to dress them. We only talked a few minutes & it seems I never get a chance to visit, we started looking for the place where I saw some Mirtle in bloom & at last we found it & I gave 2 lillie bulbs for a couple roots. of Mertle & the woman ask me to come again & visit. she said her man took care of the flowers & she thought he’d like the bulbs. We came home fast for it was getting late, Elbert got a bunch of broccoli I cooked it for our supper & it was so tender & sweet, we had fish also. Elbert fed hens & went for the milk, I got supper & then strained milk. Wind has been S. & S. went today & cold & tonight there is a lull. the birds were feed late (7-30) to-night as if a storm was brewing, fire feels so good.
Sun April. 14. 1946./ 21 eggs. today / It’s been a nice day partly cloudy late this after noon & strong S. & a little West, wind I’ve felt bad all day & didn’t go to church tonight Hope to be better soon, but unless we have a little more to eat, looks as if we can’t feel better, Elbert’s felt bad also, but it’s his stomach & bowels. I thank God for His Mercy & Kindness & am sure He will help us in some good way. I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Amen & Pray He will fill the church with His people & that they will be true Christians, as Jesus Was True
Mon. April 15. 1946/ 23 eggs today / Elbert went to Vermilion but did not sell & egg I gave him 3.00 of mine and 3.60 egg money & he paid for one bag of grain 3.60 & brought back 1.60 & says that’s all he has left after paying 89 cents for meat clorox & a yeast cake meat was marked 41 cents & Clorox 45cents & yeast 3 cents; So that’s how I loose my money. Well, I haven’t done anything today, only mend one shirt I had ought to have ironed but old arms were so tired I just didn’t Elbert told dentist I couldn’t come, so he said to come Thurs. afternoon 1-30p-m. winds been W & N.W. & tonight it’s N.E. & strong, been quite warm today but it’s cooler tonight, it rained hard after midnight last night & untill after noon today then sun came out & was like ice it was so white set red & windy Moonlight out tonight as day
Tue. April 16. 1946./884./ 23 eggs today / Full moon tonight. Well at last a letter from sister Nellie and this is what she wrote Palm Sunday April 21, 1946. Dear Elinor & Elbert: Received the card you sent and really meant to write you sooner. I don’t get around much or do anything either. I surely have wanted to come over for a day. but I haven’t been able to lately. I wonder if you could both come over next Saturday after-noon a little while. Ella Jane is coming home for a couple of days, that is for Sat & Sun. She will be pretty tired and will just want to stay home and visit I suppose She will start back Sun night & be there for work Monday morning. Hope you drop me a card. Love. Nellie. Johny must have mailed it, for the post mark is Berea. April. 15. Ohio. So I wrote a card & told her, Elbert was going to try to work Wed; Thurs; & Fri. & Sat. he had eggs to deliver, if he was able after 3 days work, so didn’t know what to tell her, for we couldn’t tell untill Sat. & we might come for an hour or 2. Sun. if it was O.K. with them with best wishes to one & all Elinor & Elbert. & Elbert mailed it in Huron & said it would go out at 5-p-m this evening & she ought to get it in the morning. Elbert went up to get meat for his lunch tomorrow, he isn’t able to work & I hate to see him go. but he says he can at least try, once again. I’m not very strong my self & I’m so glad to have him home , for when I over do just a little & feel so all in, he fixes me a hot drink & looks after things that have to be done, when I can’t do anymore. So I pray God will take care of him each minute he’s gone & bring him safely back to me & convert him that his soul may rest with Him in peace & like wise that He will take care of Nellie & her families and each of my brothers & sisters there children & there chilren’s children, my cousins & friends May God help us to try with all our soul, heart, mind, and strength, to learn to Know Him & strive to gain a home with Him where we can live in that rest & peace He has told us so much about, time is flying swiftly by & soon Jesus will be coming and calling for His own & I want to be found worthy Oh, God help us, my heart achs most to the breaking point for the many who believe they will be saved & I tremble with fear least I make to many mis-takes & are left behind. Oh God, have mercy on our souls. I thank Thee Jesus Thou doth even listen to me, for I’m such a thoughtless wreckless creature. Blessed Jesus who first loved me & died for me, surely all the Glory & Peace belongs to Him for ever & ever, Amen. It’s been a nice day
Tue. April.16.1946./ 885./ 23 eggs./ N. east wind, Elbert got up early & went to Lorain to the buisness agent to see about work & he was back home at noon & said he had a job, if he was able to do it & it’s near the one he had before & for the same outfit only under another name, he said his other boss Mac. had been in the hospital again, this time he had fallen into one of the pitts & hurt his head bad. Elbert had several falls &K I was glad when he gave up that job, but now, I’m wondering about this one, & if he works I pray God will give Him health & strength, for I know he isn’t able to work as he is. Wind’s gone S. east tonight & it’s colder tonight We had sunshine most all day & I managed to sweep & wipe up the floor & wipe the chairs. & I’ve done my daily chores & thats all, Praise God for that, and I pray he will bring in strangers & fill the Church and strengthen his people & fill them & forgive them, Amen
Wed. April.17. 1946./ 21 eggs / Elbert went to work this morning I went to mail box, got a card from Ella Jane, a letter from Mrs Sharpe & an add for Elbert & one of the magizines Miss. Mc.Govern had sent to me. then I ironed & ironed all the mash bags I had washed sometime ago. I’m not feeling very good, either, got that pain in my side again & Elbert went to work & he’s sure tired tonight, but, he has one days pay coming. It’s been a beautiful day N east wind not strong & nice sunshine We had a heavy frost last night, thick & white, daffadills were froze and all frosty, but thawed slow & came out looking swell, it made ice in bird bath out side. I took care of hens & birds & got supper & I’m tired also. I planted the mertal myrtel I traded the lillie bulbs for a week ago, it was blooming in the bottle of water here on the floor such a pretty blue, they have 5 petals [??] Elbert got here 5-30-p-m. sooner than I thought he would & he went for the milk before he come home, he locked the hens, car & then rested a while & went to bed. Well its so cold not anything can grow. not any of the seeds have come yet. Wind gone South tonight Ella Janes card was typed & come from Waukegan Ill April 15 1946. & this is what it said. Dear Folks, Am coming home Fri. Apr. 19th. will be home Sat. Sun. & Mon. Hope you can manage to come down, as I wont have time to get around much. but would like to see you all. Hope you are well, now that Spring is here Am to tired & have to much to do to write letters. Think about it but don’t get it done. Sorry but just can’t get everything in in a day. Hope to see you this coming week end. Love to both, Ella Jane. & we don’t know if we can go or not.
Thurs.April.181946./ 20 eggs today / Elbert went to work & I did the washing dried it out side I dug enough greens for supp0er, they were good, & Elbert brought veal chops & we had peas & gravy
Thurs. April 18. 1946./886. / 20. eggs. today / & cold biscuits, so we had a supper. I took care of hens & birds & put the clothes away and now, I have dishes done & Praise God he has taken care of us an-other day. It’s been a fine day with sunshine wind went from the S. west to the N. west & on to N. east tonight the moon is shining full & yellow, the little green gage plumb is in bloom it’s like a big white ball, I grew it (with Gods help) from a pit the body is a little bigger around than a dollar, prune trees are starting to bloom. & the pear trees are about half bloomed out I mean the blossoms are about half opened. Hope they don’t get froze. No garden up yet. peonies are about 8 inches high & lillies a ft high things are coming but slow.
Fri. April. 19. 1946./ 22 eggs today./ Elbert went to work & I didn’t do much today. The little old man that sells shoe strings & notions came to the door just as it started to rain so I let him in & gave him a dish of water to wash himself & a towel & then gave him 2 fried eggs a bicuit & some tomatoes & hot coffee, his feet were paining him so bad he could hardly walk, but after he had rested and eat his lunch he started on up the track west to Toledo, he’d only been gone about 15 min when it rained hard, well, I still believe his selling is a fake job, but still I can’t prove it, I’m so dumb. Elbert came at 5-30-p-m, I had just got the chores done, I shut the coop up so he wouldn’t have4 to & carried the cystern & well water & when he came, he’d wrenched his back just before it was time to start for home, so he could hardly walk & I was glad I’d done the chores wind was S. west but went to N. east a gain, We had a white frost last night to. Well I thank God he has taken care of us & I love Him, Glory.
Sat.April20.1946./ 25 eggs today. / Well I got up late no mail today but yesterday I got a letter from Miss Baumgart Elbert’s back is still bad, I took my bath & dressed for town-we ate & went to Huron got a piece of veal shank to boil & some carrots & broccoli. then we fed the hens & went to Nellie’s, she’s in bed half the time, her leggs are so bad & I believe she feels she wont be here long, although she doesn’t say so, I can see her nerves are in very bad condition I took her & the family a loaf of graham bread & can of apricots We stayed for supper for they insisted after we left there We went to see Martha she’s been down with intestinal flu. pneumonia but gets up a little while at a time now but didn’t look as if she should be up, they were coloring eggs with a neighbor woman, in the kitchen, for Easter. All of Nellie’s children were home & Johny’s intended wife & I hugged & kissed her as my neice. When we all did get set down to the table at last they waited for Johny to ask the blessing but he motioned them to ask me, so I did, but Johny’s
Sat. April.20.1946./887./ 25 eggs today/ studying to be a minister & he was hoping theyed get started to eat before he got started to eat, before he got to the table & the blessing would be forgoten, well. We had a nice meal & a good visit, the children make so much noise you can hardly hear yourself think, but at last after Bonita had got them on there way to bed & they had said good night to each one and ask us to come back again & eat with them, they climbed the stairs for bed then Bonita showed us the Easter carts they ha bought for the 3 children 2 wheeled wooden carts with wooden rabbits pulling and pushing them & they are going to fill the carts with green paper grass & put colored eggs in them Martha’s children colored & egg for Elbert & I & gave to us while we were there. & gave us each a piece of candy. It was 10-p-m when we got home & had a cup of tea & Elbert’s in bed, So now I must go. The wind went back south & I don’t know where it is tonight. it’s cold out. Ella Jane said she would be home again before she goes back to New Mexico, she leaves Mon. night 4-45-p-m. to go back to Waukegan I’ll. to work. She promised to write, but she always does that. Oh. God of Love & Mercy do help them each & every one to Know Thee before they depart from this world in Jesus Name, Amen.
Sun. April. 21. 1946./21 eggs today. / Easter Sun. Well, Elbert was rather stiff all morning & he don’t feel any to good to-night, but he took me to Church We had a very good service The Minister’s Wife from Elyria (Who is also a Minister) did the preaching. Mrs. West Sr. played the piano & Mrs Tom Eppler played a horn of some sort, Brynt played piano for choruses & a man & his wife who were invited by Miss Clark came, he sang 2 hyms & she played for him. they sang a lot & prayed. there were only a few there its a shame how they all stay away It’s been a beautiful day only N. East wind’s cold & we had a frost last night & looks like one tonight.
Mon. April. 22.1946./ 22 eggs today / Ella Jane’s birthday she’s 27. yrs. old. today. & she went back to Waukegan this evening to be to work again there, she said she ‘d be home again before she goes to New Mexico, then Nellie said she (Nellie) & Bonney Bell are going with her, I don’t believe Nellie is able to make
Mon. April, 22.. 1946./888./ 22 eggs today. / such a long trip, but she’s bent on going & she’s in bed more than half her time now. Well Elbert went to Huron for fish & got 1/2 bu. & pk. basket full he gave Myers, Snyder & Hauff some & we dressed the rest I scaled & he took out the innards & cut of the heads they gave him 3 nice white fish, he called Nellie & E.J. ans. phone & said Johny would come for the fish & we washed & scraped them & salted them I cleaned the or scrapped the most of them while Elbert went for the milk & I had done the washing & carried the water & was to tired to do the fish, but Elbert’s back & head felt so bad. I got dinner then helped & it’s 11-p-m & I have dishes done & No Johny yet, so I’m going to bed, Elbert went some time ago. It’s been a terrible hot day & I could hardly work & feel as if I were over heat, so tired, I sweat like rain all day, air’s been hot. I thank God for our blessing & pray He will help us find a place for all those fish, we have enough for Nellies family & there is, 5 grown up ‘& 3 children 1 & 2 yr. old’ Well here is some one, turned out to be Geo. & Bonita, so I went out to grainery & got a box & the fish & Geo carried in the fish & I put wax paper in the box & packed the fish in & did Martha’s up in another wax paper & laid card board on Nellies fish & Martha’s on top, so they could stop d& leave Martha’s as they passed & I hope & pray they will & I hope they all enjoy the fish, it’s such a job for us to clean so many & we were to tired to clean them. Nellie’s been in bed all day & Ella Jane left on the 4-40-p-m. train (New York Central) for her work place, Johny didn’t get home untill 11-p-m. & Geo had to come in John’s car, so it was just 12 midnight when they left here. I’m glad they came; I’m going to bed. it is lightening hard over the lake.
Tue. April.23.1946./ 25 eggs today / Well Elbert’s back’s been so bad to day he didn’t feel able to drive the car, but we went to Vermilion & left the fish for the preacher & family & another woman & her man came while I was putting the fish from my pan into one of hers & they had brought a long an xtra suit of clothes & carried them up stairs, Brynt went up with me & then went & called his folks (they were at Epplers & we passed them there) because of the other young folks that had come. We went back to the dentist’s he ground m plate off some more
Tue. April.23.1946./ 889./ 25 eggs. today./ We came back home after buying a sack of auster shell for hens (95cents) 80 lbs.. & we bought a few potatoes & grape fruits & a little saucage. & then we got home he fed hens & went for milk & we ate supper when he got back we are both to tired yet today, to terribly tired Winds been S. west till morning went N. west & rained a shower or so before & after we got home & tonight wind’s N. east & died out & now a heavy fog. the fog horn blew all last night & this afternoon & evening. There’s been a queer lull at verious times the passed 3 days. Received another letter from Miss Mc.Govern today, Oh me. She thinks she’s going to help me get my pension through a friend of hers. Oh God, I Praise Thee.
Wed. April, 24. 1946./ 24 eggs today / It’s been a fine day, but last night it got so fogy you could only make out the outlines of Snyder’s house, but it settled like a white due & was cool & terribly wet out this morning. We had dinner, then went to the beach & got a good big load of fine sand for use on the hen roost I got a sprig from Snyders pink bud tree by above the stone wall, & a sprig from Bessies pear tree, she told me I could have one some time ago I want to graft it in my pear tree, & the pink bud I’d like to start it to grow, so I could have a tree like it. It’s beautiful in the spring. Well, I’m so tired, I washed dishes & cleaned the stove when we got back I picked up a pk of clam shells & peirwinkles & pretty stones for Bonita’s twins I thought they might like them to play with While we were gone some one was here & left lower lock unlocked. & there was mud on the front steps & on the floor. We had a lunch at supper time Elbert’s bowels are paining him again & he says he’s going to peddle eggs tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll go with him or not. Breeze N. East & cool.
Thurs. April.25. 1946./ 25 eggs today/ Elbert went & sold the eggs today & I went with him, we sold 8 doz at the White Inn & the rest to one customer & Hambly’s & her mother took 5 doz. I had quite a visit at Hambly’s, Seems Mr. Bockman has been stirring up things for Ellen & her boyfriend, they say that Bockman said that the boy hadn’t ought to marry the girl for her folks have-n’t got anything, well the young man gave Ellen an engagement ring & it cost (195) one hundred & ninty five dollars, she, in her simplicity showed
Thurs. April, 25. 1946;/889./ [this should be 890]25. eggs & 2 of them anconia’s/ the Ministers wife the ring & what goes in her ear, comes out her mouth so everyone Knows all about it, she could have done by Ellen like she would have liked to be done by Mr & Mrs. Hambly are angry anyway with the Preacher & his wife & West’s & Tom & his wife, they like the nice things of this world & to travel with the high class & well-dressed. but I told her to hold her peace & let it slide off her back & use good judgement & look to God & to Jesus go to Church, & ignore there ignorance & her ma told her that to. Oh God, how do they expect to get people in-to Church, how? I pray Oh God, in Jesus Name Thou will clean the christians and do it fast for they are turning the humble folks minds, to look for another Church, and Thou doesn’t know how they have done by me, since they learned I was very poor, financily, I pray Dear Father in Heaven, that Thou will help Hamblys to look to the Lamb of God & do what is right in Thy sight & not look at the bad ex-ample of others, and help me to & make up strong in Thee & keep us strong in Thee, Oh God, I ask in Jesus Name, Amen. I have learned we can’t trust even those in the Church. It rained before we started for home we stopped in Vermilion got some meat & a little fruit & it rained hard but it stopped after we got home, I fried potatoes & cooked a garlic saucage & we ate supper, Elbert said he felt a little better tonight but his back & bowels are still so bad, he looks sick. Wind is N. West & quite cool tonight We have a good fire & it feels comfortable. I have cooked the beef for soup & now I’m going to bed, I ought to write letters, but had to make dish towels.
Fri. April.26. 1946. / 24 eggs today./ Elbert has felt so bad all day & the wind has been cold & raw from the N. west & is going on around to N. east We have a good fire & it’s comfortable. We were out in the back yesterday & picked up a few strawberry plants some in bloom the fruit trees are all blooming out, early & late apples & pears. My little flowering Almon is full of flowers & it’s so cold & the gooseberries & currants also. I don’t believe it was as cold yesterday as it is today for one didn’t shiver in the breeze, as we do today. They opened up the dance hall at Ruggles Beach tonight & such a noise, I haven’t done so much today, been so tired, I did the daily round & I have a big square pieced together to be stitched, to use under the table cloth. out of real heavy mash bags & it washed out nice & white. I pray that God will give me more strength of soul & body & make my faith so strong in Him that I’ll be better able to help others to cling to Him. Oh God of Love & Mercy I ask in Jesus Name & I will give Thee all the Praise K& Glory for ever & ever, Amen.
Sat. April 27. 1946./890/ 21 eggs./ Nice day partly cloudy N.E. cold wind Elbert went to Vermilion twice, he went out & picked up 7 doz eggs for White in only got 15 cents more for them & he’s so tired. Hauff offered him a setting for what fish he had given him but Elbert told him no, he gave him the fish. I ask him to go to the Ministers & tell them I’m all broke out with poisin and ask them to pray for me but he forgot it, & said his head hurt him so bad & the muffler on the car had give out & it made a terrible noise in the car to he’s all tired out to night & I’m a terrible looking sight with one eye swollen most shut. but I know when they pray for all the christians that are sick God will forgive me & heal me Praise God Oh, my soul, Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen A sheppard dog came to us today & is still here I had Elbert give him some supper he acts tired Well Elbert says wind has gone South & its warmer.
Sun. April 28. 1946./ 22 eggs today / My head’s swelled up like a pumpkin with poisin ivy, so they think, Elbert mailed a card to 4 square church in Elyria & phoned Rev & Mrs. Singlltons, & Sun afternoon Singletons & Miss Clark came out uninvited & prayed for me & I’m a very little better tonight ich has left my face & So it was Gods Power that I felt. I Praise Him for this healing for ever & ever Amen. It froze heavy ice in a lump in bird bath last night, was a beautiful day today warm & no wind
Mon.April29.1946./ 21 eggs today/ Can see out of both eyes a little today & its another day like yesterday warm & quite & sunshine. can see a little better since Rev & Mrs Singleton & Rev & Mrs Harlow came & prayed & read me a psalm 1 & 3 & pryed & gave me another anoiting swelling isnot so bad today.
Tue. April.30.1946./891./ 22 eggs today./ $22.25 for eggs sold. Another beautiful day & Elbert has gone to Lorain to get what money he had coming & a few things we can only get in Lorain he left 8 or 8-30-a-m, I can see a little from both eyes but the swelling has gone down down in my neck so bad I can’t tip my head down. Elbert got home about 1-30-p-m & couldn’t find any olive oil any where & so the face is drying & getting scabby.
Wed. May.1.1946./ 21 eggs today / Well Elbert went to Huron for fish but didn’t get any, it’s been a nice day quite & sunshiny, when he got home I had washed out my under wear & nose rags & stockings then he did the rest I head is so sore & it’s terrible to try to work & my right hand & arm are terrible he hung clothes out & they all dried it got cloudy for a while & the air got damp then sun came out & dried them good, he hung my bedding out & aired it to I swept & made beds, I done that every day even though it seemed as if I couldn’t hold my head up & I did lie down some of the time but Elbert washed the dishes today, I so tired
Thurs. May.2. 1946./ 23 eggs today/ We got a card from Nellie & Ella Jane yesterday the would be on there way to New Mexico, Wed. May.1. 1946. so she Nellie said (Nelllie) Well I got up took a bath & ironed my dress while Elbert went to Huron, he got 18 fish 12 Pike 6 perch & 1 white fish We cook & ate the white fish & then he cleaned the rest & salted them we cook 9 for supper got 9 left. I took care of all but dishes hand is to sore to put in water. been fine day cool N. east breeze Elbert hoed a while the beets cabbages tomatoes are up & I think he said carrots & few spires of corn. Now he’s going to Vermilion in the morning to get his car fixed & sell eggs, so he said tonight.
Fri. May.3.2946./ 892./ 20 eggs today. sold 10 doz 4.00 today / Elbert sold 10 doz eggs 40 cents per doz. he bought 1 bag of scratch grain 3.70 for one bag & 3.60 for one we had, had & mash gone up 20 cents on the 100 lbs. & he was going to have the muffler on the car fixed & they had got the wrong kind or size so he’s got to go a-gain in the morning & be there at 7-a-m. untill 10-a-m. Today I wiped up the floor & fried the fish 7 took care of most of my daily round of duitys, he got home at 3-p-m or there about & I got my handkerchief back from Miss Willitts & how the Power went through me & it’s been go-ing through me for several days & the head & face & hands & arms are healing fine Praise God, oh, Glory, Hallalue Glory Praise the Lord he ans. the prayers of those Who beleive, Glory, Glory. Well tonight after dark Frank & Ruby Bonney knocked at the door, they came in & talked until after 10-p-m. they were very sociable Ruby’s just home from Albuquerque, Frank drove to Chicago & met her. & drove home again Nellie went that same day & they thought she called Frank to see if she could go with him, but he’d gone. Ruby still has her cough. The lawyer told Elbert, Armond had bought the old home place back for Gertie & to night Frank didn’t know anything about it. he said Armond was home again. They told us of quite a few folks that have died in Lorain. & We talked about verious ones we have known He said Edd Rosecranes had come back to his self again & takes good care of Georgie once more & that her brother Aubrey is in Cleveland hospital with heart trouble & don’t expect to ever get out a-bout again & that he’s very poor & thin, they said every one else was as well as usual.
Fri.May.3. 1946./893./ 20 eggs today/ Elbert had to cut some wood after he had his lunch & the wind has been terrible strong, it blowed a hound dog from one side the road to the other down in the hollow by the Elm tree & he look so funny I had to laugh, he stopped & looked as if he was angry & looked all around as if he wondered “who, did that to me, then scratched his feet as if to tear up the sod looked around & troted up the hill as if he owned the world. Well Elbert said he could hardly keep the road with the car & it sounded every once in awhile as if it would blow the storm door glass out. I’m glad it has eased up tonight. I have felt the Power tonight & they have been praying for me so Elbert heard today, at Elyria Amherst & Vermilion & Glory, God has heard & ans. Glory. How I Praise Him & Love Him & Adore Him He’s all the world to me Hallulejah, Amen.
Sat. May 4. 1946. /21 eggs / Elbert went to Vermilion & got the car fixed & went to preachers & no one home, so I don’t know what they have done with my lamps & electric cable & wire & cans & books. he got home about 10-30-a-m. I got my check in the mail this morning. I haven’t done much today but am lots better & I praise the Lord with all there is of me, I can’t stand to be near the fire so Elbert does most the cooking I made biscuits last night & such a job but even if they were left handers, they were good.
Sun. May 5. 1945. [she meant 1946]/ 21 eggs today /Well Praise God we are both feeling better today Elberts back’s been so bad he could hardly get up or down & I’m still to hot.
Sun. May.5.1946/894,/ My check came yesterday. this after noon Johny Harnish & his Marcie came & had Bonita’s twins with them. they were here an hour or so, they brought John’s clothes to Elbert some pants that were new & only been washed once & they brought 10 lbs. of fresh lard, that Nellie had spoke about. I gave the twins the shells & stones I picked up for them when I was down to the beach last time. I was so sorry I could have cooked a lunch for them but may-be they’ll come back again another day. I have prayed for the sick & church all day & trust God will help them fill the church & that God will bless & strengthen His people.
Mon. May,6.1946./ 21 eggs today / Well Praise God & all those of His who believe & pray, I never be able to Praise God enough He’s so wonderful to me, I’ve been in such misery & I know He could see & under-stand & I’ve been standing on His promises & today I’m free again, Oh Glory, Praise the Lord Oh my Soul Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. I pray God will be with all his people & strengthen them day & night in all there troubles & trials now & for ever & ever, Amen. Elbert has a bad fever & his back & head hurt him so he can hardly get around, I pray God will turn his heart to him & heal his body in Jesus Name., Oh God I pray thou will have mercy & be with Nellie & Ella Jane & teach them to Know Thee & comfort them Help them just now Oh God I pray Thou wilt. We have had showers & sunshine all day K& tonight its raining Bill Snyder plowed his ground & got it all
Mon. May.6. 1946./896 [should be 895]./ 21 eggs./ ready to plant I do so wish we could have ours got ready maybe we could plant some of it & kill down the weeds. I haven’t done only what I had to do all day my right hand has been so bad, but is lots better tonight, I love Jesus, I can’t un-derstand why all the many afflictions that come to me but, He says all things work out for the good and Glory of the Lord So I Praise Him.
Tue. May.7.1946./ 20 eggs today Mostly cloudy with sun once in awhile. N. east breeze & damp, clothes dried but not good. I washed most all the clothes except Elbert’s union suit, sleepers & 2 work shirts had to hang some up in the house, Elbert went to Huron & cashed my check 10.00 has to go to the Dentist on my teeth & then there will be 30.00 balance. 3 mo. more to pay & Elbert not able to work & we owe for gas & coal & mash, Well, I’d pay if I had to go hungry, but he has to eat I thank God I’m better & I used that sore hand to wash with, it’s looks terrible tonight, I got5 it rather badly soaked up but pray it’ll be O.K. my own back is bad tonight feel as if I have to walk half bent over. We didn’t get much rain, the ground could stand aplenty yet. We have 2 doz eggs now with tonights eggs. cloudy tonight.
Wed. May.8. 1946./25 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron got my check cashed & got a pk of fish, his back is so bad he can hardly get up or down, I had the soup hot & nice made some hot coffee & he had a lunch before he dressed the fish, then I fried 8 or 10 some small catfish, perch & pike & he dress all the fish & I salted & packed them, it’s cool tonight we had a heavy white dew last night & niped the beans, corn not coming very good & to cold nights, I got supper, We had hamberg & gravy & broccoli & cold biscuits & he had coffee. I had hot water. I have the dishes done and it’s most time to go to bed. night wind’s N. east. I hacked a few weed today& Praise God all day & all my waking hours during the night. Elbert sold 30 cents worth of rags & old card board boxes at supper time tonight. The milk don’t smell right.
Thurs. May. 9. 1946./897./ 26 eggs today/ We only have 28 hens, 3 are anconias. Well Elbert decided to go to Vermillion & sell the eggs, When he got to the traffic light, which was green a man crossed over in front of him & in order not to hit him he put his foot on the brake so hard his two peck baskets of eggs went on the floor from the back seat where he had set them & it most caused a jam behind him, he went on a side street & straight-ened up the eggs as best he could & cleaned the egg off the rug on the floor in back. then he went in & paid the dentist $10.00 & got a receipt for it written & signed by destist’s wife then he got a dollar money order for a book we thought might help give us some helpful ideas & then he went over to the ministers house & got back one electric wall lamp & the coil of cable wire, but he didn’t get the oil lamp I had made into an electric or the small wire, or my fruit jars but they did put in the books from DeHaan. Elbert came back home all up set because he had waisted the eggs. We got a pail of water & washed 4 doz & 9 that were not broke & 2 doz. that were cracked & I saved a doz. or so that were badly cracked, he had 10. doz eggs & was going to pay for the mash with the $4.00; but I thank God it was the eggs & not him or the car, but it has made him sick & his stomach is troubling him tonight & he is so tired K& he looks sick I’m so sorry for him, to. We received a card from Nellie from New Mexico, saying she may come back soon that rooms are scarce, but if she will stay or come back & the rail roads are talking of tying up & if she don’t come she might have to stay. I made some noodles today & fried the rest of the fish & hacked around a little in the garden & I’m sure tired. I helped Elbert clean up the eggs & muss; he felt so bad & his back was paining him bad, his nerves are bad.
Fri. May.10. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Pa has been gone one year and a half today. Elbert took 6 doz eggs over to Hamblys & she & her mother took them all & now he hasn’t enough for the
Fri. May. 10. 1946./ 898/ 21 eggs today / suply siply the rest of his customers & he don’t seem to care, I always like to let them Know if I can’t suply them, but I don’t know what he’s going to do. I only done my daily round & ironed today. Elbert planted a little more garden, he bought food with the egg money & tonight it’s at 9.30.pm., it’s raining, it started about 3.p.m been cloudy all day & it’s cool damp & a little chilly.
Sat. May. 11. `946./ 22 eggs today / It sure rained right up untill 1- or 1-30- this after noon Elbert has felt so bad all day & all last night his stomach & bowels & his rectum pains him. he has set & laid around in the big chair I haven’t done much either I let the hens out & pulled a few weeds &K looked at the flowers &K shrubs, ground animal is trying to kill the flowering almon & it was so pretty this Spring, just full of flowers. I washed out Elbert’s union suit & his 2 nose rags & 1. pr. socks & a dish towel & just done odds & ends haven’t felt to strong in my legs today, my itch is about gone & the sores & I hope to soon be able to go back to Church Singletons left Tue May.7. 1946. for Rochester New York & Rev. Taylor & his wife is taking there place. Rev. & Mrs. Taylor were married Easter Sun. April. 21. 1946. I received a postal card from Miss Clark she said they were praying for me, Oh God I thank Thee for all of Thine Who have loved me & prayed for my healing & I pray Thou will bless them all with even a stronger faith in Thee & strengthen them in there trails & reveal unto them, that they may help do a better work for Thee I thank Thee Jesus & All the praise K& Glory truly belongs to Thee, I praise Thee & thank Thee help me to be worthy in Jesus Name, Amen.
Sun. May.12.1946./ 20 eggs today./ Partly cloud & cool to cool & we have been home all day & not a soul came to see us either. S. west wind and went on around to N. east.
Mon. May. 13. 1946./ 23 eggs today / Elbert’s back’s so bad he can hardly get around & the breeze is quite fresh from the N. east, I baked 3 loaves of bread 2 brown, out of the war flour it tastes as if it had a lot of corn flour in the wheat flour. I made 2 doz. cup cakes & both they & this bread tastes like corn meal. it wont be so good to eat to much of for a lot of us folks it might be good for cold blooded people. Well I really spaded a row about 10 or 14 ft long to day & then cut out a jacket & made it, for Elbert to sleep in
Mon. May.13. 1946./899./ 23 eggs today./ I made them out of mash bags it took 3 or most of 3. I made 2 dish towels all so. I even made button hole & sewed the button on the jacket so he could have it to sleep in tonight. Today is Gertie’s birthday she is 58. yrs. old, today. Wind is N. east & sure is cold We still keep a fire. My itch is all most gone, I’d like to know what it is. We are all out of money & food, I pray God will take care of us it hard when we are old, & my heart aches for all those who are starving on the other side. I pray God will strengthen His people & keep them through all there troubles an afflictions, I thank Thee Jesus.
Tue. May.14.1946./ 20 eggs today/ Elbert went to the fish house & got a pk of fish, while he was gone I did the washing & had to carry the water, he dressed a few & I fried them for dinner & then he dressed the rest, 29 of them & took 7 to Mr. & Mrs. Douglas & 8 to Hauff, where we get the milk & he gave Elbert back the 12 cents for one qt of milk. ha, ha. Oh, well maybe he might do better by & by. I received a card from Miss Baumgart & one from Rev. Mr & Mrs. Harwell from Elyria Ohio. they came here with Rev & Mr. & Mrs. Singleton to pray for me & they are full of the Holy Ghost all except Mrs. Singleton, I don’t believe she has the fullfillment, that is I don’t believe she talks in other tongues. I felt the Power roll through me & I Praised God & thanked Him for the healing & for His Children Who prayed for me, believing He would do the work. Glory to God, Oh Glory, I praise Thee Jesus that we can stand on Thy promises. I got the washing dry, it was so rainy & cloudy all the morning, but cleared off this afternoon & wind went down with the sun, it has been south all day. Elberts back is still hurting him & we are both to tired tonight. I washed my house dress & dried it & cut the belt out of it, it is to tight & I thought I had it to loose so that’s a job for tomorrow, I hope God will help me get it done,
Wed. May.15. 1946./ 21 eggs today / Been cloudy with some sunshine & it got to hot this afternoon Elbert looks so miserable & he says he feels so bad. I’m so sorry for him but if I can I’ll try to get him to go & get some more herbs, he has spaded & hoed some today. I got my dress done & now I can starch it & dry it in the morn-ing Praise the Lord. I swept & cooked & done my daily dozen & I picked a big bunch of Lillies of the Valley & put them in a box, &
Wed. May.15. 1946./900./ Elbert went to Vermilion & mailed them to Miss. Anna Mc. Govern. she ought to get them in the morning. I owe her & several others a letter. Well it thundered & rained a little, when Elbert came back home he went for milk before he came home Mrs. Hauff gave us a lb of butter, it was nice of her to think of sending it. This is better than the last she sent, but all her butter is frowey.
Thurs. May.16. 1946./ Well, it rained & in showers alday. Elbert went to Huron but didn’t get any fish & I picked a gorgeous bunch of lillies of the Valley & he has cut wood & grass between showers. & I have wrote cards to Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Harwell Rev. Mr. & Mrs Gusney Miss. Lidia Clark, Mrs. Frankie Beesie & Miss Louise Baumgart & a letter to Bonita & the family & one to Miss Ethel Willitts I received a card from Miss Baumgart & Mrs. Beesie this a-m. I have several more letters yet to write. & I Praise God day & night for our blessing. Elbert killed & dressed a hen last night she was a poor layer. We had her & the broth to eat today N. East breeze & cool.
Fri. May. 17. 1946./ 21. eggs today/ My, its 26. yrs ago today, I was married. Well I starched my dress & the rest of the day I’ve tried to fix a corset, the one with the built up top, I’m having such a time to fit it to me, but at last I have it basted together again ready to try on . hope to get it fixed so I can wear it for good, under my good dresses. & to fit my dresses over it. Elbert went & sold 12. doz. eggs today, he said Mrs. West Sr. is in bed with heart trouble. I’m sorry, hope she will soon be better again Young Mrs West is taking care of her. Elbert took a big bunch of Lillies of the Valley to Rev. Mr. & Mrs Gurney & one to Mrs. Hambly & one to her mother & father, I’d have sent one to Mrs. West had I known she was in bed sick. Elbert said they were all pleased with them. It’s rather cool & we have a wood fire & it’s none to warm.
Sat. May.18.1946./ 19 eggs today / Elbert went to the fish house & got a big lot of fish a good 1/2 bu. I wiped up the floors after I had swept & then I washed out what dirty clothes there were I ate two handfull of crackers with beef broth before I started to work & I made a vegetable dinner & had it most done when Elbert came, I had been to the mail box also & got a letter from Nellie, she didn’t say much, she likes
Sat. May.18.1946/901./ 19 eggs today/ it there but may have to come back for there isn’t any rooms there everything is full & she can’t keep the room they have long & E.J. is going to school in June to finish her course & she wonders why I don’t sell my place & build a house on her place, I don’t know why I should do a thing like that Elbert’s got 2 lots he could build on if he wanted to go back there to live, he isn’t able to work any way, so, why should I build on her place? No, We don’t want to do anything like that, & Bonita was here tonight said they are getting a widows pension for her & the papers have gone in for it. Well, I’m glad she’s going to be well taken care of. John got over 2 hundred dollars back on income tax, & Johny has taken it & paid the balance on the home & now it’s in Nellies name, an acre of ground & the new house they built on it. Martha isn’t very well & still has to have a Dr. quite often that she has some kind of bad spells Joan came over with Geo & Bonita & there 3 children to-night & got the fish for them & Martha, Merlin let Geo. come in his car, he had been to Cleveland & back & was to tired to come & Johny had gone with Marcia some where Bonita thought they were going out to supper & then to a show. What would Jesus do.? Geo. isn’t working this week, but will be next week, he’s going to work in an-other garage, the fellows he was with couldn’t pay the rent, they had raised it so high so they closed it up. I fried fish for supper & we had just got done eating when they came in. They visited untill the children got uneasy & then went. I ironed after supper dinner & mended Elberts pajama pants. It’s been a cool wet day, wind blew so hard from the south I hung the clothes out & when they were most dry it rained big drops of water so they were more wet than when I put them out but in 10 or 30 minutes they dry again & I brought them in. Wlbert said Hauff was in Wellington & he said it was like a cloud burst over there, his daughter lives over there & he went & brought her & her husband & little boy home for over Sun. I am glad Elbert got the fish & called Bonita for she said they needed them & was glad to get them & pay the phone call. I thank God he hears & ans. prayers & I praise him for all our blessing & hope I can do more for Him Oh, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus & thank you.
Sun. May.19. 1946./ 902./ 20 eggs today / Well, I went to church tonight & gave my testimony they all seem glad to see me, but there wasn’t a lot, there, Mrs. Sprunk the West 2 other ladys I don’t know & Mrs. Reese she came in & sung a song for us, Tom & his wife & son the Hambly Children, Miss Clark & the minister & his wife & myself & we had a good prayer service, & Song Service also. The weather has warmed a little, mostly cloudy today & quite cloudy tonight.
Mon. May.20. 1946./ 22 eggs today/ Well, Elbert has a Kink in his back so bad he can hardly move & so, I went to Vermilion & got out & delivered or sold the eggs, 4. doz. to Wests & 1. doz. to Miss Clark 40 cents/doz. 2.00 & I gave them each a nice bunch of flowers, We got a piece of boiling meat & 3. pkts. of seed carrots & 1. cabbage. I went to the church & got some cans & my lamp & electric cord & you should see the two dents in the lamp bowl I don’t know how to get them out. We got quite a few cans I know some of them are not mine but the minister’s wife said to take them, for all of my cans wasn’t there & they didn’t know who they belonged to, so I did. My junk got badly abused & we got home just in time for it sure did rain hard thundered & lightened, then at supper time it eased up Elbert went for milk & he could hardly get in & out the car or to the house, I fed & took care the hens & got 18 more eggs, he had got 4 this morning to make even 5. doz. to sell the doz Miss Clark bought she got for the minister’s & she was there, when we got there. Its been foging all evening Elbert ask Hauffs to call up the gas Co. & tell them we were out of gas, but, they haven’t come yet & it’s 10-30-p.m.
Tue. May. 21. 1946./ 23 eggs today gas tank came this after noon. Elbert has been feeling so bad today & it’s been damp & cool, N. West wind, partly cloudy, clearing off tonight & wind went down with the sun we have a good fire & it’s real comfortable. everything feels the cold so much garden not coming just waiting for warmer weather, we got the books from the Golden Dawn Press & I’m going to send them back they are not worth a dollar I haven’t done much today just haven’t felt able & I tried to help Elbert what I could by doing the chores out side that he usually does. & what few things I have to do in the house for us both I would liked to have gone to Church but under circumstances we couldn’t go.
Tue. May. 21.1946./903./ 23 eggs today / We watched a male & 2 female pheasants go acrossed the field acrossed the road from us today, they were over near the South side near rail road track & went way over to Bessie’s place. I pray God will Bless & strengthen His people & get them & more back into Church & Bless All His people where ever they are & help our prayers to be one with all who trust & believe.
Wed. May.22.1946./23 eggs today Elbert don’t feel any better, he went to see Dr. L. at Huron, but he has changed days to be out & to-day was his day off, so Elbert will have to wait un-till tomorrow after noon. I did the washing, it was a nice day & warm & clothes dried good I had to carry the water I aired all the bed clothes to & put a patch on one blanket & fed & watered the hens, picked up the eggs & let them out in park & fed & shut them in & locked the coop & grainery Elbert went for the milk & back, he’s in terrible misery, I pray God will fix him up right, soul & body, in Jesus Name, Amen. I went down & got a buck of slack coal & fixed a fire for it was getting chilly tonight, I put a wool blanket under Elbert & I have been bathing or rubbing ointment on his back every night. Well I have dishes done & now after I read the Word awhile, I’ll go to bed, believing God will take all the achs & pain & tired out of me. I received a letter from Miss. Willitts today she thanked me for the dollar I sent her & wrote me a nice apealing letter, I do wish so much, I could give to all, Who need money so bad for God’s work. May God bless her & All His people with health & strength in soul & body, Amen. Wind is South tonight
Thurs. May. 23. 1946./ 21 eggs today. / Elbert went & took his treatment today & he owes Dr 8.00 he’s feeling better tonight I hoed his beans & peas &K carrots & beets today & hacked a few weeds The queerest thing happen today, I received a rayon jersey un-der Slip from Lane Bryant & ordered by Mrs. Bacon R 2. Huron Ohio. I don’t even know who she is, it cost $1.72 size 36 it’s to small for me I’ll have to send it back and exchange it. I’m badly in need of a slip & I sure thank God & for the love in that woman’s heart & pray God will give her an added blessing, for her Kindness. Its been a
Thurs. May.23.1946 / 904./ 21. eggs./ wonderful day nice warm sun & south breeze We got a gas tank. Bill Snyder has painted his house white & today he & Bob & the 2 girls took off the old paper on the Kitchen roof & put on some new it’s a small roof but it took them all day & I don’t know if they got it all done or not. Bill’s been home 2 or 3 days now.
Fri. May, 24. 1946./ 20 eggs today. / Well, today has been a nice one, only the wind has been hot & strong & I am not so strong as I use to be, but I thank God I’m not as tired tonight as I have been before now & I tramped around helping sell eggs today. We got 5 1/2 doz$1.95 35. per doz eggs of Carl Rieber & one [??] 27 cents- 2. doz 60cents 30 cents per doz. from Hauff & we had 8. doz. We gained 20 cents& we sold all but 2. doz. But we’ll need them for Mon. or Tue. & feed has gone up grain 3.90 & mash 4.25 & we run tick for it. 8.15 & now how are we going to pay for it, Well I went & figured up last months eggs & we had 55 doz. & 10 eggs at 40 cents per doz. they brought $22.55 & the feed bill was 8.00 & they made a mistake in there favor of a dime for the grain was 3.60 per bag & 2 100lb bags was $7.20 & 1. 100 lb bag mash was 3.70 so it should only have been $7.90 (but he paid 8.00 We only gained 47cents on the 7 1/2 eggs we bought, but we figured that paid for our gas in the car. We owe shoe maker 1. egg & they owe us a dime Hamblys owe us for 1. doz egg, a neighbor paid us for 2. doz . for them & Mr. Hambly brought out a cut glass bowl & said to give him 3. doz. & I did it We sold 14 doz & collected 5.10 & Mrs Hamblys mother paid 80 cents she owed from last week making $5.90 we paid 148 cents for food & 80 cent for light 1.00 for gas. 60 cents to Hauff 1.99 to Carl Reiber making 5.81 we paid out, leaving us only 9 cents Elbert had 6 cents in his pocket when we started out & 15cents when we got home. We have 50 cents to collect yet & one egg to pay & no money to live on until (we collect or
Fri. May 24. 1946./ 905/ 20 eggs today / or sell more. We had a lunch when we got home & had just got done when the little old man who sells shoe strings came in so I cooked him 2 eggs & some whits I had left from our eggs & milk this a.m. each & gave him a bun & cup of coffee & he gave us each a pr. of shoe strings & was on his way west up the track New York Central track. I went out & fed the hens & locked up & Elbert went for milk & at 6-p-m it thundered & lightened terrible & rain came down in sheets & then it hailed real ice, but a 9-p-m. it was clear & stars shining. I worked & went untill 4-p-m on 3/4 glass milk & 1 egg yolk. I received letter from Miss Mc. Govern with U.S. post card in it, so I ans. it & mailed it & 2 letters for Miss Clark in Vermilion today. she got us a sack of flower for 66 cents, so we owe her that much in eggs. & today there are no trains runing except mail trains, it’s the bigest strike ever, every thing is tied up, no shipping of any sort, they wont send out any mail only letters & cards no packages of any kind all factorys are closed & only one big grinding mill in each State is runniing all foods, flour meat & vegetables are limited we will soon be hog tied. &K the end is fast drawing near as the Dear Lord has said. Oh, I’m so glad He is and always will be. Amen. I thank God in Jesus Name the milk didn’t sour.
Sat. May.25. 1946./ 20 eggs today./ Well it rained in hard showers most of the night & morning and at noon it cleared off some sun shine came & it was to hot. I raked the grass Elbert had cut & put it in the park I didn’t get it all raked, when the wind changed to N.W. I came in & washed the dishes & put away the rake & sythe & fed the hens & gave them mash & water & locked the coop Elbert went for milk & I got 2 pails of water one well & one systern & then I ironed Elberts shirt & my dress, then had supper & tucked the birds in for the night & Elbert has gone to bed so I’ll bath or rub his back.
Sat. May. 25. 1946. /906./ 20 eggs today/ Now I’ll read the word & then I’ll go to bed I wanted to go to church in the morning , but he’s feeling to bad to go, so I’ll have to wait & pray wind went N. east tonight and it’s colder, it looked as if it would storm terrible just when I locked up the hens but it all went over we only got a sprinkle
Sun. May. 26. 1946/ 20 eggs today/ Cold & cloudy & wet & Elbert’s back hurts so bad he can’t hardly endure it- I rub his back good at night but he goes out & gets his feet wet & gets a cold in the back & it don’t do any good to talk to him & try to keep him well, so here we are I’m tired half to death & have to carry water & do the out side chores & what has to be done in the house & I got a hen & kill, dressed & cooked it so we can have a little to eat tomorrow I go on a little milk & one egg yolk untill supper time, then we have a biscuit & jam & glass of milk, tonight I opened a can of peas & made gravey with them, I can’t hardly get them down, for I don’t like peas & I wish that some on the other side that needs food had them. I often wonder if I’ll have to starve to death & I pray God will help me to indure & keep my patience, it’s sure hard sometimes, we had a little fire to keep the chill out the house I scraped up what coal dust I could get & if it don’t get warm soon I don’t know what we can do to keep warm. I could-n’t go to Church & the day has been a long hard one. I have wrote a few more lines & put in with Flora’s letter, I thought I had Elbert mail it, but found hers didn’t get mailed. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Lena Bacon, about the lip that came from Lane Bryant’s & now I’ll have to write to Miss McGovern I have to write to Mr. Miller also & see if he can give us any more help for I don’t know what else to do about it I do hope he will be able to help us some how.
Mon. May.27. 1946./907./ 25 eggs today / A wet rainy day. Elbert went out for the mail I think Elbert is a little better. got a card from Nellie she’s on her way home & left Ella Jane there teaching bible class untill June 24, then she starts her own study’s. Nellie’s card was mailed in Kansas City Mo. she said she’d be home Thurs. after noon. Poor Ella Jane far from home & she is like her mother use to be (& I reckon is yet) home sick with none of her folks near by to talk to she stricly on her own. I’m sorry for her, but hope she musters courage & get done with honors. I sent a letter to Mrs. Lena Bacon & one to Flora Glover. haven’t done much today been to tired. I carried water & feed & looked after hens & emptied ashes & swept up more coal dust & keep a fire & then walked about the yard for it was to hot for me. Wind was N. east but went N. west & rained some more. My nerves are so bad that each time I turned over in bed all night they would flash a shock from my stomach all over me & for two night I haven’t been able to sleep untill morning & I get up at 9 or 9-30 a-m. We have only 26 hens & got 25 eggs today I hope they don’t forget to keep it up the one I kill was to fat to lay & full of eggs.
Tue. May 28. 1946./ 19 eggs today/ I mended 2 work shirts my night gown & made my daily round & my out side chores, Elbert has tried to do more today. but his back is still bad & he grunt & growns each move. Well a Mr. Hauffman Who lives with his Aunt Lena Bacon, came for the slip today, he’s been here once or twice before on business he’s a bachlor says he’s 51. yrs. old & takes care of his aunt, they live up at Ceylon a little place a mile from us, he always comes in & sits down & visits a bit & he likes canarys and my old walnut chairs. It’s been mostly cloudy today with cool N. east wind rather strong. I’m so sorry I can go to church, there are so few to go. Elbert took the eggs down to Wests 4 doz & got 1.60 & paid 1.00 on the feed bill & got us a piece of boiling meat & a cabbage head & he went & come so quick didn’t seem as if he could have had time, but he did it. I did not wash, the wind blew so hard. trains are runing but not as often.
Wed. May. 29. 1946./ 21 eggs today / It’s been a wonderful day warm & nice sun & I baked 3 loaves of bread, & did the washing out out doors there was a little N. east breeze & clothes dried good. the drain to sink is pluged & I tried for 2. hrs. to clear it
Wed. May. 24. 1946./908./ 21 eggs today./ but didn’t get it free. Elbert went to fish house & got us 3 meals of fish, maybe 4 meals, we had some for dinner & I only ate 1&1.2 of a pike before I got the washing quite done Mr. & Mrs. Hambly came, in his fathers car, they wanted some flowers, for the house to sort of dress up Ellen graduates from high school tonight & so after it’s over. the relatives & the Minister & his wife & another young minister that’s with them at present & Ellen’s boy friend, she’s ingaged to, he’s given her a dimond ring “& his folks are all going to have a lunch & visit at Hambly’s. she says Ellen isn’t as perfect a christian as some may think she told her parents, she warn’t coming home after they were done at school she’s ashamed of her [huhny] relatives & there shak, Mrs. Hambly said her father said if she didn’t come home, she needn’t ever come back. I hope she will go home & be a real christian. she’s been invited to go up North into Canada & her mother told her she could go, I didn’t get all the details. My throat has ached for a week, just like it does before I have a hard cry & I’m wondering what it’s all about Well I suppose Nellie will be home tomorrow & Ella Jane will be so lonesome. I have the dishes done & now I’m going to bed, tired.
Thurs. May. 30. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Decoration Day /& it’s been a beauty-ful day, We have been home all day, Elbert has been trying to find out where the sink pipe is pluged but he don’t know yet & is going to disconect the goose neck under the sink in the morning & see if that’s pluged it’s pluged somewhere for the water wont go down. I mowed a little today & planted my morning glory seed blue ones & I transplanted a few ball poppies tonight & took care of the hens & did my daily round. & I know Elbert is so tired, his Knee has been so swollen & hurts him bad & I’m sure tired. I ought to get some letters wrote but seems as if I can’t get at it. it’s warmer wind’s South west
Fri. May. 31. 1946./909./ 20 eggs today / The last day of May./ It was nice this morning only the wind was blowing quite strong from the south west, sun was hot, Elbert hoed his gardened & limed it & then it began to get ready to rain he had taken the sink pipe apart & he put it back together it leaks & he put putty on it’s joints I don’t know if it still leaks yet or not & so the things are still on the floor. I made soup & cooked baby lima beans & picked a big bunch of flowers for church tonight & in the rain & it rained hard & all the time we were in Church all the way home & is still at it & fog horn is blowing. I pray it doesn’t freeze or have a frost We had a good prayer service & songs of Praise. I’m so glad I could go & pray God will make it possible for me to go to each meeting, He’s done so much for me & I’d like to do more for Him. We ate supper when we got home a bowl of soup. I didn’t do anything I didn’t need to do except hack the dirt where we spade to plant Jimmis & raked up a little grass & plant four o’clocks And I took care of the hens & canarys. I Praise God for the healing & strength He gives me I praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost for ever & ever amen.
Sat. June.1. 1946./ 22 eggs today / We went to Huron & got a very small meat we ate up when we got back cost 30 cents. 2. potatoes cost 8. cents. We just have to go hungry. & now my taxes have to be paid $5.72 so we’ll have to Keep on starving it out. I went to Huron & took a nice bunch of yellow roses to Mrs. Douglas & one to Mrs. Gunsenhauser they have both done nice things for me in the past, I can’t do much for them & they enjoy the flowers. Well, it sure did turn cold after being so warm N. east wind & it blew hard & rained in torrents all night & most of this morning & we have had a fire out of what every wood we could get.
Sun. June.2.1946./910./ 20 eggs today / Nice day but N. east wind I got up & went to Church this a-m, but didn’t get back for evening service & I like to go so much, the New Ministers are both good, they both work together she preaches one sermon & he one on Sun. & help each other with the song service & she plays the piano part of the time & they have other insterments they play. some sort of horns, They are greatly interested in there work & very sincere Praise God they & the christians of the church prayed for a sick man Fri. night, he was in a terrible condition, an ulser broke in his stomach & blood was runing from his nose, eyes & ears & before they got him off to the hospital blood run out his mouth, they thought there wasn’t much chance for him at the hospital & was going to wait untill Sat morning to operate his wife is a christian, she was sitting by him. Fri. night & God laid His hand on them & “she said We knew you folks at Church were praying for us, Sat. morning “they” the Dr’s. were surprised he seemed so well & after examinning him said he could go go home that they couldn’t understand how he had got well over night, God is able, but I do hope K& pray he will turn to God with his whole heart, for if he don’t life will be a terrible thing for him in the future
Mon. June.3. 1946./18 eggs today / Martha’s birthday, she’s 34 yrs old today. I did the washing had to carry the water in & out be-cause of the sink pipe, it leaks, Elbert didn’t put it to-gether right & he cracked the one next to sink, such a world. Well Elbert had gone up to Huron to see if he could get some fish & he stayed so long, I though he must be getting some but he came back 15 to -1-p-m & no fish & I hadn’t eaten a bit & had half the washing or 2/3 of it done. I aired the bed clothes & washed up the dishes before starting to wash, we ate a lunch & Elbert washed his heavy under wear, shirt & 2 towels & I hung them out they dried good, sun hot N. east wind fresh & cool. I rested a little & got him to rest a few minutes then I did the ironing, last weeks & this & then we got supper together & I did the dishes & we or I got a letter from Stark’s Nursery asking me to take the salesmanship for Erie Co. I’d like to try it but don’t feel able to work here & it needs good feet & legs that’s what I don’t have, anymore. Well I’ll ask God to help me decide, We sure have got to have more money to pay for coal & clothes.
Tue. June.4. 1946./ 911./ 22 eggs today/ Elbert went up to the fish house & was gone 4. hrs. he got quite a few but they were terrible small, I had raked all the grass & clover he had cut & it was nice & dry, it dried green the sun was so hot I put all we could use in a cock over by the hen house & the other I put in a big cock down in the hollow I was just done when Elbert came he had a lunch & then I scalled most of all those fish & he took head & innards out, he scraped & cleaned half of them & I the other half & I fried a bout 4 or 5 for our supper & he took 6 to the milk man & we have 6 for the preacher & his Wife, Martha came out to-night with Jean & Nellie & got 24 all cleaned & dressed & salted all they have to do is cook & eat them. & Martha said she don’t have to worry about meat, she has what she wants, but never thinks about us not even being able to buy even if we could get it for we haven’t any money. While Elbert was to Huron a truck hit his car & just ruined the back door on the back end. I don’t know what he’s going to do a-bout it- it was to late to go to the insurance Co. tonight, he though he’d go in the morning. He thinks he knows who did it for a fellow came in all out of sorts & said there were to many car around Huron any way and
Tue. June.4. 1946. /912./ 22 eggs today/ When he see Elbert he shut up like a clam. I cut some yellow roses & Iris for Jean Ann & some red poppies & mock orange blossoms. Jim had the mumps on one side got over it & was out doors Sun & Mon. he had them on the other side, he’s O.K. again & rest didn’t get them. got DeHaas book today. Elberts gone to bed. whish I was in bed to sun was hot today burned my neck but wind went from N.E. to N.W. & it is cold We have a fire tonight.
Wed. June.5. 1946./ 19 eggs tonight / Elbert cultivated all his garden & got a place ready for cabages I raked up the grass in the back yard & planted a few dahlias & cut the rest of the bulbs & got them ready wont have many have to put the glads & the garden needs to be spaded & raked & fixed over new. We are both tired tonight a nice day. but N. east breeze & cool, thundered lightened & rained last night. Elbert went to Vermilion this morn9ing but the insurance man wont help unless it costs over 50 dollars.
Thurs. June.6. 1946./ 20 eggs today/ Well we cleaned the farther end of the hen house today & I shoveled all that sand & straw into a big garbage can & a bu. basket & Elbert carried them out & he brought the sand in & put it on the floor & roost he cleaned the roost & I put in the straw & picked up 20 eggs, then we had supper, & we went out & picked up the dry grass & Elbert put it in the middle pen in the coop to grainery & back to corner of hen park & I got supper & got the woodchuch on to cook. I got my letter back to day, I had sent to Flora. it went to some other F.C>over in Jamestown It got mailed out with some other letters & I didn’t have all her address on it, such is life. It’s been a beautiful day & lots warmer again wind was S & a little west I’m so sorry I don’t hear, from Flora hope she’s O.K.
Fri. June.7.1946./ 913. / 17 eggs today / Well I didn’t do much to-day hoed a few weeds. & then took care of hens while Elbert went for milk & then I picked 3 bunches of flowers & took with me to the church. I took a bath & combed my hair & dressed after picking the flowers no one bothered the house while we were gone tonight, but a few weeks ago they came in & took all the grain & mash bags I had washed & bleached for night clothes & pillow slips & every now & a gain other things come up missing, hankercheifs, & caned fruit, Well its been a fine day & nice evening & we had such a good prayer meeting tonight.
Sat. June.8. 1946./ 22 eggs today. / My check came today & I sure am so thankful we can pay the milk bill 4.92 & the Dentist 5.00 & light bill____ – 2.00 to Church & 5.72 for my taxes & Elbert got a 24 lb sack of flour for 1.65 out of the check & a bunch of carrots 1 onion 2 yeast cakes & 1 box corn starch & 1 box grapenut flakes, he had 90 cents but now we have to get enough for the light bill & he did pay 2.00 yesterday on the feed bill leaving that $3.25 it should have been less, but mistake is to there credit so we have to pay. I set my bread at noon & had it baked at supper time I made 8 big buns & they were good, but not white & fine like they use to be to much corn flour in with wheat for hot weather, but they are going to ration bread & soon the flour so it don’t matter. It has been a fine day but quite hot was lots warmer last night that it has been nights, but, Elbert said he saw a news paper up town on the news stand & it said cooler tonight & the breeze is already cooler at 9-p-m. I didn’t get the floor wiped up today
Sat./ June 8, 1946./914./ 22 eggs today/ I put part of my house plants out in the dirt today, I want to clean the windows & wash the curtains & this Fall if I’m able I’d like to give the wood work an other coat of paint. Well I washed the dishes & read my lesson & now I have to wash meself & go to bed. Oh how I Praise God, He is a wonder God & how much I owe Him for my Jesus, how terrible He suffered for me I only wish I could do more for Him. God help me give Thee all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen.
Sun. June.9. 1946./ 20 eggs today/ I went to Sunday school & church this morning & we went back to church tonight & had such a wonderful meeting I took 1 pt of Strawberry Jam & 1 of apricots & 2 bread dough buns to Brother & Sister Gurny. I do hope they will like them, & we took Miss Clark her eggs & we paid the balance on them I visited with them some after Church & we took Miss Clarks eggs up to her & talked a few minutes, it’s been a nice day but to cold wind & sun went down white tonight & it’s to cold in the house tonight We both had to put on a jacket while we drank cocoa.
Mon. June.10. 1946. / 18 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron & on to Sandusky & didn’t get any work, his knee is swollen up again & it’s bad tonight after walking so much today, I washed half the clothes & got them all dry. I got supper & did dishes. I had opened basement windows so I went & shut them. I fed the hens & make our beds & am tired, its been a nice day, S.W. wind
Tue. June.11. 1946./ 18 eggs today / Elbert went to Vermilion & sold some 4. doz. eggs 45 cents per. doz. he paid $1.00 on the feed bill & out of my check he paid Dentist $5.00 & he got me a money order for $5.72 & sent it to Sandusky to pay my taxes, he got a piece of boiling beef, 30 cents I hadn’t eat any thing When he got home, he also got a small piece of blogna which we ate with bread & he had hot tea. I washed two wool
Tue. June.11. 1946./ 915./ 18 eggs today/ blankets & got them almost dry before it rained & he spaded up a little dirt for me & I put in aa few dahlia bulbs. & I have to put in the glads yet. I haven’t done much for we are with out proper food & I’m to all in to work. been a nice warm day S.w. wind $1.80 he got for eggs.
Wed. June.12.1946./ 20 eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron & got a bout 20 bullheads he skined them, then we had a lunch, & he went back & got 20 perch I fried all the first ones & we creamed all the second batch & then we ate them I salted the second batch wish I had some ice, hope the perch dont spoil. I baked 2 loaves of bread & 8 buns & he got a small piece of beef & I cooked that for soup & put onion & carrots in with it & if it don’t spoil I’ll add some rice in the morning, it’s thundering & lightening hard, has rained misty showers today. I fed & watered the hens & pulled a few weeds & I’m dead on my feet tonight. Elbert got a little fresh liver for dinner it was good. I put a clean table cloth on the table & in the morning I hope to wash out that things that are dirty & wipe up the floors after I sweep good I ought to sew & I ought to ans. some letters, but I’m so tired. Wind is light & S.W. yet today & tonight. I Praise God for His tender mercys, I prayed for more to eat & He ans. my prayers Bless His Holyness & Praise God from Whom all Blessing flow.
Thurs. June.13. 1946./ 20 eggs today/ Elbert has been mowing the grass was so wet it poured rain & it thundered & sun came out bright for an hr. or so then clouded up again real chilly. I made a light wood fire to take chill out of the house. I swept the house & wiped up the floors & cleaned the rugs good & cooked & washed the dishes & I’m sure tired. I have felt so tired & heavy & hips & legs been on the bum since
Thurs. June.13. 1946./916./ 20 eggs today / yesterday or daybefore anyway I have been feeling as if I weigh a ton, on my feet, & they ach almost unbearable. God my receipt for my taxes today. Elbert walked up to Wards store & got a qt of oil for the car it was empty. & now he’s going to Lorain in the morning & I suppose he’ll have to use the 1.35 he gets, on eggs for more oil & gas he will only have 3. doz. 45cents 1.35 & he sold 1. doz. tonight that 1.80 & there wont be any for food. I really don’t know what, we are going to do.
Fri. June.14. 1946./ 18 eggs today / Elbert went to Lorain today & has the promise of a job, he met Harvey Bonney & he told him he was going to have a child in Jan. that his wife owned a cottage on the Lake in Avon Ohio & that he is trying to raise it up & put a better foundation under it, & he said Armond was working with his father at car-pender work; Elbert got back about 2-p-m I had most of my washing done except table cloth & his shirt & my dress & the little old guy that sells shoe strings & notions came in to eat & to rest We had a big plate of fish yet & so he ate cold fish bread & elderberry jam & drank hot tea, I called Elbert in to drink tea “he was cultivating in the garden,” so I could finish my washing & a salesman for Hill’s nursery called while I was wrinsing, well, at last I got everything up to dry & then I cut a few flowers, roses & corisopsis enough for a good looking bunch in two vases. I got a letter from Ella Jane this morning. We had such a good prayer meeting K& only such a few there 2 Hambley children & there grandmother Mrs. Horning & 2 or 3 of her children Lindy & Dorthy Miss. Clark & the Minister & my self Praise God I pray He’ll ans All those earnest prayers. Glory to God; Its been a fine day hot sun cold N.E. wind.
Sat. June.15. 1946./ 16 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron to get boiling meat, could only get bones, he got a yeast cake & a bottle of Alcohol & said hart is closing his market for 2 weeks can’t get meat there’s train loads go through every day & no meat Cold N.E. wind & we have a fire, I have taken a cold in the flesh & muscles & can hardly move I felt bad for 2 or 3 days & last night old leg pained all night today, it’s been terrible & my eyeballs are sore & my head. Oh, Well, I thank God I can get up although it costs me a big ef-fort & for Elbert he’s had to do a lot of extras
Sat. June 16, 1946./ 917./ 16 eggs today/ today & his back is paining him today so I hope to be lots & heaps better tomorrow. (Elbert had to put my stockings on my feet & my slipper) today; hens let us down a couple
Sun. June.16.1946./ 19 eggs today / Month half gone & the Christ-mas days are true so far. It was nice all day untill 5-p-m then storms began to make on all sides & I fed & locked up hens & locked the grainery & then shut the window in the house While Elbert went for the milk & back, my hip & leg is better today, but still as sore as a boil, can’t lay on it, it’s so sore & pains me so, can’t sleep or rest took cold in the flesh & muscles, settled in my right hip & leg, sure is terrible. but I managed to get my stockings & slippers on & get dressed & hobbled about all day. I prayed God would keep my milk sweet & take care of us & the house & few things we need so long as we stay here, & He did it and it thundered & lightened so hard from 6-p-m untill almost daylight it was the worst electric storm we have had in a long time. it just riped & tore all night & God took care of us it rained in sheets or torrents came so hard that it over-flowed the eve troughs & when you could see by lightening it showed Bills field, like a big pond. 2 hundred ft wide & 3 or 4 long. Wind was S.W. when it started then turned & came back from N. east & went on S.E. & S.W. it rained in from several places on the N. & E. & around the chimeny so we had to sopped it up. was to hot all morning after the cold snap We had a heavy white due Fri night & leaves look cooked.
Mon. June.17. 1946./ 20 eggs today./ Well, it’s warm or hot rather again today My leg & hip is lots better I praise God for that. Elbert went to Lorain & got a job on the under cut west of Lorain, out by Country Club. they are build forms for a new but-ment for Nickle plate. I hope he wont be foolish & work all day, he said there were trees & limbs all over the roads & the milk man said he’d been cleaning up trees & rub-bish all day & Lorain was about flooded & Rocky River & Lake Wood Cleveland were flooded & there was a lot of damage done in a lot of places, it’s thundering tonight like a distant grumble & some lightening, warm breeze Elbert sweat so bad he took off his B.V.D’s & washed them out & dried them after 70p-m, just before dark. he has been sawing & cutting up the big cherry tree out by the toilet part of it fell on the potatoes & they were just in bloom, but after he got it off, they were not hurt. that was our only loss
Tue. June.18. 1946./918./ 22 eggs today / Elbert got up K& away to work, but it started to rain & kept at it & they were all sent home & it rained a misty rain most of the day thundered and lightened after midnight last night let up toward morning but rained after he started for work a little after seven. my bowels got another spell & didn’t move Mon. & so this morning they were so hard they turned out & bleed hard. I sure had to fight & pray to get back into bed then I just lay there for several hrs. before I came to my self a-gain, I was as sore as if I’d been beet, from head to foot. I got up & greesed myself & then got to Kitchen & took a good wash, drank some hot water uncovered the birds & got back into bed. I heard the postman stop & thought I heard a car come in so I got up again & unlocked the door & went back to my room & call Elbert from the window he was sitting in the car reading about all the tornados & flood & loss of life, he came in made a fire & got the chill out the house & himself & gave me more hot water to drink. I got up & dressed at 1-p-m. & sit around untill 8-p-m & went to bed. I shook up the beds after I got up & got them made again but only God knows how bad I have felt & still feel. Elbert went to Huron but couldn’t get any meat.
Wed. June. 19. 1946./ 14 eggs today / Rained all day more than less & I didn’t get up very early am so sore & weak I don’t feel able to work, so I didn’t do much sun really tried to shine this after noon & I thank God I got up K& dressed & washed up dishes & took care of birds & beds & helped get one meal. I Praise God in Jesus Name for our blessings.
Thurs. June 20. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Elbert went to work been a nice day more cloudy than sunshine. & rained a light shower where Elbert was working, but only a misty rain for a few minutes here. I got a card from Bonita today saying her mother has been in bed for over a week, now, with her back & she said Johny went to Texas & round through Tennessee & they called on his aunts John’s sisters on there way back she said every one was well but mother & the baby Nelson had his first hair cut June. 11. 1946. quite an event. Johny was driving for Marcie’s Aunt & Uncle. she said they went to Cemetary Decoration Day & there was a red geraimum on her Dad’s & Uncle Frank’s
Thurs. June.20.1946./919./ 20 eggs today/ graves & a flag I suppose the Legand put them on, she said the put on some flowers also, they didn’t say anything about ma & pa’s graves, & Nellie has her baby Harvey her first boy, there, & then there is Uncle Will & Aunt Wenie & Aunt Edith & her husband & grandpa & grandma Wheeler & grand-ma Bonney & my 2 little baby sisters & pa’s Uncle John & Aunt Nellie Martin & there sons Walter & Carl & Wyn’s husband. Fred is in the other cemetery_________ I’m so sorry for Nellie, wish I could do something to help her God helps me in Jesus Name & I’m sure He would help her if she would only trust & believe Him. I pray that in some way God will open up her spiritual visiton & show her before it’s to late, for He says if we dont Know Him, He wont Know us, & that we must be-lieve Him & have faith in Him as little children do in threre parents. He told Tomas to feel His hands & put his hand in His “Jesus” side & to have faith & believe, then He said blessed are those who believe with out feeling or seeing. Well I took care of hens & birds & did what had to be done in the house & I made a 1/2 lb of butter from the cream I had saved I had a qt of butter milk milk. I’m better but so weak & I had ought to have done part of the washing or baked bread today. Elbert work 1 1/2 hrs. over time today & says he’s to tired tonight but that the work isn’t really hard, if he was more able.
Fri. June.21.1946./18 eggs today./ Elbert went to work, put in 1. hr overtime Johny Harnish is 21. yrs. old today. I wrote a letter to Ella Jane & a card to Bonita last night & Elbert mailed them this morning. I rested untill postman came & felt so bad I thought I couldn’t wash but I carried some water & put some on to heat took care of birds & hens & carried a little more water, then I ate a pancake & little piece of saucage & drank hot water & then went out in the yard & walked around & got greens for the birds & came back & gave them the greens & kept on praying for strength & got the washing started & at last I got it all done & out on the line & then had to take pail of mash to hens, then I was shaking so bad I set down for 10 minutes then carried fresh water to hens & got 2 pails for the house & opened car shed doors for Elbert after feeding hens there supper I had everything ready when Elbert came, but had to lay down before he got here he got washed & made the tea the water was hot & he fried saucage, that was all the meat he could get I had the peas on warming & cold slaw on the table, he gets the milk on way home, he sat down to eat while I strained the milk & put it to cool in buck of cold water, then I sat down & thanked God
Fri. June.21. 1946./920./ 18. eggs today / for our supper & ate a little with him, they told him, no beef untill July 1.st. Elbert is terrible tired tonight & he’s gone to bed & I’m going to take a bath & go to my bed. I pray there were at least half a churchfull of people out to prayer meeting, that the best meeting of them all.
Sat. June. 22. 1946./ 16 eggs today / Elbert went to work & worked untill 4-30-p-m. he see the feed man this a-m. on his way to work & made arrangements to get the grain & mash & he got it tonight after work, it cost $8.25 same as last time. he got some beef bones to boil, that was all he could get. I baked 3 loaves of bread & aired the pillows, took care of hens & birds, ironed & darn-ed 2 prs. socks & 2. prs. stockings & got supper & we are both to tired tonight again, I can’t rest nights & only get a couple of hrs in the morning. It’s been a beautiful day S.W. wind dying out tonight & warmer today & tonight. I thank God in Jesus name for all our blessings
Sun. June. 23./1946./ 18 eggs today/ I was sick all day bowels wouldn’t move, so here I am not able to go to church Well, I read the bible sang & played church hyms untill the arm broke when I tryed to change for the Edison, so I had to stop playing phone-agraph. bowels moved at 10-p-m & I’m sick all over, but thank God in Jesus Name, they moved. A S. west breeze & been to hot all day.
Mon. June 24. 1946./ 18 eggs today. / Elbert went to work & had to work over time 1. hr. he’s so tired tonight & has taken his bath & gone to bed. I haven’t done only what I had to do today It’s been terrible hot, & breeze all died out this after noon, I wondered about Elbert, but he got through O.K. I got supper & did dishes cooling off outside
Mon. June.24. 1946./921./ 18 eggs today/ tonight., breeze S.W. I took care of hens & birds today & did my dirty dozen,
Tue. June 25. 1946./ 18 eggs today / Elbert went to Lorain & spent most all his money, he sold West’s 4 doz. eggs $1..80 & he gave it to me to save for feed, he got feed Sat. & paid it today, he used the egg money for us, so he paid the feed bill, today, $8.25 hens are starting to moult there are only 25 hen, white one’s & 2 anconias It’s been a nice day rather hot, but a little S.W. breeze all day & little cooler tonight. I planted my glads. today & Elbert spaded a little more ground for me. I have a few more dahlias to put in & I didn’t get the zinias in yet, they should have been in early. Elbert got himself a pr. of shoes today new ones. (a big fire trick run off highway up by Haine’s, on lake side by creek & cut the man’s head & arms off.) I hope he can work & get some more & some clothes he needs so bad I fell & wrenched me today but I ask God to help me I wanted to get to church tonight & so He did Praise His Holy Name. I picked a few flowers & took & they seemed so pleased with them, sweet peas & American Pillar roses. & Yellow China primroses.
Wed. June.26.1946./ 19 eggs today./ I was so tired I slept this morning quite late &K it was so warm all night & morning 90 degrees to hot to work so I only did house work that had to be done but Elbert cultivated his garden & he got so heated up, he hasn’t felt good all after noon I marked the bottoms of the legs of his pants & turned them up & took in the waist line & sewed on buttons for suppenders. new work pants. It thundered & lightened hard tonight, started at 5-p-m. but didn’t rain untill 2. hrs. later Elbert got the milk & got back & we had supper. I got a man that was plowing for John
Wed. June. 26. 1946./ 922./ 19 eggs today/ Snyder to do a little strip between my garden & Bill’s for 3.00 & he will disk it well for that & he got stuck & Elbert had to help him jack up one wheel & put a plank on under it then he got out fast he was just done when he went back toward the road it will clean up the weeds a little & maybe we can plant some sweet corn, things are growing so slow Elbert got a small bag of fertilizer but hasn’t got any on garden yet.
Thurs. June.27. 1946./Elbert got to hot yesterday been sick all day & just sit around most of the day it’s been terrible hot although we have had a S.W. breeze allday. I did half the washing & took care of hens & birds & did my usual round of house duties & I ironed my house dress & Elbert’s work pants after supper, it is nice out side tonight cooler now sun has gone down it rained early this a-m. untill 8-a-m, & all around us today it has thundered & lightened but sun shone most of the day. I thank God He takes care of me & give me the strength it takes.
Fri. June. 28. 1946./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs in Vermilion $2.25 & he got home I had the washing done & it has been to hot I didn’t have a dry things on above the belt. I got them dry & we went to church, its sure rained hard from 5-p-m untill 6 p-m. but it let up & it didn’t rain any more fog horn blew & kept at it all night. we had a good prayer service & I thank God He is & ever will be.
Sat. June.29. 1946/ I felt so all in I slept late. dreamed Nellie was coming up our road a foot & it woke me up & I got up & heard her talking to Elbert out in the garden I was most dressed & so came out to meet her, her legs & ankles are so bad it’s terrible hard for her to walk. We didn’t know she was coming or Elbert would have went to meet her, she went back at 8-57-p-m. We had a good visit & Elbert took her up to the buss I washed dishes & have them done up once more.
Sat. June.29. 1946./ 923./ 19 eggs. today/ It has been such a hot day, but I haven’t done much today only visit, cook & wash dishes & look after beds & birds & tonight its cool a gain We had a heavy White due last night.
Sun. June.30. 1946./ 15 eggs / Oh my, Oh me, it’s been so hot all day & still quite a good breeze I felt so weak seemed as if I couldn’t go to church tonight, So I have prayed that God would give me strength & He did it. I took a bath & dressed clean, picked lillies & sweet peas & we had a little thunder shower before I gathered the flowers, but didn’t rain any more. cars are thick on the highway to night. 3. young people went to the Alter tonight Praise God, & Mrs. Cregg did the preaching to night, They are going to have a memoral service for her husband while she’s back here. Mrs. Sprunk & her son were out to church, but his wife didn’t come. They all seem to be so nervous.
Mon. July. 1. 1946./ 21 eggs today/ It got quite cool before morning & fog horn blew most all night & this morning. Rained in sheets this morning but was nice after dinner & we cleaned the weed out the yellow roses & tied them up & put a stake of some of the yucca lillies & tied them up & planted a few more dahlias & cut a few limbs off the big apple tree, by the path, where we have the seat. We sold had 681 eggs last month thats 56 doz. and 9 eggs I don’t know how many we used. but had we sold them all, it would have brought 25.42 1/2 cents, but we used some to eat & drink in milk, we sell 10 doz. a week & some weeks are apart of the mo. before, so I don’t know exactly how many we sell. We have 5 doz now with todays eggs
Mon. July.1. 1946./ 924./ 21 eggs today./ & I am going to keep track of them We do take in, we have feed left over from last mo. all so & I’m going to Keep tab on that to & see how we come out this mo. hens are starting to molt, now, to. I’ve done the dishes & are ready to go to bed. it’s cool, tonight. Elbert set out a lot of cabbages & tomatoes tonight. his garden begins to look better now. We had broccoli Sun. from his garden & we had a big mess of peas from his garden today, the tomatoes are in bloom. I hope they come fast & that we don’t get a frost be-fore they get ripe, I’d like to can a few. & sell some. I hope we have enough cabbages & carrots & beets for winter & I’d like to can greens to, Our canned fruit is getting thined out to. & every thing is so high priced we can’t hardly live.
Tue. July 2. 1946./ 18 eggs today/ I did the washing & wiped up the floors & got supper. Elbert sold 4 doz. eggs & bought some meat to boil & they told him there would be lots of meat from next week on. he got 3 gal of gas in the car we had a bit to eat when he got back at 11-30-p-m. then he fixed the wheel barrow & put the hen men nure on the garden I took care of hens & birds, then after supper we went to church & learned they had all gone to Elyria to the Street meeting Tom & his wife didn’t go they called them so late, so we talked a bit & came back home, I pray God’s blessing on the meetings & that souls will be saved.
Wed. July. . 3. 1946. ./ 17. eggs today/ Elbert got up at 8-a-m & worked in the garden after he gave the hens mash & water I got up & uncovered the birds & went back to bed & just laid & tried to rest I couldn’t relax all night & only got 1. hr. this a-m between 9 & 10a-m. and I haven’t done much today felt sick all day & to tired. I took a bag of broccoli to the ministers & a little to Miss Clark last night had to leave it by there doors as they were gone & we have been having N. east wind & to cold nights for gardens.
Thurs. July. 4th. 1946./ 925./ 17 eggs today / Today is the fourth of July but no fire works like they use to have We been home all day & no collers, Elbert has worked at first one thing & then an other allday I have done dishes & cleaned the gas stove good made 2 tins of biscuits & cooked broccoli & took care of hens & birds Elbert killed & dressed the one we called duck neck & she was full of eggs so that’s one less egg each day now. only 24.. left & no young ones for Fall eggs. I got supper & got the dishes done once more & Elbert hasn’t felt very good to day or me ither. Fri. morning ((that’s tomorrow)) Elbert’s talking of going to Lorain in the morning after he sells the eggs I like to go but there’s no use I can’t do the things I’d like to do, So I’ll stay here & pray & Praise the Lord God of Hosts. wind’s been N. East & cool & colder nights.
Fri. July. 5. 1946./ 15 eggs today / Rev. Mrs. Gurney & Mrs. Reese came here today for flowers. Mrs. Reese was fix-ing a basket of flowers “such as they fix for funerals” and they wanted some other colors than they had so they took burgamont & tonight at Church they had it setting on a table, they had to get a ribbon & card to put on it saying it was from Vermilion, and the Memoral Service will be held Sun. after noon aat 2-p-m. in Amherst Church.4.Square. The flowers looked beautiful. We had a good prayer meeting tonight & the Lord Blessed me so much & they anoited me & prayed for me, that the Lord God would in Jesus Name give me more strength, I thanked Him in Jesus Name for I’m beleiving I’ll get it. Glory to God, I Praise Thee Jesus & thank Thee. Glory I thank Thee Jesus. I had to make biscuits for supper & I took the Preacher & his wife a tin. Elbert went to Lorain this morning & he all so took eggs to West’s & Miss Clark & I sent Miss Clark a couple of biscuits but she said to-night she had lost her apetite, but that the broccoli was good & the biscuits she went with the Preachers to Ackron
Fri. July. 5. 1946./926./ 15 eggs today / & that she was tired most to death. there is trouble in the Black family & Mrs. Black don’t get to church & Gerry “there eldest son is a born again soul & he is so troubled & he wanted to come tonight but had to stay home with the children & little baby while his parents went to town, then we heard there had been & accident & either there son or son-in-law was badly hurt. & not one of the West family were out to church & the young Sprunk’s were not there either & they were going to be preachers & spent 2. yrs. in California at the Amie’s Temple studying & We met them the other night at Tom Epplers & she who was so much in earnest, was clad in a sailor suit of blue pants & blouse trimed in red, I was really shocked, & I’m glad Rev. Mrs. Gurney tells us the truth about things she says, they can’t fool me, I know if they are a born again soul & I know wheather they have been overshadowed with the Holy Ghost Praise God Oh I do Praise God in Jesus Name, Glory, Glory Hallelujala, Amen. Elbert has a job for Mon. I hope he will be able & keep well, he planted 200 cabages tonight, he washed out 4. prs. of his work pants today. after he got home. It’s been a beautiful day, hot sun & cool N. east wind. They are having street dances in Vermilion, & you should see the big crowdes that turn out to them, while Jesus is waiting & calling, still calling to them.
Sat. July.6. 1946./ 17. eggs tonight / I washed out what dirty clothes there were & done what ever else I had to, and my feet are so tired they drag. Frank & Armond came out and a Mr. Noon & they went woodchuck hunting & never got a one, Noon wasn’t gone long, he’s to tired to walk, he’s only 66. yrs. old, but worrying hisself to death because all his old pals were dropping off so fast, he said Johny Right Worked last Mon. July 1. & died Tue. July 2. & was laid away today ((July 6th) 1946.)) elbert has known him for yrs. & Mr. Matt. Noon also. Matt is a carpenter contractor, but he don’t work much any more, his wife died, & he’s alone & has plenty of money, so he says, & he only works a couple or 3 days a week as he feels able, any more. the boys got back just at dusk & they went home. Armond said he had hoped to come out & have a visit, but had been working with his father at carpentery work & was so tired, at night he didn’t go far & got home so he could rest, if he went out at all. he’s so much different from Harvey & more polite, he’s a nice looking young man to.
Sat. July. 6. 1946./ 927./ 17 eggs today / It was a little warmer last night than it has been. N. east breeze dying out toward night & has been the same today. fog horn started to blow late this after noon & is still at it at 10-p-m. Well they the Preachers & church folks were going to have a meeting on the street corner in Vermilion tonight Wish I could have gone, but we are hard put for food & gas.
Sun. July.7. 1946./ 16 eggs today/ Elbert got to hot & his head is feeling real bad & I don’t feel tops me self, it’s been to hot & we don’t have what we need to eat, but I thank God for all we do have & that the garden is beginning to give us a little more now, we had fresh green beans today. It’s been to hot & sultry for the last few days. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to Church all day & this was cummunion Sun. to, I pray God will help me to over come all difficulty & to be able to get to church, I do hope the rest all went & that they didn’t tell anything I didn’t say, for I know Epplers must have said some-thing about Tue. night, or some of them, but I didn’t feel hurt because they went to Elyria to the street meeting, I wanted them to pray for me, was all. Tom was hurt because they didn’t let him know sooner & the young Sprunks were going out for a good time. I pray God will cleanse our church & help us all to go & do our part in His way. Well it rained a good shower & came easy the winds been all way round & rained from S.west.
Mon. July.8.1946./ 17 eggs today / It’s been so hot we neither have done much today, just sweat & not much to eat & we both feel all in. Elbert picked what currents there were & I made 16 ozs of Jelly. & tonight I planted afew zenias [?] seeds it’s rather late, but perhaps they may bloom yet. We got 2 or 3 showers last night, looked as if we get some tonight but it passed over. I got a
Mon. July.8.1946./928./ 17 eggs today/ card from Annabell today, she’s having her vacation in Colorado Springs & says she wont get to Ohio this year. & I’m wondering if she is sick. for she didn’t write only that she left home last Sun & ((that would be June 30.” out here for 2 months wont get to Ohio this summer. Beautiful seenery. Best regards to all. Love. Anna & Bob. she wrote the card Fri. July 5th The picture was of Tejon Street Colorado Springs Colorado. Then I received a letter from Mrs. Sharp & the book from DeHaan, about the Seven Miracles in the book of John in the Bible & it says it’s The plan of salvation in the Gospel through John
Tue. July.9.1946./ Been a nice day quite strong N.east wind dying out toward night. Elbert took the eggs down & for got to mail a card I was to send to Sandusky about my widows pension papers A man came here this a-m to get what infirmation he could get from Frank’s world war. 1. discarge paper & belive it or not I couldn’t find it & so he went back without get what he needed to Know, he left his & another man’s cards & said I was to send him word as soon as I found them I began to pray about it, for they couldn’t help me with out that paper & by &K by the Lord showed me where the paper was & I found it just there, Praise God from Whom all blessing flow. But I let Elbert get a way with out the card he was to mail, when I found the papers. I haven’t done much else today been feeling all in, not been having enough to eat. meats 50 & 65 cents per. lb. Oh it’s terrible I didn’t get to go to church either tonight But I hope I can go Fri.
Wed. July.10. 1946./ 20 eggs today / Elbert went to Huron & he mailed my card & couldn’t find out yet who it really was that punched the back end of his car, he hasn’t felt very well his head bothers him. Snyder’s have given him 2. woodchuck, 1. today & one day before yesterday. I just cooked the first one this morning, he has eat half of it & says he feels sick to his stomach tonight it heavy meat & maybe he ate to much, for he was hungry. & since I don’t like it, I haven’t had much to eat today so half to drink milk & be satisfied. I fixed the ends of 2. blankets for his bed today aired the blanket cover & turned the mattress over & made bed up fresh. I had the pillows out doors all day & made 2 pillow cases & patched my nightgown.
Wed. July. 10. 1946./ 929./ 20 eggs today/ & got supper & did the dishes and I’m tired it’s so hot & breeze is N. east & cool. went west tonight & looks cloudy & like rain.
Thurs. July. 11. 1946./14 eggs today/ I washed 4 blankets & did all the other washing except Elberts 2 work shirts & my dress & they dried so fast the sun was so hot & there was a good strong S. wind the it clouded up before I got the last 2 blankets out & thundered & lightened & poured rain in sheets, then it eased up & stopped raining & Elbert hung the cotton blankets out & they got almost dry & its nice out doors this evening moon is shining through the broken cloud’s. I got a letter from Shirley today & Flora has had a [ ?] & her eyes are in bad shape she can’t see out of one & the other only a very little K& there is a clot of blood that is troubling her, she sits up each after noon, now, poor Flora, I pray God will heal her He took a big clot of blood 3/4. in. thick & as big as a saucer from behind my hip & I know He can take that one away for Flora & heal her soul K& body in in Jesus Name, I thank You Jesus for you have told us, if we believed, it would be done & I’m trusting & beliving & I Praise Thee Jesus All the praise belongs to Thee. Amen. I got my check today to & thank God in Jesus Name. Amen. Elbert hasnt felt very well all day I pray hell be
Thurs. July. 11. 1946./ 930./ 14 eggs today/ feel better in the morning. It’s been a fine day & nise evening with moon shining.
Fri. July.12. 1946./ 19 eggs today./ I ironed today & did 40-11-odds & ends. Elbert went to Huron cashed my check & got a few things to eat & brought them home in 3 little paper bags & they cost $4.00- 1.lb. nuts, 2. grape fruits, 3. lemons, can baking powder, 1. lb. onions, 1. lb. coffee, 1. pt. can mustard. & a piece of beef about the size of lmy fists, not quite & that wasn’t half of what we needed. but we cooked or boiled half the beef & saved a nice piece to grind for hamberger. Sun has been terrible hot & the breeze quite cool from N. east I hung the blankets out & Elbert’s under wear & finished drying them in the sun & fresh air. I pressed 4. prs. work pants for him today & I’ve got a lot of mending to do on them, underwear, socks, & blankets. I made soup for supper & took care of the hens & birds. took a bath & went to church tonight, Rev. Miss. Greg “Who is teaching bible class this week & next” did the preaching to night. & believe it or not there were only Lindy & Dorthy West Tom & Myrtle Eppler, Mrs. Sprunk Cr. & Miss Clark & myself there. Gerry Black came but he went back home again for he didn’t want to go home alone 4 miles & walk it. Elbert sold the eggs tonight 4. doz. 1.80 to Wests, 1. to Miss Clark.
Sat. July. 13. 1945./ 18 eggs today/ Elbert went to Vermilion & got a bag of grain $4.25. & little for us to eat. Elbert’s head is feeling so bad because of the heat & I am not feeling to good. We picked what goose berries there were & sold 2. qts to Frank Bonney & Armond for 70 cents they were here with there car hunting woodchucks again (and) Frank wants to buy Elbert’s lots, he only wants to pay him 7. hundred & 50 dollars & Elbert said he wanted 9 hundred & Frank lost his temper & said you’ll never sell them for that, you’d better let me have them now, Elbert said, no & F. said, Red was coming out to buy them. & that Red wanted to cut Gertie off so she can’t use those lots, her walk is on Elbert’s lot & her step & he says he wont sell to Frank or Red I hope & pray that I can help keep things as they should be. I don’t want any trouble to come to Gertie over the lots Elbert does want to sell them but not to make trouble. I pray God will help.
Sun. July.14. 1946./18 eggs today./ I couldn’t sleep last night so I slept & dreamed of John & his mother & they are both gone. & of Elbert almost going off with out me, but I over take him & we got in a boat together & the water was so clear & blue we
Sun. July 14. 1946./ [page not numbered-would be 931] 18. eggs. today. / could see the sand & gravel on the bottom of the Lake as we road along toward the peirs. on our way home. in my dream John & his mother was laughing because they had stole my shoes & over shoes, & Elbert was so angry he almost went off & left me. But praise the Lord I over took him & we went home together. It wake me up & I got up & looked after birds & hens & got some beans beets carrots & broccoli from the garden & made soup & fixed a bag with some of each in it for the ministers. & took it to church to them tonight. Miss Clark gave us a 5.lb. sack of flour & I gave her beans beets carrots & 1. qt. goose berries & ministers 1.qt. goose berries. We had a good service tonight, Mrs. Gregg did the preaching. wind went from S. west to N. east rained a light mist all the way home & has kept at it every since(Strong wind.
Mon. July 15. 1946./ 18 eggs today/ Well the service man came & said, I was out of luck for a widows pension, but said he felt sure I would be given more from the Sailors & Soldiers Releif commission if I would get one of the 3 men that sign my check to re-comend me for an increase I’d get it, so he ask if I’d go get one of them to do it, and we went to Burdue & ask him I had wrote down just what I spent the 20 dollars for this month & Burdue, wrote on the bottom & said he thought an increase would be O.K. it seemed a queer way, but he addressed the envelope & put the paper inside & Elbert mailed it & the card I wrote to Nellie & her family. I have to write to Flora poor woman, I have not done only the most neccessary things today I feel all in. Elbert don’t feel so very good either & he set more cabbage today sun has been hot & N. east wind strong & cold.
Tue. July. 16. 1946./ 19 eggs today./ Been so all in today & I haven’t got much of anything done, Elbert wanted a gooseberry pie & I made one I cooked the rest of them & put them through the sieve ready for jam, he sold the eggs (4. doz.) this morning for 2.00, 60 cents per. doz. & 1/2 bu beans for 65 cents & bought bag of lime 45 cents some bread & potatoes 10 lbs 42. 5 lb. sugar, 39 cents and 1. yeast cake. 3. & 4. gal. gas. for car 87 cents meat 45 cents 2.04, thats the way the money goes, Wind N.E. & cold. We had a heavy White due last night to cold for any thing to grow, the sw3eet corn has come up he planted the other day but it’s to cold for things to grow at night & some things show they have been chilled. Elbert lined the garden tonight it’s down right chilly tonight, we had light fire to warm the room last night.
Tue. July.16. 1946./ 932./19 eggs today/ Moon is clear & bright as if we might get a frost tonight, I hope we don’t, the tomatoes plant are just starting to get tomatoes on them & cabbages & beets are coming quite well. & carrots to. cucumbers are slow. I didn’t get out to prayer meeting tonight, but prayed for each one & that some one or many would fill my place.
Wed. July.17. 1946./ 20 eggs today/ Well I haven’t been worth the powder to blow me up with today, Elbert hasn’t felt good either but he got up early & did some mowing & then he raked up the grass & weeds he had cut a few days ago & put it down on the pile over the ivy patch. I only did what I had to do. I finished the goose berry jam, had 8 7 large jars, a pt. or more each, & that tires me so bad. & getting the meals & doing dishes & sweeping I ought to wash, but just can’t get at it. We got a card from Nellie today. I dreamed about John & his mother the other morning that they stole my new shoes & over shoes & wouldn’t give them back to me & just laughed because I needed them & couldn’t find them. Nellie only said she had got some magazines she had told us about & that she learned Ralph Ward was here in Columbus for a rest, but that he was going back to China when he was able to go, she said she’d be out in a few days to see us & bring the magazines. Frank Bonney & Armond was here tonight, Woodchuck hunting there got one & said Aubrey Breckenridge (our cousin) was over to see them two weeks ago, came on Sat. & stayed over till Mon. he had to go back to the Clinic, his heart is bad. Wind is cool, sun hot, N.E. wind cold nights
Thurs. July. 18. 1946./ 15 eggs today/ It’s been a terrible hot day & we haven’t worked today my side pained me most of the day, Where they took out the gall & bladder & I been so full of gas & belching all day Elbert bought a lb of shank meat & it cost 55 cents they put in some bones & I boiled them & made soup 1/2 lb smoked saucage 39 cents 5. lb potatoes 27cents & sweet corn is selling for 75 cents per. doz. WE don’t buy that we got 12 little buns 18 cents I don’t know how people are going to live, We only exist . we were hoping it would give us a shower, for it’s been so hot & dry, sultry, air heavy with heat, but the milk man hopes it don’t rain he wants to cut oats in the morning. but everything needs water. I do hope wont be quite so hot tomorrow. 6 young men & women came in & ask for a drink today they were out riding bicycls in this terrible heat.
Fri. July. 19. 1946./933./ 18 eggs today/ It rained so hard after midnight, came down in torrents, was worse over toward where we get the milk, most drowned out the corn, didn’t do us any harm, milk man wants to cut his oat cleared off & was so hot this morning to hot to work & Elbert was cutting plumb bush & got to hot again Sister Nellie & her son Johny drove in about noon or a little after, we had just eat, soup & had a bite of pie, so then I was washing dishes & so I stopped & fixed them a lunch they brought meat & a cucumber & Johny got a loaf of bread & I had coffee & pie for them so they ate & visited & left early they brought us a little radio table size to use for awhile if we wants to so Johny set it up & played it a while & we got the news tonight I gave them some broccoli & a few beets after they left about 4-30 or 4-45-p-m, Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 5 doz. eggs & went for the milk on way back & while he was gone I did out half the washing, my side has been so bad & I was allin when Elbert got back, he fed hens & then washed out his clothes K& “they” the half I hung out got dry the rest I hung on the line in the house & it rained a heavy shower just at dark & wind blew. then broke away heat was 108 today, too hot I’d like to have gone to Church so much, but didn’t get my under slip mended yet.
Sat. July. 20. 1946./ 17. eggs today./ Well, it sure did rain, just poured & Elbert set the rest of the tomatoes & over 100 cabages today its been hot & sultry but mostly cloudy, I did the ironing & mended my slip so I can go to Church tomorrow. & did the cooking, I helped Elbert with the planting, some. Frank & Armond came & went hunting they got 4 woodchucks & gave Elbert one, so he has meat for tomorrow. I must try to write to Flora I do hope & pray God, in Jesus Name will heal her soul
Sat. July.20. 1946./ 934./ 17 eggs today/ and body & teach her to live for Him Oh, Glory to God, I thank Thee & praise Thee. Amen.
Sun. July.21. 1946./ 18 eggs today/ We went to Church tonight There were not very many there & we had such a wonderful sermon Oh Dear Heavenly Father bless the efforts of those young Ministers & help me to be able to help, in Jesus Name I ask. We have been having terible hot weather & to night it’s getting cooler, it rained While I was in church. One of the little Hambly girls told me tonight Ellen went to Kentucky & got married & was now on her way to Texas with her husband, not a very good example.
Mon. July.22. 1946./17. eggs today/ got up at 9.a.m. & ate a bite & drank milk, that was 12. noon when we ate & then I started to mend I put a big patch under each arm hole of my shirt & riped off the 3 old ones & what with jumping up to do this & that it took me 2. hrs. weasted I went out side for 20 or 30 minutes, looked after hens & collected the eggs & let Peter out the east side & hens out into the park talked to Elbert a few minutes, he had been mowing the grass & weeds once more, I got him in out of the sun & to rest a few minutes, then he went out & I mended his pants, put a patch on, under the hip pocket & darned the cut down on to the patch, had to cut off part of the wide hem on bottoms of legs & turn new hems, so to get my patch. then Elbert went for a little meat, (up here by Ruggles’) he sold a doz. eggs for 50 cents & bought a little slice of plate beef for soup (it cost 28 cents) then he got enough hamberg to make 3 hambergers, for 30 cents and it was rather stale I boiled potatoes for dinner & had enough left for supper to fry & I chopped green cabbage ((from the head Frank Bonney gave us )) for slaw. & made fried biscuits & so when he came with the milk I had supper well on the way & had been out & fed hens & got a pail of well water he looked after the supper while I strained the milk & put it in cold water to cool. I aired the bed blankets
Mon. July. 22. 1946./935./ 17 eggs today./ today & took care of beds & birds, and I sure feel tired, it’s been sultry in the house a cool N.W. breeze out side, partly cloudy all day. I’m weak & sweat just terrible, everything just seems to tire me, so, as if it was hard work. I heard some one around out side before I went to bed last night & smelt the smoke from a cigar & told Elbert, “he don’t seem to be interested” this morning he said a car had been on the grass between the ever green & the road, he could see where it had been. There has always been a lot of queer thing going on a-round here at night, I have never been disturbed in the house or out, but have seen & heard things. We saw Rue Sarr & two men looking over a gun, out by his barn, as we passed on our way to church last night I can’t ever get my rest at night & there are a lot of things I just can’t understand I have hated my life in this world & hope & pray, it maybe better in the next world.
Tue. July. 23. 1946./ 14 eggs today/ Well I did the washing & carried the water & it’s been ever so hot & tonight I’m sick my bowels don’t want to move I’ve been praying all day about it, I should have waited for them this morning, but insted I started to work, but at last thank God, they moved made me so sick & shaky. I’m so glad I got the washing done. last night I mended Elbert’s un-ion suits “2” & then wrote Flora & Sherley a letter & he mailed the letter today when he took the eggs to Vermilion, but I for got to mail the book I got from Rev. Dehaan of Detroit.
Wed. July.24. 1946./ 17 eggs today./ Today’s Audrey’s birthday she is 54. yrs. old. I wish her well, soul & body & hope she saves enough to help herself by & by, instead of giving it all away. She usually gives untill when she get sick or has & accident she’s out of money. Last time she had a long hard row. Well I haven’t done much today but Elbert is bound to go the limit & he worked yesterday & today, untill, today, he’s sick to his stomach & then his stomach & bowels it don’t do much good to try to keep him he wants to work, I’m sorry for him & talk & talk to try to get him to stay quite through the heat, but he just wont. What can I do.? Elbert’s talking of going to Lorain in the morning I do hope & pray he will use good judgement & get home safe, he’s going to bum his way down & back. I sure did rain, or pour tonight at 5-30p-m. Elbert was up here by Ruggles at the store on his way back home after getting the milk. It was just a good shower & sure did everything good & cooled the air. N. W. wind & shower.
Thurs. July.25. 1946./ 936./ 19 eggs today./ Elbert called me early, but I had such cramp from my knees down to & in my feet, I couldn’t get up, he got my window screen out & climbed in & shut the South window wind was N. east & cold all night. put another blanket over my legs & cramps eased off, but, since it’s so cool & cloudy I laid & rested & even got one nap out of it, now, I been to the mail box “for exercise” & to the garden to take hens there greens & pick up the eggs, got 19 & before tomorrow night we have to have 1. dozen & 4 eggs to make the five doz. for West’s & Miss Clark. we now 4 doz. & 8 eggs, no sun so far today & to cool after being so hot, cool & cloudy S.W. breeze. I set bread had 2 large loaves & one in a low flat coffee can don’t look good but smells good. Elbert came little after one o’clock tired & hungry I had the potatoes most done & beets he brought 4 little slices of blogna I fried it we ate & felt better I hadn’t had any thing to eat all morning but he ate this morning & had a lunch at noon he needed it, he bumed his way down to Lorain & back. I had him kill a hen tonight she’s been queer, although she’s laid every day & she was full of eggs, she was in good order. there are only 22 white hens left now & 2 Anconias & Pete he isn’t very well seem to be weak in his legs like my self. No mail today. sun came out late this afternoon, cool & shivery tonight.
Fri. July.26. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ I haven’t done much I’m sort of all in, we don’t have enough to eat We still had some broth from yesterday & I cooked rice in it, but we can’t buy rice anymore so when that’s gone I don’t know what we can do for something substantual to keep us going. I took a bath & we went to Church Elbert took the eggs to Wests’ & Miss Clark. he gave me a dollar, kept a dollar & had 50 cents left for food. It’s been a nice day still cool N. east. wind. hot sun.
Sat. July. 27. 1946./16 eggs today./ We are 1. egg less now we Killed that hen she was full of eggs. Today is Frank Bonney’s birth-day he’s 56. yrs. old today. & been married 35. yrs today. he has 4. children 3. of whom are married, youngest son lives at home. Evelyn & Red have 3. children. Francis Cora & Howard have 2 children & Harvey has a blond stout wife I don’t know her maiden name & he says they expect a baby this Sept. 1946. Elbert bout bought a very little meat for 50 cents up here to the store & he said a woman bought an 8 pound ham & paid 75 cents per. lb. for it (6.00) all told. if you only bought a lb. it would be 80 cents per. lb. just think what a whole pig or haf would cost at that rate. & steak (beef). $1.50 per. so we can’t eat meat anymore
Sun. July. 28. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ [page not numbered] We went to Church, the juniors had a mock wedding, it was all acted out just fine, just a simple affair, Tom and his wife were the wedding couple the Minister’s Wife & Mary Crole were bride’s maids & Mary’s boy friend was best man & a boy, ” I don’t remember his name” was ring bearer & Mr. Bockman gave Mrs. Epplers to Tom, the Minister preform-ed the marriage, they marched up the isle & all took there places, and, the Ministers Wife was beautiful more so, than the bride or Marry. & I saw the Minister looking at her with great admiration in his eyes. after word we had a good sermon & prayer service. They have several persons, they have won on the St. corner that came to Church Sun. night Mrs. Reese sang two hymns Mr. Reese came with her and another Lady came & played piano with an accomplyment she brought & attached to the piano. The Minister & Mrs. Eppler plays different kinds of horns Minister’s wife plays an acordian Mrs. Dorthy West plays other piano and Young Mr. Sprunk plays a violin & they play quite well. But there wasn’t many to church N. East wind and cool all evening & quite cool before
Mon. July. 29. 1946./ 14 eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to Huron & got 90 cents worth of meat, I don’t see how it was so much but he said it was that. I did out the washing he washed his 2. prs. work pants, it’s been terrible hot today N. east breeze, light. I’m so weak seems as if I can’t work but God gave me enough strength to get it done & look after the hens. Elbert gave them mash, grit & fresh water tonight they broke 2. eggs & I broke one. cool again tonight, I aired blankets allso today.
Tue. July. 30. 1946./ 18 eggs today/ Today I’m feeling so weak after yes-terdays work and only God Knows how really hungry I am, my stomach & bowels pain me, I’m so empty, I have done the ironing & looked after the birds & hens & we each has some warmed up potatoes bread & I had a half slice of lunch meat size of two fingers, we each had a cup of tea this after noon, now Elbert has taken the eggs to Vermilion 4-doz.$2.00 & he went at 3-30-p-m & got back 5-45-p-m. & spent 1.40 for food he bought qt. of
Tue. July.30. 1946./ 938./ 18. eggs today/ vinagar box (8. oz. ) of tea, 1. lb. coffee, little piece of lunch meat 40 cents about as your arm & one in. thick. We have had several meals of new potatoes from our own garden & they are swell white clean smooth skins & white mealy flesh, I’m so tired of rotten & green potatoes. Elbert has felt to ill to work today although he tried & I got him to rest or at least stay out the sun it was hot to-day, 91. degrees. N. east wind getting quite strong before dark, the sky was full of fog flying thick & fast & looked like white thick mist, while it looked blue, near the earth. wind to cool to just sit in it not so bad if you are busy, but even then it send a chill over me, if I stop just a second.
Wed. July.31. 1946./ 18 eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & paid the light bill 75 cents & spent the rest of 2.00 for meat & food so there is only 1.75 cents left toward the feed for hens out of 5.00, we get so hungry we just have to eat & you can’t hardly get anything for a dollar, oh, it’s sure terrible, I received a card from the Soldiers & Sailors Releif, saying I would get my releif for six mo. at 25.00 per mo. starting this mo. 5.00 more than I’ve been getting, it will help 5.00 worth, but we can live any better for the coal bill has to be paid yet & the fire pot has to be fixed for winter & the door has to be fixed. such a world if I only had my teeth paid for, that would give 5.00 more toward coal & stove, Oh, how I wish I could only endure it to work out. I’m in a hole up to my neck, I don’t know how I’ll get out, am trusting God will lend me a hand. I cut out a dress today, just a plain house dress, but it tired me all out, Elbert hasn’t felt very good but tried to work he can’t stand the heat & he can’t stand the cool breeze from the N. east, so we have been a bum pair today. That 5.00 will be a big help, if we can only get even a gain, I’ll be so glad, and I thank God for the 5.00– Elbert mailed a card to Dr. Millers & one to Nellie one for tracts & book to Flora. I prayed from one oclock till 2-p-m in the prayer chain all day & often
Thurs. Aug. 1. 1946./ 14 eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain, but he did not get his social C. money he is lacking 2 week, they have to have 21 weeks of work in, to get it & he’s short 2 weeks. like my widows pen-sion short just a few days. Well, I had the soup all hot & made the coffee when he got here, but he feels sort of licked. I don’t the County gives me 20. dollars & now they have raised it to 25.00 but still we are & will be in the hole for some time yet. & I sure am weak from lack of some
Thurs. Aug. 1. 1946./ 939./ 14 eggs today/ thing I need for strength I haven’t done much today wrote a letter to Miss. Mc.Govern & one to the Relief Board & thanked them for the 5.00 extra & a card to Miss Baumgart, now I have got to ans. Ethels letter. next & I ought to write to Carl Betz. A bat got in the house some way & it flew around in Elbert’s room all night. I didn’t get any sleep till morning. I received a card from Miss. Baumgart said she had, had, a stroke & was wishing I’d write for missie liked com-pany, she ment misery. N. E. Wind & cool nights.
Fri. Aug. 2. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ Well, I put a binding around 4 wash rags made of string, made a pillow case & put a yoke on one under slip & took a bath & went to church We had a real good service with God’s word, songs or hyms & prayer, We had prayer for the sick & weak & the power went from my fingers to my toes Praise God in Jesus Holy Name, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Glory, Oh Praise Him, Oh my soul. Wed . as I prayed for 2. hrs. the power went through & through me. I love Father Son & Holy Ghost I thank Thee Jesus. I was so weak I didn’t feel able to go, but God blessed me wonderfully for going with more strength & I’m trusting & believing for more.
Sat. Aug.3. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ My check came $25.00 & we went to Vermilion & sold 4 1. doz eggs 60. & Mrs. West paid for Fri. eggs 2.20, 55 cents per doz. & we had 1.36 cents left from the 25 dollars for a months food, so that egg money made 4.16 for food & I took out 2.50 for Church dues, 5.00 I paid Dentist, 7.44 paid for milk & 8.70 for hens grain & mash. We used what I had saved for hens grain & mash [she used ” marks rather than repeating grain & mash on the next line] so we could keep on existing & now I hope to Keep enough to pay there’s out of this egg money this time, we took in 20.50 on eggs & there feed was 8.70 this time 45 cents more than last time. We came home tired & broke. Frank’s care was in the yard he went woodchuck hunting got several, gave Elbert
Sat. Aug. 3. 1946./940./ 17 eggs today/We got a tank of gas/ 2. small ones & he dressed them & put them in salt water he came in & talked a few minutes untill the other man came that was with him & then they went home. I washed up dishes & now I’m going to bed so I can go to Church in the a-m.
Sun. Aug. 4. 1946./ 14 eggs today. / I went to sunday school & Morning servise & we went to church to night Tom’s wife is quite a preacher, she does an expert job at it. We had an exconvict Who has been converted & preaching for fev 5 1/2 yrs. he was All Capon’s Lieutenant in the bigest gang of thieves, murders, & bank robbers in America but he don’t look like the man that was with Al, the night he talked to me at Ceylon junction but his wife says he don’t look like he use to, that he was lots more thin he’s lots to big for his hight now. looks to me as if he has a tumor. Well, it rained hard at supper time, just poured down & the sun shone while it rain. just before we started for church well this man Mr. Piffer & his wife are going to be here for a week & holding a revival. I pray God will fill the church & keep it filled with christian people & that He will use me in what ever way he sees best. Cleared off tonight & moon am a shining.
Mon. Aug. 5. 1946. / 17 eggs today/ Mable’s birthday/ I did the washing, most of it, Elbert washed his under wear, work shirt and socks & some new hand towels I put the hems in and straps on when I was sewing the other day, it has not been a good drying day, partly cloudy & damp air most everything got dry but not real dry some of them finished on the line in the house I aired the pillows had them out all day, I put more feathers in my pillow today & baked 3 loaves of bread Elbert’s been cook today & I’m to tired tonight.
Tue. Aug. 6. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ Cloudy all night & it thundered & lightened before daylight & poured rain & my milk soured. I slept over time this morning, I dreamed of my mother, Mrs. Hunter, Fred & Dave Hunter & I couldn’t remember going to a funeral, but it seemed as if I had been to one & then I met Dave & ma & Mrs Hunter & they wondered if I would take Dave’s grandson & take care of him, for his father was & orphan & since his mother & grandmother were goine & there wasn’t any of Dave’s folks that would
Tue. Aug. 6. 1946./ 941./ 17. eggs today./ take him, so I said I’d take him if they could pay for his keep, so Dave gave me an interduction to little Dave’s father & he said he be glad to pay me for taking care of his boy & so Dave said I have his clothes & mine over to Madiline’s & will go get them, so Elbert drove over & we got the clothes & Dave & the little fellow & Elbert & I went over to the old home place & on the way we stopped at the meat market on Col-orado & got a few things for dinner. I called Gertie & ask if we could come there & have dinner, told her we’d furnish the dinner if we could come there & cook it & she ask me to bring a few things she needed & we went & had dinner & a good visit, then came back home, Dave came along & he slept on the cot in the kitchen & the little boy slept with me, he was such a nice little boy, a little passed 4. yrs. old. Dave said he had a friend in New Mexico, and he had told him he could have a job with him any time he wanted it so he thought he’d go & see about it, after he went back home & sold out & gathered what few things he wanted to save, so if Elbert would go with him down & back he’d be glad, he had paid a man with a truck to go & bring his things back, the little Dave would stay with me. I hope nothing will happen to Grace & her daughter. I have always liked Grace, but have never seen her daughter only in a picture, she looked there just like Grace use to. I pray God will take care of them & help them to Know Him. The old saying is, dream of the dead you hear from the living, lets see
Wed. Aug.7. 1946./ 16 eggs today/ I ans. a contest or sent in a few lines to win a prize. I had Elbert get me a blank at Nagles & it said, “I like Robin Hood Flour because:” and this is what I added: it gives us the most wholesome satisfying breads rolls biscuits and fine pastrys, all of which are so appetizing and seem geatly appreciated. Thank You” That Company is giving the winers 3 Buicks, 25. R.C.A. Radio-Phonographs, 25. Frigidaire Deluxe Refrigerators, 25. Bendix washers.
Wed. Aug. 7. 1946./942./ 16 eggs today/ 25 frigidaire Home freezers, 100 sunbeam Mixmasters, 200. Toastmaster toasters and 250 Westinghouse Electric Irons. I pray I’ll get a Buick & I’ll thank God for it the money, the price of it in other words I’m asking God to give me the price of one of those Buicks. I haven’t done much today, I wrote a letter to Ethel & Elbert went & mailed both letters before he got the milk. so, here I’m trusting believing & anxiously waiting for the anouncements on Aug. 27. 1946. I picked a nice big cucumber today & there are several more out there. Hauff gave Elbert some sweet corn tonight. We have a few cabbages big enough to eat little pointed heads. I like De Hahn’s books this one is so plain & put together well. I like his bible study lessons better than any I have ever had. Wish I could give them to the many folks I love. Well, I prayed an Hour or two for the one’s that’s out of church & for those who went to Ashland today, asking God to take them & there cars there & back safely and that they would learn some-thing new to tell us, about God’s word, and that He would help each one to remember there hour of prayer & that He will be with each one in the street meeting. and help them to make there testimonys clear to those who listen and many will come to Church and really & truly worship the Lord God of Hosts.
Thurs. Aug. 9. 1946./ 18. todays eggs/ Elbert had to go the second time for the milk again tonight, two trips gas I might have had to go to church. It’s been mostly cloudy today hot & sultry, but, tonight it’s cool again. Hauff gave Elbert a few ears of sweet corn and it’s started to get hard all ready. I sewed a little on my house dress, it’s so hard to hop up & do this & that & try to sew I mended two work shirts in peace, but when I started on my dress it was get up for this & that & the other thing. I am so hungry for this last week, I can’t see, hardly, even washed dishes & drank a cup of malted milk & milk & now I’m going to bed, so tired & weary, I didn’t sleep last night and so I slept this morning untill 10-a-m. while Elbert cultavated all morning & then after dinner he gathered a few cabbage worms. we haven’t eat any cabbages yet. I’d like some good salt pork, and bacon & butter. We went out in the back to the apple trees & got a lot of worms off them to-day. enough to eat up all the leaves on all the trees & we didn’t get over all the trees yet.
Thurs. Aug. 8. 1946./ 943./ 18 eggs today & 60 cents per. doz. / I dreamed of Mr. & Mrs. Hunter & all there children, this a-m. they were talking of water & if we had enough, if they came out here to live, they said if Nellie & her family are with you, it will take lots of water, would there be enough for us to? and then they said, the goverment was drilling wells for any one that had an under ground stream on there place free of charge and all I had to do was to fill out a blank that was in the news paper & send it in, so she (Mrs. Hunter) gave me the paper & I cut out the blank, filled it out & told them the drilling machine was clost to my place now & ask them to send it to my place. I woke up, and don’t know what did happen. I seemed to be taking care of a little baby boy, that laughed & cooed at me.
Fri. Aug. 9. 1946. / 11. eggs today/ Well, we haven’t felt good, we have been so hungry and the hens ate 2 egg & I used one & so we were short 3. egg to make 4. doz. & Miss Clark wants her doz. tonight, she wasn’t there last week, & as far as we Knew, left no word, she talks so low I couldn’t hear what she said. We had a good service & prayer meeting and Rev I don’t know if they call him Rev. Piffier, but he is preaching, & is wonderfuly converted and filled with the Holy Spirit. I have been missing some of the meetings and I’m sorry I’m hoping to go tomorrow evening. & I pray God will help me to be able to give something towards feeding the ones who are coming to help in God’s work to fill our church. I took a few beets & carrots & 4 cucumbers tonight Tom is going to give potatoes I’ll take broccoli & cabbage if I can & maybe some more cucumbers. I thank God for saving my soul. Mrs. Sprunk talked in other tongues & wept tonight so hard I believe, for her children. I pray God will bring them back into church & comfort her heart, in Jesus Name. There wasn’t many to church tonight. But Mr. Piffer says he’s going to fill that church with Gods help. It. look like rain most of the morning clear off this afternoon so the sun shone through & lightened hard all around the sides while the moon shone clear & bright tonight radio said rain tonight.
Sat. Aug. 10. 1946./ 15 eggs today./ Well, all I got done today, was to sweep, iron & wipe the floors, wash dishes & cook, & look after hens & birds & do my daily round of chores, I wanted to go to the Street meeting in Vermilion tonight, but, Frank & Armond little Frank Page & a neighbor of Franik’s & the lawyer Hartland was out to hunt woodchucks & little Frank got tired & Armond sent him over to us untill they came back & then it was to late for us to go, they gave Elbert 2 chucks & he went down in the basement to dress them
Sat. Aug.10. 1946./ 944./ 15. eggs today / It turned cold tonight cold S.W. wind & it went N.W. after dinner Sun was hot, but that wind made me shiver. Elbert went to Huron & got 10 lbs. flour 69 cents boiling meat & lunch meat $1.09 and 1 roll of toilet paper 9 cents a total of 1.87 and no lard or sugar; me, oh my, and I’m expected to take bread, cake or a pie to the ministers, Well, It can’t be did. Wind N. east tonight.
Sun. Aug. 11. 1946./ 14 eggs today. / I felt so tired and so weak I didn’t get out to Church this morning, but we went tonight and had a good meeting & prayer service & the Lord laid His hand on me, they anointed me & prayed for me, I have some bones out in my back & neck & wrist, We don’t have enough to eat & things are sure to get after you when you get in a weakened condition. God fixes me up & I pray He Will Keep me this time. Mr. & Mrs. Black went to the Alter tonight we have been praying for them for such a long time & I pray he’ll came back with her often & the children that they will know the Lord & be happy in there home, I like her so much, & the children. I received the healing as the power went through me & I thank God in Jesus name, Praise the Lord, Glory, Glory Hallalujah. Well the little old man that sells notions stopped here today & had a bowl of hot broth 3 slices of home made bread & big table. spoon of jelly & tea, he gave me a pr. of silk shoe laces, I needed them, so I took them I don’t take things of him very often, I don’t know what his condition is.
Mon. Aug. 12. 1946./ 13 eggs today/ Well it was sure cold before morning Elbert got up & made a fire in the heater, even the canarys were complaining of being cold. it warmed up around 2-p-m. but, began to get cool at 5-30-p-m & I locked the hens in after I fed them & then I shut up the house to keep the heat in while I cooked supper, I’m so hungry & I only had 60 cents for the 1. doz. eggs Miss. Clark gage me last night Elbert took it and on the way for the milk, he stopped at the store & get a bottle of clorox 40 cents & 25 cents worth of smoked saucage I ate it for my supper not quite 1/2 lb. he ate wood chuck & has enough left for two more meals While I have to wait, and wait, and wish, I could have something I could relish. and it looks as if we’ll have to about starve to death the rest of the mo. for the hens have to molt & they are cutting down on the eggs. I haven’t done much to-day, only mended 2. prs. work pants & done my daily dozon breeze mostly S. & it rained hard at 11-1-m. and untill 12-30 or 2-p-m then it’s been mostly cloudy only little sunshine this afternoon
Mon. Aug. 12. 1946. /945.XXX/13. eggs today/ cans.4-they now have/ I took a qt. can of appricots 4 or 5 cucumbers 1. head of cabbage & 1. qt. of green string beans, all cut, ready to cook. Frank gave us two cabbages, so I gave them one, the folks that came Sat. night, was his sister her son & there neice all do work for the Lord & play nucice[?] instruments they stayed with miss Clark, so she told me last night. they went back Sun. Morning. to Detroit.
Tue. Aug. 13. 1946./ 12 eggs today/ Sun was shining this morning & there wasn’t much breeze & that was N.E. Elbert hoed in the garden to long & looked it, I tried to get him to come in, but he wouldn’t come. I did the washing & didn’t feel able but did a little at a time untill I got it done & I dried all, sun was so hot Elbert went to Vermilion got some boiling meat 50 cents & got his car greesed $2.80 & he sold the 3. doz. eggs 1.80 & she owed him 15 cents making $1.95, he got a piece of lunch meat 29 cents & 15 cents for rolls & yeast cake 3 cents & 80 cents of the egg money went on the greese job, so, I had saved 2.00 that I gave him for the car, so, now we had 19 cents for food for 2 days We’ll have the broth for tomorrow & if the weather is cool we might make it last two days. We feel half starved most of the time & it wont get any better for I have a coal bill & the fire pot to pay for & more coal to buy. I thank God for what we have & pray we can have more by & by. I’m sorry I couldn’t go to Church tonight.
Wed. Aug. 14. 1946./ 14 eggs today/ Oh, I haven’t done much over the daily round, I made 3 loaves of bread & mended two shirts, swept, & cooked & washed dishes & I’m to tired & so terrible hungry I could cry, but, it wouldn’t help, only take more of my strength. & I have to keep what I got to work as long as I can No mail for so long, I guess they have all disenharited us. I’m so sorry for I love them all, even if I don’t like some of the things they say & do. I wanted to sew but just haven’t got the pep & so maybe if I linger along untill we can live again. I might be able to do more by and by. The wind light has been N. east, and sun hot, there has been sort of a lull all day it’s been so quite. Elbert went to Huron had to walk most of the way going & coming, said no one would pick him up and it seemed queer, but I said you do the same to others and he said, I Know it, he usually say as he passes them, walking is good.
Thurs. Aug 15. 1946./ 18. eggs today/ Only did my usual round & rake up the dirt in the flowers a little south wind hot sun and mostly cloudy with light Showers tonight. I mended 3. prs. my stockings & 1. pr sock for Elbert. We have both been to hungry today & we ate 2. eggs apiece for supper. & mine didn’t fit me well.
Thurs. Aug. 15. 1946./ 946./ 18. eggs today. I wish I could have gone to church tonight but Elbert has to take the eggs tomorrow & get us some food & the birds some seed. with Elbert’s help I turned the box springs around today, they are a-bout as bad; well, I think they are as bad as my old ones. I can’t rest on them either they sag to the front and I feel miserable & can’t rest till morning when I get worn out trying to find the place where I wont roll down hill.
Fri. Aug. 16. 1946./15 eggs today/ Cousin Georgie’s birthday [Georgia Wheeler Breckenridge, Elinors maternal cousin] She is 61. yrs. old. I have written her a card, sorry I had only a U.W. Postal, but it’s a rememberance anyway. & I have wrote one to Sister Nellie, also. We don’t have money for gas to go & call on them, we would like to though. I received a card from Nellie & mailed one to her today, she has been sick as I had expected. I had told Elbert, I had seem her at home & in a hospital bed & I felt sure she must be sick & so today she stated she had been in the hospital for a week & in bed at home-2 weeks & came home Aug.10. from hospital. she said they gave her 17 seventeen shots of penicillin, and that she is up part time, they took several exray pictures, she said, but didn’t explain what that was for. She’s a lot like pa she don’t tell or want any one to know she is sick or gone to Hospital & when she gets home she only says shes been & got back, but don’t tell what for or why. Well, we would have to borrow the money for gas to go & we are half starved most of the time & I’m not fit to work neither is Elbert, but he has more strength than I, for he can eat more, and most anything, I can’t digest so well & can’t eat heavy food, my liver is bad & I have to have lighter foods. But Praises to God in Jesus Name, I’m able to help myself & do a little work yet I helped Elbert for 2 hrs. today,. trim & carry away, the tomatoes trimings a back breaking job bending to trim, or carrying away they grew to many suckers, big strong vines. I did my usual house work & looked after birds & hens, poor little girls they sure have & still are laying good & molting two. It rained hard after midnight & all rest of the early morn-ing hrs. & it didn’t soak in very much, sun was to hot & we both got to hot. Elbert felt it bad when he came in, I got the eggs from the coop & he picked the broccoli & tomatoes the cucumbers & I pick 3 big bunches of flowers for Miss. Clark & gave
Fri. Aug. 16. 1946./ 947./ 15 eggs today/ her a cucumber & gave the Ministers broccoli & cucumbers, & he sold 3 doz. eggs to Wests & w. doz. to Miss. Clark, she gets them Sun but paid for them today. Elbert bought meat to fry & butter 1/4 lb. 60cents 48 cents for boiling meat, gas for car 20 cents post card 5 & newspaper 4 cents, 15 cents for bird seed, so he spent 1.52 & he took in 2.40 & gave me a dollar, he had a few cents in his pocket. the 1.00 he gave me would make $2.52 cents spent a We had a good supper & I have the boiling meat done for tomorrow.
Sat. Aug. 17. 1946./12 eggs today./ Well, it sure got at it & rained sun came through a couple of times it cleared off last night & moon came out clear and bright and tonight it’s partly cloudy, but looks as if it might clear off again tonight, radio said rain tomorrow. I ironed & did my daily round & looked after the hens. Tract Society sent me a bunch of tracts they came today.
Sun. Aug. 18. 1946./ 17 eggs today/ I went to Sunday School & then Elbert & I went to Nellie’s she’s up part time but surely does look bad, the family were all at home & Marcie was there Johny & Marcie went to dinner some where & Bonney Bell & a few of her classmates “Nurses” she graduated with all were going out for a late dinner over at Monraevile[?] the other side of Sandusky Ohio. Geo. & Bonita & the children were out in there care but came in a few minutes after we got there & Bonita got dinner, she had roast lamb, creamed potatoes, sweet corn, green beans, pickles, bread, butter & coffee with sugar & cream. They had just had a letter from Ella Jane, she said there rainy season had started & she Had been feeling bad, but was better again, had to have anoids taken out her nose again. Nellie said her trouble was arthritis & low blood pressure We stayed untill Johny & Marcie came back, Bonita did the dishes & took a bath, then Elbert decide we should go & the car wouldn’t start they found it was water in the gas they poured the water out & she started on the gas O.K., We stopped to Martha’s but she & her family wasn’t home so we flew along home the sun was so hot & I felt so all in, I could hardly get supper, I fed the hens & we got ready for Church, ” Elbert let hen out as soon as we got home quarter to five.” We left 7-30-p-m for church I took Miss Clark her eggs & a cucumber & 4 slices of short bread & the ministers 4 cucumbers. ” they are still selling at 10 cents each” ours are big ones & so sweet.
Sun. Aug.18. 1946./ 948./ 17 eggs today./ Well We had quite a few ministers & other folks out to church & some went to the alter & Mr. West was one of them, I came out before they showed us the slide pictures, Elbert sent word in by Ronie Epler that he was going home, so Miss Clark’s sister “Who is also a maiden lady” went to the car with me & got the eggs, bread & cucumber. & she said she felt sure I could get a widows pension and is going to send me an address to write to, it was 11-p-m. when we got home & it had turned cold.
Mon. Aug. 19. 1946./ 14 eggs today. / Sun came out early this a-m but I didn’t sleep all night & so just had to rest it was most noon when I got up & fixed our dinner & started to wash I got it done & most all dried, I did dishes & got supper & took care of hens and birds & I’m tired tonight & it turned cold as soon as the sun started to go down. I heard from Robinson, I don’t like his ideas & I’m not going to take his lessons., I received a Lane Brynt winter book also, today. I don’t like the short dresses either. Oh, I pray God will send the Holy Ghost to me & give me more power, strength, & financial means, to keep us, Amen
Tue. Aug. 20. 1946./ I mended & did the usual round, I only did half the washing didn’t dry so good Monday it rained last night & was cooler I went to church Miss Brown did the preaching to 15 children & 4 grown up beside the minister & his wife. to cool with out my coat.
Wed. Aug. 21. 1946./14 eggs./ I finished the washing & washed 3 blank-ets from Elbert’s bed & got them baked dry, sun’s so hot it made our heads feel bad to be in it very long. I made beds up fresh, been a fine day for heavy piece to dry & tonight it started to rain a light rain at 5-p-m & be-fore dark was coming in sheets, “a train passing was a queer sight sheets of rain going from one box car across a coal car to another box car, just a thick white sheet of rain it began to lighten & thunder & pour rain, but let up at 8-p-m. & lightened up & got quite cool, to cool for the garden tomatoes are not doing well & cucumber vines are dying.
Thurs. Aug.22.1946./ Sun came out clear & bright. N.E. wind & shivery cold. we gather a few vegetables, potatoes, beets & carrots & 4 tomatoes for our dinner Elbert spent the last dollar for food. We had onions &
Thurs. Aug.22.1946./949./14 eggs today/ carrots & beets & a few ears of sweet corn. Mr. Hauff gave Elbert the corn when he went for the milk, we cooked a little piece of shank meat a bone & with the broth I have put macaroni for tomorrows dinner. Its been cool in the breeze & hot in the sun today cloudy tonight & quite dark out tonight. We shut the house up early to keep in the heat. Mis Brown was to preach last night & tonight, so sorry I couldn’t go but I don’t know how to manage tomorrow Elbert has to take the eggs & get grain & mash & pay light bill & get a bite to eat for Sun. & we only have 2. doz. & 4. eggs with todays eggs.
Fri. Aug. 23. 1946./ 14 eggs tod/ I did what I had to in the house & I went out & helped Elbert trim the derrtzia bush[?] & I cut all the big old limbs out of the white rose bush by the well. We cut a limb off the apple tree by the toilet path & I was to tired to do anymore. I got supper & we went to Church, there was another young preacher there & Miss. Brown did the preaching. they sang several songs. & we had a good prayer meeting, but I like the old fashion prayer meetings best. Well it cold tonight N.E. wind and tempture going down to 50, the radio said. Received a letter from Miss. Willitts, she wants money & we need some the worst kind of way. I thank God he take care of us & Pray He will take care of all.
Sat. Aug.24. 1946./ 14 eggs./ Well, I went with Elbert down to Hambly’s & Gave the old folks the 2 eggs we owed them. & I took broccoli to them & they didn’t know if they liked it, so they wouldn’t, keep it, I gave it to Mrs. West and she said they liked it & wanted to pay me for it, I told her I gave it to her. then she thanked me. We stopped to see Mrs. Sprunk & I gave her a small bunch of broccoli a cucumber & a big yellow tomatoe, she’s not feeling very well has a cold all over her makes her sore & stiff like Elbert & I. Well we got some boiling meat and a little piece of bacon that cost 75 cents and only enough for 2 meals 8, slices, that’s terrible. We are out of most everything. I got 2 bags grain & had them charged. It’s been a nice day, but quite cool, we didn’t sweat from the heat today. We got back at 5-15-p-m & it was 2-30-p-m when we went, that wasn’t bad for all the stops we made. Well I had only had one egg & 1. fried biscuit & so I was empty when we got home, I boiled potatoes opened a can of string beans & made milk gravy in with them & fried part the bacon & we had supper When Elbert got back with the milk while he got washed I strained the milk & made tea. I washed up the dishes & Elbert put the meat on to boil. Now we are going to bed. Mrs Hambly says the Preachers wife ask her little girl what sort of mother she
Sat. Aug. 24. 1946./950./14 eggs today/ she had to ask to be prayed for and then not come to church, & the old lady said Rony is a bad boy, sometimes he punches his thumb in her ribs & pinches her legs & she’s old & I think I’d put Rony in his place if it was me & any way, Why should he take the place of an other soul that wants to go to church & the preacher said if there was only the old lady & the Hambly children he wasn’t going after them, it’s a queer world, it sure is. I do hope :& pray God Will take a hand & do something about it.
Sun. Aug. 25.1946./14 egg today/ Well, I didn’t go to church all day & it was a beautiful Fall day, we had a fire last night and it felt comfortable, been having cold white due at night & tomatoes have hard time to grow enough & to ripen We have had a few & a few cucumbers & carrots, beets, potatoes & cabbage. Well. I pray God will be in the services & send His power & convirt the souls & reveal unto those of His & help them to understand.
Mon. Aug. 26.1946./14 eggs today./ I cleaned my room today moved out & moved in again wiped the walls & ceiling Elbert got up early & went to Huron or was going to Huron and a man picked Him up & took him to Huron & said he was going to Sandusky, so he went to Sandusky got a ride back to Huron & walk from there home dog tired :& hungry, he can work at the canning factory, but it only pays 80cents per. hour, but he says he’s going to try it in the morning. it’s been a fine day N. east breeze & hot sun. I took care of hens & birds, we have 4 or 5 hens that’s lost most of there feathers now. Cold White due again last night & shivery again tonight. Well, I got supper & everything ready for the morning.
Tue. Aug. 27. 1946./14 eggs today / Well I laid & rested untill 9-a-m. Post man came before 10 & he had a letter from Miss. Baumgart & one from Mr. Keep the lawyer, just stating he had moved his office up stairs at the corner of 4th. St. & Broadway in Lorain. I got dinner & looked after hens only got 8 eggs & they had broke one & eat it most up, a little later about 2-30-p-m we got two more & then we went to Vermilion & sold 4 doz. 60 cents per doz. 2.40, We paid light bill 1.00 bought 3 gal gas that cost 56 cents a piece of boiling meat 37 cents, 1. lb. lard 35 cents & came back to Hauff’s for the milk & home. We
Tue. Aug. 27. 1946./ 951./ 14 eggs today/ went to the mill & got a bag of oyster shell, 1.00, & had to have it added to grain bill so I will owe 8.60 to the mill 7.44 for milk & 1.00 for the light bill & 2.50 for church that will only leave us 4.40 to live on for Sept. We are hard-ly existing & to weak most the time to work. It’s been a nice day hot sun cool shivery breeze.
Wed. Aug. 28. 1946./13 eggs today./ The sun was baking hot today, but the S. breeze was cool. I had to mend the toe of one stocking before I could dress my feet then I washed & dressed & combed my hair & I pray each morning. then I made noodles & got dinner early then I did out the washing, Elbert rubbed out his 3. prs. of socks & I cleaned up the wreck[?] & got myself cleaned up & he warmed up the supper, then he went for milk & I cleaned the birds cages & washed the dishes & we had a light shower just after supper. I Praise God I can still do that much although it does tire me out. & Elbert has been busy all day helping me, he carried the water & empted the water cut weeds & hoed some, he don’t feel half so well since he did all that walking the other day to & from Sandusky. We haven’t much to eat in the house We are out of flour, coffee, tea, flakes, yeast cake & Baking powder, Lemons, rice beans, speggetti, macaroni, lard & I’d give a lot for some butter, bacon & a little meat to fry. but we are only existing. Our potatoes will soon be gone to. We have a few beans & beets & carrots, cabbage & tomatoes, but need bread & my check is a week off.
Thurs. Aug. 29. 1946./15. eggs today/ I darned 3. prs. socks. cooked what I could find to cook & did dishes, took care of hens & birds & did odds & ends. I made two tins of biscuits boiled potaotes & cooked broccoli & string beans & made gravey with the beans. Elbert pealed what apples there were left & I made apple sauce of them yesterday. N.W. wind & so cold we have a fire & it feels good, been mostly cloudy all day it rained showers all night & a little early this a-m. grass wet all day but dirt didn’t get wet enough to say wet partly cloudy tonight
Fri. Aug. 30. 1946./ 10 eggs today/ Well, hens only laid 10 eggs today & took all day to do it, so we didn’t go to town with the eggs or buy anything to eat we haven’t any bread or flour no coffee or tea or anything left, just tomatoes string beans & a few potatoes so we have to go to the store after we sell 3. doz. eggs for $1.80 cents & get a 10. lb. sack of flour some lard & a little piece of boiling beef to last us untill Tue. looks as if we
Fri. Aug.30. 1946./ 952./ 10 eggs today/ will have to fast a day or so. I do wish so much, that I were able to work & earn a little so we could have more to do with & get things done be-fore freezing weather gets here & buy a few clothes we need so much. Even the relatives have forgot us & all those that use to come just to eat all they could stuff, I dont begrudge them what they had, but wish I could have a little more to eat just now. Elbert wont be fit to work if we don’t get more to eat soon. N.W. breeze & cool & weather report said tempture would go down to 52 degrees tonight & cloudy & cool tomorrow. It was that way today. We had a little fire last night & tonight. I have only done what I had to do today, & didn’t go to Church because of gas, I Pray God will help me or us in His Own Way, in Jesus Name.
Sat. Aug 31. 1946./10 eggs today/ Well I just haven’t done only what I had to do, Elbert felt so bad he started off to Vermilion with out the eggs, he had put the old greese in the car, but forgot the egg & had to come back, but he had only got out on the main road as far as the little German church & was going to sell the eggs & buy flour yeast cake lard & a lemon & a little boiling meat Well he exchanged the greese for fresh lard got the other 3 things but no meat, Miss Clark couldn’t pay for her meat, she had left her pocket book in the church last night. so its no meat for tomorrow Its been a fine day, partly cloudy warm sun. Elbert hurt his hip today wrenched it some way as he stepped out of the store & its pained him bad all the rest of the day I pray God will fix it and give me the price of one new car from that Robin hood flour. Elbert said he was wondering which would be better for me to give him the new car & sell his or sell the new one & get his fixed up. I have Known for some time that was what he had in his mind, he’d like to have the
Sat. Aug.31.1946./[no page number, would have been 955]10 eggs today/ money. Well I would pay the repair on his car if I got it, & the coal bill & stove repair & for the coal this winter & maybe get the shoes I need so bad. I had to fry biscuits for our dinner & I baked two tins of biscuits for supper. we had string beans & gravey & warmed up potatoes & apple sauce & hot water to drink for supper.
Sun. Sept, 1. 1946./ 13 eggs today/ Elbert’s felt bad all day, he has been quite all day only went for the milk & back & he can’t walk or get up or down his back hurts so bad I bathed it in ointment last night & tonight & put a flanel on it, hope & pray it will be O.K. by morning, he fell off the lower step, or rather he missed the lower step & shook him & he seem to feel worse, but I pray he will be. O. K. in the morning he wrenched it out & perhaps an other could put it back in place. he’s so nervous. Strong south wind all day died out tonight & had a couple of light showers after dark. chilly out. No church for me all day, Oh, God help us, I pray. and I’ll thank Thee & give Thee all the praise, Amen.
Mon. Sept.2.1946./12 eggs today/ I haven’t done anything much to-day been partly cloudy, hot sun, He’s going with the eggs in the morning if he’s able & we get 6 more eggs to make 3 doz. & I hope my check comes Well, it’s been a wonderful fall day I wanted to go to Lorain but don’t look as if I’ll make it tomorrow. I ought to bake bread any way tomorrow. Today is Labour day and a big holiday. no mail either.
Tue. Sept.3.1946./14. eggs today/ I baked 3 loaves of bread, cooked, washed dishes & made me a night gown out of mash bags & I been out & gave hens there green feed & we been gathering the eggs more often for they seem to break one or more in the nest quite often, they are getting tired & don’t eat as much grit as they should. 5. of them are half feathered out now
Fri. Sept. 3. 1946./ 954./It’s been a beautiful Fall day & I hate to stay in on a nice day warm sun but wind real cool I pulled beets for supper, they were so good sweet & tender. Elbert went to Vermilion this noon & sold the eggs, he bought a piece of veal neck for 50 cents & two chops “61” cents, two boxes corn starch 24 cents box tea (1/2) lb. 54 cents bird seed 13 cents gas 39 cents for car & oil 25 cents & he owes 10 cents on it. the eggs were 2.40 with Miss Clark’s & he had 16 cents making 2.56 & he spent it all & owes 10 cents. I roasted the meat it was tender & nice. We went to Church tonight had a good prayer meeting, I talked a few minutes with Miss. Clark & Mrs. Sprunk. Miss. Clark’s brother is quite ill in California, he wants to come back to Ohio but to ill to come, so Miss Clark’s maiden sister from Cleveland has gone to California to help take care of him, she ask me to pray for him to get able to come back, and Oh God of Love & mercy I do ask in Jesus Name, you will grant his re-quest, Amen. Mrs Sprunk says, Young Mr. & Mrs. Sprunk have only written once since they went back to California. Miss. Brown is still with Sister & Brother Gurney. I wish I had a room so she could come & stay with me awhile. There were 9 of the children & young folk blessed with the baptism of the Holy Ghost last week. Praise God.
Wed. Sept.4. 1946./ 11 eggs today./ I did the washing & swept both bedrooms looked after the hens & birds & did the cooking & odds & ends & really I’m tired. I received a nice letter from Nellie she don’t write much as a rule but she told us all about Ella Jane going with Laura Bell Stoughton, this is what she wrote
“Dear Elinor & Elbert: Have been anxious to hear from you. I haven’t been able to come yet. I haven’t been so well for a couple of days and just had to rest more yesterday & today. Have had 2 letters from Ella Jane. Her school was finished Wed. Aug. 2. Then the next day she moved to the place where she & I were staying. She has gotten herself a job ov Clerical work, figuring food costs & in a hotel; She gets her three meals aday, anything on the menu even steaks and $80.00 a month of course she can only work a month as the school begins again. She got A’s. & B’s in her studies, wasn’t that fine? She had wondered how it would be to get back in school and I think she did fine: She went on with Laurabelle to Los Vegas Nevada to the wedding. George Cox had brought a man with him for best man, so, Ella Jane was maid of Honor. He had made the Hotel reservations, and arranged for the Minister. They sent there dresses from Albuquerque. Ella Jane got back on Sunday night at 8. o’clock The wedding was Sat. Aug. 24. at 11-30-a-m. in the first Baptist Church. They were going to spend sometime sightseeing, I think at Boulder Dam. Then they will go to California, a place called Van Nuss[?]
Wed. Sept.4. 1946. /955./11 eggs today/ near Los Angeles. Hope you folks are all right Please drop a card & come when you can. Love & Best wishes Nellie & Family.
& she tuckd in two, one dollar bills, but I can’t keep them for she’s under Dr’s care & in bed part or most of the time & it costs a lot to live & pay Dr. bills. I sure appreciate her thoughtfull-ness. So, Laaurabell is now Mrs. George Cox. & Ella Jane had a little trip & could go back & work a mo. & then dig in-to her school work once again Nellie & Bonney Bell were going to Albuquerque this mo. to be with Ella Jane, but Nellie’s health is very poor I don’t know if she will go. Elbert’s back is swollen & pains him bad but he gets a-round, he went for the milk tonight & I gave him a ten dollar bill to pay the 7.44 for last months milk & Hauff said, it would be 9.30 & so with any notice, now I’m out of luck for the money wont reach as far as I had planned & we can’t have as much to eat as we did last mo. & worse of it is I wont be able to get the milk any longer & it’s half my living, he don’t want to bother with only a qt. & Elbert has to go 4 miles or better & furnish our own bottles, he wants 15 cents per qt. 30 cents per. day I drink a qt. & use the rest for cooking. We had a strong N. east wind clothes dried fast, hope to do blankets in the morning. I thank God in Jesus Name for all I have & He Keep me.
Thurs. Sept.5. 1946./13 eggs today/ Well sis, I washed 2. double faced blankets & a pr. of wool blankets & carried part the water I fed the hens & gave them there greens at 10-30-a-m I did my house work & pulled & tied carrots for Nellie, beets & tomatoes, cucumbers & cabbages & a big bunch of flowers. I pulled beets & carrots for Mrs. Sprimp, beets carrots a cucumber, few tomatoes for Miss Clark & a few roses, beets, carrots & cucumber for the preachers. & we had supper & done dishes & now I’ve sewed a piece of flannel in Elbert’s underwear in the back & sewed a garter on my corset & he took his bath & I’m going to take mine & go to bed for I’m sure a tired old girl tonight & we are going to Nellie’s tomorrow if all goes well & God willing . Wind N. east & to cold & sun is hot. I took a little cold today & I pray God will take it all away tonight, in Jesus Name, Amen. & I will thank Him& praise Him for ever & ever Amen.
Fri. Sept. 6. 1946. 1946. / 12 eggs today/ Well, I got up & thanked God I & we could & we packed all the things in the car & went to Vermilions t& to the ministers & left them some beets & carrots & tomatoes & then we went to the Mill & paid 9.60 & Elbert left me sitting in the sun & it sure was terrible hot, I thought I’d pass out, he came by & by & we went on & stopped to Miss. Clark’s then I left flowers carrots & beets & tomatoes, she wasn’t there so I laid them by the door & then we went to Wests& left the eggs & got 1.40.
Fri. Sept.6. 1946 / 956./12. eggs today./ then he stopped at the filling station & got 1. qt. of oil & no gas, I tried to ask him why he wasn’t getting the gas but he went on & went pasted the river road & I was sure worried for I had a big bunch of cut flowers, it ws so hot seemed as if it would bake us & then he turned around & went back to the gas station got 2. gal & turned back went out the river road & through to Amherst bought Nellie 4 peaches 35 cents & 4. peppers for 10 cents & we had from our garden 3 cabbages 1. a red rock pk. tomatoes, 2 big cucumbers, carrots & beets. We had coffee & bread & lunch meat, Elbert bought the meat & forgot the bread & had to go back & get some bread. We had a nice visit, Nellie looks pale says she’s in bed more than she’s out, but she’s been getting some dresses ready so she & Bonney can go to New Mexico, the later part of this Mo. or the first part of Oct. She got a letter today from Ella Jane & E.J. had sent the 3 children books from Albuquerque. Nellie wanted us to keep the 2. dollars, we had to use half or more for gas & oil & the peaches & peppers took the rest then, she gave us 2 little chickens white rocks about as big as your 2 fists. to fry. & a few apples. Martha & Jean Ann had been over to Elyria to the Clinic & saw our car in Nellie’s yard so she’d got passed but so took Jean to school & then came back & visited a hr & had coffee with us, then flew off to her job, said she’d have to work hard to catch up her morning’s work at the office, it’s. right close to there home. Merlin has changed jobs again. he’s gathering up farm produce & selling it to the stores We came back to Lorain went to the garage where Elbert bought his car & they looked it over said it would only cost 4.75 for the fluid & it would cost $66.00 to repair the back end & fender of his car they gave him the estamate on the insurance, yet. $28.00, I don’t know how he will make out with it. Well, we stopped at Lipp’s tea Store and got seeds for the birds & then went to Cranages to see how every one was, Miss. Baumgart was looking good & came to the door to meet me. Mrs. Cranage came in & we had a good visit Mrs. Cranage gave me two jars of bacon greese 10 lbs. white flour 5. lb buckwheat & 5 of the kind we been using, & gave me last weeks news papers. We came back to Vermilion, got more gas & a little piece of boiling meat & one little piece of saucage some coffee & came on home, I fried saucage & potatoes & we had tea & tomatoes & bread & put the meat to boil while Elbert went back for
Fri. Sept. 6. 1946./ 957./ 12 eggs today/Mildred’s birthday/ for the milk & then I fed the hens & locked the coop for night, I put the baby chicks on the roost in the first pen, they were lonesome & just like 2 babys, they had been in a bunch of 50 Nellie had & she’s been killing them to eat & going to sell 3 to Martha one of them for Audrey. Martha said she was going to get the folks together & come out “before Nellie & Bonney goes away” for a picnic dinner. Well we went to prayer meeting after supper & had such a wonderfull prayer meeting & Jesus came & once stood with the open Bible on His left hand & pointing to a chapter & I couldn’t tell the Name or number of the Chap. Seems, that when I felt I should have gone & knelt between Miss Brown & Mrs. Gurney Tue. night, I should have obeyed the Spirit, I pray God will forgive me & baptize me Sun night with the Holy Ghost. Oh, Glory, I thank Thee Jesus.
Sat. Sept.7. 1946./13. eggs today/ Oh, I have been to tired to work today & the long ride & heat & Elbert seemed so iritable & my nerves were tired, so, my bowels didn’t move this a-m as usual. I made soup for dinner & we only minced for supper & drank milk, Frank Bonney came out with his neighbor hunting woodchuck’s he came in & talked a little, said, Ruby was coughing her head about off & that they were thinking about going to New Mexico in Oct. or Nov. & He was wondering about Nellie going with them & Bonney Bell, he said Armond smashed the fender on his car & it was in the shop getting a new one on it, the neighbor has a new Buick, maroone collor. they didn’t have any luck today its been terrible hot all morning & partly cloudy & cooler this after noon & thundered & tried to rain, we need rain.
Sun. Sept. 8. 1946. /12. eggs today. / I went to Church this evening, Elbert took me but he wouldn’t go into church, they had a christian sermon or it was a sermon accted out with some talking it was real good & best of all two more children were converted. I thank God in Jesus Name. It has tried to rain, partly cloudy, I gave the preacher a pr. of pants that were given to Elbert, that he said I could give away for he didn’t like them, they were summer pants. & I gave them swisschard a qt. of lima beans & few cucumbers, & I talked with several of the women tonight Mrs. Black said Mr. Black was home taking care the children & new baby while she came to church & that he was sober that Garry was going home with her, he’s been staying with the Ministers. Miss. Brown has been with Brother & Sister Gurney for 2 weeks & now she was going to New York, & then back to Canada for a while. Mrs. Sprunk was sick she had to go out & throw up, said she was full of gas K& her stomach pained her bad she sat in the seat with me all evening
Mon. Sept. 9. 1946./ 958./ 17 eggs today./ wash day and no soap & I couldn’t bake with out sugar, I fixed some elderberrys for pie, but didn’t make the pie. it’s been a terrible hot day muggy. We had a heavy fog last night, we have had such a lot of white dues, that the cheeks of some of the tomatoes are white, a white [she wrote while -uncrossed t] due is almost a frost. We picked half bu tomatoes today, Elbert raked up the dirt to keep weeds down & he cut a wide path from the cottage to the ditch down the hill, he’s going to cut some willows for wood, for light fires to take chill out the house on cool days. I haven’t done much today looked after hens & bird. Elbert picked up 2 small baskets of pears acrossed the road. John Snider was there yesterday with his Wife & another couple & he told Elbert we could have what we picked up off the ground.
Tue. Sept. 10. 1946./15 eggs today/ I did half the washing & did the ironing I washed & pressed my good dress & then washed miself & dressed & went to Vermilion & I hadn’t had only a little milk to drink & it was 3-p-m. when we left home, we sold the eggs $2.40 & bought a little piece of meat to boil 38 cents a piece of pressed meat 45 cents lemons 10 cents clorox 25 cents hand soak 22 cent wash powder 28 cents sugar 36 cents gas 39. cents Elbert had 16 cents & he spent 2.50, it don’t seem to come out just right some how, the boiling meat might have been 48 cents any way we haven’t any thing left but 6 cents so, well, we gave Miss Clark & Mrs Sprunk pears & the preachers pears & few tomatoes. I felt so all in we didn’t go back to church tonight & we wont have gas enough to more than get the milk & maybe get back to sell eggs Fri. rained a little here & lots in Vermilion, it was like a Spring shower, but only dampened the grass here. moon light tonight partly cloudy all day & strong S. wind.
Wed. Sept. 11. 1946./ 14 eggs today/ Elbert & I picked tomatoes & a few apples & I made apple sauce & then caned 6 qts. tomatoes. I made 3. pies 2 elderberry K& 1. apple & looked after hens chicks & birds & did my house work Elbert got the supper while I finished up the odds & ends. While he went for milk I fed the hens & locked up the coop & grainery I was out side only a little today. gave plants a drink everythings drying up & even tomatoes not doing good it’s so cold night & hot sun & no water & the strong winds, it’s N. west wind late today & cooler leaves are falling fast, It’s been a beautiful day, partly cloudy & I’m tired tonight.
Thurs. Sept. 12. 1946./ 13 eggs today/ I washed the rest of the clothes today & looked after the hens done my house work & cooked & then at 3-p-m the little old man with his case of notions came in tired &
Thurs. Sept.12.1946./959/13 eggs today/ hungry & Elbert warmed over the potatoes & made fresh hot tea & he ate the fried biscuits we had left & some pears & I gave him some pears in a bag, he gave me a clothes sprinkler, a rubber cork with a hole through the center & a sprinkler cap fastened to the big end, he said he wouldn’t be back again untill Spring, but, I wonder. Well it’s been quite cool N. east wind & damp, partly cloudy & is cooler tonight & partly cloudy hope it don’t spoil the garden & flowers yet I have to take up my house plants yet. Oh, I thank God in Jesus, Name for all we have & He Loves & cares for us.
Fri. Sept. 13. 1946./13 eggs today./ I haven’t done much all day only house work & looking after birds & hens &. Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 3. doz. eggs for $1.80 & bought beef a little piece 45 cents. & 20 cents worth of hamberger, 10 cents worth of salts, 3 cents yeast cakes, 11 cents macaroni, 28 cents for gas, $1.17 & brought 63 cents back & I had a check back from those lessons & so now I have $1.50, I want to keep it for the light bill, it’s been cloudy alday & light showers that were to light & don’t even wet the dirt only dampen the dust on the top. I picked a few string beans for supper & had them most ready to cook & a few potatoes when Elbert came I’ve felt to heavy & sort of sufficated most of today, my right ankle has been & still is paining me bad, But God is able & I’m still trusting Him to heal me of what ever it is that causes it. Oh, I praise God in Jesus Name, Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelulajh. Amen.
Sat. Sept. 14. 1946./11 eggs today/ Today I got up at 8-30-a-m & set my bread, then made 2 tins of biscuits & then went to hen house and gave hens some cabbages, only got 6 eggs, came back & cleaned 3 bird cages & replentished them, swept both bedrooms & the Kitchen, then Elbert came home from Huron, he had been up to see about some work & to see if he could get some fresh fish & he did, he dressed a few pike & bullheads & one catfish & I fried them & warmed up the potatoes & we ate at 10 minutes passed one o’clock, my first meal today, after we ate he dressed the rest of the fish I made my bread into 3 loaves & then went for milk & I fed hens & chicks & locked the coop & opened car shed doors &, then I just had to rest a few minutes, then strained that milk & got the macaroni cooking Elbert helped to look after it, we had supper & listened to the
Sat. Sept. 14. 1946. /960./ 11. eggs. today/ radio for a while – now I’ll read some & go to bed wishing I could attend each meeting . tomorrow. I pray for them anyway, it’s all I can do. It’s been a wonderful day, but cooler, & cooler tonight, then it was last night.
Sun. Sept. 15. 1946./12 eggs today/ We went to church tonight & there were quite a few there . We took a basket 1/2 bu. tomatoes to preacher & some carrots & beets & 2 cabbages & some beets, carrots & tomatoes & small cabbage to Miss Clark & beets & carrots to Mrs. Sprunk Mr. Hambly & Mrs Hambly’s mother is sick & Ellyn is home & her man. Miss Clark is 67 yrs old this yr & Our milk man “Mr Hauff” is .66 yrs. old. Mrs Sprunk is 70 yrs. old her son & his wife were to church tonight, I think she said he lived in _______ Well, its been a fine day N. east wind & quite cool. I potted my plants & brought them in the house to cut a big bunch of flowers, for church & took them tonight. 17 children went to the Altar tonight. they all belong to Jesus. Praise the Lord.
Mon. Sept. 16. 1946./17 eggs today/ Elbert got up early & went to Elyria & Lorain looking for a job he could do. he left his car in Vermilion & got a ride to Lorain a ride back to Vermilion then came on home in his car & he walked 5 or 6 miles from shop to shop & is tired tonight He got here at 3-p-m I cook him some dinner & he ate & rested awhile & then we went out & he cut off the flax & I raked it in piles & he took it to the park with the fork he went for the milk & I fed the hens & then I got supper & now he’s gone to bed & I am going to my bed for I’m tired also.
Mon. Sept. 16. 1946./961./ Wind light & N. east hot sun cools off fast at night. Mr Merdith died Fri. & I was talking to Elbert about him Fri. & I prayed for him & his children, they will miss him, he’s been in bed a long time, every since he broke his hip, I believe, Well, he was a Godly man and I know he was glad to go, he miss his wife just terribly, he use to say he wanted her to go first, so he would know she was O.K. & then he’d be glad to go. They laid him to rest Sat. Sept.14. 1946. I loved them both.
Tue. Sept. 17. 1946./ 11 eggs / washed all the clothes & did the ironing & work and then Elbert went to Huron & back & then he in-sisted on pealing tomatoes, I was so tired I had to scold to keep from crying but I cooked & canned 8 qts. of tomatoes, that makes 17 qts. we have got caned. Oh it’s terrible to be so tired. I had Elbert call Mrs West & tell her he’d bring the egg in the morning.
Wed. Sept. 18. 1946./9 eggs today/ Well, today I patched 3 shirts & mended the table cloth & then we pealed pears & caned qts & I’m so tired with all the other odds & ends Elbert went to Vermilion & sold the egg & spent the money for lunch meat 33 baking powder 52 onions 35 gas 40. & oil 26, he went to Huron to see if he could get some fish but no luck it’s been a beautiful day I aired the blankets & pillows & we picked a few Musk melons & I gave one of the hens a dose of salts & put her in with little chicks & locked coop Mr. Hauff’s brother the one from Berlin Hights who was over to Hauffs Sun he’s 69 yrs. old was helping to move a stone & the fellow on the tractor backed on to him & then was so scart he stopped the truck and the wheel turned over & over on Hauff’s brother before anyone could get the fellow to stop the engine they sent him to the Hospital & call Mr. Hauff (our milk man) to come & take his sister in law over to the hospital in Sandusky. He was feeling pretty good Sun. & Tue. he’s in bad condition in the hospital, Oh, how much it pays to be ready.
Thurs. Sept. 19. 1946./14 eggs today. Fred’s [Fred Bonney, b. 1886, d.1957, Elinor’s brother] birthday he would be 50 yrs old today, poor Fred, I loved him so much. Elbert & I pealed pears & caned 17 qts with all we caned last night it’s quite a job some are so badly brused then at 4-p-m while the last ones were cooking we went out & picked tomatoes & beets & carrots & Elbert picked up a few more pears & we got washed & dressed & went for the milk & left it to the place where we use to get the milk right near the corner & then went on to martha’s & gave her a big bucket of tomatoes & a big bag full
Thurs. Sept.19. 1946./962./ 14 eggs today/ & a bunch of carrots & a bunch of beets., she warmed up the beef stew & made us a cup of tea & I thanked the Lord for it, for we were terrible hungry, poor Joan [Joan Mae Monagon, b. 1935, Elinor’s grand neice by her neice Martha Monagon, daughter of Elinor’s sister Audrey Leslie Bonney] is in bed infection in both feet & they don’t know how she got it, she has a double rupture allso that they haven’t had taken care of yet. They were real sociable tonight Jim [James Monagon, Elinor’s grand nephew] was off with a neighbor some where Jean [Jean Mae Monagon, b. 1935, d. 2015, twin w/ Joan, both Elinor’s grand nieces] and & one of the Eddy’s boys [Nelson Eddy b. 1945- alive 2021, George Eddy b. 1943, Elinor’s nephews] was running in & out & Ruth Eddy [unsure -may be George Henry Eddy’s relative] was in to see Joan. I didn’t go up to see her she’s up stairs & it’s so hard for me to get up & down. We went over to see Nellie & her family & we gave them a lettuce basket full & we gave them & Martha each 3/4 bu. pears Elbert picked up . John Snyder told him he could pick up what fell on the ground & that’s what he’s been doing We gave them carrots & beets also. Bonita’s Geo came & Johny & Marcia [John Harnish & Marcella Gremore Harnish, Elinor’s nephew & wife to be] came & then Bonney Bell her sienus trouble was after her bad she said Nellie was sewing she had made Ella Jane a little white silk blouse & had it all done except making the button holes & sewing on the buttons, Nellie said Virginia & Wyn [Wynn and Virginia Wheeler Breckenridge, Wynn is Elinor’s maternal cousin, child of Edith Wheeler Breckenridge] stopped to see them & that Virginia’s baby is 2. yrs old. & Bonita [Bonita May Bonney, Elinor’s sister] was 25 the 17th. of Sept this year. Virginia is a month older than Aubrey [Aubrey Wheeler Breckenridge, b. 1879, d. unk, Elinor’s nephew]. she only has what the children give her & so still planning on going
Thurs. Sept. 19. 1946./ 963./14 eggs today/ back to Mexico & she wishes Elbert & I were going with her & Bonney Bell. wish we could but we are in a rut. Nellie said Frank & Ruby [Frank Bonney (Elinor’s brother) & spouse Ruby Gillmore Bonney] were out to see her & said they were going but not untill Dec. & Nellie wants to go before that, & it does seem as if it would be better to go before the weather gets bad here. & Nellie needs some clothes & she don’t feel seem to feel as sure as she did a while ago, she’s talking or renting hers & Johnys rooms while she is gone so she can have the rent money to pay some of her expence, it would be bad for Bonita seems to me. Well we got back home at ten oclock Martha gave us a small piece of cheese & we roasted some & ate it on a slice of bread & drank milk & its’s been a fine day. I’m dog tired. Praise God for all His Tender Mercies, Oh, how I love Him
Fri. Sept. 20. 1946./12 eggs today. / Did our usual round & then I put a few pears in a bag for Miss Clark. We picked tomatoes & put in the grainery I fed & cared for hens & birds & we washed & dressed & went to church & I took a 1/2 bu. tomatoes for Hambly’s they are having stomach & intestinal flu. & Mrs. H’s. mother is terrible sick. Elbert dug a lot of flower roots of different kinds & I took them for Mrs. Black & I left them with there son Garry to take home he said he was going home tonight we took the eggs to rs. West 2 1/2 doz. & pears up to Miss Clark & I talked with her a few minutes while she got ready to go to church she paid me for the eggs & gave me a lb. of oleo. “greese,” When we took her home, I’m so tired. We she sure had a good prayer service & mostly all that were there were the children 10 or more & 5 older people. Miss. Clark Mrs. Day Mr. & Mrs. Tom Eppler. & the Ministers. It’s been a beautiful Fall day as anyone could ask for I thank God & Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost for our blessings Amen.
Sat. Sept. 21. 1946./ 964./11 eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & he got a q/2 bu. & a pk basket of fish & he had to work for them he diped fish & helped carry them into the fishhouse & he came home hot & tired & wet through with sweat, he went out & dressed enough for dinner & I got dinner going & went out & got what he had dressed & got them washed & on to cook & gave him some hot coffee for it was 1.-p-m. I washed out what dirty clothes there were & was just done when he came & had the water hot for his coffee, he ate & dressed the rest of what was in the pk. basket & then he went to Vermilion & took part of them to the ministers & some to Miss Clark & two cucumbers & a few string beans. Migie Sarr was here & wanted eggs, while we were eating dinner & I gave her a fish to eat & then she looked at the tomatoes rather longing & after taking a bit I learned they didn’t have any so I gave her a pk. & in a little bit she came back with not quite a pk of string beans & they are real nice. so I sent Miss Clark a few handfuls. Elbert came right back & got the milk & then came home & I got supper & we ate & rested a bit. I’d been out hunting one of the baby chicks, he got through the fence some where, I didn’t know where to look & he came to me at last I picked him up & put him in the park & they both ran in the coop & I shut them in & fed them & hens. I was so tired, but got the supper & then cleared up the table & stacked the dishes in pan, in sink. I know Elbert is dog tired for he got up early & left at 8.-30-a-m for Huron, he phoned Nellie & told her we had enough fish for her & Martha & Audrey. & she said she’d send some one for them but it might be late. I had Elbert get a chunk of ice cost 11 cents to put on the fish to keep them cold, they Geo. & Bonita & there 3 children came at 9. oclock & then we took the flash light & went out & got 1/2 bu. tomatoes & big bunch of carrots & a biger bunch of green onions. Elbert had got 3 cabbages & 2 musk melons & laid by the door for them so with all they had quite a load A big black cat yowled & yowled while Bonita & I were in the garden, I told it to go away I didn’t want any cats, he was real friendly, but he went.
Sat. Sept. 21.1946./965./11 eggs today./ It reminded me of the time we got the telegram that ma was seriously ill & they were in Jacksonvill Florada & Frank & Ruby had just come over home for dinner, they always came every Sun. & I was crying for I Knew, but the rest didn’t , & Elbert & Frank were standing talking about the telegram, when a cat began to yowel & it was so loud & kept at it, that they went out to drive it away but they couldn’t see it, it was just ahead of them where ever they went & it yowled so loud & at last they came back & it stopped & they were both so scart & said it was queer but, they couldn’t find that cat even in the open where there wasn’t any weeds & I said its a four runner of death & looks as if ma isn’t going to live, and it was true, but Jesus had talked with me about it long before that & then I knew it soon would come to pass, Jesus had come to me one night & said I want to take your mother to work for me, you can manage with out her can’t you? and I said oh, not my mother I could do with out my father better, but He said “no,” I need your mother and I cried & said Thy Will be done, not mine, and I’ll do the best I can with Thy help. I made some mistake, but, He forgave me Oh, How I love Jesus He’s my all I couldnt go on with out Him Glory to His Name, I Praise Thee, & Love Only Thee. It’s been partly cloudy, but hot sun today a little breeze N.East.
Sun. Sept. 21. 1946./12 eggs today/ Well, we were home untill evening then we went early & I stopped to see what Mrs. Mc.Cormick wanted, she told Mr & Mrs Eppler’s boy she wanted to see me, I couldn’t figure out who she was, & then it came to me, Mrs. Sharp had told me about her, so I figured she had ask Mrs Mc. to hunt me up for her, for I haven’t ans. her letters, she wants some one to run around after her. Mrs. Mc. said she wrote & said she was so lonesome & why didn’t I come to see her & write to her that we had a nice car. Well I told her to say I couldn’t buy the gas & even didn’t get to write like I use to. Mrs Mc. began to pick to find out a lot of things & I said I didn’t know & thats the truth. She use to say she’d be so happy when she could be with her son John again.
Sun. Sept.22.1946./966./12 eggs today/ Now she’s left a lone while he & his wife gad about & they are sick of the big house & want to sell & buy a smaller one & she left (or) turned over the money from her own home to John & now he has it all & she can’t have it, she had lots of chances to rent her rooms up stairs to good Christians so she said I know one of them was but she said John wouldn’t let her, but it was just a gag to live with John she said she couldn’t live with out him. She says she loves me so, but she didn’t treat me like that. I’m sorry she so ignorant & foolish & pray God will deal with her in His own way. She told me once said write to me if she only had some post cards so I thought I’d try her out, although I felt she wouldn’t, so I gave her five & I wrote my address on one & she said she wrote them all to John & Ester even the one I had addressed she pasted a paper over & used, if I took her food she liked she was so nice to me & if it didn’t happen to be just what she wanted she was cool & indifferent, so I’m done. I didn’t say anything Mrs. Mc. could tell against me, unless she makes up a yarn of her own and tells her. I hate gossip. We had a good service, there were mostly children there Tom & his wife, his mother & sister & some of the sisters children Mrs Day & her children Mr. & Mrs. Reese Mrs West Sr. & Lindy & Dorthy West & the Minister from Springfield Ohio a young woman. Miss. Clark & a man I didn’t know & myself well, Our Minister, to, were there. I gave Doris Hambly a bunch of sweet peas for her grand parents & a bag of buckeyes for herself & we took Miss Clark her eggs & little can of jam. She said the fish were so good they just hit the spot, they were so sweet & good, we enjoyed them to & I hope Nellie & the others liked them to, I also hope they cleaned them & didn’t let Nellie do it, she’s not able. I hope Audrey got at least a couple. I wish they would write but they seldom do, to me, they have so many others to write to. Well, I’m tired. Elbert’s been a sleep & I woke him to see what the noise was in the stair way, it was so loud it gave me a shock. It’s been partly or mostly cloudy all day & it tried to rain when we were on our way home from church I do wish it would .
Mon. Sept.23.1946./11 eggs today/ I canned more tomatoes 1 qt. can & 7 pt. cans cloudy all morning & then got quit thick & gray & rained steady most of the after noon & sun came through just before dark White sun. & radio said cooler & more showers tomorrow. We had S & S.w. breeze today but it’s going N.W. & then it will be cooler. We have had a beautiful Sept. but we have needed
Mon. Sept. 23. 1946. /967./11 eggs today/ rain so bad the sweet corn has ears but they haven’t fill out & beans, lots of pods but few beans & cabbages are just beginning to head up, there are a few nice heads, but lots of very small head. beets & carrots good but small What potatoes we had we fine, but we only had a very few I didn’t have money to buy potatoes last fall & so we only had a few cutting I had saved from a few we bought to eat, so now we are at the bottom of the pit & with out any one to help me, I don’t know how I’ll get out. Elbert don’t want me to tell him even When he can look back & see it would have been gain[?], if he would have listened, so, I’m at a loss to know what to do or how. When we came home from Church some one had been in the house & it’s some one that knows how to get in & out, some one that who take empty cans as well as full ones & whether they take them to eat or sell or pay bills, is a question. I’m not able to can Elbert frets & fumes till I get at it & then, he gets angry & says all sorts of things when I get read to can & ask him to help , he has had to carry the cans up & take them back filled. Oh, it’s terrible, I know he isn’t well, but that don’t hurt him any more than a lot of other things he does & there are a lot of things that need doing a-round here, the fire pot isn’t fixed yet & the seament isn’t put in around under the house & around basement wind-dows & there are the coop windows & door & the sink pipe that leaks & many more jobs. I can’t do them so what? now he wants me to fix his pants tonight & he had all day to think about getting them fixed. I’ll have to do it in the morning, got to cut bottoms off & put hem in. Water has been so dirty it’s a deep redish brown in cystern but what we caught from the house roof is so clear & clean we got some in the tub cystern ought to been cleaned out before this rain but we only talked about it. I said I’d help, but still it didn’t get done. Oh, well, We picked tomatoes today about a bu. he put them in the grainery His head has fell bad today it was to much work to get those fish he had to help dip & that hard back & arm work & then he had to clean ours & he cleaned, Miss. Clark’s & the preachers & had to call Nellie & buy ice & get it home & break it up & get the tub down stairs & carry fish down & put them in the tub & cover with ice papers & bags & then go & get them again when the children came & he was tired, I know..
Tues. Sept.24.1946./968./10. eggs today/ Haven’t done much today, been a beautifull day , strong S wind little W. but I haven’t done much today only what I had to do. Elbert went to Vermilion with the eggs he got 1.35 for 2. doz. but owes 5 cents he didn’t have enough change. I gave him 60 cents before he left & he had 6 cents making a total of 2.02 cents & he spent $1.96 cents for food, soap 22 cents, clorox 24 cents & gas 39 cents, food was flakes 10 cents, milk 12 cents, rice 12 cents & flour 77 cents, he left at 3-p-m. got back at 10-p-m. no word from Flora or Shirley or from Nellie or Martha. Not one word. I cut the bottoms of the legs of Elberts pants & put in hems, & sewed buttons on waist band.
Wed. Sept.25. 1946./10. eggs today. Elbert went to Huron & got a nice lot of fish I didn’t do a lot today but found enough to keep me busy & then He dressed fish & I baked them we didn’t have any greese to fry them in & we cold packed 3. qts. Elbert was tired to he got up early & went & came home with out meat or greese & said Scotts boat wouldn’t be in untill noon & I sent him back & we were glad he got the fish. for we we out of most everything & only had enough bread for supper. We caned a few apples & tomatoes 7. qts. & one pt. of baldwin apples with out sugar. Oh such is life. 7 qts. & 1/2. & so I’m to tired tonight. Elbert could have got sugar yes-terday but didn’t have coupons with him, so, no sugar, it has been a nice day partly cloudy & quite cool breeze hot sun.
Thurs. Sept. 26. 1946./ 14. eggs today. / Elbert went to Huron at 7-30-a-m & he went to the market & got a piece of boiling meat 1. lb & 3/4 it cost 75 cents = 50 cents per. lb. he got 4 lbs saucage 4 lb hamberger 5. lb. beef roast & 5 lb veal chops for another man & it cost 7.35 cents & he gave Elbert 50 cents for helping him, he bought lunch meats & told Elbert they were having a lot of people to dinner, that some one of his family was going to be baptized in the lake Sat. Sept. 28th 1946. Well Elbert bought gas he said with the 50 cents. I got up at 8-30-a-m. & did out the washing & Elbert came with the meat & was done with mine & the towels & house wash, he cost a piece of meat & ground it for our lunch. then he washed out his change of clothes while I hung up mine & then his & he went out side & washed out 5 prs. old work pants & I hung them up, all the rest of the washing was bone dry, sun hot, & good fresh S. winid everything got dry. K& I took care of hens & birds carried well water & washed dishes & as soon as we had finished lunch Elbert went up to Shures & got me a yeast cake, “he forgot while up town” I had every thing ready to stir up the bread when he got back & I stired & mixed it into hard loaf & that was 1.-[-m. & 2-30 I make it into loaves & got it baked at supper time 3 white loaves & it’s light & white & tender. We ate macaroni for supper. & I felt so lame & stiff all day, could hardly get around, but, thank God He has cared for us & Elbert has a job at Kraut Co. doing carpenter work for $1.00 per. hour. they are building on addition for canning.
Fri. Sept. 27. 1946./ 969/ 9 eggs today/ Elbert went to work at the Kraut factory & worked all day & I washed his sleepers & my dress & what dirty rags there were & then I ironed my dress & ironed Elberts shirt & pillow slip & sleepers & pressed 5 pr. work pants. that have to have patches & stitcher on most of them, 1. pr. is all right, I had to sew the braid on my dress in several places before I washed it, I ironed it & put it back on. breeze was strong & sun hot I took care of hens & birds & did the odds & ends & only ate 1 slice of bread today diped in milk & drank milk, I cooked string beans for supper & sliced tomatoes & had bread & tea. I made tea for Elbert he got here ten minutes after 4-p-m then after he fixed the screen for the coop door, he got a couple pails of water & I picked over a peck of tomatoes & sent to Helen Sarr for a pk. of there string beans & they were as glad for the tomatoes as we were for the beans. he left them on the way for the milk & got bean on way home. We went to Church & he went to Wests with the eggs & then mailed a letter to Flora & Shirley & card to Martha for me & then he called Nellie to see if they wanted to come for tomatoes & to see how Nellie was, she ans. the phone said Johnny, she never knew where he was going or would be after work & she didn’t know what Geo & Bonita would be doing or whether they’d come, & that she was feeling about the same as usual. So there’s about 2 bu. tomatoes that some one ought to have to can. I took a bath & so did Elbert before me dressed for Church, it’s been a real hot day but a beautiful Fall day, makes you feel like living out in the open. I see a big cock pheasant run down the road then fly over in the bean patch.
Sat. Sept. 28. 1946./ 13 eggs today/ I slept untill 9. -a-m. then as usual, couldn’t dress fast enough & then washed & combed my hair & went to hen house with pan of sour milk, the hen were walking up & down along the partition singing, talking, & laughing, cheering for there 10-a-m. lunch. they are good hens, they are so busy scratching & eating & making eggs that some of them drop the eggs on the floor turn & look at it & cackle a little & then hurry on to eat more mash oyster chell or drink milk or eat greens as it may be, the other night as they were flying onto the roost one hen hoped & started to fly & the egg plulped out as she flew, half way in midair & landed on the straw & she on the roost cackling in a half laugh & then discusted cackle, it was really funny & all the hens looking & laughing and then it sounded as if she said, I was going to lay it tomorrow and
Sat. Sept. 28. 1946 / 970/ 13 eggs today/ Pete the cock bird said thats right Sis don’t put off untill tomorrow what you should do today-a, it was like a movie act, I laughed , & picked it up & said that’s fine Sis makes 14 today & catches up on our dozen, they all do well, here, it’s Allmost Oct. & they are molting & laying a few have laid off that are almost refeathered & that’s no more than fair they need a little rest & to finish there feather & in a couple of weeks will be back on the job, for they are eating & working & a dose of salts every few days keep them hungry & active & I thank God, for if we didn’t have the eggs I don’t see how we could keep eating. I went to the mail box to no avail, only couple of odds, then I ate 1 slice of bread & drank cup of milk. I opened the coop doors & windows & walked out to the garden & came back, mended a pr. of sock & listened to the news, then swept & dusted, I had aired the beds when I first got up & opened up the windows & doors after my morning prayer. but now again a terrible burden landed on my heart & I cried & prayed untill it lifted, then I swept both bedroom & & wiped up the floors, empted the water & carried well & systern water. & mash & feed to hens & Elbert came at four oclock he ate a piece of bread & drank cup of hot tea & went to Vermilion got a bag of growing mash & bag of scratch grain & he went to the bank & borrowed $20.00, he then got 1/2 lb. of butter 1. lb. coffee 1. pkt. of tea, or box, 1/2 lb. I had the string bean on cooking & they were done, he had gone for the milk on way home, so, I strained it & put it to cool & by the time he was washed & ready for supper I had gravey on beans & the bread & hot coffee on the table & we are both terrible tired & shaky, he had beans & eggs for his breakfast & eggs for his lunch he couldn’t get meat any where or sugar or greese. Miss Clark had fixed some suet with cooking oil, “as she uses it” for us but when we let her out last night he wouldn’t wait for it & he was here with one of his neighbors tonight they went hunting for woodchucks, but didn’t get any, he said his folks, Gertie & Wheelers were as well as usual. It’s been another beautiful Fall day.
Sun. Sept. 29. 1946./ 10 eggs today/ We didn’t get to Church today Frank & Ruby came out & visited 1. hr. or so & they hadn’t been gone only a few minutes when
Sun. Sept. 29. 1946./ 971./10 eggs today. Geo Bonita & there 3. children came out & got a bu. & a half of tomatoes & some cabbages & carrots. & a big bunch of flowers for Nellie, it has rained most all day in heavy showers & so the boys “Elbert & Geo.” picked tomatoes cabbages & Bonita & I carrots & flowers between showers & then they got into the car & sped a way home with the children waving me good bys as long as they could see me, like Nellie’s & John’s children use to do. Time is flying fast. Frank says he’s going to build a trailer next Month & he & Ruby are going to New Mexico in Nov. or Dec. Ruby said she went to the clinic & they said her lungs are O.K. but her cough was caused from her bronchial tubes, she says she has coughed 3 yrs. this Christmas, her hair is white & she to act like a lady of great leisure. Well, wind was N. east & went N. & it’s strong & quite cool we have had a wood fire all day, and it’s felt real comfortable. I have felt too tired & now the hens are tucked away to bed & the birds & Elbert’s gone & I think I’ll go. I pray God will have saved some souls in the meeting tonight. Oh god, in Jesus Name I pray Thou will.
Mon. Sept.30. 21946. /11 eggs today/ Elbert worked Fri. & Sat. & today & it’s colder weather wind N. & littly cold west. I have tried to sew on my new house dress, couldn’t seem to make any headway I took care of hens & birds & got the supper agoing at 4=15. I stewed some cabbage & put some potatoes on the top & when Elbert came he brought a can of weiners & so, I opened it & put them in with cabbage & potatoes & we had quite a stew he got a yeast cake, so it’s bread to make & bake tomorrow. & I hope to get some sewing done to it’s been mostly cloudy, had a couple of showers & one tonight. the sky looks like winter, radio said they had hail in Cleveland today.
Tue. Oct.1.1946./12 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I set bread & mended one pr. pants for him & cleaned the birds cages & took care the hens & I set that bread at 11-a-m & 2- I mixed it into loaves, 3 loaves & 7 bread biscuits on a pie tin & it was so light & nice & I sent Miss. Clark 3 of the bread biscuits & 6 eggs she paid 35 cents for the eggs 7 Wests got 2 1/2 doz. 1.75, Elbert went there to Vermilion be-fore he got the milk, I didn’t go to church tonight I was so tired We went out & picked all the tomatoes, ripe & green & what melons there were before we ate supper my back & all through my chest & stomach have been paining me all day & tired me most to death. I dreamed of a baby boy some one left to me a nice good natured little fellow with big brown eyes & curly hair & we both loved him so much & of a clear deep stream of water with a sand bottom & lots of big fish in it & we cought a lot of them & we were traveling in the car with an old woman who had been a cook & house Keeper for two old maids, who died before we left them in a big house with really antick furniture & they had the caskets all made & in the attic & there dresses & bonets were in them, the bonets were white trimed in pink & one in blue & dresses were old fashion full skirts & tight fitting waists. black walnut caskets hand polished, Elbert
Tue. Oct. 1. 1946./ 12 eggs today/ 972/ & I staid with them for 2. mo. & then it seem we had to go on to Meet nellie & her folks & Wheeler & Gertie, Audrey, Martha, Merlin & there 3 children & Ethel & her man & Laura Ann & Frank & his familys & he said Virginia & her folk were coming behind him, there tires were bad & they must have stopped, he said, but they would catch up before long he thought. We stopped & camped over night by a river & Francis Wheeler had a pig all dressed out & he’d found a big iron griddle 35 or 40 ins. wide & a little longer & it had legs you could put on or take off, we cleaned it & fried pork & biscuits & untill everyone was full he said I could have the griddle & we took it, we had a cow that gave more than a bucket of milk & we took good care of her & looked out to see that no one bothered her at night We were just ready to move on again When I woke up & got up, it was a wonderful dream there were lots of soldiers a mile or so from those old maids home & there Dr & Minister came & helped Elbert dig the double graves, they put both caskets in one big rough box & buried them in there back yard, they left everything they had left to Elbert & I, the old cook had her’s in money & we sold the place to the Goverament & then took the cook & what bedding & things we could use with us in a big covered truck they got us at the army camp, it had bunks in it, so we could sleep in it, I don’t know where we were going but they said if we could make it in 2 weeks we’d be quite safe for a while & it was queer how theyd got all the relatives together & we were under orders to stay together.
It’s been very cool, N.W. breeze & quite fresh. I’ve had a fire all day, “wood fire”. it’s been partly cloudy all day & radio says, frost tonight.
Wed. Oct.2. 1946./12 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & worked all day he work all day yesterday & 1/2 hr. over time & when he got here tonight, he semented the fire pot in front & the top ends & he had to take the out side partly off to do that & the doors & the lip. I held the flash light, such a dirty mess, Well, thats done & he fixed the big door the screws had come out the nuts, well, I cleaned up the mess & got the supper cooking. I peeled all most a pk. of apples I picked up in the park & made 2. qts. apple sauce, I was out to the grapes & picked a good big pk. they are full of blackberrys high as my head or better, big canes as big as my thumb I had to cut my way in, to get the grapes on the way back I stopped & got some sweet corn it’s good sized blisters, but sweet & nice. I had it in the Kettle & the potatoes & I fixed beans & gravey & Elbert got a piece of lunch meat, we had a slice apiece & now I have dishes done & he has shaved & it’s most bed time, he’s gone out for kindling wood, we don’t have a fire tonight & its quite cool radio said it was going down to 35 degrees & we would get frost to night but I still hope we, don’t for at least 7 days yet. We had a beautiful Fall day, nice warm sun & not much breeze I sure Praise God for all our many blessings, Elbert’s terrible tired & stiff I pray God will take it from him tonight, in Jesus Name & I give Him all the praise & Glory, Amen.
Thurs. Oct. 3. 1946./ Well no frost yet & its warmer today. Elbert had cramps & didn’t go to work, at noon he
Thurs. Oct.3. 1946./973./13. eggs today/ went to Huron & got 25 nice sized pike I dressed 4 & fried them while he warmed the potatoes I got his coffee ready & he had a cup or two before dinner I had taken care of hens & birds & washed cans to put tomatoe pickles in some cans I got back that Rev. Singleton had & they were rotten dirty, I’ll never understand how they could have got so dirty inside & out & she said she had washed them & had them all ready to bring back to me, now these Ministers have my cans & haven’t given any back so far & I’m not giving them any more untill I get them back. I know if Jesus said He’d give my cans back He’d sure Keep His word & Ministers are expected to live like Jesus & keep a promise, but they just make excuses & go on, it’s sure a poor example for the young folk & I pray the older folks won’t follow it. Well, I cut up a 6 gallon crock of green tomatoes got the salt & boiling water on them & a plate & stone on the top to weight them down, I picked up a pail of apples might get 2 more qts of apple sauce out of them. Elbert got 2. cakes of lava 2. of life boy 2. of ivory & Yellow soap & 1. box Oxydol soap powder, so, I ought to wash in the morning, I’ve been feeling punk my back & hips ach so bad seems as if I can’t endure it. I done my daily work & wished I could be out side it’s so nice out door hot sun but wind have gone N.E. & fog horn is blowing tonight. No mail, only, my check. Fri. Oct. 5. 1946./ Elbert went to Vermilion at 4-p-m. after he had dressed & cleaned the fish & he said we didn’t need so many so, I sent 4. to Miss. Clark & 10. to the Preachers. Miss. Clark sent me the greese, she had fixed for me last week & Elbert wouldn’t wait for me to get it, then. so, I told him to ask & he did so we fried all our fish tonight to be sure they wouldn’t spoil. I have washed up the dishes & cleaned the stove & washed up another bunch of cans. I took up the rest of the plants today. Poor old Pete he can hardly make the roost any more, I don’t know whats the trouble with him. Elbert said preachers were not home so he left fish on the table. I got my check today, so, he got it cashed & he paid the feed bill $8.90 & he paid milk bill 9.00 & I forgot to have him pay the Dentist 5.00 that will only leave me 2.25 for Church & I’ll have to use some egg money to round it out to 2.50 Oh, well, I gave Elbert the egg money to get a window glass for south hen house door, he broke 2. out of that door this summer. & last night there was some one in the park picking up apples they sure clean up even the culls & I want that glass put in before they get in & borrow the hens that would be terrible just terrible.
Fri. Oct. 4. 1946./4 eggs today/ Well, I wanted to wash it was such a nice day but instead I caned 7. qts. tomatoe pickles & then was such a nice day.
Fri. Oct. 4. 1946. / 974./4 eggs today/I washed & cut enough to fill the 6 ga. crock again & put the hot brine on them & weighted them down, so I’ll have to can them tomorrow & try to do a little washing, I aired the bedding today also & I don’t know what happened to the eggs today the cackled as much as usual the coop wasn’t locked this a-m & some one may have helped themselves while I was busy in the house, I really don’t know, I put a few carrots, beets, green onions, tomatoes & 2 heads of cabbage in a bag for Miss. Clark & a few tomatoe pickles in a small can & a cup of sugar in a bag & gave them to her after church tonight, Elbert & I both took a bath & dressed clean for Church. I had to rasle around some to get supper, fed hens got the garden stuff read. Elbert had to cut 2 in. off the glass for the coop door then he put it in & fastened it with the molding then he went for the milk & I had that to strain & put to cool before going church but we got everything done & off on time & then they didn’t start untill 8-p-m. We took Miss. Clark home after church, she said Mr. Miller had an-other bad spell he threw up & then it went the other way & his poor old mother Who is 86. yrs old fell & hurt her hip & her hands so it made it harder for her to take care of him, she tripped over a rug, it seems the woman that cleans for her had put it in the wrong place & left a loop or a place where she stepped her foot under the rug, she broke a dish she had in her hands but thank God he spared her bones. Harry Miller is her son & she has taken care of him for ____ yrs. Elbert worked all day & is terrible tired again tonight. I gave Tom Eppler a red rock cabbage tonight & the preachers wife said she bought pork chops today & Miss Clark got greese spry [?] and she gave me a roll of toilet paper, I need that also.
Sat, Oct. 5. 1946./12 eggs today. / Elbert went to work, he’s been having cramps in the flesh on his ribs & in his hands & legs, they only worked 4-10, I caned 8. qts. more of tomatoe pickles & then got at the washing & got it out & dried, Praise God, then I got supper & rested a while & washed done the dishes & now I’m going to bed hoping to rise & shine for God in the morning, I’m dead tired tonight I’ve done my usual house work & took care of hens & birds & carried water & all I’ve. had to keep me today, & work on untill supper time was a pt. of milk & an egg yolk. tonight we had string beans potatoes, gravy & liver, bread & a glass of milk Elbert had coffee. after supper I ironed my house dress skirt & table cloth. It’s been a wonderful day & how I long to get out & walk around & enjoy the nice warm weather. it was 87 degrees at around noon today. N.E. breeze & 12 eggs today We kept the coop locked-
Sun. Oct.6. 1946./975./10 eggs today’ Well, I wanted to go to Church this morn-ing, but I didn’t I have to depend on Elbert & he was so tired he didn’t wake in time, I didn’t sleep all night I was so tired but I wanted to go this morning so Elbert could rest tonight, but here we went tonight instead. Nellie, Johny, Bonita & her 3. children came in, just after we had, had dinner I made a cup of tea all round & we tried to visit but, the children were full of mischeif & we couldn’t talk much, We gave them some cabbage & I gave Nellie the black dress I bought & tried to fix over but never got it done, she took it & said, maybe she could pay me by & by, she & Bonney Bell are going Oct. 16. “she said” to New Mexico. & she wanted to come before she left, but she couldn’t visit because of the children, so, said she might get back next Sun. I don’t know what she wanted to tell me. We had such a good Service Mr. & Mrs. Reese sang an old fashion song & the Minister sang a part & then they all finished it together Jane played the piano Janes husband was with her at Church Mrs. Eppler sang a solo on her ______ & Mrs. Eppler & Mrs Gerny played on the horn & ______ I can’t remember what kind of horn Mrs. Eppler plays. & the children’s choir sang a hym & then every one sang, several hyms. & they had prayers several times, then Rev. Mr. Gerny preached on the old time religion, one little Smith girl went to the Altar & a goodly number of children & grown ups. We took a red rock cabbage to the Ministers & eggs to Wests & Miss Clark for got to get hers, we went to her house but she wasn’t there & Mrs Reese said she thought she went over to Millers, so we delivered the 4. Smith children to there door, & we came on home We had a cheese sanwitch & cup of milk cocoa & now Elbert’s in bed & I wish I was. It’s been a beautiful Fall day warm & sun clear & Moonlight nights. & somehow I wish we could go where it would be warmer for the winter Ella Jane got rooms for Nellie & Bonney Bell.
Mon. Oct.7. 1946./11 eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got in line & got some boiling meat a little hamberg & piece of suet & then he went to the fish house & got a big mess of fish he cleaned & I cooked them for dinner then he went to kraut Plant & worked all after noon & they told him they’d have to ask him to wait the bal. of the week they were out of material, so he’s out of work again but a breathing [?] wont hurt him, only he wanted to get enough money to pay bills.
Mon. Oct.7. 1946./976. 11 eggs today. / Well when he got home tonight he cleaned a few fish for us & 4. for Miss. Clark. I peeled 3 pks. tomatoes & cook them down for ketchup &: got them through the strainer & done my daily round of house work & looked after the hens. I mixed condition powder in there mash today, had to give baby chicks there growing mash & then go back in 2 or 3 hours & let them into the park & then feed them at 5-30-p-m. Elbert decided to take the fish he had not dressed over to Nellie & I had to husle some to get everything done I got the milk bottles ready washed my tomatoe Kettle &, I caned a qt of apple sauce, “baldwin apples.” & I had enough for another qt. but we wanted some to eat & I took a big cupful in a little can to Miss. Clark, with 4. fish & her eggs.” 1/2 doz. Elbert took them up stairs and said she was sick & laying down she’s tired out [ ?]and hungry half the time. Well I feel a little better since I had a little more to eat, & I been taking an egg yolk in a glass of milk every day. Well we went & got the milk & then we went to Nellie’s she seemed so pleased to get the fish said they’d been living on chicken & we so tired of them she wanted us to take a dollar, but we didn’t I don’t know just how bad a fix they really are in. She did say the vegetables were a big lift to them. We can’t visit the children make such a noise Bonita put the twins to bed then we did get to talk a little, Nellie was trying to make pickles out of the green tomatoes we gave them she had them ready for the cans but had to fix the vinegar & then can them yet tonight. Bonney Bell was home & doing her hair up in curls & Poor Bonita tired most to death from her many duties with house work & children & she had done such a big washing partly of bed covers for comforters & she was going to iron them & they hope to get them put back on so Nellie can take part of them with her, they say it gets cold in New Mexico at night. Nellie is so nervous she said she didn’t know if she’d get every thing done by the time they were to leave on Oct. the 14th. Well if it will help them to go, I pray God will take care of them & give them that help they need. Nellie said Howard & Francis house burned up last night & everything the owned, but that they got out safe with there 2 children & she said Gertie was having to pay Armond rent to live on the place & that the lawyer told her if she wanted what was in the shop she’d have to store it in her bedroom. Gertie told us Pa had everything fixed so she wouldn’t have to worry, so, I don’t know. I’d like to go see if she O.K.
Tue. Oct. 8. 1946./7 eggs today./ I finished my ketchup & baked 3 white loaves of bread & a big tin of bread biscuits & did my daily round & taking care of hens & birds & I’m so tired & so is Elbert he has been sawing off the big stumps of the old trees & then he
Tue. Oct. 8. 1946./977./7 eggs today/ split up some wood to burn, the wind is N.E. & colder today & I’ve had a little fire so my bread would raise & it did & is so light & nice, we get white flower now, but only in small sacks 5 & 10 lb. sack Elbert had to get Pillsberry four this time, as it was all they had. Well the bread is sure good & I thank God in Jesus Name & for all our many blessing. Elbert is getting so thin in his body. It’s been a nice day mostly Cloudy & quite a bit cooler. I received a letter from Miss Baumgart with a stamp & 2 U.S. cards in it, they are as well as usual & she wanted to know how we all were.
Wed/ Oct. 9. 1946./14. eggs today./ Well, I thought I wouldn’t work so hard today, but when I got up Elbert had the tomatoes all peeled & he was pealing the onions so, I got me washed & chopped the pk. to-matoes & green peppers & got them in the big Kettle to cook, then I chopped the 6 onions & put them in with a qtj. of vinegar 4/5 cup salt, 2 1/2 cups sugar & a cup of mixed spices tied in a clean cheese cloth & then I had to str it every few minutes to keep it from sticing on the bottom, I let it cook 5. hrs. slow, then bottled it. & while it cooked I went to hen house & looked after hens & had Elbert put pail of water in the park for them for he cleaned the floor & roost late this after noon & I did my house work cleaned up bedroom & aired the beds & made them up for night. I made 1. qt. apple sauce & caned it. I cleaned bottom of cupboard & wiped up kitchen floor & then tonight while Elbert went for milk, I went out to feed hens & they afraid of the heaps of straw & just wouldn’t come in the coop, I went in the park & tried to drive them in, but no only 2 or 3 came in & then Elbert came & he helped me drive them in, so they went to bed with out there supper poor things. I had Elbert give them a dose of salts this morning & they sure will be hungry in the morning. I left there grain in a feeder It has been a fine day & I have wished every day for a little more time to be out doors in the sun & air, but there’s so much to keep me in, was cloudy untill after noon, wind has gone from N.E. to S. East partly cloudy tonight.
Thurs. Oct. 10. 1946./6 eggs today/ We haven’t had a killing frost yet & I picked supper last night. I really didn’t do quite so much work today I picked up a bu. of poor apples hoping to get out a few qts of apple sauce I washed up dishes & cooked & done my usual daily rounds looking after hens & birds & I dug up my big India lilly bulb & the young ones I had out side in the dirt, couldn’t find all of them cut back the rose bushes on the end of the house, & Elbert did the most & he tied them up we have the two on the sides to finish yet. & 4 on the fence & rack & N. end of the house. Elbert picked all the rest of the lima beans, green & dry that were worth picking. I packed away the chilli sauce & put bread in the crock, I aired & suned the crock today. it’s
Thurs. Oct. 10. 1946./ 978./ 6. eggs today. / been a nice day partly cloudy S.E. breeze & cooler tonight. last night we saw hundreds of bright lights, like Roman candles shooting thorough the sky toward the S. West, or maybe I should say like a star shooting through the sky with long white tails one was a beautiful blue, even the tail it was a queer sight.
Fri. Oct. 11. 1946./13 eggs today./ I washed today Elbert went to Lorain & I did carry the water, I wasn’t done when Elbert came & he washed out his 2 under suits & his work shirts 2,) & 1. pr. pants & then I took a bath & dressed for prayer meeeting while Elbert went for the milk then I got supper & we ate & went to church it rainedhard several times & it rained in the night to & the close were most dry I had washed, so I finished them over the stove & Elbert’s clothes also. it’s colder tonight & looks like we would be getting a frost soon Wind Strong from the South. We had a wonderful prayer meeting & I got wonderfully blessed & so did several of the others, there were only a few there.
Sat. Oct. 12.1946./ 11. eggs today./ I washed out a few more pieces & it was showery all morning, Elbert went to Huron but came back with out meat or fish, so, we had a hen an old maid hen that was all done shedding & feathered out good she was fond of eating & looking nice, so we killed her for Sunday dinner, we had the breast for supper she was fat & tender. it froze ice 3/4 in thick last night. Weather cleared & sun came out after dinner & I dried clothes out side & it’s getting shivery cold tonight, heavy frost. heat feels good
Sun. Oct. 13. 1946./9 eggs today./ We went to Sunday School & Church this a-m after Elbert had got the milk we got ready & went back to evening service to Church. I’m not going to get milk at Hauff’s any more, he raised the milk to 15 cents per. qt. & now he wants 18 cents & I can’t pay it for I don’t have enough money, he thinks because the milk in the stores sell for 20 cents he ought to have as much but that milk costs more because they pasturize it & bottle it & we get just fresh milk, furnish our bottles & have to drive over & back making a 4 mile trip, using car, gas & oil. so I told him to tell Hauff we wouldn’t get the milk any longer. & the milk hasn’t been very good of late , guess his milking some of the cows that’s going to have calves, to long, milks stringy We went to Church & had a good service, preaching song K& prayer. I praise the Lord, Glory, Glory, Hallalujah, I Praise the Lord.
Mon. Oct. 14, 1946./ 8. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain but couldn’t get on to either of the jobs he’d been promised, but he landed another 7 its way out to the Steel Plant on Vine Ave. buidling what they call baracks, big sheds done off in compartments for a number of families to live in, so men can work for Plant & live near by. I mended on my corset, but didn’t get it done so I’ll have to try again tomorrow. Elbert got here about 5-30 or quarter to six & had fish, he had called
Mon. Oct. 14. 1946./979. 8. eggs today/ got tank of gas today/ at the gas office & told them our gas was gone we have only had it a little over 2 months & since we haven’t been boiling meat & using the gas as often or as long for we haven’t had the food to cook, we were puzzled to know what had become of the gas, so, he told them & they said no one could take the gas out from the out side. Well, When he came with the gas, I told him & he got rather angry, but at last he said, well, I can’t see how they could take gas out of the tank, but if it runs short this time, let me know & we’ll do something about it. Well, it sure is queer. Well I took care of hens & birds & done my daily chores & odds & ends & I didn’t have much to eat & I can’t seem to do a lot some days, it’s been a fine day here but Elbert said it rained a light rain for an hour in Lorain this morning. Elbert only worked this after noon & he was tired to, tonight. We had a wood fire enough to keep chill out the house.
Tue. Oct. 15. 1946./ 4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & so did I, went to the hen house & took hens there green feed & let them out in the park sun was bright & warm & they like to roll in the dirt then I went to mail box, but no mail, then I set my bread, after putting the birds in the sunshine, then I took all the curtains down & washed & suds & wrinsed & starched them & hung them out to dry by the time I had the last ones up I started taking the first ones down, they all dried so fast wish it didn’t take any longer to clean them, than it took to dry them, I hung my blankets out when I first got up & shook up the beds & opened the windows & shut the doors to keep my bread rising, I had 4 nice loaves. Elbert came at 5-30-p-m., I had shut the hens in & fed them, but my bread wasn’t done, so I couldn’t go to Huron with him, he had a saw up there being sharpened he got it & was back before the potatoes were done he got a piece of meat to boil & a piece of pork steak as tuff as Whang [?] leather I had sweet corn that was tender we ate & I did dishes & now, he’s gone to bed 7 I’m so tired I’m going also. I sent a letter to Miss Baumgart yesterday. Well I didn’t get my corset done today & I hope to wash windows its sure been a fine day. I thank God & Praise him for all things.
Wed. Oct.16. 1946./7 eggs today/ Well, Elbert worked today & I only got the front door storm door glass & one window & the wood work done & I ironed 3. shirts & 7. prs. of curtains & 2 short curtains took care of hens & birds & got 4. cabbages & some carrots I cooked veg-tables in with the boiling beef for supper & cooked a few baby limas so Elbert can have some for his breakfast. I cut a few roses & honey suckle tamaric & glrdias to took take to Hamblys for Ellen’s & Raymond’s wedding shower (Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Toms.) Well I took a bottle
Wed. Oct 16. 1946./980./ 7 eggs today/ of chilli sauce We washed & dressed after supper & pput the things in the car & went 2 cabbages for Hamblys & 2 for her mother & father & the glass fruit dish & little glass dishes for jam or whatever they might want to use them for & the chilli sauce every one wanted that, they say, you can’t buy it in the stores. Well, the Toms sure got some nice presents a very pretty water glass set with frosted leaves on them & a set of 8 tumblers in a carrier with baby pink roses around the tops some a set of bowls & a salt & peper set in a carrier for the akitchen another set for flour & spices a big cassarol pyrex & one of earthen wear with flowers on & 2 pyrex pie plates an electric toaster 2 nice pillows & a pretty tea towel with gay colors & a table clothe in fancy bricks all colors in a brick each brick alike. & one other some thing like it & some kitchen tools seives & forks & spoons & an ironing board & pad & cover & a pyrex coffee maker guess that was all, they served cheese & whole wheat bread sandwitches & hambergers sweet pickles in big slices, cucumber & doughnuts with apple cider & a 3 kinds of bottled drink pepse colla root beer & I don’t know what the other was, it was green & I think they said it was lime. after the lunch they began leaving for home, I wanted to see Mrs Hamblys mother, but they went to bed early, she has been real sick & in bed Oh yes, Miss Clark sent a box of scented tissues. Well, Elbert had a cramp in his leg while we were there & in his ribbs after we got home, he’s so dog tired & so was I, we are not fit for going out at night after working all day & I’ll have to get up in the morning, for Martha said she’d be out & I don’t know if she will or not, but just in case, I’ll have to get up & wash my dress & iron it I got so dirty today. I was in hopes I’d get the windows all done & curtains up, but, I can’t work so fast any more. & it’s after 11-p-m right now. I wrote a letter to Nellie & Elbert mailed it today It’s been a beautiful day real warm sun & south breeze.
Thurs. Oct.17. 1946. 3 eggs today/ Cloudy this morning, Elbert went to work and in & hour it was raining a fine misty rain & has kept at it most of the day I went out between showers looked after hens & got corn for supper & then let out hens & later fed them before bed time, it got dark early tonight I opened car shed for Elbert, he came tired, & hungry I had cocoa hot, he drank it & cleaned fish, “perch” I done my usual house work & washed one North window, plugged it or corked it & the east one for winter & put clean curtains up to front door E. & N. window. I baked 12 cup cakes, 1. loaf cake & I
Thurs. Oct. 17. 1946./981./3 eggs today/ fried the fish cooked the corn & boiled potaotes made coffee & had bread for supper & Elbert’s been in bed for an hour & a sleep & I’ve got dishes done & everything ready for morning & it’s raining in heavy showers & fog horn is blowing. Elbert brought a bag of coal tonight isn’t cold, just damp, but wind gone N.West, so it might get cold. Well, Nellie said they’d be going Fri. but we got a card today saying Wed.
Fri. Oct. 18. 1946./9. eggs today./ Elbert went to work I slept a while then in a rush got dressed combed & washed & went to the hen house & gave the hens a pan of sour milk. I let the young roosters out but it was rather cool a strong S.W. Wind & a little night chilly & a little rain now & again, after noon sun came out at intervals. I washed two more windows & wood work & corked them & put the clean curtians up & I still have 4 more to wash & cork & curtians to put up, I’m so heavy on my feet, it tires me most to death I picked sweet corn for supper & took 1/2 doz. to Miss. Clark & Mrs. Sprunk I got supper, Elbert brought short steaks, I boiled potatoes & corn & made coffee & chopped cabbage & mixed it with chillie sauce for relish. & we had home made bread. Young chickens didn’t stay out long I shut them in at 4-p-m. & fed them all, then went out & husk the corn for supper & picked up a few apples. We got dressed for church & went, only Mrs. Sprunk & Miss Clark, little Garry Black & the preacher was there Mrs. Gerny was sick & laying down all after noon the Minister said & there are several others sick I thank God, He got me off to Church & I pray Mrs. Gerny will be O.K. tomorrow, Oh God, in Jesus Name Please bring in thy people to Church & pray meeting fill them with a craving for Thee, Oh, Dear Heavenly Father forgive us our sins and reveal unto us the things we ought to do & say to help others. I pray for those who are sick & those who are sorely afflicted & for every soul that belongs to Thee, I pray, Lord God of Hosts Thy Will be done, Glory to God. All the Praise & Glory truly belongs to Thee. I Praise Thee Jesus.
Sat. Oct. 19. 1946./8 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & he gets time & a half for today. I slept untill 8-30-a-m.then got up & dressed, combed & washed & put the birds in the front door in the sun light then shook up the bieds opened the windows & fixed the fire a little enough to keep it & went to hen house with pan of sour milk & gave them a cabbage head & some grit & let the roosters out, then carried the water & did out the washing & got it dried.
Sat. Oct. 19. 1946./982./ 8 eggs today/ I washed my corset, I had it partly mended & I can finish it clean, now, I washed both my house dresses & did the ironing & & swept & dusted both bedroom & kitchen washed up dishes, fed & locked coop & got a pail of cystern & well water & made up beds & got supper & done up dishes again, yes, I picked up peck of apples. It’s been a beautiful day. Praise God in Jesus Name.
Sun. Oct. 20. 1946./ 6 eggs today/ I didn’t get to Sunday school & Church this morning but we went to night I haven’t felt so good guess I may have taken a little cold I was so stiff & lame all over, I didn’t sleep untill morning, then I slept to long to get ready for Church, there wasn-n’t many to church tonight we took Mrs sprunk & Miss. Clark Home & then the Smith children they live just west of Epplers. about a mile out of Vermilion. Today is Pa & ma’s wedding annaversy. 67. yrs. ago today. Pa would be 86 yrs old this Jan 28 1947 and ma 90 yrs old this Nov 29. 1946. Elbert got a pt. of cream & it sure was good I haven’t eat much today & was so empty, my bowels have been sort of running off & leaves me empty. Tonight before supper we saw such a big flock of wild geese they came from the North east & were going south west. It’s been a fine Fall day partly cloudy. We had a good meeting & prayer Service Praise the Lord.
Mon. Oct. 21. 1946./ 7 eggs today/ Elbert went to work, and I slept awhile. then tumbled out & dressed, comb my hair & got washed took care of birds shook up the beds & opened the windows put the water on to heat & went to hen house & mail box gave the hens some cabbage let young one out & then fixed me a bite to eat & then pealed apples, they are terrible, I only got 2 1/2 qts. from a big peck at 4-p-m. I fed hens & chicks & gave them mash & shut them in & locked the coope & opened car shed doors & then went out & piked what sweet corn there was left Georgie Snyder came over & I gave her a doz ear or more & she talked so long I was late with my supper, Elbert was late to & I had to hurry to get supper before seven oclock, I fried some steak he brought home cooked the last of the green lima beans & a potatoe & sliced the beets I had cooked to made his coffee & got the bread & we had sweet corn to & then after supper I did the dishes & got the meat boiled & now all is done for today. It’s been
Mon. Oct. 21. 1946./983./7. eggs today./ a perfect day quite, warm sun & no breeze. I wished I could go out & stay in the open all day, so warm you don’t need a jacket on. Elbert said, tonight as he came along the highway & looked at the lake, he wished he could go fishing once more.
Tue. Oct.22. 1946./7. eggs today./ Nellie said she & Bonney Bell would be in New Mexico today, Mon Elbert went to work and so did I did my morning chores & pealed apples & canned 2. almost 3. qts. & then I went out & trimed the rose rambler on the S.east corner of the house & the sun was so hot I thought it would cook me, but I got it done & cought in place so Elbert only will have to tighten the wires & fix it up in the middle where I couldn’t reach it. Seems Elbert ans. another insurance add. & a man came to see a-bout it today, I couldn’t tell him so he said he’d come back tonight & he did & Elbert signed up for it 76.00 for the first year & 60.00 each year after & then if he gets hurt or sick even if he isn’t in the hospital if he can’t work he gets 50.00 a month & if he has to go to hospital they pay all his expenses ambulance & operating room expense, Elbert thinks that’s a lot to pay a yr. but he’s getting to the place where he’s apt to need it & it’s lots cheaper this way, than the way it was when he was in the hospital last time, he had to borrow money from the bank & mmorgage his car & all the extra trouble he had to get the morgage back. Well I do hope he will be able to keep this insurance for I don’t have enough to keep us with out the help of the hens. I got the supper & took care of hens & got the dishes done & pealed a stew pan of apples & got them cooked & now I’ll read a bit & can the apples & go to bed. I Praise God for a wonder day & for a letter from Flora Glover today. I pray God will talk to her & help her to understand & live for Him. Glory, Glory, Hallalujah Glory to God I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. Oct.23.1946./1. egg. today/ Elbert went to work & the boss sent him over on the east side on the lake front to fit & hang some storm windows way down by the Over Look apartments way down, almost to the end of East Erie Ave & he’s been on a ladder all day, he’s to tired tonight, he sweat untill all his clothes was wet through & he was still soaked when he got home, he ate & took his bath & went to bed, had to fix a garter before he went, I tried to get him to stay home tomorrow but he says the work isn’t going to last long, but we neither can see why he should do such a job it’s nothing to do with the construction Co. job. I only hope he don’t get any more ladder jobs. I pealed a stew pan full of baldwin apples & picked over & washed 4 qts cheery tomatoes for green pickles. & I picked a pk of green tomatoes off the big tomatoe vines & there are lots of them out there yet, a bu. or 2. but I run out of salt & sugar, so have to wait. I did my daily rounds of duties & wiped up the floor & so I’m some what tired, myself Elbert brought fresh fish for supper. It’s been a beautiful day & I fasted and fasted & prayed today, the rest were going to do the same for Mr. Horning.
Thurs. Oct.24.1946./984./5. egg today./ Elbert started for work, but he got as far as the garage, one tire blew out & he got that fixed, then it started missing, he had to have $18.00 worth of work done, he got home little after 4. p.m. he didn’t get my sugar, so I sent him to Huron & he got 15. lbs. $1.05 it cost. & he got some nice fresh bones to cook in with the little piece of boiling meat he had brought & a piece of lunch meat & I sent Mrs. Gunenhauser & her brother, the 2 yellow rose bushes they wanted. Well, he went & come before I got finished with my work, I had just got the hens in & fed & locked up when he drove in, I ask what had happened, he had come so early & he told me he’d been at the garage & then done the shopping & come home. We had a lunch before he went to Huron, I hadn’t had only 1/2 slice of bread cup of hot water & little later cup of cocoa, & I had done all the washing except my rags & his 2 work shirts I washed his blankets & dired his bedding had a good sized wash, & have 3 blankets yet to do. Elbert mailed a card to Bonita, for me today. if I can, I do them & the few other things in the morning. The wind was so strong, it sure dried the cloth fast. I was all ready to get supper when, Elbert come, I made his bed & mine while he was gone to Huron then shaved the corn off the ears & cooked it for supper. I set bread this morning & baked bread biscuits for supper had 2 loaves of bread, big ones, It’s been a wonderfully nice day, warm sun. Oh! how I Praise the Good Lord God of Hosts for everything.
Fri. Oct. 25. 1946./ 5. eggs today./ Well the wind did blow last night & some time after midnight it rained in heavy showers & I heard some one rattling around the gas tank, heard the cover go up & a rattle & clatter & the same rattle & a different noise when the cover went down,. I don’t know what to do about it. Elbert went to work & he did so many earns on the way home, I couldn’t go to church for prayer meeting tonight & I just feel sick when I can’t go prayer meeting, I haven’t done so much today, was to tired & it rained most of the day, I picked a bunch of roses & a few carrots & beets & green tomatoes to take to Preachers, Mrs. Clark &K Mrs. Sprunk then had to put vegetables in grainery. Hens are sure molting off fast floor is white with feathers. I got a letter from Nellie today she said Bonita sent my letter right on to Mexico & she was glad to get it, she said Ella Jane met them at the station & that she was so tired before she started she could stand up straight, but now she was better again & that it was just beautiful there. I pray God will heal her soul & body in Jesus Name. They got into New Mexico last Sat.
Fri. Oct. 25. 1946./985./ 5. eggs today./ she said they went to Sun. school & church in the morning & to Church in the evening & she & Bonney walked over to the house where Ella Jane rooms with a teacher & several other girls, that it was a large house with large pretty rooms & the girls are learning to keep house. sounds rather foolish to me, but it might be O.K. Well it said over the radio that it would clear off tonight & be cooler tomorrow & I think it will, also said partly cloudy tomorrow. I do pray God blessed the meeting & that there were lots more there than last Fri. night I thank Thee Jesus. Sat I canned 2. qts. cherry tomatoe pickles & did my usual daily chores, and made vegetable soup. I put barley, carrots, onions & macaroni in the beef broth & tomatoe & lima beans it was good.
Sat. Oct. 26. 1946./ 4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I slept till 9-a-m & then looked after hens & birds & then I washed what dirty clothes there were & 3 cotton blankets. 2. light & 1. heavy, & carried the water & did my usual round of house work. Elbert was sore & lame from laying floor yesterday & he’s still tired & lame tonight, I had supper ready & clothes dried & put away & hens fed & locked in, & picked up a pail of apples & now the dishes are done & we have to go to bed, Elbert has gone. It’s been another fine day only a strong S. wind.
Sun. Oct. 27. 1946./ 3. eggs today/ I got up took a bath & dressed went to Sun school & Church & to Church this evening, we had a good prayer service both this morning & tonight & Mrs. Sprunk’s son & his wife & there son went to the alter tonight she & the Church folks have been praying for them for a long time. I pray they will come again & again & be holy converted. We had prayer for healing this morning & a lot of us were anointeed & prayed for, even Sister Gerny. some for one thing and some for another, Oh how I thank God in Jesus Name that we can go to Him as often as we will & He’s hear and ans. prayer. Praise His Holy Name, Glory, Glory, Glory, Now, Thurs. night they are having a part (shower) for Mary Krole & Mr. Petters, they are going to be married Sat. Nov. 2nd 1946. in the little 4. Square Church in Vermilion Ohio. & we all are invited, it will be at 7-p-m. the shower is going to be at Mr & Mrs. Tom Eppler’s. Tom is Marry’s Uncle. Well, we had quite a crowd out to Church tonight. I took Mrs. Sprunk this morn. & tonight I gave preachs 2. cabbages & a bunch of green onions & Miss Clark some beets carrots can apple sauce & little can of Cheerys. & little can of sugar. & we take the 3. or 4. Smith children home for they live on the Main Highway west
Sun. Oct. 27. 1946./ 986./ 3. eggs today./ and we pass there home. & it’s about a mile from Church. Elbert got a pt. of cream & it was so good for lunch tonigh & its been a fine day.
Mon. Oct.28. 1946./ 6 eggs today/ I swept both bedrooms & Kitchen & I scrubbed the toilet & give her a good one & wrinsed it down with 3 buckets of water, the coal came & the young Eppler boy brought it, We had quite a visit on christianity he’s young & there are a lot of things he don’t understand Why, Oh Why don’t the young christians try to help & Why don’t they let those Who want to know things, ask questions, they seem to want to do all the talking I like a few class where every one can ask the about the things they want to Know, they need help & don’t Know how to get it Elbert went to work I have done all my daily chores. We’re both tired tonight it’s been a fine day strong, S. wind & we didn’t pull cabbages.
Tue. Oct. 29. 1946./ 3. eggs today. Elbert went to work & I got up at 8-30-a-m & I wiped up Kitchen floor & stairway scrubbed the slop pail & wash bench & put clean papers on the shelf & 2. board I set the cystern & well pail on, took care of birds & hens & got some adds from the mail box, then ground a small piece of beef cut off the boiling meat & made meat balls Mrs. Sprunk said she’d be here today & since it was 11-30 & she hadn’t come, I got the meat balls cooking & when they were most done I went to the well for water & see her coming up the hill I came in with water put some on to boil for tea & went to meet her, she gave me her purse & went on to see Miss. Jones & I came in & fixed some corn & opened a can of cheeries got the table set & dinner on & she thanked God for our dinner & then we ate & talked & about 3 we began to pray & were both drunk with the Spirit, at 5-p-m when we began to come back to earth we went out to feed the hens & I still couldn’t walk straight, Glory Hallilujah, Praise the Lord, Glory, Glory. & then after I’d took care of hens, I put the boiling meat on to cook & we went out & got 1/2 doz. beets 1. savary cabbage 1. green cabbage head & a big piece off a red rock cabbage & a few flowers. then Elbert came, he pulled a few good heads & put them in the middle pen, we got to pull them for they are cracking open so bad then he washed & took Mrs. Sprunk up to highway to catch the buss. It was cloudy untill 10-a-m then sun came out & it was fine looks like rain tonight & I haven’t done the washing yet.
Wed. Oct.30.1946./3 eggs today/ Elbert went to work, I was feeling so punk but my cold had broke yesterday, but I felt so tired I slept untill 9-a-m, before I got up & started I got the beds & rooms taken care of & then put the water on for the bread & I went to hen house & mail box, got an invitation to Miss. Marry Krolls wedding shower they are going to have it at Mr. & Mrs. Tom Eppler.
Wed. Oct.30.1946/ 987./ 3 eggs today./ home(Tom is Marys Uncle) Well each one was to give a 25 cents for dough-nuts & sider & bring a gift of some sort, I had the bread in a loaf to raise & put water on to start the washing, it was lat but there were only a few clothes to wash & I had them all done at 4-p-m. K& bread biscuits & small loaf of bread done for preachers & Mrs. Sprunk. I made 3 loaves of bread this time for us, When Elbert he looked at the biscuits & smiled & said, boy they look swell & I said I’m going to send them to the preachers this time & he laughed & said he’s going to tell that preacher something. but it was me he told something we ate supper & listened to the news & then a little play come on & he seemed to be so inter-ested I didn’t shut if off, it was about a young man, his sister-in-law & himself, man like he never dreamed his sister-in-law would be jelous of his wife, but she was & started making all the most horrible messes of trouble for the young wife, Who was feeling like she’d like to be alone with her man untill they understood one another better, but “Linda” kept right after things 200.00 dollars came up missing from the wifes purce & Linda saw the purce & opened it & looked through it & she was so bossy & mean & even lied to the man & tried to make him believe all the tricks she was doing herself was the things the wife did, so of course after her man got sick & into a raving fever over it & Linda wouldn’t let his wife go near her man & she “Linda” fell over from over tired & the wife took care of them both untill they were O.K. then she pack her things & hoofed it to the station a couple of miles away & learned she had to wait untill midnight for a train, so she took out a writing tablet & wrote & explained all to the man she loved so much, it made her cry to write it & she was so deeply interested she didn’t hear her man walk in, then they fixed things up & he took her in the carrage & drove back home with her, & Linda left for good. Elbert got up & started to go out side with out his jacket & he had sweat untill he was wet through, he wears his overall all day & takes them off at night, & he has a little cold, so I said put your jacket on, please, for it’s getting cooler out side & he flew at me like a cagged animal that had got loose & said, you’re as bossy as Linda & then, he added yes another old Linda, you’r just like her, Well, I new, but, wasn’t prepared for it just then
Wed. Oct. 30. 1946./988./3 eggs today. I had baked all that bread & done the washing carried water and done all my other house hold duties & chores in side & out & got supper & had felt to tired to do a thing all day but just drove myself to it & I was sort of stund & I began to cry & pray & just couldn’t seem to stop & then I had on vision after another untill I was so weak I could hardly get me off to bed & when I once lay down I didn’t know anything untill I came to myself coughing & then I prayed most all night untill I heard him getting out to get off to work, then to eace his own conscience, he said he was sorry it just slipped out & he didn’t mean it & any way it was my own fault I didn’t need to have taken it to heart, but when I ask him how he would fee, if I had said the same to him, with a cold vicious look as he had & he said well I wouldn’t like it but I’m 64 yrs old & Know enough to put a jacket on when I need one, but do you I ask & he said well, no, but I don’t need someone to tell me but when, he’s sick he likes to be waited on hand & foot He said he’d go to church & give his soul to the Lord. (Let’s see if he really means that. I told him I prayed the Lord wouldn’t give him any peace untill did & I mean it to, I’d hate to see him in Hell, to. with All those feinds & murders. Oh God, have mercy & help him before it’s forever to late. It’s been quite a nice day strong S. wind, getting & cloudy tonight.
Thurs. Oct. 31. 1946./ 6. eggs today./ Well Elbert went to work, but he didn’t take the bread. & I have felt so weak and all in, seemed as if I couldn’t go on, but I done my usual round of house work & out side chores & had to mix up mash & carry water to hens today they are shedding there feathers fast for 5 or 6 almost bare except for wing feathers but they all, except one, seem to feel good & are active. I darned socks all after noon & put a patch on my pants but didn’t get pants done & then I got supper & am not doing dishes tonight. It started to raian shortly after we went to bed & has been at it most of the day. in light misty showers, not cold out, just damp & misty.
Fri. Nov.1.1946./ 4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work but quit it noon he said. he went to see Dr. De Nardy got some pills to use in water to soak his feet, Every time I wash his socks my fingers brake out in sores or big pimples he told me he paid my milk bill & 20.00 on last winter’s coal bill. there’s still about 16.00 to be paid, he’s got his car insurance yet to pay 24.00 & then the garage bill 17 or 18.00 & he did say 17.81 for 2 ton of the dirtiest coal, last week. We still have cabbages to pull &
Fri. Nov. 1. 1946./989./4. eggs today/ a few beets & carrots. I mended 2. of my suits & got one patch felled down on my pants that I had basted on yesterday but still have another to put on the seat & will have to fix the other pair same way. I washed out all the rags & nose rags I dirtied last night & got them dry over the stove took care of birds & hens I got one more hen that looks as if she would be dead in the morning. I sure did push them hard for eggs & some don’t eat enough to keep there bodys & molt, now she’s half feathered out & just hasn’t got pep enough to go on, there are lots of people just like that, as Flora says they haven’t got what it takes, a good constatution, back bone, or grit in 2 weeks she’d be on top again but she’s giving up. Well, it’s been mostly cloudy today & rained a little tonight. been a nice day not cold flowers are blooming yet. Elbert says he feels better tonight, he took a piece of a nature remidy tablet, he has a cold & he got rather nervous about the things he said the other night.
Sat. Nov.2. 1946./ 1. egg today./ Elbert went to work & tonight he says he’s going to go to work tomorrow, I ask him not to but he says he gets double time & he needs the money, well, he isn’t going to harm any one but hisself, if he is determined he wants to go to Hell, how, can I, keep him, I know he can cut off his own neck if he wants to I’m more than sorry, for he kknows I’m not trying to boss him, I love him & have put up with a lot, hoping he would see the the right way out The Good Lord wont save him just because I ask, we each must be willing to do our own part, I’ll still pray & hope that he will step over on the right path soon, before it to late & I hope he wont wait to long, for time is growing short fast; It’s been so warm today & sort of sultry, mostly cloudy & no breeze. I picked a dozen or more ripe tomatoes & a big bouquet of roses red yellow & pink, & the honey suckle is in full bloom sweet peas & other flowers & a big dandelion in bloom by the back door. I gathered beets carrots & cabbabe from the garden & broccoli for the birds, today it’s to hot for this time of yr. wish Elbert had put in more corn it would have been so good now. I wanted so much to go to Sunday school & church in the morning but I have to cough untill I throw up & soak me self. I have trusted all week I’d be O.K. for Sun. I felt God ans. pray Fri. but some how I seemed to have to go through the fire & hot water again for His Name’s Sake I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. Glory, Glory to God.
Sat. Nov.2. 1946./990./ only 1. egg. today. / I done my usual rounds of work today got supper & done dishes, Elbert got home early 5-30-p-m. & he’s so tired. he had cramp in his thighs last night untill he was exausted. he went to bed, but don’t seem to be able to sleep yet. I lost one more hen, poor old gal. I picked up the bigest baldwin apple today I’ve seen since the tree in the back yard first started to bear it ins. around & ___ ins deep. big & red, & smells so good. & they (some one) has picked up all the kull apples, once a-gain, you would think, to see the way they come in every few nights, that those apples were dimonds or gold nugets. Well they have sure cleaned the ground.
Sun. Nov. 3. 1946./ 4. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I slept late 10-a-m & then I got up weak as a rat & feeling like a dish rag, dressed combed & washed cleaned my teeth & put some water on to heat, went to Mail box got my check and DeHaan’s book called (The Times of the Gentiles) then I went to grainery got some mash & mixed in salt & condition powder & went to hen house, went to garden, got armfull of swiss chard & took it & mash in for hens & chicks some of those poor old girls that were so bare are about half feathered now but I hope they
Mon. Nov.4. 1946. 991./ 4. eggs today. / all got done molting before it gets severe cold, they all seem active so far have only lost two. there are several that have not started to molt yet poor things & I’m hoping they get at it soon. Well, I got back to house had a bad cough-ing spell & was just done when the preachers came in We had tea, or they did, & we talked & visited & then then Prayed & ask God to deliver me from this cold, to clear it all out & give me strength of body & spirit Praise God in Jesus name. I thank God for them as His and All of His & I thank Him for my healing & Praise Him for ever & ever Amen; They were going to Sandusky to pray for a sick man who had sent for them. He said his minister came in & read some prayers off a paper but they didn’t do him any good, but when Brother & Sister Gurney prayed for him, he felt lifted, & blessed Glory Glory Hallulejah Praise the Lord Oh my soul, Praise God from Whom all blessing flow Well, I had once more got set down to eat a bite when Adan Hauffman came in, He’s a batchlor that lives with his Aunt Lena Bacon, he came in some time ago to get a slip that Lane Bryant had sent to me instead of his Aunt & he wanted me to try to raise a song bird for him, I told him I didn’t raise them any more & hadn’t any females, he said maybe he could get one & I said I didn’t care to raise any, it was such a lot of work but here he came today with a female, well, I didn’t know what to say, he only wants one singer & then I can have the femqale, she’s a nice looking bird & she & Jack were soon talking together, I just don’t feel able to take care of breeding birds, it’s a lot of work to look after them, but I hope she’ll have two males so I can have one for my pay. I don’t care to have Hauffman running here either, such a world. I do hope he wont come often. Elbert got here late tonight 5-to-6-p-m. he’s plenty tired I hope he takes a day to rest or he’ll be sick, he got chilled this afternoon & felt cold & shivery tonight, I hope he’s able to throw it off.
Tue. Nov. 5. 1946./992./ 4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work, it’s getting to be rather chilly mornings & he’s still wearing his B.V.D’s. & so tonight he is feeling heavy with a cold coming on & he has taken 3 anasins & I have given him one I hope & pray God will break his cold, so he can Keep working While the weather is still good. I havent done much today took care of bedrooms & kitchen cooked supper & done dishes & took care of hens & birds. It’s been a fine day wind N. west & cool, sun warm. I let hens out for 2. or 3. hrs. & then drove them in & shut up the coop, to keep the heat in & there are 6 or 7 most naked I got my check yesterday & DeHaan’s book & Elbert got his insurance policy today I hope he gets it all paid for, so if he gets sick he will have a way to take care of himself It, cost 60.00 per. yr. but it pays his Dr. amblance & hospital bills & that is a lot & it pays even if he isn’t confined to bed or home. I think that would be nice to have, it’s life & accident policy.
Wed. Nov. 6. 1946./ 3 eggs today/ Elbert went to work but tonight his cold seems to be the same as last night & he has been taking anacins all evening. I only did my usual round & feel to weak for even that but got the chores done inside & out. & I got the supper on time & now everythings ready for morning. It’s been a fine day, wind was south untill 4-p-m when it went north & got chilly, but not cold. We had a white frost but didn’t kill tomatoes or other vegetables. cloudy tonight.
Thurs. Nov.7. 1946./ 3. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & his cold seems worth tonight, he told me his supperentendent dropped dead in the bank in Lorain yesterday & they are burying him Sat.Nov.9. It was raining this morning but cleared up & sun came out, but it’s cloudy agaiin tonight, wind went south in the night & is still South tonight. I just done my usual round of duties in side & out & washed 3 windows & put up the curtians in Elberts room, I washed the front door & storm door window. & got the supper, Elbert pulled a few cabbages & put them in the coop. I still have to cough hard Elbert bought a pk of apples. I don’t care for them not very good flavor. Elbert’s hip joints are paining him tonight & he’s sore lame & stiff.
Fri. Nov. 8. 1946./ 5. eggs today./ Elbert’s cold so bad & he had cramps in his legs & he didn’t go to work, but he did do some things here that needed to be done, he put up the back storm door & put the cabbages down seller it’s rataher warm for them yet so will have to open window every day & there are about 100 or more loose or savory cabbages yet to be pulled & took care of. I done my usual round & I’m terrible weak. no mail today. it’s been cloudy most all day & chilly breeze N. west. fire feels good but coal is sure punk stuff cloggs up the pipe so bad & smokes so, I do hope we can get some better.
Sat. Nov.9. 1946./993./4 eggs today/ Elbert’s cold is bad, his head has felt terrible all day, I rubbed him good last night with alcohol & he greese hisself, but I hadn’t been in bed long, before his ear began to ach & then they both ached & I got up & heat a flanel blanket & put it under his head & all around his head & after a little he got easy & slept, but not as usual, I talked to him several times, he just felt so bad he couldn’t sleep but, I felt tired most to death & slept this morning, he got up at 8-30-a-m & went out & gave hens fresh water & got the mail a letter from Nellie & she sent a stamped addressed envelope & said the girls had both been sick & in bed for one day but were better again & that they had a light snow fall. but it soon melted and all there was left was a snow man in the back yard & that was all they had left to know it had snowed. I had thought I’d write before this but have had a terrible cold & cough, so thought perhaps it would be better to wait un-till I felt stronger & was sure I’d got rid of all the germans [? germ and] then Elbert came down with same kind of cold, he’d been feeling bum for a week, well I give him a good rubbing again tonight, he says he feels better than last night his back hurt so bad he could hardly get up or down last night but today it, the lameness & the pain in his hip is gone, Thank God. I Praise God in Jesus Name all he does for us. We had to go to Huron to get some food for over Sun-day & for Mon. I had Elbert cash my check & he had to put his thumb print on the check & it seem to worry him for some reason, but he always gives me all the money unless I tell him to use some of it for something. I got me three shirts very thin cheap looking but cost 64 cents a piece, I got 3 & she only charged 1.98, tax & all. Well, that’s to much there isn’t any extra piece under the arms, & Elbert got the grocierys & we came home & I feel terribl bum, I did get an all wool blanket 14.75 & paid 5.00 down on it. guess I’ll try Lane Bryant’s for pants & shirts & stockings & wool skirts. I have to get some shoes & maybe over shoes soon. I pray God will help me to have the things I really need. I’m feeling terrible weak in body. & so tired. Nellie said in her letter Bonita wrote every day & that she said merlin had a severe cold. I dreamed of Pa, Ma, Fred & Martha last night.
Sun. Nov. 10. 1946./994./1. egg today. / Pa has been gone 2. yrs. today & times surely flying & Jesus will soon be coming. Glory, Glory to God. I Praise Father , Son & Holy Ghost. Well, it did shower this morning, light shower before 9.a.m. was cloudy most all day 7 cloudy tonight; We been home all day Elbert feels punk his head’s so dizzy, he says he’s going to work in the morning, but I doubt if he works. I’m so weak in body, I had to cough & raise & sweat takes about all the strength I had, I know they will be praying for me at Church and I believe God will be merciful & heal me again in Jesus Name & I thank Him & all the Praise & Glory belongs to Him forever & ever amen. I love & ador my Jesus and I think it’s more than wonderful that He listens to us at all, we sin so often. Oh, I’m so glad He forgive us and lifts us and give us another chance Who on earth would ever even think of being so Kind to us, There’s no one like our Lowly Jesus He hears He sees & Knows Blessed, Blessed, Spotless Lamb of God Pure Clean in Spirit Soul & body, a clean heart & pure mind. Oh if only I could be like Him. Oh God, give me strength in Spirit & body that I be like Him. Oh God, give me strength in Spirit & body that I may be in every meeting as a testimony to Thee, I thank thee.
Mon. Nov. 11. 1946./5 eggs today/ today was armistes/ Elbert felt to bum to work it’s been a wet day showery, sun came out a few times, but not to stay & it’s cloudy tonight I wrote a letter to Nellie & a card to Indera Mills Co. Winston, Salem; N.C. the sell the wool slips & under skirts, I’ve only done what I had to do today. Elbert got the water & coal & emptied ashes. & he keeps to hot a fire. He says he’s going to work tomorrow, but, his head feels so bad tonight he’s still dizzy. Well I got dishes done and everything ready for morning. No mail today. Weather is a little cooler but tomatoes beets & carrots are still green out side yet. I’m better but weak, Praise God.
Tue. Nov. 12. 1946./4 eggs today/ Elbert felt so bad he didn’t go to work, he carried water & went to Vermilion, but he didn’t feel able to do that, he had a fever last night has felt & looked bad all day. I hate to have him drive when he feels so bad, but, because I did the washing he tried to do what he could, he thought I was foolish to wash, but, I didn’t last week & so had to today, I had to wash rags & nose rags every day last week & didn’t feel like mading beds sweeping & cooking doing dishes & baking bread, so I had to wash today & the sun was shining to, well got it all done except 3 shirts & 1 dress.
Wed. Nov. 13. 1946./995./ 4. eggs today./ Elbert looks sick & his head feels so bad & his stomach & bowels are not acting just right but he says he’s going to work in the morning. Well, I washed 3 shirts & baked 2 loaves of bread & tin of bread biscuits & am so weak Elbert put supper to cook & I helped & now dishes are done & everythings ready for the morning. I have to get the sweeping done in the morning & wipe up the floors, I did take care of beds & birds, hens & feeding today; & it was a fine day S. west wind I Praise God for my blessing. This morning we gave the letter for Nellie & girls & letter for Flora & card to wool Mills to the postman, receiving none.
Thurs. Nov. 14. 1946./3 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I swept aired the bedding & wiped up the floors, took care of birds & hens & cooked supper & finished mending my pants Received a letter from Annabel Mariner, Barns, Hackman. today she’s been over to Mexico Colorado & West Coast this last summer & is now back at her job hoping she can work untill she is 60. yrs. old so she can have her pension & she is now calling herself an old lady says she will be 57. yrs. old Feb. 1. 1947. Well it’s been a beautiful day, weather is getting a wintery ting in the air, sort of sharp & brisk. I guess I must be getting old for I’m tired tonight but thank my dear Heavenly Father He still takes good care of me. Elbert brought me some nut candy bars, & some figs for both of us. He was tired tonight, he’s been off work a week yesterday.
Fri. Nov. 15. 1946./3 eggs today./ Elbert went to work & he took grainery & car shed & cook keys with him, I have to think for two or be out of luck so poor hard working little old hens, got the same sort of treatment, I get every once in a while, or I get twice in a while right now he’s been bringing things I can eat, but in a few days I’ll be like the hens, eat if there’s any-anything I can eat I went to the cook & put in there mash & scattered the grain, to dark for them to see to eat, but the young roosters groped over to there mash dish & started eating, he said he was sorry & he started getting the coal up & windows in basement shut & he emptied the ashes While I looked after the chickens, he brought ice cream & I do crave for it :& he brought a pice of smoked ham. he looked after supper untill I got back into the house now dishes are done & I cooked some beans & got everything ready for morning. Elbert ate a good supper then had cramps in his legs & now he’s taking piece of N.R. tablets. I gave him [??] & prayed it only last 10 min.
Sat. Nov. 16. 1946./ 996./4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work I thought I’d sure get a little rest this morning, but the combine & two dump carts came & started to work & then Frank drove in with his two boys Harvey & Armond & they started shooting at rabbits all around the house & out in the back yard I wasn’t sure if it was them so I yelled K& ask them what they were doing out there in my yard, then Harvey came & said they thought they would-n’t wake me up, but the rabbits started getting out & running & they just started shooting & told him to go ahead & to get two for me & they did give me 2 of the smallest ones they had but they will be tender, I dressed them while they were warm & put them in salt water, The boys ate there lunch in here, Armond’s feet & back were hurting him, he got broken arches in the service & his back’s in bad condition, he’s tall 6 ft. & lean Harvey’s quite stout & he’s so happy because his wife’s soon to have a baby some time in Jan. he said, she & her mother came over to Frank’s, Ruby’s been back to the clinic & has a little to much sugar in her blood, she’s always been so gready for candy & she still does eat some, they said. said they had a letter from Nellie & that she & Bonney Bell had to move & were hunting the city for a place to live, she didn’t say anything about it in my letter, well it was good of her to let them Know they’d better bring a trailer car , or they wouldn’t have a place to stay. They are making life miserable for Gertie acording to there own story’s, Armond bought the home place, he said, for his father, & has turned it over to Frank & now Frank wants Elbert to sell him his lots for about nothing saying they aren’t worth much, but, who ever owned the home place really ought to have them. he calls every one else dirty cheap skates, that do such things, but it’s O.K. for him to do it. Well, I told him Elbert wants rent for them if he used them & he looked rather queer, he’s charging Gertie rent for the house & says she can’t use the shop if he don’t want her to & he, had her sign a receipt he
Sat. Nov.16. 1946./997./ 4. eggs. today/ made out & says he can confine her to one room if he wants to, I’m going to find out about that. & I’m going to go talk to her first chance I get. Frank told us a long time ago he wanted the place & he’s doing her a dirty deal, he says he’s been keeping track of the work he’s done on the docks & sawing her stove wood & if she gets to mean, he’ll make her pay for it about (200) two hundred dollars or more. I tried to reason with him, but, he’s always been rotten. Sun came out a little while then clouded up & rain-ned at 3-30-p-m. I fed hens early & locked them in & done outside chores & just got shed opened as Elbert drove in. Frank & the boys left quarter to six & I was glad they didn’t stay to argue with Elbert, they said the Volock boy shot & kill the old man that has hung around the river, by the home place for so long & that the police went to Red’s to get his rifle but see it hadn’t been used, for it was covered with dust & they (police) had put a piece in the news paper saying they Knew Who did it & the Volock fellow went over & told them he must have done it acidental. while shooting at a hen that was down by the river, he’s 30. yrs. old & was in this last war. I have a great urge to go home & talk to Gertie about her troubles, I don’t know if I could help her or not, she’s been so spoiled. I pray God will help things to work out right.
Sun. Nov.17. 1946./2 eggs today/ No Church all day I’ve been as dizzy as any one could be & get around & I can’t figure out why Elbert says he hasn’t felt good all day that he sees black spots it most be his stomach, he eats a lot of cold meat & a cold lunch & no hot drink or cold water they don’t have any water there to drink & maybe that what’s wrong with him. but me, I can’t for the life of me think whats wrong. feel as if I’d had a heavy drug to put me out, or, make me sleep. I for got to say we had a killing frost Fri. night, so tomatoes & flowers, most of them are done, I picked a few yellow roses & gave them to Harvey for his wife & gave him a qt. of apricots, thought she might like them for he says she’s fussy about her eating just now. The combine was working most the day & untill dark & now they are done. It’s been a beautiful Fall day with a little more chill in the air & radio said the had snow in some parts of Ohio this last week. We had a rabbit pie
Sun. Nov. 17. 1946./997.[should be 998] /2 eggs today./ for supper, I felt to dizzy to make it but got it done. I done the chores in -side & out & felt to bad to do them. Well, guess I’ll read if I can, & then pray & go to bed believing I’ll be ok in the morning. Wind blew hard from S. W. last night & was N. East this morning & cooler.
Mon. Nov. 18. 1946./2 eggs today. / Elbert went to work. I did the washing & had to carry all but 2 pails of the water & did all my other chores got most of them dried out side it’s been a fine day wind was S.W. & then S. east & I don’t Know just which way it was tonight. Recieved letter from woolen skirt Mills giving me the names of stores that sell the skirts & slips saying they only sell to stores but if they wouldn’t order to let them Know, two letters came but one was for a woman at Greenwitch Ohio. so. I put it back in the mail box. Elbert got home at 5.-30-p-m. to night. & said we ought to pull the beets.
Tue. Nov.19. 1946./3. eggs today./ Elbert over slept, he pulled the beets & ate his dinner & went to work at noon. I looked after hens & birds & managed to get my house dress basted together took care of house & got supper Elbert brought fresh fish & little white fish a little over 2. lbs. & cost$1.70, but he was craving fresh fish & meat’s just about as high priced, we ate it all, but one piece left. they were so small I thought they were herrings. It’s been a beautiful day I let the hens out for a short time & then put them in & locked the door, but there is one missing since Sun. Elbert let them out. but I watched them & they were not out very long When the young one’s went in I put the rest in. I’d like to know if it got a fish hook over the fence, they were watching me all day, next door, Bill’s been home & fussing with the car. got a card from Bonita today, She said she’d cleaned house & that no one comes to see them, that, Uncle Cicle & his wife were the only one’s that had been there since her mother left. she said Don Aclare is in California with her husband & expects a baby in Feb. that Cecile’s wife’s girl by her first husband, Bonita says her mother writes most every day & that she (Bonita) is always busy. Well I pray God will bless our Minister’s efforts & send a goodly number to the meeting tonight. I man came to the door & ask for Elbert Bonney & I said he was my brother & lived here, but was working he said I look like Elbert & gave me a check for him, I said I guessed he must have forgot it, or maybe they’d mail it to him, just before he started out to work a man came in & ask him if he Knew anything about Rue Sarr. said he was out getting referances from the neighbors, that he was sent out to find out & didn’t know Why or What for, he didn’t say Where he was from, or anything, Oh Well, It’s a queer world. Wind’s been light & S.W. & fog horn’s blowing tonight. I scart a rabbit out by the prune tree & then I went in the park & one was sitting in the grass just west of the oak tree.
Wed. Nov. 20. 1946./998. [sequence off but continues in order] / 2 eggs today/ Elbert worked/ Oh, but it been such a wonderful day S.W. breeze & so warm you don’t feel cold with out a jacket on. I baked 2 tins of bread biscuits, 1. loaf of bread took care of hens & birds & did my daily round of chores inside & out. I cook ham & vegetables for supper then Elbert came with fresh fish “6 perch” so he cleaned them & I fried them & we ate the vegetables with them & maybe we’ll eat ham tomorrow night, have to keep an eye out for the hunters & Keep them away from the house & yard they sure have a nerve they come right into the yard & all over the place & never ask to hunt & Snyders are terrible & if any one goes on there place, they cuss them off. Queer World, or at least the people in it. I tried my dress on & it’s to big so have to rip it up & do it over, just the waist. wish I had some one to help me just a little. Well every things ready for morning.
Thurs. Nov. 21. 1946./3 eggs today/ Elbert went to work, I did my daily round & there’s plenty to do. I dug the dahlias & glads & put them in the basement & let the hens out for a while then got them in again. Minister came to tell me they have prayer meeting on Thurs. nights & only once a week now & services Sun. morning & evening. His wife & baby have been & still are weak from flu. Garry Black who lives with them is O.K. I gave them a qt. can of apple sauce, pt. can of strawberry jam qt. can of green tomatoe pickles & some green onions & head of savory cabbage 1. head red rock cabbage & some swiss chard & 1. doz. eggs. We had prayer & I felt God’s power go through me, Praise His Holy Being. Glory to God All the Praise belongs to Him in Jesus Name, I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. It’s been a beautiful day S. W. breeze & light warm sun, tonight the wind is getting strong & whistles sound like snow. I just fixed up Elberts letter to mail to the World In-surance Co. Omaha Nebraska U. S A U.S.A. he’s send-ing balance ($53.00, ) in money order for his accident & Health insurance. he will mail it in the morning. Well I got supper, done dishes & everythings ready for morn-ing. Well they had a bad snow storm in Washington, so I guess Annabels flowers will be done for this yr. & will be having our turn soon.
Fri. Nov.22.1946./998 ./1. egg only, today/ Elbert went to work & the weather turned cold, it poured rain at 11-30-p-m. & it showered untill toward morning & the wind blew a gale from the S. W. & today it tore the lower sheet of roofing paper off the car shed & laid it on the ground just a few feet N. east of the shed doors, I had to move it so Elbert could get in shed. & that cold wind just seemed to go right through me, but I did my chores, I ought to have pulled cabbages, but my fingers cramped so bad, I didn’t. So when Elbert came he took the wheel barrow & in 3/4 hr. had them pulled Wheeled to hen house & stacked in coop. & wheel barrow put up, he fix 2 coop windows & locked coop & shed, & grainery. & then we ate supper & he went out & put some dope in radiator so it wouldn’t freeze. Water was freezing hard & fast at 3-p-m. birds bath was froze solid then & I felt as if I would to if I stayed out there very long. I mend a union suit for Elbert & his sleeper pants & made 2 dish towels & fix the waist of my house dress over, but didn’t get to try it on at 4-p-m, I have to feed hens, empty ashes & can, slop pail & get water for supper, fix open car shed & then get supper started & put away sewing machine & my sewing & mending & clean up thread & clippings, so it sure Keeps me stepping. Elbert sent his insurance money 53.00 this a.m. Elbert brings up the coal & I must remember to see if he turns out light. Elbert is having cramps tonigh behind his shoulder blades & on his ribs in his fingers & legs, he’s had to work out side all day said he did not feel cold but his partner shivered so he couldn’t draw strait mark.
Sat. Nov.23. 1946./ 2 eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to work & it turned out to be a nice day winds & S. west but nice sun, I washed all the dirty clothes I could find. carried both cystern & well water took care of hens & birds & swept & made up bed & wiped up kitchen & emptied ashes & now for a week or more have to open the basement windows & shut them again at night fed the hens & locked the coop. I made a Kettle of hot soup for supper. Frank, Harvey & Armond came out to hunt this afternoon they got a few & gave me one that was shot mostly away it really was a mess one fore shoulder, ribs & belly gone. They are a bad lot. Elbert got here just as they were leaving. Elbert ate supper & went to Huron & got 2 suits of under wear & (2 work shirts 4.65 with tax) union suits were ______ he got a pork hock 2 cans green beans, little bag choclate coated peanuts, he ate some more soup :& drank more coffee rested a little got a pail of coal washed & went to bed he looks tired out tonight Fred’s been gone 10. yrs. Poor dear Fred. I loved him so much. T I got a letter from Nellie & she sent me a stamp & said she wished Elbert & I lived there it’s just beautiful weather & she is so she can walk 2 or 3 blocks aday, but she has to, if she’s got to find a room Bonney Bell is working & from the undertone of her letters they are all quite home sick but trying to be so brave & not let anyone know.
Sun. Nov. 24. 1946./999./1. egg. today. / I wanted to get out to Sunday school & Church this morning but Elbert was so tired we didn’t go untill tonight & we had such a good Service, both Our Ministers are O. K but the baby is still sick God has heard the prayers & I’m sure He will heal her & she will soon be herself again, and I thank Thee Jesus & pray Thou will bless each of them. Strengthen there bodys all so & please see that they have enough to eat & wear & keep warm. Everyone seemed real sociable to night. We took Miss Clark home & the 3. Smith Children. The wind is S. & little west & almost blow you off your feet. Our front door step is going to pieces & its a long step with one gone out & I dont know how we are going to fix it. I gave [?] in my tenth for Nov. tonight, an extra dollor for something or other. dI took care of hens & birds & Elbert emptied ashes & got the water I cooked the rabbit & put potatoes carrots onions & dumplins in with it. for dinner or supper rather & it was good that way.
Mon. Nov. 25. 1946./ 1 egg today. / Elbert went to work & I slept untill 9-30.-a.-m. comb my hair & dressed & washed cleaned my teeth & went to hen house, then to mail box for only country gentle-man magazine, then fished clinkers & emptied ashes & got a pail of well water tried on my dress guess it will be O.K. now. but it was to dark to sew, heavy greenish yellow fog & misty rain I prayed God would take care of Elbert, but tonight he said he’d been on the roof all day & he was wet through, felt as if his throat was getting sore. It was only a misty rain when I fed the hens at 5-30-p-m. but so dark they could hardly see to eat. I was glad when Elbert come, he stopped to do the shopping & it was 6-p-m when he got here, I had supper ready & every thing done out side, so when he locked car shed & came in he didn’t need to go back. he got up a pail of coal & shut windows & got washed I baked one loaf of bread 1. tin of biscuits, they were hot for supper. I have the dishes done & he’s long in bed & it’s raining hard Wind went N. W. & it’s N. & little east now, so will be colder radio said rain, sleet & then snow.
Tue. Nov. 26. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Elbert got off to work & it was so dark out side & wet for it rained sleeted & snowed, I slept untill 9.a.m. it was terrible dark all morning, I didn’t get such a lot done, did my daily round, darned 2 prs. sock 1. pr. hose 1. peticoat, then did little more on my dress, then did evening chores & got supper started, still feeling to dead to work, but got everything done & thank God for His Love & Care & that it didn’t get so cold. was sure is wet, have to pull the carrots for it might freeze after this little spell of weather Elbert’s so tired he left his jacket, the heavy knitt one & his fruit jar & spoon, I hope he gets his Jacket
Tue. Nov. 26. 1946./1000/ 1. egg today/ he lost one spoon & jar & now if he doesn’t get them one & his jacket, well I’m wondering what he’ll do about it, he lost some tools & some one stole the electric saw a short time ago, if it were me I’d raise cane & able, I’d sure get after them, he can be terrible mean sometimes so I wonder whats going to be doing if he don’t find the jacket in the morning. N. E. breeze.
Wed. Nov. 27. 1946./ 3. eggs today/ Elbert went to work, it was dark early when he left at 6-35-1-m. but sun came through at 8-30, & I got up & got things going, shook up beds opened the windows, put water on to heat to wash & some to drink, then I went to hen house, & carried water to wash & then to mail box, got DeHaan’s book & an add. DeHaan’s books are truly good. It was partly cloudy all day, it was like an early Spring day sunshine & cloudy instead of showers Elbert said they had a shower out where he was in S. Lorain at Noon, but it was a fine day here, I prayed for his safety all day & at 5.p.m. I felt like crying, so prayed harder, but when Elbert came, he said another guy gave him a terrible bump in the rear & bent things up bad & he got the mans address, but failed to get his number, the man that worked with him (with Elbert) was in Elbert’s car, he hit them so hard he gave there necks a terrible jirk & so Elbert don’t feel so good tonight he brought white fish for thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, he’s so tired I thanked God that he don’t have to go to work tomorrow I’m tired some myself, I did all the washing & got it all dry except Elbert’s heavy union suit got them heavy suits to wash for 4 mo’s or 16 week’s, maybe longer. I got supper but am leaving the few dishes at least I think I will, I did the ironing after supper. Radio said it would be colder tomorrow & we have a new moon.
Thurs. Nov. 28. 1946./1 egg today. / For one thing, I’m more thankful that I can tell, that God rules the world & if we Know Know him & trust Him, He takes care of us day & night. I thank Him & praise Him & give Him all the praise & Glory for-ever & ever Amen. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, I thank Thee. I went to prayer meeting tonight & there were only a very few there Bockman, Lindy West, his wife, his mother-in-law & grandmother, Miss Clark Tom & his wife & son, 6 or 8 children & Rev. Bueser his wife & son from Amherst & Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Osborne & baby a new little baby they were from Penn. & Rev. Mr & Mrs Gurney & my self we had a good prayer service & I got my request for healing I Praise God in Jesus Name. Elbert got some ice cream so we had it for lunch when we got home. Now I have the fire fixed & am going to bed. The Minister’s wife came & thanked me for the caned stuff I gave Rev. Gurney when he was here & the cabbages & carrots tonight but
Thurs. Nov. 28. 1946./1001./1. egg today./ they havent given me back any of my cans yet, they are good children, I do hope they Keep there promises. Frank Bonney & 3 or 4 other fellows were here hunting today Frank got a big coon & they got some rabbits but didn’t say how many & didn’t give us any. Today is Thanksgiving day & Rev. Gurney & his wife & family & Miss Clark ate dinner with Tom Eppler & his family We had fish & potatoes bread & coffee & string beans. & thanked God we could have it. It has been a nice day partly cloudy crisp fresh air, Elbert put more paper on car shed roof today where wind had blown it off. We had a very heavy White frost last night that stayed untill noon today.
Fri. Nov. 29. 1946./2. eggs todays/ My Mother’s birthday, today she would be 90. yrs. old, & pa would be 86. yrs. old in Jan. 29. 1947. Elbert will be 64. Dec. 6. 1946 & I will be 62. Jan. 16. 1947. Fred would be 60. Sept. 19, 1946 Gertie was 58. May. 13. 1946. Frank was 56 July 27. Audrey was 54. July 24. & Nellie will be 50. Feb. 6. 1947 & she is the youngest. & so we are the old folks now. Elbert, poor fellow, has a stiff neck but, he went to work, he’s so tired he can hardly go & he looks it, to. I went back & rested a couple of hrs. had just dozed off when the guns began to bang & echo against the house & I got up, the sun was shining air rest snapy, house was warm but when I stepped out side, I stepped fast, hen house felt warm inside & hens all active but one she’s done molting but needs something to give her pep, she eats a little summer sun & air & good rest, she’s laid heavy & didn’t store up enough fat, she & I are in the same boat, only, if, & when she dies, I’ll give her to the crows, & me? they may dump me in a box & thank God His Mercy. It’s sure queer how we fight to live & live to fight. It’s a queer World, or at least the people in it. No mail today. I emptied the ashes got two pails well water & fed hens emptied pail several times K& did my house work, sewed a little on my dress. got supper & had it ready when Elbert got here at 6-p-m. pig hock, potatoes, cabbage dumplins, coffee &. It’s colder tonight house cools off fast & must be going to rain couldn’t hardly keep water enough on the meat, sun looked like cake of ice at noon & went down red tonight ma use to say, colder & stormy. It’s been a nice day. I turned on radio at noon & some man said, it’s a beautiful day here in New York with a nice warm sun. I always like to here some one who takes an interest in the sun-shine & weather, makes you feel he’s still glad to be alive I know a few people who would hear the birds or see a squirrel frisking about or see a rabbit leaping & bounding to get away from dogs & guns, poor little bunnies, if they would get under the cottage neither could get them, but I wont let them hunt up here
Fri. Nov. 29. 1946./2 eggs today/ 1002./ on top the hill & you’d think there wasn’t any place to hunt only on my place it’s so discusting.
Sat. Nov. 30. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Elbert went to work & this is the last day of Nov. & has been a fine warm day, flys crawling around on the window screens outside, most to warm to wear a jacket, Well, I baked two loaves of bread & 2. tins of biscuits 1. for us & 1. for the Ministers. I swept & dusted & did my daily dozens & just had to coax myself to keep at it untill I got it all done, but at last even the dishes are done & put away S. breeze all day & bushels of hunters. Elbert went did his work & got back safe & I thank God for the highways are a long ways from being safe these days.
Sun. Dec. 1. 1946./ 1 egg today/ We went to S.School & Church, it started to snow little snow balls, it had turned a colder toward early morning & I felt it when I went to hen house, but they seemed quite happy all scratching & working, even the dopy one was picking around. they’re all ways glad to see me & glad to see there green lunch. Elbert had given them there fresh water earlier, I fed them about 15 to 4-p-m. then locked them up. & I locked the car shed, Elbert’s stomach & bowels are after him again he has taken another cold & he’s taking some cold capsules that are supposed to be supper, he’s also taking liver pills & phyic tablets. Well we had good meeting this a-m. but Elbert felt so bad & then it started snowing when we got home & has been snowing & blowing a gal & getting colder & at 7. p.m. front storm door glass we froze all of them, thick so you couldn’t see out wind seems to be going N.E. I put papers behind the plants next to window glass. it still bad, blowing & howling at 11-p-m. I feel Elbert would be wise to stay home in the morning the way he feels, but, no use my telling him. It’s sure a terrible sudden change & half the church folks or more are home with flu. today I pray God will help us use good judgement.
Mon. Dec. 2. 1946./ 1 egg today/ Elbert went to work & took hen house keys again today so hear after I have to keep them in my pocket, poor hens had to go to bed with out there supper I felt so unhappy to have them go on a cold night to bed empty it’s sure terrible & now he says he’s going to Elyria to-morrow, I’ve been wanting to go, & he thought we’d go Tue. this week, then changed his mind now tonight he says were going tomorrow, I don’t feel as if I can, but I’ll have to try for I need some shoes & over shoes so bad & a hat & corset Well I did my other daily rounds & made soup for supper & now Elbert went to hen house & put there feed in so they can eat in the morning
Mon. Dec. 2. 1946./1003./ 1. egg today/ It’s been a fine day, nice sun, but a cold one, looked like a ball of ice & it snowed a good snow shower while sun was shining & it is a cold breeze
Tue. Dec. 3. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Well we got up & went to Elyria I bought myself a pr. of shoes & over shoes 11.80 cards & stamps 2.87 paid 4.57. then we bought a doz rolls & some lunch meat & went to see Bonita & the children as I expected Geo. had gone real bad after Nellie & Bonney Bell left, he left her for 5 weeks & she had him arested, she had to ask for releif & they put him in jail, well he decided to go back to her, but he isn’t living right, his mother went & stayed with there children untill Bonita went to a lawyer for advise & to the Red Cross for help, they tell her if he don’t work & give her & the children what they need to eat & wear they will have to send him to the pen, Bonita hates that K& so when he came home she told him what they had told her, so he said he’d come back & do the right thing he hasn’t so far, but she said she was going to try to hold off as long as she could, they had loved each other & got along so well before he had to go into the service & now he don’t want to work under some one else he want a buisness of his own He & another fellow had a repair garage started & then it was sold for cash & they didn’t have enough money to get started again now he has got another garage, but hasn’t got enough “so he says,” to pay the rent, I feel if the right man was put on his trail & kept tract of him & what he does & perhaps if he could have some help, he might settle down & do the right thing. Bonita has worked hard since she was just a little child, she use to stand on a box & wash dishes & as she grew she gradualy took over the bedroom work & sweeping & dusting & then the washing, then when she finished high school she & Geo. had kept company for 2. yrs. or so & that decided they’d like to marry, have a home & some baby’s, they both loved children. So that was what they did, then he went off to service & left her with the twins to tiny babys, her mother need some one to do her house work & so Bonita went home & took over the house work washing, ironing, scrubbing, & keeping the rooms clean & helping to take care of her father & part time her mother & two little baby’s & she went to see Geo. once or twice before he went over seas & she had & other baby when the twins were a yr old so all that time she’d been working hard right up to the time she had
Tue. Dec. 3. 1946./page 1004./ 1. egg today./ to be taken to the hospital in 4. week she was at the work again, some of the neighbors went in & helped with the work untill Bonita could get at it again & one more baby made a lot more work, mean time, John was getting worse & he was so bad at night & Nellie would get Bonita up to take care of him so the poor girl was broke of her rest & tired out all the time untill at last, we (Elbert & I ) started going over once a week to help them get there grociries & do a few odds & ends I took care of the baby & stayed with John, while Nellie Elbert & the children went to town, we could have done the shopping but I think she wanted to get away from the house for she insisted on going. I wasn’t very able bodied & when John was laid to rest every one needed a rest & they all got it except Bonita & I, she had to keep going & so did I, but I didn’t do any extra’s but she had to go on taking care of 3 babys & her mother & doing the general house work, then the boys came home her man Geo. & her brother Johny two more to wash for help feed & do dishes & keep one extra bed, they helped her at first but after a little left it for her then Ella Jane had to go back to Albuquerque New Mexico to finish her schooling she had left to go into service, she gets home sick enough to die, so, Nellie thought she’d like to go away for a while so she went with E.J. she wasn’t there long before she came back & wrote E.J. & coaxed her to stay promising to come back to her as soon as she could, she staid home all summer & went back in Oct & took Bonney Bell with her E.J. had got room, but, they were hardly settled before they had to move & now they are going to move again & this time in a cottage by them selves. Bonney Bell is working, but E.J. is sick they say she has asma Well, Nellie’s going to get her widows pension, so Bonita told us today & she said her mother said if Bonita had to go out to work she would come back & take care of the children. Bonita said the holidays would be so much different than in the yrs gone by even the last 2. yrs. the family was all there & they had holliday meals & she said if George’s mother hadn’t brought in a roast & the trimings they wouldn’t have even had a dinner, Thanksgiving day, but, if the children could only have enough to eat & wear & keep them warm she wouldn’t about herself she & the
Tue. Dec. 3. 1946./ 1005/ 1 egg today/ children show they are getting thin from lack of food. Elbert got her 2 bottles of milk the children ate & drank as if they were starved, Well. I don’t know how to help & she didn’t seem to want me to try, so I told her to write me if she needs me & she promised she would We didn’t eat as we had planned but went on to Lorain We see sister Audrey hurrying along toward her home & ask her to get in & ride & while she got her dinner I talked to her & Elbert went back to talk to Merlin Audrey’s son-in-law, he’s started a bicycle shop he & Elbert visited a little he said Martha (our neice, Audrey’s daughter, & his wife) who had been sick was working today, he didn’t think she was able, but she had gone anyway & Audrey said Frank (our brother) told her, I had been telling everybody they had bought the old home place & I haven’t told any one & haven’t been away from home since he told Elbert & I he had paid Armond for it Frank’s youngest son bought it, Frank said he had wanted it & got his son to buy it & after he got married he sort of wished he had the money back & it was Frank who said he’d give him the money if he wanted to turn it over to him Well, she said I didn’t know that but I heard I didn’t get a copy of the first will & I said no, neither did we, but Elbert, Frank Ayre’s & I heard Resek read the will in his office & she said I see Frank Ayre’s once in a while. So now she will more than likely ask him about it. Well. We went on to Lorain to Penney’s Store & Elbert got two work shirts he left me to Cranages to talk to her & Miss. Baumgart while he went to do a few earns then we went to Keep’s office but he wasn’t there so after 10 mi. we started on for Vermilion where he got two new tires for the car & got them put on & he paid bal. on his car insurance, he left me at the preachers house but neither were there Marry Petters & Garry Black were there & Ministers baby, I had to wait or walk back to where Elbert was & it’s to cold for me, so I waited & at last we were on our way home & he fed hens & locked up everything while
Tue. Dec. 3. 1946 /1006./ 1. egg today/ I fix the fire, it was almost out & started the supper my window was wide open, I must have forgot to shut it, but I had shut the door so birds were still warm, I’m sure tired tonight & I’ve washed dishes & everythings ready for morning & it’s a still cold out tonight, the radio said it would go down to 26. degrees tonight. We ate dinner in at a smelly restruant up near 20th Street. Bonita hope some one would report her phone is out of order & I forgot to tell Audrey. Well, I got my order from Lane Bryants 2 pair wool skirts 3. prs. bloomers 3. prs. stockings & 1. brasiere & they are O.K. Praise God for my blessings.
Wed. Dec. 4. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Elbert went to work. Today is Lenny Bonney’s [Leonard Warden Bonney, Elinor’s grand nephew] birthday, he was Uncle Harvey Bonney’s [Harvey Luther Bonney 1844-1911, Elinor’s great uncle] adopted son. Well, I done my chores this morning &K got the mail & had a lunch. Easel always sends Elbert a birthday card, he got it this a.m. I swept & cleaned up the Kitchen went to basement & got beets & carrots & then to grainery & got feed for hens & then put my new shoes on, to start braking them in, then I mended one pr. Elbert’s work pants & it’s such a job, had to use some patches from a pr of John’s old pants. Poor Bonita, she said just a yr. ago we were all here and now look how things have gone she looked so terribly broken up, I know how she feels for I to have been through what she’s going through, only I cried out to God to help me & give me what I needed & the rest of the folks never Knew, they thought Frank was wonderful, he was senceable enough to be polite when they were around and sociable & I never told any of them, & I don’t know if I did right or wrong, but, they really thought it was Frank that provided all the nice times they had here & they told me one day, before John died, Well, some day they will know but I hope Bonita will stick to God & ask him in Jesus Name to help her keep right & think right, I hope the rest of the family will try to help her, but none seem to realize what’s really going on, just now, they are not getting enough to eat & Bonita & the children are getting thin. & I’m truly sorry & pray God will help them & that all things will work out for His good & glory Amen it’s been a nice day cool west wind, partly cloudy, Elbert came home with such a cold he could hardly talk tonight I had all the chores done except getting coal up & supper ready & I been doping him & hope he will feel better in the morning, but, he has a very bad cold all over him & he feels heavy & all in tonight he had hot soup with all else & he ate good
Wed. Dec. 4. 1946./1007./ 1. egg today/ wind is rising tonight. Elbert has a fever, I put carbolic on a rag to catch the germs. partly moon light tonight. I’m terribly tired
Thurs. Dec.5. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Well Elbert’s cold was so bad he couldn’t go to work, I doped him & greesed him & prayed for him, but, he don’t step over on God’s side & cry unto the Lord, so if he don’t hear him how can He help him, but, I’m still trusting God will open up his heart & turn him to Jesus & made him strong in the spirit strong in heart, soul, mind & body. I did out half the washing & looked after my daily round of chores I emptied the ashes & went to mail box & got a letter in a birthday card for Elbert. I want to get him a pr. of slippers, soon as I have a chance. & I’d like to get him some pants, he sure needs them & handkercheifs. I got supper “hot soup” & now he is greesed & hot flanel on him in bed, I have dishes done & got to fix fire & go to bed. I’m so sorry, he’s got this cold, but I know, God can heal him. I wonder how many got out to prayer meeting tonight, I’d liked so much to have been there, they will pray for me & God will keep me, Oh, How I love Jesus. He’s my best my dearest Friend, I praise Him & thank Him for all things Amen. It’s been a nice day partly cloudy not so cold as yesterday.
Fri. Dec. 6. 1946./ no. egg today./ Elbert’s birthday he’s 64. yrs. old today. & he has a bad cold a fever with it, he insisted on going to Huron & taking the things back he had bought & couldn’t wear, so we went & he got his money back, he bought 2. prs. socks & I paid bal. of 10.40 on my blanket & got him a nice pr. of all leather slippers for 5.50 for his birthday & he has said all kinds of things about them, he’s been wishing for a new pr. and now he even hated to try them on & they’re all wrong & he didn’t even say thank you. Oh well, It’s so seldom I get a thank you any way. I bought him a deep bath pan 1.59 he’s always complaining about the wash bowl & I got myself 3, 13 cent wash rags & two glass dishes one for Marry Petters & one for Mrs. Hambly. maybe I didn’t get anything for the old folks. & if I can’t I can’t give one to Hamblys. Well grociers are so high $4.10 for grain 7.63 for meat, $3.33 for grociers & 35 cents for lard 1. lb. & 75 cents for oil for car & the $1.00 for socks. I spent 10.40 & 5.50 & 2.10 &39 cents So I haven’t much left. & I can’t help thinking about Bonita & hoping she will come on top, I can’t see how a man could be so low as to let his babys starve. It’s been a wonderful day warm sunshine & no breeze so that was noticeable & we forgot boiling meat.
Sat. Dec. 7. 1946./ 1008./ 2. eggs today/ Today I made a tin of biscuits & small loaf of bread. We been home all day & it’s been a beautiful day, to warm for a jacket & to cool with out it. I did my usual daily round & I ironed my dress & cooked meals & looked after hens. fog horn blew along time last night, it’s cloudy tonight, was bright moon light last night. Elbert’s cold seems some better only he has a bad cough now.
Sun. Dec. 8. 1946./ no eggs today/ No church for us to day. Elbert’s cold seems better in some ways, but that terrible cough he has rqack his whole body, his eyes look like burnt holes in a blanket & he feels weak & tired. Well I have looked after birds & hens & beds & cooking & dishes & it’s been so warm out side the flies have been flying about & crawling about on the screens & I have killed 5 or 6 that got inside today. Hens are all feeling good but one old anconia & the poor old girl don’t look so good. the other one wasn’t in so bad as this one & she’s doing fine now, but this one can hardly move & poor old Pete he tries to get her to eat & he tries to keep the other hens away from her. Well, I gave them there green lunch at noon & then fed them tonight & locked up all the doors I haven’t felt so good myself today. Elbert keeps the house to waarm & stuffy for me, anyway.
Mon. Dec. 9. 1946./ 2. eggs today. / Well, I’ve only done what I had to do & I finished fixing my clean corset & I need it bad for this one has got a rip started & don’t feel as comfy as it should, I looked after hens & birds & house work & no mail of any account Oh, yes, I put my dress on & Elbert took a needle & thread & marked it for the hem it’s been cloudy & I have felt to punk for anything today, but, got a little done, he also remarked my blue dress so, maybe I’ll be able to wear that once in awhile. I get tired of only one dress when I have to wear it for 5. yrs. & it’s started to get rotten & tore across back of neck, so it’s time to get something ready before I’m classed[?] along with the hens they are feathering out good & real active & I think it’s one that has molted, that lays one of the eggs I get now. It’s been mostly cloudy & it rained a light rain just before dark & since dark, it’s lots to warm, flies flying about out side at this time of year. they did today.
Tue. Dec. 10. 1946./ 1. egg today./ Elbert’s cold is better but, he has a bronchial cough, I do pray God will heal it for him. We went to Vermilion, he bought a bottle of picktoral & some groceries & it cost 2.81 for X’Mas, cards & stamps. Elbert coughed all night so hard I got up early & made him hot coffee & gave him & anacin, it eased it for a while but tonight he’s coughing hard again & I couldn’t sleep because he had to cough
Tue. Dec. 10. 1946./ page 1009/ 1. egg today/ so hard & so steady, I felt to tired to do anything more than my daily round after we went to Vermilion, it was after 4-p-m when we got back & I fed hens & locked up for night, it rained untill after 1-p-m today sun came through while it was raining & it rained through the night in heavy showers, to – night the moon is shining, Wind S. mostly West & to warm all day wind has gone N. W. tonight & is cooler. I Praise God in Jesus Name for our blessing.
Wed. Dec.11. 1946./ 1 egg today./ Well I didn’t feel able to work, but, dressed combed my hair shook up beds, opened windows, washed Iron put water on to heat to drink & wash, heat broth, & we ate, I did out my clothes & towels & dish towels & emptied the water Elbert went to Vermilion to get pectoral & they were out of it, he mailed my letter to Bonita bought a fresh white fish & came home & while he clean & washed the fish & pealed potatoes I washed out his sleepers, pillow slip, towel, wash cloth & union suit, then washed my hands & salted fish, floured the pieces & put them on to cook He carried me some water & then took care of dinner while I washed 2 work shirts, big chair cover, 2. prs. sock & his handkerchiefs & starched my dress & chair cover he hung them out & brought in first wash while I got dinner on the table, then I cleaned sink with clorox then we ate & I got the clothes all dry. S.W. wind not cold sunny all day, clouding up before dark & looks like rain again tonight got a letter from Nellie, she says she don’t know what to do about Bonita & children & that she misses Her children & Bonita’s children. She said Bonney Bell was working & didn’t say about Ella Jane & her schooling, said she wished we were all there..
Thurs. Dec. 12. 1946./ 2. eggs today/ Elbert didn’t go to the coop as usual & tonight when I went out to feed I found one big white rooster dead they were both O.K. last night. I can’t immagan what could have happened to him, his body was in good order. Well, we’re out all the feed he ate. they got to be such big fellows, it’s a big loss to us. It’s rained most all day & even tonight & it thundered & lightened hard tonight, radio said it would be colder again & the wind has blowed a gale & 11-p-m it’s still blowing.
Thurs. Dec. 12. 1946./1010/ 2 eggs today/ I did my daily round & baked 2. loaves of bread & big tin biscuits. & did the ironing & cooked & washed dishes it’s been to warm today, but air is colder tonight S & S.W. wind strong. Elbert went to Huron & got yeast & few things to, eat. Elbert got a Christmas card from Nora with letter on inside of it. she said her brother Harry died last month in Oaklahoma & that Arthur & his wife had been to see him before he died.
Fri. Dec. 13. 1946./ 3. eggs today/ Well, I washed table cloth & the cloth I use under it my dress & rags & mended my old dress first so I could put it on while I washed the other one, then I ironed them 7 with my daily round of household work & chor4es, I’m sure tired tonight, I really feel sick. Elbert’s cold is better & he has to cough & raise but he didn’t cough so much last night, seemed to sleep rather well all night. he’s been home all day & not out side so much to day. Wind has not been so strong today & there isn’t so much tonight. starlight out & nice sunshine all day, but froze the clothes outside. Well it froze water in birds bath out side didn’t seem very cold. No mail.
Sat. Dec. 14. 1946./ 1 egg today/ Only did the things that had to be done today for I still feel sick all over & tired, I tried to work, but feel so all in I didn’t get much done, mended 2 prs. socks & my shirt had to look after meals & beds & hens & birds & didn’t seem as if I could do dishes. I sure pray God will ease off the weight & this coming week for my nerves are just so bad I feel like crying at the least thing. I sent Bonita a dollar, didn’t know if she had milk for the babys & today, she wrote & said she’d pay it back some day & that she got the phone fixed, the wire was rubbing on the limb of a tree she said Geo. gave her 15.00 last Sat. & she hoped he’d keep it up, there are five of them to eat & 40 cents per. day for milk or 2.80 per week then the rent for the house, bill for gas, electric & phone, how would there be anything left for food, coal & clothes. She said she was glad it rained so she could wash for most all the towels & dish towels & bedding were dirty & now she has them all clean & ironed but not mended she said she made little Bonita a pretty pleated skirt & was going to make each of the boys a pr of pants out of there fathers navy suit. She said Johny called her every night, but soon he would be staying over at the School & she would miss him terribly & he couldn’t call her so often then for he would have to pay the phone call. & she said no one come in any more & she’s
Sat. Dec. 14. 1946 / 1011/ 1. egg today. / so lonesome with all the family gone, of course she has lots to keep her busy with the 3 babys & big bad Geo. to worry about. but she craves for some one to talk to, if shed only talk to Jesus. Oh God of Hosts in Jesus name, I pray YOu will help her to Know Thee & love Thee more than any earthly thing open her heart & give her that peace & understanding she ought to have, Amen. It’s been a nice day a little less cloudy than sunshiny & cold crisp breeze a little N of West. cold tonight. I received a letter from Ethel Bonney Hendrickson. & they have sold there farm & gone back to Elyria, Ohio to live, at 382. Furnace St. They are all well & like there new home. I also received a letter for Miss Ethel R. Willitts “Evangelist” she’s in a tight corner & asking for help. I pray Oh, God of Love & Mercy Thou will send in the money she needs to pay off her bills I know Dear Jesus Thou art able & as she is working hard for Thy cause, Thou will hear our prayers & send in the money to clear her bills in Jesus Holy Name, I pray Thou will Bless her every effort in Jesus Name for Thy Good & Glory. We will give Thee all the Praise Thou art worthy & we Love Thee. I thank Thee Jesus Dear Jesus I thank Thee & praise Thee for ever & ever Amen. Glory to God, Glory, Glory.
Sun. Dec. 15. 1946./ no egg today./ And no church all day, quite cold & nippy out side. I felt so ill all over I didn’t get up untill 1-p-m. then we had dinner & at 4-p-m I fed the hens & locked up the coop, car shed & grainery, Elbert emptied ashes, then at 6-30-p-m. we fried the fish so he can have some for his lunch tomorrow. hope he don’t catch more cold, it snowed some this a-m, was to cold to snow much ground is froze hard, hens seem to feel frisky & waiting at the gate for there supper. Wind is S. west, it’s cold after being to hot, but it may warm up again in a day or so, I don’t like the terrible sudden changes from summer to severe cold wintery, just over night, well, we can’t order the weather & I thank God, He rules the world.
Mon. Dec. 16. 1946. / 1 egg today/ Elbert went to work & staid all day he’s took a little more cold & he’s angry tonight for some one took his overalls & Jumper & several tools that’s hard
Mon. Dec. 16. 1946./1012/ 1 egg today/ you can’t buy right now & some of them he bought just a short time ago that cost from 4.00 up. to 5. or 6.00 he has reported his loss & I hope he make so much trouble that they will get a dick on the job. he’s lost more than 2 days wages now in tools. Well I tried to get the Christmas cards fixed up, but, didn’t get them all done, I made soup for supper & did all the out side chores & inside daily round haven’t felt as if I could work, to dark to sew. It snowed & then it did the queerest snow drops they looked like white tear drops [she drew a tear drop shape] & the air was full of them, I’ve never seen any-thing like it before in all my life, then it rained hard & froze in on & every things sheeted in clear ice, clear ice over the very light snow on the ground, made it hard to unlock the doors to coop, carshed & grainery. Wind is S. & strong tonight Elbert didn’t get home untill 6-30-p-m. & he’s been in bed since 9-p-m & been coughing & sneezing for most 3. hrs. now Well, I got to get to bed for it’s 12. mid night we got 3 X’Ma’s cards today one from Mrs Sharp Mrs Beesie & Mrs. Page. I have 44 most ready to be mailed. & a letter to Nellie & Girls.
Tue. Dec. 17. 1946./1 egg today/ Elbert went to work it’s been a nice sunshiny day with a cold raw wind & Elbert’s been on the roof most all day putting on roll roofing & he has more cold tonigh & feels so bad he could hardly sit still or Keep his mind level. I baked 2 loaves of bread a tin of biscuits & stirred up a bread dough fruit cake & have to put it in small pans & bread pans to bake it takes it so long to raise but it’s coming up & so I’ll get it done by & by. Elbert brought short steaks for supper & we had a dish of soup a piece & the hot biscuits mad a good supper. Elbert’s so terrible tired & so am I, been on my feet all day takes me so long to stir up the cake we had just finished the supper when the preacher & Garry Black came in to see how we were & to pray with us there baby is still sick with a cold, I pray God will heal that child & make her well & strong in Jesus Name. Oh.Glory, Praise the Lord oh my soul, Glory, Glory, Hallalujah; Amen. Well, God sent His Power & sent it through me Glory to God that is & ever will be I thank Him & all the Praise & Glory belongeth to Him. I told them about the Harp the Preacher said he would fix it up so they could play on it in Church, they think it is fine & it is a nice sounding instrument. Elbert’s gone to bed.
Tue. Dec. 17. 1946./ page. 1013./ 1 egg today/ I rubed him in alcohol & put hot flanel on his throat & chest & he has got quite now. I do wish the cakes were done I’d sure go to bed my self. Preacher said they put the name of each on that belongs to Church in a basket & then each one, drew one & Sister Gurney drew one for me & got Mrs. Galls name, so I am to give her a gift that costs (25 cents)no more, no less. One more thing to do, I pray God will help me some how. S. west wind & it’s quit fresh.
Wed. Dec. 18. 1946./ 2 eggs today./ Elbert went to work & he’s got more cold I just did my usual round & tried to get a few more cards ready to go. Davids 61 yrs old today. We got a nice letter from Cora Irish a card from Francis Page with note in it we got a card from Audrey one from the Minister of our church one from a Mr & Mrs. Rolland Eppler one from Annabell one from Mrs Beesie & Miss Clark. it’s been quite cold & it snowed today big feathery flakes.
Thurs. Dec. 19. 1946./2 eggs today/ Elbert has been home all day, his feet & legs were numb for a couple or hrs. after he got up, so he could hardly stand, so he didn’t get off to work, he’s felt bad all day We went to Vermilion & got some food & took a fruit to the Ministers & doz eggs & 1/2 doz. to Miss. Clark, she’s feeling better again. All the Church folks have been sick, but most are better again. We got a few more cards & I have got them all ready to go ex-cept Cora’s & I want to write a letter to send in it, so I’ll try to get that done tomorrow night, it’s cold out & it made my face ach. I went to the Dentist he drilled the upper plate off a little, on upper teeth. but they sure do hurt me & I can’t see any sence for it the old ones don’t hurt & they fit good. We got 7 cards in the mail today & we mailed 20 some.
Fri. Dec. 20. 1946./3. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & was on the roof most all day his knees & legs ach tonight he went to bed at 9-p-m & it 11-p-m now & he has just dropped off I took the hem out the blue dress & marked it & got it all done by hand once more & I got the hem basted in the house dress braid for trim tacted on & sleeves basted in & pocket tacted on & one button hole worked 6 more to do & it’s got to be stitched yet, then I’ll have one whole clean house dress once more. Wind was S. East then went S. West& it snowed slow & steady & thick all afternoon got 3 more cards today with letter in Georgia’s [Elinor’s maternal Aunt’s (Edith’s) child, so Elinor’s niece] she said her mother “Who was my aunt)) died the 23rd of Dec. on her wedding day annaversory. she’s been gone 2. yrs. & John [John McKinley Harnish 1896-1946, Elinor’s brother-in-law] has been gone a yr. Jan 5th 1947 [she means to write 1946] I got supper did dishes & have taken care of hens & birds 7 done the chores inside & out. it’s was hard to sew on dark dress, been dark day.
Sat. Dec. 21. 1946./page 1014./ 1. egg today/ Elbert didn’t feel able to go to work K& it snowed during the night in fact it snowed from Fri. noon all night & this a-m. the ever green trees were just beautiful, Well, gas run out again & it’s only been 2 mo’s. & 2 weeks since we got it. & it is supposed to last 3 months & has been up untill these last 2. tanks looks as if he’s making a few extra dollars I haven’t used anymore than we have used along there’s sure something going on that isn’t right I’m going to yell un-till something’s done about it. Well, Elbert went to Vermilion to call up for a tank & he hurried me up to write a note to the head office & I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but he went out with out the note & 2 cards I had to mail, he bought some cheese & pork shoulder & came back after he called the gas office & they brought the gas about 3-30. p-m. & I hadn’t had a bite to eat all day & I did the washing swept & dusted bedrooms & Kitchen & wiped up Kitchen floor & fed hens & birds & got dishes done; Elbert got what supper we had. hasn’t been cold, thawed today & froze tonight making it slippery under foot. S. West breeze & very light. no sun today
Sun. Dec. 22. 1946./ 1. egg today/ Well we didn’t get to go to church this am. but we did go this evening & it was a good service We had, they just had the children speak & sing & act out the bible scripture of Mary & Jophes & the baby in the manger, it took hrs. to teach the children, but they did it well, then after prayer & a song they gave the Children a box of candy & nuts & an orange apiece they had some left over & gave some to each of the grown ups. 2 of the children spilt there candy & Elbert gave them ours & then they were all happy again. I took Miss Clark a cabbage & piece of cake & Miss Sprunk a piece of cake & I took a 25 cent cake to Mrs. Goll & a cabbage to the Preachers, tonight & had a little vieit with each one in the church & Mr. Hambly & Mrs. Hambly & there mother & his mother. There were quite a few to Church. I visited with Mrs. Kroll & Mrs. Horning & Mrs. Horning’s daughter came & hugged me, kissed me & said I love you. Mrs. Sprunk gave me an apron & I got a salt & pepper shaker in a holder. I don’t know who that was from B.D. with greetings was on box. I found out my gift from church came from Mrs Goll & I love the children and I’m glad they love me I do thank God & pray He will help me to do more for Him & to be more worthy of His care & Love to me & help me set a good example for His children. Amen. I thank Him for my healings which have been many & I give Him all the praise & Glory forever & ever, Oh, Glory to God.
Mon. Dec. 23. 1946. 1015./ 1. egg today/ Aunt Edith gone 2 yrs/ Elbert went to work & it’s rained here the most of the day. We got several cards & letters today Nellie sent a card to each of us & wrote a letter on Elberts & she wrote a letter & put in mine and I’m going to re-write it word for word right here “She says”
Dear Elinor: It seems we must think of writing about the same time. Your nice long letter came yesterday. And we got a nice letter from Bonita almost everyday. I write write to her everyday too. I don’t know what I would do with out the letters. To-night I have washed my hair & pinned it up. Bonney is working the after noon shift. Ella Jane is reading right now. it surely has been beautiful moonlight nights There is an awful lot of traffic here on these streets. This is a corner home & so we here all the nooise. Mon. Dec.16. YOu probably wonder how I spend my time. I try to rest some but haven’t really had enough restful rest or I don’t relax enough. But I don’t do anything much. I try to walk to the store every day. It is only 2 blocks from here. Some times we walk on down to Central Ave, and sometimes we ride the bus. We only get a local or Albuquerque newspapr once in a while as they are rather scarce. They can’t get enough of paper. Gannetts send us the Elyria newspaper after they read it. Yes I Bonney likes it here very much. And I think she enjoys her work. They are very busy. She gets better pay, her laundry of uniforms free, and she only works 5 1/ days a week. You see she is working for the goverment. No, there are other people living here. There are several rooms rented out. We have two bedrooms and we use the Kitchen. Other people use the Kitchen too and the bath. We wish very much to find another place.You men-tioned that I wrote to Frank. Well it was a very brief note in which I told them that places here are as hard to find as a needle in a haystack. I have not written about anything else absolutely. I have sent them a XMa’s card with nothing in it but our names. They had ask me to let them Know if there was any rooms to get. Ruby’s ans. to my note was as brief as mine. So don’t worry foolishly over imaginery things You ought to know I never talk with them about anything of any consequence. I might even write to John L. Lewis but I don’t think it would be worth anything interesting either. I have tried to get Christmas cards ready to mail. God one from Ethel today I’m real surprised that they moved back into town. I sent her a card yesterday to Opberlin but but guess I’ll send one now to her in Elyria. Hope you are both able to be up and about. You would surely like this Climate. We are all O.K. Bonney is home now & in bed. She quit at 11-P-M. So I must get into bed. Our days are brillant sunshine days. The temperature is around 50 degrees in daytime but it drops and is cool after sundown. I wear a suit days but a warm coat evenings. We were out looking at some places today. Must get to sleep much love & best wishes Nellie & the girls.
Well what do you think of that? She’s 12 yrs. younger than I. & I put her through high school & sent her to Normal school & then I took E.J. at 2 yrs. & kept her untill she was 16 yrs. & that’s the way they talk to me, as if I were a year old or less or dumb & foolish, Well, it’s a wonder I’m not dumb, or crazy, all the dirty, dirty rot. I have taken & I’m 62. yrs. old Jan. 16. 1947. I’m glad my education was only part of highschool, for it seems so unjust to have a good education & abuse those who love you most & have done the most for you. But Jesus took all of that & more & I know now how His heart must have been most broken to. & I’m
Tue. Dec. 24. 1946./ page 1017/ 1. egg today/ that I had to fix a lunch for Elbert got off work at noon & after doing some shopping around for tools, he came home, so I fixed hot coffee & a little lunch & then he went to Huron & I fed hens & got supper on the go, I did dishes & when Elbert got back had supper most done We had pork for supper & he got 2 white fish & at Huron he got a duck small one for tomorrow been colder today S. west wind & it tried to snow ground is froze.
Wed. Dec.25. 1946./ 2. eggs today/ Christmas day We received 22 cards & 5 letters & several letters in cards. I am feeling bum, but got up and fixed the duck & got it on to cook & got relish chopped & ready & Elbert toasted the bread it was to fresh to make dressing & then I made the dressing & some rice pudding. We ate at 2-p-m & Elbert did outside chores & locked up house & I dressed & we went to Hambly’s & to her mothers & I took both of them fruit cake (bread dough cake) they were glad for the cake & Mrs. Hambly seemed extra glad the old folks gave me and old fashion nut & cinnimon roll & 2. oranges, & then we went to call on Miss Clark & she wasn’t home so we went to the Ministers home & there she & Mr & Mrs. Eppler & son & Garry & the Ministers & baby were & Mrs Buser had left her baby with them while she & Rev Bueser had gone, one, one way & the other the other way on visits & left the children here & there & Rev. Gurney was going to New York to drive the car back for Mrs. Bueser, Tom & his wife & Sister Gurney were going to take him to Elyria to get the train, so we took Miss Clark home so she could fix her fire & then went back with her to Gurney’s, she was staying with the Children then we came home had a lunch, ice cream & rice pudding & coffee, then I did dishes & now I’m going to bed, While I was with them all they prayed for me that God would in Jesus Name heal me soul & body. then we prayed for brother Gurney he had something wrong with his eye then we prayed for Bueser’s baby she has a cough & I do thank God in Jesus Name for our healings & that we can go to him often. Well today is for Jan looks as if the first half would be quite mild. but the wind began to freshen at 6-p-m & it was & is quite strong at -11-p-m S. west wind strong but not very cold sun came out this morning & shone nice tried to snow after noon & got cloudy.
Thurs. Dec. 26. 1946./ page 1018./2 eggs today/ Well Elbert went to work & I finished button holes in my dress & sewed buttons on, now it’s all done & ready to wear I did the morning chores & did up dishes & washed out part of the clothes & got them dried,I fixed the fish to put in & broil, but when it was 10 to 7-p-m. I put them in the frying pan in pieces & I ate my supper 15 minutes pasted 7-p-m. & began to wonder what could have happened to Elbert, he left his car at the garage this a-m & the head man” They call him Frank” went out to where Elbert was working & told him the car was in very bad condition & he said he’d better put a new engine in it wouldn’t cost but a little more & it wouldn’t take near so long, so that’s what they decided to do. & he got home 7-30-p-m. & the supper was still hot so he ate I made the coffee soon as he came in & finished frying fish, he’s so tired, been on the roof all day & now he will have to go a little early to catch the bus at the end of the road in the morning & he’s so nervous if he could only get a little money a head, but he don’t manage right. Got a card from Rose Weinstien Braiker from Califonia where they have gone to make there home. Well I pray he will keep able to work it wont take long if he can keep working, he got a bad rap on his head today & said he thought his neck was broke for a while he was on the roof & other fellow tripped with the plank they were moving & fell, let loose the plank & the end Elbert had hold of was up longside his head Well it was a wonder he didn’t fall off the roof, but the Lord saved him from that his head’s aching & I hope & pray God will help him & that he’ll be O.K. in the moring. I forgot to write it down Tue. that E. saw 7 geese going South. Well, he’s gone to bed, I’ve got everything ready for morning.
Fri. Dec. 27. 1946./1. egg today/ Elbert went to work & I baked a tin of biscuits a tin of rolls & 1. loaf of bread. I did all the chores out side & in & at 4-30-p-m. Bill Snyder came in & said a nurse called & said Elbert had been sent to hospital for observation that I was not to worry but he got a bad crack on the side of his head & it hurt him all night & he felt sick when he got home last night I’m praying his skull is not fractured, he sure has the bad luck hope he gets home tomorrow I called the Ministers & they said they’d call the hospital & find out how he was & let me know or take me over to Him. I’ll have to pray for I can’t sleep for wondering if anything more has happened to him. Wind was N.W. last night & N.E. this morning & went S.E. & then after noon it went S. & rained & then went back S.E. & has rained in light showers several times. high wind tonight.
Sat. Dec. 28. 1946./1019/ 2 eggs today/ I got up at 6-a-m. & fixed the fire & went back to bed & slept untill 9-a-m & some hunters went run ning through the yard out the back way with a dog yelping on track, so I got up it was dark gray moring & cloudy all day the wind blew from the S. west all night & it seemed every thing out side that could rattle done a great job at it; I couldn’t sleep, so I prayed & I thank God Elbert got home to-night his head badly swollen yet I have bathed his head & rubbed it with alcohol his neck seems stiff & cords sore, they did exray his head but didn’t find any broken bones so we are both glad about that but he still has a terrible feeling in his head & Dr. told him to come home & if he didn’t feel any better Mon. to come back but to come back & report any way, so he has gone to bed now, he ate a good supper, he said they took a vile of blood from him & ask if he had ever had high blood pressure. Well, the preacher & Garry came out & told me he had called the hospital & they had taken an exray & thought it was quite a hard rape, that it would bother him for a while & then leave if he kept quite. he said they gave him liquid food & no water to see whats wrong with him, if he wont turn to God. God can heal him soul & body. I know.
Sat. Dec. 28. 1946./page 1020./ 2 eggs. / I got a card with letter from Mrs Kendall & got card & letter from Mrs Stump I got my tax blank today 5.72 Wind went N.W. this morning & is N. E. tonight, radio said it would blow hard again tonight & snow tomorrow, it’s colder tonight.
Sun. Dec. 29. 1946./ 1 egg today./ We sure been home all day, cars in garage & Elbert not feeling able to get out I have been bathing & rubbing his head & neck with alcohol his neck isn’t quite so bad & the concussions, no0t so bad as it was I hope they find him O.K. he’s sure terrible nervous. I haven’t felt so good for some time I’m so terribly tired, I hate to get up & start in the morning & I don’t seem to have strength enough to work & I’ve felt dead alday & tomorrow is another wash day. Wind has bee S.W & went W. & a little North, late this afternoon & it’s little colder tonight. I wrote a letter for Elbert to his insurance Co. to mail in morning.
Mon. Dec. 30. 1946./2. eggs today/Well, Elbert went to Lorain to Dr. at Hospital & he’s about the same, only his head isn’t swollen as bad as it has been, he’s got to stay home untill Thurs. I have only done what house work I had to do & took care of hens & birds. Johny Harnish came in just after supper he said Martha called Bonita & ask if she knew Uncle Elbert had just been released from the hospital & she said no, so Johny came clear over to see all about it. His only home for a few days, has to go back Thurs Jan.2. 1947. Elbert gave him the little clock out of the old buick car he was happy to get it, he’s just a boy yet, it’s a good clock. I gave him or we gave him a doz. of eggs & several cabbags pk. of carrots & 1/2. pk. of beets. I made him hot tea & gave him a bowl of hot soup when he came & he took an anacin, said he had a cold. He said the church gave Bonita a big carton of food & Geo. is having hard time paying for coal lights gas & telephone & food & milk, well, we all have a time keeping up. He said some group of the church folks, gave him $10.00 for Christmas & he helps with the preaching in a near by Village Church, he had a cold in his stomach & bowels & wasn’t feeling very good. We thanked him for coming & ask him to let us Know how his cold was in a day or so. Moon’s wading through a haze at 10-p-m. W. little N. Wind.
Tue. Dec. 31. 1946. 2 eggs today/ I slept late, then Elbert insisted I had to eat so he made two slices of toast for me & him-self & we ate I washed the dishes & then washed out most of the dirty clothes, have 2 blankets & 2 dresses to wash yet. Elbert bumed his way to Vermilion & then walked back to Epplers & got a duck he had ordered & he was lucky he got a ride all the way back to end of our road. I was just done washing when he came I’d been out & done the evening chores was just wrinsing balance of clothes he got some saucage & he washed & made some balls of it & we ate a lunch I rested a little
Tue. Dec. 31. 1946./page 1021./2. eggs today./ and then dried up balance of clothes. I had a good sized wash & didn’t feel equal to it but prayed as I washed & God helped me through I love Him & Praise Him, He is all Powerfull. then I helped Elbert & we got the feathers & down off the duck 9. lbs. & he cut it up & I put salt on it, in water, so it’s redy to cook in the morning. Think I’ll be lazy tomorrow & rest & work Thurs. Elbert says he’s going to work Thurs, but I have to wipe up the floor.
Elinor’s Diary 1947
Wed. Jan. 1. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ And we were home all day & had the duck with creamed potatoes hot baking Powder biscuits & gravey & canned cherrys with hot biscuits, butter, & coffee, for dinner. & I laid & slept & rested some I bumped myself in hen house coming through from first pen & my back hip leg & ankle ached allnight so I prayed untill I’d have to doze this a.m. Elbert got up took a bath & dressed put duck on to cook & the beets, I got ready to cook last night, then he peeled potatoes & put them on & I got up & made the biscuits while he peeled beets & creamed potatoes he made the gravey with some of my help & together we put it on the table then I sat a spell & then did up the dishes I did out side chores & thanked God I could rest today. Sun came out for an hour or so this a.m. snowed a little before 8 & then just before clouds closed sun out stopped untill 2.p.m. but stayed cloudy & at 2-p-m started to snow again light but was coming down thick at 4-p-m & now we have a light blanket with frozen sleet on the top, so it’s crunchy under foot. Wind N. east. not very cold. no moon tonight but it was a clear moon last night with heavy clouds out over the lake that look really black. The duck had a very good flavor & it was very tender & good.
Thurs. Jan. 2. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I washed his 2 heavy union suits bath towel & was rag, work shirt & socks my dress towels was rags “4” & nose rags & got supper, did dishes, took care of hens & birds & did the chores outside & in & I’m sure tired tonight. I got a dress & two blankets yet to wash & the ironing to do & floors to wipe up hope to get done yet this week. We have had a thick white fog started Wed. afternoon been so bad all day I couldn’t see Snyders house or buildings, part of the time. & it’s rained off & on all day, cloudy tonight, but fog has lifted. & at 10 its raining. Elbert got a ride home, so he was here early 5-30 tonight.
Fri. Jan.3. 1947./ 1 egg today/ Elbert went to work had to catch the bus this morn-ing. Wet morning rainy a very fine misty rain & kept at it all day froze as it hit the ground & it’s slippery under foot. got my check today; took care of hens & birds & house work & I made another batch of bread dough fruit cake 1. white loaf of bread & tin of biscuits & wiped up kitchen floor & got supper & the dishes done
Fri. Jan.3. 1947./page 1022./ 1. egg today./ It’s been cloudy all day & frozen fog or fine frozen rain & Elbert on the roof to work. another fellow took him to the bus so he got home before dark. It clears up in the wee hrs. of the morning & storms in the day.
Sat. Jan.4. 1947./1. egg today./ Elbert went to work, I slept late. Then got up the sun was shining, so I dressed & put the water on to heat & went out & emptied ashes, went to cystern & got a pail of water after I took the hens there green lunch & gave them fresh water, there wasn’t any mail, I shook dust mop & wiped the cloths line then took all the blankets out & hung them up to air in the sunshine then I cleaned rooms turned mattresses & opened windows fixed the fire & washed my corset & 2. house dress & what few things that were dirty then I fixed a hot cup of tea & bit of lunch & rested 10 minutes, then I ironed 2. dresses & 1. work shirt. Then patched 1. old dress & put it on & washed out the new one I’d been wearing so now I have it ironed to put on in the morning again. it’s the only one I have, fit to be seen in, the others are patches. it’s been a fine day, this day, rules , Nov. clouded up just before dark but cleared up at & noon was shining through & at 8-p-m. moon bright & sky clear. My throat achs as if I were going to cry tonight. Elbert got a ride part of the way & bus the rest of the way & he’s so tired tonight went to bed at 9 & is sleeping hard now10-10.p.m. The wind has freshened up & makes house creak & groan.
Sun. Jan.5. 1947./ 3 eggs today/ Well John’s been gone laid to rest a yr. today. & Nellie Ella Jane & Bonney Bell are in Albuquerque New Mexico, far from home & home sick I know, for Nellie said she didn’t know what she’d do with out the letters from home. I wanted so much to go to church today, but Elbert’s car’s not done. We been home all day & it’s been a nice day. Sun came out nice & clear this morning & stayed untill after noon then clouded up, but cleared & the moon came out nice & clear there’s a little snow on the ground & a little ice been cold today S.W. wind not strong. Poor old Pete, he don’t feel so good these last 2 days, I gave him a dose of salts tonight put him in first pen & the white one in with the hens. Hope to get some early chicks. But I sure have a time to get them. The last bag of grain we got is musty. I hate the smell of it & so do the hens.
Mon. Jan. 6. 1947. /2 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I haven’t done only what I had to do all day & he worked on the roof putting on roofing all day & brought the grociers in a big bag on his back at 7 p.m. tonight. & his back’s most killing him. I bathed his back with alcohol & put a flannel on it. I can’t seem to endure the cold very well this winter, & Poor old Pete died last night.
Mon. Jan.6. 1947./ page 1023./ 2 eggs today/ Received letter from Mrs. Sharp today. Wind S.W. just a little west. 23 below zero & froze the water bucket in coop hens don’t feel cold, they were scratching & diging & came to the gate, to meet me, for there supper. Well, I got supper & washed the dishes & had to clean out cinders from the fire, then go out & empty ash pan, such poor coal. Elbert’s stomach is hurting him & his back so he can’t sleep.
Tue. Jan. 7. 1947./1 egg today/ Elbert went to work, I slept late & it snowed big heavy, feathery, snow flakes & made a white blanket about 6 inches thick, I did all my usual work, I set bread & had 2 tins biscuits & 1. loaf of bread. I cut out a house dress, did evening chores & got supper & we ate 20 minutes to 8-p-m, Elbert got here 7-30-p-m, & I now have dishes done & my teeth cleaned & everything ready for the morning Received letter from Sister Nellie & the Girls. She says there rooms are so cold they are in misery & Bonney Bell gets in at midnight & has to walk 2. block from the buss. Well I rubbed Elbert’s back in alcohol & put flannel on him & he’s sleeping. now I must fix fire & go to bed as it’s 11-30-p-m.
Wed. Jan. 8. 1947. / 2 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & it snowed little snow balls light & dry N.W. wind & cold at 10-a-m it warmed up & after dinner it thawed a little but at 4. p-m. got a little colder wind N.W. at 10-30-p-m. I did my usual round of work & stitched the pieces on the sides of the front & back gores[?] of my house dress & cut out another dress or the skirt & stitched the pieces on, then put it away & did out side chores, took care of can, fed hens, emptied ashes, brought in hens grain, got well water & emptied slop pail, then put goods a-way & sewing machine & made up beds & fixed up file, pealed some onions to stew & potatoes to boil & got pork chops up for supper, then sat down to rest my feet, so put two patches under each arm hole of my old shirt had it most done, When Elbert came to front door I hopped up & let him in & then put the sup-per on. to cook & while he washed I dipped up a bowl of broth for each of us & we thanked God for it & ate crackers in it, then he went out & fixed one of the ventalation holes in the hen coop & I had supper ready when he got back, then I did dishes & finished a crochet edge on a handkercheif I had started I think I’ll send it to Laura Ann Bonney for her birthday.
Thurs. Jan. 9. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ No, Elbert’s back felt so bad he didn’t go to work but after dinner he went to Lorain to see about his car & it’s going to cost him 4 hundred & 78 dollars new engine & every thing repared & in tip top condition if they had new one’s on hand he’d sell this one now & only have 4 or 5 hundred to pay for the new one. he went to Dr Siffling & had his back bone ajusted & then came home on the buss right to the end of our road, he got the bird’s seed to
Thurs. Jan. 9. 1947./page 1024./ 2. eggs today/ while he was right near Lipp Store. I wasn’t looking for him quite so soon, but was glad he came back before dark, I did all the outside chores at 4-p-m & then washed out what dirty clothes there were didn’t have water to suds & wrinse but got them washed & then I got things ready for supper & then I sat down & only 5 minutes or so & Elbert was at the door. I thought he’d been coming in the car, but it wasn’t quite done yet. after he left at noon I fixed his union suit, they always make the button hole wrong way to so I sewed it up & put a little patch on the underside & made a new button hole, sewed a patch on other side & sewed a button on & took the other button off. So I’ve been busy. I made up the beds before I decided to wash, I only had a few things & had them done at 5-p-m & every thing cleaned up & supper ready to cook when Elbert come. He see Miss. Clark in Vermilion, he got a ride with a fellow from our road to Vermilion, then took buss to Lorain & Miss. Clark was helping a woman on to the bus with a suit case. Well it snowed quite hard a 4-p-m but didn’t last long. N.W. wind. Didn’t get a thing done to my dress today, hope to tomorrow.
Fri. Jan. 10. 1947./ 1. egg today/ Elbert went to work I slept till 9-30-a-m-then dressed & combed my hair & washed & cleaned my teeth shook up my bed & opened the window & then shut the door & shook the fire & fixed it up, uncovered birds cages then shook up Elbert’s bed & opened the window & shut the door then took pan of sour milk & went to hen house & looked after hens gritt & mash & gave them a cabbage head & then got the mail. gas booklet. Wind went S. & is real strong, but not very cold. Elbert thumbed his way & gotr here at 7-p.m. I finished cutting out my dress & got one stitched ready to bast together & I hope it fits, so it wont take so long to get it & other one done. before Spring. I wrote a letter to Ethel & put the handkercheif in it for Laura Ann [not sure if this is Ethel Noderer or another Ethel Elinor mentions, an Ethel Hendrickson] that I crocheted the pink edge on, & I sent money order for my taxes & an envelope for return receipt.
Sat. Jan. 11. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ Elbert went to work K I slept untill something wake me up with a start, but I couldnt see anything or any one, I dressed & started my daily round, I looked after hens & cleaned bird cages & ironed 3. shirts & my dress & skirt & a bread towel & rested 10 or 15 mi. & tried to sew, but it had clouded up so I couldn’t see to sew. I fed hens & did outside chores. & got the supper started. I killed two of those big things they call mosquito hawks (looks like big mosquito) the other day & today I killed a fly on the south Window in Elbert’s room. S. breeze & warm. Cloudy before dark & it’s quit dark out tonight, it’s been moon for several nights. Elbert got here 15 to 8-p-m.
Sun. Jan. 12. 1947./ page 1026./ 3. eggs today/ No car so we been home all day & this afternoon Ethel & her husband came in for just one hour, she said, Walter wanted to get back, we had a good visit she gave me a picture of Laura Ann with her dog & calf[?] she will be 12. yrs. old tomorrow & she gave me a crocheted yarn holder a red rose in the center with a creamish white around it & red finish around outer edge real pretty. I never use any thing like that, guess I’ll put it in the holder case Bonita gave me & keep them for relics. Bonita cave me the case when she was in grade school, she went through high school then got married & now has 3. children, twins are 3. yrs. old 8th & 9th of Feb. 1947 & baby 2. yrs. old Jan 27, 1947. Ethel & her man are looking good & she said hr mother & Laura Ann were well. Elbert has acted as if his mind wasn’t here or with him, all day, he went out & opened the coop window “by the door ” & then opened south coop door & left them for over an hour with a good N. E. wind sailing right through. I went to feed hens, when Ethel & Walter left & the poor hens were running around shaking there feathers as if they were most froze & even the rooster, I cried, & prayed God would keep them from getting a cold, Elbert killed my rooster & dressed him, I liked him, he was tame & talked to me & crowed if anything made a noise around the coop. I still feel so hurt about it, for I’ve taken good care of all of them & they have molted fine & we got 3. eggs today. first 3 birds got between the storm door & house door one Sun. night after we came home from Church, then, Elbert had to put car in for repair, had to get all new engine 4.85 & was in the hospital for exrays, then had to go for back bone ajustments & he still don’t feel right & now what he did to the hens today, my mean, we’ll have to kill them to save them. I felt all broke up about it wish I had not let him try to look after them looks as if I’ll have to be on gard all the time in the future. I don’t know how I can manage to get chicks & feed this Spring, he’s got to pay for the car & that’s going to take time & they say they may be out of work before very long such is life, he got the water & emptied the ashes tonight. Well, I’m praying & trusting God will come to my rescue. I know He can. I believe he will. To night Elbert said he lost his license & it had worried him all day, so thats what his mind was on. I do hope he finds it.
Sun. Jan.12.1947./page. 1026./ 3. eggs today/ Well he sure is having his troubles, I, am , sorry for him if I had known how worried he was I would have looked after the hens Well, only thing now is trust & wait, but I hope he wont worry all day Mon. for he can’t find his license untill tomorrow night, if he did leave it where he got his driving permit as he thinks he did, he didn’t look after getting his bill of sale for his car back from Vermilion & i ask him about that 2 or 3 times & he got angry & said they’d mail it to him and I shouldn’t bother, he’d take care of his own affairs, so now he needs it & they have not sent it back & he was to know from the bank last night where it was & the presendent wasnt there as he said he’d be, & the girl didn’t know anything. So he’s been worrying about that untill he’s about sick tonight. I’m terribly sorry, but he wont let me help him.
Mon. Jan. 13. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ Elbert went to work K& he found the papers he was rather sure the bank hadn’t sent back to him. I thank God for that, I Praise Thee Jesus for answering prayer. Well today Laura Ann is 12. yrs. old & she’s a big girl tall & well built. very fair & black hair, thick & long. she weighed 145 & I weighed 150 when I was 12. yrs. old & was 5 ft. 9 inches. tall. Well I carried water & washed, all but Elberts union suit towel & sleepers, I washed his 2 heavy work shirts his socks & handkercheifs & they & everythings dry except heavy shirt & socks. Winds been S.East all day I got to set my bread untill noon & it sure did come good & had it all done before Elbert came, he gets here so late, it was 20 minutes to 8-p-m bread was done at 7. I have dishes done & now I’ll fix fire & go to bed. Oh how I thank God in Jesus Name for excepting me as one of His children, I thank thank Him for all the many many blessings and even the trials that teach me His ways. Glory Glory to His Precious Holy Name, I couldn’t live with out my Jesus. I feel as if I’d been away from Church a year I hope & can get back soon, I like to be among God’s people, I pray He will reveal to all those of His strengthen there faith & help us to be strong Spiritually and phyically, Amen. & Glory to God in the Highest.
Tue. Jan 14. 1947./ 3. eggs today/ Elbert went to see John Warner & paid him 10.00 he owed him, he tried to get him to take 2.00 for interest but John put it back in Elbert’s pocket & said it’s to bad if we can’t be human any more, so Elbert thanked him & said I was hoping to borrow a little more but I’ll pay it back each week untill I had it all paid & John said he was sorry, but he didn’t have it right now, that he was almost 12 thousand dollars in the hole by the time they got started to fish again so after they talked a spell. Elbert went to the Cleveland Trust Bank & got the loan,.
Tue. Jan. 14. 1947/ page 1027/3. eggs today/ Elbert saw Al. Sims before he saw John & told him, he was going to try to get a loan of John & if he couldn’t he thought of going to the Bank, but he didn’t know if he knew any one there any more & he might want Al. to identify him, so, as Al works there, part time, he had it all fixed up when Elbert got back to the Bank, So, now he may get his car Sat. I hope it may even be sooner than that. for it’s a hard & a long day to go 20 miles & work hard all day & get back that 20 miles at night & do the shopping if he has a chance it’s 20 mi. to eight when he gets home at night & he leaves 20 mi. past six in the morning. I got up at ten & tried to sew, it’s been a dark, dark, day & it worries me so when I can’t see but I did my usual round & did a little sewing, I’ll keep trying & maybe I’ll get some dressed done before summer. & now everything’s ready for morning once more & I thank God for all my many blessings. Winds South West & to warm for winter clothes I see some house flies out side on the window screen today. It started to rain at 3-30-p-m it had been so fogy & at 4 it rained hard & again after Elbert got here it poured down, he got the 4-30. bus tonight & came straight through from Lorain, I was so glad he was here at 5-30-p-m, he cought a ride this morn to Vermilion & another to sunny side & cought the buss there & went on, buss was terribly late. he took his lunch went in a resturant got cup coffee & worked this afternoon.
Wed. Jan. 15. 1947./ 3. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & I haven’t done much more than my daily round, morning chores & evening chores & a little sewing to dark to sew. Elbert came in his own car to night, and got here at 6-p-m I sure was glad. It snowed a good finger depth of snow, after Elbert left at 6-20-a-m. & got the buss in about 10. minutes after he got to the highway, he said tonight, WEll. wind was S.W. & very light warmed up K& snow is most all gone tonight. I got my tax receipt today, not cold out I fed hens & emptied ashes & got water & grain for hens for tomorrow, I keep it in here so it’s warm for them.
Thurs. Jan. 16. 1947./ no eggs today/ Well Elinor is 62. yrs. old today & I never got one card & only one gift that was the little crocheted holder that Ethel brought. I got my dress basted together today did my usual round of work & darned two prs. sock & put patches on 3 fingers & thumb of Elberts old work glove, I have to put his union suit to soak tomorrow & wash out the sleepers, pillow case & towels. I did supper dishes & now I’m going to bed. Elbert went at 9. oclock but I mended his glove fingers & got to fix fire yet before I can go & I’m tired. No mail today
Fri. Jan. 17. 1947./ 4 eggs today./ Elbert went to work & it was quite dark this morning S. west wind & chilly Sun came out at 8.a.m. & staid untill 3-p-m. then it clouded up again. I carried water & washed out my rags, 3 hand towels & 3 dish towels & my stockings then in fresh water I washed Elbert’s towel pillow slip & sleepers & his two blankets I still have his union suit
Fri. Jan. 17. 1947. /page 1028/4 eggs today/ & my 2. blankets to wash & some grain bags hope I get cought up soon. I wiped the kitchen floor & got supper. Elbert came a little after 6-p-m. he seemed extra tired tonight. I got dishes done & bath blankets dried before supper & everything else, but the rags & they are most dry now I put the meat on to boil & it’s boiling good. so now I guess I fix the fire & hike to bed. Elbert got a letter from Carl Betz nice letter telling about his work & the weather & his garden he said they raised all they had for Christmas dinner in the garden even the goose. We received a card from Johny Harnish, from Berea Ohio, he’s studying at Baldwin Wallace College there. he said Gannets had just got home from Aluquerque New Mexico where they had been visiting Nellie & the girls. & that they were as well as usual. I got 2 birthday cards, one from Ethel & one from Georgie R. & I thank God in Jesus Dear name for the strength He gives me & how well he cares for us.
Sat. Jan. 18. 1947./ 4 eggs today/ Elbert went to work it was dark this morning more so than yesterday I slept untill 9-30 then hopped out & heat the water to wash his union suit & the other 2 blankets & they are dry, but not the suit it’s that stiff heavy old stuff worse than a blanket to handle & wash & wring by hand I swept all 3 rooms & wiped up dust & took care of hens & birds & got biscuits ready now to bake at 6-p-m. It’s been a perfectly beautiful day, no snow. or breeze today untill tonight E. little S. not cold out & a fly was crawling on the screen today. Elbert came at 6-30-p-m. I had biscuits most done & potatoes & he brought veal to fry it was real good with all the rest we had. Wind’s S. east, mostly east. Well I’ve got to go to Church in the morning. but don’t know if Elbert will go. Well, I hadn’t been in bed only 2 or 3 hrs. when Elbert woke up coughing & all stopped up, so, I got up & greesed him & got a flannel on him &K gave him & anicin, crushed with cup of warm water, he went to sleep.
Sun. Jan. 19. 1947./ 1. egg today/ No Church today Elbert has doctored his cold allday he offered to take me but he wasn’t fit to go, he showed by his looks how miserable he felt, so, I done by him as I’d want to be done by & I do hope & pray God will remove his cold & it’s cause. It’s been a beautiful day, raw wind S.E. & nice sun, but didn’t thaw much only little on the top snow all gone ground is bare.
Mon. Jan. 20. 1947./ page. 1029./ 3. eggs today./ Elbert’s cold’s so bad & he had to cough so hard, he stayed home & has been in the house all day, sleeping when he could between coughs, I’ve only done my daily round & tried to do what I could for him. It’s been a stormy day rain & snow tonight, but melted as it fell. Wind has freshened up quite strong since dark S.W. radio says we are to get a severe drop tonight to 5 below zero. Elbert has gone to put more freezezone in his radiator I pray God will pertect his car, it’s the best way for him to go to & from his work & the only way for me to get to Church. We recieved a letter from Nellie, & one from Laura Ann Bonney telling me she liked the hankie I sent, her & of the other gifts she got & the Christmas Gifts she recieved, also. Radio told of another air liner burning up & of a ship that was mined & the men took off in the life boats & left the women & children to drown-300 or more Nellie says she has bought a place & it’s out of town but on the buss line, infact buss goes right past the house, she said there inlaid linonium a Cheif, white enamel stove built in beds, no table or chairs or mattresses, so She bought mattresses & had the gas man look after the gas & heater to see they were working right & they will “more than likely have to buy dishes & other things. Well I hope it proves to be O.K. since she never wants to see Ohio again. Oh, it’s wonderful, they can look down on the town & they can see the mountains & look fare beyond. God help them.
Tue. Jan. 21. 1947./ 1. egg. today/ Well, I was up several times last night & heat the hot water bottle for Elbert & put more greese on him & fixed the fire & his cough has eased up a lot, but he’s been out side several times & carried some water & its turned cold as blixon during the night last night & allday today cold raw puffy wind, it rained then snowed & blowed & been at it all morning then sun came out off & on all after noon untill evening that’s tonight & it’s still blowing & sure is getting colder radio said 5 below tonight & not much change tomorrow. It’s 11-p-m & I had Elbert all greesed & hot water bottle on him & now he’s had to get up & go over the hill to the little house, in that cold wind. but now he’s back & only coughed a very little so hope & pray & trust he’ll soon be free from his cold again & I thank God in my Dear Jesus Name, I know they will pray for me at Church to & God & Jesus will hear & answer prayer, I thank Him for all of them & all of His people Who trust & believe & know Him Oh Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Amen. I pray He will strengthen the faith of each one of His children and help them not to be afraid to step out on His promises & trust Him with all there heart soul spirit mind, & body He wants us to trust Him fully. He said so. I believe Him.
Tue. Jan. 21`. 1947. / page 1030./ 1. egg today./ I did my daily round & finished mend-ing my corset, & got a garter fixed to go on the corset I have on, then I basted the inside belt on my house dress, that’s all I got done besides hot drinks & lunches & fixing fire & cleaning up ashes & coal dirt. Elbert’s thinking of going to the store in Huron in the morning, he wants some meat. I received a card from Mrs. Frankie Beesie this a.m.
Wed. Jan. 22. 1947. / 2 eggs today/ Well I got up at 8 & went back & stayed untill 10-a-m then I tumbled out & dressed washed & combed & cleaned my teeth & put the water on to heat & Elbert went up to Huron for meat I had the rubbing all done but his handkerchiefs, I finished & he brought 2 pails of water, part of the clothes were dry when he got here & while I finished & cleaned up he fried some saucage & we had a lunch. then I rested 15. mi. & got the sewing machine out & stitched the pocket & the yoke & belt of my dress & put the machine away, while I stitched Elbert cut up a young hen & put it on to cook it was done at 4-p-m I made biscuits & he fed hens & done chores out side then while I basted the braid on my dress he pealed potatoes & so together we got the supper he made the gravey & took up the supper I hadn’t eat much today & haven’t been eating enough for the passed week or so supper was good, meat so tender & sweet. I washed dishes & he wiped them, it’s been quite cold all day, he bought ham & boiling meat, it’s so cold it will Keep good. Wind S.W. & radio said wind wouldn’t blow so hard tonight & it isn’t & it seems warmer than last night I’m going to fix fire & go to bed, got to fix hot water bottle for Elbert to put on his chest, he got more pectoral for his cold, some terpo [likely terpin hydrate :A popular cough medicines in pharmacies for over 100 years was terpin hydrate. It was an expectorant, to loosen mucus and ease congestion. It was derived from compounds found in plants like oregano, thyme and eucalyptus, and also manufactured from oil of turpentine. This was obtained from the resin of pine trees and used to be applied topically to joints and muscles to ease pain and inflammation & cough dropps] I do so wish I could do more for Jesus in some way He’s so good to me.
Thurs. Jan. 23. 1946. [she means 1947] / 3 eggs today/ Well, I felt so bum I didn’t do only the very most necessary things Well I did wipe the floor it sure was a mess. no mail. Elbert gave the Postman my letter to Nellie & the girls. I had a wonderful dream this morning early, seemed as if I rented the cottage & Tom Manning had sent the folks to me & then they had a couple that was looking for a house or rooms & so they came & it turned out to be Edd Kendall & his wife & they had another couple in mind & then I had to go to Nellie & the girls for Nellie was in bed & the girls both had to work so they could live & they were having a hard time of it, so Edd had been transferred to Cleveland & he had 2 mo. he wouldn’t be working & he & his wife & baby “who was an orphan of some friends of theres” decided to go with us & there friends came to stay in the house, at last there were 5 couples
Thurs. Jan. 23. 1947./ page 1031./ 3 eggs today/ But only 4 couple to stay here, we had 9 trailers full of things bedding & blankets table & chairs beds & dishes my stove & Edd’s ice box & tent a big one as big as this house 20X30 ft. & a lot of canned stuff tub & wash board our clothes & the hens for one couple had 200 baby chicks about 8 weeks old & his first remark was, he was so happy when he see the Chicken coop. We got to Nellie’s after a long drive & called E.J. & she came part way & met up & we drove out to where they were living Nellie was in bed, but rather happy when she knew we had come & Elbert & Edd & his wife help to get things unloaded & the tent put up & beds set up & every thing in order while I made hot coffee & got them a hot meal the hens were as happy to land as we were, we were sure tired. Nellie was home sick & soon began to feel better with us there & it wasn’t long before we had her up & able to get out doors, & then Edd found me a place to go to Church, they worshiped the same & believed the same & since we went there we took Nellie & at last she turned & the Lord wond-erfully healed her & helped her to see, what she had failed to learn in the passed & then the rest soon fell in line & we were all so happy. We went to a lake a few miles away where lived a man by a lake, he had some boats & we could catch such good fish there & he was there for his health he came to see us & he showed the boys how to build a house out of a kind of tree, that cured quick after it was out & sawed in half, he had some sort of clear liquid he painted the yellowish green bark with & he made a plaster tha of mud thick as it could be bixed put something in it that made it stick like plaster & they made lath out of little trees the trees grew the same size many feet straight up, so in spare time he & Elbert & Edd made a nice big roomy house & plastered it & later, painted the plaster in pretty collors in the different rooms & we got it fixed up so it was really home like & they made a hen house & park & what hens didn’t lay we ate & in the Fall, when we were coming home Nellie & the girls came & that man staid to look after the place, they rented it while they were home & the man had one room & ate with the renters, & the just before we started home we went to church I was so happy,.
Thurs. Jan. 23. 1947./page 1032./ 3. eggs this day./ I shouted Glory to God Hallelujah & it wake me up. I would be glad to do it all, if it would turn out as well as the dream.
Fri. Jan. 24. 1947. / 2 eggs today/ I think it’s Pearl Wheelers birthday./ Elbert got up early & went to Lorain & left his car at the garage to have engine tightened up & then went out to the job got ready to work & they told him he was laid off with several others last Sat. he worked last Sat. & took sure a severe cold, it was a battle to lick it. & he isn’t fit to work but, because of that price $474.07 cents on the new engine he paid 100.00 so has 300 & some odd cents to pay yet. he felt he just had to work, so, now he hunted all day for another job with out luck, he paid up 3 month a head at the bank, so hope he’ll be able to make enough to get at it before 3 mo’s are up. he got what they call his seperation papers, by mail today & got his money & tools at the job. he got home early, well, I had a fine time mending his dirty union suit it tore from the crotch down the leg 6 inches then 6 or 7 in. across the back of the leg, I sewed it together carefullly then sewed a piece of tape over it, to help strengthen it. then I did a few small jobs of repairs & was just wishing Elbert would come & we’d have a bite & hot cup of tea & when the water started to boil, he knock at the door, so we did have a snack & cup of tea & he told me where he had been & he couldn’t find a job any where, he really bought himself a pr. of pants, part wool, nice looking dark blue with dark brick red hair line, I have the job of turning up the bottoms & letting out the waist line. &, I got half the supper & he got half & I did the ironing & mended my night gown today, did my usual chores. It has warmed up a lot today & thawed untill the mud is slippery. Elbert got another car lisence in the mail, he sent for it, as he had lost the old one. It’s been a fine day, S.W. plenty strong, & a white sun all day.
Sat. Jan. 25. 1947./ 2 eggs today. It’s been a beautiful day, mild, with nice sunshine and a south breeze I did out all the washing there was left to do, except 2 old wool blankets I used on Elbert for his cold & dried them outside his underwear didn’t get all dry, but, it is nearly dry now. I had just got done & partly up when Brother & Sister Gurney came in we had quite a visit & we had a cup of tea together Elbert had gone to Huron to get some terpo he had ordered & came back after they had been here only a few minutes. I received a letter from them this morning seems I should have got it sooner, well, I’m so thankful to God that He hears & ans. prayers, I had seen her face & believed she was sick so I prayed for her and ask God to send the Power from her head to her feet, so she would know he had healed her & He did Praise His Holy Name then later again for Mrs Sprunk & she got up & praised the Lord & shouted Glory to His Name & I’ve been praying for Black’s, Cralls, Epplers, & Miss. Clark, & for Rev’s. & Mr. & Mrs. Harwell & Miss. Brown, Tom & his wife & son Miss. Horning & her husband & children, Paps & there children
Sat. Jan. 25. 1947./ page 1033. / 2 eggs this day./ & All the children & that come to the Sunday school & there parents & for the Hambly’s & there Family’s & it seems God is really ans. prayers for today Rev. & Mrs Gurney said there had been from 50-54 out to Church & that there was as many to prayer meeting Thurs. night Oh Dear Heavenly Father I thank Thee in Jesus Name & we give Thee the praise, We know Thee in Jesus Name & we give Thee the praise, we know Thou doth hear an ans. if we stand Wholly for Thee, Oh Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Glory to God, Hosanna to His Name. Well. I got supper cleaned up the dishes & now my baath & then to bed. Elbert brought cream today & a few things to eat.
Sun. Jan. 26. 1947./ 1. egg today/ Well, we went to Sunday school & Church then we came home ate dinner & then went to see Bonita & Mrs. Beese. I sure had a good visit with Mrs. Beese she had a nice long letter from Ralph Ward “typed” & she had wrote me a letter & told me to come so as Elbert could go we did we had a cup of coffee & bite of lunch with her & then run off & left her to clean up the muses, she’s real spry for 82. yrs. & I’ve been praying God would help her to learn His ways & Praise His Holy Name, He lead the way, a woman she knews ask her to go to the Elyria 4 Square Church & she said she said she expriranced some thing new that she couldn’t explain, so I testified to her & she began to understand. I pray that woman will take her many times untill she really does understands. Oh, praise God in Jesus Name. Bonita wasnt home so we went on to Mrs Beese’s & then we stopped at the way back & she was there & an other woman, Mrs. Dean the wife & the 3 children of the man Geo. was working with & between the two I learned that the two men had run off to go to the west coast 3 weeks ago &
Sun. Jan. 26. 1947./ page 1034/ 1 egg today. / they haven’t heard from them since & Mrs Dean is work in a shop & Bonita takes care of the 6 babys & does the house work & washing ironing & general house work Mrs Dean does the cooking or helps as much as she can when she gets home & it’s a sad picture. when we went in they had the 5 children round the table feeding them, the baby was in a little bounce chair & they said they thought they would be able to make a go of it but it was sure a hard scrabble & they were talking of putting the kids to bed & then going out to a show, I was horrified. We came back to Vermilion to Church & then home. I sure feel sick & tired, but trust My Jesus Will take care of me. We took cabbages beets & carrots to Bonita. 1. qt. of preaches Apricots to Mrs. Beese & gave the loaf of Bread to the wife.
Mon. Jan.27. 1947. /3. eggs today./ Nelson’s birth day he is 2. yrs. old./ Elbert went clear down, about 3 miles the other side of Avon. he got back about 1-p-m I had the washing about 2/3 done & he washed & sudsed & wrinsed his heavy under wear. I washed a wool blanket hung it out & got it dry sun came out early & went down in a bank of clouds tonight wind was south untill 4-p-m & went S.west, been strong all day. Elbert did a lot of walking, trying to find work. but no work yet. So we are both tired He fixed the dinner, & I helped & same way for supper & now I did dishes & am soon coming to bed tired hoping to get up rested & Elbert gave the Dentist my five dollars, on my teeth out of my check & I have 10.00 yet to pay. It’s to warm for this time of year, frost about all gone out of dirt. now .
Tue. Jan. 28. 1947./ 2. eggs today. / Pa’s birthday he’d be 86./ Well, I didn’t get much done today. Elbert went to Vermilion & I slept late. I set bread & made 2 tins of biscuits & 1. little loaf. & I cut off bottom legs of his pants, the new ones & turned them up & then let out seam in back 3/4 way to crotch & he put them on, guess he was really sick of the old ones at last “they” the old ones, were to rotten to hold the thread any more.
Tue. Jan. 28. 1947./ page 1035./ 2. eggs this day./ Well, it’s been to warm, but tonight it’s colder & at 10-p-mit’s snowing & the wind seems to be N. a little & more to the east. Elbert sold 2. doz. eggs for 60 cents per. doz. today. I gave the Preachers 2. doz. Sat. a tin of biscuits & a can of apricots & a can of pears. & Sun a loaf of bread. I carried all those pears & cheeries up & put them in my close closet & they walked off I can’t see who could have taken them, I told Elbert I put them there & they were gone, so soon, I like pears & so after all that work I am deprived of even a few pears. I’m sure they go out the door & I said so & he said, it looked that way. I can’t understand how anyone can be so deceitfull and it sure does make me so angry, if it’s anything I like or en-joy it’s sure to disapear. God Knows & I’m thankful for that. Elbert cleaned up the cabbages in the coop today & put sand on the floor & he cleaned up part of the ones down stairs & I don’t know what else. He took back some rotten boiling beef, he got at Nagles in Vermilion & got some more, but it didn’t look very good either. Well, we got a letter from Nellie today, she says she feels better since they moved & has been up & dressed every day, & hopes to be able to get a little more done now she’s more comfortable. They only have a house and lot as I understand it. a small house a kitchen bath with toilet & 3. beds she bought a table & 2 chairs & still uses boxes to sit on. Good Year is putting up houses there & hers is one of them & her stove came from Detroit, she said it was like mine, & so now they had begun to live better being by themselves again. Bonney has been keeping company with one of there neighbor boys there for some time & he brings eggs to them & she said she thought that Bonita would make out O.K. there is something queer about her story & the one Bonita & her woman friend told me, but maybe Bonita hasn’t told her mother the whole story yet.
Wed. Jan. 29. 1947./4. eggs today/ It’s been a dark gray day, raining early in the evening turning to snow later, & is still at it & it’s colder & a strong wind wind still N east. I had a queer spell today drank some tea with a little bottled milk in it & had to throw it up, felt so bad I laid down for 2. hrs. I prayed & prayed & thanked God & Praised him for the right for truth & His Love & ask Brother & Sister Gurney to pray for me I know they did & I thank them & Our God more than I’ll ever be able to tell & I also thank Him that Ralph is O.K. & I’m so sorry for them that must be told the sad news of there Missionarys. I pray God will comfort them Who mourn the loss here of those He took, for He knows how much we miss our loved one’s. I Know He understand’s He came to comfort me & He still comes to help me in such a lot of ways & I thank
Wed. Jan. 29. 1947./ page. 1036/ 4. eggs this day/ Him & Praise Him for ever & ever Amen. I haven’t done much today, took care of beds & aired rooms & cooked one meal & Elbert fixed the vegetables & put them in the meat broth for our supper We cut them in small pieces like peas & use a can of peas, beans, corn, 3. onions 2. small potatoes & 4 or 5 small carrots & a cup & a half of speggetti & seasoning. some times I use lima beans in place of caned string beans & sometimes I take out into another stew pan about what we will eat for a meal & put in a little cabbage & a little chilli sauce. & a gain I use a can of brown kidney beans in the place of the other beans & sometimes I use a few string bean & a few either lima or the brown Kidneys & sometimes a little cellery & sometimes I change it by using some tomatoes in place of chilli S. & sometimes I use macaroni or noodles in place of speggetti. it’s good anyway, and fills one up. a small hot pepper or garlic to is good.
Thurs. Jan. 30. 1947. / 4. egg today. / I have been feeling punk all day & only done just what had to be done was raining & cloudy all morning & up till after noon the sun came out for a very short space of time it clouded up at 4-30-p-m & a black one went down the lake part of it came over us & it rained. Radio said same kind of weather tomorrow only its going to get cold tonight & stay cold tomorrow with snow instead of rain. & they have been having snow & rain & tornadoes al around up kill-ing & injuring people. Elbert hasn’t felt so good & I’m glad he has been home, for his sake & mine. I recieved a letter from Sleepy Hollow N. Y. Am wondering who sent my name in to them for a book that I’m to pay for. I got another book from DeHaan today & they are good.
Fri. Jan. 31. 1947./ 1. egg today./ Wyn Grant’s birthday 72 yrs. old today. It’s been colder today, tried to snow several times today. I tried to sew, but didn’t make much headway, got neck baisted & ready to stitch & sleeves basted in & hems basted in & skirt trimed & ready to stitch, then I’ll have buttons, holes & snaps to sew it will be done, and I sure do need it if ever I did. I thank God for His people & for those Who believe & can shed more light on His word that I can understand it better & I thank Him that He helps me to understand & I wish I were as true & good in every way as Daniel was & I pray God will in Jesus Name for-give me my sins & help me to be more as He would have me to. be. I give Him all the Praise & Glory, for it trully belongs to Him, for ever and ever, Amen. I can’t understand a lot of things but I know He knows & He takes care of His own, no matter what the other fellow says or thinks or does. I did my
Fri. Jan. 31. 1947/ page 1037. / 1 egg today/ daily round of house work. but Elbert did all the outside chores I haven’t felt so good since last Sun. got to tired. sun shone here at intervals today even while it snowed.
Sat. Feb. 1. 1947./ 4 eggs today/ Well I haven’t felt like workiing, but I got up took a bath, washed out a few clothes got dinner did the dishes, swept & wiped up part the kitchen floor & finished the stiching on my house dress & got the supper & did the dishes & now I forgot to say it’s colder today & has snowed in showers & heavyer tonight we have about 2. in. of snow & in Wisconsin the radio said “they have 18 in& a another heavy storm right on them & the other side of the world are having the worst storm they have ever had in all history fogs so black they can’t see with strong lights to get around & could hardly work to put out a fire. Bible history is surly working out. Oh God help Thy People & strengthan there faith take away all our unbelief in Jesus name.
Sun. Feb. 2. 1947./ 3. eggs today./ Ground hog day. & quite cold & the sun shone most of the day lots of clouds & it tried snow today. I have a cold & we didn’t get to church all day Elbert said he thought it was to slippery but I think we could have gone had I been able. He said to night he don’t feel able to go hunt a job in the morning, I wish he didn’t have to. Well, the releif Commission sent a Mr. Brown & his wife to check up on me today & he said I’d get my check. he checked our ages so I suppose they will put us on old age pension as soon as they can. I wish so much, I could work & earn for my self. There are so many soldiers that need money & help right now. But I can’t see any way cleaarn.
Mon. Feb. 3. 1947./3. eggs. today. / Today, Jim & Jean Monagon will be 13. yrs. old. they will soon be grown up & Joan will be 12 very soon. I don’t see them or hear from them unless I go there, & Martha use to come here so much, even after Jim & Jean came & now she says she don’t have time. May God help her & teach her His ways. Well I haven’t felt able to sit up, but, did my inside chores & made 8 or 9 button holes in my dress & sewed buttons on & braid around neck & sleeves, only got the snaps to sew on down the skirt front, now. I cooked & have felt to sick to sit up all day, nose runs water as if I had flu. & I made two tins of baking powder biscuits for supper but, tonight I’m not doing dishes, I looked way back from Sept. 1946 to Jan 22. 1947to check on days Elbert worked. & concidering, he did quite well, he’s got in 22 weeks so far. It was to warm end of last week started to get colder, snow’s all gone cold raw wind S.W. tonight it’s getting much colder & rained, sleeted & snowed before morning.
Tue. Feb. 4. 1947./page 1038/4. eggs today./ Well, I Praise God He has ans my prayers & many more, for I know the Church folks are praying for me to, my cold is much better today, I felt so weak & dumb. I haven’t done much today. washed dishes & made vegetable soup, have looked after birds & took care of rooms it turned cold & has been just terrible cold today & worse tonight, radio told us it is terrible cold in a lot of places & to warm in a lot more places & they had thunder & lightening & bitter cold in Chicago &snow & wind & below zero in more places & floods in other places & the other side is having the worst storms they have ever had as far back as they have any records of. In Palistine the English people are being flown out, for they are expecting the worse trouble yet, & I wonder if they read Gods Word & Know the end isn’t very far away, Jesus tells us in Mathew that when we see the things coming to pass that Daniel the prophet tells us about we should know the end was near, even at the doors, So I believe the time is close at hand, I pray that God will forgive us & help us to be found worthy. Oh Dear Heavenly Father help us to be more like Daniel, more interested in those about us, for today we know not who we can trust & I wish so much I were able to work & earn & help others to learn to really know Thee to want to Know Thee. Received my check today.
Wed. Feb. 5. 1947./ 5 eggs today. / It’s been terrible cold today cold penetrating S. W. Wind. Wind has freshened up this evening & it’s hard to keep an even heat. Radio says today, England is in the worst grippe of cold it’s had in 50 yrs. they have had two long severe cold snaps, one right after the other & Germany is getting it just as bad, they have laid off thousands of men from work because of the cold, severe cold. I wiped up Kitchen & only did what had to be done in side & Elbert took care of out side chores. God has taken care of my cold No one, but him, Knows how much I thank Him & Worship Him. It’s been a sunshiny day even if it has been cold enough to freeze the hair off a dog. I do hope it will be warmer tomorrow, it’s been exceptionally hot in California today the news reporter said over the radio while the tempture dropped to 45 in Florida. No mail today, but, I do owe everybody a letter. I thank god for taken my cold away & Keeps me able to do my house work.
Thurs. Feb. 6. 1947./3. eggs today/ Well, it’s not quite so cold today, I haven’t done much finished my dress & looked after birds & house work I wrote 6 pages to Nellie & the girls and Elbert wrote a letter to them & one to Carl Betz. Tue. night he mailed them yesterday. Cold S.W. wind tonight & snowing a little tonight.
Fri. Feb. 7. 1946 [she means 1947]/ page. 1039./ 4. eggs today/ No mail today. Radio says that work is tied up all over, because of cold weather, both here on this side the world & on the other side, thousands & thousands & they said 40 thousand acres of small vegetables were killed, “froze.” in Florida & 100’s of acres in other sections were killed, so beans, peas & such like will be terrible high priced, even the strawberries were killed. It’s colder again tonight wind backed up to S. tried to snow it’s real snappy cold tonight, again. I only done my inside work & mended my shirt and bakes two tins of bread biscuits, they are light & nice I think.
Sat. Feb. 8. 1947./ 3. eggs today/ It’s been a cold day & it’s cold tonight been down to 2 below zero & there is a shortage of gas & coal & even electric, we are sure glad we have coal & we only got enough for one week more, so, I don’t know how we will fare in another week & I’ve been wondering about Bonita her friend & there 6 babys, she said she’d write me, but she hasn’t & I haven’t been able to go back yet. no mail today. I haven’t done much today & there’s lots to be done, I’m so tired. Well, I wont be to Church tomorrow either because of the cold weather & there isn’t going to be much let up for a week they say my Christmas Days says cold month with white sun & lots of wind so looks as if we’ll have 6 week cold weather. one weeks gone 5 more to go. I wonder what the garden will give us this yr. & hope I’ll be able to get some chickens. before Long.
Sun. Feb. 9. 1947./4. eggs today./ So terrible cold I didn’t go to church & we have just prayed & kept fire, radio said several had keep there fires so hot they burned up there homes & our home burned up for the same reason once, bad flue & to hot fire. 9th of Feb. & snow ft. deep or so, fire plugs were froze up & by the time they had then thawed out the house was about half gone. We all got out alive but didn’t save much, However, it started us on a new life. It’s bitter cold today & worse tonight, I can’t help thinking of those who are cold & hungry & no place to sleep & not enough clothing, May God have mercy on them & on every living thing out side. I trully thank God for my many blessing & pray He will see I get some coal this week, before ours is all gone. I pray Dear Heavenly Father that all who are able to go to church, will go & that some will turn to Thee & will be wholly converted & crave to help others to come to Thee & Bless each one that trys to get to Church & strengthen there faith, help each one to be in earnest, to really want to know the better & to be really concerned about souls & to forget a-bout style & beautiful dresses handbags hats & jewlrey & spending hrs. to manacure finger & do the hair to look beautiful, help us to know we would look more beautiful to Thee, if we were gleaming souls for
Sun. Feb. 9. 1947./ page 1040/ 4. eggs today. / for the great harvest that is soon to come help me, Oh God, help me, to do more for Thee, I ask in Jesus name, Thou wilt, Amen. Wind has gone N. W. this after noon & tonight. I wrote a letter to Bonita tonight. Elbert says he’s going to Lorain in the morning, he’ll mail it
Mon. Feb. 10. 1947./ 4. eggs today. Well, Elbert got off early to Lorain & got most of the things done he wanted to do, he took the $20.00 of my check & paid 10.00 on coal he ordered today, & the bal. he paid for 100 lb. grain 4.39 for hens, 4.20 for a little shank end of ham, “almost enough to pay for a shout.” & 96 cents for a few onions, crackers & yeast. & 93 cents for gas, he used 48 cents of his money. he took eggs, but brought them back, as Mrs. West was not at home. I only have $5.00 left & 1.20 egg money & his insurance is due Feb. 16. so now I have to send a part of it & the rest later on, such is life. I washed out part of the clothes today & have them all dried except rags now I still have Elbert’s washing to do sleeper, pillow slip, union suit, towel, shirt, socks & handkercheifs, & my house dress. a great plenty to do on the wash board & wring by hand. I took care of bedroom & birds & cooking & dishes. Elbert did out side chores, it thawed some today but the N.W. wind, cold & raw. Elbert fixed eave troughs wires had broke on them on S.E. & S.W. corners of the house. he did it after he got home a little after 12. noon, today. I received a card from Miss Baumgart today & she & Mrs. Cranage were wondering where I was, as if I might be lost (or).
Tue. Feb. 11. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ I got up late but after all the dressing combing hair washing & cleaning teeth I shook up beds & opened the windows then started dinner washed dishes & cleaned the kitchen windows, sprinkled dust off plants put clean papers on window sills & replaced plants cleaned tops of both radio’s & replaced plants & birds, cleaned bird cages & was just sitting down to fix my feet & rest a bit when Elbert came back. he went to Vermilion to see about work didn’t find the man & got back in time to feed & do out side chores, Well I got supper with his help & then I mended my skirt, a big job. & my 2. prs. pants. & now I am going to bed I seem to be so tired all the time. Wind went S. & little west & it’s warmer, thawed yesterday a lot & hardly any snow left, sun most alday. Sun set red tonight & radio says more cold & snow on the way.
Wed. Feb. 12. 1947./ 4. eggs today/ Lincoln’s birthday today, & the Cities & towns all over have ben celebrating, & Tomas Edison’s also. Elbert been home all day & he has helped me what he could, I swept both bedrooms & Kitchen & then moved everything on the North end & give it a good cleaning & wiping up the floor half way acrossed so I still have half to do. I bakes 3 tins of biscuits & that takes a lot of strength to. & then after supper, I washed up dishes & Elbert wiped them I wanted to make a cake, but, just couldn’t get at it. I’m to tired any way. & no mail today. Wind went N.W. & on N.E. & on round to S.W. just before dark. not cold out today. I thank God for my blessings
Thurs. Feb. 13. 1947./ page. 1041./ 2 eggs today/ Well, I finished wiping up Kitchen & bed-room floors & some wood work & it sure did tire me so bad, I put the ham on to freshen & par-boiled it& then changed water on it & at 4-p-m. put in 2 sweet potatoes & half a head of cabage & at 4-30 we ate, & I was so empty for I’d only had the top off one bicuit & piece of pineapple then I washed up dishes & rested a bit & then we dressed & went to prayer meeting Elbert stopped to Wests, she wasn’t there, but came to Church & said she didn’t want the eggs. Miss Clark took 1. doz. but didn’t pay for them yet. We took her home after church. Well, once more I feel rather shocked ata the methods that are used in Church work I was telling Mrs. Gurney I wished so much they could come & pray & talk with use & she said “not only once” but 2 or 3 times “we can’t just run around after one or two & we can’t humor a person, that wont help, I felt as if she had slapped my face, with out a cause, for she hadn’t given me time to tell her what I wanted her to understand she says you can’t do this & you can’t do that & she didn’t give me a chance to explain, Why don’t she ask God how to win this soul, or that one Why don’t she? Oh God Please do help her to understand, for “Thou hast said, ” Man hath a way that seemeth right that are not my ways. She is young, but I know if she would ask of Thee, Thou would reveal unto her, and he said Why don’t they talk & explain to me & help me to understand, & pray with me, God help us before it’s to late, they are baptized with the Holy Ghost surely they ought “it seems to me” to be able to help, if they earnestly work, with Thee to help reveal how or what they should do Please help them Dear Heavenly Father I know they are Thy Children teach them Thy Ways in Jesus Name, Amen. Teach each one of us & forgive us our sins in Jesus Name I thank thee Jesus & praise Thee for ever & ever Amen. Wind’s South & mild, not shivery Cold out, but it rained & sleet early this morning & the grainery was a glare of thin frosty ice, that melted off fast. It’s been a beautiful day Elbert went to Vermilion to see about getting a job, but didn’t get anything. Mrs. Day told me Mr. Day told her to tell Elbert about a garage at Bulla Beach that he was to have built, but he’s sick so maybe Elbert could do it. so Elbert is going again to see about it.
Fri. Feb. 14. 1947./ 5 eggs today/ Well I finished the washing with Elberts help today. & I am so tired he did all outside chores, I’m sure glad to have it all done & dried, he hung his union suit work shirt & a towel outside & partly dried them. I dried off the rest in the house & everything dried but his union suit, he washed that
Fri. Feb. 14. 1947./page 1042./ 5. eggs this day/ & his work shirt & done the wringing & carried the water I thank God for my many blessings Glory to His Name, All Praise belongs to Him.
Sat. Feb. 15. 1947./ 2 eggs today/ Well I got the ironing done & gave Elbert my last dollar, he went to Vermilion took the eggs & brought them back again, he received a letter from Nellie today, she’s trying hard to coax up to come to New Mexico to live, that’s a long long way from home & I feel it’s to far for me to go, she wanted me to sell & buy over by them in Elyria & now she’s gone to New Mexico & she wants me to sell & come over there & buy, a rolling stone gathers no moss & I don’t feel able to do any rolling, any more, & Elbert feels the same way. Well he got a letter from Columbus today saying he only had worked 12 weeks & he has pay envelopes for 20 weeks. What a world this is, or, the people in it. he spent all the 3 dollars I gave him, 1. for gas & the rest for food & now it looks as if we should fast for a while for I wont get a check for at least, 3 weeks, at least. 3 weeks. It’s been a fine day, was thick & merky all morning & cloudy all afternoon & it rained a fine misty rain once or twice today. We had sun shine alday yesterday & it’s been quite warm all week, today it’s a little cooler. Wind’s been N. W. & gone back round to S. West. Nellie’s always making wise cracks about my little house & now she has bought a wee house, well, I only have 3 rooms, 2 bedrooms & a large room I use for Kitchen dining room & living room it’s 15 X 18 ft. & I like a room big enough to turn around in, for I’m 5 ft 9 in., & weigh 178 or so lbs. I use to weigh 198 lbs. I’m guessing at my weight just now at 178 lbs. I haven’t been weighed in a good while, the ceiling is high, so we have plenty of air space & it’s cool in summer & plenty warm in winter, Just now it’s hard for me to Keep 3 room cleaned & the only thing I wish very much for is an inside toilet. But I thank God for what I have & all my blessings. All the Praise & Glory trully belongs to God in Jesus Name.
Sun. Feb. 16. 1947./ 6 eggs today/ We didn’t get to Church alday I don’t Know what hit my bowels, but they run like water & I
Sun. Feb. 16. 1947./6 eggs this day/ awake most all night & even soiled my night gown, they eased up this afternoon I sure got a good cleaning. It rained and then snowed early & kept it up untill afternoon but only a light fall of snow 6 or 8 inches deep. Well, I found poor Jimy [parakeet] dead this morning, he’s not felt well for some time & I don’t know what was wrong with him I loved him so, he was a wonderful singer & gave me many hrs. of rest through his songs. the hrs. have seemed long & lonesome with out him today. And Poor old Pete, [rooster] I do miss him to, so much, he had such a lusty crow every morning. Well, I’ll soon be all momst left alone, it seems, with the things gone, I’ve loved so long. I ask God to take them before I had to go, for I didn’t want them abused, I thank thank God for all things & Praise His Holy Name for ever & ever & I thank Him for the strength He has given me tonight after all the runing off of the bowels last night & today. Wind has backed up & it looks like more snow tonight.
Mon. Feb. 17. 1947./ 6. eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Lorain to see about the compensation money but now he can’t have it untill April, it’s like my pension, if’s. & ifs & no pension. It’s a queer world, the people in it, anyway. I baked to big tins of bread biscuits & a loaf of bread. Elbert borrowed 5.00 & got a little meat to boil, to fry & a piece of pressed ham. if he had only tried to sell the eggs, but he didn’t Looked as if it would rain or snow but it did neither here. I did-n’t get any sewing done today. Received aletter from Nellie [Nellie Bonney Harnish, 1897-1988, Elinor’s sister] & she sent it air plane pail, she’s bent on our coming out there to live, even ask the salesman to hold the house next to her’s untill she heard from us & we don’t even have enough money to buy what we need to eat. She says she’s feeling better that it’s quite warm there days a little cool at night, but air is dry & fresh I’m glad if she feels better & likes it there, but I’m to tired to jump around like I use to, so as Elbert don’t think he wants to live in a match box, guess we’ll be staying right here in my sock box. Nellie sent a folder with pictures of houses & rooms, but it doesn’t give the size of the house or rooms it can be moved as a trailer & without a permit. they look low & squaty windows look as if they were up to clling ceiling & tops of doors like wise they’d be O.K. if you live out doors perhaps, she says that
Mon. Feb. 17. 1947/ page 1044./ 6. eggs this day./ Bonita writes most every day & Gannet’s do the next best job at writing & Johny & Marcia next, well she hears from Lourabell & her husband from California & her mother in Elyria & one or two others. So she has enough to do to keep her busy, if they had a car & plenty of money they’d be all set, as, Frank [Frank Babcock, Elinor’s husband] use to say. I’m glad we have a place to live & hope we will be able to live, when I’m done with what I have, I won’t worry about what I leave behind. S.W. wind not cold.
Tue. Feb. 18. 1947./ 1 egg today/ Elbert went to Sandusky to see about some work at a new plant on the Perkins roade & they told him to com back next Monday, Feb. 24. , he says its called the Departure Plant, I don’t know what or how, but he said he’d find out what it was all about Mon. It is a queer sounding name for a Plant, I hope it’s all O.K. It’s been a beautiful day, sun shines all day, little cooler, but nice, snow melted a lot today, Elbert got back a little after 12-noon I fixed dinner & after dinner I made a new top for my night dress & sewed it on, I riddled the old one last night, wind blew hard last night & hardly any today & it has been N.W. all day, was S.W. last night. Only Lane Bryants year style book in mail box today.
Wed. Feb. 19. 1947./ 6 eggs today./ Frank has been gone a long time 14. yrs. today & it seems such a long time. Thre are such a lot of us over in that cemetery & sometimes it most seems as if there isn’t much left to stay here for only to look after those that are left the best we can & do all we can in , Jesus name of good, yes-terday the Penn. passenger train “called the Red Arrow, jumped the track, two engines several coaches & dinner car & they told us of a christian man who was unhurt, that went about among the people praying & that it seemed queer how it quited the people, I thank God for that man. We recieved another letter from Nellie telling us Frank Bonney had put Gertie out & she was now living with Audrey. We dressed & went to Lorain forgetting it was Wed. & most every thing closes up in the afternoon. We went to Lillie’s “cousin Lillie – Wheelers” & she said Gertie came over & told her she was going to live with Audrey, [Audrey Lelia Bonney Carlisle, 1892-1988,Elinor’s sister] that Frank had put her out, we talked a while, then went over to Audreys & Gertie was there so white & sick looking & her nerves a wreck she started to tell us something Frank had told her we said but then she stoped & said No, I wont talk & she got up & went to the Kitchen
Wed. Feb. 19. 1947./page 1045. / 6 eggs today/ & I told her we would go, but if at any time we could help her, to let us know. She appears to be frightened & afraid to talk, if she talked, I wonder if the money would be revealed in some way, how ever, she got herself so mad or angry, in thinking that she got up & said, if I could only lick Frank or I hope he gets all that should come to him, durty, I can’t re-call what she finished with, and I told her I did to, for Frank [Frank Bonney, 1890-1965)Elinor’s brother] has plenty to live on a well furnished home & then he’d put a sister out whn there was no call for it because he wanted the boat buisness, it brought her in a living & even if she has the money Uncle Harve left us, it was a mean thing to do to a sister [Gertrude Bonney, 1888-1964, Elinor’s sister] she’ll be 59. yrs. old May. 13. 1947. & has lived there since she was 11. yrs. old, after she made the out burst about Frank she said I should have left right after two yrs ago. I’ve got money enough to last me as long as I live & can take care of myself. So I thank God my conscience is clean & I pray He will talk to them untill they do the right thing, I’m not perfect, but I’m honest, I couldn’t keep 8. thousand Dollars that belonged to my brothers & sisters & even if they did everything that they ought not to do, I wouldn’t turn them out of there home. But let it be as it will, I pray God will help it to work out in the right way. I pray God will help Elbert now & keep him & Frank from getting into trouble for he (F.) will want Elberts lots to use & he’ll try, perhaps to use his dirt on Elbert. F’s rotten to the core & has said all sorts of mean things months a-go about Elbert, because he wouldn’t sell them to him for much less than he paid for them. Such wickedness The Bible is so true, that familys will turn against each other & neighbors against neighbors, friends against friends. We run on over to Martha’s & she was very unconcerned & in-derfent she did ask for us to come back to the house but, we see them all just a half block from there house Merlin came along in the car M. came cross lots from work & Jim, Jean & Joan came from school all about the same time. They didn’t seem anxious to have us come back, we
Wed. Feb. 19. 1947./page. 1046./ 6. eggs today. got a little meat with the egg money, we sold 3 doz. 50 cents per. doz. We got home intime to feed hens & get supper before dark, & I’m as tired as if I had done a days work. Well. I have decided not to bother them, they use to all-ways be asking us to come & now they don’t want to see us. Looks as if there’s a niger in the fence somewhere, but for my own sake I’d like to know a few things about the law. & I’m going to try to find them out for myself. I thank God for taking us & bringing us safely & taking care of us in the many ways we need care I thank Him & Praise Him Lillie [Lillie Wheeler, daughter of William Wheeler, Elinor’s maternal neice] invited us to come & spend a whole day whe said she didn’t go over to Gertie’s very often but she missed her just terriblly, that she & the girls had hoped Elbert & I would come back & live with Gertie, but Gertie said she wanted to live alone she didn’t want anyone in with hr & she said “so we were told” that she hated us. Pa & Frank have told her heaps of lies & she is afraid , now, but I hope she comes clean & lives happy. it’s been a sunshiny day. Wind is N.E. & it’s raw. house was warm when we got here.
Thurs. Feb.20. 1947./ 4. eggs today./ Well the wind is cold& raw today from the N.E. I haven’t been outside all day. I basted my other dress together today & dusted the chairs & fixed dinner & we had broth for supper & it made the two of us sick deathly shuddery sick felt as if it might go both way, Elbert has been out back twice but I haven’t gone either way yet. Received a card from Bonita today I couldn’t make out if the boys were back or if Bob was back, thats the other woman’s man, the woman that’s with was with her. & Nellie says Bonita tells her everything & she don’t think she’ll do anything wrong, that lets me out of that so now, I can pray & trust God to take care of them all, to Keep them clean in soul & body & help them do all that is right & good in His sight. I corked the east window & door tonight to help keep the heat. I thank God for Keeping me clean & pray He will allways keep me clean & worthy in his sight Oh God I Praise Thee in Jesus Name & Pray Thou will have blessed the meeting tonight.
Fri. Feb. 21. 1947./ 5 eggs today/ Well I didn’t do much today Received a letter from Bonita, that she read in the news paper that Ralph Wards wife is dead in China. I know how grieved he will be paper said she had a short illness. They only went back to China a short time ago. The wind
Fri. Feb. 21. 1947./ page 1047./ 5 eggs this day. / is N. & little East cold & raw. We Killed my last Anconia hen today & I dressed her & cut her up to stew, she was old, but fat & in good condition I put her on to cook for broth all except the breast & 1. thigh We are going to grind that & make balls to fry in the morning. I swept & dusted. & cleaned Jimys cage & covered it & put it away Poor Jimy, he was such a sweet singer & I loved him so. But things are crumbling here & there & soon I’ll be left alone just hoping God will forgive me & take me home, to. The Rawleigh man came today & I gave him the 70 cents I owed him for poultry, condition powder & I got a bottle of vanilla 35 cents, he says things are dead, that he don’t do much buisness now. But over the radio they say it will be booming again soon, but didn’t say was or will.
Sat. Feb. 22. 1947./ 7. eggs today/ I only did what had to be done today It has turned colder tonight & radio said it would be so tomorrow with snow, had sun alday, part of today, it looked like ice, we have been home all day, no mail today N.W. wind it backed up.. I wrote a letter to Bonita last night one to Flora Glover today & tonight hope to mail them tomorrow or Mon. Radio said we were due for a shake up on this side the globe soon.
Sun. Feb. 23. 1947./ 5. eggs today./ We were home all day, it has been cold sun part of the time & cloudy with plenty of raw winds. It snowed in heavy squals and part the time sun was shining through the snow storm. Cold & windy again tonight.
Mon. Feb. 24. 1947./ 5. eggs today/ Well Elbert went over to that Departure Plant as they said he should today, & then was told the man that done the hiring would be there untill tomorrow. So he’s going back in the morning, & then perhaps on to Lorain. I did out half the washing & I’ll have a big wash yet, his sleepers & underwear & work shirt & his blankets & my night gown & dress & we don’t have much to eat for strength. We have 4. doz. eggs. 50 cents per. & that has to pay the light bill & they soaked up 2.00, I know we don’t use that much, but it’s not us to argue 1. the only way is not to use it at all. I’ve wished a good many times I had my own power plant so we could us what we need & not have to pay the O.P.A. or help to pay them a fortujne, Everything is getting wicked & more & more crooked, as if they’d like all you got or can get & even if you were dead & they could grab up the little you have, it terrible, but the bible said it would be that way & how true it is. Winds backed up to the South a little more & it has snowed more than less all day & snowing light yet tonight.
Tue. Feb. 25. 1947 /page. 1048. / 7 eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Sandusky & they gave him a blank to fill out & if they decide to take him in to work he’ll have to be examin-ed by a Doctor & then he would be told the real answer that he can or can not work, so I don’t know what he is going to do about it, he went to Vermilion but didn’t sell enough eggs to pay light bill & he bought meat & gas out of what money he did have, so, he’s still 50 cents short & he didn’t take the light card with him, so, he has to go back tomorrow & use up gas to go & come, to pay the light bill & get a yeast cake. He don’t feel very well & he’s worried about work, he can’t get, any, everything seems to be at a stand still right now. & meat is going sky high, over the radio they say pork will be 1.00 per. lb. by Spring all other meats in proportion. & things are working out fast I do wish Elbert & all my brothers & sisters & my nephews & neices would live as holy & near to God as possible for jesus is coming soon & I’d like to be one of His number Oh God forgive us & help us before it is for-ever to late, in Jesus name I ask, Amen; Well I did some more washing today, didn’t get it all done yet & so must wash one more day Elberts sleepers, pillow slip union suit, work shirt & cotton bouble blanket. I thing God willing I’ll bake bread tomorrow & perhaps I go to town in the morning first, with Elbert. A woman (Mrs. Jakobs) of Lorain, was here trying to get subscriptions for a religist book & paper, & I tried to tell her I couldn’t buy or pay for them, but at last she left the book, she said it cost 25 cents so I gave her 5 eggs, I don’t care for the book, but she’s in hard straights, so I gave her the eggs, I can’t buy all the books & papers every one comes along with, I like my bible the best of all books. She was in Sarrs when Elbert came. & I wasn’t done wrinsing the clothes but got them done & then cut his other blanket down through the middle & hemed the edges & sewed outer edges together for middle & made two dish towels & stitched a little on the table cloth I have to darn & where Elbert cut a gash in it with the bread knife I didn’t get it done, it began to get dark, so, I put machine away & made up his bed & helped him make soup for supper, a can of beans, “yellow string” salt & pepper and 3 carrots & 2 table spoons barley a can of kidney beans a can of corn some parsley & speggetti, in the beef broth, it was good & some left for tomorrow. no mail today
Wed. Feb. 26. 1947/ page 1049/ 8 eggs today/ Elbert washed out his union suit & work shirt & I did his sleepers pillow slip & the blanket & he suded & wrinsed them & I hung them up & they are all dry except union suit, work shirt & the two old prs. of work pants he washed. I swept both bedrooms & Kitchen so I’m all done except my old wash dress & I’ll get it later on, I think I’ll try to iron tomorrow, if I can & I’ve got some mending & darning to get done. It’s been a nice day sun shining all day & a fresh breeze & quite cold., but it’s cold in England snow a 100 ft. deep & more coming, they were having a blizzard tonight, can’t gt the coal out that they have ready at the mines & the little towns are cut off from the rest & no heat & not much food. Well, we are warm, but not much to eat. I have a little soup left & a biscuit apiece for morning & we have a few cans of beans yet, no potatoes or rice. there is about enough flour for a tin of bread biscuits a little canned fruit some carrots & beets yet, we are on last can of milk & have no tea, a little coffee though. Wind all died out tonight. I’m terribley tired. & going to bed.
Thurs. Feb. 27 1947./ 5. eggs today./ Well, I did the ironing while Elbert went to Vermilion to sell eggs & look for work. he didn’t sell any eggs, but he did pay the light bill I’m broke had to give him seventy cents to go with what he had to pay light bill. He went to nagles & run a bill for meat 1.76 I do wish he wouldn’t do it. I can’t pay those bills on 25.00 a month. & darned my stocking & made up beds & dusted & then for once I sat down & crocheted a little before he got back , on a krcheif I
Thurs. Feb. 27. 1947. / page. 1050./ 5. eggs this day/ had partly done & then I got up & got the water on to heat for coffee, warmed a can of beans & a little spinnage & fried some biscuits & hamberg & we ate & after supper I washed dishes, then I finished the edge on the handkerchief (this is the edge I make 11. doubles over edge of kercheif made a ch. of 5. st. made single in 6th double chain 5 & turn make 5 doubles mak a picot of 4 chain then 5 more doubles then 5 doubles in next ch turn chain 5 catch in st. beside picot turn 5 doubles ch. 4 make picot. 5 doubles. 4.ch. make picot 5 doubles in lower ch. catch in double in Kercheif, repeat from beginning. if evenly spaced there will be 12 like the first with one half at corner on each side & the top loop on corner. done with fine crochet hook & crochet thread it makes a pretty border.
I have 3 or 4 more I have partly done one is harp edgeing it is pretty to but take a little more time. Make 4. dbles. over edge of kercheif turn then make 8. chain, make double close to last one in Kercheif chain turn 5 catch under top 8. ch. ch. 5 catch under 8 ch. ch. 5 catch in bottom of eight chain, turn make 7 doubles over 5 ch. 8 boubles over next 5 ch. ab b7 doubles over next 5 chain make double over edge of kerchief 4 times ch 8 turn calch in last double of kerchief ch 5 catch under top of ch. 8. then ch. 5 catch under ch 8. ch 5 catch in last double on Kercheif turn make 4 doubles catch in 4th double of the harp you just finished before you started this one, then; 3 more doubles under same 5 chain, In next ch. 5 make 8 doubles & in next 5. ch. 7 doubles and then 4 dbles in Kercheif & so on around untill done. And other edge is like this Fasten thread in Kercheif at corner make a treble ch. 3 make another treble, & fasten in catching in edge of kerche right close to last treble make another treble & catch length of a treble from last in Kercheif edge ch. 3. make treble close close in edge to last treble & so on around then make 4 doubles over ch. 3. then chain 3 make picot 4 more doubles under ch. 3. make 4 doubles under next 3. ch. ch. 3 for picot & 4 more doubles under same ch. & so on around the kerceif. that’s enough for tonight, I’ll try to write more another time. It’s cold but not as severe as it has ben sunshine part of today again I have fix the fire K& read & studied my bible & now I’m going to bed again & trust for the best in souls & bodys. We would like to go to prayer meeting tonight but Elbert wanted to go & look for work & pay light bill & sell egg & buy meat. I pray God will help us to go to Church as well as live.
Fri. Feb. 28. 1947./ 5. eggs today./ Last day of Feb. Warmed up today & snow’s most gone, was a puddle of water near the path to grainery. I saw Elbert put his foot in it to see if it was water or ice, he hung his old work pants he washed out door today & they got dry all but round the pockets waistband & hems in bottom of the pants legs. nice day & not so cold today. I made more stew a can of kidney beans can of corn & peas, barley, speggetti, & carrots with a lump of butter in it. for supper. I baked two big tins of bread biscuits & a little loaf &
Fri. Feb. 28.1947./ page 1051./ 5 eggs this day. / croched a round on another handkercheif & Elbert done out side chores & odds & ends & mended his carpenter apron. We had some canned pears to for supper. wind has gone S. east to night. & here is this handkercheif edge. Catch thread right in edge of Kercheif at or on corner & make 4. doubles in edge. ch. 2. 4 leave space length of 2. ch. & make 4. dbles. ch. 2. leaving another space make 4 more doubles in edge of kercheif. ch. 7. catch back in 3.rd. st. with single st. ch. 7. catch back in 3.rd. st. of ch. ch. 2. make 4 more doubles in edge of Kercheif & so on around join to top of first of 4 doubles slip. st. over next 3 and ch.2. make 3 doubles un-der 2. ch. ch. 3. 4 doubles under 2. ch. ch 7 make picot ch. 7 make picot ch. 2. single st between 2 picots of last row ch. 7. make picot ch. 7. make picot ch 2.4 doubles under 2 ch. ch. 2. 4 doubles under 2. ch. ch. 7. & repeat around join to first of 4 doubles slip st. to 2. ch. ch 2 make 3 doubles under 2 ch. ch.7. make picot ch 7. make picot ch 2 single under & be tween 2 picots ch7 make picot ch7 make picot ch 2 make 4 doubles under 2 ch ch. 7 make picot & repeat around join. slip st up between 2 picots ch. 7. make picot ch. 7. make picot ch 7 make picot ch. 2. single between 2. picots ch7 . make picot. ch. 7. make picot ch 7. make picot ch 2 single between 2 picots ch. 7 & repeat around join, done with fine thread it’s lacy & very pretty.
Sat. Mar. 1. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ Well, the wind backed up to the N. east & it began to snow about 9. o’clock & been at it all day. we been home all day. & haven’t much left to eat, hope we get the check Monday or the fast will be to hard on me, as I can’t eat like most peopl & get by with it. I ate 2 eggs & 2 slices from a bread biscuit for my supper & I drink hot water after I eat. I just did my house work & crocheted a little on the handkercheif today. would like to go to church in the morning, I’m feeling so weak I don’t feel able to go, but would if we had the money for gas. The roads are bad to. I pray for the rest that can go & that God will help me to be able to go soon.
Sun. Mar.2. 1947./ 6. eggs today./ We haven’t been even to church today, I feel as if I’d been a way for a yr. I hope we will soon be able to go again & Praise the Lord & give thanks to Him for all things. It seems as if something is about to happen but, I don’t know what. It’s been a nice winter day snowed in showers, sun would come through even while it snowed. evergreen trees were beautiful looked like Christmas, again. Tonight the wind has freshened up & blowing in puffs & it’s colder. We have a S. west wind tonight, it may go N. W. before morning.
Mon. Mar.3. 1947./ 7. eggs today/ We didn’t have much to eat & so I haven’t done only what I had to do took care of birds & beds & washed up what dishes there were dirty. Elbert was sure there was a rabbit in the pipe under the drive way & he went to a lot of trouble to try to catch it then found, it had got out
Mon. Mar. 3. 1947./ page 1052./ 7. eggs today/ & gone before he got out there, well we went to the coop & got a hen & she was one that’s been laying had several eggs in her & looked as if she laid every 2 or 3 days, anyway we had to eat. Elbert dressed her & we put it on to cook We ground the breast, added the eggs a slice & a half of bead salt pepper & touch of sage, tried out the fat & made 3 large meat balls, I fried them brown & added water let them simmer about 10 minutes took them out & made brown gravey & we ate balls with the gravey on them & some tomatoe pickles, & drank hot water. It’s snowed & blowed most of the day, Radio says New England states are digging through snow drifts 10. ft. high & many other places are most burred & they are starviing & freezing & fighting on the other side. Surely the bible history is working out & soon Jesus will be coming & there’s going to be weeping & nashing of teeth. How much I wish I could help turn others to God quickly before its forever to late. Winds little N. of West & blowing in puffs its partly moon light, hope I get my check tomorrow.
Tue. Mar. 4. 1947./ We went to Lorain today I took the India lily with me or us & we stopped to Mrs. West’s & sold her a doz. eggs at 50 cents & she came out to look at the lillie & talked a little said she’s all broke up & don’t know what to do, she has 2 sons & a son & his wife living with her & it’s terrible, she says the daughter isn’t any talker & she has to do all the talking, she ought to be happy, but of course I don’t know. We got gas & went on to Lorain. Elbert took me to Miss. Baumgart’s or Mrs. Cranage’s & I took the Lillie in for them to see, neither had ever seen one. and was pleased to think I’d brought it so far for, them to see. We had quite a visit & then she gave me part of a sack of flour she’d only taken out a little. she said it was good flour, but she had a sack of the new Robins flour, & I’d be welcome the gold medal so I took it, & a bunch of news papers & a violet plant that I had given her, I gave her several when she gave me a nice on & another plant something like a cactus. Mrs. Cranage took 2 doz. eggs 55 cents per doz. Elbert got a check for one hundred & 12 dollars & 10 cents this a.m. from Federal Government he paid 74.00 on his engine bill at the bank & then when he had looked around for work awhile & found none then we came back to Vermilion & went to see if Miss. Clark wanted eggs she wasn’t home so I went in the notion store to show the woman the lillie
Tue. Mar. 4. 1947. page 1053./ 8. eggs today./ I gave the plants to last yr. she wasn’t there the man said & he thought the lillie was wonderful, well I went back to the car & we were going over to the preachers house for a few minutes & had just got backed out when Miss Clark came over the railroad track so we pulled back in the parking space & she got in the car & talked a few minutes & she to, thought the lillie was so pretty, then she had to go to post office & so did Elbert & we drove there & she got back first so we had quite a visit, there are a lot of sick one’s that belong to church that haven’t been coming so the meetings have been small but good wonderfully filled with the Spirit of God Glory to His Name Oh God I thank Thee for answering prayer. I feel so happy so over joyed to Know Thou art on the Throne listening for our earnest prayer & glad to help us when we call & abide close to Thee Glory. Glory Hallelujah I Praise Thee forever & ever Amen. Well we took Miss. Clark back to her house & went on over to the Preachers home, honk the horn & Miss Brown looked out the upper window I ask her & Sister Gurney to come down & they did we had a good visit & they to thought the lillie beautiful, they told me a lot of good news that Garry Black is doing he has talked to his school teacher untill she has brought a bible to school & reads to them each morning & has prayer & he testifies to them all. If all those who have been born again & received the Holy Ghost would step out on the promises & keep under the blood what a lot of good work they could do. Miss Clark told me about Harry Miller today, she said he was born again & fill with the Holy Ghost, but went his own way after he had been so wonderfully saved filled & healed & now, he don’t get back because of doubts & fears, Oh God, I pray thou wilt have mercy & forgive him & take away every doubt & fear & help him to be a living healthy holy testimony for Thee, that will help to awaken all the people, both in Vermilion & miles about, I ask in Jesus name believing, Amen. Well, we bought some meat, flour, canned beans, peas & kidney
Tue. Mar. 4. 1947/ page 1054. / 8. eggs this day. / beans, cheese, tea, broccoli, apples & yeast macaroni noodles & speggetti & forgot light batterys, cocoa, crackers & butter. so will have to get them next. & his shoes 10.00 & lisence plate for car 8.00. So, it will still take my check to help finish out & I have 10.00 to pay on my teeth yet & 11.00 for coal. I like to keep paid up :& not be owing people money. Wind has been N.W. & cold it’s colder tonight & New York is most buried in snow & Boston Mass. & there are all sorts of accidents, fires, wrecks & deaths from them & cold weather & a severe battle off the coast of San Francisco California today 3. of our ships sunk 12 Jap ships before the last of our 3 went down & only 9 of our men saved & two of them talked about it tonight over the radio. Well, that will sure stirr up trouble again, sure a fate.
Wed. mar. 5. 1947./ 8. eggs today/ Well, I got the wash done once more & dried. I dried them indoors. It’s been a fine day out side & snow most gone, again. I took care of birds & bedrooms & swept & got dinner, Elbert fried some salmon steaks, 3. pieces, & boiled potatoes & I cooked broccoli & then washed up the dishes. & I’m tired tonight. Well, no check today. I’m glad we managed a little out of Elberts check. Elbert carried the water & did out side chores today.
Thurs. Mar. 6. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Mrs. Cranage gave us a sack of Gold Medal Flour & it’s bad I set bread & it hardly made a raise of it & I was foolish & used an egg to make a few muffins & they were terrible, so hre I am stuck with a sack of Gold Mettle flour. I haven’t tried the bread yet, hope it wont kill us it’s not light & nice like it should be. & it tires me so to bake. Oh, well. Wesather has been warmer today & not much wind today snow most all gone little patches where sun don’t hit it. I did in side chores & Elbert did out side chores I cleaned all the bird cages today & give them a bath & that’s a job all by it’s self. Well Elbert’s going to Lorain in morning
Fri. Mar. 7. 1947./ 10 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain, he got his insurance papers filled out & forgot Drs. bill so has to go back. He saw a lawyer & talked to him & learned that a neice or nephew could bid the home place in & after 2 yrs. Frank or any of us could buy it again, so Gertie wasn’t very wise. Elbert has the promise of a job for Mon. It’s been a beautiful day, nice sun N. west breeze & light not cold tried to snow several times. We took the India Lilly over to show to Mr. & Mrs. Douglas & visit a little, he has been sick for 3 weeks with flu. is up & around now look bad
Fri. Mar. 7. 1947./ page 1055./ 10 eggs today. she dont look very good either. They told us Mrs old lady Hahn was dead & buried last week & Mrs Wickum killed her self a yr. ago by putting hose on car & running car, with hose in her room & the rest are in Florida. she & several of her sisters & brothers had softening of the brain when they get old & she left a note, she didn’t want to be a burden. Mrs. Douglas said she called on Mrs. Myres who are living in the Wickum house & Mrs myers said the woman who lives in the Sanders place said she didn’t like this neighborhood for none of the neighbors come in to call on me, So maybe I had ought to go in, she & her man take care of the club house & they say it’s a gambling joint, so I’ve wondered about it. Well I must get to bed, I wrote Nellie a letter & got Elbert’s insurance letter wrote & addressed & the other one ready to send if I get my check tomorrow.
Sat. Mar. 8. 1947./ 4 eggs today./ No check today & tomorrows Sun. Well we went to Lorain & got Elbert’s receipt from Dr. Siffling & we mailed the insurance letter & one to nellie & the girls. We went out to see the work out on Col. Ave. & then we stopped to see Pearl, Lillie & Tessie, they were glad to see us & we had a little visit, learned Armond is going to live in the old home place & his wife gave birth to a baby boy & it’s in an incubator in the hospital doing well. They are using Elbert’s lots and haven’t even ask if they could. Lillie bought 2. doz. eggs. & Mrs. West took 1. doz 50 cents per. doz. We used all of it for some food for Sun. & Mon. some fish & boiling meat & some lettuce & we got home at 3-30-p-m. it’s been a beautiful day. Elbert talked with the city Attorney & he told him to serve a notice on Frank to keep off his lots. We are both very tired to night to some how.
Sun. Mar. 9. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ We had a good day, went to S. school & church & to church in evening, had good pray. service & sunshine this morning untill noon then it tried to snow several times & got a little colder & mostly cloudy all after noon & evening N.W. wind. Praise God, I am Glad He’s mine All the Glory belongs to Him Glory, Glory, Hallulijah, Glory to God.
Mon. Mar. 10. 1947./ page. 1056./ 9. egg. today./ Well I didn’t get my check to-day, Elbert & I received a letter from Carl Betz. he writes a nice letter told us how they go to the mountain where there’s lots of snow & then they drive 90 miles to the desert & he & his son (a boy they adopted) shot 21. Jack rabbit’s he says there are lots of them there. He also said that he goes fishing surf fishing & sometimes he pays 2.00 & goes out deep sea fishing for tuna fish, he says they are so good baked. They pack a big basket & go for the day. He’s working in a shop during the week. Says there bad weather is over now untill Nov. Well, Elbert went to Lorain & got a job, he’s going to work in the morning. He don’t feel very strong, We haven’t been having enough to eat But I hope & pray God will take care of him. I baked 2. big tins of bread biscuits & one loaf & did some mending on the seqing machine. Had to patch up big chair seat cover again & As the Man in Chicago says, it’s been a wonderful day. Not cold mild & sunshiny all day. I looked after hens & birds & did my house work & I have felt as if I couldn’t go. hope check comes in the moring.
Tue. Mar. 11. 1947./ 11. eggs today. / Elbert went to work & worked all day & tonight he couldn’t eat his supper, he was so full of pain, his stomach & bowels I don’t Know what’s wrong but his stomach tortures him most death of late burns untill it most throw him into fits, so that’s the way he has been all evening, it could be a lot of different things, I don’t know what it is liver gas or stomach ulsers & with it all His, nerves, are terrible bad. he has taken olive oil, some of nature remedy tablet & an anasin, now he’s sleeping, he wore his abdoman belt to hold his rupture & he may have worn it to tight. I did my usual work & did the washing & had to carry part the water & took care of the hens. No check today. Wind has been N. east all day, nice sun, beautiful day.
Wed. Mar.12. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert had cramps mostly in his stomach & bowels all night untill morning & he’s so sore & lame all over, his stomach & bowels been so sore hurt him to eat, so he’s had to take it easy today. He worked yesterday for
Wed. Mar. 12. 1947. / page 1057. / 11. eggs this day./ a contractor by the name of Dietz just a bout a mile or so west of Lorain, on main highway, by the lake, it’s a big compartment house & it’s ___ ft wide and ___ ft. long. lower part’s brick outside & concrete block partitions. 3 dormatorys on each side of roof. & house is on the lake bank. I haven’t done much today can’t stand to carry wather & do out side chores, so, I been feeling bad, but our trouble is we haven’t been having enough to eat of the right kind of food for strength. it surely been a wonderfully nice day, N. east breeze light.
Thurs. Mar. 13. 1947./ 9 eggs today/ Elbert’s felt real bad all day & I haven’t done only what I had to do It’s been a nice day cloudy most all day but not cold, I heard a kill dear last evening & Elbert see a robbin this morning winds been all around & it started to rain at 4.p-m & is still at it Wind S. west.
Fri. Mar. 14. 1947./ 14./ Felt to bum to work & went to bed at 8-p-m sick. I took care of Elbert untill 12-p-m
Sat. Mar. 15. 1947./ 12 eggs/ Lost out today, in bed all day. didn’t know much rest of night or today.
Sun. Mar. 16. 1947./ 13. eggs/ I’m been bed all day, sure sick & only half here.
Mon. Mar. 17. 1947./ 15 eggs/ Still to sick to get up.
Tue. Mar. 18. 1947./ 11. eggs/ Well to sick to get & sit up. snowed before morning.
Wed. Mar. 19. 1947./ 11. eggs./ Determined to get up & so, I did. Elbert went to Lorain & see Mr. Dietz & got his money for one day he worked & left the eggs for the man that had jpaid for them & sold 5. doz. others, he left note for Mr. Keep. came back with few things to eat & hadn’t been here for only a few minutes, when Hauffman came in (the one that brought the canary) he didn’t stay long. I was sitting in the big chair in my night gown with blanket around me. & could hardly keep my head level, I felt so bad. Thurs elbert looked so bad when he got back & I wasn’t able to wait on him. I usually have hot coffee for him.
Thurs. Mar. 20. 1947. 12 eggs today. / I took a bath & dressed yesterday morning & sit around most all day. it was Tue. Elbert went to Lorain. My heads bum yet. Today he’s gone to Vermilion. I sent my pussy willows & golden bells to Miss. Clark & a pt. of soup & cup of sugar. I brought the pussy willows & bells last week & they have been in bloom only a few days My flesh has been so terribly sore, never was any worse, Well,
Thurs. Mar. 20. 1947./ Page. 1058. / 12. eggs today/ I’m up again & hope I can stick. Well it’s getting cloudy & looks like rain. Elbert got back, O.K. he don’t feel able to get around & he’s run in debt for food & the check hasn’t come through yet. Well the preacher came in late & had a cup of tea & told us all the Church news they always have a big group out to meetings when I’m not there I pray God will continue to Bless the meetings. My heads bad yet.
Fri. Mar. 21. 1947./ 15. eggs today./ It was yesterday Elbert went to Vermilion & the preacher came in to call today. It snowed last night a good thick white blanket & everything trees shrubs & weeds fences posts & evergreens looked like real Christmas this morning it’s melted and was gone by noon then snowed a soft wet fine snow & then it rained a little. air is damp & chilly. & today is the first day of Spring.
Sat. Mar. 22. 1947. 11. eggs / We been home all day cloudy day tried to rain. Elbert went to see if Mrs. Deforest Ward could call to talk to me but she is in bed with the flu. I sent Elbert to find a peice of salt pork but he didn’t find any.
Mon. Mar. 24. 1947./ 12 eggs today/ Elbert done out his washing he’s cooked the meals & he’s gone to see if he can sell eggs & get us a little to keep soul & body together. Its been a dark cloudy day. tried to rain Elbert hung his undersear & shirts outside but they don’t look as if they are drying. No check yet. Today I wrote a letter to Mr. Reinhardt N Ausmus, 1102 Buckingham St. Sandusky to see if he could see what’s going on a-bout the check. It’s such a wicked, wicked world. Elbert sold 3 doz. eggs for 55 cents & one doz for 50 cents & he paid 90 cents for 5 lbs oyster schell he got a very small piece of boiling meat
Tue. Mar. 25. 1947./ page. 1059./ 12 eggs today/ Been snowing & blowing a living gale since Mon. night & it’s still at it. I’m to weak to do anything. Elbert’s feeling a little better, but a long ways from good. No check & we’re out of eatables & I’m so weak & hungry seems as if I can hardly keep from crying.
Wed. Mar. 26. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ Evelyn is 35 yrs. old today. & it’s stormed & blowed all day & the sun shines through even when it’s snowing a gale. No check today. between a number of sittings, I mixed a couple tins of bread biscuits & got them baked. & I’m no good tonight. hope check comes in the morinng & we were with out the electric lights last night but they got them fixed after dark tonight.
Thurs. Mar. 27. 1947./ 15. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Lorain sold 2 doz. eggs $1.10 borrowed 10.00 & got us a little food, he left at 11-a-m & got back 4-30-p-m. I washed out my clothes with anything to eat ate a 3-30-p-m. felt to sick to move rest of afternoon & evening, I got all my things dry ex-cept rags, didn’t have enough water to wrinse them but got them done tonight. we had some short steaks for supper, they were tender ,& looked like horse meat red he got some garlic saucage & some fish & no potatoes or anything else except 2 cans milk. No Check today but I got a card that is made out for April & May so maybe I ought to be able to live in hopes I might get it next month if I can find a way to exist. If they trust Jesus, as they do me, how will they get to heaven. I had Elbert mail the letter I wrote to Mr. Ausmus in Sandusky, I do hope he will be able to get Mar. Check for me. It’s been a beautiful day, quite & sunshine snow has melted a lot on ground & on the roads. the school buss went through today. No other mail been off 2 days because of weather.
Fri. Mar. 28. 1947. / 8. eggs today/ No check today, Elbert went to Huron & looked around a little some of the fishermen put in there nets & only got 1. or 2. fish & the nets all rolled & full of dirt, green slime, sticks, grass & weeds; Well I got a letter from Nellie & it tally’s with my dream I had a few nights ago & told it to Elbert, Nellie’s been in bed since Mar. 7. she said they told her she’s out of danger now, but that she’s up to high, altitude to high for her heart &
Fri. Mar. 28. 1947./ page. 1060./ 8. eggs for today./ her blood pressure lots to high said she’s proped up in bed to write. I ask her if she had found out all those things before she went, but, she said it was O.K. I dreamed they brought her back ____. today’s letter said she was coming back home in a mo or so, or by the time it was really Spring here. Well, this morning sun shone & the snow was almost gone only little where the drifts had been , but tonight it started again to snow an hour or so before dark & tonight the ground is white & evergreens look like Christmas trees, once more. light breeze from S.W. not cold out & snows melting. I have felt to terrible for words all day, weak. But I thank God for his tender mercies & care.
Sat. Mar. 29. 1947./ 14 eggs today/ Elbert sold 4. doz. eggs $2.15 got 2. pieces of meat hardly enough to say meat, & few groceries. & I over did somewhat I swept wiped up kitchen washed out rags & ironed my dress, 2. skirts, 2. kercheifs, & at 10-p-m, still tuckered It’s been a fine day, it snowed last evening & it laid 2 ins. of snow & looked like Christmas once again & then all melted off & sunshone today clouded up & snowed, but only a little late this evening & is colder tonight & wind is a little stronger from the N.W. hope it don’t get bad. And I pray God will fill the church each meeting tomorrow & save some souls in Jesus Name. Miss. Clark was feeling better today, Elbert said. I do hope & pray God will fill us with health, all who are in need, when they pray Sunday Morning. I’ll thank Him & give him all the praise forever & ever Amen.
Sun. Mar. 30. 1947./ 10 eggs today./ No Church for us today and I do want to go so much. Elberts not feeling so good, but we don’t have enough to eat.
Mon. Mar. 31. 1947./ 14. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron he’s wishing for some fresh fish, but, they didn’t get enough to pay them & he said the nets were torn & in terrible condition, I opened some cans & made soup & just got it done when he came & the tea made he washed & was ready for it. I knew he would be, he’s so weak his legs ach so from just going up there & walking around & he looks bad yet & talking of getting off to Lorain to look after work again & I can’t hardly get around yet. & haven’t been out side yet, I sure am terrible weak & miserable yet, to.
April. Tue. 1. 1947/ page. 1061./ 10 eggs today./ sent Nellie’s letter today/ Elberts gone to Vermilion to sell eggs & get a bite to eat, his heads so bad I hated to see him go & I been praying God will take care of him all the way & back again. I sent a letter to Nellie & the girls & I feel terrible weak myself but I made a rubbarb pie I been wanting all winter. hope it’ll be good I sure sweat like rain & it’s raining a slow drip out side, trees, vines & bushes getting a good cleaning, it’s dark & gray out side. Elbert ought to be coming in prety soon now. I sure, ought to write, some letters but I’m Been showery all day. Elbert picked up Mrs. Tom Eppler. & took her to the post office & gave her nellie’s letter to be mailed & then he called Hambly’s & they took all the eggs 4. doz. $1.20 then he went to West, she wasn’t home, then he went to see Miss Clark, her sister is with her now, she just got back from California, where she helped take care her brother untill he was laid to rest. she’s all tired out I don’t know how old she is but to the place where she can’t endure to much any more. Elbert got 2 cans milk some apples & small piece of pressed ham & a small piece of meat to boil, He didn’t seem to learn much today. Hambly’s were glad to see him, he said, & so were the Miss. Clarks. I got the supper & did dishes before supper & now supper dishes are standing.
Wed. April 2. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain this morning & he can’t get anything on his compensation un-till April 15th. The world is full of wickedness & getting no better fast. So terribly wicked. He picked up Harry Day who said he is 71. yrs. old & took him to Lorain & brought him back as far as his home, he was so tired & I was just getting dressed at 10-30-a-m. & I didn’t feel like getting up then, but knew he would be coming pretty soon. It’s been a Dark Gloomy Day so fogy we could only see the rail road track all else cut off with fog. wind freshened, from N.W. & it cleared some tinight and it quite a bit colder. so much so the windows were all steamed up. ground is full of ice yet. & air was warmer than the earth, see few flies out today. I hope to get out
Tue. April. 1. 1947. page 1062/ 10. eggs this day. / [date error] / doors this week for I want to go to Church Easter mornig. We each received an Easter card from the Ministers.
Wed. April 2. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ A gray & cloudy all day Elbert went to Lorain & back before noon & it was so fogy all day, but wind freshened at night just before dark & the sky got full of wind scuds. & moon came through, it got real cold & Elbert said it made an inch of ice last night, and thinks it will tonight. Elbert says perch are 45 cents per lb. boiling meat 33. per. lb. I only did what I had to do today & was glad Elbert got home out the fog is so thick.
Thurs. April 3. 1947. / 12. eggs today./ Well I’m tired tonight did out half the washing & my kidneys are bad yet K& I’ve had to sit down a number of times but got all them dry but rags, & they’re most done now Elbert’s felt bum all day, his stomach & bowels & his liver. he carried the water & done all out side chores & hung out most the clothes, out side, & they didn’t dry very good I finished them inside We had a nice sunshine today, but N. E. wind & quite strong, cold & raw, was moon light but at 10-p-m clouded up again & eamp wind still N. E. well it got real cold before morning & did freeze ice. We
Fri. April 4. 1947./ 10 eggs today/ only get the news on the radio some times it works & some times it don’t I thought of sending it to you [not sure who she is referring to, it’s as if she thinks she is writing a letter??] long ago, but we don’t have the money to do anything with. I owe a lot of letters since Christmas & just can’t seem to get at them & Elbert had to pay 17 cents for 5 stamped envelopes we use to get 6 for 20 cents I can’t understand yet, but she told Elbert she couldn’t give him 6 for 20 cents thats only a fraction over 3 cents a piece. Well everythings bad these days, even you & I. [again, not sure who she is referring to] Well, Elbert was bent on having some fish today so he went to huron, helped Scott’s with some fish nets & got a good big mess of fish, some catfish & some perch & pike & I had the potatoes ready & coffee & he had a cup of coffee, then dressed the fish & I got a few on to cook while he got washed for supper & then I got such a pain in me side I had to sit. I took care of beds & roooms & birds & bakes 3 big tins of biscuits & I’m still so weak my legs sort of get mixed up, now & again. Radio told of a queer train wreck today, the fast passenger was passing a frieght train, & a big tractor hopped off & the passenger threw on her brakes hit the tractor & derailed its self, then told of 3 big fires, a plane wreck over near
Fri. April 4. 1947./ page 1063/ 10 eggs this day/ Norwalk & about a gang of crooks that consisted of 18 to 20 yr. old boys, stick guys. One of the fires was in a boarding home for Children & 2 died & several were badly burned. Wind went S.E. & it rained tonight sounds as if it had backed up to N.E. but I hope not, not cold out just damp & chilly.
Sat. April 5. 1947./ 14. eggs today. / It’s been quite warm today & last night it thundered & lightened & poured rain. This morning sun came out & was nice, untill late this afternoon it clouded up again & it’s showery again tonight & the wind is quite strong from the S. & little West. I swept Elberts room & took care of bed & then the kitchen but I felt so bum I let my room go, only air & made the bed, washed dishes & fried fish Well Elbert fried the fish & warmed the potatoes I made the coffee, the fish were surely good Thank to God. Elbert went to Vermilion cashed my check & got some food, flour, potatoes, & things we had to have & sold 3. doz. eggs. I sent the preachers a can of Apricots she is still in bed, been having flu. & gets up & over does, Mrs. Eppler help her for a while today Mrs. Day is helping her now, so she told Elbert, when he was there today, he didn’t go up stairs. Misses Clarks were up but not able to get out side yet. Received a letter with a book mark in it from Mrs. Mc.Govern today, her ankle is very bad & Marry’s still in bed.
Sun. April 6. 1947./ 10 eggs today./ Easter Sunday, I’d like to go to Church. but here I am, haven’t been out doors yet. I pray for each one at church, that He will heal them souls & bodys & acording to there faith He will give unto them, I pray He will put strength into Sister Gurney’s body & reveal unto her the thing thats keeping her ill. she & Brother Gurney are God’s children & we pray in Jesus Name Thou will help her as Thou seest she needs. We will give Thee all the praise and Glory for ever and ever Amen. We Pray Thy Blessing on the efforts of each one tonight & that Thou will speak through Rev. Gurney & save some souls tonight, be with each one who is sorely afflicted, those who are being tempted or sorely tried be with Thy people & Thy lands & mountain, Oh God help us to love as Thou doeth love help us to Know & understand Thy ways & live as Thou would have us to live in Jesus name; We thank Thee & Give The all the Praise & Glory, Hallujah, Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Glory. It’s been a beautiful sunshiny day, strong S.W. wind, getting cloudy & colder tonight..
Mon. April. 7. 1947. / 1064/ 12. eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron to see if by chance he might get a fish but no luck. sun shone alday & wind was strong from N. W. cold & penatrating & -I went to mail box & toiletta & picked a few branches of pussy willows & was about chilled through, fire sure felt good when I got back in, but it tired me oall out & I haven’t done much of anything to day. I had to go below & get a scoop of coal & I cleaned out the water ways & the water run like a river gurgling as it went. I picked up the India lilly bulb off the floor & cut off the lilly, it was all molded from the wet floor, I brought it up to the Kitchen, it was so big )the bulb) last Fall & the flower shrunk it up half. I have several small bulbs in pots, they grow up about 12 inches & put out an umbrella top, they are pretty. Wind went around to S. tonight & it’s moon light stars are clear & bright & it’s cold outside today is the first time I’ve been out side for a long time.
Tue. April .8. 1947./ 13. eggs today/ Elbert went to Vermilion this a-m for grain 4.37 & mash 4.75 & he got some trimings for the hens. he sold 2. doz. eggs for 1.10, he came back & had a cup of coffee & went to Huron to see if he could get some free fish, he helps them some, for the fish, he went at 10 a-m & got back at 4-15-p.m. he had another cup of coffee & said he had to buy himself a cup of coffee & a sandwich at noon, he went out & started dressing the fish & was just done at 6-p-m. he got 2 white fish-small ones & a small 10 qt pail full of perch, pike & catfish, we had fish for supper, he scraped them out after supper after he feed hens & then he put car in shed & locked up the building, & then I salted the fish & packed them in a crock & covered them & set them down in stairway to keep cool. I did the washing and am to tired, dried them in the house. I went out back & to mail box today, no mail. Wind went S. last night & on to N. E. today, sun was hot & nice all morning but clouded up after noon & looks look hazy & thick tonight. colder tonight we still keep a fire.
Wed. April. 9. 1947./ 14 eggs today/ Elbert’s been home feeling so miserable, he strained his self lifting fish baskets at the fish house, so he’s lame & sore all over, he cleaned & put sand on hen roost this after noon & I swept & dusted the 3. rooms, fried fish for dinner & washed dishes & looked after the birds & I to am sore & lame to much washing & then, I did the cooking & made up the beds, so tired I couldn’t sleep all night went to sleep 8 a-m & slept untill 10.a.m, then
Wed. April. 9. 1947./page. 1065./ 12. eggs. this day./ then did my usual round of duties & got the dinner ready. It’s been a beautiful day all day N. E. to cold breeze. Sun set red tonight & every things starting to grow. I didn’t hear the frogs, though, today. It was so nice I felt as if I’d like to get out & work in the yard or clean house, but after I swept & dusted I sweat like rain.
Thurs. April. 10. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Vermilion & took 2 fish apiece to the Minister’s family & 4 to the 2 Miss. Clarks & he sold 1. doz. egg for 50 cents & paid it on gas & owes 53 cents more, the boy misunderstood & put in 5. ga. Oh. Well; I ironed while he was gone & went out back & to hen house & fastened the carshed door that was loose, it was nice out side wind a little to strong, but warm sun & lots of flies & the honey bees are out to every thing is growing the grass is nice & green & soon the weeds will be coming to the ground is mellow & ready to be turned over & I wish we Knew there wouldn’t be any more frost so we could get the garden started. We have to clean hen house pretty soon & me not so strong this Spring as usual. But I pray God will give me strength again & help me to each pray meeting & service that I may be a testimony for Him who loves & keeps us. I wanted to go tonight, but, I’ll get there soon, I’m sure God will help me to go again soon & do His will He has heard there prayers tonight & laid His hand on us & I felt His power & trust for strength. Amen not only for myself but for the many others of the church Who need it. Elbert said both Miss Claarks were up to preachers she’s still sick, he had gone to Amherst. Elbert mailed letter to nellie & cards & 3 in Vermilion & one to chick hatchery in Elyria. Wind was S. & W. & we had a light shower just before dark, most of it went down the lake. it cleared up & sun set yellow it was blood red last night. We have a high wind tonight so strong E. could hardly get into the back door & while he was in Vermilion he said the Kroger store door banged shut & the glass went clear out on the street & payvement & barly missed a girl that was passing & even went into a car that stood there with the door glass down.
Fri. April.11. 1949. [she means 1947, and does not include egg count]/ Well I went out back k& Elbert was putting a paper house around the pie plants, he had the hoe, so I sued the back of it for a rake & cleaned off the old tomatoe vines & he took them & a lot of broken pieces of old tar paper over on the brush pile to burn & I took a good sized roll of sweet pea vines out where he can take them I’d like to cut the wisteria vine & get it fastened up theres such a lot to do in the spring. & while we were out there it gave us another Spring shower.
April Fri. 11. 1947./ page 1066./ 12. eggs today./ the wind is strong & N. W. tonight & it is quite cloudy & dark but out not cold but chilly.
Sat. April 12. 1947./ 12 eggs today./ Well, I swept & dusted took care of beds & rooms & baked 2 big pans of biscuits, 1. loaf & 1. bread pan of rolls. & cooked a very little to eat & washed the dishes & tonight we had one raisin roll be-tween us & a piece of cheese a piece & cup of cocoa. & that’s lots more than a lot of people have to day & I’m sorry for them. Elbert’s head has felt so bad all day, he’s just kept quite, only did what had to be done, he took care of hens & carried what little water from cystern & well, that we had to have, & it’s been mostly cloudy all day, & a strong wind all day & is blowing some, but not so strong tonight. I’m terrible tired, but hope to go to Church in the morning. I’ll have to wear all my old things dress, coat & hat, but I know to God they wont count Praise God from Whom all blessing flow & I Pray for Jerusalem, Palestine & Israel, God’s Land & people. I pray for our Rulers & all of God’s people. I pray He will strengthen our faith & give us wisdom & understanding & help us to do our part in His Great Plan, God help us.
Sunday. April 13. 1947. / 12. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to see about compensation & now they tell him it will be 3 weeks yet he will have to wait; He see Mr. Dietz & told him he’d like to work if he could work a half day at ta time for a while & he said sure, come along I be glad to have you even for half a day so he’s going in the morning “God willing” to work untill noon. then he’ll be back here for dinner, do odds & end here & relax some, for the next morning. I thought I coulsn’t work I felt so weak, but, I started & did out all but Elberts heavy union suit & work shirt & got them all dry, but the rags. Elbert got here at noon (12) noon & I made him some hot cofee & he brought 2 short steaks ($1.10) I boiled few slices potatoe & fried the meat & made gravy & we had bread & a hot dinner & it was good, then he flew off to Huron & helped load fish baskets on carts & got a good mess of fish & he got several nice white fish, catfish, bullheads & perch. & it was late when he got them dressed, we had white fish for supper & a good big table spoon a piece of warmed up potatoe & bread & hot coffee, I made hot cocoa & gave him, when he got here with the fish I knew he’d be empty & was & said it just hit the spot; he cleaned & scrapped the fish & then Mrs. DeForest Ward came in & we had a nice visit We had sorted out some fish for the preachers family & some for Misss. Clarks. & had them done up
Mon. April.14. 1947/ page. 1067. 11. eggs this day./ & we were going to Churc. Mrs. West & Miss Clark both told him this morning, that they were going to have some big doing at Church tonight & for me, to be sure to come, I sure didn’t feel able I was so tired after washing, but I decided I would for Elbert didn’t feel like going either so I washed & dressed & we went & I was glad I went. All Amherst folks were there & Miss Brown & from Elyria & some Elyria folks & then part of the Vermilion folks. & 6 or more ministers We took the two Miss. Clarks home & 4. Smith children & Miss . E. Clark took a doz. eggs. he sold 6. doz. eggs today. Mrs. West 2. Mrs Cranage 2. doz, 2 doz to each Clark sisters. One sister is going to Cleveland in the morning where whe lives I don’t know if she works or not. Well they & the preachers said they enjoyed the fish, I thank God for that. Sister Gurney is rather white & thin, she had a bad dose of flu. also, now we hear all N. York State is under corintine for small-pox. (wars & roomers of wars in more ways than one) We got home before 11-p-m & Elbert’s in bed & asleep. I thank God for his love & care & I Praise Him for all things. Glory, Glory Halelujah, Praise God & Jesus & the Holy Ghost for ever & ever & May they have mercy on God People & Land. I received a letter from Nellie saying she’d be home at Midnight April 22. E.J’s. birthday & they will leave her broke & lonesome once again to get along the best she can, I dont know if Bonney Bell will go back or not. Nellie said when she got back in the altitude she was supposed to feel better & be able to get up again, don’t sound as if she thought so herself. God help her.
Tue. April 15. 1947./13 eggs today/ Elbert went to work. / I’ve only done what I had to do all day & I got up at 9-30-a-m. shook up beds & opened windows after dressing combing my hair getting myself washed & cleaning my teeth, then since I had put the water on to heat I drank a cup of hot water, put some meat broth in by stew pan & washed & scraped 2 carrots & peeled 3 onions & cut them fine and put them in broth, with some celery leaves, (I had dried last Fall & canned) & three fourths cut of rice washed & wrinsed 3 times, then I seasoned it & left it stew slow then I washed up dishes & set down & ate only a few spoons of soup when Elbert came he worked untill noon, so I made the coffee dished up a plate of soup for him & put some fish on to fry, got some bread & string beans, I had fixed & we set
Tue. April 15, 1947./ page 1068/ 13. eggs this day./ down & ate our soup after thanking God for it. Elbert was terrible tired (they) he & the other men had hamered right through 4. hrs. of work on the roof of the apartment house where he worked one day so many days ago mar. 11. 1947. over a mo. Rawleigh man came today & we got nut meg & condition powder 4.00) 1.00 for nut meg. 8 oz. can. Well he spaded 2 or 3 rows today for potatoes we should have put them in today but it was such a cold raw N.E. wind. Wind was S.W. early. this morning, but went on to N. E. before 9-a-m I coaxed him to give up & he’s got a cold in his throat to-night, I’m praying God will, in Jesus Name take it away tonight & turn his heart to Him, I thank Thee & praise Thee, Amen. I have everything ready for morning. We, at least I Praise God that He is & ever will be, even though I am a sinner, I love & adore Him first & most of all. No mail today. sun shone most all day & wasn’t quite so windy this moring, but it started to get bad or strong at noon & is strong N. E. tonight.
Wed. April 16. 1947./ 13 eggs today/ Elbert was to tired to work & it rained in showers all night & part the morning & was cold, penetrating, raw wind N. E. & it snowed & then to break away but staid cold we had a good fire & it felt comfortable I didn’t do only my usual house work & look after the birds.
Thurs. April. 17. 1947./ 14. eggs today/ Elbert went to work sun was shining & it’s been a fine day sun was what, but warm lots of broken clouds in the sky. I only did my usual house work & was out side for about 20 minutes, not any longer, if I were that, wind backed up to N.W. & back to S.W. & to the S. tonight & it’s quite chilly we have a good fire I had supper all ready but frying the meat when Elbert came at 5-30-p-m. he was so tired & looked it to. He fed hens & then locked up all the building & got washed & we had supper, then he got a bucket of coal & rested a while & went to bed. We listened to the news at supper time, it’s terrible, they have had terrible explosions on & around the bay at Texas City 600 dead & over 3000 injured. 4. ships, the big ______ plant & oil taks & blew & air plane out the sky & killed both people in it & the gas fumes are terrible thousands are homeless. & the fight gets more & more ferocious among the rulers. I thank God for taking care of both of us & Elbert’s car & all our blessing & Pray God will send His Power into the meeting & bless each one there & strengthen all who are sick & afflicted where ever they are & I do pray He will help Nellie and all her children in all the ways they need. I thank Him & give Him all the praise forever & ever Amen.
article from internet 7.29/2021: explosion of 1947, industrial disaster sparked by the fire and explosion of the SS Grandcamp on April 16–17, 1947, in Texas City, Texas. The blast set off a chain of fires as well as a 15-foot (4.5-metre) tidal wave. Between 400 and 600 people were killed, with as many as 4,000 injured.On the morning of April 16, the French-owned Grandcamp was preparing to finish loading a consignment of ammonium nitrate fertilizer at the port of Texas City, near Galveston. About 8:00 AM crew members noticed smoke in the cargo area, where 2,300 tons of the fertilizer had already been stowed. In order to keep the cargo intact, the crew decided not to use water to extinguish the fire; they instead tried, unsuccessfully, to snuff out the flames. Shortly after 9:00 AM the temperature inside the cargo area had risen enough to spark a massive explosion that was heard as far as 150 miles (240 km) away. The resulting fire destroyed the dock area and engulfed the nearby Monsanto Chemical Company plant. A mushroom cloud rose 2,000 feet (600 metres) into the air, and two small planes passing above were destroyed. Burning shrapnel was sent flying, with much of it landing in industrial areas, setting fires or causing other damage. A nearby ship, the SS High Flyer, which was carrying huge amounts of sulfur, also caught fire and exploded, and crude oil tankers near the site burned for days, consuming massive amounts of petroleum. The enormous wave triggered by the blast flattened numerous buildings, leaving as many as 2,000 people homeless. The fact that the initial explosion had killed many of the town’s fire crew and ruined its firefighting equipment exacerbated the devastation. Between 400 and 600 people were killed, with as many as 4,000 injured. “The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica”
Fri. April 18. 1947. page 1069. / 6. eggs. today, / Elbert didn’t work today he couldn’t hardly get out of bed took him some time to get dressed, he tried to walk around & get limbered up, but at noon he still was to stiff to do much but he went out & bent over pulling the old sweet corn stalks & cabbage & broccoli roots tomatoe & melon vines & he put them on the brush pile to burn & he pulled docks that are just starting to come up. he’s still, so sore & lame it hurts to move after dinner he brought in his overalls & I put to big patches on each hip pocket & stitched a patch under, on the over-alls, he carries a hammer in one & a square in the other. it tired me out it was a dirty job as he had been working on the roof in them. I finished darning the table cloth on the machine while I was at it, now I can get that washed it’s laid a long time I done a little on it several times, all 3 are so old they will be done for prety soon. The hens run out of mash & hence only 6. eggs today, hope it don’t check them for tomorrow. I can’t help thinking of Nellie & the way she wrote her letter.
Sat. April 19. 1947./ 12. eggs today. / Elbert don’t have to work at his job on Saturday’s. He went to Vermilion & sold 3. doz. eggs & enough old greese at 19cents per. lb. to come to 1.90 Miss. Clark didn’t pay for her’s so he was short on our eats, but we’ll make out some how, it rained before he got back, he got here before it got at it in earnest, & he got a lot of lettuce leaves for the hens. We had just finished our dinner when the little old man with his suit case of notions came in, so he took off his hat & coat & had hot coffee, bread, beans & potatoes & pickled beets, same as we had & then he set here for 2 hrs. or so & he’s such a talker he slept out all night in his clothes in a leaky old shed some where near Vermilion he was tired & looked it, he said Mrs. Good who lived in the 3rd house on the right side of the road S. of track at Ceylon & her husband use to give him a back room of the house to sleep in & a good bed, but she died last summer & he had gone to stay with his sister now, so he had to find another place to stay if he could, he had taken a cold in his head & eyes & looked, as if he felt miserable, said he felt froze through & when he left he hit the track & went west said Berdue bought a lot of stuff from him usually. Well I expect nellie will be home Tue. night round midnight. I’m praying
Sat. April. 19. 1947./ page 1070./ 12. eggs this day. / the ride wont tire her to bad. Well, I haven’t done much today, only my usual round & then I didn’t get birds cages cleaned up. I had to make biscuits for supper. & I’m still so weak. in body. Rained in showers since noon & it’s 11-30-p-m. & Elbert was just out back and it’s still raining wind N. E. was so cold all day Elbert put his gloves on to do a little work out side this morning & only taid out & hr or so said it was to cold chilled him clear through. Oh, Dear Father in Heaven, We thank Thee for all our blessing which are many, for we have a little to eat & a fire & good beds in which to sleep & rest We pray for Thy people & land & for the rulers & every one of Thy people & that Thou will strengthen our faith & help remove each inderance from our lives, that would Keep us from Thee, in Jesus Name, We thank Thee and give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever; Amen. I ask for strength of body & Thy help to go to Church that I may be a testimony for Thee, I love Thee Jesus.
Sun. April.20. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Oh, but it’s sure been a great day, N. E. strong wind, sound like winter howling a-round the corners and the heat from the fire feels good. it rained in showers all last night & all day today & is at it yet , water’s high in the creeks & in puddles on the land. We didn’t get out to Church all day. Miss. Clark told Elbert she was going over to Cleveland to stay, with her sister over Sun. I pray God will Bless Our Ministers & their [first time to use their] family’s & All Who go to Church & all that are not able to get there & strengthen all & help more to get there even me. I ask God in Jesus name, Amen. I love the Lord more than all else.
Mon. April.21. 1947./ 14 eggs today/ Elbert went to his job but it was so cold & he worked 1 1/2 days wind was blowing so hard to that they didn’t work, he went into Lorain & looked around some got what money he had coming got a few things we were badly in need of to eat & came home, he couldn’t call Bonita, So looks as if we’ll have to go all the way over to see if we can be of any help. Didn’t rain any to day just blew a gale from N.E. I had the washing all done but his shirt & union suit so he did them. I was so allin that he helped me get the dinner & I had to suds & wrinse & hang up over half the wash, I did, & got it dry; Elbert mailed a letter to Rev.
Mon. April. 21. 1947./ page. 1071./ 14. eggs this day./ De Haan & a letter to Senator Wheeler & one of DeHaan’s Bible study books called (Palistine in history & prophecy, I do hope it will help in a good way as God ment it should. I know Rev. DeHaan knows God & belongs to him he sure studys his bible & the parts I hadn’t got figured out, he has & I’m so glad for it’s all more clear to me I wish I had put my mind on it more than I did when I was young & had done more work for Jesus the Word tells us He’s more to be desired than gold & silver or anything on earth I believe it with all my heart & soul, I love Jesus, I adore Him, He’s honest , clean in every way He’s my Sunshine, My only Sunshine Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord. Well, the wind died down tonight, Radio said it was to be cold tonight & warm with sunshine tomorrow. Nellie should be home tomorrow night I do hope & pray God will give her strength & teach her to do His ways. Elbert hopes to go to work & come home at nooon tomorrow & then we hope to go to Nellie’s home after we feed the hens to see if they will need us to help in any way. Oh Jesus blessed Jesus, things are working out fast & soon Thou will be coming. Thou doest know I have all ways loved my parents & my brothers & sisters, their children & their childrens, children, have Merch, Jesus I pray, but may They will be done, not mine, but, I do love them and pray for them & for strength & courage, Amen.
Letter Elinor wrote to Congressman: Huron Ohio April. 20. 1947. Dear Senator Wheeler:- Am sending you a little book called “Palistine in history and in prophecy” Which I hope you will read. I wish the president, all the senators and congressmen would read it, carefully, thoughtfully and prayerfully. And I do believe it would be wonderful if England, as well as all the other Rulers, could and would read it also. Will YOu please give me your opinion after you have read it? I thank you. Mrs. Elinor Babcock, R.2. Hahn Rd., Huron Ohio P.S. The Bible is God’s word. It holds the passed, present and future history of (and ) for the world. May God help us to understand, and, bless our Rulers. Read Psalm 100.
Tue. April 22. 1947./ 9 eggs today/ EeB. worked till noon/ Ella Jane is 27. yrs. old today, she was in Lorain before noon I was there with John, the Doctor & nurses. It was a beautiful Spring morning, & we didn’t get to the hospital any to soon. Now Nellie & Bonney Bell (so Nellie said) are coming home & leave E.J. there alone for her birthday. (It’s a queer World) I know if I were E.J. I’d come home, but, she is so different, than I. Elbert came at noon ate & hurried off to Huron to see if he could get some fish, he did & got back in time to get them dressed for supper. I fried 2 small white fish & salted 5. pike & put them in a basin for Wed’s dinner or supper, if he desides to work all day. I baked to big tins of
Tue. April. 22. 1974./ page 1072./ 9. eggs this day/ bread biscuits a a doz big rolls. & after supper I did up one tin of biscuits the rolls (9. of them) & 2 pieces of white fish cooked & Elbert put them in the car & a bunch of DeHaan’s books I promised to take to Mrs. Beesie Elbert took them in there she wasn’t home he left them with her daughter, who lives in same house. I forgot my pocket book and left it on the ppiano at Bonita’s, so we had to go back & get it, after we had got some distance on highway. I was to tired to go & so was Elbert. We gave them a doz. of eggs all so. Bonita said Uncle Herman had given her a doz. also. but that she didn’t have much of anything in the house to eat, but, that, Johny was going to bring something when he came bread & ham-bergers & she didnknow what else, & Martha came in while we were there, Joan has been staying with Bonita since Sat. April 19. the other family Bob.Jean. left at that time to go to Arizona (where Geo. is working) and going to school) he sent Bonita 10.00 by Bob. & Bonita said Geo. wrote her such a mean letter that she hadn’t ans. it, and it that had been a month ago. We stopped & talked to Mrs. Baldwin a few minutes, she isn’t very well, but gets around, she said she had a few lines from Nellie, that said by the time she got it Nellie would be on her way home. Bonita said Nellie had been real sick & was coming travelers aid & would be taken home in the amblance We ask if we could do anything to help & she said no & we wouldn’t need to stay, her mother would be to tired to see us, but the young folk will all be there Johny & his intended & I don’t Know how many more, but they were planing a lunch, she said she didn’t know if Bonney Bell would be able to stay home long or not & that Johny had rented & apartment & was soon to marry but that they would both continue to work. Martha said Gertie & her mother were getting fat she thought it had done them good to be together, Gertie had done a lot of ironing for Bonita & Martha had brought ovr part of it,
Tue. April 22. 1947./page. 1073./ [no egg count] / Bonita has worked like a horse she has painted the walls & the ceilings of 3. or 4. rooms & stairway wall since last week & washed all the bathroom walls & ceiling washed the wood work & windows & curtains & chair & deveins covers & put the covers on & curtians up & fix-ed a bedroom down stairs for her mother, she has it looking just fine to, bed all made up & everything clean & spick & span she cleaned & waxed the living room rug & had just give the kids a bath & put them to bed before we left. &KK said she had to wipe up Kitchen floor & then take a bath & clean up before they, Nellie & Bonney Bell got home, & the young folks. Bonita said, the Dr\s. told Bonney to get nellie home fast, so they are coming on all fast trains they were leaving New Mexico Sun. morning early. & expected to be in Elyria 12.p.m tonight. B. didn’t know if E.J. was coming or not, she said. so, it’s late & the train will soon be flying passed here & will be in Elyria 10 or 15 minutes later. I pray God will in Jesus Name Give her strength in all the ways she needs. I thank Him. Winds N.E. but not strong cloudy all day untill 5-30-p-m sun came through & it set red tonight. I’m so tired & I know Elbert must be also for he’s restless tonight.
Wed. April 23. 1947. / 10. eggs today/ Well, I was to all in to work today but Elbert worked all day & is so lame he can’t hardly move tonight. I gave him a good rub in acohole. I darned socks & cought up some runs in my new stocking only had worn them once & last night they put 3. runs in one & 2 in tother. Wind has blowed hard all day. I was out to post box & hen house & scratched a little here & there, plants are trying to get up through all the grass & sod. I picked a few golden bells & have written a card to Nellie & one to Mrs. Beesie We left 19 of De Haan’s Bible study booklets there at Mrs. Beesie’s last night.
Thurs. april. 24. 1947./ 12. egg today/ I have just done my daily round today. Elbert came home about 2-p-m & he spaded a little & done the chores out side I had supper at 5-30-p-m & we dressed & went to prayer meeting. Miss Brown
Thurs. April. 24. 1947./ page 1074./ 12. eggs this day. was there in ans. not only to my prayer, but Sister Gurney’s also. And God has ans. a number of prayers for me lately . I have prayed for a long, long time that Sister Small would come into the meetings & Praise God she has. & was there tonight. Miss Clark was there tonight also. We were wonderfully blessed tonight & I thank God and Praise Him in Jesus Name, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. I gave Sister Gurney & Sister Brown handkercheifs with a crocheted edge. It rained early this a-m before daylight & untill most noon then, sun came out & shone untill late & then through the clouds untill sun set N. Wind a little shivery. I kept a little fire & fixed it up a little for night.
Fri. April. 25. 1947./ 12. eggs today. / Elbert worked all day, I washed his sleepers & under wear & 2 cotton blankets my night gown & nose rags & they’re all dry but union suit & the blanket. I got supper & did a few odds & ends out side such as going to mail box, hen, house, & opening car shed doors for Elbert, getting a pail of well water & taking care of can, took care of bedrooms & we are both to tired tonight. It was raining this a.m. when E. left & up untill noon warmed up & fog got about 3 ft. high & then began to get cold, fog left N. E. Wind & rain, colder tonight We have a good fire & it feels good. Elbert was working inside all day. Praise God.
Sat. April.26. 1947./ 12 eggs today./ Elbert spaded some & went to Vermilion & got a few groceries but he didn’t sell the eggs, no one home. I swept & wiped up the floors l& dusted & cooked washed dishes & took care of bedrooms & ironed & I’m tired to. I have to (come over when we could) take a bath in the morning & go to church. & we did think we’d go to see nellie after church. Wind shifted in the night & went S. W. & quite strong, not cold. received letter from Bonita today, short, said every one was O.K. mother better she liked fish & they all liked biscuit & rolls Come. We had real nice sun shine all day Praise the Lord.
Sun. April. 27. 1947./11. eggs today./ Well I got to Sunday school & church & then we went on. over to Nellie’s, it rained Most all morning & eased just before we got to church & cleared up in middle of afternoon. Johny & Marcia was there Bonney Bell had flew off to Gannet’s, they were just having dinner some one gave them 2 chickens & Bonita had roasted them & had riced potatoes & she had made some little biscuits & gravey & cabbaage salid. & coffee, Well, I didn’t like to eat up there food, so, I didn’t eat much, I took Nellie a can of peaches she likes them so much, she’s in bed & in a bad condition her blood pressure that had been lots to high, was down below normal. she had
Sun. April. 27. 1949. [she means 1947] / page. 1075./ 11. eggs this day./ a nervous spell before we got there, she got terribly shook up coming home & nervous for that train had been wrecxked or one fast train, the day before, she left New mexico on Sunday morning of April 20th & got into Elyria at 12-30-p-m. April, 22. she ssid hr stomach & bowels just went up & down constantly as they flew over the miles of rails, so it will take time to get her settled again her legs & the end of her back bone is bad & it hurts her so to sit up, she goes to the bath room & back, to her bed, being only a doz. & a half steps or so. she looks bad & her eyes are very bad, she can’t see even with her glasses on, so she can’t read to pass the time & it’s so hard for a heavy person to lay in bed so long & it’s been since the 7th of march since she’s been in bed steady, fear has a lot to do with her condition, I be-lieve, wish I could be where I could go in every day. & talk her into better health. Well, we left at 4-30-p-m & got here little before 5-30. & it had cleared off & was nich out wind was S.W. I Pray God will help us somehow.
Mon. April. 28. 1947./ 10 eggs today/ Elbert worked all day/ Frank Babcock’s birthday, he would be 65. yrs. old today, it’s been a warm beautiful sunshiny day. I was out side some today, hung the bedding out & aired it, took care of hens & gave the birds a good bath & cleaned there cages good. did dishes, made up beds & wiped up dust & got the supper ready just as Elbert got here, he worked all day & is to tired tonight, he’s been on the roof all day. Wind went N.E. about 2.30.p.m K& tonight it’s back to S.W.
Tue. april. 29. 1947./ 8. eggs today/ Elbert went to work & worked all day. Was nice this morning but terrible strong wind could hardly get out & in the back door I slept untill 11-a-m, or I laid there all night & just got to sleep when Elbert got up & got ready to go to work, then I get up when he leaves, or when he’s ready to leave & hook the door & this morn. I over slept after I went back & laid down, I even heard the postman’s car stop at the box & I turned over to get up & fell into a heavy sleep. When a heavy knock sounded on the door, I thought it was Elbert, for he hadn’t felt like going to work, but as I loooked out I see it was a man with a light coat & hot I got into part of my clothes & as he was leaving I hit the window & he came back, I got dressed & let him in.
Tue. April.29. 1947./ page. 1076./ only 8. eggs this day/ it was mr. Glass the man that sends my check from the Soldiers & Sailors Releif commission, he said he had been sent to check up on me, I said what have I done, wrong? & he said, some one thought I ought to have lots to live on since the court awarded me $8.500 in 1936. for the damages of that wreck I had in 1934. Well, he said what could I tell him about where all that money went to, I did the best I could, I told him, I was told that they settled for 5.000 & that the lawyer got half of that & my neice got 5.hundred of the 2,500. that was left & 14 hundred was paid for my morgage & the interest on it & a few small bills & the wittnesses one 200 hundered & one 100 hundred & the others not so much & the Dr.s bills & bill for bone pictures & a bankruptcy $50.00 but he could go to the court house & to keep the lawyer & find out the whole thing, that I don’t have any money only what they give me, except what little we have left from the eggs we sell, after we pay for there feed & that we couldn’t live if we did have that little we gain from the eggs, so, then he wanted to know all Elbert’s affairs to, how much he had earned since Nov. up untill now, so I told him he had tried to get compensation, & they said he only had in 19 weeks not enough to get it, they have to have 21 or 22 weeks in. so, then, I showed him Elberts pay en-velops & told him Why Elbert can’t work steady any more was because of the 2 severe sunstrokes he had had & several slight ones in between the bad one’s & he can’t work in the real hot weather & he had tried, then he ask how old he was & I said he’ll be 65. the 6th of Dec., then he ask how old I was & I said 62. Jan.16. this yr., then he ask did Elbert have any money or property I told him he had no money, but he did have 2 lots in Lorain, then he ask how much they were worth, I don’t know, I said, but he paid 8 hundred & fifty dollars or 9 hundred I didn’t remember which, for them. he wanted know how big they were & I said 66 ft. front & 150 back, I thought. then he ask how much do you own & I said 5 and 63/100ths acres & 2 sides are hill & a little flats below. & then what was the taxes & I said 5.72, per half yr. he said he was sorry to have to ask me all those things, but that, was his job.
Tue. April. 29. 1947./ page 1077./ 8. eggs this day/ & he was working for the commission & that he felt I should have the check for Mr. but another fellow had got things in an uproar about that money that the court awarded me, so now, they are going to delve in to that & see that I haven’t got any money or didn’t squander any that I did get. Such a world, No wonder Jesus will soon be coming, for if he didn’t we might soon get killed for telling the truth. Oh God have mercy on our souls & I thank Thee for ans. my prayer & now, I pray Thou will help me to have enough to live on for I have kept nothing back. I’d like enough to pay my bills & buy what little I need to eat & wear untill Jesus comes & I al-so pray for their souls that, they will know Thee & all my brothers sisters, their children & their childrens children my friends who are few & neighbors, Amen. It started to rain at 1-p-m.& we had several good showers, but Elbert said it only started in Lorain at 4-p-m. he’s terrible tired & so am I for I did half the wash-ing. & carried 3 pails water & did out side chores & inside. & got supper, got everything dry but wool skirt. Elbert’s in bed & I sure wish I was in mine also.
Wed. April 30. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Elbert felt so bad, his joints has such pains in them & so we rested this morning untill, he took a notion to go to Huron & get some fish, but they didn’t go out to lift today. so he got some boiling meat & came back, he fix the step that was broke at the front door & did a few light jobs & took care of hens, I set bread, took care of bedrooms & Kitchen & meals, I made soup; I baked 2 loaves and one tin of bread & one little loaf in a flat coffee can. & 2. cakes & I put some frosting on them, just one layers, I took a can of soup, the tiin of biscuits & one cake to nellie Bonita & the child-ren. Bonney Bell had gone to see about a job in Brecksvill but would be home later tonight. I took some daffidills to Nellie to. She said she had been out in the Kitchen to eat twice, but, that it made her sweat terribly she’s terribly weak, she was glaad to see us, & sorry to se us go. We stopped at Miss Clark’s in Vermilion & gave her the little loaf of bread & ask her to go with us, & whe did & she said she enjoyed the trip, but it tires me, it was about 8-p-m or little past when we got home after we
Wed. April.30. 1949. [she means 1947] /page. 1078./ 9. eggs this day./ left Miss Clark at her door. We had soup & a cup of green tea when we got here. Bonita gave me a box of green tea & it sure tasted good. It rained hard several times today & while we were there, then it cleared a little on our way home Elbert brought us down 21.st. street part way & then toward the lake on Levit st. to lake & toward the West on main highway passed Elyria water works to the new building where he has been working & drove in to show us where he had been working on the roof & side toward the highway. Then we came on home. The wind has been strong from S.W.
Thurs. May 1. 1947./12 eggs today/ Elbert worked all day, but his knees are worse tonight & he can’t hardly get up or down. The sun shone this morning with a south wind or breeze, that got ot be strong by one oclock, I put the bed pillows out on the cloth line this morning but got them in after the wind started to freshen up. I opened the basement windows to & shut them about 3-p-m. & the bed-room windows all so & coop doors & window & toilet door & had opened & fastened car shed doors for Elbert, thinking he might get here before it rained, but , he didn’t, but he was glad the doors were opened, It thundered hard & lightened after, the wind eased up. Wind sure did blow I felt the house shudder & it felt as if it lifted a little. God took care of it & me & Elbert & his car. I thank Him & love Him He’s my All in this world, & just now I had to stop writing to Praise Him as the Power went from my head to my feet, Glory Hallelujah, Glory to God in the Highest, Glory, Glory, Glory. Well it sure poured rain & it cleared a little & tonight it gave us an other shower since dark, I did the ironing today besides all the other odds & end. & I got supper & did the dishes & got everything ready for morning. I was out in the park & looked at the trees & took some of the leaves off the iris the old leaves from the trees had packed down 3 or 4 inches thick over them. the half of the Apricot tree is white with blossoms & the cheery tree & several peach trees & pear trees are in bloom. One little peach tree, just a whip about 3 ft. high north of the house has several blossoms On it & some in the jpark that are only 4 ft. are in bloom. Warm out today.
Fri. May.2. 1947./ page 1079./ 12 eggs today/ Elbert went to work & he & another man was sent into Lorain to fix a big gate between two buildings, then, back to the apartment house (that is to be a Dr’s Clinic, and not an apartment house) as they had thought. So Elbert is terrible tired & his legs & back pain him so bad he could hardly get relaxed before going to bed. Well, I feel rather tired myself tonight I have to look after hens when he is gone, besides my birds 7 my regular house work, I did some more washing today & carried 3 pails of water & it’s two much I couldn’t finish the washing my feet have pained me so bad today. I got another book from DeHaan today. It’s sure good, I had figured it out in my simple minded way, on the same order, but he puts it together in a way you or even a child could understand it. I feel the Power as the masses pray & Praise God for His Tender Mercys & Kindness & I Pray for His Chosen people & His lands & it’s wonderful how he rules the World. I pray He will forgive me a sinner & find me worthy, for I love Only Him. Wind was S. untill 4-p-m. it went N. & I don’t know where it is tonight Elbert said they had a heavy shower this after noon in Lorain. Oh God help us to turn to Thee with all our heart in Jesus Name.
Sat. May. 3. 1947./ 11. eggs today/ Elbert don’t work on Sat. so, today he went to Lorain & made a payment on his car engine & paid 5.00 he had borrowed of Moore & Myers then he hurried back to Vermilion & got a big box of lettuce trimming & came on home, aate a lunch & got ready to go to Huron to see if he could get some fish. I got my check for May this morning & I signed it so he could cash it for me, and he did & he got a few fish for dinner tomorrow & supper tonight & he got a new pail (white enamel) for the well water he dropped the other one & it leaks bad, I had mended it once before but this time the iron cement don’t seem to hold He dropped the other one full of water on the concrete & knocked most the granit off inside and out side of the bottom. I haven’t done much to day, done my daily round & mended his union suit & 3 prs. socks & my old wash dress & I did clip off a few fines but it started to rain, so I come in & worked a bit in here, my feet’s been bad today. I ironed Elbert’s
Sat. May. 3. 1947./ page 1080./ 12. eggs this day./ work shirt he onlyl has 2. & so I have to get it washed & ironed but when it gets warm, he’ll have to get some more that are lighter weight, these are so heavy it’s hard for me to wash & wring them by hand. It rained hard after he got back from Huron & then gave us several showers later, just May showers. it’s been a beautiful Spring day, just a little to cool with out a jacket. Rev. DeHaan believes as I do that Jesus will be coming very soon, all things are shaping up just as the bible has told us they would & soon the terrible battle of Armigidon Oh God, Please help us to turn to Thee with all our hearts before it is forever to late I ask in Jesus Name Amen. I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus & I love only Thee all the Glory Truly belongest to Thee.
Mon. May. 5. 1947./ 13. eggs today/ Elberts back is bad he can’t get up or down without groaning, took cold in his hip joints again. Well I got dinner & then went to Vermilion with Elbert Well I set my bread before we went & mixed it into a hard loaf & it had started to raise before we got started we went to the minister’s home & gave her a couple of pieces of goods I had left from my dresses for her to make the little girl some dresses of, she said Loletta was ___ yrs. old today & she was glad to get the pieces I wasn’t going up but she wanted me to because Mr. & Mrs. Bueser were there, so I went up & in & shook hands & returned
Mon. May.5. 1947./page 1081./ 13. eggs this day./ greetings they had come to ask our preachers to go back to Am-herst with them for something or other, & were waiting for Rev. Gurney who was gone some place. I only stayed a few minutes & then we went to see Mrs. Sprunk she’s been having a bad cold, said she went to the convention at Ackron but had to come home she felt so bad, she was all doped up with greese & the house so hot you couldn’t hardly breath. I gave her some daffodils & she said she loved flowers. Well, we talked a few minutes & I ask her why she didn’t have some of the church folks pray for her & she said she didn’t think of it. I told her I’d been praying for her & she said she new some one had. Well, we went on over to Miss. Clark’s & she said she took her sister over to Miller’s & then came back to church & then after we went to the Alter to pray she went to Millers & they had a lunch & tea & then went home after it stopped raining, so it must have been late unless it stopped there before it did here & it poured down all our way home last night & it rained a fine misty rain most of today & been cool & damp air. Elbert got his pants he had them cleaned & press-ed cost 55 cents & that’s cheaper than I could do them. then he did the shopping, got some boiling meat & sack of flour & can of crisco, crisco cost $1.43 cents for 3. lbs. terrible. it rained all way home & the bread was ready to put in loaves so I made. 2 & one tin of bicusits & stired up a cake made 2 12 in. tins full. & did up dishes & emptied slop pail & cleaned bird cages & covered them up & now I’m going to read a bit & then I’m going to bed. I got supper to, after I got bread in pans. Wish I was in bed now, I bathed “or rubbed ” Elbert’s back & bowels in alcohol he’s sore clear through. I sent to Rev. De Haan for 2. books on Palistine & he sent the (Sign of the Times.) Not much breeze & raining 11-p-m.
Tue. May.6. 1947./10 eggs today/ Elbert’s knee is badly swollen & his back is so bad he can hardly get up or down We went to DeVore & got some herbs & I steeped them & he has taken some I do hope they will help him. he feels
Tue. May.6. 1947./ page 1082./ 10. eggs this day/ so bad & not able to work. I trimed the grapes on the racks in the back yard & did a little more on Wisteria vine. & it has sprinkled several times this after noon. Sun shone this morning & it’s been raining in showers all evening, & late tonight. I dug some dandelines for greens & cleaned & cooked them. It’s not very chilly out, just damp. I gave Mr. & Mrs. DeVore on of the India Lillie bulbs, they were real pleased with it, they like flowers, I let them take one of De Haans books. (called, The signs of the Times.)
Wed. May.7. 1947./10. eggs. today/ Well, I received a card this a.m. from Erie County Soldiers & Sailors Releif Commission from Basil I. Glass & County Veterans Service Officer, Office 4the Floor Court House, Sandusky Ohio. Looks as if the old folks in this country who are not able to take care of them selves are supposed to do, as they had to in China. just die, if you can’t work & earn a living for your-self. I pray God will take a hand. for I don’t know what to do. We are going to Lorain in the Morning, God willing to see if we can find out through the Red Cross. Mr. Hauffman was here today, we told him about it, but he didn’t seem to know what to do either, he said he wrote to the (commission board) when he was here in Mar. & I told him they didn’t say any thing to me about it & that they didn’t send the money for Mar. either. Oh me, Only God Knows how I hat to, have to ask for help & be kicked, cuffed, scuffed out, laughed at & mocked in every way. It’s been a cold day, N.W. wind, sun came out a few times but not for very long. & it snowed a light shower this after noon. & they had a real squall in Chicago but it did not stay on the ground for long, they said over the radio they said there would be a frost tonight & farmers are getting worried, for they usually have there corn & oats in by this times and it’s so wet & ground is so soggy they can’t get anything done.
Thurs. May.8. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert went to see his bos Mr. Deitz & he gave him his check for one days pay, they had quite a visit & then we went to Red Cross to see what we could learn, then to Mr. Keep’s office & talked to Mr Shoultz, Keep’s padener in law, he took down all the details & said he’d have Mr. Keep fix things up & that he would mail it to me & I could take
Thurs. May. 8. 1947. page. 1083. /11. eggs today. / or send them to the commission or releif board, & both he & the red Cross advised me to write to Governer Burton, Washing D.C. So that’s next. We wenet over to see Nellie she was out to the table to have a lunch & said she was hungry & that Bonita was having the same trouble in getting help & she has 3. children to take care of & feed. does begin to look as if they are going to try to starve us to death on this sid, now. I have ask God’s help & I’m going to believe He will help me in His own way. We came back to Lorain & Elbert went to Dr. Siffling & he also got him to take care of his in-surance papers, I’ll have to keep tab on that or he wont send them in. He’s always in such a hurry to get started, if we’re going anywhere in the car & my nerves are so wrought up some times & I ask& he said, Oh yes, come on, if you’re going, well, we had supper of fish & potatoes & bread & coffee & got hens fed & everything locked up again & shut off the stoves & he said yes, & I said, it seems as if we ought to do something yet & he said you’re late now, hurry up. so I locked front door & we left for prayer meeting. I had found a telegram on the back step when we got home & Georgia May Snyder came ouver & said her father had taken the message over the telephone, a night letter from Shirley Glover saying (Flora) her mother had passed away at noon May 7.th. that was yesterday (Wed.) I always loved her dearly & now Shirley is left alone, poor girl I’d like to have gone to her, but, I can’t So I wrote her a letter to comfort her & thank her for the message,. it was so nice of her to let me know. I had a dream a long time a go about Flora, Bert, Frank & I & she & I slept
Thurs. May. 8. 1947./ page. 1084./ 11. eggs this day/ in a bed in a rickity old room, board floor & all loose & we saw the 2 men talking & they would-n’t listen to us, so we took our suit cases & went through a door into a hall & across to the other side to a office window where we were given a ticket each with the number of a room on it & hers was away down most to the end so far she looked like a little girl when she got there, she opened her door, looked back & waved her hand & went in I went back to the woman in the office & ask if it would be possible for us to be closer together & she said, I’m sorry but she will be leaving long before you, you may get to see her again. my room was second from the office & as Flora & I found it, she said, mine must be a long ways down & I’ll come back & see you by & by. & now she has left. God help me to keep close to Thee, that my soul will meet Thee before long. Well we Elbert & I went to prayer meeting & home again to find, Elbert had put the meat on to boil & we had left it boiling & it had all burned up but the bone & the house so full of smoke, we opened & the house still stinks of burnt bones. Now we must go to bed, I ought to wash clothes in-the morning It snowed yesterday & today & tonight & it’s cold, the fire feels good. N.W. wind & gone N.E. tonight.
Fri. may. 9. 1947./ 12. eggs today./ Elbert feels a little better today but not as good as usual, it’s been a cold raw wind it backed up to the west last night, the sun came out, it was warm where the wind didn’t hit, Well, tomorrow, they will lay poor Flora away & I loved her so My heart goes out to Shirley I loved her & hope She will always love me. I did out half the washing & if God will give me as much strength tomorrow, hope to get the rest done. & wipe up the floor & iron my slip & Elberts shirt. Radio says killing frost tonight & it’s cold & no breeze to speak of. Radio said a lot of fruit has been frozen the last to nights but I hope we don’t get it tonight, my year bood I keep of the Christmas days says frost last night of May
Fri. May.9. 1947./page 1085./ 12 eggs this day./ Elbert cleaned the beef kettle today but the house still stinks like old burnt bones, he hung out 8 or 10- pieces of clothing on the line for me & they really got dry. We will have to fast now, for a while may be more than less. We ought to clean the hen coop tomorrow for we are to get the baby chicks next Wed. May 14.th. & that will be quite a job to take care of them & get them big enough & healthy & in laying condition & the park fence is falling to pieces & we have to put up another if we can get the money to get one, I pray God will help me. I love Him, He’s so good to me to, Praise Him.
Sat. May.10. 1947./ 11 eggs today. / I washed my dress, Elbert’s heavy work shirt & one blanket & my rags & got a lunch & washed up all the dishes some from last night & then I dug a pail of greens & washed them in 4. pails of water then I fried fish for supper. Elbert went at 10-a-m up to Huron & he worked for some fish & got 38. pike 2. white fish & 2. catfish, while I dug & washed the greens, he dressed the fish & washed & scrapped them out & I salted them all. then I packed a few in a pan for the preachers & done up a good bunch for Nellie & put half the greens in a kettle for us & took the other half in pail for Nellie, We left at 7-p.m. for Nellie’s & & got back 15 to 10-p-m. & we’re both to tired. they were so happy to have the fish, I took 2 pieces of white fish & 1. of catfish that I had fried, it was warm yet, when we got there, Bonita had just finished giving the children a bath & putting there nighties on them & Nelson Kissed us good night after drinking a glass of milk & he went up stairs to bed, but Nellie ate the fried fish & fed the twins part of it, then they washed there hands & faces once more & kissed us all good night & climbed up stairs to bed. Poor Flora was laid away to day at 2. p-m. Oh God have mercy on our souls. Bonita gave me a roll of life saver candy & passed the box of chocolates she bought for her mother for tomorrow is mothers day, she paid a 1.00 for a lb. box. Nellie can hardly keep from crying when we get there & when we leave. We got a small boiling piece when we got in Vermilion & I have it cooking for morning. The Ministers were glad for the fish, Miss Brown is there to, there baby, Garry Black & one of Mrs. Hornings boy’s so they have quite a family. I thank God in Jesus Name for taking & bringing us safly. & for all our many blessing today. & that He is and ever will be & I wish I was, like Him, Clean pure strong in faith. I ironed my slip & Elbert’s shirt before going to bed.
Sun. May. 11. 1947./ page.1086./ 10. eggs tonight/ It’s been a beautiful day, N. West wind, but light drying away in after noon & freshening up a little toward dark & dying out again at dark. We went to Church & sunday school & went to Young peoples meeting & Church tonight. Today was mothers day & they gave the oldest mother (Mrs. Hambly’s mother) a plant all in bloom, it was a large pot & full of flowers deep pink, I think it was what they call a Cyclamen & she sat up in front in a big easy chair during, preaching, she was so pleased with the plant. then they gave Mrs. Smith a 5 lb box of candy with a red carnation on it & tied with pretty ribbons, that was for being there tonight with her seven children. & we had a good sermon in plain language, the church ws full, very near, with children & older folks. & Miss Lauise Brown a young flaxen haired girl who has been a missionary in Affrica, was there also tonight, she’s having a rest (or she is supposed to be having a rest) Brother & Sister Gurney are going on a vacation for a week & Miss Brown is taking over untill they come back. I praise God for all things. Poor dear Flora has been laid away since Sat. afternoon. The sun was hot today & it’s a lot warmer out, today.
Mon. May.12.1947./ 11. eggs today/ Elbert & I cleaned half the hen house today the N. half. it’s lots to much for me to do any more he did the most by taking out all the loose things & he shoveled up the sand & straw & got it out side I swept the ceiling, sides & floor & he managed to do the spraying this time, & there’s just as much more to do on the other end & we have to get sand & straw, & we should get the baby chicks day after tomorrow I’ve talked & talked, but not a move untill today & a talk on money matters. Oh I just don’t know what to do, for they have decide I don’t need to live & have sent me a card saying I wouldn’t get any more, seem to be as kind about it as Mrs. Brode. if you can’t earn a living, just sit down & die, no one will do anything to help you, God is truth & I pray He will help me. It’s been a very warm day. I had a queer spell in Church Sun & another one after we had finished in the coop. Sun set white tonight. The wind was south west all day & puffy sky full of wind scids.
Tue. May.13. 1947./ 11 eggs today./ I got a letter from A. Keep (lawyer) in Lorain & I don’t understand his letter. I’m going to keep the letter, or make a copy of it, if I have to give it to any one else to help me. & I am writing a card to Glass & one to Mr. Ausmur.
Tue. May.13.1947./page. 1087./ 11. eggs this day. /Gertie’s birthday 59. yrs. / this is the copy of Mr. Keeps letter. Dear madam, According to the records in our office your accident case was settled and distribution made on November 6, 1937. On the 20th day of April 1938 a petition in bank-ruptcy was filed for you in District Court of the United States being for the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division and known as Case number 14484. In said bankruptcy action your liabilities were listed as $5142.72 and your assets as $330.00. A certificate of bankruptcy was subsequently approved. If any further information is needed our files concerning your case are available for inspection to you or any other person that you authorize us to show them. Very truly yours, Keep & Scholz. By Stanley R. Scholz. (S.R.S.reg.) Well, Keep told me I only had $50.00 left & that would be enough to go through the Bankruptcy case, that it wouldn’t cost me any more than that he said when the money was turned over to him he had put it in his wife’s banking account & he didn’t tell me why only that it would be the best way. for him to draw it to pay the wittnesses & exray pictures & such. There seems to be a niger in the fence some where. If the Releif knows there is, they know more than I do & it does seem when a person is on releif there would be some one to look into such things & to tell them us what to, do, if we had to do some other way. I pray God will help me. Elbert worked in Lorain on 19th St. today & he is sure tired tonight. It rained all morning & broke up this afternoon, but we got rain again just about 5-30 & again at 9-p-m. Elbert was working inside taking up old flooring & taking off some siding they are making a new Vestabule for a woman who has 90 thousand dollars. (he was told) a widow & she drives her own car & looks after all her own interests & Elbert says she looks the picture of health. Well, I did the washing it was to wet to do the coop job. Elbert thinks they wont bee working tomorrow for they are out of lumber. Sand will be wet now, to, & we have to get sand & straw & pitch to putty up mice holes. & I have to make Elbert some sleeper pants & patch big chair cover & do some darning & mend a pr. of blankets. Winds been S. west all day & yesterday. I dried most the clothes out side after dinner, hot wind & strong.
Wed. May. 14. 1947./ page 1088./ 11 eggs this day./ Elbert worked all day & he brought the straw tonight. I did an other bad thing today sprayed the other half of the coop today & thats all the work I’ve done except shaking up the bed & airing the rooms & making the beds taking care of birds & hens & cooking the supper. I’m lots to tired. & so is Elbert he worked hard to day putting on siding & roofing using the hammer all day untill his hand & arm aches tonight. been mostly cloudy damp N.E. wiind or breeze chilly tonight. We still have a fire and it feels good tonight. I thank God for our many blessing & Praise Him in Jesus name and wish I were as clean & pure & good as He is & ever will be. Glory to His Name, Glory, Glory, Hallalujah, glory to God.
Sat. May 17. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ My wed, annaversary. 27. yrs today we were married in Elyria & just such a day as today
Sat. May.17. 1947./page. 1089./ 11. eggs today./ only it didn’t rain, was sort of misty & then cleared of & that is it was mostly cloudy with no mist. We got on the same street car with brother Fred Bonney & he never sermised, never even dreamed for a second that I would get married & after word, he wanted to know why we didn’t go home with him, We would have only, he lived with his in-laws & we didn’t know if we’d be welcome, but we learned later, we would have been, now Fred [Fred Bonney, 1886-1957, Elinor’s brother] his father in law[ ______ Noderer, Fred’s wife] & Uncle Bert (by marriage)[____?] are all laid to rest & our father & Uncle Will [William Wheeler, 1854-1944, Elinor’s maternal uncle] & Aunt Edith [Edith Wheeler, 1884-1949, Elinor’s maternal aunt] all so & my brother in law (Sister Nellie’s husband) [John McKinley Harnish, 1896-1946] & Nellie is in bad condition, she can hardly get around. We went to her home today & had lunch with her & Bonita [Bonita Eddy, 1923-1995, Elinor’s neice] & the 3 . children [twins, George Henry, 1943-1980 & Bonita Mae Eddy, called “Pinky”, 3/8/ 1943-2019, & Nelson Kay Eddy, 1945-alive, 2021, Elinor’s great neice and nephews, Bonita was also to go on to have another set of twins by a second husband]. Bonita had gone to the store & she didn’t have much to eat when she came home only what she could carry in a shopping bag & it wasn’t full. We only took them a few apples & 2 big sweet onions, Nellie looked pleased with the onions, She said no one had been there all the week & she had been wondering if we had forgot to come, she’s just begining to realize what sort of mess she’s in, now, no money to do a thing with & every thing going to rack & ruin & no John to work & keep things going. Well, I’m sorry for her, but I can’t help her either & the only thing we can do is go see her as often as we can. George (Bonita’s husband)[George Henry Eddy Sr., 1922-1995, Elinor’s brother-in-law] don’t help her & she’s worried most to death. We spent an hr. or so there & then got the chicks & came home brooder was nice & warm & Chicks just got settled when we see a rat in the coop so we had to gather up the chicks & bring them all back to the house & we’ll have to get the rat or rats now before putting them back. such a job. but we’ll have to work now for they cost 23.14 with the starting mash, & that’s a lot of money. S.W. breeze tonight & has rained in showers all day. We are both lots to tired. & I wanted to go to Church in the morning so much but don’t know if we can now. it still raining in heavy showers I took Nellie some lilacs.
Sun. May. 18. 1947./ 10 eggs today./ Mostly cloudy today & we been home all days. 2. School from Cleveland were out studdying wild birds today & I had a nice visit with them & sold them 2. doz. eggs. & they went to the hen house & saw the baby chicks. We have taught them just today to go under the hover & tonight they all went under by them selves. & I pray they will be O.K. untill morning. & that the rat isn’t there. for we don’t know where he could
Sun. May. 18. 1947./ page. 1090./ 10. eggs this day. / have got out Elbert fixed every place he or I thought a rat could get through. I hope he got out side. We didn’t hear him today but I thought I saw him going down the outside of the window I pray God will take care of them for us, the hens are a lot of help toward our living. Elbert still has 244.00 dollars to pay on his car engine, at the bank & if he don’t work steady it’s going to be hard to get it paid since they have taken mine away. Well, the rain came down in heavy showers all night last night but breeze has gone N.W. today & it’s a little cooler tonight, Elbert said he thought it looked like rain again tonight. We have had to much but I hope it don’t get to dry during the summer months. I didn’t get out to church all day or tonight but, pray God will take a good crowd to Church. Our regular preachers have gone away for a weeks rest & Miss Louise Brown a missionary preacher is filling in.
Mon. May.19. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Elbert got up & went out back & his back was hurting him so he could hardly move with out yelling or moaning. I felt about the same way only, I am so terrible tired, he got back into the house O.K. & into bed. I got up & bathed his back & heat apiece of flannel & put it on his back after I rubbed it with alcohole, then I went to hen house & took care of baby chicks, then came back & made Elbert hot coffee & hot pan cakes & fried the last of the salt pork & he came out & ate & after the postman came we got ready & flew off to town, I left my shoes to have soles put on them & we got 4. fish & sold 2. doz. eggs to Mrs. West for 55 cents per. doz. she told me her husband was in Lorain living with a woman that was her girl friend for 20 yrs. & she wont let West have a divorse, she said her Eddy son’s wife had a baby boy, Sun. [? why she put Eddy here] Well, I went up to Miss Clarks & she had to tell me all about the last week & the preacher & her sister & that she hadn’t had much sleep & that maybe the preachers are going to make another shift, she said they didn’t get enough to eat & that don’t sound very good for the church, the other, preacher’s wife was wasteful & so these haven’t had enough. I’m trully greived about that. Miss. Clark took 1. doz. eggs. 55cents. then we went to the mill &
Mon. May. 19. 1947./ page 1091./ & got the bale of straw Elbert had paid for & he paid the coal bill & we went to the preachers & left them a doz. eggs, no charge & to Martins store for boiling meat & 3. slices pork shoulder. & A.P. Store for bag of scratch grain (4.59). & carrots & back home again & Elbert looked after chicks while I got potatoes boiled & pork fried & tea made & I washed up what dirty dishes there were while dinner was cooking. We ate & he cleaned the 4. fish. I did my bedroom work this morning & made up beds when I got back home. did my usual house work took care of birds & chicks & thank God I’ve been able to get it done it rained before supper, been cloudy most of the day not cold. Wind backed up to S.W.est & the sun looked white.
Tue. May. 20. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Well, it’s been cloudy mostly all day. & I been most to tired to live & such arguements over things useless, I can’t understand all the exences twisted & turned & then denied, the devil is surely a terrible beast. and, all thorough I want to do all the things & do them right and like God wants me to, yet I’d be so glad to get a-way from all the wickedness if only I could. Oh God have mercy & help us to both live & work for Thee, in Jesus Name I ask. & help people to come to Church & love the Lord, It sure hurts to hear them snear & mock & know they will have to be paying an eternity for it, in such torment by & by. Oh may God have mercy & help, before its to late, forever to late. I haven’t done much of anything today & we have a cold N. east wind & colder tonight. Well, I did patch Elbert’s union suit a terrible job all the uper part of back.
Wed. May. 21. 1947./ 11. eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron to see if he could get some fish, but no luck, & it poured rain in heavy showers most all day from S. West & then N. West, this after noon. & tonight it’s south or S.W. & it was starlight Mon. & Tue. night & is tonight, & sky full of wind clouds in the N.W. tonight with a new moon for the north, Well, Elbert says, they are getting ready to build the new Huron traffic bridge, got some of their work sheds up for office & tools. I baked 2 big tins of biscuits & one raisin loaf. & did half the washing & got it most all dry & took care of birds & did my usual house work & I’m sure tired. Snyder’s field looks like a river or big, big. pond. I do thank God for the wonderful amount of strength He gives to me, on the small amount of food & rest I get I have rubed Elbert’s back & bowels in alcohol every night to & my arms are so tired.
Thurs. May. 22. 1947. / 1092./ .10. eggs today. / Oh how I thank God in Jesus Dear Name for answering prayer, I ask Him to fill Elbert’s fish baskets with good fish & He filled one with white fish & one with catfish & 2 pike, so, I had finished the washing while he was gone & was dead tired & ached all over, but, I thanked God for those fish & that we could take them to those Who were in need of them I turned to & helped dress them I scaled & cleaned the 10 white fish & 2 pike while Elbert skined & cleaned 10 catfish, then, he washed them all in another clean water & wrinsed them. while I got the supper, he cleaned the brooder lamp & fixed the hover for night & fed the hens & locked up all the 3. doors. I got washed & dressed while the supper cooked. I had sorted & rapped the fish & took the things we wanted to take to Nellie & put them together I took soome bread biscuits, a piece of raisin bread & a plater of fried fish for we only ate a piece each before we left so Nellie had been in bed for a few days, but, she got up & ate with us Bonita made coffee & we all ate together while the children played with the neighbor children in the yard, they had, had there supper. Bonita had washed today & she was tired to, & poor Elbert is so tired, & his bowels are so sore & back aching & legs hurting him so & he drove clear over there & back to Church & I went in to prayer meeting & Miss Brown was there, she said she’d been working for Mrs. Martin cleaning to earn a little money & was so tired & she was so happy, when she, got out the bath tub & found the fish on the stairs & she cooked some & really filled up & felt better after supper. & Miss. Clark said she to, had fish for her supper, & she was so glad to have them. She’s queer & one doesn’t always know how she feels about things. We had a wonderful meeting & only so few there 8. or 10. children Tom & his wife Lindy & his wife & baby Mrs. West & Mrs. Sprunk Miss Clark (Grandma) Mrs. Hambly’s mother Miss Brown & myself but I felt God’s Power & Know He was there, The sermon was about Salmon & the loins Carcus & the honey (Judges Chap. 14. first 9 verses.)
Samson’s Marriage14 Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman. 2 When he returned, he said to his father and mother, “I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get her for me as my wife.”3 His father and mother replied, “Isn’t there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people? Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife?”But Samson said to his father, “Get her for me. She’s the right one for me.” 4 (His parents did not know that this was from the Lord, who was seeking an occasion to confront the Philistines; for at that time they were ruling over Israel.)5 Samson went down to Timnah together with his father and mother. As they approached the vineyards of Timnah, suddenly a young lion came roaring toward him. 6 The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told neither his father nor his mother what he had done. 7 Then he went down and talked with the woman, and he liked her.8 Some time later, when he went back to marry her, he turned aside to look at the lion’s carcass, and in it he saw a swarm of bees and some honey. 9 He scooped out the honey with his hands and ate as he went along. When he rejoined his parents, he gave them some, and they too ate it. But he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the lion’s carcass]
She said out of all the terrible burdens & sorrows came at length God’s peace, Joy, quite & comfort for all
Thurs. May. 22. 1947./page.1093./ 10. eggs this day. / things work out for the good and Glory of the Lord. Praise His Holy Name. Glory to God in the Highest, I Praise the Lord. It was a beautiful day, all day Nice sun, S. breeze. Nellie gave me a bunch of her French lillacs, dark purple. I thank God for giving me a refilling of the spirit & of more strength in my body & I’m trusting for this healing of bone & body in Jesus name. Amen. Bless the Lord Oh my soul
Fri. May. 23. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert put up another post for the mail box the post man knocked the other one over this morning. If that mail box could talk it sure could tell some great stories, some (a few ) good ones & a lot of bad & terrible one’s & just to think, God has seen & knows them all, as He sees & Knows each thing we do or think or say, Oh, how careful we ought to be. I darned 3. prs. socks & cought up a few runs in mine. My flesh has been swollen all over me today & yesterday but they prayed for me last night & I know God heard & He Knows my condition & He Know my impatience to be ride of my trouble, I pray He will help me in all the ways I need, I’m trusting for the healing. believeling He will deliver me in Jesus Name, I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for Thou has promised and I’m standing on Thy promises. This has been a real hot day with sun & S. wind. We have lost 6. baby chicks out of what we had. Elbert is feeling better again I have rubed his back & bowels with alcohol every night & put hot flanel on his back.
Sat. may. 24. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Vermilion, his back back still hurts him rather bed, & while he was gone 2 1/2 hrs. I swept & wiped up his bedroom floor & Kitchen floor, then we had dinner & after that I ironed the table clothe, my 2 house dresses, the big chair cover Elbert’s shirt & a couple of squares that mash came in & then rested a few minutes & mended holes in the braided rug, Elbert looked after the supper while I picked a big bunch of lillies of the Valley then we ate then we went out & cleaned the little chicks & got them ready for bed then I picked up the eggs & came in & cleaned bird cages & looked after there wants. I made the beds before I sewed the rug & some time after supper put the clothes away & laid out my clean ones to put on in the morning. & I have my bath
Sat. May.24. 1947./ page 1094./ 10. eggs this day/ The wind’s been N. East since yester-day & we had a couple of very light showers today been a nice May day sunshine & showers & tonight at 9-p-m it rained quite hard. I thank God for giving me strength for all the many things I have got done today, dishes all done & I’m ready for the Church in morning.
Sun. May 25. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain drew his one day’s pay & paid for the gas tank 8.74 & some odd 75 cents. & 1.20 for light bill so 10.00 from 14.85 don’t live much to exist on, & we don’t know where any more is coming from. I received ans. to my letter to the Red Cross, Sat. & they said a woman would call on me Tue. after noon so tomorrow after noon, I suppose. I hope they will find a way to help me. Elbert thinks he’ll try to work again tomorrow, if it don’t rain, it’s a porch floor they have to lay on the north side, on the bank of the lake & the wind has gone on to the N. West mostly cloudy all day & cold tonight. We have lost 7 baby chicks so far, they are growing good, there were a few weak one’s & they are gone all but 3. & they are lively but small. & they will be 2. weeks old Wed. May 28. I haven’t done only my usual work all day, I haven’t felt able to do that. The lillies of the Valley are thick & such a big patch of them. I have picked 3 big bunches of them & it don’t show where I’ve picked Would like to get some seeds in the ground this week, yet.
Tue. May. 27. 1947./ 11. egg today/ Was beautiful, the sun was bright all morning, but clouded up & rained at 3.p.m. & came in heavy showers all evening. Elbert went to work & worked all day & his knee is bad tonight & his back & he is terrible tired, lame & sore all over, he says he’s going back in the morning, but I’m wondering. I didn’t do a lot but
Tue. May 27. 1947./page 1095/ 11 eggs this day./ I did the little extras, Elbert does when he is home and so I’m tired. I pick another big bunch of lillies of the Valley & gave Bob Snyder [son of neighbor Bob Snyder, married to Georgia, live across street, they relay family crisis calls & telegrams to Elbert and Elinor] a bunch for his mother & I picked the rubarb & made sauce & the asparagus & got supper & took care of birds, hens & chicks & thank God all day
Wed. May. 28. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert went to work & stayed all day & run a nail in the ball of his foot, clear through his shoe into his foot, the woman in the house where they have been working, use to be a nurse, so she washed his foot & put some save on it & adhesive tape, it’s swollen tonight, but he says he’s going to work tomorrow if he can for Fri. is Decoration Day & they don’t work Sat. so he wants to get in Thurs. he has to make a payment on his car engine & he’s got to get enough together to pay his insurance & pay for coal. Well, the baby Chicks are 2. weeks old today & they are growing they fly on top the hover & they were trying for the top of the fence today, it’s interesting to watch them one would try 2 or 3 times & the rest would flap there wings & all laugh when he couldn’t make it, then another would try & so on, and then they all flaped there wings & ran on there toes around the pen & started eating mash again & drinking & I gave them a good feed of oats & some eggs came up missing today, if you don’t lock the door each time, that what happens. I baked 2. big tins of biscuits a little loaf in coffee can & one big loaf & did my daily doz. It was a fine morning with sunshine & cloudy afternoon, We had a thick fog for a little while this after noon about 2-30-p-m only lasted 1/2 hr. or so & the wind went N.E. radio said they had a heavy snow fall in Iowa, Chicago, & Wisconsin & 2 or 3 other states untill it bent bushes to the ground several places had terrible down fall of rain. & they say it’s going to 25 above zero tonght. Our basement is so wet & a stream runing through the middle it got real cold, shivery cold wind, rabbits were out feeding at 3-p-m. to day. grass is ft. high & Elbert has mowed the paths where we walk the most, it’s so wet out. I been thinking of Nellie but they don’t bother to write me.
Thurs. May 29. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert went to work. I did my usual round of work & took care of hens & chicks, I wanted to go to church tonight so bad, but Elbert’s tired most to death & his foot hurting him so, he didn’t feel able to drive 14 miles more, but he said he would if I said so. & I had a bad spell tonight & I’m still feeling weak I bumped one leg rather hard on the uper shin & it still hurts. It rained in a torr-ant after elbert left this morning he said he had got just to the high level bridge & he could hardly see to drive, he had 2 jobs to
Thurs. May. 29. 1947./ page. 1096./ 10 eggs this day./ day one on 29 St. & one down all most half way to Avon. one in a basement the other in an attic; He’s sure tired, went to bed early & is sleeping wish I could do that well I can’t seem to relax all over untill almost morning & I rest an hour or 2 after he goes then get up & get started again, some times as tired as when I went to bed & I haven’t been having enough to eat, so, I don’t have my strength. its been mostly cloudy & a terrible strong wind, blew lots of the fruit off the trees the whole twigs fruit & all & the ends of the little twigs or new leaves on the ends of the branches on the oak & all the trees, the apples & cheeries are as big as the end of my little finger & it blew lots of them off. S. west wind but little more N. west tonight. We enlarged chicks pen & they sure do like it. Wish I could have gone to church tonight, so much I pray God sent in 6 in my place & filled rest of Church.
Fri. May. 30. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Well today’s Decoration Day once more It’s been a beautiful day, Nice Sun, not to hot, not to cold with a nice light breeze N. east. I did the washing with Elbert’s help he carried the water & he washed his union suit & heavy work shirt & I have to get the pants he’s wearing washed tomorrow & get them pressed for Sun & Mon. they are part wool & he’s out of work clothes, pants, shirts & socks, yes, & shoes, overalls & hat. Well, it didn’t rain today, Radio said wind, 10 miles an hour Sat & 18 miles an hr. Sun. & tonight sky is full of wind clouds & there has been a lot of accidents & deaths today radio said. Oh God of Hosts, if people were only ready, if they would only stop & think of there soul before it’s forever to late Oh Dear Heaven Father help us to do more to help people wake up, Thou hast said the world would be going on as in the days of Noah & Thou didst give them a lot of time to change there ways & turn to thee, but still they wouldn’t heed Thy Voice, and it seems just as bad in these days, for people don’t read the Word (Thy Word) each day or try to do Thy will & Oh God it greaves me terribly, please reveal to me, how I can do more to help, & help my brothers & sisters, & their familys & my cousins to turn to Thee & alot of the folks who go to Church, that are afraid to trust Thy Word. I did my usual daily round of work.
Sat. May. 31. 1947./page. 1097./ 10. eggs today./ Beautiful day mild breeze Georgia Snyder washed a big wash today & she told me when she first came here to live that only a slutt done a washing on Sat. but mercy me how times have changes. I ironed today what I had washed yesterday. I swept & did my us-ual dutys I walked out about the yard & picked rhubard & looked after chicks & birds & cooked dinner & supper & doing dishes I made the rubarb sauce & took care of all the clothes & after listening to radio news now after ready my leson for Sun School & taking my bath I’m going to bed after prayers.
Sun. June. 1. 1947./ 12. eggs today./ We went to Sunday School & Church & today was communion Sun. It was a beautiful morning, but when we came out of Church at noon it was raining & kept at it all after noon in heavy down pours I picked a few lillies of the Valley, nice bunch & I made 2 tins of Baking Powder biscuits & a qt. of rhubard sauce & tonight I took them & a doz eggs to the preachers, they were eat out of food for supper, they had a colored preachers & 4 singers for supper & they sang church hyms, for the young folks & children & for the church folk tonight & they went over & sang for Harry Miller (Who is bed ridden) & after Church they were going to drive back to Ackron, then from there in a few days, to Dover. They are very good singers, they don’t have any help from musical insturments. 2. were black & 2 Chocolate. & they act out there songs. They are all Christians to. Praise God. It’s almost midnight & pouring rain yet. Elbert got a pt of cream & we had it & a cup of tea when we got home. We took Miss Clark home & 2. of the Smith children. I Praise Thee Jesus.
Mon. June.2. 1947./ 9. eggs. today./ Well, Elbert went to work, & it rained or poured all day in showers, he was inside laying floor & he’s sure is sure tired tonight, said he came through water hub deep & tonight it snowed little fine snow flakes. Wind was S. early this morning & went W. at noon & on to N. W. 2-30 or 3.p.m. & got colder Water’s been ankle deep & running over the hills in streams, Bills lot is like a pond & I believe they planted it Sun. to corn, God’s day of rest, there were just lots of people out planting gardens. We ought to have planted potatoes when the time was right in May, but, well, there were so many excuses we didn’t get it done, & there’s been no chance since. Radio said they had a slight earth quake in Ashtabula & Conneaut Ohio, but no severe damage was done as far as they new & tornado in Arkansas & floods in some places. I received a letter from Mrs Helen Greene this a.m. she said they had “what she called” a flash flood
Mon. June. 2. 1947./page. 1098. / 9. eggs this day./ said it was 2. yrs. in Aug since they had such a flood, & it seemed to bring in all the weed seed from the vacant lots, so she was busy cleaning house pulling weeds & trying to plant a garden, said she was feeling better than she had for a long time since she had cut out eating pork & a few other things that she don’t have gall stone spells any more, she said she see Frank Bonney [Elinor’s brother, 1890-1965] Ruby [Ruby Gillmore Bonney, 1893-1970. ] was living in the old hme place & then that Ruby had diabetis & she finished her letter by asking me what we could say for ourselves. she had been to ridge-hill & Elm Wood Cemeteries on Decoration day. Well I’m sure glad to hear she is getting so much better, she’s been sickly for so long. She said she hadn’t seen her sister since Jan. that she was coming to visit her soon & that they would have a lot to talk about. Queer World isn’t it? Oh. me. Well I took care of chicks & hens & birds & did my daily dozen & it sure was wet out side, we have a fire to keep the dampness & chill out, the water’s running through the basement like a river & since I can’t open the windows to dry it up, makes it damp & chilly up here. Elbert sold 3. doz. eggs to Mrs. Cranage & 1. doz. to Mrs. West. & Miss Clark had a doz. Sun. & I gave preachers a doz Sun. I had Elbert mail a card to Nellie today, he mailed it in Lorain.
Tue. June. 3. 1947./ 8. eggs today/ Martha [Martha Elizabeth Carlisle, born to Audrey Lelia Bonney Carlisle, born to Martha Jane Wheeler Bonney, 1912-______, Elinor’s niece] is 35 yrs. old today, I was in Ashtabula taking care of her & her mother. and neither of them think to even write me card, ever for I’m really old in their estamation. Well it’s been a nice day, cloudy this moring, but sun came out & it’s been a fine day. Martha was born at 2-a,m, & it was pouring rain, in torants, a robin was beat against the window & I opened the window took it, shut the window & put it in the bath tub & after Martha & her mother were O.K. I let the robin out it was dry & feeling frisky Audrey (M’s mother) was in a bed & she came through just fine, wish I could hop around now like I did in those days, then I could earn my own living & not have to be begging for help, I detest this sort of life, with all the kicks & cuffs, snears & abuse at this age. Well as the children & young folks. I think of My Dear Jesus day & night of all the abuse He had to take before He died on the Cross, for me and all Who are His, I have been getting a big taste of the abuse for 14 long years now, not counting the rest of my life, for even then, it was so unbearable I thought I couldn’t endure it, at times, but some
Tue. June. 3. 1947./page. 1099./ 8. eggs this day. / how in His own way Jesus leads us all the way Praises to His Holy Name. I’m trusting He will get me through this mess to some how, and I’ll thank Him & give Him the praise for ever & ever. Elbert worked all day he didn’t think he could & he don’t see how he can go tomorrow, but he’s going to try. he’s got about 4 hundred dollars to pay off before Winter I don’t know how he’s going to do that either, poor brother. I pray God will have mercy on us & help us, as He Knows how, tonight his union suit I mended so well was tore again clear acrossed the back, so, once more I have mended it, since he went to bed. I didn’t wash yet this week. I wrote another card today, for him to mail in the morning to the Red Cross. and I’m going to write a letter to Mr Miller also & maybe one to Govener Hurburt Washington D.C. I have done my daily daily today & am tired tonight.
Wed. June. 4. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ I did the washing & got it all done except 3 big pieces, can’t do them tomorrow for gas is gone. 8 days short this time, last time it was 2. days, they sure get it out of you one way or another. I had to use Electric tonight & that will mean a big lump at the end of the mo. for Electric, they are crooks to. Elbert took coop keys this a-m. I had a bad time trying to get in to take care of little chicks he turn light out & then opened east window N. E. wind blowing & they were getting chilled by the time I managed to get in, I hope they don’t get stunted, it was 12 noon by the time I found a key to open the lock & I was glad I had taken there feed in last night, for today, hens had to go with out there greens. It was a beautiful day clothes dried quite well air was damp, we have a little fire night & mornings. Praise God He has taken care of us today. Glory, Glory, Glory to God Praise the Lord Hallelujah, Glory. Elbert worked all day.
Thurs. June. 5. 1947./ 10 eggs today. / Elbert worked today & he’s going to try to go tomorrow. I have only done what had to do today, it’s been to hot & a strong south wind. Bill’s [Bill Snyder, Elinor’s neighbor] pond dried up about half. I took care of hens & chicks & we let the hens out a little while after supper & watched the trap door to see that no rats got in. I paid the Rawleigh man his money today out of the egg money & we got to get hens mash Sat. Elbert will have to go to Vermilion & do the shopping & come back then we’ll go to Nellie’s, she sent me a letter I received it this morning saying Bonita would like to have Elbert come K& take her to the store so to get her shopping home in his car. Nellie has been in bed for a couple of days she said. I thank God He helps me to get up & about. The Whole
Thurs. June.5. 1947./ page. 2000./ 10. eggs this day/ World is in a terrible bad fix. Elbert has to go to the bank Sat. to, so we wont have any time to waist all day, we have to clean the chick pen to I don’t know just when or how as yet & we have to get sand from the beach I wonder, Oh, I wonder if the sun will shine. I prayed for Elbert, at 10-a-m that God would take the pains out of him & give him strength & tonight he told me, he had told Ben “a fellow worker” he didn’t know if he could hang on the hammer any longer & they were going down from the attic for plaster board they got the board & he ask Ben what time it was & he said, 10-oclock & he said the pains have left me. So God ans. prayer & I thank Him & Praise Him and pray He will take this cold out of me tonight. I pray the Ministers will pray hard for me tonight. I pray the Ministers will pray hard for me tonight & I believe they will & God will hear in Jesus Name and will take all this cold out of me once more. I’ll Give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen
Fri. June.6. 1947./ 13. eggs today./ Well Elbert went to work & I swept and dusted & wiped up part the kitchen cleaned birds cages took care of hens & chicks & the day has been a nice day with only one light shower I have been feeling bad all the week & today have a bad cold. I seem to be so weak I sweat terrible.
Sat. June.7. 1947./ 11 eggs today./ Elbert has gone to Nellie’s, she was up and feeling better she said but Bonney Bell [Bonney Bell Harnish -to marry as Dudiak, 1923-2019, Elinor’s neice] is home for 5. or 6. days. I’m so glad she’s better & Praise the Lord & hope she will get well, she has the De Haan books I let Mrs. Beesie take she took them to Nellie’s & my qt. can. Elbert took Bonita & the kids to Elyria & Bonita did a lot of shopping, he ate dinner with them & came back to Vermilion, he sold eggs to Mrs. West 2. doz. & 1. doz. to Miss Clark. this morning on his way to Nellie’s & he went through Lorain where he made a payment at the Bank on his car Engine & bought himself 5. prs. of socks at 10 cents store for 39 cents per. pr. he came back through Amherst the short cut, home to Vermilion where he bought 2 white fish 1. pt. of cream & a sack of hen mash 4.75 Well he took Nellie 2. W. fish & she sent us a piece of salt pork. he got some trimmings for the hens. It has been sunshine & showers all day, it thundered & lightened so hard this morning, Elbert said it poured rain half way between Lorain & Nellie’s then cleared off & they had a heavy fog in Lorain we only got a little of that about 2-30.p-m. He cleaned chicks pen after he got
Sat. June. 7. 1947./ page 2001./ 11 eggs this day/ here & rested & had a lunch. I felt so bad this morning he made me 2 slices sour bread toast (boughen bread) & gave me a cup of coffee in bed I thought I couldn’t get up had to spit big lumps of flem every few minutes, guess I took cold trying to rid the basement of water, it runs like a river from the south end to the drain at N. end. & it’s damp & chilly down there We have Kept a little fire to keep damp & chill out up here & have opened the windows when we could, lots of airplanes are been lost to. & to much rain all over. Wind & rain came from N & was so cool this afternoon. I left my fish plater at Nellies, so they sent me some potatoe salid on it today They had a tornado in Penn. today & lots of floods in Iowa 1000 homeless
Sun. June.8. 1947./ 9. eggs today/ Showery & some sunshine, heavy rain, I felt so bad I didn’t get up untill 1-p-m., then I thanked the Lord & got up. hung my night gown & blankets out in the sun they were wet with sweat, it sure thundered & lightened terrible early this 1-m. Elbert was so tired, he slept right through it. Well, I had to lay down several times today, was out to coop & in the yard took care of brids & beds & laid around I sure felt punk & dread the night.
Mon. June. 9. 1947./ 13. eggs today./ Well, I was so bad all night & morning Elbert stayed home, I realy haven’t been fit to be up, but, prayed for strength. Praised God & got up. took care of beds air bedding & made beds & took care of birds & cooked one meal & done some other odds & ends & dishes & am sure tired tonight. Elbert has taken care of hens & chicks & been to Vermilion for a little food & he cut grass & loosened up the ground for the potatoes once more. it’s been a fine day hot sun & cool breeze from the S. & I was out to hen house & back yard & am still dreading tonight.
Tue. June.10. 1947./ 8. eggs today/ Elbert worked & he looked all in tonight, then he planted 2. rows of potatoes. sun has been to hot 80 degrees today & that we would get thunder, lightening & rain before morning, tree toads are all yelling tonight. I still felt to punk to get up this morning but I did & took car of chicks & birds & washed out all the rags & got them dried & aired bedding & made up the beds & got supper & took care of chicks tonight. I’m rather tired but Praise God for the strength he gives me day after day.
Wed. June.11. 1947./ 12 eggs today./ Elbert went to work & sun was hot but breeze a little cooler but these hot days they are at work up in an attic in side some little close closets & it’s terrible hot in such places with the heat at 80 degrees. such is life & he looks & I know he feels all tired jout & then he puts in 2 rows of potatoes & he has to dig the trenches ground is sticky wet. to night he had such a head ach, to, from heat of the day in a 2X4 closet all day. I haven’t been able to work I soaked out a few white pieces to wash in the morning & I ought to bake bead. bakers bread is like a gob of gue. I done usual duties
Thurs. June 12. 1947./ page. 2002./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert worked untill noon & then came home as I am really on the blink, I soaked 2 shirts & my bath towel out yesterday & I managed to suds & wrinse them out & I dried them over the stove Elbert had made a fire, it was chilly cool. Wind went N.E. & has been there all day he took care of chicks & hens when he got here, I got up at 9-a-m. but went back to bed, this is once I didn’t comb my hair in the morning & am going to brush it & go to bed. I Praise God, He is with me or I’m sure I couldn’t keep up. I haven’t been out side today either & flowers are so pretty. the yellow china roses are one big bank of yellow gold.
Fri. June. 13. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert went to work, it was quite cloudy this morning, but cleared off before noon & clouded up again at 4 or a little before & had been fogy for awhile then started after that to rain a light misty rain I looked after chicks before it rained then Elbert came & fed them & hens & I had let hens out, so, we had supper & he mowed a while then locked ’em all up & came in. I throat & cold’s a lot better, but, Oh, I’m weak & sweat like rain doing nothing, I baked 2 tins bread biscuits, bread pan of rolls & it took a lot of strength. I swept & took care of bedrooms & done my daily dozen. Elbert called Nellie to tell her he wouldn’t be there tomorrow, & she’s better but poor Bonita fell & hurt her ankle, they have ex-rayed it, but didn’t say if bones were broken or not it’s very badly swollen & she’s laid up with it for a while, & Nellie there to look after the 3. children. such a life. Well, the wind went from N.E. to S.W. just, before the rain started & it’s raining in heavy showers & thundering & lightening tonight.
Sat. June. 14. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & he felt so punk he left part of what he had bought & had to go back & get it, I managed to wash out most of the things I didn’t get before & half of Elbert’s washing, then he carried water & fried catfish & I sudsed & wrinsed & hung & hung out the heavy pieces, after we ate. then I mended my pants & darned 2 prs. socks & made the beds & went out to the little house & brought in part of the clothes & now have them all in except Elberts pants & most all dry but them & my rags, he mowed the grass all around the back of the house & out as far as
Sat. June. 14. 1947. /page 2003./ 11. eggs this day./ the evergreen tee & he mowed around the front door & a swath along the row of roses north of the front door. & so we are both tired. my throat & mouth are still sore & it’s hard to eat, drink & swollow. Cooler tonight & radio said wind would go N.E. before morning. I received a letter from Nellie & now I know why I saw Bonita looking scart. she fell & hurt her ankle bad & I have learned about the 4.H. & clover loaf in my tea cup. I tell later[?] 4.H boys were here & ask to paint mail box a free job they said. I thank God in Jesus name, for His wonderful help He has given us both.
Sun. June 15. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ We were home all day. It was a nice day, partly cloudy. Ethel & her husband [Walter C Hendrickson] & Laura Ann [ Laura Ann Bonney 1/13/35 Fred died in 1957-error died 1936,,Ethel married Walter C Hendricskson 3/24/1945 and here, 1+ years later, Laura Ann is 12 yr, so she was born ~1935, perhaps 3 years before Fred’s death, maybe adoption? ] was here for a little while today Loura Ann’s a big girl she was 12 yrs. old Jan. 13. 1947. she picked a big boquet bouquet of flowers 2. of each kind enough for 4 good sized vases. they left Mrs. Noderer home alone, so, they didn’t stay long, Ethel’s mother is 84. yrs. old this year. I believe this month. I felt so bum, I’m going to bed early tonight
Mon. June. 16. 1947./8. eggs today./ Elbert went to work. It been a beautiful day. The Red Cross woman came & talked a spell & said she’d see what could be done, & that an other woman would be over to talk to me, but she’d see if they could help me yet this month. Elbert sold Mrs Cranage 4. doz. eggs today for 59 cents per. doz. $2.36 & he has to get grain for hens & chicks & mash for chicks tomorrow. We enlarged there pen tonight, they are growing & I hope to keep them coming They are a month old last week. I didn’t do much today Looked after birds & hens, aired my bedding, I sweat so, at night or after I drop of to sleep in the morning, untill I soaked. We still have a little fire, last rain soaked basement again. Elbert got in another row of potatoes tonight & he’s so tired. Well I’ve got dishes done & everything ready for morning. I didn’t sleep all last night I ate a very small piece of ham (it was very tender) I chewed it good, but it most Killed me before morning & we had some more tonight I pray God will have mercy on me & help it to digest & not hurt me tonight, I feel to weak to work.
Tue. June.17. 1947./ 13. eggs today/ Well, I patched 2. single, sheets 2. shirts, & the big chair seat cover. Then I ironed & pressed shirts & pants. I sweep & done my usual daily doz. , & took care of the chick. & hens. & we had just finished supper when Mrs Rev. Gurney & Miss Louise Brown they visited & then prayed for me & laid there hands on me. I gave them each an India Lillie
Tue. June. 17. 1947./ page. 2004./ 13. eggs this day./ bulbs & Sister Gurney several slips of plants of different kinds. it was raining, so they didn’t get any flowers. They said they were sorry they didn’t come in ans. to the note Elbert. left, I told them how sick I had been & Elbert had stayed home on Mon. & hated to leave me alone all day, they said they were sorry, I’d forgotten untill they mentioned the note but I thought they acted a little queer. But praise God I do love them both & they are God’s Children & sincere, May God ever bless them & keep them. Well we are both tired tonight & It’s cooler tonight, he paid 4.60 for a bag of grain for hens today.
Wed. June. 18. 1947./ 10. egg today./ Elbert worked today & yesterday & to-day I did half the wash & Praised God God all day for healing my throat, it’s wonderful, what the Lord will do for you when you trust Him Praise the Lord, oh my soul, Glory, Glory, . It’s been a nice daybeen a nice day partly cloudy & N.East breeze, cooler tonight, I still keep a very little fire basement’s so wet, I did my usual work & took care of hens birds & chicks.
Thurs. June. 19. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert went to work, he didn’t feel able either & it’s been a beautiful day, N. east breeze & cool, but hot sun. I shook up beds & opened the windows as usual, then went to mail box & got the letter from the Red Cross Woman, then to hen house & took care chicks & hens & picked up 10. eggs & let hens out. Elbert found a young rat in hens drinking pail, the other morning, now I’m anxous to know what to do about the others, they evendeatly have had to get out & hunt there own living & they grow fast. Well, I set my bread when I got back from coop & got washed again & then I had some toast & piece of lunch meat & cup of tea. then I swept & carried out pan of scraps to hens & got a pail of well water, being tired, I sat down & mended the pants I had pressed for Elbert, then I mixed the bread into one loaf & two tins of biscuits then I cleaned top of stove & the wall, looked as if Elbert had fried eggs all over the place, then I washed the bread board & what dirty dishes there were & got things going for supper while I baked the bread & biscuits. then Elbert came & he’d got a bone out in his back & could hardly move & he had to get the mash & grain out the car. it’s a good thing he can back right up to the door, he got us a piece of pork I was a little disapointed thought we were going to have fish, but he felt so bad he only got one fish didn’t know why so he got the pork after he got to town, well, I rubed his back-
Thurs. June. 19. 1947 /page 2005./ 10 eggs this day/ good with turpo ointment & pray it will be O.K. when he gets up in the morning. I thank God He takes care of me. I have & still do pray He will take in several in my place for prayer meeting & send the power & fill them with the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen.
Fri. June. 20. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert’s back’s so bad he didn’t go to work. I got dinner & we went to Lorain to Dr. Sifling & he said he had given his back a bad twist he had a hard time getting the vertebra back in place. Elbert left me in the car on 9th St. just back of Post Office building & I had to wait for a couple of hrs. there were so many ahead of Elbert, then we stopped & I talk a few minutes to Mrs. Cranage & Miss. Baumgart. then we came back to Vermilion got some fish & pt. of ice cream & came home. I had to look after hens & chicks & lock up the buildings & get supper & I thank God He give me strength from some where to keep going on. Sun was hot & white N.E. wind & that was cool today. I thank God for all the beautiful flowers He give us.
Sat. June. 21. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Johny’s birthday [John Malcolm Harnish, 1925-2015, Elinor’s nephew] I think he is 22. yrs old today. Elbert hasnt been hardly able to get up or down today, sat in big chair only when he had to go out, he went to hen house & tried to help take care of chicks, it made me sick going to Lorain with him Fri. but, I got about the same amount of work done as usual. I didn’t get to write a card to Nellie, & so they didn’t call either Maybe they were having a good time. It’s been a nice day, hot sun, cool N. east wind & quite cool tonight the new moon is almost N. West & as clear as can be, wet moon.
Sun. June. 22. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ Elbert has felt so bad he turns a shade whiter at times, when he makes a quick or a wrong move, his back is badly conjested on the left side I rub it good each night & put a flanel on it, & pray God will help him to get O.K. again. N. east wind quite strong & cool, dying out as the sun goes down for the last 2 or 3 nights now, hot sun, but white, clear & cool at night. tomatoes & cabbages came up, but don’t seem to grow much. The flowers are loaded with blooms, roses & vines & shrubs & everything. I picked enough straw berries, so, we each had a short cake for supper & it tasted real good hope to get one or 2 more before they are gone. It most kills me to pick them.
Mon. June. 23. 1947. /page. 2006./ 12. eggs today./ Another nice day, hot sun & N. E. wind. Elbert feels a little better but he has to move with care, & it still pains him bad. The little old man with his suit case was here today., & had a bread sandwitch & some hot coffee, he says it’s to cold yet to sleep at night out side he was on his way to Cleveland for supplys, so he said, I often wonder. Well Johny & Marcia came in just before supper but said they had there lunch, so, they visited a little & then Marcia & I gathered a few roses, (coreopsis) & mock orange. I gave Johny 2. prs. socks one new & the other pr. Elbert had worn once. & I sent Bonita the salt & pepper shakers & apron I got from Church, for Christmas. Johny said Bonita’s ankle was better, but she can’t walk on it yet, & Bonney Bell was home yesterday & they had a letter from Ella Jane this morning she’s doing well with her work, she a managing agent for cosmetics she runs the Office & the sales people buy of her, he said her nose, still gave her a lot of trouble. she has to have the bone removed every so often, it grows new bone. When they left I had to rest & then we had some strawberries (I had picked this afternoon). & some biscuits & coffee & a little piece of ham. I had just put a clean table cloth on the table & got the lunch ready, all except the tea.
Tue. June.24. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert’s back is still very bad he can’t move without growning. I washed & had to carry water, but didn’t do all the washing. I did a foolish thing I raked the big grass Elbert had cut last Sat. had a bout 10 bu. baskets packed & pilled high & had to carry it clear out to the park & dump it, didn’t get the last bu. out there. I’m terrible tired & I have to rub his back every night. My back & ankles are bad tonight, & I’ll be so glad when I can go to church again. I thank Him & Praise Him Who Keeps & watches over us, Glory, Glory to His Name. It’s been another nice day, hot sun & cool breeze, but clothes dried fast partly cloudy this after noon but that sun was sure hot. I did my daily round, wind went around to N.W. late & died out with the sun tonight.
Wed. June. 25. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ Elbert sure feels bum. & he’s going to Lorain if he can in the morning, to the Dr. & to get what money he has coming, & then once more we’ll be on the spot, it’s really terrible. I haven’t been able to do much today, we were out in the fresh air & sunshine. Elbert tried to fix up the old seat we sit on in the back yard & he
WEd. June. 25. 1947./ page 2007./ 8. eggs this day./ fixed a brace in 2 boxes so we can sit on them & put a hinge on the gate between first & second pen in the hen house, & his back pains him most every minute & hurts him to move, he looks sick, his rectom hurts him, he says it feels raw & smarts; Such a world. I received a card from Miss Brown this a.m. it said, Dear Sister Babcock We have missed you in our S.S. class. Praying God will con-tinue to strengthen you. Hope to see you next Sunday; Sister Brown. On other sides a picture of an open bible & hour glass & beside them it says. Time is fleeting —And you missed an-other hour of bible Study at Sunday School last Sunday. “We expect you in our class next Sunday. & close to the hour glass it says (Study to show thyself approved unto God ) II. Tim.2: 15-a.) Well, I’m sure sorry I have to miss one, or any lesson or service & I get the most good at prayer meeting usually. If only they could come & talk & pray, at least once in a month, but they don’t have time to run around after me Sister Gurney says & so, what can a poor old soul do, not one of God’s children that want to even come & talk & pray the bible tells us Jesus visited the poor, today it’s so different, so terribly different, but the young, are young yet & can get about & they believe we ought to do so & so, but What Would Jesus do, Well, What Would He do? is it What we think or What He thinks, I’m glad it is He Who Knows Where my path leads. And I thank Him & praise Him, He comforts me, When it seems as if I can’t go on & there’s not a soul here be-low that wants to comfort , each have more sorrows than I & so, I tell mine to Jesus Who Knows, sees & hears, He Knows how sick I am of this life & all the things my spirit loaths, how I long to be with Him in Peace, but I want to do His Will & finish the work He has left for me or told me I must do, I pray the rest will turn to Him before they go & I know the time is fleeting & He soon will be coming & calling us home my heart is so greived, because they are so set they wont turn to Him with there Whole heart (to Know Him) We have to trust Him believe He will take care of us as he does the sparrow and the Lillies of the fields trust
Wed. June. 25. 1947./page. 2008/ 8. eggs this day/ & believe even though it kills us, for we know not His Will. But We do know if we are His, We Know When we are born again, We Know When He lays His Hand on us. I’m so glad I’m His, but Oh how I wish I had lived His way & done better & could even do more now for His Good & Glory, for Oh how I love Him, my best my Dearest Friend. How little We do for Him. Oh God, help me to do more & be more Worthy, in Jesus Name. Well, it’s been a beautiful day & we haven’t been able to work either of us, & I can’t understand, but I know Jesus does, & I still have a song in my heart & Love & Praise my Jesus. Glory, Glory, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Oh my soul. It’s been partly cloudy the breeze, S. & W.
Thurs. June. 26. 1947./ 12 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain at 7-a-m. he called Dr. & got a treatment & the bone put clear back so he said, as he also said before, but, it don’t feel as if it & it pains him bad tonight. I want so much to go to prayer meeting tonight, he changed clothes to go, but kept complaining his head felt so bad, well, I wasn’t fit to go either, so he fried a white fish he had bought & we ate supper & stayed home, he’s moaning each time he moves & I know how bad he feels. It’s been hot today I swept & wiped up the floors & ironed; I got dinner at 2-p-m. & I only eat twice a day any more sometimes I get a snack before noon, but not often. Wind was n.W. & went N. E. We had a light shower early this morning Elbert said it looked as if it had rained hard in Lorain, for there were puddles of water standing on the pavement here & there, he got what money he had coming & did a little shopping for things we needed most & came home, he sold the eggs to Miss Clark, he said they ask about me & said they were praying for me. Well, God Knows & I’m trusting He will help me in the ways I am in need. & I thank Him that they pray. & trust He will reveal to us, each one, what we ought to do, & help us to do it. I thank & praise him for all things great & small I love Him & those that belong to Him. I had Elbert mail a card to Miss. Brown & Nellie this morning, my feet have tortured me all day to the place, where it seemed as if I couldn’t endure any more & it makes me sick to my stomach.
Fri. June. 27. 1947./page. 2009. 10. eggs today./ It’s been terribly hot but a cool breeze. I washed out a few clothes & hung them out & then a thick smoke began to come south the track Elbert walked up there & Clayton Brode had cut the grass & brush on the 5 acers or so that use to belong to Snyders & he was burning it in rows (long rows) so my clothes smell like woods smoke. I didn’t finish had 3 blankets the table cloth & a bag, left. I haven’t felt able to work, & Elbert hasn’t either. The man that cuts the weeds along the road hit the mil box post & turned the post & box clear around to the south he got out & straightened it back. Elbert had just got a new post set & the box fixed up It’s terrible the things they do around here, to us. We had the ground around the hill clean & since Frank’s gone the country men have cleaned the ditch & throwed the willow bush along side the ditch & now it’s worse than when we first bought it. & I see them looking at it today, so they may make a swamp of it this time & I’m helpless to do anything about it. I do pray God will help me. Elbert went to the beach to see about getting some sand & said the water’s clear up to the high bank I have rubed his back good with ointment & he’s in bed.
Sat. June. 28. 1947./ 10. 3ggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got grain & mash $6.35 he got a few things for us & he paid 5.72 & 11 cents for money order for my taxers & said I should forget it. I do lots for him. I baked 2 big tins of biscuits & one loaf of of bread today beside my daily round. & I picked enough strawberries for tomorrows dinner. Elberts head feels terrible bad tonight it’s been a very hot day 95 here in the house & all door & part the windows open. It rained a very light shower toward morning & there has been a breeze all day S.W.
Sun. June29. 1947./ 12. eggs today. / Well Elbert’s head felt so bad we didn’t get to Church today. We had a bad storm at 4-p-m. lightening, thunder & wind. but it didn’t do any harm let down lots of water & Bill’s lot is flooded again. then a 9-p-m. in came Johny, Nellie, Bonita & the children. they didn’t stay very long, Nellie had been in bed alday. she looks bad, I think she’s worried & is afraid of this & that, that might be wrong with her, if only she could have a good strong christian one with strong faith & filled with the Holy Ghost, to come in & talk K& pray earnestly with him every
Sun. June.29. 1947./page.2010./ 12. eggs this day. 2. or 3. days. I know how much that could help. I’\m so sorry for her, I’d love to help her, & help her over come her fears. I pray God will heal us soul & body in Jesus name Amen. She didn’t get to see much out side, only where the head lights shone & Johny is working every day so it was late and they had to go back, I hope it don’t tucker her out .
Mon. June. 30. 1947./ 11 eggs today./ Well I did my daily round & pulled 3. bu. weed & found quite a number of tomatoe plants some are just ready to bloom. little chicks are growning, We have to put up the park fence for them so they can get out on the dirt. Elberts hip has been bad today & his knee, he went to Huron & couldn’t get any fish so came back I was out in the back yard when he came. I hung the bedding out to air. It’s been a fine day, breeze S west. & I don’t hardly believe we’ll get a frost tonight. Nellie said Ella Jane called her from New Mexico & she is so home sick she’s wanting to come home. I got the letter today, Nellie said she mailed Sat. I have a letter wrote to send to Governor Herbert.
Tue. July.1. 1947./ 12. 3ggs today./ & Elbert didn’t mail it this morning, he went to Huron to get some fish, but it was to ruff out side. he cut a little grass & raked it & hoed a little his back pains him bad, his hip & knee also. I felt so bad I didn’t feel able to get up this a m. & I laid down for a couple of hrs this after noon & then helped Elbert plant a few tomatoes & cabbages, 16. red rock cabbages. I don’t remember how many tomatoes I told Elbert maybe there might be some plants come up where we had them last year & there were some nice big ones all ready to bloom a big cluster of buds in the tops. I hoed half the ground & set half the plants. 16 cabbages 49 tomatoes. We ought to put in corn in the morning & a few beans. I rub Elberts back every night, but it don’t seem any better I don’t think bone is clear back It turned cool last night & been quite cool all day & tonight. & they are having cloud bursts & the floods are terrible.
Wed July.2. 1947./ 13. 2ggs today./ Elbert’s hip back & knee have pained him all day & he planted 2 rows of corn & took care of hens & chicks & cultavated & did odds & ends & went to
Wed. July. 2. 1947 /page 2011./ 13. eggs this day./ Vermilion & only sold 1. doz. eggs to Miss. Clark, she said, she & her sister were going to Salem Ohio. for 2. week & she wont be to prayer meeting to-morrow night, but for Elbert to say hellow & good-by to me. He got a little meat to boil & a fish. I had half the wash on the line when he got back & the dinner half ready we ate & I finished the washing all except table cloth & 3 blanket. he dug up enough grownd to plant 2 rows of corn & he’s took care of hens & chick. I have rubed his back & hes sleeping & I have wrote a letter for him to mail in a m he says he’s going to Lorain in the morning, Wind N. E. & cool, sun hot, but it’s lots cooler than it has been nicer to work quite cool tonight.
Thurs. July. 3. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ Nellie & Johny & Bonita & 3. children, Bonney Bell & Marcellie or, Marcie they call her & Mr. & Mrs. Gannet & Jimmy,[could only find Joy Gannet b. 1951 at 1024 E. River Rd Elyria with Spouse James Gannet] there adopted son came in with a picnic dinner, Elbert came in between the two car loads & they had a nice time & Part of them went to Huron rented a row boat & went for a ride & all got back safe, they al-so went down to Ruggles beach what there is of it but did-n’t stay long. Nellie came in and laid on the bed for awhile & we visited then the crowd came back & they packed up to go home. Marcie gave us her picture & gave Nellie one, they are nice, she is a nurse & had her uniform on in the picture. she had a larger one done in color for her parents. Well after they were gone Elbert & I listened to the news & had a bite of supper & he fed & shut up hens & chicks & I picked a few rambler roses to take to Church to prayer meeting We gave 1. doz. eggs to Ministers also. We had a good prayer service. & I got wonderfully blessed, but did not receive the Holy Ghost, I want the Holy Ghost Dear Heavenly Father help me to receive It in Jesus Name. Amen. We brought the Smith Children to there road, as we came home. It’s been a Wonderful Day with hot sun & N. W. winds
Fri. July . 4. 1947./ 10. eggs today/ Fourth of July, the quitest I have ever heard but there are a lot of cars on the road, the radio said there were 30 million cars on the highways & since last night 218 people had died from accidents & they had a bad tornado that swept through Iowa, Missourie & Wisconsin & more floods & fire had one big town in California helped in big fire, the Lord is sure
Fri. July. 4. 1947. 2012/ 10. eggs this day./ -ly coming soon. I pray God will fill me with the Holy Ghost before he come & turn the rest to Him all so Oh, God have mercy on us & fill us in Jesus Name. I thank Thee, for Thou hast promised to give us those things that we need & I need the Holy Ghost, I want to praise Thee in Spirit with a new tongue. Amen. It’s been a wonderful day Elbert worked some in the garden & took care of hens & chicks. I barely did my round today. I cleaned the west window & one north window & put the plants out in the garden by the fence & planted the big India lillie bulb & a few glad bulbs, the tube roses are up, that I put in last week & Elbert’s 4 rows potatoes are up he put in 2 weeks ago, they are about a foot high. the plants we set the other evening are coming to. I trimed a rose bush & a rambler & pulled a few weeds & cooked & did dishes. Moon is full & yellow tonight breeze is cool. I’ve seen Jesus all day & pray He fill me with the Holy Ghost, I’ll love Him & Praise Him for ever and ever.
Sat. July 5. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ elbert went to Huron, but no fish. Then he went to work here Vermilion we got a little to eat at noon & bnaked 2 tins of bread biscuits & a big loaf of bread. & then I washed out what few white pieces were dirty, my dress, table cloth & 3 cotton blankets then I ironed my dresses 2. & 2. of Elbert’s shirts & some bags & was to tired to sleep all night. It was a beautirul day in Ohio. got a little cloudy & misty but I ask the Lord to dry all my clothes & He did & fast. I praise His Name, He sure is good to me Glory, Hallelujah, Glory.
Sun. July. 6. 1947./ 13. eggs today/ I missed Sunday School but got there for Church. I promised the Day boy, a bunch of red rambler roses, I took a big bunch & put in a few white & pink ones. & today we had unexpected callers Johny & his girl, Johny had taken a delegate over to Lake Side & Marcie with him & they stopped & got the tomatoe plants & eggs they forgot Thurs. & I gave him the loaf of bread, Nellie had wanted one Thurs. but We had just finished the bread & I made baking Powder biscuits Fri. & baked Sat. (today) [?] it, was nice & fresh. I took a tin of the biscuits to the preachers, so we have one tin of biscuits left. Elbert got a hen Thurs. & we had that. for Fri. & today because of the weather, the broth some of it spoiled & I wanted some rice in it so bad. Well we went to church tonigh, it rained a slow rain half the after noon &
Sun. July 6. 1947./ page 2013/ 13. eggs this day./ evening a big truck trailer overturned down by b beach & the cars had to wait both going & coming & was the same when we came back tonight & the trafic quite heavy, we got a few fresh bones at the Sharres store Elbert had bargined for & got home safe thank God & I put them on to cook for rice soup tomorrow. I had a lunch, but, for some reason Elbert didn’t want any & he went to bed, said his stomach hurt him. I took a big bunch of roses to Mrs. Sprunk tonight, she went home from Sunday school sick this morning. Johny said his mother had been in bed most of the day. the weather has been real cool & a heavey fog tonight We had a beautiful rainbow from the time we started to Church or just before & it lasted about an hour God’s promise.
Mon. July 7. 1947./ 12. eggs today/ Well I’ve felt rather bum, I tried to put in a few dahlia bulbs, but just didn’t get in many, no pep, I helped Elbert make a Kettle of soup & thats been our main stay, all day. We had a mist fog last night just came rolling over the ground in clouds. wasn’t bad out this morning, but sure got cool toward morning & N.E. wind, after 2-p-m it rained hard, had misty showers untill most noon then would be quite clear for a spell. we had a little fire it was so damp & chilly this morning. Elbert cut or mowed grass most of the time, when it didn’t rain & he took care of hens & chicks. I did did my daily round, cooking, dishes, beds & such like . Received letter from Miss Mc.Govern she’s wondering why I don’t write. so , I’ll try to dash off a few lines now.
Tue. July. 8. 1947./ 13. eggs today/ Elbert has worked most of the day to get the dirt ready for a little more corn cabbage & beans. I haven’t done only what I just had to & I laid down for 1/2 or 3/4 of an hr. I feel a little better a-gain tonight, we had rice soup yesterday & tonight we had pork chops potatoes & gravey & hot coffee. Well I wrote Miss Mc.Govern a letter & I wrote a card to Red Cross & one to Mr. Miller & Elbert mailed them in Vermilion this morning & he bought mash cost 5.15 (100 lbs.) rained light showers Wind N.E. & cool. I picked 2 qts. of currents today didn’t get all of them.
Wed. July. 9. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Well it rained & has been damp & chilly today & I have only done my daily round. I’ve felt so exhausted yesterday & today I hope to go to prayer meeting tomorrow night & maybe make a call or two befoere that I got my DeHaan book today. 4.H boys painted the mail box.
Thurs. July. 10. 1947./Page. 2014./ 11. eggs today. / Elbert worked in the garden & took care of hens & chicks & he picked the rest of the currents, I picked half or better yesterday & have them cooked & put through the seive. I hope to make jam in the morning. I did the washing today, it was a damp air so when they were as dry as they would get, I brought them in, I washed me self & dressed & went to Church, to prayer meeting. We had a wonderful prayer meeting & God blessed us & He touched our bodys for healing & I’m weak in flesh but filled with His Spirit Praise the Lord Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus. They gave out some sheets of papers with Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Gurney’s pictures on them and described sermon acted out in a play for July 20th. Rev. Gurney fell & broke the bone in his ankle & tore the ligements loose & has it in a cast & walks with crutches. Well it thundered, lightened & poured rain, about 4-p-m. it started & Elbert went to hen house to feed at 5 & there he had to stay for a while, the clapps & lightening frightened the chicks bad, to, it cleared off before we went to church. Was a light fog on the way home wind backed up before the rain, had been S.W. went S.E. & N. E. & then rained, it was a nice morning with sun, but sun is so white.
Fri.July. 11. 1947. / 12. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain & took the bird (Mr. Hauffman brought here, he thought it was a female) to mrs. Cranage to see if it would mate with her female, I know it’s a male from it’s actions. Well I set bread & made jam 9 fair sized jars & one glass full & I had 2 loaves of bread & 2 big tins of biscuits & I swept & done dishes Elbert wiped them for me. He put up the chicken fence today, that’s a big job. Well, I got supper & then, he came in said there was a rat in the coop so I went out & we let the rat out the door it was better than scaring the chicks so bad at night. It rained 2 heavy showers & sun between showers & we had 2 light showers. Elbert got home at 1-30-p-m. he sold 5. doz. eggs 60. per. doz for 3.00 & he did-n’t get a job, he couldn’t see his boss. He did see the Dr. & he said he hadn’t ought to work yet for the cords & muscles are to sore yet. & no word from the Red Cross yet. I hope they come to our rescue soon. & No word from nellie since Johny was here on Sun. July 6.
Sat. July. 12. 1947./ 13 eggs today/ Well, I haven’t done much today, got a cold in my neck, it’s like a stiff neck & pains way down in my back & clear through my ches & ribs in
Sat. July.12. 1947. / page. 2015/ 13. eggs this day/ my arm & shoulder makes me feel sick. I did up dishes & cooked two meals & did my usual house work put the bread in the crock & washed & covered the glass of current jam. Yes, I was out in the yard & looked at the flowers & garden & hens & chicks Elbert let them all out in the park, but only a very few chicks went out, he has taken care of them & he chopped up some limb wood & raked & carried all the grass he had cut in the front yard to the pile down in the hollow. It’s been a nice day with sunshine all day. Elbert’s corn is up & the glads & tube roses are up & the house plants look good, but a queer thing is a cluster of pink rambler roses on the White ramblers, strange things do come to pass. I stuck in some rose cutting 2 or 3. yrs. ago & they all bloomed this yr. lots of flowers on all the roses this yr. & Honey suckle was beautiful, bitter sweet’s full of berries & red ball poppies are beginning to bloom in front of the hen coop. heat was 80 degrees today, hot at noon & all after noon, but it’s cool again tonight. Everet Michael said over the radio that it was a beautiful day in Chicago, heat 80 degrees, but a fine day. He always says, it’s a beautiful day in Chi. no matter the weather rain or shine & I like to hear him say it, If it’s a bad day he will say after word, that it’s a nice day to be alive anyway. I pray God will make that man His, for he seems to have some of God’s Spirit in him. No mail today. So none untill Mon
Sun. July 13. 1947./ 14. eggs today/ I pray God will help me get off to Sun. school & Church on time. Its been a fine day S & S.W. wind, not so hot today. We been home all day, Elberts has felt bum & I’m rather weak in me legs & arms & my eye sight rather bad today., I did what I had to & no more. I’d love to be in church. I pray for Gods people all over the world & that my prayer will be one wiht many others, that He will strengthen Our faith & according to faith He will hear & answer prayers. Amen. & I pray He will give me the filling I crave so much.
Mon July. 14 1947/ Only 9. eggs today./ Only did what had to be done
Mon. July. 14. 1947./page 2015./ only 10 eggs this day./ It’s been a fine day, but not good for things to grow right, to cool evenings for corn & any garden produce to grow like it ought to. The good Lord is with me & I thank Him & Praise Him and give Him all the Glory for ever & ever little S & W. & cool & damp. Elbert went to huron this a.m. but, no fish. he’s worked what he could around home cultavated the garden pulled weeds raked a place for me to put in a few Jinnias in front of the house, looked after chickens & hens & we went to what use to be the beach, water is clear to drive & high bank. no, sand. so we will have to clean the coop & put, on straw without the sand, I guess. I put in some of the plants in the back from the hous today & India lillie bulbs. My ankles have been badly swollen today & left leg from knee down was so sore I could hardly step on it, so, I ask Jesus, when they prayed for us at Church today, to take it all out & Praise His Dear name, He did it Oh Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Glory to God, Amen.
Tue. July. 15. 1947./ 11. eggs today/ Well I only did what I had to & I put a new back in Elberts union suit I used the bottom of one of my old summer shirts & then I darned 2. prs. socks. I felt so bad all night & not to good today, & no word from Red Cross & no word from Nellie & it seems as if somethings wrong. I trust & pray all is well. it poured rain this after-noon Elbert worked up the dirt in the garden & cut some grass & carried it down on the grass pile Wind was S. West, but, went around to N. E. Well it’s sure the deadest yr at the park I’ve ever seen.
Wed. July. 16. 1947./ 13. eggs today. / Well it’s been a cloudy day & it rained a very light shower a couple of times. Elbert planted 4 rows of string beans & I only did the usual round. We killed 3 of the little chicks & we had half for dinner & the rest for supper What we are to do & No one says a word so far, if it’s got to the place where we have to just go as long as we can they lay down & die. Why should this country take 400, thousand from the other side the world to feed & cloth & who ever would have believed I’d ever got into a fix like this I pray God will come to my rescue. No mail today. Well God help us. I pray & thank Him.
Thurs. July. 17. 1947./[no Page number, should be 2016]/ 10. eggs today./ Elbert’s been sick all day, but he’s did the odds & ends. I did a big washing today, it’s been damp & hot sun & the clothes didn’t dry very good but Elbert kindled a little fire & we dried what we had to use to-night it thundered so loud I thought maybe I’d better not hang the clothes out, but I prayed for no rain & it didn’t rain all day; I Praise the Lord from Whom all blessing flow.
Fri. July. 18. 1947./ 2 broke. 12. eggs today. / Elbert went to Lorain to the Dr. & he sold 3. doz. eggs 65 cents per. doz. to Mrs Cranage & visited a bit. Well, He see Mr. & Mrs. Hambly today in Vermilion, she said she’d be going to the Hospital soon for an operation, of some sort, Elbert didn’t understand what for, he said they seemed to be feel sad a-bout it. He said Mrs. West took two doz. 60 cents per eggs & Miss Clark 1. doz. 60 cents per. Miss. Clark said she got home last Sat. she left her sister there where they had been visiting. He was so tired when he got here. I got our dinner a pork chop a piece & warmed over potatoes bread & he had coffee. I had hot water. I cleaned my dresser & swept all 3 rooms & washed up supper dishes, then went to hen hous & got chicks in, just before a shower & got 7. eggs & no mail, then I washed my corset & change of clothes I sweat just terrible yesterday was so wet & miserable I took a bath before going to bed. I washed the 2 towels I had on the dresser & the old dress I put on when I do the washing. I had to hang them up in the house & they are not dry yet. We had several showers not heavy, Elbert said it just poured down in Lorain & the water was about 4 inches deep on the pavement. Frank & his son (Armond) & his grandson (Frank Page 10 yrs. old) were here tonight, they went woodchuck hunting & got 3. or 4. they said. they left at dark. We got mash 2. hundered lbs. for hens & chicks & grain. it’s sure wicked the way they do about the feed, because corn is sky high, they put lots to much in the feed for laying hen & even to much for the chicks & charge 5.25. for growing mash 5.20 for hens mash & 520 for scratch grain. $15.65 cents We’ll have to eat the chicks before they are big enough to make a good meal of one, we have to kill 3. they are only 2 month old. Sounds like the fog horn blowing. We had a heavy fog Wed. & Thurs. nights & looked as if it would be the same tonight. I thank God for the strength of today & what we had to eat, we haven’t had enough to keep us feeling well & my head is a bussing so bad I can hardly think & I’m getting blind again. I pray God will give me that Great Infiling I crave so much, I
Fri. July. 18. 1947./Page. 2017./ 12. eggs this day. / will be so happy when I can Praise God in Spirit, Glory, Glory, Glory to God in the Highest, Oh, Glory, Glory.
Sat. July. 19. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ I darned 4. prs. of socks. Elbert has done a lot of odd jobs, he cut weeds & grass & done some hoeing & took care of the chickens, he killed 2. chickens & dressed them & I fried them, he killed a hen & we had to throw it away, she was full of tumors & even her intestines were covered with little one as thick al-most as they could be. so thats one lost & we have 3 less to feed now, & we are going to Kill another hen that we feel we might loose if we don’t save her now, she has laid heavy. Frank & his grand son (Frank Page) were here again to hunt & got 2. woodchuck. Frank Page came in when they got back & he ate a piece of raspberry short cake & I gave him 2 legs of fried chicken he’s a quite little fellow they have been vaxinated, I didn’t quite understand what for. & while he was in the house, Frank Bonney told Elbert several things one was he was cleaning up the old place & rebuild-ing it in some ways & he said he told Gertie if she didn’t let him have pa’s guns, he would charge her one hundred & 50 dollars for the work he did on the boat docks & if she didn’t pay it, he’d bring suit against her, he said she took the guns when she moved, but she brought them back to him since, he said she sold some of pa’s tools & his fishing reels & rods & some other things. I didn’t get the ironing done. It’s been cool today with several showers & a heavy miss part of the time & we have had a fire all day it’s so chilly
Sun. July. 20. 1947./ 11. eggs today./ Well Elbert dressed & cooked a hen & she was full of eggs would have laid every day, but she had begun to act queer, stick her head way out & close to the floor & run as if something was after her, so while she was in good condition we killed her & we have another, yet i think we will kill. We had this one for dinner, I made biscuits & we had some in gravey. Nellie, Johny, Bonnita & the children came in about 4-p-m. Johny & Nellie ask us to come to Avon Methodist Church. I hope we can go. he is going to Marry a Nurse formaly from New London, Ohio/ Miss Mar____ I pray God’s blessing on them. We went out in the yard & I gave Bonita some plants she wanted, & I gave nellie 1. tin of Baking Powder biscuits & a doz eggs to pay for 1/2 lb. green tea & she paid for one doz. & they started on back home for it looked
Sun. July.20. 1947./ page. 2019. [should be 1018]./ 11. eggs this day./ like rain & Nellie wanted to get back before dark she said. We got ready & went to Church, they had a play for a sermon, it was heart rendering, Called the missing Christmas. It did start to rain as we left the church, but didn’t last. it’s so cool that the gardens can’t grow & it really cold at night. We bring 4 Smith children 1/2 mile out from Vermilion, they live over the other side the new York Central tracks about 2. City blocks.
Mon. July. 21. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ It’s been cool & we have had a light fire all day N. E. Wind & tonight it came at us from the N. West. a cold driving rain, radio said it would be colder tonight & it is. I sent another card to the Red Cross today, it’s been a month & no word, yet. Who is there to care today if we live or die, no one but Jesus. I haven’t done hardly anything today, no pep. I was so glad to be able to go to Church last night. & I all ways get a blessing Praise God. I love Jesus more than all I have or ever could have here on earth. I received a letter from Miss Willits today.
Tue. July. 22. 1947./ 11. eggs tonight./ it rain this morning, cold rain, Elbert built a fire, & he’s worked out side from 9-a-m. untill noon. Radio said, they had a blanket of snow in Cleveland & just a few miles out side Cleveland it hailed 6 ins. of fair sized hail stones. I did the ironing & swept all 3. rooms today. & we had to kill 2 more little chicks in order to live & tomorrow Elbert’s going back to Lorain, I wanted to go, but, I don’t think I will. I’d like to keep my strength for Thurs. night’s prayer meeting, I going to trust & believe for that third part of the Spirit the Holy Trinity that I to may praise the Lord in Spirit: Oh that Will be Glory. We haven’t been having proper food to eat & my body have a trembling in it & it’s terrible Oh, God, In Jesus Name I am trusting. I believe You will come to my (our) rescue soon & I thank You. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, I Praise the Lord, Amen.
Wed. July. 23. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Well, believe it or not, the Lord is working out my problem, I received a letter from Governor Thomas J. Herbert & 2. or 3. hrs. later a mrs. _____. welfare worker came & said she had received a letter from Governor Herbert (& a copy of the letter I wrote to him.) that she was to investigate at once & do it quickly. Oh, Praise the Lord. Well, Mrs. ____ ask me a bu. of questions & when I told her what Mr. Brown said, she looked as if I had slapped her & she cought her breath & said, did he say that? she looked hurt and angry & then said, my, how could he? before she left, I opened the oven & turned the bread biscuits
Tue. July. 22. 1947. /page. 2019 / 9. egg this day./ so they would brown on the other side & her eyes opened wide & she said, I wondered what I could smell, that smelt so good, my but they look good, I gave her 2. biscuits she wouldn’t take any more, she said she hadn’t seen anything like that since her mother made them yrs. ago. I ask how old she might be & she said 42. yrs. & she was getting old. her husband was in their car waiting for her she opened the bag & gave him a smell & then put it in the back seat, she was a very nice appearing person. Elbert & I both thought it was good she had come so soon after I got the letter this morning & she said she felt quite sure I’d be getting the 25.00 per. month back a gain I thanked thanked her & Praised the Lord. The little old man with his suit case of notions came in about 1-30-p-m, he was half starved & so was I, he hadn’t had as much as I if he told the truth & he ate as if he had told the truth I didn’t have much I gave him some coffee & a biscuit & a half & I took a half, there were only 2. left after Elbert had breakfast, they were baking Powder biscuits, there were 4. pieces of chicken, so I had one leg & gave him one & left the rest for Elbert & he came before we were done so I fried some biscuits & made tea & we ate a little more & drank. I had the bread biscuits just about ready for the oven & put them in as the little old man left, he says he’s 62. yrs. old & the welfare woman came about 30 minutes later I had most the clothes dried & 3. more pieces of Elberts clothes & the table cloth to wash, yet, so, I got them washed & sudsed & wrinsed & starched my dress & table cloth & got them out & dried. I washed up my baking dishes & was so glad I had put a clean table cloth on the table & straightened it up this morning. then I got supper & did the dishes Elbert got fish for supper. then he called me to the coop he thought there was a rat in there but we didn’t find any. I saw one go from the Grainery toward the coop tonight just be-fore dark & I saw 6. geese going S.E. & called to Elbert & he see them. I had 2. big tins of biscuits & 1. loaf of bread. It’s cold tonight but we haven’t any fire. Radio said it was going down to 51. degrees tonight. I believe it. We got the light bill today, it’s a dollar & the chick mash is all most gone, they sure do eat like pigs. I hope my check will get here soon so I can pay it. work is tied up so bad from lack of coal & Mr. Deitz wont have any work for 2 weeks yet.
Thurs. July. 24. 1947./ page. 2020 / 10. eggs today. / Well, it’s been a nice day, but wind is cool, sun hot, & garden not coming as it should, the bean have come up, but it’s so cold nights, Audrey’s birthday she’s 55 yrs old today. We had a heavy white dew last night & some things eat part the beets off. Radio said, it’s the coldest summer we have ever had. I mended today, put 4 patches on Elbert’s work shirt cut off the sleeves & hemed them used the part I cut off to put on the collar & upper part of both sleeves & a big patch across the whole back. then I put a patch on the fronts of two of my under skirts where the corset chews then I cut off a house dress skirt around the top took apiece out down the front sewed it back together & put a belt of same goods on it, so I can use it for under skirt. Then we had supper & Elbert shut up hen house & locked up all the building & we got washed & dressed & went to prayer meeting We had such a good service & there were only a very few of us there Rev. Gurney, Sister Brown & Miss Clark, Mrs. Hambly’s mother, Mr. & Mrs. Smith (a young couple that went to the Altar & were converted Sun. night) Mrs. Day & her children (5) & the right girls 3 & My self. Mrs. Gurney was up stairs packing, to go to Canada, yet tonight, to be at the opening meetings of a new church to be opened Sat. they expect to be back here for Sun. school & Church Sun. they will soon be flying over the highway, it a long trip there & they wont be there long & will be flying over the road back again I pray God will take care of them they are taking the baby & they didn’t say about Garry Black, Miss. Brown is going to stay with Miss Clark, she’s working at the pickle factory for 55 cents per. hr. 5 1/2 days a week, wish I could work there to, but, I know I’m not fit to. But God is with me, Praise his Holy Name, Glory to Him. Elbert stopped to get a can of milk & they gave him some bones. I have put them on to cook & they are half (or better) cooked.
Fri. July. 25. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ We picked the goose berries, Elbert did, I did help a little I washed up dishes & cooked some noodles in the chicken broth from yesterday & I helped pick black raspberries & I made a short cake for supper, I took the bones out the broth & we chewed the bones tonight. I have to make soup now in that broth for tomorrow. I have the dishes all done up so I won’t have so much to do tomorrow. got my daily doz. over for today. Radio said it would be warmer tonight but it’s plenty cool & we have closed the doors & windows & we close the coop0 windows every night, chicks are coming along fine. no rain today, sun shone all day . no dew tonight.
Sat. July. 26. 1947. /page 2021./ 13. eggs today/ Well, the farm & home hour speaker (Mr. Everett Mitchel) Said, It’s a great day in Chicago & he hoped it was even better where ever we were, Well it’s been a fine day (here) in Ohio nice S. west breeze & a down pour of rain this after noon, a heavy shower, was nice, didn’t last long, but sure came down. Elbert went to Lorain & sold the goose berries 17. qts. for 5.95 & he sold 4. doz. eggs & got 2.80, (70 per. doz) he borrowed $5.00 from Moore & Myers. & bought 100 lb sack of Chick mash for $5.25, the eggs & berries came to $8.75 so he had $3.50 left he had to buy gas & get his shoe sewed & he gave me 3.00 & I’ll give that into church or 2. of it & maybe I’ll send Miss Willitts a 1.00 I am behind 1.50 for last mo. as my tenth & for this mo. I got up soon as Elbert said he was going, 10.a.m & I set bread made 2 big tins & 1. small one of biscuits one for the preachers 1. for Nellie & little one for us. I fixed up the bone broth & made soup, I put in 3 car-rots, 2. onions, 1. cup, rice 3, tablespoons Barley, 1. pt. tomatoes papparickia salt & pepper & it tasted quite good. & Elbert drove in just as it was done so I dished it up & then went out & shut the coop windows while he took the mash in grainery & I open shed & he drove in & we got back to the house, just in time to keep dry, it sure did pour down in white sheets then cleared of before supper Elbert mowed the grass & weed on south side of garden. Frank & his neighbor came & went to hunt wood chuck & Armond came just 10 or 15 minutes later I don’t know how many they got, they gave Elbert one. It’s a nice evening, Elbert has chuck dressed, now. & salted.
Sun. July. 27. 1947./ Well we took our baths this morning & went to Sun. school & church & on over to nellie’s where we had a ham sandwitch & cup of coffee & then I left a tin of biscuits for Nellie & 2 cucumbers, 2, peppers & then we took Nellie in our car & Mr. Stoughton & we went to the Avon Methodist Church, where we all went to see Johny & Marcella Married Cecil & Jimy Harnish & there wifes were there Marcie’s 3 Aunts, her father, & one Uncle were there & Gertie & Audrey & Merlin,m Martha & there 3 children Jim, Jean & Joan, Ehtel & her man & her daughter Laura Ann Mr. & Mrs. Gannet & Jimy & the head supperviser & 5 nurses from Elyria Hospital where Marcie had train & graduated for nurse & Mr. & Mrs. Stoughton & Laura Bell & quite a few others & Mrs. Beesie, who has done a ot for Nellie’s family & lives a few doors away didn’t get to go, they could have taken her as well as not. It seemed to bad. Well, the arrangement was fine, A young Minister stood up with Johny & Jimy Gannett & A young Minister stood up with Johny & Jimy Gannett & a friend of Marcie’s & Bonney Bell with Marcie It was a double ring serimony & they prayed after they were married & took for the Lor’s Body & wine. It was all very pretty & solem or done in earnest fashion Marcie was dressed in white satin silk & white net over with a long train & beautiful white veil & the maids were in pale green & yellow all carried flowers After it was over we all went down in the dining room in the basement where they had a big wedding cake & sanwicthes, coffee, punch, 2 other kinds of cake, they took a lot of pictures & then as Johny & Marcie left they threw rice over them & after them, We went back to Nellie’s Elbert took Stoughton home & Johny & Marcie went into the house & rested a while & I don’t know if they left there gifts or not, they got two reversible blankets, both were pink, We gave them a pr of all wool dark brown & white I had bought them sometime ago, but hadn’t needed to use them they were good cost almost $18.00 & they got a lot of glass wear & quite a few gave money. after they rest 15. or twenty minutes, they started for New London to Marcie’s home & from there they are going to see Ella Jane also, it sure was to bad she wasn’t here, she gets left out, untill it’s too late. Well we had supper with Nellie Bonita & the children they were all at the wedding & Nellie was looking so sick & all in, after Johny was gone, she had thought Johny would look after her & the home I think & some how it was as if he had gone out of her life also, she looked as if she was almost to the breaking point & it seemed so sad to me also for God revealed it all to me she said she wished so much that I lived closer to her so we could see each other often & talk to each other. I’m
Sun. July. 27. 1974./ page. 2023./10. eggs today/ so sorry & I wish I could go to hr more often, she’s in very poor health & Bonita isn’t as patient with her as she was with her father, it doesn’t seem to me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Nellie left them to be with her husband (John) before very long. I have heard Ella Jane weeping & sometimes Nellie & life is so short here, if we were only sure our souls were prepared to meet Jesus. May God help us & save us. It’s Frank Bonney’s birthday, today, he’s 57. yrs. old. today. It’s been a beautiful day, I thank God & Praise Him & we got back in time for Church, had to wait 15 or 20 minutes, so I called on Mrs. Whitman across from the church. The ministers got home at 6. oclock this a.m. & they had the same sermon in acts or play, that they had last Sun. but there wasn’t so many there. They said the biscuits were sure good. Praise God.
Mon. July. 28. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ I didn’t do much today outside my daily round, mended my stockings & fixed Elbert’s union suit, I got the new back to long, so had to shorten it up some. been a hot sun but breeze was nice & cool. I felt so tired I didn’t sleep till morning.
Tue. July. 29. 1947./ 10 eggs today/ Well, I didn’t feel able to stand on my feet, but, decided to wash the wool blankets & so I did it & I washed my night gown & a few small pieces & I ought to do the rest of the washing in the morning but I don’t know. I’d like to know how Nellie & her children are making out. they didn’t know how they were going to live, I pray God has given them food enough to keep soul & body to-gether It’s been a hot day in the sun but cool in the shade We killed 3. chickens for supper, they are small yet, we’ll have enough for dinner tomorrow. We had just finished supper when the Preacher came in, she didn’t come with him he said she had some work she wanted to do. Well, I understand & so does God & I pray He will help us to live as He lives & would have us live. We had prayers before he left & I ask them to come again. He ate a piece of chicken & said it was really good. it was getting dark when he left , Elbert thought he acted rather strange. he did act rather strange & he didn’t know just what to say, when we ask about his wife He said they had plenty to eat, so I thank God for them. I often wish they would come in when we have plenty cooked. & I wish I knew how Nellie & Bonita & the children are for she didn’t know how they were going to live this week.
Wed. July. 30. 1947./ [no page number, would be 2024]/ 10. eggs today/ It’s been a nice day S. wind & quite strong I did the washing & clothes dried fast, sun was terrible hot could hardly stand it to hang up the clothes. I rested a while & planted a few glad bulbs. & I put in a few of the dahlias, the stalks are so big, it’s so late, they may not bloom. Well I feel sick to my stomach tongith, I ate frankforters & they don’t always like me. Elbert has work in the garden & took care of chicks & hens. Yesterday after noon we took the tame canarys out by the apple tree & the wild ones were flying all around & then all of a sudden a weisel came out of the grass & came right up to the out door bird bath & tried to catch a ground sparrow on the bath, he didn’t get it & so went out the other side the grapes & cought a cat bird Elbert got his gun but we didn’t see it again It’s didn’t really look like a weisel to me but Elbert thought it was I hope it don’t get in the hen coop, after the chickens. No word from the welfare worker today, either. Frank & Armond were here tonight to hunt wood chuck.
Thurs. July. 31. 1947./ 10 eggs today./ WEll, I was worried for fear Nellie, Bon-ita & the 3 children might be with out food, so Elbert dressed 3 chickens for them & 1. for us. I got ours partly cooked before we left We took a can of corn & a can of tomatoes & half a cabbage head but when we got there they had got a small check from some one & Bonita had been to town & got enough food for 2 days, then Nellie got her pension check but hadn’t got it cashed yet, so she was glad we had come she dressed & went with Elbert in the car to Elyria & got them enough food to last 3. weeks, they were cooking chicken for there supper. Bonita had a big wash on the lines & hgad done the chairs & davonport covers & some bed spreads & drapes she washed up a big pan of dishes & I wiped them, she had supper most ready when we left & it was 7. p.m. when we reached home. We went & came through the Vermilion river hollow just a 1. mile this side of Mill Hollow, its a one way road & so crooked & steep, but the road (the main highway) was blocked off for re-pairs & we had to deture around Vermilion & it’s so far, we didn’t get here in time to do the chores & get supper & get back to prayer meeting, I wanted to go so bad, well I pray God will for-give me. If they had only wrote to me we could have waited & went tomorrow. Such is life & neither of us felt like going But praise God H took us & brought us, safe well, it’s turned quite cold & we have a fire tonight. Wind’s N.E. & sounds like fall, it sings & moans, to me it’s weeping & wailing.
Fri. Aug. 1. 1947./ page. 2025./ 9. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a fine day cool N. E. wind, sun quite warm but not hot. I swept all 3. rooms & wiped up the S.E. corner of the Kitchen & I made & baked 3 tins of bread biscuits, we are getting out of most every thing. We cooked 2 more chickens tongight & they are out of mash & no way to get any more. I fried the chicken & then pressure cooked it. It gets so tender it falls off the bones. I thank God for our blessing & pray He will send me good news in the morning about the money. I’m sure he hears, sees and Knows.
Sat. Aug. 2. 1947./ 10 eggs today. Well, I got the ironing & darning done & a Mr. & Mrs. Adama’s came in they were looking for another family, they were selling a boiler & an old rug. they were christians & we had prayer together, I enjoyed it so much they gave us a dollar for a chicken & Elbert dressed it & they were so pleased they gave me the old rug it’s worn bare & dirty, but, she thought if it was washed it would do for runners. Oh, Well Praise the Lord, they left there addresses one at Bulha Beach & one at PertersBurg, Florada, where they go each winter & she cooks for a rich family & then she or they come back each summer to Buelha Beach & each of them ask us to come & visit them & go to the meetings they are having there for 2. weeks. The Adam’s have 2 children. There real home is in Ashtabula Ohio. Well, wind has been S. all day & warm & several showers went down the Lake. Frank Bonney & Frankie Page came, then Armond came a little later & they got 3. woodchucks & they gave Elbert one. Oh. Praise God. Frankie said his ma, said, to tell me she might be out tomorrow. I got a book from Dehaan, called holy Spirit & today one called Water Baptism.
Sun. Aug. 3. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Communion Sun. I got to Sun. school & church this morning & church this evening. there are so few that come & most of them are children. I got my tenth cought up for June & half of it for July & now I’ll have Aug. & last half of July I pray I’ll soon get some money from some where soon. We are badly in need, I never eat much bread, it doesn’t agree with me so I get weak & sick with only bread, no butter, & only can milk & some of the time that has corn meal & starch in the bottom of the can. I’ll be glad when I have finished my work here on earth. things are bad & getting worse fast. Howard & Francis Page & there 2 children were here after dinner today. She’s been going to East Side Methodist Church & she
Sun. Aug. 3. 1947. page. 2026./ 9 eggs this day./ a group of the women got into a hair pulling fight over the Minister & there talk was not becoming to any christian women, So she hadn’t been to church of late, she was just where she thought she would like to be a real christian, then they wondered if all churches were alike, there’s one thing sure, that we must look to Jesus as our example no matter what the other fellow thinks, says, or does, We have to look to Jesus & keep right, Oh God, help them I pray Thou will convict there souls & turn them to Thee, in Jesus name I ask. I thank Thee Jesus & give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & Ever, Amen. It’s been a nice day, but quite warm N. E. breeze.
Mon. Aug. 4. 1947./ [no egg count]/ Well I just couldn’t work to-day I sent Elbert out to find the Welfare Woman He went to Walt Hahn’s & they sent him to Herbert Hahn & he told Elbert it was my falt that I was cut of the relief he said I failed to let the court know, I hadn’t any money left after the court percedings were over, but they did know & said I’d get my relief as long as I needed it & that was in 1938 & it 1947. and they have just decided to stir up a mess, that I hope, will make them have to come clean. 9. yrs. since. and I hope the awaking will be such a jolt they wont be so cruel again, well H. Hahn. needs it to he said he had to pay out of his own pocket, for calls he has had to make to San-dusky on my case, he said they had been working on it for 3. weeks now & he wrote a note to Shoop, at Berlin Hights to give Elbert 10.00 worth of groceries, said Steveson was out of town & he didn’t have an order blank, but he’d get one later. Hahn told Elbert he heard there was alot of people that wan’t going to vote for him this Fall and he hoped Elbert & I would vote for him & Ota[?] & ____ But God would surely punish us if we did. & they may try to if we don’t, for I’ve heard of a lot of cruel things they have done, & heard from some of them.
Mon. Aug. 4. 1947./page 2027./ 9 eggs today./ my self, they are beasly men. They don’t like me because I don’t like hore masters, I belong to God, I know he will look after me, if does make me feel terrible, when I think of what I live among, & can’t help them for His sake. I’m sorry Oh so sorry. Elbert got 8 or 11 cans of beans & milk & mustard, some spegetti & noodles & sack of flour, 1 bottle clorox & 2 lb. onion for $5.63 cents & no money to help feed the hens & chicks. & we have eat up there egg money. Oh God give us enough money to feed them they are a lot of help to us. Hahn said they were going to thrash out my case that I ought to have some money from the auto care wreck case. Elbert told him he hoped they would dig up everything that we would both be glad to have them do so. I wish I could have Frank’s pension & be rid of Sandusky. I have tried to be polite even when they have been rotten & I have been thankful for my relief & have told them so repeatedly, many times. Been a fine day cool breeze N. E. hot sun.
Tue. Aug. 5. 1947./ 9 eggs Wed 6. / 8. eggs today./ Well I did out half the wash & hop0e to do Elbert’s & his blanket in the morning. Elbert’s car went on the blink, he said the gas line is pluged he work most the day yesterday & this morning he bumed a ride to Vermilion & got a fellow from a garage to come & get the car & take it back to fix it fellow said he was sure he could get it fixed soon after he got it back to the garage, Elbert told him he’d be down about 8-a-m. to get it, in the morning. It’s been 98 in the shade today, clothes just baked dry in no time. Tonight Elbert called me said there were 2 or 3 rats in the coop, so, we let them out the door. but he siad he thought he heard one chewing afterword in the siding. Elbert was lucky, he got a ride to Vermilion & back today he wasn’t gone very long. I had a big batch of dishes to wash so done them, before starting to wash clothes & I never had a bite to eat untill 1-p-m. I do wish so much for some good milk to drink. I did do only what I had to do yesterday to hot alday.
Thurs. Aug. 7. 1947. / 9. eggs today/ Elbert got up & went to Vermilion he helped on His car they took out a little round piece of leather like the center of a gasget & the car seem to run O.K. to Lorain & back home again he left the car under the butter nut tree on the drive &
Thurs. Aug. 7. 1947./page. 2028. 9. eggs this day./ & after we had our lunch we backed to the grainery & took out the feed & went back to the drive & back part way in -to the car shed &had to push car rest the way in, he went to see Mr. Deitz about his work he sold Mrs. Cranage 4. doz. eggs 70 cents per. doz. ($2.80) & I gave him my mint money ($10.00) & he took part of his mint money & he got the Chickens mash & grain & hens grain $(15.75) for the 300 lbs. & they are putting to much corn in it hens & chicks don’t eat it & corn is high priced, so they use lots & make us pay. the pullets are growing nice, one died yesterday I don’t know what was the trouble with her she was so big but didn’t seem to get what she needed some how. I thought there were 62, but counted 78 today it’s hard to count them going out the trap door 2 & 3. at a time & so fast. Elbert was so tired, it’s been a terrible hot day. & he showed it, he was dizzy & stumbling around & nervous & I could hardly get him to set in the shade & get cooled off, but he did for 30 minutes & then un-loaded the grain then we set again for a little & the wind shifted & the storm began to make fast & I got supper while Elbert fed & gave them fresh wather & he put them all in the coop & shut the trap doors & took care of the windows we ate supper & it got at it & gave us some rain, rest of it went other places, wind blew but not to hard, rain came down in white sheets with fine hail in it from S. E. then from S. W. & then night closed in & wind died out & it is quite a lot cooler. it was truly hot before the rain, air was hot, rain was cool, with ice. Well, we surely needed the rain & everything must have been glad to get washed, get a drink, and cooled off a little, hope it wont be to cool. some of the little evergreens look as if they’d had something sprayed on them & ccooked them & a little on the big trees just as if some one had sprayed right & left as they come in between them, there are some queer ones in this world (like Mrs Shimons) she said Why should I have this place, when a little place would be good enough for me & she & her family could enjoy it so much, she says she is a christian to. some one put oil on one butter nut tree & we had to cut the lower limbs off that it was on & 2 big apple tree limbs & they
Thurs. Aug.7. 1947. /page. 2029/ 9 eggs this day. / rubbed the bark of a big place on the little English walnut tree by the drive. I’ll be happy when my work here on earth is done, and I pray God will give me a wee corner in heaven & I can help do any thing He wants me to do. Well I only done what was most necessary all day. & there has been some noise out side around the grainery nights, it might be rat’s 4. legged, or 2. legged I don’t know. I pray God will take care of us as long as we have to sta here & that He will bless the prayer meeting to night in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. No word from Nellie or Bonita so far this week.
Fri. Aug. 8. 1947./ 8 eggs today/ Well, it’s been hot but not as bad as yesterday & I did Elbert’s washing 2 union suits 4 shirts bath towel 2 wash rags his sleeper pants & jacket Kerchief & 3. prs. socks towels & pillow cases & it seemed as if I’d never get done Elbret washed his sock & Kerchiefs & he carried the water started to cloud up after dinner for 2. or 3. hrs. then sun came out again but shirts & union suits didn’t get dry, it’s cooler tonight N. E. breeze most of the day. except when there wasn’t any breeze. I wanted to go to Buelah Beach to a meeting or 2. but can’t use the car. such is life can’t walk it. and no money to ride the bus. But I thank God in Jesus Dear name for Him & His blessings , love & mercy.
Sat. Aug. 9. 1947./ 7. eggs today./ Elbert went back to Vermilion to see the fellow that tried to fix it last week they thought it was the gas pump now it’s the battery any way it don’t run tonight. Elbert road down on the bus & came back with the fellow. He got a little meat to boil & some yeast cakes. & he don’t seem like himself, he’s so nervous, his head hurts him so much of the time. Frank & Armond & little Frankie they gave Elbert a wood-chuck & he’s dressing it now. I haven’t done much only the daily round, I have felt so weak all day. I wasn’t able to wash yesterday; But I thank God for our many blessings. I received a letter from Nellie, she said, she caned the appricots, she made 2 1/2 qts. jam & the goose berries she caned 1. qt. & Elbert picked a qt. of dew berries for her while we were there & she caned 1. qt. of them. they had a terrible storm there, the other night & Mon. she broke her glasses & she’s had the ice bag on her head most of the week & she said to please come as often as we could. I wonder what she meant.
Sun. Aug. 10. 1947./ 8 eggs today. We been home all day. It’s been a fine day, partly cloudy not to hot N. E. breeze. I thank God for our many blessing & for jesus & the Holy Ghost & pray I will be found worthy
Mon. Aug. 11. 1947./ page. 2030/ 6. eggs today/ Well, it’s been a terrible hot day Elbert took the car to Lorain they couldn’t fix it untill Thurs. so he came back at noon, I had half the washing done, & my bread was just ready to be made into biscuits he got a piece of meat to fry, but it was so tuff we could hardly eat it. I had 2 big tins of biscuits & 1. loaf of bread. I did Elbert’s washing & his blanket, he put his work pants to soak & he’s going to wash them early in the morning then I hope to do the chair covers & the light wool blanket I use for a robe in the car & the one he uses on the car seat. I want to wash my rugs (3.) of them While it’s hot enough to dry them fast. Well dishes are done & I have a fresh start, for in the morning. Praise God.
Tue. Aug. 12. 1947./ 7. eggs today./ Elbert got up early & washed out 3. prs. work pants. I felt bad i haven’t done only what I had to do. Miss. Clark sent a card in this mornings mail for 2. doz. eggs. Elbert promised them to Mrs. Cranage, Miss. Clark don’t take them regular. it’s been terrible hot & Elbert got over heat & been sick to his stomach all day, he went to Berlin Hights & got the bal-ance of our 10.00 order & we will have to have another order for next to weeks, if they don’t send the check, & we need some money to keep going. I pray that they Will give me Frank’s pension. I am trusting God will help me to have it from the 1933. God has been truly good to me in many, many ways.
Wed. Aug. 13. 1947./ 7. eggs today./ Well, Radio said, it was 94 in the shade today, I believe it, I washed everything in the way of clothes that was dirty & the chair backs & seat covers & the wool blanket we use for a robe in the car & 1. pr. Elbert’s pants, he left, yesterday. now, the ironing job is next. I mended his sleeper jacket & the pr. of pants he had on, he took off & I put a patch on the other leg, guess I should have put it on when I put the patch on the other leg. Well, I darned one pr. of sock & part of another pr & got 3 prs. to do. Wind was S. & little W. went N.W. & N. E. K& S. & tonight it’s S.W.. No Mail today. I Praise God in Jesus Name for our many blessing
Thurs. Aug. 14. 1947./ page 2031./ 8. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a nice day & God blessed us with several hours of rain, it thundered & lightened terrible lightening sounded like some one braking up sticks then it would crack so loud seemed aas if it would split my ear drums & rain came down in thick white sheets Elbert killed & dressed & washed 2 chickens & I fried them & put them in the roaster for 30 minutes while the potatoes & cabbage cooked & I took a bath while they were cooking & got dressed for Church we ate & did the few odds & ends & Elbert backed the car up to the door for me, it was pouring rain & it continued I got into church took my coat off & shook it & threw it over a seat to dry Miss Clark was there & she got her legs soaked, we took her home after prayer meeeting I received a card from Mrs. Sharpe there was a Christian woman there I didn’t know & the Day Family Dick Hambly & his grandma the young Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Mrs. West Miss. Brown, Garry & two or 3 other children Rev. Mr. & Mrs Gurney & there baby daughter. Loleta, & meself. We had such a good prayer meeting. I thank God in Jesus Name.
Fri. Aug. 15. 1947./ 8 eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Lorain to garage & got the car fixed, the new piece cost 21 cents & it took 2. hrs. to put it in, they said his car is worth twelve hundred dollars. We ate dinner & locked up every thing & went over to Nellies, she isn’t very well & Bonita & Nellie seem to quarel over such little things. Nellie cried while she talked to me, she’s hardly able to get up and around on her feet. I know it takes patience to take care of 3. children & what she does for her mother & her mother helps out wiht hte food & other bills & gives her & the chilcren a home with her (Nellie.) Well, it’s a hard fix there in I wish some good christians would take turns in spending a day (each day of the week ) with them & see if they could turn those souls to Christ. Well, Nellie wanted us to stay to supper so bad & we stayed & she cried when we left. I helped Bonita do up yesterdays & todays dishes & then I talked for half an hour & then we got started for home, we ahve to pass Wyn’s & Virginia’s [Wyn Grant [female] , child of Edith Wheeler and husband Aubrey, Elinor’s cousin] home, so we stopped & Wyn & all were there she said, Edd [Edd ___, husband of Georgia who is sibling of Wyn Grant, Elinor’s cousin] had taken Georgia & Dorthy [possibly daughter of Edd & Georgia] for a nice trip & that Dorthy had been to California, then, she said Audrey [Audrey Grant, child of Edith and Wyn Grant, Elinor’s cousin] had been real bad off with dropsy & heart trouble & has been in the
Fri. Aug. 15. 1947./ page. 2032. / 8. eggs this day/ clinic the passed 2. weeks. Erwin & Virginia [possibly Virginia is another child of Edith Wheeler & Aubrey Grant] had been off to a funeral & had been invited to a party at Vermilion on the Lake & had eat supper & were flying off in there car to the party, there baby is 3. yrs. old now, a very pretty child rather, chubby brown hair curled all over her head & big brown eyes. Wyn says she is alone a lot with the baby & often feels she’d like to get away for a while. we got home just at dark or after dark, rather, we had to use the lights all the way home. We had a lunch & I boiled the meat a little more, I didn’t cook it much before we went. It was cloudy all morning & rained hard part of the time & most of the after noon & part the way home. It was raining when we went & when we came back. I thank God for taking & bringing us safely. & keeping us. I felt to bum to iron, as I should have done this a.m.
Sat. Aug. 16. 1947./ 9. eggs today/ Georgie’s birthday she’s 62. yrs. old today. It’s been a rainy day cleared off a little this after noon, I swept & did the dishes & pressed 4 prs. work pants & done the ironing. Frank Bonney was here & Armond they didn’t get any wood chucks today. Elbert went to Vermilion & got a nice lot of lettuce trimmings for all the chicks & hens. & they are all most out of feed once more. & they haven’t restored my check yet.
Sun. Aug. 17. 1947./ 6 eggs today./ We went to Sun school & church this a.m. & Church tonight. Tom his wife and son are leaving Tue. Aug. 19. for California they are going there to study to be preachers. & expect to be there 2 or 3. yrs. Mrs. Eppler is the preacher they have rented there house in Vermilion, She preached the sermon to-night. Praise God I’m glad some love Him & want to work for Him, I always wanted to but was a poor girl in this world & no one to help me, but God seemed to have lots for me to do anyway. I love Him more than all else in the world any way. We brought the Smith children to the end of there road. Rev. & Mrs Gurney & Miss Brown went to Amherst to Preach tonight on, (the missing Christians.) fogy tonight & hot.
Mon. Aug. 18. 1947./ [no egg count]/It’s been terrible hot (115) this after noon & I haven’t done much. I made 2. Black
Mon. Aug. 18. 1947./ page 2033./ 8. eggs today/ berry pies & a cake & the gas is gone already. I don’t see how it is I cook the same & haven'[t done any extra, but every once in a while it’s 2 weeks short. & now we haven’t any money to pay for the one that’s gone or a new tank & the new one is going to cost more, so the Co. wrote & told us. Elbert & I hoed the peas beans & corn tonight, just before dark. I thank God for the strength he gave me & Praise His Name. We got to ask for another order from County tomorrow.
Tue. Aug. 19. 1947./ 10. eggs today./ No mail. I mended Elbert’s work pants It’s been a terrible hot day & we have not done any more than we had to do . I Praise God.
Wed. Aug. 20. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ Well, Elbert got up early & went to find Hahn, but didn’t, he hasn’t done much, to hot, I got up at 8.a. m. set bread & done out the washing, big job on a hot day, but, I did get a breeze throught the N. window. Elbert & I put a new piece of screen on that, last evening, it had all most fell to pieces. |Elbert went back to Hahn’s & learned he had to go to Berlin Hights now to see Steveson to get an order for food. I’m hoping everything will come out O.K. he’s going in the morning to see him. I got all the wash done except Elbert’s sleepers. I was all done but Elbert’s work shirts when Shirley Glover came in with her Aunt Grace. Nickols & they stayed & visited about 2. hrs. Shirley is well, little thiner than when she was here in 1939 with her mother. Aunt Grace is in bad condition she has lost control of the muscels in her hips back & throat & Byron & Bert 75 yrs. old (her brothers) are quite feeble, Byron is 87. yrs. old & Grace is 72. yrs. old getting old & in poor health when they left, I finished the wet clothes & Elbert got supper, beans & corn & hot drink. I washed dishes & now Praise God I am going to bed. He surely gives me lots of strength, for the little food I eat. It thundered, but no rain this after noon & tonight j wind was N.E. went S. then S.W. & back N.E. tonight.
Thurs. Aug. 21. 1947./ 8. eggs today/ so hot we haven’t done much today Elbert went to see Steveson & he said (He) only gave 13.50 for releif & he couldn’t have the rest untill
Thurs. Aug. 21. 1947./page 2034/ 8 eggs this day/. next week I’m so glad God is the Judge in the Judgement Day, I still believe I’d be to hard. God revealed to me, the day Mr. & Mrs. Adam’s were here, that I had said something, I would here about later on, I was so greived I began to pray & ask God what it could have been & a few days later when the car wouldn’t run & I didn’t get to Church or prayer meeting, I prayed & prayed & ask God what it was all about i thought of all I’d said & when I thought of what I’d said about wishing some christians would come in to visit often so Elbert would get better acquainted with real christians, then I remembered what I had said, when they ask why the ministers didn’t come more often, I had said they were so busy with the 25 or 30 children, they had been giving a religious play & I thought they were to tired, for I started to ask Mrs. Gurney & before I could tell her, she had said she didn’t have time to come clear out here, I said I had wanted them to come so much at that time & Mrs. Adam’s said, then, that, that seemed queer, but, I said Oh they work hard & I love them, they are both good Holy Ghost people & try hard to build up the church & she said no more about it & I thought no more about it, but, as I said, later on God revealed it all to me. He said, you remember the moldy biscuits and the sermon about it later at church, don’t you? I said I told them how sorry I was & that Elbert hadn’t thought, when he put them in the crock I hadn’t been able to take care of the crock as usual Elbert liked them & was so glad they had come in & he made them tea & gave them biscuits & she had seen the mold, it was on the bread crumbs in the crock & had stuck to the biscuits after he had put them in. then God said you remember how you got both sides & the middle of your face slapped, after that for asking them to come out, don’t you? I said yes, but, was it wrong to ask when brother was willing to try for anything just at that time, & I craved so much to see his soul saved, was I wrong? I waited & He said No, but now you will be getting (3.) sermons Sunday school Morning service & evening service & I said Lord what am I to do? I am like Peter, I ‘d like to strike but he said. (be still)
Thurs. Aug. 21. 1947./ Page 2035. /8. Eggs this day. (that’s all He said) be still. So I will. I’ll admit I have been righteously angry, but, Praise the Lord He knows best. I have never been any badly treated in the churches as these last few years. But Jesus was treated even worse, So why should I complain I thought
Fri. Aug. 22. 1947. wouldn’t write all this, but, here it is & God knows it’s the truth. 8. Eggs today. Well, the light bill came, but, how I had a mint marked half dollar & so as it was cooler today. We went to see how Nellie was she had been in bed a few days but got. Up & dressed & went to Lorain with us they went to see if the Red Cross could help Bonita to a little more to take care of the children, they are having a terrible time about the place. We sold Mrs. Cranage the eggs, she gave us 77 cents per. doz. (4. Doz. $3.08) We had a little visit & then went back & picked up Bonita & Nellie, “we had the 3 children in the car,” & took them back home John & Marci were home & glad to see us, they will be home for 2. Months Johny said. Nellie was so tired, she is in the same fix John [John McKinley Harnish, Elinor’s brother in law] was in, dropsy & heart trouble I am so sorry. We visited a bit & came back home we got a qt of tomatoes 10cents, 2. Cabbages 35 cents, some peppers 15 cents & 2 cucum-bers 15. Cents & 4 slices cold lunch meat 33 cents, I boiled potatoes & we had supper, he (Elbert) fed chicks & hens & I looked after the birds it was hot here, in the house, but cooled off when I got windows and doors opened, We got a lb. home made butter & it’s swell 70 cents 20 cents 2. Ice cream cones, I thank God for taking care of us all the way, Nellie gave Elbert a dollar for gas so we had a little ($1.60) left for food than we would have had. (31 cents goes for church) Aug. 22. I mailed another letter to the Governor today.
Sat. Aug. 23. 1947./ 5 eggs today/Haven’t done much today to tired, I baked 2. Tins bread biscuits & Irned my dress & skirt & Elbert’s shirt & cooked & done dishes & looked after beds & rooms Elbert went to Vermilion to see if he could get greens for Chicks, they didn’t have any, he got a little piece of boiling meat & I made soup. Frank Bonney & Armond were here to hunt & I think they got elderberries. He gave me a few little yellow bags, I had ask if Ruby had some house dresses she would want to let Bonita have & that’s what he brought.
Sun. Aug. 24. 1947./ Page. 2036/ 5. Eggs today / No church for us all day I would liked so much to go but Elbert doesn’t have only enough gas to go to Lorain & he’ll have to sell a doz eggs to get gas to get home on. It’s been a terrible hot day yet a good breeze from N.E. Wind went to S. tonight. We need a shower so much.
Mon. Aug. 25. 1947./ 5 eggs today/ Partly cloudy little breeze & hot we haven’t been able to do much today, Elbert wanted to go to to Lorain this a-m. so he cleaned to chickens to take to Mrs. Cranage & sold her 1. Doz. Eggs. 77. Cents she gave us a $5.00 bill & was determined we would keep it, so we went up to Cooks office & learned he & the other lawyers had gone to Elyria to the Court House a tiny thing they do each morning & they are only in there office after dinner, so we got the $5.00 bill changed took out the money for the eggs & folded it in a light piece of paper & Elbert laid it on the step & we left her talking she said she’d send it to us express & let us pay the charges, we came right back home & got here at 10-a-m. it was getting so hot in town but seemed cooler here. At home. It was really cool in the house. But got terrible hot this after noon. Radio said it was the hottest day in Aug for over 20. Or 25. Yrs. We didn’t work today, Radio said showers tonight & tomorrow morning it’s cooler this evening & thundering & lightening since supper time. Getting a little stronger tonight. I thank God for our many blessing & Praise his Holy Name.
Tue. Aug. 26. 1947./ 6. eggs today./ Haven’t done anything to day out side the daily grind We are so hungry we are dizzy. Well, it rained last night & the wind blew it thundered & lightened & this morning it rained a little & has been cloudy most of the day & it has been real cool. N.E. breeze.
Wed. Aug. 27. 1947./ 9 eggs today/ Elbert’s hip went on the bum again yester-da & he’s feeling bad today. can hardly move, I’m so sorry I know how bad it hurts, for my hip was that way before God healed mine I suffered the same thing, but he’s determined, he wont ask God’s help & I can’t help him, but
Wed. Aug. 27. 1947./ page. 2037./ 9. eggs this day./ I know God is able, I thank God for my many healings & blessing that He love me & reveals to me the things I should know. I fell tonight, thought I was on the bottom step, sort of wrenched me all over, we haven ‘t been having enough to eat and it don’t only make me weak but effects my eyes, this morning I got dizzy while taking care of the chickens & as I came out the coop I realed & stuck one foot into a pail of water I had left outside the door, it takes 3. pails of fresh water & I had got safly in with 2. I’m not able to take care of the chickens We have 2 parks & have to go in & drive them in at night so as not be out there after dark, for I’m not fit to be carrying water& feed & driving chickens in & looking after trap doors & all the many things it takes to keep hens & chicks. Winds N.E., died out tonight, it’s cool out tonight, we ate one ripe tomatoe from our garden.
Thurs. Aug. 28. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ Well it been partly cloudy N.E. breeze. I had to carry the water 3. pails to the chickens & 2 pails of mash & 4 pails of cystern water to wash with. I did out my wash the towels & dish towels. & carried 3. more pails of well water to hens & chicks & 2 pails for us & 2 more of cystern water for house use. I cought a chicken dressed & cooked it for dinner & I did out most the wash before I ate a bite I hope Elbert’s back gets O.K. soon, I pray God will fix it for my sake, it’s to hard on me to take care of chickens & my work & washing & carrying all that water & mash. This a.m. I got the order blank from Mr. Steveson for $3.50 worth of food and a card from Sandusky stating I was to have 20.00 in Sept. Nov. & Dec. They are surely cruel & hard & I don’t widh them any harm, but it would be nice if they had to get along on as little as we have had to & have no other help, for at least the same length of time, but it’s nice to Know God is the judge at the judge-ment day, I Praise God & thank Him for all things. How do they think we can make up for the past 3. months on $20.00 per. mo. I can only pray & trust that God will in some way” help us. it’s terrible to be starved to death. But it looks as if big dog would eat little dog before very long. I can’t go to church & I love to go & get God’s blessing.
Fri. Aug. 29. 1947./page 2038./ 7. eggs. today/ I have been so tired I didn’t do only what I just had to do & that seemed to much, for I stumbled in with the water & spilt some & soaked my feet. It sure rained & looked as if it was pouring down & we had heavy showers all night with heavy thunder & lightening that cracked.
Sat. Aug. 30. 1947./ 7. eggs today. / I had Bill Snyder call Nellie for Johny to come take Elbert to the Dr., Nellie had gone up town to get her glasses fixed, but let them go to come with Johny, we went to Lorain to Sifflin, he was angry because they had, had a light cloud burst & his drive way was flooded & he couldn’t get to his car, he had to run to catch the bus & when he got to his office his rooms were drenched, where the water had come in alaround the windows & on the floor & he had to soak that up. he was rather rough with Elbert & talked mean & saucy, Well Elbert thought he felt better & the Dr. said he was sure he had got the bones back in place but Elbert was so sore & lame, he’d been that way since Tue. and was determined I shouldn’t call the Dr. I was so tired out I call to have Johny come Well we done have much to eat & that’s so bad When anyone is sick & I’m so weak I sweat like rain Johny took me to Berlin Hights to get that 3.50 order 1. sack of flour 2 lbs. crisco 1. can milk 1. can beans that is a 2 weeks suply of food. & Mr. Shoop said he couldn’t give it to me unless I signed another order for 10.00 that I couldn’t have? Well, do you call that crooked? I pray God’s help us, we are among cut throats & theives & if ever we need help it’s now. Mr. Hauffman the guy that brought the bird here came to the car & he said, he had heard that they were going to make us sell our homes & live up the money before they gave us more to live on, God help them at the judgement day. Hauffman said maybe they would take the bird back at the store where he got it & I told him O.K. they hate me because I’m not a sport. I hate the evil minded & devils works, I trust God will take me before things get, so bad, we have to be miss
Sat. Aug. 30. 1947/ 2039/ 7. eggs this day./ used like they were in China. Well, we got back home & Nellie had bought some hamberg in Vermilion & she had made meat balls so we had sandwitches & hot coffee, then I gave them the rug the Adam’s had given me, they said they could use it. Elbert was so tired I gave him an anacin rubed his back & hips & got him to bed, & I sat in the big Chair for a couple of hrs. , for, it thundered, lightened blew & rained in torents, after it eased up, I went to bed. Nellie told me, Marlin had been to Cleveland to the clinic for a check up, they said he has an enlarged heart & has had to bed heart attacks of late, his mother & step dad & 2 sisters are with martha & Merlin & their 3. children things are coming thick & fast. I pray God will help us, & care for us. It was 1.a.m. when I went to bed so terribly tired Nellie said Ella Jane called her last Sun. she is so home sick.
Sun. Aug. 31. 1947. / 6. eggs today./ Well, I wasn’t in bed long before Elbert called me, he thought his bowels were going to move, he thought he couldn’t get off the bed onto the can, he want me to lift him. Well, I can’t, I’m not a jack ack any more, so he got on & off the can & was in such pain he cried & he wouldn’t try to tell me so I could help him, he sort of felt iritable, I rubbed his bowels & it seemed to be gas, I gave him 2 anacins 1. hr. apart, he droped off to sleep & so I went back to bed, it was 5-30-a-m. & I hadn’t had any sleep yet, but I dozed off & he got up & took another anacin at 6-30 & said he tried to wake me, but I was sleeping, so he had to do it himself. I got up at 10-30 & he was having a terrible time, he thought he couldn’t get up, well, I got him washed & gave him his break-fast & I went out & carried water & mash & took care of chicks & hens & then, looked after him & then set down to tired to eat or drink, at last he took on so, I treied to call to Snyders & have them call the Dr. I couldn’t get any ans. but at last Young Bill went in over there & I stopped him as he
Sun. Aug. 31. 1947./page 2040./ 6. eggs this day./ was going pasted, he said the Dr. at Huron was on a ve-cation, but, he would go back & try to call, he might be back home again, he came to the door & said, he called but he couldn’t gt any ans. I got dinner & while I was out side looking after things, Elbert came out & sit in the big chair, I had helped him get dressed be-fore he ate his breakfast he seemed to be feeling much better & has felt better so that he went to the out side toilet 3. times before bed time. Praise God I’m so glad, for I’m sure not able to take care of him. seems as long as I can get up & go every one things I’m O.K. I’m glad I can do what ever is necessary, but, I’m feeling tired out. today is God’s day of rest & I Praise Him & thank Him for all things & all pray all works out for His good & Glory. Well, it’s a fine day & beautiful moonlight night N. E. wind.
Mon. Sept. 1. 1947./ 7. eggs today./ Elbert has been up & walk to the toilet & back 3 or 4 times he’s back isn’t quite so painful today, but, far from being right. I have only done what I had to & that seemed to much. beeen a fine day, tonight it’s raining & lots of thunder & lightening. No mail today as it is called labor day, but, most every one takes a vacation, or rest, on this day. I do thank God with all my heart, He is, & always will be.
Tue. Sept. 2. 1947./ 7. eggs today./ Well anothr beautiful Sept. day, I have done the rounds & baked 3 tins of bread biscuits. I thank God in Jesus Name for the strength he gives me. I received a letter from the welfare in Columbus today saying they had not received all the data as yet on my case but, they would. I wonder if they are going to, I just wonder.
Wed. Sept. 3. 1947./ 10 eggs today. / I didn’t get up very early, but , I did all the washing & carried part the water. Elbert took care of the hens & chicks today, he don’t feel very good yet and he don’t look well either. I got a check today for 20.00 from Soldiers & Sailors relief, the post-man took it up to Mitiwanga & today he left it in my box the one I got yesterday from Columbus he was going to put in the box on the way back after he’d been south on our road he didn’t stop to pick up the card we had put in the box for nellie so Elbert went out & gave it to him & he gave him the one from Welfare Columbus Ohio. I pray God will keep me.
Wed. Sept. 3. 1947./ page. 2041./ 10. eggs. today./ It’s been a beautiful day We had light showers late this after noon but I got the clothes all dry & tonight I did the ironing & I’m sure enough tired. Praise God.
Thurs. Sept. 4. 1947./ 7 eggs today/ I haven’t done much today to tired Well, I mended 3 shirts for Elbert they were in very bad condition need to be mended with new ones. Elbert has tried to do a few odds & ends, he don’t feel well, his liver has been on the bum, he’s nervous, because, he can’t work & because of the condition we are in. The coal 3 1/2 tons came today, dirty looking stuff. I received a card from Rev. Mrs. Gurney & on it a little house, with flowers at the entren to of the path & along the path & around the house and beside it the ten commandmnts. She wrote on other side said they had missed me & prayed a lot for me. “Praise the Lord.” she said they had a good camp meetings & some were saved & some received the Holy Ghost. I thank God He hears & ans. our prayers.
Fri. Sept. 5. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ I really got the 3 rugs washed today but they didn’t get dry. I carried most the water also, I’m sure tired & hungry. I gave Elbert 20 cents & he went & got a can of milk up here to the park, cost 15 cents He’s still feeling bum, says his liver & head is bad. he trimed the tomaote vines a few days ago, today he picked enough beans for supper & some for tomorrow & 6. tomatoes. he cleaned the beans & cut them I cooked them we had a few for supper with ptotatoes & chicken gravey & broccoli & bread & tea. received card yesterday from Sister Gurney & so I have ans. it & hope Elbert will mail it tomorrow. If he goes to Lorain I have to buy gas & thats another dollar gone, he ought to get 4.00 for 5. doz. eggs. & I wish I could have it all to help pay up the feed bill 15.65, but if I can pay 8.00 that will leave 7.65 I will have to cash my check 20.00 & pay 5.00.
Fri. Sept. 5. 1947./ page 2042./ 8. eggs this day./ this one/ to Nagle’s for food we have had. We owe them 8.92 & there wont be much left to live on after we take out 2.00 for church & pay for gritt & salt & we got to get straw for the coop soon, the floor is terrible dirty. I just can’t see how we are going to exist, it’s terrible. I swept & cooked & done the dishes & took care of bedrooms & looked after the birds & hens & chickens, it rained in showers all last night & early morning, was partly cloudy today with hot sun at intervals with a south breeze. I thank God for all He gives me & Praise His Holy Name, Amen.
Sat. Sept. 6. 1947./ 7. eggs today/ We went to Lorain Sold 5. doz. eggs to mrs. Cranaage 77. cents per. doz. bought some meat at Fishers & came back to Vermilion. ” I mailed a card to the Minister’s wife on way down.” In Vermilion we bought a little food. Elbert cashed my check & got the 20 dollars. Mrs. Cranage gave me 4.00 for the chickens we took to her, she said she was mad because we hadn’t kept the money before, but I told her I’d give the money back by & by & she didn’t say no; she gave us 4.00 for the eggs & let us keep 15 cents that was her due. So she gave us 8.00 & a box of 12 doughnuts & a box of Mary Ann cookies & said her man was working, so I should forget it but I couldn’t feel just right to keep to keep it all. I get it back to her some how. that made $28.00 I had less the price of the meat in Lorain the meat cost 1.80 the few necessitys to eat boiling meat saucage & lunch meat and the gas for the car & $8.00 I paid at the mill (on the grain we owed for & we still owe 7.65.) & 5.00 I paid Nagle’s for food (we had run a bill 8.92 bal. 3.92) & I saved $2.25 for my tenth at church, so I spent 23.00 dollars & have 5.00 left to by eats for 4 weeks, and pay light bill & gas for the stove. “there will only be 1.00 when I pay left to eat on” so I just don’t know how we will manage to live, but God has promised to take care of me & I am trusting & believing He will. We feel rather all in from lack of food & my eyes have been so blinded of late, but still I know God is able. & I believe He will see me safely through. I love Him more than all else in this world, all the Praise & Glory, surely belongs to Him for ever & ever. When we got home, Frank & Armond were here, getting there hunting tags on, they picked a good half bu. elderberries & were here untill dark. I opened up the house & made us a lunch, we ate some of the doughnuts & some lunch meat in Vermilion before we did our earns, & a little more when
Sat. Sept. 6. 1947./page. 2043./ 7. eggs this day. / we got home & we had bread & broth for supper. I fed the hens & chicks & locked them in, & I’m sure tired tonight I put a clean table cloth on & got the dished done for a fresh start. winds been South some where been a fine day partly cloudy.
Sun. Sept. 7. 1947. /7. eggs today/ Well, we were getting ready to go to church. When Nellie, Johny & Marcie, Bonita & the 3. children came in with a picnic lunch. Marcie had to work today & was tired , they are short of help. in the hospital They had a nice time & left at 7-15-p-m. but, Elbert didn’t feel like going to Church for we would have to work so fast to get away & there on time & not feeling to strong. we didn’t go & I had planned on going so much. It’s been partly cloudy & fogy all day & worse tonight.
Mon. Sept. 8. 1947./7. eggs today./ Well, I baked 4. tins of biscuits & 2 black-berry pies, Elbert went out in back & picked 2. big qts. of blackberrys. So I amtired. I raked up two big piles of grass he cut this morning, Elbert put most of it in the park. N.E. wind all day & fogy long before dark, breeze all dried out about 5-30-p-m. I Praise God for our many blessings & the strength He gives us, & food & all.
Tue. Sept.9. 1947./ 9. eggs today./ I did the washing & got it all done for once, and it has been a hot day little N.E. breeze all morning, then it went S.E. & is still there at 9-30-p-m. I started the chicken frying, Elbert had the potatoes & beets on cooking, I put the chicken in the roaster & let it cook in an inch of hot water, after it’s fried so while it was getting the finishing, I took a bath, then made the gravy & we had supper then I did the dishes & now I’ll read & talk to Jesus & go to bed, Elbert went sometime ago I thank God & Praise Him for all things, Amen.
Wed. Sept.10. 1947./7. eggs today./ I cleaned the wall & floor in the corner by the cupboard & Elbert fixed the wash bench over a little, he put 2 boards on the back, that sort of stiffened it up, he put another short piece between the legs on the end toward the door, then he padded it on the top with heavy paper & helped me, cut & tack on the new oil cloth, it was so dirty & I couldn’t clean it, to make it look clean anymore, Well it’s use to be a hard job for me, but, it’s hard now, even with Elbert’s help but now it’s done again for a while & it looks so much better. I scrubbed my bedroom floor & that’s a good job done, it’s so hot & I’m to weak to do such work any more. S. East breeze all day & it’s lightening off to the South tonight.
Thurs. Sept.11. 1947. /page. 2044./ 5. eggs today/ Well it been a hot day, with a south west breeze & there has been tornades in some places & Our president his wife & daughter running about the World in air plaines & boat & the other side is in such a termoil, many nations asking this country for help & we “just Elbert & I” are in such a hard spot, for food & clothes, I pray God will help me out of the tight corner we are in some how, if He will. but give me wisdom & knowledge & help me to use it right, for Him first & then our necessities, I’ll praise Him for ever & ever, Amen. We went to Church to prayer meeting & had a good service & prayer meeting, I’m so happy to get back to church again seems like ages since I were there. Elbert picked 1/2 of string beans today Mrs. Sprunk wanted some but some how we didn’t get to see her tonight. We brought the Smith children to the end of there road tonight. I miss Tom & his wife & son, Church is empty with out them. We need more to fill up the Church, I pray God will help us to help those who don’t understand & I pray they will read & search the bible & try to learn more about Jesus & His word. I swept & wiped up the floors today & I do Praise God for the wonderful strength & all He gives us.
Fri. Sept. 12. 1947./ 6 eggs today./ I didn’t do much today I’m so tired Elbert picked beans & corn & I picked broccoli & the leaves We took broccoli & corn to the preachers & a few beans & We took 2. doz. eggs 1/2 bu. beans & a big mess of broccoli to Nellie, Bonita & the children & a tin of biscuits she paid 1.54 for the eggs & 1.65 for the beans & gave Elbert 50 cents for gas, he took them to Elyria & they did some shopping 3 big bags of food & we didn’t get only 45 cents worth of lunch meat & I wanted some milk & greese for sweet corn, it was 9-45-p-m when we got home, tired, & I had a head ach & Elbert’s stomach was burning like fire, I got a note from Laura Ann Bonney today. Elbert got a card & note from Ella Jane. We ate a piece of yeast cake & that helped us both & I ate a little of the lunch meat & drank hot water it sprinkled rain twice while we were gone wind is S. west, been mostly cloudy, but hot. I thank kGod for all He has given us & for taking & bringing us safely. Mrs. West took a pk of beans for her mother for 80 cents but she still owes for them. Things are sure getting bad every where such high prices on every thing.
Sat. Sept. 13, 1947./page. 2045./ 9. eggs today./ I sent a card to Releif & thanked them for the 20.00 a mo for 3. mo. [they didn’t give her any May, June or July] I have only done the daily round. We were so hungry we killed & fried another chicken. Frank & Armond were here today, they came early & left at dark they gathered Elderberrys & went hunting, they brought us a few Onions the big flat white ones. 8 or 10 of them & some number of tomatoes, ours are ripening now. We wont have but a few, first corn is done Elbert says. been partly cloudy most of the day. but a nice day. Elbert’s dug the potatoes We didn’t have many & he planted part of them in the light of the moon & they are small. I felt to bum to work today I ought to have baked & ironed, but I didn’t so, we’ll have to make out.
Sun. Sept. 14. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ WEll, It’s been a fine day, partly cloudy. We went to Church this evening had a very good meeting, had 5 or 6 young people in to church strangers to me. Mrs. West and Mrs Lindy West were there & Mrs. Sprunk (Mrs.) Dorthy took the beans & thought she would like some more this week. Mrs. West is breaking up house Keeping, said she was going west for a while, I guess Lindy & Dorthy maybe going into the house, but I don’t know for sure. Sometimes they talk to me & some-times they ignore me, as if they didn’t know me at all, they are, a queer lot. Well, I thank God for the many blessing He gives not only to us but all those that belong to Him. Elbert kill another chicken for today & I made Baking Powder biscuits.
Mon. Sept. 15. 1947./ 7 eggs today/ We went to Lorain Elbert talked to Mr. Deitz & he said he could come & try to work tomorrow We got a piece of boiling meat size of your fist 34 cents & he wanted 38 cents we got a 1/2 doz rolls & 4 slices lunch meat 2 lemons 2 yeast cakes. it rained hard most of the time we were in Lorain. We called on Madeline Hunter Todd, Bill was home & we visited quite a lot, there 2 girls are married one lives close by, the other one quite aways a way, so they are alone the one daughter thats far away was home a month ago with her baby boy she’s been married most 3. yrs.Madeline said. Dave’s girl has hay fever. terribly bad & they are going to Carrollina & Addam has 2 girls & they
Mon. Sept. 15. 1947./page 2046/ 7 eggs this day/ are married & have children & they think John got burned up in the forest fire in Canada, where he worked as a ranger. he had married & lost his wife that had been a great blessing to him for 10 or more yrs. & after his mother died he took that ranger job. Alec works on the lakes sailing on the steam boats May is in Cleveland she married a Dr. & has 5 children & Nellie is married & has 3 children a boy, a young man & a daughter married & a young daughter 6. yrs. old. I called on her she lives on W. 18th St. in Lorain, her Name is Beck. Elbert had to go to 20th to see the house they are working on, so I got to call on Nellie she a fine woman, to. Then we went to Mrs Cranages & I talked a few minutes & I sold her 2 doz egg 77 cents per doz. They told me the little old woman I had met there there last time was dead & left 78 thousand dollars to her nephews (2) & she claimed she was so poor We came back to Vermilion on the Lake & called on Mrs. Hambly & Ellen was there. & the children came from school before we left, she made coffee & sandwitches & we had quite a visit, she’s been to the hospital & is so thin & poor & Mr has just got started back to work last Sat. & he isn’t abit well. she told us all the bad things thats doing among the church people it’s really to bad & I pray God will in His own way take a hand in those familys & take out the Kinks, bad Kinks. The Ministers sure have there hands full trying to help them keep right. I thank Jesus for helping us & keeping us to day & night.
Tue. Sept. 16. 1947./page. 2047./ 5. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain but he didn’t work, said the men had a little job they were doing today & had no place for him, so he went to see the Winters to sell his lots to them, if he could, they said they would let him Know soon, & he spoke to another party about the lots all so & I hope he can sell them soon so he can pay the bank for his car engine. he got home at noon, I took care of the hens & chicks & did the washing & carried some water & I’ve felt rather bum all day, just didn’t feel able to wash but, I got it done with the Lord’s help sun was hot & clothes dried good N.E. wind not strong but cool. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessing & for taking & bringing Elbert safe, he isn’t fit to work. We’re starved.
Wed. Sept. 17. 1947./ 6. eggs today./ It’s been a beautiful day not much breeze hot sun, partly cloudy cool breeze from the South after, noon. Elbert picked beans & I baked a doz buns & 3. tins of biscuits. I swept & did my daily round. got supper, fried chicken & now the dishes are done & I’m not sure but seem as if one red pullet is missing. there were 3. red ones Frank & Armond acted so queer Sat. & that morning Elbert left the coop open & then went out in the back to dig potatoes. I heard the chickens making a fuss & heard some one running. When I didn’t see anyone out the south or west window I yelled to Elbert, then Frank & Armond came around the corner, they looked guilty about something, I told Elbert the chickens were making a fuss & then I heard foot steps running & Frank said it was him runing, he said he left 8. or 10. onions by the back door & went back to his car in front by the drive way, the red chickens were out for an hour or two that day but we put them in early, the roosters were all there so I didn’t look to see if the 3 pullets were or not. I hate to loose one it costs so much to raise them. I thank God He is & ever will be & for saving my soul & all the many blessing & care He gives to us.
Thurs. Sept. 18. 1947./ 6. eggs today./ Haven’t done much today. cook elderberys & got them ready for a pie & we went to the beach & got sand for the roost & floor of hen house I picked up a few stones & schells for Bonita’s children. I haven’t felt so good for a few days. Sun. was so hot & I sweat like rain. We went to prayer meeting. Dorthy West lead the meeting, Mrs. West Sr. was there & Mrs. Sprunk, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Miss, Clark & another woman, can’t remember her name, Garry Black, Harry Day, 4 Smith children from out our way & a few other children
Thurs. Sept. 18. 1947./ page. 2048./ 6 eggs this day./ We brought the Smith children out to the end of there road. & we didn’t sell a bean but I gave the preachers some & Miss Clark, Preachers went to Ackron tonight. Rev. Beueser is sick in bed they told us & this is the second time, just of late. Mr Horning fell off a ladder & fractured his leg & tore a long gash in one leg. Mrs. Sprunk had a letter from Tom & his wife & they are doing fine & Mrs West Sr. had a telegram from Dicky wanting to come back home, he went to Texas to study & she thinks he’s homesick he’s only 17 yrs. old she said. I pray Lord God of Hosts Thou will comfort him & help him to turn to Thee in Jesus Name, & be with each & every one of all we ask in pray tonight, Oh Jesus, we trust & believe, but, Thy will be done. It’s been a beautiful day & I thank God for our many blessings.
Fri. Sept. 19. 1947./ 4. eggs/ Brother Fred’s birth day he would be 61 yrs. old today, Poor dear Fred I miss him and all the others so much ma & pa & Uncle Will & Aunt Venie, Aunt Edie & a lot of folks we knew so well. I pray God will help we who are left to reach home with Him saftly. Oh, I praise Thee Jesus & thank Thee. Well Elbert & I caned 7 1/2 qts. of yellow beans 4 of the qts. are whole beans I wanted to pickle them but had no vinegar, & no money. Elbert killed & dressed a rooster & put it on to cook & then he cleaned & put sand on the chicken roosts. Mr. & Mrs. Hambly & Rose Marry came in right after we had dinner, We had a nice visit & I gave them the English walnut tree, I grew from a nut, that was growing at the corner of the car shed, it was about 8 ft. tall, big around as a fifty cent piece, then they got some yellow rose bushes & flowering almond, violet plants, corriopsis, some heavenly morn, glaradros honey suckle vine, 3. rose cutting some house plants, a 2. qt. jar of little tomatoe pickles, some tomatoes & a few pears & they seemed to be so happy, they came in his father-in-laws car & could only stay 1 1/2 hrs. & the time goes fast when you are visiting, Ellen is to have another baby in Mar. she is there eldest daughter she, is Mrs. Toms. She “Mrs. Hambly” said Mrs. Gurney phoned & said there wouldn’t be any pray meeting last night. I wonder now. It’s been a beautiful day hot sun but cool breeze & the hurrycane has hit Florida & New Orleans & Louisiania & Arkanas is to get it in the Morning & they said Cincinattia was to get a little of it. Elbert took care of the hens & chicks today. I didn’t do the supper dishes, to tired. I thank God for my blessings.
Sat. 20. 1947./ page 2049./ 7. eggs today/ Elbert & I canned 20 qts of green string beans & he took care of the hens & chicks the hens ate 2 eggs today. Frank & Armond came out to hunt they got one wood chuck & gave it to Elbert, he dressed it after we finished the beans, after 6-p-m. & I ironed 3. of his shirts & my dress & we are both very tired tonight. I thank God for our many blessings & Praise his Name. It’s been a beautiful day
Sun. 21. 1947./ 4. eggs today./ We had to stay home, no money & no gas for car & just before 5-p-m a storm came up from all 4. directions, it seemed to come from the N. West mostly & whirled around & around & the wind scuds were going at a fierce rate in an hour or so it began to rain in heavy sheets from the N. & a little east. the wind took a heavy toll, or clouds of dirt from the land across the road, they had just got it worked over once more I think perhaps they were going to put in wheat, but, any way, they have lost a lot more top soil again. I pray God will bless the meeting tonight & bring some Amen.
Mon. Sept. 22. 1947./ 5. eggs today./ Well I did out the washing & got it dry. strong N.E. wind & cool blew a gale last night tore the bitter sweet vine down broke several park fence posts off broke the post on south end of grapes & broke of the two posts Elbert had set & nailed a couple of boards on, to hold up the yellow rose bushes & last & worse of all broke the corn stalks square off, wind & rain all night & radio said lots of trees & poles were down through Michigan Toledo & on down through Ohio & in Penn., it looked bad again tonight before dark but don’t seem to be to bad at 9-p-m. N. E. wind, quite strong & cool, the cold rain turned the leaves on some things, but tomatoes & beans are O.K. yet. they have had a killing frost in Wis. & Mich. I took up, part of my plants & brought them in tonight. We had a fire late yesterday & all day & tonight. been a nice Fall day. Elberts worked alday he killed & dressed a rooster for dinner & I cooked it. he took care of hens & chicks & got the roses reinstated & the bitter sweet back into place, it’s full of berries & so heavy, it was a hard job. he has a few more posts to set & the beans to pick once, more & tomatoes.
Tue. Sept 23. 1947./ 5. eggs today./ Well I’ve done my daily dozen & odds & ends & Elbert set the posts & braced some untill he can get posts & he took care
Tue. Sept. 23. 1947./page. 2050. / 5. eggs this day. / of the hens & chicks. & he pick pears about 2. bu. & he pick almost 1/2 bu beans. Radio said Tampa Florida is getting a hurrycane tonight & in Japan or some such terribl thing & another headed for China & the Phillipine Islands had a bad one. Well, we have had a beautiful Fall day the S.W. wind feels rather cool & fresh & the fire feels good in the house, rather chilly tonight, Elbert thinks we may get a frost, so we went out & he held the flash light & I took up the rest of my plants & put them in water, in the basement & I didn’t get the tomatoes picked. & I really hope we don’t get a frost for there’s a bu. or so of beans & the corn out there yet. I thank God for his care & that he takes care of us from day to day. Praise His Holy Name.
Wed. Sept. 24. 1947./ 4. eggs today./ I baked 2 tins bread biscuits & 1. loaf. & I picked broccoli for us & pail full of leaves for the hens & pullets. I swept all three room & took care of beds & birds. & washed dishes & fixed two lunches. I picked half the peas & Elbert got the rest, I cooked them for supper or evening lunch with 4 or 5 small potatoes & we had some to-matoe all so. Elbert cleaned a chicken & I cooked that, for he had been out looking for work k& was hungry & so tired. he picked beans, he didn’t have as many beans as he thought he would & we got to buy feed for the hens & chicks &pay the light bill. & no money to do it with & only 3. doz. eggs to sell. I pray God will help us some how. Wind N.E. & stronger to night. been a beautiful day. I thank God for our blessings.
Thurs. Sept. 25. 1947./ 6 eggs today./ Well, it just didn’t seem as if I could go to Lorain today, but we got the eggs in the car some beans & pears we sold the eggs for 80 cents per. doz. 3.20 for 4. doz., 50 cents for pk of pears, 1.57 for the beans. 5.27 cents, I owed mrs. Cranage 10 cents & bought 2 lbs. bird seed 50 cents boiling meat was 50 cents, milk was 13 cents, light bill 1.20 mash 5.09, so we took in 5.27. I had 3 dollars I had saved made us 8.27 we spent 7.57 & there was 50 cents for gas leaving us 20 cents We got the mash & milk at A.&P. store & meat, at martins meat market. We were so tired when we got home, we had supper chicken balls & gravey & fried potatoes left from dinner bread tomatoes & coffee & then I put a few pears in a bag for the preacher” some of the big ones from our tree” some plants & some buckeyes for the little girls. & a few pears in a bag for Miss. Clark, & took them to prayer meeting & then took Miss. Clark home & took Smith Children to end of there road about a mile west of Vermilion, and on home. Mrs. Day told me, to tell Elbert he could get a job over at Vermilion on
Thurs. Sept. 25. 1947./ page 2051./ 6 eggs this day./ the Lake, we see they were building a new one there as we had called on Hambly’s & then took that road a-long the track, back to main highway, so Elbert is planing to go see about it in the morning. It’s been a beautiful Fall Day. Wind N.E. & cool I thank God He helped us get enough for light bill mash, meat, milk & gas. I really wondered how we could ever do it, but, God can help us more than We know & Mrs. Cranaage gave us a can of meat Praise the Lord. Now I have cooked the boilling meat & made a Kettle of soup rice, carrots, onions, meat & tomatoes. I Praise Jesus.
Fri. Sept. 26. 1947./ 4. eggs today./ Elbert went to find the man that wanted a carpenter & he stayed un-till noon & no man came, he found Mr. Day & talked to him, he didn’t think to leave his address & have the man write, or call on the phone & I forgot to tell him to do that. So he came back home, he don’t know where the man lives in Lorain, or what his name is. such a world. Elbert isn’t fit to work & he’s so nervous be cause he can’t that he don’t think. I have been sort of on the bum today guess the tomatoes has to much acid in them for me, I’m broke out in little pimples on my face & neck. & my mouth. all around my lips It’s been a beautiful day. cool breeze N.E. We been having a little fire, gets chilly at night & Elbert covered the tomatoes tonight, thinks we’ll get a frost he said.
Sat. Sept. 27. 1947./ 2 eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Huron & they gave him a good mess of fish, I’ve been praying God would givwe us a change of food & Praise His Name, He sure blessed us today Frank and Armond came out & Armond brought us a nice beef roast & Frank brought fish & lard & a little pork can-ned in the lard & some lima beans fresh ones & a nice cabbage head. Well, they went hunting & when they came back, they ate fish with us. Oh yes, Ruby sent a lb. of oleo. greese to eat for butter Armond wanted Elbert to take some money to, but Elbert thanked him & told him, not right now. for he hopes to work next week if he can, he’s terrible sore and lame from picking beans & walking to much. he hich
Sat. Sept. 27. 1947./page. 2052./ only 2. eggs this day/ hiked his way to Huron & back. I looked after hens & chicks & cook a good supper of potatoes & fish. Oh, Praise the Lord, Glory, Glory, Hallalujah, Glory, Glory. My face & neck look as if I had poison ivy on me again & my head has been aching for 3 days, I bum, but I Know God is able & I’m trusting for the healing.
Sun. Sept. 28. 1947./ 3. eggs today./ Well, thank God in Jesus Name I’m a lot better today May the Lord be magnafied I know they will pray for me at church and I thank the Lord for my healing and trust that He will Kill the root of this trouble this time that I may be healed soul & body, I thank Him & Praise Him I love and a-dore Him Hoasana to His name, All the Glory surely does belong to Him, for ever and ever, Amen. Oh God, I thank Thee and Praise my Jesus, He is more than wonderful. I have had to be home all day & I crave to be in Church Sundays, I have prayed for all at church and those who willfuly stay away, for the sick and afflicted those in torment, the deaf, dumb, & bllind, the bed ridden those having children the convelescents the orphans & the widows, for those Who mourn, the old people in hospitals homes or at home, in prisons or camps Where ever a soul maybe that belongeth to the Lord for the missionarys & there peoples, for the rulers and for God’s chosen people and His land, and that he will give acording the our faith in Him. Glory Hallalujah, He sure does hear an answer prayer, I’ve been asking for a change of food & we sure enough got it yesterday, fish & a fresh beef roast & a wood chuck & cabbage & beans. I ate 3 fish for supper & felt fine after word, I don’t usually eat more than two, but we were so empty. Frank even gave me 4. pepermints, candy, & he & Armond gave us each an orange. Praise God I feel like crying for Joy, Oh Glory to God in the highest, Glory, Glory, Glory. Been partly cloudy today. S & little west wind we got a frost Fri. night & white due Sat. night. I wrote to the Governor, to Cleveland trust bank & to Miss Mc.Govern & Welfare department Columbus Ohio. hope to get
Sun. Sept. 28. 1947./page 2053./ only 3. eggs today/ them mailed in the morning. Elbert hopes to see a man in Vermillion & get to work & I hope & trust he can.
Mon. Sept. 20. 1947./ 2. eggs today./ Been a stormy day, it rained last night, thundered and lightened for a while, then just came in showers with out the others & Bill & Bob had just finished planting the ground a cross the road to wheat, they started early Sunday morning & got done before dark & today Bill’s sleeping. Elbert went over for a pt. of milk, I haven’t been feeling so good, think I had another swelling inside that broke some of the poison came out on my face & body. The Lord laid His hand on me last night at Church time & I felt His power all through me Praise His Dear Holy Being, I love Him more and more as the days go by. Rained in showers most of the day & in misty showers part of the time, been sort of dark & gloomy all day N.W. wind.
Tue. Sept. 30. 1947./ 3. eggs today./ Last day of the Mo. Elbert got up & went to Vermilion on the lake but he didn’t get a job, he isn’t fit to work, but if he could get in 2 or 3 days a week, it would help a lot, looks as if an other gathering broke inside of me, been have such pain in my side & then my face & arms & body broke out in pimples, then the Lord laid His Glorious hand on me, when they prayed for me Sun. night & now the pimples are going away, I Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, I praise Him with all my soul, mind, heart, & strength, for ever & ever, Amen. Am sore & weak yet hope to be O.K. tomorrow & I wanted so much to go to prayer meeting Thurs. night, but unless we get some money from some where & I pray God will provide that some where. I thank in Jesus Name. It’s been quite cool today & partly cloudy N.East wind.
Wed. Oct. 1. 1947./ 2 eggs today./ Well I washed & my whole body is pulsing. I’m to tired. It’s been a fine day N.E. wind & cool, hot sun, Elbert went to look for work & got back tired & blue. no work so he did odds & end around here I had the washing most done when he got here. I carried water & took care of hens & chicks & got a letter for Elbert from Cleveland Trust & some one had opened it. I thank God for
Thurs. Oct. 2. 1947/ page 2054./ 3. eggs today./ our many blessing. Well I feel terrible bum today I haven’t been eating only one meal & a snack & today I only had some pear to eat untill 5.-30.-p-m. been a beautiful day & Elbert fed to much mash & we run out of feed & now I looked through everything to dig up a few cents & I found $2.51, I don’t know how I overlooked them before, but now I have got all cleaned up & don’t know what we’ll do in the next pinch, I have 3.26 now toward the mash & hope to sell 2. doz. eggs for not less than 1.50 & then I have two little banks we, us to save nickles & dimes in & they give our dollar back when we take them back, so, that ought to give me $6.76, and Elbert had a 25 cent piece & I gave him 25 more for gas & we may have enough for a bite of food. now for a bath & to bed & get up & off at 8-a-m. for Elbert says he’s got a job in a pencil factory in the yellow brick house 1/4 mile this side of Huron bridge. Warmer tonight. I thank God in Jesus Deara Name for our many blessing & pray He will bless our preachers & there efforts, & that He will fill those of us with the Holy Ghost that haven’t been Amen.
Fri. Oct. 3. 1947./ 4. eggs today./ Been quite a day for me, we got up early & put everything in the car, we were taking with us, 2. doz. eggs for mrs. Cranage, 1. can apricots & a doz. big russet pears & the 2 little banks from the Cleveland Trust Company, I was taking them back to get a dollar a piece on them, but Elbert took them there & they wouldn’t give the money back, said they’d changed there method now, the people are getting so bad in this world. I ask Mrs. Cranage if she would lend me 2.00 & she did, so, we got a bag of mash a can of milk a1. lb of spry & he took in 6. lbs. of old greese & got 60 cents for it & bought a little piece of plate beef 2. inches square & 8 in long for 46 cents so he got 2 cans of pork & beans for 23 cents & we came home to find my check in the mail box, We came home & I opened a can of pork canned in lard that Frank Bonney gave us last Sat. & it stunk so I sealed it up, I’ll give it back to him. when he comes out again I cut off a piece of the boiling meat & ground it & put a can of the beans in it & we had that for dinner & then Elbert gave the hens some mash & the pullets , & we locked up again & we went to Vermilion & got another bag of mash a 3. lb. of crisco a 24 lb sack of flour 3. lemons can of milk 1. yeast cak 3 frankforters & 2 slices of pressed ham. I found the 2.51 cents & I gave Elbert 1. for gas & we got 1.70 for eggs. We paid
Fri. Oct. 3. 1947./ page. 2055./ 4. eggs this day./ 7.65 cents, the balance of feed bill we owed. & I only got 2.00 left for Church. we went to the church & I took a nice bunch of bitter sweet a little bunch of Indian tobaco & 4 potted plants 3. little 2. in pots with rubber plant & 2. little plant that look like cactuts, they wasn’t home so I left them in the hall way & I couldn’t leave the money. I didn’t know where to leave it, or put it. We came back. I had set the bread & it was just ready to make biscuits so I did that & made soup for our supper. Elbert went to the new job & they told him to go home & come back in the Morning at 6-a-m. so he’s in bed & a sleep & I am soon going I did the dishes took care of my bread & my teeth & this & I read my bible and pray a while then get in bed. It’s been quite warm today, beautiful day S. breeze. I thank God for our blessings, He took us & fed us & Mrs. Cranage was so kind to loan us the 2.00 & I hope to be able to send it back or take it soon. Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah I Praise God from whom all blessing flow, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Sat. Oct. 4. 1947. / 1. egg today./ Well, Elbert went to work & I swept all 3 room & wiped up the floors & picked & cleaned & potted a few plants & Elbert set the water by the cook door & I cleaned & filled 3. pails & one half sized pail & then I carried a big pail of mash to all of them & let them out side sun was nice & warm & not much breeze. what there was came from S.west. Elbert came a little after 3-p-m. he had been to Huron & got a piece of pressed ham, boss advanced him $5.00, Well Frank & Armond came about 15 minutes before & had gone hunting, so we had a lunch & then Elbert looked after hens & fixed his garden cultivator & tried it out. then we had supper, what soup w had left, then the boys came back with 4 woodchucks & gave Elbert 2. so he dressed them, they brought some cabbages that had split open & strted to grow for the hens Elbert got some nice letuce leave for hens. yesterday & he has a good job, can sit down if he wants to & work a machine & it is easy, he said he didn’t feel so tired it’s only 90. cents & hr. but, it’s a good job for winter. Oh,
Sat. Oct. 4. 1947./page. / 2056./ 1. egg this day. / how I Praise God in Dear Jesus name for ans. to prayer He hears the cry of a sparrow and says we are more worthy & I am so weak & I Know I am a sinner in His sight, but still He hears and ans. prayer I praise Thee & love Thee.
Sun. Oct. 5. 1947./2. eggs. today/ Well, we didn’t even get to go to Church this morning, but I did go this evening. & Miss Brown preached the sermon there were only a very few there. We have such good plain sermons there were more children then older people & that’s a shame on the older people. I thank God in Jesus Name for all things great or small & I pray I may be per-mitted to mingle with the church folk, more often. Oh I love the Lord & I Praise Him in all things for ever & ever Amen. Beautiful day S.W. wind. We had a thunder & lightening storm last eveing & it showered untill most morning.
Mon. Oct. 6. 1947./ 3. eggs today/ I took Sister Gurney a few Japanese lanterns to dry for winter bouquets. Elbert went to work at 2-p-m. he’ll be back at 15 to 11-p-m. I did out the washing after he left, & got most of it dried. it been a beautiful day with a good south breeze. I fed all the hens & chicks & locked them in & locked the grainery. I’m tired. Elbert came had a hot dish of speggetti & now he’s going to bed after he gets washed. & I ‘m going to read & then I’m going to my bed & I thank God for all our many blessing in jesus Dear Name.
Tue. Oct. 7. 1947./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to work at 2-p-m. & I took care of hen & chicks & carried 3. pails of water for the house & one for pullets. I mended Elberts work shirt & got a night gown most done. & got supper & had everything ready when Elbert got here at 11-15-p-m. it’s been a beautiful day. I thank God for Our blessing. in Jesus Name.
Wed. Oct. 8. 1947./page. 2057./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to work at 2-p-m. he Killed 2 pullets & dressed them & put them on to cook, I slept untill 11-a-m. & I have felt to bum, to do much today, & I haven’t got any more threat to sew with & so I used up the last of the darn-ing cotton on his socks, 4. prs. & did my daily doz. & now I have made 2. tins of biscuits & got everything ready for supper when he gets here, I’m so tired, & he looked tired when he left this afternoon, it’s been a fine day much cooler & cloudy all day. N.E. breeze. But I thank God for our blessings which are many. To-night the Church folks are having a birthday party on Rev Gurney over to Mrs. Wests home, they invited me, but of course I couldn’t go & any way I had no way to make sandwitches & meat costs such a lot we can’t buy for ourselves. Elbert got here at 11-p-m. He’s getting dissattisfied, Oh God of Love & Mercy, I pray Thou will guide & direct hime, soul & body, & help him to be able to make his payments I thank Thee & Praise Thee for all things & pray Thou will teach us Thy Ways. Oh, Glory to God I Praise Thee.
Thurs. Oct. 9. 1947./ No. eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to work & I dressed & fried another rooster for supper. We’ll be flapping our wings & crowing, or flying, or some-thing if we don’t get a change in food before long. I’m sure glad we have them, or we’d be fasting long hrs. but it would be nice to have some fish & some meat at least twice a week, I’ve done my daily round & took care of hens & pullets, only 1. rooster left. We were trying to save 3. for the Hollidays, but thats over & if we get to save this one we’ll be lucky. It takes a bag of mash a week, for we can’t buy grain. The wind’s N.E. & cool, plenty fresh to. sun set White last night & tonight. Been a beautiful Fall day with sunshine. elbert got home 5 to 11-p-m. tonight, he’s getting terrible uneasy & he is beginning to hate it to. Well we had supper & got dishes done, & I thank God we are both O.K. & got enough for his lunch tomorrow & our dinner, I love Jesus & He loves & cares for me. Tonight is prayer meeting & I can’t go But I have read & I have prayed & they prayed for me & God touched me & I thank Him for I sure needed the touch. Praise God in Jesus Holy Name Glory Glory Hallulejah Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus. Amen.
Fri. Oct. 10. 1949. [she means 1947]/ page. 2058/ 3. eggs today/ Well Elbert went to work, he leaves about a quarter to three & gets here around 11-p-m. We had dinner I made Chicken baqll & gravey for dinner We were hungry so they tasted good & we had spinage & biscuits & he had coffee. I set bread & made to tins of bread biscuits it had just got started to raise the cover when Nellie came with johny & Marcia, Bonita & her 3. Children & they had brought there dinner, I had gone out & was putting the hens & pullets in the cook when they drove in. I finished taking care of them, had to put a pail of water in for pullets & Johny got that & I fastened back door & traps I had put the mush in When they I see them drive in, it was getting quite chilly, so I finished before going to the house, they brought hadock fish to fry & Bonita & Marcie set the table & got the potatoes on to cook & made salid of cabbage cellery & lettuce & I fried the fish, they got the chairs around & at last we set down to eat they all had a taste of chicken balls there were only 4 & they ate 2. so we have 2 left. one for his lunch tomorrow or the fish they left for him. We had a little visit, the children are so noisy we can’t visit much, Well, Johny took the sink pipe apart & said we’d have to have a new piece Elbert had spoilt this on, so he said he’d be back in a few nights or days & put the new one on, “he had & extra one at home “he said. so after that they packed up & started for home, I got the bread on the tins to raise before they left. They brought a pk of winter pears, but they are so small, I don’t know what to do with them. I gave them a few of ours, the dutches big rusty coats. We had them ost eat up. I gave little Bonita some clam shells I had picked up on the beach & had them in the basement. Well after they left I swept & put things back wehre they belonged & took bread out the oven & greesed it & then washed up dishes, then got everything out & ready to warm for supper. now I’m having a cup of hot tea & it’s, 10-30-p-m. Elbert’s through work & will be coming home now. It’s been a fine day but cold N. E. breeze & the
Fri. Oct. 10. 1947./page. 2059./ 3. eggs. this day./ are so ragged they feel the cold, but they were out a couple of hours I like to shut the coop before it gets to cold & there are two windows with only half sach & I cover them with bags they let a lot of cold air in & we have to do something about it soon. I Praise God in Jesus Name for our many blessings. Jesus is so truly wonderful to me, I love Him more than all else.
Sat. Oct. 11. 1947./ 2. eggs today/ Elbert went to work, but this morning the Old man “that bought Duglas farm” came over to see if Elbert would come over & help him build his new house, then he said he wanted to either buy my place or a driveway from his hill across the N. side of my place, he rents his ground to Bert Ward & I reckon Berts in the deal in some way. They wouldn’t want to pay anything worth while Well, I washed my two bed room windows, it’s a hard job. & I’m to tired, body seems to heavy & tired out, but I got chores done & supper about ready & it’s 10-30-p-m & he will get here 11. or 11.-15.-p.-m. & I’ll be happy when all is done, I’ll thank God in Jesus name, it’s been a beautiful day, N.E. breeze cool, but sun was really hot. I’m hoping & Trusting to go to sunday school & church in the morning.
Sun. Oct. 12. 1947./2. eggs today./ They call the 12.th. Columbus Day. I wanted so much to get to the meetings this morning, but, instead Elbert had his mind set on going to see Irwin Wasen, about carpenter work, so we went & they were cleaning house & putting up storm windows, he talked to Elbert & I to Wyn & Virginia & the little girl, a few minutes maybe 15 minutes then we went & called on Nellie, Bonita & the children, Nellie & Bonita had been working all morning & had just got cleaned up they had bakes pies & were going to church where they were having a big supper for Mrs. Frankie Beesie in honor of her playing the organ & piano for 50 yrs. in the Church. They ask us to go, but , “the bible says” if we are hungry, we have houses where we can eat but the church is where we partake of the Lord’s supper” They gave me a cup of green tea dry tea & a cup to
Sun. Oct. 12. 1947./ page. 2060./ 2. eggs this day./ each of us, of hot tea, it tasted very good for I was hungry, only had 2 handful of crackers in a cup & a half of broth & Elbert got us each an ice cream cone in Amherst. That was all I’d had all day untill 6-30-p-m. when we got home we warmed some potatoes & had hot sweet corn Elbert had picked Sat. then we took care of birds & hens & went to Church We had such a good prayer meeting, God laid his hand on the Minister, he’s been sick, I don’t know what’s wrong with him but to much work, he runs off to Ackron to the broad cast & don’t get back untill the early hrs of morning it’s quite a drive seems it would be better if they could have there own broadcasting system Well, Nellie told us Adam Hunter died 2 weeks ago & was buried there where he preached. and John Mower is dead, he went to Sandusky to die,his home town. Oh God, fill me before I go & help me to be of more service to Thee, in Jesus Name I ask, Amen. We got saftly back home. I felt better, but tired, so terribly tired. It’s been a beautiful warm sunshiny day and I thank God for our many many blessing. Glory to His Name.
Mon. Oct. 13. 1947./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert got up & went to Vermilion he wants to get back to carpenter work they pay 2.00 pr. hr. & he only gets 80 cents per hr. where he is, he’s got his car to pay off & this will take so long but I hope he makes that & his insurance, It’s a beautiful day warm & hot sun, very light breeze. Elbert’s gone to work I washed my bedroom curtians & his & cleaned top of cook stove & I’m to tired. And just as I thought Elbert has got out of that shop he should have went this a.m. & instead, he went at 1-30-p. m., he talked with the old man back of us & he wants him to come help him, I don’t know how he can make the payment on his car. Well, he’s gone to bed, his head’s bad again, he can’t stand the night, it strains his eyes. Oh God, I’m trusting you will give me Frank’s pension, that would clear up every-thing, for us & we could live & pay what we owe, Please help me Jesus, Please, I do all I can if you will help me in health of soul & body & the little we need to live on. I thank Jesus & Praise Thee, I love Thee & want to do they will.
Tue. Oct. 14. 1947./page 2061./ 1. egg today/ Elbert went to Elyria & Lorain he didn’t get a job or the money he wanted to borrow said he had to go back again. he looked for that man at Vermilion on the Lake but didn’t find him then he did see a man out Vermilion river that wants him but can’t get his lumber & so on & on & my feet have tortured me most to death all day sweat drips off my chin all day I cleaned 2 little pullets & fried, all but the breasts & thighs & that I fried I put in the roaster to simmer & the other I ground for balls & I did the dishes & 3/4 the washing & had to stop to feed & bring in the clothes & set down, my feet torture me so bad I startched my curtians & Elbert’s today & dried them to & I got to iron a dress & wipe up the floor & put a clean table cloth on & tote my books & mending into my room, for Nellie said she thought they would all be here again tomorrow Johny is going to fix the sink. pipe, Elbert spoilt. I owe Johny 5.00. It’s been a beautiful day, N.E. breeze, but roses are blooming yet, & Honey suckle. & the wild violets are full of violets, the dandelines to. heavy dues & fogs at night & warm sun days. I Praise God for our blessings I love Him more than all else in this world & pray He will fill me with the Holy Ghost, I’ll thank Him for ever & ever & I’d like to have the gift for healing.
Wed. Oct. 15. 1947./ 2. eggs today./ This morning Elbert got up & washed out his 2. B.V.D. suits & one shirt I left to soak over night, because I was to tired to finish, then he went to Huron & didn’t get back untill 5-p-m. he hlped at the fish house for 1/2 bu. fish, he was out cleaning them when Johny, Marcie, Nellie, Bonita & the children came. I had give up there coming, Bonney Bell came with them to, this time & showed me her engagement ring, from Joe ______[Dudiak] another weding gift to be dug up from some where. Well, they had brought there supper, so, they set down & ate it, but, Elbert stayed out & cleaned the rest of the fish before he came in & Johny put a new piece, what they call a drain trape that’s 5.00 I’ll have to pay Johny. They all talk at once & it’s hard on me for I’m alone so much. Elbert gave them half the fish all
Wed. Oct. 15. 1947./page. 2062./ 2 eggs this day./ cleaned & ready to salt & fry I gave them a big tin of biscuits 8 on the tin, as much as one big loaf of bread & a loaf of graham bread, that I had baked today, I swept & cleaned out under the sink so Johny could get under & fix the drain & not get dirty. I gave them a 2. qt. can of cucumber pickles, cheery tomatoes. I gave Marcie the willow basket, that Frank Babcock bought for me so long ago, it’s nice for a sewing basket, she was real pleased with it. I gave Bonita some mash bags that I wouldn’t use only one of each kind & they use them for aprons. I was going to iron my dress & Bonney Bell did it for me I had to put it on, I had my old ragged one on & it was so dirty. I got it spattered cleaning under the sink. Well, I felt yesterday, that the Cleveland Trust would be after Elbert, for he is behind a mo’s payment on his car and sure as fate, a man came today, said he would have to get in, one payment before Mon. I told him Elbert had sent in the dollar as they had said & so now if he can send the one payment, he’ll be O.K. untill the 15 of next mo. I hope he can get it all of some one he Knows & pay them in full & then pay the indivigal off, he sure is a problem some times, he does really need his car. I haven’t anything I can sell to raise the money for him. We have to pay the light bill yet this mo, & no money in sight. Oh God Please help us, I will give thee all the praise. Now he wants to go to Lorain & see if he can get the money from some where. I thank God for our many blessing. It’s been another beautiful day, I took care of chicken also today.
Thurs. Oct. 16. 1947./ 1. pullet egg 1. hen egg/ Well the Lord answered my prayers & John Werner loaned Elbert the money to pay off the bank, so his car is free, John wouldn’t even take a note on it, I pray God will bless him & that Elbert will work & pay it all back with interest. I’m still trusting God will see I get my pension & the back pension since 1933. & the money that belongs to us from Uncle Harvy Bonney. God is able, Oh I Know He can help me & I’m believing & trusting He will. I standing on His promises & leaning on His Arms. Glory Glory Hallelujah, I Praise Thee Jesus, Glory, Glory, Glory. We went to Lorain & I visited with mrs. Cranage, while Elbert went to see John Werner, then I called on Madeline Hunter Todd to express my sympathy. she says David looks terrible bad also.
Thurs. Oct. 16. 1947./page. 2063./ 1. pullet 1. hen egg./ I didn’t stay long Elbert was waiting for me in the car. then he tried to see Deitz, but, missed him & then we came straight home ate supper & took care of hen & pullets & rested a little & went back to church We had a good prayer service & God is working in our midst, there are 4. Smith Children & they had 2. other girls with them 6. of them in the back seat, we called for Miss. Clark she’s had a heart attack & is very weak yet we took her 2. fish, she seemed pleased to get them & Hamblys are in bad condition, he is sick & can’t work & her step father, as I understand it, isn’t working either. If they’d only come back to Church, God of Love & Mercy, do help them to come back. Sun was burning hot S. breeze & fresh. wind went N.E. late this after noon & evening heat 87. degrees. I thank God in Jesus Name, for all our many blessing Amen.
Fri. Oct. 17. 1947./1. egg today./ We went to the beach & got sand enough to fill a barrel & several big cans & pails & I dipped half the sand & Elbert had to carry it to car & then from car to south end of hen cook to the barrel. I picked up a few pretty stones & I’m tired, so tired, & we are both tired. We have had a beautiful day, little cooler & partly cloudy & it sprinkled quite steady for a few minutes while we were getting the sand. I got supper & am still to tired. I thank God for our many blessing & my healings & All the Praise & Glory belong to Him. I owe my life to Him
Sat. Oct. 18. 1947./ 1. pullet 1. hen egg./ Elbert went up & got what money he had coming, he said it was 19.00 & some odd cents. he ask if he could come back to work, but they said they had plenty of men & was laying off some this week. so he went to Huron got a big mess of fish & come home & cleaned them we had 4 for dinner & he cleaned the rest after dinner. I baked 4. tins of bread biscuits 2. large, 2. smaller ones. he was going to Vermilion but decided to wait untill Mon. I hope to go to church, but I terribly tired out. I thank God for taking care of us & I want to do my part for Him. I’d like to do lots more than I do, he knows. Frank & Armond came & went out hunting & said they had no luck, but they got tired they brought us a basket of tomatoes, I hope to make chillie sauce this coming week. I thank God for our many blessing. Its been a nice showery day with sun coming through now & again S.W. wind.
Sun. Oct. 19. 1947. /page. 2064./ 2. eggs. today./ We went to Church this morning & I took a bag with beets carrots & tomatoes a tomatoe pepper & 2. biscuits for Miss Clark she isn’t very well. We took fish & a tin of biscuits to the preachers. Mrs. Gurney is in bed tuckered out taking care of Rev. Buesers, two babys & her own & they thought she might have the flu. they are neither very strong & so the Preacher that was working “or preaching for Bueser,” is now preaching for the Rev. Gurneys. I understood they were going back toAmherst for dinner We went over the river to Hamblys & talked to them a few minutes & tried to get them to com back to Church, he has a chip he’s toating. We gave them a tin of biscuits & then came home & fried fish & had a hot dinner. I had to wrinse out some towels I had soaked out & looked after the chickens. The weather has been fine today, it rained so hard before daylight Now we hope to go back to evening services & I pray God will bless me with the filling I crave so much to receive, the Holy Ghost. I feel sure we must receive the Holy Ghost to be stamped with God’s seal. We went to evening service, Sister Brown did the preaching. We had several songs by different ones & Miss Brown preached on the subject “The sweetest day” is when we lay our all at Jesus feet & ask Him to forgive our sins & when He forgives us, I can testify it is the sweetest minute in all our life, it’s truly more wonderful than we can explain. I went up & talked with Sister Gurney, she’s better & was down to the young peoples meeting but had to go back & lay down before church started, I talked just a very few minutes. she said her fever was bad, she could see little devils with clocks dancing around all over the walls & the hands pointed to ten minutes to twelve & she thought she was going to die, but they prayed & she got O.K. she said the devil was just trying to vex her. I thank God for my (our) many blessings and ans to my prayers.
Mon. Oct. 20. 1947./ 2. pullet eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got the mash & grain 539 & 509- 10.48 for the two. he got a piece of boiling meat & a sack of flour & 6 cans of milk. & then came home & dressed them at 2.p.m. I did most the washing had to carry 2 pails of water & that just a-bout done me up, so I didn’t finish. Elbert did chores & helped get supper, we fried the fish for supper, he killed dressed & cooked to pullets this a.m. & we had some for our
Mon. Oct. 20. 1947./page. 2065./ 2 pullet eggs this day./today is ma & pa’s wedding annavarsery 68. yrs./ dinner, they were small & would-n’t pay to keep them, I made some baking Powder biscuits for our supper. Elbert got a few tomatoe peppers today for me, a week ago tonight I found one hot one, it is like real pepper. I am cooking it & will can it to use for soup. Well, I thank God for our many blessing. It’s been a beautiful wind went clear around today.
Tue. Oct 21. 1947./ 1. pullet & 1. hen egg./ Elbert cleaned half the hen house & was so tired tonight, and I know how tired he is for I have cleaned the whole coop a lot of times & he didn’t do that Job as we use to do it. he scraped the pole, but didn’t scrub them he scraped the roost & put sand on it & he had to scrape the floor, for he didn’t put sand on it the last time he cleaned it but he has this time & now we haven’t got the straw for it & I don’t know how we are going to get the straw. he has the first half of coop to clean next. after he went to bed he happened to think one pullet flew on the top of the hen house from a tree, K& so I went out with him & got her out of the tree & put her in the hen house. I made one batch of Chilly sauce to-day & that tired me all out, I washed a big peck of tomatoes, peeled & chopped them with 6. big onions & 6. big peppers & put them on to cook with 1. quart of cider vinegar 3/4(small cup) of salt, 2 coffee cups packed with brown sugar & a small cup of mixed spices tied in a clean white cloth & boiled & satirred it for 5. hours, then caned it in 1/2 pint containers. I put in a bunch of cellery when I can get some that’s meaty & tender, I pull the strings off after I have washed it & chop it fine made sauce taste better I think. Well it’s been another beautiful warm day. We were both coughing & sneezing last night & I ask the Lord in Jesus Dear Name to remove the cause & all Praises to Him, we were both O.K. this morning. We truly owe our all to him, our very life.
tue. Oct 22. 1947./ 1. pullet egg. that makes 6. pullet eggs so far / Elbert cleaned middle pen in hen house. He kill 4. pullets & dressed them or he did the most I picked off a few feathers, he cut them up & I fried 2 & put them in the roaster & we ate our evening lunch out of them. He also peeled a big pk.
WEd. Oct. 22. 1947./ page 2066./ 1. pullet egg that makes 6 in all/ of tomatoes & I peeled the onions & chopped them & the peppers & tomatoes and got another batch of chilli sauce all most done will have to finish cooking it “God Willing” tomorrow. It’s been a beautiful day & I’ve been in the house most of the day & I sure feel as if I’d like to be out side. I thank God for our many many blessings, in Jesus Name.
Thurs. Oct. 23. 1947./ 1. egg (hen’s) today./ Well I cooked the Chilli sauce a while Elbert got ready to go to Vermilion on the Lake & ask me to go with him, he was to see a Mr. Clark, seems there are two brothers working together, & younger one sent him to see the older one & Elbert got the wrong house, so I got him to go back to the first one & ask him again & then we went back & found the other one & he told Elbert to come to him Tue. morning Oct. 28. that he was all ready to start the 8. new houses. I thanked God for him & I pray Elbert’s knee will be a lot better so he can work while the weather is good. I gave Brother & Sister Gurney the 2. pullets we had prepared for them & then, I baked 2 tins of baking Powder biscuits & we really had our dinner a 3-p-m. I ironed & finished cook-ing the chilli & Elbert fed pullets & hens & then I caned the chilli in pt cans ___ pts. then we got ready & went to prayer meeting & we had a good prayer meeting & God filled me with joy my Jesus & I want the Holy Ghost fulfillment & I will Praise Thee & Give thee all the Glory. It’s been a beautiful day N.E. wind. & a Place called Bar Harbor on the Coast of Maine They said over the radio that they were the places where the rich people lived. If they would only love God as much as they do this worlds goods Oh God keep me ever humble & true & help me to be a greater blessing to Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus.
Fri. Oct. 24. 1947./ page. 2067./ 1. pullet egg./ Well, Elbert cleaned the first pen & put sand on the floor & I finished my night gown & fixed another double blanket for Elbert’s bed & put it on his bed the other one is worn out now I’ll have to fix the other one like it & I’ll have a change for his bed these blankets are so short and narrow but, looks as if I’ll have to make them do. I want to get my wool blankets washed again soon & I have to fix the ends on one, I want to cut it in two & put a piece across the ends & I want to wash the curtians & windows before it gets any colder & trim & tie up the roses on the end of the house. I’ve been so tired today. Sister Gurney & Sister Brown came to call on us this evening & I had to dig up the crochet work & show it to them….& we talked about one thing and another & about Miss Brown going away. she’s going to preach in Iowa & is leaving Mon. morning early “that will be Oct. 27. 1947.” but I do hope she comes back to us again God Bless her & give to her spiritually phyicly & finacuallly, she’s Thine & I love her. Our Preachers are good to and I love them & pray the same for them, I pray Thou will help me to be a blessing in our church and help them all I can. Bless thy people every where & strengthen there faith, be with those who have gone astray & some how help them to wake up & come back in Jesus Name we ask, Amen. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessing today. It’s been a beautiful day with a strong N.E. wind been having such beautiful moon light nights to. Sister Gurney said Mrs Day called her & said to tell Elbert to come to her house in the morning to see about a carpenter job.
Sat. Oct. 25. 1947./ 1. p. 1. hen. eggs today/ Elbert went to Vermilion but the man said he wasn’t ready, so that was a worthless job, or trip. Well he came back, ate a lunch & went to Huron to get some fish & he got back with 12 fish I fried some for supper & he ate & went back, for Sep hadn’t got in yet so he helped them carry in the fish & got about a pk more fish for us. Frank & his two boys came out to hunt & gave Elbert a wood chuck, so he has meat for tomorrow & Mon. & I baked 2. loaves of graham & a little loaf & 2 tins of biscuits & 1. white
Sat. Oct. 25. 1947./page. 2068./ 1. pullet 1. hen egg./ loaf, so I’m tired tonight also. partly cloudy, but a beautiful day. I thank God in Jesus name for the beautiful day & our many many blessing. Harvey & Olive & their baby [Harvey Bonney and wife Olive, and baby, Elinor’s nephew, niece by marriage and grand niece or nephew] & Armond & Clara [Armond Bonney and wife Clara (note may be second wife after Ethel???] & baby, Elinor’s other nephew, niece by marriage and grandniece or nephew) & their baby were having supper with Frank & Ruby [Frank Bonney & Ruby Gillmore Bonney, Elinor’s brother & sister in law] parents the boys Well Elbert dressed the chuck & put it in salt water, but the fish must wait till morniong I hope to go to Church at least once tomorrow & to see Miss Brown again befor she goes.
Sun. Oct. 26. 1947./ 2. pullets eggs./ New tank of gas Oct 26./ Well Elbert got up & dressed 2 pans of fish & scaped & wshed them & I salted them & packed them in the pans I rapped up 4 for Miss. Clark & a biscuit & couple slices brown bread & a little jar of chilli sauce & we went to Church & I gave Rev. & Mrs. Gurney a pan of fish Sister Brown did the preaching tonight, she leaves early in the morning for some place in Iowa. We will sure miss her We have learned to love her much, I pray God will bless her & that if he is willing we may meet again before very long. I cooked the woodchuck this after noon. I ‘m so tired. I thank God for our many blessing and Praise Him, and wish I could be as sweet and good as He. It’s been a beautiful day warm enough yet to go out a round the yard with out a jacket on, cool though, at night. The Church folks gave Miss Brown 3. silk handkercheifs a birthday card & some money.
Mon. Oct. 27. 1947./ 2. pullet & 1. hen egg./ Well, It’s been a beautiful day south wind & fresh hot sun & warm drying air & I washed all the clothes, a bouble blanket & 3. mash bags & the gas is gone it’s only 2. mo. & 8. days since we got this tank, it should have lasted at least untill Nov 19. such is life & we owe for 2. tanks now. Well, all the clothes are dry & put away & I made the bed & washed up the dishes, We got a qt. of milk next door & had to eat bread & milk.
Tue. Oct. 28. 1947./ 1. pullet egg./ Gas tank came today now we owe $27.57, We went to Lorain sold Mrs. Cranaage, 2. doz eggs 87 cents per doz. & one hen for 42 cents per lb. 4. lbs. all come to 3.42 cents I owed her $2.00 but she gave me $2.50 & said she was giving me that & to forget about it, but I’ll try to give her the money back in another hen. I owe her ($1.08) I have a letter ready to go to Elbert’s insurance Co. & I have to write to Sister Willitts & send the stamps back she sent in her last letter. Well, we got some hamberg & it’s so discusting & dissatisfing no meat flavor & tuff & hard. We had some cooked in a little boiling water & seasoned, cooked it quick but there just isn’t any juice in it. I hate it. We got a piece of boiling meat & it’s
Tue. Oct. 28. 1947/ page. 2069./ 2. pullet egg today/ the same way, no, flavor. We haven’t worked today, not enough to eat to keep us going. Mrs Cranage fell & hurt her hip out on her back porch the day after I was there. that was Oct. 3. I Praise and thank God she’s human enough to help us, even that little bit, We neither had, had a thing to eat since Mon. & it was 2-15-p-m. before we could eat & the gas came in time to have hot coffee for supper. Well, it rained in showers & drizzled be-tween showers last night, was a beautiful morning & after noon clouded up & raining again tonight a slow rain. I thank God & praise Him in Jesus Name for our blessing. Elbert killed, picked and cleaned out the hen this morning, yesterday he fixed up the places where it leaked on the roof around the chimeny & he’s so lame today, he fixed corners on grainery also & carried my wash water.
Wed. Oct. 29. 1947./ 3. pullet eggs. 1. hens egg./ Well I haven’t done much today, ride to Lorain was to much I feel to weak & we sure do need more food than we been getting of late, Elbert got up and went to Huron & got a few fish & I fried them they were sure good & I made soup with rice & onions & car-rots in it, but it makes me sweat just to eat, I’m so tired. We received a card from Bonita today, She said,
Dear Aunt Eleanor, Oct. 27. Johny & Marcie were married 3. months today. I washed & got half the ironing done. We all enjoyed the fish. They were delicious. Johny & Marcie came on Fri. night for supper They went to New London & stayed here all night when they got back. & all day Sat. Johny worked on the blower of furnace & Marcie ironed all day for me. Ella Jane was sick but O.K. now I’m going to Laurabelle to help her a little. How are both of you? Try to write, or come when you can. Love from all Bonita.
She wrote it all on a penny post card & has plenty of room for more. We were glad they wrote, for we are in a sorry fix. I do pray god will give us enough to get paid up, clothed & fed up, so we’ll have strength enough to keep working as long as we live. I know now What ma went when she ask pa if he was going to punish us again. But I know to, that pa would be glad to give all he ever had if he could only right the wrongs he has done. I understand both visions now, and I hope & pray God will help the others to come clean before they to, have to regret so much. It’s been a nice warm rainy day, getting
Fri. Oct. 31. 1947 [she skipped Oct 30]./ page 2070./ 2. pullets 1. hens.eggs/ Well, it’s been a rainy day N.E. wind. I fried another chicken, or most of one ground the breast & thighs & got them ready to make meat balls for tomorrow, it was a very small pullet. We ate the back wings & one drum stick fried, I made gravey for our bread & chopped onion cabbage & sweet tomatoe pickles together with red pepper salt sugar & vinegar for a relish. I washed what dirty clothes there was & did part the sweeping, so, God Willing, I finish sweeping & wipe up the floors & do rest of my ironing tomorrow. I hope to get the windows & curtians washed this coming week, they are so terrible dirty also that old quilt on the couch. I wrote a letter to Elberts insurance co. & a card to Bonita & a letter to Miss Willetts. & I can’t find the stamps she sent so now I’ll have to send her a dollar. for them. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessing this day, Amen.
Sat. Nov. 1. 1947./ 4. pullets eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to Huron to get us fish & he couldn’t get any today, While he was gone I swept & wiped up the floors & dusted & pressed 2. prs. work pants & ironed my wash dress & house dress & table cloth & washed up all the dishes, the man that lives back of us on the old Duglas farm came over looked all around the hen house & in the car shed & then at grainery & came to the back door, the storm door was hooked, he took hold of the hand holt & give it a jerk, it didn’t open so he took both hands & pulled the lower part of the door spring out and came back with a clap, he looked angry & stepped over & kick the basement window just as I opened the door, he was going to walk in, as I ask him what in this world he was up to &. he still acted as if he was coming in, so I told him I never let any men in, when brother wasn’t here so, he stuttered & stamered & I ask him what he wanted & he said he wanted to talk to my brother, he wanted him to take him to Vermilion, I said Elbert would be coming any minute & just then Elbert drove in & I ask him to come to the door & if he’d take this man to Vermilion so, Elbert took him & he said he’d pay him, he was in a hurry, so when they got back to the old mans place he ask Elbert if he had change for a 10 dollar bill, Elbert said no, so he said he’d pay him some time. Elbert don’t like him, he told Elbert his daughter that lives with him went off to Mansfield & was living on
Sat. Nov.1. 1947. /page. 2071./ 4. pullets eggs this day./ a Hotel there, he said she had worked to hard & wasn’t just right in her head & I don’t believe he is either, from all the things Elbert tells me, about him, Elbert don’t like him at all. He took him to Vermilion, but he says he dont ever want any thing more to do with him & from what I see of him this morning I don’t blame him, he ask me to sell him a drive way on my N. line & then said he wanted all the low land & he’d fence it & promise me there wouldn’t ever be a hog drive lot back there, I ask why he couldn’t make a drive on his own ground & he said well it was to hard for a truck to get up the hill & he want to sell the top soil from the low lands “& so” that’s what he wants all the low land to sell the top soil & give me 5. hundred for all the low land. We have hauled up many a load for our gardens from there & it’s worth more to the place than he’d pay for it & they say he’s rich “Ugh” I’m sure I’d rather be poor & love the Lord, than to be rick & work for the (Devil). He’d btter not come banging around here either, any more. It’s been several yrs ago, I had a terrible dream about those people, long before he bought the Douglas farm land. I pray God will help all things to turn out right and keep us safe & those who, in my dream He did take care of. Elbert never got home untill 2-p-m & I had dinner all that time from 12-noon & all that old guy did was talk to 2 or 3 people about getting the water pipes on. connected, they seem to be having some sort of disagreement.
Sun. Nov. 2. 1947./ 3. pullet 1. hen./ We went to church this morning & Marry Day & Garry Black came home with us to dinner & supper & went with us back to evening service Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Gurney are going to California He has a nervous let down & she is so thin to they have worked hard & they do need a rest & to be fed up for a while, they hope to come back to us in 2. or 3. months, so we will be having a new couple for that length of time. I do pray God will strengthen there bodys & heal them & reveal unto them what they should do & keep the [? black] together & bring in more to help wit the up keep & feed the ministers. I Praise God & pray all will be well in Jesus Name.
Mon. Nov.3. 1947./ 2072./ 4. P. 1. hen eggs/ We went to Sandusky & all Elbert learned was, that the welfare & part of Soldiers releif members were over to Columbus to a meeting and that they want me to come to there meeting Fri. night to sign some papers of some sort. Well, I don’t know what sort of papers they are but I’m praying & trusting they will be pension papers. I have felt a little fearful, since all I’ve had to go through there passed 6 months, we are so starved for food, they said they had sent my check for $20.00 & was going to send me a card telling me to come to the meeting on Fri. evening. Well, we called at Mr. & Mrs. Millers home but they were gone, so we came back to Huron & stopped at the fish house, boats hadn’t been out & the peir looked as if the top was made with sea gulls, they were sitting so close together the width & length of it. the spray was flying high 20 ft. along the west shore. we stopped at mrs. Gunsenausers store with a winter bouquet of flowering Juniper (evergreen with little blue berries all over the twigs, fine leaves) bitter sweets & white flowering indian tobaco, for a winter bouquet & a few chinese lanterns they are red & all were dried & bright in color, she seemed quite pleased with them I didn’t stay to visit, they were having lunch. Then we came on home & ate a bite & the check was here in the mail box, so, we went & got the mash & grain & gave the preacher my tenth & got a very small piece of boiling meat some lemons, peppers, can milk box of wash soap, coffee, tea, ahead of lettuce & a few apples & some gas to get home on & 1. lb soap greese to eat on bread. thats all of 20.00 dollars & it’s only the 3rd. of Nov. & 27 days to eat if we can get any thing to eat. It’s been a rainy day was a rainy night but, I don’t know if it’s raining yet, or not. not cold but chilly cool. I thank God for my many blesing & pray and trust He will continue to keep me covered with the blood & fill me with the holy Ghost, Amen.
Tue. Nov. 4. 1947./ 2. p. eggs./ I made 3 tins of bread biscuits & 1. big pan & one small tin of rusk biscuits while Elbert was gone to Huron for fish he left 10 or 10-15.a.m. & got back at 3-p-m & got fish done at 5-p-m & I fried some for supper & got a pan full & about 8 or so in small pan.
Tue. Nov. 4. 1947./ page. 2073./ 2. p. eggs this day/ that I salted & packed & Elbert put them in the grainery. It’s been real fogy & thick wet, damp & chilly, I pilled out of bed to look out the west window at a flock of wild geese flying so low you could see the colar of them barely missing the trees some flying between the trees. Well, I’m sort of weak & all in cooked soup & washed up dishes. (been dark all day.). Still fogy tonight, & fog horn blowing. Miss Mc.Govern sent me a box of (5) hyacinth bulbs nice big bulbs a little larger around than a silver dollar. I have a box ready to send her some ever greens, red Japan lanterns & Indian tobaco it’s white & drys out like straw flowers. I won’t be able to send it for a few days yet. I, truly thank & praise God for my many many blessings.
Wed. Nov. 5. 1947./ 5. P. eggs 1. hen egg./ Coal bills 81.42. gas bill 27.5 & owe Johny 5.00/ I haven’t done only my daily round. I’m so terribly tired, no one only those in like curcumstance would understand. I went out & tried to trim the ramblers on the end of the house, had to give it up, I cut some sprigs of evergreen with the blue berries on them & then Elbert had carried away what trims I had cut off & he climbed up on the wash bench & on a box & cut a few more bitter sweets for me. I couldn’t find the flowering tobaco & there was such a lot of it. I got the supper & am to exhausted to do dishes, It been a nice cool rainy day with south W. winds, or breeze. I thank God for our many blessing, in Jesus Name. elbert got an ans. to his letter I wrote his insurance Co. yesterday & today I got an ans. from Mr. & Mrs. Miller, saying that all of us who receive releif had to go & sign for it now, another expence. wonder how we are going to manage to exist. I received a letter from Miss. Willitts. I wish I could give to those of God’s people who are trying so hard to help the people to find & know God. I pray God will hear an ans. pray for there every need. Amen.
thurs. Nov. 6. 1947./ 7. pullet eggs today/ I’ve had a touch of cold. I’m so weak & so terribly tired. I haven’t done only what I had to do all day, I’m trusting God will take the cold out of me, I’ll thank Him & give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. It’s been Cloudy all day & cleared up tonight S.W. wind. We have had a beautiful Fall.
Fri. Nov. 7. 1947./ p. 1 hen egg./ Well my cold is better at least my body don’t seem quite so heavy, nose running yet but I got the dinner & put the pullet on to cook & Elbert ground the breast & we got it ready to cook, we had to go over ground
Fri. Nov. 7. 1947./ page 2074./ p. eggs. 1. hen. this day./ to Sandusky they didn’t want me to sign any paper, they ask me if I had any moeny from any other source to live on, I said no. that when Brother was able to work he paid the bills & bought the food, but he hadn’t been able to work enough to keep us living, of late. So he said he’d help Elbert get his papers fixed up so he could get his social security & old age pension if he would come back next week. and as for me, they didn’t say what they would do, only that Mr. Glass would let me know in a few days. I’m praying & trusting God will give me enough to at least keep up our strength. It started to blow after dinner & we left a few minutes passed 4-p-m. we went to see Mr. & Mrs. Miller but they were not home so we ate our snack we had taken with us & went over to the court house & waited untill 12 or 15 minutes after 7-p-m. & a few men came (5.) in all, & then after they ask me a lot of questions, we said good night & left them we got home at 8-30-p-m. & it poured rain all the way, house felt warm & comfortable & I was sure glad to get back home, I’m so tired, I ask if Elbert could go in with me & he (Mr. Glass) said it was a-gainst the rules and that they were not going to harm me they were only going to ask me question they ask how much the court awarded me & I said 85, hundred, they ask what had became of it I said the lawyer told me the court settled for 35 hundred the lawyer took half of the 5 thousand & gave Ella Jane 5 hundred, he paid my morgage 14 hundred & 2 or 3 bills less than a hundred put me through bankruptcy & there wasn’t anything left & said I could send any one I liked to check up on his books. They ask why go through bankruptcy & I told them the lawyer called in a state accountaant & took my receipts & found they had added my payment on to the bills, instead of deducting it, both at the lumber yard & bank, and that I Praised God I had kept all my receipt. I hope they are satisfied now. I told them I was a christian & I had no reason to tell them only the truth, that I had greatly appreciated there help & would be grateful for what ever help they could
Fri. Nov. 7. 1947./ page 2075./ 3 p. eggs this day 1. hen egg./ give to me, I wasn’t afraind, I just did want to be compelled to sign any paper on the spur of a minute. Miss. McGovern wrote me a nice long letter I received it this morning, she has found a Dr. at last that is healing her ankle & healing her legs & she seems quite happy, said she would have liked to come over but couldn’t & that she wondered why I hadn’t been able to come & that she was sorry we’d been having tuff luck, she said Marry couldn’t leave her room & the boys were as well as usual & she had sent me some bulbs of her choice & she loved to read & reread my letters & she had missed them a lot, they always comforted her just to read them over & over when ever she wished she could talk to me. I thank God in Jesus ppure Name for our many blessing
Sat. Nov. 8. 1947./ 3.p. 1. hen eggs./ Well, today I’ve been about dead & only took care of the beds been a damp day getting quite chilly at night fall & cold toward morning a S.W. wind & quite strong. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Nam for our blessing.
Sun. Nov. 9. 1947./ 4. P. 1. hen eggs./ I’ve been home all day cold is better, but still tight, I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing, Know they prayed for all the sick tonight, I except the healing & Give Jesus all the Praise and Glory for ever & ever, with out Him life wouldn’t be worth living, I was foollish & got a cold, I pray His forgiveness & for better judgement & thank Him for all our many blessings Amen.
Mon. Nov. 10. 1947./ 4. p. eggs./ I took care of the beds & washed up dishes. Elbert went to Sandusky only to learn he’d have to go to Lorain where the main office of social security is, he stopped at fish house & got a few fish & cleaned them after he had a lunch, for supper I salted them. He trimed up the top portion of rose bushes & took care of hens then got the supper, I was up half the night with my cold & cough & didn’t get up today untill 1-30-p-m. Midge Sarr came and broughtmy releif card she said the postman left it to there house & he left some of Snyders there also
Mon. Nov. 10. 1947./ page 2076./ 4. pullets eggs this day./ Sun. was nice part of yester the day, the after noon & this morning, but cloudy all after noon & no wind. White sun for 3 days now, ice in bird bath yesterday morn. & this. Not cold out & lots of flys & bugs flying about yet. I thank God for my releif card for 30.00 per. mo. and all our many many blessings, in Jesus Name Amen.
Tue. Nov. 11. 1947./ 4. P. eggs today/ Had a terrible pain in my left heel & it went clear up to my hip, I just can’t figure it out, but praise the Lord I can walk & help my self yet, Elbert has cooked the meals all we had, I do hope he can get some more fish. for we are out of most every thing once more. I wish so much for crackers, a little cheese, some nut meats, a nice meal of meat potatoes & brown gravey with a green chow or relish of some kind, then I crave candy once in 3 or 4 months, but no such luck. I need good fresh milk every day, so bad. I feel more sorry than I can tell for those who are starving & wish I could share what I have, It’s a queer People in this world. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healings & for everything He gives me & pray & trust for health, that I may yet go out & earn for myself & help others Amen. Well it’s been a cloudy day all day & white Sun.
WEd. Nov. 12. 1947./ 4. Pullet eggs/ Well I didn’t get up very early but I washed out most of the white clothes & my stocking & half the rags & Elbert got the supper, I made the dumplins. & there are plenty dirty dishes to do, but I do Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for healing me & keeping me & I am ashamed of my own grumble but praise His Name for His great endurance with me. It’s been a beautiful day. I received a card from Nellie saying are are well but Ella Jane, she is better & Loura Bell Stoughton is on her way back home to California & will stop off
Wed. Nov. 12. 1947./page 2077./ 4. P. eggs this day/ to see Ella Jane. E.J. has been quite sick. I pray God will convert her & heal her soul & body & fill her in Jesus Name. I received a card from Miss. Clark saying she missed me & wanted to pay me for the few pullet eggs I gave her, she forced 50 cents on to me a week or so ago, it came in very handy & so I gave her a few pullet eggs.
Come sure for Thurs. night prayer meeting to hear the last ser-mon with the Gurneys. for a while. Be sure to come. Love. L. Clark.
Well, I don’t know as I can, but if we have the gas, I’ll try. I feel the Lord has put the bones in there right places in my feet, but the sudden change has made my heals & legs so sore & pain me day & night so I can’t sleep or rest, but I thank Him & Praise Him for He will take away the ach, also & make me whole in Him and I’m so Happy He Knows, & cares & keeps me Amen.
Thurs. Nov. 13. 1947./ 3. P. eggs today./ Well I did out most of the remaining dirty clothes & my foot ankle & leg pain me untill I sweat it’s all most unbarable. I don’t understand, but surely God Knows & I pray Him in Jesus Holy Name to remove the cause & reveal to me what I ought to do. I will give Him all the praise for ever & ever Amen. I’m trusting & believing. I know He is able, He’s proved it to me alot of times. Elbert went to Lorain sold Mrs. Cranage the eggs 88 cents for hens eggs & 64 cents for pullet eggs. & he didn’t take the money because I had said I owed her $1.20 cents (1.52) the egg came to & there would have been 32 cents coming to us for food, so now we’ll do with out it for a few days & trust God to take care of us. Elbert killed & dressed 2 little pullets yesterday so we had spegetti & chicken & he ground part of it so we had chicken balls & gravey for our supper & tomorrow. It’s been a beautiful day. but its’s lots colder ice in outside bird bath each morning. Elbert went to Huron first for fish, but no fish, he ate & went to Lorain & got back in time to feed the chickens.
Fri. Nov. 14. 1947./ 3. P. eggs./ Well, Praise the Lord. I got up at ten & cleaned up some & wiped the chairs & wiped up the floors & just got done. when Elbert came home from the fish house with a 36 fish, we had a lunch & hot tea & then I ironed my dress & a skirt & had to rest a few minutes, then I salted the fish.
Fri. Nov. 14. 1947./ 2078/ 3 eggs this day/ Elbert had dressed them & brought them in. He got some potatoes & pared them & put them on to cook & I put the fish to fry & water to heat for tea & we ate supper praising the Lord for what we had & then just when we were through Sister Gurney, Sister Sprunk, & Sister West came in we talk & visited & had prayer & the power is still going through me Praise the Lord, Glory to God, Hallulejah, Oh, Glory, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus, I thank Thee, Oh, I Love Thee more than anything in this whole world. Amen. It’s been a beautiful day cold & snapy. We been having heavy frosts but there are some things still green & some trees have most of there leaves yet. There has been heavy snow fall in some states I have to get my dahlias & glad & tuberoses in yet, wuite a thick scale of ice in birds bath. Elbert has bad cold coming on, I know how bad he feels it’s in his head, Now I pray Dear Heavenly Father that Thou wilt turn his heart to Thee & heal Him soul & body, I thank Thee Jesus.
Sat. Nov. 15. 1947. / 4 Pullets eggs today/ Hunting season starts today for rabbit & pheasants. It started to rain last night & kept at it all day fine misty reain, but, showered during the night, it’s been a dark day & the birds seemed to think it was night, for they slept at intervals all day. Elberts cold is bad, but, he’s been in side most of the day, not so many hunters as usual. I thank God for my healing & strength He give me, I baked a tin of baking powder biscuits for dinner had fried fish & creamed potatoes & I baked 2 tins of bread biscuits & did all the dishes. I thank God for the Holy Trinity that He excepted me & although I sometimes wonder He leads me back, He has lots of patience with me & I am slow of heart so slow in Knowing the realizing just how to do to often we do the judging & do what we think I don’t know why we don’t trust Him fully, When we know He is always right & has proved it to us so many times, Oh God I pray Thy forgiveness & pray in Jesus Name you will fill me & make me Wholly Thine & all Glory be to Thee. I received a card from the Adamson’s from St. Pettersberg, to-day, they said they wished us well, as they were & that they wished we could be there & enjoy the sunshine, it’s fine there. I sometimes wish, but, perhaps we’re just as well off here. God Knows.
Sun. Nov. 16. 1947./ 6. P. eggs today./ We have been home all day Elbert’s cold is bad, but he has done all the out side chores, it’s been an-other damp day & dark, Elbert killed a pullet & cooked it for dinner I’m feeling lots better and I give all the praise to God in Jesus Name. He’s still working on my feet, Oh, how much I love Jesus, He’s all the world to me. He said ask what we would in faith believing and He would give it to us, and, He does just that, Oh, Glory, Praise His Holy Name. The Old Man that bought Douglas farm came over to see if I’d sell him a drive way back to his place
Sun. Nov. 16. 1947./ page 2079./ 6. eggs this days. / He & Bert Ward are in Cayhoots & I don’t want a bunch of hogs to smell all summer, I reckon Bert’s trying to get the old man to buy the roadway & then sell it to him, then he’ll buy the back strip of hill & flats on the old man’s place & when the old man wanted all the flats on my side, then I felt sure. Now I pray God will Help me, for He Knows What’s going on, & if he is the man God showed me and I believe he is I want nothing to do with him. & that was long before I had ever seen him, or he had bought Douglas farm.
I had another dream as clear as day light, Seemed as if I sold this place less the buildings & some trees & shrubbery, & I bought the Horvate house & land at the end of Georgia Ave. then I bought the old home place of Frank Bonney, I talked him into buying the Horvate place & then I sold him the lot beside the place that pa had bought & then I sold the home house to Howard & Francis Cora Page & they built a seller & put the old house on it & the old leants u0p against the back & made a porch on the front & the man that hauled all of our buildings & trees & shrubbry did it all in one day, We, or I bought the end of the strip of land behind the homeplace where the hen house use to stand & out side toilet & we built a nice seller 20 by 40 ft. & put my hen house on it & made the roof with a peek & shingled it & then sold it & the land to Howard & his wife & they sold the old house remodeled to Armond Bonney & his wife. We took the big apple tree & set it on Elbert’s lots next to the old home lot, I had bought & we planted the big improved baldwin apple tere all most in the middle of the lot and it looked just wonderful & grew so nice as did all the others evergreens, trees, & roses & shrubs & vines. Uncle Will’s girls & Frank’s children all seemed so glad of the big change, It made a big improvement all around the boys all turned to & helped Red fix up his house & lot so it looked better & they had more room. We built on the other rooms on the back. so we had a Kitchen bath & bedroom making us 5. rooms & bath. but, I didn’t like it there, as I have always liked it here, The only thing was I helped them all to go to church & Know the Lord, so I praise the Lord and was happy in Him . Glory.
Mon. Nov. 17. 1947./ 5. Pullets eggs./ Well, Elbert got up early & went to Lorain & Mrs. Cranage gave Him $2.50 cents for the eggs, so to days eggs were 1 1/2 doz pullet eggs at 65 cents per. doz. 98 cents in all & she owed me 32 cents from last time would make it $1.30 cents so, I still owe her (1.20) Elbert saw Bill Long & he took Elbert out to look at a job he wanted him to do (house repear) & he loaned Elbert 5.00 Elbert’s battery was dead this moring & he went to the highway & walked to Knettles & a man picked him up & took him to the Broadway building in Lorain, he went to More &
[At this point in the diary she changes her numbering sequence back to 2040 which will create duplicate page numbers 2040-2080. I will use the numbering she gives but know about this duplication.]
Mon. Nov. 17. 1947. page. 2040.[she means 2080]/ 4. P. eggs this day and one double yolked./ Myers & got a battery & then the game warden came along from Huron & picked him up & brought him back to the end of our road & he walked home. I cooked potatoes & fried the last of the fish while he put the battery into his care, it started right off as soon as he tried it, then we ate & he helped me pack 3. boxes with red Chinnese lanterns, bitter sweets red & yellow, Indian tobaco white & flowering juniper (branches, of evergreen, with clusters of blue(light blue) berries on them) one box for Miss.Mc.Govern, Cleveland Ohio, one to Ella Jane Albuquerque New Mexico & one to Mrs. E.E. Kendall, Morning Sun, Iowa. & I still hope to send a small box to Cora, Barr, in California & one to Loura Ann Bonney New Liver Pool Ohio. It’s been a nice day, cool brisk air. I prayed Elbert would manage to borrow 5.00 & get a job & he did so, he went to Vermilion & mailed out the boxes & got the mash & he got 2. cans of milk, 2. yeast cakes, few apples and a box of crackers. & got back intime to give the hens & pullets mash & we had supper & listened to the news & senator Taff’s speach. & now Elbert’s in bed for he’s going back to Lorain, expecting to work, he said he really thanked God for all the blessing of today; & I to thank Him & give all the praise to Him, for hearing and answering our prayers. I pray God will in Jesus Name be magnified in all the world & that he will strengthen the faith of all His children & fill all who have not, as yet been filled with the Holy Ghost Amen.
Tue. Nov. 18. 1947./ 8. pullet eggs. today/ Well, Elbert worked for Billy Long today & he got in 5. hrs. work he’s patching the roof of a house by Bill’s air field. Elbert got home in time to feed the chickens & get in some water & empty ashes, my foot & leg are sore yet & can’t seem to tstand the sudden change of weather. I’ve been in the house for 2. weeks going on 3. I’d like to get out again, but I was out a little while Sat. & am worse for it, so, I’ll just have to be careful. Elberts so sore & lame when he got home, but, he kill & dressed a pullet for supper & I opened a can of yellow wax beans & made gravey with them boiled a few potatoes & had some sour Krout & chicken & bread biscuits. It’s been partly cloudy & a misty shower or two this after noon & evening. Well, I thank God for our many blessing & for Elbert’s ambition, it’s hard to work on a cold wet roof & I hope he’s cold wont get any worse, it don’t seem any worse tonight, thanks to God. I’ve not done much today, but, have done the usual household duties & got the supper & Elbert’s going back in the morning God willing.
Tue. Nov. 18. 1947./ page. 2041./ 8. pullet eggs this day./ I hate to see him go & have to get on a roof, for he isn’t able & he gets cramps in his legs & arms & hands, sometimes over his ribs. So, I must trust and pray, he will live God’s way & that God will take care of him. I thank God in Jesus Name for all my many blessing & that He’s fixing my feet I pray I may be worthy & that he will fill me with the Holy Ghost soon, before His coming, I know it wont be long. Glory, Glory Hallulejau, I Praise Thee & thank Thee, Glory, Glory. Today Jane Reese drove passed slow looking in, a thing she’s done several times.
Wed. Nov. 19. 1947./ 5. P. eggs today./ Elbert worked 7 1/2 hrs. today, been cold but the sun shone most all day. I only did what I had to do, my foot & leg are better & I’m trusting they will soon be O.K. I received a card from Nellie today, said they got some coal so home was more comfortable & they were wondering how we were so, I have written a letter to MissMc.Govern & to Loura Ann Bonney & a card to Nellie & one to Miss Clark in Vermilion & I owe so many more but I’ll try to catch up once more. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessing & Praise His Holy Name & I am still trusting He will fill me with the Holy Ghost.
Thurs. Nov. 20. 1947./ 6 P. eggs. today./ Elbert was so sore & lame he didn’t work today Bill Long gave him 5.00 then 50 cents then $10.00 lasty night. Elbert went to the fish house & got a big pan of fish, We cooked enough for supper & have plenty for 2. or 2. more meals I slept untill 12-noon & he knocked on the house under my window, I opened the windows & shut the doors & fixed the fire & then washed my hands & fixed the table made tea & he fried some smoked saucage & warmed the noodles & we had a lunch, then he went out with knife & pan to dress fish while I mixed up a batch of bread & kneeded it into a hard loaf & by the time he had the fish done the bread was about ready for loaves or biscuits, he went out & pulled the beets & carrots & let the pullets out for 1/2 or 3/4 hr, and then topped the beets & carrots & put them below and put pullets back in & fed them. I put biscuits on tins (2. big 1. smaller) & went out & helped get the dahlias in, he put them in basement also. then I put biscuits
Thurs. Nov. 20. 1947/Page. 2042./ 6. Pullet eggs this day. / in the oven & made up beds shut windows & opened doors & wiped up the 3 floors & got the fish salted & packed & put some on to fry for supper while Elbert got water & coal, he mailed letter & cards in Huron. We ate & I washed dishes, I put some beans to soak (dry processed bean) & I don’t know if they’ll ever get soft enough to cook. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio or about here, not very cold & flies still flitting about. My leg is better & feet, but still can’t be on them long at a time; Well I thank God in my Jesus Name for all our many blesing & Praise Him for all things great or small. Glory Hallulejah Glory Blory to God. I pray for all of God’s people where ever they are and that He will hear & answer their prayers according to there faith & that He will hear my prayer with theirs and the many others who are praying for them and with them., I pray for those sorely afflicted and tempted, those being sorely & severely tryed that He will strengthen all our faith in Him and fill us with the Holy Ghost & teach us His ways, Amen.
Fri. Nov. 21. 1947./ 7. pullet eggs./ Well Elbert went to work but only got in 5. hrs. & he was sure tired when he got home I had supper most done, was frying last of the fish he got 2. pieces of pork shoulder, so for a change we ate that instead of fish, but, we’ll have the fish tomorrow morning. God Willing. & he eats fish for his lunch. I cut out a slip & 2 petticoats today & darned 4. prs. socks & done my usual round of work. Rawleigh man came today I had to order the laying condition powder for he didn’t have any on hand, so, I’ll have that to pay but if the pullets will lay it wont take’m long to pay for it Well, everythings ready for breakfast & I am going to read & go to bed. I had a nice letter in the mail from Nellie, she likes company and lots doing & Johny & Marcie were home one night for supper & Marcia brought a girl nurse with her & Bonney Bell’s been home 3. days & Mr & Mrs Stoughton & Loura Bell were there to supper one evening & Loura Bell left Sat. Nov. 15 for California & would stop off to see Ella Jane & get on her way Thurs. Nov. 20 so to get home to see her man on Fri. Nov. 21, her birthday, [She must mean to have these dates in December] she’ll be 46 yrs. old. she’s 4. yrs. younger than Nellie & 18. yrs. older than Ella Jane. Nellie said one of her neighbors brought in a lot of vegetables & they put them in the basement, the enighbor was Mrs. Hurlbut. I thank God for ans. my prayers and Praise His Holy Name and I thank him also for taking care of Elbert & I, and pray He will turn Elbert to Him & fill Him in Jesus Name. I thank Thee Jesus & give Thee
Fri. Nov. 21. 1947./ page. 2043./ 7. eggs this day./ all the Praise & Glory forever & ever Amen. It’s been a beautiful day We have extra heavy frosts at night, but Nellie said she picked grapes & made jam Nov. 10. 1947. & she sent 6. jars of jam to Ella Jane by Loura Bell. Flies are out yet, also; Radio says high wind & rain for tomorrow, fog horn blowing tonight & this afternoon it was so foggy south the track couldn’t see trees.
Sat. Nov. 22. 1947./ 8. Pullets eggs./ Elbert went to work & put in 7. hrs. Bill gave him 20.00 & he paid 5.29 for a bag of grain & got a lb & bulk saucage 4 cakes of soap 2. cans of milk & 1/2 doz. lemons 3. yeast cakes & he paid Nagley 3.39 the bal. of what we owed him. Now there is that 2. little garage bills, then John’s money & the battery bill then gas & coal bill & I pray God will help us make it. I will have to give 3.00 to Church. 1.60 for light bill 1.00 to Miss Willitts for prayer stamps. 1.00 to Devore for Elberts Herbs. 15.00 on his ensurance. 1.20 to Mrs. Cranage & I’ll have some un-der clothes or fall apart pretty soon. I washed out what dirty clothes there were, only had a few started at noon & was done 2-30-p-m. Fraink & Armond came out hunting they said they didn’t get any, but, I see Armond putting something in the car, they got a big bunch of bitter sweets. up the truck. Frank ate 2 cold fish when he got back, but, Armond was so tired he said he would feel better not to eat anything untill he got home & rested awhile first. Frank has something wrong with his stomach & can’t eat meat, but the fish don’t hurt him. they said to tell Elbert helow & that they might be out Thurs. thanksgiving day. It’s been a rather warm day with a heavy misty rain part of the time. I fed the chickens & locked the grainery & got in the cystern water Elbert had in the big buckets at the door for me, Frank & Armond brought in 2. pails for me while I was washing & I brought in 2 more & got a pail of coal & done my daily round of house work & my feet still are paining me. I Praise the Lord He is able, I’m thanking Him, trusting & believing He’ll get them fixed I thank Him for all our many many blessing in Jesus Name. I enjoyed watching Frank eat the fish, he said they tasted so good & were fried just right to suit his taste. Praise God I’d be so glad if God just suited his taste also. Glory to God, Glory Hallulejah Amen
Sun. Nov. 23. 1947./page. 2044./ 2 eggs today/ Well I rested untill 1-30-p-m. Elbert got up & & dressed 2 pullets & put them on to cook I got at my bath at 1-30 & the new preachers & Miss Clark came in, I finished & dressed & came out they had a visit with Elbert & then, he went out to look after the hens & they visited with me Schorien I beleive the preachers names were. We had prayer & they leftl, they both work during the week he in a factory & I don’t remember where she works & then they fill in preaching here & there. I pray God will bless there efforts & take care of all His people far & wide and according to there faith give unto them & I thank Him for our many blessing, Amen. It’s been a mild day partly cloudy S.W. wind.
Mon. Nov. 24. 1947./ 8. eggs today./ Elbert went away early today. & he took the eggs 3. doz. to Mrs. Cranage $1.95 cents, 65 cents per. doz. & he got some coffee & (green tea) & sugar white & brown, a few apples, some raisins lard & olie for butter & he went into the attics & marked the holes where it was leaking Bill didn’t come & there wasn’t anything there to work with so Elbert looked around & did the shopping & came home, We had a lunch & he went to Snyders & she called the mill at Berlin Hights to see if we could get straw, they didn’t have any so she called Huron & they had it, so he got me a qt. of milk & went to fish house & they gave him a big pan of fish, young Scott was late getting in, his father was so anxous about him he went out to find him & he missed him, so he came back & found him safely home in the harbor & Elbert waited to see if Young Scott’s father got in safe, before he came home.
Mon. Nov. 24. 1947./page. 2045./ 8. eggs today. 1 is double./ It was rough outside & got so much worse after they got in & the wind freshened up fast to Elbert was gone so long, I had began to wonder, but I ask God & He made me feel he was O.K. So he drank a cup of hot tea & dressed the fish. I swept & ironed washed dishes worked coloring in Oleo & put lard in crisco can & put everything away & fried the chicken balls & two fry pans of fish, We had the fish for supper & tomatoes with bread & coffee, I made up beds & my poor feet torture me so bad, I cried, but,. I thank God & praise Him in Jesus Name for our blessing and I know He will fix them up again so I can walk and keep me free soul and body. I love my Jesus. It’s snowing a gale & is colder out tonight cools off fast inside.
Tue. Nov. 25. 1947./ 7. P. eggs today./ Elbert didn’t go to work he was so lame & sore. I made one slip all but the hem & 4. doz oatmeal cookies & with all the rest I’m tired. It’s been cold to day snowed a little last night, or only a little stayed on the ground today & tonight it tried a-gain & air is colder. Elbert had such a hot fire I could hardly endure it & then it went clear out, so he had to clean out the clinkers & start it new. I did up all the dishes & now we’re ready for the morning once again. Mrs. Goll sent me a card I don’t know how she means it, but I thank God in Jesus Name He takes care of us and if at my age they have to be starved almost to death and not a christian soul turns to, to give them a bit to ease off the hunger, I’m wondering, if they will be able to do out the weekly wash on a wash board & do all the usual odds and ends of house work & think for themself and the other fellow, I’m wondering and praying God will have mercey and I thank God so much for helping me to over look all the polite things that are tossed at me to hurt, for He Knows, heaars & sees; Praise His Holly Name. I thank Thee Jesus for revealling things to me and then helping me to laugh them off for it’s Thou who deals with us & there taunts don’t amount to much, only to prove us who must endure them with all the other hardships with patience, as Jesus did. I pray God will cleans His church and help us to live after the example He gave us
Wed. Nov. 26. 1947./page. 2046./ 8. eggs this day./ Well I had to take the top off my slip & shorten it & put it back again I got it done & got the other one done all but the hems in the bottoms & I’ll try to do them tomorrow. & then I’d like to get the 2 short skirts, or skirts with bands around the waist lines done next then, I need to finish my house dress & get another one cut out and made up & my old rayon, I’d like to put a yoke in the waist & a yoke in top of the skirt to lengthen it & fix the sleeves over a little it would do me for prayer meeting & such .like; I’d like to make up one rayon dress so I’ll have two for good. Elbert left after dinner & went to Lorain & worked 2 hrs. he went on the roof to see if he could get to the chimmeny & fell on to his Knees & slid down to the edge of the other roof & got back of the lower roof just in time to get the ladder before it fell so he got down & came home, he had been working in the basement jacking up the floor above, the house had sagged down in the middle & now the plaster is falling off & these were two men taking off what hadn’t fell eve troughs are no good & water has run in under and in the basement, so it’s a dirty job for a $1.50 per. hr. the snow was soft last night & froze toward morning & the roof was slippery Elbert hasn’t any right to try to get on it today, it’s bad enough when it just wet. I had just got the hens taken care of & picked up the eggs & opened the shed door when he came, he got a bag of mash today 5.09 & last week a bag of grain 5.29- We have eat a lot of chickens & will have to be eating more for the feed sure is high. & the eggs 65 cents per. doz. it takes 8. doz. eggs for one bag 16 doz. for 2 bags mash & grain. We had fish for supper & got enough for tomorrow. Now dishes are done & everything ready for morning & to-morrow is thanks giving day. We thank God for our blessing & that He Kept Elbert from falling off the roof, he bumped one knee rather hard & its paining him tonight, bad. I would be so happy if God would fill me with the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name, it would be the best & most Glorious thanksgive I could ever have. It’s been cold and a little windy & snowed in a heavy shower 2. or 3. time this after noon & then would clear & sun would shine through again, it was moonlight untill 11-p-m now it looks like snow clouds coming again.
Thurs. Nov. 27. 1947./ page. 2047./ 4. eggs today./ Well today’s thanksgiving day We had chicken thanks to God & to Elbert, the Lord has help us to feed them & Elbert kills & dresses them & so, he put them on to cook & I made biscuits & gravey & we had tomatoes on toast with the rest & we ate at 6-p-m. Frank Bonney & his two boys Harvey & Armond & two of there friends were her hunting to day, they didn’t stay long, Haarvey was to be back home in Cleveland at 2. o;clock but here he was at 2.-p.-m. said he’d have to run to get home at 2.-30.-p-m. He said he had been in a accident a few weeks ago & that his baby daughter had a heart trouble when she was born & when he hit the fender of the other car with force the baby hit the wind sheald rather hard & they took her to the Dr. & he said take her to a heart spedcialest, he said her heart’s in very bad condition, and Armond’s baby boy was a 7 months baby & they had to have an operation in order for him to live and they didn’t believe he’d live he was so weak, but he came through & had begun to gain & then he cought hooping cough but now he’s coming along once again he’s 9 months old & Harvey’s baby’s a yr. old in Jan. It’s been cold all day & it’s snowing again tonight, & it’s cold. We thank God for all we have & that we have enough to keep us going every day and most of all He feeds my spirit & keep my body, I Praise Him Love Him and Adore Him, He’s so pure in Soul & body and so able to keep His flock together Oh, I love Jesus. Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Praise God, I pray He will fill me with the holy Ghost that’s what I truly want more than all else. I thank God He saved my soul but now I understand, I want all the Holy Spirits I want to be all His, and do more for him the little while I have left here to do things.
Fri. Nov. 28. 1947./ 9. P. eggs today./ Elbert went at noon & got in 3. hrs. he now has 7. hrs pay coming he got home just at dusk & his head lights were dead, he’d been back on the roof trying to get the chimney ready for the flshing, he said Bill said he’d have an-other man to help him tomorrow, it was cold & raw today & quite a fresh breeze and not very hot on the house ridge. Well I thank God He took care of him going, coming & all through his work. I baked 3. tins of bread biscuits & did out my own washing & the big chair seat cover & 4 bags & I’m tired. I got supper & washed up all the dishes. I received a letter from Miss. Willitts & a card from Mrs. E.E., Kendall & she seemed so pleased & happy over the bitter sweets, evergreens &
Fri. Nov. 28. 1947./ page 2048./ 9. eggs today./ & Chinnese lanterns I sent hr & she’s the only one to write & thank me, so far, she said Edd was coming home & she would write me a letter soon, she said she had moved into town last Spring. Well they lived on a farm & it must have been a hard job to pack up & resettle in town I did it once & I’d hate to do it again, but I don’t know what I’d do if anything should happen to Elbert, He does so many Odds & ends and he does the buying & sells the eggs & looks after the hens & catches the rats in coop & garage & mice grainery he carries the water & coal & ashes & I can’t seem to endure it to do it all like I use to, but hope to be able to do the chores when he works, soon again, I haven’t been able of late but am lots better again thank God. I have his heavy union suit & heavy work shirt & the lighter peices yet to wash & my slip to finish hem in the bottom The old fog horn is blowing tonight must be getting thick out side. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Dear Name for all our blessings and my healing soreness & pain all gone. I have a bone out between my shoulders & one between hips and my feet ach if I’m on them to long at a time but God will get me all fixed before long. Glory to God in the highest I love Him more than anything or any body
Sat. Nov. 29. 1947./ 12. pullet eggs/Ma’s birthday she would be 91. yrs./ Bonney Bell was married today to a Mr. Dudiak/ Elbert went to Lorain, but , didn’t work, Bill fell & hurt his back. Yesterday he sold 2. doz. eggs. 65 cents per. doz $1.30 to Mrs. Cranage, today he had to get his car headlights fixed up. & he thinks Bill don’t want him to work any more for some reason or another He paid Elbert all up & said now we are square & Elbert said you gave me 30 cents to much & he said it’s O.K., Bill’s mother’s up again, but, Elbert said she didn’t look able to be up, she’s in her 80ties Well, Frank & his two boy & an old man came to hunt while Elbert was gone & when they came back. they said they thought it was one of the Snyder boys with 3 or 4 other young fellow that jumped on them for hunting on the old man’s place (old Douglas place) they said the place was posted & that they didn’t like other fellows hunting on there teritory & Frank & the boys had permits to hunt where they were, I sent Elbert to Huron to have the game
Sat. Nov. 29. 1947. /page. 2049./ 12. eggs this day. / Warden come over to my house I want to find out what is what about the game law & how it is that Snyders can hunt my place every day with out a permit & my folks can’t hunt with permits, Armond said the one fellow said he was a deputy & told them they couldn’t hunt he said all the ground out here was posted & for them to get out & then acted as if he’d shoot them if they didn’t, they (Frank & his boys were on there way back when they met the other fellows & they had guns all of them, they argued & so I don’t want any one hurt or shot accidental shootings that’s why I’m going to talk to the game warden. he told Elbert he’d be over to talk with me in a day or two. It’s been a fine day & the boys gave us one rabbit. snowed last night a good foot of snow, melted off some this after noon sun shone half the after noon & set white as a cake of Ice tonight, clear & cold & moonlight tonight. I thank God for our many blessing & that He loves us I pray He will fill his childen with the Holy Ghost & help us to be strong in faith & spirit & worthy in His sight, Amen.
Sun. Nov. 30. 1947./ 10, eggs today/ We been home all day I wanted to goto Church but I’m still in a weak-ened state but I’m going Thurs, night God Willing Its been a beautiful day crisp & fresh but not severe cold. I hope & pray Elbert will be able to work some to keep us going. We are worse off this yr. than last. But still God takes care of us, and I am so greatful to Him I wish I were able to do lots more. I love Jesus & want to be all His. I pray God will, in Jesus Name strengthen the faith.
Mon. Dec. 1. 1947./ 15 egg today./ I felt sick long toward morning & after awhile felt deathly sick, I called Elbert twice unlocked my door & set on the can I thought I couldn’t set any longer & Elbert didn’t come so I started for the bed & landed in a heap & have hurt my left ankle bad. the can turned over spilling the contents & my bowels had run off like water, so made
Mon. Dec. 1. 1947./page 2050./15. eggs this day/ a terrible mess all over one rug & my night gown Elbert couldn’t lift me, so he rubbed my face & I came back to life got up & changed my night gown & then set on the can again & it sure did run like water then I began to throw up & I kept it up at intervals most of the morning Elbert cleaned up the mess & the rug & washed out my night gown & dried it & I lay half dead most of the day & night. Praise God.
Tue. Dec. 2. 1947./ 12. eggs today./ Well I been no good today half dazed & sick & still more musses, but I got up and set up for a little while, feeling far from able. Elbert’s been fixing up the coop some rats got in & at last he found the holes & now has them fixed & he had to scrub the rug for he hadn’t got it clean. I don’t know what could have happened to me acted like I had a dose of strycnine. I hope not. I thank God for hearing up when we cry to Him and for taking care of us Praise Him in Jesus Name. Amen. Been partly cloudy & melted all the snow of Sat. & Sun.
Wed. Dec. 3. 1947./ 13. eggs today./ Well, Praise God in Jesus Name, He hears and answers prayer I ask Him to send me some thing worth while in mail this morning & when Elbert brought it in there was my check for $30.00, and a $25.00 check from our sister Audrey in a Christmas card, and on the back of the card she wrote
Dear Sis & Bro– Am sending this early so you can use it, and it’s just for you two. Don’t spend it for any one else, & no one knows I’m sending it. Can you Keep it secret. Love Audrey. And she wrote her Name & address, Audrey Carlisle, 1769. – E. – 29.-St. Lorain Ohio. she put her address on the out side her letter on the envelope all so. now if ever we got a shock it was when we opened her letter fast to see who was seriously ill, and found that message & check,
well, I thanked God it wasn’t sickness, for when I’m down, that’s when I’m usually called out to help and I’m sure not fit to leave the bed right now. although I did get up & sit in the big chair for a little while today & then again to let Elbert in, he locked him-self out the front door & I had to set again before I could get back to my bed. I wrote out an order for food & Elbert went to VErmilion & got it, or part of it. the stores close at noon & he didn’t have much time. Well, I paid $15.00 on Elbert’s insurance, he spent more than that out of what he earned last week, he got me a bottle of fresh milk to & paid the milk bill $1.50 he got 9.00 (over) worth of food, but my blood pressure is so low I’ll have to trust God to fix me up once again. It would be wonderful if we only had some one in our church who thouroughly understood just
Wed. Dec. 3. 1947./page 2051./ 13. eggs this day./ how to ask for healings, so they could help the believer to know and understand how to pray & what to do to be prepared to except, a healing for we must understand God says to take care of our soul first, that we should search the His Word (the Bible) each day, study and think seriously & to ponder the things over in our heart & pray earnestly to Him to take time to talk to him, He says if we don’t have time for Him He won’t have time for us, and I know we usually find time to do the things we like and want to do. And farther more He tells us excuses belong to the Devlil Who is the father of all lies. God say if we have a good reason for not Keeping a promise or doing a thing to let it be known. Do We.? Elbert has had to do everything since Sun. & he looks tired his back pains him, he’s having a time trying to keep raats out of hen house got three more holes he says to patch. I Praise God for our many many blessing in His Name.
Wed. Dec. 3. 1947./page 2051. / 13. Eggs this day. / how to ask for healings, so they could help the believers to know and understand how to pray & what to do to be prepared to except, a healing for we must understand God says to take care of our soul first that we should search the His Word (the Bible) each day, study and think seriously & to ponder the things over in our hear & pray earnestly to Him to take time to talk to Him, He says if we don’t have time for Him He won’t have time for us, and I know we usually find time to do the things we like and want to do. And farther more He tells us excuses belong to the Devil Who is the father of all lies. God say if we have a good reason for not Keeping a promise or doing a thing to let it be Known. Do We? Elbert has had to do everything since Sun & he looks tired his back pains him, he’s having a time trying to keep rats out of hen house got 3 more holes he says to patch. I Praise God for our many many blessing in His Name.
Thurs. Dec. 4. 1947. 7. Eggs today. / I had another bad spell last night & Elbert didn’t get any sleep until after 1-a-m. this morning. Cool cloudy day wind’s gone N.E. Radio said snow & colder. My ankle is swollen worse & I’m terribly dizzy headed today. And it’s prayer meeting night again & here Lord am I in this miserable state. I thank Thee and Praise Thee for all things in Jesus Holy Name.
Fri. Dec. 5. 1947. /16. Eggs today/ Well, it rained in showers most of the night, then the sun came out & looked beautiful and clear, but, only for a shoret time, then the white clouds were again flying across the sky & this after noon the fine mist began to fall again, it’s not very cold out but rather breezy Elbert’s been on the jump all day he’s hollow eyed & tired, I do hope he gets his rest tonight, he’s been to Huron got a ride up & back, his car wouldn’t run this morn, but they told him at garage what to do & it did run, he bought a pick hock, a fresh one but tuff to cut hope it will tender in the cooking. I’m trying to get him to save what he had & a little of what Audrey sent to get a pair of shoes his are almost off his feet, poor fellow & when it’s wet, his iats[?] wet he is out to hen house trying to get a rat he has fastened in. I pray God will help him get it. He got me a bottle of milk today, I’m ,icj om meed pf ot everu dau/ I thank God & Praise Him for my many m,any blessings & pray He will fill His people with a stronger faith & the much need strength & fill us with the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name, Amen. Glory to God in thye Highest. So Elbert didn’t kill the rats with a club, he put some cresoat in the partition & he couldn’t hear the one any more, but where he
Fri. Dec. 5. 1947./ page 2052. / 16. Eggs this day./ didn’t put any the rat was chewing to get out, but tonight he’s to tired to look after it. It’s cloudy tonight shivery raw wind. We thank God for our blessings.
Sat. Dec. 6. 1947./ 18. Eggs today./ sold 7. Doz today/ (Today Elbert is 65 yrs. Old)/ Well, Elbert went to Lorain sold the eggs in two places, Mrs. Cranage took 4 doz. & he sold 3. Doz. To one other woman 65cents per. doz., he had one doz left he brought back he got a few things to eat & tea & coffee, had to get bread, I’m too weak & can’t stand up to work. He said Mrs. Cranage fell & hurt her hip bad & is in bed also since Wed. Dec. 3. Elbert got his receipt from his insurance Co. Yesterday. I got my little Bible lesson book from De.Haan today & if explains so well what every soul ought to know if they read the bible, the title is “Heaven or Hell.” & gives portions of chapters of the bible that explains heaven & about hell it’s worth the time and study. Before Elbert got back Mike Hahn came in, he’s a neighbor & on the township board, and I didn’t know him, but he said Elbert called the welfare & they called him, told him to come & see if I could go to the Dr. or would I rather he’d come to me, to see what to do about my ankle & to see what I can eat or drink to give me more strength faster; Elbert came before he left, he said he thought they county did wrong we talked it over a little & I felt as if I faint before he left, I had to fix the fire while Elbert was gone & I can see I ought not be up. Elbert got me something to eat & drink & I felt better Hahn said Dr. put Epson salts on his sons ankle with alcohol on it as a pack to drw out swelling Elbert put one on my ankle but I don’t see any change. I do Know that God is able as soon as they pray for me again Praise His Holy Name Glory to God in Jesus Name, He is worthy & I pray He will find me worthy as a child of His in Jesus Holy, Name Amen.
Sun. Dec. 7. 1947. /19. Eggs today. / Well Nellie Johny & Marcie, Bonita & her 3 child-ren came today We had a nice visit, they brought us a piece of ham, can of pears & bottle of grape juice the cans were mine & they had filled them. (They paid us for 3. Doz. Eggs 65. cents per. doz. 1.95) Some one gave there 3 . children each a new snow suit with wool knitted caps and mittens & Johny told me they were going to have a baby Johny. Don’t look very well, Marcie looks thin in the face, but has
Sun. Dec. 7. 1947./ page 2053. / 19. Eggs today/ -n’t filled out otherwise, I pray God will bless them & make them all His. Nellie said she hadn’t heard from Ella Jane for 2 weeks & she had been sick in bed but Nellie didn’t seem worried about her, I had thought perhaps Lourabell might persuade her to go on to California with her, (but people are queer) they sometimes like to spring it as a surprise afterward Bonney Bell was married to her Joe _____[Dudiak} No. 29.on ma’s birthday, but she is going to work awhile. Nellie got Loura Ann’s address (LouraAnn Bonney, R.D.1. East Liverpool) Ethel & her man & mother & daughter have moved to Liverpool Ohio. Annesley R’d, Glenmore; I don’t think I’ll send any cards by the looks of things, this year. Well, no one came from our church today but Elbert hasn’t told any one either & he’s very set & determined in his ways. But I know God still hears and ans. Prayers Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Glory, Glory to God, I praise Thee in Jesus Name.
Mon. Dec. 8. 1947./ 19. Eggs today./ It rained in heavy showers last night, little colder today & tried to snow. Elbert’s head’s feeling bad again he went to Huron got a piece of meat to boil, it wasn’t any to fresh either, but, I have tried to stay off my foot, it’s swollen so bad & pains me a lot, I don’t feel able to get up, but Elbert likes to have me able to wait on myself, and I sure like to do just that. We received Christmas card from Nellie & family today wind is west yet Elbert was just outside & says it’s freezing.
Tue. Dec. 9. 1947./ 24. Eggs today/ Been partly cloudy most of the day & quite cold out. Elbert is feeling so miserable, his head & his back & knees & his nerves are terrible, it seemed to have been quite a shock to him, when I fell, but he know I never call him un-less it’s life & death, but, I haven’t been well for a long time, We have been so badly starved, I even yet might pass out for good if I should over do, he seems a little stronger than I but, he can eat things, I can’t & I eat so little & not much meat, I’m feeling “tonight” as if I can’t go on much longer. Hahn said yesterday he’d send the Doctor to see what could be done for me & he said Mr. Glass & some other man would be here to see me yesterday or today & neither the Dr. or the others came looks as if they figure, if they don’t help me, perhaps I’ll die & they won’t have any more expence, Well there’s a big big judgement day just around the corner for every body in cluding them & what will they do or say to God Almight when He ask, Why? They starve people to death & they look like a
Tue. Dec. 9. 1947./ page. 2054./ 24. Eggs this day./ big stuffed hog with a big roll of fat around there collors, I wonder how soon there turn will be, and how will they enjoy a portion like mine. Elbert went next door & got me a qt. of milk. I sure need it Flys were out side flying around. I received a Christmas card from Mable Winchel today.
Wed. Dec. 19. 1947./ 16. Eggs today. Well another day of just laying around & the ankle is still badly swollen & Elbert has to do everything yet, he killed & dressed a pullet for supper, I made the biscuits he brought everything to me but even that seems to tire me, I made 2 tins last Sun. just before the children came & Elbert took them out the oven, just a few minutes after they came in. It takes all the strength, about, that I’ve got left. Well, what cha Know, one of the men from the relief office did come in today, would it be greaqt if a fellow was nearly dying & had to wait a week or two, for them to decide wheather to come, or just let you die? If they wre to look like a big shot “as they say” they’d tumble over each other to see who would be first, I wonder, & I can’t help but wonder if they knew it was the Lord would they do by Him as they do by me? Yes, they did even worse, they nailed Him to a cross, after beating & whipping, & yes, spitting on Him. Well I’m so glad He loves me & cares for me, Glory Hallulejah. Mostly cloudy today & it snowed hard for 3. Hrs. or so late N.East winds this afternoon. The fellow that was here said he’d send the doctor, lets see.
Thurs. Dec. 11. 1947./ 23. Eggs today. 7. Doz eggs on hand/ Elbert did his washing today & I don’t know how I’m ever going to get mine done mostly cloudy all day, snowed hard for a while at intervals, but didn’t seem to stay on the ground, not very cold, some ice froze in a pail Elbert forgot & he turned it bottom side up & the ice fell out of it today, wind’s been all way round. I wrote a card to Audrey- to Mrs. Cranage to Mrs. Gall & to Mrs. Harnish Sr. I thank God for my many blessing & healing for saving my sould and now I’m praying for the seal of promise, and since He promised we can have it if we ask, I’m asking god in Jesus Name for it I give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever.
Fri. Dec. 12. 1947./ 17 eggs today./ New moon today. Elbert went to Lorain & sold 7. Doz. Eggs 65 cents per. doz. $4.55 & he sold 1. Doz here for 65 cents the man gave him 2.00 so he has 2 more doz. Paid for a nickle coming his way so we have taken in 8.45 cents beginning. Sun. Dec. 7. I mended or I got it partly done “Elberts heavy un-ion suit patches from below the knee up on to the body clear into the crotch, a big patch on the seat, under each arm and acrossed the middle of the back, some job, believe it or not, he left at 10-30-
Fri. Dec. 12. 1947./ page. 2055/ 17. Eggs this day./ -a-m. and got back at 3-30-p-m. he bought a pr. Of shoes & they cost $10.82 cents with the (tax, 32 cents) he went out to thank Audrey personally & she tucked $5.00 in his pocket, or we wouldn’t have anything to eat, he got two slices of pork shoulder 58 cents for supper a lb. of bacon 1.07, a piece of pressed ham 87 cents & a lb of shank meat 55 cents & a knuckle to boil with it, then he got a few apples 39, pears 42 & dates 29, grapes 32. 3. Cans of milk 39, a lb. of oleo 45, cabbage 99, & gass 1.00 for car. Oh, how I do love Jesus, He helps us in all the ways we need. Cloudy today. Wind S.W. I thank my Father in Heaven in Jesus Holy Name that He love even me. I’ll Praise Him Always and give Him all the Glory for ever and ever. Glory, Glory to God, I thank Thee & praise Thee, for our many blessing Amen. Elbert mailed my cards, all but Audrey’s, he gave her’s to her. Mrs. Cranage was up & around again, her hip is bad yet. A woman back of her by the name of Julline, takes 3 & 4 doz. Of eggs of Elbert she was telling Elbert about her brother 20. Yrs. Old that he’s been sick in bed for sometime & he said the Lord lit up his room & told him, he would get well, so I two pray God will help him & strengthen his faith, give him understanding & make him a blessing in the Name of Jeus. Amen. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.’
Sat. Dec. 13. 1947./ 25. Eggs today./ Been mostly cloudy today, received a Christmas card from Loura Ann Bonney & one from Ethel, “her mother” Ethel said her “Walter” husband had set up a business shop of his own & was doing fine and they all like it there; I’m glad and pray all will continue well. The old man that bought the douglas place called today, asking Elbert about where to get lumber, he was just nosing around once more, he acts as if he isn’t quite all there, in some respects, he’s money mad also & stinks as if he’d neve had a bath and had eat garlic & onions or leeks all his life Whew me, oh my, I was glad when he left. He said he’d like to buy 6 or 8 of the pullets I wish we had a ten1910) foot fence all around the place or that we could live among really, honest neighbors. I did to much today ankle pains bad tonight & badly swollen. Sun is or was white, N.W. breeze. Still cold tonight & wind went S. East at dark Elbert went to the beach & the sand is frozen hard, there was a truck down there & he said, some men, they were building a 2. Ft. form on the top of the old peir, east. Wish I had seen to it that we got the rest of the sand when we could have got it, but of all the excuses when a person don’t want to do a thing. I thank God He loves us and takes care of our every need. I give give Him all the praise and Glory for He is worthy. I swept my room & Kitchen & washed but my rags & dried them. I’m sure tired I’ve been taking care both beds all week to.
Sun. Dec. 14. 1947./ page. 2056./ 21. Eggs today./ Well, I got up & took a bath & dressed, combed my hair & Elbert got our dinner, potatoes, toast & a couple strips of bacon & a cup of coffee with a dish of prunes. We ate at 2-30-p-m. at 3-30-p-m Rev. & Mrs. Scharein & Mrs. West Sr. came in We had a nice visit & prayer, They prayed for me, I know God is able and I thank Him and Praise Him, He care for such as I. Oh, God I thank Thee in Jesus Holy Name. We had bean soup for supper & tea. Wind S. and a little west tonight.
Mon. Dec. 15. 1947. / 22. Eggs today./ Well I didn’t do much today shook up the bed & opened the windows air them out & made them up again. It’s been a very dark day to much so to read, write or mend. We had a snow shower & it turned to rain Wind backed up from West to south east, now it’s come back to West & raining yet at 9-30-p-m Well, we haven’t eat much today either I wish we had some one who would take an interest in cooking, that’s what I sure need. But I thank God for what we have that He has saved my soul & have promised in Jesus Name to fill us with the Holy Ghost and I long to be filled before He comes. I Praise Him for loving such as I and trust He will ever Keep & guide me. Oh, God, I pray in Jesus Holy Name Thou will cleans our church and help us each one to do Thy Holy Will working together in one acord for Thy Name’s sake, forgive us & point us the way. As Thou would have us to go; Oh how much we need Thee. I received another letter from Miss Willitts she’s trying to raise 10 thousand dollars. God knows, I like to help each one to what they need, if I could.
Tue. Dec. 16. 1947./ 27. Eggs today./ Cloudy all morning sun came out for a few minutes after 2-p-m. only to cloud up again. S.W. breeze well, I wrote 3 letters a thank you letter to the Governor, a letter to Miss Greene & one to Miss Willitts, I’m so weak & almost blind at times. But, I thank God & Praise Him for our many blessing, in Jesus Holy Name Glory to God some one’s praying for me & I thank Thee Jesus.
Wed. Dec. 17. 1947./ 18. Eggs today/ Well it snowed & blowed a gale today & sun shone right through it, its been a fairly nice day cold S.W. wind but not as cold as last night I have received several cards one from Nora one from Shirley & one from Sarrs family & from the Day family from Mrs. Hildebrandt Miss Winchel Mrs. Greene, Harnishes & Mrs. Carlisle, & one from Ethel & her folks One from the New Mrs. Dudiak & Mr & Mrs. Adamson Floriday& Mrs Geo Gall. I pray God will Bless them all, and give them
Wed. Dec. 17. 1947. / page. 2057./ 18. eggs this day/ What they ask for me & I thank Him for there prayers & pray He will strengthen there faith & keep them all closer to Him in Jesus Name and I thank Him for my healing & Praise His Holy Name.
Thurs. Dec. 18. 1947./ 27. eggs today./ Dave’s birthday he’s 62. yrs. old. Well, I hobbled around & wiped up the floor today. Dr. Leidheiser came said I had concusion in my head & that the legiments are badly torn around the ankle joint. We received cards from Cora Barr Mr. & Mrs. & Howard Page. Wyn & Virginia & Easel & card from Bonita Elbert got Birthday card from easel & a christmas card a card from carl Betz & family. It been partly cloudy & cold enough, but not severe. N.E. wind tonight. Bonita said they got a lonesome letter from Ella Jane, & she said Mrs. Gilmore died Mon. night Dec. 14. & had funeral on Wed. 2. 30-p-m. I had been thinking & talking about her to Elbert & I wondered how she was, must be I had been thinking because she was sick. I thank God for our many Blessing in Jesus Name.
Fri. Dec. 19. 1947./ 1. hen 28 Pullet eggs./ I’m send a letter to Miss Willitts, Elloa Jane Mrs. Greene Miss Shirley Glover & Governor Herbert Elbert went & come safly, he feels so bad, I’m so sorry to be more trouble for him, he has to do most every thing, I have done a bad thing for me, while he was gone I washed a whole change of clothes few towels & all my rags & two wool petticoats & my night gown got them all done, but the wrinsing of wool skirts & dress & got them all dried but wool skirt dress & rags before he got here, he had good luck sold Mrs. Cranaage 3. doz large pullet eggs 85 cents per doz. $2.55) & one other woman 1. doz. large eggs, 85 cents & 6 doz. small eggs 68 cents per doz.$4.08) I had $6.00 saved from last week & 5 cents so he had $13.65) with the 12 cents of his own for grain & food & the grain cost $5.29 for 100 lb bag & $5.09 for bag (100 lb.) mash, boiling meat 1 3/4 lb. cost 73 cents, press ham 1. lb. 68 cents & 1 1/4 lb liver 56 cents, total for meat $1.97 cents, & food 1. lb prunes 35 cents beans 42 cents yeast & coffee 49 cents total $1.26 cents he had 13.65 cents & paid out $13.61 cents leaving him 4 cents such as life. he went to beach to get sand but it was froze so bad he couldn’t get any, he said the men had rebuilt one concrete peir & are now working on the one down at the old Sanders beach & he said the men were suffering with the cold, & he came back & put the buckets & broom & dust pan a way & gathered eggs got water & put the trimings down celar for hens & sorted eggs & put them away & put the meat on to boil & fixed the fire & now he’s going to empty ashes & feed hens & lock up all around for the night. he left here about 10-a-m. & got back 1-30-p-m. Mrs Cranage is lots better & was over to Cleveland, with Ruth & a friend
Fri. Dec. 19. 1947./page. 2058./28. P. 1. hen eggs this day. / & so they are all tired out today. We received an invitation to Martha’s to dinner she said the whole family would be there & she’d be looking for us, but we won’t be able to go, I told Elbert he could go, but he said he wouldn’t. We received a card from Mrs. Sharpe Miland Ohio one Mrs. Sprunk, one from Anna Bell Arlington Va. Been a very dark day, N.E. breeze. Elbert has cooked the supper & listened to the news & now he’s going to rest after he gets some hot water to soak my foot in old foot’s howling tonight. I made Elbert’s bed up fresh & my own & done several odds & ends now I have to try to do a little more writing a note to Martha to thank her for her kindness. I thank God for our blessings, I thank Him for each one who prays for me & I pray He gives them double all they ask for me and that He will cleans our church & make it a blessing in His sight & convict, convert, heal & fill as many as He will and help us to work with one acord for His good & Glory, I Praise God in Jesus Name, Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Amen.
Sat. Dec. 20. 1947./ 22. eggs today./ Well, I guess I over done a little, but, hope to feel O.K. tomorrow. I made 4. tins of bread biscuits today, looked after beds & aired the rooms & I’m so tired my head achs to & I’ll be glad to roll into bed once more. I wrote a card to the Church one to Martha & one to Frank & Ruby & Familys, Elbert gave them to the mail man so the wont get them untill Mon. We received a Christmas card & a picture of Johny & Marci in there wedding attire it’s a very good picture of them, nice young folks, they are. Wind is S. West, and not so very cold. Got to soak my feet & take my bath yet. It’s been a beautiful day mild with sunshine. So now, I thank God for His word, His promises, His Power, His Great Love for His children, I hope He will find me worthy, I love Him more than any one or anything else in this word. I Praise Him, Glory, Glory to God, Hallulejah, Glory, Glory, Amen.
Sun. Dec. 21. 1947. / 1. hen, 2. Pullets eggs./ Rather cloudy all day, I got up & took a bath & combed my hair “after dressing meself” & Elbert fixed up the soup a little & we had dinner & he didn’t have the dishes quite done. When the Minister & his wife came in she had her arms full, she had a nice glass dish full of cluster peanuts in cholate & white fudge with fruit & nuts must have been a good 2. lobs. & pretty dish with 3. legs that was from the Horning’s, a box of candy from Church & 2 oranges & a silk rayon neck scarf for me & handkercheif for Elbert from Miss Clark & best of all we had a good christian visit & prayer, Oh
Sun. Dec. 21. 1947./ page 2059./ 1. hen, 27. P. eggs this day./ how I love Jesus He done so much for me. I Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus. Then in a little while in came Martha & Jim Nellie Bonita & her 3 children & they must have brought 10 or 15.00 worth of food some nuts candy cakes and cookies caned jams & fruit & a jar of honey, noods, speggetti, caned soups, beans, corn & beets, tea, coffee oranges & apples & cheese writing paper & envelopes & a big ham but, Well that is wonderful when the Lord hears & sends in the things we need so much. I gave the Preachers a glass dish about 12 in. acrossed & 3 in. deep & a part of a tin of bread biscuits, they seemed real pleased. Nellie’s wishing for mincemeat but I didn’t make any this year for I don’t use it very often & it’s a big lot my recipet makes & any way I haven’t felt able to make it. I was going to make fruit cakes for Christmas, but wasn’t abl to do that either. I pray God’s blessing in Jesus Name for them each, Audrey also sent part of the food & things, besides she had all ready given us 30.00 I pray God will save her soul & all the others. They said there were mostly women to Mrs. Gilmore’s funeral, & she had been out of her mind & singed her hair so bad they couldn’t fix it up so to make it look nice after she died, poor old soul if she had only Known our Jesus. OH God, of Love & Mercy, I pray for those in the Valley of decision, help my prayers to be one with the many others who pray earnestly for lost souls, that acording to there faith Thou will give un to them in Jesus Holy Name and strengthen there fait give them a craving and determination to know Thee, I thank Thee & praise Thee Glory to God in Jesus Name, Amen. We had ham, potatoes & home made bread for supper & it sure tassted so good I Praise God & thank Him I except my healing & thank Him more than I can put in words.
Mon. Dec. 22. 1947./ 27. P. eggs today/ WEll it been mostly cloudy today, but, it’s been quite warm all so ground isn’t froze under the sod Elbert dug up a little evergreen about 3. ft. high for Bonita for a Christmas tree, they’re going to put it in a tub. Well, Elbert don’t looks so well today, again, he done all the chores out side & in & I cut out & made him a new sleeper jacket got it all sewed & discovered I had put one sleeve in wrong side out & “beleive it or not” bottom, or under arm I sewed on for top of sleeve so I had to ripp it all out & put it in right was 9-30-p-m when I got it done, he’s going to sleep in it tonight & I’ll try to get the
Mon. Dec. 22. 1947./ page. 2060./ 27. P. eggs this day./ bottoms & button holes done tomorrow. Elbert got into it & into bed & he says I ought to go to bed now but he supposes I set up un till the latest minute. Pa use to compell us to go to bed & be in bed at 8-p-m, or get a licking & Elbert never out grew it all though he use to be out untill 10 or 11 when he was young, but the older he gets the more severe he talks about my getting to bed. Well, it’s my home so I let him talk & go to bed when he likes I go to to my bed when I feel so disposed. I like to set & rest when I’m so tired & I’m like my mother in that respect, but, she had to go to bed when dad was around home, poor little ma, I was alway so sorry for her and I’m so glad I always tried to help her in all the ways I could, if ever there was a kind, meek, humble person in all this world it was my mother, I use to rave when pa. left the house about all the mean contemptable things he did & said, he was & only child with the exception of 2 adopted sisters & spoilt, I use to fight, tongue fights with him, when he’d jump all over me, for some foolish thing that a man of his years, should have used better judgement, I had learned, even if I was angry, to use my brains & I use to tell him just what a mean picture he made, then I’d show him my side, I wasn’t a healthy girl, but I worked untill I was limp as a dish rag to save mother as much as I could, he sure was one of the oranenys critters that ever came down the pike, His mother lived with us for several yrs. untill, she died she was bed ridden, & ma had 5 of us children, pa & herself to wait on beside. When pa & ma first started, he bought 180 acres of land in Mich. he bought it of Uncle Porter, ma’s eldest brother & he built a log cabin after he had cleared enough land for a house & barn & he built the barn, he bought a- pr. of oxen & he had a horse, named Flora buggy horse & after 3. yrs. he came back & took ma up there in the woods to live & the bear & deer run wild a-bout the place & when dad would get angry over a little thing, such as, the oxen would act up & not want to be hitched up, then he’d sulk & would talk or speak to
Mon. Dec. 22. 1947./ page 2061./ 27. P. eggs this day/ ma if he could get around it & off times he would go & leave her there all alone, while he worked off his hatefull-ness in a logging camp to far away, for him to come home nights, ma was only 23. yrs. old, she said he wanted to ride her 3 times aday & when she couldn’t stand it, it, would make him so mad he’d abuse her, he took her by her wrists & strech her arms out & hold her against the wall, with his Kneese against her legs & hold her there untill shed faint & throw her on the bed & her poor spine was so crooked between her shoulders & hips from his abuse she only weighed 94. lbs. poor little ma, she was a wonderful mother. I’ve seen her out of sorts but she never said any-thing mean, she’d greive it out to the Lord & let it go & she taught me many good lesson, after I was converted at 18. yrs. of age, I learned to manage my dad rather well & we got on quite good well, but, he never got over doing his dirty trick seemed to be born in him to like to hurt the other fellow & then laugh over it, and he lead some of his own children & his grandchildren into his bad ways taking things, lots of time he didn’t want them & gave them so some one else. Ma’s Mother & father bought the land next the pa’s & moved there, Uncle Will wasn'[t married then & lived with his parents, but they had to hire a young woman to work for them & Uncle Will married her, they use to go to ma often then, then pa’s mother was so bad they begged pa to sell & come home, ma worked herself half to death taking care of grandpa & grandma & Lottie & pa & Elbert myself, Fred & Gertie & milking 8 cows morning & night, beside the house work washing, ironing & baking she dug up & left for a few weeks & came to Lorain to her only sister after 2. yrs of that kind of life & pa’s abuse whenever he was home & it didn’t matter what she was doing, he had to be taken care of right when he said so, it didn’t matter to him, how tired she was & he never forgot to tell so & if she didn’t want to be stripped right where she was, she’d better move, poor ma, Aunt Edith got pa a carpenter job & told him to
Mol. Dec. 22. 1947./page 2062./ 27. P. egg this day./ to come & he’d have steady work she had lost her husband & had 3. houses she rented & had to keep in repear & she had a new barn that had never been used, so to she had two rooms one story high she had rented to & old man, he had died, so she had pa move the barn & two room together & build them into a real comfortable house. We went there to live when I was 3 1/2 yrs. old & grandpa & grandma Wheeler came to Aunt Ediths to live on that day, also, Uncle will & his wife, had gone to Virginia to take care of her grandpa, on a peanut farm. We lived in Lorain Ohio in Aunt’s [Edith Grant Breckinridge, Elinor’s maternal aunt] house untill it burned up, I was 12. yrs. old then, on the 16th of Jan. & the house burned Feb. 9. Then dad bought a lot & rented the ground around us over the east side the river on the hill, just a river bend from where he had a boat house & boat, Uncle Will [William Wheeler, Elinor’s maternal uncle] had come back & lived with us for a while & then he got a job in the new shipyard they had started just below the Nickle Plate swing bridge & between that & lower draw bridge on the east side, so he rented a house on the hill juist above the ship yarde & when our house burnt we lived a couple of months with him & his family & then they bought a lot across the road from pa & ma & pa built there house & built us a shack, it was boarded up, boards stood up & down with battens over the cracks & ceiled up inside, with just loose board on the attic floor & that was where the boys 3 of them sleep on cots, I put paper over the boards & rag carpet over that & it was a job to clean up there each week & I worked out at confinement work at times, & did the family sewing mending & darning & helped with baking & cooking when I was home. I lived with Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Ward for a while after the house burned. I went home to help ma as often as I could & after pa built the house I went home & stayed & helped Mrs. Ward once or twice aweek my health was very poor & pa wouldn’t let me go to school so, I went back to Wards, for he was superintendent of the Public School
Mon. Dec. 22. 1947./ page. 2063./ 27 P. eggs this day./ schools & I studied to the second yr. high school or through the 2nd. yr. high school, then had to go home & work for a while so didn’t get another chance to study any more, for I worked away 2 or 3 weeks & then a week or 2 at home untill I wasn’t able to work away any more, then I was compelled to Dr. with a specialist in Cleveland for 3. yrs. I began to gain after the first yr. & went to work again. I was 23. yrs old when I started to Dr. in Cleveland. I always went to Sun. school church & prayer meetings & I taught a class of girls from 8 to 10 yrs of age 18 or 20 of them & I liked it, for it helped me to learn more about the Holy Trinity. I Praise God for His wonderful blessings & healings.
Tue. Dec. 23. 1947./ 27. eggs 1. hens egg today/ We give 2. doz. eggs. to the Raw-leigh man for part pay on the condition powder we had ordered eggs 65 cents per. doz 2. doz. 1.30 so I owe him $1.70 yet. We had a piece of the ham that the girls brought Sun. for dinner today. & just at dark the minister & his wife came in with a nice piece of ham & a lot of fruit & can vegetables Praise the Lord & they prayed for us & I felt the power go through me & several times since & they were having a meeting at Church so they all prayed for us again Glory Glory Praise God from Whom all blessing flow. We all should praise Him here below & I know that there are many that do. The minister said he had the new flu. that going the round, they prayed for us & I for them it’s a queer flu ach & pains in muscels & chest & stomach & bowels & a heavyness in the head, I thank God for there love & thoughtfulness, it’s sure wonderful to be rem-embered and since I’ve never been on the receiving end, it sure makes me feel like crying, I would much rather have it the way it use to be, I love to give to other, But I surely appreciate every bit of all they have done for us May God really Bless them with much more than they expect. & I hope I can do something for them by & by & how much I thank God for His love & care for He surely takes care of his own. It’s colder out & snowed a little, this afternoon.
Dec. 23. Wed. 1947/ page. 2064./ 30. eggs today./ Well, Nellie went over to the old home place where Frank & Ruby live & there daugters are married & live next door & our cousins live across the street, “the Wheeler Girls” Martha [Martha Monogan, Elinor’s neice] came out Sun. with her son Jim [James Monogan, Elinor’s neice’s son, grand nephew] & Nellie & Bonita & her 3. children, Nellie & all went to Frank’s & told them we were in hard straights, so tonight here comes Frank & his grandson [either James or Jerry Monogan, Elinor’s grand nephews] with a basket & little box full of food from He & Ruby. & his four children & from Our Cousins, the Wheeler girls. Frank isn’t very well, he’s working, but has lost some time, off & on these passed few weeks, he says its going to cost him a lot to pay his mother-in-laws [Ruby Gillmore’s mother, Elinor’s brother’s mother in law] funeral bill & all her other bills. He likes to make a big issue of of things, but, He says Mrs. Gilmore had to pay $7.50 per. week for rent & she only had 30 or 35.00 per month to live on & pay her rent & bills, so that’s the ans. for her funeral expensies, of course he has a lot of expense for Ruby has to have a shot (as they say) in the arm every day or she couldn’t live & they help Armond to a lot & so I’m sorry they were told about it, but, I’m happy to know they love us enough to come & bring us food I Pray God will in Jesus Name Convert & heal them soul & body, I feel that is more emportant than our food. Oh God have mercy I pray in Jesus Name. Elbert isn’t very well, his nerves are terrible bad & he need to know the Lord also. I greatly appreciate what they have all done for us more than I can tell & pray God’s blessing upon them each one. Oh Glory to God Some are praying for me & I feel God Blessed Power Hallulejah Glory to God in the Highest Amen. Winds N. & Little E. We received a card from Mrs. Frankie Beesie Miss Elthel Willitts & one from Armond his wife & son Bruce [Armond Bonney, Clara Isobel Street, Bruce Bonney, Elinor’s nephew and wife & child] Frank & Frankie came at 8-p-m & left little after 9-p-m. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio with sunshine all day & tonight it’s clear with a nice moon & stars. I thank thee & praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus. & I’m trusting that I may be filled & many more saved & filled. I believe I will be. Oh, Glory to God, All Praises & Glory to Thee.
Thurs. Dec. 25. 1947 [Dec. 24 skipped] /page. 2065/ 21. eggs today 1. hen/ today is for Jan/ Well, It’s been a wonderfull day nice white sun all day, with wind scuds late in after noon & tonight it’s snowing, moons wading. not very cold out. We cook the beef roast Frank brought out, it’s queer how the beef don’t have any juice in it. Well we cooked it & had potatoes & gravy & hot coffee & biscuits for supper We had a slice of bacon & toast & one egg apiece & a dish of the peaches they sent us. I told Frank he hadn’t ought to brought us so much & he said I didn’t, Harvey, Evelyn, Francis & ARmond each put in with he & Ruby’s do-nation that way it wasn’t bad on any of them & he said I know how you are, if I was in your fix you’d do all you could to help me or any one of us, wouldn’t you? I know you would. Well, I said, I would for I love you all, He did some work for Gertie & said he didn’t want any pay, but kept tract of what he done & later he told her to give him pa’s guns or (200.) two hundred dollars. He said if we needed more help to let him know. He said, ((before pa died)) he didn’t want the home place & after pa died, he said, he’d always wanted it & was going to have it. I love him he’s our brother, but, I don’t want him to do things for us & talk about us like he does about others & I hope & can give them chickens & eggs enough to pay it all back. I am vry thankful for the help just now & thank God in Jesus Dear Name for all the help He has given. My blood presure is very low but trust God will take care of me in every respect & all who have given us help & pray He will be with our ministers.
Fri. Dec. 26. 1947./ 32. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold 13. doz. of eggs & bought a 100 lb. bag of grain, a bottle of Alcohol. yeast, milk & matches cost $8.45 & he had 1.60 left. I had the soup started so he opened a can of carrots & peas all in the one can & put in the soup & we ate it. I ironed my dress & mended it, I took care of both beds. We listened to the radio a little while & now were going to bed, I’m terrible tired & tomorrow “God willing” I have to make bread again. I re-ceived card from Georgia today with a little note in it. She says Aubrey “her brother” [Aubrey Grant, son of Edith and first husband Aubrey Grant, Elinor’s g-cousins] can’t hardly get up & down was to ill to come to them for Christmas & they go after him with a car, so, he will be leaving us before long. & I also received a jig, puzzel from Miss Willitts it is Christ in the Temple asking the wise men questions. It’s in colors. Wind is S.W> & its been cloudy all day & it snowed last night & in heavy showers all day, Radio said 20 inches fell in New York today & that
Fri. Dec. 26. 1947./ page. 2066/ 32. egg this day/ that the east coast was getting a terrible storm & Phillipine Islands had a typhone & then a wind & fire after it 59 dead & lot injured & a boat sunk loaded with passengers. Well I thank God in Jesus Name, for His Love & care He give us if we trust & believe, I Praise Him for my healing & the added strength He gives me. I believe I’ll be well in a short time and able to give a good testimonay for the Lord. And now I have just finished ans. question & testifying to Elbert about the naked lunatic in the tumbs that said his mame was legions, he was full of devils & how the Lord clothed him & sent the devils in to the swine & they ran into the ocean & drowned & I told him about Lazras & the widows son & the man who had a little daughter that had died & about the rulers servent that lay ill with a fever & severel others & how Jesus raise them from the dead & healed them that believed. Oh God I thank Thee & Praise Thee in Jesus Blessed Name. Glory, Glory to God in the Highest, I praise Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus.
Sat. Dec. 27. 1947./ 1. hen, 27. Pullet eggs today./ Well, Elbert did most the odds & ends & did his washing & got it dry. While I made 3 tins of biscuits “bread” & then I wiped up the middle of the floor after I swept it sure don’t do me any good, but we can’t buy bread & I hate to set around with the floor so dirty & the little snow & dust on the basement floor mades lots of tracks on the kitchen floor. Well, Audrey sent a short letter today with a $10.00 bill in it & said if we needed any thing to let her know & she’d mail it to us, We surely are more than greatful for all she has done, that makes 40 dollars in cash & a bunch & food stuff & a nice piece of ham it sure was good, We do feel better, but are in a very weak & miserable condition yet, sweat runs like rain off me when I try to work & now Elbert’s talking of going & leaving me all day, if he can get some work to do guess he thinks I’m able because I try to do some things he won’t do, he hates to wash out his clothes but it tires me most to death to wash out my own & my foots supposed to be kept in a chair, it’s still terrible bad & pains me terrible when I hobble around, I take care of beds & open the windows & air out & made the beds & close them at 3-p-m (the windows) Well, it 10-p-m. & Elbert’s gone to bed, he put the biscuits in the crock, now I have to clean my teeth & fix my hair & read a little in my bible & go to bed. I thank God for the love & care He has given us. I Praise Him in Jesus Blessed Name. All the Glory truly belongeth to Him. I love Thee Jesus.
Sun. Dec. 28. 1947./ page. 2067./ 3. hen. 2 hen egg spoilt 24. P. eggs today./ I pray Lord God of Hosts Thou will fill the Church with souls, hungry souls for Sunday School & Church & evening service, Oh God of Love & Mercy help them to come to Thee, We ask in Jesus Name praying & trusting Thou will fill them with a longing & craving for Thee & to bless those dear young ministers who are working so hard to do Thy Will. I know they are Thine for they are the only one’s who have come & tried to releave the hard pressure that was & is upon us, the only one’s from the church & I love them because they are like Thee, so human & kind, Oh God, bless them in Jesus Name, pray, & I thank Thee & Praise Thee for ever & ever, I give all the Glory to Thee. Well, we can’t go places been home all day & read the bible & prayed & Hope the Minister’s get back again soon I love those Children. Been a penetrating cold with N.W. wind spits with snow several times & sun tried to come out several times, didn’t thaw today. this day stands for April, so, looks as if it will be cold & not so wet as last year. I Praise the Lord & pray HIs blessings on all His Children & that He will teach us each His ways.
Mon. Dec. 29. 1947. /33. P. eggs today./ Well I haven’t done much today took care of beds & didn’t feel able to do that, but I have had to set around for around a mo. now & that’s to hard on the other fellow I ought to be able to dig in & let him sit. Well, I can’t do it yet & I’ve felt like crying all day over verious things said I pray God will help me to soon be able to work again. I’d ought to have wrote some letters but felt to bad to write cheerful one’s, so, didn’t write any. I peeled the potatoes for supper & made the chicken balls for dinner, I mixed it up last night so it would be seasoned for today, and it was just fine. It’s been a beautiful day sunshine untill most noon, clouded up for 2. hrs. then was nice again untill sunset, sun was white all day & set in streaks & red pink green & yellow clouds. I praise God for my blessings & for Him Who loves & care for me.
Tue. Dec. 30. 1947./ 1 hen 22 P eggs today/ It’s been a very cloudy day looked as if the sun would come through, but, it didn’t. We got a card from Nellie today, she said Bonney Bell & her Joe [Joseph Dudiak, Elinor’s brother-in-law] & Johny & Marcie were home for Christmas breakfast B & J. went to Cleveland & Johny & Marcie to N. London & she
Tue. Dec. 30. 1947./ page. 2068./ 1. hen 22. P. eggs this day/ Bonita & Bonita’s 3 children & Gertie & Audrey ate dinner. with Martha & Merlin & their 3 children & they had a good dinner & a nice time. Ella Jane called home & talked to them. Now Nellie & Bonita have bad colds. Well, Elbert seems to have a new cold also. & his bowels are sore & lame tonight. I pray he don’t get sick there’s lots of colds. I have felt punk can’t seem to endure a little work. I did take care of for the rooms today. & that’s all. I darned 2. prs. socks yesterday for Elbert & believe it or not, it tired me all out, my arms are so tired they ach. & Elbert feels so bad he’s gone to bed, he filled my water glass for night & was goingto bed, but, it was only 8-30. p.m.so he did listen to Judy on the radio then he went, I am sorry if he has an-other cold. He got after a rat last night in the hen again. Well, I’m still hoping to be able to get around again & do the work I thank God for my blessings & pray He will help me to know what to do & help me to hear & do the right thing at the right time. and I pray he will convict convert heal & fill all of us that are in need so much. I’m better, but, still weak but I’m trusting in Jesus Blessed Name, I Praise Him & Give Him all the Glory.
Wed. Dec. 31. 1947./ 1. hen. 24. P. eggs today./ The last day of the year & I thank God for all the many blessings He has given us. I washed out the rags & took care of the beds & rooms & washed up on batch of dishes. I shake all over like an old feeble woman. but, believe I’m getting better & Elbert’s so tired of his job. I darned 2. more prs. socks today & sweat like anything. I seem so weak. Miss Mc.Govern sent me a Christ-mas card with a 5. dollar bill in it, said she had ment to send it last week, but could get out to do it. I know it’s hard for her to do the things she is oblidged to do about the house Marry’s in bed & she has to wait on her & take care of looking for the 2. boys. she has 4 bedrooms & bath upstairs & 5 rooms down stairs & she has a very bad ankle she said it was getting better but she has it in a cast. I sent her a box of evergreens she didn’t even say she received them & Ella Jane hasn’t even sent a card to say she received her’s, but, Bonita said she wrote them & said she got them. We have had a thick white or gray fog all day, but tonight it has lifted so we can see the trains we couldn’t last night.
Wed. Dec. 31. 1947./ Page. 2069./ 1. hen. 24. P. eggs this day./ Today’s weather was for July./ Sounds as if the breeze is S.West at 9-p-m. tonight. I think we will try to send Miss Mc. Govern some eggs for her money I don’t want to be indepted to her. I’ll write her a card & thank her but by & by I’ll send the eggs. I thank God He is & ever will be, I give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever & pray I may do what is right in His sight. Help me, Oh Lord, I pray. Amen.
Thurs. Jan. 1. 1948./ 29. PUllet eggs today/ New Years Day and it is for the mo. of Aug. such a day, it rained in showers toward morning, wind was puffy & it froze as it landed, so morning found every thing glistening with glary ice ground was like a sparkling carpet, as the weeds & bushes vines & trees also fence was so pretty, posts telegraph poles & lines & building was like glass houses, then the wind puffs got stronger & warmer & the ice began to melt & as it fell in long sticks it broke in prety sparkling jewels from lines & trees some fell on end in the grass, long sparkling sticks, at 5 o’clock rain stopped & aat 9-30-P-m. it wasn’t raining, but, radio said it would be again before morn-ing & that it was going to snow also. There has been wrecks & tornado & wind storms & deep snow, ice storms & some close by that have caused death & tradagys & demolished some places, not as bad here as in a lot of other places. Well it was cloudy untill noon then lightened up, but sun didn’t come through. clouded up about four (4) o’clock thick again & got dark at 4-p-m. I took care of beds & washed one batch of dishes & made 2 bread pans full of rice custard. I thank God for Him & Our Jesus & the Holy Ghost that I am still in need of He has promised Him to us, I do believe & I believe He will fill me before very Long. Praise His Holy Blessed Name I love Him more than all else.
Fri. Jan. 2. 1948./2. hen. 27. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain with 15. doz. eggs & sold 13. doz. for $9.50 & he bought 1. 100 lb. bag mash for. 5.09 & he got (yeast 3. cakes) & 1. lb. oleo. making 5.66, he got boiling meat 82 cents crackers 22 cents, barley 30 cents, post cards 10 cents, gas for car 1.00, liver pills 67 cents, & brought back 73 cents, came to 9.50, he sold 6. doz. for 65 cents, & 7. doz. for 80 cents. Well while he was gone I washed out my personal washing & had it all dried but my dress & wool petticoat. he left a few minutes after 9-a-m & got back at 2-p-m. It’s thick & dark out tonight. Elbert says Mrs. Cranage is sick again I pray God will help her to over come her wrath through Him. Miss Baumgart will be 90. yrs. old she says some time in Mar. I have forgot. but have it some where in my daily recording, before I got worried.
Fri. Jan. 2. 1948./ Page. 2070./ 2 hens. 27. P. eggs this day./ I thank God for my many blessings & Praise & Honor Him & give Him & give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever I pray He will be magnafied the world over I pray He will strengthen all His childrens faith give us more power & help us to understand when & how to use His powder [her spelling] give us wisdom & that great understanding we are so much in need of We need Thee, Oh, We need Thee every second We need Thee Oh hear me now Dear Jesus We come to Thee. We Praise & give Thee all the Glory. Wind is still S. west at 10-p-m. & no rain.
Sat. Jan. 3. 1948./ 1. hen. 24. P. eggs today./ Well it’s been a great day, cloudy all day. Elbert’s head’s been hurting him all. day. & so has mine & my ankle is so swollen it’s like a club. I took care of beds & aired the rooms & set bread & made 4 big tins of bread biscuits, 1. rusk, or sweet biscuits. & I didn’t get my dress ironed or mended, so, I’ll have to wear this dirty one tomorrow. We received two letters one a folder card from Bonita & Nellie “sorry your sick card with bunch of roses on it & she wrote & said, Santa was good to the children they got a new sled & each a new pr. boots & a book each & candy & nuts & fruit, but they didn’t buy anything for themselves but Ganit’s [Jim and Joy Gannet] send them an 8. lb. ham & basket of apples & she said Johny was working for Sear’s & he & Marcie were at Ganit’s home, while they “Ganit’s” went to Arkansas to Jimmy ‘s wedding on Dec. 31. 1947. Jimmy is there adopted son. He got hurt bad in the war & was in a hospital for so long & Ganit’s got there letters back they wrote & had just began to think he was lost when they got a letter. H’s such a thin little fellow & it’s only such a few years ago, he & Nellies children use to come here & have such nice times now they are all married except Ella Jane. Then we received another note from Audrey with 5.00 in it & she wondered why we hadn’t wrote, but they must have my cards all around by this time & I’ll try to write them some letters tomorrow, for I’ll just be setting around alday I washed up a big batch of dishes today, so we wont have to do them . Audrey & Bonita said, they all “Monagons, Gertie, Audrey & Nellie’s family all had dinner at Nellie’s house, Jan. 1. 1948. I’m so glad they could all be together for a meal or two it seems to be so hard for all to get together any mmore, so, we thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for the food & money they gave us & I pray they didn’t deprive themselves in so doing. We sure apperenated it all more than we can put into words.
Sun. Jan. 4. 1948./page. 2071./1 hen 21. eggs today./ Well, I got up & took my bath & dress-ed & combed my hair & Elbert warmed the soup & we had dinner & he thought he’d wash the dishes and get them out the way before some one came in & then Johny & Marcie, Nellie, Bonita & her 3. children came in Nellie brought one an apple pie, we had quite a visit & the children were quite good for little folks. Marcie expects to have her baby in April. Johny looks scart about it, but doesn’t let on. Nellie said, Eric Winters died on Christmas Day & left his wife (Elinor) with 8 childre, I’m so sorry for her in such a lot of ways, she was an only child & spoilt & such a life as she has had. Nellie talked to her at the funeral. The apple pie was very good, we ate some for supper. I gave her a big tin of biscuits & 3 big rusk biscuits allmost as big as a loaf of bread & they were good, we ate one for supper. My foot & ankle look & feel so bad but I’m trusting God will take care of me in His own way. I wrote to the Ministers, thought they come & pray with us today but they didn’t come, I felt their prayers & I thank God and give Him all the praise & Glory in Jesus Name. I prayed most of last night foot pained me bad. Jesus took the pain before daylight & I selpt 2. hours.
Mon. Jan. 5. 1948./ 1. hen. 29. P. eggs. today./ John Harnish [John McKinley Harnish, Elinor’s brother in law] has been gone 2. yrs. today Well, I felt down, some what this morning & then I received a letter from Miss. Mc.Govern. saying, she hoped I had bought a new yrs. dinner with the 5.00 she had sent to me for a belated Christmas gift, but, that I wasn’t getting it for nothing for she wants me to do some crocheting for her, she said she had got cards from Nellie & Ella Jane and it was nice they remembered her, but, she wants the crochet work. “well she don’t use comon judgement when it comes to the value of crochet work” well I can’t do it as my eyes are not good & my head feels to bad yet to do what sewing I have to do, so I’ll send her five right back to her, such dirty, tricks some people try to pull, but, she didn’t catch me I don”t want some things for nothing from her, ever, she played me a dirty trick on the radio deal, she Kept the kibes[?] . 15.00 laying here I could sure use if I had it. It’s been a fine day thawed off most of the snow. Miss Willitts sent me a letter she needs money. & I got my check 30.00 today.
Mon. Jan.5. 1948./ page. 2072./ 1. hen 29. pullet eggs./ I took care of beds, but didn’t do any work today. Elbert went to Huron got a 5.00 money order cost 8 cents to make it out & it will cost me 3 cents to mail it back. & he got a very few groceries & he brought back 17.90 cents & I have to pay the gas for stone 27.57 so I’ll have to use what Audrey sent 15.00 she has sent us 45.00 all told. I have to give some to Church & will have to live skimp 3. weeks
Tue. Jan. 6. 1948./ 1. hen. 25.P. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t get up very early about 11-a-m. Haufman came in & talked to Elbert a while, Elbert was picking a hen, after a while Haufman left & I got up. Elbert had got the hen cut up & he ground the most of it & put the back, neck, wiings & bones on to cook & then warmed the soup & we ate dinner, then I set here with a paper over my lap & mixed the bread crumbs, eggs & seasoning & milk into the ground chicken & packed it down & set it in the cool cupboard to season through & be ready to fry & stew for dinner to-morrow, God willing; I wrote a letter to Miss. Mc. Govern & started one to Miss Willitts & I hope to get a card off to Miss. Clark also, & Mrs. Gall, Mrs. West & Mrs Sprunp & Mrs. Day & Mrs. Horning & Mrs. Hambly. So I’ll have to get busy. winds been N.W. & it’s making ice fast tonight Elbert left a bucket of water at the back door & it had a good 1/4 in. of ice on it from 6.-p.m to 10-10-p-m. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for all we have & that He is mine & I am His & He care for me. It snowed in the small hrs. of the morning. it snowed yesterday began at or about 10-a-m from S.W. laid a white blanket before 2.a.m. it melted as it fell most of it untill evening when it began to get colder it thawed on the roofs to yesterday. but tonight it’s much colder, stars are clear & bright.
WEd. Jan. 7. 1948./ 1. hen. 25. P. eggs today./ Well, I have only done my bedroom work today & made chicken balls for our dinner can’t see well enough to sew & we only received two bill & an invitation to Bonney Bell & her Joe’s party Fri. night, come & bring a gift “wedding gift” We can’t go, But I do hope they receive a lot of gifts & the things they will need most. Well, It’s been a fine day with sunshine, it thawed some & it’s frezing again tonight & cloudy wind is & has been S.West.
Thurs. Jan.8. 1948./ 2. hen. 23. p. eggs today./ Well, another day & all I can do is sit & read or pray & trust & believe I do feel better ankle is some better but terrible sore yet, but I know it will get well before long & be stronger, Jesus hears & ans. prayers. Received another note from Miss. Mc.Govern, she can’t
Thurs. Jan.8. 1948./ page. 2073./ 2. hens. 23. Pullet’s eggs./ write only when she gets herself in a pickle & now I’ve had 3 of her notes I sent her a card & I know she got it for she told on herself, then, tried to make me believe she didn’t get my card, well, I’ve written a letter & a card am send-ing her 5.00 back in a money order, Elbert will mail them in the morning. & I hope she don’t trouble me anymore. This is what I wrote on the card. “She ask me this amn. to drop her a line”
& Here’s your line right back, I have ask you many times not to send me things. Your $5.00 is on it’s way back fast as we could get the money order. & get it back to you. A woman that can’t be troubled to write friendly letters, but wants the other fellow to write her, but, sends 5.00 & hopes I’ll be foolish enough to spend it so you’ll have one over on me. Well I’m not foolish, you’ve done to many slick tricks before this one and I’d think you’d understand, since I have sent back your money each time. What would Jesus Do? As you do by me? I don’t want something for nothing and I don’t perpose to be imposed upon by slick tricks. E.A.B.
I hope Elbert gets as much as before for the eggs for grain is so high. he has 15.doz. 6. doz of them are small eggs. & he hopes to fill one more carton in the morn. I hope he wont be gone long, the days & night’s are so long. I wrote a card to Nellie & one to Church, I didn’t get the others wrote. Wind S. West all day & coming in quite strong pulls tonight. Elbert says the path is sloppy wet that it’s thawing & quite warm.
Fri. Jan. 9. 1948./ 1. hen 31. P. eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Lorain & sold 16. doz. eggs part of them for 60 cents & part for 80 cents so he got $11.40 & he bought 100. lbs. grain & groceries cost $9.44 & he brought back $2.00. I didn’t do much, washed my nose rags & stockings & I swept all 3. rooms & mended one pr. stockings & then Elbert came at 3-30-p-m. I put some waater on to heat for drink & he had brought some potatoes “we been eating ground nut” so we had some potatoes for supper & Georgia Snyder gave him a small link of smoked saucage, he paid her for what milk we’d had (60 cents) (so) we had the saucage, some bread, tea & prunes also. Elbert took my shoes to get new heel & a wedge on the left side of left shoe 85 cents & Mrs. Granage. gave Elbert a dime to get a paper so, I could read about a flying flaming red cone there was a greenish mist behind it lighting up the sky for miles around Wilmington Ohio, & the people saw it for 35 minutes or so & it would hang for a few second then go with great speed sometimes up & then down to a certian hight & then went off toward the horizon & out of sight.
taken from Internet: IT WAS ALSO REPORTED, “United Press – Mysterious objects seen floating in the sky over Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio revived speculation about ‘flying saucers’ today. The latest report on the phenomena was at Wilmington, Ohio, where personnel at the Clinton County Air Base reported a flaming ball of red fire which was seen for 35 minutes until it disappeared over the horizon. National Guard headquarters in Kentucky blamed the death of a pilot on a mysterious gleaming object which he was chasing. They said pilot Thomas F. Mantell, flying without oxygen equipment, apparently flew too high, became unconscious and lost control of his plane. He crashed near Franklin, Ky. A bright, bulb-shaped object also was reported seen at Clarksville, Nashville and Columbia, Tenn., and at several points in southern Kentucky yesterday. The ball of fire at Wilmington was seen by Staff Sgt. Gale F. Walter and Corp. James Hudson in the patrol tower at the air base. They watched it for 35 minutes. They described it as a flaming red cone trailing a gaseous green mist.”
Clinton County Air Force Base was a Strategic Air Command bomber alert facility in the early 1960s. The All Weather Flying Center was based at the Clinton County Army Airfield during the late 1940s. The big Skyhook balloons, part of a classified naval research project, were launched from Clinton County AFB in the late 1940s.
On 07 January 1948 newspapers across the U.S. carried headlines similar to the Louisville Courier: “F-51 and Capt. Mantell Destroyed Chasing Flying Saucer.” The “Mantell Incident” was the most thoroughly investigated sighting of that time. Captain Thomas Mantell died trying to reach a Skyhook balloon, launched from Clinton County AFB. He didn’t know that he was chasing a balloon because he had never heard of the huge, 100-foot-diameter skyhook balloons, let alone seen one. Mantell’s death was ultimately caused by the hype over UFOs, which no doubt caused him to chase after it at all costs.
Mrs. Cranage worries about everything that happens, but, Jesus said not to be troubled. Praise God in Spirit & I long to so much. I thank Him for my healings & Give Him all the Praise in Jesus Name now & forever & ever. I pray for each of His Children that He will strengthen & fill
Fri. Jan. 9. 1948./ page. 2074./ 1. hen 31. P. eggs this day/ all those of us who have not yet received the Holy Ghost & I wish He would convert & heal Mr. & Mrs. Hambly that they might be true witnesses for Him. Have mercy Lord God of Hosts in Jesus Name We ask & We thank Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus & Praise Thee, Glory, Glory to God, Hallulejah, Amen. Wind’s been N.W. all day & the wind is quite strong & puffy.
Sat. Jan. 10. 1948./ 25 pullet eggs today/ gas tank came today $9.57 Jan 10./ Well, Elbert went to Vermilion & got some greens for hens & got my shoes & he went up to Rout 67. on the Highway to the filling station where he got the news paper & exchanged it for another one, as part of the other one wasn’t there. I wiped up the Kitchen floor after setting & making 4. tins & 1. small tin of bread biscuits, then I ironed & mended my dress. I took care of beds also today & rooms. It’s been a nice day with sunshine N.E. Wind & colder today. My ankle is better, pains bad when I’m on it so much & it’s swollen bad tonight, but I thank God in Jesus Dear Name that He sees and Knows & that He is healing it & taking care of us both. I pray He will convert Elbert & help us to do a better work for Him. I do Praise Him & give Him all the Glory, I’m such a long ways from being perfect, but , Pray God will help me & spare me from those who profit from the poor. Paul said to Glory in our affliction , in Jesus name. So even though I can’t understand why I must take so much abuse evern from those I’ve done so much for all the sneers, “in what they term a polite way” I want to do what ever work God has for me to do, some-times it takes a lot of strength & courage but I’m glad I get it done & pray He will fill me with the Holy Ghost that I may be all His I thank Thee Jesus.
Sun. Jan. 11. 1948./ 18. eggs P. eggs today./ Well, I slept late took a bath dressed & combed my hair & swept the kitchen shook up beds & aired the rooms & changed the table cloth With Elberts help, he pealed potatoes & cooked them & we ate smoked fish, potatoes, bread, grape jam & drank coffee & then he stacked the dishes in the pan & the Ministers & Mrs. Sprunk came in & we had quite a visit & a prayer service. Mrs. Sprunk see the bread biscuits covered on the shelf & went over & looked at them with the ministers wife & so when they left I gave some to each of them & I gave
Sun. Jan. 11. 1948./ page./ 2075./ Only 18 eggs today & we don’t understand it./ the Minister 5.00 my tenth or most of it, I want to send Miss Willitts a 1.00 It’s been a nice day cold, for it didn’t thaw S.W. wind. I thank God for our Jesus & for His Children & praise His Blessed Name, & pray He will give some souls through for the labour of His minister, I thank Jesus Blessed Jesus.
Mon. Jan. 12. 1948./ 1. hen. 29. P eggs. / Well, I laid in bed till 10-a-m. was on my feet to much Sat. Elbert washed out his change of clothes & the towels & hung them up to dry then we ate a lunch & he Killed & dressed a hen & ground the breast & legs & I mixed it up ready to cook & set it down in the cupboard to season. Mr. Haufman came in brought some bird seed “conditioner” he said I didn’t look at it, I don’t Know why he comes here, “looks to me as if he’s a snoop nose for the township” I don’t like him, but I try to be polite, he’s a lone just now, his aunt Leana Bacon has gone to Mont Clements to take mineral spring baths for arthrits & he says it’s terrible to have to pay 1.50 or 2.00 for one good meal aday & some how he hates to cook & clean up his mess, I gave him 2 white bread biscuits & one sweet one that I put mince meat into & he went on home, he says he has 40 hogs, one cow & 2 heifers, he sold his cows, said he wasn’t able to do all the work any more, he has a bad liver. Well. it’s been cloudy most of the day, sun came out once or twice but not to stay winds been S.W> untill just before dark there was a lull & wind went N. West. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing, I wish I could do more for Him or to help His work progress. I love these Children that are doing the preaching & hope I’ll be able to go to Church before they leave. Glory to God in the Hightest I Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost Glory Hallelujah, I love Thee Jesus.
Tue. Jan. 13. 1948./ 1. hen. 22. P. eggs eggs. / Loura Ann Bonney’s birthday she’s 13. yrs. old & a big girl fair with very dark hair. I did my washing today & washed up one batch dishes & took care of bed & rooms, ankle is swollen bad tonight. The old man back of us brought us a lb. of frowey butter & ask Elbert to take him to Amherst & he wants to go up to Rout 61. to see Aldredge about a pig & he wants to see some one in Vermilion, he wants Elbert to call for him at one oclock & he’s such a long winded guy. I hope Elbert gets back to feed hens on time for they
Tue. Jan. 13. 1948./ page. 2076./ 1. hen. 22. pullet eggs this day. / mean a lot more to us, he said he’d pay Elbert well, but, I wonder. It’s been mostly cloudy with just a little sunshine. I didn’t get all the washing done chair cover & table clothes & Elbert’s blanket are in a terrible condition, if only some one could wash them for me, but, I don’t know how they think the work gets done, I told them I make the bread & sweep & wipe up the floor & take care of beds & rooms & they just said, you hadn’t ought to do it, but they have some one to help them. but we are getting along. I thank God for the wonderful strength He has given me & that He is healing my ankle & it may not heal as fast under conditions, but as the Dr. said maybe I’ll get out by Spring before Spring, I hope & trust. Elbert says his head don’t feel so bad today & I thank God for that to, for he has to do all the out side chores & what I can’t do inside. I Praise Jesus for all things.
Wed. Jan. 14. 1948./ 21. P. eggs today./ WEll, the the old man came here at 10 to 11 a-m. & said he had forgot today was Wed. and he wanted to get to the Smith grocery before noon, he had 3. bu. cabbages to take there, so, Elbert took him & made another stop on the way back & he told Elbert he had to go after dinner to Amherst, so When Elbert got back from Huron, I had dinner about ready. I had took care of the beds & rooms & swept the Kitchen & made baking powder biscuits & when Elbert went to get the old man, he took him some of the biscuits & Elbert said he seemed real pleased, he put 5 gal. gas in the car 1.25 & gave him another 1.00 for taking him to Amherst & back. I don’t know of any one that would work so cheap as that. I was never able to find any one. Well I felt so bum I didn’t get up untill after 10-a-m. I heard the post man stop & Elbert went out to the box, and believe it or not there was Ella Jane’s letter from Albuquerque, for once she wrote a nice letter, and she said she’d be home in April for Easter, if all goes well, she even joked a little ask me if she could make me a cup of green tea & bring me a bowl of irish stew, said that was what she was having for dinner. April 22. is her birthday & Marcie expects her baby in April, snowed last night & again early this a-m. & Wind N. W. & tonight it’s clear & frosty & S.W. wind & New Moon & bright star 4. or 5. yds. to the west of it. Oh yes Ella Jane did thank me for the winter bouquets she started the letter Dec. 27. & finished Jan. 11.
Jan. 15. 1948. /page. 2077./ 28. P. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do much today I must have wrenched my ankle worse than I thought yesterday, it did hurt plenty & all night & all day & feels more sore today, & leg pains to. Well Audrey sent 20. dollar money order & letter registered this morning, said she hadn’t received any word as to wheather I’d got the 10. & 5. she had sent & I have sent 2. letters & 2 cards just of late Elbert mailed a letter Fri. Jan. 9. & I had sent a letter just before that & some cards so, Elbert is going to take this letter I worte today to her tomorrow, God Willing, I wrote a card to Nellie also. I can’t understand why she doesn’t get them, our mail has been going good from Vermilion Post office, Well, Elbert will talk to her & maybe we’ll learn. I wrote a card to Miss. Clark & thanked her for the scarf, she sent me for Christmas. Its turned terrible cold W. was S.W but Radio said it’s going N.W. before morning windows froze last night & seem hard to keep warm Elbert got up several times during the night, he’s only had to empty ash pan every other night but had to empty it again tonight & he did it last night. he got 4 rats in the coop Killed two & two tried to get through fence & hung there & died and water pails froze for first time last night. Well, I thank God & Praise Him for our many blessings I thank Him, He cares for us & pray we may be found worthy in Jesus Name.
Fri. Jan. 16. 1948./ 22. P. eggs 1. hen egg. today./ Well, the old girl is 63. yrs. old today & it’s cold, but, not as bad as the day I was born up in the north woods of Michigan with the snow over top the fences & pa driving over the fence post all winter, by the drive way. Well, wasn’t as cold today as it was yesterday, but cold enough. Ella Jane & Miss Baumgart sent me very pretty birthday cards. Elbert went to Lorain sold the eggs & went to see Audrey & give her my letter, he said she was pleased that he had come & told her we had received all the money she had sent & he thanked her for it, he couldn’t talk to her very long for she only has a few minutes to get home & eat her lunch & get back to work, we have had 65.00 now. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to pay it back in cash, but I could if Elbert could work. it would take sometime though. The eggs have come down 75 cents he got for the big eggs & 65 cents for the small eggs & he got 8.00 for 12 doz. & Hambly’s didn’t pay for 2. doz. 1.50 He spent it all & some of his change for mash 5.09 & food for us. & he went to Huron & cashed the money order & spent 5.00 of that. mash & food cost 12.33 & the egg money 8.00 & 5.00 make 13.00 & that left him 67 cents. & 15.00 from the money order. Elbert got
Fri. Jan. 16. 1948./ page. 2078./ 1. hen 22. P. eggs this day./ his social security a check for 25.00 & his car insurance is due & his life insurance is due & he owes John Warner & a couple other fellows yet. & we got to get some windows for the henhouse. such is life. Well I hope they all get paid. I’ll have to keep trying & it’s a hard job, he mailed the cards in Vermilion one to Nellie & one to Miss Clark. Well, I got up & washed & dressed & combed my hair & cleaned my teeth & set the bread & ate a little chicken rice soup & wiped up Kitchen floor, aired beds & rooms & made up beds, I pealed potatoes & put them on to cook & put the water on for hot drink & Elbert brought liver & he fried it. & we ate & I had him put the biscuits in the oven just before we ate 3 tins a loaf & a little loaf. I do thank & praise the Lord for my many blessing through Him. I want to send Miss Willitts a dollar, I don’t know how I’m going to do all the things money is so scarse. But I thank God He loves me & takes care of me & I do believe He will fill me before very long & I thank Him for HIs promises & Praise His Holy Name forever & ever.
Sat. Jan. 17. 1948./ 23. P. eggs today./ Elbert waited untill 11-a-m then took a sudden notion to go to Vermilion & he flew off in such a hurry that he forgot the money for a window for the hen coop, the old one fell to pieces, but he had a little money of his own so he got the window 5.00, I sent Mr. & Mrs. Hambly a can of coffee, can, of milk, 2. cans soup, 1, can corn 1. of peas 1. of corn & a loaf of bread, she’s not very well, was all cut up inside a while ago & he has been operated on, they said, they cut off the lower part of his stomach & the intestine next to it, & now his food don’t do him any good & seems to go strait through & they couldn’t pay for eggs, but, said of he’d leave 2. doz. they’d pay it, so, today I sent those things for they didn’t have any coffee or milk & I don’t suppose much else, I wish our churches were like the Meninites, they take care of each other & don’t spend hrs. in a beauty shop, but, spend time looki8ng after there flock & they dress them selves & don’t go around with there legs hanging out & they don’t have time for worldly junk & they are right. the Church people here, are so different. I know a good God fearing, God loving couple, aged couple, that starved right under there noses & the preacher said they were old enough to die & he didn’t want any tears at the funeral. Jesus, Wept. for Lazarus, and folks don’t believe in that today, Worldly folks. Well, I received a card from
Sat. Jan. 17. 1948. /page 2079. / 23 eggs this day. / Johny & Marcie & one from Nellie & the family, & a letter back from Miss. Mc.Govern & she sent my letter back to me that I wrote some time ago, for me to read ovr, there’s nothing wrong with the letter, as I can see, I did tell her Elbert hadn’t worked since June 19th, only a few days & so she tried to say she sent the money because she like to be a friend at such a time, but it was the way she did it that discusted me & she has done things like that several times & now she’s so innocent, can’t remember any tricks she’s ever played on me. Well, I pray God will teach her His Way, & I thank Him. Elbert put the window in the coop & crecasoted the sach, now we have to fix the 2. sounth one’s. Well, the eggs came to 8.00 & that left 3.00 & they have done better than that in the weeks just passed, so they paid for there windows as well as there feed, poor little pullets. I haven’t done much today looked after the beds and rooms. Elbert was gone 2. hrs. little over. I put the bread in the crock & straightened up a little & got the chicken balls cooked & Elbert finished making the gravey when he got here Nellie & Marcie wrote notes on backs of cards. Well I ought to write letters, but, some how, I don’t get at it. I thank God for our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name. Pray He will fill all us who haven’t been filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray He will strengthen His people & teach them His Way, I thank Jesus & Praise Him. He has taught me many lessons, great & small ones & I do appreciate it more than I can explain in words. I pray He will help me to be worthy & that His coming will be in the summer & not on a Sunday, Oh, Glory to God in the Highest, Glory, Glory, Hallalujah. I thank Thee for my healings & for this healing & I give all the praise & Glory to Thee. Amen. Clear & cold south West Wind.
Sun. Jan. 18. 1948./ 1. hen 20. eggs today./ Well not a soul came in today, been a fine cold partly cloudy day, radio said weather tempture down to 13 degrees & said they had an inch snow fall in Alabama & 2. ft. one place in California & last week Cali. was having worst heat wave they’d had in yrs. it froze in Georgia, Texas, Caroline & as far as Miami Florida. N.Y. been buried in snow. We saw a big flock of wild geese going south today, so, looks like cold coming our way We got several good sermons & some good Hyms on radio today. I feel so sick tonight. I feel weak & limpy.
Mon. Jan. 19. 1948./ page. 2080./ 1. hen 18. eggs. today./ White sun all morning strong cold raw wind. Received card from Mrs Beesie she just learned last Fri. (Jan. 9.) that I had taken a fall. Well, Elberts gone to Vermilion to mail cards for plague & one to Mrs. Beesie & a letter to mrs. & Mr. Adamson in Florida & to get 2. more full length windows for hen house & I forgot to tell him to feed hens before he went & I think he went without feeding them & it’s 4-p-m. sun has shone untill 3-30-p-m. so it will get dark earlier now, it’s cloudy. I have written a card to Mrs. Geo. Gall & to Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Guerney. I wrote a card to Mrs. West. Well, Elbert got the windows & mailed cards & letter got fish & few apples. fed hens soon as he got hre, then he got supper. & put eggs away It’s been a nice day, white sun & cold S.W. wind & cloudy tonight I thank God for our many blessing, that He loves & cares for His own & I pray He will fill me with the Holy Ghost & help me to be worthy of Praising Him with a new tongue, I’ll be so happy & give Him all the praise & Glory forever & ever, Amen. Glory to God. While Elbert was gone I saw another small flock of wild geese about 2 thirds as many as yesterday & that looked about 300.
Tue. Jan. 20. 1948./ 26. Pullets eggs. / Well, I slept most the day got up at noon & washed out my change of clothes & my rags & thats all I got done except taking care of beds & room. not quite so cold today but good fresh S.W. wind that goes right to the marrow if you have to stay out in it for long & radio says colder & more snow people are even freezing to death in some places & they have had several bad fires in Cleveland & other places. I thank God for the strength He gives & for taking care of us both & pray He will keep me & save me soul body & spirit in Jesus Name. Amen. We received a letter from gas company, gas will be 9.75 a tank. (they raised it from 8.75 to 9.02 to 9.57 in Oct.)
Wed. Jan. 21. 1948./ 20. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t done much today. I ironed a few pieces, swept, & mixed up the chicken “Elbert killed, dressed & cut up & ground” ready for meat ball for dinner tomorrow, “God Willing” then I took care of beds & room. Oh yes, I made two dish towels, had to wash a mash bag trim & cut it & hem it. It’s been a fairly nice day partly cloudy. We see another flock of geese going south this afternoon. Wind. S. West not very cold. I received a card from Nellie today with barrels of good wishes & flowers & she said they got a ton of coal & hoped we Kept warm ha, ha. Well, we have kept warm so far & have had enough to keep soul & body together and thank God for all we have and pray they have enough to keep them warm & enough to eat &
Wed. Jan. 21. 1948./ page. 2081./ 20. eggs today. / Warm; She said little Bonita went home with Johny & Marcie last week & Nelson went home Sun. & was coming back tonight, She said she & Bonita had quilted a wool batten in a cheese cloth covr & was making a slip cover for it for it’s so cold up stairs in Bonita’s room, she also said she made graham bread & sweet rolls Sat. I’m glad she’s so she can do some things yet. And I thank God & praise Him for our many blessing in Jesus Name. Hope I may be more worthy.
Thurs. Jan. 22. 1948./ 20 eggs today./ Well, I haven’t done much today, ironing seemed to much yesterday, so Ive only took care of the rooms, and wrote a card to Nellie & one to the World Insurance Co. to see where the receipt is as we haven’t received it. and we didn’t see any geese today. Wind’s N.W. & it sure am cold outside & Radio said it was going to 3. degrees above zero. I wrote a card to Walkins Man. Elbert will mail all the cards on his way to Lorain tomorrow.
Fri. Jan. 23. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Lorain & sold 12. doz. eggs he got 70 cents for 8. doz. & 55 cents for 4. doz. $7.80 cents he took in & he got the 1.50 from hambley’s for last weeks eggs & her mother owes 70 cents for a doz. for today. & I gave him $4.00, that made 11.10 with out the 70 cents & te $1.50, made 12. 60 he had in cash & the grain cost $5.89 cents today, it jumped & that & the groceries cost $10.38 cents so we had $2.22 cents left. & we got to pay $8.75 cents for 100. lbs. condition powder & I have got 7.25 of it now. & we got to pay light bill $1.60 before the end of the month. While Elbert was gone I wiped up the floors after taking care of bed rooms then we had a package of pie mix. & I made an apple pie, then, jElbert came & we had soup,I had made to, then, I made some rolled oats cookies & and a peach & custard pie & then made chicken balls & Elbert got supper & now we are just sitting. I put my shoes on but couldn’t keep them on couldn’t walk as well as in my old bedroom slippers. Wind was N.E. this morning & went around to West a little S. & it snowed hard & the sun was shining clear, and after noon it cleared up & got a little warmer, but it’s still cold. I have lots to be thankful for; God has taken care of us & I pray He will soon fill us both with His Holy Spirit forgive us our sins, convert, heal & fill us before it’s to late I pray in Jesus Blessed Name I’ll thank Thee & give Thee all the praise and Glory for ever & ever Amen. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Glory Surely all the praise & Glory belongest to Thee.
Sat. Jan. 24. 1948./ page. 2082./ 1. hen. 23. Pullets eggs./ Well I didn’t do any work today looked after beds & sit around. It snowed & blowed most of the day N.E. wind cold & snow flakes small & dry snow has drifted some but not bad, Elbert says it’s not quite so cold this afternoon. he Killed another old hen & we are stewing all of it this time, getting tired of the balls, & it is all most done. I thank God for our many blessings for my healings & for food, clothes, warmth & most of all for His great love for us. I received a letter from Sister Gurney today, she say all are well, that Garry is doing fine in the school there, baby is well & Rev. Gurney has gained lbs. & feeling lots better. And that they went down there to rest, but she has been preaching she didn’t say anything about coming back, she said she had heard Brother & Sister Sharein were doing a good work here. Well, I pray God will help all things to work out for His Good & Glory.
Sun. Jan. 25. 1948./ 1. hen. 14. P. eggs/ Well, we didn’t have any com-pany today. Elbert has done chors & helped in the house he did cooking & dishes & I sit around listened to sermons on Radio & the singing, we heard Rev. Fuller, he said today was his 23. yrs. on the air & that there were 10. thousand seated & hundreds standing around the side3s & Ha lot of them had come for miles for this 23. yrs. sermon, & from other states they had come, he seemed rather touched that so many had come & some from so far & when he gave the altar call there were 17 or 18 converts Praise God, it wasn’t only a few out of such a crowd but I prayed God would convert them & fill them & keep them & I have & do pray God has blessed all His children far & wide & strengthen there faith & fill them & help us to do a better work for Him in Jesus Blessed Name, Amen. Wind has been south. The moon was so bright it was almost like day, in the wee hrs of the morning & it’s been a nice day. trees looked all white & dimonds sparkled here & there all through the limbs.
Sun. Jan. 26. 1948./ page. 2083./ 1. hen 14. P. eggs./ clouded up at dusk & looks like more snow tonight or tomorrow. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing & our many blessing & that He loves & cares for us.
Mon. Jan. 26. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Haven’t done much today sort of felt bum all day, weak miserable feeling Hasn’t been out side since Nov. Will be so glad when I can get back to Church again, Received letter from Mrs. Gall or a card with a pretty bouquet on it & she always writes a letter inside, making it more enjoyable. & I felt so bad Thur. night when I wrote to nellie, I put Huron, Ohio instead of Elyria Ohio. Maybe they’ll send it any way He is going to put it back in the mail again, in Vermilion, in the morning, I hope it goes. Elbert’s have-ing to learn for him self what I have learned & tried to tell him so, to keep out of trouble, that the coop has to have some venti-lation, so the pullets cut off on the eggs, because coop got all frosted inside, Well, he will have to suffer as much as I, and if he won’t listen, O.K. We had that expierance when we first came here a couple of times before Frank could learn. only I hope we don’t loose any of these pullets now it hard enough to have the egg production drop & price of eggs & feed jump 60 cents in a week, but, I can’t get out to do things & he don’t do them untill he has to, he hasn’t fixed the ventilation yet. I crocheted a little today, would like to send the bed spread & a chair set to Carl & His Wife this week if I can get them done, just have the two arm peices to do. I do thank Our Father in Heaven, for everything and am trusting & believing Jesus will hear and answer prayers and I’m more than greatful to Him for all things & I can hardly eat when I think of the thousands, homeless, hungry, & needing clothes so badly & so cold Wind S.W. & cloudy little warmer tonight. may snow. & tonight over the radio we heard over 100 children were found frozen to death huddled in door ways or any place they could crawl in, to get out of a severe cold snape in Shanghy China. Oh. God be merciful I pray, and forgive me a siner & fill me with the Holy Ghost that I may be of more help to Thee.? I ask in Jesus Dear Name believing. Oh God, I thank Thee.
Tue. Jan. 27. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Well I did all my washing today the table cloth & big Chair seat cover & the back needs it also & most of them are dry & I feel as if I weigh a ton & so does the ankle. It’s been
Tue. Jan. 27. 1948./ Page. 2084./ 21. eggs today. / a fine day & Today little Nelson Eddy is 3. yrs. old “Bonita’s youngest boy”. it tried to snow this after noon but gave it up. Elbert went to Vermilion & mailed 2. cards, one to Nellie that he mailed Fri. & I addressed it Huron instead of Elyria & one to thank his insurance company for the receipt for $15.00 he sent on Dec. 3. he got a nice lot of greens for the hens & got some food for us. he cooked dinner & then put a burlap bag over on ventealation hole where he had tar paper & then he put in two whole windows on south end of coop. & he has most of the frost dried up that was in the ceiling. if only he could clean the roost next. Postman put mail in box, but when Elbert got around to look, there wasn’t any there. Well, thats the way. winds been N.W. this after noon & tonight. I Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for our many blessings & I do so wish I do more for Him. It’s still quite cold, snow is still on the ground & |Radio says its going to be colder.
Wed. Jan. 28. 1948. / 1. hen 14. eggs today./ Pa’s birthday he would be 87. yrs. old. It’s been a nice sunshiny day, but cold. 3. below zero radio said & one of the southern states 43. below & coldest it’s ever been there, while one section of California has & still is having the worst heat wave & no rain. Bible history is truely working out, with tornadoes & hurry canes & all that sort of thing & earth quakes in places. but still the nations fight on & on. Well I felt all in today & didn’t do much ankle badly swollen to-day. I washed up the frying pans & c overs & took care of the beds, my feet got so cold in these old flat slippers Elbert has looked after hens & carried the water & coal & emptied ashes & slop pail & he has cooked & washed dishes. Sun was yellow when it set tonight & Elbert said it was warmer. He got his paper from Deitz today./
Thurs. Jan. 29. 1948./ 16. eggs today./ Well, I set bread & made 3. tins biscuits & one little loaf & then I swept & put clean papers back on the floor to walk on & tomorrow I’d like to wash the curtians in the Kitchen & maybe iron them. Elbert cooked toe meals & I did wash up my baking dishes & supper dishes, tonight I crocheted a little finished one arm piece, got one more to, do, Wind’s South & little West. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for His love & care. I Praise Thee Jesus and thank Thee with all my heart. Blessed Jesus.
Fri. Jan.30. 1948./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs 9 doz.for 70 cents & part for 55 cents & he only got 6.00 & because the mash took a big jump in price, he didn’t get any. 5.79 cents. Well, I ask
Fri. Jan. 30. 1948./ page 2085./ 14 eggs today/ him to get some extra on hand while it was 5.09. but, because he had one extra on hand, he didn’t think we should get it. Oh me. He bought the little food he got out of his money & paid light bill $1.20 cents. Well, I washed my nose rags & towels & dish towels & 4. prs. curtains & then I ironed them, & my dress, table cloth, chair cover & pillow case & my feet & ankles have pained me bad & my left leg & back. I thank God for our many blessing that he is & will ever be. Yesterday they told us over the radio that a man from the other sect “than that of Gandys” had shot & Killed poor dear old Gandy, he was a man of God & some hated him as they did Jesus. Oh God, I pray Thy Will be done & that Thou will help to keep Gandy’s flock steadfast in Thee, Bless & strengthen Thy people Oh God I pray, We are so miserably weak & in these last days we need more & more strength & faith. The wind is North east yet & it’s cold windows, partly froze.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (/ˈɡɑːndi, ˈɡændi/ (listen);[2] 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948), mostly venerated as Mahātmā[a], was an Indian lawyer,[3] anti-colonial nationalist[4] and political ethicist[5] who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule[6] and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific title Mahātmā, first applied to him in 1914 in South Africa, is now used throughout the world.[7][8]Born and raised in a Hindu family in coastal Gujarat, Gandhi trained in law at the Inner Temple, London, and was called to the bar at age 22 in June 1891. After two uncertain years in India, where he was unable to start a successful law practice, he moved to South Africa in 1893 to represent an Indian merchant in a lawsuit. He went on to live in South Africa for 21 years. It was in South Africa that Gandhi raised a family and first employed nonviolent resistance in a campaign for civil rights. In 1915, aged 45, he returned to India. He set about organising peasants, farmers, and urban labourers to protest against excessive land-tax and discrimination. Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women’s rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, and above all for achieving swaraj or self-rule.[9]Also in 1921, Gandhi adopted the use of an Indian loincloth (short dhoti) and a shawl (in the winter) woven with yarn hand-spun on a traditional Indian spinning wheel (charkha) as a sign of identification with India’s rural poor. He also began to live modestly in a self-sufficient residential community, ate simple vegetarian food, and undertook long fasts as a means of self-purification and political protest. Bringing anti-colonial nationalism to the common Indians, Gandhi led them in challenging the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (250 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930 and in calling for the British to quit India in 1942. He was imprisoned many times and for many years in both South Africa and India.Gandhi’s birthday, 2 October, is commemorated in India as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Nonviolence. Gandhi is commonly, though not formally, considered the Father of the Nation in India[14][15] and was commonly called Bapu[16] [note: Marcella Rose Gremore taught Ghandi philosphy to her children, also children of John Malcolm Harnish]
Sat. Jan. 31. 1948./ 1. hen 15. eggs today./ 681 eggs this mo./ well, it’s been terrible cold today N. E. wind cold & goes right to the marrow floors been terrible cold & the coop is cold Elbert don’t ventalate coop or basement like he should & I don’t Know if the fruit can take it or not & I’m not able to do a thing about it. We are sure getting a cold blast tonight, it was 5 below last night & radio said it would be colder tonight, & I believe it is. We received a card from Nellie she said she has a bad sore throat even her pallet is swollen, she said that she & Bonita had been mending up old clothes, I have prayed & ask God to heal her from her cold & help them in all the ways they need, I’m so sorry she has a cold & I do hope Bonita will try to keep it warmer so the children wont get sick. & perhaps herself. House cools off fast it’s after 9-p-m. & Elbert is sleeping. I got to get up & fix the fire, Elbert isn’t use to getting up during the night & he’s so tired & I’m sorry. I thank God for our blessing & pray for His love & care & Give Him all the Glory, praise & Honor forever & ever. I am praying for that Seal of promise in Jesus Blessed Name.
Sun. Feb. 1. 1948./ 14. eggs today/ Well, we been home all day, ankle & legs are bad yet; Elbert killed & dressed & cooked a hen so we had part of it for dinner & soup for supper I got a clean
Sun. Feb.1. 1948./page. 2086./ 14. eggs today/ table cloth on swept & put clean papers on the floor & aired out the bedroom & took care of the bed & cooked a pan of beans for tomorrow. & groan-ed rest of the day with my foot, it’s aching today, “inword groans” I was hoping the Ministers would come & pray with me, but they didn’t come, but I know they have been praying at Church & I feel God’s wonder power I Know He Will take care of me. I thank Him and His Children Who love me & pray for me, & Praise His Holy Name Glory to God, Hallelujah, amen. sun part the day. Wind’s been south west all day & is, tonight, & warmer today & tonight.
Mon. Feb. 2. 1948. / 17. eggs today./ Groundhog day/ & the sun was nice & bright radio says 6 weeks more cold weather, it’s been quite a little warmer today, but it’s colder tonight & I haven’t done much today took care of beds & crocheted a little. Elbert’s car wouldn’t run today he don’t know what’s wrong with it, been starting right off each time, he cleaned the hen roost & took out the dirty straw. & the hens were happy with the new straw, he only got one small bale last time & I had forgot about it, so he was going to Huron to get 2 more & found the car wouldn’t run. Well, the wind’s west tonight and damp. I thank & Praise God for all things.
Tue. Feb. 3. 1948./ 1. hen. 12. eggs. / Jim & Jean are 14. yrs. old today. It’s been a fine day & not to cold Elbert went to Huron & cashed my check “that came this a-m” & bought 2. bales straw & a cake of chocolate to eat & piece of boiling meat. he fixed the bags over, that he put over the holes, for ventalating in the coop & I fixed the chicken rice soup for supper & washed dinner dishes, & at 9-p-m. it’s snowing Wind is N. east chilly cold out. I received a card from Miss Clark today, said, they miss me a lot at Church & the Gurney’s expect to be back middle of Feb. I thank God for our many blessing & Praise Him for all things.
Wed. Feb. 4. 1948. / 18. Pullets eggs today/ Well, I baked 3. tins bread biscuits today & took care of beds rooms & finished the chair arm piece I was crocheting for Carl Betz’s wife, now I hope to put th tassels on them & mail them & bedspread, to them, Carl sent a Christmas card to Elbert, from himself & family he didn’t do any writing, but Elbert owed him a letter & un-less I do the writing it don’t get done & I haven’t been able. Elbert’s talking of going to Nellie’s tomorrow, I’d like to go but can’t wear my shoes. yet. & it’s cold out side, I’ll have to try to wash out a change of clothes tomorrow for myself Elbert got his check from Social S. this a-m. 25.00 I got mine (30.00) yesterday, paid tenth to Church 10.00 on coal bill 6.00 for taxes, 5.00 to Dentist & with the egg money & what I had
Wed. Feb. 4. 1948. /page. 2087./ 18 eggs today./ made 36.00 I paid 8.95 for eggs powder 1.20 for straw & 89 cents for mash Elbert has got to save 7.50 for insurance this month & 7.50 next, out of his check. I’ll have to give Dentist 5.00 more & that bill will be done. but the coal bill will take that 5.00 from there on & so there just isnt much to lunch on. 71.00 something coal bill, bal. tried to snow today did a little last night & it’s dry snow. I thank God for our many blessing & praise Him, He Knows best, I pray, His will be done.
Thurs. Feb. 5. 1948./ 11.hen 12 pullets./ Well, Elbert went to Nellie’s & took a doz rolled oat cookies & called on Martha & gave her a tin of bread biscuits & he fixed the open basement window & fixed the fruit cupboard, Nellie’s cold is better, they all had colds, the whole window out & wind sailing right through & made the floor ice cold up on first floor but now it’s better, they got one other one Elbert says that needs fixing quite bad, well he got a few groceries & got back at 4-p-m. While he was gone the old man that bought Duglas faarm came & brought me butter & I gave him part of a tin of biscuits, he wanted Elbert to take him to Amherst again, but, the young woman that brought him here took him & brought him back to tell me, so Elbert wouldn’t stop for him in the morning. I did a big washing my change of clothes towels, rags, dish towels & chair back & table cloth, then I washed Elbert’s sleepers bath towel & wash rag. I had to sit a goodly number of times. I helped get the supper started & Elbert finished it, but no one washed the dishes. Wind light & N. east. I picked up all the papers & swept & put down more clean ones. & they look almost as bad since Elbert done the chores & walked in & out over them well it saves the floor some any way. I thank God in Jesus Dear Name for taking care of Elbert & myself & for the strength he gives us, he is going to Lorain “God Williing” in the morning. Jesus is surely good to me, I wish so much I could do more for him, but here I am, and, I don’t understand why. Oh Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallululejah Amen.
Fri. Feb. 6. 1948./ 1. hen. 17. eggs today./ Nellie is 51 yrs. old today & poor John gone 2. yrs. my but time is sure flying. Well, Elbert took 9. doz. eggs to Lorain & sold them for 6.00 & got a 100 lb. bag of mash for 5.75, he bought a light bulb 15 cents & got me 2. peppers & I gave him the five dollars for Dentist so now I only owe 5.00 more & that bill will be done, he wasn’t gone very long he left around 11-a-m & got back 10 after 1-p-m. I just couldn’t do any work, It’s been a wonderful day, cold, but nice sunshine all day. Wind S. untill tonight, it’s now S.W., I wrote a card to Audrey Miss Clark & Rev Mr. & Mrs. Scharein, Elbert mailed them in Vermilion. I sure
Fri. Feb. 6. 1948./ page 2088./ 1. hen. 17. P. egg today./ do Praise God for our many blessing & that He love us when we are so unworthy.
Sat. Feb. 7. 1948./ 15. eggs today./ Elbert washed his 2. work shirts & union suit 4. hand kercheifs & 3. prs sock & 3. prs. pants today & killed & dressed a hen & put it on to cook & I only looked after beds & rooms cooked a pan of beans & did a few little odds & ends I bumped my ankle again yesterday & it’s badly swollen, I hurt it the other day & it hadn’t got over that & now it”s really on the war path, but, I feel sure it will recover to it’s natural size before long. God Will take care of me. Praise His Holy Name. S.West breeze, thawed some today, sun only peeped out once this morning & its so cloudy & tried to snow, little to cold & snow good. I thank God for all our many blessing & pray for all His where ever they may be or what ever condition I pray our prayers will be one with theirs in faith, that Jesus will hear and answer prayer, Glory to God, Hallulajah, Glory, Glory, Glory, I Praise His Holy Name. The Watkins man came & I paid him 8.00 for condition powder.
Sun. Feb. 8. 1948./ 1 hen. 14. P eggs./ Well it’s been a fine day the preacher, & Mrs. Sprunk came out after dinner & stayed a couple of hrs. We visited & had prayer The preacher has sinus trouble & his eye was all most swollen shut last week he said So Dear Father in Heaven I pray in Jesus Name Thou wilt Kill the cause of it & help him through Thee to be ride of it for all time bless there efforts for Thee & help some souls to come to Thee tonight & We thank Thee Jesus & Give Thee all the Praise & Glory It’s been a beautiful day. N. breeze hardly noticeable, sunshine all day and it set yellow tonight.
Mon Feb. 9. 1948./ 1. hen 16. P. eggs today./ Well, I finished my dress, that is the stitching is done, now the buttons, button holes, & snaps then wash & iron it, for it has been hanging since last summer. Then I lengthened a pr. of blankets for Elberts bed today & Im so tired tonight. Elbert isn’t very well either, he give out, after he’s been working a little while, he doesn’t look well either. it’s been a fine day cold but sun shone all day, it was beautiful early everything covered with frost, I didn’t get any mail. Praise God for our blessing & for Jesus Who suffered so much
Tue. Feb. 10. 1948./ 1. hen. 17. P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron got a nice lot of lettuce leaves for hens, and piece of shank meat for broth can cocoa han postam & some yeast cakes. I got up when he left & took care of rooms & beds & opened windows, took care of birds & got washed & warmed up the chicken rice soup & then he was back & we had lunch I set the bread before we ate & finished mixing it in-to a hard loaf after lunch & made 3. tins of biscuits, I put rasins in on tin. & got them baked before supper. Wind is east little N. not quite so cold. I truly thank God for all we have & Praise Him & Love Him more than anything in this world I thank Him for saving my soul & Pray He will give me the Holy Ghost also, I thank Thee Jesus.
Wed. Feb. 11. 1948./ 10. P. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t earned my salt today. It’s been a cloudy day & some how, it’s been a rather dreary day to me, I took care of the rooms & made the button holes in my dress & sewed the buttons on haven’t quite enough braid for the sleeves but maybe I dig a little more up from some where tomorrow, The Lord has been working on my foot & leg today, Praise His Dear Name, I’ll be glad to testify what a wonder doctor He really is when I get back to Church again. All the Glory truely belongeth to Him. All the Way my Savior leads me, Now on one foot I must hobble and call on Him to set me free I Praise His Name all through the hurt And even though I often sigh, I’ll cling to me untill I die Sometimes it seem my temple may topple Then His power begins to work,. Oh, how I love Him, Oh, how I love Him, my best, my Dearest, Friend, Jesus Blessed Jesus. I’m trusting & believing for Rev Sharein’s healing to, & I thank Thee & give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever & take care of his wife she’s such a loving soul, be with Rv. & Mrs. Gurney & theirs & each one in our Church in Vermilion & in all Thy churches be with each soul that belongest to Thee & strengthen there faith & help them to love one another & to live closer to Thee. I want to live ever closer to Thee & be more worthy, in Thy sight & be able to do more to help other for Thy Name’s safe. Amen. Not very cold today thawed some today. West breeze tonight.
Thurs. Feb. 12. 1948./ page 2090. / 1. hen. 21. P. eggs today/ I finished my house dress today & crocheted 2 or 3 times across the piece for chair back, now I must read & clean my teeth & get ready for bed. No mail all week. & I haven’t wrote any cards or letters. It’s been quite a lot warmer out side & the snow has melted so much the bare ground is showing a-gain. The cystern is dry, hope it rains so we can wash every things getting dirty & now wash water. I thank God for my healing & for Rev. Scharein’s healing & pray He will continue the healing untill all is as it should be with the both of us and I thank Jesus & Give Him all the praise & Glory, and I’m praying & trusting for the Holy Ghost, Amen. Looked like it might rain, Wind has been & is S. west.
Fri. Feb. 13. 1948./ 1. hen. 16. P. eggs. today/ Haven’t done much today took care of beds & rooms & aired them washed us a stack of dishes & scoured them & got dinner started. Elbert went to Lorain & sold 10. doz. eggs. for 7.25 & bought 1. bag (100 lb.) grain 6.15 & he got 4 garlics & piece of boiling meat & it cost 1.19. & 4. yeast cakes & owes 34 cents on the food. he sent his in-surance money 15.00 today, Well it’s been a thick fogy morn-ing & a rainy afternoon. Elbert got back at noon he went to Hambly’s, they are both feeling better but go to Dr. twice a week. Rosemarry & little Dave each sent me a valintine, Rosemarrys said we’re Slated you & me, a penny folder little boy & girl with hearts around them.. on the front above there heads it said Were slated for You & me inside for each other Lets be Valentines. from Rosemarry Hambley. on the back a big heart with a bunch of roses & in heart it says, be mine. David is a thoughtful child so he sent his valentine to Mrs. Babcock & Mr. Bonney. a penny folder with hearts all around the edge 28 in all with a little boy with a big red heart & a spy glass & it says. You’re the treasure I’m looking for & inside, will you be my Valentine? David Hambley. & on the back a trunk of candy with a big red heart with a white border & thin line around the scalop’s of red with arow through the heart, little trunk is blue & white streps with yellow or brass corner & yellow key hole plate & a few little red hearts around the trunk on the floor. Little Dave has big black eyes, dark hair, round rosy face, he’s very bright and alert. Mrs. Hambley ask Elbert how he would like to take them home with him for a while, Elbert said he would but they would have to be good. I often wonder about them they, Mr. & Mrs. Hambley both been in the hospitle & been all out up inside & perhaps they feel they wont be here to take care of them much longer. raining & in heavy showers part of the time & it’s 10-30-p-m, Mrs. Cranage is worrying about high costs of everything.
Sat. Feb. 14. 1948./ page. 2091./ 1. hen 19. P. eggs today/ Valentine day. We received a card from Nellie saying, her cold is bad in her head they are warm & quite well except her & Audrey & Gertie were over to call on her & the Children & Martha came for them & took them home. that was on Feb. 11. & Bonita’s Children made a snow man & then Knocked it to pieces. & she hoped we were well. We also received a card from Electric Company saying if we bought a carton of bulbs we’d get one 100. wat free. We had ought to get them for we had to do with a 25 wate. for a night or two because, we didn’t get another, when we could have, I spoke 3 or 4 times about it then gave it up, The winds been N.W. & N.E., S.W. this morning, it thawed today & it snowed some time after midnight last night. & the radio said, glary ice in a lot of places & floods in others. I thank God for my blessing & that He has taught me to Know Him, but, I want to Know Him better & praise Him in spirit. He is a wonderful Saviour He more than all the world to me, Glory to God Hallalujah Glory Glory Glory Blessed Jesus.
Sun. Feb. 15. 1948. 20. Pullets eggs today./ I pray that every one that can will get out to Church & give Praise to God Our Father, Jesus His Son & our Saviour & the Holy Ghost “The Holy Trinity,” Amen. I pray He will give both Spirit & body strength to His people & fill those of us Who have not as yet received His fullness, We thank Thee Jesus, Dear Jesus. Well, I got up took my bath & dressed & combed my hair Elbert warmed up the dinner & we ate, I’ve felt so weak & miserable all day. It’s been a beautiful day with sunshine We have fed the birds out doors all winter. It’s both moon light & star light moon’s all most west a little north. I thank God that He hears and ans. prayer I’ve felt His Power go through me several times today and each time I’ve thanked Him I except His healing & felt Him working on my Knee & foot & I do thank Him & Praise Him & Love Him more than anything I own all I have He gave to me, it’s all His I’m just using it I thank Him so much & Pray He will fill me & give me a better understanding of what I ought to do to help others in Jesus Name & I’ll thank & Praise Thee for ever & ever Amen. I want to go back to church & be of more use to Him. He has showed me how small a thing we are in His sight & yet how much He loves us, how He made us & is able to take care of us, how weak we are & how great He is. I always feel He’s beside me, I long to be filled with the Holy Ghost. and be able to do a better work for Jesus. God help me.
Mon. Feb. 16. 1948./page. 2092./ 1. hen. 20. P. eggs./ Well, I did my washing today & it took about all the strength I had in me, but Praise the Lord He helped me get it all done & it’s all dry but th rags & I think they will be before I go to bed I can’t wear my shoes yet but am trusting all will be well with me soon Elbert has sinus trouble & his head has been so bad this week & he don’t look well, but he has to keep going since I can’t get out to do anything. We have had a strong puffy wind one of those kind that just about takes your breath away, when you step out into it, the sun shone nice today, white sun & set in a hallow of gold tonight, lots of wind clouds today. I received card from Mrs Beesie today, she’s getting old & fell & hurt her ribs, she said she didn’t break any bones, but her side is terrible sore she thanked the Lord she’s only sore. She’s about pa’s age. I to thank the good Lord that I can walk & do as much as I do, I thank Him & praise Him for all things great or small I thank Him & Praise Him for the care & love He gives me.
Tue. Feb. 17. 1948./ 1. hen. 19. P. eggs. today./ Well, been sitting today ankle smarts & burns after being on it so much, but, I crocheted quite a little & I’ll soon have the chair back done and I’m anxious to get it & bedspread on it’s way, have to write a letter to send also I received letter from Nellie to-day, her head is better, but still stuffed up & they are all quite well, she said they were so glad to see Elbert & they enjoyed the cookies I sent. She said Bonney Bell & Joe were home, they were celebrating Joe’s birthday that was the 15th of Feb. & Johny & Marcie are well Marcie is working in Berea hospital, she expects her baby in April. Nellie still wishes I’d come over & live near her she’s for-got I’m 12 yrs. older than she is & worked hard since I was a child & she never had to work untill she taught school. Guess they are finding it hard to make a go of it to, she has 35.00, her pension & Bonita gets or did get a little over a 100. that would give them 195.00 per. mo. Since Dec. I get 30.00 & Elbert 25.00 that’s 55.00 & we can hardly exist & pay bills. & I’m badly in need of clothes & so is Elbert. Well it’s been just a beautiful day in Ohio nice sun, but white, south west breeze & not cold, I kill 2 flys & Elbert killed one today. they are getting tired of the long winter also. Well I thank God & Praise Him for all things & trust for my healing All the Glory belongest to Him the more I read & study His word the more clear He makes it to me & I sure crave to be filled with the Holy Ghost. Elbert walked up to the highway & to the lake today, he talked to Rue Sarr & he said he ask Rue for a stone that on Rue’s place & he said Elbert could have it. Rue has a baby coon & it’s tame. Well, I’am glad he ask for stone.
Wed. Feb. 18. 1948./ page. 2093./ 17. Eggs. P. today./ Well, no workie to day either took care of beds & rooms & swept the kitchen & wrote part of a letter to Nellie, got to get it finnished tomorrow & try to do another one or two I’m getting away behind it’s been another beautiful day. Elbert went up to the beach & back He said the ice & snow is pilled 15 ft or more, up against the high bank & on the beach. he talked to Rue Sarr & ask to get a stone on the hill near us & Rue told him he could have the stone so Elbert took the wheelbarrow & went & got it & he had another about the same size that he put in the basement under the post that help to hold up the house floor, & stairway, he got it all done, he needs one more stone to put under the bottom of the stairway, then he’s going to put a 2 by 4 in the attic to splice on thats broke that in the roof & then the windows all need putty. I hope he keeps at it & gets it done. then the front door steps need to be made all new. & so it is one thing after another all the time & we need nowe wire for the in side of coop & a new park fence & gates. Well I hope we make, but can’t see how we can & we have to rebuild the house Chimney. I baked 2. doz. cup cakes today & I’m tired. I read my bible & prayed & I thank God He has helped me to understand, and I pray He will help me to be more worthy in HIs sight. I thank Him & Praise Him for all things.
Thurs. Feb. 19. 1948./ 1. hen. 20. P. eggs today./ Well, I baked 2 big tins of bread biscuits & crocheted some & washed dishes & helped get the supper & my ankles have ached like all get out today the wind has been strong & S.W. this morning & mostly west tonight & it’s been 50. degrees for the passed four days & now it’s getting cold tonight & radio says Minisota expects 3. below zero before morning Well Elbert’s planing on going with the eggs in the morning I hope the weather wont be to bad, he don’t feel very well since his work yesterday, he’s tired lame & sore, I feel sort of indignent for if he Knows I have a cent he talks around to get it, he said the eggs will only bring 6.85 & it will take most of that for the bag of mash & he ought to snitch a 25 for gas & there wont be anything to get the fish olio lemons or starch with, he Knows I have, the dollar left I saved for my taxes, I gave him 5.00 on his insurance, that I saved for my taxes so now he wants the dollar & a dollar I saved to put into Church for the birthday fund & he wants that & I ask him how much he had & he said 75 cents. he owes 34 cents from last week, on feed & food. I like to do my own buying & paying & keep even, if I have to go hungry to do it. & that’s what we do have to do part time, but it’s not my fault Well, I thank God for our many blessings, a warm house, fuel, bedding and we have enough to wear such as it is. Glory to God.
Fri. Feb. 20. 1948./ page. 2094./ 1. hen. 18. P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Lorain with the eggs, 10. doz. he got 6.85 for them & he paid 5.75 for the 100 lb. bag of mash, I gave him 2.00 & he brought one back, he got red ocean perch & 2. pieces of fininhady & the lemons starch & oleo & even a small piece of boiling meat. I slept untill he got back, 12. noon then I got up & got going & helped fry fish, we had some chicken left over, that we had for supper, I didn’t do much only sit & crochet my foot has hurt so bad. I got the chair back done & now we can pack the bed spread & chair back & arm pieces & get them off to Carl & his wife, next week, I’m hoping. It’s been real nippy out side today, but sun came out before Elbert went about 7-a-m & shone allday the wind blew hard all night I couldnt sleep so I slept after Elbert left. I sent a letter to Nellie & card to Lane Bryant for style book & sent for one for Marcie. I sure thank God in Jesus Holy Name for ans. prayer & I thank Him for all our many blessing, Glory to God.
Sat. Feb. 21. 1948./ 20 eggs today./ Just a mo. till Spring & some blue birds have been here all winter we have seen them in the evergreens. & I see a robbin in the oak today. It’s been snapy cold today, partly cloudy & tried to snow while the sun was shining. Well, I swept & wiped up floors & took care of beds & been rather limpsy ank is still sore & hurts me bad. Elbert don’t feel, or look well, & today he said he guessed his hard working days were over, I know he isn’t Well, for he ask me if I was going to wash up the dirty dishes well I didn’t, so he did. he’s took care of hens & done all the chores I usually do carry the water to hen & feed them & pick up the eggs, carry water for the house & empty ashes & bring up coal & keep the fire & he cooked the dinner & I the supper & he’s so tired he goes to bed at 8-30 or 9-p-m. I thank kGod he can do those things & pray he will give his soul to Jesus before it’s to late. I thank Him for our blessing & give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever & I pray He has ans. my prayer & healed the minister of his sinus trouble & that He will take a goodly number out to church tomorrow I’ll be so happy when I can go back to church & Praise God for my our many blessing Glory to God.
Sun. Feb. 22. 1948. / page. 2095./ hen 1. 17. Pullet eggs today/ No one came today to us & I’m not fit to go to church yet, I believe my foot is better, but, I’m trusting & waiting on the Lord God of Hosts believing, if there’s anything wrong that He will reveal the same to me, that I may, do His Will in all things & for His sake & I’ll be happy to give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever, Amen. It’s been a nice day strong cold wind nice sunshine & tonight it’s moonlight clear & frosty N.E. wind. I pray God visited all the Churches & I thank Him for all who had courage to hold up there hand & say pray for me, there were quite a number who did at Rev. Fuller’s meeting of nearly 5000, he told us today over the radio, I pray for every soul Knowing not which ones are His, asking all to be filled with His Spirit that we may be more worthy in Jesus Holy Name & I thank Him & Praise Him Amen.
Mon. Grn/ 23/ 1948. / 1. hen. 15. eggs today./ Elbert did his washing today & he washed his double blanket & hung it out side wind was cold & N.E. but they dried all most dry & I finished them over the stove & sewed cords together & made up his bed fresh & clean, he dried his heavy work shirt & union suit out side & I finished them over the store. & I helped with the supper just a little I can’t seem to stand up & work foots still swollen. I crocheted on another chair arm piece have it about half done. I thank God for the sunshine & light of day & for all we have & I am trusting for my healing in Jesus Dear Holy Name. I love Him because I know I can trust in Him for all things great or small, I thank Him & praise Him & Love Him most of all
Tue. Feb. 24. 1948./ 21. P. eggs today./ Well I thought when I got up this a.m. that I’d never be able to wash, but I didi all my washing & ELberts pillow case wash rag & towel. I didn’t feel as if I could do his union suit so I didn’t , I handed Elbert my blankets & he hung them on the line out side & aired them good, we turned the springs & mattress & I made up the bed & wiped up the floors I looked after his bed all so. I washed his girdle & my corset & then starched my two old dress I washed last week, we dried part the clothes out side, Elbert hung them out & carried the water. I’m tired tonight ankle smarts & burns to. I crocheted
Tue. Feb. 24. 1948./ page. 2096./ 21. P. eggs this day./ a little. I have the chair set done to send with the bed spread to Carl & his wife & Son. hop to pack them this coming week & get them on there way as soon as I get my check. It’s been a beautiful sunshiny day, but a strongr S. wind & we been having moonlight nights clear & frosty, it’s not so cold & a fly crawled out from somewhere on the window, into the sunshine today. I cleaned the birds cages all 3. today I have to neglect them some of late. But Praise God I can still get around & do as much as I do, and I’m trusting God in Jesus Name for my healing, Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. Feb. 25. 1948./ 1. hen 13. Pullets eggs. / Well, I felt so bad I couldn’t rest all night so I didn’t get up untill 10-15-a-m. & then the Postman had brought a letter from Audrey, a good long one, but as I expected Martha was in hospital infection in a gland, she was so ill they took her at 11-30-p-m. & had to give her a blood transfusion, she’s better again she went Feb. 17. she’s been there a week Feb. 24. & has to stay another week or so. Audrey is well, but tired, I know how she feels, I sorry for them all and pray God will help them, each one, & to live for God in Jesus Holy Name. God of Love & Marcy, be with Martha, comfort her, convert her, & save her soul & each one in her family & her mother & Gertie, I thank Thee Jesus, Amen I got a card from Bonita telling me of Martha & said she had been to see her & that Johny & Marcie were home for Sun dinner that Merlin’s working at Thew Shovel works again & that they recived my letter, that they had been enjoying the sunny weather. Well today has been a dreary day, thick fog so thick we couldn’t see the track half the time & its vry dark tonight. I looked after birds beds & plants & helped Elbert make a Kettle of soup, we took can of tomatoe soup & added rice, barley, green beans, peas, carrots & spaggetti, then seasoned it with red pepper black pepper & salt, it is very good. I’m so weak, I ate soup today, I should fast, I pray God will forgive me & help me. I thank Him for all things in Jesus Name. I Love my Jesus. I got a card from Lane Bryant also today
Thurs. Feb. 26. 1948./ 1. hen. 21. P. eggs today./ Well, I laid in bed untill after 9-a-m then got up & eat a bite & set a little then Elbert decided to go to Huron to look around & While he was gone I swept all 3. rooms & dusted & took care of the beds today then I crocheted a little, feel to bum to write or mend or sew. been sort of shaky all over for 2. or 3. days But thank God for our many blessing.
Fri. Feb. 27. 1948./ page. 2097./ 1. hen. 21. Pullet eggs./ Well, Elbert went to Lorain & sold 10. doz. egg 6.85 & paid 4.99 for bag of grain & he got 1. head cabbag 1. lb. lard & 4 yeast cakes, 1. lb. bird seed & had 8 cents left & he spent 30 cents of his for gas for car. & I baked 3. tins bread biscuits & a coffee cake. & washed up my bread crock, board, & dishes. Then Elbert came. & we had a lunch & he put grain in grainery & brought in our few things he got some ocean fish “red Perch they are called” and smoked haddy & the 1. lbs. cost 1.27. We cooked the red hearing for supper, had enough left for Elbert’s breakfast. I’m terrible tired tonight. it’s been a fine day with sunshine untill 3-30-p-m. Wind backed up from S. east to N. E. & the wind at 9.15.p.m. is blowing hard & singing through the wires & around the house. & turmoil all around the world. I thank God for saving my soul & pray He will send the Holy Ghost to me & help me to be strong that I may help others for His Name’s sake. I thank Him and Praise Him for all things great & small things.
Sat. Feb. 28. 1948. / 20. P. eggs today./ Well, I only took care of beds & rooms & the birds today & I’ve felt rather week & shaky sun didn’t shine through once today, strong wind & puffy & rained last night hard & through the night a few showers & rained light rain this morning & been quite cloud all day & clouds just flying through the sky, colder today, a real raw S. west wind & real snappy tonight. I feel sorry for the birds tonight we had some blue birds here all winter & we see a blue Jay a robbin & a cardnal & we thought we see some wild yellow birds yesterday lots of starlings & crows. We haven’t seen hardly a rabbit all winter. I’ll be so glad when I can put my shoes on & walk again, I’ll Praise God & Jesus & Holy Ghost I pray God will fill the church & strengthen His children & make us a blessing to Him, in Jesus Holy Name. Glory to God, Amen.
Sun. Feb. 29. 1948./ 1. hen. 20. P. eggs today./19 hens eggs this mo. / 479 eggs this mo./ Well no one came in today I reckon the preacher from Elyria are through & the others are back. Well I pray they are O.K. all around & had a full church & that some were filed & that God will bless in HIs own way. I put my shoes on, but wasn’t able to keep them on; Sun shone through at 4-30-p-m for only 20 minutes it had been thick & cloudy, it’s colder & tried to snow. Elbert went over to the old man’s place behind us, to get some milk I sent him some bread biscuits 6 big ones & he sent back some fresh butter & 1. qt. of milk, he wouldn’t take any money for it so I’ll still owe him some bread, he wants Elbert to take him to Cleveland & said, he’d pay him 3.00 We just can’t do it for that it would take oil & a tank of gas & he don’t Know where the Street is, on the east or west side & I’m not fit to be here for so long alone, Elbert don’t want to go & he isn’t fit to drive in Cleveland traffic anyway, so he wont go.
Mon. Mar. 1. 1948./ Page. 2098./ 1. hen. 20 Pullets eggs./ Well. it’s been a dark cloudy day, sun peeped out just once but not very clear. I laided in bed untill 10-a-m. then got up & washed & dressed & combed my hair, shook up the beds & opened the windows & shut the doors & then we had a lunch, then I stirred up a batch of rolled oat cookies & Elbert put them in the oven & took them out & off the cookie sheet & got it ready for the next tin full untill they were all baked, I washed up the baking dishes & the other dishes from Sun. & I wiped them & put ’em away, the old man gave Elbert a lb. of butter no salt in it, I put it in the wooden bowl with some well water & worked it over & drained off water & worked in some salt & rolled it in wax paper & put it away, & tonight Elbert went over & got some milk & gave the old man some cookie, I looked after getting the supper & I’m to tired, but I’m glad I can get around. I intended to write letters & card today but didn’t get at it, so hope to do it tomorrow. I thank God for all my many blessings & that He takes care of us & loves us, I do crave to talk to some one of His children, some one that’s not afraid to be sociable to the poor and humble some one that would injoy praying & talking about Thy Word, Who would be interested enough to try to help me to to understand what ever it is that I don’t know so I could be filled with the Holy Ghost for that is God’s promise when we have been saved, it’s His seal of promise, I want it to, I thank Thee Jesus & believe He will give it to me.
Tue. Mar. 2. 1948./ 1. hen 25. P. eggs today./ Well all I did today was take care of the beds & air out the rooms & write a letter to Audrey & I have to get some more done & some cards allso been a fogy wet & rainy day snowed early then rained & froze wind has been N. east yesterday & today, so dark it was hard to write & any way I haven’t felt as if I had the strength to write & I will have to wash out the rags & maybe my shirts & skirty & nightgown stockings & towels & wash rags if I can we are short for food that I can eat & so I’m weak, I pray God will help us to a little more & give me more strength. I thank Him that He does take care of us & I’m so sorry for those in worse condition than we are in. I Praise His Holy Name
Wed. Mar. 3. 1948./ 1. hen. 22. P. eggs today./ Well, I did my washing today & got it all dry except the rags & they are drying Elbert cleaned out the other end of the hen house sand & straw was so wet & roost he put the hens in the middle pen in a bale of straw & they were happy, but he is so tired & his back & legs & knees ach after cleaning half the the coop, We are not as young as we use to be & not as strong.
Wed. Mar. 3. 1948./ [this should be page 2099] 1. hen. 22. P. egg this day./ I hope to write letters tomorrow, seems I’m so slow of late, don’t get much done, got my check but not my releif card. & I’m wondering why? I haven’t received my tax blank yet I wonder why? Sure keeps me figuring & 30.00 just don’t begin to foot the most necessary bills can’t pay the Dentist his last five this time either. 6.00 for taxes 10.00 on coal 5.00 at church is 21.00 2. bles of straw 1.20 & light bill 1– & gas for stove 5.00 there wont be anything left to eat on for a mo. Well I Praise God He know & will help me some how I Love Jesus & praise His Holy Name & Being all the Glory & Power belong to Him forever & ever Amen.
Thurs. Mar. 4. 1948./ 1. hen. 20 P. eggs today/ I washed my old dress & chair seat cover & 11. grain & mash bags & tonight I have written 6 post cards one to Martha one to Bonita one to Mrs Beesie one to Miss Clark one to Rev & Rs Gurney & one to relief board, they sent my check yesterday & have not sent the renewal card. The wind is cold raw & goes right through one windows had heavy frost on them this a.m. nice sunshine today. Elbert went to Sandusky with the old man back of us & took his 2 daughters & 2 Children so they could do a little business as he calls it. & he did some shopping in Huron he gave Elbert 2.25 for taking them Elbert got a few grociers & when he got here his check was here, so , we ate & he went to Vermilion & got some more food & greens for hens. he got some liver & it was like chewing on rubber, I couldn’t eat it he got some fininhady for our dinner tomorrow & he mailed a letter to Audrey & one to Mrs Harry Day. I’m tired tonight & Elberts tired to, the fire went clear out & he had to rebuild it. I thank God for the strength He gives me & am trusting for my healing & thankiing Him & Praising Him Glory to God in the highest.
Fri. March. 5. 1948./ 1. hen. 26. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain with 12. doz. $8.40 & he paid 5.15 for mash & he went to see Audrey & she gave him 5.00 so we owe her $70.00 now. he paid 10.25 for his car liesence he spent 9.00 for food yesterday & 5.00 or, so, today. he brought home $2.53 from egg money & and we haven’t got much to eat yet, he got some caned peas , corn 56 & mixed vegetables 51 cents& 9 cans in all $3. cans of milk a sack of flour 1.99, rice 37., beans 23, Oleo 42 cents, crisco 1.29, noodles 2 pk 58 cents, speggetti 35 for 2, sugar 5 lbs 46 cents, pears 29 ” ” baking powder 52 cents, celery 15 cents cauliflower 25 lemons 13 (3) sweetpotatoes & 6 soap & cabage 18. 2 green peppers 36. lard 29 ham 382. cornstarch & another 2 lb. bag of beans & soap $5.07 its terrible he got 2 kinds of fish. I had him pay 10.00 on the coal bill, I still have to pay my taxes & 5.00 to church & some on gas tank & 5.00 to Dentist. Audrey said Martha was better but gets up and walks around to much.
Fri. Mar. 5. 1948./ page. 2100./ 1. hen. 26. P. this day. / Well, I know how that goes, but she has the 2. girls to help & so she sould be more patiente & let them help what they can untill she gets her strength back. They are well, over that way. We haven’t heard from Franks folks for sometime, well, not since he was here & brought the food from all there familys & Uncle Wills girls, just before Christmas. I thank God for our many blessing & pray He will strengthen all His people & take care of the starving, cold & most naked & homeless every where. I thank God & Praise Him for all things & pray He will continue my healing in Jesus Name. Amen. Glory to God.
Sat. Mar. 6. 1948./ 1. hen. 25. P. eggs today/ Well, I ironed big chair seat & back 3. dresses 2. peticoats & 11 grain & mash bags & today I’ve only looked after the beds & I did help get the fish on to cook fin an hady & it was so good, nice white sweet meat. Yes, I mended big chair seat & back covers & round cushion cover, my stocking & wool skirts, my arms ach they are so tired. I received the Lane Byrant’s style book, Elbert got Country Gentlemen. Praise God in Jesus Name for strength & all He give us. I pray He will soon help me to be strong as Peter & Paul. Hamblys told Elbert Gurney’s are not coming back, they have another place, I pray God’s will be done, Amen.
Sun. Mar. 7. 1948. 22. P. eggs today./ Well, it snowed & rained & froze a glary ice & then the wind blew & shook it all off & after dinner the sun came out & sun set as red as blood, . & radio says it’s to be colder tonight & tomorrow. I’m terrible tired all over & Elbert isn’t very well & don’t feel able to do much I was hoping the preachers would come today, but, I know they will pray for me. & I thank God for He allways hears & ans. prayer. I do wish there was just one I could companionship with, but, no, not one. Hamblys told Elbert Mrs. West Sr. has gone to California, so, Mrs. Sprunk will be feeling rather a lonesome. I pray God will give her strength & health & keep her in His care, I pray for the Church folks that the Lord will fill that church yet, with good God fearing people. I thank Thee Dear Father in Heaven in Jesus Holy Name for my healing & strength & the many many blessings He gives to me, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Praise God from Whom all Blessing flow.
Mon. Mar. 8. 1948./ page. 2101./ 1. hen. 25. P. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t earned my salt today took care of beds & rooms & tried to get a letter wrote to Carl Betz & did at last & I wrote a card to Bessy Snyder, she has taken her name of Seniff back so I hear, that Shoop left her. I wrote some add for the Life Buoy soap for Elbert & a couple for myself & hope to get them off in the mail soon before Sat., at least. And I received a letter from Mrs. Day, she seemed pleased to hear from me she sent me Mrs Harnings address so I can write to her now & thank her for the big glass dish of Christmas candy she sent us. Well it’s been a nice day with S.W. wind untill tonight it backed up to the South & cloudy.
Tue. mar. 9. 1948./ 1. hen. 26. P. eggs today./ Well I took care the beds & rooms & felt like a limpsy dish rag all day. but I feel better tonight head don’t ach, I just feel weak. I received a letter from Audrey with a 5.00 bill in it & she said every one was getting along fine Martha is better & Audrey is hoping she wont go back to work to soon. Gertie gets rather tired & goes to bed early & Gertie & Audrey were fix up things for Bonita’s twins birthdays little Georgie & Bonita Eddy, one was 5. yrs. Mon. Mar. 8th 1948 & the other Tue. Mar. 9. 1948. they were going to give Nelson a gift also, he is a little younger and wouldn’t understand. Well I received a card from Nellie & she wants Elbert to pick her up in Lorain Fri. she’s coming out here to spend the after noon, I think she seemed a little anxious about coming & I can’t help but wonder, Audrey said Ella Jane is sick in bed & out of money all alone in Albuquerque. New Mexico. I’ve been hearing her weeping for 2 weeks & told Elbert I could hear a women crying & I’ve been seeing Miss Clarks face looking very serious & today a card came from the Deaconess Hospital Pearl Rd Cleveland, Ohio. saying her sister Elinor is there in serious condition, so I wrote a card to her, to Audrey, to Nellie to Mrs. Day & one to Bessy Snyder Seniff. & I sent for the scissors that Robin Hood flour is giving for the picture on the recipe coupon and 25 cents in stamps. & I sent a money order 5.89. for my taxes & I sent a letter to Mr. & Mrs, Carl Betz and I still owe quite a number of cards & letters. It’s been a beautiful day. Elbert went to Vermilion & mailed out the letters & cards & got some apples & pears a pepper yeast cakes & a piece of boiling meat he felt sick when he got back & we had a lunch & hot drink but he still feels bad tonight & his stomach soured. Well I did out part of my washing & got it dried while he was gone & I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing. & Pray that He will be with each
Tue. Mar. 9. 1948./ page. 2102./ 1. hen. 26. P. eggs this day./ of His people where ever they are & strengthen all our faith and according to there faith give untio them I’m sorry for all who are sick, homeless, cold, hungry, half clothed & miserable, Oh, God of Love and mercy I pray Thou will comfort them and help me to do what ever I can to help in Thy work. I thank Thee & Praise Thee for All thing in Jesus Name.
Wed. Mar. 10. 1948./24.P. eggs today. / Well I wrote a little more to E.J. & did the rooms & washe a few dishes can’t seem to write letters & cards, it tires my eyes so bad. It’s been cloudy sun peeked out a couple of times, but not to stay, cold, raw N. east wind & it’s tried to snow & still at it at 9-30p-m. & they are “so the radio says” having the worst snow storms in verious places than they have had in yrs. Bible history working out. I pray God will have mercy on our souls all the Nation’s have surely sined & come far short as He has said.
Thurs. Mar. 11. 1948./ 1. hen 26. P. eggs today/Killed hen today/ Well I finished letter to Ella Jane & packed the bedspread & chair pieces & 1. India lilly bulb in a box with todays Plain Dealer & Sandusky Register & addressed box & wrapped it & tied it & addressed it on wrapper & Elbert will Mail it out in the morning, God Willing. Elbert had to shovel a path out to building this a.m. it’s been quite cold, he Killed the old hen & dressed her & put her on to cook she was full of eggs I hated to kill her. We have the red rooster left & the pulletts, I took care of beds & done a very little today. except finish the letter & get box ready. I’m putting dollar in E.J.’s letter wish I had enough to get her home. I thank God for my many blessing & Praise His Name for ever & ever & Pray He helped a large group to get out to Church for prayer meeting & that some gave there souls into His Keeping in Jesus Name. Bless the Preachers & help to strengthen their faith & all the others who belong to Him Glory, Glory to God, I Praise thee Jesus & thank Thee for touching me & pray you have touched all the others & all the sick and afflicted & God of Love & Mercy We thank Thee, Glory, Glory Hallelujah.
Fri. Mar. 12. 1948./page.2103./ 21. P. eggs today./ Thurs Killed hen./ to day is Joans birthday. she’s 13 yrs./ Well, Sun came out warm & clear Elbert took 13. doz. eggs my package & letters & cards & started to Lorain a quarter to 9.a.m. he was to mail box to Carl Betz. 4. contest letters to Lever Brothers Company letter to Ella Jane & one to Miss Willetts & card to Ministers, one to Mrs. Gall. of which he said he did. Then he went to Lorain & sold the the eggs in 3 places there, then he picked up Nellie & started back he went to Hambly’s & sold 1. doz. Elbert talked to Mrs. H. & Mr. H. went out & talked to Nellie. then they got the grain & some fish haddie & came on home. Now, I dressed & swept both bedrooms & aired them & swept kitchen & put the news papers down a-gain then put clean table cloth on & washed the dishes & set the tables, took care of birds, then pealed potatoes & got the biscuits ready to put in the oven, when they came in & ready to eat, I’m slow, so they had to wait for biscuits I was sweating like rain, so set down, Elbert washed & made gravey, I creamed the potatoes & he dished up the dinner, Nellie thank the Lord for our dinner & they took over. said the old hen was good & they enjoyed it. I was glad to see Nellie & so sorry for her, her leggs are so bad & it must be hard for her to get around & she went back on the buss from here Elbert took her up to get it. Well, Nellie brought the rubber half stockings she use to wear for me to try, to see if they would strengthen my ankles, but they are loose on me. don’t think they’ll do. I thank God for our many blessings. I Praise God in Jesus Name & thank Him for all things, great & small Glory to God, Amen.
Sat. Mar. 13. 1948./ 26. P. eggs today./ Only looked after rooms & few odds & ends today, Received letter from Audrey today We owe her 80 dollars now. We’ll just save what ever she sends & give it back by & by. When she was sick last time she didn’t have enough money to pay her Dr. bill. So maybe we can help by saving it for her. It’s wonderful she’s willing to help us so much for she is helping Martha’s family all so. Well, it’s been a beautiful day but cold & I’ve been to tired to work much today. & tomorrows Sun. & I wish I were going to Church I pray God wil bless all His people & put a craving into there hearts once more to come to Church & hear His word preached & then except Him for their Saviour. I thank Thee Jesus for saving my soul & pray Thou will send the Holy Ghost & help me to praise Thee in spirit, I thank Thee.
Sun. Mar. 14. 1948./ 27. P. eggs today./ Well, th ministers came & we had a nice talk about the bible & better understanding they prayed for me & I felt the power of God.
Sun. Mar. 14. 1948/page 2104./ 27 egg this day./ go through me, I thank Him & Praise Him Glory Glor Hallelujah I thank Thee & praise aJesus I thank Thee for Thy Children Oh God, take away all our doubts & fears & Keep us close to Thee in Jesus Holy Name, I thank Thee for my healing & give Thee all the Praise & Glory forever & ever. We were surprised when Bonney Bell & her Joe came in with Nellie Bonita & the 3. children, they seem so happy to be here to & I thank God for it. We gave them some walnuts & I forgot to give them there fruit cans & to have them mail Audreys letter but hope to get it mailed tomorrow. It’s been a beautiful day fresh breeze nice sunshine all day. S. breeze.
Mon. Mar. 15. 1948./ 26. P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert see an add. in the paper for men at a plant in Sandusky & they didn’t want any one he went to several othr places & they told him to come back in 2 or 3 weeks & he came home tired & so empty I put the water on to boil when I see him coming & so he had hot coffee & rested a few minutes then he fixed potatoes & I fried onions & put them on to cook then he fried 3 small pieces of liver they called a lb. cost 50 cents Well, anyway we could bite it off & chew it up, thats better than what he got last time, that was just like rubber We hacked it up & gave it to the hens. I had set bread & I baked two big tins a little tin & 1 loaf, and I baked a 2 layer cake, We need something like that once in a while. I’m terrible tired tonight, but just tired, thank God. Oh I wish I could praise the Lord in Spirit. I thank Him for help me to understand & pray He will help me to learn fast & know more & be able to help others to know & understand through Him in Jesus Name, Amen. I received such a nice card & letter from Mrs Gall today, she’s been sick & she says Mrs. Small hopes to come here to Vermilion this summer. I received a card from the Adamsons they are coming back in May & one from Bessy Snyder who’d ever believe it she raising canary’s. & Elbert carried Audrey’s letter to Sandusky & back he forgot to mail it, it would have been terrible if she would have forgot to send us the 25.00 that helped to keep us alive, but he isn’t very well & was out of sorts with me because I wanted him to help do a little carpenter work for the Church. he put ashes on the farther hen roost & let the hens over there after he put the straw on the floor. I
Mon. Mar. 15. 1948./ page. 2105./ 26 eggs this day./ thank God for our many blessings and that He loves us & cares for us. Wind has been south strong & puffy & we had a very light shower this forenoon & several heavy ones tonight.
Tue. Mar. 16. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do much today & after dinner Mrs. Duglas called on me. She told me all about her church, she said they had a celebation at the church, it has been 125 yrs. since that church was started, she says it’s one of the most modern, in such a small town, but, of course there have been some well to do people that has passed on, that’s left trust funds to help the church all these yrs. & they had a fine meal “she said it wasn’t an elaberate meal, but a good meal, baked ham, scoleped potatoes, a green salid, jelly, pickles & all the trimings, & just loads of beautiful flowers. & they had lots of food left over and if she’d only thought she might have brought us some. ha, ha, ha. the wind blew in hard puffs & rained in showers & it was cloudy this morning, but cleared up this afternoon but lots of clouds yet, & a little colder tonight, Radio said snow in the morning. Only light N. west breeze tonight.l I thank Thee Jesus for my healing & many blessings. All the Praise & Glory truly belongest to Thee, Its wonderful to feel Thy cleansing power.
Wed. mar. 17. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ Well it’s been a fine day, it did try to snow last night but didn’t amount to anything & the sunshone all day & wind’s little N. of east, it hasn’t been cold today. flies on outside crawling around in sunshine, & yesterday Elbert saw a woodchuck down by Sarrs dump, Elbert had been down to the Lake to see what he could see, there plenty of ice yet, and on the beach, not much sand to be had either. I haven’t done much today, hope I’ll gain with leaps & bounds I feel better in some ways & in my soul received Miss. Willitt’s letter, she said they prayed for me & anoited my handkercheif & she sent it from her body to mine, Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. I have felt His tender touch several times in the last few days & I thank Him, Praise Him, Love & adore Him, He’s all the world to me.
Thurs. Mar. 18. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do much today I wrote a card to Ella Jane & one to cora & a card to get a cement book & instructions how to patch cement wall & It’s been a fine day. not cold or windy. but tonight N.E. Wind. Elbert has felt sick all day & so have I. I thank God for all in Jesus Name.
Fri. Mar. 19. 1948./page. 2106/ 31. eggs today./ Well, Elbert hit it off for Lorain, I gave him the 5.00 Audrey sent us & he had 15. doz. eggs, $10.50) that would make 15.50. but Hamblys didn’t pay for there’s (1.40) so, Elbert had 9.10 & the mash 5.15 & he got a few things to eat with the balance (3.95) then he run in debt for meat 1.78 so it will take 38 cents to go with the 1.40 to pay meat bill. We been having tornado winds, done a lot of damage in Missouri, I’ll, Indiana & Ohio & Killed alot wounded hundreds Well, it sure blew & seemed as if it was lifting the house. a big tin or galvanized addvertising sheet with on post hanging to on side came through the air & landed in the brush beside the rail road track & fluttered there for & hr or more then raised up & went on some one’s old Christmas tree landed in the front yard, Snyders swill bucket was going far acrossed the Wheat feild hopeing, jumping & rolling & everything loose or the wind could get, went a-long some roofing paper from some where, leaves weeds & sticks, Elbert climb the ladder in that gale & nailed on some shingles that were about ready to come off, he got coop up & down safe, it blew one window light out the hen window, Elbert got that put back in, I was glad when he got home, just over at Sandusky it blew the roof off a school house & traped on room of children in & a teacher broke the door down & got them out, one town in Missouri was leveled all but a grocery store & a saloon & they are using one for hospital & saloon for morg. Mr. Cranage is to ill to work arm all swelled up, & they are buying in a heap of canned stuff. Elbert said front hall looked like a store Ruth is buying in food, but if we have war as they say we will why store up & waist what money you have for others more than I can tell & I pray all works out for His good & Glory for ever & ever Amen. I pray He will continue to strengthen each one of us Who belong to Him. Amen. I did part of my washing & it tuckered me most out. Elbert is so nervous & excited over all thats going on. He mailed the letters & card also that I wrote last night to Ella Jane, Cora “Irish” Barr, Easel Barrick & a card to a cement Co.
Sat. Mar. 20 1948./ 27. eggs today./ Elberts been doing odd’s & ends out side & I’ve felt rather miserable, my ankles are swollen bad today. I swept all three room & wiped up dust & ironed Elberts shirt, my two house dresses & 2 under slips & my ankles are sure paining me tonight but I’m trusting Jesus will take care of me. & War is right at the doors. I thank God in Jesus Name for all things and
Sat. Mar. 20. 1948./ Page. 2107/ 27 eggs this day./ Wind changed from N. East to south tonight, been a beautiful day, after all the bad wind yesterday, been only a light breeze today & changing to S. tonight with lots of wind cloud’s tonight. I pray God will bless the Church folks of His & take thm to all the meetings & I pray He will help some to give their souls to Him.
Sun. Mar. 21. 1948./ 23. eggs today./ First day of Spring. It thundered & lightened last night & most of today & frogs are crocking lots of bug & flies out & air so warm, wind was S. west all day, but, N.W. tonight. & it has rained since yesterday in very heavy showers, water run down the road & ditch like a mill race, ditches were full to the top. For 2 nights I’ve had to shed the wool (top ) blanket. Everything looks like Spring willows & Elons leaving out in tops. grass & weeds as well as the bugs, are coming, Well, I’d like some greens & if it stays warm they will soon be on there way. I’m trusting for my healing & God has promised, if we ask & believe we should receive & I do believe & pray He will take every doubt & fear from me & I thank Him & Praise Him & give Him all the Praise & Glory
Mon. Mar. 22. 1948./ 32 eggs today./ I haven’t worked much today I did look after beds & rooms & made a few Jony cakes in cupcake tins & washed supper dishes. Not much breeze today rather cloudy, White sun late this after noon, Radio says Cleveland was struck hard with rail even Killed a few animals & birds in the Zoo & washed out some roads & streets & along the main highway flooded lots of basements because of the small sewers & drain pipes & west of us the main highway is blocked near Sandusky Little cooler & they said they were afraid of a freeze & the fruit trees are in bloom in a lot of places. Once more things are not as they should be & the bible tells us when we see such things as are coming to pass when they ought not to be to Know the end is near even at the doors. unworthy as we are. I thank Him & give Him all
Mon Mar. 22. 1948./ page 2108/ 32 eggs this day./ the Praise forever & for ever I love my Jesus. I pray He will continue to strengthen us all in Spirit, Soul, heart & mind & body I thank Thee Jesus. I want to do Thy Will always.
Tue. Mar.23. 1948./ 30 eggs today/ gas tank today 2 1/2 mo this time/ I did my washing today & 2. blankets & table cloth, I got them done, but had to sit a number of times. I thank God for His love & the strength He gives me from day to day, in Jesus Holy Name. I Praise Him for all things He is so Wonderful, He is so Kind so true, and pure minded, so tender and merciful. I love Him more than any one I’ve ever Known Praise His Holy Name. I hope I can be like HIm and never change forever & ever Amen, I do thank Thee & Adore Thee, Blessed Jesus. No mail today. Elbert went down & girdled some Willows today, the brush is getting to thick in the low lands & out toward the road. was showery all morniong N. E. wind and raw. Gas went out just as Elbert started supper He went to Snyders & called up & they brought a tank out. I had potatoes most done over heating stove & we were just going to roast a slice of ham over the coals, but we finished on cook stove. Mr. Jellein & His wife came with it I paid ten dollars (‘$10.00) I owed for one tank & still we owe for this mo. now ($9.20) & they raised the price in Feb. again 10.50 per tank.
Wed. Mar. 24. 1948./ 29 eggs today./ Well I wrot four letters before going to bed last night & I’ve done 3 tonight I took care of beds & rooms & cleaned the wordwork and around wash dish & slop pail & got supper & did dishes & cleaned all 3 bird cages & I’m tired so I’m going to read a little & go to bed, thanking God for all the strength He gives to me I tried to get down the steps & up today it’s not bad getting down, buty not good getting up, I’ll Keep trying. & thanking God that I can get around.
Thurs. Mar. 25. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ Been a beautiful day, cold wind, & a beautiful full moon clear & bright. & all I’ve don’t today is write letters & cards, to Mrs Horning letter & Mrs. Gall & little Rose Marry Hambly & David. Johny & Marcie, Joe & Bonney Bell & Ministers cards to Nellie, Audrey Martha Miss Baumgart & Miss McGovern, so
Thurs. Mar. 25. 1948./ page. 2109./ 28 eggs this day./ I’m still feeling tired & I received a nice letter from Carl Betz his wife & son this morning and one from Mrs. Day & Miss. Gall & the iron cement book I sent for. Well I can’t seem to get caught up. I thank God for the strength He gives me & I pray when I get that book I’m sending for I will be able to have a better understanding, I do seem dumb. But Praise God, He don’t give up & so I can’t either, for I want to learn all I can about Jesus & what I lack. Glory, Glory, Glory to God, I thank Thee & Praise Thee.
Fri. Mar. 26. 1948./ 30. eggs today./ I sent a card to Geo Crehore about Sycamore tree/ Well Elbert went to Lorain & sold most the eggs, he let Hambly’s have 3. doz. they couldn’t pay for them & they owed for 2. doz. that makes 5. doz. they have had & he will want more Fri9. he said he will pay for them April, first. I cleaned my room, Elberts room & the Kitchen swept & wiped up floors, thought I couldn’t finish but the Lord is good & He give me strength & now it’s done Elbert was all in when he got here but he fried fish & cooked potatoes, it was good I made hot Postam & we rested & drank it whil dinner cooked. he mailed all my letters & cards & got the grain, 5.35, paid light bill 1.40, got some salt water fish 2 cans soup, 3 cans milk 2. yeast cakes 1. head cabbage & so we’ll have to exist untill another Fri. I thank God for our many blessing & praise Him for all we have I thank HIm for healing me & for saving my soul & pray He will help me to praise Him in spirit. It’s been a fine day with strong wind S. west. & raining thundering & lightening tonight with strong S.W. wind. Dr. says Mr. Cranage has saltraum, bad, broke out on him all over & he’s scart & going to first one Dr. & then another. Nofaith in God or man, What a pity, I pray God will turn him to Him & teach him His ways.
Sat. Mar. 27. 1948./ 29. eggs today./ Well, It snowed & blowed & once more We look as if Christ our Saviour is drawing near. Radio said there were 3. more tornados yesterday & there was one Thurs. the rivers are over flowing there banks & they say there’s milions of dollars of damage. Wind Went N. east & backed up to N. West. We have a good fire & it feels good Elbert did out his washing before I got up & I set bread & got it backed before supper time except some rusk biscuits they baked after supper, one big square tin 9 big biscuits in & one in a round flat coffee can I had 3 tins white biscuits & I do
Sat. Mar. 27. 1948 / page 2110./ 29 eggs this day./ feel tired out felt to sick to eat my supper but did eat latr, I had Elbert go get a qt of milk from Snyders to night, my ears have been pluging all day & my feet to my Knees have such a buz. Well, I thought I’d go to Church in the morning, but now I think I’ll wait a little longr. I thank God for all my many blessings in Jesus Holy Name. I pray that every soul able will get to Church. We haven’t had any word from Nellie all week.
Sun. Mar. 28. 1948./ 28. eggs today/ Well, after all the snow & wind it was nice today, cold wind, but the snow most all melted off today only where the sun did-n’t reach it. A Woodchuck was out playing for an hour or more over by the railroad this side the mound of dirt. Bob or Bill I don’t Know Which one, went up there & I didn’t see any more of Mr. Chuck. Note a soul came to us today & they say today is Easter Sun. I pray many went to church & I also am excepting a finished healing tonight when they pray for the sick & absent ones & I thank God in Jesus Dear Name & Praise Him, I Know He is able & I Glory in Him. Bless the meetings & help some to come to Thee I pray. Amen Bless each person who attends & help them to crave to know more of Thee, bless our Ministers & give them a strongr faith & better Knowledge and more wisdom consearning Spiritual life.
Mon. Mar. 29. 1948./ 30 eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Huron, he’s so fish hungry, & I had part of my washing done when he came back, he wasn’t gone very long, they gave him 3. catfish he ate all but 3 1/2 pieces I had 1. tail piece & half of another & there are 2 pieces left. I fixed the potatoes & he put them on to cook, I went on washing & he fried the fish. I had all the washing done but his pillow slip sleeper jacket & union suit & 2. grain bags We ate dinner & he brought water to suds & wrinse. he said he’d finish the rubbing so I let him for I felt all in, I sudsed & wrinsed & hung them up, I had a few hung up before dinner, so took them down & put up more, made me late for there was only water enough to wash them, Well, they are most all done now union suit is so heavy it wont get dry before tomorrow. Elbert got the supper peas warmed up potatoes, 2. eggs each bread, cold slaw & he had hot coffee. I thank God for our blessing & pray He Will reveal to me what I should be doing for Him I love Jesus I love Jesus, Glory, Glory, Glory to God I love & Praise Thee. No mail today. I’m hoping for tomorrow.
Tue. Mar. 30. 1948/ page. 2111./ 27. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do only what I had to do today, washing take my strength so bad. No mail today. I wanted to finish the chair set for the preachers, but felt to punk to crochet or mend, I did air the rooms & take care of the beds & helped with the meals & did the dishes, Elbert wiped them for me. I thank God in Jesus Dear Holy Name for His Love & care of us. & all the Honer, Praise & Glory surely does belong to Him. N. East Wind quite strong & light rain late this afternoon Wind dies out toward dark & comes up in the morning We had sun a white cold sun & the wind was cold & made the house feel cold, so we had to pep up the fire a little Elberts been girdling trees under the hill to-day.
Wed. Mar. 31. 1948./26. eggs today./ Last day of Mar. and it hailed untill the ground was White with hail stones, it rained after midnight in showers & all the morning untill 9-a-m. then sun came out, white sun, untill 3-30-p-m. clouded up & rained & then hailed & then rained a little & now it’s cloudy but not raining. Elbert went to the Huron a 9-a-m & got some more fish “pike” nice & fresh & cold & still kicking when he got here at noon, he picked up our mail as he came in a box from sister Audrey, with 6 handkercheifs & a lot of crochet thread, DeHaan’s book & nursery add. from Picketts nursery. Elbert cleaned the fish & I put the potatoes on to cook & the water for coffee & I had potatoes creamed & coffee waiting when he got in with the fish & put them right on to cook & by the time he got cleaned up I had a fry pan of fish ready to eat & I put on a few more to cook slow while we got started to eat, I was getting empty hadn’t eat yet today, but he had a dish of soup & coffee this morning. I fried the rest of the fish for supper we had a dish of soup & fried mashed potatoes & coffee, I had poston. I did a little more to my corset & hope to get it all done tomorrow. I brushed my hat & dress & I have to put a patch on my shirt once more that will make the sixth time I’ve ripped off the old patch & put on another whole one, I’m hoping I can have some new ones & stocking & a hat & coat be-fore much longer. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for the ans to prayers & that He still loves & takes care of me. I pray He will bless each one of His children where ever they are & help them & I to listen to His Voice & do His Ways. Amen.
April. 1. 1948. Thurs. /page. 2112./ 26. eggs today. / Elbert helped me fix a new seat in my little rocker & & I put the pad-ding & leather on & it looks just swell, but is not a bit comfortable, to hard, no give & I don’t like it, so I’m a going to take it off and fix it the way I had it be-fore with canvase bands criscross & the pading on that. I cleaned the top of the chest & swept & stitched the rest of my corset & helped get supper Elbert set some fence posts also, today. I wrote a letter & sent it yesterday to the Misses Clarks & I have written one to Bonita & one to Audrey for Elbert to mail in the morning. Sun shone all morning “White sun” then clouded up & got dark early with a heavy misty rain. No mail from Nellie today. & ELbert goes with the eggs in the morning. I think I’ll try to sew I don’t feel like it. but, have to try. & got to change chair seat also. I hope I get some mail tomorrow. Breeze a little N. of west tonight.
Fri. April 2. 1948./ 30 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain with 14. doz. eggs & brought back 2. doz. & he only had a quarter for me left. If he has the money he spends it unless I raise a fuss. Well, I have to take it out of my check in order to keep even. he got a piece of ham 3.00 & a lemon 2 yeast cakes can of milk a cabbage a cauliflour can spinage & bag of pota-toes & bag of “mash 5.35” he took in 8.40 & collected 340 made 11.90, Oh, yes he got 3 or 4 sweet potatoes & paid 74 cents for gas & Mrs. Gow owes 35 cents on eggs. so he had 43 cents left. he went out to see Merlin to get pa’s one man saw & he said he took it back long ago. He talked to Martha over the phone. she’s working again; I got a card from Audrey she says Martha has to have an operation she’d tell me more later on & that she “Audrey” has had to go to Dr. twice a week, she all most had a nervous brake down, I’m so sorry. I pray God will heal, help, & strengthen her in all the ways she needs, & that Martha may come through good even better than they expect. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing & wish so much they that to would trust Him to take care of them. He talked to Miss. Clark she brought her sister back to Vermilion with her & as she tells it her sister is rather terrible to take care of. Elbert siad she acted as if she was walking in a night mare. Well, I pray God will take care of them & teach them His ways. I pray He will teach me al-so for I love & adore Him more than anything else.
April. 2. 1948. Fri./ page. 2113./ 30 eggs this day. / in all the world. The old man back of us came today, he tried all the doors even the house door, he got here about 10 minutes to late to go with Elbert, he wanted to go to Lorain & back through Amherst so he told Elbert Elbert went over to see what he wanted & said he told him & acted spiteful about it, & said he thought we were in bed, so he looked in the car shed & see the car was gone, but he looked before he came to the door & I wanted to rest awhile & hadn’t got up when Elbert left. Then the Rawlegh man came & he had to look in the car shed & try all the doors & then he came back late this after noon Elbert told him we wouldn’t be buying for some time to come I don’t like him he’s old [?] puddy ft. I’ve took care of beds & room & done some mending today. fix my dress a little & my old hat. & Praised the Lord.
April 3. 1948./ Sat./25. eggs today/ Well I got the new corset I remodled all stitched today. I only hope, it’s O.K. & I fixed the seat of my little rocker & it feels more comfortable. I received my check today. I am so thankful I can have it & I took care of the beds & rooms & helped with the meals & tonight We are both dead tired Elbert went to Huron twice to see if he couldn’t get some fish & no luck he gave 2 dozen. eggs to the Scotts they give him lots of fish & even a white fish or 2. at times, he was down to the beach & got some sand couple pails full & he spaded 5 or 6 rows or so 30 ft. long & he set a few strawberry plants & took care of the hens. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio, quite cool, wind shifted from N.W. to S.E. tonight Radio says showers tomorrow I hope to go to Church tomorrow & pray God will help me I haven’t been only out side the door once, that was today. my ankle is better but sore yet & I’m not as I should be but praise God I’m hoping & trusting & praying & Praising Him that I can walk & get around I do thank Him so much.
April. 4. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ I got up, took a bath dressed & went to Sun. School & Church, I received a wonderful blessing & I went back to evening service & received another blessing I Praise the Lord God of Hosts & thank Him for all things great or small in Jesus Blessed Name for ever & ever Amen. Oh God, we are asking for souls there are thousands going down the great broad way, Please reveal unto me what I ought to do & how to go about it. I want to do thy Will in all ways. Be with all the sick & those who mourn. Be with Mrs. Reese & comfort her, they had [no ending to this sentence]
Sun. April 4. 1948./page. 2114./ 28 eggs this day./ It’s been a beautiful day & quite warm. Bless our Preachers & their efforts I thank Thee. Thou will soon be coming and Thou Knowest I want that seal of promise & I’m trusting I may be worthy in Jesus Blessed Name. Oh, Glory, Glory Hallelujah. Amen.
Mon. April 5, 1948./ 27. eggs today./ I did my washing & got it all done. Elbert went to Huron at 9 oclock and got back at 3-p-m he helped carry the fish in & they gave him a good pk. of fish, he cleaned a few over half & he had the perch I had all pike but, even so I had mine cleaned washed & one fry pan done & the potatoes When he came in & he had to empty the pails & get well water & cystern water & carry out the fish dressing I had in here, he was to tired to enjoy his supper & so was I, after supper he fed hens & gave them more water & locked up everything While I divided the fish in 3. lots, a few to Audrey & Gertie a few to martha & Nellie, then he changed clothes & I put on a clean house dress & we went & delivered them We went to Audrey’s & Gertie’s first Audrey had gone to the Dr’s. & Gertie was quite sociable, her hair is turning gray looks queer to see them getting gray. G. has a silver streak about an inch wide on one side in front. We then went to Martha’s, she’s as thin as a shad & white she says the girls are good to work & do a lot about the house, Jean & her girl friend washed dishes then they wiped the white enamel wood work, While Martha visited with us. Merlin is working nights. Well we went on over to Nellie’s & she is alone with Bonita’s 3 children, Bonita is helping Marcie & Johny move & get settled into a new & more reasonable priced home, the Government has 400 homes with a kitchen, dining room living room & bath & a furnace, lights & water, & Marcie expects her baby this month. Nellie says her own condition is bad sometimes her blood presser is high & some times below normal, she don’t look well, but was so glad we came in & the children were happy also. Nellies said she was telling the children as they ate supper, that she wished they had some fish & Marcie called while we were there & hoped Nellie would save the fish for Wed. for they thou if Nellie was O.K. Bonita would stay untill they were all done. Bonney Bell & Joe live a
Mon. April.4. 1948./page. 2115./ 27. eggs this day./ short distance about 10 minutes from Johny’s new place & they were there when marcie phoned. The place is close to the school where Johny goes. I hope they don’t neglect nellie, I know the young folks like to get together & I think they should, only Nellie hadn’t ought to be left alone at night with 3 baby’s in her condition. Nellie got a letter last week from Ella Jane & she gets home sick, but Dr’s. have con-vinced her she ought not come home to live & she says if she was to tranfer schools now she’d have to loose a lot of points. It would be wonderful if she didn’t know anything about being alergick to things Well we started home a few minutes passed eight & after we got through Amherst it begin to lightening & thunder & then before we hit Vermilion river road, to rain & after we got into Vermilion it began to come down with fury & the wind was puffy & storm all the rest of the 7. miles home it eased up enough for us to get in the house & for Elberty to put the car away & get in the back way then it poured down again & comes now in showers S.west wind. It’s been a beautiful day strong puffy wind alday. I thank God for all our many blessing & for taking & bringing us safly. I thank Him for all things great or small. Glory to His Name. I Praise & Adore & Love only Thee.
Tue. April. 5. 1948./ 29 eggs. / Elbert went to Vermilion & cashed his check & got 6.00 worth of food fresh & caned I finished making the soup he got back at noon, we ate & I haven’t done anything but took care of the bed’s & room & got supper. & sit around & I’m so tired I can hardly move all day. I do thank God in Jesus Holy Name for our blessings & for saving my soul. Wind went N. east & been quite cool. but been a nice day Elbert’s been spading just North of Cottage ground is mellow but cold. Golden bells are in bloom out in the back yard but I don’t see my daffodils & Maartha’s are in bloom. Frogs are croaking so loud that Elbert can hear them, he seems quite deaf, I think if he had a little sweet oil in his ears to loosen the wax, he would be able to hear better. My ankle sure has pained me bad all day. Well, I had Elbert pay 10.00 on the coal bill today. I believe that’s 30.00 I have paid on the coal bill now. It was 81.57 & I think
Wed. April. 7. 1948./ page. 2116./ 30 eggs today. / Well I baked bread today It’s been a beautiful day, I had 1. big loaf & 2 big tins of biscuits. I put a new binding around the neck, sleeves & bottom of Elbert’s wool jacket. I stitched it on I took care of beds & rooms & swept & wiped up dust & potted “4.” hyacinth, bulbs, took care of birds & helped cook & done all the dishes & wrote a letter to put in with the one that came back, to Miss Clark & a card to Cousin Georgie & Sister Nellie & I’m tired. It’s been a beautiful day, it’s thundering to-night & guess it will rain. Wind is south & it’s getting puffy. I was down in basement today & it’s getting puffy. I was down in basement today & the can-ed fruit has sure walked off & part of the beans I canned. I was boiling from head to toe went I got up again. I thank God He Knows & will deal with each one as He sees best. I got a few little pieces of coal to & drug them, some cans of fruit & myself back up stairs & sweat like rain. I thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name. Amen. Dehaan’s bible study boook is really interesting.
Thurs. April 8. 1948./ 20 eggs today. / Well, Elbert went to Huron & got a good mess of fish, he cleaned 6 & I fried them & he took 2, all hot & 2 biscuits over to Bill & Georgie Snyder, they have sold me milk sometimes when I was badly in need of it. it was just noon & Bill had been fishing & got a few bullheads & was cleaning them when Elbert gave him the cooked pike Elbert said he never even said thanks, but, that’s the Snyder way. I did my ironing & pressed one pr. of pants for Elbert. & we went to prayer meeting tonight & I had Elbert take Miss Clark a doz. eggs 2. biscuits & 5. fish. her sister is in bed sick We had a good prayer meeting was only a very few there & 4 or 5 other children Mrs. Hamblys mother & Rev. & Miss Scharein & myself. Wind has been S.W. all day & a fine day. puffy wind, & tonight it went N.W. & is cold. I thank Thee & praise Thee Jesus & pray I may soon praise Thee in in Spirit. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.
Fri. April 9. 1948./page. 2117./ 24 eggs today./ Well, Elbert spaded some he went to Lorain this morning & sold the eggs $9.80 cents for 14 doz eggs he colected 35 cents making egg money 10.15 then I gave him 5.00 & he said he had 2.00 of his own, he put in, making a total of 17.15 then he bought bag of grain 5.19, & grociers & grain was 16.14 & he had a dollar & 30 cents left & has to get 2 bales of straw in the morning. “1.20” then he’ll expect me to hand over the rest of what I have got, well I haven’t got much left 2 or 3 dollars. I haven’t done much today washed up dishes & cooked dinner & Elbert helped with the dinner & he got most of the sup-per. I’m to heavy today. It’s been a nice day but cold, it snowed little snow balls just before daylight & they stayed untill a little after day light & it snowed snow in Cleveland & Lorain it was still on the ground at 9-30-p-m. Wind eased all after dinner & isn’t so strong & puffy as it was. its cold tonight & stars are clear & bright. I thank God for my healing & all our many blessing, for saving my soul & I pray He will help me to praise Him in other tongues. Glory, Glory to God in the Highest All the Glory truely belongest to Thee.
Sat. April 10. 1948./ 25 eggs today./ Well it’s been a beautiful day & I got up & washed 3. blankets one cotton heavy, that I use over the mattress & the 2. wool I sleep between, We had a nice South wind just strong enough to blow them out on the line & shake out the nap, they dried so fluffy & nice, it’s a hard job on a wash board, but Elbert brought the water & he wrong them out of two waters & I out of wash & first suds, he hung them out & brought them in & I’m so glad I got them washed & dried so well & on the bed again tonight. I swept & wiped up the floors & then I fried us a piece of ham & we had a lunch, for all I had eat en all day was 2 handful of crackers in a cup of tea, I have reread DeHaans book on the last promise in the bible and I thank God He has revealed it so clear to me, I thank Him for saving my soul & pray for the great infiling of the Holy Spirit, that I may praise Him in Spirit & receive the Seal of promise I believe & pray He will take away every doubt & fear. I Praise God, our Father, the Son, our Saviour & the Holy Ghost the Spirit of the Holy trinity, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.
Sun. April. 11. 1948./ page. 2118./ 24 eggs today/ Well it poured rain this morning & Kept me home but I went to-night & God surely blessed us Mr. West was there tonight & he went to the alter with out being ask only as the minister ask us all to come to have a little season of prayer. I took a doz. eggs to the preachers & I gave Mrs. Day some mash bags & she was so pleased with them she’s going to make the children some dresses of them. Well, I’m glad & I think I’ll give her the other 3 I have, all the same patern but 2 have pink back ground & 1. blue. they really need them. Mrs. Day says there are quite a few staying away because the Rev. Gurney has left, I hope they will come back & learn to worship God. I felt God’s touch tonight & Praise Him & thank Him for all things & for teaching me to understand. These are truly God’s children & I love them & pray His blessing on them & there efforts. Wind S. West Strong & puffy all morning, not so bad to-night, but it rained hard in showers while we were in Church but not on our way home. Praise God from Whom all blessing flow Praise Him all creatures here below before it to late.
Mon. April 12. 1948./ 31. eggs today./ Well, I washed, Elbert went to Huron & got straw 2. bales. & about 2 1/2 doz. of fish & I got all done before he got here he ate a snack & drank hot postam & cleaned the fish & we had hot fresh fish & potatoes for supper & hot coffee. I didn’t wash the dishes. I received a card from Miss Lida & letter from Miss Elanor Eleanor Clark, they were both so grateful for the fresh fish for the doz. eggs & 2 home made bread biscuits, I have had a notice that they needed food. Now I know they do & they need some one to look after them one’s older than Elbert & the other close by. Eleanor has been ill & Lida is tuckered out caring for her but they are better & me thinks if they get more to eat they’ll soon feel better, but like us, they have there bills to pay & not much to pay them with. It’s been a wonderful day. forenoon with bright sun & afternoon slowly cloudied up & rain tonight from N. East & colder. The fresh fish tasted so good & I think of the girls & even of Cora. I thank God so much for the wonderful blessings He gives to me & pray He will help me to praise Him in Spirit soon before He comes to gather up His own. I thank Him & give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Glory, Glory, Glory to God in the Highest, I praise Thee Jesus and thank Thee for all things great & small. I think Mrs. Day is O.
Mon. April. 12. 1948./ page 2119./ 31. eggs this day./ K. Sunday evening while we were praying she came & sliped her arm around me & prayed with me. they have all been so Kind & prayed for me so much because, I didn’t get to Sun. school & Church in the morn. but it poured rain here & I didn’t get to go untill evening & I prayed God would hold the rain so I could go & He did Praise His Name & it rained in showers while we were in Church, but, eased up so we got home safe & into the house & then came again. God is wonderful & Merciful & so patient with us. I received my releif card today, it’s for 3. months & they sent me to 25.00 per. mo. again. It does seem so cruel.
Tue. April.13. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a rainy chilly day N. East Wind & puffy. I haven’t done much today, arms & legs, to tired & Elbert has felt on the bum, took a little cold & settled in his gums. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for my healing & many blessings, all the Power & Glory truly belongest to Him. Just did my daily doz. & Praise the Lord I could.
Wed. April. 14. 1948./ 30. eggs today./ My bowels are on the stuborn side of life again & I’ve only done a little today, I did my usual work & baked some oat, (rolled oat) cookies It’s been a very cool damp day, foggy & thick with little or no breeze. I do Praise the Lord of Hosts for taking care of us another day. Glory, Glory, Glory to God, I love Thee & pray Thy Will be done.
Thurs. April 15. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a nice bunch & fish & one white fish & I baked 3 tins bread biscuits & one loaf of bread & I patched 1. pr. pants & 1. shirt for Elbert & 1. shirt for myself I got supper & washed up my bread dishes & took sponge bath dressed & went to prayer meeting. I partly stitched one under skirt today. & 4 rags for my nose. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio or here where we were & it sure seemed good to have the sunshine again I praise God for all my many blessing & for Him most of all. I put one big double blanket on the line & aired it today S. wind, just fresh not bad. I heard a cock pheasent today & yesterday & one other day out in the back & a red cardnal female & yellow hammes [? handsome?] red bird looking over the goose berry bushes for a nesting place. Elbert worked
Thurs. April. 15. 1948./ 2120.[no page]/ 28. eggs this day./ for the fish today he did-n’t get enough for all the hard work he done. & then he dressed all the fish, but one white fish I dressed it & washed & fried it for supper, it sure was good. I liked the prayer service & Praise & Thank God for it and the revivol of my soul & trust for the infilling.
Fri. April 16. 1948./ 32. eggs today./ Elbert went with 14 doz. eggs & only sold 8, & didn’t get the money on one doz. he sold We went to Nellie’s & gave her some fish & tin of bread biscuits & doz. eggs. & a doz. cookies to Maratha but, if she was home she didn’t answer Elbert’s call. but the house was open. Audrey & Gertie were there, the other evening to Nellies & were coming back tonight to have a baby shower on Marcie, I would like to get her some things, but can’t seem to get all the things we need & all the rest need. Well we got a very few things to eat & it was extra warm going & coming, but, soon after we got here, the wind began to get an icy tang in it & the radio said it’s going to be cold Sat. Sun. Mon. & Tue. so, I’m hoping it don’t freeze, they got hail stones in one place as big as a base ball & lots of them & done some damage today, in Los Angeles they had an earth quake that was felt for over a 100 miles around. “Lord Will be coming soon” Oh how I wish we were all ready to go. Mrs. Cranage ask me to have the minister anoit a handkercheif & pray for her, Mr. Cranaage & the family I will, God Willing, she hasn’t had her clothes off for a week, she looked worn out, she said Will. seemed lots better this morning & his face had some clear spots on it, he’s been broke out from head to foot & his Whole head, arms & body & legs & feet all swollen up, & he’s been in such misery I’ve been praying for them for several weeks now. We offered to do anything we could to help & I told her I’d been praying all this time & then she ask me to have them pray & send her the anoited handkerchief. It’s been a beautiful day but a strong puffy wind & tonight it’s worse & N. east. Elbert had to Kill to laying hens to night, they were full of eggs. he done the dressing & cutting up & I washed them, & we put them down to keep cool he bought boiling meat today, to. Oh Well, such is life. I Praise God for our many many blessings in Jesus Name.
Sat. April. 17. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Well it’s been a sunshiny day & cool wind & strong wind & to chilly to work out, much.
Sat. April. 17. 1949. [she meant 1948.]/ page 2121./ 25 eggs this day./ I haven’t felt able to work today. & Elbert hasn’t either, he’s took some cold, it’s in his left arm & shoulder now, it was in the other. I rubbed it good with alcohol, tonight. I have the crocheted chair set boxed & ready for Sister Scharien tomorrow. I hope to take the Clarks some chicken & broth. I wish I was able to work I’d ask the ministers home to dinner with us. I only did what I had to do today & Elbert’s felt so bad he’d sit most of the day in the big chair, he’s done the outside chores that had to be done. I thank God we can do that, & pray He will have mercy on our souls, in Jesus Name., Amen. I love my Jesus & praise Him for all things, great & small.
Sun. April 18. 1948./ 27. eggs today./ We went to Sun School & Church this a-m & to Church this evening & we had good services & our young Minister can sure preach God’s Word & he Knows God, they are truly God’s Children, I took them a couple of Chicken balls & some gravey & gave them the chair back & arms pieces & they were both so will pleased & thanked me. & Miss. Clark thanked Elbert, for all the things we took in for them I packed a box “small box” with a can of mixed vegetables can of milk & some boxes of jello & ready mixed pudding, a can(1.qt.) dry caned pears. qt. of beef broth I made, some dry rice & beans some coffee & tea, 6. potatoes 3 or 4 onions & apples & a can with 4 pieces of chicken & meat balls & qt. chicken broth so they really ought to havew enough for a few days & then Mrs. Goll said Miss Clarks sister was going home to Cleveland & the Minister said, she hadn’t gone but still thought of going yet tonight, that, she isn’t able to go & Miss Lida is not able to be left alone she all tired out & got a cold. Well, I’m sorry, and pray God will help in the ways that are needed to help the both of them. They prayed for them at Church & I believe God will have His Way with them & all the others we prayed for tonight. They prayed for me & I believe God will take care of my stomach, bowels & recktum. I thank God in Jesus Name for our healings & I’m trusting & believeing wrong . Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I pray for wisdom & knoledge & that Thou will reveal unto me & help me to do a better work for Thee. Elbert talked with Bill Long & Lena Penson in Vermilion tonight, they are from Lorain. Bill’s lost his mother this winter, he’s a batchlor & so there’s only he & a sister that live together, now. I wish people loved the Lord. & would let Him help them, for He will soon be coming. & if we Who have turned to Him will scarsly be saved what of all that are waiting to have a little more worldly pleasure. I pray for all the many souls Who Know Him not & I pray for all souls for we Know not Which one’s are His.
Mon. April. 19. 1948. / page. 2122./ 29. eggs today./ Well it’s been a wonderful day lots of wind S.W.est.& parly cloudy and quite warm, but I haven’t done much. I went to the out side toilet today & pulled the dead grass & vines off the sweet peas in front of the toilet & came back sweating from the expeirance. I’d love to gt fixed up fast & be strong again soon. I’d like to earn my own living & not have to take the releif money. I pray God will help me, so I can have an easy job, but a good paying job, enough to help others as well as myself. Well I swept all 3 rooms & dusted & did the dishes, got the dinner & supper. I’d like to get some sewing done next I want to do make the skirts I have started & another dress for good & a coupl of house dresses. It takes me so long to get anything done, it seems I’m so terribly slow. Well, I can’t get Mrs. S____ out of my mind We all went to the alter to pray & she shouts “& she said,” Lord I don’t care Who hears me pray & I’m glad & my feet and legs are all right, and after we had all got up to go home, she stood looking at me with such a snear on her face, her face pulled down & I said are you still working & she said (no) only When I feel like it, if I don’t feel like it I don’t & the way she said it & stick out her chest like she use to scuff her feet. I couldn’t help but wonder & the Minister said, there is something wrong in this church & has been every since I started here & I can’t quite understand. Well he will before long. Oh God, help me & keep me safe with in Thy arms I pray I’ll bive thee all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Glory to God.
Tue. April. 20. 1948./ 29. eggs today./ Well I only did what I had to & I went out side to toilet & looked at the trees & blosoms & the violets are so pretty & the flowering current all in bloom & so fresh sweet & spicy & tame currents are in bloom & the baby apricots trees & pear trees it’s so good to get out doors, but I’d like to scratch. & I’m not
Tue. April 20. 1948./ page. 2123./ 29. eggs this day. / able, I’ll just have to be content to do what ever I can. Elbert went to fish house & shoveled fish & they gave him a good pk. & a doz. catfish just big enough for good fryers. & 24. pike, We would like to give the children some, but, he has to work so hard to get them & clean them & it costs for gas to take them clear over to them all they have to do, is fry & eat them. & he’s going to Lorain to try to work for Bill Long, in the morning. he’s been getting a piece of dirt ready for potatoes, he’s sore & lame & has a cold in his gums & muscels, I do hope he wont work all day for he isn’t able, but, I never Know what he’ll do. I thank God & Praise Him for all things & pray He will give me that seal of promise, the infilling that I may praise Him in spirit, I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. April. 21. 1948./ 30 eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Lorain to work for Bill Long & Bill has a cold & said it was to cold to work, so they talked a while & Elbert came back home. I did out my washing & wfter we had dinner, he did his unnion suit & 2 heavy work shirts & 3. prs. sock & 4. Kercheifs. We went to Vermilion after supper, I, fried all the fish, & we took the last hot one’s & done them in wax paper & put them in a bag & roled them up & gave the preachers 4. they are working evenings in the living rooms upstairs & I should have taken bread for tonight they only ate a snack & ran a way over here to the Church to get it fixed up so they can live there. they both work in shops all day & so it keeps them rather tired, they have been bringing their supper & eating it there before starting work but they shifted it tonight. We took 4. fish, hot, to Miss. Clark & a small can of sauce, “rubarb.” fresh from the plants this Spring, I picked some yesterday & cooked it thought it would be a Spring tonic, I’d like to get a few greens tomorrow. & I have to iron a dress to put on. It’s all most full moon & a nice drive down to, Vermilion & back if we hadn’t been so tired. Well we got back at 8-30-p-m. & had another cup of hot drink & I shifted clothes on the line most all of them are dry except rags & union suit. I hit my sore ankle on the chair rocker hurt so bad I couldn’t stand on it & I had had a terrible cramp in my right thigh this a.m.when I first got up & tonight since we got back, one in my foot & big toe. I am so tired. Miss Clark said the chicken broth gave her
Wed. April 21. 1948./ page. 2124./ 30. eggs this day./ a big lift, it was hot when we took it & she said she just drank a good big glass full & ate a chicken leg. Elbert says she looks rather punk. Eleanor went home Sun. late, we were there just before Church & left the broth & chicken & she had been gone only a few minutes, Miss. Clark said, She has a woman staying with her that lives over near the Church. Well, I will talk to the Lord & let Him talk to me & then go to bed. I Praise Him for all things.
Thurs. April. 22. 1948./ 26. eggs today/ Well today is Ella Jane’s birthday. she is 28 yrs . old & still going to school, me oh my , it seems a pity to waist so much time, when she might have been doing so much for the Lord. It’s a queer World. & Tonight they said over the radio the the Goverment was going to rule the citizens & John L. Louis & HIs coal miners & the miners are on there high horses, now, things are heading toward a big fight & some one shot at the C.I.O. President & all most got him & they haven’t any clue, the World is in a bad turmoil or what ever you want to call it. Soon Jesus will be coming & I hope & pray we Who are on the Lord’s side will be ready. Well I got the ironing done & mended my old dress & got the supper. We went to prayer meeting, wasn’t only 8. of us there, the Preacher & Mrs. West went to Lorain to the hospital with Mrs. Sprunk, they said she had a bad fall so, the preacher & Mrs. West Sr. was taking her, & so we had our prayer meeting any way & got back home a quarter to 10-p-m. Mr Smith’s wife is ill with some new Kind of cold & fever, he fell, & hurt his self quite bad, but God has Kept him up & going, he said he had a letter from his mother & she said they have been having wonderfull meetings & that there are any where from four thousand 5. hundred to 5. thousand at the meetings & into the hundreeds were healed & one woman had become a cripple & she came 17. hund-red miles to the meetings & was healed right there Glory to God I thank Thee & praise Thee & pray for Thy guidance & help me to do Thy work Use me for healings heal through me that I may do for Thee in Jesus name I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. It’s been a fine sunshiny day cold N.East wind We had a frost last night.
Fri. April 23. 1948./page. 2125./ 27. eggs today./ Well, I dug greens & pulled some rubarb & empted the can & slop pail twice & got to pails well water & one cystern & I made biscuits & pealed the potatoes to set them in cold water & I cooked some lima beans & Elbert worked until 4.-30 & then sold the eggs or part of them (10. doz.) & he owed a woman 5 cents so he brought (6.95) & Mrs. Gowen owes each week, she paid for last week & owes for this I don’t like that sort. Well Elbert got here 6-15-p.m. & we had to wait untill he fed the hens & picked up eggs. & now it’s 9-p-m & I’m terrible tired & so is he. Well, it was cloudy “partly” when Elbert left this morning & it rained a light shower, then, clear off & I dug greens & washed & cooked them for supper been a beautiful Spring day. I got the plack from the German Lutherns.
Sat. April. 24. 1948./ 28 eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got a few things tp eat & I wiped up the floors they were so dirty & dusty I cleaned the bird cages Fri. It rained a nice April shower today been to warm today, been partly cloudy & is same tonight. Wind’s been S.W. then W. while it rained I thank God for all things & pray He will help me to be of service to Him, I pray for all for He says We Know not Which ones are His & I pray for the sick & sorrowing ones, those sorely tempted & tried & sorely afflicted. those of us Who need strength & a stronger faith I pray Thou will take away every doubt & fear in Jesus Name & continue our healing. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus Amen.
Sun. April 25. 1948./ 28. eggs today. / We went to Sunday school & Chruch & to Church tonight. I ask the minister to come to dinner for they hadn’t brought any with them they said they would come, so Elbert & I hurried home I had to put a clean table cloth on & wash the dishes & wipe the dust from the chairs, that I had not done Sat. beccause I was to tired & while I did that Elbert pealed the potatoes & got them on to cook & put the water on for coffee then Rev. Schareim & his wife came in & I cooked some peas & fried 4. catfish & set the table with Elbert’s help & in a few minutes we had dinner & rubbard & oat meal cookies & they liked the creamed potatoes & baking Powder biscuits & coffee & then we went out in the yard dug green onions & picked daffodills & voilets
Sun. April 25. 1948./page. 2126./ 28. eggs this day./ & old fashion yellow current & Japanese flowering quince bright red flowers & then they went on there way to call on Miss Clark & Mrs. Sprunk & pray with them. Oh God, help me not to grumble or boast but keep me humble & true in Jesus Name I ask, I’ll give Thee all the Glory & Praise for ever & ever, Amen. I thank Thee & Praise Thee for ever & ever, Amen. I thank Thee & Praise Thee for lifting me, & healing me Glory Glory to God in the Highest I love & Adore Thee Glory Hallelujah, Amen.
Mon. April 26. 1948./ 22. eggs today/ Elbert’s back & hip are paining him so bad he couldn’t work, so he went to Huron & got some fish & there were 2 white fish in the basket making 26. fish I cleaned them “for they scale so easy”& we had them for dinner, I put the fry pan on & soon had white fish frying & potatoes warming & coffee water boiling, we were just about finished when the little old man that sells shoe strings, came in, so we set him a plate with the balance of the po-tatoes & some fish & biscuits & a cup of coffee, he ate & rested a bit & went on his way. I set bread after Elbert left for Huron & so, I made it in to 4 tins of biscuits after dinner, then went out & scaled all, but eight of the pike & Elbert gutted & cut of the heads & then he washed them while I washed the dishes & got the bread baking, then I salted & packed the fish, I had to sit down awhile my legs and ankles have been badly swollen today. It’s been a fine day. I put the bedding on the line & aired it good today & took care of beds & roooms & got supper & then rested a while & soaked my feet, I don’t know if that will help, but Elbert thought I ought to so he got the water hot & I soaked them, guess it did take out some of the ach, it is thundering, lightening & raining in showers tonight, the trees & shrubs are all in bloom & so sweet & pretty. I Praise God for all things in Jesus Holy Name.
Tue. April. 27. 1948./ 30. eggs today. /I have given away several doz. eggs & didn’t keep track of them I gave Nellie & Bonita 2 doz. & they gave us 10. lbs. of sugar & I gave Miss Clark
Tue. April. 27. 1948./ page. 2128./ 30 eggs this day./ one doz. tonight, we took Miss Clark home & 3. Smith Children & 1. other child that was with the Smith’s children. Rev. Mr. Seacer & His wife were here trying to sell bonds for the Churches to buy a summer camp for the young and the old folks. 4 cents on a dollar $10.00 bonds up to as much as you want to invest it’s a very good plan for helping both the folks that go to camp & Church I do so Wish I could go, it would do my soul & spirit a world of good. I feel it would be wonderful. Oh, Praise the Lord, I pray God Willing, I may have that blessing sometime. Well. it rained & hailed before we went over to see Nellie & Bonita & the children & after we got there it rained hard they didn’t have much to eat & Bonita felt rather on edge & so did Nellie, so they were so glad to get the fish, the biscuits & rubarb & 2. doz. eggs she said all they had was a cup of hamberger & a couple of potatoes so she put them together chopped up, with seasoning & water, for supper. I am sorry that things are, as they are, but, she just don’t manaage things in the right way. she never did & now this is what’s coming out of it all. I don’t know how to help for she feels so left out of things, if she only took the right attude I feel sure things would be much better, but she says, John’s gone, & she is left with a family on her hands. I pray God wont hold me, for her actions. for I always tried to show her the right way. Well, I pray that I may help her & the others, yet, to learn the right way. Miss Clark to, she wants to be taken lots of notice of & because we had the Smith children to take home & they have a good mile & it was raining & so she said she could walk, but I told her it wouldn’t hurt her to get squeezed a little so she got in, its only a minute around to her door, so after we left her we got a bottle of milk, then we let the Smith children out & got home at 10.p.m. Mr. Day & Elbert went in to Church tonight but both went out before they started to preach. Elbert’s hip was paining him bad all day & he didn’t feel able to go to Nellie’s, but, I felt we had to go today. & it was a good thing we did; Marcie hasn’t had her baby yet & Bonney Bell expects hers in Aug. I Praise God for our many blessing. we are both very tired tonight. But I’m alot better & I thank God in Jesus Dear Name & Pray for all the others who are not so well. They took Mrs. Sprunk
Tue. April 27. 1948./page 2128.[she means 2129]/ 30. eggs this day./ clear to Lorain to the hospital & had her [? ] exrayed & examined & she was only bruised & she made such a fuss & to-night she was putting on a big show acting as frisk as a kitten & she & Miss Clark climbed that long stair way to the rooms above the church, I don’t know what for, only to see the chair set I gave the Minister & Miss Clark looks like the last row of summer & not fit. Well I praise the Lord in Jesus Name they can get out again I received a nice letter from Eleanor Clark & I got m shirts from Lane Bryants today, they are lots to big.
Wed. April 28. 1948./ 30. eggs today./ Frank’s birth day he would be 66 yrs. old./ I cut up one shirt & made it over, it looks O.K I hope it is . I made a Kettle of soup & so we ate soup for dinner & for supper & got plenty for tomorrow. I took care of the birds & house & Elbert took care of chickens & trimed rose bush in front of hen house, today.
Thurs. April. 29. 1948./ 27. eggs today./ Well I did my washing & the table cloth & towels & am so tired. I dried part of them out side, the air was N.East & damp, I have them all done but a few rags & they are almomst dry. It’s been a fine day partly cloudy, hot sun & a little chilly breeze. Well to-morrow Elbert goes with the eggs 18. doz. & I pray God in Jesus Name, he sells them all. for we have to get grain, oyster, salt & pay. the light bill & I would like to have a little left to eat on. I thank God for what we have & pray He will help me to rent or sell the back half of the place. I’ve been thinking of Nellie & wondering if they are eating. I couldn’t do to them as they did by me. I hope Bonney Bell take something home for Sun. Well I don’t know how to help them. I don’t know wheather to go with Elbert in the morning or not I’m so tired, but, his hip is terrible bad & I do hate to see him go off alone, he seems to forget things so bad when he’s like this.
Tue. April. 27. 1948./ page. 2128./ 30. eggs this day./
Fri. April 30. 1948./ 25 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold 13 doz. 9. doz. he got 70 cents for & collexcted the 70 cents from Gows 6.30 & 70 cents___7.00 he got in cash & 4. doz. he sold for 65 cents per. doz. & he has to collect for them $2.60 cents he bought a bag of grain $5.55 & oyster 80 lbs. 1.00 & 60 cents for salt 1.40 for light bill 1.30 for meat; He forgot the light bill so I went back with him & while he did that & got the salt & 1.00’s worth of gas I
Fri. April. 30. 1948./ page 2129./ 25 eggs this day/ 825 this mo./ went up to see Miss. Clark, & she fell Wed. & was quite sick. but was up walking around she hadn’t ought to be alone, Well I ask her right out if she had any food & she admited she only had the eggs I had given her Tue. night & the tears came to her eyes as I left, so we went to Martins & some one let Elbert in “for all the other stores were closed” & I had him get a loaf of bread can of milk 72 cents worth of boiling meat box of rice & a bout 6 or 8. big potatoes a lb of coffee & lb. of coffee.$ 1.94 cents she is weak in more ways than one, pride, she don’t want any one to know she hasn’t enough to eat & they like things nicer than we can afford. I’m so sorry. I pray God will take a hand & I pray that what ever Elbert said, wont do any harm, or cause any trouble. for he said he didn’t mean any harm & he didn’t think. Well I pray she can keep up & going & she said she had to move as the place has been sold & she don’t Know where she’s going. God of Love & Mercy I pray for the people of this world, in Jesus Dear Name, have Mercy. I haven’t done much today to tired & Elbert’s tired tonight. I thank Thee Dear Jesus for all my many blessings Amen.
Sat. May. 1. 1948./ 23. eggs today. Uncle Will Wheeler’s birthday he’d be 94 yrs. old & my pa would have been 87. yrs. old this last Jan 28. 1948. Well, it’s been a beautiful day here cold N. East breeze, but, hot sun all though it Looked like a cake of ice it so white. Elbert went to Huron in hopes of getting a big mess of fish, but only got enough for us. I slept about an hour then got up & thanked God in Jesus Name for my many blessing I washed combed & dressed & put the water to heat & whook up the beds opened wide the windows then started washing Elberts sleepers towel & wash rags & socks I did out my shirt nose rags & dish & first I didn’t get his union suit & heavy work shirt washed. I did the dirty dishes next & started the dinner just as Elbert drove in, he looked tired & sad but perhaps he can get more, Mon. Nellie & the children & Miss Clark will be needing them bad by that time I wanted to get out in the sunshine, so I went out & trimmed the Westeria Vine & got it all done & fastened up. then Elbert had been spading so I told him to come in & we’d have a hot
Sat. May 1. 1948./ page. 2130./ 23 eggs this day. / drink which we did & we rested awhile he read part a story out of the Country Gentleman & then went out to feed hens while I fried the fish & cooked what rhubarb I had picked then we ate & rested a spell & I washed dishes & wrote a little & read a little & prayed some & went to bed. Elbert went at 9-p-m. I thank & Praise God for my heal-ings & my many blessing & pray Jesus will help me to be a blessing in His work, Glory to God. I received a letter from Sister Audrey Carlisle & a box of bulbs, Madona, Cala, Regale lillies & a gift bulb & another DeHaan book (The fish that caught a man and a letter from 1044. South Olive Street; Los Angeles 15 California
Sun. May 2. 1948./ 23. egg today./ We went to Sun. school & Church & then came back home, Miss Clark was feeling so much better she taught our class this morning. When we got home we had a light lunch & Elbert then pealed some potatoes & put them in cold water while I made two big tins of baking powder biscuits & then he killed a hen & I dressed it out after he picked & singed it & I washed it ready to cook & put in in a pan & covered it & we went to Nellies, she put it to cook, but in to much water, she thought it was done but it was tuff they were hungry & said it was good we had biscuit & gravy & creamed potatoes & coffee. I had ask God for Johny or Bonney Bell to go home & take them food they were badly in need & God sent him, he took 3. doz. eggs & Nellie had received her check so he took her post hast to the store before they closed & she got a few groceries, but she admitted they were hungry, some one had given her a box of pie mix for a pie crust & she had a little rhubarb, so she added eggs & put whipped whites on top, & they were waiting thinking Bonney Bell would be home & perhaps bring in a little, but , she phoned & said they had company from Penn. & would be coming, I then told her we had the things in the car & had come for supper, her face then lite up & they got the hen on to cook & they got the table set & we had prayer & supper & then we left for church started at 7-45 p-m & I got in just as they got started, Praise God in Jesus Name. We had such a blessed meeting & I got so filled Oh, Praise the Lord He is so good to me. We took the smith children to end of there road & came home tired but happy in Jesus. & it sure did rain hard all the way home & half the night, then cleared off & got
Sun. May. 2. 1948./ page 2131. / 23. eggs this day./ clear & quite cold before daylight. We gave Nellie 2. doz. eggs for a dollar that paid for our gas, he got a bottle of milk & I drank some before going to bed. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for our Blessing.
Mon. May 3. 1948./ 22. eggs today./ Well that hen meat “& I only ate the tail” nearly killed my stomach before morning. no more half cooked hens for me. I laid in bed untill 10-30-a-m. then got up washed dressed & combed my hair & ate a bit or two & my stomach still com-plained, so, I got my coat & hat, “for we both got our checks in the morning mail” & we went to the store, I paid $14.31 cents for the groceries & $5.00 on coal & Elbert paid 5.00 on coal making 10. on the coal bill so I’ve paid 40.00 on the coal bill & have $40.57 yet to pay or maybe its 41.57; Elbert got a money order for 15.00 to pay his insurance, so he only had 5.00 left & he paid 1.25 for gas. I have enough to pay my Church tenth I got a $1.15 worth of food at A.&P. store & Elbert got 3 spools of thread & 3 of darning cotton & 3 yeast cakes & we came back toward home, we picked up Mrs. Smith & her little boy & let them out at Tom Eppler’s house where they are living now. she had a big bag of groceries about all she could carry & seemed pleased to get the lift. We got home safe thank’s to the Lord & got supper & then did a few odds & ends & the dishes & picked over a big bunch of greens & washed them for tomorrow & cooked the boiling meat. & now I’ll read & Praise God in Jesus Dear Name for talking to me, & helping me so much. I give Him all the credit & Bless His Holy Name. It’s been a fine day.
Tue. May. 4. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron early & I slept untill 10-a-m. then washed, dressed & combed my heair & went out for the mail We received a card announcing the graderating of Jean Marie Sarr. Fri. evening May. 21. 1948. at 8-p-m. in Town Hall at Berlin Heights. Commencement Exercises, of the Senior Class. Well, I set bread & baked 3 tins of bread biscuits & one big & one small tin of rusk biscuits & they are not done yet, it take so long for them to rise after the dough is remixed with sugar, shortening, milk, eggs, flavoring & nut meg. & I add another piece of yeast, but , its been a chilly damp day. I had a little fire but didn’t set the bread untill after 2.-p-m. I forgot it. so it was late when I got them mixed. I’m terrible weak today, & began to get rather anxious before Elbert came he got here 5-30-p
Tue. May.4. 1948./ page. 2132./ 25. eggs this day./ -m. he waited for Scotts boat it was late, Scots son does the fishing he took the wrong course & run 45 minutes didn’t find his nets & went back to first nets & then went back & found the others, Well, they were glad Elbert was there to help & gave him 6 white fish, another fellow had given him a good mess of pike & perch, the men were half froze it was so cold said they thought it would be snowing any minutes, When Elbert drove in I fixed his coffee & I fixed a fish while he washed & then he put the fish in a bucket of water then came in & ate & drqank & fed the hens & gathered the eggs & cleaned the fish & I salted & packed them, & tomorrow we hape to take some to the girls Gertie, Audrey, Martha & Nellie. I thank God in Jesus Name, He loves us & ans. prayer. & I pray He will help me to be a blessing to Him, Amen.
Wed. May.5. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ We went to Audrey’s Martha’s & Nellie’s & to Wyn’s & Virginia’s today. Audrey had gone to Cleveland with nellie, so I learned today it was Nellie who was weeping & wailing, there is something wrong in-side of her & so she’s gone to see what can be done for her, Gertie was very friendly & told us a lot about verious things. I took her a big bunch of lilacs & lillies of the valley, her birth day is Thurs May 13. 1948 she’s 60. yrs. old. We went to Martha’s door wasn’t locked, so we put the fish in the ice box & left the biscuits on the table, we gave Gertie the fish & rolls for them & she took care of them then while we were there, then we went to Nellie’s & Bonita put the fish in ice box & took care of the rolls “they call them” & she & the children were eating beans & bread & a few chips of ham, so she fix a little more & some coffee & a pot of tea & we ate a few bites & drank & visited & then left for Bonita had done out a big washing & wanted to do out Johny’s & Marcie’s. She didn’t know how long her mother would be gone, just today or two or three days to the Clinic. We stopped & talked a few minutes with martha, on our
Wed. May. 5. 1948./page 2133./ way back & then on the way back we stopped & had quite a nice visit with Wyn [Ethel Wyn Grant, Elinor’s first cousin ] & Virginia [Virginia Grant, first cousin once removed ] & little Joice [Joice Grant, presumed daughter of Virginia Grant, Elinor’s first cousin twice removed,] is a doll, a very pretty, busy, child. Wyn is really getting fat. She says she’s feeling better, but hasn’t any en-durance. She’s 73. yrs. old & they said the last time they brought Aubrey [Aubrey Grant, Wyn’s sibling, Elinor’s 2nd cousin] home he had a bad spell & they had to take him back in the amblance to Cleveland, he’s very poorly. has a bad heart valve, & Virginia had a tumor taken off her bladder & now her blader gives her such a lot of pain & trouble & her neighbor is in like condition only has several tumors, guess they are afraid Nellie has something of that sort, Oh God, I do pray Thou will teach us Thy ways & help us to do them, I pray for them & others turn us to Thee in Jesus Name, Amen. We came on home from there, We did stop & give Miss Clark some sweet biscuits & a big bunch of voilets. We changed clothes Elbert looked after the hens & I fried what fish we had & we ate & I’m tired. Wind N.E. & cold, sun hot, it’s been a fine day & I thank & Praise God for our many blessing. My birds were so glad to see me, When I got in.
Thurs, May. 6. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Well it rained most of the night. **part of the day the sun was nice Wind got real chilly toward evening starte to sprinkle after we got started for prayer meeting & rained hard & steady from then on. Elbert planted 3 long rows & 1. short row of white Maine potatoe cuttings & 1 short row sweet potatoes & he cultivated his strawberry plants. I trimed the trumpit vine, then could hardly get to the house I had such a pain in my ankle & at the top of my heel where slipper toe comes hard to sit down on a box Elbert brought to me. & then limp in on a prayer & the hoe, God took it all away Praise His Blessed Name & we went to prayer meeting & He sent His power through us & I felt fine, Glory to God, & He healed the minister’s head Glory, Glory praise the Lord, I give Him the praise & Glory & wish I could help others to come to Him Oh God, open their hearts & minds to Thee in Jesus Name & I thank Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus.
Fri. May. 7. 1948./ paage. 2134./ 24. egg today./ Well I went with Elbert to sell eggs what he sold & collected was $10.35. & mash & little food was $7.36 & 1.25 for gas We stopped to Day’s and Hambly’s then on to Lorain to Mrs. Cranage’s He isn’t very well, she has her hands bandaged they are breaking out like His did, they anoited a handkercheif of paper & wrote to them, but, she says it all depends on Who does the praying & that’s so wrong, if we believe & ask God in Jesus Name to take out all our unbeleif, He will do the rest, true, He lets us appear to get worse to test our faith, sometimes, but if we stick to Him through thick & thin, He ans. prayer He so Graciously healed the Ministers ear & head it run & bleed most of the time but right after they anointed him & prayed for Him, it stopped bleeding & he was over joyed & Praised Him much, Glory to God in the Highest Glory, Glory, Amen. We got home safe & the hym’s were bubbling over in my heart it rained hard all way home, house was warm & a fire in the stove, we had cocoa that was last night & went to bed. I broke a cup that makes 2. now & I upset my new Voilet plant, I just got it started, but only broke one leaf off of it. made a muss with the dirt. & the slop jar sprung a leak, it don’t get very good care by others when I haven’t been able to empty it & has had the enamal cracked on the edge around the bottom. it’s trippled enameled & Ive had it 26. yrs. & it was like new untill I had to have others empty it at times when I couldn’t & it was bumped on the well curbing & the cover dropped off on cement step at back door. It got so cold when we got to Audrey’s today, we had fried spar ribs & potatoes tomatoes & pepper & ppickle rye bread & coffee & she gave me 5 silver teaspoons she went to Cleveland Clinic with Nellie & they said nellie would have to take several electric treatments she has a growth of some sort. I pray she will turn to the Lord with all her heart soul mind & strength. Audrey said today she didn’t think God could heal of fix a short bone, Oh God of Love & Mercy Who made us & knows all about us help them to know, & understand in Jesus Dear Blessed Name. Amen (I have to get some more paper)
Sat. May. 8. 1948./page 2135/ 28. eggs today/ I only done the general round to-day. We received a nice letter from Nellie today. Marcie had her baby, as I understand. Thurs. May 6. 1948. a Girl, 6 lbs & 3 oz. & both are O.K. Bonney Bell & her Jo were home Wed. evening & stayed over night & took Nellie back to Cleveland Thurs. for another treatment said it did not tire her so bad as riding the bus & she has to have 8 treatment. She said they had the fish Thurs. night, & they were fine & that they enjoyed the chicken & biscuits & green onions. She said Ella Jane had to go to the hospi-tal again & wasn’t going to be able to go to summer school, as she had hoped to do. I’m sorry for her & I pray God will have a turn with her when she gets home, if not before, & help her to Know Him & to trust Him for her healing. We went to Huron to see if we could get a slop jar & could only find small ones for children. I did get a water pail 14. qt. 72 cents, been a nice day but cold wind. I thank God for my many many blessings, in Jesus Name Glory to God in the Highest.
Sun. May. 9. 1948./ 23. eggs today./ We went to Church & Sunday school & came home, had dinner & went to young peoples meeting & church I gave Miss Clark a doz. of eggs & the Minister & his wife 1. doz. & they prayed for several & for me, I felt I had a cold coming on, every one almost has a cold, & Elbert has one & I could smell he had a fever with it & I don’t like being shut in with a person, like that (in the car). I’ve felt so weak & tired & as if I weighed a ton on my feet for several days now. I thank God for his healing power & Praise His Blessed Name.
Mon. May. 10. 1948./22. eggs. today./ I’ve felt lots better today & Praise God in Jesus Name & I thank Him for helping Elbert to feel better, so much so he went to Huron & got two nice white fish & got here at noon with them he dressed them & I fried them I had the potatoes all ready to cook & I put them on right away, so by the time he got the fish ready they were most done I made the coffee & we ate. I had my pie crust & my biscuits all ready to mix up, but he didn’t want to wait for them, so, after dinner I made a custard & 2 apple pies. We ate the custard in middle of afternoon. I washed dishes this
Mon. May 10. 1948./ page 2136./ 22 eggs this day./ morning & after dinner, Elbert ate cold fish & bread for his supper & hot tea, but I’m so tired I didn’t eat just drank a pint of milk, he worked up dirt around the strawberries today, he went back to Huron right after he ate for Scott wasn’t in, but didn’t get any more fish. He cold is bad tonight & fever strong, I hope he will feel better in the morning & that God will Kill the fever & cold & Keep me free also.
Tue. May 11. 1948./ 28. eggs today./ Elbert sure feels punk today, he must have taken more cold & not thank God he felt better yesterday, he said (he didn’t just now when I ask him) & I ask him Why he didn’t, he don’t know, I ask him if he would try God’s way & see if he would help him & he said maybe he would, God of Love & Mercy I pray Thou will help it to be soon, in Jesus name, Amen. I love this brother & hope we can be together in the here after, & free from all the sins & sorrows of this world, Well, I got my washing done & it was plenty, for I didn’t wash last week. We had a beautiful sunshiny morning, it rained a good shower after dinner & we got the clothes in, then hung them out again & they dried as dry as they would for the air was damp, they soon dried in here & were all done except the rags & I do them carbolic on, in each room I thank God in Jesus name for my blessing.
Wed. May. 12. 1948./ 26. eggs today./ Elbert felt punk this a-m but he killed a hen & cooked it before I got up, I just laid & rested I felt so tired & weak, it rained in showers most of the night & dark all morning & all after noon & still is at 20-to 6.-p-m. & also at 10-30-p-m. N.E. wind & rain not much wind hardly noticable. Well, I should have ironed, but didn’t, feet & legs are bad nerves jerk so bad most lets me down so I took care of beds & rooms & birds & let it go at that, but will have to do my dresses & big Chair seat cover. Elbert thinks he feels a little better tonight. cold rainy night we still keep just en-ough fire to keep the damp & chill out. I Praise God for my blessing & that He love me & helps me to understand. I pray He will continue to keep me close to Him & to do His ways in Jesus Holy Name. Amen. Glory to God in the Highest
Thurs. May. 13. 1948./ Today sister gertie Bonney is 60. yrs. old. & she don’t look it but she’s never done anything to
Thurs. May 13. 1948./ page. 2137./ 26. eggs this day./ to make her look or feel old she never did work enough to have good health untill I left home and once she sort of apoligized she told me shortly after I left home that she use to think I had life easy & that now, she didn’t do a third as much work, and she wondered how I ever done so much. She’s working for the Good Will, pressing & mending & sewing on buttons. I don’t know how much she earns she pays her share with Audrey for rent & so forth. Well I did the ironing & picked a very large bunch of lillies-of-the-Valley & Elbert helped me, he picked a big bunch of voilets all so I gave them to the ministers wife & divided the lillies & gave Miss. Clark, Mrs. Hambley’s mother Grace Day, Mrs. Smith, Dorthy West, Jr. , Mrs. West Sr., Mrs. Sprunk, & Miss Beeser, each had a nice sized nose gay, more than a dollars worth each. Rev Buser & his wife came in to prayer meeting tonight. He’s been off to Chicago to a preachers convention & I don’t know how they just happened to drop in, but he made a fuss over Mrs. Sprunk & Mrs. West as us-ual then he spoke with the rest of us after church, he did the preaching tonight. He gave a good sermon he told how God redeemed his soul & of a lot of things going on today then he said he had 2 small daughters one 2. yrs. & one 3. yrs. old & that his wife gave the 2. yr. old a bottle & put it to bed in the after noon & the other would hunt around & find an empty bottle & when the youngest lost holt of the one she had with milk in the 3.yrs. old quickly sliped the empty in its place & drank the milk from the other, he used it for an example, how just a little thing like that could “if left unnoticed” grow into stealing & become sin. Well, we got home safe thank God & had a lunch Praise His Name & now to bed. Elberts throat is bad & tomorrow is egg day. I thank & praise God for our blessings. Elbert got a check for $40.00 this a.m. for rebate taxes. I thank God for ans. prayer I been asking for God to help him to get enough money to pay John Werner, so he’s going to pay the 40 to John & I still pray he will be able to
Thurs. May. 13. 1948./page. 2138./ 26 eggs this day./ pay up the rest of it, he will still owe $55.00, & interest, John is a good old soul to lend so much & not take even a note on it. I pray Elbert will soon be able to pay it all, It’s been a gray day untill 5-p-m sun came out for an hour or so been cool & such a lot of folks have a sore throat or colds in one way or another Mrs Sprunk & Miss Clark were prayed for tonigh & also Mr. & Mrs. Cranage & unspoken requests. I praise God in Jesus Holy Name for His saving grace & healing power & pray He will keep us humble & true & under the blood, I love & Praise Thee Jesus.
Fri. May. 14. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold only 6. doz. eggs then he sold 7 doz. at Vermilion, on the Lake. Hambly’s father & mother a doz., they have taken the releif from the old folks & they haven’t got it back yet, I pray God will take care of them. Elbert ask Mrs. Hambly & she said Mrs. Day had been telling it all over, & then she told Elbert all about it. God says when we can rule the tongue we have won half the battle, We must live in every way like Jesus, I feel so unworthy in Jesus sight I learn every day how small & unsightly we must be. I do try so hard & I’d love to be like Him. I rested all morning, got up talked to Jesus a while dressed, combed & washed ate some rye toast & drank some milk & went out doors to mail box pulled few weeds from around the rambler roses at south end of the house scared a cat out the back yard that was after the birds & came in rested 5 minutes then swept the bed rooms after airing & shaking up beds & then washed the dishes & Elbert came so I put his coffee on & fixed us some dinner, he bought part a ham 2.60 bag of grain 5.55, and 1.00 car gas, 8 cents for yeast, he brought me 1.22 back from egg money Bill long gave him 3.00 on his work, he still owes Elbert & wants him to come back to work. Elbert paid John Werner $40.00, he met John up
Fri. May 14. 1948./page 2139./ 25. eggs this day./ town, so it saved Elbert going to the fish house, he was glad to see Elbert & said he still owned (2/3) two thirds in -terest in the fish house & suplys, but the Reger boys would like to get him out, because he’s getting old. Well, that’s life today, People don’t live like the Lord said we should, not even his people & it’s hard to know who to help & who is just taking all they can get, I like to give those who need help, but it’s hard to know just who does need help, sometimes. I pray the Lord will use me for His work. I want so much to do His will & not mine, I love Him & praise Him & give Him all the glory, for ever and ever, Amen. Elbert & I trimed the roses & pussy willow north of the house, they winter killed so bad last winter, the French lilace that cousin Georgie Rosecrans gave me has some nice big flowers in it it’s very small just two or 3. stalks about 3. ft. high. dark purple & double. the red thorn bush was beautiful this spring & the voilets in the back yard & the lillies of the valley. but the flags (or iris) is so full of grass it’s most killed out. Yellow roses are coming fast, it’s been so wet & cold & the ground is so wet today, it’s hard to walk around my heels sink in so bad.
Sat. May. 15. 1948./ 22. / Elbert went to Huron & got a nice mess of pike & 1. big bullhead & he got back home at 2-30-p-m. he cleaned 4 nice pike & I fried them for our dinner. I had swept & dusted & set bread & had it almost ready for the oven, I walked around the yard a little then came back & mixed up biscuits & got them on the tins, I baked them after dinner & washed up the dishes, then got supper at 6.-30.-p.-m. & I sure feel so bum didn’t seem as if I could drage me self around. The wind began to blow at 10-p-m. & it came in hard strong puff, God is good to me, he saved my house & all I have, that isn’t much, but means a lot to me, it’s a good comfortable little 3. rooms and I hope He will spare it as long as we need it. Elbert cleaned the rest of the fish & I packed them & set them below. I thank God for all His love & care for me & that He helps us both. I Praise Him much in Jesus Holy Name.
Sun. May. 16. 1948./page 2140./ 21. eggs today/ I felt so bad I didn’t get to go to Church all day. I gave Elbert a dollar to go take Mrs. Hambly’s mother & father a tin of biscuits & some fish, he said there faces lit up when they see the food, I pray God will feed them spiritually and phyicially. Oh well, I can’t even spell right, I’m so bum. I had him take a bunch of lillies of the Valley to the Ministers also & tell them I wasn’t able to come and he said they would pray for me tonight, I wish the power was stronger but I thank God in Jesus Name, I pray He will remove all my unbelief & heal me, & I’ll give Him all the Glory & Praise forever and ever, Glory to God Glory Glory Glory Hallulejah I love thee and am willing to do Thy Will, if Thou will only tell me & help me to know I love Thee Jesus. Mon. I was out in the yard in the sunshine for per-haps half an hour today, it’s been a beautiful day & a hot sun, at 4.-30-p-m Elbert was home & at 5-30 it came up a wind storm from 3. ways & looked rather bad & at dark it rained hard & is still at it & the thunder felt as if it hit the ground just now & made me jump its lightening & thundering & raining hard.
Mon. May. 17. 1948./ 23 eggs today./ Frank & I were married May. 17. 1920. 28. long yrs. ago. Elbert went to Lorain finished Bill long’s car shed & came home at 12-noon he mowed a little grass & carried away some cuttings of the rose bushes & some grass he had cut. All I did was my daily round & darn the table cloth, I did it on the sewing machine, take so long to do it & I have one more to do yet & I want to finish my short skirt or petticoats I’ll try again tomorrow if I can. No mail Frank use to send me a nice gift & a card for this day, but now, I’m lucky to get a card from the family once a mo. no mail today. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name, I feel better again today & I know He takes care of His own, Glory to God & Praise His Name.
Tue. May. 18. 1948./ 23. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & worked 6. hrs. I laid & rested as long as I could then washed dressed & combed my hair, shook up beds & opened the windows & put bedding on the line out in the N. east breeze & sunshine, breeze was quite fresh for a couple of hrs. then went to mail box & got a letter from Miss Clark stating she had an invitation out to Smith’s for dinner with Mrs. Sprunk, of which they both excepted Sun. and they had a very enjoyable
Tue. May. 18. 1948./ page. 2141./ 23. eggs this day./ dinner she said they missed me in Sun. School & Church & prayed for me in the evening service & there were only 15. there, I’m so sorry I had to miss., but pray God will Keep me able in the future. I hope to get to prayer meeting Thurs. night & hope Rev. Coon will soon drop in & God will give me a chance to have a talk with him & prayer, I ask in Jesus Blessed Name, & I thank Thee, Glory to Gjod, I Praise Thee Jesus for ever and ever, Amen. Then I got a letter from Mrs. Vanessa Campbell Post Mistress of Huron. I had one started for her & she said she didn’t know where she could plant it, “after having me start one from a cutting” that’s a lot of bother well I let some one have it & that’s several yrs ago. I can’t give her a root, it doesn’t spread like most, or like some roses do. so she will just have to wait for an-other cutting, now. Elbert came home at 5-p-m only worked untill 3-p-m. but tried to see Bill & get his money. Well I darned one more table cloth & put a binding of the two ends of my double wool blanket, I cut it in two so I can handle it a little easier when I wash it. I got supper & ate with Elbert but my bowels did-n’t move this a-m- as usual so I felt sort of sick all day
Wed. May. 19. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Elbert went to work but didn’t work his tire blew out & he had a bad time getting there to the job,& getting back to Vermilion where he got partly fixed up so he got back home, Bill gave him $15.00 on what he owes him, he still owes Elbert. I tried to wash felt so bum, I didn’t make much headway, had them all done but the rags, when Elbert came in at noon he started getting himself some dinner & had it just ready to eat When Mrs. Smith & Dorthy West came in, so we talked a little & then went out side & they looked about & came back to look at the plants & I gave them the 2. yellow roses that were in bloom for 3. days now & then they went on there way. I had on a clean ragged dress
Wed. May. 19. 1948./ page 2142./ 19. eggs this day./ I was wearing while I did the washing. I rekkon rather guess they came to see. what I was doing for I wasn’t able to get to Church Sun. Elbert was tired & worried half to death about the car, he rested a little while I washed the rags, then he did out his 2. B.V.D’suits, his pillow slip & bath towel, “I had his white kercheif & wash rag done” his old light shirt & 2 heavy work shirts, 3. blue kercheifs, 2. prs. socks, & 1. pr work pants. I sudsed & wrinsed & hung out but his pants. & now he left the pants out, so I went out & got them, they are the only decent looking one he has left, the neighbors leave their clothes out for 3 or 4 days & nights, but I don’t like that way, they catch the smoke & dirt so bad. Elberts been in bed for an hour & a half & here I am, I’ve been trying to get his working time straighten out, for Bill gives him some for his work & some to buy roofing paper for Bill & so it’s hard to keep tab on un-less you set it down each night. Well, I must read & go to bed, for I’m sure tired myself tonight, But I thank God for my many blessing in Jesus Holy Name.
Thurs. May 20. 1948./ 22. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to work & worked all day. I met the post Mistress & told her about the rose, that it had to be started from a cutting & that I’d send it to her when it was time to start it. I pulled a few weed & some grass & starched my old blue dress & hung it out & dried it, then riped the braid from one old dress, then I darned 2. prs. of socks, one was a hole clear across the top of the toes, well I got them done & got supper & picked a few flowers for Church & got dressed & we went to church only a few of us there grandma & the day girl 2. Smith children girl & boy. the other Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Mrs Sprunk, Mrs. West & Dorthy the Minister & his wife & I. We had such a good meeting & Jesus was there & blessed us I praise His Holyness & His Name & thank HIm for our wonder-full redempsin Glory to God in the Highest Glory, Glory, Glory. We let the Smith children out at there road & came on home, it was getting cloudy & was quite thick by the time we gfot here. I fixed some hot cocoa & we drank it & then I put the boiling meat on to cook that Elbert brought tonight he got liver for supper & it was good with potatoes boiled onions & gravy, bread & coffee. I thank
Thurs. May. 20. 1948./ Page. 2143./ 22. eggs this day/ God for our many blessing He’s so good for me & I love Him more & more as the days go by. Blessed Jesus.
Fri. May. 21. 1948./ 22. eggs today./ Elbert went to work & worked un-till 12-30 today then he went & sold the eggs 7. doz. for 70 cents 4.90 in Lorain & 5. doz. in Vermilion on the Lake for 65 cents per doz. 3.25 + 4.90-8.15, the mash was 45.25, he got 4. grapefruit for 35. & bunch of beets 15 cents, 68 cents for one short steak. 1.18, that left Elbert $1.07. I had another cold today guess I got it Wed. trying to wash & hang cloths outside I’m so weak I sweat just terrible, I didn’t feel cold but they are easy to get when you are weak in body. Lindy & Dorthy came in tonight with the baby, they want some of the baby evergreens from out in front yard, I’ll be glad to let them have them for they are getting larger each yr. It turned so cold they didn’t stay long but said they’d be back soon, I couldn’t go out side so Dorthy & I looked at some crochet & talked some. I got the supper, but laid on the bed most of the day. Some one prayed for me for I felt better after noon & thats when a cold generally feels worse I do thank God in my Jesus Dear Name for Keeping me, & I Praise His Holy Name & give Him all the Glory for ever & ever.
Sat. May. 22. 1948./ 22. eggs today/ Well I been in bed most of the day & Elbert stayed home from work I feel some better tonight, but, I’m so weak I sweat like rain if I do the least thing, I ate soup all day or at least 3 times, my cough is bad & in my throat there’s an iritation to keep me hacking. I pray God Will, in Jesus Holy Name remove every trace of it & put more faith & strength into my body, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus. It’s been a beautiful day, cold breeze but sunshiny. I thank God in Jesus name for my many blessings. & pray for every soul of His that He will strengthen there faith & strengthen them bodily, in these last days. I pray for our Ministers every where & in Vermilion Churches as as well as in the Four Square, that He will bring back & fill up both sunday School, & Church & prayer meetings with those of His who love the Lord. Amen.
Sun. May. 23. 1948./ Cold is better, but, throat is still raspy & I’m so weak I took care of beds & birds & Elbert did the cooking I did the dishes We had quite a
Sun. May 23. 1948./page 2144/ 24. eggs this day./ heavy May shower & the sun came through even while it was rainng, has cleared off just before dark again. I’m so sorry I had to stay home from Sun school & Church I pray God will send in several to take my place & that He will bless & Minister & his wife’s efforts. I Thank Thee Jesus for my many blessing I Know they will pray for me tonight & I believe Thou will ans. prayer & I Praise Thee & trust for the removal of all that is that should not be, keep me covered with the blood & my members free in Jesus Name forgive me my sins & keep me close to Thee. I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever. Amen. It’s been a nice day all in all. N. East cool breeze.
Mon. May. 24. 1948./ 20. eggs today./ Elbert went to work & didn’t get home untill 7-30-p-m. he had said be-fore he left this morning,he thought he’d come home at noon, so, I was getting anxious at 7-30, & I went to the grainery to get the hens feed & he turned in on the drive, he was tired to, I took the food he had got for us & came in & he took care of hens & put his car in the shed & locked up all 3 doors & came in, I had hot water in wash dish, but he got the coal & put some on the fire, then washed & I had the potatoes & the onions done so I fried the pork chopps & made gravy & we ate he had hot coffee & I had cup of tea, we had beets & rye bread & oleo; I washed Elberts sleepers his bath towel & wash rag & all my rags & sweat all day like rain I’m so weak in body. I thank God in Jesus Dear Name for saving my soul & keeping me. I love Him more & more & truly hope for His fire & power as long as I live & I do hope I may help others I’m a long ways from being perfect but perhaps the others could be more perfect. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessings & pray He will give me strength of soul & body & turn Elberts soul to Him I will give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus. Cleans each of us & help us to be true testimonie. Amen.
Tue. May. 25. 1948./ page 2145./ 25 eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to work & came home early, he worked untill 12-30 noon, he’s terribly tired, but look good getting more to eat. I’ve done odd’s & end’s & had ought to cleaned bird cages & swept, but didn’t get it done. I did put my night gown & blanket out to air & took care of beds & washed out my rags again today, it seems my cold gets aftr my kidneys so bad & I have a bad cough. I pealed a few bad apples & saved en-ough for a pie & picked, cleaned & cut enough rhubarb for a pie & pt. of sauce & made the pies & sauce & got supper I was out in the yard for a few minutes & looked at the flowers & got a letter from Nellie, she must have got my card this morning. Elbert cultivated the potatoes 3 long rows & 1. short one they are up & coming good. I thank God for our blessing in all ways in Jesus Name, I pray He will soon take away my cold & heal me soul & body & let me help do something for Him *I Praise Him for answering my prayers & revealing unto me the things I needed to know Glory to God, I thank Him & Praise His Holy Name
Wed. May 26. 1948./ 22. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron for fish, but no fish I lay an rested untill Mr & Mrs. Hambly came & knocked on my back door, I got out of bed put my dress on over my night gown & let them in, then Elbert came & I got dressed & then we out & picked them some flowers & visited & gave them a doz. eggs Margie graduates this week & it cost a heap of money to pay for all the odds & ends the children think they have to have these days $6.00 per. doz for anonanecment announcement folders & 2.25 for the little Name cards to go inside & there class pin or ring & pictures & then there individual pictures & their clothes & hats or hair does & shoes & parties & Hambly’s have been having such a lot of sickness. The came in a borrowed car said it cost 2000 & that they were afraid to drive it least something might go wrong & they wouldn’t have the money to pay for it. Elbert got our dinner & we ate I havent felt very well today. I swept & washed nose rags & tonight I made soup for supper
Wed. May. 26. 1948./ page. 2146./ 22. eggs this day. / but I didn’t wash any dishes today. It’s been a beautiful day, with cool N. east breeze. I cough untill I throw up, makes me weak. I thank God for all our many blessings & Praise Him for all His Love & care, in Jesus Name.
Thurs. May. 27. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Well, I coughed so hard I throw up & makes me feel all in, or tuckered out. I swept yesterday & only changed the table cloth & washed up dirty dishes, took care of birds & bedrooms & beds & the little old man came in for his cup of coffee bowl of soup, I don’t like that man, but he’s been having his coffee & lunch here most every since we came here, he Knew Frank & they both liked to talk & this guy talks most continurlly & my spirit loaths him, he didn’t stay long after he got the coffee & soup & I thanked the Lord. Elbert came at noon, he worked untill 12. noon he brought saucage & we had dinner, it was so good, I’ve been so hungry he get himself a lunch here or there up town & a prson does need a change, but seems my change is very small I washed supper dishes & Praise God in Jesu Holy Name, for some one prayed earnestly for me & the terrible pain I had in the lower part of my bowels left even the soreness Glory Hallelujah Praise God from Whom all blessing flow in Jeus Name. I thank Thee Jesus & love Thee for Thy Kindness toward us & for the Power & steadfastness of Thee all the Glory surely belongest to Thee for ever & ever. It’s been a beautiful day cool N.East breeze sun quite hot. Elbert put up a roll of fencing Nellie & Bonita gave Elbert to use for the park fence ours is falling to pieces, it’s been up since 1921. It’s been up 27 yrs. been a good fence. Elbert has done several odd jobs, he mowed grass & fixed North basement window screen yesterday & I helped him put in a row of potatoes yes-terday, ground is so cold, his other ones are up & he loosened dirt around them & spaded a little more & planted beets & carrots I received letter from Sister Willitts askiing me to fast & pray Wed. Well, I’ll do it anyway. God will hear & ans. & I pray for our pray meeting & that a few more got out to the meeting tonight. I’m so sorry I couldn’t go but thank God for His healing touch & pray
Thurs. may. 27. 1948./ page. 2147./ 21 eggs this day./ He will help me to soon be able to get back to the meeting again I like to be with the others feel His Presents.
Fri. May. 28. 1948./ 20 eggs today/ Elbert went to work, late, he only worked 3. hrs. this morning after dinner he sold 7 doz. eggs in Lorain 4.90 & 5. doz. in Vermilion 3.00, but he has to colect 1.80 of it yet. he colected 6.10 & spent 5.25 for mash & 75 cents for potatoes. he got 2 milk chocolate bars & 1 1/2 lb. saucage 85 cents he got here little after 2-30-p-m. We had dinner. I washed out my night gown & rags & towels & had them all dry except the rags when he got here, I felt so bad seemed as if I just couldn’t work, I swept & wiped up the Kitchen floor, but I had to set down a goodly number of times. Elbert cut grass & hung the back door screen & put the storm door down in the basement. he got the supper boiled po-tatoes & fried ham & rhubarb pie. I only ate to slices of rye bread toast & chewed the rine from a piece of the ham. Well of all times that do happen Elbert brought home an old thimble he said he found I wonder who found my good silver one, I was darning his socks when he drove in two or 3 weeks ago I laid socks darning cotton & thimble on the table as I have done a hundred times or more in the past & let him in, then I started looking after the dinner or supper I had cooking & when we were ready to eat I picked up the sock & darning cotton & the thimble was gone I moved every thing after dinner & it had just took legs & walked out, Elbert said he’d get me another so, hence the yarn how he found this old thing he gave me tonight, Well, I wont use it of all the cussed rotton tricks, Oh, I pray God will sure deal with them in His own way, I know I’d be to hard, for I detest the devil & all his lies & rot. I’m glad God will be the Judge at the judgement day. It’s been a fine day, a little warmer today, but it sure got cold before morning, “this morning.” I can’t see how the gardens are going to grow. I thank God for all He gives me & that He love me & cares for me I Praise Him & love Him more than all else on earth
Sat. May. 29. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Well, I’m better but have a lot of room for improvement’s I’m so terribly weak, I cleaned the bird cages & the sweat dripped off my chin, I rested a lot & then ironed
Sat. May.29. 1948./ page. 2148./ old house dress & seemed as if I just couldn’t do it, but, I got it ironed & its just ready to fall to pieces started to tare across the shoulders & hips & under arms, so, I have the terrible tiresome job once more of building myself a couple more house dresses. It’s been a fine day, but breeze is quite cool. & radio says cooler tomorrow. We still have a fire nights & mornings. Christmas days called for fire into June & a freeze in Aug. ground is so cold it makes you shiver to handle the dirt. Well we received a nice letter from Ethel [Ethel Noderer Bonney, widow of Fred Bonney, Elinor’s sister in law] today she said they were all well, that she had been down & put flowers on Fred’s grave (& she never came to call on us) I wonder, Well she said Loura Ann [Laura Ann Bonney, daughter of Fred & Ethel Bonney, Elinor’s neice] would be going to high school next yr. & that she had been & honor student all this yr. so they dressed her up swell for the last day of school, & she goes to Sun. school & Church & don’t believe in dancing. I do hope she will belong wholy to the Lord as Fred wanted her to. I thank God for our many blessing & His great love to me.
Sun. May. 30. 1948./ 23. eggs today/ Decoration day./ I felt so bad I didn’t go to church this morning, after dinner the Minister & his wife came & prayed for me & I felt so much better I cut some flowers & went to church tonight. We had a wonderful Prayer meeting after Church & we all got so blessed Praise the Lord & I hope to keep getting the blessing from now on, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus. It’s so few who go to church, I always feel so bad when I can’t get there. I trust God will keep at those who are staying away when they could come. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio, or here, at least, warm sun, but raather cool breeze. I put the roses in an open mouthed jug & they looked beautiful & the Ministers Wife made to big vases full of the mock orange & weigelias[?] & KColumbine. I thank God for our preachers & redemption of our souls & I pray He will keep me under the blood & close to Him
Mon. May. 31. 1948./ 20. eggs today/ Well, It’s been a beautiful day, not much breeze, warm sun; Elbert went to the beach & got sand for hen roost & then hoed the potatoes Then ate dinner & spaded a while then he gurdled the 2 sycamore trees & one or two others. I cut a little grass around the flowers can’t endure it to work Elbert kill, dressed & cooked a hen for supper & I made bisucits & gravey & we had potatoes & rhubarb pie & coffee for supper. Not a soul
Wed. June. 2. 1948./ page. 2150./ 22. eggs this day./ Who is & ever will be in Jesus Name I give thanks. Amen [? not sure about this sentence] Plains have been coming & going all day, & radio says Canada has 2 big forest fires one 30 thousand acres.
Thurs. June.3. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Martha’s [Daugter of Audrey Bonney, Elinor’s neice] birthday she’s 36 yrs old today at 2. a.m. I went to Ashtabula to take care of her mother & her, it was some job. I have always loved them both but have often been made to feel they didn’t love me as I love them. Over in the flooded places the water is still raising. & there are now 3 other places where thousands are homeless in Wisconcin & 2 other places. I don’t remember. & still people don’t believe the bible & in the things the bible says will come to pass, that is here & being done right now, it’s says when the armys camp around Jeraselem to know the end is near, at hand. I believe it. Well today was a beautiful day & I did the washing mine & part of Elberts I did his sleeper pillow slip bath towel & to wash clothes 2 suits B.V.D’s. 4.prs. socks & 2 handkercheifs, he washed his heavy union suit & work shirt & his bouble blankets, I had 2. dresses & night dress & 2 wool skirts & change of clothes & all the rags & towels & dish towels. I was so tired, then I took a bath dressed clean & we went to prayer meeting & paryer service & Jesus took all the tired out of me & refreshed my soul they prayed much for me & I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Dear Name, Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus. N. east breeze, yesterday we cut limbs off the tree on S. east corner & few off the butternut by the drive way.
Fri. June. 4. 1948./ 20 eggs today./ Well I’ve felt better today & God so lovingly & graciously took the tired out of me & I baked 3 big tins of bread biscuits & got the supper & roasted a piece of mutton for tomorrow & I put a patch on Elbert’s pants & mended 2 suit’s Bird’s & ironed 2 dresses & 1. shirt a slip cover for my chair & some handkercheifs & washed up dishes & I don’t feel as
Fri. June.4. 1948./page. 2151./ 20 eggs this day./ tired in body after resting a bit as I had thought I might, Praise God in Jesus Dear Name, He’s so Pure, Holy, Kind & loveable, more to be desired than any thing in the world, all I have He has given to me & it’s all His, I just use it & try to take care of it & thank Him for His good care of me; I pray for all the souls all over the world “I know not which ones are His” but pray He will strengthen them & help them in there times of trouble, affliction, Joy or sorrows in Jesus Name. I do love Jesus & pray for His power in me & that He will help me to do his work & be a blessing among His people. I Praise Thee Jesus. Elbert got his check this morning & went to Lorain & sold 10. doz. eggs thre & in Vermilion on the Lake for 60 & 65 cents per doz. 10. doz. 6.20 & collected 1.80 making him 8.00 in all, he bought bag (100 lbs) grain $5.55 & a qt of alive olive oil 1.85 cents he bought me a thimble & said he paid 1.95 cents for it, it’s not a good one like I had either, I told him to take the other 2 thimbles back to the 10 cent store & get his money back but he didn’t take them & said they only cost 5 cents a piece. the other one he got today looks like the one’s they use to sell for 50 cents mine was a good solid thimble, but such is the wickedness of life, & God knows, forgive us Jesus & help us to live Thy way. Elbert got a lot of canned peas & beans, corn & spinage a doz. & a half in all, 4 grapefruits 4 cans milk, noodles, beets, crackers & cheese, ham mutton & liver. we ate soup for dinner & liver, potatoes & beets & beet greens for supper, home made bread biscuits & coffee. It’s been a very hot day a little breeze from N. W untill tonight it went S.West & back to N. east & looks like it might rain, but, I don’t know. Elbert forgot U.S. card & I haven’t written to Nellie all week, maybe I’ll get a letter on the way, he did get stamped envelopes. I hope I can get it done I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings.
Sat. June. 5. 1948./ 19 eggs today./ Well it’s been a fine day hot sun and a cool breeze. Elbert mowed some for it rained hard
Sat. June. 5. 1948./page. 2152./ 19 eggs this day./ last night so grass was wet I laid & rested untill 9-a-m & the old man back of us, that bought the Douglas farm; came over on his bicycle to see if we wanted to buy some shelled corn, he has divided the land & sold it in plots & even the place he lived in & he don’t know where he is going, so he says. he wanted to talk to me, but Elbert told him I wasn’t up. W received a letter from Nellie & so since I hadn’t been able to write I ask Elbert about going over & he said he was just going to ask me if we hadn’t better go, so, we went & I bought 2. qts. of straw berries 50 cents per. qt. & not half as nice as we use to raise, but, they were quite sweet, we got them on our way as we neared Amherst, then when we were almost to Nellie’s we got 2. lbs. saucage & a bottle of milk, I drank part of it before we got there & some after we got there & Nellie had not been up long, she’s been rather miserable her head has been troubling her, Bonita had taken George [George Eddy, Elinor’s nephew] to the Dr. he’s had a bad cold & it gave him an ear ach & a weak heart valve but he don’t keep quite a minute jumping & bounding a-round all the time & he don’t mind & Bonita isn’t very strick with any of them, As soon a Bonita got home Nellie & little Bonita[Bonita Eddy, Elinor’s niece, usually known as “Pinky”] & Nelson [Nelson Eddy, Elinor’s nephew] & Elbert went to the store a few minutes drive from Nellie’s , to the store & Nellie got a couple big bags of food $15.00 worth not enough to last (it didn’t seem) for 2 week, while they were gone Bonita & I got dinner I peeled potatoes & she put them on to cook then she got a mixing bowl, flour , baking powder salt & shortening & a big pie tin & while I made a short cake she lit the oven & I put it in & she cleaned the straw berries & sliced & put the sugar on them while I washed all the dirty dishes & while I wiped them she set the table & cut the broccollie & put it on to cook, Martha called up & she talked to her a while then I fried the saucage & took up potatoes, she had made coffee for her mother & Elbert before they went to the store, I fixed short cake & she put everything on the table, I took a tin of my bread biscuits to & they seemed to enjoy there dinner all of them, it did taste good, all of us being together to
Sat. June. 5. 1948./page. 2153./ 19 eggs this day./ enjoy it, we alway miss Ella Jane, Johny & Marcie & Bonney Bell & Joe [Dudiak] & of course we miss John [John McKinley Harnish, Nellie’s husband who died in 1946 ] , but we know these things must be, after dinner Bonita washed dishes & put them & the groceries away & we all went out & looked at Bonita’s Christmas tree, she & Geo. planted after there Christmas was ovr the first yr. they were married 7. yrs. ago, it’s a very pretty tree & growing nice. We looked at the trees & flowers & then got in our car & bid them good by for now. I let Nellie take the little DeHaan book called The Blessed Hope it sure is good. I thank God for our many blessing & most of all for saving my soul. I Praise Thee & Thank Thee.
Sun. June.6. 1948./ 24. eggs today./ Well I went to Sunday school & church this morning & took 3. big bunches of flowers. We came home & cooked dinner & ate & rested a little & Frank [Frank Bonney, Elinor’s brother] Ruby [Ruby Bonney, Elinor’s Sister in Law] & Armond [Armond Bonney, Elinor’s nephew] came in & walked around the yard & enjoyed the flowers & picked a few & then it began to rain & they came in & talked an hore hour or so, then we got ready for evening Church, & went, around to Miss Clark’s but she had gone & was there when we got there & a Mrs. Vaupel who has & is staying to the Miller (Harry Miller) home. his mother is 88. yrs. old & taken care of Harry who is bed riden for 36. yrs. Mrs. Vaupel is going to be there one more week then she going to several other places then to Columbus she says. Se is a cristian woman, she ask for my Name & address, said she’d like to hear from me. I owe several letters & must get after them soon, and ans. them. It just poured rain all the way to church, but stopped & was nice on our way home I thank & praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Name. We had such a good sermon tonight.
Mon. June. 7. 1948./ 25. eggs today./ Well I haven’t done only the daily round. It’s been mostly cloudy sun coming out once in a while. Elbert has felt rather punk, he did mow some grass & stacked it wet. Tonight Bill Long his sister & a man cousin came to see why Elbert didn’t come to work he’s getting ancious to get moved he’s going to sell the place in town his siter looked the flowers over and ask for a few, & I gave her some, as many as she wanted she wants som Per. Poppyseed
Mon. June.7. 1948./page. 2154./ 25 eggs this day./ New moon today/ & a yellow rose bush. Bill & his cousin & Elbert looked around & we “this sister & I” came in the house & visited untill they were ready to go, they would have stayed awhile only it was getting ready to rain & began before they left Elbert has had his feet damp all day & then he got wet he didn’t have his jacket on either & now I had to stop off with my writing to get a hot water bottle to his thigh & give him an anison & cup of warm water, he’s got easy & I hope he can rest, he’s been having cramps in his bowels for 3 or 4 days, or a bad destress. & his bones have been aching in hands, back & legs. Well I have ask God to have mercy & take care of him & I trust He will. I thank Him & praise Him for all things, great or small. Glory, Glory to God in Jesus Dear Holy Name. I love Jesus.
Tue. June. 8. 1948./ 16 eggs today/ Elbert went to work this morning & he got in 8. hrs. he was inside, I was glad for it rained in sheets or poured down every little while all day, I rested untill noon, sort of got caught up on my sleep & rest, I can’t rest at night to much noise in the Kitchn & his room, the door that goes down to the grade door has been pried off so many times, the paint is off all the way up & down on the back of it & greesy finger prints on the doors & casings & a very strange thing, but, the trap into the attic has finger prints thick all over it, & on the little cupboard door it’s all smeary & I have cleaned it several times & it comes back again it sure couldn’t get there by itself or the finger prints. I haven’t done much to day been so damp & chilly, I got a pail of slack coal & keep the chill out alday. got dark early, been thick & gray all day. Wind was S.W. this a-m. Went N.W. & now backed up again to S.W. Nellie sent my DeHaan’s book called that blessed hope, back by mail & never wrote a word. Well that’s like her, but her head & eyes have been troubling her. Well it been a nice day but damp & cool & I thank God for All He has done for me & Pray I may do more for Him in Jesus Name.
Wed. June.9. 1948/ 24 egg today. / Well Elbert went to work & I rested untill 10-a-m then Nellie Bonney Bell & her Joe, Bonita & her 3. children came in at 11 or 11-30 & wanted to eat out doors & roast frankforters & Nellie had bought strawberries & Bonita ask me to make a short cake so I did & at
Wed. June. 9. 1948./ page 2155./ 24 eggs this day./ last they roasted the forters in the broiler oven & I made the short cake & they all ate & enjoyed themselves they looked at the flowers & about 3. oclock they started back home. Little Geo. is getting thin & his heart valve is bad yet. The first thing they ask was, Where is Uncle, they wre sorry he couldn’t eat with them. It’s been a nice day semi sunshine N.East breeze. I was just going to rub out a few clothes when they come, so I didn’t get that done. I thank God & Praise Him for all my many blessing in Jesus Name & I thank Him for my healing’s
Thurs. June. 10. 1948./ 21 eggs today./ Elbert work today 7. hrs. today & I did the washing & got done at 2. pm then I brought in most of them that were dry & went out & opened trap doors & south door, let hens in park & then took a bath & started supper Elbert got here little early, I went out & picked a few flowers & took them to Church to prayer meeting. Miss Clark came in & told me Harry Millers mother fell & broke her hip & brused hr up bad, so Mrs. Vaupel didn’t get to the meeting. Mrs. Sprunk & Lindy & Dorthy & the baby, Mr. & Mrs. Smith Gracie Day Mrs Hambley’s mother the Minister his wife & myself were all there were there, We had such a good blessing from the Lord, and everyone seemed filled with the Spirit. Praise God in Jesus Holy Name I love Thee Jesus Help me to be ever worthy, keep me covered with the blood, & help me to do Ty will always in Jesus Name. We got a bottle of milk & came home & a cat came in on the drive & ran out to the grainery some one has dropped it out I suppose, Elbert forgot to see if all the hens were in when he shut the coop, so he went out & I went & took the keys & he found one & put her inside, the cat came to me, I picked it up & put it in the grainer, so Elbert can take it to Lorain with him in the morning. I don’t want any more than we have around here catching the birds & eating baby ground sparrows. It’s been a fine day, fogy for two nights & now it’s fogy again to-night & fog horn blowing now for 3. nights with tonight. I thank God for saving my soul for giving me strength for Elbert & for all He so Graciously gives to me. Amen.
Fri. June. 11. 1948./ 22 eggs today/ Elbert went didn’t go work to day He went to Lorain & sold 5. doz. eggs for 65 cents & 4. doz. for 60. per doz. & 1 doz to colect for at 65 cents & 2. doz for 60. per doz. he got the
Fri. June. 11. 1948./ 22 eggs today./ gas/ grain $5.55 & had 10 cents left. there’s the 1.85 standing out. he got some saucage & it was so salty we couldn’t eat it & cost just 1.00 Well, Elbert spaded & hoed & cut some grass in my flower garden & spaded some in my garden, ground is still so cold, I don’t see how anything can grow & so cold nights, We have had a nice day sky has been thick & gray then the sun would come through a thin spot for a little & then go behind the gray curtian again but tonight it broke up into big white biscuits showing the blue sky between & it’s quite cool & a cool breeeze from N. East. We got a new tank of gas today & we now owe for (2.) tanks/ the oven is on the blink I don’t know what’s wrong with it. I cut quite a lot of grass & raked a lot of dead leaves & I’m to tired I got the supper but didn’t wash the dishes, I started a little fire, house was so cool & damp. I thank God for all our & my many blessing in Jesus Name. Received card from Nellie, Bonita brought her good silver ware out on the re picnic dinner & the children. each had one with a straw berrie in it & left one on the table here in the house, I wrote a few lines & told them I had found it there & would save it for her. the young man that brought the gas said he was going to Cleveland to see his cousin married & he had to get a hair cut yet today.
Sat. June 12. 1948./ 24. eggs. today./ Elbert worked 6. hrs. & it’s showered off & on all day with some sunshine, like May showers. I have only done what I really had to do today, felt punk after hacking off grass with the hoe yes-terday. I planted the glad bulbs Audrey sent to me, I haven’t wrote & thanked her for them yet, I thanked her when she told me about them, before they had come. I didn’t get my tube roses set out either, & some of the packages of seed I got of the little Brode boy are missing & several others from my seed box. Elbert came tonight & had a little screw driver clear through one of his new tires & iner tube, he had to stop & change tires at oak point, he said, he must have been at Vermilion when Bill & his siter & cousin passed him for, they were over at Bessies place looking at that trailer when he came by & he had only got here when they drove in here, Bill’s thinking of buying it.
Sat. June. 12. 1948./ page. 2157./ 24. eggs this day./ he took Elbert over to look at it inside & out & sort of figure on how to move it & what to pay for it. Bill’s sister is nosey & she talks so much she tires me all out & I so glad when they go, she lonesome since her mother died & that was this last Jan. she loved her mother dearly I don’t know if her mother was as rough talking as she or not, but, Elbert says she can ripe off the cuss word equal to that sort of man, she hasn’t done it here & I pray she wont. Elbert’s terrible tired he’s gone to bed & been sleeping. I picked a very few straw berries for our supper, Bill’s sister insisted on picking she said she’d like a few of the small one’s & then she flew on ahead of me & picked as fast as she could all the big ones & she kept them. We had enough for us each a small shortcake apiece, I had planed on having a few for tomorrow. The 2 men went into the small one & picked & ate them. Maybe they thought I’d ask them to supper, but, 3 hearty eaters would eat all we had & not had enough & I’m not going to ask them to eat I’m not able to work like that any more & I don’t like that class, for company. I pray God will protect me & keep me safe. I thank Him for saving my soul & revealing His word unto me. I pray & thank Him for His love & all he has done & is doing for me God of love & Mercy please Keep me free from being anoied by those people, but, if you want me to do a work for Thee reveal it unto me, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Sun. June. 13. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ We went to Sunday School & church & came home & fixed dinner & it was 2.P.M. when we ate. then we rested a little & I went out & gathered flowers for Church & was just getting dressed, when I heard some one open & shut the screen door I came out & it was Armond. [Armond Bonney, Frank’s son, Elinor’s nephew] he came in & said his wife [Clara Isobel Street Bonney, Elinor’s sister in law] was in the car so I told him to bring them in he did & by that time I had my dress on & my hair combed We visited a few minutes & then she’d like a few flowers, so, she & I went out to gather half or all most half as many as I ‘d gathered for church she put them in the car & brought the baby in they have 2. baby’s, one, Bruce Earl 16 months & the baby Cora ____ [added to Ancestry.com MHS]
Sun. Jun. 13. 1948./ page. 2158./ 21. eggs this day./ 2 bright looking children & very quite cheldren Well it was late whn they left & we were late getting to church I like to get there early, when I take flowers. We had a wonderful sermon this morning & were blessed with the Spirit of God & again tonight, we were filled & I Praise His Holy Name. They anoited several & prayed for them tonight me included & I do feel better. I thank God in Jesus Name Glory Glory Glory to God, Hallulejah, I thank Thee Jesus &K give Thee all the praise. It’s been a nice day, a little to cool for crops, but like & early Spring Day, Praise the Lord.
Mon. June. 14. 1948./ 23. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain, but his back was so bad when he got there he couldn’t work, so he went to the garage & got the brake fixed & the springs greese & paid them all he owed them & he paid the 3.00 he owed Roberts in Vermilion & Moore & Myer 5.00 so he still owes 9.29. & he never got his shirts, socks, handkerchifs or shoes. & he owes John Werner 45.00 yet & we owe for 2 tanks of gas. & I do hope & pray he will be able to work & get all paid up before winter & help pay for the coal for winter. he came at 2. o’clock I was just cutting the shirt pattern over the old one was torn so bad, then I stopped & made coffee & fried two cakes of saucage & boiled 2 potatoes & we had a lunc, took me so long to wash up dishes & tet thing straightened up this morning & my feet hurt untill the sweat dripps of my chin & I don’t know what’s wrong with Jackie, but, for a week he has yelled all day & to-day he got on my nerves along with my feet & it was hard to try to work, but I got the dress cut out & hope I have luck & get it together quick & that it will be O.K. for I only have one whole one left to wear & this old one all patches, that I have on. I thank God for my blessing, & pray he will except my thanks & help me for He see’s & knows just how miserable I am & how much I really need His help spiritual & phyically, I thank Him more than I can tell in Jesus Holy Name & pray He will endure with me & help me- I’ll give Him all the Glory for ever & ever Amen.
Tue. June. 15. 1948./ Page. 2159./ 23. eggs today/ Elbert’s back is so bad, it hurts him to get up or down or to walk. We went to Huron & got a little piece of boiling meat & liver to fry & I got my shirts 3. & one pr. stocking 79cents & 1.00 a piece for shirts, then, I got a piece of house dress goods for a dress & 2 spools thread. $3.74 cents then I got a head of lettuce bunch of carrots & a few apples & got a nice bunch & tax stamps for Church. It’s been a fine day, not very warm, & lots cooler tonight so we had a little fire in the heater to take out the chill. I stitched my dress partly together, that I cut out yesterday & cooked 2. meals & done the daily doz. I hope to get it all done tomorrow, it’s hard to sew & have to be hoping up & down, but I got it done, it gets my nerves, bad of late & Jacky just fusses so he wanted a mate & this thing Hauffman brought here isn’t any good only to keep a confussion going all day. I’m going to get rid of it, if I have to give it away. Received a card from Bonita, she said they were so glad I found the spoon & to hear from us, said she & Mom were writing letters & that she & her children went to Sun. school, it was childrens day & it was a nice day & Mrs Boman & her little girl Lois Jean called on them Sun. & that Nelson “Bonita’s little son” had a bad fall & hit the back of his head & cut it, but that he was going to be O.K. She said the School buss took all 3. children to Penfield junction to bible school 3. days last week & expect to go all this week. Well, that sure is fine gives them “Nellie & Bonita” a little breathing spell. & they ought to get some work done while the children are gone. I’m tired tonight but Praise God I’m able to get about & help myself & do some for Elbert I’m so sorry he feels so bad. I thank God for my many blessing in Jesus Holy Name, Glory to God, He is worthy. .
Wed. June 16, 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Well, Elbert’\s back hips & legs have pained him all day, he can hardly get up or down. I haven’t felt any to good & only did what I had to do. I gathered the bottom of my waist on to the belt & then put it aside, I was out in the sun a little while & cut my dahlia bulbs & cleaned glad bulbs & now I can put them in the dirt, I don’t feel able & so don’t have any desire to get at it. I ought to get my dress done I need it but have just been to punk to work, but I thank the Lord I can do the necessary things I need a good sleep, but although I got up & dressed I laid down & tried to sleep &
WEd. June. 16. 1948./ page. 2160./ 19 eggs this day. / Elbert was in & out of doors & then Bob Snyder came over with a baby wood chuck & then set down out side near my bedroom window & talked for half an hour or more so I got up & washed & prayed & then got dinner. We got a card from the chicken hatchery, they don’t sell started chick & so we haven’t any chicks yet for next year. I still hope we can get them. I thank & Praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name, I Love Thee & give Thee all the praise & Glory. Wind has been N. east all day sort of dying out to night just a while before dark, nice hot sun but shivery cool in the shade & to cool tonight. We really need a little fire to take out the chill.
Thurs. June. 17. 1948./ 20. eggs today./ Well, I washed my washing & Elbert’s & then we had what soup there was left with some noodles added & a can of Campbels soup added for more flaver, it was fairly good, Then I took a bath & dressed for prayer meeting & we left at 7-30-p-m. I took a few tea roses “they are a very pretty red & smell so nice” for the preachers wife. Rev. Sharein’s brother came to Church for prayer meeting, tonight. they look a lot , like each other only he’s a lot younger. We had such a good pray meeting & pray service & Gods power came into the meeting & we are blessed & fill again with His Holy Spirit, I Praise Thee Jesus, Glory to God in the Highest, Glory, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus. Then after exchanging greetings we de-parted for home & Jesus came with us all the way. Elbert got a pt. of ice cream & we had a biscuit with it & a cup of hot tea, Now he’s gone to bed & I will read my bible & then I’ll go & talk to Jesus & get to bed. Elbert’s going with the eggs in the Morning & I may go with him. It’s been a fine day cool N. east wind, or breeze, hot sun & the sun went down white as a cake of ice & a big circle like a rainbow around it, lots of wind scuds in the sky.
Fri. June. 18. 1948./ 18. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t done much today, I raked 2. big hay cocks & planted one row of dahlia bulbs, sun was so hot it burned my neck, I done part the house work, bed & cooking, & left the dishes, so I should get up & wash dishes wipe up floor & iron my house dress.& sew a
Fri. June 18. 1948./ page. 2161./ 18. eggs this day. / little on my dress. Well I had to wait to finish this for we are having a real thunder & lightening storm & puffy wind. The house felt as if it rocked North east then back again, it hailed a little & turned some of the leaves on the flowers brown. I set up untill it eased up, then finished cooking the mutton shoulder I had begun be-fore it got so bad out side, the lights went out to, so after the meat was done. I went to my room & prayed a while, for, I couldn’t read the bible.
Sat. June. 19. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Well the wind back up from S.east to N east & back again several times & it thundered & lightened & poured rain, we need some, I guess it wasn’t to much, every thing was wet this morning & still, wet at 4-p-m. sun only came out a little now & again, but not strong, or perhaps I should say, not hot as yesterday. Elbert cleaned up the balance of the hay before dark last night. & today, he felt rather bum. I swept & did dishes & got the dinner then had to rest a little, then I picked 3 jars of flowers for church & we went to Vermilion, Elbert wanted to see about some shoes at Tommy, shoe shop, so I took the flowers, thought the preacher got to church at 5 or 5-30-p-m. but we waited untill 7-p-m & then left the flowers with Mrs. West & ask her to have the Minister call there for them. I hope it will be O.K. it’s a lot of effort to pick them & put them in jars of water & take them 7 miles to church & I don’t get to church with them early enough for the ministers wife to make them into bouquets some times, so since Elbert was going, I thought it would be nice to take them. Weather turned quite cool & the N.east wind is cold. We have a wood fire tonight. I do thank God in Jesus Name for saving my soul & for all & understand His ways in Jesus Name, I love Jesus.
Sun. June 20. 1948./ 24. eggs today/ We went to Sun School & church, West’s brought the flowers over, that we left last evening, they Kept quite well & tonight they gave one bunch to mrs. Smith & the preachers parents were there & his little sister 5 yrs old a flaxen haired chubby little girl & they took one bunch & left one big bunch on the piano. We had a good prayer service after church tonight. Oh, Glory
Sun. June. 20. 1948./page 2162./ 24 eggs this day./ to God in the Highest, I Praise Thee Jesus. I’m tired & Mrs. Sprunck is coming at the end of the week & I have to wash & scrub up the floor & wash my blankets & sew some on my dress. I pray God will help me get it all done. Yesterday, last night, today & tonight have been nice but very cool. Oh I Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for all things.
Mon. June. 21. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ Elbert got up & ate & went to Huron he went at 8 or 8-30-a-m & was back at 10-a-m with a big pk of fish, I had just got to the place where I could sleep & he woke me when he came in, I got up half awake & unlocked the door, then I dressed & after prayer I washed shook up beds & opened the windows & then got some potatoes on to cook & by that time he had the fish done, I got the mail also, the light card 80, cents. then I went out & got enough fish for 2 fry pan full & washed & wrinsed, salted & fried them, as he came in I made the coffee & pealed the potatoes & took up the fish, so we ate & I packed 10 for us for tomorrow & the rest I put in a pan to take to Audrey, Gertie, & Nellie, & family, then I cut three big bouquets & put in crocks & put some likllies of the valley roots in a basket for Audrey & we took a pail of dirt she wanted, but, we went to Nellies first Knowing she & Gertie wouldn’t be home untill about 5-p-m. Nellie’s as well as Audrey’s face lit up when we told them we had brought the fish. Nellie had put them in the ice box so they were nice & cold, we had a little visit with Nellie, but it’s hard to visit the children yell so loud at times, I had to plug my ears once. I don’t think I could stand that screaming although we endure a lot when we think we can’t, sometimes. Bonita made us some tea & we went to Audrey’s & she had supper ready she was waiting for Gertie & we got there just as Gertie did, she didn’t speak just went on into the house Audrey came out & seemed glad to see us she went in while Elbert took the flowes in & made us each a good big hamberge sandwitch hot, & then brought them out & wanted a doz. of eggs & she paid for them, the hamberges would cost us as
Mon. June. 21. 1948./ page. 2163./ 21. eggs this day./ us as much as the eggs, but she would pay for them & then wanted to give us some money beside that. we didn’t take it though, at least I didn’t & I don’t know if Elbert did or not he went into the house & talked & left me in the car, I didn’t want to go in, for Audrey would want us to eat & they had there supper ready & are so tired when they get home & she says Gertie don’t talk untill after she has had her supper that it tires her so bad to ride to town on the buss & work all day & ride back on the buss, & so she said I’m sorry for her & I don’t believe I could do it any more, Well, Gertie is 60. yrs. old this last May 13th 1948. she’s never worked as much or as hard as Audrey or Elbert & I, but most every one feels tired out after adays work, at that age, some more than others. I’m sorry for them both & wish I could help them, but can hardly do the most necessary things here & it tires me all out to go over to Nellie’s & Audrey’s I ment to have washed today, but, we had to take the fish for we have no ice box. cost us $3.00, Elbert stopped & got gas 1.00 & hamberge on the home $1.00 & when we stopped the front left tire went flat & we were close to Baker’s Garage thank the Lord so he didn’t have far to go, but he isn’t fit to change tires or travel on foot, his back has been so bad all last week & it’s most as bad this week he’s in bed & snoring already, it hard to clean & scrape & wash all those fish, then go to Elyria 27 mi. back to South Lorain & then back home & I got the supper & did the dishes, he cultivated ppart the ground he had spaded for the rain & hail had it beat flat & he loosened the dirt for the glad bulbs, he put in a row of dahlias after I got in one row Sat. I’ll have to give up that sort of work for it hurts me so bad it makes me sick all over. We put some cabage, tomatoe & peppers in, at the south end of coop last week & they are up & stand & in. or more high, I do wish we had put in some sweet corn but he wasn’t able when it was time & it’s so cold nights things don’t grow very fast, so I’ve noticed in other folk’s gardens. Well I have to do my reading & go to bed.
Mon. June. 21. 1948./page 2164./ 21. eggs this day. / Johny Harnish birthday- he is ___ yrs. old. It’s been a fine Spring day partly cloudy & heavy shower for a few minutes this after noon not much out this way the nearer home we got the less wet the ground was. sky looked as if we are going to get some wind it looked as if it come from the N. east & S. east, it looked as if it was blowing from both directions at once, Elbert paid light bill today. I thank God so much for the fish & that He took us & brought us safe. I thank Him for saving my soul & that He loves & cares for us & He touched me on the way home & I thanked Him & Praised Him Glory to God in Jesus Blessed Name.
Tue. June. 22. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ We sold 1. doz. Eggs to nellie & 1. doz. to Audrey & 2. doz. to Mr. & Mrs. Addam the couple from Buelle Beach & they went to Florida & worked eight months & now are back here for the summer. they seemed so glad to see us & they are such friendly sort of people, but I hope there wont be anything to stir up trouble again for they talk to Miss Clark a lot & even the truth seems to be fixed in such a way as to make some one out a terrible person & since they are Miss Clark’s friends & they talk about every one it’s hard to know just what to say & I have to do a lot of thinking to try not be missunderstood. However the Lord helped me, by telling me to keep quite each time I felt as if I’d like to straighten things out. Miss Clark said a while ago in Sunday school class that she hoped we didn’t have to start the revivil in our own hearts, before we had one in Church, for she would have to many things to straighten out to get right with God, but I pray it does have to begin in us & that God will clean up the ones in the church first. They had quite a visit & gave us some ocean schells 3 of small ones & one larger one they picked up on the beach on the Mexican Gulf. simeral to our sniel schells only much larger & a larger one about 5 in. long shaped like a big periwinkle; They are coming back in the morning she will stay with me & he & Elbert will try to get some fish, for they are craving lake Erie fish. Well
Tue. June. 22. 1948./page. 2165./ 21. eggs this day./ we took in 2.40 on eggs. / I received another letter from Mrs. Sharp today she’s working for a society woman & says she wishes she had a home by herself & she wants me to write so she can tell me all her troubles, I pray God will talk to hr & teach her his ways, in Jesus Name, it’s hard to learn sometimes, but I thank Him for teaching me. I washed & dried 4 wool blankets today, it rained hard after I got one washed, but I prayed God would help me dry them & that they would be fluffy & nice & they are. I love Jesus, He loves us & cares for us. & we are so unworthy, but I pray he will purify me & help me to be able to be with Him. I Praise & Glory in Him. Elbert picked a good qt strawberries & 2 qt’s cheeries & I stemed & pitted. he helped me wring out the blankets & he carried the water, we got a lot from the down spout. sun was terrible hot & we both felt over heat. I thank & Praise God for my healings & blessing in Jesus Name.
Wed. June. 23. 1948./ 20. eggs today. / Elbert got up early & was ready to go to Huron when the Adamson’s came the Lord told me last night, that she would go with to Huron, but I told Elbert to call me when he got up, but, he didn’t & they came & I was sleeping when they knocked I got up & went to the window & she said don’t get up for I decided to go to Huron & shop a little, I thanked her & when they were gone I dressed & heat water & had most of the washing done when they came back they came back early or I would have been all done & cleaned up, but, they bought fish & gave us 2. pike & we had about 5 or 6 all fried, but they left them any way & they talked a few minutes & went home so I finished the washing, all but Elberts heavy shirts & I rubbed them with soap & let them soak while we ate hot soup then Elbert washed them sudsed & wrinsed & hung them up & there was a good south breeze it rained in the night. a good south breeze & hot sun & they were soon dry, everything dried good & quick today Yesterday & today has been terrible hot & we both got to much sun. yesterday. I darned 3. prs. socks & made 2 petticoats for everyday wear, of mash bags. no mail to day. Elbert put a new screen on my south window & I opened it to let the wind in. Now I read & pray take a bath & go to bed, Praising God in Jesus Name.
Thurs. June. 24. 1948./page. 2166./ 23. eggs today./ It been a nice day hot all morning & light misty showers this after noon Elbert spaded some this morning & I was going to sew on my dress insted instead I fixed the top of my under slip & let the hem down & faced it & cut out the skirt to an-other house dress & then we had supper. “Elbert got the supper,” & I did the dishes & we dressed for prayer meeting & went, & Jesus met us there & blessed us I Praise Him for His salvation Love & Power, He’s a wonderful Jesus to me & I love my Jesus. Glory to God, Glory, Glory, I praise Thee Jesus & love only Thee.
Fri. June. 25. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ We went to Vermilion & picked up Mrs Sprunk & went & sold the eggs in Lorain & then went to Nellie’s we took bread meat potatoes, chillisauce, lettuce & coffee & I helped Bonita get the dinner while Nellie & Elbert went for there food they wanted to get from the store we had quite a nice visit & then as we were leaving little Geo said Uncle Johny don’t like you anyway, he said so, Now I’m wondering what I ever done to hurt him I had never intended to hurt any of them, but if they don’t love me after all the yrs. I’ve loved & done for them, I can’t understand. I thank God for taking care of us going & coming & Praise His Holy Name.
Sat. June. 26. 1948. /21. eggs today/ And it rained in heavy showers all morning so we didn’\t get out in the yard untill this after noon everythings so wet. We’ve had a good visit & I’m glad mrs. Sprunk came & now I must read & go to bed & Praise God, for our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
Sun. June. 27. 1948./ 21. eggs today./ We got up took a bath “mrs. Sprunk & I” & got ready for Church Elbert took his bath & shaved & dressed & we went to Sunday school & church We had a wonderful church service & prayer meeting & we receive such a blessing from the Lord & then we come home had dinner & rested a while & then at 7-25 we left for eveing service Rev. Gurney & his wife were there & our preacher & his wife & they have a recording machine & it also plays the record, they brught several records along 3 of little Lolitta singing church hyms & corous & one of Rev. Gurney & Gary singing together. I’ve prayed so strong & so have several others for the Day family they have been slipping back ward & I have
Sun. June. 27. 1948./ page 2167./ 21. eggs this day./ prayed earnestly for Harry, for since Garry left, he has lost interest most of the young people has dropped out & sort of left Harry all alone to night he knelt at a front seat as the alter was full & I prayed God would give him a new Victory & I got up as the Lord said & went &K sat in the next seat behind thre Harry was crying & talking to Lord & I prayed untill God gave him the Victory again he cried as if his heart would break & I beckoned our Minister to come & pray with him & then Rev. Gurney came also & they prayed also & then God sent the power & victory Harry smiled his Victory smile & thanked & Praised Jesus, it was just wonderful Glory to God I Praise & thank Thee Jesus. I gave sister Scharein a linen handkercheif with a green crocheted edge & a green thimble holder made with a hen’s wish bone & (apple green) thread, she was over joyed with it, & Sister Gurney said she wanted to send me some handkercheifs to crochet on edges for her but he had told her, he didn’t think I was able to do it. but I told her I’d do it, they are learning lots of leasons & are good Children I thank God for our many blesing saving my soul & taking care of us in all the ways we need. Blessed Holy Jesus.
Mon. June 28. 1948. /20. eggs today./ While we were to Church Johny & Marcie & baby & Nellie, Bonita & children came & sat in there care in the yard in a heavy rain I don’t know why they came so late. I was terribly sorry we missed seeing them; I didn’t think of there coming that late. I wrote a card to them but, didn’t catch the postman as he went past this morning & we didn’t get any mail today. I helped Elbert a little by telling him which limbs to cut off he cut some out of the big apple tree out by the path. & then he trimed up the limbs he cut off & saved some to burn & then carried away the brush he didn’t get it half done “the triming” I came in just in time to save my beets from burning, then I sewed my dress skirt together &, onto the belt I had the waist sewed on & & basted in one sleeve I can try it on in the morning before I dress & perhaps get it done tomorrow I’m badly in need of it only have the one I have on, for everyday wear. I got the supper & did the dishes. been terribly hot today, but a good breeze part of the day & this evening breeze got stronger & we had a
Mon. June. 28. 1948./page 2168./ 20. egg this day./ couple or three showers. & now the breeze is cooler. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing & all He has so graciously done for me & for us both & pray He will save Elbert. I give Him all the Praise and Glory, He is Worthy.
Tue. June. 29. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t sleep all night just too tired, so, I sleep this morning & then got up & got the dinner, then washed out most of my dirty cloths & got most of them dry. We then went to Huron & I got 4 shirts for myself & a piece of good for a shirt, for Elbert for a good dress shirt, now I owe for them $6.25; It rained before we went, a heavy rain & some more when we got home then cleared enough with the sun shining so I dried several towels & part the rags & tonight it’s raining again in heavy shower & wind backed up to S. east & it’s so cool tonight, been terrible hot days, for a week or so. I bought 2. cans tomatoes, 8. frankforters 4. lemons & 2. bunches carrots & Elbert got me a bottle milk & 1. bottle certo. & a 5 lb. bag of sugar. so I haven’t much change left. I got my tax blank this a-m $5.83, so I wont have much out of my check 5.83 for taxes $10.00 for coal & 3.00 for Church, that’s $19.00 & 6.25 for shirts & good dont look as if I can eat this mo. However , I thank God in Jesus Name for all my many blessing.
Wed. June. 30. 1948./ 25. eggs today. /635 this mo./ Well, I made a cheery, elderberry & lemon pie & 2 doz. cup cakes in Cookie form by dropping them on the cookie sheet & baking them I washed dishes looked after beds & rooms & Elbert killed & dressed a hen so I fixed some noodles & made the rest of the dinner, for supper we had potatoes & gravy balance of frankforters & tomatoe pickles & we had the lemon pie it was only a small pie & we ate half for supper & rest couple hrs. later. I’m to tired to do supper dishes, & I want to read DeHaan’s book that came to day on “The day of the Lord” or, Armageddon. I thank Gkod for my & our many blessings & I Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for saving my soul.
Thurs. July 1. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Today I finished my house dress, all except the buttons & button holes & snaps then we got washed & dressed & went to prayer meeting. Mis Clark was there she called me a sly fish, couple of weeks ago it’s bad enough to be called a sly fox but a sly fish is slimy, well she’s over joyed just now but God is able to take care of all his people & He has always
Thur. July. 1. 1948./page. 2179 [she means 2169.]./ 17. eggs this day./ He has always taken care of me & I know He will, so long as I try to do His will. I don’t know why she made that re-mark, but, seems, she’s afraid she wont be noticed enough, well my conscience is clean & I’m happy in Jesus, for the which I give Him the praise & pray He will keep me close to Him & covered with the blood. and I’ll give him all the praise & Glory forever & ever Amen. Turned colder tonight & was chilly before morning. We had a good sermon & prayer meeting in Jesus Name.
Fri. July. 2. 1948./ 17 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs 10 doz. for $6.40 & collected 1.40 making $7.80 cents, he spent $8.00 for food seeds & fertelizer & had 51 cents left he made a slip some where he always goes to the toilet when we start to figure up what he took in & spent, but, he triped hisself today. if he saved 3 per. day & one extra 3 days, he’d have 2. doz. would have the money for or maybe he had more money than he told me about, in his pocket. but I don’t know what he does, only that he gets terribly nervous every now & again. Well I made the button holes & sewed on the buttons & snaps on my dress today & I sorted buttons & cut the new buttons from Elberts work shirts & two old shirts today & replaced them on them he wears. & cooked dinner & supper & did the dishes & took care of rooms & I’m tired but Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for all he’s done for us today. Wind was N.E. & now N. West & quite cool.
Sat. July. 3. 1948./ 17 eggs today./ got my check today/ Well, I set bread & baked 3 tins & one loaf and then I helped get most of the dinner & then I washed out what dirty clothes I had & all of Elbert’s but his work shirts & he did them & helped me get them sudsed & wrinsed & I hung them out they most all got dry his shirts, union suits & sock were damp, I hung them up in here on the line they might get all dry before morning. We had a hot sun & a cool N. & N.E. breeze & it was a damp breeze, so, tonight we have a damp fog & fog horn is blowing, it freshen up just at dark, but died out again. I did manage to get the floor wiped up just before supper & have done up all the dishes & am going to take my bath & get in bed after I read & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings.
Sun. July. 4. 1948./ page 2170/ 18. eggs today./ This is The Fourth of July once again. Well triffic has been heavy all day but I thank God in Jesus Name for taking & bringing us safe. We invited the ministers to supper but they were so tired we slept untill it was so late they thought it would be to late to come We waited untill 6 or 6-30-p-m then ate & went & she had gone for the people they bring to church. Well I had come home from Sun-day school & church & fixed up a good dinner with Elberts help. I cut a few flowers for church & took them tonigh Wasn’t many to Church & we had a good sermon. N.E. breeze died out in middle of the after noon & it’s been real hot I wore my house dress to church & sweat like rain, But I pray God will bless the Preacher & his wife & those of His in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. Glory to God.
Mon. July.5. 1948./ 18. eggs. today/ We were home all day & a hot day it’s been a nice S.W. breeze untill the middle of the afternoon then it all died out & it was sure hot I didn’t do much today helped Elbert pick the currents about 5 qts. or so took care of birds & bedrooms couldn’t eat it’s to hot & my stomach is on the blink. Wind freshened at evening & got nice & cool thunder & lightened, but no rain, Church had a I got picnic lunch at the Tom Eppler place, to Smith’s who live there now. We had no one today. I thank God for our blessings in Jesus Name.
Tue. July. 6. 1948./ 15 eggs today./ Elbert cut the Seyamore trees today, they were so tall & straight & clean bodys, I hated to kill them, but they had got to big to move, I like to grow things & hate to kill. I helped pull some of the limbs over to chopping block. I cleaned the cur-rents & cooked them, got to get certo & make them into jelly. I had to iron a dress, table cloth, my slip & 3 shirts for Elbert & a few smaller pieces. got them done & supper & dishes, took care of my daily round & am tired. Elbert’s tierd to he cleaned his garden & has a place he’s working up to put in corn, it’s so cold nights I don’t see how anything grows, he cleaned up the limbs of the trees & chopped them into stove-wood. Day before yesterday we picked almost 2 qts black rass-berries & today almost as many more & tonight I made a short cake, he went up here to the store “Shuirs” & cashed my $25.00 check &
Tue. July. 6. 1948./ page 2171./ 15 eggs this day./ got a qt. of milk 20 cents & 2 little pieces of smoked saucage 35 cents so that only leaves me 24.45. & I have to pay my taxes $5.83 cents & the money order costs 11 cents making $5.94 & I have to pay $10.00 on coal bill & my tenth for church $3.00 & $1.00 for Missionarys making a total of 20.49 cents & leaving me $4.51 to live on for a mo. & I should give the Dentist his 5.00 & Mrs Gunenhauser 6.00 & some odd cent’s & we owe for 2. tanks of gas. I thank God for all our many blessing & pray he will help us out of the hole & to be able to keep even in all ways I praise Him & thank Him & Love & Him more than anything on earth.
Wed July. 7. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Elbert’s been busy out side & I have done the washing & my daily doz. & have got my money orders ready to send for taxes as soon as we go to town. The wind went N.West yesterday & on to N. East & it was quite cool last night & it’s been real cool today & more so tonight, we have the house all closed up & the wool blankets will feel good tonight. Corn ought to be hip high & it’s about 12 or 15 inches high we haven’t set tomatoes or cabbages & Elbert is planing on planting sweet corn the 15. but if it stays this cold it sure can’t grow – Christmas Days call for a light freeze the middle of Aug. I believe it was. I put some of the house plants out side & now I feel sorry for them, they look sick. & the glads & dahlias are not coming as fast as they should. I have my wool jacket on & I’m not any to warm now, I covered birds little warmer to. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for His love & care & give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever. Amen. Glory to God.
Thurs July. 8. 1948./ 19. eggs. today./ Elbert fell out the apple tree today where he had been cutting some limbs, he’s kept going & trusting to work out the lameness, We went to prayermeeting we had as usual a good prayer meeting. & God blessed us, Glory Hallelujah Praise the Lord. We see the new moon on our way home. It’s been a fine day with a hot sun & quite cool breeze from N. East. A man & woman drove in opsite my bedroom window at 1-a.m & I woke Elbert he ask who it was & the man said it’s Bill, Elbert ask Bill who? & what did they want & they said they only wanted to park an hour jor so & they didn’t tell who they were so Elbert told them there were lots of other parking places & after a few minutes they
Thurs. July. 8. 1948./page. 2172./ 19. eggs today./ left & went North & this a-m we had another cat here, Elbert killed one only a week or 2. ago & he didn’t get this one yet. & tomorrow is Lorain & egg day. he says he’s going & he’s beginning to feel all the sore spots tonight. I pray he didn’t crack his ribs it’s badly swollen I’ve rubed it twice in alcohol. I don’t feel able to go with him, but may. I’ve felt terribly weak & all in, all day Elbert got some hamberg at the white in (.4) little cakes already pressed & ready to fry & so we each had two & home made biscuits sliced with them, so I feel a little better bodily. We got a bottle of milk to The trees are starting to die out in the back, some hardly leaved out.
Fri. July. 9. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs he got 70 cents per. doz, 4.90 in Lorain & Vermilion on the Lake Mr. Hambleys mother took 2. doz. at 65 cents 1.30 he took in 6.20 & he spent some for food, 5.35 he gave me. We ate & then we went to Huron, his check came & he cashed it at Huron he mailed my tax money to Erie County Treasurer $5.83 & tax on that was 5 cents & he got me 2. stamped envelops. he got 10. lbs. sugar & bottle of certo & 2. pork chops & I paid Mrs. Gunsenhauser $6.25 & paid 25 cents for 500 yd. spool of thread & 30 cents for 2 wash rags & run in debt for 6.00 more, I got a letter from Mrs. Sharpe she’s such a silly thing. I got another piece of goods for Elbert a shirt, a piece for anothr dress. & a little piece of nansook for handkercheifs & she said cotton good is going higher in price, it’s 59 cents per. yd. now. I got 6. yds. for my dress & 3. for E’s shirt. I darned a pr. of sock & mended two b.v.d. suits & changed the buttons on one work shirt, I took the good buttons to put on the two good light shirts I make. We went over to see Mrs. Rug for a few minutes & then back home, her son had ask Elbert abut getting a place to live near us & I thought they might like to live here in the cottage I could fix it up with the rent, but Mrs. Rug don’t seem to think they would. Well, I put 3.00 into church & 1.00 for missionary fund & I had a presentment, if I give Elbert a 20. dollar bill to change I would be short a dollar & I was, but he said he gave it all to me. so I’ll have to forget the dollar. I still have 10.00 for the coal bill. I thank God for all our many blessing & trust He will see us safely through, in Jesus Holy Name Mrs. Brown had gone off to a camp meeting & the daughter, was off to Elyria for 3 weeks untill her mother get’s back. Well I thank God for making me more settled, the younger generation are so flighty.
Sat. July. 10. 1948./ page. 2173./ 20 eggs today/ I made a big batch of current jelly 8. big jars 5. held a pint each I rested & crocheted around a handkercheif once but didn’t gt around the second & last time. I ironed 2 dresses & thats a bout the extent of my work today, I feel to weak to work. Elbert’s so lame & sore, he tried to mow & it was to much, then he planted (4) 52 ft. rows of sweet corn. its been hot sun & cool wind went from S.east last night around to N.W. & N. E. & is still N.E. tonight. Elbert killed a hen & dressed it tonight for tomorrows dinner. I thank God for our many many blessings in Jesus name & pray I’ll get to church & back safe tomorrow.
Sun. July. 11. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ We went to Sunday school & church this morning & then I ask Mrs. Waupen home to dinner & she came she had wanted to come & visit a little she took a nape after dinner Elbert & I went out under the apple tree it was sultry hot a very little N.W. breeze, We had a hen for dinner with biscuits & gravey & had black rasberries for sauce & dry biscuits & butter. I picked a few flowers & took to church Tom Eppler & his wife & son were to church & sunday school this morning & to this evenings service Ronny & his mother played their horns & Dorthy her accordian & Mrs. West Sr. the piano. Tom’s brothr came tonight. Miss clark is sleeping on the floor keeping watch over her stores & a chest the young men didn’t get moved I don’t under stand but that’s the way she’s doing & she got in the car to night & we took her there from church. That was where she had been living. I pray God will help her in all the ways she needs in Jesus Name. Amen. I praise God for his love & kindness & hope & pray He will take care of his own, We all need Him so much. Mrs. Vaupell bid us good by & said she would write.
Mon. July. 12. 1948./ 13. eggs today./ Well I felt so bum I didn’t work to-day & Elbert don’t feel so good either he’s done odds & ends today mowed some in front yard looked after hens, killed the poor kitten & filled the rain barrel, tub & two big pails with water for it poured rain for a couple of hours late this after noon, it’s cloudy but moon shines through tonight. wind went all the way around & back to SE. I thank Our Father in heaven in Jesus Holy Name for all He’s done for us & we, so unworthy, Oh God, I thank & Praise Thee for the Holy
Mon. July 12. 1948./ page 2174./ 13. eggs this day./ Trinity in Jesus Name. Oh, I pray I may be found worthy in Thy sight & pray thou will help me to be more worthy I know & feel I am one of the least in Thy sight but I want to do Thy Will in all things great or small, help me to keep my tongue through Thee, from speaking anything but the truth, I thank thank thee Jesus & pray Thou will save Elbert’s soul, Amen.
Tue. July. 13. 1948./ 19. eggs today/ Well, I did the washing & got it dry & I thank God for helping me We had a hot sun but a nice cool N.E. breeze & it’s nice out tonight. We cought enough rain water to fill the barrel & tub & 2. big buckets & I only used the 2 big buckets. Elbert set out cabbages & tomatoes nice big plants we raised but it’s rather late for tomatoes & peppers but he’s going to set them & hope they will give us a little. potatoes came good & bloomed & I had six more pieces of potatoe that he put in & they are all up & coming good now but it’s been so cold the field corn is only hip deep, hardly that. & we hope it gets enough corn on it & matures so we can eat it. beets & carrots are coming good & rabbits are eating them bad. Received card from Nellie, she said they were over to see Bonney Bell & Joe & the baby doll, she is very small baby but doing well. & Johny, Marcie & baby stayed with them & they went to church together. I’m glad they are O.K. Red [Red McGinnis, husband of Evelyn Bonney McGinnis, daughter of Frank Bonney, Red is Elinor’s niece’s husband]stopped here & talked to Elbert the other day, he’s working for lumber Co & took some stuff up to Coopers & was going to Sandusky for shingles, a big load of them, he said all his folks & Frank & the other children were well. Now, I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for all my many blessings & pray He will keep me close to Him ever, Amen.
Wed. July. 14. 1948. /18. eggs today./ Elbert killed & dressed a hen & cooked it & he went to the beach & got sand but I didn’t do much today. I hope to feel able to do more tomorrow. I thank My Father in Heaven in Jesus Name for all our many blessing & Praise His Holy Name, Glory to God. I pray He will keep me under the Blood & protect me, always.
Thurs. July. 15. 1948./ 16. eggs today./ Well another day I didn’t do muc. I darned Elbert’s sock, I mended his under wear 2 suits & my stocking, I did what ironing there was & pressed a pr. of pants for him. I washed up Sundays dishes & today’s & took a bath & dressed for Church, We had such a good prayer
Thurs. July. 16. 1948/ page. 2185./ 15. eggs today./ Well, I swept & did a few odd & ends & Elbert went to Lorain & sold 10. doz. eggs there & at Vermilion on the Lake 3.doz. 7 doz. in Lorain, he got a bag mash $5.25 & there wasn’t much left to eat on, he had a little of his own money so he got the 24 lb. sack of flour 1.95 & can of Claber girl baking powder & he, ate a lunch over with Ruby & visited with Pearl & Lillie, Tessie was sea sick from her boat ride, she & Pearl had taken up the lake to Cannada to Round-O-Bay, the lake was rather sloppy, every one or almost every one was sick, and Elbert didn’t get here untill 4-30-p-m & I hadn’t anything here I could eat no bread & nothing to raise the flour with, but I cook the last onion & some potatoes & so when he came I reheat them & made fried biscuits & we ate at 4-45-p-m. I did some mending while I waited. I haven’t felt very good sort of half blind everythings so haziy or blury, & it’s been such a hot day but thank God theres been a nice breeze it’s been alaround & back, to the N. & at bed time it’s S. and a little West. I thank Jesus for all the many many blessings of today, & Praise His Holy Blessed Name.
Sat. July. 17. 1948./ 17. eggs today. / Elbert set a few more peppers & the corn’s been through the dirt for 2 or 3 days now. Elbert went to Huron & got the new money order fixed he tore off to much, so Mrs. Campbell pasted a paper on the 2 pieces & said it would be O.K. now, so I’m sending it back to the treasure for my taxes, tonight, by mail. I hope. & I thank God it didn’t cost me any more for our mistake. I baked 3. tins of bread biscuits & its another hot day with a cool breeze breeze that died out just at evening, but came again from the S. at bed time & got nice & cool for sleeping & pretty moonlight. Elbert got a box of line & got some lemons & a loaf of bread. I thank God in Jesus Name for our blessing, for with out Him life would be unbearable, it’s so wonderful to be able to call on Him at all times & for all things, He’s so pure clean & wholesome & true.
Sun. July. 18. 1948./16. eggs today/ We thank God for the beautiful morning & for our nights rest & for hearing an answering pray. We had a good Sunday school class & Church sermon & we also have
Sun. July. 18. 1948./ page 2176./ 16. eggs this day/ the Wonderful Power of God with us. Well. Elbert twisted his hip joint out & it pained him so bad I wouldn’t have gone to Church tonight only we promised Miss Clark we’d pick her up at Beulah Beach, where we left her on our way home from Church this morning we waited over half hr & were late for church & my heart has been so ladden this last week & this morning Elbert’s hip again & then they called on me to pray & I didn’t pray much seemed as if my heart would break & I felt to weak in body to pray, they sort of judge one by his prayers, but the Lord Knows & understands and I praise His Holy Name all the Glory belongs to Him I love Him more than life it’s self.
Mon. July.19. 1948./ 14. eggs today/ Well, I did all the washing & had to carry the water from the tub by the grainery & I took care of the hens & carried there water to them & feed (mash & grain) & I don’t feel able, but thank & praise God he helped me to get it done & then I rubbed Elbert’s back & put a flanel on it, it’s bad he can hardly move it hurts so bad & I know how bad it is for I was in the same fix not so long ago. I pray God will have His way, & if it be His Will, I pray Elbert will turn to him & be healed in Jesus Name, Oh God I pray for Thy help & understanding & to be guide by Thee in all I do. It’s been a beautiful day, clothes all dried good, it’s hot in the sun but the breeze is cool, and with out the breeze it’s terribly hot, as it was for a couple of hrs. toward evening. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Name for all things & that he hears and answers my prayers
Tue. July. 20. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Well, I’m tired today, I washed dishes & went to Huron with Elbert to the Dr. Leidheiser & I visited & testified to several persons for Jesus & I pray I gained a friend or two for Jesus. I met John Snyder’s wife’s Aunt there in Dr. Waiting room she talked a lot about life & things that had happened & the changes in this world & she said it seemed ashame for Joan Snyders(daughter of Bill that lives next door to me) to marry so young.
Tue. July 20. 1948/ page 2177/ 19. eggs this day./ that she wasn’t 18. yet, she said the fellow she was going to marry had bought a farm & he wanted to get married & get to work on it, he wants to put in wheat this fall & hope to be wed Aug. 19. 1948. Georgie Mrs. Snyder, told me Joan wanted to marry after she finished High school, but I haven’t talked to her of late, that will be two of their four children married. Billy & Joan that leaves Boby & Georgia at home yet. & Bob will get called in this war draft, he’s 19. yrs. old. and the draft starts next month we heard over radio tonight. Well, I got Elbert’s back bathed & I read my bible a while, now to bed. And I thank & praise God for all our blessings in Jesus Holy Name.
Wed. July 21. 1948./ 12. eggs today./ Well, I have only done what I had to do, been partly cloudy & cooler today, moonlight tonight & lighten in S. Elbert has felt worse after taking the treatment so I’ve had to look after him take care of hens & birds & what little cooking I had to do, & I opened a can of campbels soup added a cup of red kidney bean we had left from yesterday & some speggetti & a can of mixed vegetables & we were just about ready to eat when she that use to be Adda Snyder & Georgia May Snyder can to the front door, they came in & talked awhile. she’s never called on me since she married & went to tennessee & she came asking for flower roots & house plants I gave her all of two that I had & a lot of, slips & some seeds she had a half bu. basket full they talked about Joan’s getting married next mo. & then she left & ask us to come see them sometime & said she’d drop me a card by & by. she got a little buckeye tree to, flox & prenial gerainen & a couple of India lillie plants I don’t know if they will live for they hadn’t made the new bulb yet. I gave her 2 begonias I’ll have that much less to look after. I have plant now to water & take care of. after they went we ate soup beets & beetgreens, bread & tea. It rained for 2. or 3. hrs late this afternoon I filled tub & big buckets with water was a fine misty rain when the girls were here. Tonight’s prayermeeting night & I couldn’t go, I pray Gods blessings may rest with the rest in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thurs. July. 22. 1948./ page 2178./ 17. eggs today./ WEll, Elbert’s feeling better I been giving him anacins & rubing his back with turpo & putting a flannel on his back & he’s sore & lame & grunts when he gets up or down but he’s quite independent, says he can go by himself to deliver the eggs tomorrow but I think I’ll go along just incase; I’ve took care of hens & birds & done the most necessary things & finished cutting out the other house dress & stitched the waist together. It rained this afternoon several hard showers & a few lighter ones. sun came out several times. it cleared off last night & moon shone bright, most of the night. I thank God for our many blessings in Jesus Holy Name. I have to fill out some papers for Elbert so he can mail it tomorrow, I do hope he gets some help from them. I want to read while I’m quite & it’s hard to get the chance.
Fri. July. 23. 1948./ 16 eggs today./ Well, I got up & washed & dressed & we went to Lorain & sold 7. doz. eggs for 70 cents per. doz. & I visited a few minutes with Mrs. Cranage while Elbert went to the other 2. places, then we came back & stopped at Hambley’s, his mother always takes 2. doz 65 cents per. doz. & Hamblys took one, but didn’t pay for them. she came out & talked with us in the car for a little while, it seems her father & step mother can’t get there naturalize-ation papers because they don’t know the ans. to the question they have to ans. they don’t know the date of there birth-days or what boat they came over here on, they say the people from the old folks home in Elyria came to see them and offered to take them & take care of them, but it seems it’s her father that doesn’t want to go, he thinks it will be like a prison & he can’t get out & go places or see anything ever out side of there again. I don’t know much about such places but have an idea it must be O.K. Rev. Harris & his daughter lived there in a Methodist home for a long time, untill he died (just learned it is county, home) then a nice family took the girl & she was happy there the last I heard. The old people are in sore distress, some who have always apeared to have plenty, some who have less & some who don’t seem to have much of anything, like ourselves. We had a letter from Martha today inviting us over to lunch Sun. they have invited the rest of
Fri. July. 23. 1948./ 16 eggs this day./ [no page number, it would be 2179]/ the family’s also, a home gathering, I take it, but we haven’t much gas & if we go I don’t know how he will get gas for prayer meeting & to go with the eggs next Fri. I pray God will help us, if Elbert goes I’ll go to, I might as well, for we haven’t much in the house to eat & it’s 2 weeks before we get another check & then we can’t have it to eat for we have to pay coal bill & when this one is done, we have to start on this winters coal, 10 dollars per. mo & light bill & then my tenth for church a dollar per mo for missionarys 40 or 50 cents for Sunday school a mo. & 25 cents for church basked each Sun. if I can & 1.00 for building fund & 1.00 for new windows, but I don’t have that much & we have to eat a little to keep alive. Queer world, yes, at least, the folks in it. I don’t feel able to go to Martha’s, but if I don’t I’ll be rated stubborn for Elbert made me a lier & he never did tell her the truth about his not wanting to go there or eat there, he said it was me that didn’t want to come or eat, he told Martha that right in my presents & went out laughing in my face, I think Martha believed him, they are two, Well I couldn’t make him tell the truth & I always have to argue with him to get him to take me there, but, I’m so happy that God knows the truth, but I’m not happy there & hate myself for going & being ignored or treated as if I’d just come to eat, I hope I don’t have to go, I love them, but since I’ve learned how they feel about us, I’d rather stay home & not trouble them. I pray God will in Jesus Name help me. I thank Him for his love & help each day & for today & for answering prayer & Loving & caring for me. Glory to His True, Pure, Holy Name, Glory to God in the Highest. Sat. Elbert has to go to Huron to Dr. again I don’t think I’ll go. Sat. July. 24. is Audrey’s birthday the gettogether is for that & for Bonney Bell’s new baby. Martha said they had a party for Johny & Marcie & baby a while ago & little Georgei said Uncle Johny don’t like me, We didn’t go, I don’t think they ask us, at least I don’t remember anything about it. I’ve always been good to him & his sisters & parents maybe that’s why.
Sat. July. 24. 1948/page 2180/ 18. eggs today/ Well, today’s Sister Audrey’s birthday she is 56 yrs. old I believe & brother Frank will be 58 yrs. old July. 27. & Johny Harnish was married on Frank’s birthday & they have been married one yr, July 27. 1948. & had there baby, just 9. mo’s, after they wed. Well, Elbert don’t feel very good he went to the Dr’s by himself today, he lookes bad, its tiring him out, the constant pain , and at last he has decided not to go tomorrow to Martha’s, We wont have the money for the gas anyway & we have 2 week to exist be-fore we get a check to buy even a little to keep soul & body together on. I did out what washing there was & wanted to wash my good dress, but did all the rest & let my dress go, for I was to tired, I baked 3. tins of biscuits & did the ironing & cooked & washed up all the dishes. We received a card from Bonita today she said they didn’t get a card last week, I thought I sent one, but perhaps I didn’t. She said
” How are you & Uncle we haven’t heard from you last week or this, Bonney called this morning Theyre moving over in Riverside homes where Johny & Marcie are We’re so glad. Last Wed. Joe’s father dropped dead with a heart attack. They were very much upset. Wyn & Virginia & Joyce really stopped, Wyn said, she wouldn’t have any mourners if she died, she never sees anyone anymore, her sister Georgia, & Edd & Aubrey & his wife went to Yellow stone national Park & to Point West. Write & come when you can” Bonita,
So, I still have to write a card to her & to Martha yet tonight they’ll get them Mon. I thank God in Jesus Dear Name for all our blessing in Him, Glory to God.
Sun. July, 25. 1948./ 15. eggs today./ We went to Sunday school & church this morning & to church this evening & th Lord was with us & blessed us an elderly man & his wife came in to church & they are from 4 square in Cleveland Ohio he got up & gave his testimony & then she did they are filled with the holy Ghost & said they could feel the power of God, in our church & although there’s only a few of us he said, he was glad to be with us & prayed Gods blessing on us, Oh Glory to God, I praise Thee Jesus. We killed a little hen & Elbert dressed & cut it up & we cooked it after we got home, but we had some cocoa & bread be-
Sun. July 25. 1948./ 2281./ 15 eggs this day./ -fore the chicken got done & I had just got it ready when & elderly man came & ask Elbert for a drink of water I watched him from inside he looked down hearted & hungry & I ask him if he could eat a biscuit & he said he sure could if I could spare it & the tears welled in his eyes as Elbert gave it to him mean time I fixed him some hot cocoa & another biscuit & he weep as he thanked us & said the bread biscuits were sure wonderful he told Elbert he was 72. yrs. old & walking to Sandusky & on to Catawba to pick peaches. & Tonight the Minister told us in church that Mrs. Sprunk was going back to Califonia with Tom & his wife & son, in the morning they will be on there way back & they said it’s 2600 miles & takes 5 days & nights & they only stop for breakfast & buy something for lunch & stop for supper to wash & rest a little, one sleeps & the other drives & change about. Mrs. Sprunk is 73. yrs. old I reckon she’ll sure be tired. I pray they all keep well & have no accidents or trouble on the way or after they get there, I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee. It’s been a beautiful day & God has bless us in Jesus Name. I gave Mrs Sprunk some biscuits this morning & a handkercheif I crocheted the blue edge on, tonight, I gave Sister & Brother Scharein some biscuits & tonight I gave Tom & his wife & son some home made chillie sauce they seemed pleased with it & even Rony smiled over it. I have always loved them. Elbert mailed his insurance letter & a card to Bonita & one to Martha this morning in Vermilion while I was in church.
Mon. July. 26. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ It rained a hard shower early this a–m. & then again this after noon it just poured down, sun came through at supper time & then the radio said high wind & more rain & cooler. We had a fog also & fog horn blew most all after noon, a little school girl came in while I was getting dinner, she was from Penn. she said & had been getting subscriptions for magazines, if she could get a certian number she would win a prize of 600 dollars toward her nurse course she wanted to take she said her mother & her aunt had both been graduate nurses, she was going to stop for dinner when she came from the south end of the road but when she came back she said she’d have to go tell
Mon. July. 26. 1948/ page. 2082./ 17. eggs this day./ her mother at the north end of the road & she’d be back in 5 minutes & she never came back, I wonder why she should have done such a thing May God help her to live His way. We had chicken balls & gravy, potatoes & beets & green & biscuits & hot tea. I sewed my shirt to-gether & put the tucks in the back & sewed sleeves together maybe I’ll get the skirt & waist sewed into belt to-morrow my head has been punk all day & I’ve had to take out part of what I sewed & do it over. I thank God for all our many blessings, Elbert’s back is so bad & he don’t take care of hisself if I dont keep right after him. I received a letter from Mrs. Waupel this morning, she wrote it Sat. said she wished she could sit with me in Church Sun. & that it would be just 2 weeks Sun she had eaten such a good dinner here & enjoyed her-self so much said Mrs Miller’s daughter (Mrs Garthe) had taken her home the final Mon. after she was here that is she took her to Elyria & on Tue, she took her to Medina, she spent a week with a friend, she had Mrs. Garthe made an appointment with her Dr. in Cleveland, for Mrs. Waupel to take some treatments. Last Tue. she came to Berea, said & old friend had offered her a home, but that she would stay only for a few weeks she put an add in the paper for a baby sitter job thought it would help to pay for treatments, she’ll go to Cleveland twice a week, 15 miles by buss. She said her friend Mrs. Winter’s takes care of several dogs & a 3 mo. old baby. The mothers baby Louis in Cleveland I think she ment, that the baby’s mother works in Clevelan. & I guess she means Mrs. Winter’s daughter & a friend live with Mrs. Winters. She ended her letter by saying, I should tell my brother hell, & with best wishes Florance Waupel. She seems like a very nice old lady & I’m glad she enjoyed herself here, it sure must be hard to have to go about from one place to another at her age & have to work a little to help keep her self going perhaps she’d like the plac at Berlin hights where Mrs. Sharp was. Wish I knew. Well if Mrs. Sharp would tell me but if she thought I really wanted to know for someone else she wouldn’t tell.
Tue. July 27. 1948./20. eggs today./ Frank Bonney’s birthday he’s 56. yrs. old today, and not very well. but he’s still working, carpenter work. We haven’t done much today Elbert killed & dressed a hen & put it on to cook, she stunk.
Tue. July. 27.1948./ page. 2183./ 20. eggs this day./ so bad he took it out & dug a hole & planted her deep, We don’t know what made her stink she was a very healthy looking hen, but her flesh really stunck when it started to cook. We haven’t much to eat, potatoes beets & bread & breads most gone. got a little jelly & a few cans of fruit yet. Got a duing[?] letter I owe for a peice of dress goods & thread. & I wont have enough to live on next month after I give 2.50 to church 10.00 for coal & 2.50 on dress goods. that will leave 10.00 & I’ll owe for 3 or 4 qts. of milk 20 cents per qt. and I need a pr. of shoes so bad. We wont get our checks for another week yet, & how can we live, if god doesn’t intercede for us in Jesus Name, I pray He will it’s so hard to keep going & I pray He will help all the others in like condition. We are in a bad condition & I’ll just have to trust God to feed & cloth us as he does the birds. I thank Him for His great Love and care & Praise His Holy Name, Glory, Glory to God in Jesus Precious Name. Amen.
Wed. July. 28. 1948./ 13. eggs today./ I haven’t earned my salt today I’ve really felt bum & we haven’t had the right kind of food either of us. I basted my skirt on & waist on to the belt & took care of birds & fixed the little we had to eat & did up all the dishes tonight hope I have enough pep to sew some tomorrow. I’d like to finish my dress. I got another DeHaan book today (“The Millennium One Thousand Years of Peace.) I like his books on the Bible they explain things so plain even a child could understand them. I thank God in Jesus Name for His wonder love for us and pray I may be found worthy at the last day, I want to be so much. I give Him all the Praise & Glory, He is truly Worthy.
Thurs. July. 29. 1948./ 18. eggs today./ Well, I sewed a little more on my dress, had to do several of the tucks in the back of the skirt over 3 time each before I got them right, and now I didn’t get the sleeves just right some ow so I’ll have to take them out & see what’s wrong, the skirt & waist look good on the belt & fits good for which I’m very thankful. We toook our baths & went to our prayer meeting & we had a good service & we prayed for our
Thurs. July 29. 1948./ page. 2184./ 18 eggs this day./ Minister his feet swell & pain him & we prayed for Brother Smiths daughter & for Mrs. Hambly’s mother her heart is very bad. and from all accounts, I don’t wonder, I’m sorry for her, but, bible history is truly working out as God has said it would. We prayed for Mr. West, his wife says she believes he has really been converted this time but he’s having a hard struggle to forget how bad he’s been. We prayed for many many others & I Know God heard our cry for help both spiritual & phyicial & for all the other things we ask for & He has said come drink freely & I thank Him Praise Him & Glory in Him for He is our life, light, power & all. Glory, Glory, God in the highest I praise Father Son & Holy Ghost Amen. It’s been a nice day & they started cutting the wheat across the road today, but at the slow rate they work it will be some time before they get it done. Wind went from S.W. to N.East. I filled in a blank for Elbert from Social security seems there has been some-thing wrong going on & there’s been other names & numbers turned in & they sent a wuestionar for him to ans. questions & to fill in so we got it ans. correctly & mailed it back tonight, I wrote for cards to sell & to a cotton good Co. I haven’t felt very well, been having sweats We don’t have enough to eat & things are sure going higher in price milk has gone up 2 cents & first of Aug it’s going to 3 cents. Our government is going on the bum & soon Jesus will truly need to come for life is getting tuff for many.
Fri. July.30. 1948. 15. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to sell the eggs 9 doz. he only sold 7 1/2. doz. he took part of them 4 1/2 doz. he sold for 70 cents per. doz & 3. doz. for 65 cents per. doz. & Hambley’s still owe for a doz. he colected 5.10 & the grain was 5.15 so he didn’t get the grain. he got a little piece of boiling meat a big as a mans fist & lb. saucage cost $1.01 he paid light bill 80 cents paid 1.00 for gas for car, paid milk man 80 cents & Shure’s store 7 cents & he brought home $1.42 cents toward grain that we will have to get. While he was gone I did the washing or most of it. & then he came & I got dinner & then I took my sleeves out of my new house dress & fix
Fri. July. 30. 1948./ page. 2185./ 15. eggs this day./ -ed or trimed them & I finished the neck & stitched the belt and basted one sleeve back in I hope to finish it tomorrow. It’s been a fine day strong wind part othe day, I put Elberts beding out & aired it today, aired my yesterday. & made beds up fresh. We had a hard shower after dinner thundered & lightened but wind eased up somewhat & Elbert had gone to Huron to Dr. aabout his in-surance papers & got back after storm was over & sun was shining. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Name, for His love & all He does for us.
Sat. July.31. 1948./ 18. eggs today./ Well, I baked 3. big tins of bread biscuits & 1 1/2 doz muffins. & I finished my dress except the pocket I forgot to stitch it on the dress, had it all ready to, I do that another day, God Willing. Elbert’s been cleaning farther pen in hen house, he hasn’t got it done yet. he put the hens (24) in middle pen in clean straw & sand on the floor & roost, so the other one will be cleaned & ready, if we manage to get some pullets. & i do hope we can they help us a little. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our blessings great & small & Praise His Holy Name. Fri. Young Mrs. Clarence Younce & her two children came here about 8-30-a-m. said she just thought she’d call as she was passing by on her way to Beulah Beach & on to Lorain to do some shopping & while she was in the house the boy went out & into the hen park & climb the peach tree & was shaking the daylights out of it When Elbert went out there, he got him out & they came in the house & said lets get going, & so they went, I pray God will Keep them away from here, I don’t like them at all, & I feel sure Jesus wouldn’t, for He don’t like theives.
Sat. July.31. 1948./page. 2185./ 18. eggs this day./ 519 this mo. / We received a letter from Nellie also today. She’s going to try to have a family reunion and on a Sun. if they can, Aug. 15. 1948. & she’s looking for Ella Jane home soon, for a couple weeks vacation
Sun. Aug. 1. 1948./ 18. eggs today./ We went to Sun. school & Church & we went to Church tonight. I took a big bunch of pink & white flox & tame tiger lillies. & Mrs. Reese sent over a little boquet, they look nice in the church. We have such good sermons so well explained. Mrs. Horning & her children have been coming the last few Sundays We had a good prayer service all so, Glory to God. I thank God for all our many, many blessings in Jesus Name.
Mon. Aug. 2. 1948./17. eggs today./ Well I did the washing & one blanket today with my daily round & I’m so tired tonight for we’re not having enough to eat. no meat, no butter, no potatoes. just beans, beats & bread. Well maybe the checks will come tomorrow. I pray they will it (that is mine) wont give us much, but a little, till Elbert gets his, & he’s got to pay his insurance. I hope he gets some out of that to help us a little. I finished my house dress Sat. but didn’t get it pressed, I want to wash & press my good dress yet maybe tomorrow if I have the strength to do it. I thank God for what we have & the endurance He gives us each day & all He gives us & that He loves & cares for us I Praise His Holy Name I praise Father Son & Holy Ghost. Its been a very nice day.
Tue. Aug. 3. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Well I swept all 3. rooms & wiped up the floors & I’m as tired as though I’d done a full days work we are dizy headed, so little food to eat, so we don’t feel fit to work, but I do thank & Praise God for all we have & the strength He gives us each day. I’m so glad I got the floors cleaned up once more & I hope to get my good dress washed & pressed tomorrow & I still have some sewing & mending to get done this week & the weeks are just flying past I like to get another dress done to wear for church & one more house dress & Elbert’s good shirts done. My check came to-day, I ask for 5.00 more, but only got the 25.00, I pray I will
Tue. Aug. 2. 1948./ page. 2187./ 17. eggs this day./ soon get it. It’s been a fine day N. East breeze & hot sun & much to cool for gardens at night. We have to add another blanket before morning, every morning. & this is usually our hottest month it is hot days, 80 to 86 & 90 degrees several times during the middle part of the day, then so cool at night. Well, Ive got to go to bed I’m so weak I sweat. But I love My Jesus.
Wed. Aug. 3. 1948./ 16. eggs today./ Well, we got a letter from Audrey & I pray God will turn her soul to Him soon, she’s been so good to send us a few dollars & her letter had 5 dollars in it today We got our checks also & even then it’s going to be hard to live untill they come again. We are weak & weary. We have tried to keep our daily work done & it seems to take a lot of strength, the Lord helps us to get it done some how each day, We’ve been dizy headed for a week now, but you won’t die so long as you have a snack a couple time a day, & bread & water. Elbert dug a few of the new potatoes, they are clean & white medium in size, but cook good light & mealy (or fluffy). We got the annouce-ment of Joe’s & Bonney Bell’s new baby, They named her Kathrine Bonnell, she weighed 5. lbs. 10. oz. born June. 29. 1948. at 5-54-a-m her parents are Mrs. Bonney Bell Harnish Dudiak & Mr. Joe Dudiak and they are nice young folks. Well, we went to Huron & I paid 2.00 on my dress goods & we got a little boiling meat & two small smoked saucages “one piece for each of us & honest you wouldn’t know you had any so much fat in it I cooked potatoes & a piece of cabbage with it for dinner & we ate at 1-p-m. & we both had a head ach. We got a lb of parkay for butter, a couple packages of noodles & speggetti; 2 cans milk 3. lbs. coffee 2. lbs. onions 2. boxes rice, tomorrow we hope to go to Vermilion & get the grain $5.15 for hens & pay $10.00 on coal bill, I’ll still have 2. more payments to make & 1.00 to the dentist. I’ll have to keep 3.53 for gas & 4.00 for church I’ll only have 4.00 for food & Elbert has to pay 15 on insurance so he will only have 10.00 for gas for car & food. & foods getting so high priced I don’t see how we’re going to keep going.
Thurs. Aug. 5. 1948./page. 2188./ 15. eggs today./ Well I washed out the dirty dark clothes & my old rayon & my blue crape & then I went to town (‘Vermilion’) with Elbert, he cashed his check & mine & we got a few cans of vegetables a small ham (3.00) & oleo, crackers cocoa & head of cabbage & I paid 10.00 on the coal & got 11.42 yet to pay. The dentist wasn’t home, I have to give him a 1.00 & I’ll have 4.00 more to pay. We came home, We should have stopped to Smith’s they were having some sort of house hold demestration & they give the hosteest a fine gift & a small little gift to those who came in to see. When we got home we fixed supper, it was 4-p-m. & 15 to 5 when we ate, then I pressed my dresses & Ironed my to house dresses, I washed & ironed my neck scarf also. then I washed & dressed & we went to prayer meeting, We were only a few, but had a good prayer meeting, Praise God in Jesus Name, I love Jesus & Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost. It’s been a beautiful Fall day Warm sun but cool N. East breeze that seemed to go right to the morrow.
Fri. Aug. 6. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Well, another day come & gone We went to Lorain & sold 6. doz. eggs at 70 cents per. doz. I had a little visit with Mrs. Cranage & Miss Baumgart & had a cup of coffee, then we went over to Lillie’s & had a little visit & went back down passed the shipyard to San Weidzors meat & grociery & got 6 rolls & 4 frank-forters & drove west through town to Lake Veiw Park & looked off on the lake while we ate them, then on we cam to Vermilion on the Lake where we sold 3. doz. eggs for 65 cents per. doz. & collected 65 cents on last weeks eggs. I think Mr. Hamblys mother is Will Extons neice he comes there a lot & just a day or so ago will’s neighbor phoned to her & said they hadn’t seen him for 2 or 3 days so they got in & found him sick in bed & helpless she went right away & will bring him home with her tonight. or tomorrow, they thought he’d had a stroke. he’s in his 90,ies. he would be about pa’s age 87 or 88. yrs. old. Mrs Hambly said, hr father & step mother were in such a mess, he didn’t come into this country lawfully, he had no papers & so he says he can’t remember what boat he came on he wants to go back & they say at the head office in Cleveland, they will send him all the way to the nearest point to his home in Yougaslavia he owns a farm there & has two
Fri. Aug. 6. 1948./ page. 2189./ 17. eggs this day./ daughters & there husbands & familys live there her step mother in law don’t want to go & she’s most frantic, they can go to the old peoples home in Elyria but he say no he wont & so her step mother must make a choice between her husband & the old people’s home. her heart is very bad her face is thin & white & her lips are purple. I pray God will in Jesus Name help her in His own way, And I thank Him for He knows best. I thank Him for taking care of us both ways today. I feel very weak tonight & had 3 sweats since i got home. Elbert listed his lots for sale today with Brecken for 90 day at 9 hundred & 50 dollars. I pray in Jesus Name, that thy will be able to sell it for he could square up his bills & get some much neded shoes & clothes. I cooked dinner & supper, but haven’t done supper dishes. Another beautiful Fall day warm sun cold N.E. breeze And the nights are so cold, they said over radio they expected frost in several of the northern states & we may get it here. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Name for His wonderful Love & care.
Sat. Aug. 7. 1948./ 17. eggs today. / Well, todays been a fine day with not much breeze, things just don’t seem to grow in the garden, that is the cabbages, the rabbits are eating, but at las the beets & carrots are coming, but the tomatoes are only just coming good now, just in bloom not a tomatoe yet. I haven’t done anything that I didn’t have to, today. I feel so tired. I do thank God for all my many many blessings & that He loves me & has endurance with such as I. He’s wonderful & Devine. Elbert went to Huron & mailed out his paper to the insurance company. Dr’s asistent sent them back here, today & I thought he mailed them out last week, such a world.
Sun. Aug. 8. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Well, I felt so punk, I got up dressed after taking my bath & then picked some flowers & we went to Sunday school & church & then we brought Miss. Clark & Mrs. Fredrick to Beulah Beach & we came on home ate dinner & sit around & I should have taken a nape but just sit & at 3-p-m. Johny came in, said he brought me a car load & so he had, I went out the met Ella Janey come in & then Marcie a& the baby, & Nellie & Bonita & her 3 children. they came in & visited an hour or so, then, let’s go & they were off again. Theyer determined that we are coming to Lake Veiw Park next Sunday after noon, I’m feeling so weak & miserable, I don’t feel like being hauled down there after church & then clear home & back to church. I just don’t know what’s all the grand idea. Well I don’t know if I’ll go, or, not, I feel so bum. We went to church and I felt so tired I didn’t sleep untill morning.
Sun. Aug. 8. 1948./ page. 2190./ 19. eggs today./ We had a good service & prayer meeting after church, poor garandma (Mrs Hambly’s mother felt so bad, she cried so hard, I pray God will help her in his own way. I’d feel just as bad if I were in her place I know, but I don’t believe I’d go back to th old country with him, I’d go to the old peoples home istead for Russia has Y______ in her hands, and it may be more hardships on them there, than to go to Elyria home. But I pray God will help them. I thank God for ans. prayer & pray He will help Audrey to be all His, I’ve prayed & trusted all these many years for all my brothers & sisters & their familys to call on Him & be saved, I thank Him for saving my soul for the many healings & blessings he has given me. I love Him & Praise His Holyness, Glory to God.
Mon. Aug. 9. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Oh, I’ve been so terrible miserable today I haven’t been able to cook or anything but with Elbert’s help I got dinner he fried the ham I had the potatoes & cabbage cooking & he made his coffee I made 2. doz. brand muffins 2 1/2 cups of flour 4 tablespoons sugar 1. level teaspoon salt & 1. of nutmeg & 6. level of baking powder sifted together after sifting flour once 2/3 cup of crisco shortening 2 eggs & cups of milk beat well & bake in hot oven 350 ( F ) arenhight. they are good. but I haven’t got the dishes done. after we had our lunch of an egg apiece & some fried potatoes & muffins & rhubard sauce & tea. there’s a rat in the coop & Elbert’s having a hard time trying to get him. I did air the beds & made them up & took care of birds. I’m going to read a little & go to bed trusting for more strength tomorrow. I ought to have made Elbert’s shirt today. I thank God in Jesus Name for His love & care, Praise His Holy Name.
Tue. Aug. 10. 1948./ 18. eggs today./ I got the sample cards yesterday I hop I can manage to sell cards & make a little extra money we sure need it. I received a card also from she that useto be Ada Snyder. & today a letter from our sister Audrey with another 5.00 in it, Praise God We ought to have enough to Keep us now I guess. I did the washing today Elbert washed his union suit, work shirt, socks & kercheif. I was truly, all in. they all got dry & I’ve got them all put away, beds made & birds took care of, Elbert dug potatoes today 2 half bu. baskets he dug 2 yesterday & had dug a fw before that I don’t know just how many he has dug. he brought in carrots this morning & I cook them with ham potatoes & cabbages for dinner & warmed it up for supper & made dumplins with it, we drank postam. Elbert has
Tue. Aug. 10. 1948./ page. 2191./ 18. eggs this day./ not felt so good today, hurts his back & legs to dig potatoes. & it hurts me to rub on the wash board also but, I thank God in Jesus Holy Name, He give me strength to do it. It’s been fine day partly cloudy & N. east breeze, damp air.
[Inserted here into diary pages is full page ad for a religious event] Coming Here? Evangelistic Party; L.I.F.E. Bible College Quartet; Rev. Harry McCorkle Evangelist Soloist; Harry Mccorkle-Paul McEachern -Paul Jones- Alex Trafford; Maurice Lange, Accompanist; Paul Jones Song Leader Trombone Soloist of Angelus Temple ; *Will be showing Colored motion pictures of Rev McCorkle’s 20,000 mile evangelistic tour; Vocal and Instrumental Group; Inspirational Preaching; at the; FOURSQUARECHURCH at Vermilion at 735 State Street.; Coming Aug 11. 1948.; Time 7-45. P.M.]
Wed. Aug. 11. 1948./ 14. eggs today./ Well, I sewed on Elbert’s new shirt I had cut out & it’s such a job to try to sew, I have to get up & do this & that & the other thing & forget what I was doing last at the sewing I got it sewed together ready for the sleeves, color & pockets & then put it away, had a light lunch & wrote a card to Audrey & one to Mrs. Vaupel & took a wash & dressed & we started out for church there were 5 young men there that had come from California, they have traveled all over this side the world preaching the gospel singing & playing Hyms & helping to save souls for Jesus. they all preach & sing one plays the piano, one a trombone, one an accordin piano. I forget what the other two instruments were & they all took part in talking & tstifying, one was save at the age of 10. yrs. & the head man, their preacher & leader said, they were fine young men & that they had never had a spat or quarel in all the time they had traveled together & he was proud of them as fellow workers & after tonight they were seperating for a vacation each going to there home town & State, Virginie, Texas, Oragon California & Ohio. They had been to some big camp meetings & churches & small ones all over the world & they were happy because they were going home & have a rest, May God bless them, We had a church full of people from Wooster Ohio, Amherst Elyria Lorain & a few other small places & took up a collection, just for the boys, I believe they were all in there twentys yet, just clean young men, full of the Spirit & love of God. Some went to the alter I didn’t know who they were. It had rained in heavy down pours all afternoon & eased it at 7-30-p-m. just as we were starting from home & other came through the heavy rain, but , it cleared up & was nice, but cool.
Thurs. Aug. 12. 1948./ page. 2192./ 18. eggs today./ Today I made soup & then I finished all the stitching on Elbert’s new shirt, I bought the goods, a very fine blue & white check, it’s pretty & a good price, I got one other piece it is a blue & white striped piece & fine goods. I’ll try to put the button & button holes in & on it tomorrow. Elbert’s been cutting brush & weeds & his knees & joints have been paining him terrible, he went in-to church with me last night & enjoyed the meeting. I baked 2 big tins of bread biscuits & on big tin of rusk biscuits, “sweet biscuits with raisins in” I have had a burden on my heart for one Orson Wells who ever he may be I pray God will have his way & take care of this soul in His own way, Amen. I thank & praise Him for all things great & small things in Jesus Name & Pray He will help me to do His will & to be worthy of His Love & care. Amen. It’s rained hard again today wind went alway a-round it’s quite cool out again tonight.
Fri. Aug. 13. 1948./ 14. eggs today./ Elbert is going with the eggs to-day & I pray he wont spend all the money. I do want to get some pullets yet. Well he spent all the money he got a small ham 4.93. & a lb of bird seed 70 cents a.00 worth of gas a cabbage head 16 cents sanwitch spread 43 cents- total 7.22, & he took in 7.05 on 10 doz. eggs, he got 73 cents per. doz. & 68 cents per doz. in Vermilion on the Lake. I finished Elberts shirt today & my other dutys about the house, I was out in the yard, to, twice today, it’s so cold nights & we get a heavy White due to cold for things to grow & do well. I thank God for all the many blessings he give us & pray He will direct my course. Keep me covered with the shed blood of Christ & reveal unto me. I Praise Him all the Glory truly belongs to Him forever & ever
Sat. Aug. 14. 1948./ 19. eggs today./ Well, I slept late & I really slept. Elbert set in the big chair for awhile, then went out & cut weeds on the N. east corner of the front yard they were tall & big stalks shoulder high looks better with them cut, he’s cut a lot of weeds & brush in the back, to, I wish I could help him it’s going to be a big job to clean up the place again & his legs & joints pain him such a lot, he’s done a lot of odds & ends
Sat. Aug. 14. 1948./ page. 2193./ 19. eggs this day./ so he’s terribly tired tonight & even though I haven’t done such a lot I’m just as tired as though I’d worked, I made a cake 2 layer lemon fill, I fried meat balls made of ham, egg, milk, bread & seasoning, for our lunch tomorrow noon, I’m not going to another gathering on Sun. if they can’t meet on a week day, I’ll not go they are determined to try to force me to join in on Sun. & I hate to be at such a place on Sun. & I’ve been hating myself for saying I’d go & I hope we can get away early We get there at 1-30 & hope to get away at least at 3-30 I’d rather take a whipping or go with out eating all day or come home alone & let Elbert go by himself, most anything, beside going down there & sitting around & listening to all the noise & chatter & maybe gossip. I pray the Good Lord will stay close to me every second of the time & keep me safe & help me to be of service to Him in some way so the time wont be spent in veine I have been on my feet most of the day & all this blessed summer I haven’t been out doors to enjoy the fresh air & sunshine like as. I would like to have done I long to be out side but it takes me so long to do what has to be done inside that I don’t get out. I like to work, but I just love to be able to get out side & not have to think of washing ironing, baking, scrubing, sewing & darning for just a little while, but Jesus is coming soon & then I’ll be well & happy with not a worry or sigh We’ll sing a new song and with a new tune, our joys will multiply as to Him we fly. Glory to God in the Highest Praises to our Heavenly Father to His Son and our Blessed Lord & King & the Holy Ghost forever and ever Amen. Now I’ve got the beans cooked & birds covered & my teeth cleaned, my 2. wash rags wet & my writting & reading done, Praise the Lord. I get up in the Morning & take my bath & pack our lunch & go to Sunday school & church & to see all the relatives at 1-30-p-m. God Will. I pray He will help me all the way.
Sun. Aug. 15. 1948./ page. 2194./ 17. eggs today./ Well it’s been a beautiful day with a cool N. W. wind & we went to Sun. school & Church & then on to Lake Veiw Court park where we met all the rest & they all had lunches & ate in family groups at on long table There was Elbert & I. Frank Bonney & Ruby & there 3 children with wifes & their children 8 grand children & Audrey & her daughter & husband & 5 children Nellie & her 4. children a daughter-in-law & son-in-law & 5. grand children The there was Cousin Wyn Grant her daughter & son in law & grand daughter, Cousin Georgia & her husband Edd Rosecranes & Cousin Pearl, Lillie & Tessie Wheeler & there sister Elsie her husband Henry Trout & their daughter & her boy friend & Cousin Edith & her husband Carl Wagner & their youngest daughter & their oldest daughter’s baby (the eldest daughter & her man had gone a-way for the day.) & Carl’s & Edith’s boy. Then Easel & her man & either Clives mother or Clara’s mother & Ethel Bonney Hendrickson We sit around & talked to this one & that untill most 5 o’clock then most every one started for home again, the parks were crowded with people old , middle age, & young ones from baby’s up Evelyn’s girl fell & hurt her ankle it was badly swollen & a number of others fell & hurt themselves. We said good by’s & parted, the car traffic was terrible, one long line & hard to get in & hard to get out we got here 10 to 6-p-m. I changed my dress & got supper while Elbert let the hens out for a hour & picked up the eggs & took care of them then we ate & I picked a few flowers for church then dressed for Church we shut up the house & locked it & the outer buildings again & got in line once more & out at Vermilion went to church had a wonderful good sermon on faith & prayers service after Church they laid hands on me & prayed for me & God sent His Holy Power through & through me Glory Glory to God I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost forever & ever Amen. We got back in line & safly home again Praise the Lord.
Mon. Aug. 16. 1948./ 17. eggs today./ Today is Georgia Rosecranes birthday she is 63. yrs. old today. I haven’t been any good all day, tried not to work, I haven’t done much took, care of beds, rooms & birds & cooked dinner & supper Elbert went to Huron & got a good big mess of fish all perch I helped him dress them he scraped them out inside I cooked some for dinner & then, we went out & finished the rest I salted & packed them they were small but so good. Frank & Armond came chuck hunting & we gave them
Mon. Aug. 16. 1948./ page 2195./ 17. eggs today./ each a mess Armond took 6 & F. took 12. & we have enough for dinner tomorrow. I aired my good dress & night gown & washed out two hand towels a wash rag & my handkercheif. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Holy Name for my healings & for saving my sould, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Amen.
Tue. Aug. 17. 1948./ 17. eggs today/ So, today I did all but Elbert’s washing, & I thank Thee Jesus for the sunshine & breeze & drying my clothes, I was to tired to do any more, Elbert went to the fish house & got another nice mess of perch he dress them & scraped them ready to cook, I fried all we could eat for supper & have enough left for 4 more meals, I do hope they wont any of them spoil, they taste so sweet & good, I salted & packed them. No Mail today, Elbert got a letter & I got a chicken book yesterday. I have to do Elbert’s clothes & his blankets if it nice in the morning. & then iron & sew a little if I can, this week, & write a few letters. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Name for saving my soul & for the many healing He has given me & the strength He gives me from day today. I rained a shower late tonight wind went from N.E. round to S.west tonight.
Wed. Aug. 18. 1948./ 14. egg today./ Received another letter from Sister Audrey with 5.00 in it; that’s 95.00 I believe she has sent to us. I have written her a letter & thanked her, but ask her not to send any more, she will need it by & by, I hope I can give it all back with interest, it’s so very kind of her to help us, none of the rest think of it & we do need considerable more than we have, but Audrey has had to go through a lot of hardships & I don’t want her to feel she’s got to help us, she says I helped her now she’ll help me, well, that’s a nice way to feel perhaps, but I don’t want her to feel indebted to me, I did for her what a sister should do and I’ve never felt she owed me anything & I still don’t, she has Martha & her family to look after that’s enough, be-sides her own expenses, that’s are plenty these days. I have only done what I had to do today. I’m not feeling so good, hope to feel better tomorrow. Elbert’s done odds & ends. It rained in showers all night & morniong, he caught the water & filled barrel, tub & buckets. Cleared up a little this after noon, was paretly cloudy, no rain, thundered & lightened alaround us tonight again. I thank Jesus for all our Many blessing & Praise His Holy Name.
Thurs. Aug. 19. 1948./ page. 2196./ 14. eggs today./ Well I baked 3 tins of biscuits Frank & Armond & Frank’s Page were here wood chuck hunting & I gave Armond one tin of biscuits & took half of a tin to the Minister & the balance to Miss. Clark she’s been sick all week, there were only a very few there to church I took a lot of Chinese lantern flowers to the Church, but, they didn’t fix them up, I hope they don’t let them spoil for I picked some of the best there were & they are truly beautiful. I ironed my slip & skirt before going to -night & took a bath & Praised the Lord & I’m still thanking & praising Him for all our many blessing. I wrote a letter to the Welfare in Columbus & a card to the releif commission in Sandusky Ohio. I got a bill for gas tank today ($8.93)I owe them, I have not done much today only What I just had to do.
Fri. Aug. 20. 1948./ 14. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain with 9. doz. eggs he sold 7. doz. there for 75 cents per. doz. then he sold 2 doz. at Vermilion on the lake for 70 cents per. doz. and in Vermilion he bought 100 lb. bag of grain for $5.15 & he got 1.00 worth of gas for his car & got 3. lemons, for 10 cents, he got some hamberg 45 cents & can milk 18 cents he had 25 cents left from his check. While he was gone, I did out what dirty clothes there was, 4. lines full. & I aired Elbert’s bedding & turned mattress & made up both beds & got supper he & I got the dinner together I never Know just what time he’ll get back. Was mostly Cloudy all morning but sun came through now & again & stayed out all after-noon & the clothes all dried. I washed the big chair cover & the birds covers 3. pieces, that was extra & I thank God He help me get it all done, I’m to tired but Praise the Lord for all He’s done in so many ways, for me. I’ve been badly bent & broken but He has always seen me safly through Praises to His Holy Name. All day I’ve been singing that song This world is not my home I’m only passing through. I pray He will find me worthy all though I know, now, I never did work hard enough for Him, I wish He would help me to know what I ought to be doing & help me do it, in Jesus Dear name I do. I love the Lord all the Glory belongs to Him truly. I had Elbert mail the letter to Audrey & Welfare & Releif, last night
Sat. Aug. 21. 1948./ Page. 2197./ 18. eggs today./ Well all I did was the usual round & then I scaled 60 or more perch & Elbert scaled some & dressed all of them out inside & cut the heads off & he scraped most of them I did perhaps 30 then I fried 10 & put in a bag with wax paper to take to Miss. Clark & I fried 2 platers full for us we ate most of the first ones & I had a plater full left they don’t keep good with out ice, it’s so hot days, & to cool nights, it was 85. degrees here in the Kitchen, when I was frying fish, I got washed & dressed while tending the fish & we ate & went to Audrey’s first & left her a doz. or so Gertie came out & we had a nice little visit & then we went to Nellie’s, they were all dressed to go to Baldwin’s, Mrs. Baldwin had invited them for the evening & she came for them & we were still there visiting. Ella Jane had just got home, from Audrey’s. Bonnita said her husband George Eddie was staying with his folks, he had been there a week & had been to see her & the children 2. or 3. times. Little Geo. had gone home with Johny & Marcie & every one was so tired, they were all cross, that is, Nellie Bonita & Ella Jane. I never could see the sence in being craby, just because I was tired, but I’ve seen a lot of folks that was like that. I swept all 3. rooms today & cleaned the bird cages. & Now I Praise God from the depth of my soul for taking us & bringing back safe. Elbert’s going back to Audreys Wed. he hopes to fix her window the sash cords are both broken & today she most broke on hand trying to get the window up & it fell on hr hand unexpected, it was swollen & red. & I had been wondering all week about Ella Janes eye, she was trying to hook up Nellie’s corset for her & her hand slipped & her thumb or finger struck her eye ball & the nail all most cut it so she had it bandaged up all week untill today. Only mail was light card 80 cents. Well I’m sure tired, but Praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name. Glory Glory to God I thank The Jesus Blessed Jesus, & I pray for each soul of His.
Sun. Aug. 22. 1948. / 16. eggs today./ Well, we got up & went to Sun. school & church, I felt so bad I argued with myself for awhile before I got up seemed as if I just couldn’t get up. took a little more cold yesterday while hanging out the washings, but I washed or took a bath & got dressed & cut some flowers & went. We were a little late
Sun. Aug. 22. 1948./ Page. 2198./ 16 eggs this day./ & we found out in the evening that the clock was 15. minutes slow. Well Sister Scharein wasn’t feeling very well & she forgot to put water in one vase & so the flowers were badly wilted, I took a few more this evening & Mrs. West took p0art of them home, a big bunch of flox & a nice bunch of dahlias. There wasn’t many to church today MIss Clark has got to move, she’s stored her things in Mrs. Fredricks wood shed & she’s going to go gading about for awhile visiting, so she told Elbert, the first of Sept. she has to be all moved out. Elbert gave here the jar (a square qt.) that I had half full of chicken broth & some breast meat & thigh & 2. biscuits. she went acrossed the street to Mrs. Fredrick’s Elbert takes her home some times. This morning our lesson was about Dorcus the Widow who made coats & clothes for the poor, she died & “they all mourned” Well Miss Clark is our sun. school teacher & in talking & explaining she pointed to me & said, here is another Dorcus, she never tells anyone all the many good things she does, but, she does lots of good things, yesterday she brought me a package of hot fried fish, just in time for supper & I ate my fill, I can’t tell you, how good they were & she’s done much more than that, I just felt terrible to be so praised for such simple little deed I had done out of love & compassion, she getting along in age & don’t have any more than I do, and my heart achs often for the many that I know that needs help, love & friendship, but at evening service she accused me of being angry at her for telling on me & I said, no I wasn’t, but I felt humilated to be praised in public for doing her so small a favor, then I told her about the package in the car for her & that I put a note in it & she said, so you wrote me a note about what I said this morning, I said no. but she acted, so queer. I had wrote a note to tell her the biscuits were not as good as usual for I run out of shortening, I laughed inside me & wondered what she’d think when she read the note.
Mon. Aug. 23. 1948./ only 10 eggs today./ Well, I had them pray for me last night & although I’m weak, I’m also better, that is the cold & I’ll feel lots better by tomorrow Praise the Lord it just wonderful how He can reach down & heal us. I can never thank Him enough for saving my soul & taking care of, me, all the Glory belongeth to Him Praise His Holy Name.
Mon. Aug. 23. 1948./ page 2199. / 10. eggs this day./ I love Jesus He all the world to me, I love Him more than any thing on earth Glory to God in the Highest, Jesus, my Blessed Jesus. I recieved a card from
Mrs. Sprunk from 1330 Carroll Ave. Los. Angeles 26, California. She wrote Dear Friend, Aug. 18.th. 1948. I findly got some U.S. cards so will send you one to let you know I am thinking of you. I am getting a good rest and injoying myself I had a wonderful trip. We saw so many different sights, the mountians was beautiful coming over them, the first one we went over was 9000 & 800 feet high, the last one was 11000 & 900 feet high, it didn’t bother me any, I seen the Pikes Peek mountian, We drove around it, they was so many beautiful things to see & when I got there I was seen out ho, ho. Love to both. Sister Sprunk.
May God bless her & help her to help her children back to Him, through Him, in Jesus Name. Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish, he had 4. pike & 2. carp. he gave the carp & several perch all cleaned & ready to fry to Rue & Helen Sarr. & a good mess, cleaned & ready to fry to Snyders. Georgia told Elbert she was glad to get them & she was laughing & joking & said Joan was getting married at 9-p-m to-morrow night there at home & it was a private affair only the relatives would be there. Elbert said Bob & Georgie May were sitting at the table looking as if it was going to be a funeral instead of a marriage. I reckon they were thinking of how they will miss her, as they had Billy, when he married & left home & went over seas, in the U.S. Service, during the war. Such is life. Elbert went back to Dr. Leighouser this after noon & got several bones or vertebras put back into place & got his insurance paper filled out once more. I’ve only done my daily doz. But Praise God in Jesus Name He is mine & I am His. Glory, Glory Hallelujah, I Praise & thank Thee Jesus.
Tue. Aug. 24. 1948./ 16. eggs today./ Well, I felt bum when I got up, but I prayed & God blessed me with strength & I thank him & praise Him, for I did wash 2 cotton double blanket or 4 single one & one reversible heavy cotton & 2. single all wool blankets, Elbert carried the water & wrong them out for me & I did out the usual washing and I sure am so
Tue. Aug. 24. 1948./ page. 2200./ 16. eggs this day./ tired, it was 90 degrees in the house today. & so hot seemed as if I couldn’t work, but blankets & clothes baked dry in just no time. I have read the word of God & Jesus & now I’m going takeing a bath & tumble in. Wind’s been S. & little west alday. I recieved a crd from Mrs. Vougel today also.
Wed. Aug. 25. 1948./ 15 eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to Audrey’s & fixed a window & door & the heat was to much for him, he had some trouble with a brake & had a tire fixed & got home round 4-30-p.m. & he felt so bad & so worried he forgot Ella Jane. he was going to call for her, so I got him a bite to eat & some hot drink & he took a bath & rested a while, he was so wet he looked as if he’d been dipped in Water. I baked 3 tins of bread biscuits & one of sweet rusk & we feed a young fellow 44. yrs. old he said, & was looking for work, but from his story, I wondered. I pray God will deal with that man & help him to do the right things, he didn’t tell his name but said he was from Misourie, One of those smart guys, perhaps. I wanted Elbert to call Nellie & tell her why he hadn’t called for Ella Jane, but because he was so sorry he had forgot he insisted on going after her tonight, I had a feeling she wouldn’t come, but we went & he wasn’t able or couldn’t afford to spend the gas to go back & as the Lord had showed me, she wouldn’t come back with us either said she was only going to come out with Uncle & go back on the buss in the evening and Nellie spoke up & said, you haven’t got any place for her to sleep have you? Well Nellie & John use to come & bring all 4 youngsters & stay a week & the sleeping never worried them I cooked the meals & did all the work & we had good meals, all they wanted to eat. Nellie said Ella Jane needed to rest she’d been on the jump every since she’d been here but that she’d got to find a job & earn enough to get back to New Mexico. We didn’t stay long Nelson had a sore throat & fever & had started to throw up & it took Bonnita & E.J. to wash out his bowels & they all seem on edge. so we came back home & Elbert said if he came back to Lorain
WEd. Aug. 25. 1948./ Page. 2201./ 15. eggs this day./ he’d call them up. Nellie hurt her back reaching up to fix a window or screen, & so she was feeling miserable. I pray God will help them all as He sees they need. I thank Him & praise Him for all our many blessings this day I love Jesus & Praise Him & Give Him all the Glory.
Thurs. Aug. 26. 1948./ 13. eggs today./ I washed & ironed & Elbert’s head has been so bad, because of heat we went to prayermeeting tonight Mrs Hambly’s mother said said, Mr. Hambly’s mother died at 10-a-m. this morning & that she has to go to the old peoples home in the morning at 10-a-m. & her husband “Mrs. Hambly’s father” is going to stay alone for a while, they haven’t got beds enough for them both. Poor old soul I’m so sorry for her, she’s getting (it seems) the worse end of the bargin The old man came into this country unlawfully Mrs. Hambly saids. but she talkes terribly about the old woman, because she’s her step mother. Mr. Smith took her & Gracie Day home. Miss Clark went home a foot & we went there to give her the rolls or bread biscuits & sweet biscuit. I gave the preachers 3 or 4 bread biscuits & a couple sweet ones. We only had a very few out to meeting tonight. I do pray God will keep those of His covered with the blood & bless & strengthen each one in Jesus Holy Name. It’s been a terrible hot day 98 in the kitchen, but, Praise God for a cool North breeze.
Fri. Aug. 27. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs only 6 doz. 75 cents per. doz. $4.50 & he brought it home & shortly after dinner Mr. Glass. came in “he’s on the Releif board” he ask me what I spend my money for & I told him, he made a list & then said he hated to ask me but the board thought I should come in so they to could talk to me & ask me all the questions he had ask & may be a few more, We had to go to be there at 7-p-m & we got there just as the clock struck 7., Mr. Glass came out to meet us & ask Elbert to come in & talk with us & he thanked them & went in with me, they said they hadn’t any thing against me, only the felt, I ought not give a tenth into Church, that a tenth of what I had for one week ought to be enough & I suppose they will check on me & if I con-tinue to give a tenth, I may have to go hungry, for they have
Fri. Aug. 27. 1948./ page. 2202./ 11. eggs this day./ have figury up all they have given me in 15 yrs. 3.000 thousand dollars or there about they said & that I had given the church 300. hundred dollars. Oh God, of Love & Mercy, Please guide my every move & keep me safe, help me to sell cards & earn enoug to help myself, I’ll give Thee all the praise & Glory. Oh God Thou Knowest my needs please help me, Amen. We got back to Huron just intime to catch the Dr. & see that we had the insurance papers filled out right & got home before dark, Praise God. I washed out a few pieces & dried them while Elbert was goine, I was glad he got home early it was so hot & he had tried to sell 2 dozen eggs he had left & was looking sick when he got here, & then we had to waiste 2 gal. gas 50 cents to go to Sandusky & back. I thank God for our blessing. Mr Glass said Elbert could have $50.00 per mo. if he’d apply for old age pension & that I could have that much if I were old enough, well, I feel old enough, God Knows. Well, I Praise God & hope I may have a little more & that I’ll sooon be able to work & earn some. We owe Audrey $95.00 I hope I can give it all back with interest. I want to get the pullets so we can still have the eggs & the little extra from them for it means a lot.
Sat. Aug. 28. 1948./ 9. eggs today./ I washe a few pieces & it’s so hot they bake dry. It wasn’t quite so hot today as yesterday, it was 100 degrees here in the kitchen & we had the whole house open, I don’t know what the tempture was out side, neither of us did any more than we had to. but it cooled off earlier tonight than last night. I wrote 3. post card one to Audrey one to Nellie & one to Mrs. Vaupel. I hope to get some letters ans. soon, also. Well I thank & Praise God for all our many blessings.
Sun. Aug. 29. 1948./ 15. eggs today. / We went to Sunday school & church this morning & again to church this evening. Well, they took Mrs. Hambly’s mother to old peoples home & he is so lonesome they say it will be 3. weeks before he can go it’s hard for them to be apart Our Preacher went over & offered to take him over to the home to see his wife & they said, they would take him & he didn’t know if they did or not. Miss Clark is going away for a mo. & there won’t be very
Sunday. Aug. 29. 1948./page. 2203./ 15. eggs this day./ many left in church. We had a hot day with cool North breeze all morning, but it died out in after noon & was so hot, there’s a little breeze again tonight, & they said 150 people died from heat in Ohio today & the cattle & sheep & hogs were suffering & lots stock died & lots of chickens. I’m wondering about the corn crop, I do hope we can keep it.& that I can get my chickens soon. I thank God in Jesus Name for taking good care of us today & pray He will strengthen the faith of each one of His children & hear & ans. prayers, Jesus, Blessed Holy Jesus.
Mon. Aug. 30. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ Elbert mailed his insurance papers yesterday & we started on the new tank of gas yesterday./ Well, it was cloudy all day untill just before sunset the sun came out & was white as a cake of ice causing the sky & clouds to look all silvery bright. it’s been cooler today, almost to cool in the shade & even tried to rain several times, but failed and we need rain badly. I haven’t felt able to do anything to day, I picked the elderberys north of the house & a few Chinese lanterns for Winter bouquets they are beautiful this year, so big & pretty red. We spent our last dollar for a little piece of beef & a bottle of milk. We ground beef & made milk gravey with it, We boiled potatoes & had the meat gravy to eat on them, Frank & Armond came tonight & brough us a whole scant pk of tomatoes & a half doz. onions, they were quite good, I gave him some lanterns for Ruby, for a bouquet. Well, believe it or not I just got a renewal card from the Releif Commission this morning saying, I would receive 35.00 per. mo. for Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. & Feb. Praise the Lord, Glory to God I’m so glad & I’m going to write a letter & thank them again. I recieved some sample cards some time ago to sell & a letter this morning & I must get busy & sell cards, it would help pay Audrey back her money besides help me get the chickens we want to get so much. I planed to go Fri. with Elbert & now he’s trying to plan a way to go Wed. I’d like to go tomorrow. I pray & thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings, Amen. Well its all starlight out side & cool to night it got quite cool before morning so I had to pull up the blanket
Tue. Aug. 30. 1948./2203 [repeated number]/ 16. eggs today 479 this mo/ Well I haven’t done much today I hunted for the (Heatrola Junior Estate Chart 15.) I can’t see what could have happened to that chart it has hung behind the towel rack every since I got the Heatrola in 1928. but we found the number on one of the parts today so now perhaps we can get the fire pot. Well some one stole most of the rags I tore out of my two old dress skirts Who would need anything like that now, it does anger a person, you can’t have hardly anything, it’s agervating. not so long ago some one took a whole carton of 12. qts. of fruit. Well, I fixed my corset & got a lunck of potatoes & string beans & gravey & tomatoes & for supper tomatoes string bean gravy & warmed up potatoes & hot tea & eggs. I’ve been so shaky all day I just felt as if I couldn’t work. I wrote a card to the relief Commission one to Audrey & got my letter ready to send for the chickens. & I added up eggs for this mo. 479__ from 24/(23. now.) hens. It’s been quite cool today Northeast breeze since yesterday & tonight it’s quite cool & clear. I do thank God in Jesus Name for all we have for its only through Him.
Wed. Sept. 1. 1948./ 13. eggs today/ We went to Lorain Elbert was going to Audrey’s to put in a new threshhole, but he didn’t know which piece of oak Frank ment for him to take so he didn’t go. I mailed her a card & told her he was coming. Well, I got several orders for cards (8.) & some money 2.00 on 2. boxes. WEll, I’m terrible tired, but hope I can sell a few every 2. or 3. days a week. I’m not abl to do it. We talked to Ruby had lunch there 2 slices tomatoes slice of bread & cup of tea. I hadn’t had anything to eat before then & had a head ach. I spent the money for a soup bone ham-berg & yeast cake up to Schures Store, near home here. it was most supper time when we got here so I changed clothes & got supper & put bone on to cook, it was tender meat & cooked quick. It’s been a fine day Frank & Armond came out hunting & brought Elbert’s piece of oak & pk tomatoes & 1/2 doz. onions.
Thurs. Sept. 2. 1948./10. eggs today./ Well, I set bread cleaned & cook & canned ___qts. of elderberries & made vegetable soup. & cooked & washed dishes & washed & dressed & went to prayer meeting only 10 of us there Mr & Mrs. West Sr. & Dorthy West & baby Mr. & Mrs. Smith Gracie Day & REv. & Sister Scharein & myself. getting to be terrible how people stay home. Miss Clark’s gone visiting. & Mrs. Sprunk has gone visiting. & the rest have excuses. I pray God will deal with there souls in Jesus Name.
Thurs. Sept. 2. 1948./page. 2204/ 10 eggs this day. / Sister Scharein ordered 2 boxes cards tonight. So I’ll have to send in my small order & keep on trying for more. It’s been a fine day. I thank & Praise God He is & Allway Will be. Glory to His Name, I love Jesus, All the glory belongs to Him.
Fri. Sept.3. 1948./ 12. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain & sold 8. doz. eggs. 75cents per. Doz. 6.00 this time we are using it for food. 2.00 of it for olive oil. 1.00 for milk little for food. I did out half the washing & got to finish in morning if I can. then clean birds cages, then sweep & dust & wipe up floor & then iron a few pieces seems like a big job, but I’ll have to try hard to get it all done. It’s been a nice day N.East breeze hot sun, 4-p.m. a thick haze covered sun & made a golden over it. A. mountain on an island, “I did catch the name” that has-n’t belched for 70 yrs. started to over flow & radio said there were over 3000 people cought between it & the sea & that 3 boats had been sent to see if they could rescue them & some air planes. & a hurry cane headed for Louisianna & it looked like a rough one. things are in a terrible mess & getting worse every day just as the bible tells us they will & so many souls not ready to meet there Maker. Oh God I pray Thou will help me to help others to find thee in Jesus Holy Name. Lord have Mercy I pray. I thank Thee for all things great & small & Praise Thee.
Sat. Sept.4. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ Well, I got it all done washing, ironing cleaned bird cages & took care of them took care of beds & swept dusted & wiped up the floor with all the other odds & ends now, tired & aching I read & write & take a bath & tumble in after a prayer meeting with Jesus. Elbert got his check to day & went back to Vermilion & got food. he went to Audreys & worked today & didn’t get done. Glory to His Name. Church & Sunday school in the morning. I thank Thee Dear heavenly father in Jesus Name for all the many, many blessing He givs me & for the ex-tra $10.00 on the check & for the check Glory to God in the Highest I love Thee Blessed Jesus. N.E. Breeze all day.,
Sun. Sept. 5. 1948./ 15. eggs today./ We went to Sunday school & church & I felt so bad thought I couldn’t go back tonight, but I Praised the Lord & went & God wonderfully blessed me, pain left the ankle & I felt better all over, Praise His Holy Name Glory to God. only a very few to Church tonight, but Jesus met & blessed
Sun. Sept. 5. 1948./ page. 2204 [with 5 written over the 4]/ 15. eggs this day/ The minister won a Victory this morning over his sinus trouble that was why the Lord put a burden on my heart for him all week & I have a burden for Harry Day & his mother, also. Glory to God in the highest I praise Thee Jesus. They all prayed for me tonight & before I left the church steps the pain left my ankle, the power went through me at the Alter & I sweat like rain. Who on earth could do such a wonderful job & so quickly. Oh, I love my Jesus and all the Glory belongeth to Him. I thank Thee Jesus Blessed, Holy & so devine. Amen.
Mon. Sept. 6. 1948./ 12 eggs today/ Labour Day & all who can are doing anything else but labour I haven’t done much, darned 3. prs. sock & tried to write a letter, but, I can’t write when any ones around to talk to me, anymore, so letter isn’t done it’s been a nice day mostly cloudy & tonight it thundered & lightened “not hard” & it rained showers during the Night. Tue. Elbert sawed up the tree & took care of wood & branches the one he had gurdled out in front of garden.
Tue. Sept.7. 1948./ 8. eggs today./ Elbert went to fish house & got a good mess of fish, few pike, & mostly perch & we had some (6) for dinner. Bill Long came after Elbert to get his house done, he likes Elbert’s work, but Elbert’s knee has been so bad all this week he just had to sit down & rest it often & today all so. I got the dinner, but am not to pert myself. I had Elbert get one money order 16.00 for baby chicks & am getting one more for 16.00 & they cost 13 cents each, I want to send it so we can get the chicks by Oct. 15th. if possible. I have to pay the coal bill 11.83 Elbert paid 2.00 to Mrs. Gunsenhauser for dress goods & I’m in need of blankets & a fire pot & shoes & a hat for winter Well, Elbert decide to go take Nellie part of the fish, he had 43. fish, so we went, he took care of everything outside & I took care of everything in side; I had the money order made out & letter ready to mail for the chicken & we stopped in Vermilion got the money order & I put it in the letter with the other one & sealed it & he put it in the mail box in front of Post Office, so now I’m trusting all will be well, I ‘ll have to send 10.00 more next mo. to finish paying for them. I got to pay 11.83 on the coal bill that will finish last winters coal bill. Elbert went in & paid 2.00 for me on my dress goods.
Tue. Sept. 7. 1948./ page 2205./ 8 eggs this day./ this morning. We went on to Nellie’s she was peeling peaches & caning them with Bonita’s help. Elbert took Bonita to the store for sugar & to Stoughtens for a wagon that belonged to B’s. children, it’s got to have some repair done on it & Stoughtens are going to leave Thurs. morning for California with another elderly couple that are going to drive down, they didn’t sell there home, some one of there folks is going to stay there and take care of it. Well, we told Nellie we came, brought fish, & were going to eat supper wit them, she said that was fine, but she finished peeling & caning peaches before we ate at 7-p-m. it was 10-p-m. when we got back & Elbert said he didn’t think heded he would be able to go again after, he had got the fish & dressed them his knee ached so bad & it makes us both to tired, I didn’t help him as usual, he though I wasn’t able & I didn’t feel able. my head still feels bum. God took care of us & we went & come safly, I had to fry our fish when I got here we have no ice box & it was to hot to keep them so I was tired also. I thank God in Jesus Name for His love and care, I Praise Him, He’s a Wonderful Jesus.
Wed. Sept. 8. 1948./ 10. eggs today./ Elberts head’s been bad today & I did the washing on the strength the Lord gave me, I’ve felt so weak & all in, all day, but got wash done & dried. It has rained 2. heavy showers tonight & it did last night to after midnight but earlier tonight. I wrote a letter to Mrs Sprunk & got it ready to mail tomorrow. Hope to get some others done soon. I thank Thee Jesus for the blessing of today & pray for all Thy people, Glory to God in the Highest.
Thurs. Sept. 9. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a great day. I’ve been seeing Aubrey’s face for a week & yester-day all day I’ve prayed for him, that some one would be able to help him “through Jesus” to give his soul to the Lord, I’ve testified to him many times, but he only laughed it off, I do pray the Lord will reach the souls that are left, through the minister that will preach the funeral service tomorrow. We went to Vermilion & Elbert got a new pr. of shoes, his soles & upers were
Tue. Sept. 9. 1948./ page 2206./ 11. eggs this day./ done for & he wouldn’t have got them, we have such a little to do with. & I haven’t hardly any left after paying out on coal, goods for 2. shirts for Elbert & 2. dresses for myself. a tenth for church missionary & sun. school. & I had spent all I had saved for pullets, enough to have paid for them, out of the eggs money. Well,. I have to take 10 out of next mo. to finish paying for them, then the fire pot & dentist & 10.00 every month un-till the coal bill is paid for this winter. So there is never much for food or clothes & I have to have a pr. of shoes soon. We bought a sack of flour a basket of hand picked apples & they are sure good, and oleo crisco, can milk, sugar, brand flakes, cheerios 1/2 lb. or little over of hamburge & saucage & a yeast cake when we were getting ready for prayer-meeting Georgia May Snyder came & said Nellie was waiting on the phone for one of us, Elbert went, she told us Wyn & Virginia had stopped & told her about Aubrey & she was to tell us, but Frank & Armond had come to go Chuck hunting & told us, they brought us another pk. of tomatoes & these were quite good, the others were not so good. I picked flowers for Church & I took a bag with 10. or so tomatoes & 4 big apples in it for the Preachers. Only a few to meeting (10) I believe. I Praise God in Jesus Name for our many blessings, Glory to God. I love Jesus & praise Him, He’s all the world to me
Fri. Sept.10. 1948./ 10. eggs today./ Well it’s been a long day, but I thank the Lord for His Love & answering prayer. We delivered the eggs & didn’t have enough, hens are molting every where right now & we only have such a few hens 22. hens, We ate a lunch on a side street & I talked to Francis Gibson for a few minutes, he’s still delivering U.S. Mail. his father died 2. yrs. ago his mother’s living with his step sister, she married Young Jim Landis & Francis said his 2 children were married & now he & his wife are alone again, he’s 52. yrs. old he said We went to Rev & Cooly’s funeral home & waited out in front for the rest of the relatives, no one had come yet, the undertaker came out & ask us to wait inside but we thanked him & said we would like to wait out there & in a few minutes Wyn Virginia & her husband & daughter came in & we went inside then. Mrs. Florence Wakins came (Luffburrow) [?]
Fri. Sept. 10. 1948./ page. 2207./ 10. eggs today./ then Frank & Ruby Bonney & Armond Bonney & his Sister Evelyn Mrs. Mc.Ginnis then Georgia & Edd Rosecranes & there Daughter |Dorthy| & then young Aubrey Rosecranes & his wife Dales & Dorthy’s gentleman friend I didn’t meet him, Nellie came & sat in the car with Elbert & I & went in with us. Aubrey Breckenridge had died alone in a clinic for men & they had put in in a big drawer in a cooler room in the basement Wyn & her children had gone with the undertake to claim his body, it was so badly swollen she hardly knew him, but the undertaker took the bloat out & made him look quite well he had become very thin, but you could tell it was him. They had a sort of Masson service with a lot of scriptures from the bible & the minister dwelt on the scripture about our life after this in the new world I was glad he fited it together so well that each one couldn’t help understanding We all ought to take care of our souls & all other things in there order & he didn’t tell much of anything of Aubrey’s past life, he said his life’s work had been & out door engineer untill he couldn’t work at it any more & he had been a good Masson. They had a few church hyms on reckards one the Old Rugged Cross it was all done in a slow deliverance & with the expression, in the right place to sink in & make a good & lasting impressions. Frank Wheeler & his Wife & his Sisters Lillie & Tessie were there also, We all went to the cemetary, there were three beautifull baskets of flowers, one with big baseball size bright yellow mum’s with a few clusters of white button mums & some 6 or 8 spikes of butterfly bush “a pretty purple” in one basket Ruby fixed a basket of glads with purple & white ribbon, big glads & the other bask was equally as pretty all big baskets & about the same size they put one on Aunt Edith’s grave right close to Aubrey’s We called on ma & pa & Frank’s graves
Fri. Sept. 10. 1948/page. 2208/ 10 eggs this day./ & John Harnish & then Nellie wanted Elbert to take her to the store so we went to Elyria & she & Elbert went & did her shopping for food & he carried 2 big bags & she 2 smaller ones filled full I waited in the car feeling so weak & miserable. seemed as if I couldn’t exist then when we got back to Nellie’s she & Bonita were going to feel hurt if we didn’t stay & have supper & it took them 2. hrs. then the long ride home & we had cooked some meat & left it here & it was spoilt & Elberts cold fish were spoilt & so I had to fix a lunch of fried biscuits & vegetables. he fed hens & let them out as soon as he got here I was so tired I couldn’t sleep all night. I thank God, though, for His care & the strength he give me or I know I’d never get through all the things I have to go through Praise His Blessed Holy Name.
Sat. Sept. 11. 1948./ 10. eggs today./ Well I got up & set bread & I baked 4 big pans of bread biscuits & mended my nightgown & crocheted an edge on one hand-kerchief. cook wiped up dust & done all the dishes so I hope to have a fresh start for tomorrow, I have to take my bath in the morning & get dressed for Sun. school & church, I aired my nightgown & washed one wash rag & handkerchief & I thank & Praise Jesus for the wonderful strength & the healings He has given me. He’s a wonderful, Devine, Pure & Holy & Marvelous Friend to me, I’ll never be able to repay all His wonderful care for me I love Jesus He is all the world to me. Praise His Name, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Amen.
Sun. Sept. 12. 1948. / 10. eggs today./ Well, Praise the Lord, We did get to church & Sunday school this morning & back to church tonight the young man that was converted on the Navy boat that was with Lindy West is going to bible school & he came to visit Lindy & Dorthy & came into Sun school & church & testified He talks like a real christian & I pray God will
Sun. Sept. 12. 1948. / page. 2209./ 10 eggs this day./ bless him & made him a blessing there were 2 more girls came & Mrs. Hambly’s mother came tonight, she doesn’t look a bit well & she don’t like it over in the old peoples home. I have thought for a long time that Mrs. Hambly has played a bad trick on her, but, we have still to learn, the old man said he expected to go in 3 weeks but now he says he don’t know when he’ll go Mary said to me she didn’t mind taking care of her father but she could-n’t take the old woman & that she’s crazy anyway and didn’t know anthing, time will tell. We were all wonderfully blessed this morning with the Holy Spirit and again tonight Praise the Lord, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus & hope to praise Thee in Spirit Soon. It’s been a terrible hot day, but a white sun like ice.
Mon. Sept. 13. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ I haven’t don’t much today, only what I had to do feel weak & it’s been to hot yesterday & today. I aired the bedding K& did as I said, the things that had to be done. I thank & Praise the Lord in Jesus Name for all He has done for me, all the Glory truly belongeth to Him, Amen.
Mon. Sept. 14. 1948./ 10. eggs today./ We went to Vermilion & stopped to Smith’s she seemed so pleased, she’s a fine little woman, she sews, makes there dresses & things & she is teaching her 2 girls to sew & they do real well, the younger one, has a top for a quilt all most done, one is 12. yrs. old & the other is ___yrs. old & they have a little boy ___yrs old. she bought the girls each a pretty green coat trimed in a grayish white with black strips in it. & she made a very pretty dress for the oldest girl brown & white fine check looked like silg ginham they are nice little girls, the eldest is very sober K& the other has pretty eyes and a wining smile. We left a bag of semet there for use at the church it was one of the 2 bags Elbert picked up off the pavement some one lost off. Mrs. Smith ordered 1. box cards of me. We went to Post Office & I sent the 7.90 for the chickens, last pament they will be hre Oct. 4. & we got to get sand for the floor. I just have to keep talking about getting it untill he gets tired hearing about it then he’ll get it, he don’t feel able any more than I but he still can do it, as
Tue. Sept. 14. 1948. /page. 2210./ 10. eggs this day./ I have to do each day. I made 3. pies this morning a peach, apple, and elderberry. before we went to town in the car, it’s 7. miles one way, it tires me to ride. We went to mrs. West’s, I had quite a visit, and she ordered one box of cards. We mailed Elbert’s insurance also $15.00 ___ _____ ____ of ____ yr. I got supper when we got back didn’t feel able to stand on my feet but did & got dishes done again Praise the Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer, Amen. Glory to His name. I truly pray God will give His children more strength more faith wisdom and knoledge. I pray He will reveal unto us and help us in all the ways we need to do His will, in Jesus Holy Name I ask I’m trusting and believing for the answer. Amen. Take every doubt & fear out of us & help us to lean on the Everlasting arms. We’ll give all the Praise & Glory to Him for ever and ever.
Wed. Sept. 15. 1948./ 10. eggs today./ Month half gone & moon’s almost full. Elbert went to Audreys & fixed the door. got one all done now, but, one more to do, she gave him $10.00 I gave him 1.50 this a-m. he gave me 7.95 Sat. to pay bal on chickens & he gave me back a dollar bill tonight so I’ll have to give back 7.45 & he don, figure on the 30.00 I gave him in dribs for gas that I’d saved to buy my chicks this Spring & I have taken 32.00 out of my checks to pay for these chicks, he helps take care of them & clean the coop & sell the eggs & has his full share of the profits, but often talks as if he didn’t. Well I’m glad the chicks will soon be coming & wish we could have had them this Spring, for we will be with out eggs for a while now part of the hens are molting & we only have 22 left. & the feed will have to come out of my checks untill they start to lay & that will be in Jan or Feb. I’ve got to pay the express when they come to. & I have to get condition powder 8.00 or 10.00 dollars. Such a World, it’s sure hard scrabble While Elbert was gone I did the washing, he got here at 3-30-p-m. I rested a few minutes & got supper with his help then I ironed 2 of my dresses & a slip & 2 of his shirts. I’m so tired & so is he, he cleaned the hen roost after supper.
Wed. Sept. 15. 1948./ page 2211./ 10 egg this day./ It’s been partly cloud & tried to rain twice, then sun would come out hot & my clothes dried good. I Praise God for all our many many blessing, he has taken Elbert & brought him safly & given me strength He’s a wonder-ful Saviour & the best Friend I have, I love Jesus. Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Thurs. Sept 16. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do much today, I did manage to mend the big chair cover & my slip & that’s all the extra work I did, Elbert went to Huron to see if he could get some fish, no luck, so, he came home & then went to the beach & got a lot of sand for coop floor & then he rested, whaat he could his legs has pained him bad all day, it’s been bad for the past 2. weeks, now, he almost crys it hurts so. We went to prayer meeting & had a good prayer meeting service & God was in the midst, there are so few that come to Church any more. I Praise God in Jesus Name, I Praise Jesus, He always comes and gives us a blessing, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus, We are trusting for victory through Thee, Amen. It’s been a nice Fall day, the blue jays come & drink & bath & yell & I like to hear them, I had a vision Jesus standing on the top of a mountain & as I looked at him it started to split in the middle and spread & he had one foot on one side & the other foot on the other side and as I looked & wondered what He would do, when it spread to far, He bent forward & looked down, so I looked down & a great valley was forming below, then He said redemption drawest nigh, I wanted to ask What to do, but He left & also the picture. Oh Jesus help me to know what I can be doing to draw others to Thee Please reveal unto me, I will give Thee all the praise & Glory, for ever & ever Amen. I love Thee Jesus, Blessed, Holy Jesus.
Fri. Sept. 17. 1948./ 12 eggs today./ Bonita’s birthday 28. yrs old. today/ Elbert went & sold the eggs he wasnt gone long, I didn’t do only what I had to do all day. it’s been a nice day. Elbert got sand today. I thank God for our many blessing & Praise His Holy Name.
Sat. Sept. 18. 1948./ page. 2212./ 10. eggs today./ Elbert went to beach & got more sand & he went to fish house & got more fish they are sure good, & we needed them so bad I thank God for them Elbert got his check back from the Insurance Co. said they would have to drop him if he couldn’t work steady. Well, I couldn’t make his payments so it’s O.K. When you get old there’s no one but the Lord that wants to help you any more, Oh how I love Jesus & I’m sorry for all those Who don’t know him & for Mrs Hambly’s mother, they don’t want her to pray, poor old soul, it’s terrible. she’s so nervous, she can’t sit still any more & can’t hardly keep from crying, God help her, I pray & I thank Thee & praise Thee, Jesus, Blessed, Holy, Jesus. We received a card from Nellie & one from the Chicks saying they had received the 7.90 & would ship Oct. 4.
Sun. Sept. 19. 1948./ 8. eggs today./ We went to Sunday School & Church and Mrs. Cregge preached the morning Ser-vice, sermon, and she said her mother was in a serious condition, she had just received a telegram & she hadn’t been here long enough to get rested & is going back Mon. Sept. 20. she’s looking much better & stronger & preached preached a good sermon she’s learning to love the Lord more than all else. Mrs. West is having a bad time, Mr. West is so agerveting, like a foolish boy, he likes to be loved & petted. I brought Gracie Day home to dinner, she’s surely a rattled headed thing if ever one could be, she says she’s in the seventh grade at school, I wonder how she ever got there. She says her mother & Harry don’t like Rev. Scharien & neither does any of the rest that use to come, I pray God will have mercy on there souls, Jesus Blessed Jesus. Well we went back to Church with only a few of us there tonight Mrs. West Sr. Lindy & Dorthy Mr. & Mrs. Smith & there 2 girls the Minister his wife & Gracie & my self. We had a good bible lesson & prayer meeting. I left 5. one dollar bills a 50 cents piece 4 quarters & a 5 cent piece under my plate & a dollar bill came up missing. I do thank & praise God for all our many many blessings Help us Lord to live Thy way in Jesus Name. Amen. I rained a light shower this afternoon but not enough to do any good.
Sun. Sept. 19. 1948./ page. 2213./ 8. eggs this day./ It rained several showers last night, but the dirt is so dry, you wouldn’t know there had been any showers last night or tonight & the weather is so sultry hot days. Well today is my brother Fred’s birthday he would be 63. yrs. old.
Mon. Sept. 20. 1948./ 12/ eggs today./ We went to Vermilion got hen’s mash & a piece of boiling meat. We ask what the express on a hundred lbs would be & he said 100 $5.75 and 150 lbs. $7.95, the hens mash was $4.49, then if they can get the growing mash it will be $5.25 a bag such a world. We didn’t find out anything about the fire pot for the stove. We got one yeast cake 4 cents. I took Mrs. Smith a nice big bouquet of dahlias & glads. I cooked the beef & made broth & put some macironi & rice in & we ate some for supper, I cooked some beets & put sweet vinegar on them & did dishes took care of birds & I’ve felt to punk for anything, felt as if I couldn’t sit up, but I thank God for all our many blessing & His care & I’m trusting His care to get me out the jam I’m in. I love Him he’s so good to me anyway & like [I think she means life] is realy becoming hard & unbearable, I just exist on such a very small portion if the Good Lord didn’t supply strength I sure couldn’t keep going. I like that song, “Close to Thee,” on page 146. I praise Thee Jesus. It tried to rain several times today but didn’t, but it rained hard in Vermilion yesterday in the late afternoon.
[Thou my everlasting portion,
More than friend or life to me,
All along my pilgrim journey,
Savior, let me walk with Thee.Refrain 1:
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee;
All along my pilgrim journey,
Savior, let me walk with Thee.
Not for ease or worldly pleasure,
Nor for fame my prayer shall be;
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
Only let me walk with Thee.Refrain 2:
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
Only let me walk with Thee.
Lead me through the vale of shadows,
Bear me o’er life’s fitful sea;
Then the gate of life eternal
May I enter, Lord, with Thee.Refrain 3:
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Then the gate of life eternal
May I enter, Lord, with Thee.]
Tue. Sept. 21. 1948./ 14. eggs today./ Well, it’s a cooler day, it rained for 2. or 3. hrs. from N. east we have had a little fire and it really feels good. Elbert’s knee has been so bad & I have been so tired for the passed few weeks & so to-day, I haven’t done much only sit & lie around, to, to weary for any good use; We were to have gone to Amherst to Church, but here we are, we were to have picked up Day’s, and I’m so sorry about that, I don’t know what her reactions will be on that. I pray God will take many and really bless them for there efforts to get there. I thank Him for taking care of us and pray for health & strength in Jesus Name, Amen. Glory to God I Praise Thee.
Wed. Sept. 22. 1948./ 9. eggs today./ Well, I’m so tired & my ankle smarts as if it were scraped raw. I baked bread 3. big loaves & I did about half the washing & got them all dried air was damp this morning but sun came out clear after 2-p-m.
Wed. Sept. 22. 1948./ page. 2214./ 9. eggs this day./ & there was a good N. East breeze, so they dried fast & I thanked Jesus, I ask His help & got it in several ways. Elbert went to the fish house at 9-20-a.-m & got back 1-20-p.m. or there a-bout. I mixed the bread into loaves after we ate & by the way I hadn’t had a bite to eat all day untill he got home or any hot drink, there wasn’t any milk for it. I’m getting rather weak hope I don’t fall & get all battered or hammered up, like last Dec. that wasn’t only terrible but brutal, God knows & I’m so glad He Knows & Sees. I thank Him for all I have & that I have & that I’m His & He takes care of me I praise Thee Jesus, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Glory to God, Amen. Wind has been so cold, nipy, like early Fall weather.
Thurs. Sept. 23. 1948./ 11. eggs today./ I haven’t done much today, tried to fix my old corset, got the stitching all done, have a little hand sewing to do yt, wish I could have a couple new ones. Been a windy cloudy day, and radio said frost inland tonight, I have a few plants to take up, & my glads & dahlias. We have had a little fire in the heatrolla all day & yesterday to, winds cold. Radio said tempture would drop to 48 tonight & we have only had one tomatoe get partly ripe, crickets eat it all over the top. We have had sweet corn twice & it’s sure good. We have a few beet & carrots to put below. rabbits ate most of the cabbages while small sq [?] for Chickens this Winter. Looks as if it will be hard to get the pullets through the winter. I’m praying the Lord, God of Hosts will help us through. Well, I thank God for all our many blessing and praise His Holy Name, I love Him more than anything else on earth. Glory. Nothing but the Light card, in the way of mail, today.
Fri. Sept. 24. 1948./ 8. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain and sold 6 1/2 doz. eggs of our own & 6 eggs h bought he had to pay 36 cents for 6 eggs & he only gets 78 cents for a doz. of ours, he sold all 7. doz. 5.46, he paid 17.95 for 2. gas tanks, he cashed his check for 15.00 & put 2.95 with it from the egg money to pay it. then he paid 1.00 on light bill & 67 cents to Shures store & he got a can of milk 18. & 2. gal. gas 50 cents & paid 15 cents on the half doz. eggs & owes 21. cents, such a world. I haven’t done much today, Elbert started the fire before he left & I slept untill after the postman came & went, cool damp morning & it be-gin to rain before Elbert got back, he left at 9-a-m & got here at 1-45-p-m, & at last they have ordered the fire pot, it will be cold by the time we can get it & put it in & we or I have tried so hard to get him to order it this Spring so we could get it cemented & ready to use this Fall, but he just wouldn’t do it, I can’t understand why he wont do anything untill you pester him about it. I think I should have wrote to the company myself &
Fri. Sept. 24. 1948./ page. 2215./ 8. eggs this day./ ordered it. I wont wait next time. We have to have a little fire when it’s damp & cool his knee has been so bad & his stomach is bad also. I think he drinks to much coffee for one thing, and we don’t have enough food & no greens at all, no fresh green beans or cabbage or lettuce. Well, we are even except for that 21 cents for eggs even if we do starve. Of course We owe Audrey all that she has given us but I hpe to make it up by & by, or as much of it as I can. I have to have a few dollars to pay freight with & to send for Christmas cards. I haven’t done much today feel weak & so tired. Elbert isn’t a bit well either & we are out of most everything again. But I thank God for His care & tender Mercies in Jesus Name, I Praise the Lord & trust in Him Glory Hallelujah. It did rain hard & steady for 2. or 3. hrs. this afternoon.
Sat. Sept. 25. 1948./ 9. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish, I rested a couple of hrs. then got up & got things ready for dinner & after we ate a fish dinner, Elbert went out & dressed the rest & washed & scraped them & I got both corsets repaired, a big job, I’ve been so blind going on such a little food, but Praise the Good Lord, I feel better with a good dinner & supper, I’m terribly weak in my arms & legs, yet. It’s been a beautiful Fall day partly cloudy, but not so cold last night, but tonight it’s colder, it’s still and clear hope we don’t get a frost. Well, I hope to get off to Church & Sun. school in the morning. I have to pick flowers & perhaps fry fish in the morning. So, I’ll read & then go to bed, Praising the Lord for He does so much for us, Glory to God in the Highest, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Sun. Sept. 26. 1948./ 6. eggs today./ We went to Church & Sunday school at the usual time & they had set the clocks back one hr. so there we sat & waited one hr. & 2. children at the other church got there & waited an hr. I took a big bouquet to & the Minister’s wife came down in her house coat they moved in to there rooms above the Church yesterday. They are two nice children, in thre twenties, She ask us up to see how they had got them fixed up, but I ask her to excuse us tonight, I didn’t feel able to climb the stairs. Elbert went into church tonight wasn’t only a few of us there, the West’s & Smith’s Gracie Day & Elbert & I &K the Minister & his wife. Been a fine Sept. Day cool N. East breeze & a few clouds. gets cold before morning.
Mon. Sept. 27. 1948./ page. 2216./ 12. eggs today./ Well it’s been a beautiful day, I got most of the wash-ing done, I left 2 union suits & 2 bath towels of Elberts, I washed his good dress shirt & 2 work shirts his wash rags handkercheifs, & socks, I’ll have to wash his sleeping pants & Jacket & blanket to. & pillow case; so there will be plenty to wash I’m out of wash soap hand & bath soap. I don’t think I can do them tomorrow, I Praise God in Jesus Name for the wonderful strength He gives me, all the Praise & Glory surely does belong to Him. I’d like to receive the Holy Ghost so I could Praise Him in Spirit. Elbert has been carrying away the grass & weeds he had cut & doing odds & ends of jobs all day I’m trying to write with out my glasses on.
Tue. Sept. 28. 1948./ 8. eggs to day./ Elbert went to Huron and got 9. nice sized pike, he got back about 12-30 or 15 mi. to one & he dressed 4 & I cooked them. I had the coffee & I chopped some fresh cabbage, I had & onion with mine. While he was gone I did out the rest of the washing & one wool blanket, we use in car for cover & in house on big chair cool mornings, had everything done when he came so didn’t get to rest, I made the coffee & put the bread on the table & fixed beets & sweet vinegar & then he came with the fish & I fried them He finished the others 5 & got washed & we ate & rested for an hr. or so then I took care of the clothes, I aired Elbert’s bedding & I made up the beds & swept the rooms & did dishes & while I did the darning on 3. prs. sock & mended 2 union suits, Elbert made me a new stool for my room, he made a real nice one, said 3.00 please, well, he’s had lots more than 3.00 for gas, but I just laughed & thanked him for it, I’ve need it for such a long time. It will have to
Tue. Sept. 28. 1948./ page 2217./ 8. eggs this day./ have a good coat of paint next. I got supper & did the dishes & I am so tired, I for got to go out for the mail & Elbert was sure he looked, but at 10-30-p-m. I went out & got the country Gentleman magazine & a letter he had put in our box that belonged to Jean Sarr. Postman is getting so careless of late. Well, it’s been a beautiful day & the blue jays come 10 or 15 of them & drink & wash in the birds bath & yell & make a lot of fuss I do enjoy them in the Fall & they are prety. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing today for Elbert & that he took him & brought him back safe & gave us the fish & the wonderful strength that I didn’t think I had to do all the many things I did today, I Praise His Holy Name, Amen.
Wed. Sept. 29. 1948./ 8. eggs today. / I haven’t earned my salt today We eat potaotes carrots & bread & bread corn & potatoes & beats, potaatoes & bread, Well, Elbert’s thinking of goint to the fish house in the morning, he had a soup bone ordered from the store up here at Shures & he got it tonight, they soaked him 35 cents & had taken all the meat off it, because he had ask them to save it he thought he ought to take it he had told them he wanted some meat on it for soup, it’s sure terrible the really dirty triks they do today, I’m sure glad God will be the Judge at the Judgement Day & thats just around the corner & it seems, we get our souls vexed most out of us. hole, I pray God will help him to get it in the morning. It rained a good shower early this morning & it’s raining again now Elbert forgot he had cought water & left the down fall pipe off & he ran out in his sleeper to put it back on such a world. I dreamed of 3 niger children 1. girl 2. boys about 8. years old & they were bickering with some one of our family, I can’t remember who & Elbert very seldom dreams, but he dreamed pa was beating Gertie or Audrey with a slat, I was in the Kitchen & he came in & took care of dad, he said it was at the old home place & Frank Bonney lives there now. I have had a tight feeling in my throat for 2. days now & I usually have to cry about some thing, when I have that.
Wed. Sept. 29. 1948./ page 2218./ 8. eggs this day./ I’ll have to iron God Willing in the morning. I should have sewed & mended today. instead I went out doors & pulled a few weeds, maybe I pulled them for 10 or 15 minutes & had to stop my back & hip yelled so loud. I do thank Jesus for all our many blessings & when things go wrong, I pray for strength to ovrcome & go on for Him, I Praise Him & Love Him & Hope to be like Him. I got a boodk from De Haan (Cain and Abel) bible study lessons & good ones to. Praise the Lord.
Thurs. Sept. 30. 1948./ 12. eggs today./ Well, I ironed this mornoing, Elbert went to Huron for fish & got enough for dinner & supper & there will be enough for his breakfast. I had the potatoes done & coffee water hot he dressed the fish & scraped them & I salted them & then I had been out to the toilet & found the flash, light with the big wire, but Elbert had the coop & grainery keys & I could-n’t get in to get a hoe or rake, so before we cooked the fish we lifted the flash light out, I lifted it out with a hoe & he held a torch for me to see, it was so funy, I looked for it in the opsite hole from the one it fell in & located it & he thought it was in the one it fell in it must have bounced over, it was dirty, he wrinced it & he poured water over it while I scrub-ed it with the broom & when it was cleaned he opened it & it was dry inside & the light was as bright as ever. poor old flash, it’s mine, Frank bought two one for his-self & that one for me, his was shorter than mine, so it, he could hang it on a strap from his belt when he needed both hands to climb the ladder aboard the boat, both have metal cases & are good & cost plenty, I hated to loose it, the Lord showed me where to look & I found it & got it back, Praise His Blessed Name. I put a new yoke in the skirt of my old night gown got that all done, except the button holes & sewing the button on. I made a pillow slip & out of the scraps I made a bag for the snout of the cystern pump. then I cleared away my sewing put machine away & made the beds got everything ready to get supper, heat tea kettle for my bath & went out & picked a big bouquet of flowers for Church, Elbert decided to get the supper so I took my bath & dressed for prayer meeting, he ate & I ate a little when I came out & then he dressed. & we went it has been partly cloudy & showery all day. I picked a wild bouquet of asters, white, blue, pink & deep lavender for Mrs. Cranage tomorrow, I want to send her some dahalia to if I can.
Thurs. Sept. 30. 1948./ page. 2219./ 12. eggs this day./ Well. I was so tired that after prayer meeting I walked out & left my pocket book with the door keys in it & we got clear to the end of our road before I noticed it so Elbert turned around & went back, we were about half way when the iner tube blew out, so Elbert & I got out I held the flash & he changed the tire it took about 10 minutes, so the preacher had taken Grace Day home & got back & went to Lindy West’s to pray for Lindy’s father, he’s a wreck of late, we waited in the car for awhile for the lights were burning in the Church then, Elbert said he didn’t have gas enough to do anything & he went & got some gas & left me sitting on a bag on the church steps when he got back I sent him over to West’s not knowing the Preachers were there while I sat & waited, it began to sprinkle & I wondered if I were to get a second bath, at long last they both came & they gave me my perce I thanked them & we come home, had hot cocoa & pears & Elbert’s gone to bed & I am going now. I thank God for hearing & answering prayer & Praise Him for all things great or small.
Fri. Oct. 1. 1948. / 10. eggs today./ I got a card from Nellie yesterday she’s been in the same fix as Elbert arthritis in her spine (lower part) & her neck, she’s been to the Dr. but didn’t say wheater she was any better, Elbert uses turpo ointment & chases it from one place to another I use to have it untill they prayed for me & God took care of it in Jesus Name, Praise His Holy Name. Elbert went to Lorain with the eggs, 5. doz. 78 cents per. doz $3.90 he got & he brought back $1.92 cents, he got $1.00 worth of gas & 75 cent’s for bird seed & molting mash, 23 cents for can of milk & a yeast cake. It’s been partly cloudy today I sent Mrs. Cranage a wild (bouquet) flower of asters, they were pretty, stalks so full of blooms, Elbert said she thught they wre beautiful. she ask how I was. Elbert run around some looki8ng around at the river & lake from the bridge then came home again I haven’t done muc, washed the storm door & glass & inside door & glass, & Elberts bedroom door I have to wash the windows & curtains once more, I was so tired from that little bit, the sweat ran off me like raian, to much effort, hope I can pull out of this before long. I got supper, did dishes & done my daily round feeling to tired for words. I hope my check comes in the morning.
Fri. Oct. 1. 1948./ page. 2220./ 10. eggs this day./ I have to set bread to & do out a few wash pieces & sweep. It was partly cloudy & some of the time misty or I’d have tried to do the washing today, but haven’t got much so I’ll try to do it all tomorrow God Willing. I thank God for all & everything.
Sat. Oct. 2. 1948./ 10 eggs today./ Well, wind went N.W. & strong & cool mostly cloudy with heavy mist part time. Elbert did odd jobs cleaned coop windows & put them in & put the bags on holes above windows for ventilation, he killed a rat the other night & there was one in the coop tonight, but he got out before Elbert could hit him. I got my check & Elbert went to Huron & got it cashed & got a piece of pork can of milk & lb. parkay & he paid the balance of my bil at Mrs. Gunsenhausers. So, I got my washing done & baked 3. loaves of white bread & we had a little pork for supper, I’m tired real tired, but I Praise God for the wonderful strength, He has given me & for my check today & all the many blessings He gives to me. I praise His Holy Name I love Him Dearly, & pray He will heal me & help me to be a true testimony for His Name’s sake, Glory to His Name.
Sun. Oct. 3. 1948./ 8. eggs today./ I got up took a bath dressed & picked a nice bouquet for church & we went to Sunday school church We had cummunion & a good prayr meeting & again tonight we had a good prayer meeting & they prayed for several of us & the Lord blessed us Glory Glory to God I praise Thee Jesus. & after word we took Mr & Mrs. West Sr. home. they are staying with Dorthy & Lindy. It’s been a nice cool day partly cloudy N. east wind. I picked a big bunch of dahlias & took tonight & gave half to Gracie Day & Mrs West took the rest. The Ministers wife had the morning bouquet, Oh Praise the Lord. Glory Glory Glory Hallelujah, Amen. Elbert went into the meeting tonight. Praise the Lord. On the way home the radiator went dry & he had to stop & ask for water. I hope & pray it don’t leak. Oh God of love & mercy help us out of the tight pinch we are in & I’ll give Thee all the praise & Glory
Mon. Oct. 4. 1948./ 2221./ 4. eggs today./ Hens are moulting, only 22 of them left. Elbert went to Huron but got no fish lake to rough for fishermen to get out. Elbert got his check today & no raise. He’s done odds & ends & hasn’t felt able & neither do I and I’ve only done my daily rounds & potted 6 or 7 plants I had out door. & there are two or 3 more out there yet. Well we have to get up & go to Huron for the baby chicks in the morning, I pray & trust all will be well. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings & I pray God will help me to be worthy. I Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost for all things. I thank Him for the song He puts in my heart no matter what the conditions are. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. Wind N.E. and cool.
Tue. Oct. 5. 1948./ 8. eggs today/ Wind still N. east & cool we went up to Huron at 8-30-a-m & waited untill noon. & no chickens we came home & looked after things here had dinner & a lunch supper & went back a 8-p-m & no. chicks yet so we came home, both of us have felt so tired today. They said come back tomorrow noon for the chicks, I do hope they will be O.K. they told us they would go to Elyria or maybe Cleveland & then send them back on the local or by truck. I can’t see the scence in halling them all those extra miles it’s 27 or 37 miles to Elyria from Huron & about as much more to Cleveland. & its only 4 miles from here to Huron & all the trains go through Huron station & right passed me hre at home & to think of carrying things all over the country & then bringing it back. It’s only 10 miles from Sandusky to Huron & they stop there. I can’t the object, They said it didn’t cost me any more freight, or express rather. so we have to make another trip, 8 miles round trip. We bought a bag of pressed hard coal dust, today, it keep a good heat with only a little coal, it’s pressed lumps about the size of an egg. We got a very few grocherys 1. lb. parkay. 1. can milk 1. box drz soap & 2 cakes lava hand soap, 1. lb. some liver, 1. box rolled oats. We are in a bad pinch for money, I hope & pray God will help us some how. I thank Him so much more than I can tell that things have worked out so far, just fine., only the chicks should have been here today, they wrote they shipped them Oct. 4. Well, they’ll be come soon & poor little things will sure be tired. I Praise Thee Jesus for our many blessing & pray I may be more able to do for Thee, Amen.
Wed. Oct. 6. 1948./ 12. eggs. today./ Well, Elbert went to fish house & got a good big mess of fish & got the chicks at noon, they took them to Elyria & they were there last night & hauled them in a truck back here to Huron & Elbert got them at 12 noon. they have a cold & are wheesing hard we been out several times to see if they were warm & comfortable & they are. I hope I don’t loose any of
Wed . Oct. 6. 1948./ page 2222/ 12. eggs this day./ I baked 3 loaves of bread & cooked up 1. pk. of grapes for jelly, or juice.& did my daily dozen & we are both terribly tired tonight. We have a little fire it’s cool wind shifted to S. east tonight. I thank God for His love & care & pray the chicks will get ovr there cold & be happy tomorrow, God He is able & I’m trusting & believing for His protection in Jesus Name & I thank Him, Give Him all the praise & Glory for everything for ever & ever, Amen. Glory to God.
Thurs. Oct. 7. 1948./ 5. eggs today./ Well, one chick died last night the rest seem better, they sure were wheezie last night We put them under the brooder & they are quite tonight, coops warm & comfortable, they seemed settled when we left for prayer-meeting & the same when we came back, but 2 or 3 hen’s got the wheezes tonight, We had such a good pray meeting & God was there. I hope God will help them to be O.K in a day or two. Elbert let them out & it’s to cool for molting hens. We’ll have to be getting the trimings from now on, from the store. They expect Mrs Sprunk this coming week about 15th. Mr Day had a heart attack. Miss Clark was back tonight I caned 3-1/2-lb. coffee jars of grape juice & did my daily doz. & was so tired & so was Elbert tonight. . but prayer meeting take the ach out of me. I Praise Jesus & thank him, Glory to God in Jesus Name.
Fri. Oct. 9. 1948./ 8. eggs today./ Time is flying. Well, I got up washed dressed & picked a big bunch of dahlias & 3 of the big ones 2. white & 1. canary yellow a beautiful clear yellow & some of my dahlias marone & yellow & a pink & white & some sprigs of tamarix, Elbert said she (Mrs. Cranage) was delighted with them. Elbert sold 4 1/2 doz of our hens eggs for 78 cents per. doz, 3.48 & he bought 2 1/2 doz. for 55 cents per doz & he sold them for 1.92 & made 54 cents on them, he bought grain 4.45 & he got a box of grit for my birds & a box of seeds & can of milk, a lb of saucage & 2 little pieces of boiling meat as big as your 2 fists not enough to make good flavored broth we had saucag for dinner at 2-p-m. Elbert got trimmings for hens & chicks. when Elbert got home he brought me a slip of angel wing begonia with a big cluster of deep pink blossoms it’s like one I use to have, but I let it freeze, they get so big. Mrs. Cranage sent it. Well, I did all the washing while Elbert was gone & I had to dry them in the house, for it rained evry little while, then the sun would come out between showers & the sun was so white, like ice & I didn’t get the clothes all dry yet. The baby chicks are better today, and all eating the hens are bad yet, Elbert has to learn the hard way, no matter what I tell him, he left the windows open all night & the cold north east wind blowing on them all night & I ask him several times to close them at night. now several of the hens have the snuffles & he’s sorry. I hate
Fri. Oct. 9. 1948./ page. 2223./ 8. eggs this day./ to make him angry, to get him to do what ought to be done, but I should have insisted. I had him mail a card to the chick Co. & one to Nellie, she addressed her last card Dear folks, as if we were no relation, but, perhaps she doesn’t consider us a dear brother & sister, I’m sorry she’s so miserable & she will only be 52 this Feb. 6. she said she wished we’d come for a visit, she likes to have Elbert take her to town & bring hr grocierys for her, then it’s nice to have us go & get out of there way. Ella Jane hasn’t writen me a word & she hardly said any thing to either of us when we were there last. I wish I were in bed I’m so tired, and it’s thundering again. I do thank and praise God in Jesus Holy Blessed Name for all our many blessing & pray He will save our souls and deliver us from the wrath to come. Glory to God.
Sat. Oct. 9. 1948./ 5 eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a nice mess of fish I did the bal washing & dried it in the house. I felt as if I wouldn’t get up Fri. morning, I had a cold & it had settled all over me, I felt heavy & doppy, but we felt the power of God in our meeting, it made me laugh & laugh & Praise the Lord & so when I got ready for bed I thanked Him for my healing, I didn’t feel 3/4 as bad Fri. & Sat. the cold was gone, Praise the Lord, Glory to His Name, He’s a wonderful Jesus to me. It has warmed up quite a little although air is real cool.
Sun. Oct. 10. 1948./ 6. eggs today./ I got up took my bath & went to Church & Sunday school Miss. Clark taught & there wre a few more out to for both services Rev. Scheriens Mother, father & brother were there. They are christians. I came home Elbert & I, & got our dinner & then I picked two big bunches of flowers & toook them in the evening to Church, Rev. got the vases I put the flowers in & sister Scharein took them upstairs & rearranged them & put water on them, “or in the vases” & brought them back & set them on the Alter & after servcice they divided them up among the Ladys. it was late when we got out & got home, chicks were O.K. though, & they are begining to feel better & are all eating I thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name.
Mon. Oct. 11. 1948./ 4 eggs today./ I cleaned & steamed & canned 4. big cans & 1. qt of pears in sweet spiced vinegar. the big cans hold about 1 3/4 qts. & did my usual round & I’m so tired to-night.
Tue. Oct. 12. 1948./ page. 2224./ 2. eggs today/ Elbert went to Bill Long’s to see about the work & he’s still waiting for Elbert to come & finish the job, he went to Amhrst and ordered some lumber, he found the Wakin place, but there wasn’t any one home & he never thought to leave the order for the condition powder, so I’ll have to write for it anyway, he said he was going back that way tomorrow & can leave the order, he went to Lorain this morn. I did all the washing except the table cloth & was to tired to do wash it so that’s seed for next time as ma use to say. Elbert came at 2-p-m. I fried the rest of the fish & got the dinner & we ate, he heat up water & washed his work pants & did a few odds & ends & took care of the chicks, they are happy & begining to grow, a few have the snuffles yet, but are active hens are about the same, not wheezing quite so much. Some bad loooking storms went down the Lake today, sun shone between times, sun was warm & wind South, but quite high up. I picked up a few walnuts & piled them & I picked a few more chinese lanterns today. Preachers wife let the other ones I gave her, lay all in a pile & spoilt & we worked 3. hrs. to pick the best ones & those with the most lanterns on & big ones they were so pretty. Oh, Well I’ll know better another time. I am so glad God gives me strength each day I thank him & give Him all the praise I Love Jesus He’s all the world to me. The wind is shifting & the air is quit frosty tonight, hope no frost tonight.
Wed. Oct. 13. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to Amherst & left my note in Watkin man’s mail box & on to Bill Longs place & on to town The little old man with his notion came in here, in time to eat breakfast with Elbert & went all the way to Lorain with him, he was on his way to Cleveland for the winter, he said & that he thought he’d stop at Avon on the way he got a 20 mi. lift, from here to Lorain. Elbert worked 3 1/2 hrs. & got back here little after noon & it poured rain a little while later. I swept & wiped up the floors & I was so tired &K still feel that way. I have done my daily doz. & I thank God with my Whole heart, soul, mind & strength for Him & His wonder Power to Keep Glory to God in the Hightest in Jesus Name. I received letter from Berrys about chicks. We were 10 short but since Elbert didn’t count them at express office. I’ll lose that much, there are so many crooks in all walks of life.
Thurs. Oct. 14. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to work & worked eight hrs. today It’s been a beautiful day. I baked 3 loaves of bread & 1. tin of bread biscuits & 4. doz. roll oat cookies & took care of little chicks & hens & my birds. I washed up all the dishes.
Thurs. Oct. 14. 1948./ page. 2225./ 2 eggs this day./ I had pealed the potatoes & chopped the cabbage & had everything ready to cook for supper & started it when Elbert turned in on the drive, he brought some pork & I fried it & made milk gravy & hot coffee, We had pickled beets & fresh bread also. I ran out after I got the supper cooked & while Elbert was feeding chicks & picked a few flowers to take to the preachers wife & I took her a loaf of bread & 6 rolled oat cookies & I took a small tin of bread biscuits & 6 cookies to Miss. Clark, she, well, both seemed much pleased with them. Miss. Clark’s living with mrs. Fredrick & they neither one are very strong in body. There were only a few to prayer meeting, Lindy & Dorthy & baby, Mr. Bockman, Miss. Clark, Gracie Day, the Minister & his wife, & myself. We had a good prayermeeting, I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing, but we pray we may be worthy & that all the praise & Glory maybe Thine for ever & ever. Amen. I (or) we, received a card from Nellie, she was wanting to meet Elbert tomorrow & come home with him, he phoned tonight to tell her, he was working, Bonita ans. phone & said her mother had gone to church & she didn’t know what her ma would do. Elbert said he’d look for her at 4-30, if she wanted to stay all night & go back next morning, with him, Bonita said she didn’t think she’d stay all night, but now he’ll have to go clear down to the waiting room, to see & he’s so tired, he hasn’t worked for so long. We both had to take a bath & dress for prayer meeting & we neither felt able.
Fri. Oct. 15. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to work & he was tired this morning, got to tired yesterday & he worked 6 1/2 hrs. today, he’s been shingling two day now. he’s got to buy some new tires (4.) of them, he’s dog tired tonight his spine at the lower end & his knee is paining him bad, he went to see if Nellie came, but she wasn’t there, she don’t like to leave her bed at night, for she’d have to sleep with me & she likes to sleep alone. Hellen Sarr was here this morning before I got dressed, I was to tired to yesterday, but I got dressed & let her & her son “Earnie, who is 2. yrs. & a few mo’s old,” in she wanted to talk to Elbert about compensation, she’s worked 20 weeks for Deforest Ward. I don’t know much about it, they each had a cookie & talked about an hour then she went home was home & hr or so & went passed in the car, I guess they get milk over to Haufman’s South the track. Well I went out & picked what lanterns were left & hung them on the cloth line & took care of hens & chicks & then put on water for a cup of tea & then a truck turned in on the drive, It was the coal man, he came to see if I want the coal, I said I did, & that I thought he wasn’t going to bring it & we’d made our minds to get it at another place
Fri. Oct. 15. 1948./ page. 2226./ 2. eggs this day./ he said he would send it out if I wanted him to, so I told him to send it. 15 dollars and 50 cents pr. ton. 6 ton will be 93.00 & tax 9 Well I hope we don’t have to pay any more than that or we’ll have to find another place to stay, we wont be able to keep warm & eat, to; Coal man wanted some of the Chinese lanterns he offered me 25 cents for a dollars worth, so, I gave them to him, he wanted them for his wife, he has been good to wait for the coal bill, & I can only pay 10.00 per mo. it will take 10. mo’s to pay it this time & we have to pay for a fire pot if it ever gets here. & I don’t know how much that will cost yet. I had baked potatoes & baked apples & Elbert got 4. little pieces of stake, for supper, bread & hot drink. I have dishes done. Elbert looks after chicks at night & puts hover down for them & sees to it, that they are all under & warm they are very active & happy, I air the coop & take care of them during the day, it wasn’t very cold today or tonight, We have a big patch of tomatoes just ready to rippen I do hate to see them get frosted hope we can pick some & pack them in crates to rippen, I ought to make a few tomatoe pickles, yet for winter. hope I can. It’s been a beautiful warm Fall Day. I thank God in Jesus Name for all my many blessings Glory to His Name, Glory, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Sat. Oct. 16. 1948./ 2 eggs today./ Elbert went to work 4. hrs. he said he put in more, but he hasn’t any watch so he took Bills word he went right up town & it was 5 minutes to one, he said he’s going to let it go, I know I wouldn’t. I did several odds & ends, have to look after chicks & I aired sleeping garments & got the mail & then brought in the Sleepers & did it rain, Elbert came at 2-30- and we had dinner & then we both went to Huron got two bags of growing mash 9.80 that was 4.90 per. bag, & a bag of scratch grain ____ & 2. bags of coal ____ then he got bottle clorox 2. boxes oats 2. cans Ba-bo 1. jar sanwitch spread. & I called on Mrs. Wosener & gave her a bunch of Chinesse lanterns, she’s had a lot of hard-ships since Dr. died. she cought her house coat & burned her hip so bad they had to graft skin on it & last mo she was in a car wreck & hurt 2 fingers quite bad & for all that she’s looking fine she lives alone in a swell & swanky home, a big place for one poor little soul she hires some one to come in every 2 weeks & clean & dust, such a world. Well I took some Chinesse lanters to Mrs. Gunhauser, to the store & run in debt for 2 prs stockings ____ she said the lanterns were beautiful & she had a brass vase tall & beautiful that they
Sat. Oct. 16. 1948./ page. 2227/ 2 eggs today/ would look just fine in it. then we came on home & Elbert feed & took care of hens & chicks while I got supper he was in such pain with his knee he could hardly eat he took 2 anicins & I prayed for him (it) the pain left him all of a sudden & he looked at me so queer & said it had left & then, I said thank the Lord & he said I do, I do, & then he told me how a shock had passed through him & left him sort of dazed the time we went to a meeting at Norwalk, Mr. Haufman had ask us to come to that meeting, Oh, I wish he had told me then, but, I had a vision in the church last Sunday morning, It was a big cream colored piece on something black & in big gold letters it said “Jesus never fails.” Praise His Holy Name. Glory to God, Hallelujah, I praise Thee Jesus, Wonderful Jesus, I love Jesus. Well it’s been a nice day showery after noon & it’s been raining quite hard & steady tonight not very cold.
Sun. Oct. 17. 1948./ 2. eggs today/ I took my bath dressed & went out in the rain & picked two big bouquets & a cabbage for our dinner, I cooked the pork last night & it was so tender & nice, when we got to church Rev. Scharien brought the flower vases, I put the flowers in & his wife put them on the Altar. Rev. Coon was there this morning. His job is going from one district to another looking after the churches, he preached the sermon & we came home had dinner & I felt bum, so laid down a while I felt to bad to eat supper so Elbert ate & then we went back to Church, there were only Graci Day Miss Clark & Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the Minister & his wife & Elbert & I there. It’s been a rainy day & tonight it turned cold & spit with snow on our way home & we didn’t get the tomatoes picked. Elbert put little chicks under brooder when we got back home. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for our many blessings.
Mon. Oct. 18. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ I haven’t done only little things all day & I’m tired most to death. Elbert’s back’s been bad today but he’s done some work while things, he put a piece of quarter round on the upper part of the windows out side to hold the windows closer so the cold wind can’t get in quite so easy & there’s one more job to find out whre the wind gets in through the locker & blows the doors open. I can’t understand how that can be, but Elbert says he’ll try to find the trouble to fix it. he cleaned the out sides of the windows also. I was going to sew, buty helped with the windows & swept & cleaned & so didn’t sew, or iron thought I’d get one of them done. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessing. I love & Praise Jesus
Mon. Oct. 18. 1948./ page. 2228./ 2. eggs this day./ It’s been a nice day partly cloudy warm (but) white sun, South West Wind easing up late this after noon, it froze ice in birds bath last night & it froze some of the tomatoes where the wind hit them, wind was north west last night & it snowed & melted as it fell at 10-p-m, my big India lillie bulb is out side, I have to dig it tomorrow if the top wilts down enough so it will come of the bulb. I was sick all night bowels didn’t move all day Sun. then at night after we’d been home an hr. or so they began & keept it up so I felt bum, but have done my daily doz. & Praise the Lord.
Tue. Oct. 19. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert worked 6. hrs today he didn’t work away yesterday, but did a good job on the windows here. Well I did most of the washing hung it out but had to get it in post haste, a big storm was going down the lake but the sun was shining hear, I went to the well pump & the wind began to blow untill it was likie a shreik & I got back & in & shut the windows & watched it, it had turned & coming back with a fury Wind had been South west & then turned North west & how it blew then rained wet snow, & then, just rained water, wind was sure cold I finished drying clothes in the house, had just set down to rest & peal potatoes when Elbert came in, Bill took him & a helper out to a hot dinner, I’m glad for he would feel more like work I had a dish of brand flakes & milk, but no milk for tomorrow, unless I get it from the milk man. Well Elbert brought boiling meat for soup perhaps I eat a few crackers & some broth. I thank God for all our many blessings for giving us strength to help our-selves a little & I hope & pray I can work to the last breaath & I’ll Praise Him & give Him all the Glory, Amen.
Wed. Oct. 20. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert worked 8. hrs. today, it was a gray Oct. morning, but cleared up late this afternoon I looked after chicks & got a few beets & carrots out the garden & I dug my India lilly bulb. & the glads Audrey gave me, wish the rest were dug & put below. We’ll have the dahlias beets & carrots to dig & that will be the end except for a little cabbages. I did the ironing & seemed as if my feet would kill me. I starched my dress & Elberts shirt & dried them & dampened & ironed them When I had the rest done we received a card from Nellie & that the children were all home Sun. Bonita & little George had a cold Johny & Marcia went to New London & the babys are growing fast. Well, so are, our babys growing & feeling good. I received a check for 4.39 for the 10 chicks that were missing & the one dead one, from Chick Co. They must be O.K. & the chicks are coming along good. I thank God.
Wed. Oct. 20. 1948./ page. 2229./ 2 eggs this day/ for all He does for us, in Jesus Name and wish I could get out & do more for Him. I can only pray Trust & believe, Praise His Name. I baked 3. big white loaves of bread. It’s really been a beautiful Fall day. N. west breeze.
Thurs. Oct. 21. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ I only did what I had to do all day & trying to write a letter to Audrey, she wrote me a very sisterly letter telling how each one were & that Martha’s two girls both had to go to the hospital one to be examined for stomach & back & one “Joan” to have two ruptures sewed up, Martha isn’t very well & Merlin has a heart trouble, and Audrey has many a heart ach, Gertie lives with Audrey & makes life miserable picking on Martha’s family, But, A. has ask them there for thanksgiving dinner, it’s her home & she isn’t letting any one else runit. A. sent me 5.00 in her letter, she’s real human, I hate to take it & if she wouldn’t send it, but we do need it bad, it’s hard to have to spent part of my check, for chicks mash but it wont be for long, as soon as they begin to lay, they will begin to pay there way & a little later give back what I’ve had to spend on them, we used what I had saved for them, so, that’s that. I thank God for all our many blessings, He has help us thus far He took the wheezes & cold all out the chicks, & hens & hens are molting, I feel that was really a marical, I thank God we can depend on His word, if things go a miss. I’ve found it so. Elbert worked 7. hrs. yester today. It’s been a find day. We both went to prayr meeting. Elbert mailed Nellie a card today, this morning.
Fri. Oct. 22. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert worked 7 1/2. hrs. today. Winds been & is south, tried to rain late this afternoon I washed my house dress towels & pillow-slips my under skirt Elbert’s sleepers & what few odds & ends there were, the table cloth & 2. grain bags & got the supper & did quite a number of odd jobs, took care of chicks & hens & my birds. Clothes dried almost dry & I finished them indoors, Elbert mailed my letter to Audrey this morning & I have to write a thank you note to Chick Co. to be mailed in the morning,& thank them & tell them the chicks are sure up & coming. Well, we got about 20.00 to pay on the fire pot. Elbert has drawed 25.00 & he still has 63.37 coming he can get his tires he needs so bad, he had to stop & change tires on the top of the hill by Sarr’s, tonight & he’s so tired when he works 7 or 8. hrs. & he has to do the shopping in Vermilion on his way home He plans now to come back early about noon to put the fire pot in, I hope it will be warm & we wont catch a cold or the birds. I truly Praise God for our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name. Glory Glory Glory to God I do Praise Thee, for all things.
Sat. Oct. 23. 1948. /1. egg today./ Well, Elbert didn’t get home untill 15 to 2-p-m. so I built a fire it was chilly & damp & raining slow drizzly rain not cold out side, if you wre busy & Elbert dug the dahlias & I dug the glads, then he dug a bu carrots
Sat. Oct. 23. 1948./ page. 2230/ 1. egg this day/ Well I’m so tired I can’t get up to make a cup of tea with out sweating like rain. I chopped cabbage, pepper & onion & didn’t get the carrot & beet chopped fr put with it. & I’m to tired to work, so only did what I had to do. I had a terrible dream, so clear & vivid, but, it didn’t frighten me a bit, It was this, Elbert & I went on the train some where come back we had to wait 1. hr. so he said lets walk over to the street & then we’ll come back, he had to find a rest room or toilet & left me waiting on the corner I thought I’d go back & as usual I went the wrong direction I walked into a big hall see there were all colored women there sitting every so far apart, I passed 2 & the third one got up & held out her arm. I turned & said I beg your parden I’ve got the wrong place & I hurried back & before the first one got a big buck out I ran back the way I’d come from, I saw a white man & yell to him he waited & I noticed he had turned so white he looked as if he’d faint & we both ran for the station, Elbert was coming on the run to meet me, the man said to me, your lucky you got out, no white woman ever gets out & they even keep men as slaves so they wont tell things but a few men have got away, & told, I ask why they were left there doing such things then & he said he didn’t understand that either. I said I prayed God would help me fast & He did Praise His Blessed Name. Then Elbert said some one went through your suit case & left it open & there’s only & old dress left in it. We reported it & the station man said to much of that was going on & he didn’t know why, but he made a note of it. We got on the train & went on to Elyria & went to Nellie’s & there was Nellie in one bed & Mrs. Bessie in another & there wasn’t a place to sit down to rest & Bonney Bell came in all dressed in black with a big wide rimed black hat on turned up on one side, she sat down at the piano & began to play, & never said, a word, not even hellow, we seeme to be taking care of first one & then another & then got in our car & came home, so, now, I’m wondering, for all day I’ve sort of been waiting or expecting something. I pray all is well, with all my heart soul mind & strength in Jesus Name. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for everything Amen.
Sun. Oct. 24. 1948./ page 2231./ 1. egg today/ We got a real killing frost & most all things got killed such as tomatoes & dahlias, glad tops were green & the petunies are under the trees if they are still blooming. Well wonce again the wash dish has sprung another leak I bought one, not as large as this on & the only one I could get, then found a fellew that mended the old one, so I just saved the new one, but had to use it. It was cloudy & not much breeze all Sat. but today it’s been partly cloudy tonight quite a fresh breeze from the North east. We went to Church & Sunday school this morning & came home & fix our dinner, Elbert had bought a small ham but & I cooked cabbage, onions, potatoes, carrots & dumplings with it for dinner & it did taste so good. for we haven’t been eating much meat of late or having a big cooked meal We were most finished when Nellie, Ella Jane, Bonita & her 3. children drove in Johny had let Ella Jane take his car Nellie brought 2. cherrie pies & so before they left thy each had a piece of pie & cup of tea, I gave Nellie a box of green tea, she had been craving for it, & I gave Bonita the glass pitcher that had a small crack in the bottom but it didn’t leak & I gave her 3. searel [?] dishes for the children, they had broken some & hadn’t enough to go around. & Ella Jane & the children went down to the lower walnut tree & got a few walnuts & out under the buckeye tree & got a lot of buckeyes, to take home to play with. I like to have them come but they tire me all out, for they are on the move every minute & into everything. They were here a couple of hrs. & then went again. They had stopped at Audrey’s & tried to get her & Gertie to come along, but, Gertie wouldn’t so Audrey didn’t, but Audrey gave Bonita & envelope to give me & after they went I looked in & there was a 10.00 dollar bill, I love her & I love them all, but it does worries me to owe her so much I must pay it all back, for she works hard for all she has. I will try to give it in chickens if I can. We went to church tonight Miss Clark, Mrs. Sprunk Mrs. West Sr. & Mrs. West Jr. & baby & Eddy West & his wife & baby & Gracie Day & the 2. Smith girls & there 2. brothers, Mr. & Mrs. Smith that live in Tom Epplers house the preacher & his wife & I . were all there were in church tonight. We had a good sermon. I spent an hr. fixing up a winter bouquet of ever greens & Chinesses lantuns & white indian tobaco flowrs dried & they looked real pretty.
Sun. Oct. 24. 1948/ page. 2232./ 1. egg this day./ I Praise God for saving my soul & for giving me a spiritual insight. But I still want to praise Him in Spirit I’d like a gift to help in the church, I pray for strength & health to & Give Him all the praise & Glory in Jesus Name Amen.
Mon. Oct. 25. 1948./ 2. eggs today/ Well, it’s been a beautiful day not cold & I’m to tired. Elbert took the heatrolla apart cleaned it & rescemented it & put new fire pot on & such a dirty mess he had a canvase & papers & boards laid down, but the ash dust all over & I helped him what I could when he put it back together I cleaned the outsides & insides of outside parts & I cleaned the pipe & cleaned out ashes from the bottom & took ash pan out & when he got it all back I had to give the floor a good cleaning, I covered everything I could, light shades & a few other things I’ll still have to clean & I feel to miser-able to be on my feet. Elbert built a fire got it to hot & most smoked us out, it will take a little while for the cement to dry & it ought not have had a fire in it till it had set & dried such is life I just could-n’t get him to fix it, or do a thing about it all summer Well, it’s done if he don’t spoil it now with to much fire & I have begged him not to over heat it. fog horn is blowing. no mail today. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for our blessings.
Mon. Oct. 26. 1948./ 1. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a fine day with the sunshine, and not cold. Elbert went to Huron but didn’t get any fish. I gave him the 5.00 Audrey sent me he wanted it to pay for eggs & he spent part of it for 2. prs. sock 1. lb. Parkay a yeast cake 3 lemons & a box of brand & 90 cents for saucage & 1.23 for crisco he said he spent it all maybe he did, but not for the things he brought home, & I need some good nurishing food, he get more to eat than I do & says he has to have it. I can’t get to the store & so I can go with out, he even said I have a qt. of milk all myself, but, I don’t I use most of it for gravy, I don’t believe he cares if I kick off he’d have (he thinks) what I have left to do as he pleases with, I have to fight to have a little food I can eat. Well, I’d be glad if God would take me home. he pulled the carrots & beet today & cleaned the small hen roost in middle pen & did odds & ends & he’s is tired I know I haven’t done much today my feet hurt me so bad they makes me sick to my stomach. but,
Tue. Oct. 26. 1948./ page. 2233./ 1. egg this day./ I thank & praise God for what I have & I pray He’ll see I get more to eat in Jesus Name, Amen. I Praise thee Jesus.
Wed. Oct. 27. 1948./ not one./ I only did odds & ends today, Elbert worked 4 1/2 hrs. for Bill Long this morning then came home at noon, he bought 3. catfish & while I got dinner cooking, he skined the fish, he brought in 2 & I washed & salted, floured & got them on to fry I had just got them in the frying pan when he came in with the other one, I washed & salted it & had the first ones out the last ones in by the time he got washed & set down. the fish wre good, I had everything ready to cook be-fore he came, the potatoes & cabbage. I made the coffee & he had a cup as soon as he sat down & then fixed his potatoes by that time I was ready to set down We thank the Lord & really ate. I get so empty & haven’t felt so good of late it’s so hard to work all day with only a snack & sometimes not that. It’s been a beautiful day, it was after 2-p-m when we finished our dinner & I clipped Elberts hair for him, then he got the ladders & trimed the middle rose rambler on the south end of the house. by that time he had to feed the chickens & then we had supper, were just going to rest a little when Elbert came in & said thre was a rat in the coop, but he must have went in & come out with Elbert for we couldn’t find anything of him & he went out several times after words & there wasn’t a sound, so I hope he’s out side. Now everythings ready for morning, I have read my bible & am going to bed, the stove stinks so bad, we can’t have much fire, I so glad the weather is still warm, takes the cement so long to dry. I shucked out couple doz walnuts & got a few more to do yet. I thank & praise God for all our lmany blessing in Jesus Blessed Name.
Thurs. Oct. 28. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ I baked 3 loaves of bread 2. white 1. graham & I had a small bit of graham dough left & I made 2. doz. doughnuts they wre good I took Miss Clark 2. Mrs. Sprunk 2. & Brothr & Sister Scharien 4. Sister Scharrien is sick tonight been in bed all day she thinks she has the flu. We prayed for her & for Mr & Mrs. West & for Mrs. Scharien’s mother who lost a sister rather suddenly, her mother had been over to Penn. to visit this sister just recently, so the shock was bad for the Ministers wife also & she’s so thin of body & they both work in factory in Elyria every day & Tue. night they drove to Ackron Ohio & took their mother so she could make better time getting back to Penn. so, perhaps she was overly tired & took cold more readly. I know she is one of the
Thurs. Oct. 28. 1948./ page. 2234./ 2. eggs this day./ Lord’s children & I believe He will heal her body Praise the Lord in Jesus Holy Name. Glory, Glory, Glory Hallulejah, I Praise Thee Jesus. It’s been a beautiful Fall day & I long to get out side in God’s fresh air & sunshine, but I’m so slow takes me all day to get anything done. I thank & Praise God my Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for all our many blessings.
Fri. Oct. 29. 1948./ 2 eggs. today/ Elbert went to Huron this morning & I rested a little while then I got up & did out all the washing but 4 pieces & his socks & kercheif. When he came back he ate his dinner & went to Lorain & worked for Bill 4 hrs. I was done at 2-p-m. rubbing but had to look after hanging & drying & putting them away. Elbert got a white fish & so I fried it for supper, cooked a small head of cabbage & warmed up the potatoes & with bread & coffee we had a good supper & we are both to tired, I had to feed & look aftr chicks also & it’s to much after doing the wash. We still have to go & put them under the hover every night, for they are moderen Chicks, been brought up in a heated room & lights alnight, they are growing & will soon be old enough any way. & we have to some thing about it. I do thank & praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name. It’s been a thick fog & got real bad tonight. N.E. breeze, to. & Sunshine [?]
Sat. Oct. 30. 1948./ No-not one today./ Most of the little old gals are all pin feather but feeling good & very active, & very cranky. It’s been a nice day, although quite fogy, it was terrible thick last night we couldn’t even see the light from the railroad engines & there has been a lull all morning, but late this after noon it became more noisy & tonight we can see the stars & verious lights along the high way. I been on the tramp alday just doing little things looking after chicks & hens & pounding the shucks off a few more walnuts, doing things about the house & cooking. Elbert’s been putting cement in the cracks in the foundation of the house & then he went to Huron & got 15 fis, then, we had dinner & then he dressed fish. I swept & got things ready for supper. We are both so tired, so terribly tired. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings, He’s a wonderful Jesus.
Sun, Oct. 31. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Last day of Oct. and mostly cloudy alday today. Well, I’ve been sort of on the bum, so weak. I’m most worthless. I’ve read my bible & prayed & sit around all day. It’s been so warm & it’s really been a nice day sun did try to shine several times, not so fogy tonight. I wanted to go to Sunday school & church, but felt as if I couldn’t sit up that long . I pray
Sun. Oct. 31. 1948./ page. 2236./ 2. eggs this day./ God will forgive me & help me to be able to go to prayermeeting Thurs. night. I’ll thank Him & Praise Him in Jesus Name And I do Praise Him for His love & comfort He gives me, in Jesus Holy Name Amen.
Mon. Nov. 1. 1948./ 2 eggs today./ Elbert has been home today rained this a-m. I felt so bad all night & all day, I had just got dressed “Elbert had gone to Vermilion” when the Watch Tower Minister came to the door, He’s a young man in his middle 20tiesI’d say, he came in & we had a good bible visit, but,no prayer. he said he hoped to call a-gain for he had really enjoyed our bible chat, then he went & I got everything ready for dinner & Elbert came & he had brought a piece of ham so he fried a little to go with our lunch of potatoes beets & lettuce, after dinner he went out & finished triming the ramblers on each side on S. end of the house then he carried the brush away & chopped of a grape vine N. of the house that came up in the rose bushes & he pulled that out & took it away, then the coal man come & brought 3 ton of coal & when Elbert shut the window he knocked out a pane of glass & had to patch that up untill tomorrow, now he’ll have to go to Vermilion & get a glass for that & we are going to get 3 tons chessnut lump hard coal to go with what we got, I paid $20.00 on this today. & there is 20 some odd dollars to pay on this load & the other is @19.50 per. ton $39.00 for 2 tons, this we have soots the pipe so bad we can hardly endure the smell that come out in the room each time we open the stove door & I wish I had got all hard coal, it’s terrible to burn up so much money & we’ll soon have to pay for another gas tank, keep a person wondering how they can meet all the bills, it costs a heap to live now adays, I don’t see how people that pay rent can eat, dress, & keep a car. Elbert just got 2 new tires & has to get 2 or 3 more so he’ll have a spare. I feel so bad, seems as if I’d faint, every once in a while. I pray God will give me what I need to make me feel better, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. I pray the’ll do the same for each of the rest & for Sister Scharien, I do hope I’ll be able to go to praymeeting, if the weather is good. I thank & pjraise Our Father in Heaven in Jesus Name for all He Love & care & pray He will find me worthy to walk for ever & ever with Him and do His Will not mine. I love Father, Son and Holy Ghost & hope to pray in spirit soon.
Tue. Nov. 2. 1948./ I haven’t felt able to sit up all day, but I did 7 I made soup for supper & cooked cabbage & potatoes for dinner & Elbert fried a little piece of ham & I made hot cocoa I did up one batch of dishes & washed out the dish towel & cleaned the birds cages took care of beds & aired room & I fell dead all day no strength, Elbert hasn’t felt a bit well & he’s been doing the outside chores, water, coal, ashes, taking care of hens & chicks, put in glass in coal bin window & went to Huron & got the glass. he thinks he has a cold tonight & looks as if he did, I pray God will spare him. We received a card from Nellie she says they are all well
Tue. Nov. 2. 1948./ page. 2235 [sequence would be 2237]/ Ella Jane got her transfer to Lorain Drug store from Cleveland, she’ll work at Marchalls on corner of 4.th. St. & Broadway. & staying nights with Bonita & Nellie, Johny & Marcie & baby were home Sun. Johny is having a heavy test in his studys today Joe, Bonney Bell & baby will be home Thurs, they are going to dentists also, She hoped we were well & they enjoyed their visit here 2 weeks ago on Oct. 24th & she hoped we’d come over some time she said the children were out raking leaves & playing, Love Sister Nellie & All. 3 ton of coal came today. same kind he brought yesterday. We do, but, I often wonder how much she & all love us, really love us. Well, I pray God will forgive us our sins & teach us His ways, I thank Him & Praise Him for all things in Jesus Name. The weathr is warm & mild & partly cloudy & fogy.
Wed. Nov. 3. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, Elbert worked here doing odds & ends & Bill Long came to see when he would be back, he wants to paint the old side, whre the shingles look old now with the rest all new & he’s decided to put on brick paper sidding. Well, I felt to weak to work & haven’t done much today. I got my check today & wont have any of it to use for myself. I have to get 3. bags mash & 1. of grain & pay 10.00 on coal. & send for my cards. & then I think I’ll let the cards go, for I’m not able. Elbert got the fire pot bill 19.13 a 1.65 for freight & 54 cents tax. Then they added 17.89 & some more tax, they must have been so busy they made a mistake, at any rate we’ll find out about it soon. Well, I’m going to bed, I am feeling to weak to eat or write or read or do any thing. I thank God He takes care of His own.
Thurs. Nov. 4. 1948./ 1. eggs today./ I haven’t done much today, been partly cloudy & a brisk S.W breeze. I took care of hens & chicks & my birds & shucked out couple doz. walnuts I have a pk & a half now. I got the supper & washed up 2 days dishes this morning & I’m so tired, but happy in my heart & soul for Jesus is mine & He takes care of me, Glory to God, Hallalujah. Praise His Name. I received DeHaans book in the mail this morning it good.
Fri. Nov. 5. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Well, Elbert worked 8. hrs. yesterday & 75 today. & I did most of the washing & got most of it dry. seem as if I couldn’t but I’d rest a few minutes & then try again untill I got them all done & then carried water to suds & wrinse I got supper & did dishes & took care of birds chickens & bedrooms so many odds & ends & I get so tired out, before I got started It tried to rain several times & then it thundered & did rain hard but only a few minutes, but it’s been at it all evening. last night the wind blew so hard felt as if the little old house raised up & down with the swell & the wind was so strong & puffy, we heard they had a tornado in 3 of the southern states, sun was warm & so was the wind today it’s really to warm for this time of yr. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Name for all our blessings.
Sat. Nov. 6. 1948./ 2 eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion got a little food & scratch grain for hens & paid for the fire pot out of his check & then he came back came in the house & when he went out a little Japanese woman met him & it took him so
Sat. Nov. 6. 1948./ page. 2237./ 2 eggs this day./ by surprise, he said, whre did you come from, & she said Vermilion, & he said I just come from there myself & I didn’t see you & she said I walked the track, he looked at her & said what, & she said I walked the track. I went to the door & she was glad to see me & I ask her in & she came & I gave her a lunch & some hot tea, Elbert seemed puzzled but done all the things he wanted to do before going to Huron & then I excused myself to her while I figured out some things he was to get the mash & baby chick grain & get 3. three prs. cotton stocking & pay the 1.63 I owed, & get a little more food I gave him my check for 35.00 & he spent 18.99 out of it. While he was busy the woman & I visited about the bible & ourselves & enjoyed our visit she got up & came to me & said turn around & I’ll take care of your headach & that sore back, I did & she did & prayed as she worked & be-fore 2. hrs. had passed head ach & soreness was all gone Praise God in Jesus Name He works wonders through His children I thanked & praised Jesus & I ask her to come back & she said some day she’d come & walk in a-gain, she’s going to Sandusky she said to Jehovah’s Wittness-es convention, she’s been hunting for the truth & she says she knows she’s found it, she likes best the Penny Costal Church. She was a little shy, quite spoken and loveable sort of person. I told Elbert to put her on the bus at Huron but they just missed it, I hop0e she didn’t try to walk it, she was so tired she had walked from Cleveland here, she told me how she had walk acrossed the desert out from California & many miles more with out any money & some of her expeirances. I pray God will see she finds & keep the Truth that she Knows Him forever & ever. I Praise Thee Blessed Jesus.
Sun. Nov. 7. 1948./ The Minister & his wife & Miss Clark came out to pray for me, I had, had Elbert go there when he was in Vermilion Sat. & God had answered my prayer & sent the little Japanesse woman, her name she wrote in a little book she gave me, she wrote, to Mrs. Elinor Babcock, with my best wishes in the Lord. So Sumnao Ogawachi. Nov. 6. 1948 & her address 3983. E. 123rd. St. Cleveland. 5. Ohio. I do Praise God with all my heart. I thanked Him again after they prayed for me, for there interest in me & that they had come 7 miles to be with me & pray for me. The little J. woman offered to do my ironing or whatever she could do to help me, after her walking all those miles, thats more than anyone else evr has offered to do for me, that’s what I’d call sisterly love. Glory to God.
Sun. Nov. 7. 1948./ page. 2238./ It’s been a beautiful day, I went to Church this evening & took a big bouquet of Chrisanthens purple & white ones & there were only a few there, the 4. Smith children & the other Mr. Smith Miss. Clark, Mrs. Goll, Dorthy West, Gracy Day the Preachr & his wife & myself. I’m terrible weak in my legs & body. Smith children lost a brother or sister, one of the twins, It was burried Mon. 1. 1948. May God help them.
Mon. Nov. 8. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Elbert went to Lorain to garage & got the car fixed up for winter & a new thermastat for heating the car & dope for cold winter weather, for the radiator, now the car runs better & I pray it will keep well all winter with out any more aches or pains, he bought a few grocerie3s & it was about 3-30 by the time we cooked & ate our noon dinner. so we only had a lunch for supper. I rested a while this a-m. & then pealed pears & cooked & caned 2 1/2 qts. & got about as many more to do tomorrow, I went out & got a pan full of pears that had landed in the ramblers on the fence & Elbert said maybe I could get them out, I lifted them with a flat stick so they fell on the ground & I picked up a good pan full, they are winter pears & big ones, all we need to use. Well, I mended Elbert’s heavy work shirt & sewed up the 6 or 8 slits in my old skirt I cover the birds with, I made a big batch of biscuits for our dinner, took care of chicks & my can twice & the beds & rooms & aired them all day, it’s to warm for this time of year, don’t need a coat on outside only in the evenings, gets cold before morning. I saw 3. big flocks of wild geese & called Elbert to see them yesterday morning & it looked like a pr. that got up the other side the track & went South today some of the ones we saw were lagging ways behind the others; a few mornings ago a big flock got up out of Bill’s corn patch across the road on top the hill. I heard them some time after midnight & on untill Elbert went to work & after he went over the hiss they got up & left. I like to see them fly & often wish I could do the same. How ever I thank & Praise God for His blessings which are many. Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Pure & Clean & more to be desired than anything else in the world, I love Him, Praise Him & Hope to be like Him, Glory, Glory, Hallulejah. I got most my ironing done Sat. & Sun. I wiped up the middle of the kitchen floor, before the preacher his wife & Miss Clark came. I hadn’t been able to do it for a week. and wasn’t able then but I thought they might stick fast. Elbert went to Huron got another bale of straw & few things & a money order for me so I can get the Christmas cards I have to order it was 14.85 & cost 13 cents so now I’ll send it in & give up the job.
Mon. Nov. 8. 1948./ page 2249. [sequence would be 2239]/ 1. egg this day./ Wish I could work every day getting orders, they sell good. but I just can’t I don’t have strength enough. I used the coal money & 1.50 church money I usually put in for Sun. school & missionarys. but I hope to get it all back when the cards are delivered & to pay the dentist his five. I spent 2.00 I collected on the cards & borrowed 2.48 of Elbert to get the money order. Well he hadn’t ought to kick, I gave him a good number of 1.00s for gas.
Tue. Nov. 9. 1948./ 1 egg today./ Elbert had to go to Vermilion to call gas man at 3-p-m. & he brought the tank at dark didn’t last quite 3. months this time. Seems as if we must get cheated one way or another, I got a get well card from Mrs. Goff today, but what I’d like to get would be some one to cook & work & let me gain my strength back, guess that will never be. I thank God for the strength He gives me from daytoday and Praise His Holy Name. I haven’t been so well today my bowels are on the blink again I don’t have the things I need to eat half the time, and I’ve always had a weak stomach & bowels If I forget to take my lemon juice or olive oil then I’m in trouble. I made soup today & a pie schell for a lemon pe gas gave out & so did I, my bowels moved hard yesterday, I forgot olive oil or lemon juice & so today I’m paying rather dear for it. Elberts back & stomach are bad for a few days, he cleaned the hens & Chicks part & put in clean straw he said they enjoyed it & were scratching singing & happy. We have one chick her uppper bill have been broken sometime & healed, turned off almost half way, she one of the bigest ones & I can’t see how she can eat but she does, We’ll kill her soon as she’s big enough for us to eat her, they are all growing & they have a canable habit eating each others tale feathers for the blood, we can’t buy meat scraps they cost so much. Well I thank & praise God in Jesus Blessed Name for His Love.
Wed. Nov. 10. 1948./ no eggs today./ Well I haven’t done much today & ELbert has felt bad all day, guess he has the flu. I tremble all over so bad & I need phyicall strength; Well it rained hard in the night & early morning, was cloudy all morning & cleared up this after noon. & raido said they had quite a snow storm & freeze in Columbus Ohio last night & that we were going to get a freeze tonight, and it looks like it. I caned one qt of winter pears today that makes 4 1/2 qts. I may a lemon and pumpkin & 2 small apple pies today. I made the crust & the schell for the lemon pie, but, it tires me all out I had the lemon custard done & the pum-kin in the oven when Elbert came back, he went to get some fish so I had to stop & peal potatoes & get him a basin & by that time “while he cleaned the fish” I put the lower crust on two small pie tins he washed & pealed the apples & I sliced them & got them in the oven & then salted the fish & floured them & he started them frying, I had
Wed. Nov. 10. 1948./ page. 2240./ no eggs today./ the frying pan ready & beets cooked & I had cooked a cup of rice for custard, but oven is not working just right & I had to eat instead of fixing it when I put the other pies in so now, guess I’ll make boiled custard yet tonight, Elbert’s feeling real bad but he put the dope in his radiator so car wouldn’t freeze tonight. I Praise God for His Love & Car and for all the things He does for us both, in Jesus Holy Name.
Thurs. Nov. 11. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well I feel like something the cat draged in & so does Elbert, he’s gone to bed & after I fish reading I am going to mine also I washed out a change of clothes & the rags & the towels today & dried them in the house, I guess I hadn’t ought to, for I’m so terribly weak, but, I have Elberts clothes to do yet he only has a change but it’s hard when yu don’t have strength enough to rub. Well, anyway, I thank God in Jesus Name, for getting it done & for the sunshine, there was a good drying S.West breeze but I sweat so bad I didn’t try to hang the clothes out side. Elbert fixed the brooder made it a little wider chicks could all get under for it’s beginning to get cold a long toward morning, now. I’m so sorry I had to miss prayermeeting I feel they are praying for me & I Praise Thee Jesus & thank Thee and I pray You will bless each one thre & help those of us who were not able to get there Glory to God in the Highest.
Fri. Nov. 12. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a pk of fish, I did balance of washing & had it half of it dried when he got back a 1-30-p-m. I had potatoes & carrots on cooking & fry pan ready & stew pan hot for drink so we fried the rest of the white fish & had our dinner & he’s dressing the fish now, & the clothes are all dry except his shirt & my dress. & now I’m going to try to get the order ready to mail for the cards I received a card from Cleveland from the little Japanesse woman this morning, she seems like a fine person May God bless her & teach her the truth she’s longing for if she hasn’t got it, but it seems to me she has it. Well I got the card order ready & mail it Mon. I wanted to get it off last night & should have. I’m so tired tonight my arms seem to heavy to lift them up to reach or to write. Elbert cleaned & dressed 20 or more fish & his back & legs are stiff & ach & he’s gone to bed, he sleeps good wish I could, I sleep like a cat & have for yrs. & only once in a long while I really forgt & sleep sound, I always wake with a big jump, realizing I had been sound asleep. It’s been a cloudy windy day with a misty rain several times this after-noon & wind has freshened up tonight, as it did last night. Well, I thank Our Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for His Kind & Loving care. It’s terrible here on earth & with out Jesus it would be unbearable Oh God of Hosts have mercy on us siners & teach us more and ever more about Thy Will & Ways, I ask in Jesus Name & pray You will keep us strong in Thee. for I want to be all Thine forever & ever, Amen. I Love & Praise Thee Jesus.
Sat. Nov. 13. 1948./ page. 2242 [sequence would be 2241]/ 1. egg today./ I didn’t do much today ironed 2 of my dresses Elbert’s shirt & 3. bags the mash came in, I swept all 3. rooms & washed all the dishes. Elbert feels bad yet, but he gets out & does the odds & ends, he went to Huron got a box of oats & head of cabbage for the chicks & he cooked the dinner & most of the supper. One baby chick has something wrong with it We got a canable among them & they pick the feathers & suck the blood the got after this one & picked it’s wing & hurt it’s neck. I hope they come along & feather out in the next to months, they ought to be ok by that time. I don’t feel strong enough to go to Church, I don’t know if I’ll go or not. I’d like to so much, but, I have to ride 7 miles there & 7 back it pulls on my strength & I feel to weak to help get dinner when I get home. I pray God will give me strength & help me to keep it. I thank Thee Jesus & Love & Praise Thee.
Sun. Nov. 14. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, Thurs. Elbert felt so bad we didn’t go to prayermeeting & today I’m so weak in body we didn’t go this morning or tonight & it’s really terrible when I miss getting to the meetings, hope & pray Jesus will give us the health we need, so I or perhaps we, can go to prayermeeting this Thurs. I wrote a card to Audrey & the Little Japanesse Woman & now I’ll write a line to Walkins & see if we can find out about the condition powder, I wrote to Amherst, to the dealer but no reply. Not a soul comes in to even see if we are dead or alive. One baby chick died last night, rest had picked it’s wing & hurt it’s neck somehow, they need that powder & I do hope to get it soon, the hens need it to. Well, I wrote the letter & read some in my bible, I’m a terrible sinner, each time I read I’m grieved to learn how bad I’m, I pray God Will forgive me & many of us our sins & teach us His ways, Oh, Jesus, Blessed Jesus, help me to be all Thine. I love Thee & Praise Thee and ador Thee for Thou art so pure in all things & the Glory truly belongest to Thee, Amen.
Mon. Nov. 15. 1948./ 1. egg today./ It’s been a beautiful day, S.West breeze & not very cold & mostly sunshiny, & today the Hunters were out in full force in every nook and corner & they got a pheasant & a number of rabbits, the back of my place is hill on two sides & hunted as much, if not more, than all around us. Elbert went to Vermilion & got some greens for hens & chicks & a little feed for us & he mailed my cards & letters, he mailed the letter for the cards all so. I did the usual round & baked 2. brown & 1. white, loaves of bread & cooked the meals today. Elbert’s got it in the knee so
Mon. Nov. 15. 1948./ page. 2241. [sequence would be 2242]./ bad, he could hardly endure it. I hope he feels better tomorrow & I hope to wash his blanket & get it dry tomorrow, Well I thank & Praise the Lord for helping me today & for the strength he gives me from day to day. I love my Jesus. Glory to His Blessed Holy Name for ever and ever, Amen.
Tue. Nov 16. 1948./ 1. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron for greens for hens & got a big bucket of fish & he dressed & fried enough for dinner & then dressed the rest & took them to Vermilion & gave Miss. Clark & Mrs. Fredrick 4. Rev. & his wife 4, Dorthy & Lindy 12. & Mr & Mrs. Smith 7. & he kept 6. for us. he left at 4-30-p-m. & got back 6-15-p-m. I washed today & dried part out side & part inside, I aired my bedding to & took care of beds & rooms & had the supper ready when Elbert got back, he went in the coop & looked after chicks, When he drove the car on into the garage there was a big boom & a flash of light & that light up the Whole sky & the electric lights went out, we filled a lamp & lit it & had our supper half eat when the lights came on a-gain. You know it would be rather terrible with only a Kerosene lamp, like a candle light. or no light at all. We received a light card from Nellie today, they are having there troubles, Johny tore the water punk apart & his car two weeks ago, and he came back, put the pump together & found a part cracked & had to take it apart again & waite to get a new part. He & Joe & Mr Gannet have been working on the car. They all get home quite often it seems & are well as usual, Praise the Lord. well Well, I thank God, He takes care of us & They have all been praying for me at church, I thank God in Jesus Holy Name & pray He will give each of them four fold what they ask for me, I am better & hope to go to prayermeeting Thurs. evening. We are getting a hard strong wind, We saw over 300 hunderd geese in one flock & several other flocks, of over 100 in each flock & one today of 75 or so. We are both feeling better. Well, 2. baby chicks just laid down & died. I do hope we don’t loose anymore. I thank & praise the Lord for all our many blessing.
Wed. Nov. 17. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, I got up & washed Elberts bouble blanket & his wool knit work jacket & was they dirty yes, I know they were. he hung them & his beding on the line to dry & to air wind was S. & strong, hard to keep them on the line but they all got dried and aired Elbert’s been so ageravated, I wondered why & today he said Bill Long didn’t pay him for 5. hrs. he had
Wed. Nov. 17. 1948./ page. 2243./ 1. egg this day./ worked for Bill & he would never go back & work for him again, $8.95 is a lot of money when you work at rebuilding & I feel I know, for I wash his clothes & on a wash board. he never ask if it was O.K. just paided what he thought ought to be enough, Elbert said, Well he knew what sort he is now, any way. Well, that’s true. I made two pillow slips & a petticoat this afternoon didn’t get the belt on underskirt so got that to do yet. I mended 1. summer under suit for Elbert & darned 1. pr. socks & got his heavy union suit partly mended. I terribly tired, but praise God for the extra strength He is giving to me He’s a Wonderful friend to me, Glory to God. Elbert has a cold yet, his back & head & eyes feel bad.
Thurs. Nov. 18. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Elbert went to Huron & got such a big mess of fish, he didn’t know what to do with them all, so at last we went off to Nellie’s & gave them a good mess then we gave Martha 11. & then we went to Audreys & gave them 6. nice sized pike all of them My head has felt so bad alday, I didn’t want to go, but Elbert felt so bad, I went with him, he can’t see good & almost ran into a lot instead of turning the corner, upset him some when we got back to or nearly to Vermilion, we thought we’d stop at Day’s but he didn’t know which street it was & so came on into Vermilion We’d have to wait 1. hr. & 15 minutes before prayermeeting would start, so, we came on home, had some hot drink & Elbert went to bed. I scrapped & washed all the fish today besides I washed out two changes of underwear for myself, I forgot them the other day & my feet have tortured me all day. It’s been a beautiful day & quite warm, & over in Nevada & surrounding states they are having a blizzard snow 3 to 4 ft. high & slippery and a lot of cars & people stalled, far from home. Winds gone N.East & radio said we are to get the storm next. We have seen such a lot of wind geese & we heard a big flock tonight when we got back home & saw a flock this morning. I pray that God will forgive me for coming on home tonight but it isn’t very comfortable to waite in the car for 1 1/2 hours the way we felt & Elbert said he wouldn’t go into church the way he felt so we came home & Jesus has blessed us by giving the fish to so many & taking & bringing us safe I do thank Thee with all my heart & I love only Thee, Jesus Blessed Pure & Holy.
Fri. Nov. 19. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, it’s been a nice day, it rained before daylight a hard rain & soaked everything out side was cloudy all day, sun came through at 4-30 or about 4-45.p.m. & there was a nice rainbow it rained this after noon a little, just before we got the rainbow, it’s quite warm, the wind been a mile a minute
Fri. Nov. 19. 1948./ page. 2244./ 1. egg this day./ & snowing & drifts 5. ft & over in some places & some trains were held up & were 18. hrs. over due. It cleared all off here, over head & in 1/2 hr. was & is all cloudy & wind blowing & puffy & raining again. Elbert’s been putting cement around the house foundation & now it’s 10-p-m & we are frying our last 8. fish so they wont spoil & they look & smell so good. I Praise God for saving my sould & for all our many, many blessings, I love Jesus. & hope & pray He will strengthen all His people & teach us & me His ways Holy, Beautiful, Jesus. We received a card from Nellie asking us to dinner on Sun. Nov. 21. instead of the 25th. but we are not going. We are neither very well & think well feel better home. I’ll write & thank hr, though, it was kind, to ask us. Audrey gave Elbert 10.00 & we had hoped to have some of it for food, but, seems he didn’t get enough feed for chicks & so now they have to have part of it.
Sat. Nov. 20. 1948./ no egg today./ I helped do the cooking & swept, took care of beds & rooms & birds & wiped up kitchen We’ve had a chilly penatrating air today & I received a letter from Miss. Baumgart she said Mrs. Cranage had called Frank Bonney to see if we were all right & they hoped we were. So Frank & Harvey came out to hunt today they got 6 rab-bits & gave us one there wasn’t much left of. Frank said Ruby was coughing rather bad & Harvey said his wife was having another baby in Mar. & wasn’t very well & it cost him 65.00 doctor bill his last pay & it took all he could earn to keep them going, & they gad[?] nights & were going to his wife’s mother’s for their wedding ana-varity Supper tonight I’ve forgot how long he has been married, but it’s 6 or more yrs. he was over seas the first 3. yrs. & I’ve fogot. Elbert went to Vermilion & got a good bunch of greens for hens & chicks they are all feel-ing better & not picking each other any more; he killed a rat that tried to get in through the wire netting the other night. Elbert came after the boys had been here awhile, we had dinner before they came back in & they sat down & ate there lunch with oranges & apples & cake & soforth & then went out & got enough to make them 5 rabbits to take home & they had to come get a shovel to dig the fox terrier dog out of a woodchuck hole where he chased to rabbis, they got one, but the one they hurt they didn’t get. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for all our blessing & pray He Will take more people to church. put a craving
Sat. Nov. 20. 1948. /page. 2245./ no. egg today./ into there hearts to want to know God. & put a greater desire into the hearts of the young folk to work here where they have lots of chance to work for souls.
Sun. Nov. 21. 1948./ 1. egg today./ We went to church this morning & it was a beautiful morning not cold & a bright sunshine. We had a good empressive sermon & I was so happy to be at church again & pray God will Keep me able & fit I give Him all the praise I know there’s no one else Who can keep me in all ways, Only Him, Glory, Glory to His Holy Name, Jesus Blessed Jesus. I thank Him and praise Him for all thing, the Glory truly belongest to Thee. I still feel weak, so stayed home this evening to rest but, there isn’t much rest. I cooked the rabbit for supper & made 3. dumplins & warmed up potatoes & we had a sweet pickle, I cut the outside off for myself & give Elbert the inside. I’ve washed up dishes & read 3. chapters in Acts & now hope to write a short letter to Miss Baumgart to ans. her’s. It’s been a beautiful day, but wind scuds & cloudy tonight.
Mon. Nov. 22. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Elbert went to Lorain Learned a few things, he’s been feeling miserable, he hadn’t been gone long before Bill Long & his sister rolled in on 2 wheels honked the horn long & loud & punded hard on the back door I was half dressed, so I finished & combed my heair & washed my face & hands, then let them in, he was full of rath & after he exploded I smiled & told him to put his temper in his pocked & sit down & talk like a man & not do any cussing in my house or on my places, Well, he sit & he cooled off quickly, & he left going out, around the corner on 2 wheels, as if he was in a great hurry, he has & air plane he flys & cars don’t move quite fast enough, His sister saids she kept the work hrs. that Bill gave them to her & I laughed & said I keep them also & Bill short paid him and didn’t ask if it was O.K. or not, but told Elbert to sign, “paid in full” so, Elbert didn’t argue, just signed & he said to me, he was don with Bill. When they went down the steps, his sister tapped him ont the shoulder & said, pay your bills & there wont be any trouble. She didn’t say much, she walked around & looked at the plants & voilets. If they wre honest why come out here, as if to tare some one up & talk to me in such a nasty ignorant way after all it wasn’t I, who he wanted to talk to & Elbert isn’t indebted to them either. Bill said he could get other men to do the work & I said
Mon. Nov. 22. 1948./ page. 2246./ 1. egg this day/ I believe you told him that & he told you to go ahead, so perhaps that will be better, but he said he liked Elberts work & wanted him to do it, I said I don’t know what he’s going to do, he has several other small jobs he can do any time he gets around to do them, Bill said he’d go back to Lorain & he’d find Elbert but he didn’t, Elbert saw the sister walking up broadway, but she didn’t see him. Elbert went to Mrs. Cranage’s & visited some, because he hadn’t been done, she was afrain we were both sick & so she called Frank Bonney to see if they knew for she knew they came out here hunting some times, says she wishing for some of our hen’s eggs. she isn’t very well & Will is broke out with blotches & Ruth is working, Miss Baumgart’s legs are weak, they say she’s 90. yrs. old old, I believe she’s older, but I won’t be sure. Well, we had a snack when Elbert got here & supper later, it’s been cloudy all after noon was fine with sun this morning. I tore my two wool single blankets into & sewed outer edges together & hemed the raw edges, then I spent the rest of the time trying to mend my old corset, but didn’t get it done, got to fix my under skirt it’s stretched on the side seams & then fix Elbert’s shirt over, he wanted it roomy & now he don’t like it, & so it is. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for saving my soul & keeping me able to get around & taking care of us both. Glory, Glory, Glory to God, I thank & Praise Thee for ever & ever.
Tue. Nov. 23. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, I didn’t get much done today, finished patching corset & got the hem changed on the petticoat but not stitched & did my usual round, it’s been a nice day, but, cloudy, not real cold, the air is damp & penatrating if you stand still for a few min-utes. I thank God for all my blessings, for saving my soul, for the wonderful strength He gives me when it seems as if I can’t get up & go, I know it’s Him who gives & keeps me, there’s no other source it could come from. Isn’t He Wonderfulll kind & so true? I know no other Friend so near and so dear to me. Praise His Holy Name, all the Praise & Glory truely belong to Him.
Wed. Nov. 24. 1948./ 1. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Huron & got a nice big mess of fish & we ate some for dinner, then he cleaned the rest, & scraped & washed them while I washed out a dozen pieces of the washing, Ella Jane was coming on the buss at 4-p-m & Elbert was to meet her, but, she came early & walked, We had fish for supper, irish potatoes, beets & pickle pears & bread, butter & hot coffee, then we talked & visited untill 10-p-m. before going to bed I went out for some systern water in the big bucket & found a
Wed. Nov. 24. 1948./ page. 2247/ 1. egg this day./ 1/2 in. of ice froze over the top & this morning it was so cloudy & most of the day it cleared up partly this afternoon, I dried all the clothes & got the supper,. I couldn’\t rest or can’t rest with any one in bed with me, she came to get me talked into going to there home for dinner there wouldn’t be any one extra there but us so I said if they wanted us to come so bad we’d go, Ella Jane says they don’t get out among other people enough & they pick on each other just terrible, it’s a pity they don’t love one another in the good way like Jesus loved us, and try to do nice things & say nice things & be a cheerful remedy for each other. I pray God will teach them yet, his way. I thank Him & Praise Him for teaching me & Blessing me in such a lot of ways. Glory, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus.
Thurs. Nov. 25. 1948./ Well, we got up at 8-30 & had breakfast & did dishes & I fixed my petticoat hem, I had to rip it and cut off some on the sides & hem it over t then I took a qt. of pickle pear & beets & a few fresh carrots & beets & a doz. eggs for Mrs. Cranage & was she pleased, she gave me 95 cnts for them and said they wre 95 cents in the store. I could hardly get away, they’d like to have had me stay & talk, but Ella Jane had to stop at the drug store & get hr mother some dop & Nellie & Bonita were waiting dinner for us, so we got the dope next & then on to Nellie’s had roast chicken dressing potatoes, salid pickles & bread & coffee & good piece of apple pie, we left at 4-15-p-m & got here 5-15-p-m & Elbert fed hens & chick & sun shone all day & this a-m we saw a big bunch of wild geese they came from the west flew over the house & went south. It’s been a beautiful day, We went back to Vermilion & no one at the church so we went to Dorthy’s & Lindy’s & they had prayermeeeting Tue. night, so I misunderstood, Well, we had a pleasant time, Lindy had a book full of questions & he ask us questions to see how much we knew, I do know but, when I’m ask I just can’t ans. right off hand, but, we all did fairly well, little Barbara take a great shine to Elbert & she climbed up beside him & show him her story books & told him about the storys & then she put a little blanket about her shoulders & went to grandma Sprunk & she took her up & rocked a little & she went sound asleep & Dorthy put her to bed. Dorthy was crocheting matts to put under hot dishes on the dining table. Mrs. Sprunk was just resting. We went down 15 to 8-p-m & got back around 10-p-m. It’s surely been a beautiful day & evening but it’s dark out tonight & wind rising from S. east.
Fri. Nov. 26. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, Elbert went to Huron he got one herring enough for 2, that they gave him I made a lemon cream pie for supper that’s composed of milk & eggs flavored with lemon, it was a part of our supper with fried potatoes bread & coffee, I don’t drink coffee. We’re down to rock bottom again & not much around we can eat betwine now & next Sat. or prhaps even later on. I had Elbert get a yeast cake, hope to bake tomorrow.
Fri. Nov. 26. 1948./ page. 2248./ 1 egg this day./ I think I feel storonger again, but nothing to brag of yet. I recieved a letter from my little Japnesse friend she didn’t get the bus that day Elbert took her to Huron she’d have to waite an hour so started to walk & some of her friends picked her up a mile or so out of Huron & they had a good lunch when she got there & they took hr back to Cleveland she’s changed her address again, she wrote a nice letter, says she’s praying for me each night, May God bless her. Says she’s coming again soon to see me. She is Welcome. I do thank & Praise God for human sisters & may He help all the others to be likewise. I thank Thee Jesus so much. Glory to God in the Highest, I love Thee Jesus, Pure & Holy.
Sat. Nov. 27. 1948./ 1. egg to day./ Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish & some big fish, he helped the boys wash the nets they brought in. I tried to sleep, but , the birds made such a fuss, I slept, a work dream, several times I’ve dreamed we were in big trailers & hundreds of trailers traveling away from the Lake & this time the relatives were all mixed in with strangers & it’s queer, but I always get acquainted with some of the government’s head men, & we get the help we need & I’m then able to help some of my relatives more, than I could other wise, this time it was Nellie & her children & there families, & Martha & her family & Frank Bonney’s two daughters, girls Shirely Page & Ruby Jean McGinnis. with there babys. I wake out of that dream & dressed washed combed & cleaned my teeth & Elbert rolled in, I started dinner he dressed fish for dinner & by the time the fish were fried I had all else done & we ate, he went out & cleaned the rest of the fish, I set my bread at 1.-30.-p-m & made 2. graham loaves 2. white ones I took care of bed rooms & did dishes, washed out some dish towels & a pr. of stocking & put a cake of mince meat & raisins on to stew & added brown sugar, cheeries & mixed fruits & molasses & will have to finish it later, I to tired I took care of birds & watered plants, washed up bread dishes, then salted & packed rest of fish & Elbert cut brush & pilled some to burn & then came in & helped me get supper, after he fed & took care of hens & chickens & now he’s in bed & I wish I were, without the effort of getting there, but, I’ve cleaned my teeth, put them in water & set them on my dresser & a glass of water to drink & I took in the wet wash rags, I’ve read my bible & I sang & whistled some hyms today & the birds sang as hard & long as they could now they are covered for the night & fire fixed, I find a time during afternoon to make beds & pray & I ask God to help Elbert get some fish & I thank Him for them so much. & I. ask Him for a sunshiny day, for last Thurs. & I Praise & thank Him for that & I love Him & Praise Him for all things great or small & that I am feeling much better. Glory to His Holy Name.
Sun. Nov. 28. 1948./ page. 2249./ 1. egg today./ We went to church, I was there a little early, got in on the finish of Sun. school. I took the preachers a loaf of brown bread & 4 fish & I or We brought Mrs. Sprunk home to dinner, & of course we had a light lunch before going back to church tonight. We had prayer together this after noon & a good prayer service tonight & it started to rain at dark & kept at it all evening from the N. East. We brought the Smith children from over the track back to the end of there road, they ran for home & I hope God Will deal with those children & keep them from harm & evil, God, Please Keep them. I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus for ever & ever. We have much to be greatful for, the house was nice & warm when we came in at noon & again tonight Lord God of Hosts I pray in Jesus Blessed Holy Name Thou will Keep us Close to Thee.
Mon. Nov. 29. 1948. / 2. eggs today. I haven’t earned my salt today. Elbert didn’t put the milk bottle out & so, well, I haven’t had enough today. he said he didn’t know how we’d pay for the milk Oh God, have mercy on my body also, at least give me some of the necessities with out so much arguement. & enough to keep up my strength. it a shame I cant have what I need, he has lots more that he can eat, for he can eat most anything and get by with it & I can’t. It’s been a damp day, rained in showers all night & sun came through this afternoon, it’s colder outside air , is quite snappy and fresh. I thank God, my Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name for all I have, for I feel I am, very unworthy in there sight & I do so little, but still I love Jesus more than anything else in the Whole world, regardless.
Tue. NOv. 30. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well, I did most of the washing today & it was a beautiful day south breeze quite fresh & cool Elbert went to Vermilion for greens, but, didn’t get any. he run in debt for 3 lbs of pork shoulder. & he owed for a piece of ham & we owe for 12 or 15 bottles of milk at 21 cents per bottle Part of the cards came today that I ordered & the bal. is still to be shipped 5 boxes & 2 boxes of wrapping paper, cards are really vry pretty. I hope to get them all delivered this week. & who knows, I might get another order. I haven’t been able to hardly do my own work or I know I could have sold more. I thank & Praise God for saving my soul & giving me so many wonderful healings & lending me so much strength. All my Praise is to Him, He’s so Beautiful Kind & true.
Wed. Dec. 1. 1948/ 1. egg today./ Well, I washed my bath towel I forgot yesterday & my slip & Elbert’s sleepers & pillow slip & he washed 3 prs. of his pants, it’s been a partly cloudy day with damp air clothes didn’t dry very good, but I finished them in the house & they’re all dry except the pants. We see 2 more flocks of wild geese 7 I hurt my left wrist 2 weeks ago & it’s rather sore & I have a red spot on it now, hope it gets better it’s to hard to rub clothes.
Wed. Dec. 1. 1948./ page. 2250./ one egg this day/ and mix bread, We didn’t have much to eat today, but hope we can have more tomorrow & we wont have much all this month for it will take 15 or 20 dollars for mash & grain & 8.50 for that con-dition powder & 3.50 for Church & I’ll be about broke. Elbert has run in debt for meat so he wont have much for all the month out of 25.00 either, he hasn’t fell very good all day, he’s cutting a double tooth it will be one of his 3rd. set, wish he could get all of the lower set & be able to eat with them. I thank God for all our many blessing He gives to us and praise Him, for there isn’t any one else that could do so much for us, as he does, Glory to God . I wrote a letter to my little Japanesse friend tonight. hope one check will come tomorrow & bal. of cards.
Thurs. Dec. 2. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron but no fish & I think he has the flu. once more in his stomach & bowels, he feels so bad & we have to go & get something to eat tomorrow for us & hens. Audrey sent us 10.00 today, May God bless her & give her four fold, save her soul & bless her it’s wonderfull, she loves us enough to help us now when we need it so bad & she expects to be out of work soon, the Co. is moving to Lorain, but , she will have a job when they get going again I expect, for they like her & took her off another job to get her back with them. I have wrote a letter to send back to her, in the morning, & a card to nellie, also Ella Jane is talking of going back to New Mexico & I don’t know just when, but be fore Christmas they say. I don’t know why, before Christmas. Well, I cleaned out to see if I’d over lood any caned goods, I found a can of campbels beef soup & one of coffee thats all we had to eat today & Elbert had coffee. I received a DeHaan book today called “Ruth and Boaz) Elberts gone to bed, wish I were in mine. I thank God for my blessings & I’m so sorry I couldn’t go to prayrmeeting but, I know they will pray for us & I thank them & Praise God. He hears & ans. prayer if we trust, believe and Obey. Glory Glory to His Name He touched me to day & several times since I do Love Jesus, He my All in All with out Him I couldn’t endure, but, I’m so Glad He’s evr present & hears our cry & knows our needs, Jesus,
Thurs. Dec. 2. 1948./ page. 2251./ 2. eggs this day./ Blessed Jesus, I do want Him to hear my cry for souls & save them before it’s forever to late God help them now & help Elbert to crave to be saved, I pray Thou Wilt.
Fri. Dec. 3. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Well my check came 35.00 & I had the 10.00 Audrey sent, so, as the cupboard was bear, We put on our coats, hats & over shoes & went to Huron & got 3 bags of mash for the chicks. We got 5. garlic saucages 59 cents and 4 gal. gas for car 1.00 & came home, left the mash in the grainery & went to Vermilion, We took a box of cards to Mrs. Smith & I left one other box, she wanted, but didn’t know if he would let her buy & so there is 3.00 standing out, that we need so bad. Mrs. Smith is sick & she looks it to, if I culd only talk to her more often, she’s in need of christian fellow ship. We then then went to the mill & paid 10.00 on the coal bill & bought 2. bu. wheat 5.00, then we went to A.P. store & got 100 lb. sack grain 4.25, then we mailed my letters to Japanesse friend & letter to Audrey & card to Nellie, then we went to Krogers & got 4.54 worth of food & then we came home & Elbert fed hens & I got the supper both our heads to dizzy for any good use, but we ate after we thanked God for what we had & now my money is all gone except 1.66 cents and the 10. Audrey sent us also & Elbert wont have much for food out of his for he only has 25.00 & he owes 5. & has got to pay 8.50 for condition powder so thre wont be only 11.50 left for food for 5 weeks. looks as if we’ll have to live like the dutchmans horse & then lay down & die, well, I pray God will in some way take care of us and the many others that are in the same fix,as we are. & poor little Mrs. Smith she needs help if ever a soul did. Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I know Lord God of Love & Mercy that you heard that prayer of ours today & I pray Thou will help her in all the ways she needs, help her to trust & believe Oh Glory to God I know Thou art able. Keep us Jesus Close to Thee help us to live Thy way we thank Thee Jesus & give Thee all the praise & Glory WE are standing on the Promises trusting & believing, Keep us steadfast & true, I pray in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.
Sat. Dec. 4. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Well, I only swept & done up dishes press two prs. of Elbert’s wool pants, I didn’t get done the other day & he had the soup partly made, then run off to Huron to get some fresh fish & he got a nice big mess & came back, We ate hot soup & he went to clean fish while while I pressed the pants & then, I salted & packed them, & put them down to keep cold, I made the beds & took care of birds & went out & shut the henhouse windows. & got the mail, my card’s came & Elbert’s check the cards are not the ones I ordered, I am so sorry & I don’t know whether they will except them & they didn’t send the rapping paper at all or the pocket book, such a world. Well, I’m not going to be bothered with them any more, I guess I’m to strick about honesty, at least
Sat. Dec. 4. 1948./ page. 2252./ 2. egg this day./ other folks think I am, but I don’t. If every one were honest what a differ-ent world this would be. Oh Dear Heavenly Father make me clean in soul & body & keep me so & close to Thee ever closer to Thee. I’m so discusted with this life & pray the next one will be more perfect. We can’t even rely on the Christians, only on Thee. How terribly glad I am to Know I can depend on Thee. I thank Thee more than I can express iin words for being Truth its’ self, I give Thee all the Praise and Glory for all I am & all I have, Glory to God for ever & ever.
Sun. Dec. 5. 1948./ 1. egg today./ We went to Church this morning and it was Cummunion Sun. We ate our dinner & Mr. & Mrs. Smith and there 3 children came in for a visit, We had a good visit they went back at 4-15-p-m. We had a dish of soup & then we went to Church leaving here at 7-40-p-m. We had such a good meeting & we felt the power of God with us. We heard tonight, Mrs. Hambly’s father is dead & they haven’t told his wife yet and decided not to tell her untill just before the funeral, how wicked that seems, her heart is very bad & they said they thought it better but seems to me they will be subjecting her to a greater shock. I don’t know just when we will hear about the funeral & the time but Rev. Shr Scharien said he let us know. Poor old grandma. May God help her in all the ways she needs. Well, Dec. 4th there were lots of flys on the screens out side, then it began to turn cold & the wind’s blowing hard today & tonight started when Mr & Mrs Smith & family were leaving for home. Radio said there had been lots of damage on the roads & in the air with plains & cares & on the big sea waters. & the world is in a terrible turmoil. the Catholics are trying to rule the world now & are working fast & hard by any means just so they win. I pray God will find us worthy.
Mon. Dec. 6. 1948./ page 2253./ no egg. today./ Elbert’s birthday./ Well, we went to Vermilion & got 13.76 cents worth of can good & noodles & speggetti, coffee lava soap, honey & head of cabbage & paid Naegele & got a boiling piece 1. lb. & a little pork to fry, then we went out on the Mason road & got 1/2 bu. Apples then we came home & I got supper & Elbert fed hens & chicks & did the chores & carried in the things we bought. & we ate & I washed the dishes & cleaned the cookstove & Elbert put the meat to boil & I put some of the prunes we got on to cook. Well, I feel weak today, but I Praise God for all our many blessings & that we still have a place to live & food & warmth. We don’t know how much longer we will be able for the religius war is making fast towards war. & the Whole World is most ready to get at each others throats, I pray God will be merciful unto us siners. Oh Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free Where Jesus is it’s Heaven to me, Glory to God. Tue. Dec. 7. Today Elbert is 66. yrs. old. Winds cold, but, no rain or snow.
Tue. Dec. 7. 1948./ 2. eggs today/ I got up & washed & dressed & combed my hair & cleaned my teeth & washed my hands cleaned my finger nails & then heat the water & set the bread, I mix it into a hard loaf & let it raise, then I started the washing. Elbert went to the beach for coarse sand for henhouse floor he came in & we had a bowl of beef broth & I had 2 handsful of crackers & a cup of tea, Elbert had coffee. I finished washing & mixed up bread in 2. big loaves & one big pie tin of biscuits I got evrything cleared away & Elbert came in & put some potatoes on to cook & we had a piece of pork left, so, he cook part of that & the biscuits were done, so, we had one & a half apiece. then I washed up all the dishes & changed the clothes on the line now I have most of them done will have by the time I read my bibl awhile, then I’ll clean my teeth & go to bed tired & weary & Elbert don’t feel very good, he has cramps on his ribs from carrying sand coop floor is wet he says & the straw he don’t take care of the coop like we always did & some how he don’t seem to want to do it that way now he’s went & put all that wet sand in the coop on the floor in the first pen & I could cry, but he wont listen & if the chicks get stiff legs & colds, he wont know how they got that way it’s sure discusting & it tires me so I paid so much for them I hate to see the money all lost but he don’t like to take care of them & he don’t like to sell eggs, such a world & he wont aply for old age pension so there we are, trying to feed & raise these chicks to lay & not give them the care they need to get them there, I’m not able to take care of them can hardly do the house work & washing. I pray God will help us in all the ways we need. and I’ll give him all the praise & Glory forever and forever, Amen. Mrs. Hambly’s father died Sat. Dec. 4. & his birthday was Sun. Dec. 5th. The Preacher said he’d let me know about the funeral, when it would be & I’m wondering about it.
Wed. Dec. 8. 1948./ page. 2254./ 3. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t done much today patched Elbert’s union suit, it’s just about all patches & darned his socks & wrote a Christmas card to Nora, Cora, Carl, Rose & Mrs Kendall 4. California I owe. & I’ll have a few more to send. I hope to sell my watch to-morrow, & pay for the hen’s powder & get another bag & send or give E.J. her dollar back, she’s leaving Fri. morning for New Mexico. Elbert received a card for his birthday from Nellie & Bonita & she said so, on her card & Bonita’s working half time some where, so, Nellie has the children to take care of. Johny goes to school & works after school 3. night’s a week & his wife works 3. days a week. It’s a great life today with everything getting bad, as the bible says it will. It’s been partly cloudy today, & cold wind, but, a fine winter day. Elbert’s felt so bum but he cut down several willows & trimed them, he’s cutting them to burn in the Spring, & a few small Elms & some brush. & after dark the Preacher came, said the funeral would be, Thurs. Dec. 9. 2-p-m. so we will get up & get going in the morning, for we have several thing we want to do be-fore going to the funeral. Well I have to mend a rip in Elbert’s coat sleeve now & then read some. I let the Minister take DeHaan’s book, on the book of Ruth, Now I hope he’ll give it back & not keep it, he has 2. others I let him take & I haven’t got them back yet. I thank God for saving my soul & showing me things passed, present & things to come. Praise His Holy Name, I love Jesus and know all the praise & Glory truly belong to Him. Elbert went to Huron got a bale of straw, but no fish, said the nets were covered with ice & fish were froze in them. Wish we could have had another mess they taste so good, when the water gets cold & there flesh is harder.
Thurs. 9. 1948/ no eggs today/ Well, for me it’s been a very hard day, I feel all in & so useless, can’t endure, being hauled around let a lone having to get out the car & go in this place & that, We went as soon as postman came this morning to Vermilion, stopped at the A.P. store & ask for greens for hens & they said they’d save them & they did, We then stopped & mailed out the five Christmas cards I had ready, then we sped of on to Lorain & stopped to Mrs. Cranage’s, she had paid for a box of cards & I left them & she took one more 1.00 box & paid it & a doz. eggs, she gave me 80 cents for them eggs, then we visited a little, she’s not very well, her hearts so bad & she washed & it’s hard to use her arms or to go up & down stairs so today she said she was just laying around, I thought she’d take my watch, she talked that way awhile ago, but, she didn’t want it today, so, I have to find another party now. We went over
Thurs. Dec. 9. 1948./ Page. 2255./ no eggs today./ Lillie’s, and left the box she paid for & sold 1. extra I had, to her for Elsie. We talked awhile then went to Ruby’s “to the old home place” & she had one box & Francis Cora had 2, & Evelyn had one so after we talked a spell, Ruby gave me some pieces of dress good, sort of gay stuff, to line a baby doll bugy for little Bonita, I had a roll of imatation leather for the outside body of bugy & enough for a chair set, they wanted to fix up for the children, for Christmas. I then went to see Gertie at the good will store where she works pressing, mending & sewing & gave her Audreys cards & we visited a little, she gave me 1.50 to get her a basket of apples like we got the other day, they had a chair there & Clock I’d like to have so much but I don’t see how I could get them. Well, I left her & joined Elbert in the car & we went to see Bonita, she’s working at a Caffitiara, she fills the bill for that sort of work, I only talked a few minutes for they wre quite busy, she was pleased with the leatherette & goods. So we got into the car again & then came in to Vermilion; No, we went to Mrs. Hambly’s father’s funeral after leaving Gertie, then to Bonita then to Vermilion where we bought a little meat & then picked up the greens at A.P. store, then home, where we ate a little soup & drank tea, fed chicks & hens & went up to R.61. part or nearly way to Berlin Hights & turned left & went a-bout 2 miles to get the apples, We got 1/2 bu. apples 15 big ones for Gertie & 1/2 small ones for up for 90 cents they are fair size & good, then w came back home so tired & weary & Elbert help get supper & I’m not washing the dishes but, reading & going to bed. I sure thank God for my blessings & Praise His Holy Name, He’s Worthy. I have one more box of cards to sell & hope I can sell them.
Fri. Dec. 10. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Elbert has done odds & ends all day, but I have only done just what I had to do, been bum felt to dead to get up & move, to tired, arms & legs ach so bad so all I did was my daily round & clean the bird cages. hope to wipe up floors & perhaps dust a little tomorrow. It snowed a very light layer of snow after midnight, then the sun came out this morning and melted it all away except where the sun didn’t hit it, and it’s been a nice day & soon the shortest day will be here (Dec.21.) & then the days will start to lengthen again & Spring will be just around the corner. I pray the Lord God of Hosts will comfort Grandma, poor soul & keep her And there are lots more in the same fix; I’m one, only, I still have the prevelige of living in my home yet, and I don’t know how things will be, before much longer. I’m trusting
Fri. Dec. 10. 1948./ page. 2256./ 2. eggs this day./ God will take care of His own in His own own way. I thank Him in Jesus Holy Name for all He has done and still is doing for me & I pray, I may do His Will in all things great & small things Amen.
Sat. Dec. 11. 1948./ 3. eggs today./ Well, sir, I sure enough felt bad today so weak, if I don’t gain more strength soon I’ll be drifting homeward before long. I did look after beds and rooms & sweep & wash dishes take care of birds & help cook, but, I felt as if I could never do it. Frank Bonney & his Eldest son “Harvey” were here today, hunting, they gave us one rabbit & they really brought us a piece of boiling meat, cheapest cut such as we usually buy, the cheapest cut, but, we are glad to get even that & the rabbit, we need it, & it’s just cold enough to keep the meat chilled. It snowed last night & hit the road a little half way into Vermilion & from there all the way to Cleveland, Harvey came from Cleveland Ohio this forenoon & Elbert went to Vermilion & got greens for hens & chicks this a-m. We didn’t get any snow here just some flurrys yesterday afternoon. Frank & Harvey were quite sociable today F. wants to buy Elbert’s lots. I thank God for His love & care & for revealing things to me. I give Him all the praise & Glory in Jesus Name for ever & ever Amen.
Sun. Dec. 12. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Well, I sure felt so bum, that I dreamed I wrote to Audrey & told her not to get me a washer, now, it was to late, I couldn’t use it, perhaps it’s so; I wouldn’t be able to toat it in & out & Elbert’s getting so he says yes, let Elbert do it, I do as long as I can, when any of them are ask to do for me, it’s really murder, I pray God will keep me able as long as I live, then snap me up so quick, there wont be anything left for them to do, except haul me out & bury me. & beat up on me, before they haul me out if they feel like it, but God knows & I’ll never be able to express in words, how glad I am, that He Knows all things, I’ll never be able to do enough to pay Him all I owe Him, He’s a wonder Friend to me, I love Him more than any one or anything else on earth, I Praise Him, love Him and all the Praise & Glory belong to Him, I adore Him, He’s the only one I’ve ever knew that was & is Truth & Honesty itself. Glory Glory to God in the Highest, Thou art pure & Holy. Amen. It rained this morning & staid dark untill noon & I just laid around all day I know they are praying for me and I thank God in Jesus Holy Name & pray & trust for more strength & I know He hears and understands, I thank Him from the depth of my soul for the strength & healing of what so ever I’m in need of & pray He will give four fold to each one, what they ask for me, in Jesus Name, believing Amen. Well, the sun came out late this after noon & it was fine all rest of the day & staid light for so long tonight
Sun. Dec. 12. 1948./ page. 2257./ 2. eggs this day./ Well, I forgot to write, that they are taring down the old No. 2. car dump just half a bend from the old homeplace on the west side the river, looks queer. with it gone & it looks queer with the highlevel bridge just a bend above, & they have filled the river flat, with river bottom dirt & over just beyond the old Mc.Guire house, the City had a dump un-till the people began to yell loud & lusty, & now they ought to yell untill they clean it up so it wont stink. I can’t understand the filthyness of the up, to, date, aristocrats. I had a nice picture of the McGuire house but Nelie stole it, she ask me several times for it, but it was the only one I had & Gertie had spoilt the film, so, one day they wanted my pack of pictures to look over & several was taken out before I got them back & I stood in my bedroom window & listened as they looked them over & made remarks & passed them from one to another. I’m sorry they don’t know Jesus for He Knows them.
Mon. Dec. 13. 1948./ 4. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain, and took the apples, “Gertie” paid for them“, to Audrey & Gertie’s home & Audrey & him had dinner together, she gave him $10.00 & he spent 3.00 before he came home so there wont be much left for Christmas. The card came from Vermilion hardware store, 5.41 today saying the grates for our stove had come. I received a nice letter from Cora Irish Barr. she said it was raining there when she wrote Dec. 7. & that they had, had, two light frosts, but the Fall had really been fine, and that it didn’t seem possible that Christmas was here again. She also said she has arthritis in her right leg & knee. I sure feel sorry for her & wish she would turn to Jesus. I received the raping paper today & don’t know if I can sell it now. I did out part of the washing & got it dried in the house. Elbert came 15 minutes to 3-p-m. I had just finished & set down, he changed clothes & warmed up potatoes & rabbit & we had hot tea & 7-p-m. I fried what pork there was left, and we ate bread & meat & drank tea. I don’t know or understand, but, the Lord sure gave me a lot of strength from Him, I couldn’t have got it any other way, yesterday. I felt so utterly worn out, yesterday, I really felt as if it was to late to do much of anything any more, but, today I washed half the clothes out & I ought to wipe up the floor. & I’m tired, but not as much so as I had feared. We received a Christmas card from Mrs. Sprunk today, Elbert received a birthday card from Easel & one from Bonita & Nellie last week. I thank God in Jesus Dear & Holy Name for all my many blessings & for saving my soul & revealing so many thing to me. I do love Jesus more than any one in the world.
Tue. Dec. 14. 1948./ page. 2258./ 1. egg today./ Well, I have felt weak alday & not like working, but set bread & made 4. loaves 2. brown, 2. white loaves, besides having to clean the stove, I got so dizy I slopped half the water in the top of the cook stove & something had been boiled sometime before & so it took me a long time to get it cleaned up the way it should be again & the oven needs cleaning next, but, I really hope I don’t have to do it un-till I feel a lot stronger & pray God will send me some one that is honest & would like to help me, I’d be so greatful Jesus for that honest trustworthy help. Elbert’s had the back door trot today but he’s done the chores. & I have done mine also, & I thank & Praise God from the depth of my soul, in Jesus Name for His Love & Salvation Glory to God, Amen. I pray He give all those who pray for me fourfold what they ask for me, Jesus, Blessed Jesus. We received a Christmas Card from Mrs. Sharp & one from Miss. Clark Mrs. Gall. & a card from Sister Nellie, U.S. Card. So I’ll have to get busy.
Wed. Dec. 15. 1948./ 2. eggs. today./ gas tank today/ Well I haven’t done much today, I finished writing a letter to Cora & wrote some cards to mail out. & did my daily round. I’m to tired & its late so I’m going to bed. We have had a heavy fog for 3. days & nights now, must be going to get colder.
Thurs. Dec. 16. 1948./ 4. eggs today./ Well I got a few more cards 14 of them ready to mail. It’s been a fine day S.W. strong breeze & to night as pretty a moon as you could ask to see, clear & bright looks as if we’ll get a good frost tonight, while in the southern states they are having floods at this time of yr. Will people ever learn to Know God? I ask Jesus in prayer a few nights ago what was come next & there appeared a big White billowy cloud before me, I wondered for a second & then a red horse with a man on it dressed in purple with a red robe all trimed in gold fringed braid & a sord & sheald on him, he had brown hair, mediam light & wavey & it was blowing back from his face for the horse was going like the wind, it faded away, leaving rather limp, as I wondered what the red horse ment, I had read about him in the bible, but now I couldn’t remember next morn-ing I turned to revelations 6 Chapter & foud that peace would be taken from the world, then the black horse will be next & after him the cream Colored one & the Devil follow-ing him. So now we know what to look forward to, no peace & then the weights & measures of grain.
[see below for info from Revelations via Wikipedia]
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an 1887 painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. From left to right are Death, Famine, War, and Conquest; the Lamb is at the top
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (often referred to as the Four Horsemen) are figures in Christian religion, appearing in the New Testament‘s final book, Revelation, an apocalypse written by John of Patmos, as well as in the Old Testament‘s prophetic Book of Zechariah, and in the Book of Ezekiel, where they are named as punishments from God.
Revelation 6 tells of a book/scroll in God‘s right hand that is sealed with seven seals. The Lamb of God/Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. To Zechariah, they are described as “the ones whom the Lord has sent to patrol the earth” causing it to rest quietly. Ezekiel lists them as “sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague.”
In John’s revelation, the first horseman is on a white horse, carrying a bow, and given a crown, riding forward as a figure of Conquest,[1] perhaps invoking Pestilence, Christ, or the Antichrist. The second carries a sword and rides a red horse and is the creator of War.[2] The third is a food merchant riding upon a black horse, symbolizing Famine. He carries The Scales. [3] The fourth and final horse is pale green, and upon it rides Death accompanied by Hades.[4] “They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and plague, and by means of the beasts of the earth.”[5]
The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the Four Horsemen are to set a divine end time upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.[1][6]
[taken from and link to Wikipedia]May God ever Keep us close & closer to Him & forgive us all our sins, A few
Thurs. Dec. 16. 1948./ page. 2259 / 4. eggs. this day./ nights ago I knelt to pray & Dorthys face came before me, she looked so sick & miserable, I looked at her untill she looked at me & I still looked & prayed for her untill she looked relieved, & turned her face away & slept, tonight I went to prayermeeting & we had a wonderful prayer service & after word, they anointed Sister Sprunk & prayed for her & then, me, I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for the healings & Praise Him there’s no one like Jesus, Glory Hallelujah; Then we talked a few minutes & I told Drothy I saw her face looking so ill & how I had looked at her & prayed untill she turned her head & slept, and she looked so excited and said, yes that is so I remember it was one night last week she seemed to marvel over it & I went on out, I had been talking to Gracy Day. then we took the 4. Smith children home & came on home. Mrs. Joe Smith is still ill and not out, I’ll have to go to her. I‘m trusting God in Jesus Blessed Name to take care of her. Received a few more cards today in the mail. Glory to God.
Fri. Dec. 17. 1948./ 2. eggs today./ Glory to God I love Thee Jesus, Glory, Glory. I have only tried to get rest of cards ready & swept & wiped up the floors, did my daily round., I thank & praise God for the wonderful strength He gives me and for my healings in Jesus Holy Name. It’s been quite cold today, had heavy frost last night. Well I sold me self short of Christmas cards.
Sat. Dec. 18. 1948./ 1. egg today./ Dave Hunters birthday he’s 63. yrs old. Elbert went to Vermilion to see if he could collect what money I had standing out on the card & to sell the rapping paper, he sold 1. box to Mrs. West Sr. visited a while & came home he used 25 cents of it for gas. Did my usual round & washed my rags & bath towel & my shirt, I didn’t iron this week, I also washed & cleaned up 3 fry pans & covers & the dishes, so as I’m to tired, I let Elbert warm the potatoes & make the gravy in the peas I had put on the stove to heat I had the water on for tea also & I scoured that stew pan to & I heat the rice, so he just finished. He had a visit with Mr. Day & learned Otto the man that runs the store where Mrs. Day works, had a stroke there at Days house & so now he stays there nights. Day says he gets 50 old age money & 1.19, one hundred & nineteen dollars from the county & she works & pays for the food in Otto’s store, she owes me 1.00 for cards & the Smith’s owe me 1.10 & I still have one box of cards & paper to sell
Sat. Dec. 18. 1948./ page. 2260./ 4. eggs this day./ It’s been a little warmer today than Fri. cloudy all morning & then sun came out, but was partly cloudy clear S. east wind light tonight
Sun. Dec. 19. 1948./ 4. egg today./ Well, I feel better tonight & Praise God for His care & love for me I didn’t go to Church today I felt so weak, but, hope to get back after Christmas. Elbert mailed a card to Amherst about the powder & he mailed Christmas cards to Nellie, Bonita, Shirely Glover, Coral Baarr, Miss Baumgart, Mrs. Cranage, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Sprunk, Mrs. Day & Miss Clark Mrs. Lindy West, Japanesse Lady, Page’s, Mrs Hackman, Audrey & Gertie & Monagan’s, Mrs Goll, Harnings Smith’s Joe, Smith’s Charles M, Rev & Mrs Scharien, Ethel & her family, Bessie Snyder Seneth, Miss Ethel Willitts Grandma Vidivich & I have one ready to mail to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Eppler & Son soon as I get rest of address. & there are 12 yet, I should mail out. It snowed last night from the north east not very cold out, but yet, it didn’t melt off today either. I only took care of beds & birds & helped cook.
Mon. Dec. 20. 1948./ 3. eggs today./ Well, the snow has stayed on but it’s not very cold out I cleaned the east window & top of old radio where I have the plants & the two north windows & the radio I have between them & it took the strength all out of me. & I have fixed up 9 or 10 more cards to go out, I have got out 40 cards now, I thank & Praise God for His Love & care and pray He will find me worthy in Jesus Holy Name.
Tue. Dec. 21. 1948./ 5. eggs today./ Shortest day of the yr. Been just a beautiful day snow all gone & not very cold. wind went from N.W. on around & is most back there again I had a card from the Rev. Gurney’s today with a new picture of Lolita Jean, there little girl. We re-ceived 4 cards today. I finished the pink edge on the handkercheif I am giving as the exchange gift, I have to give & they said it must not cost over 50 cents it might be O.K. but I don’t care for that sort of thing, I got a salt & pepper shak in a carrier last yr. & Bonita thought them so nice I gave them to her & Mrs. Sprunk gave me an apron. I gave that to Bonita also, as I don’t ever wear them. I can’t aford to give. & so it seems foolish anyway. I’ll go back to Church after Christmas & hope they will forget me till then. So I didn’t do only my daily round today, but I ought to wash in the morning ought to have done it today.
Wed. Dec. 22. 1948./ 3. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & got a bag of grain for all the hens & Pullets I gave him 5.-50 cents & told him not to spend only enough for the grain that was 4.09 so he put in some more gas in the car & bought a fore leg & belly of mutton 89 cents. he went to Snyders next door to see if he could sell the rapping paper & one box of Christmas birth-day cards, Mrs. took the birthday cards 1.00 so Elbert had 6.00
Wed. Dec. 22. 1948./ page 2261./ 3. egg this day./ He brought back a dollar & a few cents, I’m sorry he’s hungry but we just have to keep even if, if, we do have to starve some & before long the hens will help us again, God Willing. Well I did all the washing except Elberts two heavy union suits & 2. work shirts & got them most dry, they all will be by the time I go to bed. It’s been a beautiful day, wind is & has been rather penetrating all day, I haven’t been outside for when I wash I sweat so bad I get froze to the marrow it I got out. I did my daily round & help get the dinner & the supper, we fried part of the mutton & put the rest on to stew & for supper we opened a can of vegetables, mixed, & then we cooked 1/2 cup of rice in mutton broth added can red Kidney beans & a little Ketchup & the can of vegtables & seasoning & it tasted quite well, now we can add some cooked spegg-etti & have enough for supper tomorrow evening. We recieved 5 more cards to day, one from Rev. & Mrs. Schaceis Lorain Minister of the Church where mr. & Mrs Vidivich us to go to church & where they had the funeral for him. one from Bonney Bell, Joe & baby. Cousin Georgia sent a card & note. One from Mrs. Ottis West one from Shirely Glover. & Elbert mailed out 10 or more, this morning, he stopped at J.Smith’s & got Tom’s address & put it on there card & mailed it with the rest & he went to Dorthy’s & gave my exchange gift to Mrs West Sr. to take to Church Sun. for me. I put in kercheif in a blue Greetings Card & in-to an envelope & sealed it in, I wonder who‘ll get it. Mrs. West was moving today into the house that Dorthy’s Mother & Father had been living in & D’s, parents are moving over beside, or, close to Dorthy in there new house they have been building. I would think West would build a house over they to with room enough for her mother. It’s so queer, how, the young don’t want the older folks. I thank God in Jesus Name God helped me to learn to love the old people & to understand. I’d be old one of these days & I’m getting old “my body is” and the young ones don’t want to come or to help us either not even our brother or, sisters, or neices or nephews, if I just give them the place with out us, that would be O.K. as Martha said, there’s only one thing you got I like to have I ask what that was & she said, that little glass hen you use to use for a cheese dish, Well, I thought it over for a minute then got up, got the dish & gave it to her & she said, thank You, she hasn’t been out but a very few times since.
Thurs. Dec. 23. 1948./ page 2262/ 7. eggs today./ Well, I just haven’t been worth my salt today. I got dinner & took care of rooms & bed. Elbert got up & washed 2 union suits & 3 work shirts suds & wrinsed & hung them out side they froze, work shirts were all dry but cuff & seems but suits were stiff. We hung them in here & one is all dry the other very near. We had soup for supper with the speggetti added & it was good. I have some beens started to cook “marrow fats” & we still have a ham bone to cook, and believe it or not Audrey sent us 10.00 this morning I pray from the very depth of my soul, that God will bless her & fill her with His Holy Spirit Soon, in Jesus Holy Name, I believe He will,. I have ask Him to do so for yrs. she has changed her mind in some ways and I pray soon she will turn to Him with her whole heart, soul, mind and strength, I Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus, and I know you will soon be coming back to collect your own & am hope & trusting I may be one & those I have prayed for so long. I thank Thee Jesus, and Praise Thee for all things great & small things. Glory to God in the Highest I love Thee & believe Thee. We received a card from Monagan’s , one from Harvey Bonney. One from Bessie Snyder one from Miss Baumgart one from Armond Bonney one from Nellie Bonita & Family My head is so bad I’ve staid home I hit myself in the ear jerk the page jirk the radio plug got a terrible blank then noisy feeling it terrible. Well we have recieved 37 cards & sent out 46 so far.
Fri. Dec. 24. 1948./ 5. eggs today./ Well, I did the ironing, but didn’t get the floors wiped up today. Elbert’s been cutting down the willows & brush in the hollow and so he cut some more today. I received a nice letter from Miss Willitts and one from Nellie asking us to dinner tomorrow, she’s been very busy taking care of the children while Bonita works & then while they sleep Bonita does the neglected work at home in the evenings, Nelllie’s been sewing making making 3 dress for Bonney Bell’s baby & 3 for Johnys baby out of pieces Audrey had left over from her dresses & then she made doll dress for little Bonita & a little neighbor girl across the road, she said Johny & Marcie & baby6 would be there, also, for dinner tomorrow. Ella Jane loaned us a dollar at thanks giving time so, she wrote a card or rather she sent us a card & never wrote anything but her name. I’ll manage some how to send her a dollar & then Cranages sent us a picture card of beautiful turkeys, very kind and thoughtful of them, I’m sure . & Now dishes done & ham bone parboiled, I’m going to bed thanking & Praising God for all our many blessings in Jesus Dear Holy Name, Amen.
Sat. Dec. 25. 1948./ page 2263./ 5. eggs today./ Christmas. Audrey sent us $10.00 We are very thankful & greatful we needed it to pay a bill, We didn’t know how we were ever going to have to meet; & then Nellie ask us over to dinner & then Joy to the world, if Mr. Joe Smith & his two girls came in on the bound and the girls came in with a pretty box & in it was a turkey dinner all ready to serve turkey all sliced dressing in a pretty glass dish a dish with lettuce celery & sweet pickles, bread 4 slices 1. pieces cream co-conut & one of cream banana pie & 2 pieces whit cake & 2 pieces fruit cake all was delicious & just wonderfully good, We Praise God for all our many, many blessing. I Pray God will give each of those who so generously remem-bered us in our sorry plight, 7 times more for there loving Kindness and true friendship heal them & if there have not been converted I pray Thou will both convert & heal them make there faith strong in Thee and give them wisdom & understanding, in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for ever & ever, Amen, & Glory to God. Jesus more dear to me than all else in this world Thou doeth know, words can’t begin to express the true love in my heart for the love & kindness bestowed on us, I’ve all been able to give untill of late and I love to give but some how I don’t know how to express my gratude when things are given to me, for I’ve never had much of anything given to me here. Yu have been the one Who has given me heaps of good things from above & I love Thee and Praise Thee for the Spirit that we are pre-mitted to drink of so freely; Oh Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Who bled & died for me. Keep me humble and close to Thee and let me walk all the way with Thee, I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus, Holy, Pure & True. It’s been partly cloudy, big white single clouds, deep blue sky & white sun, cold N. West wind & radio says it’s 38 degrees in lower California & they had quite a snow fall also, in many of the other States & some most buried in snow & 13. men maroned the top of Greenlands icy mountian. Now, we have such warm weather & now it’s turned so cold it may freeze the trees & schrubs & kill them. Jesus is coming before long from all the signs we are seeing, & bad examples being displayed. Oh, I pray God will teach us His ways & help us to do His ways.
Sun. Dec. 26. 1948./ page 2264./ 7. eggs today./ It has been a fine sunshiny winter day cold S.West wind changing this evening to S. wind & it’s colder tonight than last night; roads, or highways, are slippery & there has been over 3, hundred accidents & deaths so far since Christmas & plains wrecked & boats, and the boat that has gone to rescue the boys on Greenlands ice caped mountian, is having a battle with wind & waves. God rules the World. I have felt some better today. Minister came in just after noon, he brought 7 4 4 handkercheifs to me with his name on the package, so I reckon it was his name I should have drawn, in the gift exchange, they have each yr. at this time, there were 3. more in another package with out a name on it and a little bag of candy with a Christmas card tied to it from Miss. Clark all very cheap gifts I wouldn’t think of giving to any one, but it’s O.K. by me. God of Love and God of Mercy I pray Thou Will watch over us and keep us true to Thee in Jesus Holy Name Amen. Elbert killed a chicken & we had it for dinner today it was good, very tender, we fried it then finished it in the roaster. Well, we had prayer before the minister left & God blessed us. I didn’t go to church, I’m weak & had a queer feeling in my head and my ears, I watch & pray and trust, believe & hope in Jesus.
Mon. Dec. 27. 1948./ 6. eggs today./ Well, I washed today & Elbert went to Vermilion & got a bag of hens mash & some cards & he came back forgeting to pay the light bill, then he did a few odds & ends & he then got dinner & we ate & then I dried the clothes. He got the supper and I did the dishes. It’s been cloudy all morning and up untill about 2. P.M. then partly cloudy untill sun set, when it cleared up, sun was white as ice, hasn’t been quite so cold today, or this evening, Winds been S.W. all day, and this evening so far. I receive card from Johny & Marcie & there pictures from Mrs. Beesie saying she’s ben sick & card from Miss Mc.Govrn, she’s in hospital & a card from Miss Willitts, not any yet from Mrs. Kendall. I hope they are all right.
Tue. Dec. 28. 1948./ 3. eggs today/ We received a letter from Audrey with 10.00 in it, so, now I hope we can pay for the powder & grates, I haven’t done much to day made 2. dish towels & mended my corset & looked after daily work. Elbert got up & cleaned a chicken & I fried it & got dinner, he went to Vermilion & got green for hens & chicks & got back just intime for dinner, he carried up some wood & took care of chicken & outside chores It was a beautiful morning. (todays weather is for April) it was partly cloudy
Tue. Dec. 28. 1948./ page. 2265./ 3. eggs this day./ from noon untill 3-p-m then it really began to get thick & about 7-p-m- began to rain & still raining at midnight. S.E. wind. quite warm. I thank & praise God for all our Many blessing in Jesus Name, I pray for all His people all over the World.
Wed. Dec. 29. 1948./ 9. eggs today./ Elbert was out in the back & found someone had cut the evergreen, it was about 6. ft. tall & so pretty. Well, I only did my usual round. Elbert carried up wood & took care of hens & pullets, it rained in showers all night cleared off about noon then got cloudy again & quite thick at 4-p-m. White sun. & it gave us a shower, light, looked like rain tonight, but it hasn’t so far “at 9-p-m), it’s not any colder than last night there was a sort of mist at 2 O’clock & sun was shining but didn’t last long. Yesterday, Elbert met a funeral going East when he came home from Vermilion & later in after noon a big funeral went past here. I, or we, don’t know who’s they were.
Thurs. Dec. 30. 1948./ 5. eggs today/ Elbert went to Amherst & paid $8.00 for condition powder we owed for & ordered another sack. then he sold the eggs 80 cents per. doz. $4.40 & bought a new slop can for me with $2.58 & tax & a bag of grain $4.05 he bought a piece of blogna & piece boiling meat 1.lb. Karkay can of milk & 1.00 worth of gas for car I gave him $14.00 he took in $4.40 for eggs & brought home $1.01 Well, it’s O.K. the roads were bad & walking much worse. Wind went N. & then N.E. before morning & a fine misty rain had covered ground & evry thing & was so slippery. the maine high ways were free, our road was bad Elbert got back about 1.30-p-m. he was tired getting so it tires him to, he did well for such a stormy day misty rain till 11-a-m, & cloudy all day no sun at all & not very cold out, wind has back up to N. tonight & the wind is still blowing, I slept a while after Elbert left then got up & shook up beds & opened windows at 11-a-m. for it was storming, before. then I set bread & made 2 big W. loaves & 2. doz. bread doughnuts & I’m as tired as if I’d done a day’s work. I thank & Praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Holy Name. I Praise Him for all things Great & small. I Pray He will strengthen the faith & bodys of His people in these last Days, in Jesus Dear Holy Name, Glory to God.
Fri. Dec. 31. 1948./ 7. eggs today./ Well, I fixed my nightgown & finished an un-der skirt & I swept & dusted & did my daily round & today is for July. Cool all night heavy windy, frost sun came out about nine & stayed out & set cold & white. N.E. wind this morning &
Fri. Dec. 31. 1948./ page 2266/ 7. eggs this day./ went N.W. this afternoon about 1-p-m. & still there at 10-p-m. I am sorry I’m not at church tonight, they are all at Amherst Church to preach & pray old yr out & New yr. in. I pray God will help all them to strengthen there faith & live Closer to Him, to understand we are coming to the end & Jesus will soon be calling out his own & may He help us to be found worthy in His Holy Name, Amen. I pray He will help us in all the ways We need, to live Closer to Him, to do His ways & to have more time for Him, for He says, if we don’t have time for Him, He won’t have time for us. All the Praise and Glory truely belongest to Him, Glory to God. I love Him, He’s Clean, He’s Pure, He’s Truth it’s self, Holy, Holy Jesus.
Sat. Jan. 1. 1949./7. 3ggs today./ Well, I slept late today got up in time for dinner then washed out what soiled clothes there were & wiped up the floors & washed up dishes took care of bed rooms & birds & helped get the supper & I’m tired, winds been N.W. all day sun came out 9-30-a-m. [?] w sun got cloudy after dinner & shut out sun at 5-p.m. wind eased up to-night heavy frost last night. Elbert sawed some trees & carried some up hill & took care of hens & pullets, they are coming good. I thank God for saving my soul & Loving us & taking care of us. We didn’t know how we were ever going to live, but Audrey has sent us money 3. times & so, we have had a little more & the hens gave us 4.40 & that’s a big help & I feel stronger & hope to be able to get back to Church again soon. I do Praise God in Jesus Name for every thing I have, Glory to God.
Sun. Jan. 2. 1949./ 6. eggs today./ First Sun. of the Mo. & I didn’t go to Church. I feel stronger but not quite equal to going to Church yet havent been out the house but once since I was at church last, & so have to get use to the cold air a-gain. We had a chicken for dinner today, that makes (3) we have killed of the young ones. they are tender & sweet. Well, it’s been a beautiful day in Ohio. partly cloudy all morning but sun all day, but white sun. Wind West, dying out tonight. Cleared at noon, is still clear frost started to fall at dark, crisp & cool at 9-30.p.m
Mon. Jan. 3. 1949./ 7 eggs today 1. broken we couldn’t save./ Well Elbert went to Vermilion & got greens for hens & Pullets & he got a fair sized piece of ham for 1.70 that usualy cost 2.70 & he got back early, his bowels are in bad shape again & his liver Well, I rubbed out 3 blankets & rinsed them through 3 waters & got them most dry out side & finishe them inside, I did out his heavy union suit the towels & pillow slips & rags & socks & all are dry except union suit & socks. then got supper & then I spilt enough water that I had to clean half
Mon. Jan. 3. 1949./ page. 2267./ 7. eggs today one one broken/ the shelf my arms were to tired & the pail was so full I don’t see how he brought in without spilling it, then I had to wipe up the floor. Oh Well, it’s all in adays routine. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings for answering prayer & giving me strength again & for saving my soul most of all. Glory to God I thank & Praise Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I love Thee Jesus. Tue. Jan. 4. 1949 I forgot to write the weather for Oct. that is for Jan. 3. we had a heavy frost last night N.E. wind. partly cloudy untill 9039-a-m. then cleared up untill 4-p-m. clouded up & almost shut out the sun, at sunset, it was yellowish red tonight & wind stayed N.E. alday & is still there at 9-30-P.m. They are having blizards & lots of snow in Southern & Western States & most froze up in California, Texas, New Mexico Arizona, Oregon & De Coatas & lots of tremors & in Cali. & Nevada & snow & several of the seas roaring & men are dumb founded. Truly Bible History is coming true.
Tue. Jan. 4. 1949./ 8. eggs today/ Well I only did odds & ends & daily round. I wanted to fix me a hat & clean my coat but didn’t get it done been to heavy on my feet, Elbert has felt real bad today hope he’s a lot better tomorrow. It’s been quite warm today & today’s for Dec. S.E. breeze all day show this morning one at noon & another at 3-15 and I don’t know what time it began after dark but was raining a good shower at 9-P-m. & it’s been cloudy all day I saw it for a few seconds once this after noon & it was a white sun Nebraska, N. & S. DeCoata, California, Wyoming Shyeyne snow 10 to 15 foot. in a terrible snow blizard 75 mi wind & still snowing snow drifts 10-15 ft. deep. 22. passenger trains were snow bound over 8 thousand people stranded, they had a tornado in one place & said the Known dead were over 3 hundred & over 2 hundred injured at Los Angeles its 26 above zero & at Nevada it’s 36 below zero, the tor-nado was in Kansas. & the Radio says we are to get a cold snap tomorrow or Thurs. I hope & pray it wont be to bad. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for our blessing & pray for all His peoples all over the world for the Rulers & all those who help them for the deaf & the dumb & the blind, the cripples, the ophans & widows, the bed ridden & for those
Tue. Jan. 4. 1949./ page 2268./ 8 eggs this day./ having children, for those sorely tempted, tried and afflicted for the sick & weak & weak minded, for the wicked, for the Missionarys, Preists, Preachers, teachers, Saints & Workers & those who are studying that they may do Thy Will. strengthen all our faith in Thee & help us to keep true & humble to live Thy Ways in Jesus Name Amen. Oh God of Love & Mercy all the Praise & Glory Truly belongest to Thee. Glory, Glory to God Hallulejah I thank thee & praise Thee. Tue. Jan. 4. 1949/ (I forgot to write all so finished it here) I received a letter from Nellie yesterday & she said John has been gone 3. yrs. Jan. 5. 1949. & an envelope with an envelope in it with a 10.00 bill and slip of paper, that she would write later, she is not well & I dread to have her feel she must take care of us. I don’t know how to repay her un-less I can give it to her out of the place somehow. Elbert got his check (today Tue.) & he got 3 bags of chicken mash. & some mutton to roast. I should have written this for yesterday.
Wed. Jan. 5. 1949./ 5 eggs today./ Rained in showers all night S.E. wind & same all morning, but wind backed around to S.west after dinner & rained some more then it stopped raining 15 mi. to 4-p-m. & sun came through & it set a golden yellow, a little later sky was all colors of the rainbow & very pretty. it isn’t cold either outside. Elbert’s feeling terrible bad tonight both stomach & bowels & bloated, & he’s in misery with gas pains, I pray Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Name, Thou will releive him & help him to get to feeling better soon, I understand how miserable he feels, help him to put his trust in Thee & to be willing to kneel & talk to Thee, I pray Thou will for-give him Lord God of Hosts & teach him Thy ways & I thank Thee & give Thee all the praise in Jesus Name. I also thank Thee for saving my soul & for revealing unto me, strengthen my faith Lord & Keep me ever Close to Thee, I give Thee all the Glory & Praise, Amen.
Thurs. Jan. 6. 1949./ 1. broken & 6 eggs today./ We have one hen that lays soft shell eggs sometimes we get them & sometimes hens eat them, S.W. wind cold strong & puffy & it did snow a shower but melted fast as it fell, sun came out once or twice when it was snowing this morn & this after noon but only for a few minutes Radio said it froze & hailed at hot Springs Georgia. & the other Places are getting dug out & the fruits & vegetables
Thurs. Jan. 6. 1949./ page. 2269./ 7. eggs today./ were froze in Florida & California & some of the other states. & that there has been Millions & dollars of damages & still they don’t turn to God & Jesus is coming Soon for the countrys are taking sides now in Jere & soon we’ll have a battle with Rushia or perahps Armagedon. God of Love Goodness & Mercy I pray in Jesus Name for help in Thy field of work, teach us all, I pray, in Jesus Name to do Thy Will before it’s forever to late. Johny & Marcia’s baby is 8 mo. old today. Bring my Brothers & Sisters & Nephews & Neices, my sister-in-laws & my cousins & all there family to Thee, some have had a glimpse & a little craving for more, send some one of Thine to help them Lord God of Hosts I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. I love Thee & want to do all Thy will for ever. I received my Check today & thank & praise Thee & I also received a card from Annabell Hackman from California she said she’d been there since Dec. 2. 1948. & she had 3 other ladys with her and I also received an ans. from & add I wrote to about an electric spray pumk. [?]
Fri. Jan. 7. 1949./ 7. eggs today./ I believe today is Red’s birthday. Evelyn’s husband. Elbert still feels sick but he went & got the apples we had ordered & when he got back, I was ready & we went to Vermilion & together we got our mo’s supply of food, paid 10.00 on coal bill & 3.00 on the stove grates we have 2.41 yet to pay. Moore & Myers sent Elbert a bill today, he owes a little on his battery yet & 60.00, at the way prices are, just don’t reach. We just got the most necessary food $16.61 & mostly can foods, a bag of onions & a cabbage head. & hand, bath & wash soap. We got 2 bales of straw $1.50 & it’s the dirtiest looking stuff, life is getting more & more tragic every day. I pray God will help us. But He will be coming before very long & how many of us will be worthy to be called, Oh, it makes me shiver with fear. Elbert paid Naegly for the ham he owed for, I hope now I can keep use to the weather so I can get back to church again, None of the church folks have been here since Smiths brought the Christmas dinner. I pray God will take care of all in the Church in His own way, I thank Him & praise Him for all our many blessing & that He will bless each one who really pray in earnest for me, I am better again and I thank Thee Jesus for there prayers & for the gracious ans. you give. I love Thee, without Thee life wouldn’t be worth living Glory to God in the Highest Amen. It’s been a beautiful day with sunshine, not cold. out but a strong puffy wind from the S.West.
Sat. Jan. 8. 1949./ 3. eggs today./ Well, Elbert’s bowels are not so sore today but, his back is hurting so bad today he can hardly get up or down it hurts him so bad. he carried enough water for me to do up balance of washing his sleepers &
Sat. Jan. 8. 1949./ page. 2270./ 3. eggs this day./ my nightgown my house dress & my petticoat, shirt & Bloomers, stockings & nose rages, towels & table cloth & the spread I use under table cloth & Elberts heavy work shirt & Elbert hung the big pieces out & they dried, quite fast so- they are all dry & we are both tired tonight, but I’m feeling better & have a song in my heart & hope I can get away to Church in the morning, I Praise God in Jesus Name for His wonderful love & care & for the prayers of His people, that He still hears and ans. prayers Praise His Precious Holy Name Glory to God in the Highest Glory to His Name. Received a card from Nellie & the thread co. I wrote to there thread is fine.
Sun. Jan. 9. 1949./ 1. broken egg, 7. good eggs today/ Well I did go to church this morning, but Elbert’s head was aching & so we didn’t go back tonight, but I craved to go, I find it tired me & my legs ached so bad, but still I would have went if it had been so I could. I like to be fair to him but not be cheated. Well, since I couldn’t go I read & studied the bible & prayed & trusted God will deliver each one out of there self & strengthen there faith in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. It’s been a beautiful day, not much wind & not cold, it like a day in Spring warm & bomy [?balmy] with sunshine. Were a few to Church the Smiths, Hornings, Lindy, Bockman & Whitman Mrs. Gall Mrs Sprunk & Miss Clark & we brought her out to Buelah Beach, she’s been sick & her sister is in bed so she said. Rev. & his wife were there & Gracie Day & I. I gave out some more of DeHaan’s books & Whitman said the one I gave him last was doing a lot of good, so I gave him some more & Mrs. Sprunk & Bockman & Hornings, & I thank God if they are doing a good work for Him in Jesus Name. Glory to God I love Him.
Mon. Jan. 10. 1949./ 7. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain with eggs 5 doz. got 80 cents per. doz. & then it seemed every one in Vermilion was out of grain none in Lorain or there, so he went to Huron & got a sack 4.20 there, when he was in Lorain he went to see if the realestate men had done any thing about selling his lots, but, they hadn’t. I pray the Lord will guide in this matter in His own way & that He will sav my brothers & Sisters nephews & neices, my cousins & all there families in Jesus Holy Name. Well, I got up to late to get a box the Postman had for me, so I had Elbert go to Huron & get a yeast cake & 50 cents worth of garlic saucages they were 10 cents a piece, bible history is truly working out fast. I made biscuites & peeled potatoes & opened can of tomatoes & made hot coffee & Elbert roasted two saucages & we had supper. I got up this morning & took care of beds & aired the rooms, fixed the fire, washed dishes, swept floor, & then did the ironing & was just about done when he got back from Lorain. I tried to get the biscuits in the oven & potatoes on before he got back from Huron, but I seem to be getting terrible slow of late. Miss Baum-gart hasn’t been very well this last few weeks she’s
Mon. Jan. 10. 1949./ page. 2271./ 7. egg this day./ getting old, she’s 91 yrs. old she says I can’t just remember, I thought she was older than my mother, but maybe not, ma would be 92. this last Nov. 1948. The box the postman had was an other box of sample cards & writing paper. I don’t know if I can take orders or not, wish I were able to do that every day at least a few hrs. a day I could take care of my self if I could do some such things. That’s all the mail there was today. Well it rained very light showers all day, off & on. not cold. raining tonight. I thank God my Heavenly Father for all my blessings & give Him all Praise & Glory in Jesus Name & Pray He will keep me Close ever Closer to Him, I thank Him for my re-newed strength & for the prayers of all who pray earnestly for me & pray He will give them four fold what they ask for me & deal with each of us in His own Way & teach us his ways, Glory to God in the Highest I love Thee & Praise Thee Jesus.
Tue. Jan. 11. 1949./ 5. eggs today/ Well I washed out what dirty clothes there were & got them dry, & my persentment came true & the things the Lord showed me, yesterday, Elbert went to see Mrs. Resek & she talked with Cook & he wrote a letter to Elbert & we got it today. (He said, Mrs. Resek advised me that you talked to her today concerning undistributed assets in an estate handled by Mr. Resek. I know of no such estate but I have in my office all papers & files handled by Mr. Resek, so that if any further information is required by you , you should obtain the same from me, since Mrs. Resek has no informaton concerning estates handled by Mr. Resek. Very Truly Yours, Dan K. Cook) (the heading on letter, Dan K. Cook, Attorney at Law, Lorain Ohio, and dated Jan. 10. 1949.) Well there’s 9 or 10 thousand dollars some where that belongs to all us Children I pray God will help me to Know What to do I dreamed of Gertie & a neger & there sure is a niger in the fence, if only the Lord would help me get things straighten out & soon maybe Gertie does have the money, she’s are bosy domanating in her ways as she ever was, there are several things I can’t understand, one, Why is Audrey sending us money, so generously of late & a few other things. I know Nellie could use her part of the money & Audrey said Gertie told her there would be some money to be divided after a while & Gertie was so terrible nervous for a while but now she’s back to her old self once more. I wish the Lord
Tue. Jan. 11. 1949./ page. 2272./ 5 eggs this day./ would turn her about face. Well, I have a queer feeling had it yesterday to. People are queer, Of all the dirty raw deals & just to think God Knows sees, and understands, I pray He Keeps me safe & that He wont let anything go through, without His will is done first. I thank Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus, and Praise Thee for all things; Help me Jesus. Please. Elbert’s been home all day & we are out of money & this is only the second week of Jan. I believe this is Ruby Jean McGinnis birthday (she’s Evelyns eldest daughter. I don’t remember just how old she is, but think she’s 10. or 11. yrs. old she a big girl. I made biscuits yesterday so I wont have to bake untill Thurs. Its been a nice day not very cold partly cloudy. California & some of the southern states have had 3 snow storms got the third one yesterday 20. in. snow fall. fruit & gardens are all frozen so things will be high. wish we could put in some canned goods, but we can’t & the news is all bad on the other side, they are slowly but surely getting ready for the last big battle.
Wed. Jan. 12. 1949./ 5 4. eggs today./ Well, if Audrey didn’t sent 5.00 again, I do hope she is sending it because she loves us and not be cause she’d be wanting this place. May God help us & Keep us up & Keep ourselfs with out Her help, she may mean well, I truly hope & pray she does, I wouldn’t mind giving her the place, if she aloud us to live here as long as we need a home, but I don’t want to be indebted, the Whole family has always wanted to do something terrible to me, I can’t for my very life understand, but every one has showed me just that, at one time or another, maybe I’m supposed to be off guard right now. Lord God of Hosts help me to Know, my brains are getting weary, I tired of the detective work & Lord if only they were all Thine I’d love to be with Thee now, for matching wits is a hard & strenious job & one I’ve had to practise as far back as, well, since I was nine yrs. old. Dear Heavenly Father Please help me and Keep me, she says she give us the money to help us & doesn’t want it back but there are so many things to think about , her change of attitude is so different it’s like a sudden face about or like turning from darkness suddenly into a very bright light. (What can it mean. looks as if she wants all I have for she’s excepted ma’s watch & Chain & the guard & she wants the apron I made for ma when I was 16 yrs. old & the knot stitch handkercheif & I wonder I just can’t help but wonder. I still hope, she’s help us with true love for her old sister & brother, I’d like to believe it was that way. God help me.
Wed. Jan. 12. 1949./ page. 2273 / 5. eggs this day/ to understand what I should really do. about Audrey send this money. We need it worse than she will ever know, but, I don’t want to be indebted & not be able to return what she is giving to us, Audrey sent 5.00 today. I love her, not just because she’s helping us & I love all the others even though, they have spit on me right when we were helping them, I have forgiven them all & pray God will, in His own way, save each of their souls. It’s been mostly cloudy today. and colder. I pray & thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thurs. Jan. 13. 1949./ 7. eggs today./ Well, I baked bread 2 white loaves & 1 tin bread biscuits & one loaf of graham & a small loaf in the coffee can, had them all done & the baking dishes done before supper, then I got supper, then sponged myself off & dressed for prayer meeting, then I rapped the tin of biscuits up & a jar of jelly, “current I think,” for Mrs. Smith & the little round graham loaf & a little handkercheif I had sewed a lace edge onto & crocheted around & done it in pretty clear paper & the loaf in wax paper & Elbert took them to Lindy’s & Dorthy’s little girl “Barbara”, she’s about 2. yrs. old or so & sweet, she’s so happy when you give her something & her mother talked to me after church, she’s pleased also. Mrs. West talked to me a lot tonight and ask me to come & visit her, that’s unusual, but, I’ll try to go. Mrs. Smith needs me to pray & read the bible with her & for company, she’s new in the Lord & needs help she has trouble with her kidneys & liver, can’t eat, her nerves are so bad her stomach won’t digest, she seemed so happy that I had come in & glad of the jelly & bread biscuits. We had a good meeting We prayed for Mrs. Smith & several others I felt the power & praise God & thank Him I believe He will heal Mrs. Smith, but Mr. Smith is going to take her to a Dr. she said & she don’t want to go, but, don’t know what to do, & hopes I come back I’m going to try to go & spend a little time with her. I know God is able. He’s a wonderfull Jesus to me. We took Mrs West Sr. home & then we came home I fried a little piece of ham, & we had a snack & now I’ll read & pray & get in bed, Thanking & praising God for His great love & patience, His Love & Kindness to one so un-worthy as I, Oh, God, I do thank Thee & praise Thee for all things great & small in Jesus Holy Name, Glory Hallelujah.
Fri. Jan. 14. 1949./ 7. eggs today./ Well, Elbert carried up some wood & burned two brush piles, I swept & did my daily round & baked a double batch of rolled oat cookies then with Elbert’s help we got supper & he Killed 2. chickens & 1. hen I picked & cleaned the hen & put it on to cook & he skined the chickens & I cleaned them out & I washed & packed them in a pan & put them out to keep cool untill tomorrow. I thank & praise.
Fri. Jan. 14. 1949. /page 2274./ 7. eggs this day./ God in Jesus Name for all our many many blessings & I pray Thou hast re-moved the cold from the body of Mrs. Smith & given her renewed strength & courage keep her Lord in Thy care & build her up & teach her Thy ways in Jesus Name, Amen, I thank Jesus & give Thee all the praise & Glory forever & ever Amen. It’s been a fine day cold wind, but not bad for this time of yr. partly cloudy & the sun set red. Glory to God.
Sat. Jan. 15. 1949./ 4. eggs today/ Well, after all the fuss we had to get those chickens dressed & fried & a tin of biscuits ready to take to Smiths, then for some unKnown reason the car wouldn’t start, so, Well, We ate some of the chicken for supper; I am tired I washed out all the dirty clothes today, besides doing my usual work & then frying 2 chickens & making two pans of biscuits, now I’ve mended my corset & Elbert’s shirt sleeve. I’ll read & then go to bed, thanking & Praising God in Jesus Name for helping me to understand His ways.
[dream:] Elbert had a dream last night before last & screamed Elinor, Elinor, he’s been terrible nervous of late & looks it, he said I’d gone upstairs in an old house that had loose boards on the floor (We been looking for sand) & he heard a terrible noise & sand began to run through the cracks & he thought I was hurt. he’s still terrible nervous, he, or some one was up just before that & I heard them get into bed & know they were in Kitchen & some one moves around in there several times in the night,
I pray God will help him & help me to know what to do. I thank Thee Jesus, Amen.
Sun. Jan. 16. 1949./ 9. eggs today./ Well, we been home alday, been so warm the ants are crawling around & flies & mos-quitos were also injoying what seemed like & early Spring day. partly, or mostly cloudy all day & raining a steady light rain since early evening. and it’s now 9-5-p-m. Elbert says he can’t start the car, so I’m wondering, he had back door trot yesterday & last night, we cook and old hen for broth & it was fat & he seemed to have got his share of fat, he loves to eat. I’m thanking & praising God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessing & pray He will help me to go to Mrs. Smith & do what she needs to have done for her in Jesus Name, Amen. I received a birthday card from Ethel and Loura Ann, yesterday, a basket of red & pink tulips with little pink white & blue flowers & she had slipped a picture of Loura Ann into the center, there’s a little white card made in big card, saying on it is written “A Birthday Bouquet & she wrote a note & gave me Loura Anns bust & waist measurement so, she want a new dress. I often wonder how they all think I have money when I’m ablidged against my will to live on releif of only $35.00 per. mo. looks as if they have moved again. address is R.1. Wellsville Ohio. Guess Ethel got the wrong man this time. She use to say she wouldn’t marry again unless she could get a man as good as Fred, but somehow she slipped
Mon. Jan. 17. 1949./ page. 2275./ 6. eggs today/ Well, I slept late got up 11-a-m. & received a queer sheet of paper with the names of all the men on the releif commission on it & stating they will give me $35.00 Feb. Mar. April May June & July. I thank & priase God for my many blessing in Jesus Name. Oh, I do Praise Thee Jesus for taking care of me. All the Glory truly belongeth to the Lord. There’s no one like Jesus. I washed up part the dishes & got dinner & then washed up the remainder of dishes Elbert went down to cut a Willow tree & I was just about to sew feathers on a band for a hat When the two Mrs. West’s & Barbara came in We visited a while & i called Elbert & he got them a pail of dirt they wanted to reset some plants in. Barbara looked for Elbert, she calls him Bonney her grandma held her up to the window so she could see him down in the hollow. We had quite a visit & then they hurried back so Dorthy could get home to get Lindy’s supper on time she says he works so hard, she feels she ought to have his supper ready when he gets there & that’s the right spirit. I gave them a few cookies. Now I have to put forth an effort to get to Mrs. Smith once more & take her some chicken & broth I pray God has healed her soul & body & put her on her feet again, I pray He will help me through Him to help her Oh God, help them to understand in Jesus Name, I ask & I thank Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus. I got supper & left the few dishes untill tomorrow. Glory to God I love & Praise Thee for ever and ever Amen, Glory. (Jan.17) Today is Lindy’s & Dorthys wedding anaversary she said they had been married 7. yrs. & that she would be 27in Mar. she’s expecting her second baby soon, looks as if it might be a girl.
Tue. Jan. 18. 1949./ 4 eggs today./ I was so dizzy could hardly get up & get dressed felt as if I’d been doped, I still feel as if I had been, been so dizzy all day, but I sit up & didn’t work only to take care of beds & room & wash up dishes. Nellie & Johny came & they brought us couple little jars of fruit 1. of chow & a piece of cake & a big peach pie. I gave her a dozen or so clean pt. cans & can qt. of appricots. she gave me a dollar on two boxes of cards & Johny ordered 2 boxes but said he’d send me the money later. hope I can get a good big order they visited a little dug 3 more evergreens & went back home. Nellie wanted to talk to me but said she never could stay long enough to remember all she wanted, to say. The wind is & has been so strong & raining in showers froze a little this a-m but warmed up later & rained. Johny is done at Baldwin Wallace College in couple of months & going to Boston this Fall & they had a letter from Ella Jane. shes hoping to get
Tue. Jan. 18. 1949./ page. 2276./ 4 eggs this day./ done before much longer.
[dream:] I dreamed Evelyn phoned & said to Bill Snyder to please go ask Uncle Elbert & Aunt Elinor if they could come quick her father Frank Bonney was terrible sick & was asking for us, I thanked Bill & told him to tell her we’d be right down & we went Ruby was lying face down on the kitchen floor, Evelyn had called Dr. he got there right behind us & we picked Ruby up & laid her on a couch the girls were crying or Evelyn was but Francis was only half crying & looked stunded, Ruby was dead, but they ask Dr. if he could fix her up & he said I’ll try & then turned to me & I said, just wait a few minutes & go to Frank & he was calling for me so I said to the girls that we’d close the door there wasn’t anything we could do for a little while, Frank ask me how she was & I said bad & he said so am I don’t think I’ll be here in the morning either & I didn’t mean to frighten her when I told her, he said she screamed & then ran over to Evelyn’s & was still screaming when she came in & fell, but he couldn’t get up, we had to tell the girls & notify the boys & Frank went before they got there, both gone & when they were taken out Elbert locked up the house & we went to the care & Elvelyn said for us to stop & pick up Edd Kendall, Nellie & Ella Jane at the loop we did & Elbert drove off a side road to the lake & I yelled loud, spot the car Elbert he did right at the edge of the water I told him to back up quick he did & got up on the road & back to West Erie & then I had Ella Jane take the wheel & bring us home, she did, & we had to all go back next day but Edd he would take care of things here each day for us, Elbert had taken over the home place, as Frank had given it to Elbert & I, Francis Cora had ask us before we left if she & Howard could buy it So, Nellie & Johny came & Nellie said she had just hear from E.J. I’m wondering about Edd. & the others.
I thank & Praise God for all my many blessings in Jesus Holy Name.
Wed. Jan. 19. 1949./ 5 eggs today/ Well, no one came in to call on us today & we only did our daily round. wind was so strong & it rained some had little sun it’s colder tonight. I received birthday card from Ella Jane.
Wed. Jan. 19. 1949./ page 2277./ 5 eggs this day. / declaring I am her favorit Aunt but when I have to the turn the place over to the goverment, I wonder, for it looks now as if I’d have to do just that. I thank God from the depths of my soul He loves me & take care of me. I Praise Him & Give Him all the Glory in Jesus Holy Name. He is pure & clean & Holy.
Thurs. Jan. 20. 1949./ 6. eggs today. / Well, today we cooked a hen for us & tonight I fried a chicken & made biscuits & we took them to Smith’s for there supper, I took a few apples a few rolled oat cookies & can of chicken broth & coffee glass jar of grape juice, she isn’t very strong & needs something to help her, I still don’t know just what we stayed there untill time for prayer meeting & then we went to prayer meeting & they went in there car. We had a good prayer service & then came home had a light lunch read my bible & wrote a letter to Audrey She sent 5.00 to us this morning & a note saying she had ment to write but Gertie had been in bed with a cold & she was late getting off to work, she’s tired most of the time I feel sorry for her & then she sends us 5 or 10 every now & again & I Pray she will save for herself so she won’t be in the same fix we are in, by and by. I feel, it’s wonderful for her to love us & try to help us, but we are getting old & she will be before very long I pray God will take care of her & keep her & make her all His soon. I thank God in Jesus Holy & Dear Name for His love & salvation, Amen.
Fri. Jan. 21. 1949./ 3. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a wet rainy day & we both been in all day Elbert did out side chores I did what I usually do inside. I praised the Lord & sang & whistled hyms to the Lord, in Jesus Name. I thank Him & praise Him for all things great & small Glory to God.
Sat. Jan. 22. 1949./ 9. eggs today,/ Well, I washed most of the clothes today, for I’ll still have plenty to do Mon. or whenever I can get at it. I have several blankets to wash. Well, I’m so sorry I didn’t get Audrey’s letter mailed so I’ll try to get it done when we go to church in the morning & I’ll send a card to Nellie also. I Praise God for the strength He has given me & that I’m just tired, He touched me Thurs. night & fixed my stomach so it doesn’t hurt me & I’m sure He is going to make
Sat. Jan. 22. 1949./ page. 2278./ 9. eggs this day. / me every whit whole, I’ll be so happy in Jesus, I think it just marvelous how He can keep me up & going & heal me of first one thing and then another, I love Him more than all else and Praise Him for all things great or small things.
Sun. Jan. 23. 1949. / 4. eggs today./ We went to Church this morning & again tonight, We had good services. We took the smith children home this morning & again tonight, not many out to meetings, Miss Clark is over taking care of her sister in Cleveland, so they at church said & Mrs. West Sr. has heart trouble & neither she or Mr. West come. Dorthy came in late to-night, Mrs. Sprunk came, but she’s not feeling very well. We got home & the car wouldn’t start after Elbert stopped it for me to get out so he’s locked it up & let it set out at the S.east corner of the house, it’s been raining since be-fore dark & is still at it at 11-30-p-m. & it’s fogy also. sun shone this morning and a little while after dinner it was so white with a canary yellow ring around it. I thank God in my Blessed Jesus Name for all our many many blessing.
Mon. Jan. 24. 1949./ 3. eggs today./ Snow & blizards still raging in the states where it’s usually warm & half the cattle and stock are stranded out on the ranges & no way as yet, to feed them or take care of them & even some people freezing & with out food in western & Southern states. they told us tonight & said they had flying box car plains they were going to drop feed down to the cows, stears, calves & sheep. & to-night radio says men & plains are battling the elements to try to save the Nations meat. & they are still getting a frozen sleet. Elbert went to the highway got a ride to Vermilion got a belt for car & the car wrecker came back with him put the belt on & then took him up the road & out on the highway by pushing him, battery was weak. I tried to get him to bring it in & change it, but he didn’t. Well, he went about a mile & came back I gave him a hot cup of coffee & gave him 6. doz. eggs & $15.00, I had given him 5.00 before he first left & that made $20.00 in all, he went to Lorain and sold the eggs for 75 cents per. doz. $4.50, making $24, 50 & he spent 15.00 to pay most of stove gas bill, (leaving 3.01, yet to be paid.) then he paid 1.39 for car belt & 1.00 for car gas, $4.09 for 100 lb. sack of grain 45 cents for meat 5 cents for yeast cake & he brought home 2.52 cents & I am so glad, for he had used 2.00 that I had taken in on cards, for gas, so now we are in another mess for we have to pay the light bill 2.80 & we have to have a bag of egg mash 4.35 that will be so if Audrey doesn’t send 10.00 this time I don’t know how we will make the grade, its so hard to use my brains for two, if I check up on everything I’m to fussy & if I don’t it’s a laugh, so I’m getting to tired & hope I can rest with Jesus, before very long. & it looks as
Mon. Jan. 24. 1949./ 2279./ 3. eggs this day./ if it won’\t be very long, for when peace is taken from the earth things will happen faster even than they are doing now, & the folks at church have been saying it won’t happen untill the Christian are taken out, but, I just read Matthew Chapter 13 & I’m sure we will see as we are begining to see many hardships just as it says, before Jesus comes.
[from Matthew Chapter 13: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:48Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.49So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,50And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth”.]
Oh, God, I am a sinner but pray I still may be found worthy in Jesus Holy Name. Well Elbert struck a ruff edge in the highway & had a blow out & had to change tires, he felt as if he’d had such a lot of trouble today, he should have gone to the Alter last night given himself over to Jesus & received a blessing, for he was in church last night. Well, I did all the washing except Elbert’s heavy work shirt & he put it on this morning thinking he might get it dirty working around the car, he’s so tired tonight & so am I, but, praise the Lord, it’s just tired. I do thank & Praise God in Jesus Name for saving my soul & for all the many and wonderful healing He has given me I love Jesus all Glory & Power belongeth to Him forever, Amen.
Tue. Jan. 25. 1949/ 6. eggs today./ Well, todays been fogy & like last evening & night, I couldn’t even se the grainry early this morning, it kept clearing & tonight it’s much colder. Radio said the cattle men had got a roadway plowed to the cattle & the air lift box plains were dropping hay & feed to them, and they began to feel that maybe they might save them and tonight they are getting another snow blizard, I’m sorry for the stock, Cows, stears, calves & sheep, as well as the people and those risking there lives to try to save them, May God’s will be done in Jesus Name. I haven’t done much today, the washing took my strength yesterday, so I mended & darned socks today & did my usual work. I thank my God & Father in Jesus Name for all our many blessing & pray He will help us out of the mess we are in, Elbert knew he was out of mash, but never said a word a bout it untill he had spent all the money he could have saved $5.00 & only paid $10.00 on the stove gas if I had known, Well, I pray God will help us I’ll trust and believe He will, & I thank Him in Jesus Dear Name.
Wed. Jan. 26. 1949./ 3. eggs today./ Well another wet day & I only did my daily round. Received a letter from Ella Jane. said she was going back to school in Feb. & that her mother & her wished Elbert & I lived over by her mother so she could come in when I don’t feel good what do you think of that, Well, we are O.K. here & we like it in some ways & I wouldn’t like it over there. I could endure if it was necessary, but, solong as it isn’t I feel better right here & God will take care of me here, as well as any
Wed. Jan. 26.1949. / page. 2280./ 3. eggs this day./ where. Well, I have to ans some letters soon or I’ll be writing for a week. I thank God for all my many blessings in Jesus Name, I’m so glad He shows me and helps me to understand Oh, how I love Jesus & pray he will always love me & help me do his Will and not mine, Amen.
Thurs. Jan. 27. 1949./ 4 eggs today./ Today is little Nelson Eddy’s birthday. he will be 4 yrs. old & he’s a nice little fellow. Well I only did my usual household duties & baked 3. large and one small, loaves of bread two of which were brown bread or graham & did up most the dishes. I got up with my throat swollen full, but, tonight it’s better I’m sure God will take care of me & I thank & Praise Him for His Salvation and great mercies & Kindnesses & He surely hears our prayers and cries. I’ll never be able to repay Him, I can’t understand, but still I know He does, Glory to God in the Highest all the praise & Glory truly belongest to Thee I received $10.00 from Sister Audrey, she works so hard to earn it and I have no way as far as I know to repay it. I pray God will help me in some way to give it all back to her, in the right way, I believe He will. Now because of my cold I stayed home tonight, but I have read several Chapters in the Bible & prayed much that God will bless each one that went to prayer-meeting tonight, it’s raining & has been most of the day. Elbert went to Vermilion took the 10.00 dollars & got a bag (100 lbs) mash 4.35, 4 cans 57cents of milk, jar of sanka coffee 47 cents meat to boil $1.07, garlic saucage 75 cents stamped envelopes, 22 cents & paid light bill $1.80 and he had 77 cents left, it’s terrible, wish I could fix up so called cottage & rent it. for 50.00 per. mo. I’d be free from that releif, it’s terrible to have people giving you enough to just Keep you existing; We ought to be able to live on rent. I pray God will help us to find a way to Keep ourselves. I would truly praise Him & give as I received, Amen.
Fri. Jan. 28th. 1949./ 5. eggs today./ Pa’s birthday today he would be 88 yrs. old. time is flying & hre I am still hoping to be able to work and help myself. Well, I just stayed in bed most of the day colds bad enough don’t feel able to sit up, Elbert don’t feel very well, but, he’s doing the chores & cooking I got up & sit up till bed time. I’m going to try to read then go to bed. it started to snow before dark & at 9-30 ground’s covered
Fri. Jan. 28. 1949./ page. 2281./ 5. eggs this day./ & not very cold and the wind has checked up, it blew from midnight in strong puffy wind untill tonight. I took care of the beds & rooms. I thank God for all our many blessings & that He’s still, is still caring for me & us. Amen.
Sat. Jan 29. 1949./ 5. eggs today/ I was in bed most of the day didn’t even do my daily doz. snowed some & colder. hope I can get my rags washed out I’m most out. I do praise the Lord for all our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name.
Sun. Jan. 30. 1949./ 6. eggs today./ And I been in bed all day, but I believe I’m better although, I have to blow & sneeze & kidneys so weak I need a hose, Well, I thank God for all my many blessings in Jesus Name Amen.
Mon. Jan. 31. 1949 / 5. eggs today./ Well, I got out of a sick bed & did out half the washing got it all done & swept the middle of the floor & then in walks the Little Japanesse woman, came in to supper & to stay all night, Well, I wasn’t feeling very fit, but, Elbert dug out the cot & mattress & I put his bedding on it, in the Kitchen, & together the little lady & I made up the bed with fresh bedding, she then got me to put my night gown on & she went after my back & mucels & she sure can give you the works, my cold was loose & I was raising up flem, but my ears hurt me so bad first one & then another & achs & pain as with all severe colds, but when she got done with me I felt warm & in an hour or so I really relaxed & rested. but I can’t sleep, to sleep sound but like a cat with one eye & ear watching & listening, I’ve been that way for yrs. I love the little Japanesse Lady & she loves me & God takes care of His children, for just when we feel so utterly down & out and as if we can’t go on, He sends in help, I had Elbert dress a hen for her, she had ask if we’d sell hr one & it was a nice way to return a little of her Kindness. I gave her the pret5ty handkercheif with colored flowers & white back ground & such a pretty white tatted edge around it & two more that I got at Christmas time with flowers in them she was so pleased with them, “I had been wishing for some marshmallow” & if she hadn’t brought them to, & she also, brought me a package of butterscotch squares, each one done in a cellophane rapper & all neatly packed in an-other rapper. She has a pass, but, it was & is so Kind of her to come in answer to prayer & “God’s will as she say.” Well, I thank & Praise God in Jesus Dear & Holy Name, for all my many blessing Glory to God in the Highest I Love Jesus & thank Him & all the praise & Glory truly belongeth to Him forever & ever Amen. People & cattle are starving in snow bound places in several States & all or most all the fresh vegetables have been frozen & fruits; California is perplexed over the snow & trouble they are having, since before Christmas & they are still getting it.as are the other States. God’s will being done & His works being carried out now the country’s are all talking Pease, another warning. May God keep us closer ever
Mon. Jan. 31. 1949./ page, 2282./ only 5. eggs today./ closer to Him; Oh, Dear Heavenly Father do have mercy & help all Thy children to live Thy ways in all things, Keep us humble & true to Thee Amen. Today was Wyn’s birthday, she’s 74. yrs. old & getting wrinkled.
Feb. 1. 1949. Tue. / 2. eggs today./ Still am not quite myself, but feeling much better & been up all day, helped put away the bedding & make up Elberts bed & helped a little with the supper tonight. & washed up dishes once today & took care of my own bed & room & hope to wipe up floor tomorrow, I wrinsed up all that bunch of rags, I had washed yesterday & didn’t get them all dry, & then I washed up all I had dirty since yesterday & dried them & I haven’t been so bad today, so wont have so many tomorrow, I still have to cough rather hard, but Praise God for the wonderful strength He gives me. I pray He will reveal more to me & give me more Wisdom. It’s still quite cold & snow on the ground yet. I thank & praise the Lord in Jesus Name for His Love & tender Mercies.
Wed. Feb. 2. 1949./ 4. eggs today/ Well, today I swept & wiped up the floor & I feel like it, weary & tired, & a little low, it’s sure just terrible the way some people can cook up a storry from Ohio to New Mexico. I some time wish I were in the Carolines or some where, but, I pray God will take care of things in His own way & I can’t see how this thing will end but hope God will help it to end in the right way. I got a note from Audrey last week & she hoped I be O.K. come summer, & I said to Elbert well, I’ll be O.K. by & by & he said in a way I could hardly endure it, “Oh, sure you’re going to out live some of the rest & the look he had on his face & a week ago I felt as if I’d had a heavy drug, it took a day & a half to wear it off, & I’m sure. of two things & maybe 3. now. I pray God will give each one there just deserts & perhaps I can lend a hand before very long, now. I did out a few wash pieces this morning also. Oh how I detest the divel & all his dirty works, it’s so bad. I feel I’d like to be with Jesus instead of still taking the whippings here, with not a soul to talk with or to help me. I received a letter from Audrey today, she said Gertie went back to work & was so tired she went to bed at 8-30p-m, that she made her. hot tea so she could drink it as soon as she got her coat off. Well she’ll be 61. in May & the yrs. do tell on us, no matter. Who we are, she said she bought Jean Monagon a skirt for her birthday Feb. 3. 1949. & had to get Jim some thing yet. they will be 15 yrs old. & that Martha’s family & Nellie (sunshine & nice all day ground hog day.)
Wed. Feb. 2. 1949./ page. 2283./ 4. eggs this day./ were coming to eat dinner with her this coming Sun. & that she’d made a pair of pajama’s & that she had ordered a piece of good from Sears & it wasn’t what she had ordered that they sent. Well Nellie sent a card today. A. said Bonita was able to go back to work again & Nellie said she was going to Cleveland for another check up & then she said don’t worry I’m O.K. just try to take care of your selves, just as if we didn’t try, but even at that we need a little human help some one to just lend a hand to do things to ease off the load, for just a little While. but, no one seems to ever think I need any help, all I need is work, Well, I do hope, pray & trust God will help me do, as long as I live, I have always enjoyed doing things for others but now I’m in a rut & praying God will lift me out, in Jesus Blessed Holy Name. I don’t like to take Audrey’s money & not be able to repay it, for one of these days she’s going to need it, I know. I thank God for the wonderful strength He gives me from day to day for my healings & salvation. Amen.
Thurs. Feb. 3. 1949./ 4. eggs today./ Today’s Jim’s & Jean’s birthdays they are 14 yrs. old & soon Joan will be 13. yrs. old. Martha’s kept them away from here, so they hardly know us. Been mostly cloudy all day, Very pretty sun rise clouds fan shape over the sun & beautiful colors in the clouds, but only for hr. or so then clouded up & got quite dark at 3-30-p-m. I been in bed until 3-30 I got up to rest from laying so long not use to that usually set up in the little rocker, but my heads so bad, I haven’t felt like holding it up. Cold makes ears feel as if they were stopped up and I can’t hear, left one’s the worst. My Check & Dehaan’s book & a card from the card Co. Elbert kill a hen & cooked it for broth & tomorrow he hopes his check will come so he can get mash & grain & pay for on the bill out of mine $10.00 a dollar for car gas & 3.50 for church & then get the groceries & out of his he has to pay 7.65 for meat & 2.41 for bal. on stove grates then get the mash & grain so we wont have anything left. I’ll be so glad when I’m ride of this cold. I know the Lord will take it away, it’s truly wonderful the great amount of strength He gives me. I thank Him in Jesus Holy Name & praise Him for all things great or small for ever & ever Amen.
|Fri. Feb. 4. 1949./ 3. hens eggs & 1. pullet egg./ I got up at 10-a-m & brushed my hair & then dressed at 10-30-a-m, Elbert got the mail, his check & a bill from Bakers garage for 3.50 & he has a receipt to show he paid all but $1.50 such skin flints. He went to Ver-milion & paid 10.00 on the coal bill & bought $11.13 worth of food at Krogers & 1.11 at A & P & Rathborns & one dollar for gas for car out of my check, then out of his check he got 1. bag of grain 1. bag of mash $8.44 & paid bal. on grates $2.41 & paid meat bill to Neagles $7.65 & then we
Fri. Feb. 4. 1949. /page. 2284. 3. hens this day & 1. pullet egg/ had dinner when he got back then we had a time figuring to see where the money went & how much we had coming back to each of us he vowed he had kept it seperate & he had lots to much & I not near enough but after we figured up we got all squared up, he only got 1 bag each of mash & grain He should have got 2 of each so, we took that out to save it for that & then 3.50 for church & 2.00 we borrowed of card money & I gave him the change, leaving me with out any. I still owe 42.02 on coal bill & they made the receipt out to Elbert. I don’t mind it only I pay it out of my check & if any thing should come up & I’d have to prove where my money was spent & for what it was spent, I’d like to have my receipts in my own name. Elbert gets angry & flies all off & says he just wont buy the food or pay the bills, if I’m not able to go next time, Well, I’m so sorry, but, I feel, I have to keep all things straight. but, there are a lot of things, that I’d like to keep more straight, but looks as if I need a real Dick to do it soon. I did my wash of rags for both ends & got them a dry before Elbert got back & I took care of beds & rooms today, I thank & praise the Lord for His tender care & love for such as I and pray that He will turn Elbert’s soul & the rest of the family His way soon & that His coming wont be in the winter or on the Sabath Day & Oh God, I pray Thou will find me worthy, in Jesus Dear & Holy Name fror all the Praise, Glory & Powr belongeth to Thee; Amen.
Sat. Feb. 5. 1949./ 2. eggs today./ I stayed in bed untill most 10-30-a-m – then got up washed & dressed, comb my hair & shook up the beds opened the windows as usual & then my rags, so they’d be clean over Sunday. I cough untill I throw up it takes my strength bad , I sprinkled a few pieces to iron & my dress & I got them done while Elbert went to the beach for sand for the roosts, I washed some wood work & swept & I washed the top of the cook stove, & , it needs a real good cleaning. I helped get the supper & washed dishes once today. I’m tired, but I thank God my heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for saving my soul and teaching me to trust Him for all things and that He does reveal the truth to me about many things I thank Him, Praise Him for all things and my and our many blessings forever, Amen. I killed a house fly n the window today & yesterday a spider.
Sun. Feb. 6. 1949./ 4. hens 1. pullet’s eggs./ Another beautiful day, bright sun & not much breeze and not cold & snow most gone, we had a heavy frost last night. Elbert’s still feeling bum, but, my cold, I believe, is better, I washed out my nose rags & two towels I had soaking alnight. I took my bath this a-m & took care of bed rooms & swept & wiped up dust. None of the folks from church been out perhaps they are all dead, they don’t even drop me a U.S. Post card. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, Well, I’m more than Greatful the Lord takes care of His own I do wish I knew some one who would like to come & help me, but looks as if I’ll have to get out & hunt
Sun. Feb. 6. 1949./ page. 2285./ 4. hens 1. pullets eggs. / around for myself. Well it did be-gin to cloud up at 3-p-m & at 9-p-m it’s raining Elbert says it isn’t a cold rain. It has looked like a Spring day & over the radio they tell us each day, that, there is only so many more days untill Spring. today he said there’s 42 more days. Well, Nellie is 52. yrs. old today & Audrey said in her letter she was having Nellie & the Monagans there for dinner, to bad Bonita & her children couldn’t have been there to, I know it’s a lot of work, but, nice for them all to be together. I thank my Lord in Jesus Name for His love & tender mercys. I Praise His Holy Name forever & ever Amen.
Mon. Feb. 7. 1949./ 1. P. 4. H. eggs today./ Johny would have been 52. yrs. old today. & he has been resting 4. yrs. last mo. time flys. Well Elbert went to Lorain & sold 4. doz. eggs 65 cents for 2 doz. 2.70 for only 65 cents per. doz. 70 cents for 2. doz. & I gave him enough to pay for 1. sack of mash 100 lb. & 1. sack grain 100 lb. & he got jar turpo save, 1. head cabbag, 1. big onion & a box of crackers & 2. lbs. red hering and that fish sure tasted good It was passed 2-p-m when we ate, Elbert didn’t get here untill most 2. p-m He didn’t see anyone to talk to except Mrs. Cranage & Miss. Baumgart. & the other woman wasn’t home but a young lady took the eggs. I washed out the rags & dried them & feel rather weak & limpsy, still have to cough so hard takes a lot of strength, but still, I thank God that He takes care of me & gives me a lot more strength than I would have if He didn’t supply it. I love Him & praise Him all the Glory & Power belongeth to him. Its been a nice day.
Tue. Feb. 8. 1949./ 4. eggs today/ Well it’s been a fine day, but my cold seems to stay & it hurts so bad to cough, I’m trusting God will in Jesus Name free me soon again, I do thank Thee & praise Thee Jesus for all things for what ere befalls me Jesus doeth all things well, I thank Thee Jesus Blessed & Holy. I washed out the nose rags but felt more dead than alive, sort of dumb, I laid in bed half the day, just had to drive myself to get up & do what I had to do, hope I’ll be lots better tomorrow. Well, I just don’t believe I’ll try keeping only what we want for our own ujse, from now on. Well, we started on the new tank of gas about the 30th of Jan. & we owe $3.01 cents on it & we’ll have to pay for another one soon. It’s clouded up tonight & radio said colder tomorrow & the other states are buried over the house tops, in snow, they have lost a lot of people & stock & only get the roads cleared when they get another terrible down fall of snow & California with the others & meat has taken a drop so they say, but, we haven’t noticed any drops in food or meat yet. God’s words are coming true every day & still people don’t believe but try to fight on in there own power. God help us.
Wed. Feb. 9. 1949./ 3. hens eggs 1. P. egg. / Elbert went to Amherst & got the condition powder & paid 2.00, on it, if it hasn’t come down in price I will have 6.00 more to pay. I washed a change of clothes & my rags, &
Wed. Feb. 9. 1949./ page 2286/ 1. P. 3 hens eggs today/ got most of them dry before Elbert got back then I made up beds, then I made biscuits, 2 tins of them for supper & made |Chicken balls & gravey & hot tea, I’m shivering from head to foot can’t seem to endure just a little work have to cough so hard & when I blow my nose seems as if air bubbles come out my ears my head feel bad, but I’m hoping to feel better soon, because I haven’t written to the church, I haven’t heard a word from them & no one has bothered to come Well, they say, they all have there troubles & why bother with the other fellow, it’s O.K. by me Jesus Knows & He knows each heart & mind & sometimes, I do feel terrible when He reveals them to me, but still, I’m thankful to for it helps me to understand better, I ask Him to reveal things to me & give me wisdom & under-standing & help me to know what to do & how to do & what to say, I’m so glad Jesus really & trully loves me and I can trust Him that He sees, Knows & helps me, Glory to His Name, He don’t send another to fish around & snoop to find out something & then run off & tell it & talk about you, no sir, He open & above board in all things, He truth it’s self & more to be desired than any jone or any thing in this world., Hallelujah Praise His Holy Name for ever & ever, Glory, Glory, Glory, Amen. It’s been a beautiful Spring like, day, not freezing, but those other states are sure having life hard with one blizzard after another untill they are burried even the house tops.
Thurs. Feb. 10. 1949./ 7. hens egg & 1. Pullet/ Well it was a fine day snowed in showers this after noon, pleasent all morning. I didn’t do much today coughed so much I couldn’t rest, but didn’t spit so much last night, it tired me I didn’t get up untill 9-30-a-m or it was almost. Elbert went to Vermilion & got a little meat & some greens for the hens & pullets I did my wash of nose rags & made some hot drink He wasn’t gone very long received letter from Audrey with $10.00 in it & a nice letter & she says her hands are so sore from the dye in the goods she’s sewing on it hurts to use them, she had the birthday dinner for Jim Jean & Nellie for Feb. 3rd & 6th. Martha Merlin & Joan were there to, she said they had a good visit in the after noon Gertie was there to. I received card from Nellie & she’s been to Clinic for 3. days & stayed with Johny from Fri. untill Sun. & ate her birthday dinner with Audrey, Gertie & the Monagon’s, at Audreys. she never
Thurs. Feb. 10. 1949./ page. 2287./ 7. hens. 1. P. eggs this day./ never said a word about the family, so I suppose they are all alive. she wrote as if she was all light up, sort of sound as if she felt she stood head & shoulders above me in all ways, Well, I hope she’s well & O.K. and I’m glad if she’s happy, but feel a little anxious about what she may have told about me, to Audrey I don’t want Audrey to feel worried about me & I sort of feel it might be that way. from the letters & cards. I pray God will Keep things right so I wont have that to be thinking of. I have enough hear to figure out. I have written a letter to Audrey & don’t know just when I can mail it. I’m going to read some & go to bed. I thank God my Heavenly Father, in Jesus Holy Name for all my blessing. Amen.
Fri. Feb. 11. 1949./ 3. hens. & 2. pullet eggs./ Well, I felt to bum to do much so I just looked after beds & washed up dishes, Elbert’s knee has been bad but he’s been doing chores & taking care of hens & pullets, he made a platform with sides to put sand on to dry, out of old box boards & sawed some limbs “willow” & he went to Vermilion & was goine only 20. min & mailed the letter to Audrey that I had written, hope she doesn’t misjudge it, but takes it as I ment it. I got a card from Mrs. Gall yesterday, but didn’t get it ans. yet. She said She, Miss Clark & Mrs Sprunk have been sick & Miss Clark said it had been 7. Sundays I hadn’t been there. Well Praise the Lord in Jesus Name, He’s still with me & He visits me in my humble home, if the rest don’t act as if they are afraid they might get dirty when they set down but they all are to busy or sick to help any one else, but, I am just as well pleased, for Jesus knows & He help me through the fire & water. Glory to His Holy Name, I love Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus.
Sat. Feb. 12, 1949./ 7. hens & 1. pullet egg./ Lincon’s birthday. A beautiful day partly cloudy this afternoon. I felt so weak I didn’t wash this morning & aftr dinner Frank Bonney came in & he’d been here an hour or so when Mr Hauffman (the one that brought the bird here) came in, he brought me 2. qts. milk & wanted to borrow Jerry, the canary he brought me & thought it was a female, it sings & acts like a male bird, so he wanted to let an old woman take it that has 2. females, he said he’d bring it back & a male baby bird. & maybe she might let me take one female. I wonder if she will be as generous with me as I’ve been with her & all on Hauffman’s say so for I don’t know the other woman. Well New tank of gas came today. We owe 11.04 cents now for gas
Sat. Feb. 12. 1949./ page. 2288./ 7. hens 1. pullet egg./ Miss Clark sent the Sunday school lesson book by mail, got it today. Well I sure will be glad when I can gt back to Church. I haven’t coughed so bad today & hope to get re-ajusted again soon, but I really don’t know how soon it will be my heads bad & I’m so terribly weak. Frank says he’ll have the money in a few days for Elbert’s lots, I do hope they can make the deal peaceable. Radio says rain & it looks & seems that it may. I thank God in Jesus Name for our many blessings, Amen.
Sun. Feb. 13. 1949./ 3. hens 1. Pulletts. / I pary God will help some one to go to Church in my place today & perhaps more than one & that He will bless the meeting & all Who go & all Who are unable like myself & that He will stir up the indifferent ones & get them back a-gain, and help the ministr & his wife to do thre part and bless there efforts in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. I been home all day & Not a soul came in. Hauffman didn’t keep his word either, he promised to bring back the bird cage & cover. How I detest lies, & I wish he’d stay away I hope & pray God will show me a way out of the rut I’m in, I’d be so happy, and I’d give Him all the praise & Glory for ever & ever. Well it rained this morning misty rain & heavy showers half the night, been mostly dark & cloudy, Well, I feel I’m better cough is almost gone & head & ears clearing up; I must wash in the morning, God willing & pray He will give me strength & keep me from catching any more cold, I’m thanking & praising Him for my healing in Jesus Blessed Name, Amen.
Mon. Feb. 14. 1949./ 4. P. 4. hens eggs today./ St. Valintine’s Day. & Nellie said she came in person, she bought short steaks & paid over a dollar for them & a pint of fresh frozen peas, Well with Elbert’s help I got dinner & I’ve felt like a dish rag every since. Elbert’s knee has pained him bad today & he feel real miserable, He killed & dressed a hen for Nellie to take back home & we gave her some carrots & apples & 1/2 doz. little pullet eggs & I gave her the handkercheifs for Bonita & children & & gave her the apron Miss. Clark gave me some time ago, it cost 1.04 for round trip & 40 cents to Lorain & back to Elyria I marked off the butterfly I crocheted from an add. (in cross stitches she thought she’d like to crochet it, for a handkercheif it’s is real pretty. Well, she came at noon & went at 4-30. p-m. Elbert took her up to end of road & she got the buss there. She’s trying to get us to move over by her in a 2. room house & 2 lots a good well & 2500 dollars for it, Why should we, our taxes here is only $11.00 & some odd cents We don’t have water to pay for I don’t know if that well water is hard or soft. but Why all the bother? If we were over there she’d want Elbert to come & work
Mon. Feb. 14. 1949./ page 2289./ 4. H. 4. P. eggs today./ at odds & ends & she is planing on teaching again at school, she’s been teaching a little boy twice a week, she’s taking pills, 2 or 3 different kinds 5-6 & 10 each, they cost, she said they told her at Cleveland Clinic she was getting a-long O. K. & her legs & ankles are so swollen she wears rubber stockings all the time, in order to get around. Bonita would like to work & so maybe the children might come & stay with me, if I was that close, but I need some one to take care of me some what, I’m as tired tonight from getting dinner & doing dishes & taking care of birds & beds & so forth as when I wash, & I was going to wash out my rags & 3 or 4 pieces & I didn’t get it done so have them soaking & will try to get them done tomorrow. It has been rainy & heavy fog alday & raining tonight & wind has gone S. & rather strong & puffy. I thank God for all my many blessing in Jesus Blessed Name, Glory Hallulejah.
Tue. Feb. 15. 1949./ 5. hen eggs today./ WEll I got a small part of the washing done but I still have my 2 dresses 1. table cloth 1. pr. stockings dish towels & hand towels & Elberts pillow slip sleepers his heavy union suit & heavy work shirt & his bath towels & his blankets & mine. so, there is plenty to do, & there are plenty of dirty dishes to. I’m dead tired tonight, my arms ach so bad to night. but , I thank God in Jesus Name, for saving my soul & keeping me day by day with His strength. I got a card from Church, they are going to have several churches in one maeting at the 4. square church in Vermilion Feb. 21-7-45-p.m. It’s been a very dark and cloudy all day & is tonight.
Wed. Feb. 16. 1949./ 6. hens. 4. pullets./ It was moonlight last night & when morning came, the sun came out, my arms ached all night so I was still so tired I didn’t feel able to get up. but, I got up & washed out 2 cotton blankets “one light weight & one quite heavy & 2. wool blankets I sleep between, “thats” 3. times I wring each blanket before they go on the line, Elbert washed the wire cloth line & he hung the blankets up for me, they got al-most dry & I finished them in here over the stove & got them real dry & my bed made up fresh I took care of Elbert’s bed & room & I made brand muffins for supper & also 2 tins of baking Powder biscuits, while the oven was hot so now I wont have to bake bread for a couple of day, wind’s been south west. & strong enough to blow blankets almost straight out on the line, tonight it’s West & a little north & it snowed a wet snow after dark & stuck on & it’s colder now. & wind is puffy. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, He does take care of His own, I’m praying he will reveal to me the lesson He would have me learn, or what it was for. Well, anyway I’m slowing getting better again, I realize more & more how Jesus must have felt many many times for it seems the more Godly a person is the more persecutions they have to endure. Audrey send a letter with 10.00 in it today. she has sent us a lot of money I hope I’ll be able to give it all back by & by. I pray Lord thou will help me, to get out of this rut.
Thurs. Feb. 17. 1949./ page. 2290 / 5 hens 4 Pullets today. I wrote a card to Mrs. Goll. & one to A. B. C. for Elbert to mail this morning & a card to Miss. Clark. she sent me a class book to study & card about the different churches joining together at Vermilion Feb. 21. Elbert went to Lorain & sold 4. doz. egg 65. cents pr. doz. & bought a few nessecary grocierys & brought back 8 cents out of 2.60, he got greens for the hens allso. I’ve swept & dusted & took care of beds & birds & did part the cooking & did the dishes. I haven’t done quite so much today, but I thank God for my healing & pray I’ll soon be going to church again in Jesus Name. Oh Praise God in Jesus the power goes from my head to toes. they must be truly praying for me in earnest prayer at Church. Glory Glory. I thank God for my healing & pray I’ll soon be going to Church again in Jesus name I’m trusting & believing Amen.
Fri. Feb. 18. 1949./ 4. hens. 4. pullet eggs today./ Well, I sure am tired, I washed my 2 dresses & table cloth dish towels & 2 hand towels & my rags & stocking & wash rags, then I washed Elbert’s sleepers bath towel & heavy union suit a pretty mash bag very fine green & white check & his work shirt & Kercheifs, he got the supper, fried the rest of the fish & we ate biscuits with them. after supper I patched the seat of his sleeper pants & then I made the beds. It’s been a beautiful day high wind S.W. & nice sun. not very cold out. I thank God for His Wonderful Salvation & healing Some one really prayed for me last night, the power went through me from head to toe again & again, Oh Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free, Glory to God, Jesus I love Thee.
Sat. Feb. 19. 1949. / 8. hens 12. Pullet eggs./ It’s been a beautiful day, partly cloudy this afternoon. I swept & wiped up floors took care of beds & rooms & part the meals & washed dishes & mended E’s union suit & sewed the buttons & fixed button holes & now I have to iron my house dress & his shirt, then I’ll read & think awhile & go to bed. I thank & praise God my Heavenly Father in Jesus Blessed & Holy Name for my healing Thurs. night the power went from my head to my toes a-gain & again & I thanked & Praised the Lord He surely heard all the prayers & laid His Holy hand on me Glory to God, I praise Thee Jesus, Glory , Glory, Glory Hallelujah Amen.
Sat. Feb. 19. 1949. Frank’s been gone 16. yrs. today. I wish he’d been for Jesus. I gave Elbert 10.00, he went to Vermilion & got bag of mash 4.15 & he got a money order for his taxes 1.98 then he got some milk, bird seed 17 cents, Oyster schell 1.10, she over charged for the money order it should have been 6 cents & she charged 10 cents & the milk was 57 cents so that’s the way the money goes & 1.80 for light bill.
Sun. Feb. 20. 1949./ 3. hens 6. Pullets eggs./ I rested all morning & we ate our dinner at 4-p-m. & had a lunch at 8-30-p-m Elbert ate this morning, he has been having to go to the toilet often, he said it must be the liver pills, he takes so many I don’t try to keep tab, ibut it’s anacins, Olive tablets & Liver pills & N.R. tablets.
Sun. Feb. 20. 1949./ page. 2291./ 4. hens 6. pullets eggs./ now, he say he don’t know what phyics him so. Well, it’s been a dark sort of dreary day. I ironed my dress & Elbert’s shirts last night & was to tired to do it so, I couldn’t go to church either this a-m because it was so damp & I hadn’t been out to get use to the weather so we were both home all day. I know they will still be praying for me & Jesus will hear & ans. prayer & I’ll get out & get use to the air again so I can go to worship a-gain. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for the earnest prayers for me & thank Him for each one Who prays & pray He will give unto them four fold what they ask for me, in Jesus Name & take care of each one as He seeth we need, I thank Him & praise Him All the Glory belongeth to Him for ever & ever Amen.
Mon. Feb. 21`. 1949./ 5 hens & 12 pullets eggs,/ Well, today I baked 3 loaves of bread one of which was a graham loaf. I made a cucone & 5 bis-cuits & made chicken rice soup for supper & did my usual daily round. it’s been another cloudy dark day. Elbert’s been doing the outside chores & he’s been doing some spading all, then he shoveled some straw from the south end of hen house over on to the other pile; he killed & dressed a hen this morning & put it on to the cook & we had noodles in some of the broth for dinner. & tonight is the night all the churches were to gather at 4 Square in Vermilion, I hope & pray that they have a good turn out, in Jesus Name. & I also pray it will be filled with power from on high. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there but, I’m trusting & praying for them. I thank My Father in Heaven for His Love & tender mercies, I will never be able to do for Him all I’m indebted to Him for Glory to His Name.
Tue. Feb. 22. 1949./ 8. hens & 11. pullets eggs/ George Washington’s birthday, he would be ___ yrs. old today. I been home all day & so has Elbert & it’s been a very dark cloudy day with rain early & misty rain this after noon & heavy fog for a while colder tonight & damp air, N.E. I thank God for all our blessing & pray he will see us safely through. I pray for all of His peopl & that He will let me walk close to Him, all through life’s journey; I love Thee Jesus.
Wed. Feb. 23. 1949./ 7. hens 12 pullets eggs./ Well I did the washing today my back & arms hurt tonight. & I have to fix my order for cards & then I didn’t get Ethel & Loura Ann’s letter done yet. but I did get my daily doz. done. & most everything in clothes dried. & we received a letter from Audrey with ____ in it & no letter, it hurts me so, but, I don’t know how I can ever pay her I pray God will help me to really pay her well, Oh God I trust & hope you will make it come true before very long & before I depart. I thank Thee Jesus Blessed Holy Jesus I thank & Praise Thee.
Thurs. Feb. 24. 1949./ 5. hens 7. Pullets eggs. / Haven’t done much today I’m still tired out. legs, arms ach so bad & I bodily tired, can hardly get up & walk around I took care of beds & the & birds & helped with the meals & did dishes & now I’ll read.
Thurs. Feb. 24. 1949./ page 2292/ & pray & go to bed again, I wanted so much to go to prayer meeting, but I’ll hope & pray I’ll soon be strong enough to go soon. I sent a letter for the card order, 7.10 & I wrote a card to Audrey & one to Nellie & Bonita & Elbert went to Vermilion, got a money order & put it in my letter sealed it & put it & the card in mail box, then he went to Krogers got some greens for hen & a jar of Sanka, 1. lb Karkay, 1. can cocoa & the boiling meat (1.14 for groceries 83 cents for meat 50 for blogna 50 for gas & he gave me 75 cents back, I had given him $10.90. he went to Huron & traded 4 grain bags for 3 checked (green & white) bags (dress good) & it’s real good, it don’t fade & is evenly woven and firm, so now I have 6 bags, 1 1/4 yds in each. enough to make me a good house dress & with white cuffs, color & belt it, ought to look real good, I thank My Dear Heavenly Father for all my many blessings, most of all for saving my soul & helping me to do His Will I thank Him & Praise Him in Jesus Blessed Name, Glory to God in the Highest, Glory, Glory, I love Thee Jesus, Amen. It’s been dark & cloudy all day, sun did peep through but not for long, began a misty rain this after noon & to rain at evening and has Kept at it in showers all evening, it’s 9-30-p.m. & still at it, strong puffy rain. I made an elderberry pie & a squash custard pie today.
Fri. Feb. 26. 1949./ 5. hens 14 pullets eggs./ Only done the daily round today an haven’t felt able to do that, I laid & rested un-till noon, Elbert brought me a cup of sanka, it tasted a little like it & partly like postum, Well, I drank it & am still alive. It’s been cloudy all day & dark birds didn’t seem to know what to think about it. I heard the Cock Pheasent crowing out in the back I still am to tired yet, my arms ach & feel to heavy to even hold the pen and write. But, I thank thank my Lord in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, for my salvation & all He gives me, Amen.
Sat. Feb. 27. 1949./ 6. hen 23. pullets eggs./ Well, I haven’t been any good again today I swept the 3. rooms & aired them & made the beds & dusted & washed my stocking & nose rags & help get the supper & did the dishes & I’m shaking all over, still feel so tired all over. But I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for His love, salvation, & care in all the many He reveals things to me. I love & Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus I pray for each soul of His where ever they may be & I thank Thee Jesus & I pray for Vermilion Church & the Minister, his Wife & each member each child God bless them and send in some others to fill my place help me to soon be back with Him again.
Sat. Feb. 26. 1949./ page. 2293./ 6 hens & 23. Pullets eggs./ I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for I know soon Thou will be coming, I pray we will be found worthy & that Thy coming wont be in the winter or on the Sabath Day, forgive us our sins which are so many & forgive the Nations Missionarys, Ministers, Preachers & Priests, Saints, Peoples & followers & I thank Thee & give Thee all the Glory, for ever & for ever Jesus Blessed Jesus. It was cloudy, like a dark blanket all morning, but Praise God the blanket broke up into big clouds & the sun came through & set a golden red tonight, & I thank God for the Sun, Moon, stars, wind & rain & often reflect on what life would be like with out any light & the dark so thick, it seemed we could feel it, as the bible says it will be, Oh, God of Love & Mercy, We Know the time is growing closer & a Peace in Jerselam & the Christians again being put to the test, I pray, Oh Lord, for more strength & a stronger faith in Thee. For if ever we need Thee my Jesus it is from now on.
Sun. Feb. 27. 1949./ 6. hens 16. pullets eggs./ Lord God of Hosts I thank Thee & praise Thee for all things, I haven’t been out side since Jan. 20th untill yesterday I was out on the front step to shake the dust mop, I had begin to ask God where all the sisterly love was & Elbert & I were talking about it when he went to the door & said here comes Miss Clark & Mrs. Sprunk we had partly cleared up the table & was setting around talking wondering if they had forgotten me or if they hadn’t a way to come out Elbert, don’t like to go to them, so, I just wait untill I can go back & then Praise God for His Love & Mercy & that He Guides me safely through. I don’t know why I’ve had to stay home, but He knows, I pray He will reveal to me the lesson I should learn & help me to understand & do His Blessed Will. We had prayer before they left & I gave them 1. doz. & 9. eggs. Mrs. Sprunk gave me 50 cents as a gift, but she might have felt as if she couldn’t take the eggs with out paying for them, but they are small pullet eggs. so, I sent Barbara 1/2 doz. from Bonney, that’s what she calls Elbert. One night she stood in the seat beside her mother “Dorthy West” & Elbert came into the church & Barbara clapped her hands & laughed & said, Bonney, & Every one had to laugh, to see how happy she was to see Elbert come into Church; I love Thee Jesus & Praise Thee All the Glory, & power belongeth to Thee forever & ever Amen.
Mon. Feb. 28. 1949./ page. 2294./ 6, hens 24. Pullets eggs./ Well it snowed & blowed last night, started before midnight & it has snowed in heavy showers all day sun come out after dinner, at intervals & shone while it snowed a gale it’s been real cold, raw. W. & little N. wind, sun went down be-hind the clouds white as ice, it’s blowing & snowing yet 11-30-P.m. & storm door glass froze & icy. The old hens 12 of them laid 133 eggs this mo. & the pullets 167. I hope Elbert will sell enough to buy one bag of feed. I thank & Praise God for His help & for saving my soul, I love Elbert, but , he says & does queer things. I pray he will learn to Know the Lord soon, before it’s for ever to late, I ask in Jesus Name & I thank Thee.
Tue. Mar. 1. 1949./ 5. hens 19 Pullets eggs./ Wind blew in strong puffs untill most daylight & snowed untill 11-a-m. but it started to thaw at noon & there isn’t only a trace of snow tonight sun came out after noon & was white but warm, & there is only a very light N.W. breeze to-night, it isn’t quite so cold, or it don’t seem as cold tonight. I received a card from Nellie, she said they were all O.K. but that Ethel “our sister in law” stopped there for about 15 minutes Fri. morning, she had been to Mildred’s funeral (her sister) & was on her way home with one of her Neice’s, the one from Washington. she was taking Ethel home, so she could see her grandmother & Ethels mother, Nellie’s like dad a lot, she said she’d just written to Ella Jane in New Mexico & Mc.Intyers California and a note to Mrs. Noderer (Ethel’s mother.) Well, we were glad she wrote I have a letter all ready to seal to mail to Ethel, so I’ll write a little more, & let Elbert mail them on his way to Lorain, he’s planing on getting the eggs down & getting a bag of mash with part the money. & the Pullets will be helping to pay for feed this time he has 6 doz. hens eggs & 6 1/2 pullet eggs. Elbert’s liver is troubling him & I don’t wonder at it, I hope it will soon be better again. I do hope I’ll soon be able to do a little more, I sweat like rain when I do the least little bit, shaking up the beds & opening the windows sweeping the floor or washing the dishes or sewing the hem on a handkercheif, I did that today, took a strip of good off a piece left from a light house dress, white with tiny red flowers & green leaves made a narrow hem & set it on the edge of a white square of lawn[?] it’s real pretty, but it tired me so bad I sweat doing it. We are out of most everything again, & it don’t look as if we’ll be able to meet the bills & live, but God has taken good care of us & Audrey has been sending us a little along, I told her she hadn’t ought to but she does it & we are so weak in body, for lack
Tue. Mar. 1. 1949./ page. 2295/ 6. hens. 19. Pullets eggs./ of food, we use it, and I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to pay it back to her, but trust God will help me find that way. I’ve felt like crying for over a week & now I know it’s was for Mrs. Noderer & Ethel, I don’t believe Ethel realizes how lonesome she would be & hw much more she would have to endure, if her mother should be taken, but I pray she will live untill Loura Ann is much older & by then more set against the evil in this world & able to keep herself unspotted from the evils of the world. I thank & praise God for saving my soul & revealing, the truth to me in Jesus Name.
Wed. Mar. 2. 1949./ 5. hens. 25. Pullets eggs./ I received my lesson quarterly by mail from Miss Clark yesterday & a Watch Tower from little Japanesse Woman. and today a nice letter from Audrey with 10.00 more in it and she said she wouldn’t be able to send us any more for 3 or 4 weeks for the company where she works will be moving into old Richmond’s building downtown just south of Nickle Plate rail road & she said she might be out to see us while she’s out of work. Well I do hope we will be able to exist, for it sure is hard without help it would be a little easier if Elbert would get his old age pension We have to pay out a little this time, for hens powder & meat Elbert got coal bill & church dues & mash, grain & some food & it sure is plenty high priced yet. Elbert went to Lorain sold 6. doz. hens eggs 65 cents per doz. 3.90 & 4. doz pullet eggs, 2. doz for 65 cents so the 4 doz brought 1.30 making a total of 5.20 & he paid 81 cents for a triffel over 2 lbs of red herring fish, 2 slices of liver 41 cents, 4.15 for mash 30 cents for car gas & I gave him 50 cents when he left this morning, so he had 5.70 & spent it all but 3 cents, but I’m glad he had enough to get all those things & I hope our checks come tomorrow. I hope I can go to the store & check up on the food, for we’ll have to pinch the money & make it go as far as we can. he mailed the letter & card to Ethel & Sandusky in Vermilion & I did out the wash & got it all dried in the house. I got dinner when he got here 12-15-p-m. he brought green for hens, to, we got the supper together, I’m to tired, to, But I Praise God for His Love & Mercy, saving my soul & teaching me His ways, I thank Him Love Him Praise Him Glory to God in the Highest Glory forever more Amen.
Thurs. Mar. 3. 1949./ 5 hens & 32 Pullet eggs./ My check came today. & if Elbert’s comes to-morrow we are planing on going to town & spend most all of it & the 10.00 Audrey sent & then I just don’t know, I only pray God will give me strength to go & get it all done. & hope we can sell a few eggs. & that no one bothers things while we are gone. Well, I made a cake, lemon filling for a pie & it was good, that was our supper tonight.
Thurs. Mar. 3. 1949/ page. 2296./ 5 hens & 32 Pullets eggs./ I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for His blesing & I Praise Him for all things great or small, I know He sees & understands I pray He will make me humble in spirit & teach me His ways Glory to God in the Highest I Praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus. I pray Lord God of Hosts Thou will save Audreys soul & give her the blessings she needs through Thee, help her to find a good location & even a better place than she now has I thank thee Jesus. It’s been a nice day, cold wind not very strong, partly cloudy, N. W breeze all day tonight it has gone round to the S. east. It’s prayermeeting night & here am I God of Love & Mercy, bless & comfort all who have gone & worshiped Thee tonight.
Fri. Mar. 4. 1949./ 5. hens 31 Pullets eggs./ Well, I went to Vermilion with Elbert we spent the money from both Elbert’s & my checks he had 25.00 & I had 35.00 & we paid 10.00 on the coal & 8.67 for meat bill 8.30 for grain 7.36 for mash 1.10 for straw & 3.50 for church & 2.50 for powder 1.00 for gas 15.03 for food & we made soup for supper & had hot postum, then in came the Minister & Mr. Smith with canned corn, beans, milk, apples, oranges, coffee, salad dressing tomatoes, a can of kraut loaf of bread lettuce cheese & cabbage coffee, cheese fresh liver & a fresh steak, Glory to God I thank Thee & praise Thee & Thy power is going through me now over & over Glory, Glory, Glory, I thank Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus, All the Praise Power & Glory truly belongest to Thee, Oh; Glory Hallelujah. We had prayer before they left, I’m glad they love me to, Jesus, blessed Jesus; I received a letter from Mrs. Clyde Green, she’s been having a hard time & lots of troubles. Lots of people are out of work & Minister expects to be he’s been working in a plant in Elyria & his wife works also. Smith is working yet. He ask about Frank Bonney & said it was unusal for Burget to be out of work not for long, but we don’t know if F’s, working again or not. Well, it’s been a wonderful day not cold but windy & partly cloudy, I Love the Lord God of Hosts, I love Jesus & the Holy Ghost & thank them for all my blessings for saving my soul, healing me many many times, sending food to us a good number of times, revealing the love of His Children & hearing & answering our prayers, we visited some tonight & I pray I may be able to do for those who have done so much for us in Jesus Name and I thank Thee & Praise Thee, Jesus, Blessed & Holy, Amen. Elbert went to beach & got 8 or 9 big buckets of sand, after we got home it was 9-p-m when we ate dinner my first meal I drank a cup of tea & had a boiled pullet egg & handfull crackers before we went to the store.
Sat. Mar. 5. 1949./ page. 2297/ 9. hens 33. Pullet eggs/ Well, it’s been a fine day, but my trip yesterday sort of put me on the bum, so terribly tired seems as if I can’t use my arms & I swept with the sweat dripping off my chin so horribly weak in bodily strength, I got dinner & then wiped up the floors, washed dishes & got supper & I haven’t done much since made beds took care of birds it was so nice with warm breeze nice sun, then it clouded up late this afternoon & tonight it’s raining. Elbert has been drying sand for coop floor on a big wood tray he made of light boards & I’ve had to rest a little & work some untill I got done I mended my corset tonight wore one patch out & it split open, now it’s ten oclock & I’m going to bed, I been reading one of DeHaan’s books that came today, he explains the bible so well. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name He is and always will be Glory to His Name for ever & ever.
Sun. Mar. 6. 1949./ 6. hens 34 Pulletts egg/ We were home all day & no one came it blowed all night & stormed at intervals & did the same to day sun came out for a while then, it clouded up & snowed & blowed & got colder & snow began to stay on the ground cold raw N.E. wind. I thank God for saving my soul & giving me all I have I Praise Him He is and alway will be & pray He will forgive us all our many sins & heal the nations in Jesus Holy Name Amen.
Mon. Mar.7. 1949./ 7. hen 34 Pullets eggs./ Well sir, it was such a cold stormy day yesterday & so cold last night the water froze in bird bath, out by the well, so hard it cracked it all in pieces, that’s hard on tree bark & every thing else out side evergreens looks as if they had been scorched they are so brown, but today has been a beautiful day bright sun & warm, but cold breeze, Elbert’s been drying sand & looking after hens & pullets & out side chores & I baked bread & I made two pie schells out of the pie dough I had left from last week & I made an orange cream filling for one & frosted top & an elderberry sample pie, I baked sweet potatoes for supper & a Johnycake for dinner & we at some for supper & had Sanka coffee & salmon & I washed up all the dishes except supper plates, I’m so tired, that, ‘as Johny use to say ” I don’t guess I’ll do ’em tonight. I thank God for all He does for me, It’s wonderful He saved my soul & then heals me & hears my call for help & ans. prayers.
Mon. Mar. 7. 1949./ page. 2298./ 7. hens. 34 pullets eggs./ He is truly a wonder Saviour & Friend I love Him, He’s all the World to me. I wrote to Ethel, but I have to write to Audrey & to the folks at Church. Well, I’m so greatful for there help. even though it came after we had received our checks it will help us toward the end of the month again. So all the praise & Glory is to Him Who loved us so much He gave His only begotten Son, to be more abuised than ever we have been, just to save our souls Oh, if we could only have understood, What He so plainly showed us When we were young & still we to, were as slow of heart as those Who hung Him to the Cross, Oh God, I’m so terribly sorry, please help me to help other to understand, I know it is Thee Who opens up the spiritual mind, but, I long to do my part for Thee. I pray Thou will rebuck Satan & take Him intirly from this place & mad us both to work to-gether for Thy good and Glory. I thank Thee Jesus. Amen.
Tue. Mar. 8. 1949./ 8. hens. 42. Pullets eggs./ Well, it’s been a fine day nice sunshine Spring breeze the Robbins & Blue birds have been here for 2 weeks or more. They didn’t seem to know where to go when it began to snow yesterday, I saw an Eagle yesterday morning, the crows were fighting him & awhile later I saw a crane going toward the lake, today the cardnals & blue birds ground sparrows & snow bird were singing & flying about & the cock pheasent was crowing down in the hollow. While Elbert went for a load of sand & he dried quite a lot of it today, he wants to clean the roost & floor soon as he gets sand enough dried & he also did some spading today got enough ready for a patch of potatoes, ground froze a little yesterday. Well, I took care of the rooms & birds & did all the ironing, 5. bags for a dress K& 1. white bag 2 shirts for Elbert 2 under skirts K& 2 dresses for me & a table cloth, wasn’t much but it tires me so bad. I started the supper & Elbert finished it, I so sorry he has to help in the house. I thank God for his help & answering prayer for this arm Elbert said the pain all left his knee & it seemed so good to be free & I said you should thank the Lord for that & he said, I did I really did, & So do I thank Him & Praise Him in Jesus Holy Name Glory to God in the Highest, He is truth and Power & the Glory truly beongeth to Him. I’d like to go with Elbert to sell eggs tomorrow but I want most of all to go back to prayer meeting & church. I received a card from Nellie this morning they’re O.K.
Wed. Mar. 9. 1949./ 8. hens 45. P. eggs./ Well, today I washed out all my dirty clothes next is Elberts sheets sleepers heavy union suit & heavy work shirt Pillow slip towel wash rag & I washed his socks to but I’m sore it takes a lot of Elbow
Wed. Mar. 9. 1949./ page. 2299./ 8. hens 45. Pullets eggs. today/ Power. Elbert went to Vermilion on his way he sold P. eggs to Mrs. Goll Mrs. Smith wasn’t home, neither was Mrs West or Dorthy West, so he went to Day’s, she took 3. doz. Mrs. Goll 2. & the rest he sold in 3. or 4. other homes, he sold them for 35 cents per. doz. & he had 12 doz. for 4.20 cents & he spent 1.19 for a can of salmon & 2 lbs. red herring. 78 cents. & brought me back 286- 15 cent short. Well, he cleaned the further pen in hen house & roost. & toated a section of nest boxes from Cottage to farther pen, some job for they are so heavy, he put sand on floor & roost & straw on the floor & straw in nest boxes. so he’s tired tonight besides he carried the waater for me to wash & water for the chickens & mash & grain. I managed to get the supper & do the dishes. I was only half dressed when Hauffman came to back door with the bird cage & cloth that was over Jerry when he took him away & he knocked & then set them down & ran back to his car & drove away he was looking toward the coop as if he thought Elbert might come out before he could get away. I was glad he went I don’t like to have him come in when I’m alone, so, I didn’t say anything but let him go. I’m wondering what he’ll do about the birds. I received another $10.00 bill from Audrey & not a word of any Kind, guess she didn’t have time to do more than mail it. I thank God in Jesus Dear Name for His love for us & care; it’s a very strange experience to have people giving to us, I have always found away to help others, but I hardly Know how to except gifts I’ve never been given much & Mrs. Sprunk & Miss Clark must have been at the bottom of the gift of food from the Church folks, & Audrey has been sending us a little along for some time now, she lives good & don’t know how little we have, but, she’s just wonderful to send us that little for it’s a big boost to us; I thank Thee Jesus & Pray You Will help me to do Thy Will for ever & ever Amen. Glory to God, Amen. I received another little book from DeHaan “Beholding Jesus.”
Thurs. Mar. 10. 1949./ 8. hens. 42. P. eggs today./ Oh, it snowed & blowed last night from the N. east & rained with sleet in it look like Christmas, it’s not cold out and yet it isn’t thawing. It’s hard on the trees & shrubs, it’s been so warm the big Elem tree had started to leave out & the fruit trees looked as if the flowr buds were all most ready to bloom, now we get a real winter & the poor birds don’t seem to know what to make of it, we put feed out but the snow soon covered it up. We’ll have to try again tomorrow.
Thurs. Mar. 10. 1949/ page. 2300./ 8. hens. 42. P. eggs this day/ Well, I pray God will have mercy on the poor & homeless & hungry those who haven’t enough food or clothes or a warm place to sleep. Jesus Blessed Jesus we have much to be thankful for & I give Thee all the praise & Glory, for I have learned you can give or take & all we have you have given to us, I am truly greatfull, I have so much to be greatfull for to Thee, all the many healings saving my soul & being so patient in teaching me, I am so slow of heart but I love Thee most of all I love Thee better than anyone or anything Glory, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus, Blessed, Holy, so true & Devine, I love Thee Jesus dearly & pray Thou will keep me close to Thee, all the way I thank Thee Jesus. It’s been good to be warm & comfortable & have food to eat. Wind is blowing in puffs tonight & rather strong
Fri. Mar. 11. 1949./ 7. hens 38 P. eggs./ Well, I wrote a letter to Audrey, one to Jack Birch on radio for a leaflet on how to eat to gain or loose weight, one to Rev. & Mrs Scharien, Vermilion & got my tax blank ready to go. & a card to Nellie. & now I have to fix fire & go to bed. It’s been a nice day with sunshine snow melted a lot today, poor evergreens must be glad to get rid of the heavy weight that sagged the limbs to the ground & the baby one’s bent over untill tops lay on the ground. poor little birds were hunting for feed & we put out crumbs again to day & after noon they found the mash Elbert put out for them yesterday. I thank & Praise the Good Lord for all our many blessing in Jesus Name. I redceived my All Ocasion cards, but haven’t been able to deliver any of them. I haven’t done much onlyl the letters & cards I wrote today & cooking, dishes & beds & birds. They said over the radio the Catholic Cardnal said as long as the Churches were joining together, we might as well all be Catholic. So now I wonder how they will settle that. I pray God will reveal to us what we are to do for He said we must all be one, before the end comes. I have wrote a card to Card Co.
Sat. Mar. 12. 1949./ 8 hens 39. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain & sold 4. doz. hens eggs & 12. doz. Pullets eggs for 65. & 35 cents per. doz & he bought 1. bag of mash 4.15 & 75 cents for potatoes & lemons fish & bird seed & 50 cents for car gas & he brought home 4 cents. we had just finished dinner when Mr Smith came in & the 2. girls & bought 3. doz. P. eggs & I gave the girls about 2. doz. very small ones.
Sat. Mar. 12. 1949./ page. 2201./ 8. hens. 39. P. eggs./ I gave Smith my tenth for Church for last mo. & 2. dollars on this mo. 6. dollars & I owe 1. dollar yet. I used one dollar today to pay my taxes, I could have given it all, but, thought I’d wait & give it a little later. I hoped to be able to go to Church tomorrow, but it’s cold out & I don’t know about it I feel sure God will take care of me, but I don’t know I’ve been praying about it but don’t know yet. Elbert run in debt for ham & a piece of pork today, he said the streets are slippery in Lorain. I slept a while after he left &
[dream] dreamed a queer dream & Elbert & Audrey were with me, clear water a baby packed in crushed ice & a balcony crowed with people & the timbers began to splinter under it, I sure was busy trying to save people.And by all we hear there’s many who need to be saved by the Lord. I thank God saved my soul & He takes wonderful care of me I want to be worthy I feel I ought to be back soon in Church. I Praise Him & I love Him & hope I may be all His forever & ever. Wind has been light to day suny all morning & partly cloudy all after noon snow’s been melting but Elbert says the wind was cold. Mr. Smith said he was going to Huron.
Sun. Mar. 13. 1949./ 7. hen 46. P. eggs today./ It’s been a beautiful day with sunshine & a cold breeze white sun that set red tonight. I was not feeling strong enough to go to Church still hoping I’ll be able to attend next meeting. I thank God for our blessings in Jesus Name & pray for all his people. I received a news tract from California & the story of the Captain that told about the sea roaring & it was what he called a dead see, no wind to cause waves, yet they were at least 40 ft. high with no spray & lashing at the ship from all sides he said in all his 35 yrs. on the oceans he’d never heard of such a sea as that or the roaring, he said he was mystified ” that was a Captian Maning.” & one of the men that helps put out the tracts, talked with a woman who picked up a man that suddenly appeared beside the road & ask for a ride, she had her daughter & a friend with her in the front seat, the man got in & after a few seconds he said Jesus is coming soon, they didn’t answer him & in a few more seconds he said it again & then again & the woman was angry & turning to look at him said where do you want to get out & for I want to get rid of you & to her amasement there wasn’t anyone in the back seat, she addmitted she was terribly frightened. Well we are sooon to see
Sun Mar. 13. 1949./ page. 2302./ 7. hens & 46. P. eggs this day/ Jesus I do pray people will wake up & come to Jesus & do His will that they will want to live for Jesus. Oh. God, I pray Thou will help them before it is forever to late, I wish I could help people to understand. I love Thee Jesus.
Mon. Mar. 14. 1949./ 7. hens 48. P. eggs today/ Remember that song? One more days work for Jesus, One less of life for me. How True.
[lyric, song hym by Anna B Warner, 1869]- One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!
But heav’n is nearer,
And Christ is dearer,
Than yesterday to me;
His love and light
Fill all my soul tonight.- Refrain:
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!
- Refrain:
- One more day’s work for Jesus:
How glorious is my King!
’Tis joy, not duty,
To speak His beauty;
My soul mounts on the wing
At the mere thought
How Christ my life has bought. - One more day’s work for Jesus!
How sweet the work has been
To tell the story,
To show the glory,
When Christ’s flock enter in!
How it did shine
In this poor heart of mine! - One more day’s work for Jesus!
Oh, yes, a weary day;
But heav’n shines clearer
And rest comes nearer
At each step of the way;
And Christ in all—
Before His face I fall. - Oh, blessed work for Jesus!
Oh, rest, at Jesus’ feet!
There toil seems pleasure,
My wants are treasure,
And pain for Him is sweet;
Lord, if I may,
I’ll serve another day.
Soon He will come like a theif in the night “He said” & Oh my heart aches when I think of all those of us that may be left behind to suffer the tribulations and He said it would be worse than eanything we ever have had on earth, Oh God of Love and Mercy I pray Thou will forgive us & save us, more and more I realize how terrible sinful we really are, I hate this life I’ve lived I’d like to do all Thy ways Keep me ever closer to The & reveal to me the right things to in Jesus Holy Name I ask and I thank Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus for ever and ever, Amen. I haven’t done much for a few days but I’ll have to do the wash tomorrow or Wed. It’s been a nice day, wind’s cold & S. W. a little colder tonight radio says colder tomorrow with snow we had a little snow, but melted as it fell. sun most of the day & we been having beautiful moon light nights, I watched the rabbits running, several of them, last night, some snow left on the ground yet jack Birch lettr came back I forgot to put Newark on it. I have written card to Nellie & one to tract Messenger. & one to Los Angeles Cali. & I owe several letters I must gt off soon. I thank Thee Jesus for my blessings & pray You Will get me away to Church soon.
Tue. mar. 15. 1949./ 9. hens 49. P. eggs today./ Fishermen’s day to set nets but the old lake is sure booming & wind quite strong and puffy. it froze last night, and night before. & it’s freezing tonight, it’s been a sunshiny day, I washed Elbert’s double cotton blanket & the heavy cotton one I use over the mattress, & dried them out side, they were all dry except hem & soon finished over the line in the house, I washed his sleepers both rags & towel & partly washed out his union suit he finished it & his work shirt. & he wrong out the blankets & under wear & shirt each time for me, he carried the water for me to wash & did the outside chores & got the coal. We both got our tax blanks receipts back today; Clothes all dried except unionsuit & work shirt & I have patched his sleeper pants once more, will have to make new ones soon. Elbert painted, “fresh eggs” on both sides of a board & put it up on this “or inside end of mail box board & we hope to sell more eggs here & save wear & tear on car.
Tue. Mar. 15. 1949./ page. 2303./ 9. H. 49. P. eggs this day./ save him hunt for some one to buy them. I made Elbert’s bed up & my own & wiped up the dust. I tremble from head to foot & I sweat like rain patching his sleepers, I’m so tired, glad that much is over, I have a few pieces & the towels & dish towels yet to do, & the kitchen floor to wipe up & I’ve got to get at the sewing soon. We got the supper together, I roasted the pork & he scraped the carrots & pared the ptatoes & put the cabbage in fresh water to freshen up & I put it in when it was time & made some dumpling & gravy & we had a swell supper. Oh God, of Love & Mercy I do thank & praise Thee for all things, all the Glory truly belongeth to Thee, Glory, Glory hallelujah I Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
Wed. Mar. 16. 1949./ 7. H. 45. P. eggs today/ Well another day & I haven’t done much outside the general housework Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 10 doz egg 35 cents per doz. 3.50, he brought back 2.00, he’s got to have enough to pay for his car licensed & we got to fiinish paying for the hens powder. Ha, Ha, condition powder, 6.00, I don’t know how much his license will cost. $8.00 or more I reckon. it got colder this afternoon & snowed a steady shower of fine flakes untill roofs were white. Elbert got some sea fish a yeast cake & box of Olive tablets & small piece of blogna, so we have $2.00 & still must get 12.00 more. I got a nice letter from Audrey today, and [she inserts code language last seen in 1915-35 entries: 2 “square equals V II LL square Y.] _____ she says she is coming out to see me before long, the firm she’s working for has got to get all moved out by the 15th this mo. She says after she broke her hip she took out an insurance so she’d be sure to have enough to bury her, & I have wished I had done the same thing, but I used all I had taking care of this one, or that one, & went without myself, and Frank didn’t work with me but against me in every thing, so it was even nip & tuck to keep even. Well, if I could make a little honest money some way I’d be so glad. I thank God in Jesus Name for saving my soul & taking care of me, I could never begin to pay Him all I owe to Him, I wish though I could do much more. I love Thee Jesus 10-p-m & snowing & Spring is just around the corner.
Thurs. Mar. 17. 1949./ 10. Hens. 43. P. today./ Top 6, the morning to ye; St. Patrick’s Day in the morning, this morning. I went to prayr meeting tonight after doing out a good washing today. There were only a very few there the Minister, his wife & Mrs Sprunk & myself & Mrs West & 3 smith children Mr. Bockman Mr Whitman & Lindy West
Thurs. Mar. 17. 1949./ page. 2304./ 10. Hen. & 43 P. eggs this day./ We had a real prayer meeting. Mr & Mrs. Smith & children have gone to Mississippi when hr folks live, I didn’t understand they were going so soon or that they wre going Mon. Well he called back from St Loie kentucky to told the Minister they’d got that far O.K. Home sick I guess, they are just young folks, said he would be gone 2 or 3 weeks, and Miss Clark has gone to take care of her Sister in Cleveland again & Dorthy is expecting hr baby soon. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio, blue sky, white clouds like big dumplings & a white sun I thank God for saving my soul & pray He will in Jesus Name for-give me my sins & all the Nations and give us wisdom & under -standing & help us to live His way & do His will in all things & I thank Thee & give Thee all the praise & Glory in Jesus Holy Name, Amen |Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. I Praise Thee for ever & ever. I gave Elbert $10.00 to get his car license & he’s going to Lorain in the morning with the eggs & get grain & a little food.
Fri. Mar. 18. 1949./ 7. hens 48 P. eggs./ I wrote a card to Audrey & Elbert will mail it this a-m. He went & sold the eggs 6. doz. hens eggs 70 cents per. doz 7. doz P. eggs, he got 40 cents for P. eggs. & he bought 1 bag grain 4.78 & 3 lbs. fish 1.03 & Postum 49 cents & crackers, 30 cents gas 50 cents & 25 cents out to pay for writing his licence & I gave him 10.00 for the license & he brought back 22 cents it should have been 34 cents. Well I sure slept right up to 12 noon, he woke me up backing up to the grainery & unlocked back door then dressed said my prayers & shook up the bed & combed my hair, washed myself & put the potatoes on to cook & water to heat & shook up his bed & opened up both windows & shut the doors & washed my hands & put the greese on for the fish to fry, he scraped them & wrinsed them & I floured & fried them then while they cooked we drank a cup of postum & tended the fish & then ate, I set bread & guess I hadn’t ought to for I just didn’t have strength to mix it or nead it, it rise & I baked it, but it don’t look as good as when I can nead right. I made to brown & two white & hope it wont be bad, it looks good any way. It’s been a fine day. We received a card from Nellie today, she said Bonita’s cold was btter & the 2 children (the twins) go to Bible school Thurs. afternoons. Nellie said she baked Wed. some bread biscuits & sinnamon rolls, she said the children (meaning her Children) often come on Thurs. she said she thought she’d be comeing ovr and she’d get cards when she come. Audrey said in her letter they had planed to come several of them together & she’d try to let me know if she could. Elbert’s long in bed, wish I were. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name, for all our many blessing glory to His Blessed Name Tonight it is snowing & ground has a light blanket of white & over the radio they said they were getting a blizard in Cleveland, air is cold, not much breeze here though.
Sat. Mar. 19. 1949./ page. 2305./ 7. Hens 43 Pullets eggs today/ It’s been a fine day, it snowed quite a blanket of snow last night & it looked like Christmas, evergreens were so pretty, but when the sun came up most of it melted. Where it run off the roofs on North side it made long ice cicles, Elbert spaded up a little patch of dirt today, he said only the grass bags were frozen & the dirt’s just right to spade. I only did what had to be done today, I’m so tired. I hope to go to Church tomorrow morning it’s I can manage it & I thank God for all the many blessings He gives me & us. Glory to His Name. All things are coming now that He told His Deciples about & us, in the bible in Matthew Chapter, & Loke 21 chapter & there are many places He has told us about it. When the end of the world would come to pass and those things are coming now he said look up for our re-demption draweth nigh, and people are gading about in a headless way & soon He will come & many will be lost, and lots of people laugh & make fun & say you’re crazy. I pray God will have mercy & help many to call on His.
Sun. Mar. 20. 1949./ 10. Hens. 54. Pullets eggs today./ It’s been a beautiful day. We been home all day Elbert’s back & hip has pained him so bad & I have felt so bum today so weak & miserable. I had planed on going this morning but such is life I hope to go Thurs. evening to prayer meeting and will try, with Jesus help, to make it. I rested what I could today. A young man came here with his wife for eggs, he got 2. doz. P. egg for 90cents We have raised the price from 35 cents to 40 cents to 45 cents. eggs are getting largr more the size of hens eggs now & we have to get back some of what we been putting into them. I hope we can get our baby chicks earlier this yr. so, we can make the hens pay for them & there selves, it’s much easier that way, on us.
Mon. Mar. 21. 1949./ 7. Hens 50 Pullets eggs/ First day of Spring. The whole place has been full of blue birds & the cranes are here again since last week ground sparrows cardinals & blue jays & robbins air has was quite warm Surty & damp tonight, as if it might rain. ANd we didn’t get rain,snow or frost. I have only done what I had to do & I sawed off a few limbs from the quince bush & pear tree, it was so warm I wanted to be out doors, lots of flies & bugs out today, South breeze & the sun felt quite warm. Elbert sawed some wood & spaded some dirt for garden. I swept & did my daily dozen. We got some puzzles by mail today & so we tried to work one out, it’s good for our brains for achange. It’s been a beautiful day sort of weather breeder.[?] I do Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many many blessings, I thank Thee Jesus Truly all the praise and glory belongeth to Thee. Help me go to prayer meeting Thurs. night & Please fill us with the
Mon. Mar. 21. 1949./ page. 2306./ 7. Hens. 50. P. egg this day. / Thy Holy Spirit give us the wisdom & understanding we need to help us to do Thy will in all things, Amen.
Tue. Mar. 22. 1949./ 7. Hens 48. Pullets egg today/ Elbert’s worked spading & claning roost feeding & carrying water & I have been working on a puzzle all day, I’ve made some progreess, got 2 good ones 307 & one 306 points I have another one started I done 4 or 5 but some not so good did my daily round I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings, I pray God will help us to be able to take car of ourselves & if it isn’t wrong I hope we may win some of the money on this puzzle it would be wonderful the good things I could do with it, but I don’t want it if it’s wrong to have it. It’s been a Spring day strong wind quite warm rain & sunshine.
Wed. Mar. 23. 1949./ 10. hens 53. P. eggs today/ A beautiful day. Elbert went out to Vermilion on the lake & sold 16 doz. pullet eggs for 45 cents per. doz. 7.20 & he bought a bag of mash. 4.15 & a bag of potatoes 79 1.lb butter 60 1. cabbage 32 3 grape fruit 21 & 35 cartons for eggs 35 cent, 50 cents for gas for car & he brought back 22 cents & couldn’t account for the rest he said well I figured it over again & there was only 22 cents left so it came out O.K. I sold 1. doz P. eggs to Miss Georgia Snyder 45 cents making total on eggs $7.65, While Elbert was gone I washed out most of the clothes & finished after we had dinner. Received gas bill today & [code: 2 square equals V 11 .. VY2] & well I guess I’ll have to hurry if I get a letter and card wrote tomorrow & do the ironing for it tirees me so bad to stand on my feet. I want to go to prayer meeting tomorrow evening God Willing. Elbert planted 2, 50 ft rows of potatoes this afternoon. Some thing woke me early yesterday morning & the wind was blowing hard in strong puffs, it thundered & lightened & shook the house, I told Elbert but he said he didn’t hear it & tonight they told us over the radio that a queer tornado had dipped down in Sandusky & destroyed a man’s barn completely & didn’t do any other damage there or near by, the frogs were croaking yesterday & today. & birds singing, pheasent crowing. I thank God in Jesus Holy Devine Name for our many blessing and pray we may be found worthy. Glory, Glory. Hallelujah.
Thurs. Mar. 24. 1949./ 8 hens & 50 P eggs./ Elbert has done a lot of spading today It’s been a nice day but a cold N.E. wind so cold his face looked a red as in severe cold weather. but the sun was nice he, did all the out side chores I ironed & did the house work & then got ready & went to church to prayermeeting. We had a good meeting, We all prayed & I know God heard our prayers
Thurs. Mar. 24. 1949 / page. 2307./ 8 hens & 50 Pullet eggs today./ I’m sorry for Virgina & Paul Smith (her brother) & little Cliford has to be operated on & he has to have a blood transfusion another family that needs the Lord so much & people are saying that Mrs. Hambly’s father would be alive today if it wasn’t for her, she went to the clinic & they told her there wasn’t anything wrong with her, only she worked her brain to hard. Oh God, We can see the terrible things coming to pass You told us about, God help us & forgive us & keep us close to Thee. I Praise Thee & pray Thou will forgive us our sins in Jesus Name I thank & Praise Thee for all things only help to have wisdom & understanding that we may help others.
Fri. Mar. 25. 1949./ 7. hens. & 51. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs. 5. doz. hens eggs 70 cents per. doz. & 7 doz pullet eggs 45 cents per doz. $665 for both then he bought 3. lbs. fish (salt water) then he bought 1 can salmoon & bag of potatoes 1.58 bag oyster schell 1.10, beef 97 cents, 50 car gas 10 cents for postal cards, & strange as it may seem he brought back 1.45 & one man owes 5 cents, I’m wondering how that could be. O, |Well, Elbert spaded some wind was to cool & sun hot, I trimed the rose in front of the coop “Frank’s rambler” & the black caps south of coop & the two grape vines west of well pump then I was almost to tired to get back to the house but I did & Elbert had come in be-fore me & had water on heating so we drank & rested, I then got supper & made up the beds, & dishes still set, I’ll try to get them tomorrow & wipe up the kitchen floor. I want to do a little triming if I can, to. It’s been a beautiful day, I thank God in Jesus Name & pray He will help me to do His will in all things for ever & ever Amen.
Sat. Mar. 26. 1949./ 9 hens 55. P. eggs today/ Well, it was so thick and fogy & rained every little while that I didn’t go outside I tried to work on the puzzle but only got a little done Elbert went to Huron for straw & fish & he really got six nice one & they were so sweet & good, we ate salt water dish for dinner & fresh ones for supper & I cooked & washed dishes & took care of beds rooms & birds, I haven’t felt very spify today Elbert’s hip has pained him alday, but he’s done his chores, grass & leaves are coming fast now. frogs are croaking long and loud. I thank God for our many blessing for saving my soul & healing my body & heart many many times, I Praise Him for all the lessons He has taught me & I’ve been a hard one to teach. but Praise His Holy Name, He is teaching me His Will Glory to His Name, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, I thank Thee Jesus, Amen.
Sun. mar. 27. 1949 /page. 2308./ 7. hens 56 Pullets/ We been home all day, I felt to ill to go to Church & Elbert has not felt very well & the wind has been strong puffy since yesterday all last night & all day to it rained some & sunshone & the sun was white as ice. Dorthy’s & Lindy West’s baby boys 1. week old today they said she most broke up Sun Morning serv[?] He took care of outside chors & I did only the things I really had to do. Frank & Ruby, Armond & Clara & there son Bruce & daughter Cora, ” the children are 3 yrs. and 1. yr old both walk” came in for an hour or so this after noon, Ruby wants more plants & shrubs. Well I Praise & thank God for all He reveals to me each day & for all our blessing Glory to His Holy Name.
Mon. Mar. 28. 1949./ 9. hens 53 Pullet eggs/ Elbert’s been spading & taking care of hens & outside chores & I tried on the puzzle some & aired the bedding & made up beds & cooked & did dishes & went out & with Elberts help trimed Westera vine. It’s been a beautiful day & strong south wind untill middle of after noon, then it eased up & hardly any tonigh every thing is leaving out fast Apricot looks as it it would bloom soon & some of the shrubs & flowers. I thank God for all our many blssing in Jesus Dear Holy Name.
Tue. Mar. 29. 1949./ 10. hens & 58. Pullet eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to Huron and got 15 fish 3. pike & the rest were perch we had 5 for lunch & the rest I cooked for supper & there were 3 left for Elbert’s breakfast. I did my wash & the towels & such like today & dried them out side, the wind was quite strong & puffy & sun warm & oh everythings coming fast out side I would like to get out & do some raking before things get to big & it’s a good time to do it right now, the grass is coming so fast. The clothes dried so fast We haven’t much fire just a little to keep house comfortable during the night. Some queer things happen, I saw Elbert’s shadow as he passed the evergreen on the drive, he was headed west & I ask if there was any mail & “he said” he wasn’t out to the mail box, queer. I wonder, I saw him cut gras to the pump where he’d left the hens water buckets, he filled them & I ask him about the mail when he come back in front of the grainery. His Knee has been paining him bad all day & he spaded some, he got 2. bales of straw for 1.00 & 50 cents worth of gas for the car & now he has 18 doz. pullet eggs to sell in the morn-ing & that will be $8.10 & he has to get mash pay light bill get a bottle of anicins & 5. lb. salts for hens, so there wont be much left for us, for we want to get more potatoes for seed & some lime & fertilizer, I don’t know how we can manage. I truly thank God in Jesus Name, for all our many blessing
Wed. Mar. 30. 1949./ page. 2309./ 8. hens 53. Pullets eggs today/ Well I wasn’t feeling fit today so only did what had to be done and we figured on the puzzle for a while. Elbert went to Vermilllion on the lake & sold 18. doz. eggs & bought a bag of mash 4.15, 1. lb. butter 66 cents and 5 lbs salts for hens 45 cents and he paid 1.00 on the 3 bags of potatoes & A.P. Store man put them aside for us untill we can pay the bal on them. he forgot to pay light bill or get anicins, he brought $2.10 so, he will have to get them done tomorrow. Audrey sent a note & 10.00 said she has a bad cold & would write a little later Nellie sent a card said she got my note & that she is teaching 10. hrs. per week & goes to night school on Fri. nights, she said E.J. is so home sick she called home “just to hear there voices, she’s getting on good with her work in school & works a few hrs. after school for 60 cents per hr. evey one else is O.K. E.J. doesn’t have room mate at present so room cost more. Johny is working at air port; He finished his school Mar. 25. 1949, except, one hr. of examination, that he’ll take in April; So she’s tired after going & teaching 2, hrs. aday & I know she would be in her condition. Winds N.E. & cold & we got a cold rain late tonight & they got snow & tornadoes in other places & New York had 70 degrees of heat today. God has told us to look up to Him, when these things happen in places unusual, or where they ought not. Oh God, if only we could do more for Thee, I heart aches for those who Know Thee not. I pray Thou will teach us before it’s forever to late. All Praise & Glory belongest to Thee Glory to God I praise & thank Thee for all things, great or small, in Jesus Blessed Holy Name Amen.
Thurs. Mar. 31. 1949./ 8. hens 51. Pullets eggs today./ Been windy day N.E. wind & some rain so, we neither have done very much today my feet & ankles been bad & Elberts hip back & Knee have been so bad & he looks miserable I had hoped so much to go to prayer meeting, but he wont go into Church where it’s warm & so I stayed home, he has felt cold all day & had a splitting head ache all day, he went to Huron paid gas bill & got 1.00 bottle & 3 cents tax. he came right back home & I noticed he Kept the fire quite warm, he must have cought a cold, I only did my daily rounds. I have got a money order 5.00 ready for Miss Willits & 2.00 money for puzzle(ian)[?] (crippled soldiers) & 12.06 for gas bill & 2.00 for olive oil & 50 for writing paper & I’ll
Thurs. Mar. 31. 1949./ page. 2310./ 8. hens eggs 51 Pullet eggs/ have to give Elbert 24.00 to pay those bills, I pray God will heal Audrey’s cold by Sunday as a part blessing for the help she gives to us & help her to trust Him for her healings in the future & help her to understand. Oh God of Love & Mercy, forgive us our sins & I thank Thee for my healings & trust all is well with my soul in Jesus Name Amen. Well, it’s raining a heavy misty rain tonight. Audrey sent 10.00 yesterday & Nellie sent us a card & today a book from Rev. DeHaan. came. Bible study They are alway good.
Fri. April. 1. 1949./ 9. Hens. & 51. Pulletts. eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain & sold 5 doz hens eggs 70 cents. 7 doz. pullet eggs 45 cents per. doz. total of $6.65. he bought a bag of grain & it cost 3.79 he finished paying for one bag of potatoes 1.59 & paid 1.00 on the other 2. bags, he bought 3. very poor lemons for 18 cents & 1. can salmon 71 cents, he got a money order for 5.00 for Miss Willitt’s & 2.00 for Dav. crippled soldiers contest, I have wanted to send it for a long time but seems as if I can’t live or even hardly exsist & give all to this one & that, but Praise the Lord I’m getting to send it because of the puzzle, I don’t expect any thing from the puzzle. I had Elbert pay the gas bill $12.06 & he got me 50 cents worth of writing paper & brought back 2.00 & some odd cents I gave him a little & hope we can pay up his small bills this pay, he has 4 or 5 to pay & he has to have a pr. of shoes, I’m needing a pr. very much, had mine for 3 or 4 yrs. & he’s had 2. prs but he’ll have to have them for he does all the out side work. Hope we can manage our eats for the month for I’m half dead now & with less I can’t see how I can make it. WEll I swept & then scrubbed the floors they wre terrible dirty & so hard to wipe up, but I got it done by sitting down a goodly numbr of times. The tract Co sent me a pack of tracts & I received them today, they are good ones to I Praise God & pray each one will win a sould to Jesus. Elbert’s so tired tonight his hip & kne is paining him bad, I pray God of Love & Mercy Thou will rebuke the devil & set us both free, in Jesus Name, I love Thee Jesus Blessed Holy Jesus Amen. It’s been a nice day cold N.E. wind that eased up toinight, I washed some windows & just wiped some so I’m tired tonight & I have to get those letters wrote & sent off yet, I pray God will help me to get it done I thank Him & praise Him for all ur many blessing & pray & trust He will save our souls in Jesus Name, Glory to God.
Sat. April. 2. 1949./ page. 2311./ 5. hens. 48. Pullets eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a nice mess of fish, I washed & was done only long enough to get potatoes & water on to cook & he cleaned 6 pike & I cooked them while he did a chore about the hens & then he washed & we ate dinner & I finished sudsing & wrinsing the 6 or 8 pieces & hung them up I had most of them dried be-fore he got here, so, after I rested a little I cleaned the bird cages, then made up beds & then got supper & figured up the eggs for Mar: In Jan. the old Hens 13 laid 1.77 eggs in Feb. they laid 133 & we ate one hen, in Mar they (12) laid 253 eggs. Pullets started to lay in Feb. 167 & in Mar. 1359 eggs from ____ Pullets, they were 5 mo. old in Feb. they sure have turned out the eggs. Elbert scaled the rest the fish & cleaned them ready to fry & he spaded some & took care of hens, he’s terrible tired & so am I. Rue Sarr & his little son Earnest came in for 2. doz. eggs 90 cents & I gave the little boy 8. small eggs for Easter eggs, he was so excited over them, Rue said he’d made a box for the Easter Rabbit to put the eggs in & he was going to leave it where the rabbit could find it so he could hide it when he put the eggs in it & then Easter Morning he & Earnine have to hunt for it to see if he put the eggs in it, how much better it would be to teach them the story about the Risen Saviors & the seriousness of life. I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for saving my sjoul & revealing Thy ways unto me Help me Lord to live Thy ways forever & ever, Glory to God, Glory Glory Hallelujah Amen.
Sun. April. 3. 1949./ 10. Hen. 46 Pullets eggs/ Well, we went to church this morning & again this evening & Elbert went into the evening service, Dorthy came tonight, she told Elbert Barbara had named one of her dolls after him, she calls the doll, Bonney Elbert got up early clened & dressed a pullet & had it cooked at 10-a-m. & so I took a can of broth & the brest, gizzard & one drumstick to Miss. clark she seemed real pleased & said her birthday was last week & today she had a donation of the chicken & broth & a nice piece of somebody’s birthday cake & a pint of pickled pears, so she had her birthday dinner today. so Praise God, she had a good meal, & she looks as if she needs it. I fixed dinner & washed up the dishes & went outside into the sunshine, N.E. wind was to cold so we didn’t stay out long, we had a heavy frost & it froze ice in bird bath everythings trying to grow, but I don’t see how it can. well the golden bells & Apricot will soon be in bloom. I’d like
Sun. April. 3. 1949./ page. 2312./ 10. Hens. & 46. Pullet eggs/ to get out & rake the & clean up around the house a little it’s so cold I don’t know if anything besides weeds will grow or not. I thank God for all our many blessings, in Jesus Name. I thank Him for His great love for me & I often wonder why He endures with us when we are so careless & thoughtless. Oh God of Love & Mercy teach me Thy way & help me to do them in Jesus Name, Amen. I thank Thee for my healings & strength, for Elbert & home & warmth, for clothes & food & all we have & most of all for saving my soul in Jesus Name, Glory to God.
Mon. April 4. 1949./ 8. hens 52. pullets eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to Huron & got 16 nice fish but he waited from 10-20-a-m untill 2-p-m to get them & I did all the washing & had part of it dried when he got here, I had evry thing ready to cook he dressed 3 fish after he drank some hot tea & ate a bit or so & then we fried the fish & had dinner, I hung part the clothes up out door, he finished dressing fish I salted & pack-ed them & then I rested a while & then washed dishes & got supper & then fixed a letter to go with puzzle & a letter to Miss Willitt’s & one to tract Co. & now I must read & go to bed I have to make out grocery order so we can go to town tomorrow for food. I got my check Sat. & Elbert got his today. I thank God in Jesus Name & Praise Him for all things Amen. I received a letter from Nora today from California, she had a stroke & hasn’t been able to write effected her right side, said she’s getting better & feeling better.
Tue. April.5. 1949./ 9. hens 51 Pullets eggs./ Well. I haven’t done much today It’s been thick & fogy & raining part time & fog horn blowing all day. Elbert’s kknee is so bad today, he went & sold 13 doz of pullets eggs 45 cents per. doz. & got a bag of mash 4.15 & lb of butter 66 cents & 1.00, on the potatoes & he paid the blance & got both bags. he paid his meat bill & garage bill & he has to get his shoes next. I need mine just as bad. Well I’ll have to get the groceries & pay for hens powder 6.00 & I don’t know what the food bill will be. Well I wrote to tract Co. Ethel Willits Dav Crippled Soldiers Mrs. Gree & a Card to Nellie & I’ll have to wrote to Nora & Cora next. I thank & praise God for all ur many blessing in Jesus Holy Blessed Name, Glory to God. I love Father Son & Holy Ghost & Give them all the glory Amen.
Wed. April.6. 1949./ page. 2313./ 10. hens 52 Pullets eggs./ I did my ironing & only the most necessary things and I’m so tired. Elberts knee is paining him so bad but he’s done chores & even spaded a little. I receive a letter & only a note, with a 10.00 bill in it, Audrey sent it she had such a cold when she wrote the last time & she said today that it was better & she would write later. so I will have to ans. her note & she sent 10 crochet book, patterns are pretty but I can’t see very well & I can’t buy thread or yarn. I didn’t get Nora’s letter wrote either. We had thunder showers today most all day, heavy fog this morning cleared off this evening, I thank and Praise my Lord for all His blessing in Jesus Name Glory to God in the Highest Glory, Glory, Amen.
Thurs. April. 7. 1949./ 6. hen. 45. Pulletts eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Huron but got no fish we had lunch & went to Vermilion & our groceries, a bag of lime & 10. lbs. Vigro fertilizer some seeds, cabbage & sweet peas. Elbert had 14.00 with the dollar I gave him & from his check & he was going to get his shoes, ” he said” with it & he let me know several time I shouldn’t plan on his money to help out with the groceries, I didn’t like the way he talked about it, he said he had to have his shoes, Well, he said “When I was buying or picking up the food stuffs” I’d you wont have anything left if you keep buying & he begin to feel out of sorts “& said,”| I told you I lost $10.00 & only got 6.00 left, I wont be able to get my shoes Well, I had ten Audrey had sent & was going to pay for his shoes & tell him to use his to get the car fixed up, but he was so worried, he just lost his so I could pay for his shoes, Well, I paid for his shoes & for the souls to be put on his old ones $11.95 & a dollar for gas & I paid 10.00 on coal bill, 80 cents for bag of lime & 90 cents for fertilizer $18.36 cents in Krogers for grociers & 1.36 at A.P. & 46cents for green tea & 40 cents for seeds. I believe it all come to 45.23, so I feel hurt
Thurs. April. 7. 1949./ page. 2314./ 6. Hens 45. Pullets eggs to day./ again to think things are bad. & I try so hard to help him. I thank God & praise Him for His Love, strength & Power Glory to God in Jesus Holy Name I thank & Praise Thee for teaching me & keeping me. Glory Hallelujah I Praise & love Thee more than all else, Amen.
Fri. April 8. 1949./ 8. Hens. 51.Pullet eggs today/ Well, Elbert went to Lorain & sold the eggs 5 doz hens & 11. dozen Pullet egg & he sold H. eggs 70 cents per. doz Pullet eggs 45 cents per. doz. making a total of $8.45 cents & he bought 1. bag of mash, 4.15, wintergreen & peppermints 50 cents & steak 90 cents seeds 70 cents & I gave him the 70 cents for the seeds out of the egg money & I have 3.00 saved toward Hens powder, we owe 6.00 & have to get another carton that will be $8.00; Well, I sent them a card so I wont have to worry & they wont either. I’d like to get our baby chicks now, but I don’t Know yet How I can manage. I washed this morning & had it most dry when Elbert got back & had dinner started, so, by the time he was ready to eat it was ready, I talked to Mrs. Georgia Snyder for 20 or 30 minutes this morning, she came to order 4. doz. eggs. and was in a sociable mood. I swept & shook up the beds & made them up & did the dishes & this after noon I was out side for about 30. minutes. with Elbert he’s fixing a seed bed & is going to put seeds in it, in the morning. dirt is still, so cold & wet at south end of coop. he’s got a big place spaded over south of cottage & west of it & north of it & some east of it. We have a frost most every night I can see how things are going to grow at all but apricot is all in bloom, pears are most ready to bloom out every things trying to come, peonies are up. I have trimed part the roses, but hate to think of finishing for it breaks the sprouts off so bad, I have to finish tieing the one in frount of the coop & then get them on the park fence 6 or 8 of them & the bushes North of the house yet. I’ll have to cut potatoes to plant soon as moon turns again, also, and pry we will be able to get them all in. & the beets & carrot seeds guess I’ll have to try to help if I can, my feet are so bad I can’t be on them long. But, I thank & Praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Holy Blessed Name.
Sat. April 9. 1949. 9. Hens 52. Pulletts eggs today./ Well, Elbert went to the fish house & he got a heaping pk. of pike & perch, he cleaned 6 pike & we ate part of them for dinner & some more for supper they sure are good, I went out & trimed part the rose bushes on the fence, while he scaled the fish & was so tired could hardly get the supper, I got
Sat. April. 9. 1949./ page. 2315./ 9. hens & 52 pullets eggs this day./ a card from the little Japanese woman today she’s in N.Y. & put her address on for me to write to her. I have several letters to write hope I can get some done tomorrow if all goes well. Elbert went to Vermilion about 4-30-p-m & got his shoes he left to have half soles on & he got two boxes of little cookies & took fish to Rev. Scharein & his wife, to Mrs. Sprunk & Miss Clark & he put the tickets in the theater box, they are giving away a roaster. Tonie the shoe repair man gave us the tickets. It’s been a beautiful day, N.E. breeze, hot sun, Elbert planted cabbage seeds, & he put in 4 kinds & didn’t mark them, I hope he marks the tomatoes. I planted a few morning glory seeds & sweet peas I’d like to put in some zinnias & a few other things but my feet torture me most to death. Well I praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing, Glory Hallelujah I praise Jesus Blessed Jesus. I took care of house & birds & I am so tired tonight.
Sun. April. 10. 1949./ 8. hens. 47. Pullets eggs today./ We went to Church this morning & again this evening & there are so few that come I pray God will help them to wake up before it’s to late They were talking over the radio today of di-viding the world for gains, I don’t know how long it will be, but I know the time is fast drawing to a close of this world, Jesus said when we see all this things coming to pass, that Daniel the prophet has spoken of stand in the Holy place; Whosoever readeth let him understand. Read the 15th verse of the 24th chapter of Matthew & the 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39th & 42nd verses & study carefully the meaning of those verses, they are the things Jesus told His Deciples, read the 3rd verse 7 & 8th verses, 20 through the 26 and remembert the 27 verse think it over for it is Jesus speaking these words; then read the 28 & 29 then the 30, & the 31, then the 32, then carefully the 33rd read it over and over it’s Jesus own words and they are the truth, start with the first verse & read that whole chapter, I think if we read the book of Matthew & study it & continue reading the remainder thoughtfully remembering it’s Jesus speaking, the 28th chapter is so good & enlightening. Well I get such a lot of good Knoledge out of all the Bible & I believe it all & Praise God in Jesus Name that He gives me understanding, that He talks with me & reasons with me. I’m so sorry I’m so slow at heart but Praise Him & give Him all the Glory forever & ever Amen. I thank Him for saving my soul & having patience with such as I. It’s been a beautiful day, but it froze 2. inches of ice in bird bath, out side, last night.
Mon. April. 11. 1949./ page. 2316./ 10. hens. 52 Pullets eggs today/ Well, it’s really terrible the things we do. Elbert went to Huron for fish he works to help pay for them & it’s such strenious work, he’s hadn’t got over being lame from last Fri & today he help them again for 66 pike & perch, about half of each, I did the washing while he was gone, he got home about 1.-p.-m. he ate cold fish from yesterday & drank hot coffee, then he went out to clean what fresh ones he had & I was to tired to eat but I went out & scaled all them fish except 4 or 5 & he gutted them & washed half of them & I washed & scraped the half & then I took the clothes down I had out on the line & hung them up in here to air them while I fried 10 small perch I took care of the clothes we ate supper & got dressed & went to Audrey’s & gave her nine, she said she could use & I gave her a slip of cof___ the one with beautiful pink yellow & green in the leaves, she was pleased with it & them We stopped at Martha’s her children are at the age, thre’s always something doing Joan plays piano some where on television & Jean plays accordian & Jim is there escort & it keeps Martha up & doing. she took 9. fish said it was plenty, we then went to Nellie’s & visited a few minutes the children had just climbed the stairs all clean in there pajamas for bed but came back to say hellow & talk a few minutes then they said good night & went to bed. Nellie looked tired, she teaches 2. hrs. mornings & then helps at home, when she gets back. & she has just made herself a new dress & was sewing buttons on it when we got there then she was going to press it. The childrens father came & Bonita went out & sit in his car & talked to him he’s thin & full of wrinkles & has a bad cough & he smokes continualy. I do hope & pray Bonita will use good common scense. God help her to do the right things in Jesus Name I ask & I thank Thee I thank & praise thee for all our many blessing & for saving my soul & pray Thou will save the others somehow, I’m trusting & believinbg for there soul in Jesus Holy Name. I thank so much for taking & bringing us safely for my healing & the beautifuyl day & night Glory to God I praise Thee for all things great & small. We are both to tired, but I know God is able & I believe He will take the tired out & rest our bodys in Jesus Blessed Name Amen.
Tue. April. 12. 1949 / page. 2317./ 8. hens. 51. pullets eggs today/ Well, I swept & took care of beds & cooked & am lots to tired. Elbert cleaned half the coop, that is just the roost & floor & he’s to tired & his back pains him so bad, he must have take cold & maybe has a vertebra out, He’s gone to bed & sleeping already, Well I’m going to for it take all night to relax & then I can’t sleep much after he gets up but I did drop off into a sound sleep this a-m & he startled me by pounding on the door, he went to Vermilion on the lake & sold eggs 13. doz. for 5.85, he got a bag of scratch grain 3.79 & a sack of flour 1.95 &K 5 cents for yeast cake, 50 cents for gas & he declares he only had 7 cents in his pocket & his stuff cost $6.29 & that was 44 cents more than he had & he says he owes 29 on the grain, flour & yeast, I don’t know how he gets the extra money, we were short on the eggs 3 or 4 days, they dropped to 45 & right up next day & down next & up next and then back to normal 51 & 52. Well, I can’t look after them & he needs something to do & I know he don’t feel able most of the time, but, he get it done & it isn’t half as hard as carpenter work When he can’t do it he’ll have to give it up. I thank God in Jesus Name, that he try’s & that we can live in peace together & I pray he will turn to the Lord before it’s to late. I thank & Praise Him for saving my soul & pray He will save all my brothers, sisters, nephews, neices, cousins & there familys, I thank Tee Jesus Thou art worthy & I wish we were more worthy than we are, but we are learning every day, in Jesus Holy Name. It’s been a beautiful day N.E. breeze was rather cool but sun was nice & warm. Apricot tree is big White ball & Golden bells are pretty & my tame White Voilets & Mertle are in bloom, the widl blue ones will soon be in bloom. Oh, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus, Blessed, Holy, Jesus.
Wed. April 13. 1949./ 10. Hens. & 52. Pullets eggs. today./Well, I baked 3 loaves of bread & doz. cup cakes today & I haven’t felt able to be on my ft. today, but, I got the dinner and washed the dishes & bread things all upo & Elbert waremed the potatoes & opened a can of salmon for supper I took care of beds & rooms & birds & hope to fix up the old chair covr tomorrow & with Elberts help maybe I can cover the chair again, it’s wore clear to the padding. I don’t
Wed. April 13. 1949./ page. 2318./ 10. Hens. 52. Pullets eggs this day/ Know what I can get to cover it with. & it’s such a job. Well it’s been a fine day, fog so thick we can’t see only the cook & things close by part of the time. [confirmed lunar eclipse on April 13. 1949] We had an eclips of the moon last night covered the moon untill there was-n’t any moonlight in sight only the stars visible for about 2. or 3. hrs. & it rained early this am-m & again during the morning fog was like mist & like rain at times. so I wasn’t out only to mail box & back today. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all my many Blssing
Thurs. April 14. 1949../ 10. hens. 48. Pullets eggs. / Elbert went to Huron got a nice mess of fish I got dinner & fried fish, they taste so good right now. It’s been a beautiful day & Elbert’s worked the dirt for potatoes & burnt brush & took care of hens while I did my ironing & put some patches on the big arm Chair it was a hard job for I wasn’t feeling phyically fit. now I hope to put a patch on the seat cover tomorrow & wipe up the kitchen floor. We had supper & then went to prayer meeting the Woman preacher from Elyria came over & did the preaching tonight & she is good. It’s rained in heavy sheets of rain all the way home & as we turned in on the drive a big stake driver bird hopped out from under the evergreen tree & rise up & flew off toward the park it look the color of a rabbit, long legs & neck I felt the power from my head to my toes when the preacher anointed & prayed for me, she did the same for Miss. Clark & Mrs. Sprunk, Glory to God in the Highest I thank & Give Thee all the praise & Glory forever & ever Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. I do Praise & thank Thee Jesus. Well, it’s raining & thundering & lightening. Spring Showers.
Fri. April 15. 1949./ 7. Hens & 53 Pullets eggs today/ Good Fri. I want to go to Church tonight but it’s rainy & snowing & Elbert didn’t want to drive, and it’s lots to for to walk. So here am I praying they will be wonderfully blessed in Jesus Name. Mr. Hauffman came & brought a female canary today, I hoped he wouldn’t come again, he brought the cage, back some time ago, he kept Jerry the male he brought here first & now he’s brought this one, I don’t feel able to bother with it. before he got out Rue Sarr came in for eggs he got 4. doz. $1.80 Elbert was short 1.34 on the eggs money again today. he sold 11.1/2. doz. pullets eggs & 4. doz $2.80 hens eggs. & he spent 6.09. he got a bag of mash 4.15 – & 50 cents for gas 59 cents for grapefruit & cabbage & 29 cents he owed from last week, I can’t go with him every time, so, there’s that much he says he can’t account for. I haven’t earned my salt today just read & prayed & thanked God in Jesus Holy Name for saving my soul.
Fri. April 15. 1949. / page. 2319./ 7. hens & 53. Pullets eggs this day./ for all the many healings He has given me and for supplying my every need O, how I love Him my best my dearest Friend and I pray I may be found worthy in His sight & that His coming wont be in the winter or on a Sabath day. I know He will be coming before very long for I had a vision of the red horse & his rider & I tremble with fear and pray I’ll be ready, Glory, Glory to God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, Amen. It’s been a nice showery Spring day, with rain in sheets & in showers & even a snow shower that melted as it fell. Last night we had moon shine & showers. I received letter from Miss Willitts yesterday & one from Miss Mc.Govern today with an Easter paper marker & a book celloid marker. & only a piece of paper with Easter greeting & a review on the books of the bible. Well I had ment to send her a carton of fresh eggs & I’ll still try to get them off tomorrow if I can manage it.
Sat. April 16. 1949./ 9. hens & 53 Pulletts eggs today./ Well it snowed & covered everything about 3 or 4 inches & today it most all thawed & melted away. there are patches here & there, it froze the birds bath up solid & I felt so sorry for the flowers & everything out side & the summer birds & it looks as if it would freeze again tonight clear & cold out side, We both rested most of the morning, then I got up & started to get my usual lmorning jobs done then I got dinner, then after dinner darned Elbert’s socks & changed table cloth & a little woman from Virgina can in for 3. doz. eggs 50 cents per. doz. $1.50 & then we had supper & I washed up dishes & stove & read a bit & did this writing & am going to bed. Jackie has been happy with the female bird, so he hasn’t worried so much today. I thank & praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, Glory to God in the Highest.
Sun. April 17. 1949./ 7 hens & 46 pullets eggs today/ We went to Church this a-m- & I took a cold, it’s was so cold in the church so it’s raining, snowing & was a heavy fog for a while tonight & it’s still raining half snow & wind has freshened up, & it’s cold, much to cold. We have a good fire & it feels good. Radio said France was injoying the nicest weather they had, had, in ten yrs. & Chicago waqws having a real snow storm. & other places were likewise, either warm or rain or snow. Well, I thank my God, my Heavenly Father for His Love & Care Glory Hallelujah I love my Jesus, He’s my best my dearest Friend.
Mon. April. 18. 1949./ 8. hens & 46 Pullet eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron & got almost 1/2 bu. fish & he cleaned some for dinner. I had the cabbage on cooking & potatoes ready to put on the cabbage was half done when he came & I put potatoes on & he brought the fish & I fried them & we
Mon. April. 18. 1949./ page. 2320./ 8. hens. 46. Pullets this day/ ate & he cleaned the rest, I did the washing today & got it all done & dried in the house been quite cold & some rain, I was out in the yard for just a few minutes & looked at the poor flowers, I feel so sorry for things it’s turned so shivery cold. I took a cold in Church & it went in my upper gums they are so terribly sore & swollen, Well I was dog tired, but I got supper, I’m not doing the dishes if all goes well I do ’em in the a-m. Now I must read & go to bed. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our Blessings Amen.
Tue. April 19. 1949./ 10. hens 46. Pullets eggs today./ Well, It’s been a beautiful day little cloudy & cool untill middle of fore noon & then sun came out nice & warm & there was only a light breeze. I got dinner, Elbert felt so bad he slept in the big chair untill noon after taking care of hen & mash & came back ate & went out & worked the dirt untill supper time. I went out & got one rambler rose partly trimed, I wasn’t able to take care of them last year, so they were a mess to trim this year, I’ve got 2 more to do & wish I could get them all done tomorrow it’s a hard job for me now, my feet are so bad I can’t get around on them & it tires my whole body so terribly bad, Well, I still thank & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, for my many many blessings, I don’t understand about my feet, but, I know it must be my fault in some way. Elbert’s in bed & I wish I were, I so tired tonight.
Wed. April 20 1949./ 11. hens 55 Pullets eggs today./ Elbert took the canary back to Hauffman he said H. was angry, & said he’d get in his car & take it back to Sandusky right away. I pray God of Love & Mercy, in Jesus Holy Name, Thou, will away keep that fellow away from here, I don’t want anything to do with him, he’s a crook, a polite devil. Elbert came right back & planted 3. long rows ___ ft. long, he’s so tired so & lame he can hardly move tonight & he’s took care of hens & carried water opened basement windows & shut them a-gain tonight. & then he carried away the rose trimings, all I had ready & he had two big boxes packed full & there’s as many more, it’s been a hard job, I didn’t trim them at all last yr. & there was lots of dead vines & runners on the old vines & they went clear up into the pear tree & tamarix & tamarix has gone places also & the weaflea bush is a mess also & Golden bells rambled all over, also I have got to do more on them both, Well it looks lots better than
Wed. April. 20. 1949./ page. 2321./ 11. hens. & 55. Pullets. eggs this day/ I feel tonight, have a severe gas pain round my heart & I had Elbert make me a little winter green sling, but pain still hangs on, maybe reaching & bending to much & my feet paining so bad I could hardly limp to the house, then, Elbert put some water on to heat & we had a cup of tea, I put the potatoes on to cook & he cut a slice of ham & I fried it & opened a can of lima bean & one of tomaores we ate them right as they came out the can but heat the beans, I didn’t wash dishes, am to tired, I cut the potatoes for Elbert to plant & he’s going to put in at least one more row tomorrow, if he can. It’s been a beautiful day in Ohio, or here at least & I do like to get out in the fresh air & sunshine. I thank God for his tender mercys & Praise Jesus for my blessings.
Thurs. April 21. 1949./ 8. hens. & 46. Pullets eggs today./ Well, Praise the Lord, I had such a terrible pain in my side & over my heart I couldn’t get a full breath but aftr praying for an hour or 2. God heard & ans. prayer & took it all away in Jesus Holy Name Glory to God, He’s a wonderful Saveur & Physian He saves our souls & heals our ills when we trust & believe, Glory Glory, Hallelujah where Jesus is tis’Heaven to me. Amen. Elbert planted 1 1/2 rows potatoes today & he has had to do it all by hand, the sun was hot today a real summer day. I cut the potatoes & looked after work in the house. & I’m so tired. We took a bath & went to prayer meeting tonight Rev. Scharien had to go some whre & his wife lead the meeting, there were only Mrs. West Sr & Jr. & Mrs. Sprunk two Smith Children Rev. Wife & I there tonight but we had a very good meeting & they sang Hyms after the meeting was over. We bring the Smith children to end of there road. I thank my God in Jesus Name for all the many blessings He gives me, Amen.
Fri. April 22. 1949./ 7. hens. 48. Pullets today./ Elbert went & sold the eggs 3. doz. hens eggs $10.60 he spent 50 cents for gas & got $4.89 worth of food I gave him 50 for gas last night & 50 again today out of my card money We went to Amherst & paid bal. on hens powder & got another box $14.00 this will last untill most Fall for we have some of the other left yet. We stopped & got a lb. of fresh butter & 1. lb. of
Fri. April. 22. 1949./ page. 2322./ 7. hen. 48. P’s. this day./ pork saucage on the river road & they were sure good & butter 5 cents less than that in the store. It’s been a nice Spring day, rainy all morning & nice sun this afternoon. I swept this morning & dusted & aired the house & then got things ready for dinner, then mended & old pair of pants for Elbert & fixed up the button holes. I thank my Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for all my blessings He is a wonderful Jesus, He heals, saves, & takes care of our needs. Glory to God in the Highest I love my Jesus. Amen. Ella Jane’s birthday (She’s) anold maid of 30 yrs. old.
Sat. April.23. 1949./ 5 hens 48 Pullets eggs today./ Miss Baumgart was 91. yrs. old last mo. Well We are both tired tonight, Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish he cleaned 4. for dinner & I salted them & he looked after frying them & warming the potatoes & making the tea. I set bread after he left then took care of bedrooms & then started washing I washed what dirty clothes there wre, I had them all done except his work shirt & couple of towels his sleepers & a kercheif so I let them soak and ate dinner, then mixed the bread into loaves I made 2 loaves brown & 2 white & while it was raising I finished the clothes & Elbert brought waater, he hung out half before dinner & they wre dry when he started to dress the rest of the fish, so he handed them to me & hung up the rest I had ready, then he dressed fish a while & it got so dark & begin to lightening, I got in the bal. of the clothes & he shut car shed doors & then ran for the house for it rained & hail with it the size of a five cent5 piece came down with the rain after a few minutes it cleared off, he finished the fish I baked the bread & then I wiped up the kitchen floor & staiars & grade landing & then I cleaned me self up a bit & salted the fish & he looked after cooking them while I washed my bread dishes & put them away, he planted some strawberry plants & the fish dressings & gathered the eggs, gave them fresh water & mash & then there supper of grain, he gave them greens before he went to Huron this morning, so you see we had a full day it rained again tonight & radio says more to night & tomorrow. Cheery trees in full bloom & pair trees & prun trees will be, in a day or so & plumbs & peaches also, everthing looks like Spring frogs are croaking full tillt except nights & it gets colder at night, to cold. Well the are setting the clocks ahead one hr, so the foolish will get up one hr. earlier but God has said in His Word that they would even think to change the time & so it is. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name, He love me & takes care of lme & gives me strength each day. Amen.
Sun. April. 24. 1949./ page. 2323./ 7 hens 47 Pullets eggs/ I felt so bad I didn’t get out to Church alday. Frank & Ruby came just church time this even-ing so we didn’t go but I didn’t feel able anyway so I have worshiped here at home I would have went if they hadn’t come in Frank brought a little fertelizer & Ruby gjot a few more plants Golden bells rose cuttings Per. Poppies plants (2) & some seeds of Bell poppies mixed honey suckle, a pink rambler & some irise, they both have bad colds & F’s, seems real bad. Ruby said Elsie & Henry & daughter had moved in with Pearl Lillie & Tessie. It’s damp & chilly tonight & fire feels good. I thank God in Jesus Name we can have the fire & for all we have & I’m sorry I stayed home even though I didn’t feel able to ride tonight.
Mon. April 25. 1949./ 9. hens 45 Pullets eggs to-day/ Well, we sure had a heavy frost last night on every thing. Elbert’s cabbages & tomatoe seeds have sprouted & are up but he didn’t look to see what the frost did to them, the apricot blossoms look as if they are spoilt & the wind blew so hard toward Sun. morning it blew the twigs with full clusters of blossoms right off, I got up & prayed God would spare us & the buildings as long as we will need them. Ruby said she was so afraid, she couldn’t sleep. Well, I pray God Keeps our souls & gives us strength in Jesus Blessed Holy Name to live for Him for ever and ever, Amen. Glory to His Name. I patched the big chair seat cover & thats a real job, I got it done & on the chair once more, the chair needs to be ovrhauled & refinished again, seats wearing out. I have always hated that chair most every one likes to get on it & twist one way & then the other & put there legs over the arms or curl up on the seat, it’s always reminded me of a dogs nest & its a real job to even try to keep it looking anywhere near respectable. Elbert killed, dressed & cooked a pullet & I finished getting dinner. & I got supper & did dishes & now I’m reading & going to bed I thank and Praise God in Jesus Name for our blessings.
Mon. April. 25. 1949./ page. 2324./ 9. hens 45. P. eggs this day./ I received a letter from the Veterans contest today & they are wanting me to send more money, I sent 2.00 they sent a receipt, wish I could help those who are worthy. but I don’t have enough to do all the good things I’d like to do & exist myself. May God Help us.
Tue. April, 26. 1949/ 9. hens. 44. Pullets eggs to-day/ I haven’t done much today, sort of feel bum yet from my little trip to Elyria & over to Audrey’s & Martha’s, Elbert say we don’t need to go there again We’re not wanted. I like to see them all once in a while. Received a card from Nellie, “she calls us dear folks.” Oh, Well; it doesn’t matter style never got a soul into Heaven & never will Jesus loved the poor and He said to take care of our soul first and to be like Him to be true, holy & spotless from the world, to live for the spirit & not for the flesh or lust of the eye or flesh. I hate the short dresses & I believe the bible & what my mother use to teach me to wear our skirts ong enough to cover the ankles & sleeves to cover fore arms & fasten our dress around the neck I didn’t understand then, but I do now, the bible teaches us to dress in plain clothes & not to attrack the eyes by much dressing & not to be men teasers, by wearing gold trimings, it sems we must vex God to the limit, living our way & He says “His ways are not our ways, but man hath a way that seemeth right, that are not my ways. Oh, May God forgive us for going our own way & I pray He will teach us before it’s forever to late to do His ways, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. I went out side & dug a few dandelions, it started to rain & has been coming in heavy showrs every since 7-p-m, strong wind blowed clusters of cheery blossoms off, & they are so sweet the air is fill with there fragrance. everything is growing fast but it’s to wet & cold for gardens. I thank my Jesus for HIs love & wonderful care & pray I may be worthy. Well, Nellie has been having a cold & in bed a day I know she isn’t able to work, takes to much strength right now in her condition, she said the rest were all well.
Wed. April. 27. 1949./ 8. hens 45 Pullets eggs today./ Again today I haven’t done much out side my daily round of house work I did go out side for a little while in the sun-shine it was warm & not much breeze, but breeze shifted and went N. East & got a little cooler this evening. It rained in showers most of the night & toward morning a heavy
Wed. April. 27. 1949./ page. 2325./ 8 hens 45 Pullets eggs this day./ fog untill late morning. So, Elbert staid in out of it & I’m glad he did, he spaded most the after noon & is lame & sore & tired, I wish I could work. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for my blessings Amen.
Thurs. April. 28. 1949./ 7. hens. 48. Pullets today./ I have only done my daily dozen & then we went to prayer meeting to night, only Minister his wife, two Smith children, Mrs. Sprunk, Mrs. West & myself there. but we had a good prayer meeting, Praise the Lord. & after the meeting Rev. said they had heard from Mr. & Mrs. Joe Smith & they had been in a tornado & prayed & God left them & the house all in tact, Praise the Lord. He hear the cry of His Children & takes care of them, Glory to God in Jesus Holy Name, Amen We have had a fine day, sun warm wind N.E. & cold. cooler tonight clear sky. Elbert’s turned over more sod today he’s spaded a big space _____ wide & _____ long both west & toward of cottage & south of it & a strip ____wide & ____long north of cottage. he’s plant 4 long rows potatoes & 3 short rows, & some beets & carrots. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings & pray He will keep us ever covred & close to Him. Thurs April 28th Frank Babcock would be 67 yrs. old today.
Fri. April 29. 1949./ 8. hens. 43. Pullets eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain & sold a few doz. eggs & the rest he sold at Vermilion on the Lake he sold a box of cards & wrapping paper for me, for 2.00, I gave him $1.08 cents from Tue. eggs & he only sold 2. doz. hens eggs, 1.40, & 10. doz. Pullets eggs $5.00, he bought sack of grain $3.95 he paid $1.40 a fish bill, he owed since last winter, & he paid the light bill 1.60, 50 cents for gas, 94 cents for shank meat, 29 cents for parkay, 27 cents for fruit, $8.95, he took in $6.40 & the card gave him 2.00 & 1.08 cents I gave him making $9.48 cents he brought back 53 cents. I was washing, I gave him a cup of tea & he went to Huron & got a pk. of fresh fish, he cleaned a few & I cooked potatoes & warmed cabbage & fried the fish & we had dinner, then I finished hanging out the bal of clothes & then salted the bal. of the fish & packed them then did a few odds & end & got supper & I haven’t done the dishes, just to tired. It’s been a beautiful day, N.E. breeze warm sun & fogy. I thank God in Jesus Name for all my many blessings & for keeping my soul & caring for me, how I wish I know what I could do & how to be of more use to Him. I thank Him more than I can say. Glory to God.
Sat. April. 30. 1949./ 8. H. 44. P. eggs today/ Well, it’s been a beautiful day & quite warm, Elbert spaded for a while & then cultivated he’s tired, lame & sore. I did the
Sat. April, 30, 1949./ page. 2326./ 8. hens. 44. Pullets eggs this day. / ironing got most of it before dinner then, got the dinner & did dishes & finished the ironing, my two house dresses. I felt so punk I didn’t wipe up the floor or do the bit of sewing I’d planed to do I went out in the yard & walked around just a little came in feeling as if I weighed a ton on my feet, but thank God I can still walk, in Jesus Name. He is a wonder-ful Jesus to me, I love Him more than all else in the world. I’m hoping to get to church in the morning and I’m wondering what they are going to do about church, pretty soon, Preacher is talking of going for a vacation, “he & his wife” this week, I would think they would want to put that time in for the Lord but, they are young & there are not enough young well dressed folks in church to keep up there interest and they think us old worn out girls ought to get out & canvase the county & get folks into church, I have tried but can’t seem to hold up under the strain, the spirit is willing but the body is to tired out & I’m sorry, and I pray God will help me, to help Him by fixing me up in all the ways I need in Jesus Name.hens laid 247 eggs & Pullets 1455 eggs this mo.
Sun. May. 1. 1949. / 9. H. 45. Pullet eggs./ Well, I went to church & got in part of Sunday school, & I went to church tonight the Minister and his wife are going to Chicago & then to Wisconsin to visit for a few days, a friend & her Uncle. & Rev. Bueser is preaching Thurs. night & the Woman Preacher from Elyria will preach Sun. May 8. it’s been a beautiful day tried to rain once or twice, but, tonight the new moon is shining, it thundered & lightening flashed on our way home from church, but no rain We had a snack & Elbert’s gone to bed & now I’m thinking of going also. I thank and Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for all our many blessing Amen.
Mon. May. 2. 1949./ 8. H. 48. Pullets eggs today/ Elbert worked out doors he spaded a lot to much today & he’s so tired but he felt satisfied that he had finished all the spading he was going to do for garden, he went to the beach & got sand today & this morning I got my bedroom almost cleaned just got a corner to finish, I got the walls & ceiling wiped & floor wiped up, have to wash windows yet, We are both tired tonight. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Name, I love Jesus He’s all the world to me, He’s Pure Clean & more to be desired than Gold or Silver or anything else.
Tue. May. 3. 1949./ page. 2327./ 10. H. 46. Pullets eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion on the Lake & sold 5. doz. hens eggs 65 cents per doz. $3.25 & 14. doz. Pullet eggs 55 cents per. doz. $7.70 cents & he bought mash 100. lbs. 4.35 & gas. 75. crisco 94 Parkay 27, grapefruit 59, yeast 5 cents, cabbage 20 cents, cookies 23 cents, shank meat 88 cents & pork chops 44 cents, pickles 39 cents, crackers 30 cents, carrots 10 cents & he got some bolts 12 cents K& brought back $1.24 cents & the little old man came in for dinner & I gave him 20 cents for 3. prs. shoe strings. I did the washing & got it all dry out side we had a good soulth breeaze & a hot sun & they dried fast, even Elbert’s heavy union suit he has put on B.V.D’s, theyll be lighter to wash, he washed out his under wear & shirt & socks & carried the water for me. I’m tired. I received my check today. I cooked the meals & did the dishes. took care of birds & beds. Radio said it was 85 degrees today, I know it was here in the kitchen with any fire of any kind. Elbert looked as if he had got over heat working the dirt. I thank My Dear Heavenly Father for all our many blessings in Jesus Name, Glory to God in the Highest I Praise Thee Jesus. Thou art a Wonder Saviour & Healer.
WEd. May. 3. 1949./ 8. H. 43. Pullets eggs today./ Well, it’s been terribly hot today 86 degrees & as high as 92 in some places Elbert has worked to hard today & in the sun, if it wasn’t for the cool breeze he wouldn’t have been able to worked & I can’t see any use in over doing when he don’t feel able, I should have finished my room today but feet hurt so bad & I felt all day as if I weigh a ton, so I haven’t done only the usual rjound &K I been out door twice, for an hour or so, tree toads been yelling all day for rain, looks like it might rain, but, I don’t Know. I’d like to get out & plant a few seeds, for flowers, but my feet hurt me so bad I can’t seem to even get my house work done, & I really ought to sew. & no word from the girls so far this week. Wind goes down with the sun each night & it’s quite cool. I cooked 2 meals & did dishes & seems as if I can’t stand on my feet. Well, it tired me so to wash yesterday, but, still I have lots to be thankful & truly greatful for & I thank my Dear Heavenly Father that He loves & care for me, I thank Him & Praise Him in Jesus Dear Holy Name.
Thurs. May. 5. 1949./ 9. H. 43. P. eggs today./ You should see the trees, apple trees so full of blossoms & so sweet & the li-laces so sweet & the lillies of the valley the flowering quince is so red, “the blossoms” & the voilets are beautiful. the murtle is in bloom & is so pretty almost
Thurs. May. 5. 1949./ page. 2328./ 9. H. Pullets eggs today./ the same color as the voilets little more blue, flowering almond is in bloom also, rabbits eat it so bad I hardly have any, wild cucumbers are ready to run up the fence. And we went to prayer meeting Bueser was there & his wife & no one to play the piano, she lead the songs & he preached the most scociable[?soulful] sermon I ever heard him breach he said he had changed these last few years, and it seems he has, Praise the Lord, she has been a very faithful little wife to Jesus, her husband & her children. They use to say & do a lot of things. I did understand how a christian could do, but, we are make mistakes, I have made lots of them, I thank God in Jesus Holy Name that He could & did forgive me and I pray He will help me to be as forgiving as He is. It was a beautiful drive to church, all along the highway the fruit trees are in full bloom the air is sweet the lilaces to are so beautiful, I do Praise the Lord, for the beauty of the Spring & wish we might do a good work & bear much fruit for the Lord, in Jesus Name. Elbert went to the fish house & worked hard & got a good pk. of fish, he cleaned a few for dinner & I cooked them, I had potatoes, cabbage, fried bread & fish there was one nice white fish with them, it was so sweet and good, he dressed them all, & took some to Mrs. Sprunk, Miss Clark & Mrs. Lindy West, Mr & Mrs. West Sr. & we took Lindy’s to them & then while I was in the meeting Elbert took Sr. West’s & Mrs. Sprunk & MIss Clark’s all over to Mrs West’s & left them so Mrs. Sprunk got in the car & we took her there, she wanted hers tonight & said she’d take Miss. Clark’s back to her. Elbert said Mr. West was home sick tonight. he could hardly breath. Mrs. Bueser took the lilaces home that I took tonight, Mrs. Horning brought voilets & she Mrs. Bueser took them to. I wish God would help us Keep a good Minister, Most of them don’t like this one, and I suppose they will make another change. I did my usual round & ironed & fixed my corset, it’s a little more comfortable. It’s been a very hot day 86 degrees in the shade, but a cool breeze that make it more endurable. Mrs. Horning & her eldest girl was in the meeting & Grandma Horning Mrs. Sprunk, Miss. Clark Mr. Whitman Mr Backman, the Preach-
Thurs. May. 5. 1949./ page. 2329./ 9. H. 43. Pullets eggs this day./ -er & his wife & I, the Smith Children wasn’t there tonight. Mrs. Sprunk says, Well she’s going to the Dr. she isn’t going to get sick for her kids to take care of her. I wonder what Jesus thinks of us When we go to the earthly Dr. & forsake Him, I had a terrible notion several time then decided to stick to Jesus He’s the only true friend I’ve ever had, God of Love & Mercy I pray in Jesus Holy Name Thou will keep us close to Thee and take care of our weak wills & bodys, I thank Thee Jesus & give Thee all the Praise. Elbert got his check yesterday & cashed it today. I haven’t cashed mine yet.
Fri. May. 6. 1949./ 6. H. 46. P. eggs today/ I slept or rather, I lay & rested un-till 10-a-m., then got dinner ready & after dinner went to Vermilion on the lake with Elbert to sell eggs, he sold 6. doz. 55 cents per. doz. $3.30, We went back to Vermilion and then to Krogers & I got 21.70 worth of canned food and fresh food., then we went to Mill & he paid $10.00 on the coal bill, he did a lot of squirming & talking, but, he paid it, he’s got to have shirts & socks & something done to the car & I haven’t got my shoes yet, or corset or slips & I do need them so bad, shoes clear through & slip & corset hardly holding together. Well, maybe I’ll make it before long. I paid the dentist the last $5.00 on my teeth today, he’s waited a long time for it, but just seemed as if I couldn’t get a cent a head & he sold my cards & used the money for gas & food. It was terrible to think I was going to pay it, but I said I’m going to do it today, so I paid it to Dentists son, at gas station & he give me a receipt, paid in full. Praise God, I’m so glad it’s done & I wish I had enugh to get my blankets now, & my clothing. I pray Jesus will help me to be able to get them. I was out in the yard a little while aftr supper, I bought a short steak for supper & it was so tender, I couldn’t imagine it’s being so tender, most of it’s so tuff you can;’t hardly chew it, Praise the Lord He blessed me today, in Jesus Name, I got some Kraut & a few frankforters for tomorrow. We didn’t spend the egg money. We’ll have to save it to get feed for hens. I didn’t see anyone to talk to, Days or Hambly’s, or anyone in Vermilion. it was terribly hot, but there was a good breeze. I was so glad when we got home, Elbert looked all in, he bought a pint of cream, I didn’t know about untill we got here, we had hot postum & cream I then peled potatoes aftr cutting out the eyes to plant. The
Fri. May. 6. 1949./ page. 2340 [this would be 2330 but she continues with this sequence that skipped 10 pages] 6.H. 46. P. eggs this day/ (little Marcie Joe’s birthday 1. yr. old Johnys baby.) Apple trees are so full of blossoms that when the wind blows, it looks like big flakes of snow falling & the ground is White. Radio said while we were to warm, the warm sections were plowing snow again. Jesus said When these thing begin to happen to know the end was at hand. Glory to God I love Thee Jesus. It thundered & lightened & looked as if it would rain, wind has got real cool, but no rain. I must read & pray & go to bed, it’s been a long day. Elbert’s gone to bed. he worked in the garden after supper, 2 or 2 1.2 hrs. also. Some one was here While we were gone & left screen open.
Sat. May. 7. 1949./ 9.H. 45 Pullets eggs today./ Well, it turned so cool last night I got up & put another blanket on, I was sick in the early morning & had to dress & go empty the can, Elbert felt so cold this a-m. he built a fire & we have kept a little all day & tonight, it feels real comfortable. I swept but got to punk to wipe up the floors, I cleaned birds cages & did my daily round ben out in the yard once or twice & picked a few voilets for church tomorrow, I hope to get a few lilaces in the morning also & some rhubarb for Mrs West. I feel so tired tonight We received a card from Nellie she calls us dear folks, said she’s up & doing but don’t feel able, she said Johny’s little girl “Marcie Joe” is a yr. old today, the card was mailed the 5th of May, I don’t remmb-er the date of her birth, she said she’s very cute & so is Kathy, “thats” Bonney Bell’s & Joe’s girl.”, she will soon be a yr old. then she said love & write when you can, Nellie & all. Elbert’s cut a lot of brush out from among the fruit trees in back posion ivy’s so thick out there it’s terrible. I hope we can get rid of it again. Elberts so terribly tired, he’s getting to old to work that hard, his beets are up, but not a carrot yet, he wants to set some cabbage soon, he planted corn & the first potatoes he planted are up. Well, he Killed & dressed & put a hen on to cook tonight, my job will be to make biscuits for tomorrow’s dinner. & change table cloth. I thank & praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Name, for ever, Amen.
Sun. May.7. 1949./ 7. H. 48. Pullet eggs today./ Well, I felt to sick to go to Sun-day school or church this a-m. but they prayed for me & I felt better & went to church tonight I took a big bunch of Lilaces & voilets & a few Lilleis of the Valley, the Minister from Elyria [?] the
Sun. May. 8. 1949./ page. 2341./ 7. H. K& 48. Pullets eggs this day./ The Elyria Minister took the Lilaces & some rhubarb & Mrs. West Sr. took the voilets & lillies of the valley & she gave each of us a red rose bud for mothers day, Miss Clark insisted on my taking hers tonight & that I pin it on me, Well, I didn’t want to be disagreable, so I took it. Mrs West told me she had one for me Well I told Miss. Clark What she said, but, she said she couldn’t understand why she did it. There were only mrs. Sprunk, Mrs. West Sr. & Jr. Mr Bockman, Mr. Whitman the Smith Children “Donie & Glades” & the Minister & I, to church tonight. Rev. Bueser will be there Thurs night. It’s been a beautiful day but cool enough to keep the fire going again tonight. I thank My Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessing healings saving my soul and answering prayers Amen. Glory to God, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Mon. May. 9. 1949./ 7. H. 44. P. eggs today/ Well it’s been so cool today. N.E. breeze after being to hot, such sudden changes, I cut a little grass and weed along the path toward the well & long side the well looks as if some one had scooped out all but two or three of my buttr cups & the chinesse prime roses are in bad shape evrything nees to be changed a-round once more, peonies are full of sod & the iris & everything don’t see how Ij’ll ever get it out with out some help & Elbert’s tired most to death & I can’t get down on my knees & get up by my self, if I could only find some one to help out side & inside for a while. Well, I cooked washed dishes & did what I had to do & that’s all, got Elbert to come in & rest once for a few minutes, then he gathered the eggs & went back to the garden, he got at the ground cultivated around the cottage & then started out east of hen house weed are getting so big all ready. I put in some sweet peas & morning Glorys but they haven’t showed up yet. I like to put in what Zenias I have & a few other plants seeds. I ought to finish cleaning my room & get Elbert’s room cleaned. & I have to make him some new sleepers soon. I thank & praise God for all He has done for me, I only pray He will help me do more for him in Jesus Name Amen. Glory, Glory to God I love Thee Jesus.
Tue. May. 10. 1949./ 8.H. 45. P. eggs today./ Wiind blew strong from N.E. all day. I got up late. Trucks were spreading lime dust on Bessie’s place & wind was blowing it over on Rue Sarr’s & us. Elbert went out after dinner & cut brush between trucks, & I
Tue. May. 10. 1949./ page. 2342./ 8.H. 45. P. eggs this day/ did out most of the washing & dried it in the house. have a fire just a little to keep chill out the house. Well, I sure am tired & so is the big boy. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for doing so much for one like me. He’s a Wonder Saviour, Friend & Healer & He does hear and answer prayers, only a month or so a-go I ask Him to send me some steak & believe it or not He sent me several & some liver & a box packed with fresh & caned good. & Sunday night our Minister told us how his wife prayed for food for Christmas dinner & she set the table for that dinner, she ask for 2. sweet potatoes ata place where they give students food when they havent any, they gave her “2” and some black tea & just as they were going to sit down, a knock came on the door, he opened it & a young man said hold out your arms, he did & the fellow put a tray on them, he thanked him & he & his wife thanked & praised the Lord; He, the Minister had only just been converted, and said he was really shocked, but has learned since that God really takes care of His own, Praise the Lord The wind went down with the sun again tonight & came up with the moon, so its blowing strong & puffy again Radio said there would be a frost inland from the lake, tonight.
Wed. May. 11. 1949./ 8. H. 43.Pullet eggs today./ Cool, very cool, N.E. breeze, but a beautiful day. Elbert’s been working up more ground today; in front of henhouse & he’s terribly tired, I had a bad strangling spell today, I prayed fast & hard & Elbert got some water on to heat, but by the time it was hot spell was gone I pray God will in Jesus Holy Name removve the cause of those spells & I’ll give Him all the Praise and Glory for ever & ever. Amen; I mended my dress & corset today & have 3. shirts & 2. pr. sock to do yet & bake if I can, tomorrow. Mrs. Jay Ward age 33. & her little daughter were here for eggs today she got 4. doz. $2.75, she’s a nice looking young woman & has a pretty little girl 3. yrs. old with light brown hair that’s curly, her curls are about 6 inches long, quit thick hair. Mrs. Ward seemed anxious to visit & ask me to call on her, she want some of my plant slips, so I gave her quite a few & a hand-ful of lillies of the valley the little girl held the flowers & she was all excited over them, I gave her four small eggs in a bag & her mother laid the plant slips on top of the eggs & as she picked up the little bag the little one said, be very careful with my eggs mama, shes very cute, her mother says, when her mother is sick she has the church folks pray for her & then she seems to get alright again, so I’ll call & see if she will go to church with me, I hope she does.
Thurs. May. 12 1949./ page. 2343. / 9 H 45 P/ Gerties birthday tomorrow she’s 61. yrs old today I hope she has given her heart & soul to the Lord by this time. I love & Praise Thee Jesus. We had a full day. Elbert went to Lorain & sold some eggs & then sold the balance at Vermilion on the Lake. He had 19. doz. pullets eggs, 10.45 & 6. doz. hens eggs 4.10, he bought 1. bag of mash 4.35 & 1. bag grain 3.95 & he brought back 4.52 & he spent 1.00 for gas & 2.00 for car repair & 2.13 for meat 10 cents for pkt. of seeds. that’s the way the money goes, he left the car at the garage about 3 miles up the highway the fellow fixed it & brought it back intime for us to go to prayer meeting. We took the fish Elbert had got up to Huron to church & after service was over we divided them between the Minister, Rev. Bueser & Mrs. Horning & I gave Miss Clark 4. they will have to dress them, but seemed glad to get them. Mrs. Bueser said she would have to dress them & she wanted to know how, she had never dressed any. Elbert ate his dinner at 1-30 & then went to Huron for the fish. We had a steak for dinner & it sure was good, but I was most to tired to enjoy it. I swept & set bread & then cleaned up the table once more & the cupboard shelf & then went to the well for a pail of water & then mixed bread in loaves then washed dishes & bread dishes & took care of beds & rooms & birds & fried fish for supper, picked a bunch of lillies of the valley for church & Mrs. Bueser took them home, there’s such a big patch & Oh how sweet they make the air smell. Well, I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for all our many blessings, Glory, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Fri. 13. of May. 1949./ 9. H. 36. Pullets eggs today/ Today is Gerties Birthday & she’s 61. yrs old. Wish I could have taken the girls a chicken and some flowrs, but, I haven’t felt as if I could go. I know they were hunting rooms to live in & had to move so they will be busy, I’ve written 3. cards & no word yet. Elbert’s been spading & he’s so tired & stiff & sore, but he says he’s about done with the spading Now we have to get the next potatoes in Mon, the first ones are coming & look good & have to be limed now goose brries ought to have been sprayed but haven’t been & worms are eaating them up already. he’s going to Vermilion tomorrow, he says for green for hens. & he’s been out for several day & talking about the drop in eggs & never thought of green when he got the grain & mash, I have to remember to tell him & then write it on our food order. I haven’t felt able to do much today, did my daily round, cooked 2. meals & washed dishes, mended or put a piece of tennis around top of corset, steels seem to hurt my flesh. I didn’t get his shirts mended or socks darned today, I was
Fri. May. 13. 1949./ page 2344./ 9.H. 36. Pullets eggs this day. / out in the yard twice today, the wind’s strong & S. Radio said rain tonight, it is cloudy, we need a good shower to I thank My Father in Heaven in Jesus Holy & Blessed Name, He is & ever will be & I pray He will continue to teach me His ways & His will. There’s so many things I still can’t seem to understand and even the Elyria Minister said he couldn’t understand, how Holy Ghost christians could talk about each other & do by each other the way they do. Well, I try to stay free, I don’t talk much, the rest do enough, I like to sit by my-self, I don’t believe we ought to talk, about every thing in church & during the meeting I like to sit down by myself & pray & be ready to listen to Gods Word & soak it all in & learn what ever I can & feel the power of God flow through me again & again. The Preach & his wife will be back Sun morning if all goes well & I pray it will & that God will have blessed them & given them a new interest in there work & help them to live for the Spirit & not the flesh, as they all seem to live as much, if not more for the flesh than the Spirit, and if you say anything about it, they want it their way. It would be good to have Ministrs who live what the bible preaches & to have teachers who live for the Spirit & close to God, Now our time will soon be up & I wish so much I had learned more of what I know now when I was young, I tried to learn, but those who taught us, didn’t know & it does seem queer that the things I learn-ed now are those I tried to learn then, Well, Praise the Lord I’m learning, trusting & believing now. Glory, Glory to God in the highest, I love & Praise Thee, Amen.
Sat. May. 14. 1949./ 9. H. 40. Pullets eggs today/ Well, Elbert’s worked all day & almost got cramps in his legs tonight. I have only done my daily round, picked a few more flowers for Church & cooked 2 meals & washed dishes, hope I feel better Mon. Audrey sent a letter & 2. dollars said she’s living on compensation & that she’s been doing up some sewing for her self & has fixed over 4 wedding dress & doing some crochet for some sheets & pillow slips for another girl who is soon to marry & Jean’s been sick a couple of days & staying with her days & they all went to Martha’s last Sun. for a weiner roast Nellie & Bonita were there & the children Bonita ask Audrey to go to town with her, she
Sat. May. 145. 1949./ page. 2345./ 9. H. 40 Pullets eggs this day./ had to get the twins new shoes & the 2 boys a hair cut then they bought a few groceries & all went to Nellies, she said the children had to act up & be naughty & she wished she hadn’t gone, I’ve been thinking of Ella Jane & wondering when the passenger trains go by, how soon she’d be coming home & Audrey says they are looking for her on the 15th of June, & Bonita has to take the twins to get them on the register now for school this Fall. Nelson will be home alone all day & he’ll sure miss the other two, he will soon be old enough to go also. Audrey didn’t say anything about Gertie Nellie Martha or Merlin Jim or Joan, so they may be alright. Audrey said she didn’t get a card this week & thought maybe if she sent a few I’d write a few back to her. so I will try, God Willing. It’s been a nice day, cool N.E. wind all day. I thank & praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing Amen.
Sun. May. 15. 1949./ 7. H 38 Pullets eggs today/ Well, I felt so bum I didn’t go to church this morning but I felt better after prayer this a-m & so I went tonight & there were only the Minister & his wife Mrs. Sprunk Mrs. Dorthy west, Mr Bock-man the Smith children & my self. We had a good service & prayer meeting Glory to God, in Jesus Holy Jesus & pray & trust & give Thee the Praise for ever & ever. It’s been a beautiful day partly cloudy with a cool N.E. breeze, I love Thee Jesus.
Mon. May. 16. 1949./ 9. H. 40 Pullets eggs today./ Elbert mailed a card to Nellie and a letter to Audrey last night. Well, I slept until 10-30 a-m & got up, talk to the Lord awhile dressed &K combed my hair cleaned my teeth washed me self & started dinner then opened windows & shook up beds washed & finished get6ting the dinner, Elbert came just as it was ready & unlocked the back door, It was getting terrible warm & I was going to get my key but he came & was pleased I had dinner ready he’d been working the dirt & he’s so sore & lame he can hardly move. he mowed grass around back yard to. after dinner I washed dishes then cut out a suit of pajamas for Elbert & got the Jacket all done except buttons & holes & got pants all done except the waistband & buttons & Botton holes. & he got supper or warm up
Mon. May. 16. 1949./ page. 2346/ 9. H. 40 Pullets eggs this day. / potatoes & dumplins & gravy & I fixed to-matoes & opened a can of meat & had hot water for postum. then I had to put away sewing machine do dishes make beds do this writing & read, think & pray & go to bed, & call it a day. It’s been a fine day N.E. wind hot sun when it did shine through, cloudy part time tried to rain once & looks like it again tonight. I surely thank & Praise God for my healing & all my blessings, All the Glory & Praise does belong to Him.
Tue. May. 17, 1949./ 9. H. 38. P. eggs today/ Well, it’s 29. yrs today Frank & I were married & he’s been gone 16 yrs this last Feb. 19th. time is surely flying & Flora has been gone so long two now at least it seems such a long time to me, I loved her so, & we wrote to each other & I can’t tell you how much I miss her letters & Shirley don’t write. she’s no hand to write & I haven’t had a card in evr so long from her. she’s young & I don’t know her very well. I had hooped she would write at least a card. Well it’s been a fine day Elbert went to fish house & got a nice mess of fish, he warmed up the potatoes & I salted & floured the fish & got them on to fry the I got a few more pieces ready for the cloth line I was all done but his shirt & Bird’s & socks so we ate K& I got the clothes all dry, theyre putting lime stone dust on John Snyders place & the wind change to N.E., from S. & so I had to take down & bring in a few & then put them out aftr the dust settled, it’s terrible so thick you can’t see & can hardly breath, at all, I had to wrince them over to gt the dust off, of them. Seems to me that dust woud-n’t be very got in a bodys lungs & it coats your throat over in just a few seconds, seems like I can smell it yet, it has a terrible offencive oder. Wish I had the blankets washed once again & the rugs, sun was so hot today 89 in the shade, or in the Kitchen, here. Well I have to sweep & wipe up the floors, God Willing, in the morning. & then try to finish Elbert’s sleepers. I have 3. shirts to mend & 2. prs. socks, so I wont have time to go out side for long & I crave so to be out of doors. I thank God my Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for the strength He gives me & all the many blessings I Praise Thee Jesus & Love Thee Holy, Pure & Devine Thou art. Glory to Ty Name, Thou art Wonderful, the best Friend I ever had.
Wed. May. 18. 1949./ page. 2347./ 7. H. 38. Pullets eggs today./ I finished Elbert’s sleepers today. & to-night I have been so upset for the little paring knife “Alluminum handle” has completely disapeared it was worth 35 cents, so, since Elbert don’t know a thing about it, it would seem as if it took lets & walk-ed out all by it’s self, like the thimble did, it was a good silver thimble that had been Frank’s mother’s, I wish I knew Who gets them, but God Knows where they go & how . Well, a neice once said there was one thing she’d like that I had & Dad said what’s that? can’t we get it? she laughed & said, no, gramp, it’s her brains & he said Well, no, I guess that one thing we can’t get & they wont do anyone any good when she’s dead, they were talking about me & that was all I heard of there conversation I didn’t hear the first part, but, it must have been a-bout something they wanted & they sure took plenty. one Jack for lifting buildings worth $27.00, I know where it went to & all sorts of tools. God will surely punish them, I sorry but, they laugh in your face & call you crazy & then try another trick to get what you have left. Well, I’ll soon have to turn it over for old age pension, what’s left. Elbert planted one row of potatoes this after noon. K& he’s done a lot of work in both gardens, he just got up & foune the knife under the fruitdishes, after we had both hunted the big chair over & I must have slid it when I moved the fruit dish. Well, I didn’t blame it on him for I intended to find out first, but, I never found the thimble. &. It’s been partly cloudy & cool S.W. breeze & to-night we got a shower we need a little more. I had a queer lameness in my left leg from ankle up to calf, so sore I could hardly keep from crying & then it left & now it’s in the right leg & I can’t tell you how sore it really is & how it pains me, all night & all day, &K it’s so bad tonight, I wont be able to sleep. Elbert’s going with Eggs tomorrow, I have to sweep & wipe up floor. I wish I could work & sometimes I wish some one else would do some of it for me, I have to finish clean-ing my room, then get after Elberts room then this & then scrub the rugs & I have to wash blankets soon, Well I Praise God in Jesus Blessed Name, for all the many things He does for me & us.
Thurs. May. 19. 1949./ page. 2348./ 6. H. 40 Pullets eggs. / Well today I swept & mended & my right leg has pained me as bad as the left one did, but the left ones O.K. now I told the Lord I’d except the healing when the church folks prayed for the sick & it left my leg as quick as it came, I felt so good after they prayed for me Sun. night & then the left leg got so stiff in the flesh & is so sore I could hardly step on it with out a groan & then it left & I felt so much better then it took a crack at my right leg. & it’s been as bad as the other one, but we went to prayer meeting & I felt Gods hand & power & it’s better now doesn’t hurt as bad to step on it. Oh how I thank God in Jesus Dear Holy Name He the Best & Dearest Friend we ever could have, I love him. I darned 2. prs. socks & it does tire me so. It’s been a nice day. Elbert went to Vermilion on the lake & sold the eggs 17. doz. P. eggs 11.95 4. doz hens eggs. 2.60, he got a bag of mash 4.35 & some meat & a few grociers & brought back 4.57. I been trying to get back enough to get 100 more pullets & my shoes will have to buy chick, or, growing mash & chick grain I do wish I could get anconias once more. I received a card from Nellie she seems rather desperate. I know it’s harder now than when John was doing the earning, but she will have to keep on trying she & Bonita & the children should be happy there together but some how they don’t seem to be its been partly cloudy all day & it rained hard before we left for church & all the while after & is still at it at 11-p-m. Elbert planted one more row of potatoes this after noon & has one more to plant, he wished he could have got the other row in, but, he didn’t feel able, but the ground was so dry, maybe he can do it tomorrow. it’s cooler tonight
Thurs. May. 19. 1949./ page. 2349./ 6.H. 40. P. eggs this day/ I Praise Thee Jesus for my healing and all my many blessings, Amen. We built a fire, it was so cold & chilly tonight, Oh, Glory, Glory to God in the Highest I Praise Thee Jesus.
Fri. May. 20. 1949./ 5. H. 38. P. eggs today/ Did my usual round & baked 4. doz. large size rolled oat cookies & I’m as tired as if I’d cleaned hous. I really got to try & clean bal. of my room K& kitchen & I have to wash blankets soon. Wish I know some one clean who would put them through the washing ma-chine for me, I could do the rest, but, I’ll have to do it all. Elbert mowed grass most of the day, it was wet & it cuts good when wet, it sure enough rained & I thank My God for that rain & so did many a farmer in Jesus Name. Now it’s turned cool N. E. wind all day & so cold Radio said wind would go N.W. before tomorrow been mostly cloudy today but cleared off late & sun set white & cold. We still have a fire & its comfortable. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healings & for saving my soul & I Praise Him & give him all the Glory, He’s Worthy.
Sat. May. 21. 1949./ 10. H. 39. P. eggs today/ I’ve felt bum all day leg is lots better, but I stumbled & wrenched myself & caused my bowels to run off & I lost a little blood I feel all shook up shoulder & back & my head &tonight my bowels going again I pray God will in Jesus Holy Name Keep me free & well, I’ll give Him the Praise & Glory, forever & ever Amen. Glory to God, Hallelujah, I Praise Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus. I washed out the few dirty clothes there were & swept & wiped up the floors & Elbert has planted the last row of potatoes this morning that’s three rows, they are about 75 . ft. long & he had in 4 besides these making 7. long rows & 2 short rows about 35 or 40 ft. long & all up & coming except the last ones he’s just put in. he cut a lot of grass yesterday & tonight he raked it up & put it in the corner of the park. & he’s took care of hens & went to Huron got a big mess of fish & he cleaned all except 5, he gave to Mr. & Mrs. Myers, he went clear to Vermilion to give fish to Mrs. Sprunk, Miss Clark, REv. & Mrs. Scharien & Dorthy the last to wasn’t home or Mrs West, Sr. & instead of leaving the fish with Miss. Clark he brought them home. Such is life, he didn’t know what else to do, & I wasn’t there to tell him. Well he is to tired any way & I had to get him up after he’d gone to bed to take the can out again, he didn’t want me to go for it’s dar4k & a misty rain falling, clothes dried out side quite well today. Georgia Snyder had a big wash out & got them in before supper time. I thank God for my blessings.
Sun. May. 22. 1949./ page 2350./ 11. H. 38. P. eggs today./ Well, it’s rained in heavy down pours since last night & I didn’t get to sleep untill daylight, I was to tired & so was Elbert. I saw a car drive in as though going into the barn, next door, Elbert said it was 1-a-m. at 3-30-a-m. Bill drove his car from the barn, up before the door & left at 4 or 4-30 & it was thundering & lightening hard & pouring down rain. it eased up at daylight & I doesed off & dreamed Nellie was screaming & crying, I was just going into there front door & Bonita was coming down stairs on the run & she ask me to help get her mother back in bed, so I took her by the arm & lead her back to her bed, got her in & she woke up. Bonita had told me her mother had been having terrible dreams that frightened them both & that she didn’t know what to do for her, Well, she looked up & took my hands & said, Oh, I’m glad you’re here, Well, I said you are O.K. now lets us talk over this dream that frightened you so, she began to tremble & to cry, but after a little she told me & we both began to pray & then I woke up. just in time to hear Elbert yell, take that, & then he woke up all undone, he dreamed he was down home in the house & pa, got up out of bed, took the wide razer strap & struck him across the mouth & face & the buckle hit his cheek bone & in the fury of the sting he hit dad across his right arm & broke it & that woke him up. Well, I hope & pray that Elbert wont have any trouble with Frank & that Nellie is & will be O.K. I pray in Jesus Holy Name He will help us to be all His, soul spirit & body Glory to God, I Praise Thee Jesus. I fried fish for din-ner & Elbert cooked a chicken & so we’ll have some in the morning. Sorry I didn’t feel I could get to Church & back so sit around here reading God’s word, & praying. I Pray God will help us quickly before it’s for ever to late. Oh, Jesus, Blessed Jesus help me to be more worthy of Thy love & mercy I thank Thee & give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Its still raining. I Prayed for rain but hope & pray we don’t get to much now.
Mon. May. 23. 1949./ page 2351./ 9. H. 37. Pullets eggs/ I didn’t get up very early & then I got dinner & put water to heat & washed out 1. pr. wool blankets 1. pr. heavy cotton blankets & 1. pr. light cotton blank-ets. I washed my night dress, under slip & petti-coat, shirt & bath rag & towel & stocking & 1. pr. sock for Elbert, he washed his work shirt & he wrong out the cotton blankets for me & I got them dry out side Praise the Lord, I do thank & Praise Him for all the strength He give me I’ve felt punk, but got my work done, my bowels run off in the night before I could get up & I had to get up & clean up & they have been loose all day. Sat. shake up maybe. I baked biscuits for supper & we had chicken & gravey. I have the dishes done & birds covered & wish I was in bed. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name, I love Jesus He’s the best Friend you can have. It has been cloudy all day with sun at intervals. To night it’s thundering & lightening & we got a shower it’s cooler tonight
Tue. May, 24. 1949./ 7. &. 35. P. eggs today./ Well, we went to Norwalk & got 100 English White leghorns, they were hatched May 16. 1949. they seem quite lively although there were some that seemed to small., they are 1. week & 1. day old today. it’s after 11-p-m & we were out to see how they were & they were all streched out sleeping & quite. I pray the Lord will help each one to be strong & grow good bodys & be the best of layers, I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever, Amen. I thank Thee Jesus for all things great or small & pray I may do Thy Will, not mine, for all I have is Thine, I thank Thee for Thy love & care and tender mrcys, Jesus, Blessed Jesus. I recieved a letter from Nellie today & the news paper clipping Ethel had sent her of Laura Ann recieving one of five rewards for the best essay out of 65, it shows her picture & two of the others, 2, were not able to be there. Loura Ann is an honer student in her class at school.
Tue. May. 24. 1949./ page. 2352./ 7.H. 35. Pullets eggs today. / It’s been windy & cool all day. Nellie says she has sore throat & is real miserabl but only has 4 day this week to teach & school will be over for a while, said she was glad, yet, she’d miss it, the money for teaching most, I reckon, she isn’t able to work. Johny will be going to Boston to school & has an apartment there & Ella Jane is flying home from New Mexico, she leaves the 8th & expects to get to Cleveland air port sometime after midnight of the 9th. of June 1949. My, oh My, Well in all to short a time they’ll be wishing they’d have saved there money. George Carlisle use to say he was going to be a sport as long as the money lasted & he’s been dead a good number of years. now, Sister Audrey’s husband, he’d be about 59. yrs old now if he were here.
Wed. May. 25. 1949./ 5. H. 32. P. eggs today/ Well it been a nice day, little cool & trying to rain tonight, Elbert cleaned first pen & then this afternoon dug trenches & put in my glads & a few dahlias & my tube roses. My ride tired me plenty & I’m still tired; I covered one row of bulbs. & cut a few weeds. I have to put my big bulb out & some small ones & a few plants. I feel as if I weigh 2 ton on my feet today & tonight & I have to hunt my Zennias seeds tomorrow. Elbret’s going in to Lorain with eggs & to Vermilion on the Lake & then get the grain, mash, straw & hens greens. I thank God & give Him all the Glory, He’s truly worthy, I love Him &K I’d like to be more worthy of the love & Mersy He gives me. I love Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus.
Thurs. May. 26. 1949./ 8. H. 36. P. eggs today/ WEll I got a little more of my room cleaned today, only got the spots the comode stand in & close press to finish hope to get that soon. I ironed a few pieces today & hunted for Zenia seeds, Elbert forgot to get some, he went to Lorain sold the eggs got mash 4.35 & gran 3.95 & olive oil- 1.95 toilet paper 16 cents & bird seed 70 cents & he paid light bill 1.20, he did owe 20 cents to one woman for change on eggs he paid it today & one owed him 15 cents & she paid that. he took in $13.80 on eggs & spent 12.26 & he brought back 1.64 & spent the dollar tonight for gas & pt of ice cream while we were in Vermilion they didn’t have prayer meeting & no one let me know, so while we were there Elbert went & had the welding done he had to have on the bar for the cultivater teeth & I went in & talked to the mans wife, a young woman with a baby 1 1/2 yrs. old. I gave here a few of the roses I’d taken for church.
Thurs. May. 26. 1949./ page. 2353./ 8. H. 36. P. this day/ Mrs. Ceal, she was ironing & when she was done, we had had a nice visit she urged me to come again she seemed a very loveable person & she’d let her ironing go, to go take her sister out to buy for an expected baby. We stopped to Mrs. Wests Sr. & had a nice visit & left the rest of the yellow roses. We got home few minutes passed 10-p-m. I went down & got a bucket of coal we still keep a little fire & it’s comfortable that way. Its been a very nice day, but quite cool N. W. wind. I thank God in Jesus Name for His Great Love & care.
Fri. May. 27. 1949./ 7.H. 37 Pullet eggs/ Well, this morning Elbert went to Huron & got a good mess of fish. he cleaned enough for dinner, I had the washing half done, but stopped washed dishes pared potatoes & got them on to cook &K stirred biscuits & got them frying & got the fish on frying & & coffee water heating, wrised the few pieces I had ready & hung them up then after the whirl of getting the dinner we set down & after thank Oor Heaven-ly Father we ate fish were so fresh & good. We rested a bit K& then he went out to look after the baby chicks & other odds & ends & I finished my wash & got it most all dry in the house we still have a fire, it rained a cold N.E. rain then cleared up & sun came out air was to damp to dry clothes so I hung them inside & they are most all dry now. I got supper & now that over Elbert has gone out to take care of chicks again & get them ready for sleep. I have to take a run outside & then wash up dishes again. I received a letter from the L. contest & Elbert is so afraid he wont get half of it & I did all the puzzle with out his help that I sent in. but he wants half the
Fri. May. 27. 1949./ page 2354/ 7. H. 37. Pullets this day./ money. so I told him O.K. I haven’t any Idea of ever getting any of it but if I do, I can’t see why he would have half of it, but he look very determined about having half of it, I couldn’t be like that, but I told him I’d give him half & so if I only got a dime I’d give him half. Each one of the family have alway wanted what ever I have had, I’ll be so glad if Jesus takes me home before long. It’s been a nice day to work & I thank God in Jesus Name for all my many many blessing & pray all will be well Amen.
Sat. May. 28. 1949./ 7. H. 37. Pullets eggs today./ Well I haven’t done much outside my daily rjound fixed my stockings & mend or sewed up the seams that were riped in my coat & picked a few flowers for church Frank & Ruby came they have made up there mind to pay for Elbert’s lots 850.00, but, I don’t trust him for I heard him tell one of his boys, that he’d pay 500 down & just never pay the rest, I hope Elbert get’s the thing fixed so he gets all the money. I know he can if he does it right. I pray God will help him to get it all & that it will be with out hard feelings. It’s been an other cool day. F& R. left 11-11 p.m. & while Elbert went to coop to look after the chicken I washed up the dishes & put water on to heat for scalding the hen & now he has got that done & hen cut up ready to cook for tomorrow, it 12-p-m & he’s now going to bed. I gave Ruby some of D’Haans sermons to read, Frank does got to Church once in a while I pray he will really give his heart & sould to the Lord, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. So cold out, feel like Fall and a heavy due.
Sun. May. 29. 1949./ 8. H. 35. P. eggs today/ Well, I went to Church this morning & again to-night, only the few that’s always there came & Mrs. Horning her daughter & 2 wee boys. we had a prayer service after the sermon & then they divided the flowers I had taken & we all left for home it’s been a fine day to cool N.E. wind that’s so penetrating I thank & praise God for all our many blessing. in Jesus Blessed Holy Name. I love Thee Jesus.
Mon. May. 30. 1949./ 6. H. 44. P. eggs today./ Decoration Day./ Well, Radio says 287 are dead on highways & other accidents, We been home alday.
Mon. May. 30. 1949./ page 2355./ 6. H. 44. P. eggs this day./ Elbert Knee is paining him bad for over a week now & he seems to Katch catch a little cold everyday He has worked in the garden most of the day, I cut my dahlia bulbs today & got them ready for planting & it tired me terribly. It’s been a fine day cool but, good day to work Elbert’s terrible tired Knee tires him & worries him. I pray he will turn to God,be converted & healed. I thank God in Jesus Name for all our blessings & healings, I love & Praise My Jesus.
Tue. May. 31. 1949./ 8. H. 39. P. eggs today./Last day of May./ Elbert was in such pain, most of the morning but the pain eased up after dinner & he’s felt a lot better this after. Praise the Good, Wonderful, Merciful Lord. It’s been a beautiful day, N. E. breeze, nice warm sun & all I’ve got done is my usual round. We let the hens out for a little while before supper, they had a nice time, then, I drove them in again. I wish I could work but just seems work & I don’t agree. Well, dishes are done now I’m ready for a fresh start and I Praise God & thank Him for the strength he give me every day in Jesus Name, A Wonder Friend, Physician & Saviour is Jesus Blessed Jesus.
Wed. June. 1. 1949./ 8. H. 39. P. eggs today./ I did most of the washing today & I’m so tired. & fixed two meals & did the house work & took care of the birds. I dried clothes outside in a good fresh N.E. breeze & hot sun they dried good & I brought them in & put them away. Radio said rain tonight, but we are getting a heavy due, so, no rain. Well I wanted to go to Lorain with Elbert, but I don’t think he wants me to go & so I’m not going, my check might come & I’d rather be here to see I get it before any one else, might. Well I’m sending $15.00 to the Disabled A. Vet’s, Service Foundation & I’m giving Elbert the 15. to get the money order so, I hope, he gets it & gets it to me O.K. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healings & the strength He has given me today, for saving my soul & for the many, many blessings he has given me; He’s a Wonderful Jesus to me.
Thurs. June. 2. 1949./ 8.H. 40. P. eggs today./ Elbert sold 24. doz. eggs today 60 cents & 70 cents per. doz. he bought $2.44 cents worth of food & 1.00 worth of gas, & brought home $11.44 cents. I don’t know how he had 8 cents over, but he did I picked 3 qts. of berries (strawberries) & such little ones most of them. We had dinner when Elbert got here about 1-p-m. & then we went out side, I took the lower shash out of coop, it was so hot in there, so Elbert took care of little chicks & Pullets & then we set in the shade of the apple tree while I hulled the berries I fried spam & boiled potatoes & made a short cake for supper.
Thurs. June. 2. 1949./ page. 2356./ 8. H. 40. P. eggs this day./ I did the dishes & washed me & got dressed for Church & so did Elbert there were only teh Rev. & his Wife, the 3 Smith children & I & we had a good hr. of worship I felt the Lord’s touch & Praise his Holy Name. If we were only as true & faithfull to Him as He is to us Oh God, We Pray in Jesus Name Thou will help us We are such weak, careless beings. Renew our faith & help us to stand firm on the promises of our God, it’s such a pity after we have received the Holy Ghost & then, because something or some one doesn’t do so & so, to go back to the old ways again. I thank & praise God my Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name for all my many blessings great or small, Amen.
Fri. June. 3. 1949./ 10. H. 38. P. eggs today/ Martha’s birthday she is 37. yrs. old today. it’s 37. yrs. ago I was in Ashtabula, O. I went there a week before Martha was born & it was a terrible hot day like yesterday Cleveland Square most burned my face, it was such a terrific heat, I broke out with heat rash face, neck & arms I never can forget & I took care of Maratha & looked after her mother for a long time & Audrey gave us such a lift when we did need it so bad of late, but, Martha, she acts as if she’d rather we didn’t even call on them that’s the only way we ever get to see them. Well, we all or most all wake up by & by it’s to bad if wee don’t. Well, I washed out what few pieces I had & Elberts pajamas & pillow slip & a work shirt & the big chair seat cover & they dried fast sun was so hot. Elbert went to Huron & got a pk. of fish he cleaned enough for dinner & I fried them After dinner he cleaned rest of fish, he pick about 4. qts straw berries before he went & I washed & huled them while he scraped the fish, it’s been a terrible hot day. & it’s 80 degrees now at 10-20-p-m but I think it’s cooling off now a little. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings, I thank Him for my healing. my check came today.
Sat. June. 4. 1949/ 8. H. 37. P. eggs today./ Well, I sure enough felt bum, got up little after 10-a-m & laid down again then Elbert was going to Vermilion, so I pared potatoes & fried the fish, Elbert ask Bob if he could put the fish in there ice box & told them they could have part of them & so when he went for them Georgie said that’s swell, they will come in handy, so she took out 12 pike fare sized one, Well, I sent 4 to Mrs. Sprunk & a doz. of eggs & 4 to Miss Clark & a doz of eggs & Elbret dressed & cut up a hen for the Rev. & his Wife & gave them 1. doz. eggs. I thought perhaps they’d come out & get it, but, they wriggled out of it at last, so I sent, the Girls there things
Sat. June. 4. 1949./ page. 2357./ 8. H. 37. P. eggs this day./ & so he got us a little food while he was in Vermilion & he got some good trimings for hens, also & he was all out of hens greens, so that turned out well. I took my colia out & put it in the dirt & planted a few marigold seed. I haven’t any strength to work, I swept yesterday & sweat like rain & so I haven’t done so much today I did make a batch of jam from the strawberries Elbert picked yesterday. & I made rice soup for supper. I washed up the dishes & so If I feel able I’ll go to Church in the morning. I thank & praise God for all my blessing & healings, in Jesus Name & pray I’ll be able to make it in the a-m. I got my check yesterday & Elbert got his today. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him all Creatures here below.
Sun. June. 5. 1949./ 8. H. 40. P. eggs today/ Fine cool day, I felt so bum I laid in bed most all day While Elbert was outside I got up & shook up his bed & aired his room that’s more than I felt able to do. but I Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing.
Mon. June. 6. 1949./ 8. H. 32. P. eggs today/ Well I took care of birds & Elbert’s room & just before supper Nellie & Johny & Marcie & there baby & Bonita & her 3. children came in, I had got, & & washed out my night gown & rags (had & accident) & no one to lend a hand when we are sick, Elbert had supper cooking he’d cooked a hen & put on potatoes he didn’t have enough potatoes but Nellie made biscuits & Elbert made gravey & Bonita & Marcie got the table ready & made slaw & they ate & said they had plenty & the girls washed up the dishes then they went home Nellie has bad cough. Elbert’s cold is in his throat it’s raspy he’s gargling with N.R. tablet dissolved in water, Well, I Praise God in Jesus Blessed Name, he’s able to keep going I don’t know what would happen to us right now if he had to give up. I’m praying & trusting for our healkings, in Jesus Name.
Tue. June 7. 1949./ 6. H. 32. P. eggs today/ I didn’t even look after Elberts room today, felt rather low, but Praise God He is able. Elberts throat’s bad tonight, but I trust it will be better tomorrow. Glory to God in the Highest its been a very cool day all day Elbert put the light in brooder tonight.
Wed. June. 8. 1949./ 7. H. 36. P. eggs today/ Ella Jane had planed on hopping off for home today hope she makes it. I got up & washed out a big bucket full of rags & the towels & dish towels while Elbert went to Vermilion got 50 lbs growing mash 1. bag hens mash & 1. bag hens grain & some meat & little food it cost 13.64 & he spent
Wed. 8. June. 1949./ page. 2358/ 7. H. 36. P. eggs this day./ & I gave him 11.00, he took in on the eggs last week so, I have to give him 3.64, growing mash was 2.25 mash for hen 4.35 & grain 3.95, but he had 45 cents left from 11.00 & he bought the food & 2. gal. gas out of his check moeny Well I try to give him back what he used of his, if I can. I took care of his bed & room & my own today & my head is sure bad beside, I folded & put away all the rags. Elbert’s cold is bad tonight just like my was when it started & I don’t know what I’d do with out his help I pray God will in Jesus Name rebuke the cold & help him to be lots better tomorrow. I will give Him the Praise & Glory, for ever & ever, Amen The girls said Gertie has been sick to with the same of cold & off work part time, & Audrey’s back at work a-gain, Well, it was cold last night & Radio says colder to-night. Elbert hung clothes out & they dried fairly good N.E. Wind.
Thurs. June. 9. 1949./ 9. H. 39. P. eggs today./ Well, I’m wondering how many will be out to prayer meeting tonight & pray God will deal with each one in His own Way, in Jesus Name, and help us each to live Thy way & do Thy Will Amen. I thank Thee & praise Thee for the love & care Thou hast given us Glory, Glory, Glory to God, Jesus, Blessed Holy, Wonderful Jesus, I love Thee. It’s been a fine cool day N.E. W. they have had frost in several places & the corn is spoilt in some places & other vegetables. Our potatoes are still coming & some are in bloom & the flowers have been just beautiful. I thank God for His love, in althings manifested. the corn looks yellow don’t know yet if it’s spoilt. didn’t get cabbages set & Elberts cold is so bad tonight he can’t keep his nose dry I’ve rubbed his back & chest in alcohol & he’s in bed, I stumbled & fell twice today both arm cought it & are sore tonight, I’ve tried to ease his burden by doing a little at a time in the kitchen today, I didn’t get up untill noon, then I dressed & washed & started dinner, Elbert went to Lorain & Vermilion & sold 17. doz. P & 5. doz. Hens eggs today & he spent 7.00 & brought home 6. 83, he got 1. bale straw, couldn’t carry two. & he cashed my check & paid $12.02 cents bal. of coal bill & coal man said he’d put in this winters coal as soon as it came in & he has it ordered, but, Louise has called & other coal strike so, we don’t know what will be what. I’ve got to read some of God word & go to bed don’t feel able to sit up.
Fri. June, 10. 1949./ 9.H. 33. P. eggs today/ Well, I washed out nose & rags & helped Elbert what I could with the meals, he’s sure feeling rather punk but he’s still going. I feel rather all in me self & got off to bed, as
Fri. June. 10. 1949./ page. 2359./ 9. H. 33. P. eggs this day./ I took care of beds, rooms, birds & washed up all the dishes. I do Praise God in Jesus Name for all He does for us & today Elbert Praised the Lord for taking the soreness out of his Knee Glory to God, I Praise & give Thee all the Glory & Honor for ever & ever Amen. Hot sun cool breeze but we didn’t keep the fire last night or wont tonight.
Sat. June. 11. 1949./ 8. H. 32. P. eggs today./ Well, I helped pick straw berries today & Mrs. John Snyder came in & picked some so we gave her 2 big qts. we picked 12. qts. altogether. I picked them over & got them ready to cook. & I made biscuits for supper Elbert killed dressed & cooked a hen for supper he made gravy & so we had a good meal. I fixed us each a little shortcake & it was good. I swept & took care of beds & birds & houseplants & cough my head nearly off. Now I Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, for He is so Preseious & Wonder-full to me & then I’ll go to bed, after read my bible.
Sun. June. 12. 1949./ 9.H. 33. P. eggs today./ Well, it’s been a fine day S.W. breeze but at our colds are bad & even though some one prayered earnestly for me “or perhaps us” & I sure got a big lift but I’m still needing several more un-till I get back to health & strength & I pray God will in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, give those Who prayed for me 4 fold what they asked for me & help them to con-tinue to pray for me earnestly untill I’m fully recovered and I thank Him & give Him all the Praise, Honor & Glory forever & evern, Amen. Rev. & Mrs. Scharien came to call & pray for us after dinner I went out & picked them flowers.
Mon. June. 13. 1949./ 9-H. 33.P. eggs today./ Today I’m not quite so well & hope & trust Who ever it was who prayed so earnestly Sat. evening will pray again & again untill I’m back to normal again, I pray God will help them & bless them much. We had a very, very light rain just before dark, last night didn’t lay the dust. it’s been partly cloud with nice S.W. breeze. Elbert went to Vermilion got 1. bag growing mash 4.40, grit 35 cents meat & a ham. His head & cold is are so bad today I hated to see him have to go, but thank’s to Jesus, he went & come O.K. & got all his earns done. & I helped get a bite to eat when he got back, I washed up all the dirty dishes while he was gone & hit the trale 3 times, don’t know what got me going so bad.
Mon. June. 13. 1949./ page. 2360. / 11. H. 32. P. eggs this day/ lots cooler this evening. & Elbert says my glads are up, I wish dahlias were in, maybe we can get at them soon, now, I do pray for the showers we are to get tonight, we got to set tomatoes & cabbages. John Snyder has plowed his ground acrossed the road, he’s still working it. Elbert’s took care of hens & chicks & carried water & I thank God my Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings. Elbert lined potatoes & other garden stuff, last potatoes he planted are up. We have been having real heavy dues at night. There are lots of cherrys & apples on the trees & pears.
Tue. June. 14. 1949./ 8. H. 31. Pullets eggs./ I washed out rags & Elbert washed his clothes & his work pants 5. prs. it rained in after noon & in showers all night. I took care of birds & beds & washed up all the dishes & am so weak & miserable. Oh, if we only had some in the church to trust & pray for us & with. He will make me strong in always in HIm. Glory to God.
Wed. June. 15. 1949./ 8. H. 31. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Vermilion got, exaust pipe on the car cost 6.00 & he got my shoes 2.25 & owes 25 cents on them & owes the money on car & he got a very little food I laid on the bed untill he came back I had him mail a card Audrey, I hope she goes & finds out what’s wrong at Nellie’s. We got a nice letter from Audrey yesterday & a note from Johny asking us to his grad-uation exercises Sun. June. 19. 1949. & he sent his picture it’s a good picture of his. So, gifts are in order but I can’t help him now. I’ll have to try to write them a note in reply. I crawled around & took care of birds & beds & made a batch of soup for supper & I can’t tell you how terrible weak I really am. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for HIs love and care of us both, He is a wonderful Jesus to me Thurs it rained in heavy showers all after noon, Elbert planted a row each of beets & carrots & 2 1/2 rows potatoes. so they will sure be bedded in. cooler tonight. partly cloudy.
Thurs. June. 16. 1949./ 9. H. 30. P. eggs today/ Well, Elbert sold the eggs 15. doz. pullet doz. & he bought 100. lbs. grain & mash &.84, & a little food & brought back $5.63, he got 1. bal straw 65 cents I washed rags & stockings & 5. towels & helped Elbert plant 2 rows dahlias, I droped them in the rows, I made biscuits, for supper. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for our many, many blessings it’s been showery & cool today.
Fri. June. 17. 1949./ page. 2361./ 7. H. 28. P. eggs today./ We
ll, it rains in showers, all day, & we both feel bum, the coal man brought the coal today (6 tons, $90.18) & I paid $20.00 down on it, bal $70.18, I hope & pray God will help me to finish paying for it, that is, I’ll still get my releif money, so I can pay it I thank Thee Jesus & give Thee all the Praise Honor & Glory, for I know it truly belongest to Thee, Glory, Hallelujah. I took care of beds, birds & got dinner & supper & Jesus for the strength He give us daily, Elbert feels so bad but has done his work all day & mowed it’s sure soaking the ground & radio says, it’s saving millons of dollars worth of food & grain. I Praise God.
Sat. June. 18. 1949./ 8. H. 26. P. eggs today/ Elbert to to town so I got us & did out the washing & I did what ironing there was I had to have a clean dress more this one & sweat it all week, so took them off the line damp & ironed them I thank & Praise God in Jesus Name for all the strength He’s given me today. I pray He will keep any one from doing me harm in any way, Amen. I got a book from DeHaan & a card from Nellie, saying her cough was better, the 3 children (Bonita’s ) are going to bible school every day, Ella Jane got into Cleveland June 9th. & was staying a week to convention & the rest were O.K. & she hoped we were. She has Bonita to do the house work & odds & ends & she could hardly get along with out her, but she find all maner of fault with her, while we haven’t a living soul to do a thing for us. Elbert has managed to keep going while I have only done so little, but, I get the clothes dry sun come out & a N.E. breeze, they dried slow, but dried.
Sun. June. 19. 1949./ 9.H. 26. P. eggs today./ I laid abed untill noon then took a bath and dressed all clean & I had cooked the mutton Elbert got Sat., so he put potatoes in & cabbage & had it done when I got out & then after 2-p-m. Mrs. Sprunk & Miss. Clark came in they stayed for supper, well we had biscuits fried eggs & straw berries & hot tea. Mrs. Sprunk gave me a dollar insisited I’d get some brandy to strengthen me up a bit, I\m terrible weak, I cut a bunch of flowers for them, they said brother & Sister Gerney were over in Mansfield Ohio, We sure need some one with there fighting Spirit in this Church it’s just laying idle, I pray God will
Sun. June. 19. 1949./ page. 2362. / 9. H. 26. Pullets this day./ in Jesus Name send us Worker & not some one to sit around waiting for a few old women to get out & do the work, the Ministers today, think they are so something, they are only to be waited on & do the preaching, but I wonder. Mrs. Sprunk bought a doz. eggs for the woman she lives with, & I ment to give Miss Clark a few & forgot it, I was to tired, We didn’t have much of a lunch, but hope it will keep them untill they can have more, Mrs. Sprunk prayed for me & Miss. Clark & the Lord sent a golden light to me, Praise His Holy Name, & I pray & thank Him for all things. Amen.
Mon. June. 22. 1949./ 8. H. 30. P. eggs today./ Oh, but it’s been a hot day, I got up at 10-a-m, I couldn’t sleep all night, just to tired. & I helped get a lunch & then Elbert cleaned the grate & top saucer tray on the top of the cook stove, he took them out under the apple tree, so, I cleaned the burners & the under part that’s most as hard as cleaning the top when it’s burn on & so dirty but I had it all done except sticking a fine wire into the holes the gas comes through when Elbert came in with his work done & shining, before we got the wire part done Who should come in, but, Mr. & Mrs. Huntz, Mrs. Hunt was Inise Robinson, she’s a christian & so is He & they seemed to enjoy there visit, He was born & raised near Berlin Hight’s & they were on there way to Milian Ohio to see His brother Who was & still is quite ill, Inse told me how Hilda |her sister| came to her with some sort of mental trouble & how they all gathered together & laid hands on her & prayed untill the power of God went through Hilda & all of them & it went through us both just testifying to each other Glory to God in the Highest I Praise Father Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. They were here about an hour & said they would sure come back, her mother is 78. yrs. old & Inise is 57, her eldest girl is 38. yrs. & youngest is 23 or 27 & she has 4 all married & she has 5 grand children & Mr. Hunt had 2. children, his first wife is dead & his son is a Naserine Minister, Inise says he is filled with the Holy Ghost & he preaches a good sermon. Mr. Hunts 2 boy & girl are both married & they are all happy. Inise has 2. girls & 2 boys. Mr. Hunt works at National Steele Plant & says he expects to get laid off soon, for, he will be 65 yrs. old in Jan. & the plant dont want to pay there men a pension, such is life today. Well, we enjoyed there visit a lot & I thank & Praise God, He is & ever will be, Glory, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Tue. June. 21. 1949./ page. 2363./9.H. 30. P. today./ Well, I helped pick currents & then I cleaned & made Jam of them & Elbert was so tired he hurreed off to bed & forgot to lock the back door I went to do it, missed last step & hurt my sore ankle & wrenched my knees bumped my head & both elbows & he yelled out to know if he should come & help me up. (it was today we got the gas tank. I wish God would pick me up & take me away, there’s no a soul here be-low that would care, all any of them want is what little there is left one want this another that & one says, if I die before he does, the rest wont get one thing and he’ll see to that. I wish they all loved Jesus & Knew Him even better than I, but, I’ll be so glad when He calls me out, Praise His Blessed Name forever Amen. We had a good shower this afternoon. Elbert cultivated his garden & took care of chicken & did odds & end & helped me with the jam & dishes. Johny’s birthday today. I even gave all I had & so have to take my 7.00 out of my check for Church & 10.00 for coal. I paid coal bill & 20.00 on new batch fro coming winter & 8.87 today for gas & give Elbert bal. for food so I’m all paid out ex-cept 36 cents he’d want that if he knew I had it. I can’t get over it, that I gave him 2.00 & he got 2 gal gas & 75 cents for 3 pork chops, you’d think we were rich. I’ll see to it myself, that my money don’t go for that again, I’d go hungry first. like I do most of the time because I can’t go get what I need. Mrs. Sprunk left a dollar for brandy, but, that’s gone to. We expect to have ham & cabbage for dinner tomorrow & Thurs, he will sell the eggs buy mash & grain there wont be much left for us to eat. Jam boiled over & we had to take top off stove & clean that, before finishing the jam. But I thank God His eye is on me as well as the sparrow.
Wed. June. 22. 1949./ 6. H. 28. P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert has been doing odds & ends all day, he says he didn’t & he dont feel hard toward me, Well, I hope he doesn’t I did most of the washing today, he washed out part of it his bvd’s & towel, shirt & socks & he washed 2 dish towels & 2 hand towels, I hung them all up & the breeze & sun soon had them baked dry I aired my bedding & my pillow I ironed my dress & Elberts shirt. & I’m so tired tonight & so is Elbert, but, I Praise God in Jesus Name he loves & cares for us & gives us strength to keep going. I give Him all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever. Amen. I love & adore Thee Jesus Blessed Pure & Holy, I love Thee more than all else.
Thurs. June. 23. /page. 2364./ 6.H. 20. P. eggs today./ Elbert went Lorain & only sold 4 doz. eggs 75 cents per doz & 3 more for 70 cents & he sold some for 65 & he took in 13.10 & he spent it all but 31 cents e got grain, mash, wheat oats & a bag of line a bunch of carrots few onions & a boiling meat. I had the boiling water for hot drink & the noodles hot so Elbert could eat & drink. I havent done much today, baked 1. tin & 2 loaves of bread & washed up dishes I feel so weak But Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Fri. June 24. 1949/ 7.H. 25. P. eggs today/ Well, we both felt punk today but Elbert has done some work & I swept all 3. rooms & mended 2. shirts for Elbert & his BV’d’s & for once his socks were O.K. I mended my old dress & Elbert cooked a hen so, I cook speggetti in part the broth. Elbert said he though he was going to pass out once, today, but I had made hot tea & he drank & rested & felt better again, then I had felt that way for an hour or so before, he did, but I kept going, made the tea & shivered for an hour or two after we drank it. but, it’s so hot anyway, & I can’t do much, my feet are so terrible bad, We received a letter from Audrey with 5.00 in it & she said Nellie was there most all day the 22.nd. & she tried to give her some money but she wouldn’t take it, so she gave it to Ella Jane I wonder what she will do about it. I guess Nellie is worrying because Audrey is going to move down town if she can find rooms. I don’t know how often she goes to see the girls “Audrey & Gertie” but, she said she hated to see her move farther away. Audrey said in her letter that Jean has fainting spells & had another the other day & she tried to get her to come to her but she wouldn’t, said Jean’s blood pressure was only 45 & should be 120, well I been in the same fix so I know how bad she feels and I don’t believe anyone realizes untill they go through it, just how terrible miserable, one does feel, milk & eggs, egg nog with good brandy & steak tender & juicy peas, beans, & vegetable soup with plenty of rice & barley are some of the things Dr. Thoman “the Specialist from Columbus gave me orders to eat, with plenty of greens, Oranges grape fruit, pears & grapes, Wish I could take care of her, or she could come here, but I just am not fit to hardly help myself & Elbert, poor Audrey has her hands full
Fri. Jun. 24. 1949./ page. 2365/7. H. 25. Pullet eggs this day./ Looks as if we’ll all be in the same fix before very long. I pray God will, in Jesus Name take care of each of them & bring them closer to him. I don’t knopw how to help them & some of them feel they know so much more than I I wouldn’t know how to help them but, Jesus knows & & pray He will help me to Know, as He did about Fred [?] I thank Thee Jesus & Praise Thee for all things, Amen. It was a little over 100 degrees here in the kitchen today.
Sat. June. 25. 1949./ 8. H. 28. P. eggs today./ I washed the rags & helped Elbert set cabbages & tomatoes, wind was so strong & I feel so bad today 2 days now I didn’t get up untill almost noon & I’m not able to get out to church yet my feet tourcher me so bad. & I have felt to heavy today, it rained a light shower, but didn ‘t lay the dust, We are getting a very pecular light something like, before a tornado. Radio said more rain tonight & tomorrow hope I can write to the children to-morrow, I’m to tired to write, but will have to try. I thank God in Jesus Dear Holy Name for my blessings. Elbert’s felt just as bad as I, today but he’s done his work & planted cabbages & tomatoes & now he’s carrying water & putting on them just in case it doesn’t rain.
sun. June. 26. 1949./ 5. H. 23. P. eggs today./ Well, Johny let Ella Jane take his car in exchange for Bonita & so they picked up Audrey & Nellie & B’s three youngsters & came out here today Ella Jane made 2. cherry pies & potatoe salad & brought out & Audrey gave E.J. money for cream & she got it up here to the store, so we had icecream on the pie & they had hot coffee, Audrey wanted Ma’s watch & so I unloaded the chest & unpacked it & the watch and chain is gone, so I had all that work for nothing, Elbert’s as nervouse as he can be & talkative, he didn’t seem normal & I wonder why. he did say if any thing happened to me, no one else would get a thing out of here & some times I wonder. quite sometime ago there were bare foot prints on our drive coming toward the house & later the same foot print in the base ment & just last week they were North of the house on the ash pile. & of all the dirty, dirty low down tricks that go on around here I pray God will deal with those who do them, I’ll look again for the watch chain & guard, but I’d had noticed the string had been moved on the lock some time ago & know things have been moved in side. Audrey seemed
Sun. June. 26. 1949./ page. 2366./ 5. H. 23. P. eggs this day./ as sick as I felt but I may find it. I hope I did. Well, I felt like crying after they had started I forgot to give them the hen we had planed to give them. Audrey said they had chicken home, that, Gertie bought 2. for today. Well, I washed up all the dishes & Elbert wiped them & we put them away pie & icecream & coffee dishes. I like to have them come, but, the children scare the hens so bad, they had just got started to lay & now they will be off again for 2 or 3 weeks it vexes Elbert to & makes him feel like taking them over his knee. Well, we can’ty visit either with the 3 wanting everyone to pay attension to them & I lost part my visit hunting for the watch. I gave Audrey my watch, she said she’d get it repaired & give it back to me, but she’s welcome to it, if she wants to keep it for her self, she given us such a lot of money, of late, or sometime I couldn’t have existed quite as well as usual. I pray God will bless her & teach her His ways. I let her take ma’s apron & handkercheif & I gave her the real cut glass dish I had, it cost $25.00 & had never been used, had been Frank Babcock’s mother’s dish Well, I have been bum for 3 days more so than usual & not fit to move all that junk & then put it all back again. I thank God in Jesus Name He helped me to prove I couldn’t find it. Audrey was terrible disappoint-ed. It’s rained several showers this afternoon & is much cooler tonight. My bowels haven’t moved because of today’s confusion.
Mon. June. 27. 1949./ 7.H. 28. P. eggs today/ I ask Jesus to take care of me & He did bowels moved good this a-m. I got up a little earlier to, Was partly cloudy all day & I hlope it will be so for a few days, radio says the potatoes are burnt up in some of the potatoe states & the wheat flooded out & tonight they say Californias gardens are soscorched & withered up there wont be much to ship out Jesus has told us all these things would come about but so few listen & try to read there bibles & understand I went out & helped Elbert set 5. rows of cabbages 32 in a row & my tomatoe pepers 11. them then I put in zinias & Asters to fill out the rows, I’m to tired tonight. The cabbage & tomatoes we put in Sat. are looking good. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all things & Pray Thou will help me to do Thy Will forever.
Tue. June. 28. 1949./ page. 2367./ 7. H. 22. P. eggs today./ Well, I received another letter from D.A.A. Disabled Vets of America. Vets. I sent $2.oo the first time & 15.00 the second time, they sent a receipt for the 2.00 but not for the $15.00 Well, I did the washing all except a few pieces & I had to let them go untill another day; it was a hot sun & 92 degrees in the kitchen with a nice cool North East breeze clothes dried fast. & I put the pillows out and, they sure got the sweat pulled out of them today. I’m tired. Elbert made to run ways for chickens trap holes today & took remainder of bags off the ventelator holes above windows & he watered the plants we set out, they are all standing up. it’s cooling off out side & in, but, breeze is about gone Frank & Armond came out wood-chuck hunting tonight. I thank God in Jesus Name for His great Love & care of us.
Wed. June. 29. 1949./ 7. H. 21. P. eggs today/ Elbert went to beach got sand & he cultivated his garden & watered all the plants & has made 3 new run ways for the chicks & hens. & carried water for me & helped cook the meals I done all the bal. of the wash except table cloth, chair cover & E’s blankets. I made half a pocket & sewed on to his pants pocket & washed dishes, looked after birds & beds & so I’m tired tonight, I’ve wrote a card to the Card Co. & a letter to Nellie & one to Audrey & I got a letter today with another 10.00 bill in it, she sent 5. last week, I do hope I can give back all she’s given to us. She’s working & it’s terrible hot 98 in Kitchen I thought & her while the sweat dripped of my chin ovr the wash board yesterday & today. Nellie don’t seem very well & I hope the heat wont get her down. Bonney’s Kathy’s birthday she’s 1.yr. old. Now I got the food order & all the odds & ends wrote down for Elbert, he’s going with eggs in the morning. Now I’ll read some of God word to me & go to bed after I talk with Him Glory to God in the highest.
Thurs. June 30. 1949./ 7-H- 30 P. egg today./ Elbert went & sold all but 1. doz of eggs, he spent all but $3.83, for food & he had to beddle for he didn’t drop the price per
Thurs. June. 30. 1949./ page. 2368./ 7-H. 30.P. eggs this day./ doz. as he should have. Well he was all in from the heat I fixed dinner & we ate at 1-15-p-m. I hadn’t had anything before & he had taken coop keys, so I couldn’t open up the coop, he went out & looked after chickens & hung thermonitor on the west side of the house for five minutes & it registered 112 degrees & it’s 90 in the kitchen If it were not for the cool breeze from N.E. it would sure be a scorcher. Elbert saw Miss Clark she said another preacher was to be here to preach Sun. & Rev. Scharien was going to Canada. I did my ironing today had it most done when Elbert got here. recieved another book from DeHaan, it’s good. Elbert mailed my letters & cards in Vermilion, I feel some better, but am shaky yet. I thank my Father in Heaven for my heal-ing & Praise only Him in Jesus Blessed Holy Name. Amen. I thank Him for all my many, many blessings, Amen.
Fri. July.1. 1949./ 7.H. 39. Pullets eggs today./ Elbert cleaned middle pen in hen house & it’s been as hot as yesterday, a N.E. breeze that kept us from passing out I’ve only done just what I really had to, aired bed cloths took care of beds & birds & looked after the meals & made hot drink for Elbert between meals so he’d keep sweating & rest a little he watered the cabbages & tomatoes & paret of them & part of the potaotes got cooked & a cold rain we had sometime ago & hot sun cooked the quince bush & fruit on it & about half or more of the apples have fell off. it sure is hot & been quite hot nights. Elbert’s got his bath & gone to bed, & I’m going to mine as soon as I read & bath I thank God for all our many many blessings & pray He will help the others to hear His voice & come to Him before it forever to late. I Praise God in Jesus Name all the Glory & Power belongest to Him
Sat. July. 2. 1949./ 9-H- 33. P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & spent all the money on the last eggs he sold & brought home $3.83, he got a little food & a screen for his S. window. & made a new frame & put it on & got it in so he can have a little more air tonight & it is sure hot, but I thank God for all our many blessings & I trusting Him for this healing I so much in need of, I love Thee Jesus and I feel sure Thou Will help me & Keep me safe to the end.
Sun. July. 3. 1949./ page. 2369./ 7-H- 23.P. eggs today/ Been a hot day, hot sun, no rain & just a little breeze N.E. it was S. yesterday morning but went back N.E. & went S.E. for 2. or .3 hrs. & then back N.E. again Systern most dry & well is getting that way. We have had black raspberrys twice or 3 times now some of them are rather seedy it so hot & dry. I didn’t get to church but hope I can before very long. Elbert’s watered cabbages & tomatoes, but with water getting low it looks discouraging. Radio said why it was scorching hot here it was only 41 degrees in Montana Jesus said, when we see all these things coming to pass to know the end was neigh even at the door, Oh, Why Wont people try to understand I feel so sorry, they don’t even seem interested. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Holy Name, He loves & cares for us.
Mon. July.4. 1949./ 7-H- 29.P. eggs. today./ Still scorching hot we only did what we had to do I wrote a letter for a re-newal card, for relief & a letter to Mr & Mrs. Hough in Sandusky Ohio & a card to Mrs. Nellie McCarthy & I got my check Sat. & my tax blank today, so I had Elbert cash my check & get money order for 6.87 & send it in for my taxes, I have to put a stamped self addressed envelope the blank into envelope addressed to Erie. C. treasurer’s Office Sandusky Ohio & Elbert put the money order in & sealed & mailed it & others.I wrote Mon.
Tue. July.5. 1949./ He paid 10.00 out of my check on the coal bill, also & I have to turn in 7.00 to church for last month & this, so there goes 23.87 24.02 & tax on money order 15 cents & I dont know yet how much he used for meat & food. people were killed one way or another this week end, they had a wind storm in New York Mon. & said it was much worse than was thought, yesterday. We have had a cool N.E. breeze so we made out fairly well. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessings & for my healings It’s clouded up tonight & is cooler. & Elbert looks washed out & don’t feel very good today it’s a hot drive to Vermilion & then run around doing erands.
Wed. July.6. 1949./ 6-H. 27. Pullet eggs today./ Mon & Tue. are sort of wrote together, I didn’t do my writing as I usually do. I wrote Tue. July 5 & set the eggs down halfway between Mon & Today. It was terribly hot all morning & then clouded up after dinner & 3-p-m thundered & lightened & rained, Praise God, for we every thing sure needed it & they got lots of it in some places the radio said, Well it’s still cloudy & radio said more rain tomorrow after noon & evening that will help crops in all the places that get it, they say crops are burnt up all over the world & one Island got a hot wave of air 159 degrees & 200 people were stricken
Wed. July. 6. 1949./ page. 2370./ 6.H. 27. P. eggs this day/ Jesus is coming soon if only the people would understand and live for Jesus, the Spirit & not for the flesh & the world Oh God give me power to do what ever Thou would have me to do. Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I love Thee. Elbert has felt bad all day complained of his head now for 2 or 3 days & today his bowels are hurting him so bad. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for saving my soul & renewing my stregth & I’m trusting & believing for this healing, Oh God this healing will be a big testimony for Thee, and I am thanking Thee & standing on Thy promises, Glory to God. It’s cooler since the rain, I washed all the dishes & stove, & every thing seems more happy & refreshed out doors Wish it would rain all night a slow rain.
Thurs. July. 7. 1949./ 7. H. 25 Pulletts eggs today/ Well, it been a beautiful day Elbert went to Lorain with eggs, sold some for 75 cents per. doz. & the rest for 65 cents & he broke several, box split open & they went places he took in 12.20 & feed was 12.64 mash for baby chicks 4.25 mash for hens 4.09 & grain was 3.75 for hens & wheat was 55 cents for Pk,[?parakeet] food was 5.85 & so I gave Elbert 2.84 out of my check. he, really bought a shirt & some socks & the man that was trying to sell the lots said he’d be going to look at them this week, & Frank & Armond were here to night & Frank said, he would bring the money out & pay for the lots Elbert says he’ll sell to the one Who brings the money first, Oh, such is the world. Well, I did another washing today my change of clothes & Elbert’s & his sleepers & the table cloth & my dress & that old quilt I had over the lounge, but I didn’t get only one blankt & I’ll have some more & the big chair cover. then I wipe up some of the corners in Kitchen so I wont have quite so many to clean tomorrow. I thank God in Jesus Name for my blessings & pray I may be found worthy. I got my tax receipt back from Sandusky all so.
Fri. July. 8. 1949./ 2 H- 29-P. eggs today/ Well, I ment to have swept & wiped up the floors but I felt so bum I sat & mended & darned socks I got dinner & supper & done up the dishes. Elbert had cramps in his legs & at 12 I gave him an anacin & at one & at 2 a-m I rubbed his legs & feet with alechol & covered them up & they’d get easy then he’d uncovr & well, I can’t seem to stand that sort of work any more he don’t look a bit well. It’s been cool breeze partly cloudy. It was in Porugal where they
Fri. July. 8. 1949./ page 2371./ 7-H- 29-P- egg this day/ they had the heat wave that was 159 degrees & now they have had had a cold wave with a terrible hail storm. it was 97 degrees in Kitchen today, & the sign of the times are drawing in a little closer, Oh God of Love and Mercy, help us to be worthy, Amen
Sat. July.9. 1949./ 7-H- 31. P. eggs today/ Well I have swept & wiped up the floors & got dinner & supper & done up dishes & I cleaned up 12 or 15 flower pots & cleaned slop pail & now & have to iron my dress & I’m to tired, but there is no one to lend a helping hand, so, guess I’ll have to do it Frank & Armond came in on the drive, sit a little & then went south in there car, it has rained several hard showers & they waited untill this last one eased up & then went. Elbert ask them to come in, but they said, no, Armond said his old waman would through the table out if he didn’t get home soon. I Praise God for all things great or small in Jesus Name. It’s lots cooler tonight. No word from the girls all week. Frank Bonney & Armond came after Elbert had gone to bed & gave him a wood chuck so he dressed & went down to the basement & is now dressing it. Elbert’s head has been feeling terrible bad for several days & tonight he said it felt so bad. I’ve tried to get him to cultivate mornings & evenings, but, he go out in the heat of the day & come in all faged out he did just that today. I’m so sorry. Well, he’s got the chuck dressed an in salt water & it’s now quarter to 11-p-m. he’s washed & going back to bed.
Sun. July 10. 1949./ 6-H- 29. Pullets eggs today./ Well it been a beautiful day & I didn’t get out to Church, Sister Clark & Sister Sprunk came over after dinnr & had supper with us. I gave Miss Clark $10.00 I owed for last month & this at Church, to turn in for me. They prayed for me & said they had been praying at Church for me & I am greatful to them & pray Jesus will give to them as He sees they need, I thank God for all His many blessings & pray He will reveal my faults to me & then help me to do His will in Jesus Holy Name. Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus & Love Thee & I want to be all Thine forever & ever Amen. I gave the girls doz. eggs each & a jar of strawberry jam. & they picked up a few apricots, I hope
Sun. July. 10. 1949./ page. 2372./ 6. H. 29. P. . eggs this day/ they got some good ones for they are quite wormy this year. Elbert took them up to the buss. they would get back to Vermilion & home in time to go to Church this evening. I pray God will bring in more & help the Minister to get in more, for the girls say it’s only the same few that continue to come & that they miss me a lot. I do wish so much that Rev. Coon would come & that I might talk to Him & have Him pray for me, He lives so Close to the Lord He gets What he asks for, Glory to God from Whom all blessing flow, Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him all yea Heavenly Hosts Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. Sun set white tonight & it’s cool N. E. wind & getting quite fresh at 10-p-m.
Mon. July. 11. 1949./ 7. H. 29. P. eggs today./ Well, I did most of the washing & I did most of it as usual on an empty stomach & I felt to dead to do what I usually do each day, but, I kept at it & got it done with Elbert’s help, he went to the fish house in Huron, but, the were unloaded when he got there, so he bought a bag of onions and a can of Crisco & came home, I had the washing started had some of them ready to suds & wrinse, but no water, so I kept rubbing & thought I’d get most of them done so when he came he’d get the water & I could finish since he couldn’t get any fish, he wasn’t gone very long. We ate a bite & had cup of tea & I finished all except his B.’V.’d’s. & work shirt & he did them, then I took down the dry pieces & hung up the wet ones & then he went to Vermilion, he paid his bill at Sandard Oil station & got boiling meat, 3. pieces pork shoulder & a loaf cracked wheat bread & came home again, I had cabbage most done & water hot for tea & I fried pork & warmed the potatoes & we had supper I straightened up bedrooms made beds shut the windows “for tempture has gone down to 56” & then washed dishes & took care of the birds, now I’ll read & then go to bed, Elbert to. I’m to tired, but thank & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Name, He gave me strength to get it all done & I Praise Him He is & always will be, that He chose me & saved my soul & has taught me to love Him that He takes care of me & Keeps me & reveals things unto me, I thank My Heavenly Father, the Son & Holy Ghost for all things Amen.
Tue. July. 12. 1949./ page. 2373./ 7. H. 24. P. eggs today/ Well, I put the parafin on the straw-berry jam cleaned half the bottom of the cupboard & then put things back & put the Jam away. I cooked the goose-berries & got them put through the sieve & did dishes & swept the floor & made beds & I’m as tired as if I’d have done a washing, Elbert don’t feel very well today either. It’s lots cooler & it was so cold before morning, I had to put another blanket on to get my feet warm & we had a very heavy White dew & it looks as if we’d have the same tonight for its real cool & not dark yet. Seemed as if I couldn’t work today I’m so tired & weary, but, I do thank & Praise God in Jesus Name, I Praise Thee Jesus & Love Thee & I’m trusting in Thee & believing and standing on your promises, I pray Thou will forgive what ever I’ve done wrong & teach me Thy Will & Thy Ways. Amen.
Wed. July 13. 1949./ 7. H. 29. Pullets eggs today./ Well, today I made the goose berry Jam & cook the current & what few apricots we could get off the tree & I got a pk of apples & made some apple sauce, I put the parafin on the Jam, so it’s ready to be put away, then I did my daily round Jacky hurt his leg or foot & can hardly get about I greesed it & pray it will be bwetter tomorrow he did it several days a-go & it got better, but this morning it was bad again. No word from the girls today, I wonder what can be wrong. Well. I have the dished done & Elbert Killed & dressed two hens “or pullets” rather & he’s got them all ready to cook We are going to grind part of it & made meat balls for a change. I’m so tired of chicken, We have to have it so often, & by & by we may be wishing we could have some. I use to said I stated to see bacon & pork coming, but there has been a lot of times I wished for a piece of good bacon & once in a while for a piece of fresh or salt pork & now it seems ages since we had bacon I believe it’s been at least 2. yrs. but, we have had a little fresh pork & once or twice had salt pork. I thank & Praise My Father in Heaven for all my many blessings for saving my soul & revealing things to me & helping me to do things, I’ve had a lot of sick spells but He takes me by the hand & lifts me up & helps me get started again, Praise HIs Name & sall the Glory, Power & Honor Truly belongest to Him I love Him because He is truth & pure in every respect more to be desired than anything in this world He is such a Marvelous & Wonderful Saviour & Physican Glory Glory to God in the Highest I love & Praise Thee Jesus & pray Thou will help me to live Thy ways, not mine. It’s been quite warm today 90 some in the kitchen & the breeze North east & tomorrow Elbert goes with the eggs & Sister Sprunk said she’d be coming back with him.
Thurs. July. 14. 1949./ page. 2374./ 8. H. 26. P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert went & sold the eggs & spent all of the 13.65 but $1.94 for food, I hope the mash & hold out untill next Thurs. I got up & dressed & mended my old corset & put my under skirt on & did the ironing then patched my dress & put the clothes in to soak While & shook up the beds & opened the windows, then washed out the few clothes I had & starched my dress & hung them out & then I had put the chicken to cook soon as I got up, so I then made the biscuits just as Elbert Sister Clark & Sprunk came in & put them the oven. They said they had there dinner but Elbert put the dishes on & they ate biscuits chicken & gravy & we had hot tea, then they washed the dishes & pealed apples & sliced them & made apple pie, raspbrery pie, & current pie Mrs. Sprunk made the pies & they were sure good. We had chicken balls fried & stewed like I always fix them with chicken gravey biscuits & pie for supper. they brought sugar & Crisco & even flour to make pie, well, Elbert got came in with a big smile & he had 4 nice cucumbers so we chopped some for supper, they wre just swell, so sweet & tender. The girls had a good time & enjoyed thre supper, I gave them apples to take home & pie, apple & raspberry. Well, I’m tired & so is Elbert & he’s gone to bed & I must go, he cought one rat in the trap, but there are more. Well guess the girls are angry with me for some unknown reason, I haven’t heard a word from any of them. I do thank & praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Dear & Blessed Holy Name & for each of HIs Children & all He does for each of us, He is truly wonderful to me, Amen.
Fri. July 15. 1949./ 7-H- 28- P-eggs today./ Oh, Well, I was so tired I only did my daily round & I slept & laid & rested untill noon. then it seemed as if I couldn’t get started. I wonder how Mrs. Sprunk & MIss Clark are today. they neither one looked as if they felt very well Elbert took them clear home last night. We didn’t get any word from the girls since they were here last, I’m hoping they are well as usual & that they will find time to at least write me a card. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name, He loves & cares for us & pray He will strengthen each of us, soul & body & help us to know what it means to live like Jesus & to be like Him, to live for for the Spirit & not for the flesh We read Gods word Oh Why dont we think & try to understand when He has told us so very, very plain.
Sat. July. 16. 1949./ page. 2375./ 7-H -28. P. eggs today./ And July is half gone. I got up at 10-a-m & did out the dirty clothes looked after the daily grind and felt to bum to iron so I didn’t, it’s been partly cloudy with N.E. breeze all day, F. & Armond came out hunting, it’s 9-30-p-m, now by the clock & the boys have just come back & it isn’t dark yet. I thank & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for the strength He has given me today. I would like to do more for Him, He’s so good to me. Glory to God, I Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Amen. they gave Elbert a wood chuck.
Sun. July 17. 1949./ 7-H- 30 P. eggs today./ Not a soul came in today, I hope we get a card or some word to kknow they are all right it’s one [?] weeks since they were here, I hope no one is sick and that they are all O.K. maybe they have been to busy to bother with us. The Preacher says he’s to busy to come out here, but, they could fly off to Canada to a young folks meeting that’s going wome where, Well, it’s O.K. by me as they say. I hope they get settled by & by so they can work for the Lord. I thank & praise Him, that He cares for us & keeps us and pray He will take care of each one as He sees they need & that He will teach us His ways Amen.
Mon. July. 18. 1949./ 7-H- 34.P. eggs today/ Elbert went to fish house, but no fish I did my ironing & started the dinner just as he pulled in. It’s been quite warm today, just a little breeze was S.E. then S. then S.W., &, N.|E, & SW, tonight. Sun set golden yellow tonight but last night & night before it was white white as ice. I thank Thee Jesus for answering my prayer, I heard from Nellie today it wasn’t much, but I feel better. she said, Dear folks received your letter, ment to write sooner, E.J. left Wed. July 13th. with Mr. & Mrs Gannet, She will go with them aways & then by bus, They were going to Arkansas. Bonney Bell had a new baby girl yesterday morning “July. 15” Hope you folks are O.K. The cooler weather is surely good, will try to write sooner, Love. Nellie. Well, I guess she’s been terribly worried about Bonney Bell, as she isn’t very strong any way, & some how they have lots of confusion there at Nellie’s & she needs rest & pleasentry about her. I’m so sorry, but hope I’m in no way to blame for any thing, I tried to teach & help her, but, when they marry & go, it’s hard to help them sometimes, they go there own way just as I did 3. times, Well Praise God in Jesus Name He picked
Mon. July. 18. 1949./ page. 2376./ -7-H – 34 P. eggs this day./ up & started me over on the right path & now I’m trying to stay on it and do His will to the best of my ability, Oh Praise the Lord Glory, Glory Glory Hallelejah. Amen. I haven’t done much to day just mended a little & did my usual round, I baked a two layer cake put apricot filling between the layers & little frosting on the top, it was good & we have eat half of it. & we are out of money & not much to eat & 2 weeks before pay day & they haven’t sent my renewal card. I pray God will help me to the 35.00 & to get the old age pension, so I wont have to go with out like we did once before. May God help us, for that was terrible.
Tue. July. 19. 1949./ 7-H- 28 Pullets eggs today/ 1 broken/ Well, I did the washi8ng & 2 blankets & Elbert did the cooking & Wyn & Virgina & her daughter Joyce came in for a few minutes, they told me Bonita got a divorce. So maybe that was why Nellie has felt so worried of late, for she didn’t want her to get it. She said when she was here last with Ella Jane & Audrey that she thought I ought to sell the place & go the old peoples home “she ment the Methodist home” but why should she want me to go there? I’d like to Know, Wonder what she has in her mind anyway I’ve never been anything but good to her & her family and I wouldn’t do a trick like that by Elbert either. Well, I wrote a card to Audrey one to Nellie & letter to Nora & I’ll have to finish tomorrow, God willing, it tried to rain but thus far hasnt made out, it’s been so warm 90 degrees here in the Kitchen, but a good N.E. breeze untill sun down & it dried all out & left it quite warm. I thank Gkod in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for the strength he has given me today.
WEd. July. 20. 1949./ 8-H -26- P. eggs today/ 1 broken one./ Well, I ought to have wrote cards today but it’s been so hot & I didn’t feel so good done to much washing & my stomach gets so tired it’s so weak. it just wont relax untill [?]ing & then I’m tired & bum all day, Elbert’s felt bum & he’s been in the house a lot, today & I can’t write anymore. there’s any one to bother me, so the writing didn’t gt done, I’ll try to write a note to Mrs. Gall & to Mrs. Sprunk & Miss. Clark but that will be all I’ll gte done tonight. I thank & Praise God for the strength He gives
Wed. July. 20. 1949./ page. 2377./ 7-H- 24-Pullets eggs/ one broken./ me daily, I thank & praise Him for all things great and small in Jesus Name Glory to God, I love & Praise Thee Jesus. It’s been partly cloudy, little breeze from all quarters at different times & is S.West mostly S. tonight & cool the sun set white. Elbert climbed up & tied some vines cliped some old flower stalks so if the wind does blow 25 per. hr tonight they wont whip the windows. Radio said, Typhone was headed for the Formosa Islands & that is Where Chung Kycheck ” the once Ruler of China,” is now living with some of his men. his wife was here, I donknow if she is yet or not.
Thurs. July. 21. 1949./ 8-H- 26-Pullets eggs today/ I am giving Elbert the 10.00 I saved once more for my shoes, to get a five dollor money order for a box of cards, I have 2. orders. I do hope I can get a few orders it really pays, if only I could work. I’ve been so upset because I just can’t sit in peace & write, it’s first one thing and then another all day & so far this evening & its 10-45-p-m.
Fri. July 22 21. 1949./ 8-H- 28. P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain sold 5. doz for 75 cents per doz eggs & 16. doz. in Vermilion on the Lake for 70 cents per. doz., he took in $14.95 then he paid 4.55 for chick mash, 1.00 for wheat “1/2 bu.” & 45 cents for rolled oats. then he paid $4.09 for hens mash & $3.75 for hens grain a total of 13.84 for hens & chicks. he had $1.11 left & paid 50 cents for gas & that left him 61 cents he brought home, I gave him a 10.00 bill & a 25 cent piece & he got a postal order for $5.05 & put it in my letter & brought back the change $5.10, so that was O.K., he run in debt for a piece of ham, a piece of shank meat & some pork steak, 5.__ so that’s another bill for next time & we are out of potatoes, we will have our own pretty soon. He took the clock to get it repaired, H left it in Vermilion He had a visit with Harry Day, Sr. Mrs. Day doesn’t come to Church any more, or the children, he has a bad heart & Otto is living with them & he is in same condition, he drive a car & take Mrs. Day here & there & paid for tickets for Harry to go to Finley his old home town & he went to his mothers grave & then he said he went to Toledo & felt to tired to go on & came back home, it was after 1-p-m, it must be 2 or later when Elbert got home I fixed dinner & then I patched 2, shirts for Elbert & got supper & did the dishes & then tonight we watched a light circuling the sky from the ground, it shot a streak of light & broadened
Fri. July. 21. 1949./ page. 2378./ 8-H- 28-P-eggs today./ out making it look like a cat tail flag of light. We dont know what it’s for. I’m as tired as if I’d worked hard today, my stomach is to tired, but Praise God He will rest it & strengthen it, Glory to God in Jesus Name, I know He’s able, Amen. It’s been partly cloudy with a hot sun today.
Sat. July. 23. 1949./ 7-H- 29- P. eggs today/ Well, I’m tired most to death to-night I only looked after bed & birds & cooking & dishes & patched a pr. of work pants & darned 2 prs. socks & pack a 6 gal crock of cucumbers & walked out to the back park fence. I thank & praise God for all our Many blessin in Jesus Name. It’s been cooler today, but plenty hot at that.
Sun. July. 24. 1949./ 7-H- 26 P. eggs today./Audrey’s birthday she is 57 yrs. old and no word from her yet. I can’t help wondering. Nellie sent another post card said Nelson has been having measles & it just over them & it’s quite a releif to them all, said Ella Jane got back to Albuequerque on July 17th. she said a young girl from her ‘Nellie’s” neighbor hood went with Ella Jane & then the girl went on to Arizona her parents or Missionarys on an Indian reservation, her grandma was glad to send her with Ella Jane so she could go visit her parents & not travel alone, she only had 7 hr ride from Albuquerque. she finished With Love Nellie & all. Well I did not write as I usually do each night I didn’t do anything only read the Word “God’s Word” an wonder and ponder & pray & I’m still praying He will help in to worship Him in Spirit & in truth Amen.
Mon. July. 25. 1949./ 9-H-29. P. eggs today./ I received Nellie’s card but wrote content on Sunday’s writing, getting forgetful at 64. Martha says it a great world if you don’t weaken and I know there’s lots more in those few words than she has ever figured out. Well I did the wash & 2 blankets 112 degrees heat today sun is really scorching hot clothes just bake dry. Elbert don’t feel very well, head feels bum, to hot; he has carried the water cut some weed & brush for a sign is in the heat today[?] & tomorrow, he dug a few of our po-tatoes & they are small, not enough water to give them size he fixed part the dinner & he cooked the supper & it’s just terribly hot. I thank God in Jesus Name for my healing & the strength He gives me.
Tue. July. 26. 1949./ 7-H-28-P. eggs today/ I haven’t done only the daily grind & aired the bedding & riped off the end ends off two blankets trimed them & restitched them & mended my old wash dress & it’s been to hot today. It rained a nice shower this after noon & so cooled the breeze some S. West breeze & nice
Tue. July. 26. 1949/ page. 2379./ 7-H- 28-P. eggs this day./ I received U.S. Postal from Mrs. Goll today & she called me dear sister & said Epplers were back from California & Mrs Eppler was going to do the preaching Sun. she said she wouldnt get any plants or trees, for they wre selling next June, She also said there were only 5 or 6 that came to Church & the Smith Children Oh God help more to want to come to Church I pray I’ll soon be able to go back & I thank Thee for our many blessing Amen.
Wed. July. 27. 1949./ 7-H-24 Pullets eggs today/ Frank Bonney’s birthday he’s 59 yrs. old today./ Oh I tried to fix my slip so I can wear it got it basted God Willing I finish tomorrow. It’s been hot but thanks to God in Jesus Blessed Name we’ve had a good south W breeze and I haven’t done much of anything I Praise God for all our many many blessing in Jesus Holy Name, Amen, It’s been partly Cloudy Well, No word what so ever from Audrey.
Thurs. July 28. 1949. /8-H-25- Pullets egg’s today./ Elbert went to Vermilion on the Lake & sold 15 1/2 doz of eggs for 70 cents per. doz. & he bought two sack of grit one for the hens & one for baby chicks 100 lbs each 1.10 each, he got 25. lbs. house salt 60 cents & box of epsom salts for hens 45 cents & one box oats for chicks 45 cents he paid light bill 75 cents & for the clock repair 1.50, he got 2 boxes tea 56 cents & 25 cents for rat biscuits & 1.22 for meat & 3.38 for food for us it all added up to $10.91 & he took in 10.85, he owes 5 cents to one woman that gave him 10.90, it came with in 1. cents of what he spent. he didn’t seem quit as tired out as he did last week, & it was a hot day, little over 100 degrees in house at noon. I had dinner as near ready as I could when he came. I received a nice letter from Audrey today she told me about her work how hot it was sewing & she ordered an aluminum pan with a cover 8. qt. size & said Nellie went to the show with her one night & that Geo. Eddy (Bonita’s husband) was runing around with a Jap girl in Elyria & that Bonita got around some, also, she said she put my watch in Jewerly shop & that she was having another vacation next mo. & would be out to see us if she had to use shanks horses to get here, she sent us 10.00 & she gives to
Thurs. July. 28. 1949./ page. 2380./ 8-H. 25-Pullets eggs this day./ Nellie also & to Martha’s family & finds herself broke quite often. I know how that is, for I’ve been through that, she has an insurance to take care of her, if, & when she needs it, Wish I had done that to, I was told often enough about it but it took so much to help this one & that one, that, I let it slip & now it’s me that slips. She said she thought I’d be better off in the old peoples home where I’d have my washing, sewing & meals & I wouldn’t have anything to do, thats in the Methodist home in Elyria Ohio. But, I can’t do that. We work as long as we can & take care of ourselves. I’d rather take care of some one else, or help some one. I thank My God in Jesus Name for my healing & the strength He gives me from day to day & Praise His Holy Name.
Fri. July. 29. 1949./ 8-H-24. Pullets eggs today./ Elbert dug 40. ft. row of potatoes & only got a pk it’s been to dry for potatoes or anything else, but we did get a shower today about 4.-30.-p.-m. he’s took care of chicken & hens & carried water & this evening we had to patch or bind up the little apricot tree “in front of the hen house” the wind blew so hard it broke one of the best limbs & it hung down with top on the ground, so I held it in place & Elbert put pitch over out side of crack then he held it while I bandaged it & tied it, then he pitched it all over the bandage, it’s a nice shaped tree & was just growing fine, I pray God will heal it & make it more stronger than before & I thank Him in Jesus Name. Well, I’m to tired I washed all my dirty clothes & all of Elbert’s & took care of beds & rooms & cooked & washed dishes. Elbert killed 2 small hens & cut up the breasts & thighs & ground them & I made meat balls for supper, I made biscuits & 1. apple pie & a big pint of apple sauce & now I’m so tired and my bowels didn’t move today, makes me feel sick. I have to write to Audrey & read & take a bath & go to bed Elbert has taken his bath & is in bed, it’s a little cooler tonight, rain came from the N.W. in big drops, I thought it was hail at first, glad it wasn’t. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus, Blessed, Holy, Jesus. Amen.
Sat. July. 30. 1949./ 7.-H.-25.Pullet eggs. / I only did my daily round, except I ironed what few pieces there were to be ironed. Elbert went to Vermilion at 9-a-m. for greens for the hens & chicks & I sent Mrs. Sprunk & Miss Clark a few apples & cucumbers. I got the ironing done & dinner ready to cook by the time he came back it started to rain a fine misty rain soon after he left & was pouring when he got back, I had him drive up close to the door so he could get in without getting wet. aftr it eased up he put the
Sat. July 30. 1949./ page. 2381./ 7. H. 25. Pullet eggs this day/ car away, & took care of hens & chicks. Frank & Armond came 4-30 p-m. to go hunting, it sprinkled & then rained hard before they got back, wasn’t raining when they came back & they didn’t get a chuck, Frank brought us a lb or so of onions & we gave him a bag of cucumpers 8 or so. It’s real cloudy tonight & lots cooler we even had a little fire to take chill & dampness out of the house. I thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name. I love Jesus & All Praise belongeth to Him.
Sun. July. 31. 1949./ 4-H-20. Pullets eggs today./ Well, it’s been a fine day, but I didn’t feel equal to going to Church, so listened to the sermons on the Radio & Prayed & I do Hope I can get back soon, in Jesus Name I pray I can, Amen. Partly cloud cool all day N.W. & N.E. breeze all day & it’s quite cool tonight I had to cover birds little warmer last night & I think it will be just as cool tonight or before Morning. No one here all day & it’s a long day when I can’t get out to Church.
Mon. Aug. 1. 1949./ 8-H.-22.-Pullets egg today/ Well, I was out to the garden & picked up a 1/2 bu. of nice apples from the little tree we took up & transplanted, that came up by the well, it had a lot of apples on it before we move it & it got a limb broke out the center after it had started to grow & set it back, but now it had 1/2 bu. of nice big apples with red strips on them I don’t know what kiind it is they cook good & are ripe the last of July. I made 3 apple pies today I made a squarwe 2 layer cake & put strawberry jam between the layers & a little coating of sugar frosting over the top tasts good that way. I’m so tired though tonight, we run out of lmoney & out of eats so used what I have to make filling for 4 more days. No. mail today. I thank & praise God for all our blessing in Jesus Name, All the Power, Honor & Glory belong to Him.
Tue. Aug. 2. 1949./ 9-H- 17 Pullets eggs today./ Well, Elbert got up & washed out 3 prs. work pants & then I wash the general washing & got it all dry it spit with rain several times but I got em dry Praise God, winds was S. this morning, then went N.E. & breeze was cool partly cloud & not so hot today as it has been. We Received a card from Nellie, she said every one was O.K. & that Johny brought tomatoes, corn, & cucumbers to can, they have caned beans he brought before. she wrote the card Mon. & said Johny would be back today, on Tue. Aug. 2. She said the family reunion would be Aug. 14 & hoped we’d be able to be there, they make God’s day of rest a picnic day, I’ll not be there. I thank & praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name.
Wed. Aug. 3. 1949./ 7-H- 24-P. eggs today/ Well, I put the night clothes & pillows out to air when I got up & put the water on to heat for bread & opened up the windows & doors. then set the bread & mixed it into a hard loaf did severel other odd Jobs & then got the potatoes on to cook. Elbert went to Huron in hopes he’d get some fish, but no fish so we ate potatoes & the.
Wed. Aug. 3. 1949./ page. 2382./ 7-H -24-P. eggs today./ garlic saucage left from yesterday & I cleared up dishes & was about to sweep up & the coal man came from Shinrock, asking for our trade for coal, but I have it in & have paid some on it & I haven’t heard a word about my releif check yet I’m trusting God will help me through, in Jesus Name. Well while I was talking to the coal man Miss Clark came in, with some friends they let her out & they went to Ruggles beach to go swiming & came for her at 4 o’clock she was here about an hour I made her a cup of tea & gave her a piece of pie & a piece of cake & then I sat down & made a tin of bread biscuits & 2 nice loaves of bread & while it was raising we talked about the meetings they are having a Buelah Beach I’d like to went to them to, maybe I’ll get over tomorrow night, she says no one goes to Sunday School & Church any more but her & Mrs. Sprunk & that they are going to Buelah Beach tomorrow night, she said she ask him & his wife to go, but he said he was Four Square. God don’t tell us the Four Square Church is the Church & Paul gave the Christians quite a talk on that subject (in the book of Romans in the Bible) It’s so queer, the different opinions, Jesus said, follow me He’s is the example we are to coppy, and He didn’t say we should be a Catalic or any other church by name He said to follow Him, He is our example, He said man never touched a woman & blessed is the man who can Keep his virgin & when we are washed we should put away the lusts of the flesh, for the lust of the flesh wareth with the Spirit, We are to Worship God in Spirit & be Holy Oh God help us to understand & live Thy ways, in Jesus Name I ask, Amen. We gave Miss Clark a few apples & cucumbers to take back home, she’s going to the meeting & then ride back home with those people she came here, with, She said Tom Eppler has sold his house & she’s worried about her things she has stored there. I gave her $5.00 for this month’s (Aug.) & missionary & Sun School, she said she’d give it to Dorthy West, she keeps the books for the church. Well it’s been a fine day partly cloudy & it tried to rain once, bed clothes smelt nice & fresh when I brought them in. N.E. breeze & fresh I Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for my blessings.
Thurs. Aug. 4. 1949./ page. 2383./ 5-H-22.P. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t do much today swept both bedrooms & Kitched & Elbert went to Lorain with eggs, he sold 5 doz. for 75 cents per. doz. & 10. doz. he sold at Vermilion on the Lake at 70 cents per. doz. & he owed 5 cents to one woman so he only got 65 cnts from her, he came back to Vermilion & bought grain & mash 7.84 for hens & 1/2 bu. wheat for chicks 95 cents, 1.00 for gas & bal. for 1 lb. butter, a can of milk & a little piece of meat to boil & he had 21 cents so he got that in one little slice of liver (black liver) so all I had was potatoe & bread & butter & I was so hungry I cried, he could have got a little meat to fry on the bill he owes, but his money is half spent he feels, because he got that ham & it was more bone & fat than meat, he owes $6.26 for it & he only gets 25.20, he seems to depend on mine I get 35.00 but 10.00 goes on the coal bill & I have a tenth for church & take out 10. for some shoes & clothes, so I don’t have much left for food either & hens are starting to mold so eggs are getting fewer only 16. doz. this morning & there has been 21 & 22. doz. I don’t see how we can live this month, but, perhaps & maybe we’ll have to just exist untill I get my shoes & corsets. & I’ve got to sell what card I have & get the money out of them so I can have that to use, I’m not strong enough to go out to sell or take orders. I think I have 8 or 9 boxes to sell. Well, I have two letters to write in the morning. It’s been a very nice day partly cloudy & not to hot, I aired bed clothes & pillows & I ought to try to wash tomorrow but I don’t know what I’ll do, Elbert’s got to have the brakes fixed on his car he can’t stop it’s rather frightening. Frank & Armond came Chuck hunting & got 1. chuck & gave that to Elbert, he likes them. Elbert was so, tired & then he had to dress it & put it in salt water, it’s hard for Elbert to tramp around & sell eggs for he isn’t well. & I just couldn’t do it any more I have the ambition, but not the strength or health to do it. I’m feeling lot’s better than I did a few weeks ago, but, still if I’d have to go with out eating for a few days I’d be all in again for I haven’t felt a bit good today & I’ve felt so hungry. There is a big gang working up on the railroad & they yell & hoop & hollor & hong the car horns, a doz or 15 private sedans come with all that can get in & then a big cattle truck packed full of men they are mostly colored me. so I didn’t get much rest after Elbert left at 8.a-m. & dressed& done ods & ends & swept & put two letters in mail box the post-man had left by mistake & I watched so to get the mail, for there are so many going & coming & once in awhile they look in the box & we were looking for our check & they came today. Praise God in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
Fri. Aug. 5. 1949./ page.2384./ 7-H -19-P. eggs today./ Elbert went west on the highway to a garage half way or less to Huron to get his brakes fixed & fond it closed & been sold. so he come back home & decided to go to Vermilion he went & had to leave his car & have new brake linings jput in, they said it would cost 17.00, they brought him home with what food he had bought. he cashed myt check & his & paid his meat bill 7.00 & spent 2.00 & some odd cents of mine, he don’t feel very well and looks bad at times, he said he felt tired out tonight. I have only done what I had to do today, for, I to, feel tired out. I ironed this morning & did odds & ends all day. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for His love and care. It’s been a fine day partly cloudy hot sun N.E. breeze, not much breeze. Elbert put weed killer all the way around outside of hen park a strip about 4 ft wide, that was hard work it was liquid & he used & old broom to put it on.
Sat. Aug. 6. 1949./ 6-H- 17-Pullest eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & stayed untill after 4-p-m, he left 8-30-am. So, I did this that & the other thing to keep busy he took my shoe down to the repair shop to get a wage on the “left’out side” shoe, my foot seems to roll out bone are down so bad in the ball of my foot and was spoiling my shoe & hurting my ankle so bad to walk on it, so, they told him he could get it at 6-p-m, he got a piece of steak & came home I had everything read to cook when he came. Frank & Armond came before Elbert got here & ask if they could go down in the hollow in the back & pick black berries & I told them yes, it took them 2. hrs. to pick 7. qts. each, they each had an 8. qt. basket with papers in them, they have gone now to see about getting a wood chuck & haven’t got back yet and it’s 8-25-p-m, by the clock. Well I wont be going any where tomorrow with only one shoe. I pray God’s Blessing on the churchs & His people & pray I may be able to go back soon to Church & prayermeeting in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, & that He will help Ruby in all the ways she needs most. Amen. quite hot today with N.E. breeze which has been light all day. they have been burning old ties along the track & tonight smokes coming our way.
Sat. Aug. 6. 1949./ page 2385./ 6-H -17-P. eggs this day./ tonight, it’s so stiffling creasote & wood smoke. Well, Elbert went back to Vermilion with Frank & Armond to get my shoe & he thought he’d get a little something for Sun. but the stores were all closed except the repair shop & he was just getting ready when Elbert got there & Tommy had to finish my slipper after Elbert got there, I suppose the didn’t finish it when Elbert didn’t get back at 6-p-m, that was when he said it would be done. Seems the stores all close early on Sat. night now. Elbert got back 11.-20-p-m. I fried eggs & chuck & potatoes & we ate, I made cocoa & then Elbert went to bed, I feel so tired & terribly exhousted, sweating cold sweat. I was out to the garden & could hardly get back today. Well, I’m going to bed, to, now.
Sun. Aug. 7. 1949./ 6-H -24-P. eggs today/We had a light shower this afternoon & it’s cooler tonight been a nice day & we have been to home all day, and not a soul come near. I am a little stronger but get tuckered all out just walking out back & back to the house, We picked 1/2 bu. & a big pan full of peacher, guess I’ll can a few of them & some apples. We hope to go to the store in the morning. I pray God Will help us in Jesus Name and I thank and Praise Him for all we have & for His saving my soul & pray He will save Elbert and any of the rest that are not yet, His & teach us his ways in all things great or small, I thank Thee
Mon. Aug. 8. 1949./ 4-H-15-P. eggs today./ Elbert & I peeled peaches & I caned 7 1/2. qts & have over a qt of juice from the pearings for jelly. I have over a qt of apple juice also for jell. I fixed the sweet spiced vinegar & put it on the chunk pickles I’m tired tonight & we plan “God Willing” to go to Vermilion to the store & get in a supply of caned good to eat from We are out of most everything again. The moon is big & Yellow & it’s full tonight. What gets full every month, but never gets drunk? I have to bake again soon, bread is most gone. I got a letter from Mrs. Sharpe today, no new, just talkie talk. Well I thank & Praise God for all our blessing & wish I could do, more for Him in Jesus Blessed Name. Glory, Glory Hallelujah I love Thee Jesus.
Tue. Aug. 9. 1949./ 6-H-20-P. eggs today/ Well we got up & went to town, on the way we stopped at Epplers as we see Tom in the yard, Elbert run way passed, but turned & went back, We had a little visit with Tom, he was toing to his fathers place with a trailer load of things, he’s sold his house & going to move, his wife & boy were still sleeping, they are coming out for a visit & maybe have dinner with us. We stopped & talked with Mrs. Sprunk for 5. or 10. minutes & got my pie tin & then Tom passed up & honked the horn & Elbert answered him, we went on to the milk, I paid 10.00 on the coal bill, I’ve paid 40.00 on it, still have 51.00 to pay. We went to
Tue. Aug. 9. 1949./ page. 2386./ 6.H-.20.P.eggs this day./ the Kroger store Elbert stopped in the rear & got a box of fresh trimings, for hen & then we went in & bought 20.08 cents worth of mostly canned goods, We did get a cabbage, carrots & bunch of celery & some meat to boil, 2 small pieces of pork shoulder to fry & a few 6 or 8 garlic saucages, we got 2 bales of straw at the mill. We picked up Miss Clark on her way to Toms house & let her out there, she looked all tired out & was carrying a bag that appeared to be heavy and a big hand bag she always carries, she has a few things at Tom’s house, she said Tom sold the house for twice what he paid for it. Well, it was a hot trip, I walk all around the store & checked my list & set down the prices, Elbert always tells the cashier We are buying out the store today We had four bags of mostly caned vegetables, I got sanwitch spread, swet pickles & a can of Olives, peas, beens, corn, meat, milk, tomatoes, Kraut & soup, then soap & Clorox, yes, I got noodles & speggetti & a little box of cheese. So now I’m broke & no shoe or clothes money this time, Elbert paid for the boiling meat & pork & he paid Baker 5.00 on the bill & think he said it was 21.00 & some odd cents. Oh God, I do thank Thee in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, Thou doeth take care of us, Spirit, Soul & body, Amen. To me Thou are more than wonderful, I do hope to be always Thine.
Wed. Aug. 10. 1949./ 5-H-16-P. eggs today./ Well I did the washing & the ironing, I had to have a dress for tomorrow & Elbert had to have a shirt so I only had 5 or 6. pieces so I ironed them, its been so hot today and each time I think how hot it is I wonder if will at just as cold days this winter. Elbert has felt the heat bad today and he plans on going to sell the eggs tomorrow. I hope he don’t get to hot. I thank & Praise My Heavenly father for His love & care More & More I realize how little we know & how little good we do for Him Who has done everything for us. I ought to write to Audrey, she’s been so kind to us, I pray God will bless her with the Knoledge she needs & all she needs to be His. I thank Thee Jesus, Glory to God, I Praise Thee.
Thurs. Aug. 11. 1949./ 5-H-20-P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion on the Lak & sold 14. doz. eggs 70 cents per.-doz. then he went to Vermilion & bought a 100 lb bag of growing mash $4.60 & 1. bu. wheat 1.95 & 39 cents for onions, 5 lbs. & he had to pay 10 cents for a growing “chick” mash bag, they are nice firm bags & we don’t get many of them, so I’m going to keep it for to make Elbert’s pajama’s of, I have 3 jor 4 now, he brought back 2.76, he took in 9.80. While he was gone I really slept, but I dreamed & was tired when I awoke & thought Elbert was here but he wasn’t, I had only got dressed when he did come & I hurried & got dinner ready by the time he changed clothes & took care of hens & chicks & unloaded car & put it in the shed, then it rained in several down pours & has rained in light showers since untill 9-p-m. I thank my Heaven-ly Father in Jesus Holy Blessed Name for all the many many blessings & pray He will keep us covered with the blood in Jesus Name, I Praise Thee & Love Thee Jesus, Amen.
Thurs. Aug. 12. 1949./ page. 2387./ 6.H. 20. P. eggs this day./ I have only done what I had to do today. The rain was wonderful & I know that everything was surely greatful outdoors to get a drink & get washed off, things have been so dry & the cystern getting that way & water so low in the well also. I truly thank God & I thank Him for Elbert & that He took him helped him sell all the eggs, do the shopping, get home & get everything cared for be-for the rain came down. Glory to God in Jesus Name forever
Fri. Aug. 13. 1949./ 5-H. 22. Pullets eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron to see about the pipe for the Cystern he got it & a nice mess of fish & got back in time to clean part of them for dinner, I thought I’d go back with him he had to take the box & coupling & have them sodered together, Well, I got myself already & then had such a strong feeling that I better not go, that I changed back to my evryday clothes & |Elbert went I went out & pick a pk or so of peaches & had them most all peeled when Nellie & Ethel came in so I set them aside washed our dinner dishes & made them hot tea & it was after 3-p-m. Elbert came at 4 & the girls decided they’d go on the 6-20- buss so I hurried around & cook potatoes, chopped cabbage & cucumbers for relish & I put the fish on to cook & made more tea We had some of the apple short cake left & used it for bread as I was just out, but they didn’t want potatoes or bread, but they ate a good helping & Ethel ate 3 fair sized pike & said they sure tasted good. They brought me some bacon & pears & Elbert & I had bacon & some crusts of bread at 10-p-m. he took them to the buss We gave Nellie a big hen to cook Elbert cut the head off & we put it in a bag. When he got back we picked a bu. of peaches & while I did the sup-per dishes he pulled weeds & then came in after talking to Frank Boney, Harvey & Armond, they had come just after the girls got here & went for woodchucks & got 3 & gave Elbert one, he dressed it & then helped me peel peaches & he tightens the can covers for me, We canned 18 qts. & 2 pints & I’m so tired. Elbert’s good he wipe the caning dishes & Kettle for me, I cleaned everything up ready for the boiling of the peelings & making the jelly. then we hope to can a few apples. My feet & legs are buzzing clear to my knees. I’m to tired. Elbert’s gone to bed, I have to clean my teeth yet. He got the Cystern fix good & says it pumps good & easy now Well I want to read some & clean my teeth & go to bed, I sure praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for the strength He give me. I wrote a few lines to Audrey & Elbert mailed it in Huron today
Sat. Aug. 13. 1949./ 5-H-20P. eggs today./ Well Frank & his boys said Ruby was sick in bed she had the Dr. over & the girls were staying with her while they were out here & they stressed the fact that she was really in bad condition, so, I let my work go & went to see & if was was so ill perhaps we might help, but when we got there she & her two girls had gone to town to shop for they are all going to the so call reunion or Sun. picnic, so even though she’s going, I’m glad she’s able to be up & I don’t
Sat. Aug. 13. 1949/ 2388/ 5-H. 20. P. eggs this day/ how ill she really is, but she looks as well as she has done as far as I can see. We I visited a little, with Evelyn & then with Howard Page & then Francis, his wife, Red & Evelyn have put a foundation under there house & have enlarged foundation so he can rebuild the house & make it a lot larger & have an up stairs or 2 story with sleeping rooms upstairs & Howard’s helping & Armond, so when Armond & Howard start there basements & houses, Red will help them. I hope it works out O.K. they are brothers-in law & should help each other, I went back & talked to Ruby a while Harvey & Olive were there she showed up her baby boy he’s a big fellow 4 mo’s, old & cutting teeth. Olive was in the hospital for a while after he was born & Francis Cora took care of him for a month or 2 just as if he was her own, then we went over to see Pearl, Lillie, Tessie & Elsie & her girl for a few minutes the on our way back home, we stopped in Vermilion & Elbert got two pieces of pork steak cut so thin it wouldn’t have made one good slice had it been all in one piece, I fried potatoes & chopped cucumbers & he bought a loaf of brown bread for supper & we had hot tea, after supper I made the beds & then I put the peach peeling on to cook & strained off the juice for jelly I have 4 or 5 qts now & will have to make it up before it sours. Well I’m tired & wish I were in bed, but have a few things yet to do such a wash the strainer & clean my teeth get my glass of water for night, wet wash rags & read my bible lesson & get ready for bed I thank & Praise God for His tender love & mercy to me & us, He took us & brought us back safly, Praise His Holy Name, Glory Hallelujah I Praise Thee Jesus. Amen.
Sun. Aug. 14. 1949./ 4-H-19.P. eggs today./ It’s been a nice cool, N.E. wind & quite strong this after noon sun’s warm & the mo. is most half gone No one came today & they had there family reunion today. Well, I don’t believe in Sunday picnic’s so I didn’t go. if it had been on a week day, I might have gone, but in all the noise & confusion you can’t visit & there don’t seem to be many that care about us when we get old, they laugh about our being old & say we ought to be stuck in a home for the aged, they dont want us around, I pray the Lord will help me in some way to always take care of ourselves as long as we live. He has so far & He said He would to the end. They all like to watch me & call me crazy & I know she told others I’m partly crazy but God knows I’m not although I had enough to make me that way, for those you do the most for sure sure like to give you a cat of 9 tails.
Sun. Aug. 14. 1949/ page 2389./ 4-H-19-P. eggs this day/ But I pray God will teach them His ways before it’s forever to late. Oh God, I pray in Jesus Name, Thou & Thou alone will in Jesus Name give me this healing soon & teach those who love to point there fingers at me & call me crazy the lesson they need to know I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory & teach me to be stronger & worthy of Thee. made in a blessing of thine in the church & pull the church together again & help us to trust with all our hearts, our souls, our minds & strength, in Thee, Amen.
Mon. Aug. 15. 1949./ 5-H-26-P. eggs today./ It’s been a great day, I set bread washed dishes got everything ready for dinner, & then strained peach juice for jelly & measured sugar in & stired & dissolved it over a slow fire then Elbert came & dressed 4. fish on to fry & while I took care of jelly & got jars for it he went out & pick enough blackberrys to fill 3. qt jars I got them in Jars & we peeled peaches he picked out back where he got the berries among the fruit trees, we had 2 qts. of those they are yellow & red around the pit & good flavor & 1. qt white ones. I’m terribly tired didn’t feel able to get up this morning; then Elbert went out & got another basket of white peaches, but, I had told him & I told him again, I wasn’t doing any more I had to bake. 2, big tins of bread biscuits & make beds & finish washing out 2. hand towels & 2 dish towels I had soaking, he got what supper we had, he warmed some potatoes & fried garlic saucage, I made the tea, we had fresh bread for supper. I stired up a 1/2 doz. fried biscuits for dinner with pancake flour. We didn’t have many dishes, so I let them set, I washed up my baking & canning dishes; I truly thank God for the strength He has given me today. Frank & Armond came & picked a few qts black berries then went hunting & Armond got 1. chuck & gave him to Elbert, he dressed it & put it in salt wather & now he’s in bed he went to Huron for the fish was gone 2. hrs. his head has felt bad all day. I received my renewal card this morning I will get (6) more checks for 35.00 per mo & a renewal would be given consideration. Praise God in Jesus Holy Name from Whom all blessings flow. I do thank & Praise Thee With all my heart, Well, God Willing I must do a little washing tomorrow, so must read some & go to bed, I so tired I’m sweating like rain & trembling all over.
Tue. Aug. 16. 1949./ 6-II-17-P. eggs today/ I did most the washing today & Praise God for the strength he has given me. I hope I can finish tomorrow Elbert’s sleepers chair cover & my dress & maybe
Tue. Aug. 16. 1949./ page. 2390./ 6-H-17-P. eggs this day./ a blanket or a rug, it wasn’t avery good drying day hot sun & a damp N.E. wind that was quite strong, and cool, I’m tired & wish so much I could get over being tired all the time. Elbert went up to Huron & got 3. pieces of pork shoulder for supper, they cut it so thin & there isn’t any juice in it, so yu don’t get any good out of it. I lost the canary I called, Jipsy & Teatoe & Elbert called him Sambo & he knew all three names, he was old, but I talked to him such a lot & I miss him terribly. Nellie said, I should think you’d be glad, I don’t see why you keep the other one I was glad when mine were gone, Well, I just guess we are not much alike, I feel the loss of our daily chat & song together & so does Jacky, he’s so lonesome now, they use to talk together & sing & they’d sing a little then stop, then again & again untill I’d start to Whistle, then they were happy & would sing like larks, Why wouldn’t I miss them, and if I went out side or to town, they would greet me with a song when I come in, that’s more than a lot of people do, it’s wonderful to have something cheery about that love you & greets you with a song & I sure missed Bill, the bull terrier he was so happy always to have me come back, after I’d be gone an hr. or 2. We have all taken a lot of abuse poor Bill was poison-ed to death & the white piegon crushed & one canary crushed & God knows, all the abuse I’ve taken & now they’d like to see us put off in an old peoples home I’d feel as if I were in jail sure enough, I’ll never go there as long as I can stay here, God Willing. Today Cousin Georgie is 64. yrs. old & we moved here 28. yrs. ago today, my how time does fly. I hope I can get back to Church soon. I Praise God in Jesus Name for all things great & small, Glory to His Holy Name, Amen.
Wed. Aug. 17. 1949. / 3-H-22.P. eggs today/ Well, believe it or not I haven’t earned my salt today, Elbert cleaned farther end of the hen coupe & it rained this after noon & is much cooler tonight. I went to the garden to pull beets & I cleaned them tops & bottoms & cooked them, they’re very tender & sweet & good Jacky & I are lonesome with Jipsy gone, he was such a good little fellow, but he’s mourned for Jimy & hasn’t sung much since Jimy went, now Jacky & I miss them & soon we’ll be going on & I hope we’ll all be happy, in the sweet by & by. I haven’t
Wed. Aug. 17. 1949./ page. 2391./ 3-H-22P-eggs this day./ felt like doing anything today. Elbert went to Huron but no fish. so I only did my daily doz. had the back door trot some today, “beets & corn” got busy. I thank My Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for all my blessings this day & I pray He will deal with each one in His own way. I hope I can soon go to church & prayer-meeting & that God Will in Jesus Holy Name, lay His Hand up on me & make me whole in Spirit, Soul & body, as a testimony for Him, I thank Thee & Praise Thee.
Thurs. Aug. 18. 1949./ 4-H-22.P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain with eggs & sold 6. doz. 80 cents per. doz. total 4.80, he came back to Ver-milion on the lake & sold 8 doz. 75 cents per. doz. total. 6.00 both made total 10.80, he bought grain 3.89 & mash 4.25 both were 8.14 our food 1.75 bal. 91 cents or he hasn’t told me where he spent it, I slept untill 10-a-m. then got up aired rooms & beds hung out sleeps & pillows washed & combed my hair & prayer awhile, then before I came out the bedroom I saw Miss. Clark & so, sort of felt she’d come back with Elbert & she did I had just started dinner when they came in we had dinner & washed dishes & visited, I made 2. apple pies & a lemon pie We had sweet corn warmed up potatoes, beets bread & butter & pie & tea for supper, Elbert took Miss Clark home I gave her a bag of apples can of beets 2. pieces of pie 2. ears sweet corn & 4 rolled oats plates & 3 oat dishes, then Elbert found 50 cents on the seat jof the car, he said he went to the beach & left the car & when he came back he saw it laying on the seat, Oh Well, I’ll make it up to her in some way, she was going to the board meeting they are trying to rout the Preacher no one wants him, he talks terrible, to hear what diffrent ones say maybe he thinks he’s right but when 6. or 8. tell him he wont listen & other ministers feel he’s wrong , seems as if he’d try at least to reason things out. Well, I haven’t been there & so I’ll wait untill the fight is over now I hate that sort of fights, how can they forge ahead when they can’t agree I pray God will deal with each one & His will be done in Jesus Holy Name Amen. I’m to tired tonight, but trust I’lll feel better tomorrow I love Thee Jeus and pray Thou will keep us Close to Thee.
Fri. Aug. 1949./ 4-H-20-P. eggs today./ Well, I made my peaches jelly today & I felt like a ton of lead on my feet today. & that’s all I did outside my usual round of duties. It’s
Fri. Aug. 19. 1949./ page. 2392./ 4-H-20 P. eggs today./ been real cool today N. E. wind & quite strong Elbert cleaned middl pen in hen house yesterday & the first pen today. It’s so cold w e ahd to shut up the house early this evening. wind’s blowing strong at 10-p-m. I thank & praise My God in Jesus Holy Name for all our many blessing I love & adore Thee Jesus. Amen
Sat. Aug. 20. 1949./ 4-H-26-P. eggs today./ Well, I set bread & made 2 big tins of biscuits out of the dough & I did the washing & then I swept & wiped up the floor. & I’m sure a tired old girl tonight, I thank God for the strength He gives me from day to day & Praise Him & love Him more than anything else on earth. I’m so happy in Jesus & because He first loved me, I want to go to church, but have to wait untill the arguements are all done & things are settled again. Miss Clark said they had prayermeeting at Mrs. West’s Sr. home. Well, I pray God Will, in Jesus Name have His Own Way. It’s been cool with quite a strong N.E. breeze & hot sun.
Sun. Aug. 21. 1949./ 3-H.-22.P. eggs today./ I haven’t done much today feel as if I weigh 2 tons. I went out into the park & picked 4 big pails of nice apples off the new tree Elbert & I trans-planted 2 or 4 yrs. ago they are good to eat out of hand & make such good pies & sauce he put part of them down in the basement & so now I’ll have to watch out or they wont stay there, he picked 1/2 bu. peaches some were not so good but perhaps we’ll can a few more, theres another tree with a few on it. He picked up a good big pk of apples to take to a fisherman, but, he didn’t give them to him & got angry at me, because I cought him with them, he didn’t know for a second whether to bring them out the grainery or not When he see I was looking at him, I don’t know what become of the eggs today, but, he said that’s all there were, Well, I suppose we’ll have to find out, for the eggs have to pay for the feed & it has be-fore so why not now & Why such a sudden drop If ever I have hated anything I’ve hated this life, I pray with all my heart God, Will in, Jeus Holy Name give me strength & courage to do all he would have me to do as long as I live, Oh God I pray you will, I’ll give Thee all the Praise & Glory forever & ever, Amen. It’s been another nice Sept day partly Cloudy & cooler.
Tue. Aug. 23. 1949. / 2-H-14 P. eggs today/ Well sir, I scrubbed 3 rugs today, I had to sew the braided rug before I could wash it & it’s wore out in spots, Well I made it in 1925 so it’s 24 yers. old & it was made of Franks old shirts & more old
Tue. Aug. 22. 1949./ page 2393./ 2-H.16. P. eggs this day./ dresses & see all the extra wear we have had out of them in that braid-ed rug, I didn’t think it would hold together to be washed but, it did & it looks clean & fresh again. I feel to tired to work but now they are done & next I must tru & do the heavy blankets, 3. of them & then 4 light singles, all wool. I’ll be glad when they are done. I haven’t done this weeks general wash yet, I all most let the boiling mean burn while washing rugs, didn’t spoil it. Elbert pick 2. big pans & 1. small pan of black berries, so if I can, I’ll have to can them tomorrow, I hope I can, but, hpe & pray they don’t walk off. The’re only his & my shoe tracks in the diret, he says he don’t do it, but many a night I’ve heard the carton tops flap down I was to sick to crawl out to see about it & he never knew anthing about it, now lets ee what happen to what I have caned this Fall. I can’t help thinking of the fall I took & my ankle & my right hip. I fell on the left hip & the right hip from the top at the waist line to my knee was black, yellow & red asi fi ti had been beat with a hard fist & when I said my hips hurt me so I could hardly move, he grined & said, how does the right hip feel, When I came to my sences, he was pushing my eye lids up to see if I were dead, I have never yet been able to figure out (Why) they all have wished to do me as much hurt as possible & even wish me dead & once I heard one of them say, if I were dead all she wished she could have was my brains, but, dad said well that’s really to bed for that’s one thing you can’t have, they might not work for you when she’s dead, one tried to get me to sell the place & give her the money & she’d build on a room on her house for me, & I she said, Well, I don’t know maybe we can figure it out, later she tried to get me to sell & buy a home in New Mexico & Ellla Jane wants the place for a chicken far, Well, if they loved me, it could be so different. God Knows I’m still willing to do anything that’s right for any one of them & I’m so glad He will be Judge at that big judgement Day. Glory to God, I Praise Thee. It’s been another beautiful Fall day, hot sun, cool air, partly cloudy
Wed. Aug. 23. 1949./ 14. P. eggs today./ I did my usual house work & baked 5 pies, apple & blackberry7 I am to tired tonight Elbert has felt bum & looked bad, so he peeled apples for the pies & enough, so, I caned 3. qts. , & I canned 3 1/2 qtq. black berry on top of all the other. The big rug isn’t quite dry yet. but it’s nice
Wed. Aug. 24. 1949./ page. 2394./ 14. P. eggs this day./ & clean, hope I can wash the gen-eral wash tomorrow but, perhaps I’ll wait untill Fri. for my arms seem to be so tired. & I’ve got to mend my night gown. I thank my Heavenly Father for the strength He has given me, in Jesus Blessed Name. I haven’t heard from any of the Church folks, so don’t know if they will be having prayer meeting or not. Mrs. West Sr. told Elbert Tue. that Miss Clark had gone to Cleveland for a couple of weeks so guess they don’t figure on any meetings in Vermilion It’s been a fine day hot soun N.E. breeze.
Thurs. Aug. 25. 1949./ 1.H. 7. Pullets eggs today/Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 11. doz. eggs 75 cents per doz., he bought 1. bu. 1.90., 1. bale of straw 55 cents, light bill was 1.82, 1 lb. oleo. 35 cents total $8.17, eggs was 8.25 bal. 8 cents & 5 cents of that he didn’t collect so he only had 3 cents left it was sure a hot sun today & I really got to hot just hanging out the washing & it was half dry by the time I had the last pieces hung up, I did most of the wash except the big chair cover & my old dress & 3 heavy wool blankets, seed for another day. I washed one light cotton blanket & 6. grain & mash bags it’s hard to rub all the coloring out but I got out the most of it wind was S. this a.m. but went N.E. before I hung up second lines of clothes. then when I was done Elbert got supper he warmed up potatoes & means & made tea. he fix up my old stool & it’s nice & firm now. While I finished up the washing. after supper I darned his socks & cxleaned the bird cage & cxovered Jacky up & had to close all the windows to keep out the smoke & rotten smoke of Bert Wards rubbish fire he burns the rubbish from the park I don’t see how they have any one staying or renting there cottages, since they can’t have one evening to enjoy the cool fresh air. Such is life I’d like to be where it was quite where it was never to hot or to cold, with real honest people for neighbors that would turn to & give you a hand When you were in need. Well, Wish I had bal. of blankets done, but as the old saying goes, if wishes were fishies we’d all swim. I thank my God most of all I’m His & He care for me I Praise Him & Love Him, He’s truth it’s self, He’s Pure, all anybody could want I Praise Him in Jesus Blessed Holy Name.
Fri. Aug. 26. 1949./ 2-H-9-P. eggs today./ We didn’t do much today either of us, Oh, but it’s sure been hot today over 100 here in the kitchen. Elbert went to Huron & only got 4. fish I got dinner he ate 2 fish & I one & he has one left for his breakfast I slept for an hr. after he left then, got up & got things ready for dinner, potatoes, brocolie & fish. I picked up a good bu. of little apples around under the baldwin tree & sit at intervals & talked to Elbert, he picked almost 1/2 bu peaches & then came in made tea & we drank & eat pie & then I mended his
Fri. Aug. 26. 1949./ page 2395./ 2H.-9.P. this day./ B.V, D’s. & one pr. of my stockings then we had salmon, fried potatoes & tomatoes for supper with hot tea. I received a nice letter from Audrey she said she was sick & lost a days work & she did-n’t know now if they would be off work again or not & so she didn’t know about coming out here, she said she had my watch fixed up & it runs good & she winds it every night. she washed ma’s apron & handkercheif, I let her take, I made them all by hand & crocheted the lace and the insertion on them when I was 16. yrs. old, ma was always very choise of them. I took them, after ma passed away she took them to the Isle of Pines, so they had quite a trip, since I had then I let Frank Babcock’s mother take them to Wisconsin & she put them on display in an art shop window & showed them to all her club women & she belonged to several cubs, then just before she died she sent them back to me & a beautiful hand knit bed spread she Knit for me, I gave the bed spread to Carl Betz to pay him for some money I had borrowed just before I married Frank. Well Audrey said she had some new crochet patterns she thought I’d like, she said Nellie has a chance to go to S.Carolina to tutor a little girl 4. yrs. old, and that she told her she’d give her, the buss fare to go & that she urged her to go, she said it would do her a lot of good to get away from Bonita & her children, she said Johny was going the first week of Sept. to Boston & she bought his rug. I know that’s partly what’s wrong with Nellie’s nerves, seems to me she is needed right there to guide 4 lives to the best of her ability. but she does what she thinks best & since I’m crazy as she turms it, I wouldn’t think of saying anything, one way or the other. Oh, I pray God will take a hand in it & help things to be done His way. I’m sorry for Bonita they spoilt her & now feel they don’t want to help her & she isn’t wholly to blame I thank Thee Dear Heavenly Father Thou has kept me & I pray Thou will help them & keep them & deal with them in Thy own way, in Jesus Blessed holy Name, Amen. Glory Hallelujah.
Sat. Aug. 27. 1949./ 2-H-9-P. eggs today./ Well, I had to build me self a new night gown & I got it all done & mended Elbert’s old shirt & I made 3. dish towels all so & I washed up all the dishes, I didn’t wash the supper dishes last night. I was out doors a little while. I stitched the facing on my slep. I have to get at making some dresses. I only
Sat. Aug. 27. 1949./ page. 2396./ 2-.H-9-P. eggs this day./ have one thats fit to be seen & it shrunk & I don’t like it. There’s always a plenty to do. I like to work but it sure would be nice to have my work & meals free for a few weeks, then if I could work with ease & freedom of body I’d be so glad to work. We have been having a few hot days again, it was real hot & hard to try to work today. Elbert pulled the corn stalks & burried them green, so they will rot. They have been having a terrible tornado in Florida a-long the East coast 10 million dollars worth of damages, they had been warned & had done all they could to help them-selves, but some are homeless & it hit them twice, “the tornado,” it’s cutting curves & going places, they’ve had two bad earth quakes one at Ekquadore & one 10 times worce, up near Alaska, Wont the people ever believe Gods Word? Oh God have mercy & help me to help those of Thine in Jesus Name.
Sun. Aug. 28. 1949./ 12-P. eggs today./ It rained hard in the night & this morning & has showered all day some time light & then heavy & it’s still at it at 10-30-p-m. glad I got the rugs washed & dried. before this rain came on, hope to get those blankets done soon & some sewing & cleaning done before it turns cold. I hope to get back to Church before another Sunday God help us. I thank Him for the strength He gives me & hope I’ll be found worthy in His Sight, Holy Holy Lord God of Host I ask in Jesus Dear and Holy Name. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Amen.
Mon. Aug. 29. 1949./ 10.P. eggs today/ Well Elbert went to Vermilion for greens for hens. & boiling meat for us, so we had soup for supper. I did the washing today & got the chair covr & now the 3. wool blankets, they are heavy ones, then I’ll only have the us-ual weekly wash. Praise the Lord. I’ll be glad when the blankets are done & then I hope to sew for I need my dresses so bad now. I thank & praise God for all my many blessing in Jesus Name. It’s been a nice day N.W. breeze mostly N. & cool & hot sun. the cloths dried quick today. Frank & Armond were here today. Frank brought me a bunch of asters, red, white & blue. He’s so lonesome with Ruby gone, she’s over with Harvey & Olive for a few days, she’s going to the Clinic next week Frank said & he & Armond said there were only a very few to the reunion. Well, I won’t go on Sun. for they play ball & raise such a racket.
Tue. Aug. 30. 1949./ 2-H-13-P. eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron & got a good mess of fish, all pike & I fried 4. for dinner & I cook 9. for supper & he gave Sarr’sa 6. or 7. Rue isn’t home so Mije scaled them but couldn’t cut the heads or or clean the insides out. we had a bad wind & rain storm & it broke another section off the apricot tree & two big limbs of the tamerix & shook a lot of apples off the trees I picked up a couple of bu. of the best ones & Elbert took 1/2 bu. to Helen to can, for apple sauce. He went over & told Bill Snider there was & still is sparks flying from the electric wires & he came & looked at it, to see for hisself, before he cal
Tue. Aug. 30. 1949./ page. 2397./ 2.H. 13. P. eggs this day./ We had a second storm just as it was getting dark. it’s still thundering & light rain. There were 2 storms met one from N. W. & one from S. & little E. & it was terrible to see, it was so black & wind clouds so light & going so fast as only the wind can go. Elbert & I were tying & fastening up the roses on the South end of the house, when I see the first one I told him & he said it wasn’t going to hit for some time, but I begged him to go get the pullets & hens in & so he went & now he don’t know if all the young pullets got in or not for some were out side the fence, he put the ladders a way shut the hen house up & I got windows shut up in the house & down it came with fewery & hailed; peaches & apples fell all over the ground, I thought the second storm would finish the trees but, there some there yet. I received a news paper clipping & letter from Mrs. Cranage telling of Miss Baumgarts death last Fri. Aug. 19. 149. she was 91. yrs. old they said, on the 7.th. of April. They Cranages buried her on Mon. Aug. 22. I didn’t think she could last long, for she fell & her bowels were runing to free, & Mrs. Cranage told her to wait on herself, that she was getting old herself & wasn’t going to do only what she had to do for her & the day I was there she said her room stunk untill she could hardly stand it & she had her Miss B shut up tight in that room. “This is What she wrote to me in the note I received this morning” My Dear Mrs. Babcock The enclosed clipping is of course explanatory. Louisa passed away suddenly Aug. 19. while eating her supper, no struggle, no pain. Certainly a desirable way to go. She said she had always wanted a white dress so we had a white Satin dress made for her. It was very beautriful. The deadness of the white was broken by a pink scarf about her neck. She looked very lovely. Services were at the grave side only and wre private, no flowers. She had things the way she wanted them wasn’t it a coincidence that she & her brothers all died on a Friday in Aug, John in 1883- Fred in 1890- and Louisa in 1949. Will tell you all about it when I see you. And I do hope this finds you in better health. Sincerely, Mrs. Cranage. I’m so sorry for them all. May God help us and teach us to live for Him in Jesus Name I ask, Amen. I Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. Aug. 31. 1949./ 8-Pullets eggs today./ Well, I swept & did the ironing & got the dinner & supper & caned 2 qts peaches & had 2 can left over, We had a beautiful rainbow before dark last night and after the rain just before dark again tonight. The rainbow is God’s promise & He has never for-gotten that promise Oh What queer creatures we are not to give Him the honor & Praise He Deserves. He’s a wonderful Marvelous God.
Wed. Aug. 31. 1949 / page. 2398./ 8. P. eggs this day/ The wind blew hard from the N.West & it rained a cold rain, has been partly cloudy & not to warm garden full of green toma-toes, don’t look as if they’ll get ripe, & cabbages no larger than 2 fists. the sweet potatoes look good, I hope they are even better. I mended my old dress & didn’t even get a dress cut out to make now there are pears & peaches to be canned & those 3 blankets yet to be washed & I’m so tired, seems as if I can’t exist. Well, I have to wash peach Kettle, ladle & can filler & then go to bed trusting God will renew my strength for another day. I thank Him more than I can tell for all my many many blessing Received another book from Rev. DeHaan today it’s good.
Thurs. Sept. 1. 1949./ 1-H-11-P. eggs today./ Well, I darned socks & mended the big chair cover, cooked & washed dishes & picked up a couple of bu. of apples & then we had a lunch. it’s been a cool day & tonight the winds all died out & clear a very clear moon & Elbert has covered tomatoes & peppers looks like we’d have a frost sure tonight. Elbert built a fire this morning & we Kept it all day & it feels good. We finished tying up the roses on the south end of the house today, while the sun was warm & flies so thick it was hard to work. I’m glad that is over & vines cleaned up & carried away. Elbert cut & trimed & carried it away & he tied the roses up, for I can’t do it any more. We are going to try to get the others cleaned up this month so to have it done before it gets to cold. He cut the broken peach tree & apricot & put the limbs we can use for wood in a pile over the fence & the branches to be taken over the hill in another pile & he went with the eggs to Lorain 6. doz. 85 cents per. doz. total 5.10, bag of growing mash cost $4.60 cents & gas for car 50 cents so there wasn’t any for food for us, but, We are glad they can still pay there way & feed baby chicks, they have paid for mash & grain, oyster schell & straw for hens & chicks. I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for all His many blessing to us, I pray He will help me to live His way & do His will Amen, Glory to God.
Fri. Sept. 2. 1949./ 2.H-11. P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert kept his promise & took Mige & her brother Earnie to Berlin Hights they took there dog to the vete. & feeding there chickens while they are gone Sat. & Sun. night. I hope & pray he don’t get lead into a trap of any sort. men are so foolish, he took them to town so many time, when things were so hard in depression time & then Migie stole the button
Fri. Sept. 2. 1949./ page. 2399./ 2.H. 11. P. eggs today./ off his work hat, he had to have, while he was working in the Shipyard & they were quite strick, they took the men’s pictures & put them on a button with a pin on the back, so they were pined securely to the hat band in the middle of the front, he saw Migie trying to get it off, but thought she couldn’t for it was hard for him to get it on, but between her & Jean they did it & when Jean came in we ask her to get it & told her how bad it was for a man to loose his button & she went home & told some out landish yarn & Helen came up & called us all sorts of things & when she had finished we explained what had happened but, she said, she didn’t believe they had taken the pin she called me a liar & Now he has been roped a-gain, I hope he gets out with out a scratch & that I don’t have to be draged in. Bob Snyder got it wrong for being “as Elbert says ” just neighborly. I hate such things. Well, I did all I could to keep him from doing it, but he’s just as stubborn as the most stubborn jackass you ever saw or heard tell of. I sure am tired of this world & all the wickedness in it & to think when you have been kicked once you’d be foolish enough to go back for more. Rue is talking of getting a divorse “so Helen told Elbert” but she use to say bloods thicker than water you know & she loved the dirt Rue walked on. I pray God will help me & keep me free from any stench. I thank Thee Jesus & pray all will be well in Thy Name, Amen. It’s been a beautiful Fall day hot sun, South breeze & I did the washing & one wool blanket only 2. more to wash now. The clothes dried fast & the blanket got real dry, I thank God for the strength He have given me. I got to bed tired & get up tired, & I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do any-thing today, but I did my nightgown & under skirt & dress & what nose rags there were & the towels & dish towels & my pillow slip & Elberts sleepers & pillow slip & his shirt & the blanket. Hellen was to pay him for going to Berlin Hights & she didn’t & so now he don’t know what he’s going to do for gas, I gave him my last dollar to get a can of milk & so he wants the rest for gas. I do wonder what Jesus would do in my place.
Sat. Sept. 3. 1949./ 2-H-9. P. eggs today/ I haven’t done much today, to tired cooked & washed dishes, done my usual work made a birds nest “or apple Johny, as some folks call them” for supper & hot biscuits & canned 1. qt of apples. & sorted 1. bu. pears. I have to start caning pickles & pears next week. We have
Sat. Sept. 3. 1949./ page. 2400./ 2. H. 9. P. eggs today./ to pay for a tank of gas soon & I hope we can make it. It’s been a fine Fall day 82 degrees hot. Elbert has been doing odd jobs all day, mowing weeds, digging potatoes spading some, he picked up apples & pears. carried water & took care of hens & chick & carried feed to them & water & he had to feed Sarr’s chickens & shut them in tonight Sun-night. Well I’ll have to sweep & change the table cloth ought to done it today, but I’m so tired, I picked up pk of pears & picked a few dahlias, hail just about spoilt them. I thank & praise God for giving me strength today & for the song He puts in my heart & soul; I Love Jesus. Glory.
Sun. Sept. 4. 1949./ 2-H-11-P. eggs today./ It’s been a fine day, we’ve been home all day. Elbert cook a hen for dinner & he got the potatoes ready & put them on & I creamed them, he made gravy we had two or 3 tomatoes for dinner & about the same number of biscuits & I’m out of flowur & tomorrow is “Labor Day” the day they don’t labor & so, I don’t know what we will eat for bread, I have a box of pancake flour maybe I can make it into biscuits We wont have any meat , so will have to eat beets, carrots & cabbage & at 9-30-p-m tonight Johny Harnish his wife & baby came in & stayed maybe an hour, they are going to Boston have sold part of there goods & are all packed & ready to start Tue. Sept. 6.th. they said they had to live with one of the professers untill there rooms were ready for them, they have a trailer & will take it with there belongings & drive there car. they have paid 50.00 down on the trailer & if they can pay 50.00 more in 6. months it will be theres, they say it only takes 18. hrs. to drive straight through, but they will take 2. days. resting at night. Well it’s 11-30-p-m. so I must get to bed, I want to work a little tomorrow, God Willing, and I thank & praise Him for His great love & care for us, Glory, Glory to God in Jesus Name. We sent the 1/2 bu. pears I had sorted for pickles to Nellie, by Johny.
started on new/ Mon. Sept. 5. 1949./ 2-H-7-P. eggs today/ It’s been a fine day, I went out & picked up a pk of Dutches pears & 1/2 bu. peaches & cleaned up wind fall apples under the tree by path. I canned 2. qts. pears that Bessie gave us “Bartletts.” then I peeled & canned 4. qts of the peaches & got about as many more to can & I have 1/2 bu. apples to can & the dutches pears, & I did my daily round. I’m tired, but thank God for HIs care & all our many blessing in Jesus Name & hope & pray He will soon deliver me from my presdent condition in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, I thank Jesus & give Thee all the Glory for ever & ever, Amen.
Tue. Sept. 6. 1949./ 4-H. 11-P. eggs today./ Elbert’s check came & he got off to town in such a rush I couldn’t remember the most important things we needed, but I wrote
Tue. Sept. 6. 1949./ page. 2401./ 4.-H-11.-P. eggs today/ a few things, flour, butter & milk & to pay Baker 5.00 & he paid the meat bill & he bought a bag of mash for the hens & that was, $4.25, he thought he’d have enough to last untill Thurs. but, he didn’t so he got it out of his check & plans on taking it out of the egg money Thurs. We got a new tank of gas today & I used my shoe money to pay for it, Well, it don’t seem fair for me to have to pay for the coal & gas & buy most of the food, I have to put up with a lot , if he’d get his lots sold & get squared around & get the old age pension we could have a little more he could at least pay half the bills. The things said and done leave a bad impression oft times, & I pray God will Keep me, in Jesus Holy, Blessed Name, Amen. Elbert got a can of putty, I’ve been trying to get him to putty in the window lights while the weather is good, I hope he dont wait as long to get at the job, as he has to get the putty, he tried to make me believe he couldn’t get the putty. & he can find & think of so many other things to do instead of the windows or cementing up around the foundation. My check didn’t come this morning & Elbert waited to ask him “the Postman” if he had over looked it & he looked straight ahead & flew past. They told me the checks would be mailed on the 3rd of each mo. I hope it comes tomorrow. We had some trouble sometime ago over aa payment to the bank, we got the money order & sent or put the letter in the mail box at the post office & the bank called us twice & said they hadn’t received it & they got a Dick on the job & the check was mailed from Elyria, so you can’t even trust the post office force. Well, I haven’t done only my usual round today, I had a dizzy spell this morning upset the can, but I cleaned it up, Elbert was out side he’s been spading some, to turn the weeds under. Well I have to pay 10.00 on the coal bill & put back the 10.00 for my shoes. I gave Elbert 50 cents for gas out of that last dollar so, I have to take that out & put it with the $10.00 & fast a little more than usual this mo. but I thank the Good Lord for all our many blessings. The young man that brought the gas is the managers son-in-law & we gave him a bag of apples, he seemed greatly pleased with them, he likes apple sauce.
Wed. Sept. 7. 1949./ 4.-H-15-Pullets eggs today/ Well, I canned 5. qts. peaches & 5. qts. dutches pears. Elbert went to the fish house & got a good big mess of ifsh so fish for dinner & fish for supper & a plater full left for breakfast & dinner & perhaps supper tomorrow. I went out & picked up what pears were on the ground & then peared & cored them & caned them I picked up what apples fell last night. & I picked up the eggs the last to days. I hope they can lay enough to pay for there keep for we are having a hard time to make both ends meet as they say. I got my check &
Wed. Sept. 7. 1949./ page. 2402./ 4-H-15.P. eggs this day/ thank God for it. I got a card from Mrs. West Sr. it is a note paper card with a bunch of batchlor buttons and a real bow of blue ribbon on the front, up in right hand corner it says “Missing You” and in side it says “The same old things to see and hear- The same old things to do- But there’s been a change-Everything seems strange-Must be-Just Missing You! Bro. & Sister West or Otis & Lillian. So, I would take it “reading between the lines” that the pot still boils in the same old way, in seeing, hearing & doing, but the change is not a desirable one as yet & it’s strange after getting such a good start & paying our money into that Church we should be given such a raw deal & scartered like sheep to find pasture where ever we can. What would Jesus do? What Would He think What would He say in like condition? Oh God, I pray Thou will have Thine own way & I pray Thou will deal with each one of us & reveal to us the things to do & say, bless each one with a stronger faith, help us to live for the Spirit & not for lust, take out all the faulce pride, stubborness, bitterness, malace from our hears, help us to have as man & woman filled with the Holy Ghost that are able to work for Thee Willingly, Who can love the poor as much as the well to do, that will be honest & true to Thee, then we will know they will be honest & true to Us. I pray Thy Will be done & not ours, only help us to understand that we may do Thy Will & we will do it gladly, We ask in Jesus Holy Name, Trust & believing for the answer. Amen.
Thurs. Sept. 8. 1949./ 3-H-8-P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 6. doz. eggs 80 cents per. doz. $5.60 total & collected a dime that was due making $5.70 for eggs, he bought a bag of grain 3.69, 4. boxes of oats 1.80, car gas 1.00, total 6.49, I gave him my check 35.00, he paid 10.00, on coal bill & he bought a big box of Duz. soap powder 73 cents & 3 cents tax some milk 6. cans 1. bottle clorox, 3 cake fells soap & 3 cake lava soap, 1. bottle bluing 1. can crisco, 1. box spice, 2. boxes brown sugar & 79 cents came out my check for hens & chicks, he brought back 20.00 & 61 cents out of my check & I have to take out the 10. for my shoes, I used the shoes money for the gas tank so now I have to take it out & my church money will have to come out of the shoe money, in order for us to live this mo. & he didn’t have enough egg money to pay for the wheat, so that will have to come out of my check & we have to get some more condition powder that will be 8.00, I suppose. Well, I did the washing & then washed 8 mash & grain bags & thats a hard job. I’m so tired my arms & legs ach & I didn’t feel as if I could work, but I got it done. Elbert got the
Thurs. Sept. 8. 1949./ page 2403./ 3-H-8-P. eggs this day./ supper he peeled potatoes & made gravy in the string beans & we had cold fish; he’s got fish enough for breakfast & potatoes to warm up & beans. I thank God in Jesus Name for His Love & Care & I’m trusting we can soon go back to prayer meeting again.
Fri. Sept. 9. 1949./ 2-H-12-P. eggs today./ Well, We sure had a busy week in away. I slept anhour after Elbert left for Huron to get fish “or I laid & rested a little & then got up & started to clean up & straighten up for dinner, got potatoes ready & cabbage on cooking & water heating for drink & Elbert came with a basket of fish he got a pan & Knife & went out to get enough ready for dinner & in walked Nellie & little Nelson Eddy so I gave the little man a pan & told him to go get enough fish for me to fry so he went & I fried 6 nice pike & then Nelson went & called Elbert & we ate, Nellie said that was once she really hit luck. Elbert finished dressing the fish & got 2. baskets of pears & agrain bag full of apples for Nellie some beets
Sat. Sept. 10. 1949./ page 2404./ 2-H-12.P. eggs this day./& cabbage & some for Audrey & Gertie but he didn’t take the apples for Audrey I gave Nelson some stones & clam shells I’d picked up on the lake beach & some bright pictures I’d cut off the vegetable cans & they didn’t bother much while we visited they were looking the pictures over & the schells we left right after supper & took them home, we stopped & got the powder & visited a little they gave us big 1/2 bu. of peaches, wonderfully good, big, red around the pit, yellow flesh & good flavor. We gave Nellie 1/2 pk & Audrey 1/2 pk & we had a pk left we bought meat milk & loaf of bread & had a lunch at Nellie’s & we had a little visit with Audrey & Gertie, they take in extra work to do at home, sewing mending, crocheting & altering & even do an extra wash for some one now & a gain & tonight Gertie was squaring up some big salt bags to make sheets for a man & she had mended 6. prs. of pants for him & had a stack of shirts to sew the buttons onto. Audrey had my watch repaired & gave it to me tonight & I gave her ma’s watch & chain, she gave back ma’s apron & handkercheif I let her take I am going to give it back to her after I shew it to some of the women of the church that wanted to see them. Well the girl gave us some candy 4 or 5 bars & some chocolate mints, they were cooking a ham for tomorrow. Well, Jean & Joan come home tomorrow, no Mon. & Merlin is in bed yesterday & today, Audrey said she didn’t know for sure what was the trouble, he has a bad heart. Elbert is terribly tired & gone to bed some time ago. & now I must go all so for it’s getting cool hear. I thank God for the wonderfull blessing of this day & praise Him, for I Know it’s only through Him they are made possible. The Walkins Man & his wife seem to be such nice people, they like us, are glad to give the peaches away to get them cleaned up, the ground is covered. they said to come back & get all we wanted Nellie was so sorry she didn’t have some thing to get some in & hoped she could go back some how & get some, she seemed so gready to get them, well, it does take a lot to keep 5 of them & the children are growing. Oh God of Love & Mercy. I Love & Praise Thee for Thy tender love & kindness & pray I may be found worthy in Jesus Blessed Holy Name Amen.
Sun. Sept. 11. 1949./ 2-H-14P. eggs today./ Well, we are both about tired out yet & I lay & rested untill noon then got up got dinner & got what few peaches we had left ready to cook & my surup burned so Elbert was cooking soup and
Sun. Sept. 11. 1949./ page. 2405./ 2-H-14-P-eggs this day/ said, it smells like pie burning & never took the Kettle of untill I said has my surup burned? then he took it off & cleaned & scoured the kettle & I made more surup and put peaches in & cooked & caned 4. qts, out of the big 1/2 bu. that were given to us. We ate rice soup for supper & now dishes are done & I’m so tired & I’m so discusted with the life[lye?] Nellie lit into me just before we got to her house & said if you write to Mrs. Bessie, don’t you mention any of us to her do you hear? Nellie wants to be so much & sounds so terribly ignorant, I’m so sorry, & she likes to talk to me as if I were 3. or 4. yrs. old. , the last time I was there I thought I wouldn’t go again for at least a yr. & this time I hope I don’t, they set out the meat we had bought to us & bread & we got a bottle of milk & they had plenty & never even offered me a glass of milk but put it in the ice box, they gave us a dish of peaches & cup of coffee & talked over there personal affairs- We had to spend 2.00 out of our food money to take her home with the apples & pears & then she said such scorching things to me about, my writing to Mrs. Beesie, I never talk to Mrs. B about them or any one else We only talk about our selves & whats news in church affairs about Ralph Ward, “he’s a missionary in China.” Elbert sort of enjoys saying things to, to make it look as if I was a crank or fret & stew. Oh, I’ll be so glad when I can be with Jesus, they don’t hurt me, but I’m sick of all there tricks, I don’t like an argament or to say mean things before several others to give a wrong impression, but, seems, some of the rest of the family do. I felt O.K. when we left Audrey’s, but, not for long, Elbert began to grumble about going places & getting back in the night and it wasn’t my fault Nellie wanted him to take her back so she could have the apples & he said he would.”I ask him,” but I wont do the asking next time, believe it or not, but he don’t like to take me even in the day time, he seldom bothers to ask me to go with him he likes to go by himself & do as he pleases. I often wish I had my own car, but, I can’t see why we can’t us the car together, I urged him into getting the car & help him in little ways all I could, he don’t give me one bit of credit, I wash & mend his clothes as long as they will hold together keep his bed & room & have furnished his bath towels & wash rags & his bedding, & bought quite a lot of socks, shirts, under wear suppenders, hats & so forth & I got him a nice pr. of slippers & he’s been dirt mean about them, so I wish I could live with Jesus, where all is Peace &
Sun. Sept. 11. 1949./ page. 2406./ 2-H-14-P. eggs this day./ and no one to say mean things to me. I want to do His Will & I pray I will in all things & I pray He will teach the rest to do His will & show them & help them before it’s forever to late Glory to God in Jesus Name.
Mon. Sept. 12. 1949./ 3-H-13-P. eggs today./ Well, I just couldn’t get to work my arms & legs are so tired & then I went out & cleaned up apples I dumped 1 bu. in the park & 2 1/2 in bu. basket & box & then we both pick pears & what peaches there were left & I brought in what cucumbers there were so I’ll have plenty to do this week, if I can hold up under it. It’s been a truely beautiful Sept Day. I’m craving to go to Church. birds & yellow birds flying in flocks & they’ve had 7 1/2 in. of snow in some mountains & in DeCata 5. in. of snow. I do hope we don’t get a cold snape yet, I hope to pick a few apples to put in for winters use. I truely thank My Heavenly Father in Jesus Dear Holy Name for all the many blessing He gives us and I wish so much I could do more for Him, I love Him more & more.
tue. Sept. 13. 1949./ 3-H-14-P. eggs today/ We got the condition powder 100. lbs. 8.00 & we paid 2. dollars on it leaving 6.00 to be paid that was on Fri. Sept. 9. 1949. & today we went down to Vermilion to get some food, We took a big bag of apples to Mrs. Sprunk & she was just on her way to town so she got in the car & went back & put them in her house & then went on to town with us & to the post office & Krogers store & over to the mill, on the way from the store we picked up Miss Clark & her bag of food & we went to mill & Elbert got 1/2 bu Wheat & Mrs. Sprunk ordered some coal then we took Miss. C. home & then stopped at market Elbert got a ham & some short steaks & we let Mrs. S. off at Mrs. Wests “her daughters” house & then we came home, When I undone the steaks, they stunk so, Elbert smelt & he said he was taking them back, so, we decided to take apples & we went & picked up 3. bu. & put them in the car & went over to Brownhelm to the powder man’s house & gave them a bu. she gave us a bu. & not quite a half of peaches we visited about 10 minutes & then went through Amherst to Lorain to 29th St Audrey was home & glad to get a bu. of apples & 1. doz. my pt. cans & the pk. of peaches she gave me some saucage (cooked) to eat & a cup of hot tea to drink & we hurried on back toward home We stopped to Krogers & got a piece of steak & 3 cans of milk then on to West’s home & gave them a bu. of apples & Mr. West put a dollar bill in Elbert’s pocket, We stopped to Cranages & sold 2. doz. eggs & I talked a few minutes while Elbert went to the other customers & sold 3. doz. more, 85 cents per. doz. 4.25 for eggs & 1.00 for apples & I have $5.29 cents now toward the hen’s mash & more oats & wheat he will have to go again Thurs & sell eggs at Vermilion on the Lake. Well we had just finished
Tue. Sept. 13. 1949./ page. 2407./ 3.-H.-14.P. eggs this day./ or about finished our supper when Miss. Clark came in with the Preacher’s wife from Beulah Beach, they preach in a dwelling house a few doors from the 4-Square church, she invited us to there Church untill things get settled at ours, but, I’m not sure about going yet. Miss. C. hadn’t had any supper & wouldn’t hear to my getting her some but I made tea for them, I am out of bread, got to bake tomorrow, & they ate pears, then we went out & picked flowers & gave the ministers wife a pk of beets & then they went back. I began to think Miss. Clark wanted to stay all night, but I was so tired I didn’t un-derstand untill they had gone. I pray she’ll have some thing to eat & that she will come back if she wants to. I thank my Heavenly Father in Jesus Blessed Holy Name. for all our many blessings, Glory to God, I Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. Sept. 14. 1949./ 3-H-12.P. eggs today./ Well, another great day, I did the washing & I made 2 big tins of bread biscuits & one big pan of cinnimemon rolls. I got, or helped get, the dinner & Elbert got the peaches ready to cook & I got them canned & now all the dishes done & supper over & I didn’t do supper dishes to tired. I received letter from Nora today her man’s been sick for over a yr. now, Dr’s just found out he has to have an aperation, but she is feeling a lot better, she had a stroke. Clothes dried good for getting them out so late. It’s been partly cloudy, hot sun & a south breeze, it rained a fine thick misty rain when we came home last night but had stopped by the time we got here & it cleared off & the moon light was bright, & clear, I wondered if we’d gt a frost but breeze came up & no frost I thank God in Jesus Name, for we need all the fruit & vegetables we can take care of & give to others that don’t have I thank God for saving my soul & taking such good care of us & pray He will help us to live for Him, to be clean & Holy & do His will in all things, I pray He will cleanse each one of us in the Church & reveal to us the things we ought to be doing for Him. I feel sure the time is near at hand for His coming & pray I may be counted worthy & that His coming wont be on a Sabath nor in the winter & that He will keep me close ever closer to Him. I Praise thee Jesus, Blessed, Pure & Holy Jesus, I love Thee Jesus pray Thou will keep me from being sifted by the Devil as he wanted to do with Peter, give us a quicker better under-standing of Thy Ways we ask in Thy Name Amen.
Thurs. Sept. 15. 1949./ 3-H-15-P. eggs today/ Another big day. I pared & caned 4. qts. apple sauce. Elbert peeled the peaches & I canned 4 qts. and we will have 2 or 3 cans of Whole peaches pickled, then I hope to make a few cans green tomatoe pickles & I have a few cucumbrs yet to make chunk pickles of. Elbert went to Huron & got just 21. perch, they were so good for dinner & supper At 2-p-m. we went to Vermilion, he thought maybe he could
Thurs. Sept. 15. 1949./ page. 2408./ 3-H-15-P. eggs this day./ get some greens for hens but he was lots to late. I got 10 lbs sugar 91 cents & 1. bunch cellery 15 cents, We took Mrs. Miller 4. fish !/2 bu. of apples & a few pears & I had quitea nice visit with them. We stopped at Nagles store & got a boiling piece & on toward home & left a bu. of apples to the poor little Millers home They live in a place that’s called the poor alotment Mrs. Sprunk lives out there in her son’s house, it’s nice out there. Well we came back & finished the caning we had started & had supper & now dishes are done & Elbert’s in bed & I’m going soon. It’s been partly cloudy & looked as if it would rain, it did do a light shower this morning early but winds S. & little W. & not so cold tonight and starlight out. I have been & still am trembling from head to toe, I’m so tired, I don’t know where else I could get so much strength only through the Dear Lord. I thank & Praise Him more than I can tell He a Wonder Jesus to me. , Hallalujah, Praise the Lord Glory to God Glory, Glory , Glory We met Mrs. Eppler in Krogers & visited a little, she said Tom started to work today in Elyria & she had been in Elyria, Lorain & Vermilion looking after some advertizing said she’s trying to get things started, but can’t find a place she can have to use only Thurs nights & so they are having prayer meetings. Thurs. nights.
Fri. Sept. 16. 1949./ 3-H-20-P. eggs today./ Well, I caned 1. qt. baldwin apples & I cooked up the parings for jelly & I made a custard pie & we ate it for lunch & I made 2 apple & peach pie & one apple turn over. I did my daily round & am to tired tonight. I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name for all my blessings & His loving care & that He helps me to understand & I pray He will help me to do His Will in all things great or small for His good & Glory. I love Thee Jesus & Praise Thee & I pray Thou will help my brothers & sisters to really know Thee, as well as all my nephews & neices sister-in-laws & cousins & all there families I will give Thee all the Praise & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Tonight, Rev. Ellery & a young man were in the radio station & they told us how God takes care of His own for the young man had fell from an air plane 1000 feet to earth & had pray God would help him to land with-out breaking him all up or doing him any harm & God answered His believing prayer, he wasn’t hurt in any way, he said he felt as if some one eased him gently to earth the last few yds. of his fall & he landed as he had believed h would on the balls of his feet & ran a little & then walked to where he could report, they didn’t tell as how he happened to fall. God Wonderful kind and mercyfull, Glory Hallalujah I Love thee Jesus.
[internet search about this event: Fort Benning, GA Paratrooper Falls 1000 Ft., Sept 1949 Ft. Benning, Ga.-(UP)-An army paratrooper, screaming for divine help, plunged 1,000 feet in an almost free fall yesterday and escaped with a case of nerves and bruises Master Sgt. James P. Hendrix, Lepanto, Ark., was the 13th man to bail out of the plane nine miles from here during a routine jump while qualifying for his paratrooper wings.Hendrix said his main chute was caught in the backwash of the prop and blew against him, the chute shrouds becoming entangled in his boot buckles. At 500 feet he jerked the emergency chute rip cord. It opened for a moment then became enmeshed with the other chute and Hendrix plummeted earthward with nothing above him but flapping silk and tangled lines. “I screamed to God for help as I fell helpless,” Hendrix said. An instant before he hit the ground, Hendrix said he summoned all his strength and pulled his body into a V-shape, head and feet high. That permitted him to roll when he hit the ground. Hendrix said he couldn’t move for a few minutes after hitting, but after the initial shock his faculties returned. He was rushed to the hospital where he said this morning he was feeling fine. Doctors kept him under observation but said he apparently only had a case of nerves and minor bruises. Hendrix, a wartime Congressional Medal of Honor winner, is married and is the father of a two-year-old child. Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, WI 9 Sept 1949]Tue. Sept. 17. 1949./ page. 2409./ 2.-H.-10.Pullets eggs this day./ Well, I washed all the dirty clothes wipe up floors after I swept & then ironed my under skirt & my dress 2. shirts for Elbert & the table cloth & 17 grain & mash bags. & did my daily round & picked up the apples under the tree here by the house, so I sure am tired tonight & Elbert went to Vermilion on the Lake & sold the eggs 80 cents per. doz. 7. doz. $5.60 cents & I gave him 3. dollars of my money, “church money 5.00 I had given to Miss Clark to turn in for me & she gave it back,” They are having a bad time trying to get rid of the preacher, so, they decide not to make the payment on the church untill we get a better man for the job, he says he’s only payed to preach & he wont go calling or go out to pray for the sick & he told me, he didn’t have time to come out here to pray for me, so, most every one’s going to other churches Elbert bought hens mash 4.25 & pullets mash 4.60 he had 8.60 & said he had 25 cents in his pocket. he’s spaded & took care of chickens, he made another screen frame & put new screen on it for my west window & put a patch on his east bedroom window, he’s got to paint henhouse roof & finish puttying in window glass. I can’t see Why he’s so bent on spading. I thank my Heavenly Father for in Jesus Name for all our many blessing & for His Love & Care. It’s been a beautiful day south breeze & a hot sun.
Sun. Sept. 18. 1949./ 2-H-17-Pullets eggs today./ Rained in heavy showers today, all day, West & little south wind. Sun came out at intervals & was hot We are both tired yet today & I think I will take it a little more easy this week. Well, some how the subject got around to the finger marks on the trap door in the attic & on the little cupboard underneath it, then to the morning I felt as if I’d been dopped & he said with a silly grin, that he must have got some of it to, & maybe if I laid still a while I’d get over it, but I got up & opened the window & breathed in the fresh air & he was trembling like a theif cought in the act, I was furious, a lot of things have happened., he don’t even know what he’d do in such cases if it were him in my place, he gets mad & says it looks as if he was to blame if he isn’t why should he be so angry & why wouldn’t he want to help find out who is toblame, he said he fix the trap door but he hasn’t & he gets so angry when I mention it & when I wanted the screen nailed in he said, Oh no, it’s to thin a piece to nail & he’d put a nail at each corner on the out side & that’s what he did but, I’ll put some on the inside also. Why
Sun. Sept. 18. 1949./ page. 2410/ 2-H-17-P eggs this day/ should he care if I want it nailed inside, I’m tired out staying awake, some one tried my door from the outside, twice, then left it. I can’t move as free as I once could I do feel righteously angry sometimes. I’ve really got to do something about it & I don’t know just what. I pray God will help me, by revealing to me, in some way. He has been wonderfull to me always, I love Him & praise Him, He’s the only truth I’ve ever been able to find. I thank Him & praise Him for all things. I woke up early yesterday morning with a terrible head ach room seemed so stuffy & I had a bad pain between my shoulders & in small of my back & my hip joint out a little I managed to get that back, be-fore I got up & then opened the window & let a lot of fresh air in & when it was daylight found 2 of my fingers black & blue & swollen, I washed & worked & today they are better again, but hand is sore & lame, I pray God will send some one to help me.
Mon. Sept. 19. 1949./ 3-H-18-P-eggs today/ Freds birthday, he would be 63. yrs. old. Elbert went to Huron got a big mess of fish he cleaned 13. perch & I cooked them for dinner he went out to clean the rest & all 13 heads were gone so he watched & a rat was carrying them away he come & took the gun & got the rat, While he cleaned the rest of the fish I caned a big malted milk jar & 4 3.lb. crisco jars of pears, I made them pickled pears, then I got supper & then, we got in the car & went to Vermilion & took Mrs. Sprunk 5. nice pike, we visited a while & gave her pk. of apples & went to give Miss. Clark. some fish but she had gone to Lima Ohio, so we gave the old lady she stays with 5. fish then we went to Millers, & gave them 6. fish & a pk. of apples they seemed so pleased with them, then we hit the trail for home & had a cup of hot drink & Elbert’s in bed & I am soon going. I picked up apples today & Elbert took some to the fisherman, that gives him fish. I truly thank & Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing & He took us & brought us back safe tonight Oh Praise the Lord I’m glad I’m free, Where Jesus tis Heaven to me, Glory to God, I love Thee Jesus.
Tue. Sept. 20. 1949./ 3-H-15-P-eggs today./ Well I caned 1. malted Milk jar, big can, & 3 3. lb crisco cans of pickled pears today & 4- 1-qt. jars & 1. pt. of pears sweetened, ” the dutches pears” & I’m to tired tonight & got a few more dutches to can, about 8 or 10 qts. I guess, & then a few qts of apples & I’ll call the caning over. Elbert has a bone out between his shoulders & so I rubed it & tried to put it back I think he’s been
Tue. Sept. 20. 1949./ page 2411./ 3.H. 15. P. eggs this day./ spading to long & getting to tired. Well I pray God will keep me ever close to Him in Jesus name, I do earnestly pray He will give us a man of God & his wife filled with the Holy Spirit that will love young & old alike & that will work hard & let us do what ever we are able to do Some that are truly filled with Power & trust & believe & pray earnestly in Jesus Name Glory to God I praise Thee Jesus Blessed & Holy, I love & praise Thee & pray Thou will reveal unto me stronger & keep me strong in Thee, Amen.
Wed. Sept. 21. 1949./ 3-H-13-Pullets eggs today./ Well I mend the other corset & did half the washing & my daily round & picked up a bu. apples & made 3 glasses apple jelly, & I’m tired but, Praise God in Jesus Name, I can do as much as I do & pray He will fill me with the Holy Ghost & power from on High that I may do more for Him, in His work. Amen. Today the wind was S.W. & partly cloudy & real cloudy tonight.
Thurs. Sept. 22. 1949./ 3.H. 18-P. eggs today. / Elbert went to Lorain & sold 5 doz. eggs for 90 cents per. doz. & 1.1/2 doz in Vermillion on the Lake for 80 cents per doz. 1.20. & 4.50 total 5.70, he bought bird gritte 10 cents, gas. 50, meat 44 cents, wheat 95 cents & a bag of scratch feed 3.69 & brought home 2 cents I recooke the tram with fresh cabbage onions & potatoes & made dumplins with it & we had fresh tomatoes. & hot drink; I finished the washing today & with Elberts help washed to blankets they’re re-versable cotton on his bed & a heavy wool blanket now I have the same to do for my bed & I’ll be done with the heavy ones. I picked up a few apples. Elbert has a pain in his neck, thinks he has another bone out of place & we ran into an arguement tonight, he told Nellie, I poured all the juice off the peas & beans in the slop bucket & she had to give me a little talk on that, Well Elbert don’t like all of the juice on the string beans & I do pour off some of it but why tell her & why catch it from two side when I try to please him, he was hurt & said he could find some one else to cook for him, Well, I’m sorry, I ought to take all they want to say, but I get out of sorts a it some time, what I call righously angry. Oh, Well, I’ll let it go. and pray we may do better from here on. He called Mrs Robinson & she said they were well & she’d remind Inaies about her promise to come back to see me & get the things she wanted., he called Ruby & they are as well as usual. He met Carl Oppher & he said his wife had gone east for a while, he gave Mrs Uline his egg custermer 1/2 bu. apples & he left a few for Etta Thomas & her mother he got home at noon & took care of chickens & helped
Thurs. Sept. 22. 1949./ page. 2412./ 3.H. 18. P. eggs today./ me wash out the two blankets it was after 2-p-m & I got the cotton one dry for his bed & the wool almost dry. I got supper but didn’t wash up dishes. I thank & Praise my Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for our blessings We got one heavy shower after 8-p-m. tonight wind was S.W. this forenoon & went N.W. after dinner & got cool.
Fri. Sept. 23. 1949./ 3.-H.-16. -P. eggs today./ Well Praise the Lord, I got the last 2 blankets done today. Elbert help me & it didn’t take long & we got them almost dry & finished them in the house we have been having a wood fire every day it’s rather cool nights & mornings & it isn’t bad, with just enough fire to keep it from going out. Well, I baked 2 big tins of bread biscuits & one small one & picked up 5 1/2 bu. baskets of apples & Elbert picked up 5-1/2-bu. -baskets. & we had quite a few maybe 3 or 3 1/2 bu. in the crates. I hope to take some to Lillie, Pearl , Tessie & Elsie, they all live together then I’d like to give Mrs. Robinson some & Edith Wheeler Wagner some they sent food to us when we were really hungry. I’d like to give the Ministers in Elyria some also. I made vege-table soup for supper & did all the dishes, so, I’m tired, Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise, Glory & Honor be-longest to Thee, I pray I may be found worthy in Jesus Name Amen. We had one heavy shower & many have gone over us today.
Sat. Sept. 24. 1949./ 3.-H.-15.-P. eggs today/ Well, I haven’t felt to good today, I swept all 3. rooms wiped the walls & ceiling cooked and washed dishes was only out side about 10 minutes today air fresh & cool, we’ve had a little fire alday Elbert had to pull the well pump & put in a new leather flapper or valve the other one was broke clear off, now it pumps good He went to Huron & got a good mess of fish this morning 3. bull heads & 8 pike, they tasted quite good waters getting colder makes them more firm & hard. I thank God for all our blessing & pray He Will gather us up & strengthen all both spiritually & physically, we are like sheep with out a shepard to guide us, some going to one church & some to ano-other & I’ve stayed home trying to regain my bodily strength. I pray we can soon have a new start & that we can all work together for the good & Glory of the Lord in Jesus Name, Amen.
Sun. Sept. 25. 1949./ 3-H-19-P-eggs today/ It’s been a beautiful day, hot sun & hardly any breeze at all, I picked up 1/2 bu. apples & Elbert & I picked what tomatoes there was & now I can make my chillie sauce & green tomatoe pickles. I have to get covers for cans, brown sugar, cellery, & peppers. No one came in today & we’ve been home all day. I have Praised God in Jesus Name & pray He will soon help us to be able to get together & pray earnestly all in one accord for His Good/
Mon. Sept. 26. 1949./ page. 2413./ 3-H-15-P. eggs today./ Well; it’s been a beautiful day, We picked up & sorted apples & then after dinner we went to Lorain to Edith’s & Carl Wagners home, our cousins, thought they might like some apples but they picked 11. bu. from there few trees, so we went to Mrs. Robinson’s & she was happy to have them we visited a little, she has been sick & her sister has been with her, her ice box exploded. Well we went to Lillie’s (Wheeler) next, she & Elsie were there & Elsie’s daughter Phillis now Mrs. Smith” they have there trailer on Lillie’s lot, they were married 2. weeks ago & sleep & eat in the trailer, We gave them a bu. & a half to Philli’s & her man” & a 1/2 bu. to Pages & a little over 1/2 bu, to divide between Ruby & Evelyn. & then we hurried on homeward, we stopped at the Kroger store & bought can covers, peppers & cellery & I had to give 1.00 for gas, the gas money usually come out of my check & egg money, Elbert got a peice of pork & we or I cut of enough for supper & warmed potatoes & peas & made tea & had sliced tomatoes & I washed dishes & read a little, a thing I seldom do any more. & Elbert’s been in bed 2 or 3 hrs. now. & now I’m going to my bed & Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing this day. Lillie & the girls & Francis Page seemed so pleased with the apples. I met Mr. & Mrs. West in Krogers & had a chat, she said the preacher seems to be working since we all got out & had 18 to sun-day school last Sun, or yesterday, Well, I Praise God in Jesus Holy Name. I don’t see how we could have been a hinderance, but I pray God’s will be done, Amen.
Tue. Sept. 27. 1949./ 3.H. 12. P. eggs today./ Well, I got one batch of chillie sauce ready for the cans, I’ll have to cook it a little more in the morning, I put it in crocks tonight. I’ll have to wash cans in the morning some one took my cans away full & brought them back empty & dirty & kept the covers I used mostly new covers last time I caned, I have a few more pears to can & one more batch of Chillie sauce, then I think I’ll call it done. It’s been a beautiful day & tonight at dark it got ready to rain & it sure am raining thundering & lightening, We need the rain badly in cystern & I know everything will enjoy a drink & to get washed & refreshed. Elbert went to fish house & got to many for us, I hope they keep & that he can give Helen some. I wish some of the folks in Vermilion had some of them. I thank & praise God in Jesus Blessed Name for His Love & care Amen.
Tue. Sept. 27. 1949./ page. 2414./ 3.H. 12.P. eggs this day./ I received a card from Mrs. Frankie Bessie today she said she thanked me for the nice dinner I sent her by Nellie (I ask Nellie to take her some hot fried fish, for I had promised to try to take her some & hadn’t been able to) So Nellie took the fish & what went with it & she enjoyed it more, not knowing she was going to have it. “This is what she wrote” It’s about time I thanked you for the de-licious hot supper which you sent to me by the children. Did I enjoy it? Come drink of cup of tea from China, with me, Ralph Ward sent it. Nellie tells me you are not extra well, your-self. I can not gain any strength, I weigh 102 lbs. Hope to see you & your brother before 1959 Love to you Frankie Beesie, my address 3037. W. River Rd; 7. Elyria Ohio. She’s getting old & wont be here much longer, May God Bless her. Glory to God, I praise Thee Jesus Glory Glory Hallelujah Amen.
Wed. Sept. 28. 1949./ 2.-H.-14.-P. eggs today./ Well, Elbert left at 8-30-a-m. for Huron & so I got up & took care of the bed rooms & brushed up the Kitchen & put the chillie back in the Kettle & got it started to cook, then, I got the Kettle on to heat & picked up the dirty clothes & just got to washing when Elbert got back, so we had a lunch then I washed a while, then I picked up 1/2 bu. apples & then washed some more, I ironed my dress & under skirt before Elbert came & then when I had to sit, I got my dress partly washed. Elbert gave Helen & Douglas some of he fish he had cleaned. I got the washing all most done, I still have my dress & the double blanket & 3. mash bags I think I’ll leave them untill Fri. or Sat. I’m so tired, my arms & legs are so terrible tired tonight, I just feel as if I licked tonight, I’m much to tired. I thank God for His Love & that He care for me & praise His Holy Name, I praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost for ever, Amen.
Thurs. Sept. 29. 1949./ 2.H.14.P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Vermilion & sold the egg 10. doz. ” 80 cents per. doz.” 8.00 – 5.24 – he brought back & he spent 1.20 for light bill, 50 cents for gas, wheat was 1.10 for 2 bu. [?] celly 29, parkay 40, he says he didn’t pay for gas that would still be 21 cents more than the eggs come to. so I don’t know. Well, he got back at 12-30:noon & helped me get dinner, I had potatoes on cooking he opened a can of meat & sliced & fried it while I got a dish of fresh tomatoes ready, I got up & took care of the bed rooms & got water hot to wash & I washed my shirt-stockings & house dress & then Elbert’s double blanket he sleeps between & aired his other blanket & made up his bed fresh & washed dishes & got supper & am to tired to do any more to-night. I thank God in Jesus Blessed name for all my & our many blessing. I picked up 2. bu. apples & helped Elbert get 2 or 3 bu. down in the basement tonight.
Thurs. Sept. 29. 1949./ page. 2415./ 2. H. 14. P. eggs this day. / It’s been a nice day, but rather cool untill noon then warmed up but got cool again tonight, it’s moon light tonight. We been keeping a little wood fire to keep chill out of house. I have to repot some of my plants soon I’m not having as many as usual. Elbert’s back hurts him so bad he can’t hardly get around & he set in the house some today, I pray God will help him to get alright soon. I’m lots to tired again tonight no strength left in my arms. But I thank God for the strength He has given me today.
Fri. Sept. 30. 1949./ 2.-H.-14.P. eggs today./ Well, I thought I’d iron but I got up & took care of bed room & kitchen & got things ready for dinner I killed flies for an hr. or so & went out to see how many apples were on the ground & there were only a doz or so. Elbert came with too many fish for us, so he give Snyders a doz. they had to clean them “but he said” Georgia said Bob & his father would do that, I ask him to give the fish to them he don’t like to but, they would only spoil if he dressed them all & then he had so many he took 8 or 10 to Helen & her children, she put them in the ice box for tomorrow her brother & wife will be there for dinner, they take care of Helen’s boy “he’s 3. yrs. old” while she works & she has her daughter’s girl & her own daughter with her all the time but the boy has to stay with her sister-in-law untill Fri. night or Sat. she said he cried a lot the first week but was better this week, Rue is talking divorse & he stays in Cleveland sometimes 5. wks at a time. Helen use to say she worshiped the ground he walked on, but now it’s all changed since his father died no one to talk to Rue, to keep him up & going half way straight. Snyder’s are having a party for Joan, she’s soon to become a mother & they are still all light up over there & lots of cars there. Well, I went out & helped Elbert pick up apples west of the park fence 2 1/2 bu. I made 2 big tins of bread cook & washed up all the dishes & Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name for the strength He gives me, I hope to go to Church Sun. morning & Pray God will help me to get there. It’s been a beautiful day. We had a light frost last night. I received nice card from Bonita & one from Nellie.
Sat. Oct. 1. 1949. / 2.H-18.P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron * got a big mess of fish & before he came home he went to the gas station where he owed 50 cents for gas & paid it & gave them a mess of fish, he helped the fishermen this morning & they gave him
Sat. Oct. 1. 1949./ page. 2416./ 2.H. 18.P. eggs this day./ a big mess of fish, I had just got up & washed & dressed & the beds taken care of when he came back, his back paining him bad he has a cold & his new tooth he has just been cutting on his lower jaw is swollen bad & thats paining him to & it’s hard for him to eat. We had finished dinner & Elbert was out cleaning the rest of the fish when Inise Robinson Hunt & her husband came in, I was pearing pears & had the Kettle most full & I had on my old ragged wash dress. I put the cover on the Kettle & we visited a little & than Elbert came in & he & Mr. Hunt visited while Inice & I went out side & walked about looking at flowers & shrubbery & vines trees & apples & I said we wished we could get some one to come & pick apples on shares & she said her man would so she ask & he said he would come back Mon. & pick that will help us both. I prayed God would help us to 10.00 & here it come in a letter from Audrey this a.-m. & I got a reply from the Veterans Office in Cleveland I’m still hoping for Frank’s pension I have to fill a blank & send it in. I truly thank God in Jesus Name for my Blessing and His loving care, but I do wish I knew What to do a-bout going to Church, I don’t want to do anything wrong & the rest have been in a great arguement, I wasn’t in it for I wasn’t able to go to Church & the longer I went the worse I seemed to fee. I’m begining to feel some better again, but God knows I’m badly in need of prayer, & to feel His cleansing Power go through me again. Glory to God, Glory Hallelujah, I praise Thee, Jesus, Blessed Jesus. Before supper, I canned the pears 5 1/2 qts. I got the supper but didn’t do dishes or anything but read & devour the lessons from the bible, in Rev. DeHaan’s book of sermons.
Sun. Oct. 2. 1949./ 3-H-20-P. eggs today./ We been home all day & no word from the church folks. I have felt to exausted & sort of , like I might faint any minute, all day. but I got dinner & we ate cold lunch for supper. I washed dishes. & I read & studied God’s word. I pray God will settle things & help me to be able to go to Church soon Elberts hip is troubling him again, I believe he has a cold in it & in his lower jaw for jaw is badly swollen Audrey sent us a letter & 10.00 yesterday I thank & Praise God for ans. prayer, We really needed the money so bad.
Sun. Oct. 2. 1949./ page. 2417./ 3-H-20-P. eggs this day./ I really pray God Will in Jesus Holy Name take away the cause of her ear ach & give her a renewed strength in spirit & body, & Elbert also & I’ll thank Him & give Him all the Praise for ever & ever Amen, Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus. It’s been a beautiful Fall Day Warm sun so quite.
Mon. Oct. 3. 1949./ 3.H-15. P. eggs today./ Another fine day but it clouded up & rained in light showers about 3 or 3-30-p-m. Elbert went to Vermilion went to Vermilion for grain 3.69. & hens mash 4.25, he got some mixed spices some garlic saucage & a piece of boiling meat, I got up & looked after beds & rooms & did the ironing & swept & picked & straightened up a bit & got the chillie on to cook & started dinner & then just as we finished, Inice & her husband came in he come to pick apples we gave them 1 1/2 bu. picked apples & 1 1/2 bu. drops, they seemed satisfied, & said they would come back to pick again in a day or two, Inice & I had a good visit, she’s been through the fire also & now a steel strike is on & he’s out of work & they haven’t any money laid up, she has had a hard row taking care of 4 children, 2. boys & 2. girls, they are married & have children now, her eldest grand daughter is 17. yrs. old & works summers, all are nice looking children. I finished my Chillie had to chop onions, cellery & peppers & did that while I visited with Inice & I gave her a pt. when she went home. A man from Sandusky Register news paper came here this morning & wanted me to take a pack of news papers from here to Vermilion every day at 3-p-m, I told him I couldn’t, but perhaps my brother would, so I called Elbert & he said he would, the man “I cant remember his name” said a woman would leave them here every day, Elbert takes them to Vermilion & they will give him 2.00 per. day. 48.00 per. mo. I hope & pray it will work out O.K. Elbert cut the berry bush & cleared it away so he could pick up the apples out west of the park fence & he picked up 10. bu. baldwin & pilled them in two loads on the wheel barrow & brought them to the back yard then he sawed off some limbs & painted the sawed place on the tree. I prayed God would give us lots of apples & I praise Him for He has & we have given to others who don’t have any, & they are so good. I canned the chillie 1.qt. & 7. pts. with the one I gave Inice. It’s raining in light showers tonight, it’s quite a warm rain. I thank & praise My Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for His Great & Tender Love for His Children Glory to God, I Praise Thee Jesus & Love Thee & pray Thou will keep me ever close. Amen.
Tue. Oct. 4. 1949./ 2.H-14.P. eggs. today./ Well, today another man came to check on the one that came yesterday about Elbert’s delivering the Sandusky Register News paper, he has to drop off 2. rolls papers before he gets to Vermilion & he starts tomorrow.
Tue. Oct. 4. 1949./ page. 2418./2.H.14.P. eggs this day./ We were waiting on the drive, Well, we both got our checks to-day, I had my food order made out, so We went to Vermilion & paid 10.00, on the coal & spent 23.74 for food order & I didn’t have a cent left except the 5.00 for Church. Elbert paid 3.74 on the food & then paid 78 cents for tea & ____ for baking Powder. & he paid meat bill ______ and got short steaks for supper _____. so he hasn’t much left, for he also paid for the gas 1.50 this time, it usually comes out of mine, he’s got to pay 5.00 to Bakers garage. We sorted & put all the good apples down celler before we left. for town. I got dinner did my usual round. I thank God & Praise Him in Jesus Name for all our many blessings today I’m so glad for that 35. He makes possible for me, each mo. & for the help Audrey give us so often. May God help her & bless her, forever. I received a card from Mrs Maude Sprunk today. Things seem to be same as usual at 4 Square in Vermilion.
Wed. Oct. 5. 1949./ 3-H-19-P. eggs today/ Well, I thought I’d do the washing but was feeling all in & so I laid & rested & Inice & her man rolled in & I in bed yet so I hoped out & prayed a while then got washed & dressed, Elbert had killed a hen & had it on to cook, so I made some relish of chopped onions, celery, carrots, cabbage, sweet pickles & a sweet pepper & 1 hot pepper, vinegar salt & pepped & sugar. then I made biscuits Inise pared the potatoes & I put them on to cook & then made gravey & we ate dinner, Inise thanked God for our dinner, they seemed to enjoy the dinner & our visit. He picked quite a lot of apples today & we gave them 3 bags or 4 1/2 bu. well I’ve got the dinner & supper dishes done & I pared the big Kettle full of apples to cook & can tomorrow & I canned 1. qt to-night & had some left for sauce for breakfast. Inice & her man brought a beef roast, a lb. of butter, a box of tea, a little can of honey & a pt. of sweet mixed pickles she made her-self & a bottle of linement to rub Elberts back & hip with, they seem to feel so much different than most people about the apples, they said they’d never had any one treat them so well, but, its a lot of work to pick apples, they only brought 2 bags so we filled a mash bag for them. We will have lots more than we can use. I want to give Mrs. Miller a few more &and I don’t know yet if Nellie & Audrey want more apples or not. & I’d like to give Lillie & the girls afew more. but I don’t know whether I can. I don’t get a chance to do some of the things I want to do. Elbert’s so tired he took the papers & delivered then & came right back, didn’t take him long. Inise & her man left about 4-30 or quarter to 5-p-m & said they’d be back soon & try to bring a small cider press so we could each have some cider.
Wed. Oct. 5. 1949./ page. 2419./ 3-H-19-P-eggs this day./ I truly Praise God for all our many blessings in Jesus Dear & Holy Name. It’s been a fine day, the N.east breeze is cool & its still N. east tonight & we are getting a heavy misty rain with it. I thank & Praise God & Son & Holy Ghost for all things Amen.
Thurs. Oct. 6. 1949./ 3-H-20-P. eggs today/ Elbert went & sold 3. doz. eggs 85 cents per doz. in Lorain & 5 1/2 doz 80 cents per doz in Vermilion on the Lake a total of 6.95 he spent 2.17 for food can covers & light bulbs & brought home $4.78 cents, he had to do quite a lot of waiting to sell the eggs they are high, but, they have put the feed way up & they tell us there is lots of grain but just last week the mash took a jump again. It’s really the fault of the goverment, they want to rule the people here like they do in Russia. Well I have read & reread Rev De Haans lesson from the bible, & I’m still sure & I believe it wont be much longer, before the Lord Will come & take out all of the people who are worthy. Oh God, I pray for, Thy People Thy Holy Mountian & Land & pray in Jesus Holy Name we may be found worthy, Glory to God Hallelujah, Amen. It’s been showery & sunshine between shower, a nice day, I did half the washing, helped pick up apples & cooked dinner & supper & did my daily duties in the house & canned 5. qts. apple sauce. & 1. qt of juice & washed up the dishes, Elbert picked up apples took care of the chickens went to Vermilion with the papers & he wrenched his knee & it pains bad tonight & He’s sore and lame tonight & terrible tired, he’s gone to bed. I do truly thank & Praise God for all our many blessing. he took Mrs. Uline a basket of apples, she has 4. children & her husband has left her, I pray God will truly deal with him he’s running about with a young girl. Seems as if the law ought to deal hard with that sort of men, it sure deals hard with a woman if she deserts her man & children. Elbert talked with Mrs. Cranage & Ruth is sick again. May God help us.
Fri. Oct. 7. 1949./ 2-H-18-P. eggs today./ Elbert went to the fish house he helped them reel nets with a promise of fish tomorrow he got here at noon I was just done with the washing, I got up when he left at 8-30-a-m. & went out & picked up apples got 1/2 bu. all that would stay on the basket, I really went to see what was scareing the pullets them fill my skirt with apples I’ve been doing to much lifting & carrying to much, I’ll have to stop it if I can Elbert’s Knee is so bad he has to groan every move. he could hardly go with the papers tonight, he hasn’t been doing anything to help get rid of it, as he usually does, said he never thought of taking the anacin’s, he usually takes them & so as he don’t want to tell him what to do, I’ll have to suffer by carry -ing the water & feeding the hen, perhaps & carrying there water mash, I’m truly, not able. Well, I picked up a couple bu. of walnuts here by the house & only got about 1/2
Fri. Oct. 7. 1949./ page. 2420./ 2.H. 18. P. eggs this day/ of them & then there are two more trees- the one by the road & one over the hill. Well, I got the dinner & supper washed dishes empted slop pail got a pail of well water heat the tea Kettle & helped Elbert get his Knee & feet soaked & dried & rubbed with linement & wrapped his Knee in a piece of wool blanket & give him an anacin & got his leg up on the bed & covered up, he had a hard time getting his night pants on but, he got it done by himself. he’s carried the water for the washing & for the chickens & took care of chickens but tonight it began to swell & pain after he got set down to rest, it now 10-25-p.m. & he’s begun to get easy I thank & praise the Lord, for I’m hardly able to do any more than I’ve been doing, I just felt as if I couldn’t do the washing this a-m. but got at it & got it all done, it was a good drying day. hot sun & breeze went from S.east on around to the N. East Yesterday it was so wet & cool & today so warm & breeze died out tonight & we have a heavy due. Well time for an-other anacin -10-30-p-m. only two more & I’ll go to bed for it isn’t paining him so bad now, but 12-30 is 2. hrs. yet & my own legs & feet ach so bad tonight & I’ve felt so stuffed & I know its because I’m two tired Elbert just said it was picking up the nuts that made me tired, I picked up a bu of apples & carried them here to the house, that made me puff, but he wants me to bake bread tomorrow that is bad for me two, but he wants that Well I’ll read what the Lord tells us, now & then go & talk to Him for I love my Heavenly Father & I love Jesus & the Holy Ghost and I Praise God in Jesus Holy Name for my bless this day. I had Elbert take 1/2 bu. apples I picked up this morning to Mrs. Miller & her son.
Sat. Oct. 8. 1949./ 3-H-13-P. eggs today./ Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish, I went & picked up 2 1/2 bu. baskets of apples & went to see Mrs. Jones. then came in & washed my hands & cleaned my finger nails & set the bread & then got the potatoes ready for dinner, then washed & cleaned up the two bird cages then Elbert came & I put the potatoes on to cook & water on to heat for drink then walked out to see if he had enough fish cleaned for dinner, he had & I give them the final wash & got them on to cook, he had 4 nice little catfish, some perch & pike so I cook about 8. in all & we had dinner then I mixed my bread into biscuits 2 big tins & had just enough left to make 6 big rolls then I swept & rapped up the empty bird cages & put them away & then we had a cup of cocoa just before Elbert went with the papers “night before last I told him I could hear some one weeping & wailing” & yesterday I couldn’t keep from crying at noon & all after noon & I kept thinking of Harry Miller & his
Sat. Oct. 8. 1949./ page. 2421./ 3-H-13. P. eggs this day/mother & I told Elbert & said I hope they are O.K. I had part of a vision, I saw Mrs Miller going over the rail road crossing she was bearheaded & looked worried, but it was just after I had finished thanking God for our dinner & Elbert spoke to me & the vision left me, I’ve been thinking of them every since & so, I sent Elbert there after he de-livered his papers, with fresh fish, they seemed to enjoy them so much before & I want to know how they were & Elbert came in, When he got back & said he had some bad news & I said I thought so, What is it? he said Mrs. Miller was struck by a New York Central engine & Killed about one oclock Fri. Oct. 7. that was yester-day. Well, I didn’t know she ever went that far from home, but the unfinished vision came back to me, poor old soul, she was 88 or 89 yrs. old, & that seemed a hard way to have to go. Poor Harry, he can’t help him self & there he lays & must suffer his mothers loss, he’ll miss his mother more than any one will ever Know, he’ll be so lonesome, it’s terrible & I pray with all my heart God will comfort him & if theres anything I can do, I pray He will help me to Know, Oh, God I pray Thou will have mercy in Jesus Name Amen. I thank Thee Jesus for thy love & tender mercy’s I love & Praise Thee for ever & ever, I wish I was better & more worthy. Elbert’s knee is better, but he still can’t bend it much. It’s been a wonderful, beautiful day “85 degrees hot” even in New York & Michigan & in California they had a frost & 10 in. of snow in Colorado & 12. in. in the ______ mountains Jesus will soon be coming Oh, if the peoples would only wake up to the fact.
Sun. Oct. 9. 1949. 3-H-20-P. eggs today. / It’s been a beautiful day S.W. breeze & heat 81 degrees heat, hot sun, I can hardly endure it to be in the sun light feels as if it scorched my skin. We been home all day Elbert’s knee is better he can double it up again, been having to walk stiff legged, I thank God it better but seems I just have to keep after him or he wont take care of it. soon as it feels better he just stops taking the anacins. Well he’s started in again tonight & I’m trusting he’ll get the swelling all out. I pray in Jesus Holy Name He will cleans us & keep us Amen. I thank & praise Him for all things & pray Audrey’s ear is O.-K. by now. & that she will learn to know the Lord, Amen.
Mon. Oct. 10. 1949./ 2-H-15 Pullets eggs today/ I did the washing & 5 bags & Elbert went to the beach & got a good load of sand & he unloaded it & then we had dinner he fixed the sandbox and then went with the papers. I sent him to Millers to see
Mon. Oct. 10. 1949/ page 2422./ 1-H-15.P. eggs this day/ if we could be of any help, but the woman there said she didn’t know, so, Elbert stopped at West thought she might be able to find out, but, she wasn’t home, so he came back I got supper & we ate & then I peeled two sauce pans full of apples & now I’m thinking of going to bed for I’m surely two tired. Elbert picked up the apples today. I’d like to wash 3 or four light wool blankets at the end of the week, God Wiling. I thank & Praise Him for all our blessing which are many. Praise His Holy Name, Amen. It’s been a beautiful day hot, to hot sun to be in it long & a hot south wind that dried the cloths fast today & we been having beautiful moon light nights.
Tue. Oct. 11. 1949./ 2.-H.-18-P. eggs today./ Well, I haven’t done my usual work to-day, I caned two quarts of apple sauce be-fore I went to bed last night & I picked up a pk. of butter nuts, & a pk. of walnuts & a few apples & took care of the bedrooms, cooked the meals & washed dishes & my feet & legs are very badly swollen & pain me terribly. Elbert’s knee has got better, but now the pains in his back so bad, but he took the papers, & got his check of 8.00 for last week, the girl that leave the papers, give him his check tonight, I gave her a big bunch of dahlias tonight, she seem real pleased with them. It’s been partly cloudy today but quite warm & they were to lay Mrs. Miller to rest at 2-p-m. today. I pray God will in Jesus Name help Harry to trust & believe fully & that He will continue His healing soul & body & bones in Jesus Holy Name, Amen. I don’t know who will take care of him now his mother is gone but I hope they will be kind to him, for he’s helpless. I thank God in Jesus Blessed name with all my heart for His tender mercys & Loving care Glory to God I Praise Thee Jesus.
Wed. Oct. 12. 1949./ 2-H-17-P. eggs today/ Well, I didn’t get up untill 1-p-m, my legs ached so bad & Mrs. Winton & Miss. Clark came in & had to waite for me to wash & dress Rev. Wintons wife wants me to come to there church Sun. They told us about Mrs. Millers accident & there is a nurse Who has a family, Who came in daily to give Harry his bath & rub his back at night & fix him up for bed at night, they sent her to tell Harry what had happened to his mother, but, when his mother didn’t come back as soon as was reasonably expected, he senced something must have happen & then the nurse hailed the two ministers going to a wedding, they didn’t want to stop, but nurse told them they had to that Mrs Miller had just been struck by a New York Central train & killed so they went in & Harry ask, is mother dead & they were afraid she was, they talked & prayed with him & then they went on to the wedding. It seems Mrs. Miller had given the nurses little boy a carrot & sent him home.
Wed. Oct. 12. 1949./ page. 2423./ 2.-H.-17.-P. eggs this day./ & he was on the track & his own mother saw him running & get off the track as the fast train sped past, the one that had hit Mrs. Miller, then she talked to the boy & she wondered how Mrs. Miller could have been near the track or give the boy a carrot & her elder son came in with the blood covering his face & said a boy had shot him with a be-be, gun, her nerve was so badly shaken, that after she washed the boys face & dug the shot out & given him some care she ran back to Harry Miller, but just couldn’t tell him about his mother & so got the ministers to do it & she stayed until his sister got there & a neighbor woman, it seems they were expecting the sister & Harry said she wanted to have every thing there to eat for once, so they wouldn’t have to go after anything & said she wouldn’t be gone long, he hadn’t had his lunch. Well they had the funeral they at the house & the nurse stayed & looked after Harry during the funeral & after they had taken his mother out, Poor Harry, just had to lay there & greive so help-less, as dependent on others as a baby, Poor Soul May God Help him. from here on, I ask in Jesus Holy Name, Amen, I praise Thee Jesus. Well, I went out & picked a bunch of dahlias some of the small & some big clear Yellow ones & a bu. of apples. We had prayer before they went out & I thank God my Heavenly Father, for He said where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My Name there will I be also. I know He hears & trust for my healing. He has healed me many times & in “bad cases as this, I give Him all the Honour & Glory in Jesus Blessed Holy Name now & forever.
Thurs. Oct. 13. 1949./ 2.-H-14. Pullets eggs today./ Well I have felt better today Praise the Lord in Jesus Holy Name Amen. Well, I haven’t done much today, I picked up 1/2 bu. & a good pk of apples made apple sauce, pulled 2 big beets for hens & chicks & a cabbage that had burst open & started to grow, I pulled four beets for us & some leaves for greens & several red hot peppers. I washed beet & put them on to cook then washe greens for supper Elbert bought a piece of bacon so we had that with greens & fried boiled potatoes. We had fresh veal “Marry’s lamb” for dinner I washed dishes & took care of Jacky, my canary, & just before supper Mrs Douglas came in for a couple of minutes, said she was passing by & felt she ought to stop, I usually call on her or them once or twice a yr. but haven’t been there since last Fall, she said they had been quite busy & well She said mr. Douglas is 78. yrs. old & she is 69. yrs. old. He drives there car, yet. Elbert got yeast cake for bread , so, guess if I can, I’ll bake bread I thank my Heavenly Father for all my many blessing in Jesus Name Amen.
Fri. Oct. 14. 1949./ 2.-H-18-P. eggs today/ Well, God gave me strength to wash out the few things that were dirty, but my head has still does feel bad &
Fri. Oct. 14. 1949./ page 2424./ 2. H-18. P. eggs this day/ my nose blead twice to day a thing I have never had but a few times in my whole life & then it was only a few dropps each time, but today, twice there were about a teaspoon full “that is for both times but my head still is feeling terrible bad, I had got everything ready for supper, at 4-p-m. & had to lay down. I felt a little better & ate a good supper of hot potatoes & fried fish bread butter & apple sauce. I baked 2. big tins of bread biscuit & 1. big loaf of bead & I cooked dinner & did dishes & am to tired to write but I thank & Praise God from Whom all blessing flow. I know Jesus is able & He cares fore His own. Elbert went to Huron & got a good mess of fish. And he washed out one pr. of work pants We gave the young lady that leaves the papers for Elbert to deliver a box of apples last night, tonight she said they had apple sauce last night & she hoped for pie tonight. It’s been a fine day, little cooler than last week.
Sat. Oct. 15. 1945./ 2-H-12. Pullets eggs today./ Pullets were a yr old last month & the young pullets are 6. months old they should be laying but the way they are taken care of, they don’t yet there head are getting red & some have nice red lap combs & begin to look like hens, so they’ll lay before long Elbert’s back is a little better & he, don’t complain of his Knee any more, but his bones ached tonight he’s so careless. Wind’s been N. East & quite chilly & he fails to wear a jacket his nose was running tonight, he went to Vermilion this a-m-& got a check up on his care & came home & ate dinner & then went to Huron & got 12. white bass fish, I cooked them for supper, he went to Vermilion with the papers at 3-10-p-m. We ate when he got back, he got a nice bunch of hens greens this morning. I did the ironing & mending & didn’t get the floor wiped up, it’s terrible dirty, but, I sure been busy this last week or so, I picked up a pk. of nice big apples today. I’m still bum tonight. It’s been a fine day rather cool N. East wind, partly cloudy, hot sun. I thank my Father in Heaven for all my many blessing and ask my prayer for meat. I’d like to get
Sat. Oct. 15. 1949./ page. 2425./ 2-H-12 P. eggs this day./ an answer, as to where I should go to Church, and I pray Jesus will help me to know, soon. I feel so deserted or left alone & it seems queer nothing has been done by the church authoritys. Well I will waite & pray & trust God will help me to understand soon, I am so slow in under-standing. I Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen.
Sun. Oct. 16. 1949./ 2-H-14-P. eggs today./ Felt bum today bowels wont move & I have had plenty exercise to. I fried Game Chicken for dinner & Elbert helped get the supper. We picked what pears there were left & picked up apples & my leggs from hips to ankles ached so bad all day. We were just having tea when Miss. Clark & a friend of hers drove in, so I gave them a cup of tea & a piece of cake, the cake was & is to dry but they ate it I gave them pears, apples & a bunch of flowers & the lady took a few butternuts said her son “a married man” had never seen a butternut. Well, I was all in after they left & now my bowels have moved just a little . & I feel sick & limpsy. It’s been a beautiful day Wind’s N. east & rather cool, but not to cool for this time of year. I Praise Thee God, in Jesus Name.
Mon. Oct. 17. 1949./ 2-H-15-P. eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Huron for fish & I got up & washed & dressed & talked to Jesus awhile & went out side & picked up apples & looked around, it was a beautiful morning sun was just coming up, birds were singing & bathing in there bath dish, I came back in & got things going for dinner, I put the onions to cook at a quarter to 11-a-m. & when they were most done I put the potatoes on & when they’d been on 10 or so minutes Elbert came, so I put the chicken gravy & what chicken there was into the gravy & warm that & we had dinner some after he got in, I had been washing my West Window & W. Kitchen Window & front storm door window, I’d like to get them all done before it turns cold rather sudden. We’ve had a beautiful late Fall, warm sun, freeze a little to cool some days, today it’s been quite & hot sun not much breeze. Well, Elbert was out dressing fish & I was looking for Frank’s Service papers, & in drives Inise & her man with a trailer & they had an old ice box they had repaired & painted & brought to me, one of the old fashion kind & it’s & old timer. They painted out side gray & inside white enamel. Oh me, They said they would have been back sooner only he had been sick, they bought a doz. eggs of Elbert, 80 cents, & they dug up a pear tree, We had set in the park, a Keifer pear had a few on it this yr. big nice ones, but I have one that’s all we need. they dug some evergreens & tame tiger lillies a tube rose & I gave her a few pears from the little pear out in the back, it had 2 bu. on it I don’t know what kind it is. & a basket of my dutches pears walked awy some where Elbert says he don’t.
Mon. Oct. 17. 1949./page. 2426./ 2.H-15.-P. eggs today./ know where they went I like them to eat & thought I’d get to eat some of them, there were some real nice ones in the boxes a whole 1/2 bu. & a pk. it’s queere for the rest of the pears & apples haven’t been bothered, so far. Well they went home a little before five o’clock, she took a 1/2 doz. or so of the big yellow dahlias, the bulbs, she said she’d get later. they sure grew nice since Aug. cool nights & heavy dues, they like. Well after they left we had a cup of tea then Elbert went to feed Chickens & I transplanted one Gloxina bulb & planted 2 others & I have to repot several tomorrow. Elbert’s gone to bed & I think that’s where I’m going I’ve felt so weak all day, in my legs & arms. I dug my big lillie “India lillie” it grew a fine big bulb this time with out any young one’s. I washed it & set it away to dry & to harden the skin on it. I thank my Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Name for all my many blessing. I love & Praise Him for ever & ever.
Tue. Oct. 18. 1949./ 2-H-15-P. eggs today./ Another beautiful day & I was taken with a pain in my back “small of my back” and it got so bad I could hardly endure it before bed time & lasted all night & today, I didn’t feel as if I could possibly get up &K dress, but Elbert came in with the mail a letter from sister Audrey, so, he brought my glasses with it & he sat down while I read it, she’s having a bad time with her ears, bealings in them I know how bad they must pain her, I pray God will clear & clean them up & take away the cause of them, she wrote 4 pages full on both sides telling us about some of the rest of the family, she surely gives Martha & her Children a lot of money, she’s letting the 3, pick out there winter coats & expects to pay close to a hundred dollars, they are 15 & 16 yrs. old Jim is a big boy 5 foot & 8 ins. tall he’s taller than his mother Jean his twin sister isn’t so tall, Joan is a yr. younger but as tall, if not taller than Jean, Ann; Well, such is life. Well, I got up & did part of my daily round & I got the fish fried & made gravy & Elbert warmed potatoes & cut the bread, I mixed the coloring into the olie & put it in dishes & made the tea. Elbert bought 2 boxes green tea when he took the papers to Vermilion he lost his ring of Keys, just before he went to Vermilion, seems he put the pullets in & was going to let hens out he went to pick up what apples had fell & he cut across to apple boxes & found he had lost his keys, he hunted untill most time to go & has not found them yet, I gave him the key he had let me take I thank God in Jesus Holy Name for taking care of me “& us” all Praise belongs to Him all Honors & Glory, for ever & ever. Glory, Glory to God, I thank Him for my healing, Hallelujah Amen.
Wed. Oct. 19. 1949./ 2-H-15-P. eggs today/ Oh, I sure been bad today couldn’t sleep for 2. nights & 2. days & I could hardly make myself get up yesterday & today. I did get beds & sweeping
Wed. Oct. 19. 1949./ page 2427./ 2. H-15-P. eggs today./ done, I helped get most of the meals & washed the dishes & now, I’ll read & go to bed my side sure pain me unbearably; I hope Audreys ears don’t pain as bad as my side & hip, Elbert’s back is still paining him bad. but he seems to keep going, only has a few more potatoes to dig, he has all the apples & potatoes put down below. It’s ben a beautiful day, cool breeze, white sun. but I haven’t been able to get out & walk around today. I ask God to help Elbert find his Keys & he found them, it seemed to me they were over here by this apple tree, but he was so sure they was under the one in the park, he raked all the dry grass & leaves & didn’t find them, I said again they might be out here by the apple boxes, so at last he went back & looked after he had looked the paths over several times & there they lay right in plain sight, he said he must have walked over them several times, I thank God, He’s wonderful to show me such thing & many other things of greater importance, I Glory in His Name & all Praise & Glory belong to Him, Truly.
Thurs. Oct. 20. 1949./ 3.-H.-14.-P. eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Lorain & only sold 2. doz. eggs 85 cents per. doz. then he hiked to Elyria & ask the Minister to come & pray for me, he had done a few other things before going to Elyria & then he came back to Ver-million on the beach & sold 1. doz. for 80 cents then he sold 5. doz at Alberta beach 80 cents per. doz. then in Vermilion he bought a few groceries & came home at two. p-m. & then we ate 20. mi. later. he carried 4. baskets of apples down below & then he waited for the papers, Girl was late & the Ministers came a new one “Miss Florence Tooley, Rev.” & Rev. Mrs. H.H. Harwell they visited & prayed with me & I’ve felt God power several times since they prayed for me. May God ever bless them & keep them. Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Harwell came with Rev. Singleton & prayed for me the time the ulser broke in my stomach & the poison came out on my face, hands & arms & a little on my body, in a couple of hrs. the swelling began to leave my head & once again I could see, Oh God, it was truely Wonderful, I’m so glad You Love me, & pray I may be found worthy in Jesus Holy Name Glory to God I praise Thee Jesus, I love Thee & pray I may do thy Holy Will. I’ve done some work today washed out a change of clothes & my rags & they dried good out side with a good South breee & hot sun 82. degrees, I let the pullets out & cann-ned 2 1/2 qts. apple sauce & got dinner & supper & looked after beds & rooms & my canary. Oh how those Women can pray Glory to God, I thank Thee Jesus & praise Thee for them & my healing & most of all for Thee Who can teach us all thing & heal us to quickly.
Thurs. Oct. 20. 1949./ page 2428./ 3-H-14-P. eggs this day./ Ma’s & pa’s wedding annavarsary 70. yrs. ago today they were wed. pa was 18. yrs. old & ma was 22.yrs. old Ma was 23 on Nov 29th & pa’s was 19 on Jan. 28. pa was born 1861. & Ma 1857. Ma would be 93 yrs. Nov. 29th 1949 & pa would be 89 on Jan 28th 1950. Ma’s 4 yrs older than pa. Well I thank God Ma believed in Him & she tried hard to teach us children, to know & live for Jesus to the best of her abbility, Glory to God.
Fri. Oct. 21. 1949./ 3-H-19-P. eggs today./ Well, I laid on the bed most of the day I feel better but pain’s not all gone entirely, I’m standing on the promises of God. trsuting & believing for my entire healing in Jesus name, Amen. It’s been a fine day partly showery light showers. Elbert went to Huron for fish but, no fish today, he’s going again in the morning, he says. Well I’d like to do out what few dirty clothes there are & wipe up the floors & fix the hem of my dress I have to put a facing on the bottom, I riped the hem out before ironing it, so now I have to fix it. It’s been quite warm. Elbert took the papers, I thank God in Jesus Name for all our many blessing & for my healing & Praise His Holy Name.
Sat. Oct 22. 1949./ 2-H-14-P-eggs today./ Well, it’s been a fine day, I am better Praise the Lord, I know He Will fix me all up again Oh, I’ll never be able to tell How I love Jesus, He all the world to me, I thank Thee & Praise Thee Jesus, Blessed Jesus. I helped Elbert pick 3. bunches of Chinesse lanterns & a few for the news paper Woman she said, Oh thanks, I’ve always wanted some of those lanterns. Sister, “Rev. Tooley” wants some also. I swept but just felt I couldn’t wipe up the floor. so, I didn’t or I didn’t get my dress fixed either, I got 2 meals & washed dishes once today. We saw more than 75 wild geese going south Thurs. after noon. We are having extra warm weather 70 & 80 degrees heat & the flowers are in full bloom yet. & the wild Violets are in bloom again & dandelines, it’s to warm for this time of yr. here & in California it is chilly down to 30 degree & cold for that State & several other states have had snow, Colorado, Montana, Texas, Oregon & Arizona all been having storms, hope we don’t get something bad. Elbert took the papers to Vermilion & got saucage & mutton.
Sun. Oct. 23. 1949./ 2-H-18-Pullets eggs today/ Well, Elbert gets up early every morning & so he took his bath & ate breakfast took care of chickens then he got a couple of carrots & cabbage head from the garden, & then he cleaned them & put them in with the meat I had ready & so by the time I was washed & dress it was done & we ate & I
Sun. Oct. 23. 1949./ page. 2429./ 2-H-18-P. eggs this day/ washed the dishes we we talking when a new Ford car rolled in, I got to the back door just as Martha & Audrey did & let them in & they brought frankfarters pork chops, two short ribs & a ham & a nice dcake that Jean Ann baked, it was fine & Elbert said it was swell, Jean said she remembered Uncle liked cake, Well God bless her & save her soul Oh, how I wish they Knew What I Know & how I wish & pray they Knew Jesus & would work for Him & help to save other souls from “Hell” instead of working for this worlds goods, God have mercy & teach us all Thy Ways in Jesus Name I ask, I thank Thee & give all praise & Glory to Thee. Well Audrey had tucked 5-1-‘s in the meat package beside all that meat Lord God of Hosts Bless her & save her soul & Help Martha & Merlin to come to Thee & bring there children . Audrey brought a big pack of news papers. We had quite a visit. they late this after noon about 4.30 & left about 6-p-m. We did have a cup of tea before they went but they wouldn’t here about staying for supper, they took a bu. of apples & some of the big yellow dahlias & a few beets. Audrey looks so thin, she’s had bealings in her ears, took a cold in her head & ears & that’s terrible, she said she worked 5 1/2 days last week, I don’t like to take her money, she don’t look able to work. Well she said she enjoyed the ride out here, it’s been a beautiful day, tonight winds gone N. east but so far it’s not cold. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus help me to be worthy I pray, Amen.
Mon. Oct. 24. 1949. 2.-H-16-P. eggs today./ Well, I didn’t feel able to work, I got dinner & was just sitting here trying to write post cards in ans. to those received When some one Knocked hard on the door, I called come in, and Inice came in & her husband Elbert had been right near the grainery & I didn’t know he had gone out in the park & had sawed off some limbs on one of the apple trees looked like some oil had been put on it, like was on the baldwin by the house & on the butternut tree, but he said he doesn’t believe we cut this one in time, for it looks as if it had gone into the body & there are one or two out beyond the park that are most dead & others that look bad, so we may have to clean them off before long. Winds back N. West, & last night we heard a big flock of geese going off toward the S.West Mr. Hunt dug a bitter sweet a wisteria & a trumpet vine, to take home & plant Inice took a big bunch of yellow dahlias & a few peppers, She brought me a dress silk crape, I guess, it was given to her new & she
Mon. Oct. 24. 1949./ page. 2430. / 2-H-16-P-eggs today/ it had never been worn, but hung in the closet & was needing to be cleaned it’s navy blue with a navy blue lace yoke, very pretty but looks to short for me. She said they enjoyed the fish & bread biscuits so much & she canned the peppers & they looked just beautiful, Well, I’m glad she liked them. She bought a doz. eggs 80 cents & 2. boxes of cards 2.00 to day. I have several more boxes to sell, hope, I can, so I can get my shoes & stocking & clothes I need so bad. I’m better & thanks to God I’m trusting & believingk & praise God from Whom all blessing flow in Jesus name, Amen. Glory to God I’m trusting & believing. I wrote a card to mrs. Sprunk & Elbert mailed it when he went with the papers, Mr. Hunt went with him to Vermilion & back & he said he really enjoyed the ride in Elberts car. I pray God helps me wipe up the floor & fix the hem in my dress tomorrow.
Tue. Oct. 25. 1949./ 2-H-12.P. eggs today./ Well, I did all but 6 pieces of the washing today. Elbert hung part of them out side they didn’t dry very fast I finished ’em inside & I done to much for I wiped up kitchen floor. Elbert warmed up supper & I’m not going to do any more tonight. I wrote 6. U.S. Post cards today While I rested between washes & Elbert hung part of them out side they didn’t dry very fast I finished ’em inside & I done to much for I wiped up Kitchen floor. Elbert warmed up supper & I’m not going to do any more tonight. I wrote 6. U.S. Post cards today while I rested between washes & Elbert Mailed them when he took the papers to Vermilion today. I sent one to Bonita & one to Nellie one to Mrs. Beesie one to Mrs. West one to Miss Clark & one to Frank & Ruby Bonney. Audrey said Sun. she had talk to some one living near Frank & she said she was told they were expecting a change Sat. night for the better or worse, I’ve been seeing her face so much of late, and Frank hasn’t been out for a long time, or the boys, he’s been avoiding paying for Elbert’s lots, He’s been terrible about it. Well, I thank & Praise God in Jesus Name, for the great strength He has given me today & He gives me each day & for the help & love He give me & most of all for saving my soul. Amen. We have sold 5. doz. eggs here at home $4.00 & Elbert gave me 4.80 last Thurs, making a total of 8.80 this week so far. I heard 2 flocks of geese go over last night.
Wed. Oct. 26. 1949./ 2-H-13-P. eggs today./ It’s been a fine day Nice sun with a chill of Fall in the air, Elbert went to fish house, but no fish. he got back just a few minutes before Inice & her husband came in, I had got ready for a cup of tea, but they ate just before they came, so I drank my tea & visited about seeds & flowers, cooking & receipts crocheting & sewing & some of the things that happened between girlhood & then we got things ready for disnner, Mr. Hunt & Elbert dug up several trees, couple [?] for us, they transplanted & then they dug 2 English walnuts & 5 or 6 evergreen, for them selves, & a moscaueia & a few other things she wanted. I cook a piece of ham some potatoes & carrots in the roaster & put dumplins in with them, when they were done I made gravy, I had cooked apples in quarters & put sugar in them they were good for dinner to, I felt to bad to go out side.
Wed. Oct. 26. 1949 / page. 2431./ 2-H-13-P. egg this day./ for very long at a time. Hunts left a few minutes passed four, Elbert had gone with the papers & got back just before they left, his back has pained him bad all days, I have just sewed up a few small holes in his winter union suit & persuaded him to put it on in the morning, I put my wool under skirt & feel more comfortable, there quite a chill in the air & the geese are flying every day & night toward the south, we haven’t had a killing frost yet, but, seems as if we might get one tonight, We’ve been having a little fire for sometime now & it sure felt good today & tonight. also. I thank & Praise God in Jesus name for all my many blessing Glory to God, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Amen. Elbert is going to sell eggs tomorrow I have to give him some of the money we took in on eggs here, for he has to get mash & grain.
Thurs. Oct. 27. 1949./ 1-H-10-P-eggs today./ Elbert got up early & went down to sell the eggs, he walked his legs nearly off & then sold only 1-doz. 80 cents, I gave him 5.00 for if he had sold the 5. doz. he‘d would have had 4.00 & the 5.00 would make 9.00, mash 4.25 & grain 3.69, was 7.94 & so I gave him 2.00 more tonight, for he used his money & he didn’t have much left forgas & oil untill Tue. I had dinner most ready When he got here I made 1. tin & 1. loaf of bread today & a custard pie “we ate for supper” & 2 1/2 apple pies. Elbert brought pork but it was so tuff & woody we didn’t injoy it much I washed up all the dishes & I’m to tired to-night. It’s been a beautiful day not as crisp a yesterday, we had a light freeze last night Kill the peppers dahlias & potatoe, tops “sweet potatoes”, & all such things, now glads dahlias & potatoes must be dug & the beets & cabbages, but there isn’t very many of them. I thank & Praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name. I love Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus. Received a card from Bonita today. they are lonesome. I’m sorry I wish I was stronger, I miss going to praymeetings & Church;
Fri. Oct. 28. 1949./ 1.H-12-P. eggs today./ Well, I did all the rest of the washing today ex-cept the big chair seat cover. & my wool blankets, 4. single light wool. & Elbert’s doubly cotton. It’s been quite warm today. I’m to tired tonight. I managed to get things ready for supper & Elbert finished it. he went to Vermilion this morning & got his car fixed, cost $10.00, it was a part that holds the brake fluid. it was 1-p-m. when he got here & 20 mi’s. more before we ate & I hadn’t had a bite yet to eat & he was starved & he said he ate 1. -Knocker, 2. eggs, & 2. slices of bread for his breakfast & hadn’t done any work & I had the washing most done & have to rub it all on the wash board, such a world. I am feeling better Praise God in Jesus Name I love Him & feel sure He will take care of me. I wrote a card to Rev. Tooley & one to Audrey. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for my healing & givew Thee all the praise, Honour & Glory for ever & ever Amen. Now, I am going to read Thy word & pray for Wisdom & understanding.
Sat. Oct. 29. 1949./ page 2432./ 2-H-12.-P. eggs today./ Well, today Elbert went to Huron & he got 4. big muscklounge fish & they are like a big pickrel & sweet meat, We both liked them. Frank use to tell me about what sport it was to catch them with hook line & his mother told me to how frightened she was, once when they were on there way back down the Sand River & Frank had a line fasten-ed to the seat of the boat troling and all of a sudden they almost went on there noses the boat stopped, by the time they got rigted righted up, they were on there way back up the river & he got to going a good clip then Frank put the oars in & & began to back water so Mr. fish turns around & starts back & Frank again back water, fish kept going & when they were with in a mile of where they wanted to go the fish came up & Frank hit him on the head with the axe, he rolled over & Frank chopped him to the back bone, he tried to fight F. hit him on the head again & pulled him in-to the big heavy rowboat & tied him fast to each seat by the time, he rowed the last mile the struggle was over he was as long as the boat, they had left the hors[e] & wagon near the river & they had a hard time loading the fish they fastened his head to the wagon by there feet & the tail draged the road, the horse didn’t like the looks of the fish & didn’t waste any time getting home, a 20 mile drive, they had a picture of it, I wanted Frank to bring it home when we were up there, but he didn’t the tail lay on the ground, it was big like the stergon they use to catch in lake Erie & bring into Lorain fish house, only, they didn’t have sense enough to cook the stergones or can them to eat. they didn’t find out how good eating they were untill they were hardly any left to catch, but they ate the muskelounge up North; After the got the picture of the one Frank cought they called in there friends & neighbors & then chopped the big fish up & gave some to them. We don’t have friends or neighbors like they had up to Frank’s home, they help each other & divide with heach other & here you help your own self & if you give them fish, they take them greedily, but never stop by to see how you are, the only time they ever come is when they want something of us & can’t get it or don’t want to ask there friends. May God have mercy on there souls. Well, Elbert dug some glads & some dahlias but there are some more yet to dig & the beets, sweet potatoes & cabbages to get in & the hen house to clean yet. I didn’t do much today. I swept & aired bedding made beds & ironed my dress & skirt
Sat. Oc. 29. 1949./ page 2433/ 2-H-12-P. eggs this day/ & 3 shirts for Elbert & he fried 4 pieces of fish warmed the potaotes & opened a can of tomatoes & we ate & drank postum. I darned a pr. of sock after supper but let dishes go to-night. I never got the facing on my dress. Well, I hope to do it soon. I thank the Lord in Jesus Name, for my healing & hope to be able to go to church soon, as my side is better & I have the strength to go to Church soon as my side is better & I have the strength to go. I thank Thee Jesus.
Sun. Oct. 30. 1949./ 13.-P. eggs today. / It’s been a beautiful day. We have been at home all day. I was out side a little but not for long. I do miss going to church hope I’ll be able to go soon again. I want to go to Elyria & testify to my healing. I haven’t heard a word from any of the Church folks all week either. Well. I pray God will in Jesus Name help us to do Hi ways, His Will, Oh, it would be Wonderful to be a-mong real true christians Mr. Hunt was tell of a church not far away, where they have a big Choir of men and twice during the service, they go out on the back porch & smoke, so, says he, what’s the use going to that sore of church, Oh, God have mercy & cleanse our churches, in Jesus Name We ask Amen. Glory to God.
Mon. Oct. 31. 1949./ 1. H-14-P.& 3. Y. P. eggs today/ Holloween & I suppose the witches & Goblins will be out stalking about for trouble or fun. It’s been a fiine day, partly cloudy, N. east breeze & fresh with a real chill in it tonight; Elbert got up & kill & dressed a hen”1. yr old hen” & put it on to cook, he made a cup of postum & gave it to me, I felt so bum, I hated to get up, but I did & finished getting the dinner. I washed all the dirty dishes first, Elbert said he had a little more he waneted to do out side, he has dug balance of glads & dahlias & put them below & then fixed some boxes to put the beets in & then decided to change bed springs, he took mine & gave me his & then mine won’tn’t fit his bed so he made 4 slats with a cleat on in side of each end & put them on the side railes under the springs & it was O.K.! but such a job. I cleaned the springs & the wall & floor & bed frames & I had got everything ready to sew, after dinner, well, he most tore his shirt to get it done & cleaned up ready to go with the papers & then had to waite 1/2 hr. & so I got the facing on my dress & part of a yoke on the other on & then it was so dark & Elbert had taken care of the hens & got everything locked up & we had supper & the new came on the radio & said it was going to freeze hard tonight so up we get went out & pulled 4 big wheel barrow loads of beets & 7 of cabbages & Elbert just dump them in the basement window, so he
Mon. Oct. 31. 1949./ page. 2434./ 1.0-H. 14-H & 3-P. eggs this day./ has a job for tomorrow, then as long as vegetables & apples last they will have to be looked over & kept clean. I haven’t washed supper dishes & don’t think I will, I’m to tired & guess I am crazy anyway for going out & pulling beets and cabbages, he could have had it all done & not had to hurry either if he hadn’t changed those springs today. my back & legs & feet are killing me & his back & Knee are paining him bad also. We have a fire & it’s comfortable. I thank & praise my Father in Heaven, in Jesus Holy Name for all He has done & is still doing for me & us, Amen.
Tue. Nov. 1. 1949./ 1-0-H. 14-H-1. P. eggs today/ Today I’m so & lame & I was sick all n ight & never slept untill day break & then got up & got dinner & was getting ready to do some writing when Inice & her man came in. Elbert was clean-ing the big hen roost, he had been digging sweet potatoes, so, Mr Hunt pitched in & dug the the few there were left, Elbert said there were about 2. bu. fair sized ones. Then they dug a few more evergreens, 5 more, I believe they were going to take a coupl more I don’t know if they did or not, they took a good bu. walnuts in the shuck & they brought us a lb. of butter. We visited some & then Elbert went with the papers, the little girl brought us a 1/2 pk hickry-nuts tonight, so I’ll give her a few walnuts. I thank God so much for all our many blessings, I received a card from Mrs. Sprunk she said she’s working 3 day a week & the Smith family had returned from Mississippi, that Rev Coon had been to the Vermilion Church & that it was going on as had been but several were going to Lorain to 31. st. Gospel Church & they have wonderful meeting there I’m hoping to go this week maybe. I thank & Praise my God in Jesus Name for helping me to un-stand & all our many many blessings in Jesus Blessed Name. It’s been a nice day with south wind, it has made ice several times last week & this & it froze ice last night air is chilly.
Wed. Nov. 2. 1949./ H’s 1 yr. old’s 11 eggs today/ Well I didn’t get anything done today I opened the chest & got Franks papers out & am going to send them to Cleveland, they have offered to try for the pension once more. I did my daily doz. but felt to heavy to do any thing extra, I received a card from Francis Cora today saying her mother had a touch of pneumonia but was up & around a-gain she ask us to come over when we come done again. Francis seems different than the rest of them. somehow. Well I’m glad Ruby is better again, hope they will be born again before Jesus comes. I wrot a card to Martha & one to Bonita & Elbert mailed them today when he went with the papers. I’ll ans. her card & Elbert can mail it tomorrow after noon. Elbert has 11. doz. eggs & sell tomorrow. It’s been a fine day partly cloudy breeze S.west all day. I do thank & Praise the Lord God of Host for all our many blessings.
Thurs, Nov, 3. 1949./ 1.0-H-12-H-19. P. egg today/ Well, Elbert went to Lorain & sold 6. doz. for 75 cents & 5. doz. in Vermilion on the Lake a total of 8.00 & the grain was 3.69 & mash 4.25- 7.94 & he used the bal. with some of his own to get his gas for the car.
Thurs. Nov. 3. 1949./ page. 2435./ 1.0-H012.H.1.7.P. eggs this day./ & he run in debt for some meat for dinner, I had everything ready to cook when he got here & it was 1-p-m. I had only had a cup of tea & a handful of crackers, so I fried sweet potatoes & the meat & I made a few fried biscuits & we had dinner he did a few of his chores, took care of the mash & grain & chickens & I wrote 2 post cards one to Francis Cora & one to Mrs. Goll. & Elbert mailed them when he went with the papers, the little woman was late again tonight , last night the boss “so the woman calls him” was with her & he got in with Elbert & went to Vermilion, she had Elbert’s check Tue. & didn’t give it to him untill tonight. While he was gone I washed out my change of clothes & the rags towels & dish towels & had them done when he got back, he said he didn’t feed before he went & it was so dark they couldn’t see to eat when he got back, I could have fed but I though he had for he was in the coop & I saw him when he came out, he siad the hens scolded him when he got back, well, they had to go to bed with out their supper. he did his chores & we ate & listened to the news, I mended 3 of my shirts & now I’ll read & go to bed. I thank my Heavenly Father for our blessing & my healings in Jesus Name Amen. It’s been a very dark day, with a misty rain chily but not bad.
Fri. Nov. 4. 1949./ 2.Y.P.14-H eggs today./ We both received our checks today & I got DeHaans book & it’s on the subject Ye must be born from above, and it does explain very clearly, that we must receive the spiritual baptism of the Holy Spirit & I know that’s true, Glory to God, I thank Thee Jesus. Elbert went to Huron & he got a nice mess of fish, he dressed out afew for dinner, I had everything ready to get the dinner, he got here about 12-30 noon. It snowed snowed last night, or, early this Morning & after day-light it rained in light some times misty shower & this after noon it nowed big wet feathery flakes & tonight the winds blowing hard from the N. east. Nellie said on her card she hoped we could keep warm. I wonder if they haven’t any coal. Well I don’t know what to do about it. I got mine put in in the summer. I don’t know why they don’t. I have to pay the whole year, by the month but we’d have the coal, then when we need it. I’m so sorry
Sat. Nov. 5. 1949./ page 2436./ 0-H 9.H-2 Y.P. eggs today/ Well Elbert put the ventelation bags on the holes above the windows, that cold N.east wind blew in on the hens heads all night but they were active today, hope they don’t get a cold. I can talk my head off to get it done before it turns cold & then after it’s been real bad one night, we get the job done, I have been talking about the dope to put in the radi-ator also, but, he didn’t get it untill yesterday & I got him to drain the Radiator, so today he put the dope in, he put the tub & wash back in the basement & been taking care of beets & cabbages. K& he put the back storm door on, I wish it was a combination & he did his daily chores & went with the papers to Vermilion & he got my check cashed & bought 3.44 worth of food & paid 10.00 on the coal bill & he paid for the food out of mine, but he gave it back when I reminded him he was going to pay some on the food, he has had a repair job to pay for & he’s got to pay for his underwear & work shirt, he’s all out of clothes, he needs paints & a jumper, socks & his new shoes tapped, he hasnt had them very long & they need soles now & he hasn’t any over shoes or rain coat & his dress hat is terrible. Well I’m in the same fix, been trying to get enough together to buy my shoes, a corset, some under slips, a hat. I’ve had this one for at least 12. yrs. & my coat for Spring & Fall for 10. yrs & my winter coat since 1930. my stocking for 4. yrs. & so, I to must get a few things soon. I’ve waited a loong time. I did the balance of the washing yesterday while Elbert was gone with the papers & got the mending all done except my dress & his socks. I haven’t felt very good today so only did my usual duties & made 3 pies, 1. custard for supper & 2. apple. I didn’t feel able but had to have a little change of food. It’s been partly cloudy & rather cool today, moon came through tonight but clouded up again don’t seem so cold tonight. I thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name, I want to go to church, but, it’s a loong ways to go even in the car, the way I feel & Elbert don’t feel so good either, but, that’s no reason for not going to Church we do our daily duties and have no reason for not doing the Lord’s Will, We get in the habbit of resting Sun. mornings. Oh God, forgive us & help us to go to church.
Sun. Nov. 6. 1949./ 1-0-H-12-H-3. Y.P. eggs today/ WEll, it’s been a nice day partly cloud & once it tried to rain enough so road was wet, but this after-noon it’s been better & clear tonight & moon light. We been home all day, Elberts back has felt so bad & pained him so, he dressed & cook part of a hen & creamed potatoes for dinner & made gravy & then ground the breast meat & the legs. & I mixed bread crums, eggs & seasoning in & fried it iin balls for supper, it was good, We had apple pie with our dinner & beets with our supper. Last night I wrote a letter to the D.A.V. about a pension & am sending Frank’s papers with my letter to Mr. Garrett J. Bowman Dav. Office, R’m. 409 Williamson.
Sun. Nov. 6. 1949/ page. 2437./ 1.0-H.12.-H-3.Y.P. eggs this day/ Bldg. National Service Officer; Cleveland Ohio. but have felt to bum to hardly move today. I miss going to church, Elbert said he would go if I wanted to, I did, but don’t feel able to go to Elyria & back, I would get back untill after 1-.p-.m. & I can’t eat much of anything & ride, We have to go before long & get my shoes. get my stocking & under slips & a hat perhaps. I have studdied the bible & sang, or Whistled hyms today & Praised God in Prayer & give Him all the Glory for all thing.
Mon. Nov.7. 1949./ 1.O-H-3-H-12.H eggs today/ Well, I got the skirt cut out of the green check bags for a dress & must try hard to get the waiste tomorrow. I cook & washed dishes & I haven’t felt as if I could work today Elbert & I sit on some boxes & shucked out a pk & a half of walnuts, we have as many more to do, yet. Mr. & Mrs. West & Mrs. Sprunk came in this evening & we visited untill 12-15-p-m then they left for home & it’s a beaut-iful moon light night, it’s been a fine day also. I thank & praise God in Jesus Name, for all our many blessing. Which are many. Glory to God I thank & praise Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus, There is a little breeze tonight, but it’s not cold out.
Tue. Nov. 8. 1949./ 13-H-eggs today./ Elbert’s back has been terrible bad today & mine also, he has done the odds & ends that had to be done & helped me some, I moved the table, chairs, couch & stand & cleared up the egg boxes & papers & cleaned the box under the stand with the records on it & put clean papers on it & record albums & stand & cleaned the wall & pictures & wiped up the floor & washed one north window & the wood work & washed the dishes & glasses on the stand put a clean paper on window sill & put the plants back cleaned couch top bottom & sides & put it back & my bible & books, then swept & put the table & chairs back in order I’m so tuckered, I sweat like rain, Elbert went with papers & came back & helped me get finished up, so we could get supper, he would let me get supper, but, I did a few things to help & I did my other daily round beside & my feet hurt me so bad I took my shoes off & put on my bed room slippers to work in, I didn’t get anything done to my dress. but hope to finish cleaning 3 more windows tomorrow, I have the wood work cleaned on one so will only have wood to do on two, but the glass on all 3. & the wall to wipe & the ceiling & floor to wipe up & the cupboards to clean it a big job now & I use to fly about & get all 3 rooms cleaned in one day & cook & wash dishes beside. I don’t feel old but my body does, with Elbert’s help maybe I’ll get it done . It’s been a beautiful day south west breeze & pretty moonlight nights. I thank & praise My Heavenly Father in Jesus Name for what I got done. I thank Him for ans. Prayers & pray I may do His will.
Tue. Nov. 8. 1949./ page. 2438./ 13-H.-eggs this day./ Oct. 30. I said well they are praying for me, I got the touch, Praise the Lord. & Mrs West said, she had ask prayer for me in the Gospel church in Lorain Glory Glory & God heard & I’m going to Elyria & Lorain & testify & Give Him the Glory.
Wed. Nov. 9. 1949./ 3. yp. 12. – eggs today./ Well, I wash Elbert’s east window & wood work cleaned front door screen & put it away & washed the east window in Kitchen & wood work & wiped wall & cleaned pictures of cabinet I have the plants on & the ceckord cabnet & mop boards & wiped up the floor & then I did the other north window by the sink I have the storm door glass & front door glass & the west window to do yet & Elberts south window & my south & west windows to do yet, it such a hard job some how but maybe I’ll get it done before long, & I hope the sun Keeps shining, it tires me worse than I like to admit, I sweat as though it were the hotest day of supper, I made a pot of soup for dinner & supper & so I’m tired & my body throbs & achs, my feet torture me most to death, but I thank the Lord I can do a little each day & that He give me the strength, I’ve got to wash the cupboards to they look just terrible, & I ought to wash out a few pieces of clothing in the morning Elbert is planing on going to sell eggs he has 7 doz. (4.20)that should be and he will get 2 bals of straw 1.20 & the next day he will get 2. more & then he wants to clean the coop. Fri he has to go to Lorain to pay a bill. I thank My Heavenly Father in Jesus Holy Blessed Name for all Our many blessings, He is so good to me & I know I do so little that I’m not deserving, of so much, Oh, Jesus. I received a letter from Mrs. Goll today. Inice sent me a card & note wrote on the back of it today. It’s been a wonderfully fine Fall day. & I haven’t been out side yesterday or today I crave to go out.
Thurs. Nov. 10. 1949./ 4. y.p. – 1. OH.-9-H eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Alberta Beach & sold the 7. doz. eggs 70 cents, for 4.90 & he bought 2 bals. straw & some tomatoes in the cans, can milk & two real nice short steaks for supper he gave me 3.62 & I gave him 1.07 to get 2 more bals. straw tomorrow, he got the cans & meat when he went back with the papers & he for got the milk, so he went up to Ceylon & got a can. I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink all morning & my head had begun to ach I had all the washing done exctpt 3. pieces Elberts sleeper’s & pillow slip I had quite a good sized washing I did the big chair cover & 6. prs. short curtians & the towels I used to wipe the windows & the walls, Elbert cooked the supper & wouldn’t let me, so I looked after the many little things that had to be done. & wrote a letter to Frank, for Elbert about his lots, Frank said he would pay eight hundered & fifty dollars for them & said he could do it any time, Elbert has some bills he wants to pay & he told them he expected the money & would come in & pay, but Frank has been standing
Thurs. Nov. 10. 1949./ page. 2439./ [no egg count]/ Elbert off for 2. months now, so he went & talked to a lawyer about the matter & he told him it would be better to write to Frank about it before he took any further stepps So I wrote the notice to him for Elbert he has been using the lots every since he moved into the old home place & even before & has never ask if he could or offered to pay any rent and now he has graded them & made a cinder drive three fourth of the length of the lots, Elbert phoned to F. & Ruby ans. phone & said F. wasn’t home each time & then ask what he wanted, he ask her to tell Frank he would like to have him pay for the lots, he had some bills he had to pay, she told him once Frank said he’d do it soon & the last time he said he’d have to do something about it if he didn’t come across, for he had lost to sales because of the cinders & she said, well, what you going to do? So now the pots boiling, I hope & pray God will help it to all be done peaceably, In Jesus Name, I ask. Amen. It’s been a warm day with quite a stong wind & the wind is getting stronger. Well, I truly Praise God for the wonderful strength He has given me today & I really am going to try to get to Elyria to Church Sunday morning & then to Lorain Church next & I hope & pray God helps me to do it, for it seem a big undertaking. I’ve been to home for such a long time (but I know I’d get up & go in case of life & death.
Fri. Nov. 11. 1949./ 1. p. egg-1. OH.12. H. eggs today./ Well, I’m so tired, I baked 2 tins of bread biscuits. & 2 of rusk biscuits, they are made of the bread dough. I swept & wiped up floors & took care of the & washed up all the dishes & still have 3. windows to wash, I guess it’s 4 windows & the storm doors & the ironing to do yet. & I want to go to Church Sun. Morning, Sure , in Elyria, so I have to clean my dress, coat & shoes, if I can tomorrow, I pray God will help me get it done, and keep the devil far from me, Amen. Elbert went to Huron & got a big mess of fish mostly perch & small ones, the pike were nice frying size. well on top of all my other work I scraped half of the fish salted & packed them in 3. pans. Elbert’s going to Lorain in the morning, he wants to take some to Audrey & some for Nellie & some chinese lanterns for Mrs. Cranage. & get my Olive Oil & bird seed, his under wear, work shirt & maybe a wash rag for me. I thank God for all our many blessings in Jesus Blessed Holy Name. I gave Elbert 10.00 for his underwear & 3.00 for ooive oil & seeds. It’s been a beautiful day & quite warm out.
Sat. Nov. 12. 1949./ page. 2440./ 3.yp. 1Oh- 12. P eggs today/ Elbert went to Lorain got his underwear & two wash rags 70 cents for me & the bird seed & song food was 98 cents he met Audrey when she got out from work & gave her some fish & a few to take home & give to Nellie. He got my qt. of Olive oil & said he paid $1.95 cents for it but it was marked 85 cents on the can. He got pork for dinner & he helped get dinner I ironed 7 prs. short curtians, his shirt, & my dress & was about done when he got there at 1-15-p-m. WE ate & he changed the chicken around I had let out the pullet this morning. I cleaned my coat & dress & shoes so I can go to church in morning, I put the clean curtians up after supper some have big slits in them, but they are clean & makes the room look some better Its been a very warm day 83 degrees in the Kitchen & windows wide open. Radio said showers tonight & in the morning, but it most 12-p-m & no rain yet. I thank God in Jesus Dear Holy Blessed Name for all our blessing & pray He will get me to Church & back safe & give me a refill of the Holy Spirit to overflowing Amen. Elbert says Audrey’s ear is still paining her, I am so sorry. & Pray God will teach her through some of His to trust Him fully.
Sun. Nov. 13. 1949./ 3.yp.- 9-H eggs today/ Well, I didn’t get away to Church this morning Elbert’s been on the jump all week & his back is bad it rained & the sleet was thick, but it cleared up & I think we could have gone We been home all day & not a soul came in & I’ve just got to get out to church some where, soon. It’s a little cooler tonight & been showery all day, like early Spring weather. Well, I crave to go to church, I thank my Heavenly Father in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, for His Love & care, but I pray He will get me out to Church, Amen.
Mon. Nov. 14. 1949./3-yp.-1.OH.& 9-H. eggs today./ Well it was a dark cloudy morning with rain showers S. wind today. S & mostly W. wind yesterday Elbert cleaned up the beets & crated them & looked the apples over & I did out most of the washing, still have 2 work shirts & 1. suit uniion & heavy & 3 or 5 blankets to wash & I ironed my old house dress tonight my under skirt & 1. pillow slip, I thank God in Jesus Name for the strength He give me & us from day to day, but I want enough to endure the ride to Church & back. & pray I’ll get it for Thurs night & next Sun. morning. Its been a nice early Spring day, partly cleared off at 10-30-1.m. & now Now I must read God’s word & go away to bed once again, to tired.
Tue. Nov. 15. 1949./ page. 2441./ 3.yp. 1.OH eggs this day/ Well, I got Elbert’s south window waswhed & curtian up & I have to admit, I fell into the tin can box & hurt my finger the end of the big one had been sore & then I hurt it again & it is so swollen & hurts so bad I couldn’t rest last night & looks as if I won’t tonight. I darned 3. prs. of socks & it wasn’t easy & they were really holy socks. I have took care of bird & done my usual daily round. Elbert has not felt very well all day he kill a pullet for dinner & cook it & has dinner all ready when I got up, but I didn’t feel
Tue. Nov. 15. 1949./ page. 2441./ 3.p. 1.H. 13. H eggs this day/ like eating, but I ate some, Received a card from Miss Clark yesterday. She said she help out, at Millers for a few days, then her sister had the flu. & she went & took care of her for a few weeks & now she’s back again & said come to Chappel to Sunday Service at 10-a-m & to church 7-30-p-m. Love Lidda Clark glad she’s able to do so much & wish I were, but I thank & praise the good Lord I can do a little & pray He will help me to know What I am to do, Glory to God, I want to do His Will, in Jesus Name. It’s been a fine day not many hunters out tried to snow & it is colder out, but not bad. Elbert took his papers & got a few groceries a 1.78 cents worth & some boiling meat for soup. he got his 12.00 check today.
Wed. Nov. 16. 1949./ 3.y.p. & 9.H. eggs today/ Elbert took papers today. Well I haven’t done much today just to punk, I cleaned the cupboard shelf & put on clean papers & then we ate soup & sat listening to radio & then turned it off & Elbert was reading news paper, When Martha her mother & Nellie honked the horn at the back door, Martha brought us som blona & a few frankforters & they each took 1/2 bu. apples & a good pk. of beets they talked a while & then went again, I’d just been wondering about them & then felt so sick to my stomach & then they didn’t tell what happened but they were rather shook up & Audrey took a pill to calm her nerves, she looks terribly bad, cheekes sunken in & so thin & pale, I’m so sorry for her, but, Praise God, He fix her ear & it don’t ach any more, now I pray He give her back an aboundante of strength, in Jesus Name & help her to know Thee, I thank Thee Jesus. They told about some men who have been sneaking around at night at Martha’s & at Nellie’s; Well I think Martha did the right thing to call the police , but Nellie hasn’t done anything & she’s seen a man 3 different time & he had a flash light, she, Bonita & the children are there a-lone & since they have a phone, they ought to use it on such accassions. It’s been a fine day fresh & crispy air like early Spring I picked 3 voilets out side today. Elbert’s felt bum all day, he was sick all night had liver gas, he took some olive oil 1. table aspoonfull & he took 1. more before dinner & before supper & he feels better tonight, & God willing we are going to Lorain in the morning & sell eggs do a little shipping & get back before noon & I am going to trust & believe He will take care of us, help us to get everything done satisfactorly & keep the car safe & us, & we will give Him all the Praise & Glory & I pray Frank will pay up & not be mean & I’m trusting God in Jesus Name for that also. I thank Thee Jesus Blessed Jesus I gave Nellie her flower pot, & Martha her cake dish, Oh God I pray you will save there souls, Jesus, Jesus, Amen!
Thurs. Nov. 17. 1949./ page. 2442./ 6.yp.-10-H-eggs today./ It’s some colder here & it tried to snow some but melted as it landed & only a heavy shower, & in Buffolo N.Y. they got 10 inches yesterday & in Cleveland they said the flakes were as large as a fifty cent piece. There has been a number of airplaine accidents just of late & they just learned about a storm in India that killed ten thousand & they don’t know how many more & they have had several typhoon on Guam Islands, & snow & floods in other places, truly looks like the last days, as the bible teaches, & it says we should be in holy places at that time & here I am, no trusting, believiing persons to pray with or for me, Oh, Jesus for give us our sins & have mercy on our souls, in Jesus Name, Amen. Elbert went to Lorain & sold 4 doz. eggs for 70 cents per. doz $2.80 & to Bertha Alberta Beach & sold 2. doz. for 65 chents per doz $1.30 making a total of 4.10 , he bought 1. bag 100.lb. of mash 3.99 cents & a bag of grain for 3.49- total 7.48, last time it was 7.92 & so he spent $3.38 out of his money & he has paid for 1/2 bu. wheat 3. times out of his money 1.10 each time & he has 73.00 dollars a mo. & I only have 35.00 & have paid for food & the extras for a long time, with mine & what Audrey sends to me. & now he’d use all of mine to if he could only get it. There were two big flocks of geese went over just before dark tonight. Elbert called Frank’s place & Ruby said thhey square up Tue. I hope they will and I’m trusting God will see it done in peace. I sent Mrs. Cranage a winter bouquet Lanterns, bitter Sweets Indian tobaco & Juniper branches with there blue berries on them, she sent me an Italian tomatoe they are not the shape of our tomatoes, they are long & sort of old rose red. & she showed Elbert a stalk of Italian Cellery, fiine fringy too & smells like jaw braker candies. & I had him give the young woman that brings the papers, same kind of Winter bouquet. I didn’t sleep all night & so decided not to go to Lorain today, I wanted to go to prayer meeting, but he has have something to Keep him busy & tired out on Thurs. I wasn’t fit to go tonight either & he walked his leggs off to sell the last two doz. eggs, he was tired & looked it, he use to go on Tue & then we could go on Thurs. night. I haven’t done only what I had to do alday. Elbert’s hip pains him to & I’m sorry for him. I thank God for all our blessings in Jesus Name Amen.
Fri. Nov. 18. 1949./ page. 2443./ 4.y.p.-1.OH. 10-H- egg today/ WEll, I’ve been feeling miserable today & then tonight in comes Miss. Clark & the Gospel preacher, his wife & two children, he ask Elbert to come & paint the putty on the windows of the church, I don’t think Elbert will be able to stand on a saw horse in the cold & paint, he is feeling rather bad as it is & he seems to feel the cold so bad, I’d hate to have him get severally chilled, & I not able to get out & do things, I haven’t been able to do anything today hardly & had a nose hemarage last night, I feel so weak & run down. Well, while I think of it, I sent the papers back to Mrs Beesie by Nellie when she & Audrey & Martha were here the other evening. so that’s off my mind, Nellie brought them & so I sent them back by her. Miss Clark begged 5.00 of me for the Gospel Church tonight I’ll send Miss Tooley & Miss Willetts the rest so she can’t beg the rest she’s trying hard to get me to go the Gospel Church, I’ll use my own judgement through the Lord What to do in Jesus Name. It snowed last night, but melted off today, very light cover of snow, tried to snow several times today, quite chilly today. Not so many hunters as usual. I made biscuits for supper, Elbert helped by warming up potatoes & beans & he feels bad today, he went to Huron for fish, but they didn’t go out this morning so he wasn’t gone long, I thank God for all our many blessing in Jesus Name & pray I’ll be able to go to Church soon, Amen.
Sat. Nov. 19. 1949./ 4. y.p. & 10-H-eggs today./ WEll, I wrote a card to Inice & a note to Miss Tooley & a note to Miss Willetts & I have one started to Cora, then one to Nora & Carl Betz & 1/2 doz more. I haven’t done much today hunted for several hrs. for Cora’s last letters & haven’t found them yet so will just have to write & not ans. any questions. I’m sorry. & I can’t understand what could have become of them for the others are there. Elbert hasn’t felt very good today, I gave him 2.00 to get Ovaltine, butter & cranberries & yeast cakes, when he took his papers tonight. It’s been chilly & windy today, most cloudy, South & little West, puffy wind & it’s quite strong & we have seen several flocks of wild geese flying South, today. Well I didn’t get my corset mended & I I hate the other one. I thank & praise God for all one many blessings this days in Jesus Name & pray I’ll feel able & fit to soon go to church again. Oh God, help me.
Sun. Nov. 20. 1949./ 5.y.p.-13-H-eggs today./ Well, it been a nice cloudy crisp day. We have been home all day & Thurs. Will be thanks giving day. The girls ask us over to dinner, I’m not going I’ll be thankful to stay home, I don’t know about Elbert, he talked as if he didn’t care to go. I do thank.
Sun. Nov. 20. 1949./ page. 2444./ 5.y.p.- 13.-H. eggs this day. / Praise God for my blessings in Jesus Name & hope I can soon get out to go to Church. I love & Praise Him & am trusting & believing
Mon. Nov. 21. 1949./ 7.y.p. -12-H. eggs today./ It’s been real wintery We had a good blanket of snow, it has been cloudy & windy sun did come out once or twice but for only a couple of seconds. I haven’t done much to day, I did my usual round & wrote a letter to Cora “Irish” Barr. I had Elbert mail a card to Martha one to “Berch” Radio Station. & Inice “Robinson” Hunt & 3. letters one to boys Farm 1.00 in it one to Ethel Willetts with 10.00 in it & one to Miss Tooley with 5.00 in it all Ministers. Martha ask us to Thanksgiving dinner & they are having dinner to Nellie’s all taking there dinners so to be together, Audrey & Gertie to, but I have a little cold & the weather has turned cold so I wrote & told them & that we wasn’t coming. Elbert don’t feel very good, he’s got his stomach all up set again, he likes to eat. Well, Elbert’s thinking of going to Lorain tomorrow to get his money on his lots & I am trusting & praying God will help him to get every cent of it & get back home safe & sound, in Jesus Name & I will give Thee all the praise Glory to God in the Highest. I felt terrible bum all day, but some better tonight Praise the Lord. I hope to was God willing & if He give me the strength.
Tue. Nov. 22. 1949./ 5.y.p. 8-H-eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain this morning & over to Frank’s & Ruby gave him the 8,500 on his lots with out any fight, Praise God in Jesus Name, eight hundred & fifty dollars & he put 6 hundred in the bank in Vermilion & paid up all his bills in Lorain & iin Vermilion, now I hope he don’t just use up that money a little at a time, he’s glad it all turned out so well, but, I ask Jesus & have trusted it would be so & I thank & praise God for all our many blessings. He even got me the fry pan & cover at Krogers. & the Kettles & cover, but the Kettle is to big & I think I’ll send it back. He got home at 2-p-m & left this morning at 8-30-1-m. he helped me get the dinner, then he brought some water for me & got some coal up & got the car out by the drive to pick up the papers & he didn’t waite long, he went & I had the clothes washed but had to suds & wrinse, so I got half of them dry while he was gone & finished them after he got back, he had to feed hens & carry more water he puts car in shed as soon as he gets back he brought boiling meat & steak for supper I got things going & he finished, I had to wash dishes this morning the roaster, fry pan & cover & 2 other covers & the big & little iron fry pans & other stew pans & covers & then the dishes we use on the table & wash the stove thought I’d never get wash started & my head so dizzy I could hardly work I ate some crackers & drank a cup of tea at noon, but, I don’t have enough nurshshment one meal & a lunch. Oh, how I thank God for our blessings, Elbert paid for a tank of gas
Tue. Nov. 22. 1949./ page. 2445./ 5.-y.p. 8-H-eggs this day./ today & ordered another tank. I received a card from Miss Clark today her sister Eleanor in Cleveland is in the hospital & has pneumonia, she had just got up after having the flu. & Miss Clark hadn’t been home again in Vermilion only a few days & she was not feeling very well, but, went back to Grace Hospital to help take care of her sister, such is life I hope & pray they both will gain strength & soon be well again, in Jesus Name, Amen. Cold Wind today froze a 3. lb can of water in just 10 or 15 minutes out side, sun shone all day, White sun, like ice, didn’t thaw snows here yet. Wind backed up from N.W. to the S. tonight & it’s strong tonight. Elbert mailed Cora’s letter in Vermilion this morning so it on it way. A train going passed & the rails sound frosty reckon they are
Wed. Nov. 23. 1949./8.y.p. 14.H. eggs today 1934/ Poor Fred, he’s been gone 14. yrs., I believe it is, today, Uncle Will, Pa, aunt Edith & Aubrey, all went one after the other. Ruby’s father died day before Fred & now her mother is gone to. Well it’s been a little warmer so most all the snow is gone, wind was S.W. wind went N.W. this afternoon, but, tonight looks as if it may go back to W. again. Elbert felt bum & didn’t do much, Wind was strong & cold all day. cleared off last night & looks as if it would tonight. We see another big flock of geese going S. just before dark tonight. I set bread & made 2 big tins of biscuits & a pan of rusk in a loaf but wish I had made it in biscuits it takes it so long to raise in loaf guess it’s the hard way but I felt so tire I thought maybe it would be quicker. So, now it’s 9-p-m & I’m still waiting for it, Oh well, it’s coming up but slow I think it will soon be ready now. We got a tank of gas today & Elbert paid for the other one & this one. Elbert took the papers, he changed the Kettle & got a size smaller & I like it better the one pa bought & a large one Elbert got were all the Kettles I had & the one pa got is worn so thin & has a pin point hole in the bottom so now I have a good one & can use it as a dutch oven also. I do feel rather weary tonight but I am thankful for all our many blessing & Pray God will in some way take care of His children, He is a wonderful Jesus and each day I can see how terribly unworthy I am, but, He still keeps me by the hand & leads me, hear me calling for strength & to strengthen my faith & give me the most necessary things of life & Praise His Holy Blessed Name, He does. I’m feeling better in some ways & I know He will give me all I need, Glory to God in the Highest, Hallelujah, amen.
Nov. Thurs. 24. 1949./ 8.y.p.-12-H- eggs today./ Well, we were home all day, had pork roast & bread & cranberry sauce for dinner & we had pork sanwitches for supper & rusk biscuits & baked apples & hot postom I felt to bum to do any work so only did what had to be done. Elbert got me the fry pan & cover “deep fryer” a little larger than the one I have & he exchanged
Thurs. Nov. 24.1949./ page. 2446./ 8. y.p. -12-H. eggs this day./ the 10.qt, Kettle for a 6. qt. thats better for us. I loaned him 10.00 & so now we are even they didn’t cost 10.00 but he bought steak because I wanted it & he has bought it several times of late & he has bought saucage & pork. We get terrible poor meat & I can’t see why Martha get such good meat so tender & juicy, but this we got don’t have juice. Well, there was a big fire up the main highway tonight about 7 or 8-p-m tonight, it looked as if it was the gas station & beer joing, Where Holidays us to have a gasstation & lunch room, a mile from end of our road & almost strait west from us. there’s open fields between us & highway, Wind is South strong & puffy & that was a big fire There’s a real chill in the air but the snow is that was on the ground & buildings has gone, it rained & froze several times today Elbert went to Huron to see if he could get some fish, but they didn’t go out today. So he sat down in the big chair & rested for a while, I slept late & we ate at 1-p.m.
Fri. Nov. 25. 1949./ 9.y.p. – 1. O.H. 12.H. eggs today/ Cold raw wind from south west last night & it burned that building or, maybe more, to the ground the paper said it was Bert’s Colonial villa, the place where the Jews use to bring children for a summer vacation, in group’s of 40 & 50 children, well, it got cought fire & burned up once, long ago, & they rebuilt then a few yrs. ago, this man bought it & so if it was his place it’s burned up, it looked to us like it was the gas station. Elbert hasn’t been up passed there yet but will find out when he does go up to Huron we see more geese today & Radio says we are to get colder weather, I can’t seem to stick my head out with out getting a little more cold. I ironed today & should have done the bal of the washing, but, just couldn’t seem to get at it, and I don’t know what to do about it tomorrow. I wanted to go to Church Sun morning so bad, & hope I can. God is able to help me I pray he will in Jesus Name give me lots of strength so I can go Amen
Dsy/ zmpb/ 26/ 1949./ 9y.p.-9-H. eggs today./ Snowed some today fine dry snow & rained & froze this morning, Elbert went to Huron, the fisher-men didn’t get hardly any fish & nets been out a week weather been to bad to get out but they pulled several today, were going out this after nooon & get more nets Elbert said boats were all iced over & there were discusted there were so few fish & most of them not what we care to eat. Well, the weather has been cold sun shone clear untill noon then at intervals untill 4-p-m when it was thick & snowing & blowing from the S.W. Elbert hung a few pieces on the line & they froze, but got dry all except where clothes pins were on them, but finish fast indoors, I washed my night gown & dress, pillow slip & two wool petticoats dish towels & rags & stockings Elbert’s sleepers & shirt & he washed his heavy union suits then I swept & wiped up the floors & got my clothes all ready to dress fast in the morning to go to church, he got the supper
Sat. Nov. 26. 1949./ page 2448/ 9.y.p.-9-H. eggs this day/ & I washed the dishes & mended the neck of his night jacket had to put a double facing around the neck & the both pieces are getting thin bags don’t wear as good as they use to, not made of as good mattieral. Received letter from Miss Willetts she anointed a Kercheif she has worn next to her body & sent it to me to wear next to mine & prayed & will still be praying for my healing, Oh, Glory, God is truly Wonderful to me & I am more greatful than I’ll ever be able to tell I give Him all the Praise & Glory in Jesus Name.
Sun. Nov. 27. 1949./ 10.y.p.-11-H. eggs this day./ WEll, Praise God, He got me up & off to Lorain to Church this morning, we left here at 9-30-a-m. We had a good service & some wonderful testimonies, one woman said the Lord spoke to her & said leave this Church, it’s dead & go to the Gospel Church she understood & obeyed & one day last week while she was thanking & praising the Lord, He laid His Hand upon her she began talking in other tongues & the power stayed with her all night & she just Praised & Praised Him & she was filled anew While telling us & as she laughed & cried & told us she had been suffering with arthritis in her right arm and shoulder & He even healed her she could praise Him enough, Glory, Hallelujah, I praise Him to & hope to praise Him in Spirit also. He’s a wonderful Jesus, Praise His Name. Well I sure got blessed for being there there were several good testimonies & the Minister told us of a christian friend of his who stepped off one buss & almost in front of another but, a strange thing happened, she was pushed back with such force the buss missed her & she thought a man must have pushed her, but , there was no one else there as she looked around & she felt those hands for several days Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him all yea Heavenly Hosts Praise Father, Son, & Holy Ghost, Amen, Amen. We see Mrs. Sprunk & Dorthy West & her baby boy there in church. We went to Audrey’s & talked with her & Gertie, Gertie had to have two eye winkers pulled out & her left eye is badly inflamed she can’t read sew or crochet & said she felt so punk she didn’t work Fri. or Sat. they gave us a cup of coffee & a pork sanwitch that was hot & so kept us untill we got home & freied a couple slices of pork & we ate that & bread & I made soup & ate a dish of it but Elbert didn’t eat any, said his stomach was burning from the other food & we ate ice cream, he had chocolate, I vanilla, Well he took care of hens & pullets & now he’s in bed & sleeping he didnt sleep untill after 1-a-m. this morning because of his stomach burning so bad & I was sick both ways, after I went to bed, so I
Sun. Nov. 27. 1949./ page. 2448.[should be 2449]/ 10.y.p.-11-H. eggs this day./ was awake untill most morning I had felt better & stronger than usual & couldn’t understand, but I kept praying & Praising God & at last it left me, I had taken my bath & got every thing ready to go to Church, it looked bad last night storming & blowing, but I still was determined I’d go if I could get there & Praise God He got me & us there & back safely & no one troubled the house it was just getting cool here in the house when we got here Jackie began to sing as I put the Key in the door, I do hate to go & leave him here all alone & he knows when I put on my good dress, that I’m going out, Well he was O.K. The fog horns been blowing every since we got home & still at it at 10-30-p-m. hasn’t been so cold most the snow that fell melted. I praise God for saving my soul & for His Loving Care.
Mon. Nov. 28. 1949./ 7y.p. & 13 eggs today./ Well Elbert went to Lorain got heater fixed in car & came back ate & went to Huron & got a good mess of fish and they were so good for supper, I had him take a few to Harry Miller, he took eggs & bread Sun. & I cut out the waist for my house dress while he was gone with the papers, he cleaned half the fish before he went with papers & rest after he got back & I had supper most read when he brought in the last ones, so I salted & packed them, he put them out to keep cold. We ate & listened to the news then I wrote a letter to Miss Clark & her sister & now it’s 1-a-m. & I must go to bed after I read & fix the fire clean my teet get my glass of water & wash rags. I’ll pray & thank God for our many blessing in Jesus Name. I baked bread today. I rained hard in heavy showers tonight several times & thundered & lightened. I Praise God in Jesus Name Amen.
Tue. Nov. 29. 1949./ 15. y.p. & 7 -H-eggs today./ I did my usual round cooked dinner & supper & washed dishes & managed to write 2 card one to Bonita & one to Mrs. Gall, I wrote a letter to Miss Clark last night & Elbert mailed them in Vermilion tonight. I received one card from Bonita today so ans. it right away children have been having whooping cough. Been a mild wet day or partly wet this a-m & sun shone this after noon. Elbert took pump up & put new screw & washer in it don’t hold the water & he says it must leak, water is low & has been all summer. Armond gave Elbert a squash We had some for dinner Nov. 25 & tonight & have lots left yet, Elbert says it a fine night.
Tue. Nov. 29. 1949./ page. 2449./ 15. y.p.- 7-H-eggs this day./ Ma’s birthday, she would be 93. yrs. old Uncle Will is 3. yrs. older than ma & aunt Edith was 7. yrs. older than ma. I basted the braid on my new waist & it’s ready to stitch now. I have a hard time trying to sew, have to get up so many times to do things & I’m not as fast on my feet as I once was & my brain seems to be getting tired, it don’t think of all the odds & ends & Keep them all in mind, I ment to send the girls a piece of rusk bread & Elbert never thought of it either & I felt so bum I went to bed & forgot to do it up to take with him, I felt as if I was forgetting to do something but just couldn’t remember, now I know she will wonder about it, I’m so sorry but somehow I forget. but I thank God for saving my soul & My blessing in Jesus Name.
Wed. Nov. 30. 1949./ 14. y.p.-7-H-eggs today./Well, I sewed my skirt together & tried it & my waist on, I hope to baste them together, waist don’t look just right some how so I’ll have to keep trying untill I get it just right. I felt so all in tonight didn’t seem as if I could get the supper, but I did, it worries me to try to sew, I can’t see & if I have to keep getting up & put my mind on other things I can’t remember where I left off on the sewing and what was to be done next, it would be just wonderful just to have some one that loved you enough to lend a helping hand, I pray God will in Jesus Name heal me & keep me in Jesus Holy Name. It’s turned colder tonight wind was S. West & gone to N.W. it tried to snow big wet feather flake but didn’t last long. I Praise God for His Tender Love & Mercy He takes good care of me & us, I pray I may do more good works for Him & give Him all the Glory. Well, they didn’t get a pension for me & so they told me today by mail. I have to write back & thank them for trying. There’s somethings I don’t understand, but what can I do, I can’t work out, so have to live on releif & be glad I can have it; Well, God Knows best Praise his Mercy. Elbert took the papers & then went up the River Rd. & got a qt. of milk & some fresh pork. milk is real milk & was so good in my tea. I thank the Lord for Elbert, it’s good of him to go for me I received a letter from Miss Tooley she said she & Mrs. Harwell enjoyed the eggs, apples & vegetables & then she went back to the church she came from “Spencer Ohio” to preach again. May God bless her & those who really try to preach God’s word. I received a Dehaan book today all so. Jesus is coming again is the title or subject.
Thurs. Dec. 1. 1949./ page. 2450./ 14.y.p.-H-10-eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to day with the eggs he sold 3. doz. Hens eggs for 75 cents & 8 doz. for 65 cents & 3 1/2 doz. Pullet eggs for 50 cents per. doz. a total of 9.20. he paid for the feed out of his money 7.48 so I gave it back to him & he has quite a few p. eggs to sell & then he will have to get more feed, he don’t like to keep track, but I don’t want him telling he paid for there feed he didn’t tell me what he paid for the wheat he got, I’ll ask & leave this space_____ to set it down & he has to get straw, to, this week, he is feeling bad his liver is slugish, he is taking Carters liver pills & hopes to feel O.K. again in a day or two . I got up & washed the dishes & Kettles & then did the washing. he got saucage & loin Pig pork & it was good. I went out back & then got 2 Kettles of well water & emptied slop pail. I dried the clothes in the house. & did my daily round and thank God for our many many blessing in Jesus Name. Wish I could have been in prayer meeting tonight. I crocheted 3. rows acrossed on the “deer” chair set for Audrey. I received two track messengers from face tracts society, & Mr. Bowens wife passed away in June 22nd. same date as ma went. I know how lone-some he will be & the longer she’s gone the more he’ll miss her, he says she lived to save for Jesus. May God Bless him.
Fri. Dec.2. 1949./ 15. y.p.-8-H-eggs today/ I have only done my daily dozen today It snowed & everything was white & icy & most of it thawed off today, been partly cloudy. not very cold. Elbert took papers to Vermilion took Mr. Miller some fried chicken & gravey & a dumplin & little can of cranberry jelly. He went up the east river road to Berk’s farm & got a qt of milk I sure enjoy the clean fresh cows milk. Glory to God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name I thank & Praise & give all the Glory to Him.
Sat. DEC. 3. 1949./ 18.y.p. 7-H eggs today/ Well, I haven’t done only my daily round & a little mending today Elbert cleaned big pen in the hen house & went with his papers. Little colder & partly cloudy today. I ironed my dress & Elbert’s shirt fix my dress fo I have to have it & mended his union suit & socks cooked two needs & washed dishes & I haven’t felt able all day to take care of my self, but Elbert don’t feel good either, he’s got a cold in his head. I thank God in Jesus Name, he’s able to get out & do things for it’s so hard for me of late to just go to the outdoor toilet. I thank & praise God for all our many many blessing.
Sun. Dec. 4. 1949./ 19.y.p. 12-H eggs today./ Today would be Len Bonney’s birthday he’d be ’67 just 2. days older than Elbert. We been home all day Elbert has back door trot his liver is bad & he’s taking liver jpills, I haven’t felt very good either for a few days. We thank God for food, clothes, coal & a warm house & the many other blessings He gives us. I thank Thee & Praise Thee.
Mon. Nov. [She means Dec.] 5. 1949./ page. 2451./ 17.y.p.-8-H. eggs today/ I slept late felt to bum to sleep all night, so, got in 2 naps this a.m. then got the dinner, Elbert went to Huron & got 12 or 15 small fish& (2) big pike, or pickerl one 18 in. & the other 20 inches long & alive I fried 2 fry pans of small ones for dinner & then he looked after the chickens & I did the dishes & then done out the wash-ing, that is part of it, Elberts heavy union suit & his work shirts & his socks, was rag & kerchief & so I will have night clothes & blankets yet to do. It’s been a fine day quite cold wind & strong. Elbert set some traps north the house & got one rat & he was only cought by the toes, I went out to kill it & hit it just as I struck at it again he got loose & got a-way I’ve seen 2. every day out there hope we get them so they wont go to the coop & try to chew in. I sent a few pieces of fish to Mr. Miller when Elbert went with the papers & he got a bottle of 4X brandy, I need more strength & thought a little sling might give me a pick up, he went up the east river road & got milk & he stopped at mill & got mash $3.99, & at the store he got crisco, grape fruit & yeast cakes. I didn’t think I could work today but done my daily round & put the wash. I thank my God, in Jesus Holy Name, Glory Hallelujah Received a Christmas card from Mrs. Gall today. Elbert got his check but I didn’t get mine today & I’m wondering.
Tue. Dec. 6. 1949./ 21.y.p.-5-H eggs today/ Elbert’s birthday he’s 67. yrs. old today. cold last night heavy frost that looked like we’d had a light snow & some how my body was warm but my head was cold & I couldn’t sleep untill morning, had to get up so many times, to, alnight, so I laid & rested this morning after Elbert fix the fire. then he got the dinner going & I just helped & then I washed dishes & then took care of beds & rooms then took my waiste I had basted all apart shifted it some what & got it stitched back together ready to baste on belt I forgot to put pletes in back of skirt so that’s next, I cut the sleeves & got them stitched, I still hoping to get it done before Spring. Wind was N.E. & went S. west & snowing hard but not much snow stayed so far at 8-p-m. I got my check today & Elbert took his papers & bought a few groceries. he got his check for paper delivery today & the little woman gave him 3 chocolate for his birthday. A new Walkins man & his wife came I bought a bottle of vanilla & they bought 5 doz. pullet eggs for 50 cents per doz. & I gave it to Elbert for he paid for the mash yesterday, 3.99 I put enough to it to make 3.99, & he gave it back to me. but chicking payed for there feed. We still have 6.00 to pay on condition powder.
Tue. Dec. 6. 1949./ page 2452./ 21. y.p.-5-H-eggs this day./ I praise God in Jesus Name for all our many many blessings. I so glad Elbert don’t have to go out & peddle the eggs they bought, for he will still have plenty to sell. Thurs. his stomach & bowels are paining him & he has a cold, he’s taking liver pill to , his liver’s so sluggish
Wed. Dec. 7. 1949./ 20.y.p. -11-H eggs today/ Well, I set bread & made 2 big tins white biscuits & two loaves of brown or graham bread & washed my change of clothes my night gown & wool petticoat & the wool skirt I use on my pillow rags & dish towels & my old wash dress. Elbert’s pajamas & pillow slip. I washed his change of clothes Mon. now if only I could get the blankets out I’d be so glad. It’s been a nice day partly cloudy N.W. breeze but cold enough to freeze thin things on the line out side. I got all the dishes washed up & ready for another day. I thank & praise God in Jesus Name for my blessings & pray He will help me to be able to praise Him in Spirit. I love Him more than all else. Elbert received birthday card from kAudrey & Easel, today.
Thurs. Dec. 8. 1949./ 21.y.p. -8.H. eggs today/ Well, I felt to bum to work k& so haven’t done only my daily round & crocheted a very little Elbert went to Vermilion & sold 5 doz. 3.25; 65 cents per & he sold 6 1/2 3.45 doz. pullets eggs & I gave him enough more to pay for grain & mash that cost 7.48 & he took in 6.70 & brought back 1 1/2 doz. pullet eggs. & he bought nuts & cheese & cellery brocoli & some pork to fry. he got home at 1-30 p-m. I had everything ready to put on to cook, after dinner he looked after chicken rested a very few minutes & got ready to go with the papers, he walked a lot & is tired tonight he’s gone to bed & now I think God Willing, I’ll go to mine I Praise God for all our many blessing in Jesus Holy Name.
Fri. Dec. 9. 1949./ 18. y.p. -7-H-eggs today/ I haven’t done much more than my daily round, basted my waist onto the belt & one sleeve in, went out back today, air cold. We have a south west breeze tonight, been rather quite alday. nice day. Elbert took his papers & went for the milk he got 2. qts. & got some pork neck meat to boil with cabbage, he feeds chickens before he goes with papers, it was 4-p-m, tonight when the little woman got here. so it was late by the time Elbert went for milk & back. We do Praise God for taking care of us, but I crave to Kknow Him even more & to do more for HIm, I feel He’s done such a lot for me & I’ve done such a little for Him, Oh God help me to be filled that I may praise Thee in spirit & be able to do more for Thee.
Sat. Dec. 10. 1949./ 21.y.p. -7- H eggs today/ Elbert went to Huron, but no fish & he didn’t get back untill 1-30-p-m. I got the onions & potatoes cooked at 1-15- & kept them hot untill he got here
Sat. Dec. 10. 1949./ page. 2453./ 21. y.p. 7-H- this day./ he brought short steaks & they were tuff, but juicy. We ate & he looked after hens & I had the dishes to do. I swept & wiped up the floors today. & I crocheted 2 or 3 times acrossed on my deers. And I thank God my Father in Jesus Name for my healing & my & our many blessings Now I must bathe & get to bed so I can go to church tomorrow God Willing.
Sun. Dec. 11. 1949./ 20.y.p.-10-H egg today/ Well, I was to ill to go to church this morning, I seem to have taken extra cold cold and it’s in my nerves, my head and neck, I usually get up at 10-a-m but felt so punk I just laid there & prayed God would help me, then Elbert came in & said we had company and here Tom & Mertle Eppler came in We had such a good visit & they prayed for me Glory to God in the highest & it was noon & no dinner but they said they didn’t come to eat, but Tom said “not that we wouldn’t eat if it had been ready” then he laughed & said they were over to Vermilion to church & so thought they’d call on us while they were that close, they said they’d be back again & I hope they come & that I can have a good meal for them. We always liked them. they said Rony was home with a sore throat & they had to get back to look after him. Well, I crawled out & dressed & Elbert had dinner ready I didn’t eat much he cleared the table & then Martha & Audrey came in, they brought us some meat & visited a while, they ask us to come for Christmas dinner over to Audrey’s there’s only Gertie, Audrey & Martha, Merlin & there 3 children, I couldn’t go for Thanksgiving, I had a cold, & so we said we’d come if we were able, they said they might come back next week. I’m feeling weak but Praise God I’m able to get up. Elbert killed & cooked a pullet for supper he fried it & then presure cooked it tender & made gravey & we ate bread with the gravy on it. I ate some, but not much. Girls went home before dark. Now Elbert’s going to the garage in Lorain in the morning, I hope he gets home before noon. Tonight the wind is blowing quite hard been showery all last night & today untill after noon & it’s been like early Spring Showers & it isn’t very cold tonight. I feel a little better tonight. Praise God in Jesus Blessed Holy Name Amen.
Mon. Dec. 12. 1949./ 26. y.p. – 9-H- eggs today./ Elbert went to Lorain to get heater fixed on his car & he got back at 2-p-m. I did half the washing & washed 2. wool blankets & had to finish drying them over the fire, they would have got dry if he had got back at noon as he said he would but they had to take it all apart I ironed his shirt, my dress, skirt & old wash dress We had planed to go to Wakeman to Church tonight, but, at last he said he didn’t like to hunt the roads & Church in the dark & it’s is
Mon. Dec. 12. 1949./ page. 2454./ 26 y.p. – 9-H. eggs this day./ so dark, for it’s cloudy, it’s been real warm with a S & little west wind, & a heavy sort of due tonight, I thank God for my healing & strength, He is a wonderful God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Elbert took care of hens & done several jobs empting ashes & getting cystern water & well water & coal potatoes & apples up & p[ ]ted the chicken dressings & went with the papers.
Tue. Dec. 13. 1949./ 23. y.p. -5-H eggs today/ I had Elbert mail Virginia’s Christmas cards. she paid a dollar on, cost 4 cents to mail then & she owed me 25 cents on them. I wonder if she’ll remem-ber. Well we received several Christmas cards today one from Miss Clark saying she returned late Sat. night & is in bed then one from Mrs. Sprunk & one from Ethel, Miss Clark was only one that wrote a note. I haven’t done much today, I fixed Elberts blankets & put them on his bed I swept & dusted & cleaned a little Elbert went with the papers, he bought a piece of shank meat & the gave him a joint it should make extra good broth. It rained & then turned to snow & froze as it fell everything was beautiful this morning when the sun came out, it melted the snow a lot & there wasn’t much left tonight Frank, Armond & a Mr Merdith from Wellington, I wonder if he’s any relation to the Merdith’s Christians of Amherst Church “Foursquare” Armond gave us a rabbit, they came in for only a few minutes, Frank said Francis Cora had been in the hospital & was home again, or that she’s with Frank & Ruby & she & her mother are both better & gaining. they went home before dark. It’s colder tonight & it’s parly cloudy also, I thank & Praise my Maker for all things great & small Glory to God.
Wed. Dec.13. [she means 14] 1949./ 23. y.p. -5-H eggs today/ Well I didn’t get up very early, but, I washed my 2 cotton blankets & Elbert’s 2 & he hung them out side they got all most dry & I finished them in here. & I washed all the white clothes that were dirty, Elbert carried the water & did the out side chores. & Delivered the papers & went to see Miss Clark, he took her a qt. of our beef broth some crackers & a Christmas card, I I received a card Mon. she said she was writing cards in bed that her heart was bad & she’s so tired but she told Elbert today her sister wrote & said she was feeling better & Lidda said she carried in supplies for her sister & she can’t lift & carry for it hurts her heart so bad, but Elbert said she came & let him in & said she was just coming down stairs to find something for supper, the broth was hot & I rapped the jar in paper so it would still be hot when he got there. I crocheted some tonight. Elbert cleaned a hen & cooked it & I cooked the rabbit Armond gave us & hope to make a pie tomorrow & send each of them a Miller & Miss Clark a piece. It’s a little colder out today & tonight but the sun shone all day, & I Praise God in Jesus Name for all our many blessings He is truly gracious & wonderful Glory to His Name and Oh how I wish I could do more to help people love him & want to do as He did & does, I wish I was as pure as He. I pray for His people & I pray for all who work & belong to Him.
Thurs. Dec. 15. 1949./ page. 2455./ 26.y.p. -8-H. eggs today./ I made a chicken rabbit pie for our dinner, Elbert went to Lorain & sold Eggs & didn’t get home untill a quarter to 2.P.m. & I made an apple pie & a turn over. then I had the Kettle roaster & the new dutch oven Kettle & all there covers & 2 sauce pans 2 basin & my bread board & rolling pin & the dishes on the dining dishes, now supper is over & I’m dead tired, Elbert took his papers & I sent a piece of Chicken rabbit pie to Mr. Miller & a piece to Miss Clark & apples to both & to Miss Clark some candy mints & chocolate cherries & a few cookies so said she didn’t knkow just what she could find to eat & the Millers only had & egg sanwitch & Elbert said the Millers were very much pleased over the food & Miss Clerk all so. We received no mail today. It’s been a fine day, partly cloudy & cold & is much colder tonight 5. doz. hens eggs 70 cents & 4 1/2. pullet eggs 2 1/2 doz 50 cents per. & 2. doz. 55 cents per doz. total 6.05, Well he couldn’t sell all of them so came home with 6 1/2 doz. I thank God for all the things He does for us in Jesus Name & I Praise Him & Honour Him, He’s pure, clean & wholesome in every respect Glory to God.
Fri. Dec. 16. 1949./ 29.y.p. & 8-H eggs today/ I felt so bum I didn’t get up like I should & so in come the Gospel preachers wife & Miss Clark to sick to be out, but, she came, P. wife wanted ever greens so I let Elbert cut off 2. the rabbits had chewed so bad the tops ere nice & they are putting them into tubs of dirt so they would be O.K. Miss Clark brought us some candy & a box of writing paper & envelops & said she sure was glad for the broth, chicken & other things I sent & for the eggs. I should have given her something today but I felt so punk I haven’t been able to think all day the boy came with the milk tonight 2. qts Wed. he brought 1.qt. makes 45 cents we owe him & he wants it iin eggs & he went & forgot the eggs I had Elbert give him 1/2 pk apples & he had my 2 qt jar & the one he had brought a 1.qt. jar & so forgot the eggs. I partly adress 38 christmas cards tonight hope to send part of them tomorrow. I do thank & praise God for His Blessing in soul & my body & all the Glory truly belongest to Him Glory to God in Jesus Name.
Sat. Dec. 17. 1949./ 22. y.p. – 1 OH- i H eggs today./ Elbert took a good bunch of cards & mailed them today, it takes such a lot of time to write a note & put the address on them I have a few more to write notes in & mail tomorrow or Mon. I’m feeling rather soggy & my stomach has had two bad turns this week to much washing, tires my arms also. been quite warm strong wind. from S. & West. Elbert took his papers today. I received a card from Nellie she expects Johny Marcia & baby from Boston & Joe & Bonney Bell & 2 babys from Berea but Ella Jane’s gone to Cali-fornia I’m glad she could go, they sent for her & sent her buss fare Elbert just came in & says it’s almost raining, it got dark early tonight. I thank My Heavenly Father for all our many blessing in Jesus Blessed Name
Sun. Dec. 18. 1949/ 2 y.p. -6-H-eggs today/ Dave Hunter’s birthday he’s 64 yrs. Old. today. Well, it’s been quite warm & rained last & is raiining tonight I’ve been home all day Elbert went to Amherst. got the 100 bag of
Sun. Dec. 18. 1949./ page. 2456./ 24.y.p. 6-H-egg this day/ condition powder & he paid 8.00 for it & the balance of 6.00 on the other one we had. I gave him 5.00 back on it & now owe 9.00 bal. to him. I sure felt to punk to go any where but am going to try to get out back tomorrow my heads felt so bad & I seem to get a little cold & Keeps my gums sore. I’m sorry I haven’t been to Church, but Hope trust & pray all will be well. with me so I can get out & go to Church somewhere. I thank & Praise God for all our blessing, in all ways in Jesus Name.
Mon. Dec. 19. 1949./ 29-y /p -9-eggs today/ Well, I washed all the dirty dishes & put the hems in 8. hand towels & put a hangeor on each side 16 little straps to hang them up, stitched hem in one rag for use as Kercheif for me nose. then the boy came with the milk 2. qts. We now owe 75 cents then he took a doz. eggs 50 cents so we still owe 25 cents. seems I haven’t done much else only the bed & rooms. I crocheted a few times across, tonight. It’s been quite foggy alday, cleared up some just before dark, Elbert’s liver & stomach are giving him a lot of trouble tonight sharp pain under right short rib. Well I thank God in Jesus Name for our blessings, Amen.
Tue. Dec. 20. 1949./ 26 y.p. -11-hens eggs today/ Well, I baked 2 tins bread biscuits washed dishes & did out all my own wash exept night gown & dress pillow slip & the piece I use on the pillow. & I washed thy nose/& rags. Then I washed part of Elberts cloths his union suit handkerchiefs socks & then the dish towels & two old hand towels & 4 new one Elbert got a piece of toweling last week I got it cut hemed & hanger on them so washed part of them I have part of them dried, got his under wear & rags to hang up yet. then I’m going to bed and I thank God we can still go to bed with out fear of bombs, but we don’t know how long that will be, I Praise God in Jesus Name for the strength he gives us from day to day, I felt as if I couldn’t work today Elbert felt so bad last night, he never got to lay down until 4-a-m. had to go out back several times he seemed to be all stired up in side. So I went to bed at 2-a-m but knowing how he felt I couldn’t sleep untill he could lay down. but he didn’t sleep very much. I received a card from Cora & such a nice letter in it, & it seem like a breath of Spring. then one from Nora & we both cried, her husband died in Oct. it was sad they never let her know how bad he was & she didn’t know when he kissed her goodby, it was the last time she would ever see him alive she’s had a stroke & is not feeling very strong & can’t get any one to come & stay with her for less than one hundred dollars a month, so, she’s all alone, she says, & so terribly lone-some, Well she would be, I know, for they were always together, when he wasn’t working, but we have to go on as best we can. Virginia got her cards & sent me 30 cents for bal. & postage & said Joyce had been sick was why she hadn’t been back
Tue. 20. Dec. 1949./ Page. 2457./ 26-y./p. -11-H. eggs this day/ Its been a very warm day mostly cloudy damp air, like an early Spring day. We got several card Bess Seneth send one with a nice note in it. Red & Evelyn sent one with there names signed to it & several others some do as Evelyn, those we liketo get have a nice note in them. Well, I do hope I can sew some tomorrow. Elbert still feels so bad, but he carried the water, took care of hens & he emptied my can twice & he delivered papers & got some food. I do hope he gets O.K. again soon. I Pray he will Jesus Blessed Jesus.
Wed. Dec. 21. 1949./ 29.y./p. -3-H. eggs today/ Well I only done my daily doz. today. Elbert’s stomach & blowels are bad & he couldn’t eat much, I dont feel as good as I wish, but Praise God I’m able to do as much as I do I have written & sent out a lot of cards & we have received quite a lot. I Praise God for our little home & all our many blessings & pray God Will help us to live His Way in all things, in Jesus Name. Glory to God. I do Hope I can go to Church Thurs & Sunday. It’s rained a little today & tonight, “as last night” the wind is blowing in strong hard puffs, & I pray God will spare us & house.
Thurs. Dec. 22. 1949./ 34 y/p. -8.H eggs today/ Well, I wrote a few more card, 7 I think & did my usual round & crocheted a few times across on the chair back swept & dusted & cooked two meals & did dishes. It’s been quite warm today with strong puffy south & west wind for two nights seemed as if the house would turn over or lift from the foundation, but were are here God took care of us & the little we have Praise His Name & I trust He will He will take care of us soul body & spirit. Sun came through several times white as ice & it’s colder tonight. Elbert sold eggs he took in 9.30 he’s got to buy straw he paid $8.48 for mash & grain good strong breeze from the west & it may go N. West & get cold. The weather has been like early Spring. I thank & Praise Thee Jesus for all Thou doest for us & we are so unworthy. I pray for mercy
Fri. Dec. 23. 1949./ 24. y./p. -8-H-eggs today/ Well we got a few more cards today and Hauffman had the nerve to send me one. I can’t bear that gink {?}. I did the washing & got all the left overs today, I had a running off of the bowels & plastered my night gown but it didn’t get on the bed Praise the Lord. I couldn’t get it all out when I washed it, so put on my old dress to finish the night so I had that to wash, the piece over my pillow a change of under wear & stockings & rags & towels Elberts sleepers & pillow slip, shirt & the big chair cover & my old dress. I thank the Lord for giving me strength & get them all done. It’s been freezing today but not real cold, it tried to snow. I did my daily doz. & am tired tonight. He forgot to mail my last cards
Sat. Dec. 24. 1949./ page. 2458./ 35-y./p. -6. H. eggs today/ Well I did my daily round & did the ironing & turned a new hem in the bottom of Elbert’s pants legs & pressed them & finished crocheted chair back next the two arm pieces & that will be done. I cleaned up the table once more & Elbert cleaned 3 hens this morning & I got them rapped & the names on them Audrey & Gertie & Martha & Merliin & Family & Nellie, Bonita & family. & I cut Elbert’s hair & got my clothes ready to dress to go to church & to Audrey’s for dinner & I now must take my bath & tumble in, for Elbert has took his bath & gone to bed, he delivered papers today also. I truly thank God for the blessing he gives us: Harry Miller & his sister sent a Christmas card & 2.00 in it today. Oh, Dear Heavenly Father I Praise Thee & Love Thee in Jesus Name not for worldly things, but Thy Holy Spirit & Love.
Sun. Dec. 25 1949./ 32. y./p. -6-H-eggs today/ Praise the Lord in Jesus Blessed Holy Name We got up & went to 31.st. Street Gospel Church at South Lorain this morning, they had there Christmas singing & speaking today instead of regular service & there were about 100 children that sang & spoke pieces, single & several in a group & it took a good hour, some played on insterments It was all in the Name of the Lord as the Minister told them in a serious manner, several times during the program. they gave a few personal gifts to some who have done cleaning & church work free, boxes of candy & orange & an apple to each of the children & the grown ups, young & old, I gave them a dollar & a small bag of tax stamps, they save them for Church needs While I was in Church Elbert took a hen over to Nellies. He came back in time to pick me up at the church & take us to Audrey’s & Gertie’s, where they had a wonderful dinner prepared for us they “or Audrey” ask me to thank the Lord for our dinner & I did I always like to give thanks for all I have for I know it’s what He gives to me. Audrey gave us “Elbert & I” each 10.00 apiece & she gave Jim, Jean & Joan each 5.00 & Gertie gave them each a gift & Audrey gave the girls each a nice skirt & Jim a nice jacket & each one & Martha & Merliin a nice blanket for there beds. I didn’t finish about the dinner, they had a wonder-ful dinner a big 24. lb. turkey, it was so tender & nice & the dress-ing was so good I ate a little of each a little dish of sald & a sweet pickle & little cranberry jam about a teaspoonfull & drank 2 cups of tea & ate a pepperminit Gertie gave me 2 wash clothes she had crocheted around the edges & Audrey gave me a glass dish she didn’t want & a bag & pepperments & a dish of dressing & enough turkey meat for 2 meals “We had a piece of lemon pie for dinner to.” Well, Elbert & Merlin went out to deliver some things to some friends of Audrey’s & then we visited some & left about 4-p-m.
Sun. Dec. 25. 1949./ page. 2459./ 32. y./p. -6-H eggs this day./ for home, wind has been South East all day strong & puffy, sun shone un-till about 3-p-m & then begin to get cloudy & was cloud by the time we reached home & the wind is still strong & puffy at -10-p-m. Some one had been here & tried to unlock the door & jamed the lock so we had a hard time getting in in the back but, we made it & while Elbert feed the chickens I got the door off the hiinges & fixed the lock & put the door back just as Elbert came in & he fixed the hinges. I don’t know who it was but think I’ll report it. We haven’t got much & we need all we have. Well, Nellie told Elbert she’s going to South Carolinia to teach or tutor in a couple of private homes “moneyed people” Well perhaps it will be a nice change, I hope she wont get to homesick but I sure feel sorry for Bonita and wonder if she’ll have to stare [?starve] again, I feel we may have to take ahand to help get things straightened up in some ways. I’m so terribly sorry, they could be so happy there together; Well I must go to bed. & I thank my Father in Heaven that He has taught me so many good lessons, I pray that Thou Will teach us all & help me to help to be of more service to Thee, in Jesus Name, Amen. Glory to God.
Mon. Dec. 26. 1949./ 40. y./p. -10-H-eggs today/ Well, Cloudy all morning & dark, started to rain misty rain about 9-a-m & got heavier & kept at it in showers all day & till 5-p-m, Wind was S.east strong & puffy all night but changed to S.West early this morning & so, S. west rain, wind eased up at about 6 or 7 p-m & 8-35-p-m moon & stars are shining not real clear getting foggy We drove over to Birmingham this after noon Elbert wanted to see Mr. Eppler Sr. & visit with him & I could visit with Mertle & Tom & Mrs. Eppler Sr. We had a good visit & got back about 5-30-p-m. & once more the lock had been tampered with & Elbert had a Job getting in, once more, so to we are sure now Who does the trick. Well, I have to set bread in the morning if I can. & I’d like so much to try to get my other dress done I’m needing it so bad. We had Christmas yesterday & today for some Tue. I wanted to go to Huron with Elbert but I’m not going to by the looks. I Praise God more than I’ll ever be able to express in words He’s more than all the world to me A Pure Secred Holy Saviour.
Tue. Dec. 27. 1949./ 38. y./p.- 4-H. eggs today/ Well, I got the pleets in my skirt & basted the skirt to belt & waist & marked hem in skirt & then buttons, holes & snaps come next I do hope to get it done this week & get another one cut out for I only have one whole house dress left. & I need at least 3. for if I am sick & don’t get
WEd. Dec. 28. 1949./ 37. y./p. 0-H-eggs today/ Well, I managed to get all the stitching done on my dress now I have to make the button holes, sew on buttons & snaps & fell the belt down in side & it’s done, presss it & it’s ready to wear. Then I have to cut another one out & get it started, but, think I’ll wash if I can, tomorrow, Elbert’s planing on going to sell eggs in Lorain tomorrow, so he wont get back untill 1-30- or 2-p-m. then he goes with the papers at 3-30 or 4-p-m. so, I’ll try to get that done, While he’s gone, & the floor has to be wiped up again; I received a Christmas card from the Rev. Gurney’s, with a family picture & one other young woman with them Rev. Mr. Gurney had a horn Rev. Mrs. Gurney had an acardian on a table before her The Little Miss. Lolita Gurney tamberine & the young lady, a guitar & Sister Gurney had her bible on her arm, there are several other instruments on the table also, Sister Gurney usually does the preaching, he lead the singing & he is a good singer, but she’s not much on the singing, they are a good couple, both filled with the Holy Spirit & are working hard for the Lord, their little girl sings for the church in there letter, she said, the Lord lead them to a little town called Dallas, Oregon, and that they didn’t want to go, but God kept calling them & they had to obey, so they went, been there 2. months now & held revival services 1. of the 2. mo’s. many have been saved & there are 60 or more that come regularly she says Garry ‘(Black)’ Gurney now by adoption, is going to bible academy & love his work for the Lord. She said Miss Brown was coming to stay with them Jan. 9. 1950. I love Miss Brown to she’s a fine woman, been a missionary in Afarica & had heaps of expieirnces May God bless every one of them in Jesus Name Amen. I thank & Praise Him more & more for the lessons he has taught me & for saving my soul for directiing my path & the many healing He has given me, for feeding & clothing & keeping me warm in winter & all
Wed. Dec. 28. 1949./ page. 2461./ 37. y./p. -9-H eggs this day/ many blessings he has given me & us. We have had a beautiful day sun shone untill 2-30-p-m. nice & bright then clouded up & was partly cloudy rest of after noon & evening sun set clear & icy & the wind freshened up at dark & at 10-30-pm is quite strong moon is half full, clear & starlight. today is for April 1950.
Thurs. Dec. 29. 1949./ 39 y./p. -9.H eggs this day/ Well sir, it’s been a great day, sun came up bright & clear & stayed untill noon then wind scuds came all after noon, sun set red wind went N. east some time before daylight, we had a heavy frost last night, wind’s west tonight. Elbert went to Lorain & sold 20 doz. eggs there & in Vermilion on the Lake & at Alberta Beach he took in 10.05 & he paid 8.10 for mash & grain yesterday. so there was 1.95 left for straw. Well, I had a time with my rib, that turns over once in a while, it felt as if it would turn, but didn’t quite make it, but pained me so bad I just couldn’t get myself to work it hurt me so bad & then when I thought I’d try, Miss Clark knocked at the door & so, of course I didn’t try, I put away everything & she came with a can of pumpkin & wanted me to make her a pie, she’d make the crust, so she made the crust & I fixed the filling & pealed apples for a couple of apple pies & then we baked rolled-oat cookies & I gave all but 6 or 8 away. a doz to Audrey 1. doz. to Nellie & 6 or 8 to Miss. Clark & she took half of the pumpkin pie, I gave her a doz. eggs & qt. of chicken broth & some sweet potatoes & we took her home, & we went on to Nellies Audrey & Martha & her 3 children Jim, Jean & Joan were there & Johny Marcie & there baby, the baby was sick so Marcie didn’t get to visit much, they were eating supper when we got there so we ate a bite & drank tea, then Bonita washed dishes & I wiped them & then Nellie made frosting for a cake & I helped whipe it & then Bonita make & apple sauce cake & then the rest came & we visited a little while, Bonita had tucked her 3 children into bed & little Marcie Joe was feeling better but here fever was still 101 she went to bed after drinking a little warm milk. I gave Nellie a pr. of stockiings & box of writing paper & envelopes, We then got
Thurs. Dec. 29. 1949./ page 2462./ 39. y./p. -9. H. eggs today/ started for home, Audrey said she would like to be in bed she was so tired & they got out & left when we did Bonnita said it would be lonesome when they all leave Nellie goes early Sat morning & Johny & Marcie Sat evening & she will be left with only her 3 children & they are small yet. & Bonita is rather scary & hates to be alone We got back home 15. to 11. -p-m. so tired both of us. & Elbert’s in bed but I had a few things to take care of & now I will try to get into bed wish I had some milk, but I thank & Praise God for His Love & care of us.
Fri. Dec. 30. 1949./ 40. y./p. 3-H. eggs today./ Elbert went for milk & I got up & got the dinner & got read to wash, I got her all done & am sure tired but Praise God in Jesus Name for all He give me, but I’d be one of the most happest persons in the world if He would only give me the gift to praise Him in spirit, I’m trusting he will for He said if we ask and believe we would receive, I believe He will bless me before long, Glory to His Name, Hallelujah I love & Praise Thee Jesus, Theach me Thy Way. Amen. We cooked the supper together Elbert went with the papers, he got a letter from social society today with sever questions on it to ans. he had wrote & told them he had a small job so they have to know all about it. if he could still have to the S. money he could get his clothes he need so bad. I received a letter from Rev. Ethel Willitts Detroit Mich. & one from Reverents Mr. & Mrs. Iowa Harwell & DeHaan’s little bible study book, and Rev. Harwell sent us a Calender, they both were greatful for the gift I sent. Mrs. Harwell said the red rock cabbage was truly wonderful & the other veg-etables & the eggs, but she had never eaten red cabbage slaw before. I was so shaky & can see to well & spilt half my milk.
Sat. Dec. 31. 1949./ 40. y./p. -9-H-eggs today/ Well, I feel sort of sick today last day of the year & I went to Huron with Elbert & bought 2 double all wool blankets for 30.00 & 3. prs. stocking, 4 shirts & 4 wash rags & they cost 7.87 & then I got 2 rayon dresses for 7 good matreral but a little out of date they will do for a while. & I owe for them yet, so now now my shoes & corsets are next & I hate to think what they will cost & Elbert bought me a little tea pot, hold about 3 maybe 4 cups of tea made of the same stuff the coffee pot’s made of, it don’t break easly cost 79 cents & he got 3. spoons thread & 3. of daarning cotton; I wiped up the floors after I swept & then ironed. Elbert killed & dressed 2 hens we gave 1. to Harry Miller & his sister & we cooked one & we ate broth & crackers for supper. He delivered papers & chicken.
Sat. Dec. 31. 1949./ page 2463./ 40.y./p. 9-H.eggs this day./ The sun came out & shone untill 9-a–m. then clouded up & sun shone through at times untill about Noon & was cloudy all after noon & got dark early wind was S. east this morning went S.west after noon & it started a misty rain at 8 or 8-30-p-m. Elbert said it felt terribly cold & penetrating. Well, Nellie left for South Carlinia early this a-m & said she ought to get there at 8-p-m to-night & Johny & Marcie leave tomorrow after noon late they go to Cleveland air port & pick up a young couple that came with them from Boston, they flew to Detroit & are flying back to go with Johny & Marcie & the baby back to Boston, Such a world, poor Bonita will have to stay alone there with her 3 small children & she’s so afraid & so was Nellie, & so is Martha & her 2 girls. I’m sorry for it will be hard for Bonita I Pray God will take care of them. Well I thank God in Jesus Blessed Name In His and am not afraid for I trust in Him & His Power, I hope to ever be His I’d be afraid to do anything I knew was wrong.